[GRAPHIC OMITTED]                    News Release
                                             Hartford Plaza - Hartford, CT 06115

Date:             January 27, 2003
For Release:      Upon Receipt

Contact: Media                                Investors
         ------                               ----------
         Joyce Willis                         Hans Miller
         860/547-4951                         860/547-2751
         jwillis@thehartford.com              hmiller@thehartford.com

         Cynthia Michener                     Mike Lesperance
         860/547-5624                         860/547-6781
         cynthia.michener@thehartford.com     michael.lesperance@thehartford.com

                     $1.01 PER SHARE, FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER
                 Full Year-Net Income Per Share Up 89% to $3.97

         HARTFORD,  CONN. -- The Hartford  Financial  Services Group Inc. (NYSE:
HIG) today said its fourth  quarter and  full-year  earnings for 2002  increased
substantially,   as  the  company   took   advantage  of  firm  pricing  in  the
property-casualty  market,  while  minimizing  the impact of the prolonged  bear
market on equity market-driven business in its life operations.
         "Our results  prove that our diverse  business  platform can  withstand
market  turbulence  and  generate  profitable  growth,"  said Ramani  Ayer,  The
Hartford's chairman and CEO.
         The  company  reported  a 79  percent  increase  in net  income for the
quarter  ended  Dec.  31,  2002,  a result  of robust  earnings  growth in North
American property-casualty  operations,  which was partially offset by an equity
market-driven decline in earnings for the life operations.
         The Hartford reported net income of $258 million for the fourth quarter
of 2002, compared with $144 million for the same period in 2001. Included in net
income for the fourth  quarter are after-tax net realized  capital losses of $43
million,  compared to after-tax  net realized  capital  losses of $98 million in
2001. On a per diluted share basis, net income was up 74 percent to $1.01 in the
fourth quarter of 2002, compared with $0.58 per diluted share in the same period
last year.
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         The Hartford's Earnings/2

         The Hartford's  operating income was up 15 percent to $301 million,  or
$1.17 per diluted  share,  for the fourth  quarter of 2002,  compared  with $261
million,  or $1.06 per diluted share,  for the fourth quarter of 2001, again the
result  of  substantial  improvement  in  property-casualty   operating  income.
Operating  income  excludes net realized  capital  gains or losses  (after-tax),
restructuring  charges,  loss from early  retirement of debt and the  cumulative
effect of accounting changes.
         Operating  income  per  diluted  share in the  fourth  quarter  of 2002
reflected more shares outstanding than the comparable prior-year period. This is
due primarily to the company's third quarter 2002 capital raising, which added a
total of 7.3 million shares, and the effect of shares issued and exercised under
stock compensation plans.


                                                    FOR THE QUARTER ENDED           FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDED
                                                 ---------------------------- -------------------------------------
                                                        DECEMBER 31,                      DECEMBER 31,
($ in millions except EPS; all after-tax)               2002            2001            2002                  2001
                                                 ------------- -------------- --------------- ---------------------
Net income                                               $258           $144          $1,000                 $507
 - Net realized capital losses                           (43)           (98)           (250)                 (164)
 - Cumulative effect of acctng. chng.                      --             --              --                  (34)
 - Restructuring charges                                   --           (11)              --                  (11)
 - Loss from early retirement of debt                      --            (8)              --                   (8)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income                                         $301           $261          $1,250                  $724
 - Net income/diluted share                             $1.01          $0.58           $3.97                 $2.10
 - Operating income/diluted share                       $1.17          $1.06           $4.96                 $3.00

         For the fourth  consecutive  quarter,  The  Hartford's  North  American
property-casualty  operations achieved a combined ratio below 100, while written
premiums rose 14 percent for the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2002.
         Ayer  noted   that   asbestos   continues   to  be  a   challenge   for
property-casualty  insurers,  and rapidly changing  developments demand constant
scrutiny of asbestos exposures.  The company expects to complete a comprehensive
review of its  asbestos  exposures  in the second  quarter and will provide more
detailed disclosure of exposures and reserves upon conclusion of the study.

