Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
                         Attorneys and Counselors at Law

                          1201 MAIN STREET, 22ND FLOOR
                       POST OFFICE BOX 11889 (29211-1889)
                            COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA
                             TELEPHONE 803.779.3080
                             FACSIMILE 803.765.1243
                           WEBSITE www.hsblawfirm.com

                               GEORGE S. KING, JR.
                        DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (803) 540-7818
                           EMAIL gking@hsblawfirm.com

                                December 15, 2008

Justin Dobbie, Esquire
Division of Corporation Finance
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C.  20549

                    Re:   Community First  Bancorporation
                           Preliminary Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
                           File No. 000-29640
                           Filed December 9, 2008

Dear Mr. Dobbie:

         Attached  are  the  proposed  changes  to the  above  referenced  proxy
statement to address the comments you  communicated  to me orally last week. The
attached copy is marked to show the changes made since the filing.  The attached
copy also  includes an unmarked  version of the pro forma  financial  statements
which may be more easily read than the marked copy.

         I have  reproduced  the substance of your comments below along with the
Company's response:

         Please state the Company's intent with respect to which program (public
         company or non-public  company)  intends to  participate  in or, if the
         Company does not know which  program,  revise to fully disclose the pro
         forma effects of participating in each program.

         Response:  A sentence has been added to the first  paragraph  under the
         caption  "Description of Capital Stock and Capital  Purchase  Program -
         Proposed  Issuance of Senior  Preferred  Stock" beginning on page 10 of
         the attached copy which  indicates  that the Company  applied after the
         deadline  for  the  public  company  program  and  currently  plans  to
         participate in the non-public company program.

         Please  revise the pro forma  balance  sheet to show line items for the
         discount on the Senior  Preferred  Stock and the premium on the Warrant
         Preferred  Stock and  adjust the pro forma  additional  paid in capital

         Response:  The pro forma balance sheet has been modified as requested.

Justin Dobbie, Esquire
December 15, 2008
Page 2

         Please add line  items for the  average  number of shares  outstanding,
         basic and diluted, to the pro forma statements of operations.

         Response:  The line items have been added.

         Please add  footnotes  to the pro forma  statements  of  operations  to
         describe the use of the proceeds from the sale of the preferred stock.

         Response:  The footnotes have been added.

         Please advise  the staff  supplementally how the discounts and premiums
         on the preferred stock were computed.

         Response:  Copies of the Excel spread sheets used are attached.

         Please let me know if you have further questions or comments. Thank you
for your assistance.

                               Very truly yours,

                               s/George S. King, Jr.
                               George S. King, Jr.

                             449 Highway 123 ByPass
                          Seneca, South Carolina 29678

Dear Shareholder:

         You are cordially invited to attend the Special Meeting of Shareholders
of Community First Bancorporation to be held on Tuesday,  January 27, 2009, 1:30
p.m.  EST, at  Community  First Bank,  449  Highway  123 ByPass,  Seneca,  South
Carolina 29678.

         This important meeting is being held for the following purposes:

         1. Creation of a New Class of Capital Stock. To vote on an amendment to
our Articles of  Incorporation to authorize the issuance of 10 million shares of
preferred stock with such preferences,  limitations and relative rights,  within
legal limits,  of the class,  or one or more series within the class, as are set
by the Board of Directors.

         2. Other Business. To transact such other business as may properly come
before the Special Meeting or any adjournment of the Special Meeting.

         The purpose of the  amendment  to our Articles of  Incorporation  is to
increase the types of equity  instruments  we may use to raise  capital,  and to
cause us to be eligible to participate in the U.S.  Department of the Treasury's
Capital Purchase Program under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.
We are  proposing the  amendment  because our Board of Directors has  concluded,
after careful consideration,  that it is in the best interest of our Company for
the Board of Directors to be given the authority to issue  preferred  stock with
terms set by the Board of Directors on short notice,  especially  during periods
of unsettled economic conditions such as national and international  markets are
currently  experiencing.  Although our current capital position  continues to be
strong,  our Board of Directors  believes  that it is prudent to prepare for the
possibility  that a need for additional  capital could arise  unexpectedly.  OUR
INCORPORATION.  We  encourage  you to read  carefully  the Proxy  Statement  and
attached appendices.

         Shareholders are or may be entitled to assert  dissenters' rights under
Chapter 13 of the South  Carolina  Business  Corporation  Act if: (i) you do not
vote in favor of the proposed  amendment to our Articles of Incorporation,  (ii)
you elect to dissent,  and perfect your dissenters' rights,  (iii) the amendment
to our Articles of  Incorporation is approved by our  shareholders,  and (iv) we
make the required filing to amend our Articles of  Incorporation.  If you comply
with the statutory  requirements to perfect your dissenters' rights, you will be
entitled to receive the "fair value" of your shares. A copy of Chapter 13 of the
South  Carolina  Business  Corporation  Act is  attached  as  Appendix  A to the
enclosed Proxy  Statement.  You must strictly  comply with the  requirements  of
Chapter 13 in order to exercise your dissenters' rights.  Please read Chapter 13
of the South  Carolina  Business  Corporation  Act and the  section  entitled  "
Dissenters' Rights" beginning on page 4 of the Proxy Statement in their entirety
for complete  disclosure about your dissenters'  rights. We encourage you not to
exercise your dissenters'  rights because doing so will reduce our capital,  and
would thus be  contrary  to the  purpose of the  amendment  to our  Articles  of
Incorporation,  which is to  facilitate  our  ability to raise  capital.  Should
dissenters' rights be exercised for a substantial number of shares, our Board of
Directors  will make a  judgment  as to whether  it is in our best  interest  to
proceed with the amendment or abandon it.

         Your vote is very  important.  Whether  or not you plan to  attend  the
Special  Meeting,  please  complete,  date,  sign and return your proxy, or such
other  document as your  broker or other  nominee  instructs  you to use if your
shares  are held in  "street  name,"  promptly  in the  enclosed  pre-addressed,
postage-paid  envelope.  If you are a record  shareholder and attend the Special
Meeting,  you may  vote in  person  if you  wish,  even if you  have  previously
returned your proxy.

         On  behalf of our  Board of  Directors,  I would  like to  express  our
appreciation for your continued loyal support of our Company.


December __, 2008                  Frederick D. Shepherd, Jr.

                         Community First Bancorporation
                             449 Highway 123 ByPass
                          Seneca, South Carolina 29678



         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Special  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of
Community  First  Bancorporation  will be held at the offices of Community First
Bank at 449 Highway 123 ByPass, Seneca, South Carolina, on Tuesday,  January 27,
2009, at 1:30 p.m., for the following purposes:

         (1) To  vote  on an  amendment  to our  Articles  of  Incorporation  to
authorize  the  issuance  of 10  million  shares of  preferred  stock  with such
preferences, limitations and relative rights, within legal limits, of the class,
or one or more series  within the class,  as are set by the Board of  Directors;

         (2) To act upon other  such  matters as may  properly  come  before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on December  20,
2008,  are  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  Special  Meeting  and any
adjournment of the Special Meeting.

         Shareholders are or may be entitled to assert  dissenters' rights under
Chapter 13 of the South  Carolina  Business  Corporation  Act if: (i) you do not
vote in favor of the proposed  amendment to our Articles of Incorporation,  (ii)
you elect to dissent,  and perfect your dissenters' rights,  (iii) the amendment
to our Articles of  Incorporation is approved by our  shareholders,  and (iv) we
make the  required  filing to amend our  Articles  of  Incorporation.  A copy of
Chapter  13 of the  South  Carolina  Business  Corporation  Act is  attached  as
Appendix A to the enclosed Proxy  Statement.  You must strictly  comply with the
requirements of Chapter 13 in order to exercise your dissenters' rights.  Please
read Chapter 13 of the South Carolina  Business  Corporation Act and the section
entitled "  Dissenters'  Rights"  beginning on page 4 of the Proxy  Statement in
their  entirety  for  complete  disclosure  about your  dissenters'  rights.  We
encourage  you not to exercise  your  dissenters'  rights  because doing so will
reduce our capital,  and would thus be contrary to the purpose of the  amendment
to our Articles of  Incorporation,  which is to facilitate  our ability to raise
capital.  Should  dissenters'  rights be exercised for a  substantial  number of
shares,  our Board of Directors  will make a judgment as to whether it is in our
best interest to proceed with the amendment or abandon it.

         You are  cordially  invited and urged to attend the Special  Meeting in
If you need  assistance  in  completing  your proxy,  please call the Company at
(864)  886-0206.  If you are the  record  owner of your  shares  and  attend the
Special  Meeting and desire to revoke your proxy and vote in person,  you may do
so. In any event,  a proxy may be  revoked by the record  owner of shares at any
time before it is  exercised by giving  notice of  revocation  to our  Corporate
Secretary,  or by  returning a properly  executed  proxy with a later date at or
before the meeting. If your shares are held in "street name" by your broker, you
must  follow the  instructions  you will  receive  from your broker to change or
revoke your proxy.

         We do not know of any other  matters  to be  presented  at the  Special
Meeting, but if other matters are properly presented, the persons named as proxy
agents will vote on such matters in their discretion.


                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

December ____, 2008                         Frederick D. Shepherd, Jr.

                         Community First Bancorporation
                             449 Highway 123 ByPass
                          Seneca, South Carolina 29678


         We are providing this Proxy Statement to our shareholders in connection
with the  solicitation  of proxies by the Board of Directors of Community  First
Bancorporation  for  use at a  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  to be held on
Tuesday, January 27, 2009, at 1:30 p.m. at Community First Bank, 449 Highway 123
ByPass,  Seneca, South Carolina, and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof.
Throughout  this Proxy  Statement,  we use terms such as "we," "us," "our," "our
Company,"  and "the  Company" to refer to Community  First  Bancorporation,  and
terms such as "you" and "your" to refer to our shareholders.

