Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For The Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2009


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
      For The Transition Period From _______________ To _________________.

                        Commission File Number 000-51950

                               CORNERSTONE BANCORP
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     South Carolina                                   57-1077978
     --------------                                   ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of          (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
 incorporation or organization)

               1670 East Main Street, Easley, South Carolina 29640
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (864) 306-1444
              (Registrant's telephone number, including Area Code)

                                 Not Applicable
              (Former name, former address, and former fiscal year,
                          if changed since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. [X] Yes [ ] No

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted  electronically  and
posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every  Interactive  Data File required
to be submitted  and posted  pursuant to Rule 405 of  Regulation  S-T during the
preceding 12 months(or for such shorter  period that the registrant was required
to  submit  and post  such  files).  Yes [ ] No [ ] (Not yet  applicable  to the

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large  accelerated  filer, an
accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company . See
definition  of "large  accelerated  filer,"  "accelerated  filer," and  "smaller
reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large accelerated filer [ ]                     Accelerated filer         [ ]
Non-accelerated filer   [ ]                     Smaller reporting company [X]
(Do not check if a smaller reporting company)

Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant is a shell company (as defined in
Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).
 [ ]  Yes    [X]   No

         Indicate  the  number of  shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's
classes of common equity, as of the latest practicable date:

    Common Stock - No Par Value, 2,005,737 shares outstanding on May 1, 2009

                                     PART I
                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                                       March 31,        December 31,
                                                                                                         2009               2008
                                                                                                         ----               ----
Assets                                                                                                (Unaudited)

Cash and due from banks ........................................................................      $ 14,714,615      $  3,820,227
Federal funds sold .............................................................................           135,000           140,000
                                                                                                      ------------      ------------
       Cash and cash equivalents ...............................................................        14,849,615         3,960,227

Investment securities
   Available-for-sale ..........................................................................        20,680,042        19,676,604
   Other investments ...........................................................................           997,650         1,114,150

Loans, net .....................................................................................       135,235,725       129,483,130
Property and equipment, net ....................................................................         5,482,860         5,551,275
Cash surrender value of life insurance policies ................................................         1,784,563         1,768,520
Other real estate owned ........................................................................           219,200           575,000
Other assets ...................................................................................         1,773,163         1,722,161
                                                                                                      ------------      ------------
              Total assets .....................................................................      $181,022,818      $163,851,067
                                                                                                      ============      ============

Liabilities And Shareholders' Equity

     Noninterest bearing .......................................................................      $ 11,821,768      $ 10,069,125
     Interest bearing ..........................................................................       132,927,830       112,512,449
                                                                                                      ------------      ------------
     Total deposits ............................................................................       144,749,598       122,581,574
   Federal funds purchased .....................................................................                 -         1,810,000
   Customer repurchase agreements ..............................................................         4,494,080         4,582,619
   Borrowings from Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta ...........................................         6,856,297        10,394,005
   Broker repurchase agreements ................................................................         5,000,000         5,000,000
   Other liabilities ...........................................................................           461,013           345,922
                                                                                                      ------------      ------------

     Total liabilities .........................................................................       161,560,988       144,714,120

Commitments and contingencies

Shareholders' equity
   Preferred stock, 10,000,000 shares authorized, no shares issued .............................                 -                 -
   Common stock, no par value, 20,000,000 shares authorized, 2,106,023 and 1,991,565
       shares issued at March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, respectively .....................        19,023,640        18,323,333
   Retained earnings ...........................................................................           206,081           765,906
   Accumulated other comprehensive income ......................................................           232,109            47,708
                                                                                                      ------------      ------------

     Total shareholders' equity ................................................................        19,461,830        19,136,947
                                                                                                      ------------      ------------

     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity ................................................      $181,022,818      $163,851,067
                                                                                                      ============      ============

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



                                                                                                   For the three months ended
                                                                                                           March 31,
                                                                                                 2009                       2008
                                                                                                 ----                       ----
Interest and Dividend Income
  Interest and fees on loans ................................................                $ 1,738,030                 $ 2,067,113
  Investment securities .....................................................                    251,788                     302,707
  Federal funds sold and interest bearing
    balances ................................................................                      2,556                      24,821
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------
     Total interest  income .................................................                  1,992,374                   2,394,641
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------

Interest Expense
  Deposits ..................................................................                    771,498                     924,235
  Borrowings ................................................................                    127,684                     144,436
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------
     Total interest expense .................................................                    899,182                   1,068,671
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------

Net Interest Income .........................................................                  1,093,192                   1,325,970
Provision for Loan Losses ...................................................                    160,000                     120,000
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------

     Net interest income after provision
       for loan losses ......................................................                    933,192                   1,205,970
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------

Noninterest Income
  Service charges on deposit accounts .......................................                    132,891                     141,946
  Mortgage loan origination fees ............................................                     54,518                      72,813
  Gain on sale of security ..................................................                     52,300                           -
  Other .....................................................................                     13,209                      29,935
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------
     Total noninterest income ...............................................                    252,918                     244,694
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------

Noninterest Expense
  Salaries and employee benefits ............................................                    602,041                     659,810
  Premises and equipment ....................................................                    147,990                     153,282
  Data processing ...........................................................                     57,186                      49,871
  Professional and regulatory fees ..........................................                    129,498                      74,761
  Supplies ..................................................................                     14,963                      20,742
  Advertising ...............................................................                     13,600                      16,492
  Other .....................................................................                    185,606                     150,361
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------
     Total noninterest expense ..............................................                  1,150,884                   1,125,319
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------
     Net income before taxes ................................................                     35,226                     325,345
Provision (benefit) for income taxes ........................................                     (6,670)                    105,451
                                                                                             -----------                 -----------
     Net income .............................................................                $    41,896                 $   219,894
                                                                                             ===========                 ===========

Earnings Per Share
  Basic .....................................................................                $       .02                 $       .11
  Diluted ...................................................................                $       .02                 $       .10
Weighted Average Shares Outstanding
  Basic .....................................................................                  2,094,532                   2,084,071
  Diluted ...................................................................                  2,103,140                   2,128,674

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


                            AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
               For the three months ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


                                                            Common stock                                 other             Total
                                                            ------------              Retained       comprehensive     shareholders'
                                                         Shares        Amount         earnings       income (loss)         equity
                                                         ------        ------         --------       -------------         ------

Balance, December 31, 2007 ......................       1,983,169    $ 18,185,328    $  1,177,450     $    218,052     $ 19,580,830
Net income ......................................               -               -         219,894                -          219,894
Other comprehensive income, net
   of income taxes
Unrealized loss on investment
   securities, net ..............................               -               -               -          (58,383)         (58,383)
Comprehensive income ............................               -               -                                           161,511
Stock based compensation ........................               -          14,455               -                -           14,455
Options exercised ...............................           8,396          81,833               -                -           81,833
Cumulative effect of accounting change ..........               -               -         (39,389)               -          (39,389)
                                                     ------------    ------------    ------------     ------------     ------------

Balance, March 31, 2008 .........................       1,991,565    $ 18,281,616       1,357,955     $    159,669     $ 19,799,240
                                                     ============    ============    ============     ============     ============

Balance, December 31, 2008 ......................       1,991,565    $ 18,323,333    $    765,906     $     47,708     $ 19,136,947
Net income ......................................               -               -          41,896                -           41,896
Other comprehensive income, net
   of income taxes
Unrealized gain on investment
   securities, net ..............................               -               -               -          184,401          184,401
Comprehensive income ............................                                                                           226,297
Stock based compensation ........................               -          18,586               -                -           18,586
Options exercised ...............................          14,172          80,000                                -           80,000
Stock dividend declared (5%) ....................         100,286         601,721        (601,721)               -                -
                                                     ------------    ------------    ------------     ------------     ------------

Balance, March 31, 2009 .........................       2,106,023    $ 19,023,640    $    206,081     $    232,109     $ 19,461,830
                                                     ============    ============    ============     ============     ============

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



                                                                                                      For the three months ended
                                                                                                               March 31,
                                                                                                       2009                 2008
                                                                                                       ----                 ----
Operating Activities
     Net income ..........................................................................        $     41,896         $    219,894
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating
        Depreciation and amortization ....................................................              73,168               77,445
        Provision for loan losses ........................................................             160,000              120,000
        Non-cash option expense ..........................................................              18,586               14,455
     Gain on sale of property and equipment ..............................................                (625)                   -
     Loss on sale of property acquired in foreclosure ....................................              24,753                    -
     Gain on sale of security available for sale .........................................             (52,300)
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities
        Change in interest receivable ....................................................              55,380              103,670
        Change in other assets ...........................................................            (122,425)             (72,273)
        Change in other liabilities ......................................................              20,098              (52,368)
                                                                                                  ------------         ------------