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The Hartford's Earnings/3


         "Good  execution,  coupled  with  excellent  distribution  and  product
enhancements,  helped our life  operation  maintain its overall market share and
even grow in some key  markets,"  said Ayer.  "Despite  the  challenging  market
environment,  our life operations  achieved  record variable  annuity and 401(K)
sales, while our group benefits segment continues to execute well in an arena of
growing competition."
         The company  previously  announced  a record  $3.5  billion of variable
annuity  sales and other  deposits for the fourth  quarter of 2002, a 45 percent
increase over the third  quarter of 2002,  and a 70 percent jump from the fourth
quarter of 2001.

                                                     FOR THE QUARTER ENDED           FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDED
                                                 ------------------------------ -----------------------------------
                                                         DECEMBER 31,                      DECEMBER 31,
($ in millions; all after-tax)                          2002           2001               2002                2001
                                                  ------------- --------------   --------------- ------------------

Net income                                                 $125           $135              $557              $685
 - Net realized capital losses                             (42)           (46)             (196)              (89)
 - Cumulative effect of acctng. chng.                        --             --                --              (26)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income                                           $167           $181              $753              $800

         Excluding the $5 million  impact of goodwill  amortization,  net income
for The Hartford's  life operations was down 11 percent in the fourth quarter of
2002,  from $140 million in the same period last year,  driven  primarily by the
effect of the continuing  unfavorable equity market on the company's  individual
annuity results.
         The Hartford's  investment  products segment reported $110.2 billion in
total assets under  management  as of Dec. 31, 2002, a 6 percent  increase  from
$103.6  billion as of Sept.  30,  2002,  but an 8 percent  decrease  from $120.3
billion as of Dec. 31, 2001.  Net income for  investment  products  decreased 18
percent to $97 million for the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2002, from $119 million in
the prior-year period,  primarily as a result of reduced fee income from a lower
asset base, driven by the weak equity market.

                                   -- more --

The Hartford's Earnings/4

         Fourth quarter net income for individual  life was down slightly to $34
million,  as the results  were  dampened by the lower  equity  market and higher
mortality.  Account  values of $7.6  billion  were down 4 percent  from Dec. 31,
2001, but were up 3 percent from Sept. 30, 2002. A market shift from variable to
fixed  accumulation  products  resulted  in a 37 percent  decrease  in sales for
individual  life  products to $48 million  compared  with the fourth  quarter of
         Strong   underwriting  and  disciplined   claims  management  were  the
hallmarks  of  the  group  benefits  segment,  which  includes  group  life  and
disability  insurance.  Net income increased by 20 percent to $36 million in the
fourth  quarter of this year,  as total fully  insured  ongoing  premiums rose 6
percent to $562 million and the segment experienced  favorable loss costs. Fully
insured sales, excluding buyouts, were down 39 percent to $65 million, primarily
as a result of increased  competition  in the  large-case  group  disability and
group life markets.
         "Hartford  Life K.K. in Japan  continues to outpace the  industry  with
robust sales," Ayer said.  "The recent  addition of the bank channel for annuity
sales in that country promises to boost our market share even further."
         The Japanese  operation achieved $757 million in variable annuity sales
in the fourth quarter of 2002, a more than four-fold  increase over the previous
year's quarter, bringing account values to more than $1.7 billion as of Dec. 31,
         The Hartford's life operations  also received four  prestigious  DALBAR
awards this year,  evidence of the company's  commitment  to excellent  customer

   o  The seventh  consecutive  honor for  annuity  customer  service,  the only
      company to reach this landmark.

   o  The second consecutive award for service to life insurance customers.

   o  The Financial Intermediary Award for life insurance services to brokers.

   o  The  Seal for  Communication  for The  Hartford's  401(k)  statements  for

         DALBAR  is  a  recognized,   independent  financial  services  research

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The Hartford's Earnings/5


         Significantly  improved underwriting results,  driven by a hard pricing
market,  helped  to  boost  net  income  for  North  American  property-casualty
operations to $135 million in the fourth quarter of 2002.
         "Our  strong  operating  platform,  coupled  with the hard  market  and
disciplined  underwriting,  have  helped  us to  increase  our share of some key
markets,"  said Ayer.  "Our  double-digit  earned  premium growth and an overall
5.2-point  improvement in the combined ratio are two key factors positioning the
company for continued growth and profitability."

