November, 2002

Dear Shareholders,

This letter  provides a brief update on our  financial  performance  through the
third quarter of 2002 and other news of Wintrust Financial Corporation.  We have
also  attached the October 17, 2002 news release of our earnings for the quarter
ended September 30, 2002 for your information.


Despite the challenging economic environment,  we again achieved record earnings
and assets for this quarter. Following is a summary of our financial results and
accomplishments for the period ended September 30, 2002:

o     Net income reached an all-time high of $7.3 million for the third quarter,
      an  increase  of 45% over the third  quarter  of 2001.  For the first nine
      months of the year, net income totaled $20.0 million,  an increase of $6.7
      million, or 50%, compared to the prior year;

o     On a per share  basis,  net income for the third  quarter of 2002  totaled
      $0.40 per diluted common share,  an $0.08 per share,  or 25%,  increase as
      compared  to the 2001  third  quarter  total of $0.32 per  diluted  common
      share.  For the first  nine  months of 2002,  diluted  earnings  per share
      equaled  $1.16, a 25% increase over the $0.93 per share for the first nine
      months  of 2001.  The  lower  growth  rate in the  earnings  per  share as
      compared to net income was primarily due to the issuance of 762,742 shares
      in  conjunction  with the February  2002  acquisition  of the Wayne Hummer
      Companies and the issuance of 1,362,750  additional shares of common stock
      in June and July of 2002  through  an  underwritten  offering.  Prior year
      per-share  amounts are restated to reflect the  three-for-two  stock split
      declared in January 2002;

o     Return on average  equity was  13.68% for the  quarter  and 14.98% for the
      first nine months of 2002;

o     Total assets rose to $3.58  billion as of September  30, 2002, an increase
      of $1.06 billion, or 42%, compared to a year ago;

o     Total  deposits  reached  $2.97  billion  at the  end of the  quarter,  an
      increase of $787 million, or 36%, compared to September 30, 2001;

o     Total loans grew to $2.48 billion as of September 30, 2002, an increase of
      $660 million, or 36%, compared to a year ago;

o     Our  asset  quality  remains  very  strong  and  manageable.  The ratio of
      non-performing assets to total assets was 0.35% at September 30, 2002, and
      declined from the year ago level as well as the prior quarter level;


o     Our net overhead  ratio,  a measure of operating  efficiency,  improved to
      1.40% for the quarter from 1.52% in the prior year quarter;

o     The   integration  of  the  Wayne  Hummer   Companies  into  the  Wintrust
      organization  continues  to proceed  smoothly as  discussed  later in this
      letter; and

o     Construction  is under way on three  new  banking  locations--a  temporary
      facility  for Cary  Bank & Trust (a new  branch  of  Crystal  Lake  Bank &
      Trust),  Libertyville Bank & Trust's South Libertyville facility and North
      Shore Community Bank & Trust's new Skokie facility.


Despite the third  quarter's  economic  weaknesses  and the current low interest
rate environment,  net interest income in the quarter totaled $25.4 million,  an
increase  of 33%  compared  to the third  quarter of 2001.  The  increase in net
interest income was fueled by consistent strong loan growth throughout the year.
Average loans in the third quarter of 2002 increased $604 million,  or 33%, over
the same period of 2001.  Partially offsetting the impact of this strong earning
asset  growth was a 20 basis point  decline in the net  interest  margin for the
third  quarter of 2002 to 3.26%,  compared  with  3.46% in the third  quarter of
2001. The Company has positioned its balance sheet to benefit from future rising
interest rates.  The net interest margin  contracted in the current year quarter
due to a flattening yield curve, our preference for variable rate commercial and
commercial  real estate loans,  and agency  securities with call options written
against them being  called with  proceeds  being  reinvested  in lower  yielding
liquid assets.  Mitigating the continued  margin pressure caused by a lower rate
environment  and a balance  sheet  positioned  for rising  rates,  we realized a
significant increase in fees on mortgage loans sold and additional opportunities
for fees from covered call option transactions.

Non-interest  income  totaled  $16.0  million  in the  third  quarter  of  2002,
increasing  $8.9 million,  or 125%,  over the third quarter of 2001. The primary
contributor  to this increase was the  additional  fee income  realized from the
asset  management and brokerage  services of the recently  acquired Wayne Hummer
Companies.  Trust, asset management and brokerage fees increased $6.2 million in
the third  quarter of 2002,  compared to the same period of 2001.  Fee income on
mortgage  loans  sold  was  the  other  major  contributor  to the  increase  in
non-interest  income.  For the current  year  quarter  these fees  totaled  $3.8
million, an increase of $2.1 million, or 120%, from the 2001 third quarter.

Non-interest  expense  totaled  $27.9  million  in the  third  quarter  of 2002,
increasing $11.6 million, or 71%, over the third quarter of 2001.  Excluding the
impact of the Wayne Hummer Companies, non-interest expense for the third quarter
of 2002 increased $4.3 million,  or 26%,  compared to the third quarter of 2001.
The growth in  non-interest  expense,  excluding  the impact of the Wayne Hummer
Companies,  is  attributable to increases in salaries and benefits and operating
costs as a result of continued  growth and  expansion  of the banking  franchise
(including the  commissions  paid to mortgage  originators  described  above and
other costs  related to  increased  mortgage  loan  activities),  normal  annual
increases in salaries and increased costs of employee benefits.


                                      - 2 -

At Wintrust,  we set aggressive goals and evaluate our performance  versus those
goals.  Reaching these  financial  goals will make our Company a high performing
bank relative to our peers. We have made good progress towards achieving most of
these goals and expect  continued  improvement as our young  franchises-- the de
novo  community  banks,  First  Insurance  Funding and  Tricom--mature,  and the
synergies  with the Wayne Hummer  Companies  are realized.  The following  table
provides you with the recent history of our performance measures.

                                                                       Quarter Ended
                                               Sept.  30 June 30, Mar.  31, Dec.
                                     31, Sept. 30, Goal 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001
                                     ----        ----         ----         ----          ----           ----

<s>                      <c>       <c>           <c>          <c>         <c>            <c>           <c>
Core Net Interest Margin (1)       4 - 4.5%      3.42%        3.74%       3.68%          3.50%         3.69%

Net Overhead Ratio                 1.5 - 2%      1.40%        1.63%     1.43% (2)        1.50%         1.52%

Return on Average Equity           20 - 25%     13.68%      14.75%      17.12% (2)      14.74%        14.87%

Return on Average Assets             1.5%        0.85%        0.85%     0.92% (2)        0.80%         0.83%

Earnings per diluted
   Common share                                 $0.40        $0.37      $0.40 (2)       $0.33         $0.32

Non-Performing Assets
   as a percent of total assets                 0.35%        0.37%        0.39%         0.48%         0.54%
- ----------------------------
      (1)   By definition,  our Core Net Interest  Margin excludes the impact of
            interest  expense  associated  with the  Company's  Trust  Preferred
            Securities offerings.

      (2)   Performance  statistics were favorably impacted by pre-tax income of
            $1.25  million,  or  $754,000  after-tax,  for a partial  settlement
            related to a non-recurring charge recorded in 2000. Diluted earnings
            per share would have been $0.35 excluding this income.


In this slowing economic environment, we get many inquiries about the quality of
our loan portfolio and whether we are  experiencing  any  difficulties  with our
borrowers.  We are pleased to report that the status of credit  quality  remains
good.  Non-performing assets totaled $12.5 million, or 0.35% of total assets, at
September 30, 2002,  reflecting a decrease from both the December 31, 2001 level
of $13.1 million,  or 0.48% of total assets, and the September 30, 2001 level of
$13.6 million,  or 0.54% of total assets.  The level of non-performing  loans in
the Company's loan portfolio  remains low and very manageable.  Maintaining good
asset quality requires relentless and constant diligence and continues to be one
of our highest priorities.


