

                                   dated as of

                                  April 1, 1997


                        POLARIS AIRCRAFT INCOME FUND III

                                   as Assignor


                        TRITON AVIATION SERVICES III LLC

                                   as Assignee


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


SECTION 1.          Definitions..........................................  1

SECTION 2.          Sale and Assignment.................................. 10

SECTION 3.          Purchase and Assumption.............................. 11

SECTION 4.          Purchase Price....................................... 11
         (a)        Payment of Purchase Price............................ 11
         (b)        Transfer of Aircraft Income and Lessee Deposits...... 12
         (c)        First Effective Date; Mop-Up Date.................... 12
         (d)        Settlement of Aircraft Income and Lessee Deposits.... 13

SECTION 5.          Representations and Warranties of Assignor;
                    Limitation of Warranty; Covenant with Respect to
                    Pre-Closing Actions.................................. 15
         5.1        Representations and Warranties of Assignor........... 15
         (a)        Partnership Organization, Etc........................ 15
         (b)        Due Authorization; Non-Contravention................. 15
         (c)        Due Execution and Delivery; Enforceability........... 15
         (d)        Event of Default..................................... 16
         (e)        Total Loss........................................... 16
         (f)        Taxes................................................ 16
         (g)        Litigation........................................... 17
         (h)        Encumbrances......................................... 17
         (i)        Brokers' Fees........................................ 17
         (j)        Operative Agreements................................. 18
         (k)        Title to Transferred Interests....................... 18
         5.2  Supplements to Schedules; Post-Signing Information.  ...... 18
         5.3        Limitation of Warranty............................... 18
         5.4        Actions with Respect to Transferred Interests........ 19

SECTION 6.          Representations and Warranties of Assignee;
                    Access Covenant...................................... 20
         6.1        Representations and Warranties of Assignee........... 20
         (a)        LLC Organization, Etc................................ 20
         (b)        Due Authorization; Non-Contravention................. 20
         (c)        Due Execution and Delivery; Enforceability........... 21
         (d)        Litigation........................................... 21
         (e)        Compliance with Operative Agreements................. 21


         (f)        Non-Airline.......................................... 21
         (g)        Brokers' Fees........................................ 21
         (h)        Acquisition For Own Account.......................... 22
         6.2        Access Covenant...................................... 22

SECTION 7.          Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Assignor.. 22
         (a)        Purchase Price....................................... 22
         (b)        Affidavit of Limited Control by a Non-U.S. Citizen... 22
         (c)        Escrow Agreement..................................... 23
         (d)        TASL "Keep Well" Agreement........................... 23
         (e)        TIL Keep Well Guaranty and Loan Guaranty............. 23
         (f)        Assignee Security Agreement.......................... 23
         (g)        Approvals and Consents............................... 23
         (h)        Due Authorization, Execution and Delivery............ 24
         (i)        Representations and Warranties....................... 24
         (j)        Organizational and Authorization Matters............. 24
         (k)        Illegality; No Proceedings........................... 25
         (l)        No Total Loss........................................ 25
         (m)        Opinions............................................. 26
         (n)        Location of Aircraft................................. 26
         (o)        TIL Balance Sheets................................... 26
         (p)        Other Instruments and Documents; Additional
                    Information.......................................... 26
         (q)        Outside Date......................................... 26
         (r)        No Pending Superior Proposal......................... 27

SECTION 8.          Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Assignee.. 27
         (a)        Leases and Trust Agreements.......................... 27
         (b)        Due Authorization, Execution and Delivery............ 27
         (c)        Representations and Warranties....................... 27
         (d)        Schedules ........................................... 27
         (e)        Partnership Authorization Matters.................... 28
         (f)        Illegality; No Proceedings........................... 28
         (g)        Approvals and Consents............................... 29
         (h)        No Total Loss........................................ 29
         (i)        Opinions............................................. 29
         (j)        Location of Aircraft................................. 29
         (k)        Other Instruments and Documents; Additional
                    Information.......................................... 30
         (l)        Outside Date......................................... 30

SECTION 9.          Payments............................................. 30


SECTION 10.         Certain Notices...................................... 30

SECTION 11.         Superior Proposal.................................... 31

SECTION 12.         Further Assurances................................... 32

SECTION 13.         Taxes and Indemnities................................ 32
         (a)        Transfer Taxes....................................... 32
         (b)        Notice of IRS Reports................................ 33
         (c)        Assignor's Indemnity................................. 33
         (d)        Assignee's Indemnity................................. 34
         (e)        Survival of Representations and Warranties........... 35

SECTION 14.         Indemnification Procedure............................ 35

SECTION 15.         Termination.......................................... 37

SECTION 16.         Miscellaneous........................................ 38
         (a)        Notices.............................................. 38
         (b)        Headings............................................. 39
         (c)        References........................................... 39
         (d)        GOVERNING LAW........................................ 39
         (e)        Severability......................................... 39
         (f)        Amendments in Writing................................ 39
         (g)        Expenses............................................. 40
         (h)        Execution in Counterparts............................ 40
         (i)        Entire Agreement..................................... 40
         (j)        Exhibits............................................. 40
         (k)        Assignment and Successors............................ 40
         (l)        Confidentiality...................................... 41



Exhibit A           --     Form of Promissory Note
Exhibit B           --     Form of TASL Keep Well
Exhibit C-1         --     Form of TIL Keep Well Guaranty
Exhibit C-2         --     Form of TIL Loan Guaranty
Exhibit D           --     Form of Pledge and Security Agreement
Exhibit E           --     Form of SPV Provisions


Schedule 1                 --       Aircraft
Schedule 2                 --       Leases
Schedule 3                 --       Foreign Aircraft Engines
Schedule 4                 --       Other Operative Agreements
Schedule 4(a)              --       Purchase Price
Schedule 5                 --       Owner Trustees
Schedule 5(b)              --       Consents
Schedule 5(d)              --       Assignor Claims
Schedule 5(g)              --       Pending Litigation
Schedule 5(h)              --       Liens
Schedule 5(j)              --       Missing Documents
Schedule 6                 --       Trust Agreements
Schedule 7                 --       Unfunded Commitments


same  may  be  amended,  modified  or  supplemented  from  time  to  time,  this
"Agreement"),  dated as of April 1, 1997,  is by and  between  POLARIS  AIRCRAFT
INCOME  FUND III, a  California  limited  partnership  ("Assignor"),  and TRITON
AVIATION SERVICES III LLC, a California limited liability company ("Assignee").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

                    WHEREAS, Assignor desires to sell and assign to Assignee and
Assignee  desires to purchase and assume from Assignor all of Assignor's  right,
title and interest in and to the Transferred Interests;

                    NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing premises
and the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties  contained herein and for
other good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  adequacy of which are
hereby acknowledged, Assignor and Assignee agree as follows:

SECTION 1.          Definitions

                    In addition to the terms defined elsewhere herein, when used
in this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings indicated below:

                    "Act"  means  Part A of  subtitle  VII of title  49,  United
States Code.

                    "actual  knowledge"  of  any  Person,  means  the  conscious
awareness of facts or other  information by any director,  officer,  employee or
agent of such  Person,  in either  such case,  who is (i)  actively  involved in
negotiating the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or (ii) responsible,
in  the  ordinary  course,  for  administering,   on  behalf  of  Assignor,  the
transactions contemplated by the Operative Agreements.

                    "Affiliate"  means,  with  respect to any  Person,  (i) each
Person that, direct ly or indirectly,  owns or controls, whether beneficially or
as a  trustee,  guardian  or other  fiduciary,  20% or more of the Stock  having
ordinary  voting power in the election of direc tors or managers of such Person,
(ii) each Person that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with
such  Person or any  Affiliate  of such  Person and (iii) each of such  Person's
officers,  directors,  members, joint venturers and partners. For the purpose of
this  definition,  "control" of a Person shall mean the possession,  directly or
indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause the direction of its  management or
policies,  whether  through the ownership of voting  securities,  by contract or


                    "After-Tax  Basis"  means on a basis  such that any  payment
received or deemed to have been received by any Person shall be  supplemented by
a further amount paid to that Person,  so that the recipient is held harmless on
an  after-Tax  basis from all Taxes  (calculated  with  respect  to the  highest
applicable  tax rate and taking into account any related  credits or  deductions
allowed to the recipient of such payment in respect of the indemnified  matters)
resulting from the receipt (actual or  constructive)  of such payments and where
the indemnitee is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes,  the
"highest  applicable tax rate" means the highest  applicable federal tax rate in
effect for individuals at the time the indemnity payment is made plus 6%.

                    "Agreement"  shall have the  meaning  assigned  to it in the
preamble hereof.

                    "Aircraft"  means the aircraft more fully described on Parts
A and B of  Schedule  1  attached  hereto  and,  with  respect  to each  Foreign
Aircraft,  shall  include (i) any and all Parts  installed on or attached to any
such Foreign Aircraft as of the Effective Time relating to such Foreign Aircraft
(subject to any  pooling,  replacement  or  exchange  rights  arising  under the
Operative  Agreements  relating to such  Foreign  Aircraft),  (ii) all  Aircraft
Documents  relating to such Foreign Aircraft,  (iii) the Engines and (iv) to the
extent assignable by Assignor,  all warranties of manufacturers or other vendors
of such Foreign  Aircraft,  Engines or Parts relating thereto that are in effect
on the Effective Date relating to such Foreign Aircraft.

                    "Aircraft Documents" mean, with respect to any Aircraft, all
records,  logs,  technical  data and  manuals  relating  to the  maintenance  or
operation of such Aircraft which are owned by Assignor.

                    "Aircraft  Income"  means,  with  respect  to a  Transferred
Interest, all income, scheduled rental payments, payments in respect of fees due
to Assignor  or the Owner  Trustee and  proceeds  of such  Transferred  Interest
earned on or after April 1, 1997,  but shall not be deemed to include any Lessee
Deposit or Reserved Rights associated with such Transferred Interest.

                    "Allocable  Portion  Percentage"  means, with respect to any
Aircraft,  the amount  obtained by dividing the Appraised Value of such Aircraft
(determined  immediately  before  such  Aircraft  suffered  a Total Loss or such
Aircraft is otherwise  deleted from this  Agreement) by the sum of the Appraised
Values of all the Aircraft (determined at the same time).

                    "Ancillary  Agreements" mean,  collectively,  the Promissory
Note,  the Keep Well, the Keep Well  Guaranty,  the Loan Guaranty,  the Security
Agreement,  the Assignment and Assumption  Agreements and all other  agreements,


instruments,   documents  and  certificates,   including,   without  limitation,
consents,  assignments,  contracts,  financing  statements and all other written
matters  whether  now or  hereafter  executed  by or on  behalf of  Assignor  or
Assignee or any of their respective  Affiliates and delivered in connection with
this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

                    "Appraised Value" means,  with respect to any Aircraft,  the
most recent  semi-annual  generic  current  fair market value of aircraft of the
same type, age, gross weight and configuration,  including,  without limitation,
engine type and hushkit  status,  published by Avitas  Aircraft  Appraisal  Inc.
without adjustment for the maintenance "half-time" condition of such Aircraft.

                    "Assignee"  shall  have the  meaning  assigned  to it in the
preamble hereof.

                    "Assignee Acceptance Notice" shall have the meaning assigned
to it in Section 11(c) hereof.

                    "Assignee Indemnitees" shall have the meaning assigned to it
in Section 13(c) hereof.

                    "Assignment  and Assumption  Agreement"  shall mean (i) each
Assignment and Assumption  Agreement  (FAA),  executed and delivered by Assignor
and  Assignee  at  the  applicable   Effective   Time,  in  form  and  substance
satisfactory to Assignee and Assignor and (ii) each Novation Agreement, executed
and delivered by Assignor and Assignee at the applicable Effective Time, in form
and substance satisfactory to Assignee and Assignor.

                    "Assignor"  shall  have the  meaning  assigned  to it in the
preamble hereof.

                    "Assignor Indemnitees" shall have the meaning assigned to it
in Section
13(d) hereof.

                    "Assumed Liabilities" mean, with respect to each Transferred
Interest, (i) all of the obligations and liabilities of Assignor relating to the
applicable  Trust Estate and under the applicable  Trust Agreement and all other
Operative  Agreements relating to such Trust Estate or such Transferred Interest
to the extent arising from acts, omissions, events or circumstances occurring or
accruing  on or  after  the  applicable  Effective  Time  for  such  Transferred
Interest, (ii) all Deposit Liabilities relating to such Transferred Interest and
(iii) all Unfunded Commitments relating to such Transferred Interest.

                    "Business  Day"  means  any day  that is not a  Saturday,  a
Sunday or a day on which  banks are  required or  permitted  to be closed in the
States of California or New York.


                    "CAA" means the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority.

                    "Cash  Account"  shall have the  meaning  assigned  to it in
Section 4(a) hereof.

                    "Citizen of the United  States"  means Citizen of the United
States as defined in Section 40102(a)(15) of the Act and in the FAA Regulations.

                    "Claim  Notice"  shall have the  meaning  assigned  to it in
Section 14(a) hereof.

                    "Damages"  means,  in respect of any obligation to indemnify
any Person pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,  any and all losses, claims,
damages,  liabilities,  obligations,  actions,  suits,  judgments,  settlements,
awards,  reasonable and documented  out-of-pocket costs, expenses and attorneys'
fees but shall exclude any consequential,  expectancy or speculative  Damages or
any Damages based on a claim of lost profits or opportunities.

                    "Daylight  Effective  Time"  means any  Effective  Time that
occurs on a Business  Day during the hours of 9:30 a.m.  and 5:00 p.m.  EDT, New
York City time.

