1.       PARTIES.  METRIC  INCOME TRUST SERIES,  INC., a California  corporation
         ("Seller"),  agrees to sell and convey to  BRAUVIN  INC.,  an  Illinois
         corporation  ("Buyer"),  and  Buyer  agrees  to buy  from  Seller,  the
         following  property for the  consideration  and upon and subject to the
         terms, provisions, and conditions hereinafter set forth.

2.       PROPERTY.  A parcel of land  situated  in  Riverside  County,  State of
         California  and more  particularly  described as set forth on Exhibit A
         attached hereto and  incorporated  herein  ("Land");  together with all
         buildings,  improvements,  fixtures, and all property of every kind and
         character and description owned by Seller located on or attached to the
         Land  ("Improvements");  all privileges,  and appurtenances  pertaining
         thereto  including  any right,  title and  interest of Seller in and to
         adjacent  streets,  alleys,  rights-of-way or easements for ingress and
         egress;  Seller's  interest in and to all  licenses  and  permits  with
         respect to the Land and the  Improvements;  Seller's  interest  in that
         certain  lease dated  November  30, 1989  between  Seller and  National
         Convenience Stores  Incorporated  ("NCS"),  as amended pursuant to that
         certain Lease Amendment dated as of October 14, 1992 between Seller and
         NCS  (collectively,  the "Lease"),  which Lease was assumed by Circle K
         Stores,  Inc.  ("Circle K"),  pursuant to that certain  Assignment  and
         Assumption  of Lease dated April 28, 1994 between NCS and Circle K; and
         Seller's interest in all warranties or guaranties relating to the Land,
         the  Improvements  or to any  tangible  personal  property and fixtures
         located on or  attached to the Land or  Improvements;  all of the above
         hereinafter collectively called "Property".


         A.       Cash payable at closing (inclusive of
                    Deposit described in Paragraph 5)             $970,000

         B.       Amount of Third Party Financing
                    (see Paragraph 4)                             Not Applicable

         C.       Total Sales Price (Sum of A and B)              $970,000

4.       THIRD PARTY FINANCING.  Not Applicable.

5.       EARNEST  MONEY.  Within  two (2)  business  days  after  the end of the
         Inspection  Period (as defined  below),  Buyer shall deposit the sum of
         $50,000  as  earnest  money in  escrow  with  Chicago  Title  Insurance
         Company,  388 Market Street,  Suite 1300,  San  Francisco,  California,
         Attn: Beth Bailey-Gates ("Title Company"), which amount shall be placed
         in an  interest  bearing  account.  The  amount  so  deposited  and any
         interest  earned thereon is  hereinafter  referred to as the "Deposit".
         The  entire  amount of the  Deposit  shall be  non-refundable  to Buyer
         except in the event that Seller shall default in the  performance of or
         otherwise be unable to perform its obligations under this Contract.

6.       CLOSING:  The closing of the sale  ("Closing")  shall take place at the
         Title  Company  before 5 p.m.,  on or before the  fifteenth  (15th) day
         following  expiration of the Inspection  Period  ("Closing  Date") and,
         subject to an extension of the Closing Date owing to Seller's  right to
         cure as set forth in Paragraph 12 hereof, the transaction  contemplated
         herein shall close not later than  December 29, 1998,  unless such date
         is changed in writing by Seller and Buyer,  or  otherwise  extended  as
         herein provided.


         A.       At the Closing,  Seller shall  deliver to escrow,  at Seller's
                  sole cost and expense, the following:

                  (1)      A duly executed and acknowledged Grant Deed conveying
                           title  in  fee   simple   to  all  of  the  Land  and
                           Improvements,  subject to the Approved  Title Matters
                           (as such term is  defined  in  Paragraph  12  hereof)
                           and/or as otherwise approved by Buyer in writing;

                  (2)      A Bill of Sale conveying title, free and clear of all
                           liens, to any personal property  specified herein and
                           to  the   extent   assignable,   licenses,   permits,
                           warranties or guaranties, duly executed by Seller;

                  (3)      The original Lease;

                  (4)      An Assignment and Assumption of the Lease in the form
                           attached hereto as Exhibit C;

                  (5)      Evidence  of  its  capacity  and  authority  for  the
                           Closing of this transaction;

                  (6)      Seller's FIRPTA Affidavit; and

                  (7)      All  other   documents   necessary   to  close   this
                           transaction  as may be reasonably  requested by Title
                           Company or required by local practice and custom.

         B.       At the Closing, Buyer shall deliver to escrow, at Buyer's sole
                  cost and expense, the following:

                  (1)      The total  Sales  Price  (subject  to any  applicable

                  (2)      Evidence  of  its  capacity  and  authority  for  the
                           Closing of this transaction; and

                  (3)      All  other   documents   necessary   to  close   this
                           transaction  as may be reasonably  requested by Title
                           Company or required by local practice and custom.