We continue  to make good  progress  with the  integration  of the Wayne  Hummer
Companies (WHC) into Wintrust  Financial  Corporation.  Here is a summary of the
progress we've made to date:

                                      - 3 -

o     In May, we  formally  changed the name of our  Wintrust  Asset  Management
      Company to Wayne Hummer Trust  Company  (WHTC),  thus  unifying all of our
      trust and investment services under the well-respected  Wayne Hummer brand

o     In June, we kicked off our Insured Bank  Deposits(TM)  program and to date
      have  "migrated"  over $180  million  from the Wayne  Hummer  money market
      mutual funds to low cost deposit  accounts at our  affiliated  banks.  Our
      goal is to deploy  these  funds into  loans,  resulting  in  significantly
      higher  earnings  potential  at the  affiliate  banks  than the fee income
      otherwise generated by the mutual funds. The migration of additional funds
      to the affiliate banks is dependent on the desire of the customers to make
      the transition of their funds into FDIC insured bank accounts, the capital
      capacity of the Company and the availability of suitable loans/investments
      in which to  deploy  the  funds.  Wintrust  estimates  that  approximately
      $200-$300 million in total may be migrated to bank deposits by year-end;

o     In August, we launched Wayne Hummer Banking  Services(TM)(provided  by our
      North Shore Community Bank & Trust) to Wayne Hummer clients;

o     In September,  we introduced  WHTC trust services to Wayne Hummer clients.
      This represents a sizeable cross sell opportunity for us;

o     Also in September, we began advertising the Wayne Hummer brand in our bank
      marketing areas;

o     In October we kicked off a new innovative business  development  marketing
      program for Wayne Hummer's Focused  Investments as we aggressively look to
      expand our  third-party-marketer  investment services for community banks;

o     In November,  we placed the first Wayne Hummer broker into one of our bank
      facilities.  We continue to be  approached  by brokers  from firms  around
      Chicago that would like to join our growing Wayne Hummer  franchise.  With
      an aggressive  recruiting program underway, we expect to have Wayne Hummer
      brokers in our key bank  locations  by early 2003.  This is a  significant
      growth  opportunity  for us--as  these new  brokers  bring with them their
      current book of business and begin to offer these new services to our bank
      customer base.


As of the date of this  writing  (November  5), our stock price stood at $32.41,
reflecting  a  market   capitalization  of  approximately  $556  million.   This
represents an increase of 88% since the  beginning of the year.  The increase in
market  capitalization  is due to a 59%  increase  in our stock  price since the
beginning of the year as well as the issuance of  additional  shares  during the
last nine months. In October 2002,  Wintrust Financial  Corporation was added to
the S&P  SmallCap  600 Index.  We are pleased to be included in this index as it
increases  the  Company's  visibility  to a  broad  range  of new  institutional

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In summary, we are very pleased with the continued growth in earnings,  revenues
and assets in the third  quarter.  We are working  diligently  to  continue  our
unique  growth story while  improving  our earnings  level and your  shareholder

                                            Yours truly,

John S. Lillard                 Edward J. Wehmer              David A. Dykstra
Chairman                        President & CEO               Sr. EVP & COO

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This  letter  contains  forward-looking  statements  related  to  the  Company's
financial  performance  that  are  based on  estimates.  Wintrust  intends  such
forward-looking  statements  to be  covered  by the safe  harbor  provision  for
forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995, and is including this statement for purposes of invoking these safe
harbor  provisions.  Actual results could differ materially from those addressed
in the  forward-looking  statements  due to factors  such as changes in economic
conditions,  competition,  or other factors that may  influence the  anticipated
growth rate of loans and  deposits,  the quality of the loan  portfolio and loan
and deposit  pricing,  unanticipated  changes in interest rates that  negatively
impact net interest  income,  future  events that may cause  unforeseen  loan or
lease losses,  slower than anticipated  development and growth of Tricom and the
trust and investment business,  unanticipated  changes in the temporary staffing
industry,  the ability to adapt successfully to technological changes to compete
effectively in the marketplace, competition and the related pricing of brokerage
and asset  management  products,  unforeseen  difficulties  in  integrating  the
acquisition of the Wayne Hummer Companies, the ability to pursue acquisition and
expansion  strategies and the ability to attract and retain  experienced  senior
management.  Therefore,  there can be no assurances  that future actual  results
will correspond to these forward-looking statements.

                                     - 5 -
                727 North Bank Lane, Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

News Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           October 17, 2002
- ---------------------

Edward J. Wehmer, President & Chief Executive Officer
David A. Dykstra, Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer &
Chief Financial Officer
(847) 615-4096
Website address:

                             THIRD QUARTER EARNINGS;
                        THIRD QUARTER NET EARNINGS UP 45%

         LAKE FOREST,  ILLINOIS -- Wintrust Financial  Corporation  ("Wintrust")
(Nasdaq:  WTFC)  announced  quarterly net income of $7.3 million for the quarter
ended  September 30, 2002,  an increase of $2.3  million,  or 45%, over the $5.0
million  recorded in the third quarter of 2001. On a per share basis, net income
for the third quarter of 2002 totaled $0.40 per diluted  common share,  an $0.08
per share, or 25%, increase as compared to the 2001 third quarter total of $0.32
per diluted  common  share.  The lower  growth rate in the earnings per share as
compared to net income was  primarily  due to the issuance of 762,742  shares in
conjunction with the February 2002 acquisition of the Wayne Hummer Companies and
the issuance of 1,362,750  additional shares of common stock in June and July of
2002.  The  return on  average  equity  for the third  quarter  of 2002 stood at
         For the first nine months of 2002, net income totaled $20.0 million, or
$1.16 per  diluted  common  share,  an increase of $6.7  million,  or 50%,  when
compared to $13.3  million,  or $0.93 per  diluted  common  share,  for the same
period in 2001.  Return on average  equity for the first nine months of 2002 was
14.98% versus 15.44% for the same period of 2001.
         "We remain  pleased  with our overall  performance.  Total  assets have
increased  by over $1  billion  in the last 12 months.  This 42%  balance  sheet
growth has not  compromised  our commitment to asset quality as evidenced by our
excellent  non-performing  asset ratios," commented Edward J. Wehmer,  President
and Chief Executive Officer. "Positioning the balance sheet to take advantage of
future  interest rate  increases has caused some  near-term net interest  margin
compression.  Continued earning asset growth,  successful  residential

                                     - 1 -

mortgage lending  activities and other  opportunities that took advantage of the
flattening  yield  curve  have  offset  this  margin   compression.   These  are
challenging  times in the financial  services  industry and our  employees  have
always been able to effectively deal with the changing environment. Accordingly,
we  remain  comfortable  that we will be able to meet or  exceed  the  analysts'
consensus earnings estimate for 2002 of $1.53 per share."

         Wintrust's key operating  measures  continue to show impressive  growth
rates in 2002 as compared to the prior year as evidenced by the table below:

                                                         Nine Months             Nine Months
                                                            Ended                   Ended                % or
                                                        September 30,           September 30,      basis point (bp)
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)                2002                    2001               change
- ----------------------------------------------------  -------------------     ------------------  -------------------

<s>                                                 <c>                     <c>                                <c>
Net income                                          $           19,953      $          13,275                  50.3  %
Net income per common share - Diluted               $             1.16      $            0.93                  24.7  %

Net revenues                                        $          114,480      $          75,763                  51.1  %
Net interest income                                 $           72,000      $          54,421                  32.3  %

Net interest margin                                               3.42   %               3.57   %               (15)bp
Core net interest margin (1)                                      3.60   %               3.82   %               (22)bp
Net overhead ratio (2)                                            1.48   %               1.62   %               (14)bp
Return on average assets                                          0.87   %               0.79   %                8  bp
Return on average equity                                         14.98   %              15.44   %               (46)bp

At end of period
Total assets                                        $        3,576,775      $       2,515,396                  42.2  %
Total loans, net of unearned income                 $        2,483,892      $       1,823,801                  36.2  %
Total deposits                                      $        2,971,485      $       2,184,309                  36.0  %

Book value per common share                         $            12.71      $            9.51                  33.6  %
Market price per common share                       $            28.65      $           20.70                  38.4  %
Common shares outstanding (in thousands)                        17,148                 14,510                  18.2  %
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  Core  net  interest  margin  excludes  interest  expense   associated  with
     Wintrust's Long-term Debt - Trust Preferred Securities.

(2)  The net overhead ratio is calculated by netting total non-interest  expense
     and total  non-interest  income,  annualizing this amount,  and dividing by
     that period's total average assets.

         Wintrust Financial  Corporation was added to the S&P SmallCap 600 Index
in October  2002.  Wintrust's  inclusion in the index  increases  the  Company's
visibility to a broad range of new institutional investors.