                                                      FOR THE QUARTER ENDED          FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDED
                                                   ---------------------------   ----------------------------------
                                                             DECEMBER 31,                    DECEMBER 31,
($ in millions; all after-tax)                           2002            2001            2002            2001
                                                   ----------- ---------------   ------------- --------------------
Net income (loss)                                        $135             $21            $482          $(125)
 - Net realized capital losses                            (5)            (52)            (37)            (79)
 - Cumulative effect of acctng. chng.                      --              --              --             (8)
 - Restructuring charges                                   --            (10)              --            (10)
 - Loss from early retirement of                           --             (8)              --             (8)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income (loss)                                  $140             $91            $519           $(20)

     Earned  premium  increased  12  percent  in the  fourth  quarter  of  2002,
primarily as a result of price  increases;  and the combined ratio was 99.4, the
fourth consecutive quarter in which the property-casualty  operations achieved a
combined ratio below 100.
     The combined ratio for three of the four North  American  property-casualty
segments  improved,  including  improvements  of 17.4  points  in the  specialty
commercial  lines to 98.1;  5.3 points in personal lines to 99.5; and 2.0 points
in business insurance to 94.5.

                                   -- more --

The Hartford's Earnings/6

     Net  investment  income of $252  million was up 11 percent,  as strong cash
flow and an increased asset base more than offset the decline in yields.
         Firm  pricing  continues  across  all  four  segments,  resulting  in a
favorable impact on North American property-casualty net written premiums, which
were up 14 percent in the fourth quarter to $2.1 billion.
         Consistent  performance in the business  insurance segment has resulted
in strong new business growth and solid renewal retentions. The segment reported
an overall 18 percent  increase in written premium to $885 million in the fourth
quarter,  compared  with $752  million in the year-ago  period.  For the seventh
consecutive  quarter,  the business  insurance segment achieved a combined ratio
below 100, excluding the impact of Sept. 11 on third-quarter 2001 results.
         Within the business insurance segment,  The Hartford's small commercial
and middle  market  businesses  continue to outpace the  industry,  with written
premium  growth of 16  percent  and 19  percent,  respectively,  for the  fourth
quarter of 2002.
         The company's specialty commercial lines segment achieved an overall 56
percent increase in written premium in the same period.
         Solid retention levels and disciplined  underwriting  helped to improve
results for personal  lines,  where  written  premiums were up 6 percent to $756
million for the fourth quarter of 2002,  including an 11 percent rise in written
premiums for personal auto,  homeowners  and other  insurance sold to members of
          North American  property-casualty  catastrophe  losses for the quarter
were $10 million (after-tax),  compared with $6 million (after-tax) the previous


         "Our  diversified  business  model  and  industry-leading  distribution
platform, coupled with product enhancements,  disciplined underwriting and claim
management, helped us to withstand a tough insurance market and turbulent equity
market in 2002," said Ayer.