           Net cash provided by operating activities .....................................             218,531              410,823
                                                                                                  ------------         ------------

Investing Activities
     Proceeds from maturities and principal repayments of available for
        sale securities ..................................................................           2,375,939              693,721
     (Purchase) Redemption of FHLB and Federal Reserve stock .............................             116,500              (73,900)
     Purchase of investment securities available for sale ................................          (3,052,041)          (6,085,514)
     Purchase of property and equipment ..................................................                (395)             (17,415)
     Proceeds from sale of property acquired in foreclosure ..............................             550,247                    -
     Proceeds from sale of property and equipment ........................................                 625                    -
     Net increase in loans to customers ..................................................          (6,131,795)          (6,935,548)
                                                                                                  ------------         ------------

           Net cash used for investing activities ........................................          (6,140,920)         (12,418,656)
                                                                                                  ------------         ------------

Financing Activities
     Net increase in demand, savings and time deposits ...................................          22,168,024            7,321,514
     Net decrease in customer repurchase agreements ......................................             (88,539)            (775,811)
     Net decrease in Federal Funds Purchased .............................................          (1,810,000)                   -
     Repayment of FHLB advances ..........................................................          (5,037,708)            (337,708)
     Borrowings from FHLB ................................................................           1,500,000            2,300,000
     Proceeds from broker repurchase agreements ..........................................                   -            5,000,000
     Proceeds from exercise of stock options .............................................              80,000               81,833
                                                                                                  ------------         ------------

           Net cash provided by financing activities .....................................          16,811,777           13,589,828
                                                                                                  ------------         ------------

           Net increase in cash and cash equivalents .....................................          10,889,388            1,581,995

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period ...........................................           3,960,227            5,233,777
                                                                                                  ------------         ------------

Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period .................................................        $ 14,849,615         $  6,815,772
                                                                                                  ============         ============

Supplemental Information
    Cash paid for interest ...............................................................        $    896,910         $  1,019,693
    Cash paid for income taxes ...........................................................        $      5,181         $          -
Non-cash Supplemental information
    Loans transferred to other real estate owned .........................................        $    219,200         $    236,644
    Loans charged-off, net ...............................................................        $    157,906         $    183,993

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



Summary of Significant Accounting Principles

A summary of  significant  accounting  policies is  included in the  Cornerstone
Bancorp (the "Company") 2008 Annual Report to Shareholders,  which also contains
the Company's audited financial  statements for 2008 and is also included in the
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008.

Principles of Consolidation

The  consolidated  financial  statements  include the  accounts  of  Cornerstone
Bancorp,  the parent company,  and Cornerstone  National Bank (the "Bank"),  its
wholly owned subsidiary,  and Crescent Financial Services,  Inc., a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Bank. All significant  intercompany items have been eliminated
in the  consolidated  statements.  Certain  amounts  have been  reclassified  to
conform to current year presentation.

Management Opinion

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been prepared in accordance  with
generally accepted accounting  principles for interim financial  information and
with the  instructions  for Form 10-Q.  Accordingly  they do not contain all the
information and footnotes required by accounting  principles  generally accepted
in  the  United  States  of  America  for  complete  financial  statements.  The
statements in this report are unaudited.  In the opinion of management,  all the
adjustments necessary to present a fair statement of the results for the interim
period have been made. Such  adjustments  are of a normal and recurring  nature.
The results of operations for any interim period are not necessarily  indicative
of the  results to be  expected  for an entire  year.  These  interim  financial
statements  should be read in conjunction with the annual  financial  statements
and notes thereto contained in the 2008 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Earnings per Share

Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 128,  "Earnings  per
Share" requires that the Company present basic and diluted net income (loss) per
common share.  The assumed  conversion of stock options  creates the  difference
between  basic and diluted net income per share.  Income per share is calculated
by  dividing  net  income  by the  weighted  average  number  of  common  shares
outstanding  for each period  presented.  The weighted  average number of common
shares  outstanding  for basic net income per common  share for the three  month
period ended March 31, 2009 was 2,094,532 shares. The weighted average number of
common shares outstanding for diluted net income per share for the quarter ended
March 31, 2009 was 2,103,140 shares. There were 104,898 outstanding options that
were  anti-dilutive  as of March 31, 2009. The calculation of earnings per share
includes the effect of the 5% stock dividend declared on April 14, 2009 as if it
had been declared on January 1, 2009.

Stock Based Compensation

As  described in Notes 1 and 17 to the  financial  statements  in the  Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company has
a stock-based  employee and director  compensation  plan,  which was approved by
shareholders in 2003 (the "2003 Plan").

The Company accounts for stock-based  compensation  under the provisions of SFAS
No.  123(R).  On January 12, 2009 and  January 2, 2008,  the Board of  Directors
awarded options to purchase 15,600 and 19,200 shares, respectively, to executive
officers and directors under the 2003 Plan. The options vest over five years and
expire ten years from the date of grant.  The exercise  price for the 2009 grant
was $10.00 per share.  After  giving  effect to the 5% stock  dividend  declared
April 14, 2009 and payable on May 29, 2009 to  shareholders  of record as of May
12, 2009, the number of options  granted in 2009 will be adjusted to 16,380 with
an exercise price of $9.52 per share,  in accordance  with the terms of the 2003
Plan.  Refer to the notes to the financial  statements  in the Company's  Annual
Report  on  Form  10-K  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008  for  further

The fair  value of an  option  is  estimated  on the  date of  grant  using  the
Black-Scholes  option  pricing  model.  The risk free  interest rate used in the
calculation  was 2.34% for the 2009 grant and 3.91% for the 2008 grant (equal to
the U.S.  Treasury  10 year  constant  maturity  on the date of  grant)  and the
assumed  dividend rate was zero in each case.  The expected  option life in each
case was 10 years.  Volatility  was  estimated  at 38.71% for the 2009 grant and
27.5% for the 2008 grant based on a review of stock trades  known to  management
or quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board during the preceding  period.  Management is
aware of only limited trades,  which may not represent market value as the stock
is not traded on an exchange, though it is quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board. For
the three months ended March 31, 2009,  the Company  expensed  $4,543 related to
options  granted in 2009,  $4,913  related to  options  granted in 2008,  $5,174
related to options  granted in 2007, and $3,956,  related to the options granted


in 2006.  The  expense is  included in  salaries  and  employee  benefits in the
accompanying consolidated statements of income.

Prior to adopting the  provisions of SFAS No.  123(R) the Company  accounted for
stock  option  awards  under   Accounting   Principles  Board  Opinion  No.  25,
"Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees," and related  interpretations.  These
awards are fully vested, and no compensation expense has been recognized related
to these option  awards.  Options  were granted  under the 2003 Plan in 2004 and
2005, and have been adjusted to reflect the stock  dividends  declared since the
grant date. As of March 31, 2009 there are 104,898 options outstanding under the
2003 Plan, exercisable at a weighted average exercise price of $11.08 per share.
Following the 5% stock dividend  declared by the Board of Directors on April 14,
2009 and payable to  shareholders of record on May 12, 2009, the adjusted number
of options  outstanding will be  approximately  110,143 and the weighted average
exercise price will be $10.56 per share, all in accordance with the 2003 Plan.

The  Company  awarded  options  to its  Organizers  in  1999  (the  "Organizers'
Options").  Each of the  organizing  directors  was awarded  options to purchase
4,000  shares of the  Company's  common  stock at $10.00 per share.  The options
expire  10 years  from the date of grant.  Since  1999,  24,000 of the  original
options have been exercised  (34,786 after stock  dividends) and 4,000 have been
forfeited.  As of March 31,  2009,  after  the  effect  of stock  dividends  and
exercises,  there are 28,342  Organizers'  Options  outstanding.  Each option is
currently  exercisable  at a price of  $5.64.  Following  the 5% stock  dividend
declared by the Board of Directors on April 14, 2009 and payable to shareholders
of record on May 12, 2009, the adjusted number of Organizers Options outstanding
will be 29,759 and the exercise price will be $5.37 per share, all in accordance
with the terms of the  original  grant.  These  options  vested in 2002 and were
accounted for under the provisions of APB No. 25.


The  preparation  of  consolidated   financial  statements  in  conformity  with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America
requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported
amounts  of assets and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of  contingent  assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and the reported amounts of
interest and noninterest income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual
results could differ from those estimates.  The primary significant  estimate in
the  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements is the allowance for loan
losses.  A discussion of the  significant  factors  involved in  estimating  the
allowance  for loan  losses  is  included  in this  Form  10-Q in  "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in the
section titled  "Results of Operations" and in the Company's 2008 Form 10-K. The
provision for income taxes is also considered a significant estimate.