         C.       At the Closing,  Title  Company  shall issue to Buyer its CLTA
                  Owner's  Standard  Coverage Policy of title insurance  ("Title
                  Policy")  in the full amount of the Sales  Price,  dated as of
                  the Closing  Date,  insuring  Buyer's fee simple  title to the
                  Land and  Improvements  subject only to the  standard  printed
                  exceptions  contained  in the  usual  form  of  Title  Policy,
                  non-delinquent  real property taxes and assessments,  Approved
                  Title  Matters and such other  matters as Buyer may approve in
                  writing. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, Buyer may, at
                  its election and at its sole cost and expense,  seek to obtain
                  from  Title  Company  overstandard  coverage  and  any and all
                  endorsements   to  the  Title  Policy  which  Buyer  may  deem
                  necessary or desirable;  provided,  however,  that Buyer shall


                  satisfy itself as to the availability of all such coverage and
                  Title  Company's  commitment to issue such  coverage  prior to
                  expiration  of  the   Inspection   Period.   Title   Company's
                  unwillingness  or  inability  to issue,  at closing,  a policy
                  (other  than the  Title  Policy),  or any of the  endorsements
                  requested by Buyer and agreed to by Title  Company  during the
                  Inspection  Period,  shall  not  constitute  a  failure  of  a
                  condition  precedent excusing Buyer's  performance  hereunder,
                  unless  such  unwillingness  or  inability  on the part of the
                  Title  Company is owing to some  condition  of title which had
                  not been  disclosed  to Buyer prior to the  expiration  of the
                  Inspection  Period and which materially  adversely affects the
                  condition of title to the Property.

         D.       In addition to the items to be  delivered by Seller at Closing
                  as described in Paragraph 6(A) above,  it shall be a condition
                  precedent  to Buyer's  obligation  to close this  transaction,
                  that Buyer receive (i) a tenant estoppel  certificate from the
                  tenant  under the  Lease in  substantially  the form  attached
                  hereto as Exhibit D addressed  to Seller and  Brauvin  Capital
                  Trust,  Inc.; (ii) (a) an  acknowledgement  from Circle K that
                  its  obligations  under that  certain  indemnification  letter
                  dated April 22, 1998 in favor of Seller (the  "Indemnification
                  Letter"), upon conveyance of the Property to Buyer will run to
                  Buyer,  as Seller's  successor-in-interest  and its successors
                  and  assigns or (b) the  Indemnification  Letter  reissued  by
                  Circle K in favor of Buyer and its successors and assigns;  --
                  (iii) subject to the  provisions  of Paragraph  6(C) above and
                  the limitations of Paragraph 12 below, the Title Policy;  (iv)
                  the Survey (as defined  below) with no changes from that which
                  is approved  (or deemed to be  approved)  by Buyer  during the
                  Inspection  Period,  certified to Brauvin Capital Trust,  Inc.
                  and the Title Company,  and (v) (a) the Phase I  Environmental
                  Site Assessment (to be updated at Buyer's election)  addressed
                  to  Brauvin  Capital  Trust,  Inc.,  or (b) a letter  from the
                  applicable  environmental  firm which prepared such assessment
                  for Seller stating that the same may be relied upon by Brauvin
                  Capital Trust, Inc. Seller shall make commercially  reasonable
                  efforts to obtain the items  described in clauses (i) and (ii)
                  of this  Paragraph  6(D) and shall  reasonably  cooperate with
                  Buyer's  efforts  to obtain  the items  described  in  clauses
                  (iii),  (iv) and (v) of this Paragraph 6(D).  Seller shall not
                  be, or be deemed  to be,  in  breach of this  Contract  in the
                  event it or Buyer, as the case may be, is unable to obtain any
                  of the items described in this Paragraph  6(D). If,  following
                  the  expiration  of the  Inspection  Period,  the  transaction
                  contemplated  hereby  fails to close owing solely to a failure
                  of one or more of the  conditions  precedent set forth in this
                  Paragraph 6(D) to be satisfied,  then Buyer may terminate this
                  Contract,  the  Deposit  shall be  returned to Buyer and Buyer
                  shall be entitled to recover  from Seller its  reasonable  and
                  substantiated  out of pocket  expenses  incurred in connection
                  with this transaction up to a maximum of $7,500.00.


         7.       FEASIBILITY  STUDY AND INSPECTION.  Prior to expiration of the
                  Inspection  Period (as  defined  below),  Buyer shall have the
                  right, at its sole cost and expense, to review and copy all of
                  Seller's  non-privileged  and  non-confidential  documents and
                  information  relating to the  operation  or  condition  of the
                  Property and to conduct whatever inspections,  studies,  tests
                  and  investigations  Buyer desires to conduct  relating to the
                  Property   including,   without   limitation,   the  physical,
                  environmental,  economic  and legal  condition of the Property
                  (the  "Inspections").  Buyer shall have through 5 P.M. on that
                  date which is the thirtieth (30th) day following the Effective
                  Date of this  Contract  ("Inspection  Period") to perform such
                  Inspections and in this regard, Buyer or his designated agents
                  may  enter  upon  the  Property  upon  reasonable   notice  at
                  reasonable  times for  purposes  of such  analysis,  tests and
                  inspections  which may be deemed  necessary by Buyer. If Buyer
                  determines,  in his sole  judgment,  that the  Property is not
                  suitable  for any reason for Buyer's  intended use or purpose,
                  or is  not in  satisfactory  condition,  then  Buyer  may,  by
                  written notice to Seller  ("Disapproval  Notice") on or before
                  the end of the first  business day following the expiration of
                  the  Inspection  Period,   terminate  this  Contract  for  all
                  purposes (except as otherwise  specifically  provided herein).
                  If Buyer does not timely give the Disapproval  Notice, any and
                  all  objections  with  respect to the  Inspections  and to the
                  condition and  suitability  of the Property shall be deemed to
                  have been waived by Buyer for all  purposes.  In the event the
                  transaction  contemplated  in this  Contract  shall not close,
                  through no fault of Seller,  Buyer shall  restore the Property
                  to its  original  condition,  if changed  due to the tests and
                  inspections  performed by Buyer, and shall provide Seller with
                  a copy of the  results  of any tests and  inspections  made by
                  Buyer,  excluding any market and economic feasibility studies.
                  Buyer  shall  indemnify,   protect,  defend  and  hold  Seller
                  harmless  from and against any damages,  liabilities,  claims,
                  demands,  costs or expenses  arising from Buyer's  Inspections
                  (Buyer's  obligations  pursuant to this sentence shall survive
                  Closing or termination of this Contract).