                    "Deposit  Liabilities"  mean,  with  respect  to any  Lessee
Deposit  transferred to Assignee  pursuant to this Agreement,  all  liabilities,
obligations  and duties owed by Assignor or any Owner Trustee to a Lessee or any
assignee of or successor to such Lessee  relating to, based on or arising out of
such Lessee  Deposit,  whether  known or unknown,  contingent  or  absolute,  or
arising  before,  on or after  the  Effective  Time  applicable  to such  Lessee

                    "Effective  Time"  means,  subject to the final  sentence of
this  definition,  each  date and  time on which  any  Transferred  Interest  is
delivered by Assignor to Assignee and  accepted by Assignee in  accordance  with
the terms of this  Agreement  as  specified  in the  Assignment  and  Assumption
Agreement with respect to such Transferred  Interest.  Each Transferred Interest
may be delivered by Assignor to Assignee and accepted by Assignee in  accordance
with the terms hereof and the terms of the applicable  Assignment and Assumption
Agreement  independently  of any other  Transferred  Interest  and at  different
Effective  Times.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Effective Time for each
Transferred  Interest assigned to Assignee shall be deemed,  with respect to the
allocation of Aircraft Income as between  Assignor and Assignee (but not for any
other purpose), to be April 1, 1997.

                    "Engine"  means  each  of  the  engines   identified  as  to
manufacturer, type and manufacturer serial number on Schedule 3 hereto together,


in each case,  with any and all Parts  incorporated  or installed in or attached
thereto  as of the  Effective  Time  relating  to such  Engine  (subject  to any
pooling,  replacement or exchange rights arising under the Operative  Agreements
relating to such Engine).

                    "Escrow  Agent"  means the escrow  agent (and any  financial
institution that succeeds such escrow agent) pursuant to the terms of the Escrow

                    "Escrow Agreement" means an Escrow Agreement among Assignor,
Assignee and the Escrow  Agent,  in form and substance  satisfactory  to each of

                    "FAA"  means  the  Federal  Aviation  Administration  of the
United  States or any  Government  Entity  succeeding  to the  functions  of the
Federal Aviation Administration.

                    "Foreign   Aircraft"  means,   collectively,   the  Aircraft
described on Part B of Schedule 1.

                    "Government Entity" means (a) any federal, state, provincial
or similar  government,  and any body,  board,  department,  commission,  court,
tribunal,  authority,  agency or other instrumentality of any such government or
otherwise  exercising any executive,  legislative,  judicial,  administrative or
regulatory  functions  of such  government  or (b) any other  government  entity
having jurisdiction over any matter contemplated by the Operative  Agreements or
relating to the  observance  or  performance  of the  obligations  of any of the
parties to the Operative Agreements.

                    "Indemnified Party" shall have the meaning assigned to it in
Section 14(a) hereof.

                    "Indemnitor"  shall  have  the  meaning  assigned  to  it in
Section 14(a) hereof.

                    "IRS" means the Internal  Revenue  Service or any Government
Entity succeeding to the functions of the Internal Revenue Service.

                    "Keep Well" shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section
7(d) hereof.

                    "Keep Well Guaranty"  shall have the meaning  assigned to it
in Section 7(e) hereof.

                    "Leases" mean, collectively, the Leases listed on Schedule 2
attached  hereto,  as the same may have been amended,  supplemented  or modified
from time to time.


                    "Lessee  Deposit"  means any security  deposit,  maintenance
reserve or other funds held by Assignor or any Owner Trustee as security for the
performance  by a Lessee of any of its  obligations  under a Lease or any of the
Operative  Agreements relating to such Lease (including any interest or earnings
on any such funds  which,  pursuant to such Lease or such  Operative  Agreements
relating to such Lease, are for the account or the benefit of the Lessee).

                    "Lessees" mean, collectively, the Persons listed on Schedule
1 attached hereto.

                    "Lien" means any  mortgage,  pledge,  lien,  charge,  claim,
encumbrance,  lease or security interest  affecting the title to or any interest
in property.

                    "Loan  Guaranty"  shall have the  meaning  assigned to it in
Section 7(e) hereof.

                    "Loss of Title"  means,  with respect to any  Aircraft,  the
condemnation, confiscation, appropriation or seizure of, or requisition of title
to such Aircraft by any Government Entity;  provided,  however, that requisition
of the use of an Aircraft  shall not constitute a Loss of Title unless there has
also been a requisition of title to such Aircraft by a Governmental Entity.

                    "Mop-Up Date" means the seventh (7th) Business Day after the
Start Date; provided,  however, that if, on the seventh (7th) Business Day after
the Start Date,  Assignee  gives  notice to Assignor  that an Aircraft  which is
subject of a Transferred Interest not yet transferred to Assignee (i) is located
in a jurisdiction  that is unacceptable to Assignee and (ii) cannot be relocated
to an  acceptable  jurisdiction  because  either (x) such Aircraft is physically
unable to be so  relocated  or (y) the Lessee of such  Aircraft  has  refused to
cooperate  in  relocating  it,  then in such case  "Mop-Up  Date" shall mean the
earlier of (A) the thirtieth (30th) day following the seventh (7th) Business Day
after the Start Date or (B) June 30, 1997.

                    "Offering  Party"  means  any  Person  making  a  bona  fide
inquiry,  offer or  proposal  to acquire,  directly  or  indirectly,  (a) all or
substantially  all of the assets  subject to the Trust  Agreements or (b) all or
substantially all of the Transferred Interests or (c) a combination thereof.

                    "Operative  Agreements"  means,  collectively,  each  of the
Leases,  the  Trust  Agreements,  the tax  indemnity  agreements  and the  other
agreements  listed on  Schedule  4  attached  hereto,  as the same may have been
amended, supplemented or modified from time to time.


                    "Outside  Date"  shall have the  meaning  assigned  to it in
Section 7(g) hereof.

                    "Owner  Trustee" means each Owner Trustee listed on Schedule
5 attached  hereto,  not in its individual  capacity but solely as owner trustee
under the applicable Trust Agreement.

                    "Parts"  mean,  with  respect to any Aircraft or any Engine,
all appli ances, components,  parts,  instruments,  appurtenances,  accessories,
furnishings,  spare parts,  seats and other  equipment of whatever nature (other
than  complete  engines),  incorporated  or installed in or attached to any such
Aircraft or Engine as of the  Effective  Time  relating to any such  Aircraft or
Engine (subject to any pooling, replacement or exchange rights arising under the
Operative Agreements relating to such Aircraft or Engine).

                    "Person"  means  any  Government  Entity,  individual,  sole
proprietor ship,  partnership,  limited liability company, joint venture, trust,
unincorporated  organization,   association,  corporation,  institution,  public
benefit corporation or other entity.

                    "PIMC" means Polaris Investment Management Corporation, a
California corporation.

                    "Promissory  Note" shall have the meaning  assigned to it in
Section 4(a) hereof.

                    "Purchase  Price"  shall have the meaning  assigned to it in
Section 4(a) hereof.

                    "Purchase  Price Interest" means an amount equal to interest
on the "Cash  Amount" set forth on Schedule 4(a) hereto (as such Cash Amount may
be reduced  pursuant to Section 4(c) or Section  4(d)(ii)),  calculated  for the
period  from and  including  April 1, 1997  through but not  including  the date
Assignor  receives the Cash Amount  pursuant to Section 4(a), at a rate equal to
5.3% per annum.

                    "Reserved  Rights"  mean,  with respect to each  Transferred
Interest,  any of the right,  title or interest of Assignor in, to or in respect
of each and every indemnity or other payment or obligation  (whether in the form
of rent or otherwise),  arising in connection with any claim, cause of action or
payment  obligation  payable  to, on behalf  or in favor of  Assignor,  under or
pursuant to any Trust  Agreement or any other Operative  Agreements  relating to
such Transferred Interest (including,  without limitation,  any rights or causes
of action  Assignor may have against any Owner Trustee  pursuant to the terms of
any  Trust  Agreement)  to  the  extent  that  such  indemnities,   payments  or
obligations  vested  or  relate  to an  act,  omission,  event  or  circumstance
occurring or accruing prior to the Effective Time for such Transferred  Interest
other  than  Aircraft  Income,  Lessee  Deposits  or other  rights  specifically
transferred to Assignee pursuant to this Agreement.


                    "Security  Agreement"  shall have the meaning assigned to it
in Section 7(f) hereof.

                    "SP Notice" shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section
11(b) hereof.

                    "Special CAA Counsel" shall have the meaning  assigned to it
in Section 7(o) hereof.

                    "Special FAA Counsel" shall have the meaning  assigned to it
in Section 7(o) hereof.

                    "Start  Date"  means  the  earlier  of (i) a  date  mutually
acceptable  to Assignor and Assignee or (ii) the sixth (6th)  Business Day after
which,  in the good faith  judgement of Assignor,  the conditions  precedent set
forth  in  Section  7(g),  (k) or (r) are  first  satisfied  with  respect  to a
Transferred Interest.

                    "Stock"  means all  shares,  options,  warrants,  general or
limited partnership  interests,  membership  interests,  participations or other
equivalents (regardless of how designated) of or in a corporation,  partnership,
limited  liability  company or equivalent  entity  whether  voting or nonvoting,
including,  without  limitation,   common  stock,  preferred  stock,  membership
interest or any other "equity  security" (as such term is defined in Rule 3a11-1
of the General Rules and Regula tions promulgated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended).

                    "Superior  Proposal"  means any bona fide inquiry,  offer or
proposal which,  in the case of an offer or proposal,  is made by a Person that,
in the good faith judgment of Assignor,  is financially  capable of consummating
such  offer  or  proposal  to  acquire,  directly  or  indirectly,  (a)  all  or
substantially  all of the assets  subject to the Trust  Agreements or (b) all or
substantially all of the Transferred  Interests or (c) any combination  thereof,
the terms of which,  in the good faith judgment of Assignor,  provide  aggregate
present  value  consideration  to  Assignor  that is  materially  better or more
advantageous  than the  aggregate  present value  consideration  provided by the
transactions contemplated hereby; provided that in making such judgment Assignor
shall have no duty or obligation  to seek the advice of any outside  advisors or

                    "TASL" means Triton  Aviation  Services  Limited,  a Bermuda


                    "Taxes"   mean   all   license,   recording,    documentary,
registration  and other  similar fees and all taxes,  levies,  imposts,  duties,
charges,  assessments or with holdings of any nature  whatsoever  imposed by any
Taxing  Authority,  together  with any  penalties,  additions  to tax,  fines or
interest thereon or additions thereto.

                    "Taxing  Authority"  means  any  federal,   state  or  local
Government  Entity or other taxing  authority in the United States,  any foreign
government  or any  political  subdivision  or  taxing  authority  thereof,  any
international  taxing  authority or any  territory or  possession  of the United
States or any taxing authority thereof.

                    "Threshold  Amount" shall have the meaning assigned to it in
Section 13(c) hereof.

                    "TIL"   means   Triton   Investments   Limited,   a  Bermuda

                    "Third Party Action"  shall have the meaning  assigned to it
in Section 14(a) hereof.

                    "Total Loss" means, with respect to any Aircraft, any of the
following  events:  (a) total loss of such Aircraft or the  destruction,  damage
beyond  economic  repair or rendition  of such  Aircraft  permanently  unfit for
normal use for any reason  whatsoever;  (b) any  damage to such  Aircraft  which
results in an insurance settlement with respect to such Aircraft on the basis of
a total loss or on the basis of a compromised  or  constructive  total loss; and
(c) Loss of Title.

                    "Transfer  Taxes"  shall have the meaning  assigned to it in
Section 13(a) hereof.

                    "Transferred   Interests"   mean,   collectively,   all   of
Assignor's  present and future  right,  title and  interest in, to and under the
Trust  Estate,  the Trust Agree ments and all other  Operative  Agreements,  all
Lessee Deposits, all Aircraft Income and all Foreign Aircraft, but excluding, in
each  case,  the  Reserved  Rights.  The  term  Transferred   Interest  followed
immediately by a manufacturer's serial number of an Aircraft (e.g., "Transferred
Interest  19711")  shall mean,  in each case,  collectively,  all of  Assignor's
present and future right,  title and interest in, to and under the Trust Estate,
the Trust Agreement and other Operative Agreements, Lessee Deposits and Aircraft
Income relating to the Aircraft bearing such manufacturer's serial number.

                    "Trust Agreements" mean, collectively,  each Trust Agreement
listed  on  Schedule  6  attached  hereto,  as the same may have  been  amended,
supplemented or modified from time to time.


                    "Trust  Estate"  means,  collectively,  each Trust Estate as
defined in each of the Trust Agreements.

                    "Trusts" mean,  collectively,  each Trust as defined in each
of the Trust Agreements.

                    "Unfunded Commitment" means, with respect to any Transferred
Interest,  any  unfunded  obligations  of Assignor or the Owner  Trustee to make
loans,  advances  or  extensions  of credit  or to defer or extend  the time for
payment of rent  obligations  for the purpose of funding or otherwise  financing
modifications to the Aircraft to which such Transferred  Interest relates or the
acquisition of equipment.

                    "without special inquiry" means with respect to Assignor, no
inquiry other than that conducted in the ordinary  course of  administering  the
transactions  contemplated by the Operative Agreements and that conducted in the
ordinary course of negotiating the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,
by any director, officer, employee or agent of Assignor who is actively involved
in negotiating the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                    As used herein,  each of "Assignor,"  "Assignee,"  "Lessee,"
"Owner  Trustee"  or  any  other  Person  includes,  without  prejudice  to  the
provisions of any Operative Agreements,  any successor in interest to it and any
permitted transferee, permitted purchaser or permitted assignee of it.