                                     - 2 -

         On January 24, 2002,  Wintrust's Board of Directors  declared a 3-for-2
stock split of its common stock,  effected in the form of a 50% stock  dividend,
paid on March  14,  2002 to  shareholders  of record  as of March 4,  2002.  All
historical  share data and per share  amounts have been restated to reflect this
         On February 20,  2002,  Wintrust  completed  its  acquisition  of Wayne
Hummer  Investments,  LLC  (including  its  wholly  owned  subsidiary,   Focused
Investments LLC) and Wayne Hummer Asset Management  Company  (collectively,  the
"Wayne  Hummer  Companies").  Accounted  for as a  purchase,  the  Wayne  Hummer
Companies  results of operations  are included only since the effective  date of
acquisition in Wintrust's first nine months of 2002 results.  The integration of
the  Wayne  Hummer  Companies  into  the  Wintrust  organization  is  proceeding
smoothly.  As of  September  30, 2002,  we have  migrated  approximately  $179.8
million of customers'  funds from the money market mutual fund into insured bank
deposits of the Wintrust banks.  The  introduction of bank and trust products to
customers of the Wayne Hummer Companies has started,  as well as the referral of
banking  customers to Wayne Hummer's  brokerage  operation.  We now are actively
pursuing the placement of brokerage  representatives  into the markets served by
Wintrust banks.
         The results for the first nine months of 2002 include pre-tax income of
$1.25 million, or $754,000  after-tax,  for a partial settlement received in the
first  quarter  of 2002  related to a  non-recurring  charge  recorded  in 2000.
Excluding this  settlement  income,  net income in the first nine months of 2002
was $19.2 million, or $1.12 per diluted share. Included in the first nine months
of 2001,  is a cumulative  effect of a change in  accounting  for interest  rate
caps,  which resulted in an after-tax  charge of $254,000,  or $0.02 per diluted
         Total assets rose to $3.6 billion at September 30, 2002, an increase of
$1.1  billion,  or 42%,  compared to $2.5 billion a year ago, and an increase of
$871 million,  or 43% on an annualized  basis,  since  December 31, 2001.  Total
deposits  as of  September  30,  2002 were $3.0  billion,  an  increase  of $787
million,  or 36%, as compared to $2.2  billion at  September  30,  2001,  and an
increase of $657 million,  or 38% on an annualized  basis,  since year-end 2001.
Total loans grew to $2.5 billion as of September  30, 2002, a $660  million,  or
36%,  increase  over the  $1.8  billion  balance  as of a year  ago,  and a $465
million, or 31% on an annualized basis, increase since December 31, 2001.

                                     - 3 -

         For the third  quarter  of 2002,  net  interest  income  totaled  $25.4
million, increasing $6.3 million, or 33%, compared to the third quarter of 2001.
Average  earning  assets grew $900 million over the third quarter of 2001, a 41%
increase.  Despite  the third  quarter's  economic  weaknesses  and the  current
interest rate environment,  net interest income in the quarter increased by $1.0
million, or 4%, over the second quarter of 2002. Strong loan growth in the third
quarter  of 2002  continued  to fuel  earning  asset  growth  as  average  loans
increased  over  the  second  quarter  of  2002 by  $233  million,  or 42% on an
annualized basis. Offsetting the impact of this outstanding earning asset growth
in the quarter was a decline in the net interest margin for the third quarter of
2002 to 3.26%,  compared with 3.56% in the second  quarter of 2002.  The Company
has positioned its balance sheet to benefit from future rising  interest  rates.
The net  interest  margin  contracted  in the third  quarter due to a flattening
yield curve,  our  preference for variable rate  commercial and commercial  real
estate loans and agency  securities with call options written against them being
called  with  proceeds  being   reinvested  in  lower  yielding  liquid  assets.
Mitigating the continued  margin pressure caused by a lower rate environment and
a balance  sheet  positioned  for rising  rates,  we  experienced  a significant
increase in fees on mortgage loans sold and additional  opportunities to realize
fees from covered call option transactions.
         Non-interest  income totaled $42.5 million for the first nine months of
2002, increasing $21.1 million, or 99%, over the same period in 2001 and totaled
$16.0 million in the third quarter of 2002,  increasing  $8.9 million,  or 125%,
over the third quarter of 2001. The primary  contributor to these  increases was
the additional fees realized from the asset management and brokerage services of
the  recently  acquired  Wayne  Hummer  Companies  of $6.1  million in the third
quarter of 2002 and $17.1 million for the year-to-date  period. Fees on mortgage
loans sold was the other  major  contributor  to the  increase  in  non-interest
income.  For the  quarter  ended  September  30,  2002 these fees  totaled  $3.8
million, an increase of $2.1 million, or 120%, from the prior year third quarter
and up from the $1.9  million  recorded in the second  quarter of 2002.  For the
first nine months of 2002 fees on mortgage loans sold increased $2.5 million, or
49%, over 2001.  Partially  offsetting the increased fees on mortgage loans sold
were the commissions paid to the mortgage originators,  increasing $738,000 from
the prior year third quarter,  $605,000 from the second quarter of 2002 and $1.1
million  over the first  nine  months of 2001.  Fees from  covered  call  option
transactions in the third quarter of 2002 totaled $1.3 million, compared to $1.1
million in the third quarter of 2001 and $789,000 in the second

                                     - 4 -

quarter of 2002. On a year-to-date  basis,  we have  recognized  $3.7 million in
fees from covered call option  transactions  in 2002 compared to $3.4 million in
         Non-interest expense totaled $76.5 million for the first nine months of
2002,  increasing $27.9 million,  or 57%, over the first nine months of 2001 and
totaled $27.9 million in the third quarter of 2002, increasing $11.6 million, or
71%,  over the third  quarter of 2001.  Excluding the impact of the Wayne Hummer
Companies,  non-interest  expense for the first nine months of 2002 increased by
$8.7  million,  or 18%,  compared  to the  first  nine  months  of  2001,  while
non-interest expense for the third quarter of 2002 increased by $4.3 million, or
26%, compared to the third quarter of 2001. The growth in non-interest  expense,
excluding the impact of the Wayne Hummer Companies, is attributable to increases
in salaries and benefits and operating costs as a result of continued growth and
expansion of the banking  franchise  (including the commissions paid to mortgage
originators  described above and other costs related to increased  mortgage loan
activities), normal annual increases in salaries and increased costs of employee
benefits.  The net overhead  ratio for the first nine months of 2002 declined to
1.48% from 1.62% in the same period last year.
         Non-performing  assets totaled $12.5 million, or 0.35% of total assets,
at  September  30, 2002,  reflecting a decrease  from both the December 31, 2001
level of $13.1  million,  or 0.48% of total  assets,  and the September 30, 2001
level of $13.6 million,  or 0.54% of total assets.  The level of  non-performing
assets in the Company's loan portfolio remains low and very manageable.
         Wintrust is a financial holding company whose common stock is traded on
the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market(R).   Its  seven  suburban  Chicago   community  bank
subsidiaries,  each of which was founded as a de novo bank since  December 1991,
are located in high income retail  markets -- Lake Forest Bank & Trust  Company,
Hinsdale Bank & Trust  Company,  North Shore  Community  Bank & Trust Company in
Wilmette,  Libertyville  Bank & Trust Company,  Barrington Bank & Trust Company,
Crystal Lake Bank & Trust Company and Northbrook Bank & Trust Company. The banks
also operate facilities in Lake Bluff, Highland Park, Hoffman Estates, Highwood,
Glencoe,  Winnetka,  Clarendon Hills, Western Springs, Skokie, Wauconda, McHenry
and Riverside,  Illinois.  Additionally,  the Company  operates various non-bank
subsidiaries. First Insurance Funding Corporation, one of the largest commercial
insurance  premium  finance  companies  operating in the United  States,  serves
commercial loan customers throughout the country.  Wayne Hummer Trust Company, a

                                     - 5 -

trust  subsidiary,  allows Wintrust to service  customers'  trust and investment
needs at each banking location.  Tricom,  Inc. of Milwaukee provides  short-term
accounts  receivable  financing  and  value-added   out-sourced   administrative
services,  such as data  processing  of  payrolls,  billing and cash  management
services,  to temporary  staffing service clients located  throughout the United
States. Wayne Hummer Investments,  LLC is a broker-dealer providing a full range
of private  client and brokerage  services to clients  located  primarily in the
Midwest.  Focused  Investments LLC is a broker-dealer that provides a full range
of  investment  solutions  to  clients  through  a  network  of  community-based
financial  institutions  throughout the Midwest.  Wayne Hummer Asset  Management
Company provides money management  services and advisory  services to individual
accounts as well as the Wayne Hummer  Companies' four proprietary  mutual funds.
Wintrust Information Technology Services Company provides information technology
support,  item  capture  and  statement  preparation  services  to the  Wintrust
         Currently,  Wintrust  operates a total of 31 banking  offices and is in
the process of constructing  several  additional branch  facilities.  All of the
Company's  banking  subsidiaries  are locally managed with large local boards of
directors. Wintrust Financial Corporation has been one of the fastest growing de
novo bank groups in Illinois.

