727 North Bank Lane, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           January 24, 2000
- ---------------------

Edward J. Wehmer, President & Chief Executive Officer
David A. Dykstra, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
(847) 615-4096
Website address:

                     RECORD EARNINGS AHEAD 51% FOR THE YEAR
                         AND 35% FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER

         LAKE FOREST,  ILLINOIS -- Wintrust Financial  Corporation  ("Wintrust")
(Nasdaq: WTFC) announced record net income of $2.8 million for the quarter ended
December  31,  1999,  an increase of  $720,000,  or 35%,  over the $2.1  million
recorded in the fourth quarter of 1998. On a per share basis, net income for the
fourth  quarter of 1999  totaled  $0.32 per diluted  common  share,  a $0.07 per
share,  or 28%,  increase as compared to the 1998 fourth  quarter total of $0.25
per diluted common share. The return on average equity for the fourth quarter of
1999  increased  to 12.66%  from  11.09%  for the prior  year  quarter.  Pre-tax
operating  earnings  for the fourth  quarter of 1999  totaled  $4.3  million and
increased  $2.7  million,   or  169%,  over  the  prior  year  quarter;  a  more
representative  indicator of improved operating results due to the impact of tax
benefits from the recognition of prior years' net operating tax losses.

         For the year ended  December 31, 1999, net income totaled a record $9.4
million,  or $1.10 per diluted common share,  increases of $3.2 million, or 51%,
and $0.36 per diluted  common share,  when compared to 1998. On a pre-tax basis,
operating earnings for 1999 totaled $14.2 million and increased $9.4 million, or
200%,  over the 1998  total.  The  return on  average  equity for the year ended
December 31, 1999 rose to 11.58% versus 8.68% in 1998.

         Total assets rose to $1.68 billion at December 31, 1999, an increase of
$331 million,  or 25%,  compared to $1.35 billion as of December 31, 1998. Total
deposits  as of  December  31,  1999 were $1.46  billion,  an  increase  of $234
million,  or 19%, as compared to $1.23 billion as of the prior  year-end.  Total
loans grew to $1.28  billion as of December 31, 1999,  a $286  million,  or 29%,
increase over the $992 million balance as of December 31, 1998.

                                    - more -

         "We are  pleased  with the  continued  earnings  growth  in the  fourth
quarter.  We  realized  solid  growth  in our  core  loan  and  premium  finance
receivable  portfolios  and our net overhead  ratio declined to 1.89% and is now
within our performance goal range of 1.50% - 2.00%," commented Edward J. Wehmer,
President and Chief Executive Officer.  "The recent acquisition of Tricom,  Inc.
of Milwaukee is  progressing  well and also helped to improve our fourth quarter
1999 earnings."

         Mr. Wehmer  added,  "We are right on track in executing our strategy of
being an  asset-driven  company  whereby our core and niche loan  production  is
expanding faster than retail deposit growth.  This is a purposeful strategy that
allows us to  immediately  deploy new  deposit  funds into  attractive  yielding
assets.  It also allows us to be competitive in our retail deposit pricing while
balancing  growth  and  earnings.  As a result of this  strategy,  Wintrust  has
recently sold excess niche loan  production  into the marketplace to balance our
liquidity  and produce  gains on the sale of these loans.  We expect to continue
operating Wintrust with this asset-driven strategy. "

         Wintrust's  income before  income taxes  increased by over 200% for the
second consecutive year. Additionally,  Wintrust's key operating measures showed
impressive improvement in 1999 as evidence by the table below:

                                                                Year Ended         Year Ended           Percent
        In thousands, except per share data                      12/31/99           12/31/98          Improvement
        -----------------------------------                      --------           --------          -----------

        Income before income taxes                                  $ 14,151            $ 4,709         200.5%
        Net income                                                     9,427              6,245          50.9%
        Net income per common share - Diluted                           1.10               0.74          48.6%

        Net revenues                                                  57,542             44,839          28.3%
        Net interest income                                           47,734             36,764          29.8%

        Net interest margin                                            3.54%              3.43%           3.2%
        Net overhead ratio                                             2.00%              2.36%          15.3%
        Return on average assets                                       0.63%              0.53%          18.9%
        Return on average equity                                      11.58%              8.68%          33.4%

        Book value per common share                                  $ 10.60            $  9.23          14.8%

                                    - more -

         For the fourth  quarter of 1999,  net  interest  income  totaled  $13.1
million  and  increased  $3.1  million,  or 31%,  as  compared to the prior year
quarterly total of $10.0 million.  Non-interest  income totaled $3.4 million for
the  fourth  quarter of 1999 and  increased  $971,000,  or 41%,  over the fourth
quarter  of 1998,  mainly as a result of a gain on the sale of  premium  finance
receivables and the  administrative  services revenue from the recently acquired
Tricom.  Partially  offsetting  these  increases  and growth in other fee income
categories,  such as trust fees and deposit  service  charges,  was a decline in
fees on mortgage loans sold due mainly to the rise in mortgage  interest  rates,
which caused a significant  drop in new loan volumes,  particularly  refinancing
activity.  The  fourth  quarter  of 1999 was also  impacted  by a  non-recurring
after-tax charge of approximately  $100,000, or $0.01 per share, for a severance
payment related to the termination of a former CEO of one bank subsidiary.

