Nokia Holding, Inc.
                          Employee Stock Purchase Plan
                           (Restated January 10, 2002)

Nokia Holding, Inc. (the "Company"), a Georgia corporation, does hereby
establish its Employee Stock Purchase Plan as follows:

1.   Purpose of the Plan

     The purpose of this Plan is to provide Eligible Employees in the United
     States who wish to own an interest in Nokia Corporation, the Parent of the
     Company, with a convenient method of doing so. It is believed that
     participation by Eligible Employees in the ownership of the business will
     be to the mutual benefit of both the employees and the Company. It is the
     intention of the Company to offer this as an employee stock purchase plan
     that is nonqualified under Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code.

2.   Definitions

     Account means the funds accumulated with respect to an individual employee
     as a result of deductions from his/her paycheck for the purpose of
     purchasing Shares under this Plan. The funds allocated to an employee's
     account shall remain the property of the respective employee but may be
     commingled with the general funds of the Company.

     Affiliate means any United States corporation that is.part of a controlled
     group of corporations, as that term is defined in Section 1563(a) of the
     Code, with the Company.

     Base Pay means regular straight time earnings, not to include incentives,
     bonuses, commissions, overtime, differentials or other special payments
     except to the extent that the Board specifically includes any such item.

     Board means the Board of Directors of the Company.

     Broker Account means the balance of Shares accumulated with respect to an
     individual employee as a result of share purchases made with the Eligible
     Employee's paycheck deductions. The shares allocated to an employee's
     Broker Account shall remain the property of the respective employee at all

     Code means the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
     time, and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

     Committee means the committee appointed by the Board to administer the
     Plan, if such a committee has been appointed. If the Board does not appoint
     a committee to administer the Plan, the Board shall act as the committee.

     Company means Nokia Holding, Inc., a Georgia corporation.

     ESPP Broker is the stock brokerage or other financial services firm
     designated by the Company to establish a brokerage account in the
     participants' names, purchase Shares on behalf of individual participants
     and undertake disposition of the Shares according to the participants'

     ESPP Record Keeper is the administrator designated by the Company to
     collect Eligible Employee participation elections, instruct payroll
     deductions, instruct the ESPP Broker with regard to purchases and report to
     the participant the number of shares purchased each offering as well as the
     associated taxable income. The ESPP Record Keeper will report taxable wages
     to the Nokia Payroll.

     Shares means American Depositary Shares, representing Nokia Corporation

3.   Eligible Employees

     Any regular, full-time employee of the Company or its Affiliates who is in
     the employ of the Company or its Affiliates in the United States and in the
     Nokia Benefits Center's system at the time enrollment packets are produced
     is eligible to participate in the Plan (hereinafter "Eligible Employee").
     Excluded from the definition of Eligible Employee are the following
     employment categories:
          a)   employees on an international assignment contract outside of the
               United States;
          b)   employees whose work schedule is customarily less than 30 hours
               per week;
          c)   employees whose employment relationship will not be more than six
               months in any calendar year;
          d)   employees who are classified as interns or co-ops; and
          e)   employees on unpaid leave of absence.

     Under no circumstances will individuals classified by the Company or its
     Affiliates as consultants, independent contractors, leased employees,
     individuals providing services through third-party staffing agencies, and
     other individuals in similar categories be considered Eligible Employees
     under this Plan. Furthermore, if a court, regulatory body or administrative
     agency or other entity having jurisdiction later decides that such
     individual is considered an employee of the company or U.S. affiliates,
     he/she will not be eligible to participate in the Plan.

4.   Offerings

     There will be two separate consecutive six-month offerings pursuant to the
     Plan each calendar year. The first offering shall commence on August 15,
     2000 and end on February 14, 2001. Thereafter, offerings shall commence on
     each subsequent February 15 and August 15.

     In order to become eligible to purchase Shares, an Eligible Employee must
     actively make an election to participate during the designated open
     enrollment period for the particular offering in which he/she wishes to
     participate. Participation in one offering under the Plan shall neither
     limit, nor require, participation in any other offering.