Concentrations of credit risk

The Bank makes loans to individuals and small  businesses  located  primarily in
upstate South Carolina for various  personal and commercial  purposes.  The Bank
has a diversified  loan portfolio and  borrowers'  ability to repay loans is not
dependent upon any specific economic sector. The Bank monitors the portfolio for
concentrations  of credit on a quarterly  basis using  North  American  Industry
Codes ("NAIC") and using definitions required by regulatory  agencies.  The Bank
has  loans in two NAIC  categories  that  each  represents  more than 10% of the
portfolio.   The  NAIC   concentrations   are  31.5%  in  Residential   Building
Construction and 16.0% in Real Estate and Rental and Leasing. The portfolio also
has loans representing 20 other NAIC categories.

The Bank has concentrations in loans  collateralized by real estate according to
the  regulatory  definition.  Included in this  segment of the  portfolio is the
category for  construction  and  development  loans.  While the Bank does have a
concentration  of loans in this  category,  the  Bank's  business  is managed in
specific  ways  with the  intention  of  helping  to reduce  the risks  normally
associated with construction  lending.  Management requires lending personnel to
visit job  sites,  maintain  frequent  contact  with  borrowers  and  perform or
commission   inspections   of  completed   work  prior  to  issuing   additional
construction loan draws. In addition,  management employs additional  procedures
for monitoring  construction loans, such as engaging an independent appraiser to
perform  routine  reviews of the percentage  complete  inspection  reports for a
sample of  construction  projects.  Senior  management  compares the independent
review report to the percentage  complete  report in the Bank's loan files.  Any
discrepancy  is  investigated   immediately  to  help  insure  that  the  Bank's
investment is protected.

The Bank does not make long term (more than 15 years)  mortgage loans to be held
in its portfolio,  does not offer loans with negative  amortization  features or
long-term interest only features,  or loans with loan to collateral value ratios
in  excess  of 100% at the  time the loan is made.  The  Bank  does  offer  loan
products with features that can increase credit risk during periods of declining


economic  conditions,  such as adjustable rate loans,  short-term  interest-only
loans,  and loans with  amortization  periods that differ from the maturity date
(i.e.,  balloon  payment  loans).  However,  the Bank evaluates each  customer's
creditworthiness based on the customer's individual  circumstances,  and current
and expected  economic  conditions,  and  underwrites and monitors each loan for
associated  risks.  Loans made with  exceptions to internal loan  guidelines and
those with loan-to-value ratios in excess of regulatory loan-to-value guidelines
are  monitored  and reported to the Board of Directors on a monthly  basis.  The
regulatory  loan-to-value guidelines permit exceptions to the guidelines up to a
maximum of 30% of total  capital for  commercial  loans and  exceptions  for all
types of real estate loans up to a maximum of 100% of total capital. As of March
31, 2009, the Bank has $1.9 million of loans which exceed the regulatory loan to
value guidelines.  This amount is within the maximum allowable exceptions to the

Recently issued accounting standards

The  following  is a summary  of recent  authoritative  pronouncements  that may
affect  accounting,  reporting,  and disclosure of financial  information by the

Effective  January 1, 2008,  the  Company  adopted  SFAS No.  157,  "Fair  Value
Measurements."  SFAS No. 157 defines  fair value,  establishes  a framework  for
measuring fair value under generally accepted accounting principles, and expands
disclosures  about fair value  measurements.  SFAS No. 157 defines fair value as
the  exchange  price that would be  received  for an asset or paid to transfer a
liability (an exit price) in the principal or most  advantageous  market for the
asset or liability in an orderly  transaction between market participants on the
measurement  date.  SFAS No. 157 also  establishes a fair value  hierarchy which
requires an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use
of unobservable  inputs when measuring fair value. The standard  describes three
levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value:

     Level  1-Quoted   prices  in  active   markets  for  identical   assets  or
     liabilities.  Level 1  assets  and  liabilities  include  debt  and  equity
     securities and derivative  contracts that are traded in an active  exchange
     market, as well as U.S. Treasuries and money market funds.

     Level  2-Observable  inputs other than Level 1 prices such as quoted prices
     for similar  assets or  liabilities;  quoted prices in markets that are not
     active;  or other  inputs that are  observable  or can be  corroborated  by
     observable  market  data for  substantially  the full term of the assets or
     liabilities. Level 2 assets and liabilities include debt with quoted prices
     that  are  traded  less   frequently  than   exchange-traded   instruments,
     mortgage-backed securities, municipal bonds, corporate debt securities, and
     derivative  contracts whose value is determined  using a pricing model with
     inputs that are observable in the market or can be derived principally from
     or corroborated by observable market data. This category generally includes
     certain derivative contracts and impaired loans.

     Level  3-Unobservable  inputs  that are  supported  by  little or no market
     activity  and  that are  significant  to the fair  value of the  assets  or
     liabilities.  Level 3 assets and liabilities include financial  instruments
     whose  value is  determined  using  pricing  models,  discounted  cash flow
     methodologies,  or similar techniques, as well as instruments for which the
     determination  of fair value requires  significant  management  judgment or
     estimation.  For example,  this category generally includes certain private
     equity   investments,   retained  residual  interests  in  securitizations,
     residential  mortgage servicing rights, and  highly-structured or long-term
     derivative contracts.

Adoption  of SFAS No.  157 did not have a  significant  impact on the  Company's
financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

In May, 2008, the FASB issued SFAS No. 162, "The Hierarchy of Generally Accepted
Accounting  Principles."  SFAS No. 162  identifies  the  sources  of  accounting
principles  and  the  framework  for  selecting  the  principles   used  in  the
preparation  of  financial  statements  of  nongovernmental  entities  that  are
presented in conformity with GAAP. SFAS NO. 162 was effective November 15, 2008.
The FASB has stated that it does not expect SFAS No. 162 will result in a change
in  current  practice.  The  application  of SFAS No.  162 had no  effect on the
Company's financial position, results of operations or cash flows.

FSP EITF  99-20-1,  "Amendments  to the  Impairment  Guidance  of EITF Issue No.
99-20,"  ("FSP EITF  99-20-1")  was issued in January  2009.  Prior to the Staff
Position,  other-than-temporary  impairment  was determined by using either EITF
Issue No. 99-20,  "Recognition  of Interest  Income and  Impairment on Purchased
Beneficial  Interests  and  Beneficial  Interests  that Continue to be Held by a
Transferor in  Securitized  Financial  Assets,"  ("EITF 99-20") or SFAS No. 115,
"Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities," depending on
the  type  of  security.  EITF  99-20  required  the use of  market  participant
assumptions  regarding future cash flows regarding the probability of collecting
all cash flows previously projected.  SFAS 115 determined impairment to be other
than temporary if it was probable that the holder would be unable to collect all
amounts due according to the  contractual  terms.  To achieve a more  consistent


determination of other-than-temporary impairment, the Staff Position amends EITF
99-20 to determine any other-than-temporary  impairment based on the guidance in
SFAS No.  115,  allowing  management  to use more  judgment in  determining  any
other-than-temporary  impairment.  The  Staff  Position  was  effective  for the
Company as of December 31, 2008.  Management  has  reviewed  and  evaluated  the
Company's security portfolio for any other-than-temporary impairments.

The SEC's Office of the Chief  Accountant and the staff of the FASB issued press
release   2008-234  on  September   30,  2008   ("Press   Release")  to  provide
clarifications on fair value accounting.  The Press Release includes guidance on
the use of management's  internal assumptions and the use of "market" quotes. It
also reiterates the factors in SEC Staff  Accounting  Bulletin  ("SAB") Topic 5M
that should be considered when determining  other-than-temporary impairment: the
length of time and  extent to which the  market  value has been less than  cost;
financial  condition and near-term  prospects of the issuer;  and the intent and
ability of the holder to retain its investment  for a period of time  sufficient
to allow for any anticipated recovery in market value.

On October 10, 2008, the FASB issued FSP SFAS 157-3, "Determining the Fair Value
of a Financial  Asset When the Market for That Asset Is Not  Active"  ("FSP SFAS
157-3").  This Staff  Position  clarifies the  application  of SFAS No. 157 in a
market  that  is  not  active,   and  provides  an  example  to  illustrate  key
considerations  in  determining  the fair  value of a  financial  asset when the
market  for that  asset  is not  active.  The FSP is  effective  upon  issuance,
including prior periods for which financial statements have not been issued. For
the Company,  this FSP was effective  for the quarter ended  September 30, 2008.
The Company  considered  the guidance in the Press Release and in FSP SFAS 157-3
when conducting its review for  other-than-temporary  impairment as of March 31,

On April 9, 2009,  the FASB issued three staff  positions  related to fair value
which are discussed below.

