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                                  THE HARTFORD

                         EXECUTIVE SEVERANCE PAY PLAN I

  This document describes your benefits under The Hartford Executive Severance
 Pay Plan I and includes the text of the Plan and other important information.

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                                                        [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                                        JUNE 27, 2000

                                  THE HARTFORD
                         EXECUTIVE SEVERANCE PAY PLAN I

1.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of The Hartford  Executive  Severance  Pay Plan I (the
"PLAN") is to assist in occupational  transition by providing  severance pay for
Tier 3  executives  covered by this Plan (and such other  individuals  as may be
specifically   designated  by  the  Plan  Administrator)   whose  employment  is
terminated under conditions set forth in this Plan.

2.  APPLICATION  OF PLAN.  This amended and restated Plan is effective  June 27,
2000.  Any  termination  of  employment  that has an Effective  Date (as defined
herein) while this Plan is in effect shall be governed  exclusively by the terms
of this Plan and by no other plan, policy,  practice or arrangement,  except (A)
where this Plan is expressly  superseded  by an  individual  written  employment
contract or other written agreement with the Company (as defined herein), or (B)
where the Plan  Administrator  determines  that the Plan in effect prior to this
Plan shall apply to an executive involved in the performance  discipline process
on or before June 27, 2000. To the extent that this Plan is expressly superseded
by any such contract or agreement, no severance shall be payable hereunder,  and
the provisions of this Plan will be deemed null and void and without effect.

3. COVERED  EMPLOYEES.  You are a Covered Employee under this Plan if you are an
"EMPLOYEE" (as defined  below) who: (A) qualifies as an "ELIGIBLE  EMPLOYEE" (as
defined  below),  and (B) is identified as a Tier Three executive of the Company
on the date selected by the Company (or Plan  Administrator or designee) as your
last day of active employment (the "EFFECTIVE DATE").

An Employee on an authorized leave of absence, paid or unpaid (including medical
leave of absence)  of not more than  twenty-six  (26) weeks who would  otherwise
qualify  as a  Covered  Employee,  but for  being on leave of  absence,  will be
considered a Covered  Employee for purposes of this Plan. An Employee on a leave
of absence due to Disability (as defined in The Hartford  Investment and Savings
Plan) of more than six months will be considered a Covered Employee for purposes
of  this  Plan  if he or she  seeks  employment  with  the  Company  immediately
following the period of Disability.

The "COMPANY" means, collectively,  Hartford Fire Insurance Company and Hartford
Life and Accident Insurance Company, and any of their designated subsidiaries or
affiliates,  and any  successor of any of the foregoing by merger or purchase or

"EMPLOYEE"  means any person  regularly  employed by the Company,  but shall not
include  any person who  performs  services  for the  Company as an  independent
contractor or under any other non-employee classification,  or who is classified
by  the  Company  as,  or  determined  by the  Company  to  be,  an  independent

"ELIGIBLE  EMPLOYEE"  means  an  Employee  employed  by the  Company;  provided,
however,  that except as the Plan Administrator may otherwise provide on a basis
uniformly applicable to all persons similarly situated,  Eligible Employee shall
not include any  "INELIGIBLE  PERSON," which means all of the  following:  (A) a
person who: (i) is paid on an hourly basis,  and (ii) does not actively work for
the  Company at least 20 hours per week on a  scheduled  basis;  or (B) a person
who: (i) is paid on a salaried  basis,  and (ii) does not actively  work for the
Company at least 30 hours per week on a  scheduled  basis;  or (C) a person who:
(i) holds a position with the Company's  "HARTEMP" Program,  or (ii) is hired to
work for the

                                     - 2 -

Company through a temporary  employment  agency, or (iii) is hired to a position
with the Company with notice on his or her date of hire that the  position  will
terminate on a certain  date; or (D) a person who is a leased  employee  (within
the  meaning of Section  414(n)(2)  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
amended) of the Company or is otherwise  employed through a temporary help firm,
technical  help firm,  staffing  firm,  employee  leasing firm, or  professional
employer  organization,  regardless of whether such person is an Employee of the
Company, or (E) a person who performs services for the Company as an independent
contractor or under any other non-employee  classification,  or is classified by
the Company as, or determined by the Company to be, an  independent  contractor,
or who is  classified  by the Company as, or determined by the Company to be, an
independent  contractor,  regardless of whether such person is  characterized or
ultimately  determined  by the Internal  Revenue  Service or any other  Federal,
State or local  governmental  authority or regulatory  body to be an employee of
the Company or its  affiliates  for income or wage tax purposes or for any other

Notwithstanding  any provision in the Plan to the contrary,  if any person is an
Ineligible Person or otherwise does not qualify as an Eligible  Employee,  or is
otherwise  ineligible  to  participate  in the  Plan,  and such  person is later
required  by a  court  or  governmental  authority  or  regulatory  body  to  be
classified as a person who is eligible to participate  in the Plan,  such person
shall  not  be  eligible  to  participate  in  the  Plan,  notwithstanding  such
classification,  unless and until designated as an Eligible Employee by the Plan
Administrator,  and if so designated,  the  participation  of such person in the
Plan shall be prospective only.