         A Notice of Special  Meeting is attached to this Proxy  Statement and a
form of proxy is  enclosed.  We first  began  mailing  this Proxy  Statement  to
shareholders on or about ________________, 2008. We are paying the costs of this
solicitation  of proxies and other expenses  associated with the Special Meeting
of Shareholders. The only method of solicitation we currently plan to use, other
than the mail, is personal contact,  including by telephone, or other electronic
means  by our  directors,  officers  and  regular  employees,  who  will  not be
specially  compensated.  We may, however,  subsequently decide to use paid proxy
solicitors  if we  determine it would be helpful to do so. We do not believe the
cost of such  solicitors  would  be  significant.  We  intend  to  request  that
brokerage   houses,   nominees,   fiduciaries  and  other   custodians   forward
solicitation materials to beneficial owners of our common stock and obtain their
voting  instructions,  if  necessary,  and we  will  reimburse  them  for  their

                             PURPOSE OF THE MEETING

         The purpose of the  Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  is to vote on an
amendment  to our  Articles of  Incorporation  to  authorize  the issuance of 10
million  shares of  preferred  stock  with  such  preferences,  limitations  and
relative rights, within legal limits, of the class, or one or more series within
the  class,  as are set by the Board of  Directors,  and to act upon such  other
matters as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment  thereof.  We
sometimes  refer to the  amendment  to our Articles of  Incorporation  described
above as the "Amendment."

Reasons for the Amendment

         Our existing Articles of Incorporation only allow us to issue one class
of stock - common stock.  We propose to amend the Articles of  Incorporation  to
allow us to issue up to 10 million shares of preferred  stock in addition to the
10  million  shares  of common  stock  already  authorized  by our  Articles  of
Incorporation.  If the  Amendment  is approved,  our Board of Directors  will be
authorized to set the preferences, limitations and relative rights, within legal
limits,  of the class of preferred  stock or one or more series within the class
of preferred  stock, and will have the authority to issue preferred stock at any
time it deems it appropriate to do so.

         Amending our  Articles of  Incorporation  to authorize  the issuance of
preferred   stock  will  provide  our  Board  of  Directors  with  much  greater
flexibility in raising capital,  which will enable us and our bank subsidiary to
continue  to  meet  our  various   capital   requirements   and  to  respond  to
unanticipated  circumstances  that could adversely affect our capital positions.
Although we are currently well  capitalized and have not experienced many of the
problems  currently  besetting  our industry,  we face the  challenges of a weak
economy and real estate market.  Accordingly,  there can be no assurance that we
will not have a need for  additional  capital  in the  future.  Thus,  our Board
believes  it is in our  interest  to be  prepared  to  respond  quickly  to such
situations should the need arise.

         Our  timing for  seeking  to amend the  Articles  of  Incorporation  is
occasioned  by the U. S.  Department  of the  Treasury's  creation  of a Capital
Purchase Program under the authority of the recently enacted Emergency  Economic
Stabilization  Act of 2008. The program  permits  eligible  institutions to sell
senior preferred stock to the Treasury. If we had a class of preferred stock, we
would be eligible to  participate  in the  program,  which is why we are seeking
approval  of  the  Amendment  at  this  time.  The  program  outlines   numerous
requirements  and  conditions  for the sale of the  preferred  stock,  which are
discussed in more detail  under the caption  "Description  of Capital  Stock and
Capital  Purchase  Program - Proposed  Issuance of Senior  Preferred  Stock" and
"--Additional  Terms of  Participation  in the Capital  Purchase  Program."  The

Treasury has adopted two versions of the Capital Purchase Program,  one of which
applies to public  companies and one of which  applies to non-public  companies.
Although it is not completely  clear from the Treasury's  definition of the term
"public company," we believe we would be deemed a non-public  company.  Included
among the  conditions to non-public  company  participation  in the program is a
condition that an  application to sell the preferred  stock be filed by December
8, 2008,  which we have done, and that all required  documentation  be completed
within 30 days after receiving  preliminary  approval. We do not know whether or
when we will receive preliminary approval.  Nevertheless, we believe approval of
the  proposed  Amendment  at the  Special  Meeting  would  allow  us to meet the
applicable  deadline.  Further information about the requirements of the program
is  discussed  under the  caption  "Description  of  Capital  Stock and  Capital
Purchase   Program  -  Proposed   Issuance  of  Senior   Preferred   Stock"  and
"--Additional Terms of Participation in the Capital Purchase Program."

         Although  we have  not  made a final  decision  to  participate  in the
program if the Amendment is approved,  our Board of Directors currently believes
that  participation  could be in our best interest.  The additional capital that
would be obtained  by selling  preferred  stock to the  Treasury  would  provide
additional  protection  against an unanticipated  event or series of events that
might erode our capital to levels below regulatory requirements.  If our capital
were to erode to levels below regulatory  requirements,  we or our bank could be
exposed to  strenuous  corrective  measures,  which  could  severely  impair our
ability to do business.  Thus, although participation in the program will entail
a level of cost, it may provide us with a desirable level of protection  against
a disastrous situation.

         We have no  assurance  that  our  application  will  be  approved.  The
Treasury has not  announced  the criteria it will use in making its decision and
our impact on the stability of the national economy is minimal.  Fortunately, we
do not  presently  need the  capital  for  liquidity  purposes or to support our
current operations, and we do not believe we will need it in the next few years.
Indeed,  even if our application is approved,  we could decide that the costs of
having the capital are  unreasonable in comparison to the benefit we will derive
from having it in case it is ever useful.

         Whether or not we participate in the Capital Purchase  Program,  if the
Amendment  is approved  and we file  Articles of  Amendment  to our  Articles of
Incorporation,  our Board of Directors  will be  authorized  to issue  preferred
shares at any time it deems it  appropriate  to do so, and will be authorized to
set the preferences,  limitations and relative rights,  within legal limits,  of
such stock.

         Our Board of Directors  believes the  Amendment is in the best interest
of our Company, and unanimously recommends that you vote "FOR" the Amendment.

                                VOTING PROCEDURES


         You are only  entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special  Meeting
if you were a record  shareholder  of our common stock on December 20, 2008 (the
"record date"). On that date, we had outstanding  3,394,873 shares of our common
stock, no par value per share.  Each share  outstanding  will be entitled to one
vote upon each matter submitted at the meeting.

         A majority of the shares  entitled  to be voted at the Special  Meeting
constitutes a quorum.  If a share is represented  for any purpose at the Special
Meeting by the  presence  of the  registered  owner or a person  holding a valid
proxy for the  registered  owner,  it is deemed to be present  for  purposes  of
establishing a quorum.  Therefore,  valid proxies which are marked  "Abstain" or
"Withhold" and shares that are not voted, including proxies submitted by brokers
that are the record owners of shares  (so-called  "broker  non-votes"),  will be
included  in  determining  the  number of votes  present or  represented  at the
Special Meeting.

         If a  quorum  is  not  present  or  represented  at  the  meeting,  the
shareholders  entitled to vote,  present in person or represented by proxy, have
the power to adjourn  the  meeting  from time to time.  If the  meeting is to be
reconvened within thirty days, no notice of the reconvened meeting will be given
other than an  announcement  at the adjourned  meeting.  If the meeting is to be
adjourned  for thirty days or more,  notice of the  reconvened  meeting  will be
given as provided in the Bylaws. At any reconvened  meeting at which a quorum is


present or  represented,  any  business may be  transacted  that might have been
transacted at the meeting as originally noticed.

Vote Required and Method of Counting Votes

         If a quorum is present  at the  Special  Meeting,  the  Amendment  will
require the affirmative  vote of two-thirds of our outstanding  common stock, or
at  least   2,263,249   shares.   Our  directors  and  executive   officers  own
approximately 36% of our outstanding  shares,  and they have indicated that they
intend to vote their shares  "FOR" the  Amendment.  If a quorum is present,  all
other matters that may be considered and acted upon at the Special  Meeting will
be approved if the number of shares of common stock voted in favor of the matter
exceeds the number of shares of common stock voted against the matter.

         Only  shares   affirmatively  voted  for  approval  of  the  Amendment,
including  proxies  properly  executed  by  shareholders  of record  that do not
contain voting instructions,  will be counted in favor of the proposal. A record
shareholder's failure to execute and return a proxy card or otherwise to vote at
the special meeting will have the same effect as a vote "AGAINST" the Amendment.
If a record shareholder  abstains from voting, the abstention will also have the
effect of a vote "AGAINST" the Amendment. Additionally, failure of a shareholder
whose shares are held in street name to complete and return voting  instructions
as required by the broker or other nominee that holds such shares of record will
have the same effect as a vote "AGAINST" the Amendment.

         Accordingly,  our Board of Directors  urges you to complete,  date, and
sign the accompanying proxy form, or such other document as your broker or other
nominee  instructs  you to use if your  shares  are held in  "street  name," and
return it promptly in the enclosed, postage-paid envelope.

Voting by Record Shareholders

         If you hold your  shares of record in your own name,  you can vote your
shares by marking the enclosed proxy form,  dating it, signing it, and returning
it to us in the enclosed  postage-paid  envelope.  If you are a  shareholder  of
record and sign,  date,  and return your proxy card without  indicating  how you
want to vote,  your proxy will be voted "FOR" approval of the Amendment.  If you
are a shareholder of record, you can also attend the Special Meeting and vote in

Voting by Shareholders whose Shares are held in "Street Name"

         If you hold your shares in street name with a broker or other  nominee,
you can direct their vote by submitting  voting  instructions  to your broker or
nominee in  accordance  with the  procedure on the voting card  provided by your
broker or nominee.  If you hold your shares in street  name,  you may attend the
Special Meeting, but you may not vote in person without a proxy appointment from
a shareholder of record.

         Brokers or other  nominees  will not have the  authority to vote shares
they hold for you in street name on the Amendment  unless you give them specific
instructions  on how to vote following the directions  they have provided to you
with this Proxy Statement.  Although valid proxies submitted by brokers or other
nominees  that hold  shares in street  name as record  owners and as to which no
vote is marked (so-called "broker  non-votes"),  will be included in determining
the number of votes present or represented  at the Special  Meeting for purposes
of determining a quorum, the shares will not be voted on the Amendment, and will
have the same effect as votes "AGAINST" the Amendment.