                                      # # #

                                     - 6 -


                                                             THREE MONTHS ENDED                   NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                               SEPTEMBER 30,                        SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                      ------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)              2002               2001               2002              2001
  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ----------------

<s>                                                   <c>                <c>                 <c>               <c>
  Total assets                                        $ 3,576,775        $   2,515,396
  Total deposits                                        2,971,485            2,184,309
  Total loans, net of unearned income                   2,483,892            1,823,801
  Long-term debt - trust preferred securities              51,050               51,050
  Total shareholders' equity                              218,028              138,024

  Net interest income                                 $    25,415        $      19,130       $    72,000       $     54,421
  Net revenues                                             41,372               26,231           114,480             75,763
  Income before taxes and cumulative effect of
     accounting change                                     10,924                7,792            30,616             21,169
  Net income before cumulative effect of
     accounting change                                      7,284                5,008            19,953             13,529
  Net income                                                7,284                5,008            19,953             13,275
  Net income per common share - Basic                        0.43                 0.35              1.24               0.99
  Net income per common share - Diluted                      0.40                 0.32              1.16               0.93

  Performance Ratios:
  Net interest margin                                        3.26   %             3.46   %          3.42   %           3.57 %
  Core net interest margin (1)                               3.42                 3.69              3.60               3.82
  Non-interest income to average assets                      1.87                 1.17              1.85               1.27
  Non-interest expense to average assets                     3.27                 2.69              3.33               2.89
  Net overhead ratio (2)                                     1.40                 1.52              1.48               1.62
  Efficiency ratio (3)                                      67.48                61.61             66.51              63.86
  Return on average assets                                   0.85                 0.83              0.87               0.79
  Return on average equity                                  13.68                14.87             14.98              15.44

  Average total assets                                $ 3,392,669        $   2,405,547       $ 3,068,189       $  2,245,797
  Average shareholders' equity                            211,181              133,635           178,093            114,934
  Average loan-to-average deposit ratio                      85.6   %             87.3   %          87.8   %           87.5 %

  Common Share Data at end of period:
  Market price per common share                       $     28.65        $       20.70
  Book value per common share                         $     12.71        $        9.51
  Common shares outstanding (in thousands)                 17,148               14,510

  Other Data at end of period:
  Allowance for loan losses                           $    17,199        $      13,094
  Non-performing assets                               $    12,451        $      13,564
  Allowance for loans losses to total loans                  0.69   %             0.72   %
  Non-performing assets to total assets                      0.35   %             0.54   %
  Number of:
    Bank subsidiaries                                           7                    7
    Non-bank subsidiaries                                       7                    3
    Banking offices                                            31                   29
  (1) The core net interest margin excludes the interest expense associated with
      Wintrust's Long-term Debt - Trust Preferred Securities.
  (2) The net overhead ratio is calculated by netting total non-interest expense
      and total  non-interest  income,  annualizing this amount, and dividing by
      that period's total average assets.
  (3) The efficiency ratio is calculated by dividing total non-interest  expense
      by tax-equivalent net revenues (less securities gains or losses).

                                     - 7 -


                                                                    (UNAUDITED)                              (Unaudited)
                                                                   SEPTEMBER 30,         December 31,        September 30,
  (In thousands)                                                       2002                 2001                 2001
<s>                                                            <c>                 <c>                 <c>
  Cash and due from banks                                      $          88,535   $           71,575  $           56,169
  Federal funds sold and securities purchased
     under resale agreements                                             303,560               51,955             184,632
  Interest-bearing deposits with banks                                     1,591                  692                 156
  Available-for-sale securities, at fair value                           371,684              385,350             296,442
  Trading account securities                                               5,964                   --                  --
  Brokerage customer receivables                                          44,222                   --                  --
  Mortgage loans held-for-sale                                            58,237               42,904              23,923
  Loans, net of unearned income                                        2,483,892            2,018,479           1,823,801
      Less: Allowance for loan losses                                     17,199               13,686              13,094
      Net loans                                                        2,466,693            2,004,793           1,810,707
  Premises and equipment, net                                            117,299               99,132              94,958
  Accrued interest receivable and other assets                            92,518               38,936              38,155
  Goodwill                                                                25,220                9,976              10,128
  Other intangibles                                                        1,252                  109                 126
      Total assets                                             $       3,576,775   $        2,705,422  $        2,515,396

    Non-interest bearing                                       $         281,204   $          254,269  $          209,276
    Interest bearing                                                   2,690,281            2,060,367           1,975,033
      Total  deposits                                                  2,971,485            2,314,636           2,184,309

  Notes payable                                                           63,625               46,575              33,000

  Federal Home Loan Bank advances                                        140,000               90,000              30,000

  Other borrowings                                                        49,245               28,074              38,358

  Long-term debt - trust preferred securities                             51,050               51,050              51,050
  Accrued interest payable and other liabilities                          83,342               33,809              40,655
      Total liabilities                                                3,358,747            2,564,144           2,377,372

  Shareholders' equity:
    Preferred stock                                                           --                   --                  --
    Common stock                                                          17,148               14,532              14,510
    Surplus                                                              152,557               97,956              97,699
    Common stock warrants                                                     96                   99                  99
    Treasury stock, at cost                                                   --                   --                  --
    Retained earnings                                                     49,045               30,995              25,831
    Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                    (818)              (2,304)              (115)
      Total shareholders' equity                                         218,028              141,278             138,024
      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity               $       3,576,775   $        2,705,422  $        2,515,396

                                     - 8 -


                                                                       Three Months Ended              NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                         September 30,                   SEPTEMBER 30,
  (In thousands, except per share data)                               2002            2001            2002            2001
<s>                                                               <c>             <c>            <c>               <c>
    Interest and fees on loans                                    $     41,398    $     38,425   $      116,425    $    112,830
    Interest bearing deposits with banks                                     9               1               17               4
    Federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale
    agreements                                                             713           1,413            1,211           3,731
    Securities                                                           4,829           2,690           14,540           9,136
    Trading account securities                                              42              --              122              --
    Brokerage customer receivables                                         554              --            1,739              --
     Total interest income                                              47,545          42,529          134,054         125,701
    Interest on deposits                                                18,449          21,290           51,709          64,885
    Interest on Federal Home Loan Bank advances                          1,490             265            3,465             265
    Interest on notes payable and other borrowings                         904             557            3,017           2,267
    Interest on long-term debt - trust preferred securities              1,287           1,287            3,863           3,863
     Total interest expense                                             22,130          23,399           62,054          71,280
  NET INTEREST INCOME                                                   25,415          19,130           72,000          54,421
  Provision for loan losses                                              2,504           2,100            7,335           6,002
  Net interest income after provision for loan losses                   22,911          17,030           64,665          48,419
    Trust, asset management and brokerage fees                           6,725             486           18,726           1,459
    Fees on mortgage loans sold                                          3,794           1,725            7,745           5,197
    Service charges on deposit accounts                                    798             637            2,289           1,790
    Gain on sale of premium finance receivables                            656           1,265            2,250           3,656
    Administrative services revenue                                        941             995            2,694           3,137
    Net securities gains (losses)                                          196            (57)               43             315
    Other                                                                2,847           2,050            8,733           5,788
     Total non-interest income                                          15,957           7,101           42,480          21,342
    Salaries and employee benefits                                      16,863           9,031           45,625          26,244
    Occupancy, net                                                       1,700           1,238            4,853           3,660
    Equipment expense                                                    1,760           1,561            5,286           4,627
    Data processing                                                      1,073             860            3,129           2,512
    Advertising and marketing                                              596             411            1,653           1,144
    Professional fees                                                      737             459            2,033           1,524
    Amortization of goodwill                                                --             152               --             465
    Amortization of other intangibles                                      120              17              237              51
    Other                                                                5,095           2,610           13,713           8,365
     Total non-interest expense                                         27,944          16,339           76,529          48,592
  Income before taxes and cumulative effect of accounting change        10,924           7,792           30,616          21,169
  Income tax expense                                                     3,640           2,784           10,663           7,640
  Income before cumulative effect of accounting change                   7,284           5,008           19,953          13,529
  Cumulative effect of change in accounting for derivatives,
  net of tax                                                                --              --               --            (254)
  NET INCOME                                                      $      7,284    $      5,008   $       19,953    $     13,275
    Income before cumulative effect of accounting change          $       0.43    $       0.35   $         1.24    $       1.01
    Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax                      --              --               --           (0.02)
  NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE - BASIC                             $       0.43    $       0.35   $         1.24    $       0.99
    Income before cumulative effect of accounting change          $       0.40    $       0.32   $         1.16    $       0.95
    Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax                      --              --               --           (0.02)
  NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE - DILUTED                           $       0.40    $       0.32   $         1.16    $       0.93
  Cash dividends declared per common share                        $      0.060    $      0.047   $        0.120    $      0.093
  Weighted average common shares outstanding                            17,114          14,493           16,047          13,469
  Dilutive potential common shares                                       1,198             957            1,089             744
  Average common shares and dilutive common shares                      18,312          15,450           17,136          14,213