5.   Price Per Share and Share Purchase Dates

     The purchase price per Share shall be 85% of the fair market value of a
     Share following the end of the offering, as defined in section 4. Fair
     market value shall mean the average purchase price at the time the ESPP
     Broker transacts the purchase on behalf of the Plan participants. Purchases
     on behalf of the participants will be made on Share Purchase Dates.


     Share Purchase Dates shall mean the dates in which the ESPP Broker will
     purchase Shares on behalf of Plan participants for each six-month offering.
     For offerings commencing on August 15th and ending on February 14, the
     Broker will purchase Shares in accordance with the following schedule:

          Calendar Month      Share Purchase Dates
          --------------      --------------------

          September           Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          October             Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          November            Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          December            Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          February            Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

     For offerings commencing on February 15th and ending on August 14, the
     Broker will purchase Shares on behalf of plan participants in accordance
     with the following schedule:

          Calendar Month      Share Purchase Dates
          --------------      --------------------
          March               Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          April               Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          May                 Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          June                Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          July                Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

          August              Any day between 22nd and 28th day of the month

5.   Offering Date

     The offering date as used in this Plan shall be the commencement date of
     the offering (August 15 or February 15), if such date is a regular business
     day, or the first regular business day following such commencement date. A
     different date may be set by resolution of the Board.


6.   Enrollment Period

     The enrollment period as used in this Plan shall be a designated two-week
     period prior to each offering date during which each Eligible Employee may
     elect to participate. Notification will be sent to Eligible Employees prior
     to the Open Enrollment period. An Eligible Employee will be required to
     actively enroll in each offering during the enrollment period to

7.   Number of Shares to be Offered

     There is no maximum number of Shares to be offered under the Plan. The
     Shares to be purchased by participants under the Plan will be purchased on
     the open market by the ESPP Broker on behalf of the individual Eligible

     The Eligible Employee may elect to have up to a maximum of 10% of base pay
     withheld through payroll deductions towards the purchase of Shares.

8.   Participation

     An Eligible Employee may become a participant only by electing to
     participate in the Plan. The Eligible Employee must (a) actively select to
     participate in an offering (b) indicate the amount of Base Pay the Eligible
     Employee wishes to have withheld towards Share purchases and (c) authorize
     payroll deductions for the offering.

     Payroll deductions for a participant shall commence on the first pay date
     after the commencement of the offering and shall end on the last pay date
     of such offering unless earlier terminated by the Eligible Employee as
     provided in section 11.

     Eligible Employees will be required to actively enroll in each offering to
     participate. The Company will not automatically re-enroll an Eligible
     Employee in the next offering or continue payroll deductions following the
     end of each offering.

9.   Payroll Deductions

     If an Eligible Employee elects to participate in the Plan, he/she shall
     elect to have deductions made from his/her Base Pay (after tax) each pay
     date during the offering. The Eligible Employee will receive an enrollment
     statement showing election choices of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 8%, 7%, 8%, 9% or
     10% of his/her Base Pay. Each election choice will indicate the dollar
     amount of the payroll deduction per pay period. The per pay period dollar
     amount indicated on the Eligible Employee's enrollment statement will be
     the amount of the payroll deduction for each pay period. In the event of an
     error where the employee deduction exceeds 10% of Base Pay, the deduction
     would automatically be reduced to be within the 10% maximum guideline.

     In the event the Eligible Employee moves to an authorized leave of absence
     status in which the employee does not continue to receive a pay check, no
     payroll deduction will occur. The participant will not be allowed to make
     up or be entitled to retroactive deductions upon the participant's return
     to work; however deductions will automatically restart if the participating
     Eligible Employee's return to work is within the same offering.

     A participating Eligible Employee may discontinue his/her participation in
     the Plan as provided in section 11, but no other changes can be made during
     an offering and, specifically, a participant may not alter the rate of
     his/her payroll deductions for that offering.


     No interest will be paid or credited on any money in the accounts of
     participating Eligible Employees.

