September 7, 1999

To:      The Investors of Metric Partners Growth Suite Investors, L.P.
         ("GSI" or the "Partnership")

RE:      Distribution of Sales Proceeds

Dear Investor:

As you are aware,  the  Partnership  retained a portion of the  proceeds  of the
December 30, 1997 sale of eight of its hotels due to  uncertainties  relating to
the mortgage on the Residence Inn - Nashville and to legal matters impacting the
Partnership. With the June 1999 foreclosure of the Residence Inn - Nashville and
upon review of the remaining issues concerning GSI, the managing general partner
has determined that the Partnership can distribute additional sales proceeds, in
the amount of approximately $5,200,000.  Therefore, enclosed please find a check
representing  your pro rata share of this  distribution in the amount of $85 per
original  $1,000 Unit. If your investment is part of a retirement plan or if you
have  pre-specified  your  brokerage firm or an alternate  destination  for your
checks,  your  distribution  has been forwarded to your custodian,  trustee,  or
brokerage firm.

Total cash  distributions to date have ranged from $6,961 to $7,894 per original
$10,000 investment,  depending upon the individual investor's date of acceptance
to the  Partnership.  These  distributions  have  included a total of $3,951 per
original  $10,000  investment  in  proceeds  from the sale of the  Partnership's
hotels. Currently, GSI has a cash balance of approximately $7,000,000; however a
Tennessee Court has enjoined the Partnership  from conveying,  transferring,  or
otherwise disposing of $5,000,000 for potential payment of any judgement awarded
with respect to certain  litigation  in Tennessee  concerning  the  Partnership.
Additionally,  as previously reported, the Partnership may be liable to Marriott
for contract  termination  fees of  approximately  $1,415,000  and other amounts
pursuant  to the  Partnership's  management  contract  for the  Residence  Inn -
Nashville.  Future distributions will be primarily dependent upon the outcome of
these matters.

Questions  regarding  Partnership  matters  should be directed  to the  Investor
Services Department at SSR Realty Advisors,  One California Street,  Suite 1400,
San Francisco,  California 94111, or via telephone at (800) 347-6707,  extension

Questions  regarding  services  for  your  investment,   including  distribution
payments,  tax reporting information or transfer documents should be directed to
the  Partnership's  Servicing  and Transfer  Agent,  Gemisys.  The address is as
follows:  GSI c/o  Gemisys,  7103  South  Revere  Parkway,  Englewood,  Colorado
80112-3936. The toll-free telephone number is (800) 955-3025.

Managing General Partner