SECRETARY OF STATE

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

1.       The name of the proposed corporation is Cornerstone Bancorp.

2.       The  initial  registered  office  of the  corporation  is 4821  Calhoun
         Memorial  Highway,   Easley,  South  Carolina  29642  and  the  initial
         registered agent at such address is J. Rodger Anthony.

3.       The  corporation  is  authorized  to issue  shares of stock as follows.
         Complete a or b whichever is applicable:

          a.   / / The  corporation  is  authorized  to issue a single  class of
               shares,   and  the  total   number  of  shares   authorized   is:

          b.   /x / The  corporation  is authorized to issue more than one class
               of shares:

                   Class of Shares               Authorized No. of Each Class
                   Common Stock                           20,000,000
                   Preferred Stock                        10,000,000

         The relative rights, preferences, and limitations of the shares of each
         class, and of each series within a class, are as follows:

         Common                     Stock: The shares of common stock shall have
                                    unlimited  voting  rights and are  entitled,
                                    together  with  any  services  of  preferred
                                    stock  which also has such right  specified,
                                    to receive the net assets of the corporation
                                    upon dissolution.

         Preferred Stock:           The board of directors  shall  determine the
                                    preferences, limitations and relative rights
                                    of one or more series of shares of preferred

4.       The existence of the  corporation  shall begin when these  articles are
         filed with the  Secretary  of State  unless a delayed date is indicated
         (See ss. 33-1-230(b)):

5.       The optional  provisions which the corporation elects to include in the
         articles of  incorporation  are as follows  (See ss.  33-2-102  and the
         applicable  comments  thereto;  and  35-2-105  and 35-2-221 of the 1976
         South Carolina Code):

         A.       NO PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS.

                  No holder of shares of the  Corporation  of any class,  now or
                  hereafter authorized, shall

                  have any  preferential  or preemptive  right to subscribe for,
                  purchase or receive any shares of the stock of the Corporation
                  of any class, now or hereafter  authorized,  or any options or
                  warrants for such shares, or any securities  convertible into,
                  carrying  an  option  to  purchase  or  exchangeable  for such
                  shares,  which may at any time be issued,  sold or offered for
                  sale by the Corporation.

         B.       NO CUMULATIVE VOTING.

                  The  holders  of shares  entitled  to vote at an  election  of
                  directors shall not have the right to cumulate their votes.

         C.       NUMBER OF DIRECTORS.

                  The Board of Directors  shall have the power to set the number
                  of directors from time to time at six (6) or more directors.


                  Directors  shall be divided into three classes,  each class to
                  be as nearly equal in number as possible.  Except as otherwise
                  required by law or as may be  necessary to have the classes as
                  nearly equal as possible,  each  director  shall be elected to
                  serve a three (3) year term.


                  Whether or not the  Corporation  has a class of voting  shares
                  registered  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  or
                  another  federal  agency  under  Section 12 of the  Securities
                  Exchange  Act  of  1934  (the  "1934  Act"),   any   "business
                  combination,"  as defined in S.C.  Code  Section  35-2-205 (as
                  such  section may from time to time be amended)  shall only be
                  undertaken in compliance  with the  provisions of Article 2 of
                  Chapter  2 of Title  35 of the  South  Carolina  Code (as such
                  article  may from  time to time be  amended),  as  though  the
                  Corporation had a class of voting shares  registered under the
                  1934 Act;  provided,  however,  if  Article 2 of  Chapter 2 of
                  Title  35 of the  South  Carolina  Code  shall  at any time be
                  repealed,  this  provision  of the  Corporation's  Articles of
                  Incorporation shall not also be repealed,  but shall remain in
                  effect, unless repealed by the shareholders,  in the form such
                  Article 2 was in effect immediately prior to such repeal.