         Wintrust is a financial  services holding company whose common stock is
traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market(R).  Its six suburban  Chicago  community bank
subsidiaries,  each of which was founded as a de novo bank since  December 1991,
are located in high income retail markets -- Lake Forest Bank and Trust Company,
Hinsdale Bank and Trust Company, North Shore Community Bank and Trust Company in
Wilmette,  Libertyville  Bank and  Trust  Company,  Barrington  Bank  and  Trust
Company,  N.A.,  and Crystal Lake Bank and Trust  Company,  N.A.. The banks also
operate facilities in Lake Bluff,  Glencoe,  Winnetka,  Clarendon Hills, Western
Springs  and  Skokie,   Illinois.  The  Company  also  operates  three  non-bank
subsidiaries. First Insurance Funding Corporation, one of the largest commercial
insurance  premium  finance  companies  operating in the United  States,  serves
commercial  loan  customers  throughout the country.  Wintrust Asset  Management
Company,  N.A., a trust subsidiary,  allows Wintrust to service customers' trust
and  investment  needs at each  banking  location.  Tricom,  Inc. of  Milwaukee,
acquired in October 1999, provides short-term accounts receivable  financing and
value-added  out-sourced  administrative  services,  such as data  processing of
payrolls,  billing and cash management  services,  to temporary staffing service
clients located  throughout the United States.  Currently,  Wintrust  operates a
total of 24 banking offices and is in the process of constructing one additional
branch facility.  All of the Company's banking  subsidiaries are locally managed
with large local boards of directors.  Wintrust  Financial  Corporation has been
one of the fastest growing de novo bank groups in Illinois.

                                      # # #

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                 Three Months                        Year Ended
                                                               Ended December 31,                    December 31,
                                                            1999              1998             1999              1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total assets                                             $ 1,679,382       $ 1,348,048      $ 1,679,382       $ 1,348,048
  Total deposits                                             1,463,622         1,229,154        1,463,622         1,229,154
  Total loans, net of unearned income                        1,278,249           992,062        1,278,249           992,062
  Long-term debt and notes payable                              39,400            31,050           39,400            31,050
  Total shareholders' equity                                    92,947            75,205           92,947            75,205
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Selected Statements of Income Data:
  Net interest income                                         $ 13,098          $  9,977         $ 47,734         $  36,764
  Net revenues                                                  16,463            12,371           57,542            44,839
  Income before income taxes                                     4,273             1,590           14,151             4,709
  Net income                                                     2,806             2,086            9,427             6,245
  Net income per common share - Basic                             0.33              0.26             1.14              0.77
  Net income per common share - Diluted (2)                       0.32              0.25             1.10              0.74
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Selected Financial Ratios and Other Data:
 Performance Ratios:
  Core net interest margin (1)                                   3.65%             3.41%            3.64%             3.45%
  Net interest margin                                            3.55%             3.33%            3.54%             3.43%
  Net interest spread                                            3.23%             2.94%            3.23%             3.00%
  Non-interest income to average assets                          0.82%             0.72%            0.66%             0.69%
  Non-interest expense to average assets                         2.71%             2.97%            2.65%             3.04%
  Net overhead ratio                                             1.89%             2.24%            2.00%             2.36%
  Return on average assets                                       0.68%             0.63%            0.63%             0.53%
  Return on average equity                                      12.66%            11.09%           11.58%             8.68%

  Average total assets                                     $ 1,637,658       $ 1,310,134      $ 1,496,566       $ 1,177,745
  Average shareholders' equity                                  87,924            74,619           81,381            71,906
  Average loan-to-average deposit ratio                          87.4%             82.4%            86.6%             80.1%

Common Share Data at end of period:

  Market price per common share                               $  15.25          $  19.63
  Book value per common share                                    10.60              9.23

Other Data at end of period:
  Number of:
    Bank subsidiaries                                                6                 6
    Non-bank subsidiaries                                            3                 2
    Banking offices                                                 24                21
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  The core net interest margin excludes the net impact of the Company's 9.00%
     Cumulative Trust Preferred  Securities  offering and certain  discretionary
     investment leveraging transactions.
(2)  Diluted  earnings  per common  share,  excluding  the impact of  intangible
     amortization  expense,  was $0.33 and  $0.25,  respectively,  for the three
     months ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, and $1.12 and $0.75, respectively,
     for the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998. 1999 and 1998.