employment,  you shall be provided severance pay in accordance with the terms of
this Plan EXCEPT if you:

o        are terminated for misconduct or other  disciplinary  action,  which by
         way of example  may  include,  but is not  limited  to, the  following:
         excessive  absenteeism/tardiness;  serious  violations  of Company work
         rules or  policies,  including  but not  limited  to  falsification  of
         records,   security   violations,   or  violations  of  anti-harassment
         policies;  violation of the Company Code of Corporate  Conduct or other
         similar policy or undertaking of the Company; or any  Company-initiated
         termination  for  cause or for  actions  that are  immoral,  unethical,
         insubordinate,  inimical  to the  best  interests  of the  Company,  or

o        are  terminated  for poor  performance,  except as  provided in Section

o        refuse  or  accept  a  Comparable   Position   offered  as  alternative
         employment  with the Company.  For  purposes of this Plan,  "COMPARABLE
         POSITION"  shall mean a position  which  carries  with it the same base
         salary and the same range of total incentive  compensation  opportunity
         offered by the  previous  position  held,  and with the same or similar
         duties or with  different  duties  which,  in the  judgment of the Plan
         Administrator or designee,  the employee is able to perform,  and which
         is located within a 50-mile radius of the previous position's location;
         provided that changes in employee  benefits shall not be interpreted to
         constitute a non-Comparable  Position if the position offered otherwise
         constitutes a Comparable Position;

o        terminate  employment  with the Company prior to the Effective Date (as
         defined in Section 3);

o        are  terminated  while on a  non-disability  or  non-military  leave of
         absence (paid or unpaid) after 26 weeks of such leave;

                                     - 3 -

o        are mandatorily  retired on or after your Normal  Retirement Date where
         legally permitted. "NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE" shall mean the first day of
         the month which coincides with or follows your 65th birthday;

o        accept or refuse a  Comparable  Position  or are  terminated  following
         acceptance of a Comparable  Position under  circumstances  described in
         Section 10 hereof; or

o        are  eligible  for  greater  severance  payments  under the terms of an
         individual written employment  contract or other written agreement with
         the Company.

If you initiate  termination of employment for any reason  including  resigning,
retiring or failing to return to work  immediately  following the  expiration of
any  non-disability  or  non-military  leave of absence,  or if you fail to seek
employment  with the  Company  immediately  following  a leave of absence due to
Disability  of more than six  months,  or if you die, no  severance  pay will be
provided under this Plan.



         If you are a Covered  Employee and your employment is terminated by the
         Company (i) FOR REASONS  OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED IN SECTION 4, and (ii)
         shall be  provided  with  severance  pay,  up to a maximum of 52 weeks,
         according to the following  Schedule of Severance Pay, which sets forth
         the number of weeks of Weekly Base Pay (as defined  below) that will be
         provided to you based on your Years of Service (as defined below) as of
         the  Effective  Date,  subject to the  provisions  of Section 7 of this
         Plan.  Such  severance  pay  shall  be paid at the time and in the form
         described in Section 7 of this Plan.

             ----------------    ----------------------------------

             - Less than 2      - 19 weeks, plus 2 weeks

             - 2 or more        - 19 weeks, plus 1 week for each Year of Service

         Except as provided below, "WEEKLY BASE PAY" shall mean your annual base
         salary at the Effective Date,  excluding  variable pay such as bonuses,
         incentive  awards,  performance  share  awards and other  premiums  and
         allowances, divided by fifty-two (52) weeks.

         If on the Effective  Date you are covered under a sales  incentive plan
         approved by the Plan  Administrator,  "WEEKLY BASE PAY" shall mean your
         Weekly Base Pay as defined above, plus the average weekly incentive pay
         you received  during the  preceding 24 calendar  months (or such lesser
         number of months you were covered under such a plan), not to exceed the
         maximum of the assigned salary range.

         "YEARS OF SERVICE"  shall mean the total number of your  completed full
         years of  employment  measured  from your Company  Service Date to your
         Effective  Date. A "YEAR OF SERVICE" shall mean one completed full year
         of employment with the Company. Your "COMPANY SERVICE

                                     - 4 -

         DATE" is the date used to determine your  eligibility for vesting under
         the applicable  Company retirement plan in effect on the Effective Date
         (or if no such plan is in effect,  such other date as may be designated
         as  your  Company  Service  Date in the  sole  discretion  of the  Plan
         Administrator or designee).


         Full severance will be paid, according to the Schedule of Severance Pay
         set forth in Section 5(A) of this Plan,  for  situations  where you are
         terminated by the Company for performance reasons only if you have been
         in your  current  position for no more than six months and the position
         you held immediately prior to your current position was eliminated.

         For situations  other than the above,  you may elect one of two options
         if you have been given a written  probation notice because of poor work
         performance.  Such probation notice may be a written warning, an action
         plan,  a  performance  action plan, a final  warning,  a final  written
         warning,  a final probation notice or other similar document.  Your two
         options are as  follows:  You may accept the  probation  and attempt to
         improve and maintain your work performance to the level that management
         finds acceptable or you may elect to waive this opportunity and receive
         a special separation  arrangement.  The special separation  arrangement
         will allow you to avoid the  probationary  period,  ending  your active
         employment  immediately;  in exchange  for a release,  you will receive
         half of the severance  shown in the Schedule of Severance Pay set forth
         in Section 5(A) of this Plan. Upon your request, your manager will give
         you a written special separation agreement to review and consider.  The
         Plan  Administrator  or designee has full,  sole  discretion  as to the
         content of the special separation arrangement.

