June 25, 2007
                                                           ADVANTEST CORPORATION
                                (Toshio Maruyama, Representative Board Director,
                                                              President and CEO)
                                    (Stock Code Number: 6857, TSE first section)
                                                      (Ticker Symbol: ATE, NYSE)

Hiroshi Nakamura
(Executive Officer and
Vice President, Corporate Affairs Group)
Phone: +81-(0)3-3214-7500

                  Announcement with respect to Views and Policy
               Regarding Reduction of the Minimum Investment Unit

1.   Views Regarding Reduction of the Minimum Investment Unit

     Advantest  Corporation  (the  "Company")  recognizes  that  broadening  its
     investor base as well as improving the liquidity of its shares in the stock
     market and promoting  the  long-term and stable  retention of its shares by
     investors are important issues for its capital policies.

2.   Policy Regarding Reduction of the Minimum Investment Unit

     The Company  believes that the reduction of the minimum  investment unit is
     one of the effective  measures to broaden its investor base,  including the
     base of individual investors.  Accordingly, the Company reduced the minimum
     investment  unit from 1,000  shares to 100 shares in August  1995,  and, in
     order to further expand its investor base, the Company  conducted a two for
     one stock split of shares of its common stock on October 1, 2006, by taking
     into account the trend of its stock prices during recent years.

     The  Company  believes  that  the  liquidity  of its  shares  is  presently
     sustained. The Company intends to continue to consider its plans to further
     reduce the  minimum  investment  unit by taking into  account its  business
     results and stock price,  among other factors,  while carefully  monitoring
     trends in the stock market.