         8.       BROKER'S FEE: Newell Investment  Company,  Inc. ("Newell") and
                  BT Commercial/Damon  Raike & Co.  ("BT/Raike"),  as co-brokers
                  (collectively,  "Brokers"),  each  of  whom  is  appropriately
                  licensed in the state in which the  Property is located,  have
                  negotiated the transaction contemplated in this Contract. Upon
                  Closing, Seller agrees to pay (i) Newell a cash fee of $19,400
                  and (ii)  BT/Raike a cash fee of $38,800,  which Title Company
                  shall pay from the sales  proceeds upon  Closing.  Each of the
                  parties  represents  to the other that it has not incurred any
                  liability for brokerage fees or commission in connection  with
                  this  transaction  other than the  liability  of Seller as set
                  forth  above.  Each party  indemnifies  and agrees to hold the
                  other party  harmless from any and all claims  and/or  expense
                  resulting  to the  other  party by  reason  of a breach of the
                  representation made by such party herein.

         9.       POSSESSION.  The possession of the Property shall be delivered
                  to Buyer at Closing in its present "as-is" condition, ordinary
                  wear and tear  excepted,  subject  to the rights of the tenant


                  following items will paid as follows:

                   Item                     Seller       Buyer       Split 50/50

                  Escrow fees                                         X
                  Recording fees             X
                  Transfer taxes             X
                  Title Policy fees          X
                   (Standard CLTA)
                  Title Policy fees                       X
                   (overstandard coverage
                   and endorsements)
                  Survey fees (excluding 
                   updates)                  X
                  Title Company Doc. Prep.                 X
                   fees (if any)
                  Phase I Report 
                   (including updates)       X

         11.      PRORATIONS. Rents, assessments, current taxes, utility charges
                  and maintenance fees and all other ordinary operating items of
                  income and expense  relating to the Property shall be prorated
                  at the date of  Closing.  If ad valorem  taxes for the year in
                  which  the sale is closed  are not  available  on the  Closing
                  Date,  proration  of taxes shall be made on the basis of taxes
                  assessed  in  the  previous  year,   with  a  subsequent  cash
                  adjustment  of such  proration to be made  between  Seller and
                  Buyer, if necessary, when actual tax figures are available.

         12.      TITLE APPROVAL.  Within ten (10) days of the Effective Date of
                  this  Contract,  Seller shall  deliver to Buyer a  Preliminary
                  Title Report,  issued by Title Company (the "PTR") and, to the
                  extent available,  legible copies of all recorded  instruments
                  noted as exceptions  in the PTR,  together with an ALTA survey
                  of the Land and Improvements  (the "Survey").  If Buyer has an
                  objection  to  items  disclosed  in such  PTR or  shown on the
                  Survey,  Buyer  shall  have  ten  (10)  days  from the date of
                  receipt of the last of the PTR,  the Survey or the  underlying
                  title exception  documents (the "Title Inspection  Period") to
                  make written objections to Seller; provided, however, that the
                  Title Inspection Period shall not extend, in any event, beyond
                  the end of the Inspection  Period,  unless otherwise agreed by
                  the parties in  writing.  Any items  disclosed  in such PTR or
                  shown on the Survey, if not timely objected to by Buyer, shall
                  be deemed approved ("Approved Title Matters").  If Buyer makes
                  such  written  objections,  Seller shall have thirty (30) days
                  from the date of its  receipt of such  written  objections  to
                  cure the same. If required, the Closing Date shall be extended
                  to allow such cure period. Seller agrees to utilize reasonable
                  efforts and reasonable  diligence to cure such objections,  if
                  any;  provided,   that  if  Buyer  has  given  timely  written
                  objection  notice  of the same  during  the  Title  Inspection
                  Period  (or within  three (3)  business  days after  obtaining
                  knowledge  thereof,  if  any  such  item  is  first  disclosed
                  following  the end of such Title  Inspection  Period),  Seller
                  shall  remove  (i) all liens of  definitive  or  ascertainable
                  amount (other than taxes and  assessments)  and (ii) any other
                  defects,   provided,   further   that  Seller  shall  have  no
                  obligation  to remove the items  described  in clauses (i) and
                  (ii) of this  Paragraph 12 to the extent the aggregate cost to
                  remove the same exceeds  $10,000.  If the  objections  are not
                  cured within such time period,  Buyer may (i)  terminate  this
                  Contract upon written notice to Seller and neither party shall
                  have  any  further  rights  or  obligations  pursuant  to this
                  Contract except as otherwise provided above, or (ii) waive the
                  unsatisfied objections and close the transaction and the Sales
                  Price shall not be  reduced.  Seller  shall bear the cost,  if
                  any, of having the Survey  certified to Brauvin Capital Trust,
                  Inc.; Buyer shall bear the cost, if any, of making any changes
                  or updates to the Survey requested by Buyer or its lender,  if


                  As  contemplated  by Paragraph  6(C) above,  Buyer shall fully
                  satisfy  itself as to the  condition  of title to the Property
                  and its ability to obtain all desired title insurance coverage
                  from the Title Company  during the Inspection  Period.  In the
                  event any matter  affecting  title is newly disclosed to Buyer
                  following the expiration  the  Inspection  Period and prior to
                  the Closing  Date,  then Buyer  shall have three (3)  business
                  days within which to give Seller  written  notice of objection
                  to only such newly  described  matter(s) and Seller shall then
                  have  thirty  (30) days from the date of its  receipt  of such
                  written  objection to cure the same subject to the limitations
                  of this  Paragraph 12. If required,  the Closing Date shall be
                  extended to allow such cure  period.  Any such new matter,  if
                  not timely  objected to by Buyer,  shall be deemed an Approved
                  Title Matter.