FSP  SFAS   115-2   and   SFAS   124-2,   "Recognition   and   Presentation   of
Other-Than-Temporary Impairments," ("FSP SFAS 115-2 and SFAS 124-2") categorizes
losses on debt securities  available-for-sale or held-to-maturity  determined by
management  to be  other-than-temporarily  impaired  into  losses  due to credit
issues and losses related to all other factors.  Other-than-temporary impairment
(OTTI)  exists when it is more likely than not that the security  will mature or
be sold before its  amortized  cost basis can be  recovered.  An OTTI related to
credit losses should be recognized  through  earnings.  An OTTI related to other
factors  should be recognized in other  comprehensive  income.  The FSP does not
amend   existing    recognition    and   measurement    guidance    related   to
other-than-temporary   impairments  of  equity  securities.  Annual  disclosures
required  in SFAS 115 and FSP SFAS  115-1 and SFAS 124-1 are also  required  for
interim periods (including the aging of securities with unrealized losses).

FSP SFAS  157-4,  "Determining  Fair Value When the Volume and Level of Activity
for  the  Asset  or  Liability  Have  Significantly  Decreased  and  Identifying
Transactions  That are Not  Orderly"  recognizes  that quoted  prices may not be
determinative  of fair value when the volume and level of trading  activity  has
significantly  decreased. The evaluation of certain factors may necessitate that
fair value be  determined  using a  different  valuation  technique.  Fair value
should be the price that would be  received to sell an asset or paid to transfer
a liability in an orderly  transaction,  not a forced  liquidation or distressed
sale. If a transaction is considered to not be orderly,  little,  if any, weight
should  be  placed  on  the  transaction  price.  If  there  is  not  sufficient
information  to conclude as to whether or not the  transaction  is orderly,  the
transaction  price should be considered  when estimating fair value. An entity's
intention  to hold an asset or liability  is not  relevant in  determining  fair
value.  Quoted  prices  provided  by  pricing  services  may  still be used when
estimating  fair value in accordance with SFAS 157;  however,  the entity should
evaluate whether the quoted prices are based on current  information and orderly
transactions.  Inputs and valuation  techniques  are required to be disclosed in
addition to any changes in valuation techniques.

FSP SFAS 107-1 and APB 28-1, "Interim  Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial
Instruments"  requires disclosures about the fair value of financial instruments
for interim  reporting periods of publicly traded companies as well as in annual
financial statements and also requires those disclosures in summarized financial
information at interim  reporting periods A publicly traded company includes any
company whose  securities trade in a public market on either a stock exchange or
in the  over-the-counter  market, or any company that is a conduit bond obligor.
Additionally,  when a  company  makes  a  filing  with a  regulatory  agency  in
preparation  for sale of its  securities  in a public  market it is considered a
publicly traded company for this purpose.

The three staff  positions are effective for periods ending after June 15, 2009,
with early adoption  permitted for periods ending after March 15, 2009, in which
case all three must be adopted.  The Company will adopt the staff  positions for
its  second  quarter  10-Q but does not  expect  the staff  positions  to have a
material impact on the consolidated financial statements.


Also on April 1, 2009, the FASB issued FSP SFAS 141(R)-1, "Accounting for Assets
Acquired  and  Liabilities  Assumed  in a Business  Combination  That Arise from
Contingencies." The FSP requires that assets acquired and liabilities assumed in
a business  combination  that arise from a  contingency  be  recognized  at fair
value.  If fair value  cannot be  determined  during the  measurement  period as
determined in SFAS 141 (R), the asset or liability can still be recognized if it
can be  determined  that it is probable  that the asset existed or the liability
had been incurred as of the  measurement  date and if the amount of the asset or
liability can be reasonably  estimated.  If it is not  determined to be probable
that the  asset/liability  existed/was  incurred or no reasonable  amount can be
determined,  no asset or liability is recognized.  The entity should determine a
rational  basis for  subsequently  measuring  the  acquired  assets and  assumed
liabilities.  Contingent consideration agreements should be recognized initially
at fair value and subsequently  reevaluated in accordance with guidance found in
paragraph  65 of SFAS 141 (R). The FSP is  effective  for business  combinations
with an acquisition date on or after the beginning of the Company's first annual
reporting  period  beginning on or after  December  15,  2008.  The Company will
assess the impact of the FSP if and when a future acquisition occurs.

The Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") issued Staff Accounting Bulletin
("SAB")  No. 111 on April 9, 2009 to amend Topic  5.M.,  "Other  Than  Temporary
Impairment  of  Certain  Investments  in  Debt  and  Equity  Securities"  and to
supplement FSP SFAS 115-2 and SFAS 124-2. SAB 111 maintains the staff's previous
views related to equity  securities;  however debt  securities are excluded from
its  scope.  The SAB  provides  that  "other-than-temporary"  impairment  is not
necessarily  the same as "permanent"  impairment and unless  evidence  exists to
support  a value  equal to or  greater  than the  carrying  value of the  equity
security investment, a write-down to fair value should be recorded and accounted
for as a realized loss. The SAB was effective upon issuance and had no impact on
the Company's financial position.

Accounting  standards  that have been issued or proposed by the FASB that do not
require  adoption until a future date are not expected to have a material impact
on the consolidated financial statements upon adoption.


Statements  included  in this  report  which are not  historical  in nature  are
intended to be, and are hereby  identified as "forward  looking  statements" for
purposes of the safe harbor  provided by Section 21E of the Securities  Exchange
Act of  1934,  as  amended.  Words  such  as  "estimate,"  "project,"  "intend,"
"expect,"  "believe,"  "anticipate,"  "plan," "may," "will," "should,"  "could,"
"would," "assume," "indicate," "contemplate," "seek," "target," "potential," and
similar expressions identify  forward-looking  statements.  The Company cautions
readers that forward looking  statements  including  without  limitation,  those
relating to the  Company's new offices,  future  business  prospects,  revenues,
working capital, adequacy of the allowance for loan losses,  liquidity,  capital
needs,   interest  costs,   and  income,   are  subject  to  certain  risks  and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ from those indicated in
the forward looking  statements,  due to several important factors identified in
this report,  among others,  and other risks and factors identified from time to
time in the  Company's  other  reports  filed with the  Securities  and Exchange

These  forward-looking   statements  are  based  on  our  current  expectations,
estimates  and  projections  about  our  industry,   management's  beliefs,  and
assumptions made by management.  Such information includes,  without limitation,
discussions  as to estimates,  expectations,  beliefs,  plans,  strategies,  and
objectives concerning the Company's future financial and operating  performance.
These  statements  are not guarantees of future  performance  and are subject to
risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict, particularly
in light of the fact that the Company is a  relatively  new company with limited
operating  history.  Therefore,  actual results may differ materially from those
expressed  or  forecasted  in such  forward-looking  statements.  The  risks and
uncertainties include, but are not limited to:

     o    future economic and business conditions;
     o    the Company's growth and ability to maintain growth;
     o    governmental monetary and fiscal policies;
     o    legislative and regulatory changes;
     o    the  effect  of  interest  rate  changes  on  our  level,   costs  and
          composition  of  deposits,  loan  demand,  and the  values of our loan
          collateral, securities, and interest sensitive assets and liabilities;


     o    the  indirect  effects  on  demand  for the  Company's  mortgage  loan
          products  arising from  effects on the overall  market of the subprime
          mortgage loan situation and government programs;
     o    the effects of  competition  from a wide  variety of local,  regional,
          national and other  providers of financial,  investment  and insurance
          services,  as well as  competitors  that offer  banking  products  and
          services by mail, telephone, computer, and/or the Internet;
     o    credit risks;
     o    higher than anticipated levels of defaults on loans;
     o    perceptions by depositors about the safety of deposits;
     o    failure of our customers to repay loans;
     o    failure of assumptions  underlying the  establishment of the allowance
          for loan losses, including the value of collateral securing loans;
     o    the risks of opening new offices,  including,  without limitation, the
          related  costs  and  time  of  building  customer   relationships  and
          integrating  operations,  and the risk of failure to achieve  expected
          gains, revenue growth and/or expense savings;
     o    changes in accounting policies, rules, and practices;
     o    cost and difficulty of implementing changes in technology or products;
     o    loss of consumer  confidence and economic  disruptions  resulting from
          terrorist activities;
     o    ability to weather the current economic downturn;
     o    loss of  consumer  or  investor  confidence;  and
     o    other factors and  information  described in this report and in any of
          the other reports we file with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
          under the Securities Act of 1934.