Revocation of Proxy by Record Shareholder

         If you hold your  shares of  record  in your own name and  execute  and
deliver a proxy,  you may revoke the proxy at any time before it is voted by any
of the following methods:

          o    by  mailing  or  delivering   written  notice  of  revocation  to
               Community First Bancorporation,  449 Highway 123 ByPass,  Seneca,
               South Carolina 29678, Attention: Corporate Secretary;

          o    by submitting a proxy having a later date;


          o    by appearing at the meeting and giving  notice of  revocation  to
               the corporate  officers  responsible  for maintaining the list of
               shareholders; or

          o    by  giving  notice  of such  revocation  in open  meeting  of the

         Your attendance at the Special  Meeting will not in itself,  constitute
revocation of a proxy. However, if you are a record shareholder and desire to do
so, you may attend the meeting and vote in person,  in which case the proxy will
not be used.

Revocation of Proxy by Shareholders whose Shares are held in "Street Name"

         If you hold your shares in street  name with a broker or other  nominee
you may change or revoke your proxy  instructions  only by submitting new voting
instructions  to the broker or other nominee in accordance  with the  procedures
provided by the broker or other nominee.

Actions to be Taken by the Proxies

         Our Board of Directors  selected  the persons  named as proxy agents on
the enclosed proxy form.  When the form of proxy  enclosed is properly  executed
and  returned,  the shares that it represents  will be voted at the meeting.  In
each case where you have  appropriately  specified how the proxy is to be voted,
it  will  be  voted  in  accordance  with  your  specifications.  If  you  are a
shareholder  of record and you return a properly  executed  proxy card that does
not contain  voting  instructions,  the proxy agents will vote your shares "FOR"
approval  of the  Amendment  to our  Articles  of  Incorporation.  Our  Board of
Directors is not aware of any other  matters that may be presented for action at
the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders,  but if other  matters do  properly  come
before  the  meeting,  the  persons  named in the  proxy  intend to vote on such
matters in accordance with their best judgment.


         If the  proposed  Amendment  is  approved  by the  affirmative  vote of
two-thirds of the shares of our common stock outstanding on the record date, the
Amendment  will become  effective  if, and when,  Articles of  Amendment  to our
Articles  of  Incorporation  are  filed  with  the  Secretary  of State of South
Carolina.  Approval of the Amendment by the  shareholders  will not require that
the  Articles of Amendment  be filed,  and our Board of Directors  may decide to
abandon the Amendment after shareholder approval.

         Should  dissenters'  rights be exercised  for a  substantial  number of
shares,  our Board of Directors  will make a judgment as to whether it is in the
best interest of the Company to proceed with filing the Articles of Amendment or
to abandon the  Amendment.  In making its judgment,  the Board of Directors will
take into  consideration  the negative impact on the Company's  capital and cash
resources  of paying  dissenters  the fair value of their  shares.  Because such
impact is  completely  at odds with the purpose of the  Amendment,  the Board of
Directors encourages  shareholders not to exercise dissenters' rights, which are
discussed below.

                               DISSENTERS' RIGHTS

         If the Amendment is approved by shareholders and becomes effective, and
if you comply with the  requirements of Sections  33-13-101 et seq. of the South
Carolina  Business  Corporation Act ("SCBCA"),  you have the right to dissent to
adoption of the  Amendment and receive the fair value of your shares in cash. As
discussed  above under the caption  "Effectiveness  of Proposed  Amendment," the
Amendment will become  effective only if (i) it is approved by our  shareholders
and (ii) Articles of Amendment to our Articles of  Incorporation  are filed with
the South Carolina  Secretary of State.  Accordingly,  even if our  shareholders
approve the Amendment,  if we decide not to file the Articles of Amendment,  the
Amendment will not become effective, and you will not be entitled to be paid the
fair value of your shares.

         The discussion below summarizes the provisions of Sections 33-13-101 et
seq. of the SCBCA, but it does not grant you any rights that are not provided by
the SCBCA. Your only rights of dissent are those provided by Sections  33-13-101
et seq.  of the SCBCA,  a copy of which is  included as Appendix A to this Proxy


         Pursuant to the provisions of Sections  33-13-101 et seq. of the SCBCA,
if the  Amendment  becomes  effective,  you will only be entitled to receive the
fair value of your shares if you:

          o    prior to the vote at the  Special  Meeting  with  respect  to the
               approval of the Amendment,  give us written notice of your intent
               to  demand   payment  for  your   shares  of  our  common   stock
               (hereinafter  referred to as "shares") if the  Amendment  becomes

          o    do not vote in favor of the  Amendment,  provided  that a vote in
               favor of the Amendment cast by the holder of a proxy solicited by
               us will not disqualify a shareholder  from demanding  payment for
               his shares; and

          o    comply with the statutory requirements summarized below.

         If you perfect your dissenters' rights, you will receive the fair value
of your shares determined as of the effective date of the Amendment.

         If you are a record  shareholder,  you may assert dissenters' rights as
to fewer than all of the shares registered in your name only if you dissent with
respect to all shares  beneficially owned by any one beneficial  shareholder and
you notify us in writing of the name and address of each person on whose  behalf
you are  asserting  dissenters'  rights.  The rights of a partial  dissenter are
determined  as if the shares as to which that holder  dissents and that holder's
other shares were registered in the names of different shareholders.

         If you are a beneficial  owner of shares but do not hold your shares of
record in your name, you may assert dissenters' rights as to shares held on your
behalf  only if you  dissent  with  respect  to all  shares of which you are the
beneficial  shareholder or over which you have power to direct the vote, and you
must notify us in writing of the name and address of the record  shareholder  of
the shares, if known to you.

         Voting  against the  Amendment  will not  satisfy  the  written  demand
requirement. In addition to not voting in favor of the Amendment, if you wish to
preserve  the right to  dissent  and seek  appraisal,  you must give a  separate
written notice of your intent to demand payment for your shares if the Amendment
is  effected.  Such  written  notice  should be  addressed  to  Community  First
Bancorporation, 449 Highway 123 ByPass, Seneca, South Carolina 29678, Attention:
Corporate Secretary.

         If our shareholders  approve the Amendment at the Special  Meeting,  we
must deliver a written  dissenters' notice (the "Dissenters'  Notice") to all of
our shareholders who have satisfied the foregoing requirements.  The Dissenters'
Notice must be sent within 10 days after the effective date of the Amendment and

          o    state  where and when  dissenting  shareholders  should  send the
               demand for  payment  and where and when  dissenting  shareholders
               should deposit certificates for the shares;

          o    inform holders of  uncertificated  shares to what extent transfer
               of these shares will be  restricted  after the demand for payment
               is received;

          o    supply a form for demanding payment that includes the date of the
               first announcement of the terms of the Amendment and requires the
               person   asserting   dissenters'   rights   (or  the   beneficial
               shareholder on whose behalf he is asserting  dissenters'  rights)
               to certify whether or not he acquired beneficial ownership of the
               shares prior to the announcement date;

          o    set a date by which we must receive the demand for payment (which
               date may not be fewer  than 30 nor more  than 60 days  after  the
               Dissenters'  Notice  is  delivered)  and  set  a  date  by  which
               certificates for certificated shares must be deposited, which may
               not be earlier than 20 days after the demand date; and

          o    be  accompanied  by a copy of Sections  33-13-101  et seq. of the

         A shareholder who receives the Dissenters'  Notice must demand payment,
certify  whether  he (or  the  beneficial  shareholder  on  whose  behalf  he is
asserting dissenters' rights) acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before
the date of  announcement  of the  terms of the  Amendment  as set  forth in the
Dissenters'  Notice,  and deposit such holder's  certificates in accordance with
the terms of the Dissenters'  Notice.  Dissenting  shareholders  will retain all
other  rights of a  shareholder  until those  rights are canceled or modified by
effectiveness of the Amendment.  A shareholder who does not comply substantially


with the requirements that he demand payment and deposit his share  certificates
where required,  each by the date set in the Dissenters' Notice, is not entitled
to payment for his shares under Sections 33-13-101 et seq. of the SCBCA.

         We may restrict the transfer of uncertificated  shares from the date we
receive the demand for payment for them until the Amendment becomes effective or
the restrictions are released as discussed below.

         Except  as  described  below,  we must upon the  effective  date of the
Amendment,  pay each dissenting  shareholder who substantially complied with the
payment demand and deposit  requirements  described above the amount we estimate
to be the fair value of the shares,  plus accrued interest.  Our payment must be
accompanied by:

          o    our balance sheet,  income  statement and statement of changes in
               shareholders'  equity as of the end of the fiscal year ending not
               more than 16  months  before  the date of  payment,  and  interim
               financial statements, if any;

          o    our  estimate of the fair value of the shares and an  explanation
               of how the fair value was calculated;

          o    an explanation of how the interest was calculated;

          o    a statement of the dissenter's right to demand additional payment
               under the SCBCA; and

          o    a copy of Sections 33-13-101 et seq. of the SCBCA.

         If the  Amendment  does not become  effective  within 60 days after the
date set for demanding payment and depositing share certificates, we must return
the  deposited  certificates  and release the transfer  restrictions  imposed on
uncertificated  shares.  We must send a new Dissenters'  Notice if the Amendment
becomes effective after the return of certificates and repeat the payment demand
procedure described above.

         A  dissenting  shareholder  may  notify us in writing of his or her own
estimate of the fair value of such holder's shares and the interest due, and may
demand  payment  of such  holder's  estimate  (less any  payment  made under the
procedure described above) (the "Additional Payment"), if:

          o    he or she believes  that the amount we paid is less than the fair
               value of his or her shares or that we have calculated incorrectly
               the interest due;

          o    we fail to make  payment  within  60 days  after the date set for
               demanding payment; or

          o    we, having failed to cause the Amendment to become effective,  do
               not return the  deposited  certificates  or release the  transfer
               restrictions  imposed  on  uncertificated  shares  within 60 days
               after the date set for demanding payment.

         A  dissenting  shareholder  waives  his  or her  right  to  demand  the
Additional  Payment unless he or she notifies us of his or her demand in writing
within 30 days after we make payment for his or her shares.