SECTION 2.          Sale and Assignment

                    Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in
reliance on the  representations and warranties of Assignee set forth herein, at
each applicable  Effective Time,  Assignor does hereby sell, assign and transfer
to Assignee all of Assignor's  present and future right,  title and interest in,
to and under each Trans ferred Interest including,  without  limitation,  all of
the Assumed  Liabilities  relating to such Transferred  Interest;  provided that
such sale, assignment and transfer shall be effective only upon the satisfaction
or  waiver,  at or  prior  to  the  applicable  Effective  Time  for  each  such
Transferred   Interest,   of  the  conditions  set  forth  in  Section  7,  such
satisfaction or waiver to be evidenced by Assignor's acceptance from Assignee of
the Assignment and Assumption Agreement for each such Transferred Interest.


SECTION 3.          Purchase and Assumption

                    Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in
reliance on the  representations and warranties of Assignor set forth herein, at
each  applicable  Effective  Time,  Assignee does hereby (i) purchase and accept
each Transferred  Interest,  (ii) assume all of the Assumed Liabilities relating
to each such  Transferred  Interest and (iii)  confirm that it shall be deemed a
party to each  Trust  Agreement  as of the  Effective  Time  relating,  and with
respect,  to the Transferred  Interest  referenced in such Trust Agreement,  and
agrees to be bound by all the terms of each  thereof and hereby  undertakes  and
assumes all of the Assumed  Liabilities  relating to such Trans ferred Interest;
provided,  however,  that Assignor  shall remain liable for the  obligations  of
Assignor  relating to Reserved Rights;  provided,  further,  that such purchase,
acceptance  and  assumption  shall be effective  only upon the  satisfaction  or
waiver,  at or  prior to the  applicable  Effective  Time  for such  Transferred
Interest,  of the conditions set forth in Section 8, such satisfaction or waiver
to be  evidenced  by  Assignee's  delivery  to Assignor  of the  Assignment  and
Assumption Agreement for such Transferred Interest. The assumption  contemplated
hereby,  at the  applicable  Effective  Time, as between  Assignor and Assignee,
shall be deemed to release  Assignor  from all Assumed  Liabilities  relating to
such Transferred Interest.

SECTION 4.          Purchase Price

                    (a)    Payment of Purchase Price

                           The purchase price for the  Transferred  Interests is
as set forth on Schedule 4(a) attached  hereto plus the Purchase  Price Interest
(the "Purchase Price").  The Purchase Price Interest shall be due and payable on
the  Business Day after the earlier to occur of (i) the last  Effective  Time to
occur hereunder and (ii) the seventh Business Day after the Start Date and shall
be paid by Assignee to Assignor by wire transfer of immediately  available funds
in  accordance  with the  instructions  of  Assignor.  At or prior to the  first
Effective Time to occur pursuant to the terms hereof, Assignee shall (i) deliver
a note to Assignor in  substantially  the form attached hereto as Exhibit A (the
"Promissory  Note"), in an amount equal to the amount set forth on Schedule 4(a)
as the "Note Amount" and (ii) wire transfer  immediately  available  funds in an
amount  equal to the amount set forth on Schedule  4(a) as the "Cash  Amount" to
the Escrow Agent for deposit into the account established pursuant to the Escrow
Agreement (the "Cash Account").


                    (b)    Transfer of Aircraft Income and Lessee Deposits

                           For each  Daylight  Effective  Time and on the Mop-Up
Date, contemporaneously with such Daylight Effective Time or on the Mop-Up Date,
and for each Effective  Time that does not constitute a Daylight  Effective Time
or is not deemed to occur on the Mop-Up Date,  promptly at the  beginning of the
next  Business  Day after such  Effective  Time,  Assignor  shall wire  transfer
immediately  available funds to Assignee, at an account designated in writing by
Assignee,  in an  amount  equal  to the  Aircraft  Income  and  Lessee  Deposits
estimated by Assignor  pursuant to Section  4(d)(i) hereof to constitute part of
the  Transferred  Interest  transferred (or deemed to be transferred) as of such
Effective Time or as of the Mop-Up Date.

                    (c)    First Effective Date; Mop-Up Date

                           Each of Assignor  and Assignee  covenants  and agrees
that (i) if each of the  conditions  precedent  in Section 7 (as to Assignor) or
Section 8 (as to Assignee) are satisfied or waived by the appropriate party, the
first  Effective  Time will occur on the Start Date and (ii) the Effective  Time
for each and every  Transferred  Interest will occur not later than the close of
business in New York on the Mop-Up Date.  Each of Assignor and Assignee  further
agrees that at any time after the earlier of (i) the seventh  Business Day after
the Start Date and (ii) the last  Effective  Time to occur pursuant to the terms
hereof, (A) Assignor is hereby authorized to withdraw from the Cash Account,  an
amount equal to the Cash Amount less any  reduction of the Cash Amount  pursuant
to the last  sentence of this Section 4(c) or pursuant to Section  4(d)(ii) less
one-half  of the fees  owed to the  Escrow  Agent  and (B)  Assignee  is  hereby
authorized  to withdraw  from the Cash  Account all other funds in excess of the
amount set forth in clause (A);  provided,  however,  if Assignee  withdraws the
Cash  Amount  pursuant  to the  foregoing  clause (i) and there is a  subsequent
reduction in the Cash Amount pursuant to the last sentence of this Section 4(c),
then  Assignor  shall  promptly  return  to  Assignee  an  amount  equal to such
subsequent  reduction  plus  interest  at the  rate of 5.3% per  annum  from the
withdrawal  date through the date of repayment to Assignee.  On the Mop-Up Date,
so long as (i) the  conditions  precedent  set forth in Section 7 hereof  (other
than with respect to the location of the Aircraft)  shall have been satisfied or
waived by Assignor, Assignor shall be obligated to deliver, with respect to each
Transferred   Interest  that  has  not  been  assigned  previously  to  Assignee
(including any Transferred  Interest which has not been  transferred  previously
because the Aircraft relating to such Transferred  Interest has been the subject
of a Loss of  Title  but as to  which  such  Loss of  Title  has  been  cured or
otherwise  corrected on or prior to the Mop-Up Date),  Assignment and Assumption
Agreements,  the evidence of authorization  described in Section  8(e)(iv),  any
consents referred to in Section 5.1(b),  the opinions  described in Section 8(i)
and any  other  instruments  or  documents  as  Assignee  or its  counsel  shall


reasonably  request  and (ii) the  conditions  precedent  set forth in Section 8
hereof (other than with respect to the location of the Aircraft) shall have been
satisfied or waived by Assignee,  Assignee  shall be obligated to deliver,  with
respect to each  Transferred  Interest that has not been assigned  previously to
Assignee  (including any  Transferred  Interest  which has not been  transferred
previously  because the Aircraft relating to such Transferred  Interest has been
the subject of a Loss of Title but as to which such Loss of Title has been cured
or  otherwise  corrected  on or  prior  to  the  Mop-Up  Date),  Assignment  and
Assumption  Agreements,  the  evidence  of  authorization  described  in Section
7(j)(v),  any consents referred to in Section 6.1(b),  the opinions described in
Section 7(n) and any other  instruments  or documents as Assignor or its counsel
shall reasonably request. If on the Mop-Up Date any of the conditions  precedent
set forth in  Section 7 or  Section 8 hereof  (other  than with  respect  to the
location of the Aircraft) are not  satisfied or waived by the  applicable  party
with respect to any Transferred Interest,  any Aircraft which is subject of such
Transferred  Interest  will no longer be the subject of this  Agreement and this
Agreement  will be  deemed  to be  reformed  to delete  all  references  to such
Aircraft and such Transferred Interest and the Purchase Price will be reduced in
an amount equal to the Allocable  Portion  Percentage for such Aircraft and each
of the Note Amount and the Cash Amount as set forth on Schedule 4(a) hereof will
be adjusted on a pro rata basis.

                    (d)    Settlement of Aircraft Income and Lessee Deposits

                           (i) Prior to assignment of a Transferred  Interest to
Assignee  hereunder,  Assignor shall estimate the Aircraft Income and any Lessee
Deposits that have been  received by Assignor or the Owner  Trustee  relating to
such  Transferred  Interest  as  of  the  applicable  Effective  Time  for  such
Transferred  Interest.  Because the actual amount of the Aircraft Income and any
Lessee Deposits  relating to a Transferred  Interest and received by Assignor or
such Owner Trustee will not be readily  determinable  until after the applicable
Effective  Time,  a final  calculation  cannot be made on that date.  Therefore,
within  fifteen  (15)  Business  Days  after the end of the month in which  such
Effective  Time  occurs,   Assignor  shall  provide  Assignee  with  such  final
calculation  (in reasonable  detail) of Aircraft  Income and any Lessee Deposits
that have been  received  by  Assignor  or the Owner  Trustee  relating  to such
Transferred  Interest.  To the extent the calculation indicates that the amounts
transferred  by Assignor  pursuant to Section  4(b) hereof with  respect to such
Transferred Interest were in excess of the actual Aircraft Income and any Lessee
Deposits  received by Assignor or the Owner Trustee relating to such Transferred
Interest,  Assignee  shall  promptly  pay the amount of such  excess to Assignor


(plus  interest on such amount at the rate of 5.3% per annum from the applicable
date of payment to Assignee to the date of repayment to Assignor). To the extent
the calculation  indicates that the amounts  transferred by Assignor pursuant to
Section 4(b) hereof with respect to such Transferred Interest were less than the
actual Aircraft Income and any Lessee Deposits received by Assignor or the Owner
Trustee relating to such Transferred  Interest,  Assignor shall promptly pay the
amount of such  deficiency to Assignee (plus interest on such amount at the rate
of 5.3% per annum from the Business Day following the applicable  Effective Time
to the date of payment to Assignee).  An  adjustment  to the Purchase  Price for
Aircraft  Income under this Section 4(d)(i) shall be treated by the parties as a
purchase price adjustment for all income tax purposes.

                           (ii) If at any time prior to the last  Effective Time
to occur  pursuant  to the terms  hereof,  any  Aircraft  which is  subject of a
Transferred Interest not yet transferred by Assignor to Assignee suffers a Total
Loss,  such  Aircraft  will no longer be the subject of this  Agreement and this
Agreement  will be  deemed  to be  reformed  to delete  all  references  to such
Aircraft and the related Transferred  Interests;  provided,  however,  that with
respect to any such  Aircraft,  if such Total Loss is due to a Loss of Title and
if Assignor  cures or  otherwise  corrects  such Loss of Title by  regaining  or
recovering the use thereof or title thereto on or prior to the Mop-Up Date, such
Aircraft will be deemed to be reinstated and once more subject to this Agreement
and this  Agreement  will be deemed to be  reformed  to include  all  previously
deleted  references  to such  Aircraft  and the related  Transferred  Interests.
Contemporaneously  with the  removal  of any  Aircraft  from  the  terms of this
Agreement,  the  Purchase  Price  will be  reduced  in an  amount  equal  to the
Allocable  Portion  Percentage for such Aircraft and each of the Note Amount and
the Cash Amount as set forth on  Schedule  4(a) hereof will be adjusted on a pro
rata basis.  Contemporaneously  with the  reinstatement of an Aircraft into this
Agreement,  the  Purchase  Price  will be  increased  in an amount  equal to the
Allocable  Portion  Percentage for such Aircraft and each of the Note Amount and
the Cash Amount as set forth on  Schedule  4(a) hereof will be adjusted on a pro
rata basis. If at any time prior to the last Effective Time to occur pursuant to
the terms hereof,  any Aircraft  which is subject of a Transferred  Interest not
yet transferred by Assignor to Assignee  suffers any property damage or loss not
constituting  a Total  Loss and such  property  damage  or loss is not  cured or
corrected  prior to the time when such  Transferred  Interest is transferred (or
deemed  to be  transferred)  by  Assignor  to  Assignee,  Assignor  shall pay to
Assignee  any  insurance  proceeds  received  by Assignor  with  respect to such
property  damage or loss promptly  after  receipt by Assignor of such  insurance
proceeds;  provided,  however, that Assignor shall not enter into any settlement
of any  insurance  claim without the prior  written  consent of Assignee,  which
consent may not be unreasonably withheld.


SECTION 5.          Representations and Warranties of Assignor; Limitation of
                    Warranty; Covenant with Respect to Pre-Closing Actions

                    5.1  Representations  and Warranties of Assignor.  As of the
date  hereof  and as of each  Effective  Time with  respect  to the  Transferred
Interest being transferred at such Effective Time,  Assignor makes the following
representations and warranties to Assignee:

                    (a)    Partnership Organization, Etc.

                           Assignor (i) is a limited partnership duly organized,
validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of California,
(ii) is a Citizen of the United States and (iii) has the  requisite  partnership
power and authority to carry on its business as presently  conducted,  to own or
hold under lease its  properties,  and to enter into and perform its obligations
under  this  Agreement  and each of the  Ancillary  Agreements  to which it is a

                    (b)    Due Authorization; Non-Contravention

                           The  execution  and  delivery  by  Assignor  of  this
Agreement and each of the Ancillary  Agreements to which it is a party,  and the
performance by Assignor of its obligations  hereunder and  thereunder,  (i) have
been  duly  authorized  by all  necessary  partnership  action  on the  part  of
Assignor,  (ii) do not require any part nership approval, or approval or consent
of any trustee or holder of any  indebtedness  or  obligations  of Assignor  not
already  obtained,   (iii)  do  not  contravene  any  law,   governmental  rule,
regulation,  judgment  or order  applicable  to or binding on  Assignor,  or the
limited  partnership  agreement of Assignor or contravene the provi sions of, or
constitute a default  under or result in the creation of any Lien (other than as
provided for or otherwise permitted in the Operative  Agreements) upon the Trust
Estate or any other  Transferred  Interest under any indenture,  mortgage,  bank
credit agreement,  note or bond purchase agreement,  long-term lease, license or
other  agreement or instrument to which Assignor is a party or by which Assignor
is bound and (iv) except as set forth on Schedule 5(b) attached  hereto,  do not
require the consent or  approval  of, the giving of notice to, the  registration
with,  or the taking of any other  action in respect of, any  federal,  state or
foreign  governmental  authority  or agency or any other  Person,  except  those
already obtained.