         If you wish to request the special separation arrangement,  the request
         must be made in writing and must be  received by your  manager no later
         than 28 days  before  the end of your  final  probation  for poor  work
         performance.  For  example,  if you have  been told you have 60 days to
         improve or be placed on final  probation,  your request for the special
         severance  arrangement  must be received by your  manager no later than
         the  second  calendar  day  after  you are  placed  on a  final  30 day

         If you do not elect the special  separation  arrangement and you do not
         successfully complete the probation, your employment will be terminated
         for poor work  performance  and you will not be eligible to receive any
         notice or severance pay under this Plan.

6. NOTICE OR PAY IN LIEU OF NOTICE.  In addition to being eligible for severance
pay as provided  above,  at the Company's  discretion,  a Covered  Employee will
normally  receive  either  four weeks  notice and be  required  to perform  such
services as may be requested  by the Company,  or pay in lieu of notice equal to
four weeks of Weekly Base Pay. Any notice  period  provided  shall be considered
active  employment for the purpose of this Plan. A notice period of more or less
than four  weeks,  and/or  notice  pay of more or less than four  weeks,  may be
provided at the sole discretion of the Plan Administrator or designee.

7. FORM AND TIMING OF PAYMENT OF SEVERANCE  PAY.  Severance  pay will be paid in
periodic  payments  according  to  your  regular  payroll  schedule  and at your
semi-monthly  pay rate and in  accordance  with the Company's  semi-monthly  pay
cycle ("PERIODIC  PAYMENT"),  up to your final Periodic Payment. If the date for
your final Periodic Payment falls in the middle of a semi-monthly pay cycle, you
will be paid a pro-rated  amount of such final  Periodic  Payment,  based on the
number of days in the  particular  cycle.

                                     - 5 -

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right at any time to pay
the  remaining  severance  pay in a  single  lump  sum  payment,  to the  extent
determined  appropriate  in the sole  discretion  of the Plan  Administrator  or

Periodic Payment of severance pay will commence as soon as practicable after the
Effective Date. Where the Company exercises its right to make a lump sum payment
of severance pay after the commencement of Periodic Payment,  such lump sum will
be paid as soon as practicable after the Company exercises such right.

                                     - 6 -

In the event of your death while you are receiving Periodic Payment of severance
pay, the amount of severance pay remaining shall be paid,  subject to applicable
law,  in a single  lump sum  payment to your  spouse,  if any,  or to such other
beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  designated by you in writing,  or if you are not
married or failing such designation, to your estate.

In the event you secure  employment  other than with the Company while receiving
Periodic  Payment,  you must notify the  Company.  Upon such  notification,  the
Company  generally  will make a single lump sum payment to you of all  remaining
severance pay.

In the event you  retire  under the  applicable  Company  retirement  plan while
receiving Periodic Payment, the Company will pay you any remaining severance pay
in a single lump sum payment.

Any severance payment provided hereunder will be subject to applicable  federal,
state and local taxes,  which will be withheld from such payment where  required
by applicable law as determined in the sole discretion of the Plan Administrator
or designee.  In addition,  any severance  payment  provided  hereunder  will be
offset by reducing  such payment by any  outstanding  amount that you owe to the
Company for whatever reason.

otherwise  provided in this Plan, as long as you are receiving  Periodic Payment
of  severance  pay  under  this  Plan,  you will  continue  to be  eligible  for
participation in Company employee benefit plans in effect on the Effective Date,
in accordance  with the  applicable  provisions  of such plans.  You will not be
eligible  to  participate  in any Company  salary  continuation,  short-term  or
long-term disability plans, the Company business travel accident plan or any new
employee  benefit plan or any improvement to any existing  employee benefit plan
adopted by the Company after the Effective Date.

If a lump sum payment of severance pay is made,  eligibility  to  participate in
all Company benefit plans ends.

Deductions  for benefit plans for which you remain  eligible will continue while
you are receiving Periodic Payment of severance pay, subject to the maximum time
periods and other  eligibility  requirements  as  specified  by the terms of the
respective plans in effect as of the Effective Date.

the  period  you  are  receiving  Periodic  Payment  of  severance  pay,  unless
specifically  authorized by the Company in writing,  you will not be eligible to
accrue  any  vacation  or  participate  in any (A) bonus  program;  (B)  service
recognition  program;  (C) special  termination  program;  (D) tax or  financial
advisory  services;  (E)  new  or  revised  compensation  program  that  may  be
introduced after the Effective Date; or (F) other employee compensation program,
plan, arrangement,  practice, policy or perquisite.  The period during which you
are receiving  Periodic Payment of severance pay shall not be counted as service
for purposes of any Company long-term incentive  compensation awards outstanding
as of the Effective Date.  Notwithstanding the preceding  sentence,  during such
period you will  continue  to be eligible  to vest in any  outstanding  unvested
deferred  restricted  stock  units  (bonus  swap),  as well  as any  outstanding
unvested  stock option awards except (i) any options  awarded to you on December
17, 1997 or July 19, 2000, and (ii) any other options that are designated  under
the terms of the award of such options as ineligible for continued  crediting of
service during Periodic  Payment of severance pay. Also during such period,  you
will  continue to be eligible to exercise  any  outstanding  vested stock option
awards,  except to the  extent