                                     - 9 -

LOANS, NET OF UNEARNED INCOME                                                                       % Growth          % Growth
                                                                                                      from              From
                                          SEPTEMBER 30,       December 31,      September 30,     December 31,      September 30,
  (Dollars in thousands)                      2002                2001              2001            2001 (1)            2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------   ----------------- ------------------ ---------------   ----------------
<s>                                       <c>               <c>                <c>                       <c>                <c>
  Commercial and commercial real estate   $  1,250,348      $    1,007,580     $      847,838            32.2  %            47.5  %
  Home equity                                  350,422             261,049            236,446            45.8               48.2
  Residential real estate                      151,193             140,041            132,809            10.6               13.8
  Premium finance receivables                  470,470             348,163            335,742            47.0               40.1
  Indirect auto loans                          184,665             184,209            191,208             0.3               (3.4)
  Tricom finance receivables                    20,981              18,280             19,244            19.8                9.0
  Consumer and other loans                      55,813              59,157             60,514             (7.6)             (7.8)
                                         ----------------   ----------------- ------------------ ---------------   ----------------
    Total loans, net of unearned income   $  2,483,892      $    2,018,479     $    1,823,801            30.8  %            36.2  %
                                         ----------------   ----------------- ------------------ ---------------   ----------------
  Commercial and commercial real estate             50  %               50  %              47  %
  Home equity                                       14                  13                 13
  Residential real estate                            6                   7                  7
  Premium finance receivables                       19                  17                 18
  Indirect auto loans                                8                   9                 11
  Tricom finance receivables                         1                   1                  1
  Consumer and other loans                           2                   3                  3
                                         -------------------- -----------------   ----------------
    Total loans, net of unearned income            100  %              100  %             100  %
                                         -------------------- -----------------   ----------------
(1)  Annualized


DEPOSITS                                                                                         % Growth          % Growth
                                                                                                   From              From
                                       SEPTEMBER 30,      December 31,      September 30,      December 31,     September 30,
  (Dollars in thousands)                   2002               2001              2001             2001 (1)            2001
- ------------------------------------------------------  ------------------ ----------------   ---------------  -----------------
<s>                                    <c>               <c>               <c>                        <c>                <c>
   Non-interest bearing                $    281,204      $      254,269    $     209,276              14.2  %            34.4  %
   NOW                                      360,583             286,860          246,319              34.4               46.4
   Money market                             381,593             335,881          311,336              18.2               22.6
   Brokerage customer deposits              179,796                  --               --                --                 --
   Savings                                  135,958             132,514          128,697               3.5                5.6
   Time certificate of deposits           1,632,351           1,305,112        1,288,681              33.5               26.7
                                       ---------------  ------------------ ----------------   ---------------  -----------------
    Total deposits                     $  2,971,485      $    2,314,636    $   2,184,309              37.9  %            36.0  %
                                       ---------------  ------------------ ----------------   ---------------  -----------------
   Non-interest bearing                           9  %               11  %            10  %
   NOW                                           12                  12               11
   Money market                                  13                  15               14
   Brokerage customer deposits                    6                  --               --
   Savings                                        5                   6                6
   Time certificate of deposits                  55                  56               59
                                      -------------------   ---------------- -----------------
    Total deposits                              100  %              100  %           100  %
                                      -------------------   ---------------- -----------------
  (1)  Annualized

Previously,  Wintrust  indicated its intentions to attempt to migrate funds from
the money market mutual fund balances  managed by Wayne Hummer Asset  Management
Company into deposit accounts of the Wintrust  affiliate banks.  Consistent with
reasonable  interest rate risk parameters,  the funds will generally be invested
in loan production of the affiliate banks as well as other investments  suitable
for banks.  As of September  30, 2002,  approximately  $180 million had migrated
into the insured bank deposit product at the affiliate  banks.  The migration of
additional  funds  to the  affiliate  banks  is  subject  to the  desire  of the
customers to make the transition of their funds into FDIC insured bank accounts,
capital capacity of the Company and the availability of suitable  investments in
which to deploy the  funds.  Wintrust  estimates  that  approximately  $200-$300
million in total may be migrated to bank deposits by year-end.

                                     - 10 -


The following  table  presents a summary of Wintrust's  net interest  income and
related net interest margins,  calculated on a fully  tax-equivalent  basis, for
the three-month periods ended September 30, 2002 and 2001:

                                                        FOR THE QUARTER ENDED                    For the Quarter Ended
                                                          SEPTEMBER 30, 2002                       September 30, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)                             AVERAGE      INTEREST       RATE         Average       Interest      Rate
- ----------------------                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<s>                                             <c>             <c>             <c>       <c>             <c>            <c>
Liquidity management assets (1) (2)             $      611,355  $     5,604     3.64 %    $      372,353  $     4,123    4.39 %
Other earning assets (3)                                56,836          596     4.16                  --           --      --
Loans, net of unearned income (2) (4)                2,452,239       41,572     6.73           1,848,468       38,636    8.29
   Total earning assets                         $    3,120,430  $    47,772     6.07 %    $    2,220,821  $    42,759    7.64 %

Interest-bearing deposits                       $    2,539,544  $    18,449     2.88 %    $    1,905,097  $    21,290    4.43 %
Federal Home Loan Bank advances                        139,900        1,490     4.23              22,500          265    4.67
Notes payable and other borrowings                     114,778          904     3.12              44,729          557    4.94
Long-term debt - trust preferred securities             51,050        1,287    10.09              51,050        1,287   10.09
   Total interest-bearing liabilities           $    2,845,272  $    22,130     3.09 %    $    2,023,376  $    23,399    4.59 %

Interest rate spread (5)                                                        2.98 %                                   3.05 %
Net free funds/contribution (6)                 $      275,158                  0.28      $      197,445                 0.41
                                               ----------------            ------------------------------            ------------
Net interest income/Net interest margin                         $    25,642     3.26 %                    $    19,360    3.46 %
                                                              --------------                            --------------
                                                                           -------------                             ------------
Core net interest margin (7)                                                    3.42 %                                   3.69 %
                                                                           -------------                             ------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Liquidity management assets include available-for-sale securities,  interest
    earning deposits with banks and federal funds sold.
(2) Interest  income  on   tax-advantaged   loans  and  securities   reflects  a
    tax-equivalent  adjustment based on a marginal federal corporate tax rate of
    35%. The total  adjustments  for the quarters  ended  September 30, 2002 and
    2001 were $227,000 and $230,000, respectively.
(3) Other earning  assets include  brokerage  customer  receivables  and trading
    account  securities.  (4) Loans,  net of unearned income includes  mortgages
    held for  sale and  non-accrual  loans.  (5)  Interest  rate  spread  is the
    difference  between the yield earned on earning  assets and the rate paid on
    interest-bearing liabilities.
(6) Net free funds are the difference  between total average  earning assets and
    total average interest-bearing liabilities. The contribution is based on the
    rate paid for total interest-bearing liabilities.
(7) The core net interest  margin  excludes the impact of  Wintrust's  Long-term
    Debt - Trust Preferred Securities.

Net interest income, which is the difference between interest income and fees on
earning  assets and interest  expense on deposits and  borrowings,  is the major
source of earnings for  Wintrust.  Tax-equivalent  net  interest  income for the
quarter  ended  September 30, 2002 totaled  $25.6  million,  an increase of $6.2
million,  or 32%, as compared to the $19.4 million  recorded in the same quarter
of 2001.  Average loans in the third quarter of 2002 increased $604 million,  or
33%, over the third quarter of 2001.

