STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA                     )
                                            )                 OPTION
COUNTY OF PICKENS                           )

         THIS OPTION GRANTED by Ervin Hendricks and Nu-Life Environmental,  Inc.
(hereinafter  referred  to  as  Seller)  to  Cornerstone  Bancorp,  (hereinafter
referred to as Purchaser),

         For and in  consideration  of the sum of  Fifteen  Thousand  and No/100
($15,000.00)  Dollars in cash paid by Purchaser  to Seller,  receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged,  and of the covenants hereinafter  contained,  and of other
good and valuable  considerations,  the Seller hereby grants to the Purchaser an
option to purchase the following described property:

         1. Grant of Option.  The Seller does hereby grant to the  Purchaser the
exclusive  option to purchase,  upon such terms and conditions  hereinafter  set
forth, all that certain piece,  parcel,  or lot of land lying and being situated
in Pickens County, South Carolina, being known as 1670 East Main Street, Easley,
South Carolina,  (hereinafter,  the  "Property") and being further  described in
Exhibit "A" attached hereto.

         2. Terms and  Exercise of Option.  This  option  shall  continue  until
August  31,  1999  and  shall be  exercisable  by  delivery,  on or  before  its
expiration, of written notice of exercise to Seller. Notice of exercise shall be
deemed  delivered  to Seller  when said  written  notice is placed in the United
States mail as  evidenced by postmark.  The  Purchaser  shall have the right and
option  to extend  all terms and  conditions  of this  option  agreement  for an
additional 90 days beyond the expiration  date of the original term by tendering
the additional sum of Five Thousand and No/100 ($5,000.00)  Dollars to Seller on
or before the said original term.  Notice of exercise shall be deemed  delivered
when said  written  notice is placed in the United  States Mail as  evidenced by

         3. Purchase  Price.  The Purchase Price of the property is Four Hundred
Fifty Thousand and No/100 ($450,000.00)  Dollars, to be paid by the Purchaser to
Seller at the closing.

         4. Title.  Seller  warrants  that the title to the  property is of good
clear  record and  marketable  in fee simple,  free and clear of all  tenancies,
liens and encumbrances whatsoever, including restrictions and easements.

         5.  Closing.  The closing under this option shall take place in Easley,
South  Carolina,  at a time and place  designated  by the  Purchaser,  provided,
however,  that said closing shall be within  thirty (30) days after  exercise of
this option.

         6. Deed. At the closing,  upon the payment of the purchase price by the
Purchaser,  Seller shall execute and deliver to the Purchaser a general warranty
deed to the Property, which shall

convey good and  marketable fee simple title to the Purchaser its successors and
assigns,  free and clear of all tenancies,  liens and  encumbrances  whatsoever,
including restrictions and easements.  Seller shall pay for deed and documentary
stamps and the Purchaser  shall pay for all other closing costs.  Taxes shall be

         7.  Non-exercise  by  Purchaser.  In the  event of the  failure  of the
Purchaser to exercise this option, all money paid by the Purchaser to the Seller
shall be retained by the Seller as consideration for the granting of this option
to the  Purchaser,  and all  rights of the  Purchaser  under this  option  shall

         8.  Defective  Title.  Within  thirty  (30) days from the date  hereof,
Purchaser shall have the title to the property searched.  In the event the title
to the  Property is  defective  or  unmarketable,  or the Property is subject to
liens,  encumbrances,  easements,  conditions or restrictions,  or encroachments
which are not acceptable to Purchaser,  the Purchaser shall  immediately  notify
Seller of such  defect(s).  Seller may elect to remove  said defect or refund to
Purchaser all money paid to Seller, and this Agreement shall terminate and be of
no further  force and effect  and  neither  party  shall have any  liability  or
obligation  to the other  hereunder,  except that the Seller shall return to the
Purchaser all option monies paid hereunder.

         9.  Purchaser's  Right to Occupy  Property.  Upon the  exercise of this
option and before closing of the sale of said Property,  Purchaser has the right
to place a  modular  financial  building  on the  property  and to  perform  all
functions  associated  with  the  operation  of a bank in said  building  and on
previously described property.  Purchaser will indemnify Seller from any and all
liability claims resulting from the operation of said bank.