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The Hartford's Earnings/7

         "To give some  examples,  for  business  insurance,  we  achieved  a 27
percent new business  growth in the fourth  quarter of 2002,  and 23 percent new
business growth for all of 2002. We reported  record-breaking  variable  annuity
sales of $10.3  billion in 2002,  maintaining  The  Hartford's  position  as the
nation's leading seller of variable annuities based on retail sales," Ayer said.
In addition,  The  Hartford  achieved $1 billion in 401(k) sales for the year, a
new record for the company.
         For the full year of 2002, The  Hartford's  net income  increased to $1
billion  compared to $507 million in 2001.  On a per diluted  share  basis,  net
income increased to $3.97, compared with $2.10 for 2001.
         The company's  operating  income for the full year ended Dec. 31, 2002,
was $1.25 billion,  or $4.96 per diluted share,  up from $724 million,  or $3.00
per diluted share, last year.
         The  Hartford's   operating  income  for  2002  includes  several  life
operations  items:  A $76 million tax benefit at Hartford  Life;  an $11 million
(after-tax)  expense  related  to the  Bancorp  Services  litigation;  and an $8
million (after-tax) benefit due to  lower-than-expected  losses related to Sept.
11. The 2001 full-year  results include after-tax losses of $440 million related
to Sept. 11, a $130 million  federal tax benefit at Hartford Life, and after-tax
goodwill amortization of $52 million.
         Total  revenues for 2002 were up 5 percent to $15.9  billion,  compared
with $15.1 billion for the previous year.


     As of Dec. 31, 2002, The Hartford's  total assets were $182.0  billion,  up
slightly from a year ago, while total assets under management, which include the
mutual  fund  assets  managed by the  company  and its  affiliates,  were $198.7
billion.  The company's book value,  excluding  accumulated other  comprehensive
income,  rose 9 percent to $37.77 per share as of Dec. 31, 2002,  compared  with
$34.54 per share as of Dec. 31, 2001. Including  accumulated other comprehensive
income, The Hartford's book value was $42.06 as of Dec. 31, 2002,  compared with
$36.71 at year-end 2001.

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The Hartford's Earnings/8

      "Our  results  demonstrate  that our  strategy  for  top-line  growth  and
profitability is working and we are well positioned for growth across all of our
businesses in 2003 and beyond," said Ayer.  "We've  benefited from the flight to
quality and we know that our customers want a well-managed company that executes
well and provides consistently excellent customer service."


         Based on current information,  the company expects operating income per
share for 2003 to range between $4.50 and $4.75 per diluted share. The company's
previous range was $4.50 to $5.00 per diluted share. The company has changed the
range to reflect equity market valuations at the beginning of 2003 and a further
increase in expected  pension  expense based on changes in interest rates in the
last part of 2002.  This estimate is subject to  adjustment  based on changes in
market  conditions  affecting both life and  property-casualty  operations.  The
estimate incorporates the following items:

o     The  impact of lower  equity  markets  on life  earnings  from  investment
o     the impact of the company's  decision to expense the fair value of options
      granted as employee compensation in 2003;
o     continuation of positive property-casualty earnings trends;
o     continuing  pressure on  property-casualty  investment income due to lower
      interest  rates (which is expected to be largely  offset by improving cash
o     an increase in pension  expense  due to lower  discount  rates and assumed
      investment returns on plan assets; and
o     continued growth in life earnings from group benefits and individual life.

     This estimate is for operating  income per share. A large number of factors
could cause this estimate to change,  including significant changes in estimated
future  earnings  on  investment  products  caused by changes  in the  company's
outlook  with  respect to the equity  markets,  catastrophe  losses at levels in
excess of expectations,  adverse developments emerging as a result of changes in
estimates  arising from the company's  regular  reviews of its loss reserves for
all lines of insurance,  particularly  related to highly  variable  exposures of
asbestos and reinsurance and any actions the company might take in response.

                                   -- more --

The Hartford's Earnings/9

         The company will review fourth quarter results and its outlook for 2003
in an analyst  conference  call scheduled for 10 a.m. EST Tuesday,  Jan. 28. The
conference      call      will      be      simultaneously       webcast      at
         The Hartford (NYSE: HIG) is one of the nation's largest  investment and
insurance  companies,  with 2002 revenues of $15.9 billion. As of Dec. 31, 2002,
The  Hartford  had assets of $182.0  billion and  stockholders'  equity of $10.7
billion.  The  company  is a  leading  provider  of  investment  products,  life
insurance and group  benefits;  automobile  and  homeowners  products;  business
property and casualty insurance; and reinsurance.
         More  detailed  financial  information  can be found in The  Hartford's
Investor   Financial   Supplement   available   on  the   company's   Web  site,