Net  interest  margin  represents   tax-equivalent  net  interest  income  as  a
percentage  of the  average  earning  assets  during the  period.  For the third
quarter of 2002 the net interest margin was 3.26%, a decrease of 20 basis points
when  compared  to the net  interest  margin  of 3.46% in the prior  year  third
quarter.  The core net interest  margin,  which  excludes  the interest  expense
related to Wintrust's Long-term Debt - Trust Preferred Securities, was 3.42% for
the third  quarter of 2002,  and  decreased 27 basis points when compared to the
prior year third quarter's core margin of 3.69%.  Wintrust's net interest margin
declined by 30 basis points when compared to the second quarter of 2002. The net
interest  margin  contracted  due to a  flattening  yield curve,  the  Company's
preference for variable rate  commercial  and  commercial  real estate loans and
agency  securities  with call options written against them being called combined
with the asset sensitivity of the balance sheet.

The yield on total  earning  assets  for the third  quarter of 2002 was 6.07% as
compared to 7.64% in 2001,  a decrease of 157 basis points  resulting  primarily
from the effect of  decreases in general  market  rates on liquidity  management
assets and loans.  The other  earning  assets shown in the third quarter of 2002
reflect  interest-bearing  brokerage  customer

                                     - 11 -

receivables  and  trading  account   securities  managed  at  the  Wayne  Hummer
Companies.  The yield on  earning  assets is heavily  dependent  on the yield on
loans since average loans comprised  approximately  79% of total average earning
assets.  The third  quarter  2002  yield on loans was 6.73%,  a 156 basis  point
decrease  when  compared  to the prior year third  quarter  yield of 8.29%.  The
average  prime  lending rate was 4.75%  during the third  quarter of 2002 versus
6.58% for the third quarter of 2001, reflecting a decrease of 183 basis points.

The rate paid on interest-bearing  liabilities for the third quarter of 2002 was
3.09%,  compared to 4.59% in the third  quarter of 2001,  a decline of 150 basis
points.  Interest-bearing  deposits accounted for 89% of total  interest-bearing
funding in the third  quarter  of 2002,  compared  to 94% in the same  period of
2001. The rate paid on  interest-bearing  deposits  averaged 2.88% for the third
quarter of 2002  versus  4.43% for the same  quarter of 2001,  a decrease of 155
basis points.  During 2001,  Wintrust initiated  borrowing from the Federal Home
Loan Bank ("FHLB").  The Company  initially  borrowed from the FHLB in the third
and fourth quarters of 2001 and borrowed an additional $50 million in the second
quarter of 2002. The increase in notes payable and other borrowings in the third
quarter of 2002 compared to the same quarter in 2001 was a result of the funding
at the Wayne Hummer Companies for the brokerage customer receivables, additional
funding  required for the purchase of the Wayne Hummer  Companies and borrowings
utilized to fund the additional  capital  requirements of the subsidiary  banks.
The rate paid on  Federal  Home  Loan Bank  advances,  notes  payable  and other
borrowings  decreased  112 basis points to 3.73% in the third quarter of 2002 as
compared to 4.85% in the third quarter of 2001.

The following  table  presents a summary of Wintrust's  net interest  income and
related net interest margins,  calculated on a fully  tax-equivalent  basis, for
the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2002 and 2001:

                                                       FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED               For the Nine Months Ended
                                                          SEPTEMBER 30, 2002                       September 30, 2001
(Dollars in thousands)                               Average      Interest    Rate            Average       Interest   Rate
- ----------------------                          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<s>                                              <c>           <c>              <c>       <c>            <c>             <c>
Liquidity management assets (1) (2)              $     517,856 $      15,865    4.10%     $      331,602 $     12,918    5.21  %
Other earning assets (3)                                57,663         1,861    4.31                  --           --      --
Loans, net of unearned income (2) (4)                2,262,057       116,955    6.91           1,732,973      113,431    8.75
   Total earning assets                          $   2,837,576 $     134,681    6.35%    $     2,064,575 $    126,349    8.18  %

Interest-bearing deposits                        $   2,286,074 $      51,709    3.02%    $     1,782,386 $     64,885    4.87  %
Federal Home Loan Bank advances                        112,062         3,465    4.13               7,582          265    4.67
Notes payable and other borrowings                     130,714         3,017    3.09              53,095        2,267    5.71
Long-term debt - trust preferred securities             51,050         3,863   10.09              51,050        3,863   10.09
   Total interest-bearing liabilities            $   2,579,900 $      62,054    3.22%    $     1,894,113 $     71,280    5.03  %

Interest rate spread (5)                                                        3.13 %                                   3.15 %
Net free funds/contribution (6)                  $     257,676                  0.29     $       170,462                 0.42
                                                ---------------             -----------------------------            ------------
Net interest income/Net interest margin                        $      72,627    3.42 %                   $     55,069    3.57 %
                                                              ---------------                           --------------
                                                                            ------------                             ------------
Core net interest margin (7)                                                    3.60 %                                   3.82 %
                                                                            ------------                             ------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)Liquidity management assets include available-for-sale  securities,  interest
   earning deposits with banks and federal funds sold.
(2)Interest   income  on   tax-advantaged   loans  and  securities   reflects  a
   tax-equivalent  adjustment based on a marginal federal  corporate tax rate of
   35%. The total  adjustments for the nine-months  ended September 30, 2002 and
   2001 were $627,000 and $648,000, respectively.
(3)Other earning  assets  include  brokerage  customer  receivables  and trading
   account securities. (6) Loans, net of unearned income includes mortgages held
   for sale and  non-accrual  loans.  (7) Interest rate spread is the difference
   between   the  yield   earned  on  earning   assets  and  the  rate  paid  on
   interest-bearing liabilities.
(6)Net free funds are the  difference  between total average  earning assets and
   total average interest-bearing  liabilities. The contribution is based on the
   rate paid for total interest-bearing liabilities.
(7)The core net interest margin excludes the impact of Wintrust's Long-term Debt
   - Trust Preferred Securities.

                                     - 12 -


For the third  quarter of 2002,  non-interest  income  totaled $16.0 million and
increased $8.9 million over the prior year quarter.  Significant  increases were
realized in trust,  asset management and brokerage fees as a result of the Wayne
Hummer  Companies  acquisition  during the first quarter of 2002.  Trust,  asset
management  and  brokerage  fees is comprised of the trust and asset  management
revenue  of Wayne  Hummer  Trust  Company  (name  changed  from  Wintrust  Asset
Management  Company  in May  2002)  and the  asset  management  fees,  brokerage
commissions,  trading commissions and insurance product commissions at the Wayne
Hummer Companies.  The increase in this category, up $6.2 million over the third
quarter of 2001, is primarily attributable to the revenues from the Wayne Hummer
Companies. Wintrust is committed to growing the trust and investment business in
order to better  service its  customers  and create a more  diversified  revenue
stream. Non-interest income comprised approximately 27% of total net revenues in
the third quarter of 2001.  Primarily as a result of the Wayne Hummer  Companies
acquisition,  this has increased to  approximately  39% for the third quarter of

Fees on  mortgage  loans  sold  include  income  from  originating  and  selling
residential real estate loans into the secondary  market.  For the quarter ended
September  30,  2002,  these fees  totaled  $3.8  million,  an  increase of $2.1
million, or 120%, from the prior year third quarter and up from the $1.9 million
recorded in the second  quarter of 2002.  Although  these fees are a  continuous
source of revenue,  these fees  continue  to be  benefited  by higher  levels of
mortgage  origination volumes,  particularly  refinancing activity caused by the
low level of mortgage interest rates.  Management anticipates that the levels of
refinancing  activity may taper off slightly for the remainder of 2002,  barring
any further reductions in mortgage interest rates.

Service charges on deposit  accounts  totaled  $798,000 for the third quarter of
2002,  an increase of  $161,000,  or 25%,  when  compared to the same quarter of
2001.  This increase was mainly due to a higher deposit base and a larger number
of accounts at the banking subsidiaries. The majority of deposit service charges
relates to customary fees on overdrawn accounts and returned items. The level of
service charges received is substantially below peer group levels, as management
believes in the philosophy of providing high quality service without encumbering
that service with numerous activity charges.

As  a  result  of  continued   strong  loan   originations  of  premium  finance
receivables,  Wintrust sold premium  finance  receivables to an unrelated  third
party in the third quarter of 2002 and recognized  gains of $656,000  related to
this  activity,  compared  with $1.3  million of  recognized  gains in the third
quarter  of  2001.   Wintrust  has  a  philosophy  of  maintaining  its  average
loan-to-deposit  ratio in the range of 85-90%. During the third quarter of 2002,
the ratio was  approximately  86%.  Accordingly,  Wintrust  sold excess  premium
finance  receivables  volume to an unrelated third party financial  institution.
Consistent  with  Wintrust's  strategy  to be  asset-driven  and the  desire  to
maintain our loan-to-deposit  ratio in the aforementioned  range, it is probable
that similar sales of premium finance receivables will occur in the future.