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that (a) such options first expire under the applicable plan or program,  or (b)
such options are designated

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under  the  terms of the  award of such  options  as  ineligible  for  continued
exercise during Periodic Payment of severance pay. Any unvested restricted stock
and unvested  performance  shares  outstanding  as of the Effective Date will be
canceled as of the Effective Date,  except to the extent  otherwise  provided in
the applicable plan or program.


If the  Company or a  subsidiary  or  affiliate  or division of the Company or a
portion  thereof at which you are employed is sold or divested in a  transaction
that does not qualify as a Change of Control  under  Section 11 hereof,  and you
are not offered a Comparable  Position (as defined in Section 4) either with the
Company, the acquiror,  or the divested unit, you are eligible for severance pay
under Section 5(A) of this Plan (provided that you are not otherwise  ineligible
for severance  pay for any of the reasons  described in Section 4 of this Plan).
Eligibility may be forfeited at the sole discretion of the Plan Administrator or
designee if you voluntarily terminate employment prior to the Effective Date.

Severance  payments and related benefits will not be provided under this Plan if
you continue  employment  with, or are hired on the Effective Date by, or refuse
employment  of a Comparable  Position  with,  the  Company,  the acquiror or the
divested unit.

The  provisions  of this  Section 10 shall  apply to all sales and  divestitures
(whether  accomplished  as sales of assets,  sales of corporate  entities or any
other method),  unless such sale or divestiture qualifies as a Change of Control
under Section 11 hereof,  in which event only the provisions of Section 11 shall

If the entire Company or the portion of the Company at which you are employed is
closed  or  relocated  and you are not  offered  a  Comparable  Position  by the
Company,  you will be provided  severance  pay under  Section  5(A) of this Plan
(provided that you are not otherwise ineligible for severance pay for any of the
reasons  described in Section 4 of this Plan).  Eligibility  may be forfeited at
the sole  discretion of the Plan  Administrator  or designee if you  voluntarily
terminate employment prior to the Effective Date. Severance payments and related
benefits will not be provided if you are offered a Comparable  Position with the
Company and you accept or refuse the Comparable Position.


         (A)  ADDITIONAL  SEVERANCE PAY. In the event of a Change of Control (as
         defined  below),  a Covered  Employee  who within the three year period
         following such Change of Control either is involuntarily  terminated by
         the Company for any reason  other than in a  Termination  For Cause (as
         defined  below),  a termination  due to death or a  termination  due to
         Disability (as defined in The Hartford Investment and Savings Plan), or
         voluntarily  terminates employment with the Company for Good Reason (as
         defined  below),  shall be provided  severance pay equal to the sum of:
         (i) the amount  provided  under the Schedule of Severance Pay set forth
         in Section 5(A), and (ii) the additional  amounts  provided for in this
         Section 11, subject to the limitations imposed by Section 11(D).

                                     - 9 -

         (B)  ADDITIONAL  WEEKS OF WEEKLY BASE PAY.  Subject to Section 11(D), a
         Covered  Employee  referred  to in  Section  11(A)  shall  receive  the
         following  amount,  based  on his or her  Years  of  Service  as of the
         Effective  Date,  up to a combined  maximum of 78 weeks of Weekly  Base

            ----------------        -----------------------------------

            - Less than 2           - 2 additional weeks

            - 2 or more             - 1 additional week for each Year of Service

         (C) PRO RATA  PORTION OF TARGET  BONUS.  Subject to  Section  11(D),  a
         Covered  Employee  referred  to in  Section  11(A)  shall  receive  the
         Pro-Rata  Portion  of the  Target  Bonus,  which  shall be equal to the
         product of: (i) the "TARGET  BONUS,"  which shall mean the annual bonus
         determined  as a  percentage  of annual base salary based on the annual
         target bonus  percentage  established  for Employee under the Executive
         Bonus  Program or the  Performance  Share  Program  (or any  similar or
         successor  plan,  policy or program) for the calendar year in which the
         Effective Date occurs,  or if no such annual target bonus percentage is
         established,  based on the highest actual bonus  percentage  awarded to
         the Employee under the applicable bonus plan, policy or program for the
         last three full calendar years prior to the Effective Date,  multiplied
         by (ii) the "PRO  RATA  PORTION,"  which  shall  mean a  fraction  (the
         "SERVICE  FRACTION"),  the numerator of which is equal to the number of
         rounded  months in such  calendar  year  which  have  elapsed as of the
         Effective  Date, and the  denominator of which is 12;  provided that if
         the Effective Date occurs in the last quarter of any calendar year, the
         Pro-Rata  Portion of the Target Bonus shall mean the amount  determined
         under the above formula or, if greater,  the product of: (a) the annual
         bonus  that  would  have  been  paid to the  Employee  based on  actual
         performance for such calendar year, and (b) the Service Fraction.