         If a demand for Additional Payment remains unsettled,  we must commence
a proceeding  in the Court of Common  Pleas of Oconee  County,  South  Carolina,
within 60 days after  receiving the Additional  Payment demand and must petition
the court to determine the fair value of the shares and accrued interest.  If we
do not commence the proceeding within those 60 days, we must pay each dissenting
shareholder  whose demand for Additional  Payment  remains  unsettled the amount
demanded. We are required to make all dissenting  shareholders whose demands for
Additional  Payment remain unsettled  parties to the proceeding and serve a copy
of the petition upon each of them.  The court may appoint  appraisers to receive
evidence and to recommend a decision on fair value. Each dissenting  shareholder
made a party to the  proceeding is entitled to judgment for the amount,  if any,
by which the court finds the fair value of his shares,  plus  interest,  exceeds
the amount we paid.

         The court in an  appraisal  proceeding  commenced  under the  foregoing
provision  must  determine  the  costs  of the  proceeding,  excluding  fees and
expenses of attorneys and experts for the  respective  parties,  and must assess
those costs  against us,  except that the court may assess the costs against all
or some of the dissenting  shareholders to the extent the court finds they acted


arbitrarily,  vexatiously,  or not in good faith in demanding payment. The court
also  may  assess  the  fees and  expenses  of  attorneys  and  experts  for the
respective parties against us if the court finds we did not substantially comply
with the requirements of specified provisions of the SCBCA, or against either us
or  a  dissenting   shareholder  if  the  court  finds  that  such  party  acted
arbitrarily,  vexatiously,  or not in good faith with respect to the dissenters'
rights provided by the SCBCA.

         If the court finds that the  services of attorneys  for any  dissenting
shareholder  were  of  substantial  benefit  to  other  dissenting  shareholders
similarly situated,  and that the fees for those services should be not assessed
against  us,  the court may award  those  attorneys  reasonable  fees out of the
amounts awarded the dissenting  shareholders who were benefited. In a proceeding
commenced by dissenters  to enforce our  statutory  liability for our failure to
commence an appraisal  proceeding  within the 60 day period described above, the
court will assess costs of the  proceeding  and fees and expenses of dissenters'
counsel against us and in favor of the dissenters.

         This is a summary of the material  rights of a  dissenting  shareholder
and is qualified  in its entirety by reference to Sections  33-13-101 et seq. of
the SCBCA,  included  as  Appendix A to this Proxy  Statement.  If you intend to
dissent from approval of the Amendment,  you should review carefully the text of
Appendix A and should also consult with your attorney.  We will not give you any
further  notice of the events  giving  rise to  dissenters'  rights or any steps
associated  with  perfecting  dissenters'  rights,  except as indicated above or
otherwise required by law.

                              OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

         The  following  table shows  information  as of December 20, 2008 about
shares of our  common  stock  beneficially  owned by each of our  directors  and
executive officers.  Except as otherwise indicated,  to management's  knowledge,
all shares are owned directly with sole voting power. Other than as shown below,
no persons were known by management to be the beneficial  owners,  as defined in
Rule  13d-3 of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  of 5% or more of our
common stock.

             Name and                 Amount and Nature
       Address of 5% owners        of Beneficial Ownership          % of Class
       --------------------        -----------------------          ----------

Larry S. Bowman, M.D.                   107,959 (1)                    3.19%

William M. Brown                         98,258 (2)                    2.91%

Robert H. Edwards                       125,303 (3)                    3.70%

Blake L. Griffith                       163,453 (4)                    4.82%

John R. Hamrick                         111,366 (5)                    3.31%

James E. McCoy                          126,729 (6)                    3.74%

Frederick D. Shepherd, Jr.              289,088 (7)                    8.44%
   449 Highway 123 Bypass
   Seneca, S.C.  29678

Gary V. Thrift                           92,598 (8)                    2.73%

James E. Turner                         216,984 (9)                    6.42%
   P. O. Box 367
   Seneca, S.C. 29679

Charles L. Winchester                  171,307 (10)                    5.06%
   P. O. Box 456
   Salem, S.C. 29676

All Directors, nominees
and executive officers
as a group (10 persons)              1,503,045 (11)                   41.24%
- ----------------


(1)  Includes  41,698  shares  jointly owned with Mary M. Bowman,  Dr.  Bowman's
     wife; 16,728 shares owned by Mrs. Bowman; 11,733 shares held as trustee for
     Dr. Bowman's children;  and 23,045 shares subject to currently  exercisable
(2)  Includes 3,790 shares owned by Annie B. Brown, Mr. Brown's wife; and 23,045
     shares subject to currently exercisable options.
(3)  Includes  30,055 shares  jointly owned with Ruth D. Edwards,  Mr.  Edward's
     wife; 7,035 shares owned by Mrs. Edwards;  11,222 shares owned by Robert H.
     Edwards LLC; and 30,180 shares subject to currently exercisable options.
(4)  Includes  19,477 shares owned by Susan P. Griffith,  Mr.  Griffith's  wife;
     113,622 shares jointly owned with Mrs. Griffith;  and 30,180 shares subject
     to currently exercisable options.
(5)  Includes 33,547 shares jointly owned with Frances R. Hamrick, Mr. Hamrick's
     wife;  6,839 shares  owned by Mrs.  Hamrick;  and 4,735  shares  subject to
     currently exercisable options.
(6)  Includes  85,714 shares jointly owned with Charlotte B. McCoy,  Mr. McCoy's
     wife, and 30,180 shares subject to currently  exercisable  options.  Of the
     total shares  beneficially owned by Mr. McCoy,  67,330 have been pledged as
(7)  Includes  presently  exercisable  options to purchase 67,653 shares. Of the
     total shares  beneficially owned by Mr. Shepherd,  74,443 have been pledged
     as security.
(8)  Includes 30,180 shares subject to currently exercisable options.
(9)  Includes 22,636 shares owned by Patricia S. Turner,  Mr. Turner's wife; and
     23,045 shares subject to currently exercisable options.
(10) Includes  46,643  shares  jointly  owned  with  Joan  O.  Winchester,   Mr.
     Winchester's wife; 3,460 shares owned by Mrs. Winchester; 1,906 shares held
     as custodian for Mr. Winchester's grandchildren;  and 23,045 shares subject
     to currently exercisable options.
(11) Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 285,288 shares.

                        DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK AND
                            CAPITAL PURCHASE PROGRAM

Common Stock


         We currently have 10 million shares of authorized  voting common stock,
no par value per share. As of the record date, we had 3,394,873 shares of common
stock  outstanding.  The  outstanding  shares of common stock are fully paid and

General voting requirements

         The holders of our common  stock are  entitled to one vote per share in
all  proceedings  in which action shall be taken by our  shareholders,  and have
sole voting  control over the Company.  Our Board is divided into three classes,
which have as nearly  equal a number of  directors  as  possible.  Approximately
one-third of our directors are elected each year and directors serve  three-year
terms.  Directors are elected by a plurality of the votes cast by shares present
and entitled to vote at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  Except for such
greater  voting  requirements  as may be  required  by  law or our  Articles  of
Incorporation,  as discussed below under the caption "--Additional Rights of our
Common  Stock  and  Preferred  Stock,"  all  other  matters  acted  upon  by the
shareholders  will be  approved  if a quorum is present and the number of shares
voted in favor of the matter  exceeds  the number of shares  voted  against  the
matter. Our common stock does not have cumulative voting rights.

         In the event any issue of  preferred  stock is  entitled  to vote,  the
common stock would vote  together with the  preferred  stock,  unless the matter
being voted on would change the rights of the preferred  stock, or the matter to
be voted on was unique to the preferred  stock, in which case it would vote as a
separate group.


Dividend Rights

            We have  never  paid cash  dividends,  and in order to  support  our
continuing  need for  capital to  support  anticipated  asset  growth and market
expansion, we do not expect to declare or pay cash dividends on our common stock
in the near  future.  We are not  required  to pay any  dividends  on our common
stock.  The holders of our common stock are entitled to dividends  when, as, and
if  declared  by our  Board of  Directors  out of funds  legally  available  for
dividends.  Under South  Carolina  law, we may legally  declare or pay dividends
only if, after their payment, we can pay our debts as they come due in the usual
course of business, and then only if our total assets equal or exceed the sum of
our liabilities.  Our principal source of funds with which to pay cash dividends
is cash  dividends  our  subsidiary  bank  pays to us.  South  Carolina  banking
regulations  restrict the amount of cash  dividends  the bank can pay to us, and
the bank's  payment of cash  dividends to us is subject to the prior approval of
the South Carolina Commissioner of Banking.

         If the  Amendment  is  approved,  the payment of any  dividends  on our
common  stock may be subject  to the rights  granted to holders of any shares of
the preferred stock we issue, for example,  as discussed below under the caption
"--Proposed  Issuance of Senior  Preferred Stock - Preferences,  Limitations and
Relative Rights of the Senior Preferred Stock --Dividend Rights."

 No Preemptive Rights

         Our  shareholders  do not have  preemptive  rights with  respect to the
issuance of additional shares, options or rights to any class of our stock. As a
result, the directors may sell additional  authorized shares of our common stock
without  first  offering  them to  existing  shareholders  and  giving  them the
opportunity  to purchase  sufficient  additional  shares to prevent  dilution of
their ownership interests.

Rights upon liquidation

         In  the  event  of  our  voluntary  or   involuntary   liquidation   or
dissolution,  or the winding-up of our affairs, our assets will be applied first
to  the  payment,   satisfaction   and  discharge  of  our  existing  debts  and
obligations,  including the necessary  expenses of dissolution  or  liquidation,
then,  if the  Amendment  is  effective,  to any issued  preferred  stock with a
liquidation preference, and then pro rata to the holders of our common stock.

Conversion; Redemption; Sinking Fund

         None of our common stock is convertible,  has any redemption  rights or
is entitled to any sinking fund.

Preferred Stock

         Our Articles of  Incorporation  do not currently  authorize us to issue
any shares of preferred  stock.  The Amendment to our Articles of  Incorporation
that you will consider at the Special Meeting will provide for the authorization
of 10 million shares of preferred stock.

         If the  Amendment is approved and we file  Articles of Amendment to our
Articles of  Incorporation,  our Board of  Directors  would have the  authority,
without  approval  of our  shareholders,  from  time to time  to  authorize  the
issuance  of  preferred  stock  in one or more  series  with  such  preferences,
limitations and relative rights, within legal limits, and for such consideration
as our Board of Directors may determine.