11.  Withdrawal

     An eligible Employees may elect to stop payroll deductions during an
     offering by requesting a withdrawal from the current offering in accordance
     with procedures established by the Committee administering the Plan, but
     shall not be entitled to receive a refund of his/her account balance and
     shall not be entitled to re-enter that particular offering. Unless the
     participating Eligible Employee's employment has terminated as provided in
     section 18 of this Plan, the employee shall be deemed to be participant
     until the next Share Purchase Date. The accumulated deductions to date will
     be applied towards the purchase of Shares at the next Share Purchase Date.
     The Eligible Employee may re-enter the Plan during the next enrollment
     period. If an employee moves from an eligible status to one of the
     ineligible statuses during an offering period in which he is participating
     in payroll deductions, the status change would be considered an automatic
     withdrawal from participation.

     An employee may petition the Committee for a hardship refund upon
     withdrawal. A hardship event is defined as one of the following events:
          o    Unforeseeable Emergency -- a severe financial hardship resulting
               from sudden loss of property due to casualty that is not
               reimbursed by insurance, or
          o    Total and permanent disability.

12.  Granting of Option

     On the offering date, this Plan will be deemed to have granted to the
     participant an option for as many Shares (full and partial) as he/she will
     be able to purchase with the payroll deductions credited to his/her account
     during his/her participation in that offering. For purposes of this Plan,
     payroll deductions shall be deemed credited to participants' accounts on

13.  Exercise of Option

     Each Eligible Employee who continues to be a participant on a Share
     Purchase Date shall be deemed to have exercised his/her option on such date
     and shall be deemed to have purchased from the open market such number of
     Shares (full and partial) that his/her accumulated payroll deductions (for
     that particular offering) on such date will pay for at the price set forth
     in Section 5.

14.  Employee's Rights as a Shareholder

     No participating Eligible Employee shall possess any right as a shareholder
     with respect to any Shares until the Shares have been purchased at each
     Share Purchase Date in accordance with the section 13 above and registered
     to the individual Eligible Employee's Broker Account.

15.  Evidence of Stock Ownership

     The ESPP Record Keeper will direct the ESPP Broker to make the individual
     purchases according to the accumulated deductions credited to the
     individual participants' accounts. The ESPP Broker will send a transaction
     notice to the participant of the number of shares purchased on behalf of
     the participant.

     Promptly following each Share Purchase Date the number of Shares purchased
     on behalf of each participant shall be deposited into a broker account
     established In the participant's name with the ESPP Broker. All fees
     incurred in connection with the establishment of a participant's account


     the ESPP Broker will be borne by the Company. Each participant will receive
     statements showing the accumulated value of his/her Broker Account.

     The participant shall be free to undertake a disposition of the Shares in
     his/her Broker Account at any time after they have been deposited in the
     participating Eligible Employee's Broker Account by contacting the ESPP
     Broker. Disposition may include, but is not limited to, sale, gift,
     transfer of legal title, transfer to another brokerage account of the
     participant's choosing, and request for stock certificates. Any transaction
     fees associated with disposition following the transfer of Shares to the
     participant's Broker Account are the responsibility of the participant.

16.  Taxation

     Since the 85% purchase price represents a 15% discount of the fair market
     value and the Plan is nonqualified, the 15% discount is taxable to the
     participant as ordinary income. The 15% discount will be reported as W-2
     earnings and all appropriate taxes will be withheld from the participant's
     paycheck each pay period. Other tax events associated with the disposition
     of Shares are the sole responsibility of the participant and do not need to
     be reported to the Company.

17.  Rights not Transferable

     No Eligible Employee shall be permitted to sell, assign, transfer, pledge
     or otherwise dispose of or encumber either the payroll deductions credited
     to his/her account or any rights with regard to the exercise of an option
     or to receive Shares under the Plan other than by will or the laws of
     descent and distribution, and such right and interest shall not be liable
     for, or subject to, the debts, contracts, or liabilities of the Eligible
     Employee. If any such action is taken by the Eligible Employee, or any
     claim is asserted by any other party in respect of such right and interest
     whether by garnishment, levy, attachment or otherwise, such action or claim
     will be treated as an election to withdraw from participation in the Plan
     in accordance with section 11.