         10. Demolition of Building.  Seller agrees that within thirty (30) days
of closing of this sale that he will have removed all buildings  and  structures
from  the  Property  and that the site  will be clear of all  debris  from  said
removal.  The  Seller  will pay all  expenses  associated  with the  demolition,
removal, and clean up of the Property.

         11.  Zoning  Change.  Seller  will take  necessary  action  with  local
authorities to obtain the  appropriate  zoning  classification  to accommodate a
modular and permanent banking facility for the property. Said zoning change will
be  obtained  on or before  June 1,  1999.  In the event the seller is unable to
obtain said zoning change, the seller shall immediately notify the purchaser and
this agreement shall terminate and be of no further force and effort and neither
party shall have any liability or obligation to the other hereunder, except that
the seller shall return to the purchaser all option monies paid hereunder.


         12.      Notice.  All payments provided for the extension of this
option and all notices required or permitted herein shall be sent
by Certified Mail and shall be addressed:

         a. If intended for the Seller:

                Ervin Hendricks                    371 Robert P. Jeanes Road
                Nu-Life Environmental, Inc.        Easley, S. C. 29640

         b. If intended for the Purchaser:

                Cornerstone Bancorp                4821 Calhoun Memorial Highway
                                                   Easley, S. C. 29642

         13. Warranties Survive Closing.  The  representations and warranties of
SELLER contained herein shall survive Closing.

         14.  Benefit.  This  agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the
benefit  of the  respective  parties  hereto  and their  heirs,  successors  and

         WITNESS  the hand and seal of Ervin  Hendricks  this 26 day of January,

                              [SIGNATURES OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   EXHIBIT "A"

A portion of the property  described below consisting of 1.80 acres +/- and more
fully  described as all property  fronting on S. C. Highway No. 93 and following
below  described  lines with  Peachtree  Street and the  boundary  line of W. C.
Crane, III, to a depth of 200 feet.

         All that certain piece,  parcel or tract of land located in the City of
         Easley,  County of  Pickens,  State of South  Carolina  and more  fully
         described as follows:

         Beginning at a point where the southern  right-of-way of South Carolina
         Highway No. 93 intersects  with the western  right-of-way  of Peachtree
         Street;  thence with the western  right-of-way of Peachtree  Street the
         following two courses:

         (1) South  24-36-57 East 14.11 feet to an iron pin, (2) South  20-31-36
         West  361.35  feet  to an  iron  pin on the  northern  right-of-way  of
         Crescent  Avenue;  thence with the  northern  right-of-way  of Crescent
         Avenue North 69-37-55 West 400.94 feet to an iron pin and corner common
         with the  lands of W. C.  Crane,  III;  thence  with the lands of W. C.
         Crane,  III,  North  20-15-00  East  370.98  feet to an iron pin on the
         southern right-of-way of South Carolina Highway No. 93; thence with the
         southern  right-of-way of South Carolina  Highway No. 93 South 69-40-56
         East 392.73 feet to an iron pin and the point of BEGINNING.

         Containing 3.42 acres more or less; all as more  particularly  shown on
         that certain plat entitled  "ALTA/ACSM  Land Title Survey for Playskool
         Baby,  Inc." prepared by Piedmont Olsen,  Inc., dated June 11, 1991 and
         recorded in the RMC Office for Pickens  County in Plat Book 47, at Page

         The above described property is subject to any and all easements and/or
         rights of way for roads,  utilities,  drainage,  etc.  as may appear of
         record  and/or  on  the  premises  and  to any  and  all  restrictions,
         covenants or zoning ordinances affecting such property as may appear of

         This being the same property  conveyed to Playskool  Baby, Inc. by deed
         from Arlmar Associates, dated 8/14/91 and recorded in Deed Book 141, at
         Page 203, in the RMC Office for Pickens  County,  South  Carolina.  See
         Certificate of Merger whereby  Playskool Baby, Inc. merged with Hasbro,
         Inc.,  as  recorded in Deed Book 291, at Page 298 in the RMC Office for
         Pickens County, South Carolina.