                                      - 1 -

(In thousands)
                                                                             December 31,         December 31,
                                                                                 1999                 1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and due from banks                                                            $  53,066           $  33,924
Federal funds sold                                                                    28,231              18,539
Interest-bearing deposits with banks                                                   2,547               7,863
Available-for-Sale securities, at fair value                                         205,795             209,119
Held-to-Maturity securities, at amortized cost                                             -               5,000
Loans, net of unearned income                                                      1,278,249             992,062
    Less: Allowance for possible loan losses                                           8,783               7,034
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net loans                                                                      1,269,466             985,028
Premises and equipment, net                                                           72,851              56,964
Accrued interest receivable and other assets                                          35,943              30,082
Goodwill and other intangible assets, net                                             11,483               1,529
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Total assets                                                                 $ 1,679,382          $1,348,048

 Non-interest bearing                                                              $ 154,034           $ 131,309
 Interest bearing                                                                  1,309,588           1,097,845
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total  deposits                                                                1,463,622           1,229,154

Short-term borrowings                                                                 59,843                   -
Notes payable                                                                          8,350                   -
Long-term debt - trust preferred securities                                           31,050              31,050
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities                                        23,570              12,639
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Total liabilities                                                              1,586,435           1,272,843
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shareholders' equity:
  Preferred stock                                                                          -                   -
  Common stock                                                                         8,771               8,150
  Surplus                                                                             82,792              72,878
  Common stock warrants                                                                  100                 100
  Retained earnings (deficit)                                                          3,555              (5,872)
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                (2,271)                (51)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total shareholders' equity                                                        92,947              75,205
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                   $ 1,679,382         $ 1,348,048

                                      - 2 -

(In thousands, except per share data)

                                                                Three Months Ended                    Year Ended
                                                                   December 31,                      December 31,
                                                               1999             1998             1999            1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Interest and fees on loans                                       $27,277        $20,724         $ 97,270         $ 75,369
  Interest bearing deposits with banks                                  39            124              204            2,283
  Federal funds sold                                                   462            526            1,536            2,327
  Securities                                                         3,077          2,317           10,321            8,000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total interest income                                           30,855         23,691          109,331           87,979
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Interest on deposits                                             15,859         12,903           56,026           49,069
   Interest on short-term borrowings and notes payable               1,163             78            2,633            1,399
   Interest on long-term debt - trust preferred securities             735            733            2,938              747
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total interest expense                                         17,757         13,714           61,597           51,215
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NET INTEREST INCOME                                                 13,098          9,977           47,734           36,764
Provision for possible loan losses                                   1,006            986            3,713            4,297
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net interest income after provision for possible loan losses        12,092          8,991           44,021           32,467
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Fees on mortgage loans sold                                          456          1,667            3,206            5,569
  Service charges on deposit accounts                                  482            318            1,562            1,065
  Trust fees                                                           401            210            1,171              788
  Gain on sale of premium finance receivables                          393              -            1,033                -
  Administrative services revenue                                      996              -              996                -
  Net securities gains (losses)                                        (10)             -                5                -
  Other                                                                647            199            1,835              653
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total non-interest income                                        3,365          2,394            9,808            8,075
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Salaries and employee benefits                                     5,552          4,591           20,808           18,944
  Occupancy, net                                                       903            670            2,991            2,435
  Equipment expense                                                  1,073            645            3,199            2,221
  Data processing                                                      625            442            2,169            1,676
  Advertising and marketing                                            361            498            1,402            1,612
  Professional fees                                                    375            451            1,203            1,654
  Amortization of intangibles                                          144             35              251              120
  Other                                                              2,151          2,463            7,655            7,171
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total non-interest expense                                      11,184          9,795           39,678           35,833
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Income before income taxes                                           4,273          1,590           14,151            4,709
Income tax expense (benefit)                                         1,467           (496)           4,724           (1,536)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NET INCOME                                                         $ 2,806        $ 2,086          $ 9,427          $ 6,245
NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE = BASIC                                 $ 0.33         $ 0.26           $ 1.14           $ 0.77
NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE = DILUTED                               $ 0.32         $ 0.25           $ 1.10           $ 0.74

Weighted average common shares outstanding                           8,497          8,150            8,249            8,142
Dilutive potential common shares                                       274            341              309              353
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average common shares and dilutive common shares                     8,771          8,491            8,558            8,495

                                      - 3 -


The following  tables present a summary of the Company's net interest income and
related net interest margins,  calculated on a fully  tax-equivalent  basis, for
the three and twelve-month periods ended December 31, 1999 and 1998:

                                                      For the Quarter Ended                       For the Quarter Ended
                                                        December 31, 1999                           December 31, 1998
                                             -----------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------
(dollars in thousands)                            Average      Interest       Rate            Average       Interest      Rate
- ----------------------                       ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------

Liquidity management assets (1) (2)              $ 241,026       $ 3,585         5.90%       $ 221,571       $ 2,967       5.31%
Loans, net of unearned income (2)                1,232,346        27,364         8.81          969,352        20,756       8.50
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------
   Total earning assets                          1,473,372        30,949         8.33%       1,190,923        23,723       7.90%
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------

Interest-bearing deposits                        1,270,749        15,859         4.95%       1,058,879        12,903       4.83%
Short-term borrowings and notes payable             80,815         1,163         5.71            6,138            78       5.04
Long-term debt - trust preferred securities         31,050           735         9.47           31,050           733       9.37
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------
   Total interest-bearing liabilities            1,382,614        17,757         5.10%       1,096,067        13,714       4.96%
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------

Tax-equivalent net interest income                              $ 13,192                                  $   10,009
                                                              =============                               =============
Net interest margin                                                              3.55%                                     3.33%
                                                                            ==========                                  =========
Core net interest margin (3)                                                     3.65%                                     3.41%
                                                                            ==========                                  =========

                                                        For the Year Ended                          For the Year Ended
                                                        December 31, 1999                           December 31, 1998
                                             -----------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------
(dollars in thousands)                            Average      Interest       Rate            Average       Interest      Rate
- ----------------------
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------

Liquidity management assets (1) (2)              $ 221,942      $ 12,075         5.44%       $ 226,648      $ 12,610       5.56%
Loans, net of unearned income (2)                1,135,200        97,518         8.59          848,344        75,464       8.90
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------
   Total earning assets                          1,357,142       109,593         8.08%       1,074,992        88,074       8.19%
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------

Interest-bearing deposits                        1,184,657        56,026         4.73%         957,806        49,069       5.12%
Short-term borrowings and notes payable             53,076         2,633         4.96           21,249         1,399       6.58
Long-term debt - trust preferred securities         31,050         2,938         9.46            7,915           747       9.44
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------
   Total interest-bearing liabilities            1,268,783        61,597         4.85%         986,970        51,215       5.19%
                                             ---------------- ------------- ----------    --------------- ------------- ---------

Tax-equivalent net interest income                              $ 47,996                                    $ 36,859
                                                              =============                               =============
Net interest margin                                                              3.54%                                     3.43%
                                                                            ==========                                  =========
Core net interest margin (3)                                                     3.64%                                     3.45%
                                                                            ==========                                  =========
- -------------------------------
(1)  Liquidity  management assets include securities,  interest earning deposits
     with banks and federal funds sold.
(2)  Interest  income  on  tax-advantaged   loans  and  securities   reflects  a
     tax-equivalent adjustment based on a marginal federal corporate tax rate of
     34%. This total  adjustment  for the quarters  ended  December 31, 1999 and
     1998  was  $94,000  and  $32,000,  respectively,  and for the  twelve-month
     periods  ended  December  31,  1999  and  1998 was  $262,000  and  $95,000,
(3)  The core net interest margin excludes the net impact of the Company's 9.00%
     Cumulative Trust Preferred  Securities  offering and certain  discretionary
     investment leveraging transactions.

                                      - 4 -

Tax-equivalent  net  interest  income for the quarter  ended  December  31, 1999
totaled $13.2 million,  an increase of $3.2 million,  or 32%, as compared to the
$10.0  million  recorded  in the same  quarter  of 1998.  This  increase  mainly
resulted from loan growth and the October 1999  acquisition  of Tricom,  Inc. of
Milwaukee ("Tricom").  Tax-equivalent interest and fees on loans for the quarter
ended December 31, 1999 totaled $27.4 million,  an increase of $6.6 million,  or
32%,  over the prior year  quarterly  total of $20.8  million.  This  growth was
predominantly due to a $263 million, or 27%, increase in average total loans.

For the fourth quarter of 1999, the net interest  margin was 3.55%,  an increase
of 22 basis  points  when  compared  to the  margin of 3.33% in the  prior  year
quarter.  This increase resulted  primarily from higher yields on both loans and
securities  coupled with solid loan growth and the addition of Tricom.  The core
net interest  margin,  which excludes the impact of the 9.00%  Cumulative  Trust
Preferred Securities offering and certain  discretionary  investment  leveraging
transactions,  was 3.65% for the fourth  quarter of 1999, and increased 24 basis
points when compared to the prior year quarterly margin of 3.41%.