18.  Termination of Employment

     Upon termination of employment for any reason whatsoever, including but not
     limited to death or retirement, the cash balance in the account of a
     participating Eligible Employee shall be paid to the employee or his/her

     A participant who ends his/her foreign assignment to the United States
     during a Plan offering will be refunded accumulated payroll deductions in
     his/her final pay check. No Share purchases will be made on behalf of
     participants who are not active employees of the Company at the time of
     Share Purchase Dates.

     Certain Foreign Nationals ending an assignment in the United States are not
     allowed, under SEC regulations, to have possession of ADRs (American
     Depositary Receipts) outside of the United States. The Foreign National may
     be required to dispose of his/her Shares in his/her Broker Account prior to
     departing the United States. It is the participant's sole responsibility to
     learn how he/she may be affected and instruct the ESPP Broker accordingly.

19.  Amendment or Discontinuance of the Plan

     The Plan will become effective on the date of its adoption by the Board.
     The Board shall have the right to amend, modify or terminate the Plan at
     any time without notice, provided that no Eligible Employee's existing
     rights under any offering already commenced under Section 4 may be
     adversely affected thereby.


20.  Administration

     The Board may delegate administration of the Plan to the Committee and in
     that event the Committee appointed by the Board shall administer the Plan.
     The Committee shall be vested with full authority to make, administer, and
     interpret such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to administer
     the Plan, and any determination, decision, or action of the Committee in
     connection with the construction, interpretation, administration, or
     application of the Plan shall be final, conclusive and binding upon all
     participants and any and all persons claiming under or through any

21.  Notices

     All notices or other communications by a participant to the Company under
     or in connection with the Plan shall be deemed to have been duly given when
     received by the Nokia Americas Region Compensation and Benefits Department
     or when received in the form specified by the Company at the location, or
     by the person, designated by the Company for the receipt thereof.

22.  Termination of the Plan

     This Plan shall terminate at the earliest of the following:

     (a) The date of the filing of a Statement of Intent to Dissolve (or similar
     document) by the Company or the effective date of a merger or consolidation
     wherein the Company is not to be the surviving corporation, which merger or
     consolidation is not between or among corporations related to the Company.
     Prior to the occurrence of either such events, on such date as the Company
     may determine, the Company may permit a participating Eligible Employee to
     exercise the option to purchase Shares for as many Shares as the balance of
     his/her account will allow at the price set forth in accordance with
     section 5.

     (b) The date the Board acts to terminate the Plan in accordance with
     section 19.

23.  Limitations on Sale of Shares Purchased under the Plan

     The Plan is intended to provide Shares for investment and not for resale.
     The Company does not, however, intend to restrict or influence any Eligible
     Employee in the conduct of his/her own affairs. An Eligible Employee,
     therefore, may sell Shares purchased under the Plan at any time he/she
     chooses, subject to compliance with any applicable Federal or state
     securities laws and in accordance with any trading restrictions or windows
     imposed by the Company or any of its Affiliates. THE ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE
     following registration of shares to the participant's Broker Account.

24.  Governmental Regulation

     The Company's obligation to instruct the ESPP Broker to purchase and
     deliver the Shares under this Plan is subject to the approval of any
     governmental authority required in connection with the purchase,
     registration or sale of such Shares.

     Shares  shall not be issued  pursuant to the Plan unless the  issuance  and
     delivery complies with all applicable laws, domestic and foreign, including
     without limitation,  the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.  The rules and
     regulations  thereunder are the  requirement of any stock exchange on which
     the Shares are listed, and shall be subject to the approval of counsel with
     respect to compliance.


25.  No Employment Rights

     The Plan shall not be construed as conferring any rights upon any person
     for a continuance of employment or service, nor shall it interfere with the
     rights of the Company or any Affiliate to terminate the employment or
     service of any person or to take any other action affecting such person.