                    (c)    Due Execution and Delivery; Enforceability

                           This  Agreement and each of the Ancillary  Agreements
to which it is a party have been duly executed and delivered and are enforceable
against  Assignor  in  accordance  with  their  terms,  subject to the effect of
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  receivership,  moratorium  and  other


similar laws affecting the rights and remedies of creditors  generally and, with
respect to the enforceability of this Agreement or any such Ancillary Agreement,
by  general   principles   of  equity,   including   principles   of  commercial
reasonableness,  good faith and fair dealing  (regardless of whether enforcement
is sought in a proceeding at law or in equity).

                    (d)    Event of Default

                           Except as set forth on Schedule  5(d), no claims have
been made by or at the direction of Assignor that remain unresolved under any of
the  Operative  Agreements,  and to the actual  knowledge of  Assignor,  without
special inquiry,  no basis for such claims exists (excluding in all cases claims
for  reimbursement  of fees,  costs and expenses which are either  immaterial or
incurred in the ordinary  course).  Except as set forth on Schedule 5(d), to the
actual  knowledge of Assignor,  without special  inquiry,  (i) no disputes exist
among any of the parties to the Operative  Agreements  concerning  the rights or
obligations of such parties thereunder, (ii) there exists no default or event of
default under any Leases,  any Trust Agreement or any other Operative  Agreement
attributable  to any act or  omission  of  Assignor,  (iii)  Assignor  is not in
default  under  any of the  Operative  Agreements,  (iv) no  default  under  any
Operative  Agreement  has occurred and is  continuing  as a result of any action
taken by the  Owner  Trustee  in  accordance  with any  express  instruction  by
Assignor and (v) there has been no assertion by any Lessee of any default on the
part of Assignor or the Owner Trustee under any Operative Agreement.

                    (e)    Total Loss

                           To the actual knowledge of Assignor,  without special
inquiry, none of the Aircraft are the subject of any Total Loss.

                    (f)    Taxes

                           (i) All tax returns and reports  required to be filed
by or on behalf of each Owner  Trustee  (solely in its capacity as Owner Trustee
and not in its individual capacity), and all federal income tax returns required
to be filed by or on behalf of  Assignor  on or before the  Effective  Time have
been timely filed with the appropriate  taxing  authorities in all jurisdictions
in which such tax returns  were  required to be filed and all taxes shown due on
such tax returns have been paid in full; and

                           (ii) No  claims  have  been  made by or on  behalf of
Assignor or any other Person in respect of any  obligation  under the  Operative
Agreements  to  indemnify  any Owner  Trustee or Assignor for or with respect to
Taxes,  and  Assignor  has no present  intention of making any such claim (other
than possible  claims for state,  local and foreign Taxes or foreign tax credits


arising from the use or operation  of the Aircraft by the  applicable  Lessee or
any sublessee prior to the applicable Effective Time).

                    (g)    Litigation

                           Except as set forth on Schedule  5(g)  hereof,  there
are no legal or governmental  actions,  suits or proceedings  pending or, to the
actual  knowledge of Assignor,  threatened  against  Assignor  before any court,
administrative  agency or tribunal which,  if determined  adversely to Assignor,
would  materially  adversely  affect the  ability  of  Assignor  to perform  its
obligations under this Agreement or any of the Ancillary  Agreements to which it
is a party.

                    (h)    Encumbrances

                           Except as set forth on Schedule 5(h) hereof, Assignor
is the sole legal and beneficial owner of (i) each of the Transferred  Interests
(other than the Foreign  Aircraft),  free and clear of all Liens and,  except as
set forth on Schedule 5(b),  transfer  restrictions and (ii) each of the Foreign
Aircraft, free and clear of all Liens and, except as set forth on Schedule 5(b),
transfer  restrictions  other than (A) Liens that are  permitted by the terms of
the leases  relating to such  Foreign  Aircraft and (B) the rights of the Lessee
with  respect to such  Foreign  Aircraft.  Except as set forth on Schedule  5(h)
hereof,  each Owner  Trustee is the sole  legal  owner of each Trust  Estate for
which such Owner  Trustee is owner  trustee  pursuant  to the  applicable  Trust
Agreement,  free and clear of all  Liens  and,  except as set forth on  Schedule
5(b),  transfer   restrictions  other  than  Liens  permitted  by  and  transfer
restrictions  contained  in the  Operative  Agreements  relating  to such  Trust
Estate. Except as otherwise provided in the Operative  Agreements,  Assignor has
not previously sold, assigned,  encumbered,  transferred or conveyed,  and other
than as provided in this Agreement, has no obligation to sell, assign, encumber,
transfer  or convey,  any of its right,  title or  interest  in, to or under the
Transferred Interests to any Person.

                    (i)    Brokers' Fees

                           Assignor  is not liable for the fees of any broker or
Person  acting  on  Assignor's   behalf  in  connection  with  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  or by any of the  Ancillary  Agreements  to  which it is a


                    (j)    Operative Agreements

                           Except as set forth on Schedule  5(j),  Assignor  has
provided Assignee with true and complete originals of each of the Leases and the
Trust  Agreements  and  with  true  and  complete  copies  of each of the  other
Operative  Agreements and all amendments and supplements thereto as set forth on
Schedules  2,  4 and  6  hereto,  which  represent,  collectively,  all  of  the
agreements,  instruments  and  documents  among  Assignor and the parties to the
Operative  Agreements  with respect to the  Transferred  Interests  and no other
agreements,  instruments  or  documents,  among  Assignor and the parties to the
Operative Agreements, with respect to the Transferred Interests exist.

                    (k)    Title to Transferred Interests

                           Upon  execution  and  delivery to Assignee of each of
the  Assign  ment  and  Assumption   Agreements  and  the  consummation  of  the
transactions contem plated hereunder and thereunder, Assignee will acquire legal
title to the  Transferred  Interests,  free and clear of all Liens and  transfer
restrictions other than as set forth on Schedule 5(h).

                    (l)  Unfunded Commitments

                           Except as set forth on  Schedule 7 hereof,  there are
no Unfunded Commitments in respect of any Aircraft.

                    5.2  Supplements  to  Schedules;  Post-Signing  Information.
Assignor may supplement or amend Schedules 5(d), 5(g) and 5(h) to this Agreement
with respect to any matter,  condition or occurrence hereafter arising which, if
existing or occurring at the date of this Agreement, would have been required to
be set  forth or  described  in such  Schedules  or would  otherwise  have  been
inconsistent with its representations herein.

                     5.3   Limitation of  Warranty.  Assignor's  representations
and warranties are limited as set forth below:

                           TO ASSIGNEE "AS IS" AND "WHERE IS," AND EXCEPT
                           AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN SECTION 5.1 HEREOF,
                           ANY KIND, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE; AND


                           EXCLUDES HEREFROM (i) ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
                           PARTICULAR PURPOSE, (ii) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY
                           OF FREEDOM FROM ANY RIGHTFUL CLAIM BY WAY
                           MARK, DESIGN OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHT,
                           (iii) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING FROM COURSE
                           OF TRADE, AND (iv) EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET
                           FORTH IN SECTION 13(c) HEREOF, ANY OBLIGATION
                           OR LIABILITY OF ASSIGNOR ARISING IN TORT,
                           OF ASSIGNOR, ACTUAL OR IMPLIED, OR IN STRICT
                           WITH RESPECT TO THE AIRCRAFT OR ENGINE OR
                           SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES

         5.4 Actions with Respect to Transferred  Interests.  From the date this
Agreement  is executed  and  delivered by Assignor to Assignee to the earlier to
occur of (i) the termination of this Agreement  pursuant to Section 15 hereof or
(ii) the  Effective  Time with  respect  to a  Transferred  Interest,  except as
otherwise expressly required or permitted by this Agreement,  Assignor shall not
and shall not direct the Owner Trustee to, without the prior written  consent of

                    (a) enter into or materially modify any agreement,  contract
or commitment  which, if entered into,  created or established prior to the date
of  this  Agreement,  would  be  required  to be  listed  (or,  in the  case  of
modifications and amendments,  pertains to an agreement, contract, commitment or
arrangement  which  is  presently  listed)  on  Schedule  2,  4, 7 or 8 of  this
Agreement  or waive  any  default  or  event  of  default  under  any  Operative
Agreement; or

                    (b)  mortgage,  pledge  or  otherwise  encumber  any  of the
Transferred Interests or any Aircraft which is part of a Trust Estate; or

                    (c) sell, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of the
Transferred Interests or any Aircraft which is a part of a Trust Estate; or


                    (d) enter into an agreement or  arrangement to do any of the

SECTION 6.          Representations and Warranties of Assignee; Access Covenant

                    6.1  Representations  and Warranties of Assignee.  As of the
date  hereof  and as of each  Effective  Time with  respect  to the  Transferred
Interest being transferred at such Effective Time,  Assignee makes the following
representations and warranties to Assignor:

                    (a)    LLC Organization, Etc.

                           Assignee  (i) is a  limited  liability  company  duly
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
California,  and (ii) has the  requisite  power  and  authority  to carry on its
business as presently  conducted and as proposed to be conducted  after the date
of this Agreement, to own or hold under lease its properties,  and to enter into
and  perform  its  obligations  under  this  Agreement,  each  of the  Ancillary
Agreements to which it is a party,  each of the Trust Agreements and each of the
other Operative Agreements.

                    (b)    Due Authorization; Non-Contravention

                           The  execution  and  delivery  by  Assignee  of  this
Agreement and each of the Ancillary  Agreements to which it is a party,  and the
performance by Assignee of its obligations  hereunder,  thereunder and under the
Trust  Agreements  and  the  other  Operative  Agreements  (i)  have  been  duly
authorized by all necessary action on the part of Assignee,  (ii) do not require
any member  approval or any  approval or consent of any trustee or holder of any
indebtedness or obligations of Assignee except those already obtained,  (iii) do
not  contravene  any provision of the Act or any other law,  governmental  rule,
regulation,  judgment  or order  applicable  to or binding on  Assignee,  or the
organizational  documents  of  Assignee  or  contravene  the  provisions  of, or
constitute a default under, or result in the creation of any Lien (other than as
provided for or otherwise permitted in the Operative  Agreements) upon the Trust
Estate  under any  indenture,  mortgage,  bank  credit  agreement,  note or bond
purchase agreement, long-term lease, license or other agreement or instrument to
which  Assignee is a party or by which  Assignee is bound and (iv) except as set
forth on Schedule 6(b) attached  hereto,  do not require the consent or approval
of, the giving of notice to, the  registration  with, or the taking of any other
action in respect of, any federal,  state or foreign  governmental  authority or
agency or any other Person, except those already obtained.


                    (c)    Due Execution and Delivery; Enforceability

                           This  Agreement and each of the Ancillary  Agreements
to which it is a party have been duly executed and delivered and are enforceable
against  Assignee  in  accordance  with  their  terms,  subject to the effect of
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  receivership,  moratorium  and  other
similar laws affecting the rights and remedies of creditors  generally and, with
respect to the enforceability of this Agreement or any such Ancillary Agreement,
by  general   principles   of  equity,   including   principles   of  commercial
reasonableness,  good faith and fair dealing  (regardless of whether enforcement
is sought in a proceeding at law or in equity).

                    (d)    Litigation

                           There are no legal or governmental actions,  suits or
proceedings pending or, to the actual knowledge of Assignee,  threatened against
Assignee  before  any  court,   administrative  agency  or  tribunal  which,  if
determined adversely to Assignee,  would materially adversely affect the ability
of  Assignee  to  perform  its  obligations  under  this  Agreement,  any of the
Ancillary Agreements, the Trust Agree ments or the other Operative Agreements.

                    (e)    Compliance with Operative Agreements

                           Prior  to  the  Effective   Time  for  a  Transferred
Interest,  Assignee will have complied with and satisfied all of the conditions,
requirements and other  obligations  imposed on Assignee pursuant to each of the
Leases,  Trust  Agreements and other  Operative  Agreements  which have not been
waived  by the party  entitled  to  require  compliance  with  such  conditions,
requirements  or  other  obligations  in order to  effect  a  permitted  binding
transfer of the Transferred Interests to Assignee.

                    (f)    Non-Airline

                           Assignee is not a commercial air carrier or Affiliate
thereof that is in direct competition with any Lessee.

                    (g)    Brokers' Fees

                           Assignee is not liable for the fees of any broker or
Person  acting  as  a  broker  on  Assignee's  behalf  in  connection  with  the
transactions contemplated hereby.


                    (h)    Acquisition For Own Account

                           The  Transferred  Interests  are  being  acquired  by
Assignee for its own account,  for  investment and not with a view to any resale
or distribution thereof.  Assignee acknowledges that it has received, or has had
access to, all information  which it considers  necessary or advisable to enable
it to make a decision  concerning  the  transfer  of the  Transferred  Interests
including,  without  limitation,  access to the Leases, the Trust Agreements and
the other Operative Agreements and an opportunity to inspect the Aircraft.

                    6.2 Access  Covenant.  Assignee agrees that it shall use its
best  efforts to retain the  Operative  Agreements  with  respect to each of the
Transferred  Interests  transferred  to it  hereunder in  perpetuity;  provided,
however,  that  Assignee  shall  have the right to (a)  transfer  any  Operative
Agreements  relating to a  Transferred  Interest or Aircraft to the purchaser of
such  Transferred  Interest  or  Aircraft,  as the case may be,  subject to such
purchaser's agreement to retain such Operative Agreements and to permit Assignor
and its agents and representatives  access to such Operative  Agreements for the
remaining  term of the  Promissory  Note and (b)  dispose of or destroy any such
Operative Agreements at any time which is after payment in full and discharge of
the Promissory  Note.  Assignee will allow or will cause Assignor and its agents
and  representatives to be allowed access,  during regular business hours at the
offices of  Assignee,  to all of the  Operative  Agreements  and to any  Persons
having possession of or information relating to the Operative Agreements.