Certain  statements  made in this release should be considered  forward  looking
information as defined in the Private Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
The Hartford cautions investors that any such forward-looking statements are not
guarantees  of future  performance,  and actual  results may differ  materially.
Investors are directed to consider the risks and  uncertainties  in our business
that may affect future  performance and that are discussed in readily  available
documents,  including the company's  annual report and other  documents filed by
The Hartford with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  These  uncertainties
also include:  the possibility of less favorable loss activity than anticipated;
the  response  of  reinsurance  companies  under  reinsurance   contracts;   the
possibility that actual and anticipated  asbestos  liabilities  might be greater
than currently estimated; general economic and business conditions that are less
favorable  than  anticipated;  changes in interest  rates or the stock  markets;
stronger  than  anticipated  competitive  activity;   unfavorable   legislative,
regulatory or judicial  developments;  and more frequent or severe  catastrophes
than anticipated. The Company assumes no obligation to update this release which
speaks as of the date issued.


                                            THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.
                                                   CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS
                                      (All amounts are in millions, except for per share data)

                                                                    FOURTH QUARTER ENDED                    YEAR ENDED
                                                                        DECEMBER 31,                        DECEMBER 31,
                                                             --------------------------------  -----------------------------------
                                                                2002       2001       CHANGE       2002        2001        CHANGE
                                                             ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------- ----------- -----------

HIGHLIGHTS       Net income [1] [2]                            $   258     $  144        79%    $   1,000   $     507         97%
                 Operating income [1] [2] [3]                  $   301     $  261        15%    $   1,250   $     724         73%
                 Total revenues [3]                            $ 4,161     $3,856         8%    $  15,907   $  15,147          5%
                 Total assets                                                                   $ 182,043   $ 181,593         -
                 Total assets under management [4]                                              $ 198,676   $ 198,914         -

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PER SHARE        Basic earnings per share [1] [2]
AND SHARES DATA       Net income                               $  1.01     $ 0.59        71%    $    4.01   $    2.13         88%
                      Operating income                         $  1.18     $ 1.07        10%    $    5.01   $    3.05         64%
                 Diluted earnings per share [1] [2]
                      Net income                               $  1.01     $ 0.58        74%    $    3.97   $    2.10         89%
                      Operating income                         $  1.17     $ 1.06        10%    $    4.96   $    3.00         65%
                 Weighted average common shares outstanding      255.2      244.1       11.1        249.4       237.7        11.7
                 Weighted average common shares outstanding
                      and dilutive potential common shares       256.3      247.1        9.2        251.8       241.4        10.4
                 Common shares outstanding                                                          255.2       245.5         9.7
                 Book value (including AOCI)                                                    $   42.06   $   36.71         15%
                 Book value (excluding AOCI)                                                    $   37.77   $   34.54          9%

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]   2002 includes the earnings impacts of the $76 tax benefit in Life, the $11
      after-tax expense in Life related to Bancorp Services,  LLC litigation and
      the $8 after-tax benefit in Life's September 11 Terrorist Attack exposure.
      2001  includes  $440 of  after-tax  losses  related  to the  September  11
      Terrorist Attack and the $130 tax benefit in Life.
[2]   The fourth  quarter and year ended  December 31, 2001  includes  after-tax
      goodwill amortization of $14 and $52, respectively.
[3]   Included in the quarter ended  December 31, 2001 is additional  premium of
      $23, an adjustment for  reinsurance  cessions  related to the September 11
      Terrorist  Attack.  The  year  ended  December  31,  2001 is net of $91 of
      reinsurance cessions related to the September 11 Terrorist Attack.
[4]   Includes  $15,321 and $16,809 of mutual fund assets and $1,312 and $512 of
      third  party  assets  managed by HIMCO as of  December  31, 2002 and 2001,