         Although our Board of Directors has no intention at the present time of
doing so, it could cause the issuance of preferred  stock that could  discourage
an acquisition  attempt or other  transactions  that some, or a majority of, our
shareholders  might  believe  to be in their  best  interests  or in  which  the
shareholders  might  receive a premium for their shares of common stock over the
market price of such shares.

Proposed Issuance of Senior Preferred Stock

         If the  Amendment is approved and we file  Articles of Amendment to our
Articles of Incorporation, and our application is approved, we currently plan to
participate in the U.S.  Department of the Treasury's  Capital  Purchase Program
under the Emergency  Economic  Stabilization  Act of 2008 ("EESA").  Although we
currently  have enough  capital to meet our  foreseeable  needs,  the additional


capital would provide additional  protection against  unforeseeable effects of a
prolonged continuation of current economic conditions.  We do not know the exact
terms of our potential  participation  at this time.  However,  the Treasury has
published  term  sheets  which set out the terms of the  program  for public and
non-public  companies as it was contemplated by the Treasury on October 14, 2008
and  November  17,  2008,  respectively.  We applied  after the deadline for the
public  company  program and currently  plan to  participate  in the  non-public
company  version of the  Capital  Purchase  Program.  Although  the terms of our
participation,  if any,  could  change,  if our  application  is accepted and we
participate  substantially  as  described  in  the  term  sheet  for  non-public
companies, we would issue between approximately 3,000 and 9,000 shares of Senior
Preferred   Stock  and   warrants  to  the  Treasury  for  proceeds  of  between
approximately  $3 million and $9 million.  Based on the term sheet, the material
terms of our  participation  in the Capital  Purchase  Program and the  material
terms of the securities we would issue to the Treasury are described below.

Preferences, Limitations and Relative Rights of the Senior Preferred Stock

         The  Senior  Preferred  Stock  would  have the  following  preferences,
limitations and relative rights.

         Dividend  Rights.  The  Senior  Preferred  Stock  will  pay  cumulative
compounding  dividends at a rate of 5% per annum until the fifth  anniversary of
the date of issue and thereafter at a rate of 9% per annum.

         Redemption  Provisions.  The Senior Preferred Stock may not be redeemed
for a period of three  years from the date of issue,  except  with the  proceeds
from one or more  cash  sales of  common  or  preferred  stock  which  result in
aggregate  gross  proceeds  to us of not less than 25% of the issue price of the
Senior  Preferred Stock.  After the third  anniversary of the date of issue, the
Senior  Preferred  Stock may be redeemed,  in whole or in part,  at any time and
from time to time, at our option.  All redemptions of the Senior Preferred Stock
will be at 100% of its issue price, plus any accrued and unpaid  dividends,  and
will be subject to the approval of the Federal Reserve.

         Voting Rights and Right to Elect Directors.  The Senior Preferred Stock
will be non-voting,  other than class voting rights on (i) any  authorization or
issuance  of shares  ranking  senior to the  Senior  Preferred  Stock,  (ii) any
amendment to the rights of Senior Preferred Stock, or (iii) any merger, exchange
or similar  transaction  which would  adversely  affect the rights of the Senior
Preferred Stock. If dividends on the Senior Preferred Stock are not paid in full
for six dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, the Senior Preferred Stock
will have the right to elect two  directors.  The right to elect  directors will
end when dividends have been paid in full for four consecutive dividend periods.

         Liquidation  Rights. The Senior Preferred Stock will have a liquidation
preference  of $1,000  per share  which must be paid  before  the  common  stock
receives any proceeds of a liquidation.

         Restrictions on Dividends. For as long as any Senior Preferred Stock is
outstanding,  no dividends may be declared or paid on junior  preferred  shares,
preferred  shares ranking  equally with the Senior  Preferred  Stock,  or common
shares (other than, in the case of equally preferred shares,  dividends on a pro
rata basis with the Senior Preferred Stock), nor may we repurchase or redeem any
junior  preferred  shares,  preferred  shares  ranking  equally  with the Senior
Preferred  Stock or common shares,  unless all accrued and unpaid  dividends for
all past  dividend  periods on the Senior  Preferred  Stock are fully paid.  The
Treasury's  consent will be required for any increase in common stock  dividends
per share until the third anniversary of the date of issue unless, prior to such
third  anniversary,  the  Senior  Preferred  Stock is  redeemed  in whole or the
Treasury has transferred all of the Senior Preferred Stock to third parties.  In
addition to these  restrictions,  under the  non-public  company  version of the
program,  increases  in common  stock  dividends  will be limited to 3% per year
until the tenth  anniversary  of the issue  date,  unless,  prior to such  tenth
anniversary, the Senior Preferred Stock is redeemed in whole or the Treasury has
transferred all of the Senior  Preferred  Stock to third parties.  Additionally,
under the non-public company version of the program, after the tenth anniversary
of the issue date no dividends  may be paid as long as the Treasury  owns any of
our securities.

         Repurchases.  The  Treasury's  consent  will be required  for any share
repurchases  (other than (i) repurchases of the Senior  Preferred Stock and (ii)
repurchases of junior  preferred  shares or common shares in connection with any
benefit plan in the ordinary  course of business  consistent with past practice)
until the tenth  anniversary  of the date of issue  unless,  prior to such tenth
anniversary, the Senior Preferred Stock is redeemed in whole or the Treasury has
transferred  all of the Senior  Preferred  Stock to third parties.  In addition,


there may be no repurchases of junior preferred shares, preferred shares ranking
equally with the Senior  Preferred  Stock,  or common  shares if  prohibited  as
described above under "--Restrictions on Dividends."

Additional Terms of Participation in the Capital Purchase Program

         Additional terms that would apply to us as a result of participation in
the program include the following.

Registration Rights

         We will be required to file a shelf registration statement covering the
Senior  Preferred Stock as promptly as practicable  after the date of issue and,
if necessary,  will be required to take all action  required to cause such shelf
registration  statement to be declared  effective  as soon as possible.  We will
also  grant  to the  Treasury  piggyback  registration  rights  for  the  Senior
Preferred Stock.

Executive Compensation

         As a  condition  to the  closing of the  issuance  of Senior  Preferred
Stock,  we and our senior  executive  officers  covered  by EESA must  modify or
terminate all benefit  plans,  arrangements  and  agreements  (including  golden
parachute  agreements)  to the extent  necessary to be in compliance  with,  and
following  the closing  and for so long as  Treasury  holds any of our equity or
debt  securities,  we will agree to be bound by, the executive  compensation and
corporate  governance  requirements  of Section 111 of EESA and any  guidance or
regulations  issued by the  Secretary of the Treasury on or prior to the date of
issue to carry out the provisions of such subsection. As an additional condition
to closing,  we and our senior executive  officers covered by EESA must grant to
the Treasury a waiver  releasing  the Treasury  from any claims that we and such
senior executive  officers may otherwise have as a result of the issuance of any
regulations  which  modify  the  terms  of  benefits  plans,   arrangements  and
agreements to eliminate any provisions  that would not be in compliance with the
executive  compensation and corporate governance  requirements of Section 111 of
EESA and any guidance or regulations  issued by the Secretary of the Treasury on
or prior to the date of issue to carry out the  provisions  of such  subsection.
The  specific  impact  of   participation   in  the  program  on  our  executive
compensation  arrangements  is further  discussed  below  under the  caption "--
Impact of Participation in the Capital Purchase Program - Company Operations."

Related Party Transactions

         The  non-public  company  version of the program would prohibit us from
entering  into any  related  party  transactions  unless  the  terms are no less
favorable to us than could be obtained from an unaffiliated third party, and any
permissible  related  party  transactions  would  have  to be  approved  by  our
independent directors.


         If we participate in the non-public company version of the program,  in
addition to the shares of Senior  Preferred Stock, we would be required to issue
to the Treasury, for no additional consideration,  ten-year warrants to purchase
between 150 shares and 450 shares of our preferred stock (the "Warrant Preferred
Stock").  The exercise price of the preferred stock warrant will be one cent per
share.  The  Warrant  Preferred  Stock  covered  by  the  warrants  will  have a
liquidation  preference  equal to $1,000  per  share.  The terms of the  Warrant
Preferred Stock will be exactly the same as the Senior Preferred  Stock,  except
the dividend  will be 9% instead of 5%, and it may not be redeemed  until all of
the Senior Preferred Stock has been redeemed. The Treasury has indicated that it
intends to exercise these warrants immediately.

Impact of Participation in the Capital Purchase Program

Use of Proceeds

         If our  application is approved and we sell Senior  Preferred  Stock to
the Treasury, we expect to receive proceeds of between $3 million and $9 million
before the payment of expenses  associated with the sale of the Senior Preferred
Stock and  warrants,  which are  estimated  to be  $25,000  or less.  Unless our
agreement with the Treasury requires some other use, we expect to use the amount
we receive to pay the expenses of the sale and,  initially,  to deposit the rest


in a non-interest  bearing account with our bank subsidiary,  which will use the
funds for additional liquidity.  Thereafter, the funds may be contributed to the
bank subsidiary as capital or used for other corporate purposes.  However, there
can be no assurance that our application  will be approved or if it is approved,
that we will receive an amount within the range estimated above.

Rights of Existing Common Shareholders

         Issuance of Senior  Preferred  Stock and Warrant  Preferred  Stock will
give  holders  the  right,  in  case we are  ever  liquidated,  to be  paid  the
liquidation  value of the Senior Preferred Stock and Warrant Preferred Stock out
of our residual  assets  before any payment is made to the common  shareholders.
All dividends due on the Senior Preferred Stock and Warrant Preferred Stock must
be paid before any  dividends  can be paid on our common stock and the amount of
our common stock dividends cannot be increased in the first three years that the
Treasury owns the Senior Preferred Stock or Warrant  Preferred Stock without the
consent of the Treasury.  If we do not pay the dividends on the Senior Preferred
Stock or Warrant  Preferred Stock in full for six dividend  periods,  whether or
not consecutive, the holders of the Senior Preferred Stock and Warrant Preferred
Stock will have the right to elect two directors to our board of directors. That
right will continue until all past dividends on the Senior  Preferred  Stock and
Warrant Preferred Stock are paid in full.