The  administrative  services  revenue  contributed  by Tricom added $941,000 to
total  non-interest  income in the third  quarter of 2002, a decrease of $54,000
from the third  quarter  of 2001 and an  increase  of  $10,000  from the  second
quarter of 2002. This revenue  comprises  income from  administrative  services,
such as data processing of payrolls,  billing and cash management  services,  to
temporary  staffing  service clients located  throughout the United States.  The
revenue  growth at Tricom had stagnated in previous  quarters due to the general
slowdown in the United  States  economy and the  reduction  in the  placement of
temporary  staffing  individuals by Tricom's  customers.  This business  segment
appears to be rebounding  as exhibited by the slightly  higher levels of revenue
recorded  by Tricom  when  compared  to the first and second  quarters  of 2002.
Tricom also earns  interest and fee income from  providing  short-term  accounts
receivable  financing  to this same  client  base,  which is included in the net
interest income category.

For the first nine months of 2002, total  non-interest  income was $42.5 million
and increased  $21.1 million,  or 99%, when compared to the same period in 2001.
Excluding the impact of the Wayne Hummer Companies,  contributing  $17.7 million
of non-interest revenue, and the $1.25 million partial settlement related to the
premium  finance  defalcation  that was  recovered in the first quarter of 2002,
non-interest income for the first nine months of 2002 increased by $2.2 million,
or 10%,  compared to the first nine months of 2001.  This increase was comprised

                                     - 13 -

increased fees on mortgage loans sold from  originating and selling  residential
real estate loans into the  secondary  market of $2.5  million,  higher  service
charges on deposit  accounts  of  $499,000  due to a higher  deposit  base and a
larger  number  of  accounts  at  the  banking  subsidiaries  and  higher  other
miscellaneous  sources of revenue  totaling $1.1 million  offset by decreases in
recognized  gains  related  to the sale of  premium  finance  receivables  to an
unrelated third party of $1.4 million,  lower  administrative  services  revenue
contributed by Tricom of $443,000 and lower net securities gains of $272,000.


Non-interest  expense for the third  quarter of 2002 totaled  $27.9  million and
increased  $11.6  million,  or 71%,  from the third  quarter 2001 total of $16.3
million.  Operating expenses of the Wayne Hummer Companies, the continued growth
and  expansion  of the banks  with  additional  branches  and the  growth in the
premium finance business are the major causes for this increase. Since September
30, 2001 total deposits and total loans have both increased 36% requiring higher
levels of  staffing  and other  costs to both  attract  and  service  the larger
customer  base.  Excluding  the  impact of the  Wayne  Hummer  Companies,  total
non-interest  expense increased $4.3 million, or 26%, when compared to the third
quarter of 2001, below the pace of the balance sheet growth.

Salaries and employee  benefits  totaled  $16.9 million for the third quarter of
2002, an increase of $7.8 million, or 87%, as compared to the prior year's third
quarter total of $9.0  million.  This increase was primarily due to the employee
costs  associated  with the Wayne  Hummer  Companies,  increases in salaries and
employee  benefit  costs as a result of  continued  growth and  expansion of the
banking   franchise,   commissions   associated  with  increased  mortgage  loan
origination  activity and normal  annual  increases in salaries and the employee
benefit  costs.  Excluding  the  impact of the  Wayne  Hummer  Companies,  total
salaries and employee  benefits  expense  increased  $2.6 million,  or 29%, when
compared to the third  quarter of 2001 and  increased by $1.6  million,  or 16%,
when compared to the second quarter of 2002.

Other categories of non-interest  expense,  such as occupancy  costs,  equipment
expense and data  processing,  also  increased over the prior year third quarter
due to the acquisition of the Wayne Hummer  Companies and the general growth and
expansion  of  the  banks.  Other  non-interest  expense,  which  includes  loan
expenses, correspondent bank service charges, postage, insurance, stationery and
supplies,  telephone,  directors fees, and other sundry expenses, also increased
when  compared  to the prior  year  third  quarter  due  mainly  to the  factors
mentioned earlier.

On a year-to-date basis non-interest expense totaled $76.5 million and increased
$27.9  million,  or 57%,  over the first nine months of 2001.  The Wayne  Hummer
Companies contributed $19.3 million of this increase. The $8.6 million increase,
excluding the Wayne Hummer  Companies,  is  predominantly  due to a $5.5 million
increase  in  salaries  and  employee  benefits  costs  and the  higher  general
operating costs associated with operating additional and larger banking offices.
Despite  balance  sheet  growth in loans and  deposits  of 36%,  Wintrust's  net
overhead ratio,  excluding the impact of the Wayne Hummer  Companies,  decreased
from 1.62% for the first nine months of 2001 to 1.47% for the comparable  period
in 2002.

                                     - 14 -


Allowance for Loan Losses
- -------------------------
A reconciliation of the activity in the balance of the allowance for loan losses
for the three and nine  months  ended  September  30,  2002 and 2001 is shown as

                                                                THREE MONTHS ENDED                   NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                   SEPTEMBER 30,                       SEPTEMBER 30,
(Dollars in thousands)                                         2002             2001              2002               2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<s>                                                     <c>               <c>             <c>               <c>
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD                          $   16,009        $  12,111       $     13,686      $     10,433
PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES                                    2,504            2,100              7,335             6,002

- ------------
   Commercial and commercial real estate loans                 379              359                782               734
   Home equity loans                                            --               25                 --                25
   Residential real estate loans                                 3               11                  3                24
   Consumer and other loans                                     24                7                172                27
   Premium finance receivables                               1,034              751              2,878             2,299
   Indirect automobile loans                                   165              251                640               741
   Tricom finance receivables                                    1               --                 10                --
                                                       --------------    -------------    ---------------   ---------------
     Total charge-offs                                       1,606            1,404              4,485             3,850
                                                       --------------    -------------    ---------------   ---------------

- -----------
   Commercial and commercial real estate loans                 144              152                279               156
   Home equity loans                                            --               --                 --                --
   Residential real estate loans                                --               --                 --                --
   Consumer and other loans                                      3               --                 15                --
   Premium finance receivables                                 111               73                240               202
   Indirect automobile loans                                    33               62                103               151
   Tricom finance receivables                                    1               --                 26                --
                                                       --------------    -------------    ---------------   ---------------
     Total recoveries                                          292              287                663               509
                                                       --------------    -------------    ---------------   ---------------
NET CHARGE-OFFS                                              (1,314)          (1,117)           (3,822)            (3,341)
                                                       --------------    -------------    ---------------   ---------------
BALANCE AT SEPTEMBER 30                                 $   17,199        $  13,094       $     17,199      $     13,094
                                                       --------------    -------------    ---------------   ---------------

   Commercial and commercial real estate loans                0.08   %         0.10   %           0.06   %          0.10   %
   Home equity loans                                            --             0.04                 --              0.02
   Residential real estate loans                              0.01             0.03                 --              0.02
   Consumer and other loans                                   0.14             0.04               0.34              0.05
   Premium finance receivables                                0.75             0.74               0.79              0.79
   Indirect automobile loans                                  0.28             0.39               0.39              0.41
   Tricom finance receivables                                   --               --              (0.11)               --
                                                       ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------
     Total loans, net of unearned income                      0.21   %         0.24   %           0.23   %          0.26   %
                                                       ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------

Net charge-offs as a percentage of  the
   provision for loan losses                                 52.48   %        53.19   %          52.11   %         55.66   %
                                                       ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------

Loans at September 30                                                                     $  2,483,892      $  1,823,801
Allowance as a percentage of loans at period-end                                                  0.69   %          0.72   %

                                     - 15 -

Past Due Loans and Non-performing Assets
- ----------------------------------------
The following  table sets forth  Wintrust's  non-performing  assets at the dates
indicated.  The information in the table should be read in conjunction  with the
detailed discussion following the table.