         13.      DEFAULT.  If Buyer fails to perform its obligations under this
                  Contract,  Seller,  as its  sole  and  exclusive  remedy,  may
                  terminate  this Contract and receive and retain the Deposit as
                  liquidated damages. If Seller fails to perform its obligations
                  under this Contract,  Buyer may terminate  this Contract,  the
                  Deposit shall be returned to Buyer and Buyer shall be entitled
                  to  recover  from  Seller  as   liquidated   damages   Buyer's
                  reasonable and  substantiated out of pocket costs and expenses
                  incurred in connection  with this  transaction up to a maximum
                  of  $7,500.  Buyer and Seller  acknowledge  and agree that the
                  damages  sustained  by either party in the event of default by
                  the other party hereto would be difficult and  impractical  to
                  determine  and the  amounts  specified  above have been agreed
                  upon by Buyer and  Seller,  after  negotiation,  as their best
                  reasonable  estimate  as of the date of this  Contract  of the
                  amount  of  such   damages  as  would  be   sustained  by  the
                  non-defaulting party under such circumstances. Notwithstanding
                  the  foregoing,  in the  event,  and only in the  event,  that
                  Seller's  breach  hereunder  shall be attributable to Seller's
                  willful  or  voluntary  default  in  the  performance  of  its
                  obligations as provided in this Contract, then, and only then,
                  may Buyer seek specific performance of this Contract.

                  Buyer ( /s/ ) and Seller ( /s/ ) agree to the above.

         14.      ATTORNEYS'  FEES. The prevailing party in any legal proceeding
                  against any other party hereto  brought under or with relation
                  to the  Contract or  transaction  shall be entitled to recover
                  court   costs  and   reasonable   attorneys'   fees  from  the
                  non-prevailing party.

         15.      ADDITIONAL  DOCUMENTS  TO BE PROVIDED BY SELLER.  At the times
                  set forth in the attached  Addendum,  Seller shall  deliver to
                  Buyer copies of certain  additional  documents and information
                  relating to the Property.

         16.      COVENANTS OF SELLER.  From the Effective Date of this Contract
                  until  the  Closing  Date  or  earlier   termination  of  this
                  Contract,  Seller  shall:  (i)  operate  the  Property  in the
                  customary and ordinary course of its business and will use its
                  reasonable  efforts  to  reasonably  preserve  for  Buyer  the
                  relationships of Seller and its suppliers,  tenants and others
                  with respect to the Property;  (ii) not enter into any written
                  or oral service  contract or other  agreement  with respect to
                  the Property that will not be fully  performed by Seller on or
                  before the Closing  Date,  or that will not be  cancelable  by
                  Buyer  without  liability  within  thirty  (30) days after the
                  Closing Date; (iii) without the prior written consent of Buyer
                  (which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld or delayed)
                  not  enter  into,  or alter,  amend or  otherwise  modify,  or
                  supplement  the Lease;  and (iv) advise Buyer  promptly of any


                  litigation,    arbitration,    administrative    hearing,   or
                  legislation  before any  governmental  body or agency of which
                  Seller receives  written  notice,  concerning or affecting the
                  Property  which is  instituted  or  threatened  after the date
                  hereof.  In the event,  Seller  takes any action  described in
                  clause  (iii)  of this  Paragraph  16,  despite  Buyer  having
                  reasonably  withheld  its  consent,  then  Buyer  may elect to
                  terminate  this  Contract and the Deposit shall be returned to

         17.      CONDEMNATION.   If  prior   to   Closing   Date   condemnation
                  proceedings are commenced  against any material portion of the
                  Property, Buyer may, at its option, terminate this Contract by
                  written  notice to Seller  within ten (10) days after Buyer is
                  advised of the  commencement of  condemnation  proceedings and
                  the Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer.  Alternatively,  Buyer
                  shall have the right to appear and defend in such condemnation
                  proceedings,  and any  award  in  condemnation  shall,  at the
                  Buyer's election made prior to Closing, become the property of
                  Seller and reduce the Sales  Price by the same amount or shall
                  become the  property of Buyer and the Sales Price shall not be

         18.      CASUALTY LOSS.  Except as specifically  provided herein,  this
                  Contract shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding
                  the occurrence of any damage to or destruction of the Property
                  prior to closing. Risk of loss by damage or destruction to the
                  Property prior to the closing shall be borne by Seller. In the
                  event any such  damage or  destruction  is not fully  repaired
                  prior to  Closing  (Seller  shall  have no duty to repair  the
                  same),  Buyer,  at its option may  either (i)  terminate  this
                  Contract  upon written  notice to Seller  within ten (10) days
                  after Buyer is advised of such damage or  destruction in which
                  event the Deposit shall be returned to Buyer and neither party
                  shall have any further rights or obligations  pursuant to this
                  Contract except as otherwise  provided above, or (ii) elect to
                  close the  transaction,  in which event  Seller's right to all
                  insurance  proceeds  resulting from such damage or destruction
                  shall be  assigned in writing by Seller to Buyer and the Sales
                  Price shall not be reduced.  In the event that  following  the
                  Closing  there  shall  occur  damage  or  destruction  to  the
                  Property  for which  Seller is entitled  to receive  insurance
                  proceeds under Circle K's insurance policy, then Seller agrees
                  to cooperate  with Buyer to assign its rights,  if any, to any
                  such proceeds to Buyer and to execute such documents as may be
                  necessary to effectuate such assignment.