Dilution of Common Shareholders

         Because the  preferential  liquidation  amount of the Senior  Preferred
Stock will equal its gross purchase price,  the issuance of the Senior Preferred
Stock will not change the  tangible  book value of our common  stock,  pro rated
between the Senior  Preferred  Stock and our common  stock on the basis of their
relative tangible book value.  Issuance of Warrant Preferred Stock will cause an
immaterial  reduction  in the  tangible  book of our common  stock.  Because the
Senior Preferred Stock's and the Warrant Preferred Stock's claim on our earnings
is limited to a fixed amount, the tangible book value of our common stock before
the payment of any common  stock  distributions  may increase or decrease in the
future  depending on whether or not our earnings  exceed the amount  required to
pay dividends due on the Senior Preferred Stock and the Warrant Preferred Stock.
As noted above,  we will not be able to pay dividends on our common stock unless
we have paid all  dividends  due on the Senior  Preferred  Stock and the Warrant
Preferred Stock.

Registration Rights

         As discussed above under "-- Additional  Terms of  Participation in the
Capital Purchase Program," if we sell Senior Preferred Stock to the Treasury, we
will be required to grant  registration  rights to the  Treasury.  Those  rights
require  us,  at our  expense,  to  register  with  the  SEC  some or all of our
securities that are held by the Treasury in order to permit the Treasury to make
a public offering of those securities. The out-of-pocket cost to us of doing so,
as well as the  indirect  cost of the time  that  would  have to be spent by our
personnel, could be substantial.

Company Operations

         If we sell Senior  Preferred Stock and warrants to the Treasury we will
be  required  to  make  modifications  to the  way  our  executive  compensation
arrangements are structured.  Specifically,  our board of directors will have to
review our incentive compensation arrangements with our senior officers and make
reasonable  efforts to ensure that such arrangements do not encourage our senior
executive  officers to take  unnecessary  and excessive  risks that threaten the
value of our Company.  As long as the Treasury  owns our  securities,  our board
will also have to meet annually with our senior executive officers to review the
relationship between our risk management policies and practices. It will also be
a  requirement  that any bonus and  incentive  compensation  paid to our  senior
executives  during the period that the Treasury  holds our  securities  acquired
under the  Capital  Purchase  Program be  subject  to being  repaid to us if the
payments  were based on  materially  inaccurate  financial  statements  or other
performance metric criteria. Further, we will be required, during the period the
Treasury holds our securities  acquired under the Capital Purchase  Program,  to
prohibit  severance  payments to our senior  executive  officers in excess of an
amount  which  is  approximately   three  times  the  average  of  their  annual
compensation  for the prior five years.  This  requirement  will  necessitate  a
temporary  change in the  terms of our  president's  compensation  arrangements.
Finally,  we will be required  not to claim a deduction  for federal  income tax
purposes  of  executive  compensation  that would not be  deductible  if Section
162(m)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code were to apply to us.


         All of these  requirements are expected to increase our  administrative
costs somewhat and are not likely to reduce the compensation  paid to our senior
executive officers. Neither are they expected to have any material impact on the
way we operate our business or our financial condition or results of operations.


         If we sell between $3 million and $9 million of Senior  Preferred Stock
and warrants to the Treasury, the impact on our capital will be approximately as
follows (using the assumption that the sale had occurred,  and the proceeds were
held as cash, on September 30, 2008):

          o    Our total  shareholders  equity would  increase from  $40,790,000
               (actual)  to   $43,790,000   (if  $3  million  is   received)  or
               $49,790,000 (if $9 million is received).

          o    Our regulatory capital ratios would increase as shown below:

                                                          Actual at            $3 million            $9 million
                            Ratio                       Sept. 30, 2008            Sold                  Sold
                            -----                       --------------            ----                  ----

           Total capital (to risk-weighted assets)             15.0%              16.0%                 18.0%

           Tier 1 capital (to risk-weighted assets)            13.8%              14.8%                 16.8%

           Tier 1 capital (to average assets)                   9.5%              10.2%                 11.6%

Pro Forma Financial Impact of Senior Preferred Stock

         The following  tables set forth our financial  position as of September
30, 2008 and results of operations for the nine months ended  September 30, 2008
and the year ended December 31, 2007:

         o     on an actual basis; and

         o on an as adjusted  basis to give effect to the sale of $3 million and
$9 million of Senior  Preferred  Stock and  issuance of warrants to purchase 150
shares  and 450  shares,  respectively,  of  Warrant  Preferred  Stock with a 9%
dividend for $1.50 and $4.50, respectively.

         The pro forma financial information below assumes that the warrants are
immediately  exercised  and that we  received  proceeds  from the sale of Senior
Preferred  Stock to the  Treasury  and  deposited  the funds into a  noninterest
bearing  account  during the periods  presented.  This pro forma impact does not
represent the planned use of the proceeds of the sale of Senior Preferred Stock.
If Treasury makes the  investment and does not impose  limitations on our use of
the funds, we expect ultimately to use these proceeds to increase the capital of
our bank subsidiary or for other corporate  purposes.  The financial  impact and
benefit to us from these uses is  expected to be  significant,  but has not been
included in the pro forma financial information.

         These tables should be read in conjunction  with the information  under
the caption  "Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and
Results  of  Operations"  and our  unaudited  condensed  consolidated  financial
statements  for the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  2008  included  in our
Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter then ended,  and the  information
under the caption  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations" and our audited consolidated financial statements for
the year  ended  December  31,  2007  and  related  notes  and  other  financial
information  included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year then ended,
all of which is included in Appendix B to this proxy statement.

         The following  unaudited pro forma  consolidated  financial data is not
necessarily  indicative of our financial  position or results of operations that
actually would have been attained had proceeds from the Capital Purchase Program
been  received,  or had the warrants been issued and  exercised  pursuant to the


Capital  Purchase  Program,  at the  dates  indicated,  and  is not  necessarily
indicative  of our  financial  position  or results of  operations  that will be
achieved in the future.  We have  included  the  following  unaudited  pro forma
consolidated  financial  data solely for the purpose of  providing  shareholders
with  information  that may be useful for purposes of considering and evaluating
the  proposal to amend our  Articles of  Incorporation.  Our future  results are
subject to prevailing  economic and industry specific  conditions and financial,
business and other known and unknown risks and  uncertainties,  certain of which
are beyond our control.


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                                 As of September 30, 2008
(Dollars in thousands except share data)                                                                  $3,000            $9,000
                                                                                           Actual        Pro forma         Pro forma
                                                                                           ------        ---------         ---------

Cash and cash equivalents ........................................................       $  29,044       $  32,044        $  38,044
Securities available for sale ....................................................         110,524         110,524          110,524
Other investments, at cost .......................................................          13,527          13,527           13,527
Loans, net of allowance for loan losses ($3,503) .................................         263,572         263,572          263,572
Premises and equipment, net ......................................................           8,691           8,691            8,691
Bank owned life insurance ........................................................           8,388           8,388            8,388
Interest receivable ..............................................................           2,557           2,557            2,557
Other assets .....................................................................           2,062           2,062            2,062
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total assets .....................................................................       $ 438,365       $ 441,365        $ 447,365
                                                                                         =========       =========        =========

     Noninterest bearing .........................................................       $  42,830       $  42,830        $  42,830
     Interest bearing ............................................................         340,892         340,892          340,892
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
          Total deposits .........................................................         383,722         383,722          383,722
Short-term borrowings ............................................................           1,500           1,500            1,500
Long-term debt ...................................................................           9,500           9,500            9,500
Accrued interest payable .........................................................           1,911           1,911            1,911
Other liabilities ................................................................             942             942              942
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total liabilities ................................................................         397,575         397,575          397,575
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------

Shareholders' Equity
Preferred stock, no par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized pro
    3,000 and 9,000 shares with 5% initial dividend issued and
      outstanding pro forma (1) ..................................................               -           3,000            9,000
    150 and 450 shares with 9% dividend issued and outstanding
      pro forma (1) ..............................................................               -             150              450
Discount on 5% initial dividend preferred stock (2) (4) ..........................               -            (177)            (532)
Premium on 9% dividend preferred stock (3) (4) ...................................               -              27               82
Common stock, no par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized;
    3,394,873 shares issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2008 .............          35,374          35,374           35,374
Additional paid-in capital .......................................................             681             681              681
Retained earnings ................................................................           4,654           4,654            4,654
Accumulated other comprehensive income ...........................................              81              81               81
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total shareholders' equity .......................................................          40,790          43,790           49,790
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity .......................................       $ 438,365       $ 441,365        $ 447,365
                                                                                         =========       =========        =========

(1)  Recorded at the redemption value of the shares issued.
(2)  Pro forma amounts include discount  recorded at issuance of preferred stock
     of $177 and  $532.
(3)  Pro forma amounts include  premium  recorded at issuance of preferred stock
     of $27 and $82.
(4)  Discount and premium were  computed  using the fair value of the  preferred
     stock  assuming a 12% discount rate (market rate) and an expected life upon
     issuance of five years. The premium and discount were allocated between the
     Senior  Preferred  Stock and the  Warrant  Preferred  stock  based on their
     relative estimated fair values.


Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                                                         Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008
(Dollars in thousands except per share data)                                                             $3,000             $9,000
                                                                                      Actual            Pro forma         Pro forma
                                                                                      ------            ---------         ---------
Interest income (1) .......................................................         $   18,629         $   18,629         $   18,629
Interest expense ..........................................................              9,741              9,741              9,741
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income ..............................................              8,888              8,888              8,888
Provision for loan losses .................................................              1,375              1,375              1,375
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income after provision for loan losses ..............              7,513              7,513              7,513
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Other income ..............................................................              1,868              1,868              1,868
Other expense .............................................................              5,830              5,830              5,830
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Income before income taxes .......................................              3,551              3,551              3,551
Income tax expense ........................................................              1,037              1,037              1,037
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net income .......................................................              2,514              2,514              2,514
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Net income attributable to preferred shareholders (2) .....................                  -                142                427
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Net income available to common shareholders ...............................         $    2,514         $    2,372         $    2,087
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - basic (3) .....................................               0.71               0.67               0.59
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - diluted (3) ...................................               0.68               0.64               0.56
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average basic common shares outstanding (3) ...............................          3,534,926          3,534,926          3,534,926
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average diluted common shares outstanding (3) .............................          3,703,561          3,703,561          3,703,561
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========

(1)  Funds received from issuance of preferred  stock are assumed to be included
     in  non-interest  bearing  cash.  Subsequent  deployment  of the  funds  is
     anticipated but the timing is uncertain.
(2)  The pro forma amounts include dividends paid on the preferred stock of $123
     and $368 and net  accretion  and  amortization  of the discount and premium
     recorded at issuance of $19 and $59.  The discount and premium are accreted
     and  amortized  using a constant  effective  yield  method over a five year
     term, which is the expected life of the preferred stock upon issuance.
(3)  Actual and pro forma per common share amounts and average amounts of common
     shares outstanding have been retroactively  adjusted to reflect a 5% common
     stock dividend declared on November 20, 2008.