                  (I)    DETERMINATION   OF   EXISTENCE   OF   REDUCED   AMOUNT.
                  Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, in the event
                  that  Arthur  Andersen  or such  other  nationally  recognized
                  public  accounting  firm as  designated  by the  Company  (the
                  "ACCOUNTING  FIRM") shall determine that a Covered  Employee's
                  receipt of the Payments would subject such Covered Employee to
                  tax under  Section  4999 of the Code (as defined  below),  the
                  Accounting  Firm shall  determine  whether  some amount of the
                  aggregate Plan Payments meets the definition of Reduced Amount
                  (defined below).

                  AMOUNT.  If the  Accounting  Firm  determines  that there is a
                  Reduced  Amount as provided in the preceding  paragraph,  then
                  the  aggregate  Plan  Payments  (as  defined  below)  shall be
                  reduced to such Reduced  Amount.  The Company  shall  promptly
                  give the Covered  Employee notice to that effect and a copy of
                  the detailed calculation thereof, and the Covered Employee may
                  then elect, in his or her sole discretion,  which and how much
                  of the aggregate  Plan Payments shall be eliminated or reduced
                  (as long as  after  such  election  the  Present  Value of the
                  aggregate Plan Payments equals the Reduced Amount),  and shall
                  advise the

                                     - 10 -

                  Company in writing of his or her  election  within ten days of
                  receipt of such  notice.  If no such  election  is made by the
                  Covered  Employee within such ten-day period,  the Company may
                  elect which portion of such Plan Payments  shall be eliminated
                  or reduced (as long as after such  election the Present  Value
                  of the aggregate Plan Payments  equals the Reduced Amount) and
                  shall notify the Covered  Employee  promptly of such election.
                  All  determinations  made by the  Accounting  Firm  under this
                  Section  shall be binding  upon the  Company  and the  Covered
                  Employee  and shall be made  within 60 days of the  applicable
                  termination  of the  employment  of the Covered  Employee.  As
                  promptly as  practicable  following  such  determination,  the
                  Company  shall pay to or  distribute  for the  benefit  of the
                  Covered  Employee  such Plan  Payments  as are then due to the
                  Covered  Employee  under the Plan and shall promptly pay to or
                  distribute  for the  benefit of the  Covered  Employee  in the
                  future  such  Plan  Payments  as  become  due to  the  Covered
                  Employee under this Plan.

                  SEVERANCE.   If  as  a  result  of  the   uncertainty  in  the
                  application  of  Section  4999 of the  Code at the time of the
                  initial  determination  by the  Accounting  Firm under Section
                  11(D) (i) hereof,  it is possible  that amounts will have been
                  paid or  distributed  by the  Company to or for the benefit of
                  the Covered  Employee  pursuant  to the Plan which  should not
                  have  been  so paid or  distributed  ("Overpayment"),  or that
                  additional   amounts   which   will  have  not  been  paid  or
                  distributed  by the  Company  to or  for  the  benefit  of the
                  Covered Employee pursuant to this Plan that could have been so
                  paid or distributed ("UNDERPAYMENT"), in each case, consistent
                  with the calculation of the Reduced Amount  hereunder.  In the
                  event that the Accounting  Firm, based upon the assertion of a
                  deficiency by the Internal  Revenue Service against either the
                  Company or the  Covered  Employee  which the  Accounting  Firm
                  believes has a high probability of success  determines that an
                  Overpayment  has  been  made,  any  such  Overpayment  paid or
                  distributed  by the  Company  to or  for  the  benefit  of the
                  Covered  Employee  shall be treated for all purposes as a loan
                  to the Covered Employee which the Covered Employee shall repay
                  to the  Company  together  with  interest  at  the  applicable
                  federal rate  provided for in Section  7872(f)(2) of the Code;
                  provided,  however,  that no such loan shall be deemed to have
                  been  made and no  amount  shall  be  payable  by the  Covered
                  Employee  to the Company if and to the extent such deemed loan
                  and  payment  would not either  reduce the amount on which the
                  Covered Employee is subject to tax under Section 1 and Section
                  4999 of the Code or  generate a refund of such  taxes.  In the
                  event  that  the  Accounting   Firm,  based  upon  controlling
                  precedent  or  substantial   authority,   determines  that  an
                  Underpayment  has  occurred,  any such  Underpayment  shall be
                  promptly  paid by the  Company  to or for the  benefit  of the
                  Covered  Employee  together  with  interest at the  applicable
                  federal rate provided for in Section 7872(f)(2) of the Code.

                  (IV)  FEES  AND  EXPENSES  OF  ACCOUNTING  FIRM.  All fees and
                  expenses of the Accounting Firm in implementing the provisions
                  of this Section 11(D) shall be borne by the Company.