SECTION 7.          Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Assignor

                    The   obligation   of   Assignor  to  sell  and  assign  any
Transferred Interest to Assignee is subject to the satisfaction of the following
conditions with respect to such Transferred Interest:

                    (a)    Purchase Price

                           Assignee  shall have paid the  Purchase  Price in the
manner specified in Section 4.

                    (b)    Affidavit of Limited Control by a Non-U.S. Citizen

                           Not later than the first Effective Time, an affidavit
shall have been duly  authorized,  executed,  notarized  and  delivered by Owner
Trustee to FAA Counsel in form  suitable for filing with the FAA pursuant to the
Act certifying that (i)  contemporaneously  with the Effective Time with respect


to each  Transferred  Interest,  the Trust  Agreement with respect thereto shall
have been  amended  to include  limitations  on the  voting  rights of  Assignee
thereunder and (ii) Owner Trustee is a Citizen of the United States  pursuant to
the Act.

                    (c)    Escrow Agreement

                           Assignor  shall  have  received  a copy of the Escrow
Agreement,  dated as of a date not later than the first  Effective Time to occur
under this Agree ment which shall have been  executed and delivered by Assignee,
Assignor and the Escrow Agent.

                    (d)    TASL "Keep Well" Agreement

                           Assignor  shall have received a copy of the Keep Well
Agree ment,  dated as of a date not later than the first Effective Time to occur
under this  Agreement  which shall have been  executed and delivered by Assignee
and TASL,  in  substantially  the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit B (the "Keep

                    (e)    TIL Keep Well Guaranty and Loan Guaranty

                           Assignor shall have received an original  counterpart
of the Keep Well  Guaranty  and the Loan  Guaranty,  each dated as of a date not
later than the first Effective Time to occur under this Agreement, each of which
shall  have been  executed  and  delivered  by TIL,  in  substantially  the form
attached  hereto as Exhibit  C-1 (the "Keep  Well  Guaranty")  or C-2 (the "Loan
Guaranty"), as applicable.

                    (f)    Assignee Security Agreement

                           Assignor shall have received an original  counterpart
of the  Pledge  and  Security  Agreement,  dated as of a date not later than the
first Effective Time,  which shall have been executed and delivered by Assignee,
TASL and each member of Assignee in  substantially  the form attached  hereto as
Exhibit D (the  "Security  Agreement")  together  with  evidence  that all other
actions  necessary  or, in the  opinion of  Assignor,  desirable  to perfect and
protect the security  interests and liens created by the Security Agreement have
been taken including,  without  limitation,  the filing of financing  statements
against Assignee, TASL and each member of Assignee.

                    (g)    Approvals and Consents

                           All  approvals,  consents  and other items  listed on
Schedule  5(b)  shall  have  been  obtained,  satisfactory  to  Assignor  in all
respects,   as   determined  by  Assignor  in  its  sole   discretion   and  any


authorizations  which may be required for the valid consummation by Assignor and
Assignee  of  the   transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement  under  the
Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976, as amended,  shall have
been obtained  (including,  but not limited to, the expiration of any applicable
waiting period thereunder).

                    (h)    Due Authorization, Execution and Delivery

                           This   Agreement,   the   Assignment  and  Assumption
Agreement and any other Ancillary  Agreements  with respect to such  Transferred
Interest shall have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Assignee.

                    (i)    Representations and Warranties

                           The   representations   and  warranties  of  Assignee
contained  herein shall be true and correct in all  material  respects as of the
applicable  Effective  Time  with the same  force  and  effect  as  though  such
representations and warranties had been made on and as of such Effective Time.

                    (j)    Organizational and Authorization Matters

                           Assignor shall have received:

                                (i)  Resolutions  of the boards of  directors of
each of TASL,  TIL, each member of Assignee that is not a natural  person and of
the manager of  Assignee,  certified  by the  respective  Secretary or Assistant
Secretary thereof,  as of the date of this Agreement,  to be duly adopted and in
full force and effect on such date,  authorizing (a) the consummation of each of
the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  and  each of the  Ancillary
Agreements  and (b)  specific  officers  or  representatives  of  TASL,  TIL and
Assignee to execute and deliver this  Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements to
which any of them is a party.

                                (ii) Governmental  certificates,  dated the most
recent  practicable  date  prior to the  date of this  Agreement  with  telegram
updates  where  available,  showing  that each of Assignee,  TASL,  TIL and each
member  of  Assignee  that is not a  natural  person  is  organized  and in good
standing in the  jurisdiction  of its  organization  and that each of  Assignee,
TASL,  TIL and each member of Assignee that is not a natural person is qualified
as  a  foreign  corporation,   partnership  or  limited  liability  company,  as
applicable,  and in good  standing in each  jurisdiction  where the ownership or
operation  of  its   properties  or  conduct  of  its  business   requires  such


                                (iii) A copy of (a) the certificate of formation
and all amendments thereto of Assignee and the articles of incorporation and all
amendments  thereto of each of TASL, TIL and each member of Assignee that is not
a natural  person,  each certified as of a recent date by the Secretary of State
of the jurisdiction of its organization, (b) the bylaws of each of TASL, TIL and
each member of Assignee that is not a natural person  certified by the Secretary
or  Assistant  Secretary  thereof  as true  and  correct  as of the date of this
Agreement  and (c) the  operating  agreement of Assignee  (which  shall  include
provisions that are  substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E) and
the articles of  incorporation  and all amendments  thereto of each of TASL, TIL
and each  member of  Assignee  that is not a natural  person  certified,  by its
manager as true and correct on the date of this  Agreement  (with tax allocation
and cash distribution provisions deleted).

                                (iv)  Certificates   of  the  Secretary   or  an
Assistant Secretary of each of TASL, TIL and each member of Assignee that is not
a natural  person  and of the  manager of  Assignee,  as to the  incumbency  and
signatures of the representatives thereof executing this Agreement or any of the
Ancillary Agreements to which any of them is a party,  together with evidence of
the incumbency of such Secretary or Assistant Secretary.

                                (v)   As of each Effective Time,a certificate of
the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary or an Attesting Secretary of each of TASL,
TIL, each member of Assignee  that is not a natural  person and  the  manager of
Assignee certifying that the certificates delivered in accordance  with  clauses
(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above are true and correct as of such Effective Time.

                    (k)    Illegality; No Proceedings

                           At the applicable  Effective Time, the performance of
the trans actions  contemplated  hereby, upon the terms and conditions set forth
herein,  shall not, in the reasonable judgment of Assignor,  violate,  and shall
not  subject  Assignor  to any  penalty or  liability  under,  any law,  rule or
regulation binding upon Assignor.  At the applicable Effective Time, no legal or
governmental action, suit or proceeding shall have been instituted or threatened
before  any  court,  administrative  agency or  tribunal,  nor shall any  order,
judgment  or decree  have been  issued or  proposed  to be issued by any  court,
administrative agency or tribunal to set aside, restrain,  enjoin or prevent the
consummation of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

                    (l)    No Total Loss

                           At the  applicable  Effective  Time,  there shall not
exist a Total Loss with  respect  to the  Aircraft  related to such  Transferred


                    (m)    Opinions

                           Assignor  shall have  received an opinion  reasonably
satisfactory  to Assignor,  dated as of the first  Effective Time from Manwell &
Milton, counsel to Assignee,  each member of Assignee, TASL and TIL with respect
to such  matters  and to such  effect  as  Assignor  shall  reasonably  request.
Assignor shall also have received, with respect to each Transferred Interest, at
the applicable Effective Time for such Transferred Interest, an opinion from (i)
Manwell & Milton,  counsel to  Assignee  and (ii) Crowe & Dunlevy,  special  FAA
counsel  ("Special FAA Counsel") or Theodore Goddard  ("Special CAA Counsel") or
in each case with respect to such matters relating to such Transferred  Interest
and to such effect as Assignor shall reasonably request.

                    (n)    Location of Aircraft

                           Subject to Section 4(c)  hereof,  the location of the
Aircraft  relating to each Transferred  Interest shall be acceptable to Assignor
at the applicable Effective Time for such Transferred Interest.

                    (o)    TIL Balance Sheets

                           Assignor shall have received an audited balance sheet
of TIL as of December  31, 1996  reflecting  a  consolidated  net worth,  net of
minority interests, of at least $150,000,000.

                    (p)    Other   Instruments   and    Documents;    Additional

                           Assignor  shall have received such other  instruments
and docu ments as Assignor or its counsel  shall  reasonably  request.  Assignor
shall have received  such other  documents and evidence with respect to Assignee
as Assignor  may  reasonably  request in order to  establish  the  authority  of
Assignee to consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  the
consummation of the transac tions contemplated by this Agreement,  the taking of
all  appropriate  action  in  connec  tion  therewith  and  compliance  with the
conditions set forth in this Agreement.

                    (q)    Outside Date

                           Except as otherwise agreed by the parties hereto, all
of the fore going  conditions  shall have been  satisfied or waived on or before
5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on June 30, 1997 (the "Outside Date").


                    (r)    No Pending Superior Proposal

                           Assignor shall not have received and have accepted or
be considering any Superior  Proposal with respect to such Transferred  Interest
in accordance with Section 11 hereof.

SECTION 8.          Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Assignee

                    The  obligation  of  Assignee to  purchase  any  Transferred
Interest  from  Assignor  and  assume  the  obligations  related  thereto at the
applicable  Effective  Time is  subject  to the  satisfaction  of the  following

                    (a)    Leases and Trust Agreements

                           The Lease and Trust  Agreement  and,  as  applicable,
each other Operative  Agreement with respect to such Transferred  Interest shall
be in full force and effect.

                    (b)    Due Authorization, Execution and Delivery

                           This   Agreement,   the   Assignment  and  Assumption
Agreement  and  any of the  other  Ancillary  Agreements  with  respect  to such
Transferred  Interest  to  which  Assignor  is a  party  shall  have  been  duly
authorized, executed and delivered by Assignor.

                    (c)    Representations and Warranties

                           The   representations   and  warranties  of  Assignor
contained  herein shall be true and correct in all  material  respects as of the
Effective Time with the same force and effect as though such representations and
warranties had been made on and as of such Effective Time.

                    (d)    Schedules

                           Schedule  5(d)  shall not have been  supplemented  or
amended by  Assignor  to  include a default  or event of  default  caused by the
filing by the Lessee of the  Aircraft  that is the  subject of such  Transferred
Interest for protection from its creditors.


                    (e)    Partnership Authorization Matters

                           Assignee shall have received:

                           (i)  Resolutions  of the board of  directors of PIMC,
general partner of Assignor,  certified by the Secretary or Assistant  Secretary
thereof, as of the date of this Agreement,  to be duly adopted and in full force
and  effect  on  such  date,  authorizing  (i) the  consummation  of each of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and each of the Ancillary Agreements
to which Assignor is a party and (ii) specific  officers or  representatives  to
execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements  to which
Assignor is a party.

                           (ii) A copy of the certificate of limited partnership
and all  amendments  thereto of  Assignor,  certified as of a recent date by the
Secretary of State of the  jurisdiction  of its  organization  and a copy of the
agreement  of limited  partnership,  as amended,  certified by an officer of the
general partner.

                           (iii)  Certificates  of the Secretary or an Assistant
Secretary of PIMC, certified by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary thereof, as
to the incumbency and signatures of the  representatives  thereof executing this
Agreement  or any of the  Ancillary  Agreements  to which  Assignor  is a party,
together  with  evidence  of the  incumbency  of  such  Secretary  or  Assistant

                           (iv) As of each Effective  Time, a certificate of the
Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary of PIMC  certifying  that the  certificates
delivered in  accordance  with  clauses  (i),  (ii) and (iii) above are true and
correct  with  respect to such  Transferred  Interest  being  conveyed as of the
applicable Effective Time.

                    (f)    Illegality; No Proceedings

                           At the applicable  Effective Time, the performance of
the trans actions  contemplated  hereby, upon the terms and conditions set forth
herein,  shall not, in the reasonable judgment of Assignee,  violate,  and shall
not  subject  Assignee  to any  penalty or  liability  under,  any law,  rule or
regulation binding upon Assignee.  At the applicable Effective Time, no legal or
governmental action, suit or proceeding shall have been instituted or threatened
before  any  court,  administrative  agency or  tribunal,  nor shall any  order,
judgment  or decree  have been  issued or  proposed  to be issued by any  court,
administrative agency or tribunal to set aside, restrain,  enjoin or prevent the
consummation of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.


                    (g)    Approvals and Consents

                           All  approvals and consents and other items listed on
Schedule 5(b) shall have been obtained.

                    (h)    No Total Loss

                           At the  applicable  Effective  Time,  there shall not
exist a Total Loss with  respect  to the  Aircraft  related to such  Transferred

                    (i)    Opinions

                           Assignee  shall  have  received  opinions  reasonably
satisfactory to Assignee,  dated as of the first Effective Time from (i) Haight,
Gardner,  Poor &  Havens,  California  counsel  to  Assignor,  with  respect  to
Assignor's due organization and good standing, the due execution and delivery of
this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements to which it is a party, no violation
of Assignor's organizational documents, the enforceability of this Agreement and
the  Ancillary  Agreements to which it is a party and that there are no consents
required under  California law and (ii) Weil,  Gotshal & Manges LLP,  counsel to
Assignor, that the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation
of the transactions  contemplated thereby and compliance by the Company with the
provisions  thereof  will  not  conflict  with or  violate  any  federal  law or
regulation (other than federal securities laws, the Hart-Scott Rodino Act or any
federal laws or regulations  relating to the Federal Aviation  Administration or
civil or commercial aviation).  Assignee shall also have received,  with respect
to  each  Transferred  Interest,  at the  applicable  Effective  Time  for  such
Transferred  Interest,  an  opinion  from (i)  Haight,  Gardner,  Poor & Havens,
California  counsel to  Assignor  and (ii)  Special  FAA  Counsel or Special CAA
Counsel,  as applicable,  in each case with respect to such matters  relating to
such  Transferred  Interest  and to such  effect as  Assignee  shall  reasonably

                    (j)    Location of Aircraft

                           Subject to Section 4(c)  hereof,  the location of the
Aircraft  relating to each Transferred  Interest shall be acceptable to Assignee
at the applicable Effective Time for such Transferred Interest.