                                                                   SEPTEMBER 30,       June 30,      December 31,     September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)                                                  2002             2002            2001              2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------
<s>                                                              <c>                <c>            <c>               <c>
  Residential real estate and home equity                        $            306   $         16   $           168   $          928
  Commercial, consumer and other                                            2,247          1,055             1,059              495
  Premium finance receivables                                               2,170          2,141             2,402            3,131
  Indirect automobile loans                                                   384            340               361              384
  Tricom finance receivables                                                   --             --                --               --
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------
     Total past due greater than 90 days and still accruing                 5,107          3,552             3,990            4,938
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------

  Residential real estate and home equity                                     346            401             1,385              869
  Commercial, consumer and other                                            1,430          1,528             1,180              900
  Premium finance receivables                                               4,731          5,417             5,802            6,042
  Indirect automobile loans                                                   409            163               496              364
  Tricom finance receivables                                                   75            104               104              207
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------
     Total non-accrual                                                      6,991          7,613             8,967            8,382
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------

  Residential real estate and home equity                                     652            417             1,553            1,797
  Commercial, consumer and other                                            3,677          2,583             2,239            1,395
  Premium finance receivables                                               6,901          7,558             8,204            9,173
  Indirect automobile loans                                                   793            503               857              748
  Tricom finance receivables                                                   75            104               104              207
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------
     Total non-performing loans                                            12,098         11,165            12,957           13,320
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------
Other real estate owned                                                       353            756               100              244
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------
TOTAL NON-PERFORMING ASSETS                                      $         12,451   $     11,921   $        13,057   $       13,564
                                                                 ================== ============== ================= ===============

  Residential real estate and home equity                                   0.13%          0.09%             0.39%          0.46%
  Commercial, consumer and other                                            0.28           0.22              0.21            0.15
  Premium finance receivables                                               1.47           1.64              2.36            2.73
  Indirect automobile loans                                                 0.43           0.27              0.47            0.39
  Tricom finance receivables                                                0.36           0.54              0.57            1.08
                                                                 ------------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------------
     Total non-performing loans                                             0.49%          0.48%             0.64%          0.73%
                                                                 ================== ============== ================= ===============

Total non=performing assets as a
   percentage of total assets                                               0.35%          0.37%             0.48%            0.54%
                                                                 ================== ============== ================= ===============

Allowance for loan losses as a
   percentage of non=performing loans                                     142.16%        143.39%           105.63%           98.30%
                                                                 ================== ============== ================= ===============


                                     - 16 -

The  provision  for loan losses  totaled $2.5  million for the third  quarter of
2002,  an increase  of  $404,000  from a year  earlier.  For the  quarter  ended
September  30,  2002 net  charge-offs  totaled  $1.3  million,  up from the $1.1
million of net charge-offs recorded in the same period of 2001. On a ratio basis
annualized net  charge-offs as a percentage of average loans  decreased to 0.21%
in the third quarter of 2002 from 0.24% in the same period in 2001.

On a  year-to-date  basis the provision for loan losses totaled $7.3 million for
the first nine months of 2002,  an increase of $1.3 million over the same period
last year. Net  charge-offs  for the first nine months of 2002 increased to $3.8
million,  a $481,000 or 14% increase over the $3.3 million  recorded in the same
period last year. On a ratio basis,  annualized net  charge-offs as a percentage
of average loans decreased to 0.23% for the first nine months of 2002 from 0.26%
in the first nine months of 2001.

Management  has actively  monitored  and pursued  methods to reduce the level of
delinquencies in the indirect auto and premium finance portfolios (See "Past Due
Loans and Non-performing  Assets").  Management  believes the allowance for loan
losses is adequate to provide for inherent losses in the portfolio. There can be
no assurances,  however, that future losses will not exceed the amounts provided
for,  thereby  affecting  future  results  of  operations.  The amount of future
additions to the allowance  for loan losses will be dependent  upon the economy,
changes in real estate values, interest rates, the regulatory  environment,  the
level of past-due and non-performing loans, and other factors.

Non-performing Residential Real Estate, Commercial, Consumer and Other Loans

Total non-performing loans for Wintrust's  residential real estate,  commercial,
consumer and other loans were $4.3 million, up from the $3.0 million reported at
June 30, 2002, and the $3.8 million  reported at December 31, 2001.  These loans
consist  primarily of a small number of commercial,  residential real estate and
home equity loans, which management believes are well secured and in the process
of collection.  The small number of such non-performing  loans allows management
to monitor the status of these  credits and work with the  borrowers  to resolve
these problems effectively.

Non-performing Premium Finance Receivables

The table below presents the level of non-performing premium finance receivables
as of September  30, 2002 and 2001,  and the amount of net  charge-offs  for the
nine months then ended.

 (Dollars in thousands)                                                        SEPTEMBER 30,            September 30,
                                                                                    2002                     2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------
<s>                                                                        <c>                       <c>
 Non-performing premium finance receivables                                $             6,901       $            9,173
    - as a percent of premium finance receivables                                         1.47%                    2.73%

 Net charge-offs of premium finance receivables                            $             2,638       $            2,097
    - annualized as a percent of premium finance  receivables                             0.79%                    0.79%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------

The improvement in the level of non-performing premium finance receivables since
September 30, 2001 is indicative  of actions  taken by  management.  As noted in
Wintrust's  prior  quarterly  earnings  releases in 2001 Wintrust has eliminated
more than 1,300  relationships  with  insurance  agents that were  referring new
business to our premium finance  subsidiary  that had relatively  small balances
and higher than normal  delinquency  rates.  The business  associated with those
accounts has become a less  significant  percent of the entire  portfolio and is
nearly extinguished.  Management continues to see progress in this portfolio and
continues to expect the level of non-performing  loans related to this portfolio
to remain at relatively low levels.

                                     - 17 -

The ratio of non-performing  premium finance receivables  fluctuates  throughout
the year due to the nature  and  timing of  canceled  account  collections  from
insurance  carriers.  Due  to the  nature  of  collateral  for  premium  finance
receivables it customarily takes 60-150 days to convert the collateral into cash
collections.   Accordingly,   the  level  of   non-performing   premium  finance
receivables is not necessarily indicative of the loss inherent in the portfolio.
In the event of default,  Wintrust has the power to cancel the insurance  policy
and collect the unearned portion of the premium from the insurance  carrier.  In
the event of cancellation,  the cash returned in payment of the unearned premium
by the insurer should  generally be sufficient to cover the receivable  balance,
the  interest  and other  charges  due.  Due to  notification  requirements  and
processing  time  by most  insurance  carriers,  many  receivables  will  become
delinquent  beyond 90 days  while the  insurer is  processing  the return of the
unearned premium.  Management continues to accrue interest until maturity as the
unearned premium is ordinarily sufficient to pay-off the outstanding balance and
contractual interest due.

Non-performing Indirect Automobile Loans

Total  non-performing  indirect  automobile loans were $793,000 at September 30,
2002,  decreasing  from  $857,000 at December  31, 2001 and up from  $748,000 at
September 30, 2001.  The ratio of these  non-performing  loans to total indirect
automobile loans stood at 0.43% of total indirect  automobile loans at September
30, 2002,  0.47% at December 31, 2001 and 0.39% at September  30, 2001. As noted
in the  Allowance  for Loan Losses table net  charge-offs  as a percent of total
indirect  automobile loans has decreased from 0.39% in the third quarter of 2001
to 0.28% in the  third  quarter  of 2002.  The level of  non-performing  and net
charge-offs of indirect automobile loans continues to be below standard industry
ratios for this type of lending.  Due to the impact of the current  economic and
competitive environment  surrounding this type of lending,  management continues
to de-emphasize,  in relation to other loan  categories,  growth in the indirect
automobile loan portfolio.  Indirect automobile loans at September 30, 2002 were
$184 million,  unchanged from December 31, 2001 but down $7 million,  or 3% from
September 30, 2001.


This press release  contains  forward-looking  statements  related to Wintrust's
financial  performance  that  are  based on  estimates.  Wintrust  intends  such
forward-looking  statements  to be  covered  by the safe  harbor  provision  for
forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995, and is including this statement for purposes of invoking these safe
harbor  provisions.  Actual results could differ materially from those addressed
in the  forward-looking  statements  due to factors  such as changes in economic
conditions,  competition,  or other factors that may  influence the  anticipated
growth rate of loans and  deposits,  the quality of the loan  portfolio and loan
and deposit  pricing,  unanticipated  changes in interest rates that  negatively
impact net interest  income,  future  events that may cause  unforeseen  loan or
lease losses,  slower than anticipated  development and growth of Tricom and the
trust and investment business,  unanticipated  changes in the temporary staffing
industry,  the ability to adapt successfully to technological changes to compete
effectively in the marketplace, competition and the related pricing of brokerage
and asset  management  products,  unforeseen  difficulties  in  integrating  the
acquisition of the Wayne Hummer Companies, the ability to pursue acquisition and
expansion  strategies and the ability to attract and retain  experienced  senior
management.  Therefore,  there can be no assurances  that future actual  results
will correspond to these forward-looking statements.

                                     - 18 -