         19.      MISCELLANEOUS.

                  A.       Any notice  required  or  permitted  to be  delivered
                           hereunder  shall be deemed  received when  personally
                           delivered  or received by facsimile  transmission  or
                           one (1)  business  day after  being  sent by  Federal
                           Express  or  other  nationally  recognized  overnight
                           delivery  service,  charges  prepaid,  in  each  case
                           addressed  to  Seller  Buyer  and  their   respective
                           counsel,  as the case  may be,  at the  addresses  or
                           facsimile  numbers set forth below the  signature  of
                           such party hereto.

                  B.       This  Contract  shall  be  construed   under  and  in
                           accordance  with the laws of the  state in which  the
                           Property is located.

                  C.       This Contract  shall be binding upon and inure to the
                           benefit of the  parties  hereto and their  respective
                           heirs,     executors,      administrators,      legal
                           representatives, successors, and assigns.


                  D.       In case any one or more the  provisions  contained in
                           the  Contract  shall  for  any  reason  be held to be
                           invalid,  illegal,  and unenforceable in any respect,
                           such  invalidity,   illegality,  or  unenforceability
                           shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this
                           Contract  shall  be  construed  as if  such  invalid,
                           illegal,  or  unenforceable  provision had never been
                           contained herein.

                  E.       This Contract constitutes the sole and only agreement
                           of  the  parties  hereto  and  supersedes  any  prior
                           understandings or written or oral agreements  between
                           the parties  respecting the within subject matter and
                           cannot be changed except by their written consent.

                  F.       Time is of the essence of this Contract.

                  G.       Words of any gender  used in this  Contract  shall be
                           held and construed to include any other  gender,  and
                           words in the singular number shall be held to include
                           the  plural,  and  vice  versa,  unless  the  context
                           requires otherwise.

         20.      ASSIGNMENT.  Buyer may not assign  this  Contract  without the
                  prior  written  consent  of Seller  which  Seller may grant or
                  withhold  in  its  sole  and  absolute  discretion;  provided,
                  however,  that Buyer may assign its rights  hereunder prior to
                  Closing to Brauvin Capital Trust, Inc., a Maryland corporation
                  or  a  wholly  owned  affiliate  thereof;  provided  (i)  such
                  assignee  executes  a  written  assumption  of all of  Buyer's
                  obligations under this Contract,  in the form and substance of
                  Exhibit E attached  hereto,  (ii) Buyer  shall not be released
                  from its obligations and liabilities under this Contract,  and
                  (iii) such assignment  shall be without any increase in price,
                  fees,   commissions   or  other   compensation   to  Buyer  in
                  consideration  of such  assignment.  Subject to the foregoing,
                  this  Contract  shall  inure to the  benefit of and be binding
                  upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns.


EXECUTED in multiple  originals as of November 13, 1998 (the "Effective  Date").
(Fill in date Seller signs.)

SELLER:                                  BUYER:

California corporation                   an Illinois corporation

By:   /s/ Herman H. Howerton             By: /s/ Barry Bain 
      ------------------------------             -------------------------------

Its:  Vice President, General Counsel    Its:
      -------------------------------         ----------------------------------

c/o SSR Realty Advisors                  30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 3100
One California Street, Suite 1400        Chicago, Illinois 60602
San Francisco, CA  94111                 Attention:  Barry D. Bain, Senior Vice 
Attention:  Property Sales                               
Fax No.:    (415) 678-2291               Fax No.:    (312) 759-7800             
Phone No.:  (415) 678-2107               Phone No.:  (312) 759-7660

With a copy to:                          With a copy to:

Landels Ripley & Diamond, LLP            Patzik, Frank & Samotny, Ltd.
350 The Embarcadero Center, 6th Floor    150 South Wacker Drive, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA  94105                 Chicago, IL  60606
Attention:  Richard S. Winer, Esq.       Attention:  Allan L. Yusim
Fax No.:  (415) 512-8750                 Fax No.:  (312) 551-1101
Tel: No.: (415) 512-8700                 Tel No.:  (312) 551-8300



This Addendum To Earnest Money  Contract - Commercial  Improved  Property  (this
"Addendum") is made  concurrently  with and forms a part of that certain Earnest
Money Contract - Commercial  Improved  Property (the  "Contract")  executed this
date  between  METRIC  INCOME  TRUST  SERIES,  INC.,  a  California  corporation
("Seller"),  and BRAUVIN INC., an Illinois corporation ("Buyer"). In addition to
and notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in the Contract,  Seller
and Buyer further agree as follows:

1.   Except as otherwise  expressly  provided in the Contract or this  Addendum,
     Seller disclaims the making of any  representations or warranties,  express
     or  implied,  regarding  the  Property  or its value,  condition  of title,
     physical condition (including,  without limitation, pest control, hazardous
     substances or  environmental  matters),  compliance  with laws  (including,
     without  limitation,  the Americans With  Disabilities Act of 1990 or other
     laws respecting building,  zoning or land use matters) or any other matters
     or information with respect to the Property.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Seller hereby  represents and warrants to
     Buyer that Minton J. Newell,  property  sales  consultant to Seller,  based
     solely upon inquiry,  by means of the Inquiry Memorandum attached hereto as
     Exhibit B (the "Inquiry  Memorandum"),  of the individuals  listed thereon,
     each  of whom  responded  to  such  Inquiry  Memorandum,  and  without  any
     independent  investigation or further inquiry, has no actual knowledge,  as
     of the date  hereof,  except  as  specifically  set  forth in  Exhibit  B-1
     attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, that:

         a.  Seller  has  received  any  written  notice  from any  governmental
     authorities  that eminent domain  proceedings  for the  condemnation of the
     Real Property are pending;

         b. Seller has received any written  notice of any threatened or pending
     litigation  against Seller which would  materially and adversely affect the
     Real Property;

         c.  Seller  has  received  any  written  notice  from any  governmental
     authority  that the  Improvements  located  on the Land  are  presently  in
     violation of any applicable building codes;

         d.  Seller  has  received  any  written  notice  from any  governmental
     authority  that  Seller's  use of the Property is presently in violation of
     any  applicable  zoning,  land  use,  environmental  or other  law,  order,
     ordinance, rule or regulation affecting the Property.

     Seller hereby  represents  and warrants to Buyer that the Contract has been
     approved  by the  Seller's  Board of  Directors.  Seller has full power and
     lawful  authority to enter into and carry out the terms and  provisions  of
     this  Agreement  and  to  execute  and  deliver  all  documents  which  are
     contemplated by this Contract and all actions of Seller necessary to confer
     such power and authority  upon the persons  executing this Contract and all
     documents  which are  contemplated by the Contract on behalf of Seller have
     been taken. Seller's representations and warranties as set forth herein and
     in the Contract to which this Addendum pertains,  shall survive the Closing
     for a period of sixty (60) days only.


2.   Buyer acknowledges that Seller has delivered to Buyer, or shall within five
     (5) days  hereafter  (or at such other time  specified  in the  Contract or
     below) deliver to Buyer, a copy of each of the following items:

     Items to be Delivered by Seller

     a.   Copy of Preliminary Title Report.

     b.   Survey of the  Property  within  three (3)  business  days of Seller's
          receipt of the same.

     c.   Existing  Phase  I  Environmental  Site  Assessment  and  any  updates
          thereto,  within  three (3) business  days of Seller's  receipt of the

     d.   Copy of the Lease.

     e.   Copy of the Indemnification Letter.

     f.   Circle K's  financial  statements  as required by the  Indemnification
          Letter within three (3) business days of Seller's receipt of the same.

3.   Buyer  acknowledges  and agrees that (i) Buyer has made or has had, or will
     have, an adequate  opportunity to make such inquiries,  inspections,  tests
     and evaluations of the Property (including,  without limitation, its value,
     condition  of  title,  physical  condition,   environmental  condition  and
     compliance  with laws) as Buyer has deemed  necessary  or  advisable,  (ii)
     Buyer  is not  relying  and  will not  rely  upon  any  representations  or
     warranties  respecting the Property (other than those, if any, specifically
     provided in the Contract) made by or on behalf of Seller,  (iii) except for
     its reliance upon any specific representations or warranties of Seller, and
     subject  to the  limitations  upon the  survival  of the same set  forth in
     Paragraph 1 of this  Addendum,  (a) Buyer is assuming  and shall assume the
     risk that adverse conditions  relating to the Property may not have been or
     may not be revealed by Buyer's investigation of the Property, and (b) Buyer
     is purchasing and shall purchase the Property in its "AS-IS"  condition and
     WITH ALL FAULTS on the Closing Date.

4.   Buyer further  acknowledges  and agrees that except for any claims  arising
     out of breach of the specific  provisions of the  Contract,  and subject to
     the survival  period of Seller's  representations  and warranties set forth
     herein, Buyer expressly,  irrevocably and unconditionally  waives, releases
     and  discharges  Seller,  its  agents,  partners,   advisors,   affiliates,
     successors and assigns, from any and all rights, claims, damages and causes
     of action,  whether at law or in equity, whether or not known or unknown as
     of the date hereof and/or as of the Closing  Date,  which Buyer may have or
     become  entitled to assert arising out of Buyer's  purchase of the Property
     or  its  value,  condition  or  title,  physical  condition,  environmental
     condition, compliance with laws, or other matters respecting the Property.

5.   Buyer agrees that,  unless Buyer has obtained the prior written  consent of
     Seller,  Buyer  shall  not  directly  or  indirectly  release,  publish  or
     otherwise  distribute any report,  prospectus,  advertisement,  circular or
     other document  which names or refers in any manner  directly or indirectly
     to Seller,  Metric Realty,  SSR Realty Advisors or any of their  respective
     agents,  advisors or  affiliates;  provided,  however,  that Buyer may make
     limited  disclosure  of  Seller's  identity,  the  purchase  price  and the
     intended  use of the  Property  to the  extent  the  same are  required  in
     connection with Buyer's meeting federal or state  securities law disclosure
     requirements  or Buyer is  required  to disclose  such  information  to its
     lender(s) in connection with obtaining financing.



                                    EXHIBIT A
                                Legal Description





                                    EXHIBIT B
                               Inquiry Memorandum

The  Inquiry  Memorandum,  dated  December  1998,  is  not  included  with  this
Amendment. Metric Income Trust Series, Inc. agrees to provide the Securities and
Exchange Commission copies of said Inquiry Memorandum upon request.


                                    EXHIBIT C

THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE  ("Assignment") is made and entered into
effective the 24 day of December, 1998 ("Effective Date"), by and between METRIC
INCOME  TRUST  SERIES,  INC.,  a  California  corporation  ("Assignor")  and BCT
RUBIDOUX L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company ("Assignee").