         (E) FORM AND TIMING OF SEVERANCE  PAY. The  additional  weeks of Weekly
         Base Pay  provided  for under  Section  11(B) shall be paid in a single
         lump sum immediately  following the date of the applicable  involuntary
         termination.  The  Pro-Rata  Portion of the Target  Bonus  provided for
         under Section 11(C) shall be paid as follows: (i) if the Effective Date
         occurs in the first, second or third

                                     - 11 -

         calendar  quarter of any particular  calendar  year,  then the Pro-Rata
         Portion of the Target Bonus shall be paid in a single lump sum no later
         than 10 days  following  the  Effective  Date; or (ii) if the Effective
         Date occurs in the fourth calendar  quarter of any particular  calendar
         year, then the Pro-Rata  Portion of the Target Bonus shall be paid in a
         single lump sum no later than the same time as similar  awards are paid
         to other executives  participating in the plans or programs under which
         the  awards  are  paid,  but in no  event  later  than  March 31 of the
         calendar year  immediately  following  the end of such fourth  calendar
         quarter. The Tax Reimbursement Payment provided for under Section 11(D)
         shall be paid at the time specified in Section 11(D).

         (F)  DEFINITIONS.  For purposes of this Section 11, the following terms
         shall have the following meanings:

                  "ACT" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                  "BASE SALARY" means the amount a Covered  Employee is entitled
                  to  receive  from  the  Company  as  wages  or  salary  on  an
                  annualized basis as consideration  for the Covered  Employee's
                  services,  including earned but deferred wages or salary,  but
                  excluding all bonus, overtime, and incentive compensation.

                  "BENEFICIAL   OWNER"   means  any  Person  who,   directly  or
                  indirectly,  has  the  right  to  vote  or  dispose  of or has
                  "beneficial ownership" (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under
                  the Act) of any  securities  of a company,  including any such
                  right pursuant to any agreement,  arrangement or understanding
                  (whether or not in writing), provided that: (i) a Person shall
                  not be deemed the Beneficial Owner of any security as a result
                  of an agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding  to vote such
                  security (a) arising solely from a revocable  proxy or consent
                  given in  response to a public  proxy or consent  solicitation
                  made  pursuant  to, and in  accordance  with,  the Act and the
                  applicable  rules and regulations  thereunder,  or (b) made in
                  connection  with, or to otherwise  participate  in, a proxy or
                  consent  solicitation made, or to be made, pursuant to, and in
                  accordance with, the applicable  provisions of the Act and the
                  applicable  rules and regulations  thereunder,  in either case
                  described  in clause  (a) or (b)  above,  whether  or not such
                  agreement,   arrangement   or   understanding   is  also  then
                  reportable  by such Person on  Schedule  13D under the Act (or
                  any comparable or successor report); and (ii) a Person engaged
                  in  business  as an  underwriter  of  securities  shall not be
                  deemed to be the  Beneficial  Owner of any  security  acquired
                  through such  Person's  participation  in good faith in a firm
                  commitment  underwriting  until the  expiration  of forty days
                  after the date of such acquisition.

                  "CHANGE  OF  CONTROL"  means  the  occurrence  of  any of the
                  following events:

                           (I) a report on Schedule  13D shall be filed with the
                           Securities  and  Exchange   Commission   pursuant  to
                           Section 13(d) of the Act  disclosing  that any Person
                           other  than  The  Hartford  or a  subsidiary  of  The
                           Hartford or any employee  benefit  plan  sponsored by
                           The Hartford or a subsidiary of The Hartford,  is the
                           Beneficial  Owner  directly or  indirectly  of twenty
                           percent  or  more  of the  outstanding  stock  of The
                           Hartford   entitled  to  vote  in  the   election  of
                           directors of The Hartford;

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                           (II)  any  Person,  other  than  The  Hartford  or  a
                           subsidiary  of The Hartford or any  employee  benefit
                           plan sponsored by The Hartford or a subsidiary of The
                           Hartford,  shall purchase shares pursuant to a tender
                           offer or  exchange  offer to acquire any stock of The
                           Hartford (or securities  convertible  into stock) for
                           cash, securities or any other consideration, provided
                           that after  consummation of the offer,  the Person in
                           question is the Beneficial  Owner of fifteen  percent
                           or  more of the  outstanding  stock  of The  Hartford
                           entitled to vote in the  election of directors of The
                           Hartford  (calculated as provided in paragraph (d) of
                           Rule  13d-3  under  the Act in the case of  rights to
                           acquire stock);

                                     - 13 -

                           (III) the  stockholders of The Hartford shall approve
                           (a) any consolidation or merger in which The Hartford
                           is not the  continuing  or surviving  corporation  or
                           pursuant  to which  shares  of stock of The  Hartford
                           entitled to vote in the  election of directors of The
                           Hartford would be converted into cash,  securities or
                           other property,  other than a consolidation or merger
                           of The Hartford in which holders of such stock of The
                           Hartford  immediately  prior to the  consolidation or
                           merger have the same proportionate ownership of stock
                           of the surviving  corporation entitled to vote in the
                           election   of   directors   immediately   after   the
                           consolidation or merger as immediately before, or (b)
                           any sale,  lease,  exchange or other transfer (in one
                           transaction or a series of related  transactions)  of
                           all or substantially  all the assets of The Hartford;