The rate paid on interest-bearing deposits averaged 4.95% for the fourth quarter
of 1999  versus  4.83% for the same  quarter of 1998,  an  increase  of 12 basis
points.  This  increase was caused by recent  market rate  increases on floating
rate deposit products,  which was somewhat offset by management's decision to be
less aggressive on its deposit  pricing at the more mature banks.  The rate paid
on  short-term  borrowings  and notes  payable  increased to 5.71% in the fourth
quarter of 1999 as compared to 5.04% in the same  quarter of 1998,  the increase
due primarily to general market rate increases that have occurred during 1999.

The yield on total  earning  assets for the fourth  quarter of 1999 was 8.33% as
compared to 7.90% in 1998,  an increase of 43 basis points  resulting  primarily
from  increases in the prime  lending  rate,  general  market rate  increases on
liquidity  management  assets, and the acquisition of Tricom. The fourth quarter
1999 loan yield of 8.81%  increased 31 basis  points when  compared to the prior
year  quarterly  yield of 8.50% and was due primarily to a higher  average prime
lending rate of 8.38% during the fourth  quarter of 1999 versus an average prime
lending rate of 7.93% for the fourth quarter of 1998.

For the year ended December 31, 1999, tax-equivalent net interest income totaled
$48.0  million and  increased  $11.1  million,  or 30%,  over the $36.9  million
recorded in 1998.  This  increase was  primarily  due to a  combination  of loan
growth  and  lower  funding  cost  rates.  Interest  and  fees  on  loans,  on a
tax-equivalent basis, totaled $97.5 million for the year ended December 31, 1999
and increased  $22.1 million,  or 29%, over 1998.  Average loans in 1999 totaled
$1.14 billion and grew $287 million,  or 34%, over the average for 1998. The net
interest  margin for the year ended December 31, 1999 was 3.54%,  an increase of
11 basis points when  compared to the prior year.  The core net interest  margin
for 1999 was 3.64% and  increased  19 basis points over the same margin in 1998.
These margin  increases were directly the result of a decline in overall funding
cost rates and loan growth.  The total  deposit  funding  cost rate  declined 39
basis  points  since the prior  year and was 4.73% for year ended  December  31,
1999. The growth in loans caused a higher proportion of average loans to average
total  earning  assets,  and  increased  from 79% in 1998 to 84% in  1999.  This
improved loan  proportion  creates a higher net interest  margin,  as loans earn
interest at a higher rate than other earning assets.  The loan yield during 1999
declined 31 basis  points to 8.59%,  which was caused by a lower  average  prime
lending rate of 8.00% in 1999 versus an average  prime  lending rate of 8.36% in

                                      - 5 -


For the fourth  quarter of 1999,  non-interest  income  totaled $3.4 million and
increased  $971,000 over the prior year quarter.  Gains from the sale of premium
finance  receivables,  revenues from Tricom and increases in trust fees, deposit
services  charges and leased  equipment rental income were partially offset by a
lower level of fees from the sale of mortgage loans.

The October 1999 acquisition of Tricom added $996,000 of administrative services
revenue to total non-interest income in the fourth quarter of 1999. This revenue
comprises  income  from  administrative  services,  such as data  processing  of
payrolls,  billing and cash management  services,  to temporary staffing service
clients located throughout the United States. Tricom also earns interest and fee
income from  providing  short-term  accounts  receivable  financing to this same
client base, which is included in the net interest income category.

During the fourth quarter of 1999,  approximately $29 million of premium finance
receivables  were  sold  to  an  unrelated  third  party  and  resulted  in  the
recognition  of a $393,000  gain.  Consistent  with  Wintrust's  strategy  to be
asset-driven,  it is  probable  that  similar  future  sales of premium  finance
receivables  will occur  depending on the level of new volume growth in relation
to the  capacity  to  retain  such  loans  within  the  subsidiary  banks'  loan

Fees on  mortgage  loans sold  includes  income  from  originating  and  selling
residential real estate loans into the secondary  market.  For the quarter ended
December 31, 1999, these fees totaled  $456,000,  a decline of $1.2 million,  or
73%, from the prior year quarter.  This decline was due to  significantly  lower
levels of  mortgage  origination  volumes,  particularly  refinancing  activity,
caused by the increase in mortgage interest rates.

Service charges on deposit  accounts  totaled $482,000 for the fourth quarter of
1999,  an increase of  $164,000,  or 52%,  when  compared to the same quarter of
1998.  This increase was mainly due to a higher deposit base and a larger number
of  accounts  at both the more  mature  banks and the newer de novo  banks.  The
majority  of deposit  service  charges  relate to  customary  fees on  overdrawn
accounts  and  returned  items.   The  level  of  service  charges  received  is
substantially  below peer group levels as management  believes in the philosophy
of providing high quality service without encumbering that service with numerous
activity charges.