                    (k)    Other   Instruments  and    Documents;     Additional

                           Assignee  shall have received such other  instruments
and documents as Assignee or its counsel  shall  reasonably  request.   Assignee
shall have received  such other  documents and evidence with respect to Assignor
as Assignee  may  reasonably  request in order to  establish  the  authority  of
Assignor to consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  the taking of
all appropriate  partnership action in connection  therewith and compliance with
the conditions set forth in this Agreement.

                    (l)    Outside Date

                           Except as otherwise agreed by the parties hereto, all
of the fore going  conditions  shall have been  satisfied or waived on or before
5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on the Outside Date.

SECTION 9.          Payments

                    To the extent not  transferred in accordance with Section 4,
Assignor hereby covenants and agrees to pay over to Assignee, no later than five
(5)  Business  Days after  receipt  by  Assignor  from and after the  applicable
Effective  Time,  any  Aircraft  Income  or Lessee  Deposits  paid to or for the
benefit of Assignor that consti tute a Transferred  Interest earlier transferred
to Assignee  hereunder  (including  any  amounts  payable as interest in respect
thereof),  and until so paid  over,  any  Aircraft  Income  or  Lessee  Deposits
received  by  Assignor  in respect  of any such  Transferred  Interest  shall be
received and held by Assignor in trust for Assignee.  Assignee hereby  covenants
and agrees to pay over to Assignor,  no later than five (5) Business  Days after
receipt by Assignee from and after the  applicable  Effective  Time, any amounts
paid to or for the benefit of Assignee  that  constitute  Reserved  Rights which
relate to a Transferred  Interest  earlier  transferred  (including  any amounts
payable as interest in respect thereof), and until so paid over any such amounts
received  by  Assignee  shall be  received  and held by  Assignee  in trust  for

SECTION 10.         Certain Notices

                    Assignor hereby  covenants and agrees promptly to forward to
Assignee any notice  Assignor  receives  from any party to any of the  Operative
Agreements (other than Assignee)  relating to any of the Transferred  Interests.
Assignee hereby covenants and agrees promptly to forward to Assignor any notice
Assignee receives from any party to any of the Operative  Agreements (other than
Assignor) pursuant to and in accordance with this Agreement,  the Assignment and
Assumption  Agreement,  the Trust  Agreements or any other  Operative  Agreement
related to the Reserved  Rights.  Assignor hereby covenants and agrees to notify
Assignee of any Reserved Right,  describing the  circumstances  of such Reserved
Right in reasonable  detail,  promptly  after  Assignor has actual  knowledge of
facts or  circumstances  giving rise to a Reserved Right and that such facts and
circumstances constitute a Reserved Right.


SECTION 11.         Superior Proposal

                    (a) Each party agrees and  acknowledges  that from and after
the date  hereof  until the close of  business  on April 28,  1997,  if Assignor
receives a Superior Proposal, Assignor may (i) furnish any information requested
by the Offering  Party with respect to such  Superior  Proposal  (other than the
contents of this  Agreement or any Ancillary  Agreement),  (ii)  participate  in
negotiations  with such Offering Party regarding such Superior Proposal or (iii)
enter into one or more letters of intent, term sheets or agreements with respect
to any Superior Proposals;  provided, however, that if Assignor proposes to take
any of the  actions  specified  in clause  (iii)  hereof,  Assignor  shall  give
Assignee prior written notice setting forth Assignor's proposed actions.

                    (b) Not later than the close of  business  on May 12,  1997,
Assignor  shall  require each  Offering  Party with whom it is still  engaged in
discussions  to submit a final  binding  offer,  subject only to  acceptance  by
Assignor.  Not later than the close of business on May 16, 1997,  Assignor shall
(i) determine  whether any such offer constitutes a Superior  Proposal,  (ii) if
there  is more  than one  Superior  Proposal,  select  which  Superior  Proposal
Assignor  intends to accept and (iii) provide written notice to Assignee setting
forth all the material terms and conditions of such selected  Superior  Proposal
("SP Notice").

                    (c) After receipt of the SP Notice, Assignee shall have five
(5) days to notify  Assignor of its  agreement to modify this  Agreement and any
Ancillary  Agreement as necessary  to acquire the  Transferred  Interests at the
same price and under the same terms and conditions as set forth in the SP Notice
("Assignee  Acceptance Notice");  provided further,  however, if under the terms
set forth in the SP Notice  Assignor is proposing to accept property (other than
cash or promissory  notes),  Assignee shall have the right to substitute cash in
an amount equal to the value of such other property.

                    (d) If Assignor does not give an SP Notice to Assignee on or
before May 16,  1997,  or if  Assignee  gives an Assignee  Acceptance  Notice to
Assignor in accordance with subsection (c) hereof, neither Assignor nor Assignee
shall thereafter have any right to terminate this Agreement  pursuant to Section


SECTION 12.         Further Assurances

                    Each party agrees,  upon the reasonable request of the other
party at any time and from time to time,  promptly  to execute  and  deliver all
such further  documents and promptly to take and forbear from all such action as
may be reason ably necessary or appropriate in order to more effectively confirm
or  carry  out  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  or any  of  the  Ancillary
Agreements,  including,  without  limitation,  the filing of any  Assignment and
Assumption  Agreement  with the FAA  pursuant to the Act or the CAA. The parties
agree that the transactions  are fully effective as of the applicable  Effective
Time and that they will  treat the  transactions  as such for all  purposes  and
acknowledge  that any filings with the FAA or the CAA are merely  ministerial in

SECTION 13.         Taxes and Indemnities

                    (a)    Transfer Taxes

                           Assignee  hereby  covenants  and  agrees  to pay (and
indemnify  and hold  Assignor  harmless on an  After-Tax  Basis for) any and all
registration,  docu ment or filing fees and any and all sales  taxes,  use taxes
and similar transfer taxes (including,  without limitation, any charges, such as
gross  receipts  taxes (but excluding any taxes in the nature of any income tax)
in lieu  thereof)  (collectively,  "Transfer  Taxes"),  that may be  imposed  in
connection with the sale,  assignment and transfer of any Transferred  Interests
including,  without  limitation,  any penalties,  fines or interest  thereon and
those Transfer  Taxes relating to the transfer of rights and other  interests in
and to, and the act of assuming  duties,  liabilities and obligations in, to and
under this Agreement, the Assignment and Assumption Agreements,  the Transferred
Interests,   the  Aircraft  and  the  Operative  Agreements  together  with  all
reasonable  and documented  out-of-pocket  costs,  expenses and attorney's  fees
incurred in connection  therewith.  Assignor hereby agrees to perform such acts,
including,  without  limitation,  attending  the  closing  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby at a site or sites selected by Assignee,  and executing such
documents as may be reasonably necessary to minimize Transfer Taxes. The parties
further agree to furnish each other with such documents and certificates as they
may  reasonably  request in connection  with any claims for  exemption  from the
payment of Transfer Taxes.


                    (b)    Notice of IRS Reports

                           (i)  Assignor  shall  promptly   notify  Assignee  of
receipt from the IRS of any written  proposed or final revenue  agent's  report,
30-day  letter or notice of deficiency in which an adjustment is proposed to the
federal  income taxes of Assignor for which any of the Lessees would be required
to indemnify Assignor under any Operative Agreement and, thereafter,  shall upon
request keep  Assignee  apprised at least monthly of the progress of any protest
or proceeding in respect of such adjustment.

                           (ii)  Assignee  shall  promptly  notify  Assignor  of
receipt from the IRS of any written  proposed or final revenue  agent's  report,
30-day  letter or notice of deficiency in which an adjustment is proposed to the
federal  income taxes of Assignee for which any of the Lessees would be required
to indemnify Assignee under any Operative Agreement and, thereafter,  shall upon
request keep  Assignor  apprised at least monthly of the progress of any protest
or proceeding in respect of such adjustment.

                    (c)    Assignor's Indemnity

                           Assignor  hereby  covenants and agrees upon demand of
Assignee to pay and assume liability for, and indemnify,  protect,  defend, save
and keep  harmless  Assignee  and each of its  Affiliates  and in each such case
their  respective  directors,  officers,  employees  and agents  (the  "Assignee
Indemnitees"), on an After-Tax Basis, from and against any and all Damages which
may at any time or from time to time be imposed  upon,  incurred  by or asserted
against  any  of the  Assignee  Indemnitees  in any  way  relating  directly  or
indirectly  to,  or  arising  out  of,  (i)  any  inaccuracy  or  breach  of any
representation  or  warranty  made  by  Assignor  under  this  Agreement  or any
Ancillary Agreement to which it is a party, (ii) the ownership,  leasing, use or
operation of any Transferred  Interest prior to the Effective Time applicable to
such  Transferred  Interest  including,   without  limitation,  any  obligations
relating to the Trust Estate or any of the Operative Agreements relating to such
Transferred Interest which arise from acts,  omissions,  events or circumstances
occurring  or  accruing  prior  to the  Effective  Time  with  respect  to  such
Transferred  Interest  but not  including  any  Assumed  Liabilities,  (iii) the
failure of  Assignor  to perform or observe  any of its  obligations  under this
Agreement  or  any  Ancillary  Agreement  to  which  it  is a  party,  (iv)  any
litigation, claim or action brought by a limited partner of Assignor against any
Assignee  Indemnitee  to the extent such  litigation,  claim or action  directly
arises out of and relates to the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement
other than to the extent any  litigation,  claim or action  relates  directly or
indirectly  to, or arises out of, the breach by such Assignee  Indemnitee of the
terms of this Agreement or any Ancillary Agreement or (v) any Liens set forth on
Schedule  5(h) hereto;  provided  that (a) Assignor  shall not be liable for any
Damages to the extent that  Assignee  has a recovery  available  to it under any
insurance  policy  which was in effect on or prior to the  applicable  Effective
Time; (b) Assignor shall not be liable for any Damages attributable to the gross
negligence or willful misconduct of Assignee or its Affiliates; and (c) Assignor
shall  not  be  liable  for  any  Damages  in  excess  of  the  Purchase  Price.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Assignor shall be liable pursuant to this Section
13(c) only to the extent that the aggregate  cumulative  Damages incurred by the
Assignee  Indemnitees  which are required to be indemnified  by Assignor  exceed
$50,000 (the  "Threshold  Amount") in which event,  Assignor  shall then also be
liable for the initial $50,000 of aggregate  cumulative  Damages incurred by the
Assignee  Indemnitees;  provided,  that,  with  respect to any Lien set forth on
Schedule 5(h) hereto,  (x) the Threshold  Amount  limitation shall not apply and
Assignor shall be liable for all Damages arising from such Liens and (y) amounts
expended by Assignor to discharge  and release  such Liens shall not  constitute
Damages to be applied toward the Threshold  Amount and only those  expenses,  if
any,  actually incurred by Assignee in connection with such discharge or release
shall be so applied.


                    (d)    Assignee's Indemnity

                           Assignee  hereby  covenants and agrees upon demand of
Assignor to pay and assume liability for, and indemnify,  protect,  defend, save
and keep  harmless,  Assignor and each of its  Affiliates  and in each such case
their  respective  directors,  officers,  employees  and agents  (the  "Assignor
Indemnitees"), on an After-Tax Basis, from and against any and all Damages which
at any time or from time to time may be imposed  upon,  incurred  by or asserted
against the Assignor  Indemnitees in any way relating directly or indirectly to,
or  arising  out of,  (i) any  inaccuracy  or  breach of any  representation  or
warranty made by Assignee or any of its  Affiliates  under this Agreement or any
Ancillary  Agreement to which it or any of its  Affiliates is a party,  (ii) the
ownership, leasing, use or operation of any Transferred Interest on or after the
Effective  Time  applicable  to such  Transferred  Interest  including,  without
limitation, any obligations relating to the Trust Estate or any of the Operative
Agreements  relating  to  such  Transferred  Interest  which  arise  from  acts,
omissions,  events  or  circumstances  occurring  or  accruing  on or after  the
Effective Time with respect to such Transferred  Interest,  (iii) the failure of
Assignee or any of its Affiliates to perform or observe any of their  respective
obligations  under this Agreement or any Ancillary  Agreement to which it or any
of  its  Affiliates  is a  party,  (iv)  any  Assumed  Liabilities  or  (v)  any
modification,  amendment  or other  change  to any of the  Operative  Agreements
entered into by Assignee, or to which Assignee consents or forbears, in any such
case  without  the prior  written  consent of Assignor  (such  consent not to be
unreasonably  withheld)  that  affects  any of the  Reserved  Rights;  provided,
however,  that with respect to any Transferred  Interest which includes a Lease,
such indemnification  obligation shall only relate to modifications,  amendments
or other changes made or agreed to during the period  beginning on the Effective
Date  applicable  to such  Transferred  Interest  and ending on the date that is
twenty-four  (24) months  after the  termination  of the Lease  included in such
Transferred  Interest  (which  period  shall be deemed to include any  renewals,
extensions or continuations of such Lease).  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  (a)
Assignee  shall not be liable for any Damages to the extent that  Assignor has a
recovery  available to it under any  insurance  policy which was in effect on or
prior to the Effective  Time;  (b) Assignee  shall not be liable for any Damages
attributable  to the gross  negligence or willful  misconduct  of Assignor;  (c)
Assignee shall not be liable for any Damages in excess of the Purchase Price and
(d) Assignee  shall be liable  pursuant to this Section 13(d) only to the extent
that the  aggregate  Damages  incurred  by the  Assignor  Indemnitees  which are
required to be indemnified by Assignee  exceed $50,000 in which event,  Assignee
shall  then also be liable  for the  initial  $50,000  of  aggregate  cumulative
Damages incurred by the Assignor Indemnitees.