                           (IV) within any 12 month period, the persons who were
                           directors  of The  Hartford  immediately  before  the
                           beginning of such period (the "INCUMBENT DIRECTORS OF
                           THE HARTFORD") shall cease (for any reason other than
                           death) to constitute at least a majority of the board
                           of   directors  of  The  Hartford  or  the  board  of
                           directors of any successor to The Hartford,  provided
                           that  any  director  of The  Hartford  who  was not a
                           director  of The  Hartford at the  beginning  of such
                           period shall be deemed to be an Incumbent Director of
                           The Hartford if such  director (a) was elected to the
                           board of  directors  of The  Hartford  by,  or on the
                           recommendation  of or with the  approval of, at least
                           two-thirds  of the directors of The Hartford who then
                           qualified  as  Incumbent  Directors  of The  Hartford
                           either  actually or by prior operation of this clause
                           (iv),  and (b) was not designated by a Person who has
                           entered into an agreement with The Hartford to effect
                           a transaction  described in the immediately preceding
                           clause (iii) hereof.

         "CODE" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         "GOOD  REASON" means the  occurrence of any of the following  after the
         occurrence  of a Change of  Control:  (i) a  reduction  in the  Covered
         Employee's  Base Salary below the Required Base Salary;  (ii) a greater
         than 10%  reduction in the level of the Total  Compensation  offered to
         the Covered Employee in comparison to the Total Compensation enjoyed by
         the Covered  Employee  immediately  prior to the Change of Control;  or
         (iii) the Company's  requiring the Covered  Employee to be based at any
         office or location  more than 50 miles from the location at which he or
         she  performed  services  immediately  prior to the Change of  Control,
         except for travel reasonably required in the performance of the Covered
         Employee's responsibilities.

         "NET AFTER-TAX RECEIPT" means the Present Value of a Payment net of all
         taxes  imposed on the  Covered  Employee  with  respect  thereto  under
         Sections  1 and 4999 of the Code and under  applicable  state and local
         laws,  determined by applying the highest marginal rate under Section 1
         of the Code and under state and local laws which applied to the Covered
         Employee's  taxable income for the immediately  preceding taxable year,
         or such other rate(s) as the Covered  Employee  shall  certify,  in the
         sole  discretion  of the  Covered  Employee,  as likely to apply to the
         Covered Employee in the relevant tax year(s).

         "PAYMENT"   means  any  payment  or   distribution  in  the  nature  of
         compensation  to or for the  benefit

                                     - 14 -

         of the Covered Employee,  whether paid or payable pursuant to this Plan
         or otherwise.

         "PERSON"  has the meaning  ascribed to such term in Section  3(a)(9) of
         the Act, as  supplemented  by Section  13(d)(3)  of the Act;  provided,
         however, that Person shall not include (i) The Hartford, any subsidiary
         of The Hartford or any other Person controlled by any of the foregoing,
         (ii) any  trustee  or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under  any
         employee  benefit  plan of The  Hartford  or of any  subsidiary  of The
         Hartford, or (iii) a corporation owned, directly or indirectly,  by the
         stockholders  of The Hartford in  substantially  the same proportion as
         their ownership of securities of The Hartford.

         "PLAN  PAYMENT"  means a Payment paid or payable  pursuant to this Plan
         (disregarding Section 11(D)).

         "PRESENT  VALUE"  means such value as  determined  in  accordance  with
         Sections 280G(b)(2)(A)(ii) and 280G(d)(4) of Code.

         "REDUCED  AMOUNT"  means the smallest  amount of Plan Payments that (i)
         has a Present  Value  that is less than the  Present  Value of all Plan
         Payments,  and (ii) results in aggregate Net After-Tax Receipts for all
         Payments  that are  greater  than the Net  After-Tax  Receipts  for all
         Payments  that  would  result if the  aggregate  Present  Value of Plan
         Payments  were any other amount that is less than the Present  Value of
         all Plan Payments.

         "REQUIRED  BASE SALARY" means with respect to any Covered  Employee the
         higher  of  (i)  the  Covered  Employee's  Base  Salary  as  in  effect
         immediately  prior  to the  Change  of  Control,  or (ii)  the  Covered
         Employee's highest Base Salary in effect at any time thereafter.

         "TERMINATION  FOR CAUSE"  means,  for purposes of this Section 11 only,
         the following:  a termination of a Covered Employee's employment due to
         (i) the Covered Employee's  conviction of a felony; (ii) an act or acts
         of extreme  dishonesty or gross  misconduct  on the Covered  Employee's
         part which result or are  intended to result in material  damage to the
         Company's business or reputation; or (iii) repeated material violations
         by the Covered  Employee of his or her obligations to devote his or her
         full attention during normal business hours to the business and affairs
         of the Company and to use his or her best efforts to perform faithfully
         and efficiently the responsibilities  assigned to such Covered Employee
         except for time away from work authorized by Company policy or state or
         federal law, which violations are  demonstrably  willful and deliberate
         on the Covered  Employee's  part and which result in material damage to
         the Company's business or reputation.

         "THE HARTFORD" means The Hartford  Financial Services Group, Inc., or a
         successor by merger, purchase or otherwise.