Trust fees totaled $401,000 for the fourth quarter of 1999, a $191,000,  or 91%,
increase  over the fourth  quarter of 1998.  This increase was the result of new
business  development efforts generated from a larger staff of experienced trust
officers  added in late 1998 with the  formation  of Wintrust  Asset  Management
Company.  Wintrust is committed to growing the trust and investment  business in
order to better  service its  customers  and create a more  diversified  revenue
stream.  However,  as the introduction of expanded trust and investment services
continues  to unfold,  it is  expected  that  overhead  levels will be high when
compared to the initial fee income that is generated. This overhead will consist
primarily of the salaries and benefits of experienced trust professionals. It is
anticipated  that trust fees will eventually  increase to a level  sufficient to
absorb this overhead within a few years.

Other  non-interest  income for the fourth quarter of 1999 totaled  $647,000 and
increased  $448,000  over the  prior  year  quarterly  total of  $199,000.  This
increase  was due  primarily  to $259,000 of premium  income from  certain  call
option  transactions  and a $144,000  increase in rental  income from  equipment
leased  through the Medical and  Municipal  Funding  division of the Lake Forest
Bank, a business  that was acquired in  mid-1998.  The call option  transactions
were designed to utilize the excess capital at certain banks, increase the total
return associated with holding certain  securities as earning assets,  and yield
additional fee income.

                                      - 6 -

For the year ended December 31, 1999, total non-interest income was $9.8 million
and  increased  $1.7 million,  or 21%, when compared to 1998.  This increase was
mainly  the result of $1.0  million  of gains  from the sale of premium  finance
receivables,  the $996,000 of administrative  services revenue from Tricom,  the
recognition of $508,000 in premium income from certain call option transactions,
a $497,000  increase in deposit service  charges,  a $383,000  increase in trust
fees and a $365,000  increase  in rental  income from  leased  equipment.  These
increases were partially  offset by a $2.4 million decline in fees from the sale
of mortgage  loans due  principally  to the  increases in mortgage loan interest
rates, which caused a significant drop in origination volumes.


Non-interest  expense for the fourth  quarter of 1999 totaled  $11.2 million and
increased  $1.4  million,  or 14%,  from the fourth  quarter  1998 total of $9.8
million.  The  continued  growth  and  expansion  of  the  de  novo  banks,  the
development  of  the  trust  and  investment  business,  and  the  October  1999
acquisition of Tricom were the primary  causes for this increase.  Since the end
of 1998,  total  deposits have grown 19% and total loan balances have risen 29%,
requiring  higher levels of staffing and other costs to both attract and service
the larger customer base.

Salaries and employee  benefits  totaled $5.6 million for the fourth  quarter of
1999,  an  increase  of  $961,000,  or 21%, as compared to the prior year fourth
quarter  total  of  $4.6  million.  This  increase  was  primarily  due  to  the
acquisition of Tricom and the expansion of the trust and investment business.

Other categories of non-interest  expense,  such as occupancy  costs,  equipment
expense and data  processing,  also increased over the prior year fourth quarter
due to the general  growth of the Company  including  the opening of several new
banking  facilities,  the acquisition of Tricom and the development of the trust
and investment  business.  Goodwill and other intangibles  amortization  expense
totaled $144,000 for the fourth quarter of 1999 and increased  $109,000 over the
prior year  quarter  due mainly to goodwill  related to the Tricom  acquisition.
Other  non-interest  expense,  which includes loan expenses,  correspondent bank
service  charges,  postage,  insurance,   stationary  and  supplies,  telephone,
directors fees, and other sundry  expenses,  also increased when compared to the
prior year quarter due mainly to the factors mentioned earlier.

For the year ended December 31, 1999, non-interest expense totaled $39.7 million
and increased $3.8 million,  or 11%, over 1998. This increase was  predominantly
due to the  continued  growth of loan and deposit  accounts,  the opening of new
bank  facilities,  the  September  1998  start-up  of the trust  and  investment
business,  and the October 1999  acquisition of Tricom.  Despite this growth and
the related increases in many of the non-interest expense categories, Wintrust's
ratio of  non-interest  expense to total average assets  declined from 3.04% for
the year ended  December  31, 1998 to 2.65% for 1999,  and is  favorable  to the
Company's most recent peer group ratio. In addition,  the net overhead ratio for
1999 declined to 2.00% as compared to the 1998 ratio of 2.36%.  The  improvement
in this ratio has caused this key  indicator  of overhead to reach the upper end
of Wintrust's  previously  stated  performance  goal range of 1.50% - 2.00%.  In
fact,  the  net  overhead  ratio  was  1.89%  in the  fourth  quarter  of  1999,
demonstrating the continuing improvement in this performance measure.