                    (e)    Survival of Representations and Warranties

                           All  representations  and  warranties  of the parties
hereto  contained in this Agreement  (including all Schedules  hereto) or in any
document,  statement,  certificate  or other  instrument  referred  to herein or
delivered at the applicable  Effective Time in connection with the  transactions
contemplated  hereby, that (i) relate to any Transferred Interest which includes
a Lease,  shall survive until the later of (A) twenty-four (24) months after the
Effective Time applicable to such Transferred Interest or (B) twelve (12) months
after the  expiry of the Lease  included  in such  Transferred  Interest  (which
period shall not be deemed to include any renewals,  extensions or continuations
of such Lease), (ii) relate to any Transferred Interest which does not include a
Lease,  shall survive  until  twenty-four  (24) months after the Effective  Time
applicable to such Transferred Interest and (iii) do not relate to a Transferred
Interest,  shall survive until twenty-four (24) months after the first Effective
Time to occur under this Agreement.

SECTION 14.         Indemnification Procedure

                    (a) Any  Assignee  Indemnitee  or Assignor  Indemnitee  (the
"Indemnified Party") seeking  indemnification  hereunder shall give to the party
obligated under this Agreement to provide  indemnification  to such  Indemnified
Party (the  "Indemnitor")  a notice  ("Claim  Notice")  describing in reasonable
detail the facts  giving rise to its claim for  indemnification  hereunder,  and
shall  include  in such  Claim  Notice  (if then  known) the amount or method of
computation of the amount of the claim, and a reference to the provision of this
Agreement or any other agreement,  document or instrument executed and delivered
hereunder or in  connection  herewith  upon which such claim is based;  provided
that a Claim Notice in respect of any action at law or suit in equity against an
Indemnified Party by a third party, as to which  indemnification  will be sought
(a "Third Party  Action"),  shall be given  promptly after the action or suit is
commenced;  provided, further, that failure of the Indemnified Party to give the
Indemnitor  prompt  notice in respect of any such Third Party Action as provided
herein shall not relieve the Indemnitor of its obligations hereunder,  except to
the  extent  such  Indemnitor  shall  have been  materially  prejudiced  by such

                    (b) The Indemnitor  shall be entitled (but not obligated) to
assume the defense or settlement  of such Third Party Action,  or to conduct any
negotiations  or  proceedings  to settle or otherwise  eliminate any Third Party
Claim  and shall  pay the  reasonable  fees and  disbursements  of such  counsel
related to such Third Party Action.  If the Indemnitor  assumes any such defense
or settlement or any such negotiations, it shall pursue such defense, settlement
or  negotiations  in good  faith.  If the  Indemnitor  fails to elect in writing
within 30  Business  Days of the  notification  referred to above to assume such
defense, the Indemnified Party may engage counsel to defend, settle or otherwise


dispose  of such  action  or  proceeding,  which  counsel  shall  be  reasonably
satisfactory to the Indemnitor.  In any such Third Party Action, any Indemnified
Party shall have the right to retain its own counsel,  but the fees and expenses
of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Indemnified Party unless (i) the
Indemnitor and the Indemnified Party shall have mutually agreed to the retention
of such counsel or (ii) the named parties to any such proceeding  (including any
impleaded  parties)  include both the Indemnitor and the  Indemnified  Party and
representation  of both the  Indemnitor  and the  Indemnified  Party by the same
counsel would be inappropriate  due to actual or potential  differing  interests
between them. It is understood that the Indemnitor shall not, in connection with
any Third Party Action or related  Third Party Action in the same  jurisdiction,
be liable for the fees and expenses of more than one separate  firm (in addition
to local  counsel)  for all  Persons to be  indemnified  pursuant to Section 13;
provided that the Indemnitor will be so liable if (x) the Indemnified  Party has
reasonably  concluded that there may be legal  defenses  available to it in such
Third Party Action that are different from or in addition to those  available to
the  Indemnitor  or (y) a conflict  or  potential  conflict  exists  between the
Indemnified  Party and the  Indemnitor in such Third Party Action (in which case
the Indemnitor will not have the right to direct the defense of such Third Party
Action with respect to which such conflict  exists on behalf of the  Indemnified
Party), but only to the extent such fees and expenses are incurred in connection
with such  conflicting  issues.  Any such  separate  firm shall be designated in
writing by the  Indemnified  Party.  The Indemnitor  shall not be liable for any
settlement  of any  proceeding of such Third Party Action  effected  without its
written  consent,  but if the Indemnitor  consents to any such  settlement,  the
Indemnitor  agrees to indemnify the Indemnified  Party from and against any loss
or liability for which  indemnity is available  hereunder and which is specified
in such settlement or judgment.  No Indemnitor shall,  without the prior written
consent  of the  Indemnified  Party  (which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably
withheld  or  delayed),  effect any  settlement  of any  pending  or  threatened
proceeding  in  respect of which any  Indemnified  Party is or could have been a
party and indemnity could have been sought hereunder by such Indemnified  Party,
unless such settlement  includes an  unconditional  release of such  Indemnified
Party  from  all  liability  or  claims  that  are the  subject  matter  of such
proceeding and such settlement only involves the payment of money.

                    (c)  Assignor  shall  be  entitled  in all  cases  (but  not
obligated) to assume the settlement and to conduct  negotiations  or proceedings
to obtain the discharge and release of or otherwise eliminate any Lien set forth
on Schedule  5(h) hereto.  If Assignor  assumes any such  settlement or any such
negotiations,  it shall pursue such  settlement or  negotiations  in good faith.
Assignor  shall not be liable for any  settlement  or discharge of any such Lien
effected  without its  written  consent,  but if  Assignor  consents to any such
settlement or discharge,  Assignor agrees to indemnify Assignee from and against
any loss or liability  for which  indemnity is available  hereunder and which is
specified in such settlement or discharge.


SECTION 15.         Termination

                    This  Agreement  may be  terminated at any time prior to the
first Effective Time to occur pursuant to the terms hereof:

                    (a)    by mutual written consent of Assignee and Assignor;

                    (b) by either party by written  notice to the other party if
the transactions  contemplated hereby have not been consummated on or before the
Outside Date;  provided,  however,  that the right to terminate  this  Agreement
under this Section  15(b) shall not be  available to any party whose  failure to
fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement has been the cause of or has
resulted  in  the  failure  of  the  transactions   contemplated   hereby  being
consummated on or before the Outside Date; or

                    (c) by (i)  Assignor if (a) Assignor  accepts or  recommends
one or more  Superior  Proposals to its partners or resolves to do either of the
foregoing and (b) Assignee no longer has the right  pursuant to Section 11(c) to
deliver an  Assignee  Acceptance  Notice to  Assignor or (ii) by Assignee if (x)
Assignor has given an SP Notice and (y) at least  fourteen (14) days have passed
since the date on which Assignee's right pursuant to Section 11(c) to deliver an
Assignee Acceptance Notice terminated.


SECTION 16.         Miscellaneous

                    (a)    Notices

                           All   notices,   demands,   declarations   and  other
communications  required  by this  Agreement  shall be in  writing  and shall be
effective  (i) if  given  by  facsimile,  when  transmitted,  (ii) if  given  by
registered or certified mail, three (3) Business Days after being deposited with
the U.S. Postal Service,  (iii) if given by courier,  when received,  or (iv) if
personally delivered, when so delivered, addressed:

                    If to Assignor, to:

                           c/o Polaris Investment Management Corporation
                           201 Mission Street, 27th Floor
                           San Francisco, CA  94105
                           Attention:  President
                           Facsimile Number:

                    With a copy to:

                           c/o Polaris Investment Management Corporation
                           201 High Ridge Road, 1st Floor
                           Stamford, CT  06927-4900
                           Attention:  Portfolio Management
                           Facsimile Number:  (203) 357-4585

or to such  other  address as  Assignor  shall  from time to time  designate  in
writing to Assignee; and

                    If to Assignee, to:

                           Triton Aviation Services III LLC
                           55 Green Street, Suite 500
                           San Francisco, CA  94111
                           Attn:  President
                           Facsimile Number:  (415) 398-9184

or to such other address as Assignee may from time to time  designate in writing
to Assignor.


                    (b)    Headings

                           Headings  used  herein are for  convenience  only and
shall not in any way affect the construction of, or be taken into  consideration
in interpreting, this Agreement.

                    (c)    References

                           Any reference to a specific Section or Section number
shall be  interpreted  as a reference to that Section of this  Agreement  unless
otherwise expressly provided.

                    (d)    GOVERNING LAW


                    (e)    Severability

                           If any  provision  hereof  should  be  held  invalid,
illegal or  unenforceable  in any  respect  in any  jurisdiction,  then,  to the
fullest extent permitted by law, (i) all other provisions hereof shall remain in
full force and effect in such  jurisdiction  and shall be  construed in order to
carry out the  intentions of the parties hereto as nearly as may be possible and
(ii) such  invalidity,  illegality  or  unenforceability  shall not  affect  the
validity,   legality  or   enforceability   of  such   provision  in  any  other

                    (f)    Amendments in Writing

                           No amendment,  modification,  waiver,  termination or
discharge of any provision of this  Agreement,  nor any consent to any departure
by  Assignor  or  Assignee  from any  provision  hereof,  shall in any  event be
effective  unless  the same  shall be in  writing  and  signed by  Assignor  and
Assignee,  and  each  such  amendment,   modification,  waiver,  termination  or
discharge shall be effective only in the specific  instance and for the specific
purpose  for which  given.  No  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  varied,
contradicted  or  explained  by  any  oral  agreement,   course  of  dealing  or
performance  or any other  matter not set forth in an  agreement  in writing and
signed by Assignor and Assignee.


                    (g)    Expenses

                           Each of Assignor  and Assignee  shall be  responsible
for all fees and expenses  incurred by it, including for legal counsel and other
advisors,  in  connection  with  this  Agreement,  any  Ancillary  Agreement  or
otherwise relating to the transactions  contemplated hereby; provided,  however,
all costs and expenses  incurred in connection  with Special FAA Counsel or with
Special  CAA  Counsel  and all fees and  expenses  payable to the  Escrow  Agent
pursuant  to the  Escrow  Agreement  shall be shared  equally  by  Assignor  and
Assignee;  provided,  further,  if either  Assignor or Assignee  terminates this
Agreement in accordance  with Section 15(c) hereof,  Assignor shall pay or cause
to be paid to Assignee within two (2) Business Days of such termination a fee in
immediately  available  funds in an  amount  equal to one and  one-half  percent
(1.5%) of the Purchase Price.

                    (h)    Execution in Counterparts

                           This Agreement and any amendments,waivers or consents
hereto may be executed by Assignor  and  Assignee in separate  counterparts  (or
upon separate  signature  pages bound  together into one or more  counterparts),
each of which,  when so executed and  delivered,  shall be an original,  but all
such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

                    (i)    Entire Agreement

                           This   Agreement   and   the   Ancillary   Agreements
constitute  the entire  agreement of Assignor  and Assignee  with respect to the
subject matter hereof or thereof,  and all prior  understandings  or agreements,
whether  written or oral,  between  Assignor and  Assignee  with respect to such
subject matter are hereby superseded in their entirety.

                    (j)    Exhibits

                           The  exhibits  attached  hereto are  incorporated  by
reference  herein and shall have the same force and effect  with  respect to the
provisions set forth therein as though fully set forth in this Agreement.

                    (k)    Assignment and Successors


                           This   Agreement  may  not  be  assigned   except  by
operation  of law.  This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon,  shall inure to the
benefit  of and  shall  be  enforceable  by  Assignor  and  Assignee  and  their
respective successors.

                    (l)    Confidentiality

                           This  Agreement  and  the  Ancillary  Agreements  are
confidential documents between the parties thereto and shall not be disclosed by
either party to third  parties  without the prior  written  consent of the other
party other than (i) to such party's directors,  officers, employees,  advisors,
auditors,  agents or representatives  who are advised of the confidential nature
of this Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements  (and for whose  compliance with
the terms hereof, such party shall be liable),  (ii) to the extent disclosure as
required  by any  applicable  law,  regulation  or  judicial  order  or (iii) in
connection  with the  disclosure  requirements  of the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission.  The obligations and protections contained in this Section 16(l) are
in addition to and not a replacement of any obligations and protections provided
pursuant to any  confidentiality  agreement  executed by and currently in effect
between the parties hereto or any of their respective Affiliates.


                                   SCHEDULE 1

                              AIRCRAFT AND LESSEES

        Serial No.                   Aircraft Type           Lessee
        ----------                   -------------           ------

          21247                      727-200 ADV           Continental
          21248                      727-200 ADV           Continental
          21249                      727-200 ADV           Continental
          21363                      727-200 ADV           Continental
          21366                      727-200 ADV           Continental
          47248                        DC-9-31                 TWA
          47029                        DC-9-32                 TWA
          47344                        DC-9-31                 TWA


                                   SCHEDULE 2


21247, 21248, 21249, 21363, 21366

          Aircraft  Lease  Agreement,  dated as of September  25, 1987,  between
          First  Security Bank of Utah,  National  Association,  as Lessor,  and
          Continental  Airlines,  Inc.,  as  Lessee,  as  supplemented  by Lease
          Supplement  Nos. 10, 11, 12, 19 and 20 dated as of September 28, 1987,
          and as amended by Amendment No. 1 dated October 31, 1996.