                  No director of the Corporation  shall be personally  liable to
                  the Corporation or its  shareholders  for monetary damages for
                  breach of  fiduciary  duty as a director  occurring  after the
                  effective date hereof; provided,  however, the foregoing shall
                  not eliminate or limit the liability of a director (i) for any
                  breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or
                  its shareholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith
                  or which involve gross negligence, intentional misconduct or a
                  knowing   violation  of  law,   (iii)   imposed  for  unlawful
                  distributions  as set forth in Section  33-8-330  of the South


                  Business  Corporation  Act of 1988,  as it may be amended from
                  time to time  (the  "Act")  or (iv) for any  transaction  from
                  which the director derived an improper personal benefit.  This
                  provision shall eliminate or limit the liability of a director
                  only to the  maximum  extent  permitted  from  time to time by
                  Section  33-2-102(e)  and by the Act or any  successor  law or
                  laws. Any repeal or modification  of the foregoing  protection
                  by the  shareholders  of the  Corporation  shall not adversely
                  affect  any  right  or   protection   of  a  director  of  the
                  Corporation   existing   at  the  time  of  such   repeal   or

         G.       QUORUM.

                  A  majority  of the  shares  entitled  to vote  thereat  shall
                  constitute  a quorum at any  meeting of  shareholders  for the
                  transaction of any business.


                  With respect to any plan or merger, consolidation or exchange,
                  or any plan for the sale of all,  or  substantially  all,  the
                  property  and assets,  with or without  the good will,  of the
                  Corporation  or any  resolution  to dissolve the  Corporation,
                  which plan or  resolution  shall not have been  adopted by the
                  affirmative  vote of at least  two-thirds of the full board of
                  directors,  such plan or  resolution  must be  approved by the
                  affirmative  vote of holders of 80% of the outstanding  shares
                  of the Corporation.


                  No person  shall be  eligible  to be elected a director of the
                  Corporation  at a meeting of  shareholders  unless that person
                  has been nominated by a record shareholder entitled to vote at
                  such meeting by giving  written  notice of such  nomination to
                  the  Secretary  of the  Corporation  at least ninety (90) days
                  prior to the date of the meeting.  Such  written  notice shall
                  provide  any  information   required  in  the  Bylaws  of  the

         J.       REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS.

                  An affirmative  vote of 80% of the  outstanding  shares of the
                  Corporation  shall be  required  to  remove  any or all of the
                  directors without cause.

         K.       DUTY OF DIRECTORS.

                  When  evaluating  any proposed plan of merger,  consolidation,
                  exchange,  or sale of all, or substantially all, of the assets
                  of the Corporation,  the Board of Directors shall consider the
                  interests  of  the  employees  of  the   Corporation  and  the
                  community  or  communities  in which the  Corporation  and its
                  subsidiaries, if any, do business in addition to the interests
                  of the Corporation's shareholders.


                  Any  amendment  to  the  Articles  of   Incorporation  of  the
                  Corporation which amends,


                  alters,  repeals or is inconsistent with any of the provisions
                  of Article 5.A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J or K above,  or this
                  Article 5.L, unless such amendment shall have been approved by
                  the affirmative  vote of at least two-thirds of the full board
                  of directors,  shall not be effective unless it is approved by
                  the affirmative  vote of 80% of the outstanding  shares of the
                  Corporation.  If  two-thirds  of the full  Board of  Directors
                  approves  such  an  amendment,  the  amendment  need  only  be
                  approved by an  affirmative  vote of holders of  two-thirds of
                  the outstanding shares of the Corporation.

                  Any  amendment  to the Articles of  Incorporation  (other than
                  these  amendments  which  may  be  adopted  by  the  Board  of
                  Directors without  Shareholder  approval) to change the number
                  or classes of shares the Corporation is authorized to issue or
                  to change  the name of the  Corporation  may be  adopted  upon
                  approval  by  the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  the
                  outstanding shares of the Corporation.

6.       The name and address of each  incorporator  is as follows  (only one is

         Name                    Address                      Signature

         J. Rodger Anthony       1079 Blackbottom Road      /s/J. Rodger Anthony
                                 Greenville, SC

7.       I, George S. King,  Jr., an attorney  licensed to practice in the State
         of South Carolina,  certify that the corporation,  to whose articles of
         incorporation  this  certificate  is attached,  has  complied  with the
         requirements Section 33-2-102 of the 1976 South Carolina Code.

Date:  December 31, 1998
                                              /s/George S. King, Jr.

                                               George S. King, Jr.
                                              (Type or Print Name)

                                              Address: P. O. Box 11889
                                              Columbia, South Carolina 29211