                                                                                       Year Ended December 31, 2007 (Unaudited)
(Dollars in thousands except per share data)                                                             $3,000            $9,000
                                                                                       Actual           Pro forma         Pro forma
                                                                                       ------           ---------         ---------
Interest income (1) .......................................................         $   23,578         $   23,578         $   23,578
Interest expense ..........................................................             13,230             13,230             13,230
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income ..............................................             10,348             10,348             10,348
Provision for loan losses .................................................                594                594                594
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income after provision for loan losses ..............              9,754              9,754              9,754
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Other income ..............................................................              2,206              2,206              2,206
Other expense .............................................................              7,132              7,132              7,132
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net income before tax expense ....................................              4,828              4,828              4,828
Income tax expense ........................................................              1,497              1,497              1,497
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net income .......................................................         $    3,331         $    3,331         $    3,331
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Net income attributable to preferred shareholders (2) .....................                  -                190                570
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Net income available to common shareholders ...............................         $    3,331         $    3,141         $    2,761
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - basic (3) .....................................               0.97               0.92               0.80
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - diluted (3) ...................................               0.91               0.86               0.76
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average basic common shares outstanding (3) ...............................          3,432,494          3,432,494          3,432,494
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average diluted common shares outstanding (3) .............................          3,652,016          3,652,016          3,652,016
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========

(1)  Funds received from issuance of preferred  stock are assumed to be included
     in  non-interest  bearing  cash.  Subsequent  deployment  of the  funds  is
     anticipated but the timing is uncertain.
(2)  The pro forma amounts include dividends paid on the preferred stock of $163
     and $490 and net  accretion  and  amortization  of the discount and premium
     recorded at issuance of $27 and $80.  The discount and premium are accreted
     and  amortized  using a constant  effective  yield  method over a five year
     term, which is the expected life of the preferred stock upon issuance.
(3)  Actual and pro forma per common share amounts and average amounts of common
     shares outstanding have been retroactively  adjusted to reflect a 5% common
     stock dividend  declared on November 20, 2008. No Assurances as to Issuance
     of Preferred Stock


         As noted  above,  although  we  intend to apply to  participate  in the
Capital Purchase  Program,  our application may not be accepted or it may not be
accepted on the terms  described  above.  We may or may not also decide to issue
preferred stock whether or not we participate in the Capital  Purchase  Program.
Accordingly,  there can be no  assurance  that we will ever issue any  preferred
stock and, if we do, what its terms will be.

Additional Rights of our Common Stock and Preferred Stock

Statutory Matters

Business Combination  Statute. The South Carolina Business  Combinations Statute
provides that a 10% or greater  shareholder of a resident  domestic  corporation
cannot engage in a "business  combination" (as defined in the statute) with such
corporation  for a period  of two  years  following  the  date on which  the 10%
shareholder  became such, unless the business  combination or the acquisition of
shares  is  approved  by  a  majority  of  the  disinterested  members  of  such
corporation's  board of directors before the 10% shareholder's share acquisition
date.  This statute  further  provides  that at no time (even after the two-year
period subsequent to such share acquisition date) may the 10% shareholder engage
in a business combination with the relevant corporation unless certain approvals
of the board of directors or  disinterested  shareholders are obtained or unless
the  consideration  given in the combination meets certain minimum standards set
forth in the  statute.  The law is very  broad in its scope and is  designed  to
inhibit  unfriendly  acquisitions  but it does not apply to  corporations  whose
articles of incorporation  contain a provision electing not to be covered by the
law. Our Articles of Incorporation do not contain such a provision. An amendment
of our  Articles  of  Incorporation  to that  effect  would,  however,  permit a
business  combination  with an interested  shareholder  although that status was
obtained prior to the  amendment.  This statute will only apply to us as long as
we continue to have a class of  securities  registered  under  Section 12 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Control Share  Acquisitions.  The South  Carolina law also  contains  provisions
that, under certain circumstances, would preclude an acquiror of the shares of a
South  Carolina  corporation  who crosses one of three voting  thresholds  (20%,
33-1/3% or 50%) from obtaining voting control with respect to such shares unless
a majority in  interest of the  disinterested  shareholders  of the  corporation
votes to accord voting power to such shares.

The legislation provides that, if authorized by the articles of incorporation or
bylaws prior to the occurrence of a control share  acquisition,  the corporation
may redeem the control  shares if the  acquiring  person has not  complied  with
certain  procedural  requirements  (including the filing of an "acquiring person
statement"  with  the  corporation  within  60  days  after  the  control  share
acquisition) or if the control shares are not accorded full voting rights by the
shareholders.  We are not authorized by our Articles of  Incorporation or Bylaws
to redeem control shares.

The  provisions of the Control Share  Acquisitions  Act will only apply to us as
long as we continue to have a class of securities registered under Section 12 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


         We  expect  that  representatives  from J. W.  Hunt and  Company,  LLP,
Certified Public Accountants, our independent registered public accounting firm,
will be present and  available  to answer  appropriate  questions at the Special
Meeting,  and will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Board of  Directors  knows of no other  business to be presented at
the  Special  Meeting of  shareholders.  If matters  other than those  described
herein  should  properly  come  before the  meeting,  the  persons  named in the
enclosed form of proxy intend to vote at such meeting in  accordance  with their
best judgment on such matters.  If you specify a different choice on your proxy,
your shares will be voted in accordance with the specifications so made.


                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

         Statements  contained  in this  Proxy  Statement  that  are not  purely
historical  are  forward-looking  statements,  including,  but not  limited  to,
statements regarding our expectations,  hopes, beliefs, intentions or strategies
regarding  the  future.  Actual  results  could  differ  materially  from  those
projected in any forward-looking  statements as a result of a number of factors,
including those detailed in this Proxy Statement. The forward-looking statements
are made as of the date of this Proxy  Statement  and we undertake no obligation
to update or revise the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why
actual   results   could  differ   materially   from  those   projected  in  the
forward-looking statements.

         We  caution  you not to place  undue  reliance  on any  forward-looking
statements made by us, or on our behalf in this Proxy Statement or in any of our
filings  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") or  otherwise.
Additional  information  with  respect to factors  that may cause the results to
differ  materially  from those  contemplated  by  forward-looking  statements is
included in our current and subsequent  filings with the SEC. See "Where You Can
Find More Information" below.


         We  are  subject  to the  information  requirements  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and in accordance  therewith we file reports,
proxy  statements  and  other  information  with the SEC.  Such  reports,  proxy
statements  and other  information  can be  inspected  and  copied at the public
reference  facilities of the SEC at 100 F Street,  N.E.,  Washington,  DC 20549.
Copies of such materials can also be obtained at prescribed  rates by writing to
the Public Reference Section of the SEC at 100 F Street,  N.E.,  Washington,  DC
20549. In addition,  such reports,  proxy  statements and other  information are
available from the Edgar filings that can be obtained through the SEC's Internet
Website (http://www.sec.gov).

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         If  you  wish  to  submit  proposals  for  the   consideration  of  the
shareholders at our 2009 Annual Meeting you may do so by sending them in writing
to  Community  First  Bancorporation,  449  Highway 123  ByPass,  Seneca,  South
Carolina 29678,  Attention:  Corporate Secretary.  You must send or deliver such
written  proposals in time for us to receive them prior to December 1, 2008,  if
you want us to include them, if otherwise  appropriate,  in our proxy  statement
and form of proxy  relating to that  meeting.  If we do not receive  notice of a
shareholder  proposal  prior to February  15, 2009,  the persons  named as proxy
agents in the proxy materials relating to the 2009 Annual Meeting will use their
discretion in voting the proxies when such proposal is raised at that meeting.


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                                 As of September 30, 2008
(Dollars in thousands except share data)                                                                  $3,000            $9,000
                                                                                           Actual        Pro forma         Pro forma
                                                                                           ------        ---------         ---------

Cash and cash equivalents ........................................................       $  29,044       $  32,044        $  38,044
Securities available for sale ....................................................         110,524         110,524          110,524
Other investments, at cost .......................................................          13,527          13,527           13,527
Loans, net of allowance for loan losses ($3,503) .................................         263,572         263,572          263,572
Premises and equipment, net ......................................................           8,691           8,691            8,691
Bank owned life insurance ........................................................           8,388           8,388            8,388
Interest receivable ..............................................................           2,557           2,557            2,557
Other assets .....................................................................           2,062           2,062            2,062
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total assets .....................................................................       $ 438,365       $ 441,365        $ 447,365
                                                                                         =========       =========        =========
     Noninterest bearing .........................................................       $  42,830       $  42,830        $  42,830
     Interest bearing ............................................................         340,892         340,892          340,892
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
          Total deposits .........................................................         383,722         383,722          383,722
Short-term borrowings ............................................................           1,500           1,500            1,500
Long-term debt ...................................................................           9,500           9,500            9,500
Accrued interest payable .........................................................           1,911           1,911            1,911
Other liabilities ................................................................             942             942              942
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total liabilities ................................................................         397,575         397,575          397,575
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Shareholders' Equity
Preferred stock, no par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized pro
    3,000 and 9,000 shares with 5% initial dividend issued and
      outstanding pro forma (1) ..................................................               -           3,000            9,000
    150 and 450 shares with 9% dividend issued and outstanding
      pro forma (1) ..............................................................               -             150              450
Discount on 5% initial dividend preferred stock (2) (4) ..........................               -            (177)            (532)
Premium on 9% dividend preferred stock (3) (4) ...................................               -              27               82
Common stock, no par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized;
    3,394,873 shares issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2008 .............          35,374          35,374           35,374
Additional paid-in capital .......................................................             681             681              681
Retained earnings ................................................................           4,654           4,654            4,654
Accumulated other comprehensive income ...........................................              81              81               81
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total shareholders' equity .......................................................          40,790          43,790           49,790
                                                                                         ---------       ---------        ---------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity .......................................       $ 438,365       $ 441,365        $ 447,365
                                                                                         =========       =========        =========

(1)  Recorded at the redemption value of the shares issued.
(2)  Pro forma amounts include discount  recorded at issuance of preferred stock
     of $177 and  $532.
(3)  Pro forma amounts include  premium  recorded at issuance of preferred stock
     of $27 and $82.
(4)  Discount and premium were  computed  using the fair value of the  preferred
     stock  assuming a 12% discount rate (market rate) and an expected life upon
     issuance of five years. The premium and discount were allocated between the
     Senior  Preferred  Stock and the  Warrant  Preferred  stock  based on their
     relative estimated fair values.


Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                                                         Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008
(Dollars in thousands except per share data)                                                             $3,000             $9,000
                                                                                      Actual            Pro forma         Pro forma
                                                                                      ------            ---------         ---------
Interest income (1) .......................................................         $   18,629         $   18,629         $   18,629
Interest expense ..........................................................              9,741              9,741              9,741
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income ..............................................              8,888              8,888              8,888
Provision for loan losses .................................................              1,375              1,375              1,375
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income after provision for loan losses ..............              7,513              7,513              7,513
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Other income ..............................................................              1,868              1,868              1,868
Other expense .............................................................              5,830              5,830              5,830
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Income before income taxes .......................................              3,551              3,551              3,551
Income tax expense ........................................................              1,037              1,037              1,037
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net income .......................................................              2,514              2,514              2,514
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Net income attributable to preferred shareholders (2) .....................                  -                142                427
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Net income available to common shareholders ...............................         $    2,514         $    2,372         $    2,087
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - basic (3) .....................................               0.71               0.67               0.59
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - diluted (3) ...................................               0.68               0.64               0.56
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average basic common shares outstanding (3) ...............................          3,534,926          3,534,926          3,534,926
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average diluted common shares outstanding (3) .............................          3,703,561          3,703,561          3,703,561
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========

(1)  Funds received from issuance of preferred  stock are assumed to be included
     in  non-interest  bearing  cash.  Subsequent  deployment  of the  funds  is
     anticipated but the timing is uncertain.
(2)  The pro forma amounts include dividends paid on the preferred stock of $123
     and $368 and net  accretion  and  amortization  of the discount and premium
     recorded at issuance of $19 and $59.  The discount and premium are accreted
     and  amortized  using a constant  effective  yield  method over a five year
     term, which is the expected life of the preferred stock upon issuance.
(3)  Actual and pro forma per common share amounts and average amounts of common
     shares outstanding have been retroactively  adjusted to reflect a 5% common
     stock dividend declared on November 20, 2008.

                                                                                       Year Ended December 31, 2007 (Unaudited)
(Dollars in thousands except per share data)                                                             $3,000            $9,000
                                                                                       Actual           Pro forma         Pro forma
                                                                                       ------           ---------         ---------
Interest income (1) .......................................................         $   23,578         $   23,578         $   23,578
Interest expense ..........................................................             13,230             13,230             13,230
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income ..............................................             10,348             10,348             10,348
Provision for loan losses .................................................                594                594                594
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net interest income after provision for loan losses ..............              9,754              9,754              9,754
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Other income ..............................................................              2,206              2,206              2,206
Other expense .............................................................              7,132              7,132              7,132
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net income before tax expense ....................................              4,828              4,828              4,828
Income tax expense ........................................................              1,497              1,497              1,497
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
         Net income .......................................................         $    3,331         $    3,331         $    3,331
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Net income attributable to preferred shareholders (2) .....................                  -                190                570
                                                                                    ----------         ----------         ----------
Net income available to common shareholders ...............................         $    3,331         $    3,141         $    2,761
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - basic (3) .....................................               0.97               0.92               0.80
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Earnings per common share - diluted (3) ...................................               0.91               0.86               0.76
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average basic common shares outstanding (3) ...............................          3,432,494          3,432,494          3,432,494
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========
Average diluted common shares outstanding (3) .............................          3,652,016          3,652,016          3,652,016
                                                                                    ==========         ==========         ==========

(1)  Funds received from issuance of preferred  stock are assumed to be included
     in  non-interest  bearing  cash.  Subsequent  deployment  of the  funds  is
     anticipated but the timing is uncertain.
(2)  The pro forma amounts include dividends paid on the preferred stock of $163
     and $490 and net  accretion  and  amortization  of the discount and premium
     recorded at issuance of $27 and $80.  The discount and premium are accreted
     and  amortized  using a constant  effective  yield  method over a five year
     term, which is the expected life of the preferred stock upon issuance.
(3)  Actual and pro forma per common share amounts and average amounts of common
     shares outstanding have been retroactively  adjusted to reflect a 5% common
     stock dividend  declared on November 20, 2008. No Assurances as to Issuance
     of Preferred Stock


Community First Bancorporation
Computation and Allocation of TARP Preferred Stock Discount and Premium
As of September 30, 2008

Using Excel Goal Seeking

Amount of Senior TARP Funds Received ............................   9,000,000.00
Amount of Warrant TARP Funds Received (Liquidation Value) .......     450,000.00
Amount of Warrant TARP Funds Received (Cash Received Amount) ....           4.50

Discounted Cash Flow Model - Senior Preferred Stock

                                                            Cash Flow    Relative % to
                                               Incremental  Discounted at Total Fair
                                                Borrowing    Incremental   Value of    Allocated    Allocated Cash     Allocated
                                                (Discount)    Borrowing    Preferred  Redemption        Proceeds      (Discount)
  Year      Dividend Rate       Cash Flow          Rate          Rate        Stock      Amount          Received       Premium
  ----      -------------       ---------     ------------  ------------- ----------- ----------    --------------    -----------
   0                0.00%       9,000,000        12.00%
   1                5.00%        (450,000)                    (401,786)
   2                5.00%        (450,000)                    (358,737)
   3                5.00%        (450,000)                    (320,301)
   4                5.00%        (450,000)                    (285,983)
   5                5.00%        (450,000)                    (255,342)
   5                5.00%      (9,000,000)                  (5,106,842)

                                                            (6,728,991)     94.37%   8,918,100.00   (9,450,000.00)    (531,900.00)

Discounted Cash Flow Model - Warrant Preferred Stock

                                                            Cash Flow
                                               Incremental  Discounted at
                                                Borrowing    Incremental
                                                (Discount)    Borrowing
  Year      Dividend Rate       Cash Flow          Rate          Rate
  ----      -------------       ---------     ------------  -------------
   0                0.00%         450,000        12.00%
   1                9.00%         (40,500)                     (36,161)
   2                9.00%         (40,500)                     (32,286)
   3                9.00%         (40,500)                     (28,827)
   4                9.00%         (40,500)                     (25,738)
   5                9.00%         (40,500)                     (22,981)
   5                9.00%        (450,000)                    (255,342)

                                                              (401,336)      5.63%     531,900.00      449,995.50       81,904.50
                                                            ----------     ------   -------------  --------------     -----------

Total Fair Value of Preferred Stock                          7,130,327     100.00%   9,450,000.00   (9,000,004.50)    (449,995.50)
                                                            ==========     ======   =============  ==============     ============

Community First Bancorporation
Computation and Allocation of TARP Preferred Stock Discount and Premium
As of September 30, 2008

Using Excel Goal Seeking

Amount of Senior TARP Funds Received .............................  3,000,000.00
Amount of Warrant TARP Funds Received (Liquidation Value) ........    150,000.00
Amount of Warrant TARP Funds Received (Cash Received Amount) .....          1.50

Discounted Cash Flow Model - Senior Preferred Stock

                                                            Cash Flow      Relative % to
                                               Incremental  Discounted at   Total Fair
                                                Borrowing    Incremental     Value of    Allocated    Allocated Cash     Allocated
                                                (Discount)    Borrowing      Preferred  Redemption        Proceeds      (Discount)
  Year      Dividend Rate       Cash Flow          Rate          Rate          Stock      Amount          Received       Premium
  ----      -------------       ---------     ------------  -------------   ----------- ----------    --------------    -----------
   0               0.00%       3,000,000          12.00%
   1               5.00%        (150,000)                  (133,929)
   2               5.00%        (150,000)                  (119,579)
   3               5.00%        (150,000)                  (106,767)
   4               5.00%        (150,000)                   (95,328)
   5               5.00%        (150,000)                   (85,114)
   5               5.00%      (3,000,000)                (1,702,281)

                                                         (2,242,997)         94.37%    2,972,700.00   (3,150,000.00)   (177,300.00)

Discounted Cash Flow Model - Warrant Preferred Stock

                                                             Cash Flow      Relative to
                                               Incremental  Discounted at   Total Fair
                                                Borrowing    Incremental     Value of    Allocated    Allocated Cash     Allocated
                                                (Discount)    Borrowing      Preferred  Redemption        Proceeds      (Discount)
  Year      Dividend Rate       Cash Flow          Rate          Rate          Stock      Amount          Received       Premium
  ----      -------------       ---------     ------------  -------------   ----------- ----------    --------------    -----------
   0               0.00%        150,000          12.00%
   1               9.00%        (13,500)                     (12,054)
   2               9.00%        (13,500)                     (10,762)
   3               9.00%        (13,500)                      (9,609)
   4               9.00%        (13,500)                      (8,579)
   5               9.00%        (13,500)                      (7,660)
   5               9.00%       (150,000)                     (85,114)

                                                              (133,779)        5.63%    177,300.00      149,998.50       27,301.50
                                                            -----------       ------   -----------   -------------     -----------

Total Fair Value of Preferred Stock                          2,376,776        100.00%  3,150,000.00  (3,000,001.50)    (149,998.50)
                                                            ==========        ======   ============  =============     ===========