All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this
cautionary  notice.  The Company  undertakes no obligation to publicly update or
revise any forward-looking  statements,  whether as a result of new information,
future  events  or  otherwise.  In  light  of these  risks,  uncertainties,  and
assumptions,  the  forward-looking  events  discussed  in this report  might not

Website References

References to the Bank's website included in, or incorporated by reference into,
this  report  are  for  information  purposes  only,  and are  not  intended  to
incorporate the website by reference into this report.

Item 2. Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operation


Cornerstone  Bancorp,  (the  "Company")  is a bank  holding  company  and has no
operations  other  than  those  carried  on  by  its  wholly  owned  subsidiary,
Cornerstone National Bank (the "Bank"). The Bank commenced business in 1999, and
conducts a general  banking  business  from three  offices in the Easley area of
Pickens County, in the Berea area of Greenville  County, and in the Powdersville
area of Anderson County, South Carolina.  In 2004, the Bank established a wholly
owned subsidiary,  Crescent Financial Services,  Inc. ("Crescent"),  which is an
insurance agency that has not yet engaged in any significant operations.


Effect of Economic Trends

During the fourth quarter of 2008 and continuing into the first quarter of 2009,
the FDIC, the Federal Reserve,  the Department of the Treasury and Congress took
a number of actions  designed to alleviate or correct  mounting  problems in the
financial  services  industry.  A number  of  these  initiatives  were  directly
applicable to community banks.

Congress enacted the Emergency  Economic  Stabilization Act of 2008 which, among
other things, temporarily increased the maximum amount of FDIC deposit insurance
from $100,000 to $250,000 and created a Troubled Assets Relief Program  ("TARP")
administered  by  Treasury.  In  October,  2008,  Treasury  announced  a Capital
Purchase  Program  ("CPP") under TARP to increase the capital of healthy  banks.
Under the CPP,  Treasury  would  purchase  preferred  stock with  warrants  from
qualified banks and bank holding companies in an amount up to 3% of the seller's
risk-weighted  assets  as  of  September  30,  2008.   Institutions  wishing  to
participate in the CPP were required to file an application with their principal
federal  regulators.   The  Company  filed  such  an  application  and  received
preliminary  approval to sell  preferred  stock to the Treasury,  but ultimately
elected not to  participate  in the CPP because of (i) the cost of the preferred
stock, (ii) the open-ended  administrative burdens associated with the preferred
stock,  including  having to agree to allow Treasury to amend  unilaterally  the
stock purchase agreement to comply with subsequent changes in applicable federal
statutes,  (iii)  the fact  that the  Company  and the Bank  were  already  well
capitalized  under regulatory  guidelines and expected to continue to be so, and
(iv) management's  belief that other sources of capital were, and would continue
to be, available should additional capital be needed.

The FDIC also  implemented  in October,  2008, a Temporary  Liquidity  Guarantee
Program  consisting  of a  deposit  insurance  component  pursuant  to  which it
undertook to provide deposit  insurance in an unlimited  amount for non-interest
bearing transaction  accounts,  and a debt guarantee component pursuant to which
it undertook to fully guarantee  senior,  unsecured debt issued by banks or bank
holding  companies.  Coverage of both components was automatic until December 5,
2008,  at which time  covered  institutions  could opt out of one or both of the
components.  Institutions  not  opting  out  would be  charged  fees  for  their
participation in the components. The Bank did not opt out of either component.

An  unfortunate  consequence  of the  difficulties  that have beset the  banking
industry in the last year has been a large increase in bank failures,  which has
led to substantial  claims being made against the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund.
In order to  increase  the amount in the Deposit  Insurance  Fund to reflect the
increased risk of additional  bank failures and insurance  claims,  the FDIC has
raised  its  assessments  on banks for  2009,  and has also  proposed  a special
one-time assessment of 20 cents per $100 of assessable  deposits,  to be paid in
September,  2009, based on deposits at June 30, 2009. There appears, however, to
be a possibility that the assessment will be reduced if Congress  authorizes the
FDIC to borrow sufficient funds. Assuming that the special assessment is imposed
as proposed and without reduction, the additional cost to the Bank in 2009 would
be approximately $289,000.

Additional  governmental  efforts to  ameliorate  the  problems  afflicting  the
banking  industry  have been adopted or  proposed,  or are being  considered  by
Congress and various governmental  entities.  The Company is presently unable to
predict the impact of any such changes, although it appears that they are likely
to increase  operating  expenses in the near term  without  creating  completely
offsetting benefits.

The  current  outlook  for the  national  economy in the United  States  remains
negative.  Management expects that unfavorable  economic conditions will persist
through 2009.  We will continue to monitor both the local and national  economic
conditions in an effort to minimize any negative impact on the Company.

Throughout 2008 and into the first quarter of 2009, the Federal Reserve has held
its target short-term interest rates at very low levels by historical standards.
The  Federal  Reserve  has done  this as part of its  response  to the  economic
turmoil currently  dominating the U.S. economy.  As a result of the decreases in
interest rates by the Federal Reserve,  interest rates applicable to many of the
Bank's  loans,  which are tied to the prime rate,  have also  remained very low.
However,  interest rates on the Bank's  interest  bearing  liabilities  have not
decreased by the same magnitude,  tightening the Bank's net interest margin.  In
addition,  the turmoil in the  national  mortgage  market over the last  fifteen
months has impacted our ability to broker mortgage loans for our customers. Many
third  party  lenders  have  changed  their  programs  frequently,  discontinued
programs,  and tightened  credit  standards.  The result has been a low level of
income  earned from mortgage  brokerage  fees.  Both of these trends  negatively
impacted  the  Company's  profitability  in 2008 and have  continued  to  create
challenges  into 2009.  Additionally,  problems  in the economy  have  adversely
affected  the ability of some  borrowers  to repay  their  loans.  Although  the
Company's  market area has not experienced  the negative  effects of the slowing
economy  and real estate  markets  and the  decline in real estate  values to as
great a degree as many other parts of the country,  these  factors have had some


effect on the local  markets,  as  evidenced by the  increases in our  potential
problem loans, charge-offs, and nonaccrual loans.

Results of Operations

Results of Operations for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


The Company  earned  $41,896  during the first quarter of 2009 or $.02 per basic
and diluted  share  compared to income of $219,894  during the first  quarter of
2008 or $.11 per basic and $.10 per diluted  share,  after giving  effect to the
five  percent  stock  dividend  declared  in 2009.  Reasons  for the  decline in
earnings  include a decrease  in the net  interest  margin,  an  increase in the
provision  for loan losses,  and a decrease in mortgage loan  origination  fees.
These  were  partially  offset  by a gain on the  sale of an  available-for-sale
security in 2009.  The decrease in the net interest  margin is due to changes in
market  interest  rates as  described  above.  The  decrease  in  mortgage  loan
origination  fees is also related to trends in the national  market for mortgage
loan  products.  The increase in the provision for loan losses is a result of an
increase in potential problem loans related to the current economic environment.

Net Interest Income

Net interest  income is the primary  driver of net income for the  Company.  Net
interest income is equal to the difference between interest income earned on the
Company's  interest earning assets and the interest paid on its interest bearing
liabilities.  Throughout  2008 and  continuing  into 2009,  we have  experienced
pressure  on our  interest  rate  margin as a result of market  conditions.  The
Bank's  balance sheet is sensitive to changes in market  interest  rates because
approximately 62% of the Bank's loans are tied to the Prime Rate, which responds
immediately  to changes in market  interest  rates.  Although many of the Bank's
interest-bearing  liabilities  are also  short-term  in nature,  even when those
rates can be changed,  liquidity needs of other institutions may put pressure on
the  Bank to keep  deposit  account  interest  rates  high in  order  to  retain
deposits.  As a result of maintenance  of very low target  interest rates by the
Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve from September 2007 through
March of 2009,  earning rates on over half of the Bank's loan portfolio adjusted
downward and remain low.  While the average  balance of loans  outstanding  grew
18.2% in the first  quarter of 2009 as  compared  to the first  quarter of 2008,
decreases  in rates  earned on the  portfolio  had a greater  impact on interest
income than the increases in volume.  Average  rates earned  decreased 219 basis
points in the first  quarter of 2009  compared to the first  quarter of 2008. In
contrast,  average rates paid on interest bearing liabilities decreased only 123
basis points year over year.


The table below  illustrates the average balances of interest earning assets and
interest bearing  liabilities and the resulting  annualized yields and costs for
the three month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008.