47248     Aircraft Lease Agreement [A-13], dated as of January 20, 1987, between
          Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing  Corporation,  as Lessor,  and Trans  World
          Airlines,  Inc., as Lessee,  as supplemented by Lease Supplement No. 1
          [A-13] dated  January 29, 1987,  as assigned by Lease  Assignment  and
          Assumption  Agreement  dated as of  March  26,  1987,  as  amended  by
          Amendment  No. 1 dated as of March 28, 1991,  Amendment No. 2 dated as
          of November 8, 1991,  Amendment  No. 3 dated as of December  27, 1991,
          and Amendment No. 4 dated as of February 7, 1997.

47029     Aircraft Lease Agreement [A-22], dated as of January 20, 1987, between
          Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing  Corporation,  as Lessor,  and Trans  World
          Airlines,  Inc., as Lessee,  as supplemented by Lease Supplement No. 1
          [A-22] dated  January 29, 1987,  as assigned by Lease  Assignment  and
          Assumption  Agreement  dated as of  March  26,  1987,  as  amended  by
          Amendment  No. 1 dated as of March 28, 1991,  Amendment No. 2 dated as
          of November 8, 1991,  Amendment  No. 3 dated as of December  27, 1991,
          and Amendment No. 4 dated as of February 7, 1997.

47344     Aircraft Lease Agreement [A-15], dated as of January 20, 1987, between
          Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing  Corporation,  as Lessor,  and Trans  World
          Airlines,  Inc., as Lessee,  as supplemented by Lease Supplement No. 1
          [A-15],  dated January 29, 1987, as assigned by Lease  Assignment  and
          Assumption  Agreement  dated as of February  27,  1987,  as amended by
          Amendment  No. 1 dated as of March 28, 1991,  Amendment No. 2 dated as
          of November 8, 1991,  Amendment  No. 3 dated  December 27,  1991,  and
          Amendment No. 4, dated as of February 7, 1997.

                                   SCHEDULE 3

                            FOREIGN AIRCRAFT ENGINES


                                   SCHEDULE 4

                           OTHER OPERATIVE AGREEMENTS

21247, 21248, 21249, 21363, 21366

          Aircraft Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of September 25, 1987, between
          Continental  Airlines,  Inc., as Seller,  and Polaris  Aircraft Income
          Fund III, as Buyer

          Tax  Indemnification  Agreement dated as of September 25, 1987,  among
          First Security Bank of Utah, National Association,  as Lessor, Polaris
          Aircraft  Income Fund III, as Beneficiary,  and Continental  Airlines,
          Inc., as Lessee.

          Stipulation  and Order Between  Continental  Airlines,  Inc., New York
          Airlines,  Inc.,  Polaris  Aircraft Income Fund III,  Polaris Aircraft
          Income Fund IV,  Polaris  Holding  Company and First  Security Bank of
          Utah,  N.A., as Owner Trustee  Concerning Five DC-9-82  Aircraft,  Six
          727-22 Aircraft, Seven DC-9-14 Aircraft, and Five DC-9-32 Aircraft and
          Certain  Engines  and Related  Equipment,  dated as of August 8, 1991,
          approved by Bankruptcy  Court (District of Delaware,  Case Nos. 90-932
          through 90-984) on August 23, 1991.

47248     Aircraft Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of November 14, 1986,  between
          Ozark Air  Lines,  Inc.,  as  Seller,  and  Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing
          Corporation, as Buyer.

          Tax  Indemnification  Agreement  [A-13] dated as of November 14, 1986,
          among Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans
          World Airlines. *

          Assignment of Aircraft Purchase and Sale Lease Rights Agreement, dated
          as of March 26, 1987 between Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation,  as
          Assignor,  and First Security Bank of Utah, National  Association,  as
          Owner Trustee and Assignee.

          Lease Assignment and Assumption  Agreement  [A-13],  dated as of March
          26th, 1987,  between Polaris Aircraft Leasing  Corporation,  and First
          Security Bank of Utah, National Association.

          Amendment No. 3 Side Letter, dated as of December 27, 1991.

47029     Aircraft Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of November 14, 1986,  between
          Ozark Air  Lines,  Inc.,  as  Seller,  and  Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing
          Corporation, as Buyer.


          Tax Indemnification  Agreement [A-22],  dated as of November 14, 1986,
          among Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans
          World Airlines. *

          Assignment of Aircraft Purchase and Sale Lease Rights Agreement, dated
          as of March 26, 1987 between Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation,  as
          Assignor,  and First Security Bank of Utah, National  Association,  as
          Owner Trustee and Assignee.

          Lease Assignment and Assumption  Agreement  [A-22],  dated as of March
          26th, 1987,  between Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing  Corporation and First
          Security Bank of Utah, National Association.

          Amendment No. 3 Side Letter, dated as of December 27, 1991.

47344     Aircraft Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of November 14, 1986,  between
          Ozark Air  Lines,  Inc.,  as  Seller,  and  Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing
          Corporation, as Buyer.

          Tax Indemnification  Agreement [A-15],  dated as of November 14, 1986,
          among Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans
          World Airlines. *

          Assignment of Aircraft Purchase and Sale Lease Rights Agreement, dated
          as of March 26, 1987 between Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation,  as
          Assignor,  and First Security Bank of Utah, National  Association,  as
          Owner Trustee and Assignee.

          Lease Assignment and Assumption Agreement [A-15], dated as of February
          26, 1987,  between  Polaris  Aircraft  Leasing  Corporation  and First
          Security Bank of Utah, National Association.

          Amendment No. 3 Side Letter, dated as of December 27, 1991.

- --------------------------

*         According  to the index of the  closing  documents,  that  certain Tax
          Indemnification  Agreement [A-1], dated as of November 14, 1986, among
          Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans World
          Airlines, is exemplary of Tax Indemnification Agreements [A-2] through


                                  SCHEDULE 4(a)

                                 PURCHASE PRICE

                                      Purchase        Note            Cash
        Transferred Interests           Price        Amount          Amount
        ---------------------           -----        ------          ------

Transferred Interest 21247      |
Transferred Interest 21248      |
Transferred Interest 21249      |
Transferred Interest 21363      |
Transferred Interest 21366      |--- $  10,947,000   $  9,713,711   $  1,233,289
Transferred Interest 47248      |    -------------   ------------   ------------
Transferred Interest 47029      |
Transferred Interest 47344      |

                                   SCHEDULE 5

                                 OWNER TRUSTEES

    Serial No.                         Owner Trustee
    ----------                         -------------

      21247          First Security Bank, National Association *
      21248          First Security Bank, National Association *
      21249          First Security Bank, National Association *
      21363          First Security Bank, National Association *
      21366          First Security Bank, National Association *
      47248          First Security Bank, National Association *
      47029          First Security Bank, National Association *
      47344          First Security Bank, National Association *

- ----------------------------
*      Formerly known as First Security Bank of Utah, National Association

                                  SCHEDULE 5(b)


                                               Lessee          Owner Trustee
      Serial No.        Lessee            Consent Required    Release Needed
      ----------        ------            ----------------    --------------

        21247         Continental                 No                 Yes

        21248         Continental                 No                 Yes

        21249         Continental                 No                 Yes

        21363         Continental                 No                 Yes

        21366         Continental                 No                 Yes

        47248             TWA        Yes, must transfer to newly     Yes
                                           created trust

        47029             TWA         Yes, must transfer to newly    Yes
                                           created trust

        47344             TWA         Yes, must transfer to newly    Yes
                                            created trust

                                  SCHEDULE 5(d)

                                 ASSIGNOR CLAIMS


                                  SCHEDULE 5(g)

                               PENDING LITIGATION

Equity Resources,  Inc. v. Polaris Investment Management Corporation,  et al. On
or about April 18, 1997, an action  entitled Equity  Resources,  Inc. v. Polaris
Investment  Management  Corporation,  et al. was filed in the Superior Court for
the County of Middlesex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The complaint names each
of Polaris Investment Management  Corporation,  Polaris Aircraft Income Fund II,
Polaris  Aircraft  Income Fund III,  Polaris  Aircraft  Income Fund IV,  Polaris
Aircraft Income Fund V, and Polaris Aircraft Income Fund VI, as defendants.  The
complaint alleges that Polaris  Investment  Management  Corporation,  as general
partner of each of the partnerships, committed a breach of its fiduciary duties,
violated  applicable  partnership  law  statutory  requirements,   and  breached
provisions of the partnership  agreements of each of the foregoing  partnerships
by  failing  to  solicit  a  vote  of the  limited  partners  in  each  of  such
partnerships in connection  with the proposed sale of the Transferred  Interests
to  Assignee  and in  failing  to  disclose  material  facts  relating  to  such
transaction.  Plaintiffs  filed a  motion  seeking  to  enjoin  the  sale of the
Transferred  Interests to Assignee,  which motion was denied by the Court on May
6, 1997.  Plaintiffs  have filed an appeal from the order  denying their request
for an injunction.

                                  SCHEDULE 5(h)



                                  SCHEDULE 5(j)

                                MISSING DOCUMENTS

47248     Tax  Indemnification  Agreement  [A-13] dated as of November 14, 1986,
          among Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans
          World Airlines. *

47029     Tax Indemnification  Agreement [A-22],  dated as of November 14, 1986,
          among Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans
          World Airlines. *

47344     Tax Indemnification  Agreement [A-15],  dated as of November 14, 1986,
          among Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans
          World Airlines. *

- -----------------------------------

*         The  index  to  the  original   closing   documents  states  that  Tax
          Indemnification  Agreement [A-1], dated as of November 14, 1986, among
          Polaris Aircraft Leasing Corporation, Ozark Air Lines, and Trans World
          Airlines, is exemplary of Tax Indemnification  Agreement [A-2] through

                                   SCHEDULE 6

                                TRUST AGREEMENTS

21247, 21248, 21249, 21363, 21366

          Trust  Agreement,  dated as of  September  25, 1987,  between  Polaris
          Aircraft Income Fund III, as  Beneficiary,  and First Security Bank of
          Utah, National Association,  as Owner Trustee ("Continental  Airlines,
          Inc. (1987) Trust") *

47248     Trust Agreement,  dated as of March 26, 1987, between Polaris Aircraft
          Income  Fund III, as  Beneficiary,  and First  Security  Bank of Utah,
          National  Association,  as Owner Trustee ("Trans World Airlines,  Inc.
          (1987) Trust C-3") **

47029     Trust Agreement,  dated as of March 26, 1987, between Polaris Aircraft
          Income  Fund III, as  Beneficiary,  and First  Security  Bank of Utah,
          National  Association,  as Owner Trustee ("Trans World Airlines,  Inc.
          (1987) Trust C-3") **

47344     Trust  Agreement,  dated as of  February  26,  1987,  between  Polaris
          Aircraft Income Fund III, as  Beneficiary,  and First Security Bank of
          Utah, National  Association,  as Owner Trustee ("Trans World Airlines,
          Inc. (1987) Trust C-2") **

- --------------------------------

*         Each of these Trust Agreements  relates to multiple  aircraft,  all of
          which are  being  sold to  Assignee.  Prior to the  Effective  Time in
          respect of each such aircraft, the aircraft will have been transferred
          into a  newly  created  single-aircraft  trust,  governed  by a  trust
          agreement under which Assignor is the beneficiary  upon  substantially
          the same terms and  conditions  as the Trust  Agreement  listed above.
          Only the newly created trust  agreements will constitute a part of the
          Transferred  Interest  conveyed  to  Assignee.

**        Each of these Trust Agreements relates to multiple aircraft, including
          certain  aircraft not being sold to Assignee.  Prior to the  Effective
          Time in respect of each aircraft being sold to Assignee, such aircraft
          will have been transferred into a newly created single-aircraft trust,
          governed by a trust  agreement under which Assignor is the beneficiary
          upon  substantially  the  same  terms  and  conditions  as  the  Trust
          Agreement  listed above.  Only the newly created trust agreements will
          constitute a part of the Transferred Interest conveyed to Assignee.

                                   SCHEDULE 7

                              UNFUNDED COMMITMENTS

Serial No.                                    Source/Type
- ----------  --------------------------------------------------------------------

21247       Obligation  to  provide   modification   financing   pursuant  to  a
            bankruptcy stipulaton, dated August 8, 1991.

21248       Obligation  to  provide   modification   financing   pursuant  to  a
            bankruptcy stipulaton, dated August 8, 1991.

21249       Obligation  to  provide   modification   financing   pursuant  to  a
            bankruptcy stipulaton, dated August 8, 1991.

21363       Obligation  to  provide   modification   financing   pursuant  to  a
            bankruptcy stipulaton, dated August 8, 1991.

21366       Obligation to provide modification  financing pursuant to bankruptcy
            stipulaton, dated August 8, 1991.

47248       Obligation to provide  modification  financing pursuant to Amendment
            No. 3 Side Letter, dated December 27, 1991.

47344       Obligation to provide  modification  financing pursuant to Amendment
            No. 3 Side Letter, dated December 27, 1991.

47029       Obligation to provide  modification  financing pursuant to Amendment
            No. 3 Side Letter, dated December 27, 1991.

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  undersigned  have  caused  this  PURCHASE,
ASSIGNMENT AND  ASSUMPTION  AGREEMENT to be duly executed as of the day and year
first written above.

                                POLARIS AIRCRAFT INCOME FUND III

                                By:   Polaris Investment Management Corporation,
                                      General Partner

                                By:    /S/ ERIC DULL
                                Name:  ERIC DULL
                                Title: PRESIDENT

                                TRITON AVIATION SERVICES III LLC

                                By:  Triton Aviation Services Limited, Manager

                                By:    /S/ JOHN E. FLYNN
                                Name: JOHN E. FLYNN
                                Title: PRESIDENT