         "TOTAL  COMPENSATION"  means the aggregate of a Covered Employee's Base
         Salary,  Target  Bonus (as defined in Section  11(C)  hereof),  and the
         value of any long-term  incentive  compensation  award  (including  any
         option  award)  made  to the  Employee  under  any  The  Hartford  2000
         Incentive Stock Plan (or any successor plan,  policy or program),  such
         value to be determined as of the date such award was made.

                                     - 15 -

12. REHIRING. If you are rehired by the Company while receiving Periodic Payment
of severance  you will no longer be entitled to  severance  pay under this Plan;
provided,  however,  that  if  you  are  rehired  by  the  Company  following  a
termination  in  connection  with a Change of Control,  you will not be required
pursuant to the  following  paragraph to reimburse the Company as a condition to
your rehire if you already have received a lump sum payment of severance pay.

If a lump sum payment of severance  pay was made to you, you will be required to
reimburse  the Company in an amount  equal to the number of weeks of Weekly Base
Pay  provided  to you  under  the  Schedule  of  Severance  Pay,  less an amount
calculated by multiplying  such number of weeks of Weekly Base Pay by the number
of  weeks  elapsing  from  the  Effective   Date  to  your  rehire  date.   Such
reimbursement must be made as a condition to your being rehired.

13. OFFSET. Any severance pay provided to you under this Plan shall be offset by
reducing such amount by any  severance  pay,  termination  pay or similar pay or
allowance  which you  receive or are  entitled  to  receive  (A) under any other
Company plan,  policy,  practice,  program or  arrangement;  (B) pursuant to any
individual  written  employment  agreement or other written  agreement  with the
Company; or (C) by virtue of any law, custom or practice excluding, however, any
unemployment compensation which you may receive as a state unemployment award.

Any  severance  pay  provided  to you under  this Plan  shall  also be offset by
reducing such amount by any  severance  pay,  termination  pay or similar pay or
allowance  you may  have  received  as a  result  of any  prior  termination  of
employment  with the Company  unless,  as of the Effective  Date,  you have been
re-employed for a period  exceeding one year, in which case you will be eligible
to receive severance pay according to the above Schedule of Severance Pay to the
extent permitted by this Plan.

Any  severance  pay and any notice pay  provided to you under this Plan shall be
offset by reducing such severance pay and notice pay by any payments made to you
by the Company pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
("WARN") and any similar  federal,  state or local law. Except as provided above
with  regard to WARN and similar  laws,  notice pay under this Plan shall not be
subject to offset.

Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  in the  event  of a  Change  of  Control,  the
Company's  obligation to make the severance  payments and any other  payments to
you under  this Plan upon any  termination  following  a Change of  Control  and
otherwise to perform its obligations  hereunder upon any termination following a
Change of Control  shall not be  affected  by any set-off for monies owed to the
Company, counterclaim, recoupment, defense or other claim, right or action which
the  Company  may have  against  you or  others  and,  in no event  shall you be
obligated to seek other employment or take any other action by way of mitigation
of the amounts  payable to you under any of the provisions of this Plan and such
amounts shall not be reduced whether or not you obtain other employment.

14. ADMINISTRATION OF PLAN. Responsibility for administration of this Plan rests
with  Hartford  Fire  Insurance  Company's  Group Senior Vice  President,  Human
Resources (or other person holding a position with similar  responsibilities) or
his or her designee (the "Plan  Administrator").  The Plan  Administrator  shall
have the exclusive right to interpret this Plan, adopt any rules and regulations
for carrying out this Plan as may be appropriate  and decide any and all matters
arising under this Plan,  including,  but not limited to, the right to determine
appeals.  Subject to applicable federal and state law,

                                     - 16 -

all  interpretations  and  decisions by the Plan  Administrator  shall be final,
conclusive and binding on all parties affected thereby.

15.  TERMINATION OR AMENDMENT.  The Plan  Administrator  shall have the power to
make any  amendments  to the Plan  that do not  involve a  material  cost to the
Company or are  required by  applicable  law. Any other  amendments  to the Plan
shall be made by the Board of  Directors  of Hartford  Fire  Insurance  Company.
Hartford Fire Insurance  Company through the appropriate  committee of its Board
of Directors,  reserves the right in its sole  discretion to terminate,  modify,
amend or change this Plan ("PLAN  CHANGE") at any time without  prior notice and
no consent of any person shall be required, except that (A) no such Plan Change,
and no Plan  amendment made by the Plan  Administrator,  may reduce or adversely
affect  severance  pay for any employee who is already  receiving  severance pay
under the Plan prior to such Plan Change or amendment, and (B) in the event of a
Change of Control as defined in Section 11 above, no modification,  amendment or
other change shall be made to this Plan,  and this Plan shall not be terminated,
for a period of three years following the date of such Change of Control.


o        In cases where  severance pay is provided  under this Plan, pay in lieu
         of any unused vacation entitlement will be paid to you in a single lump
         sum payment by the time  severance  pay  ceases.  Such lump sum payment
         will not have the effect of extending your service with the Company for
         any purpose.

o        Benefits under this Plan are paid for by the Company  entirely from its
         general assets.

o        The section  headings  contained in this Plan are  included  solely for
         convenience of reference and shall not in any way affect the meaning of
         any provision of this Plan.

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