                                                           March 31, 2009                             March 31, 2008
                                                           --------------                             --------------
                                                 Average                     Average        Average                      Average
                                                 Balance       Interest    Yield/ Cost      Balance        Interest    Yield/ Cost
                                                 -------       --------    -----------      -------        --------    -----------
Investments ................................    $ 21,157,694   $  251,788     4.83%       $ 23,155,707     $  302,707    5.30%
Federal Funds Sold .........................         342,700          165      .20%          3,026,868         21,490    2.88%
Loans ......................................     130,580,290    1,738,030     5.40%        110,492,096      2,067,113    7.59%
Other ......................................       8,791,938        2,391      .11%            328,556          3,331    4.11%
                                                ------------   ----------                 ------------     ----------
   Total interest earning assets ...........     160,872,622    1,992,374     5.02%        137,003,227      2,394,641    7.09%
                                                ============   ----------                 ============     ----------

Interest bearing transaction accounts ......      12,797,308       21,330      .68%         13,367,584         36,931    1.12%
Savings and money market ...................      24,633,537      118,960     1.96%         10,862,065         53,722    2.01%
Time deposits ..............................      89,204,351      631,209     2.87%         77,113,830        833,582    4.38%
                                                ------------   ----------                 ------------     ----------
   Total interest bearing deposits .........     126,635,196      771,499     2.47%        101,343,479        924,235    3.70%
Customer repurchase agreements and
    Federal Funds purchased ................       4,474,792       27,388     2.48%          5,827,419         57,690    4.01%
Borrowings from FHLB Atlanta ...............       8,098,112       56,745     2.84%          5,203,892         48,575    3.79%
Broker repurchase agreements ...............       5,000,000       43,550     3.53%          4,340,659         38,171    3.57%
                                                ------------   ----------                 ------------     ----------
   Total interest bearing liabilities ......    $144,208,100      899,182     2.53%       $116,715,449      1,068,671    3.71%
                                                ============   ----------                 ============     ----------

Net interest income ........................                   $1,093,192                                  $1,325,970
                                                               ==========                                  ==========
Interest rate spread .......................                                  2.49%                                      3.38%
Interest margin ............................                                  2.76%                                      3.93%

The Bank,  which  accounts for all of the  Company's  sensitivity  to changes in
interest rates,  measures interest  sensitivity using various measures.  Using a
static GAP measurement,  which compares the amount of interest  sensitive assets
repricing  within a one year time  period as  compared to the amount of interest
sensitive   liabilities  repricing  within  the  same  time  frame,  the  Bank's
sensitivity to changes in interest  rates can be analyzed.  This method does not
take into account loan prepayments and other non-contractual changes in balances
and the  applicable  interest  rates,  but it does give some  information  as to
possible  changes in net  interest  income  that could be  expected  simply as a
result of changes in interest rates. As of March 31, 2009, the Bank's cumulative
Gap ratio was .80  through  12  months.  This  indicates  a  liability-sensitive
position as of March 31, 2009. Based on a static GAP measurement, in a period of
rising interest rates, asset-sensitive balance sheets would be normally expected
to experience a widening of the net interest margin,  while  liability-sensitive
balance  sheets  would  normally be expected to  experience  pressure on the net
interest margin. In a period of decreasing  interest rates,  liability-sensitive
balance  sheets would  normally be expected to  experience a widening of the net
interest margin and asset-sensitive balance sheets would normally be expected to
experience the opposite effect. Various market factors can, however,  affect the
net  interest  margin and cause it to react  differently  to changes in interest
rates than would normally be expected  under the static GAP model.  For example,
although the Bank has the contractual right to decrease rates on its liabilities
as the Federal  Reserve lowers rates,  in the past twelve  months,  the Bank has
experienced  difficulty in lowering rates on its liabilities because it has been
competing  for  funds  with  many  other  entities,  some of  which  have  faced
significant  liquidity  needs.  This  competition  for funds has  resulted in an
increase  in rates or a lack of  decreases  in rates by many of the  sources the
Bank ordinarily uses for funding.  This illustrates the difficulty in predicting
changes in interest income using various analytical tools such as the static GAP

Provision for loan losses

For the quarter  ended March 31,  2009,  the  Company  expensed  $160,000 to the
provision  for loan  losses.  The Bank sets  allowance  for loan loss  levels in
response to trends in the  portfolio and the level of potential  problem  loans.
During the quarter,  charge-offs  totaled $157,906 and recoveries  totaled $500.
Management  has  sought to provide  the  amount  estimated  to be  necessary  to
maintain  an  allowance  for loan  losses that is adequate to cover the level of
loss that management believed to be inherent in the portfolio as a whole, taking
into account the Company's experience, economic conditions and information about
borrowers  available at the time of the analysis.  However,  management  expects
further  deterioration  of economic  conditions in the Company's market areas is
likely  in the  short-term,  especially  with  respect  to real  estate  related
activities  and real  property  values.  Consequently,  management  expects that


further  increases in provisions  for loan losses could be needed in the future.
See "Balance Sheet Review-  Loans" for  additional  information on the Company's
loan portfolio and allowance for loan losses.

Noninterest income

The primary recurring drivers of noninterest income for the Company and the Bank
are service charges on deposit accounts and mortgage loan origination  fees. For
the three months ended March 31, 2009,  the Company  earned  $132,891 in service
charges on deposit  accounts  compared to $141,946  for the same period in 2008.
The decrease is  attributable to a decrease in charges for  insufficient  funds.
Mortgage loan  origination  fees in the first quarter of 2009 have  decreased by
$18,295 or 25% compared to the first  quarter of 2008.  The decrease is directly
related  to  problems  that  borrowers  are  facing as they try to  purchase  or
refinance homes.  National mortgage lenders have changed or deleted programs and
tightened  credit  standards.  Some  credit  worthy  borrowers  are  not  making
refinancing or purchase  decisions  until they can determine that interest rates
have probably reached their lowest level for this economic cycle.

Noninterest expense

Noninterest  expense  totaled $1.15 million for the three months ended March 31,
2009 and $1.13  million for the three months ended March 31, 2008.  Salaries and
employee benefits  decreased  approximately  $57,769 or 8.8% in 2009 compared to
2008 due to  retirements.  Data  processing  increased  14.7% in 2009 over 2008,
mainly due to price increases at our core processor. Professional and regulatory
fees  increased  73.2%.  This  dramatic  increase  relates to premiums  for FDIC
insurance.  The FDIC released a statement on February 27, 2009, stating that the
FDIC Board adopted an interim rule imposing a 20 basis point  emergency  special
assessment on the industry on June 30, 2009.  The  assessment is to be collected
on September 30, 2009. The interim rule would also permit the Board to impose an
emergency  special  assessment  after June 30, 2009, of up to 10 basis points if
necessary  to maintain  public  confidence  in federal  deposit  insurance.  The
banking industry has strongly opposed the amount of this assessment on the basis
that the industry  will be further  weakened by this  assessment  in its current
form.  The FDIC has  stated  in the  month  since  the  special  assessment  was
announced that it will not impose the assessment in its current form if workable
alternatives  can be found.  At this time,  there can be no  assurance  that the
assessment  will be reduced.  As a result,  the Company accrued a portion of the
special  assessment  during  the first  quarter of 2009.  Total  FDIC  insurance
premium  expense  for the quarter  ended March 31, 2009 was $65,375  compared to
$17,144 for the quarter ended March 31, 2008. Other expense increased $35,245 or
23.4% in 2009 over 2008 levels.  Other  expense in 2009  includes  approximately
$22,700 of additional  software  licensing  costs and  loan-related  expenses of
$25,397  which  are  primarily  associated  with  the  foreclosure  process  and
re-appraisals of properties collateralizing loans.

Balance Sheet Review


At March 31, 2009, the Bank held available for sale securities with a fair value
and amortized cost of $20.7 million and other investments with an amortized cost
of $1.0 million.  Available for sale  securities  include  government  sponsored
enterprise  bonds,  mortgage-backed  securities,  municipal bonds, and preferred
stock issued by the Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA"), a government
sponsored  enterprise.  The fair  values  of the  Company's  available  for sale
investments, other than municipal bonds, are measured on a recurring basis using
quoted market  prices in active  markets for  identical  assets and  liabilities
("Level 1 inputs" under SFAS 157). Due to the lower level of trading activity in
municipal bonds, the fair market values of these  investments are measured based
on other inputs such as inputs that are  observable  or can be  corroborated  by
observable  market data for similar  assets  with  substantially  the same terms
("Level 2 inputs" under SFAS 157).