                                      - 7 -


Allowance for Possible Loan Losses
- ----------------------------------

A  reconciliation  of the activity in the balance of the  allowance for possible
loan losses for the three  months and years ended  December 31, 1999 and 1998 is
shown as follows (dollars in thousands):

                                                              Three Months Ended                            Year Ended
                                                                 December 31,                               December 31,
                                                         1999                  1998                  1999                 1998
                                                 -------------------     ----------------     -----------------     ----------------

 Balance at beginning of period                           $  8,200              $ 6,500              $  7,034              $ 5,116

 Provision for possible loan losses                          1,006                  986                 3,713                4,297

 Acquired allowance for loan losses                            175                    -                   175                    -

  Core banking loans                                           244                  128                   837                1,636
  Indirect automobile loans                                    361                  266                 1,156                  646
  Premium finance receivables                                   73                   96                   456                  455
                                                 -------------------     ----------------     -----------------     ----------------
     Total charge-offs                                         678                  490                 2,449                2,737
                                                 -------------------     ----------------     -----------------     ----------------

  Core banking loans                                            23                   13                    42                  189
  Indirect automobile loans                                     40                   10                   101                   42
  Premium finance receivables                                   17                   15                   167                  127
                                                 -------------------     ----------------     -----------------     ----------------
      Total recoveries                                          80                   38                   310                  358
                                                 -------------------     ----------------     -----------------     ----------------
  Net charge-offs                                             (598)                (452)               (2,139)              (2,379)
                                                 -------------------     ----------------     -----------------     ----------------
  Balance at December 31                                  $  8,783              $ 7,034              $  8,783              $ 7,034
                                                 ===================     ================     =================     ================

  Loans at December 31                                                                             $1,278,249            $ 992,062
                                                                                              =================     ================

  Allowance as a percentage of loans                                                                     0.69%                0.71%
                                                                                              =================     ================

  Net charge-offs as a percentage of average:
        Core banking loans                                                                               0.12%                0.29%
        Indirect automobile loans                                                                        0.44%                0.36%
        Premium finance receivables                                                                      0.14%                0.18%
                                                                                              -----------------     ----------------
            Total loans                                                                                  0.19%                0.28%
                                                                                              =================     ================

        Provision for possible loan losses                                                              57.61%               55.36%
                                                                                              =================     ================

The  provision  for  possible  loan losses  totaled  $1.0 million for the fourth
quarter  of 1999,  a slight  increase  from a year  earlier.  For the year ended
December 31, 1999, the provision totaled $3.7 million and declined $584,000 from
the prior  year  total.  The higher  provision  in 1998 was  necessary  to cover
increased  loan  charge-offs  that occurred at one banking office in early 1998.
For the year ended December 31, 1999, net  charge-offs  totaled $2.1 million and
were down from the $2.4 million of net charge-offs  recorded in 1998. On a ratio
basis,  net  charge-offs  as a percentage of average loans  declined to 0.19% in
1999 from 0.28% in 1998.

                                      - 8 -

Management  believes  the  allowance  for  possible  loan  losses is adequate to
provide  for  inherent  losses in the  portfolio.  There  can be no  assurances,
however,  that future losses will not exceed the amounts  provided for,  thereby
affecting  future results of operations.  The amount of future  additions to the
allowance for possible loan losses will be dependent  upon the economy,  changes
in real estate values, interest rates, the regulatory environment,  the level of
past-due and non-performing loans, and other factors.

Past Due Loans and Non-performing Assets
- ----------------------------------------

The following table sets forth the Company's  non-performing assets at the dates
indicated.  The information in the table should be read in conjunction  with the
detailed discussion following the table (dollars in thousands).

                                                          December 31,           September 30,           December 31,
                                                              1999                   1999                    1998
                                                              ----                   ----                    ----
      Past Due greater than 90 days and still accruing:
            Core banking loans                                   $  713                  $  997                 $  800
            Indirect automobile loans                               391                     354                    274
            Premium finance receivables                           1,523                   1,337                  1,214
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------
                Total                                             2,627                   2,688                  2,288
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------

      Non-accrual loans:
            Core banking loans                                    1,895                   1,139                  1,487
            Indirect automobile loans                               298                     369                    195
            Premium finance receivables                           2,145                   1,726                  1,455
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------
                Total non-accrual loans                           4,338                   3,234                  3,137
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------

      Total non-performing loans:
            Core banking loans                                    2,608                   2,136                  2,287
            Indirect automobile loans                               689                     723                    469
            Premium finance receivables                           3,668                   3,063                  2,669
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------
                Total non-performing loans                        6,965                   5,922                  5,425
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------

      Other real estate owned                                         -                       -                    587
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------

      Total non-performing assets                               $ 6,965                 $ 5,922                $ 6,012
                                                      =====================  ======================  =====================