         A. Assignor,  as Landlord,  and National Convenience Store Incorporated
("NCS")  entered into that certain Lease  Agreement  dated  November 30, 1989 as
amended  pursuant to that certain lease  amendment  dated as of October 14, 1992
between Assignor and NCS (collectively, the "Lease"), whereby Assignor leases to
Tenant (as defined  below)  certain  premises  located in the City of  Rubidoux,
County of Riverside,  State of California, as more particularly described in the
Lease ("Premises").

         B. The Lease was assumed by Circle K Stores,  Inc.  ("Tenant") pursuant
to that certain  Assignment  of Assumption of Lease dated April 28, 1994 between
NCS and Tenant.

         C.  Assignor  desires  to convey the  Premises  and assign the Lease to

         D. All  capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined herein shall have the
same meanings as defined in the Lease unless the context indicated otherwise.

         THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of Ten and No/100  Dollars  ($10.00) and
other good and valuable  consideration,  and the mutual  promises and  covenants
contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,
the undersigned hereby agree as follows:

         1. Assignor does hereby transfer,  assign, convey, set over and deliver
unto Assignee all of Assignor's  right,  title and interest in, to and under the
Lease and  Assignee  does hereby  assume and agree to perform all of  Assignor's
rights,  duties,  obligation and liabilities,  as Landlord, in, to and under the
Lease  arising and to be performed  from and after the date of this  Assignment.
Concurrently  with the execution of this  Assignment,  Assignor is delivering to
Assignee a copy of the Lease.

2. Assignee shall indemnify,  defend and hold harmless Assignor from and against
any and all costs,  liabilities,  losses damages,  expenses or claims including,
without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  with  respect  to events or
conditions  first  occurring  on or after the date  hereof and arising out of or
relating to  Assignee's  failure to perform its  obligations  under the Lease so
long as such is not caused by an act or omission of Assignor,  its  employees or
agents.  Assignor shall  indemnify,  defend and hold harmless  Assignee from and
against any and all costs,  liabilities,  damages, expenses or claims including,
without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'  fees arising out of or relating to
Assignor's  failure to perform its obligations  under the Lease, with respect to
events or  conditions  first  occurring  prior to the date hereof and so long as
such is not caused by Assignee, its employees, agents, successors or assigns.

         3. This Assignment and the obligations of Assignor,  if any,  hereunder
shall  survive the closing of the purchase and sale  transaction  referred to in
that certain Earnest Money Contract-Commercial  Improved Property dated November
13, 1998 by and between  Assignor and  Assignee  (the  "Contract of Sale"),  and
shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of Assignee  and its  successors
and assigns.


         4.  This  Assignment  and  Assumption  of  Lease  may  be  executed  by
facsimile,  in any number of counterparts,  each of which may be executed by any
one or  more of the  parties  hereto,  but all of  which  shall  constitute  one
instrument,  and shall be binding and effective  when all of the parties  hereto
have executed at least one counterpart.

         5. This  Assignment  shall be governed by and  construed in  accordance
with the laws of the State of California.

                                     EXECUTED  effective  the date  shown above.


                                     METRIC INCOME TRUST SERIES, INC.,
                                     a California corporation

                                     By:      /s/ Herman H. Howerton
                                     Name:    Herman H. Howerton
                                     Its:     Vice-President


                                     BCT RUBIDOUX L.L.C.
                                     a Delaware limited liability company

                                     By:      /s/ James L. Brault
                                     Name:    James L. Brault
                                     Its:     President


                                    EXHIBIT D
                           Tenant Estoppel Certificate

The Tenant  Estoppel  Certificate,  produced by Tosco Marketing  Company,  dated
December 16, 1998,  is not included  with this  Amendment.  Metric  Income Trust
Series,  Inc. agrees to provide the Securities and Exchange Commission copies of
said Tenant Estoppel Certificate upon request.

                                    EXHIBIT E
                            ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION

         FOR TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS  ($10.00) and other valuable  consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,  BRAUVIN, INC., an
Illinois corporation ("Assignor"),  does hereby assign, transfer and convey unto
BCT RUBIDOUX L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company  ("Assignee"),  all of
its right,  title and interest,  in and to that certain  Earnest Money  Contract
dated on or about  November 13, 1998, by and between Metric Income Trust Series,
Inc.,  as Seller,  and Assignor,  as Purchaser,  together with all of its right,
title and interest in and to the Lease as more specifically enumerated therein.
         Assignee has hereby  executed the within  Assignment and Assumption for
the purpose of assuming  any and all of the  obligations  of Assignor  under the
Contract and Lease, as aforesaid.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Assignment and Assumption has been executed as
of the 21st of December, 1998.

                                                     BRAUVIN, INC.

                                                     By: /s/ Barry Bain
                                                     Name: Barry Bain
                                                     Title: Vice-President

                                                     BCT RUBIDOUX L.L.C

                                                     By: /s/ James L. Brault
                                                     Name: James L. Brault
                                                     Title: President



c/o Brauvin Capital Trust Inc.
30 North LaSalle, Street, Suite 3100
Chicago, IL 60602
Attn:    Barry D. Bain

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   GRANT DEED

         In accordance with Section 11932 of the California Revenue and Taxation
Code,  Grantor has  declared  the amount of the  transfer  tax which is due by a
separate statement which is not being recorded with this Grant Deed.

         THIS  GRANT DEED  ("Deed")  is made and  entered  into this 21st day of
December,  1998 by METRIC  INCOME TRUST SERIES,  INC., a California  corporation
("Grantor"),  and in favor of BCT RUBIDOUX L.L.C., a Delaware limited  liability
company ("Grantee").