Other investments include stock in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta and the
Federal Reserve Bank.  These stocks are held at amortized cost because they have
no quoted  market  value  and have  historically  been  redeemed  at par  value.
However,  there can be no assurance that these stocks will, in fact, be redeemed
at cost in the future.

As of March 31, 2009,  investments  available for sale had a net unrealized gain
of  $351,680.  As of March  31,  2009 we held  nine  investments  that are in an
unrealized loss position. Of those nine, only two had been in an unrealized loss
position for more than 12 months. The amount of the total unrealized loss in the
portfolio  is  $214,958,  with  $61,132  related  to the  two  securities  in an
unrealized  loss position for 12 months or more. The Bank has  historically  had
the intent and ability to hold  investments  until  maturity,  and expects to be
able to continue to do so. One of the two  investments in a net unrealized  loss
position  at March  31,  2009 is our  investment  in FNMA  Preferred  stock.  In
September 2008 the U.S.  Treasury placed FNMA in  conservatorship.  At that time
the Company recognized an other-than-temporary-impairment charge. However, there
can be no certainty  that we will not incur further losses on the FNMA preferred
stock.  The amortized cost of our investment in FNMA preferred  stock is $87,200
and the fair value is $31,600 at March 31, 2009.  The majority of the  remaining
investments  with  unrealized  losses at March 31,  2009 are  issued by  various


municipal  governments.  Based  on our  review  of these  securities,  we do not
currently expect that these losses are other than temporary.


The following table summarizes the composition of our loan portfolio.

                                                               March 31, 2009                  March 31, 2008
                                                               --------------                  --------------
                                                                             % of                            % of
                                                             Amount         Loans             Amount         Loans
                                                             ------         -----             ------         -----
        Commercial and industrial .......................   $ 16,378,633      12.0%          $ 18,748,902     16.3%
        Real Estate - construction ......................     54,778,470      40.0             48,773,907     42.3
        Real Estate - mortgage
               1-4 family residential ...................     26,335,962      19.2             20,290,520     17.6
               Nonfarm, nonresidential ..................     36,537,853      26.7             23,468,989     20.4
               Multifamily residential ..................      1,220,996       0.9              1,598,772      1.4
        Consumer installment ............................      1,684,968       1.2              2,277,153      2.0
                                                            ------------     -----           ------------    -----
                   Total Loans ..........................    136,936,882     100.0%           115,158,243    100.0%
                                                                             =====                           =====
                Less allowance for loan losses ..........     (1,701,157)                      (1,229,137)
                                                            ------------                     ------------
                   Net Loans ............................   $135,235,725                     $113,929,106
                                                            ============                     ============

Activity in the allowance for loan losses for the first three months of 2009 and
2008 is presented below.

                                                                                       Three months ended         Three months ended
                                                                                         March 31, 2009             March 31, 2008
                                                                                         --------------             --------------

Allowance for loan losses, beginning of year ...................................           $   1,698,563             $   1,293,130
Provision for losses ...........................................................                 160,000                   120,000
Charge-offs ....................................................................                (157,906)                 (183,993)
Recoveries .....................................................................                     500                         -
                                                                                           -------------             -------------
      Allowance for loan losses, end of period .................................           $   1,701,157             $   1,229,137
                                                                                           =============             =============
     Nonperforming loans to loans at end of period .............................                   3.44%                      .61%
     Net (charge-offs) recoveries to average loans
           outstanding .........................................................                   (.12%)                    (.17%)
     Net (charge-offs) recoveries to loans at end of period ....................                   (.11%)                    (.16%)

     Allowance for loan losses to average loans ................................                   1.27%                     1.11%
     Allowance for loan losses to loans at end of period .......................                   1.24%                     1.07%
     Net (charge-offs) recoveries to allowance for loan losses .................                  (9.25%)                  (14.97%)

     Net (charge-offs) recoveries to provision for loan losses .................                  (98.4%)                  (153.3%)

Charge-offs  totaled  $157,906 for the first three months of 2009 and recoveries
totaled  $500.  These  charge-offs  related to a number of different  loans,  in
multiple collateral categories.

Loans which  management  identifies as impaired  generally will be nonperforming
loans.  Nonperforming  loans include nonaccrual loans or loans which are 90 days
or more delinquent as to principal or interest  payments.  As of March 31, 2009,
the Bank had nonaccrual  loans of $4.7 million,  representing 31 loans.  Each of
these loans is secured by real estate.  These loans are currently  being carried
at management's best estimate of net realizable value, although no assurance can
be given  that no further  losses  will be  incurred  on these  loans  until the
collateral has been acquired and liquidated or other  arrangements  can be made.
Management's  estimates  of net  realizable,  or fair value,  are obtained (on a
nonrecurring basis) using independent appraisals,  less estimated selling costs,
which the Company  considers to be level 2 inputs as defined by SFAS No. 157. In
addition to loans on  nonaccrual,  as of March 31,  2009,  Management  considers
another  $933,315 of loans  impaired.  Management  is  currently  assessing  the
collateral  associated  with these  impaired loans in an effort to determine the
amount of potential impairment.


Management identifies and maintains a list of potential problem loans. These are
loans that are not included in  nonaccrual  status or loans that are past due 90
days or more and  still  accruing  interest.  A loan is  added to the  potential
problem list when management  becomes aware of information about possible credit
problems  of  borrowers  that  causes  serious  doubts as to the ability of such
borrowers  to comply  with the current  loan  repayment  terms.  These loans are
designated  as such in order to be monitored  more closely than other credits in
the Bank's  portfolio.  There were loans in the amount of $3.6 million that have
been  determined by management to be potential  problem loans at March 31, 2009.
These loans are  generally  secured by real estate,  and in many cases have been
reappraised.  Should potential  problem loans become  impaired,  Management will
charge-off any impairment amount as soon as the amount can be determined.


The following  table shows the average  balance amounts and the average rates we
paid on deposits for the quarters ended March 31, 2009 and 2008.

                                                                                    Average Deposits
                                                                       Quarter ended                Quarter ended
                                                                      March 31, 2009               March 31, 2008
                                                                      --------------               --------------
                                                                    Amount         Rate         Amount          Rate
                                                                    ------         ----         ------          ----
Noninterest bearing demand ...................................    $  9,964,060        -%     $ 10,829,693           -%
Interest bearing transaction accounts ........................      12,797,308      .68%       13,367,584        1.12%
Savings and money market .....................................      24,633,537     1.96%       10,862,065        2.01%
Time deposits ................................................      89,204,351     2.87%       77,113,830        4.38%
                                                                  ------------               ------------
      Total average deposits .................................    $136,599,256     2.47%     $112,173,172        3.70%
                                                                  ============               ============


The Bank's  outstanding  borrowings  are described in the following  table.  The
amounts listed as broker  repurchase  agreements are  collateralized  borrowings
from other institutions.  Retail repurchase agreements with the Bank's customers
are not included in the table below.

                                           Borrowings at or for the quarter ended March 31, 2009
                                                                                         Maximum                           Weighted
                                                                           Period-      Month-end                          Average
                                                         Ending Balance    End Rate      Balance      Average Balance     Rate Paid
                                                         --------------    --------      -------      ---------------     ---------
Federal Home Loan Bank advances .....................      $6,856,297        3.23%     $8,381,435        $8,098,112        2.84%
Broker repurchase agreements .......................       $5,000,000        3.53%     $5,000,000        $5,000,000        3.53%


Liquidity  is the  ability  to  meet  current  and  future  obligations  through
liquidation or maturity of existing  assets or the  acquisition of  liabilities.
The Company manages both assets and liabilities to achieve appropriate levels of
liquidity.  Cash and short-term investments are the Company's primary sources of
asset liquidity.  These funds provide a cushion against short-term  fluctuations
in cash flow from both  deposits  and loans.  The  investment  portfolio  is the
Company's   principal  source  of  secondary  asset  liquidity.   However,   the
availability  of this  source  of  funds is  influenced  by  market  conditions.
Individual  and commercial  deposits and  borrowings  are the Company's  primary
source of funding  for credit  activities.  The Company has lines of credit with
unrelated banks and with the FHLB of Atlanta.  The bank lines total $3.0 million
and are available on a one to fourteen day basis for general corporate  purposes
of the Bank. The FHLB line is based on the availability of eligible  collateral,
with a maximum borrowing  capacity of 10% of Bank assets. The Bank currently has
$6.9  million  borrowed  under the FHLB  line.  Approximately  $11.2  million is
available  under the FHLB line,  assuming  adequate  collateral is available for
pledging.  Although many banks have recently experienced substantial pressure on
their liquidity, in some cases requiring government intervention, the demands on
the Bank's liquidity have been comfortably manageable.  Management believes that
the Company's liquidity sources are adequate to meet its operating needs.