      Total non-performing  loans by category as a percent of its own respective
            Core banking loans                                       0.32%                   0.29%                  0.38%
            Indirect automobile loans                                0.27%                   0.28%                  0.22%
            Premium finance receivables                              1.67%                   1.42%                  1.50%
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------
               Total non-performing loans                            0.54%                   0.49%                  0.55%
                                                      ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------

      Total non-performing assets as a
          percentage of total assets                                 0.41%                   0.38%                  0.45%

      Allowance for possible loan losses as
        a percentage of non-performing loans                       126.10%                 138.47%                129.66%

                                      - 9 -

Non-performing Core Banking Loans

Total  non-performing  loans for the Company's  core banking  business were $2.6
million,  or 0.32%, of the Company's core banking loans as of December 31, 1999,
and  declined  from the ratio of 0.38% as of December  31,  1998.  Although  the
outstanding core loan portfolio has increased 33% from a year ago, the amount of
non-performing  core loans has only  increased  14% from the prior  year  total.
Non-performing  core  banking  loans  consist  primarily  of a small  number  of
commercial and real estate loans, of which management  believes are well secured
and  in  the  process  of  collection.   In  fact,  the  loans   comprising  the
non-performing  core loan category  total less than 30 individual  credits.  The
small number of such  non-performing  loans  allows  management  to  effectively
monitor the status of these credits and work with the borrowers to resolve these

Non-performing Premium Finance Receivables

The table below presents the level of non-performing premium finance receivables
as of December  31,  1999 and 1998,  and the amount of net  charge-offs  for the
years then ended.

                                                 As of            % of Premium                   As of           % of Premium
                                               12/31/99           Finance Rec.                 12/31/98          Finance Rec.
                                               --------           ------------                 --------          ------------
     Non-performing premium
        finance receivables                       $3,668,000         1.67%                       $2,669,000         1.50%

     Net charge-offs of premium
        finance receivables                          289,000         0.14%                          328,000         0.18%

It is important to note that the ratio of net charge-offs is substantially  less
than the ratio of non-performing  assets.  The ratio of  non-performing  premium
finance receivables  fluctuates throughout the year due to the nature and timing
of canceled account  collections from insurance  carriers.  Due to the nature of
collateral for premium finance receivables,  it customarily takes 60-150 days to
convert  the  collateral  into  cash  collections.  Accordingly,  the  level  of
non-performing  premium finance receivables is not necessarily indicative of the
loss  inherent in the  portfolio.  In the event of default,  the Company has the
power to cancel the  insurance  policy and collect the  unearned  portion of the
premium  from the  insurance  carrier.  In the event of  cancellation,  the cash
returned in payment of the unearned  premium by the insurer should  generally be
sufficient to cover the receivable balance,  the interest and other charges due.
Due to notification requirements and processing time by most insurance carriers,
many  receivables  will  become  delinquent  beyond 90 days while the insurer is
processing the return of the unearned  premium.  Management  continues to accrue
interest  until  maturity as the unearned  premium is  ordinarily  sufficient to
pay-off the outstanding balance and contractual interest due.

Non-performing Indirect Automobile Loans

Total  non-performing  indirect  automobile  loans were $689,000 at December 31,
1999. The ratio of these non-performing loans has increased slightly to 0.27% of
total indirect  automobile loans at December 31, 1999 from 0.22% at December 31,
1998.  Despite the increase in the level of non-performing  loans,  these ratios
continue to be below standard industry ratios for this type of loan category. As
noted in the  Allowance for Possible Loan Losses  table,  net  charge-offs  as a
percent of total indirect automobile loans increased from 0.36% in 1998 to 0.44%
in 1999.  This  increase  was the result of an  in-depth  review of all  problem
credits and the implementation of a more aggressive charge-off policy.

                                     - 10 -


This press release contains forward-looking  statements related to the Company's
financial  performance that are based on estimates.  Actual results could differ
materially from those addressed in the forward-looking statements due to factors
such as changes in economic conditions,  competition, or other factors, that may
influence the anticipated growth rate of loans and deposits,  the quality of the
loan portfolio and loan and deposit pricing,  unanticipated  changes in interest
rates that negatively  impact net interest income,  future events that may cause
unforeseen loan or lease losses, slower than anticipated  development and growth
of Tricom and the new trust and investment  business,  unanticipated  changes in
the  temporary  staffing   industry,   the  ability  to  adapt  successfully  to
technological  changes  to  compete  effectively  in  the  marketplace,  unknown
difficulties  associated  with the Year  2000  date  change  including  services
performed by outside data processing  providers,  and the ability to attract and
retain experienced senior management. Therefore, there can be no assurances that
future actual results will correspond to these forward-looking statements.

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