         For good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency  of
which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby GRANTS to Grantee that certain real
property  located  in the  City of  Rubidoux,  County  of  Riverside,  State  of
California commonly known as 5804 Mission Boulevard, Rubidoux, California, being
more  particularly  described  on  Schedule 1 attached  hereto and  incorporated
herein by this reference (the "Property").

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Grantor has executed this Grant Deed as of the day
and year first set forth above.

                                            METRIC INCOME TRUST SERIES, INC.,
                                            a California corporation

                                            By:      /s/ Herman H. Howerton
                                            Its:      Vice-President


STATE OF California) 
COUNTY OF San Francisco)

On this 21st day of December __, 1998, before me, Valerie Solar, a notary public
in and for said state, personally appeared Herman H. Howerton,  personally known
to me (or proved to me on the basis of  satisfactory  evidence) to be the person
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he
executed the same in his authorized  capacity,  and that by his signature on the
instrument  the person,  or the entity  upon behalf of which the person,  acted,
executed the instrument.

         WITNESS my hand and official seal.

                  Valerie Solar
                  Notary Public

My Commission Expires: 9/17/02
                                  VALERIE SOLAR
                                 Comm. # 1196523
                           NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA
                         City & County of San Francisco
                         My Comm. Expires Sept. 17, 2002

                                   SCHEDULE 1
                                LEGAL DESCRIPTION

Parcel A:

Parcel 1 of parcel map no.  21654 as per plat on file in book 150,  pages 58 and
59 of parcel maps, records of riverside county, California.

Parcel B:

A non-exclusive  easement of use and enjoyment in, to and through the entry ways
located on or supplying to the parcels and the traffic  areas  (except for areas
situated  underneath  gasoline  canopies,  parking areas and sidewalks) for such
parcels,  for vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress for the benefit of the
owners, their officers,  directors,  employees,  licensees, agents, contractors,
invitees,  visitors,  customers and tenants, as set forth in a document recorded
August 19, 1988 as instrument no. 236813 official records, which are appurtenant
to parcel 1 of parcel map no. 21634.


                                  BILL OF SALE

         For valuable  consideration,  receipt of which is acknowledged,  METRIC
INCOME TRUST SERIES, INC., a California corporation  ("Seller"),  grants, sells,
transfers  and assigns to BCT  RUBIDOUX  L.L.C.,  a Delaware  limited  liability
company ("Buyer"),  all personal  property,  if any, owned by Seller and used at
the real property located at 5804 Mission Boulevard, Rubidoux, California, which
is being sold and conveyed by Seller to Buyer concurrently.

         Buyer  acknowledges  and agrees that such personal  property is sold to
and shall be accepted by Buyer in its "As-Is"  condition and WITH ALL FAULTS and
without any representation of any kind or nature.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has executed this Bill of Sale this 21st day
of December, 1998.


                                            METRIC INCOME TRUST SERIES, INC.,
                                            a California corporation

                                            By:      /s/ Herman H. Howerton
                                            Its:     Vice President


Seller's Escrow  Instructions  Letter from Landels Ripley & Diamond,  LLP, dated
December  22, 1998,  and  acknowledged  by Chicago  Title  Insurance  Company on
December 24, 1998,  is not included  with this  Amendment.  Metric  Income Trust
Series,  Inc. agrees to provide the Securities and Exchange Commission copies of
said Seller's Escrow Instructions Letter upon request.

                        SELLER'S FINAL CLOSING STATEMENT

Seller's Final Closing Statement,  dated December 24, 1998, is not included with
this  Amendment.  Metric  Income  Trust  Series,  Inc.  agrees  to  provide  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  copies  of said  Seller's  Final  Closing
Statement upon request.


                               FIRTPA CERTIFICATE

         To inform BCT RUBIDOUX L.L.C., an Illinois corporation  ("Transferee"),
that withholding of tax under Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended,  (the  "Code"),  will not be required  upon transfer of certain real
property to  Transferee  by METRIC  INCOME  TRUST  SERIES,  INC.,  a  California
corporation  ("Transferor"),  the undersigned  hereby certifies the following on
behalf of Transferor:

         1. Transferor is not a foreign  person,  foreign  corporation,  foreign
partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate (as those terms are defined in the
Code and the Income Tax Regulations promulgated thereunder);

         2. Transferor's U.S. employer identification number is as follows:94-

         3. Transferor's office address is:

                         c/o SSR Realty Advisors
                         One California Street, Suite 1400
                         San Francisco, California 94111-5414

         Transferor  understands that this Certification may be disclosed to the
Internal  Revenue Service by Transferee and that any false  statement  contained
herein could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both.

         Transferor understands that Transferee is relying on this Certification
in determining whether withholding is required upon said transfer.

         Under   penalty  of  perjury  I  declare  that  I  have  examined  this
Certification and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and
complete,  and I further  declare that I have authority to sign this document on
behalf of Transferor.

Date:    December 21, 1998.

                                    METRIC INCOME TRUST SERIES, INC.,
                                    a California corporation

                                    By:     /s/ Herman H. Howerton
                                    Its:    Vice President



The Environmental  Indemnification and Remediation Letter,  executed by Circle K
Stores  Inc.,  dated  December 18, 1998,  is not included  with this  Amendment.
Metric Income Trust Series,  Inc.  agrees to provide the Securities and Exchange
Commission copies of said Environmental  Indemnification  and Remediation Letter
upon request


The California  Withholding  Exemption  Certificate  for Real Estate Sales (Form
590-RE),  executed by Seller, dated December 21, 1998, is not included with this
Amendment. Metric Income Trust Series, Inc. agrees to provide the Securities and
Exchange Commission copies of California  Withholding Exemption Certificate upon