Off Balance Sheet Risk

Through the operations of the Bank, the Company has  contractual  commitments to
extend  credit  in  the  ordinary  course  of  its  business  activities.  These
commitments are legally binding agreements to lend money to the Bank's customers
at predetermined  interest rates for a specified period of time. Commitments are
subject to various  conditions  which are  expected to reduce the credit risk to
the Company. The Bank's management evaluates each customer's creditworthiness on
a case-by-case basis. The amount of collateral obtained,  if deemed necessary by
management  upon  extension of credit,  is based on a credit  evaluation  of the
borrower.  Collateral  varies but may include  accounts  receivable,  inventory,
property,  plant and  equipment,  and  commercial  or  residential  real estate.
Management  manages the credit risk on these  commitments by subjecting  them to
normal underwriting and risk management processes.

At March 31, 2009,  the Bank had issued  commitments  to extend  credit of $22.7
million through various types of lending  arrangements and overdraft  protection
arrangements.  Of that  amount,  approximately  $15.0  million  was  undisbursed
amounts of  closed-end  loans,  $1.3  million  was  related to unused  overdraft
protection,  and approximately  $6.4 million was related to lines of credit. The
Bank also had  standby  letters  of credit  outstanding  of  approximately  $1.0
million at March 31, 2009. An immaterial  amount of fees were collected  related
to these  commitments  and letters of credit  during the quarter ended March 31,
2009.  Historically  many of these  commitments  and  letters  of credit  expire
unused,  and the total amount  committed as of March 31, 2009 is not necessarily
expected to be funded.  Subsequent  to March 31, 2009,  one of these  letters of
credit was funded in the amount of $427,902.

The Bank offers an automatic  overdraft  protection  product to checking account
customers.  Each  qualified  account  with the  automatic  overdraft  protection
feature can have up to $500 of paid overdrafts.  Unused overdraft protection was
$1.3 million as of March 31,  2009,  the majority of which is not expected to be
utilized. As March 31, 2009, accounts in overdraft status totaled $19,492.

Capital Resources

The capital  base for the Company  increased by  approximately  $324,900 for the
first  three  months of 2009,  due to net income,  stock  option  activity,  and
increases in  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income.  Stock option  activity
includes the impact of both stock options exercised and stock-based compensation
on  unexercised  options.  The  Company's  equity to asset ratio was 10.8% as of
March 31, 2009.  The Company  expects to continue to leverage its capital as the
Bank grows.

The following  table  details  return on average  assets (net income  divided by
average total assets,  annualized if  necessary),  return on average equity (net
income divided by average total equity,  annualized if  necessary),the  ratio of
average equity to average assets and the Dividend  Payout Ratio  (dividends paid
divided by net income) as of and for the three  months  ended March 31, 2009 and
as of and for the year ended  December 31, 2008.  Return on Assets and Return on
Equity for the first three months of 2009 have  decreased  compared to Return on
Assets and Return on Equity for the year ended December 31, 2008 due to pressure
on our net  interest  margin and the effect of an increased  provision  for loan

                                           Three- month
                                           period ended          Year ended
                                          March 31, 2009      December 31, 2008
                                          --------------      -----------------
Return on average assets .............         .10%                    .15%
Return on average equity .............         .87%                   1.16%
Ratio of average equity
 to average assets ...................       11.19%                  12.68%
Dividend payout ratio*                           -%                    265%

* In May 2008 the  Company  declared  a cash  dividend  which  was less than the
Company's reported net income for the first two quarters of 2008.  Following the
placement of FNMA in  conservatorship  in September 2008, the Company recognized
an  Other-than-temporary-impairment   charge  of  $918,264,  which  reduced  the
Company's  net income for 2008 to an amount less than the amount of the dividend
declared in May 2008.


The FDIC has established  guidelines for capital  requirements  for banks. As of
March 31, 2008,  the Bank is considered  well  capitalized  based on the capital
levels that are required to be maintained  according to FDIC guidelines as shown
in the following table.

Capital Ratios

                                                                                      Well Capitalized            Capitalized
                                                                 Actual                  Requirement              Requirement
                                                                 ------                  -----------              -----------
                                                            Amount       Ratio      Amount        Ratio      Amount         Ratio
                                                            ------       -----      ------        -----      ------         -----
Total capital to risk weighted assets .................    $20,444       13.64%    $14,986        10.0%     $11,989          8.0%
Tier 1 capital to risk weighted assets ................    $18,743       12.51%    $ 8,991         6.0%     $ 5,994          4.0%
Tier 1 capital to average assets ......................    $18,743       10.77%    $ 8,700         5.0%     $ 6,960          4.0%

The Federal Reserve has also established guidelines for capital requirements for
bank holding  companies that are similar to the FDIC's  guidelines for banks. At
March 31,  2009 the Company  exceeded  all of the  minimum  requirements  of the
Federal Reserve guidelines.

The  Company  has  two  stock-based   compensation   plans.   See  "Stock  based
Compensation" in the Notes to Unaudited  Consolidated Financial Statements above
for more information.

Impact of Inflation

Unlike  most  industrial  companies,  the assets and  liabilities  of  financial
institutions  such as the Company are primarily  monetary in nature.  Therefore,
interest rates have a more significant impact on the Company's  performance than
do the  effects of changes  in the  general  rate of  inflation  and  changes in
prices.  In  addition,  interest  rates  do not  necessarily  move  in the  same
magnitude  as the  prices  of  goods  and  services.  As  discussed  previously,
management seeks to manage the relationships  between interest  sensitive assets
and  liabilities in order to protect against wide rate  fluctuations,  including
those resulting from inflation.

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

Market risk is the risk of loss from adverse changes in market prices and rates,
which principally  arises from liquidity risk and interest rate risk inherent in
the Bank's lending, deposit gathering, and borrowing activities.  Other types of
market risks such as foreign currency  exchange risk and commodity price risk do
not normally arise in the ordinary course of our business.  The Funds Management
Committee  of our  Board of  Directors,  which  meets  quarterly,  monitors  and
considers  methods of managing exposure to liquidity and interest rate risk. Our
Management  monitors  liquidity  and  interest  rate risk on an on-going  basis.
Management is responsible for maintaining the level of interest rate sensitivity
of our interest  sensitive  assets and  liabilities  and managing our  liquidity
within board-approved limits.

Interest rate  sensitivity  "GAP" analysis  measures the timing and magnitude of
the repricing of assets  compared with the  repricing of  liabilities  and is an
important  part of  asset/liability  management.  The objective of interest rate
sensitivity  management is to generate stable growth in net interest income, and
to  control  the risks  associated  with  interest  rate  movements.  Management
constantly  reviews  interest rate risk exposure and the expected  interest rate
environment so that  adjustments in interest rate  sensitivity  can be made in a
timely manner.

ITEM 4T. Controls and Procedures.

         Based on the evaluation required by 17 C.F.R. Section  240.13a-15(b) or
240.15d-15(b) of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in
17  C.F.R.  Sections  240.13a-15(e)  and  240.15d-15(e)),  the  Company's  chief
executive  officer and chief financial  officer concluded that such controls and
procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report, were effective.

         There  has  been no  change  in the  Company's  internal  control  over
financial  reporting  during the most recent fiscal  quarter that has materially
affected,  or is reasonably likely to materially  affect, the Company's internal
control over financial reporting.


Part II - Other Information

ITEM 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds.

         During the quarter ended March 31, 2009,  the Company  issued shares of
common  stock to one  director/employee  and one  director  upon the exercise of
options as follows:

    Date of Issuance      Number of Shares Issued      Aggregate Exercise Price
    ----------------      -----------------------      ------------------------
     March 11, 2009                7,086                       $ 40,000
     March 12, 2009                7,086                       $ 40,000

         Issuance of such shares was not registered  under the Securities Act of
1933 in reliance upon the exemption provided by Section 4(2) thereunder based on
the fact that no public offering was involved.

ITEM 6.  Exhibits

31-1            Rule 13a-14(a)/ 15d-14(a) Certifications of Chief
                Executive Officer
31-2            Rule 13a-14(a)/Rule 15d-14(a) Certifications of
                Chief Financial Officer
32              18 U.S.C. Section 1350 Certifications


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                   Cornerstone Bancorp

By: s/J. Rodger Anthony                                        Date: May 8, 2009
       J. Rodger Anthony
       Chief Executive Officer

By: s/Jennifer M. Champagne                                    Date: May 8, 2009
       Jennifer M. Champagne
       Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
       (Principal Financial Officer)
