Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

(Mark One)

     ACT OF 1934

            For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003



            For the transition period from ____________ to ______________
                        Commission file number 001-13958
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            DELAWARE                                          13-3317783
(State or other jurisdiction of                            (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                            Identification No.)

                HARTFORD PLAZA, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06115-1900
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (860) 547-5000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Securities  registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: the following,  all
of which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.:

Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share

7.45% Trust Originated Preferred Securities, Series C, issued by Hartford
      Capital III
6% Equity Units
7% Equity Units

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

7.75% Notes due June 15, 2005       6.375%  Notes due  November 1, 2008
2.375%  Notes due June 1, 2006      4.1% Equity Unit Notes due November 16, 2008
4.7% Notes due  September  1, 2007  7.9% Notes due June 15, 2010
2.56% Equity Unit Notes due August  4.625% Notes due July 15, 2013
  16, 2008                          7.3% Debentures due November 1, 2015

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ ]

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act) Yes [X] No [ ].

The aggregate market value of the shares of Common Stock held by  non-affiliates
of the registrant as of June 30, 2003, was $14,167,000,000  based on the closing
price of $50.36 per share of the Common Stock on the New York Stock  Exchange on
June 30, 2003.

As of February 20, 2004,  there were  outstanding  291,345,148  shares of Common
Stock, $0.01 par value per share, of the registrant.

                      Documents Incorporated by Reference:
Portions of the  Registrant's  definitive  proxy  statement  for its 2004 annual
meeting of shareholders  are  incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form


        ITEM  DESCRIPTION                                                   PAGE

PART I    1   Business                                                        2
          2   Properties                                                     14
          3   Legal Proceedings                                              14
          4   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders            16

PART II   5   Market for The Hartford's Common Equity and Related
              Stockholder Matters                                            16
          6   Selected Financial Data                                        18
          7   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
              Condition and Results of Operations                            19
          7A  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk     80
          8   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                    80
          9   Changes in and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting
              and Financial Disclosure                                       80
          9A  Controls and Procedures                                        80

PART III  10  Directors and Executive Officers of The Hartford               80
          11  Executive Compensation                                         81
          12  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
              Management                                                     81
          13  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                 81
          14  Principal Accounting Fees and Services                         81

PART IV   15  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports
              on Form 8-K                                                    81
              Signatures                                                    II-1
              Exhibits Index                                                II-2




The Hartford  Financial  Services Group,  Inc.  (together with its subsidiaries,
"The  Hartford" or the  "Company")  is a  diversified  insurance  and  financial
services  company.  The Hartford,  headquartered  in  Connecticut,  is among the
largest providers of investment products,  individual life, group life and group
disability  insurance products,  and property and casualty insurance products in
the United  States.  Hartford Fire  Insurance  Company,  founded in 1810, is the
oldest  of The  Hartford's  subsidiaries.  The  Hartford  writes  insurance  and
reinsurance  in the United  States and  internationally.  At December  31, 2003,
total assets and total stockholders'  equity of The Hartford were $225.9 billion
and $11.6 billion, respectively.


The Hartford  strives to maintain  and enhance its  position as a market  leader
within the financial  services industry and to maximize  shareholder  value. The
Company  pursues a strategy of  developing  and selling  diverse and  innovative
products through multiple  distribution  channels,  continuously  developing and
expanding  those  distribution  channels,  achieving cost  efficiencies  through
economies  of  scale  and  improved  technology,   maintaining   effective  risk
management and prudent  underwriting  techniques and  capitalizing  on its brand
name  and  customer  recognition  of The  Hartford  Stag  Logo,  one of the most
recognized symbols in the financial services industry.

As a holding  company that is separate and distinct from its  subsidiaries,  The
Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. has no significant  business  operations
of its own. Therefore, it relies on the dividends from its insurance company and
other subsidiaries as the principal source of cash flow to meet its obligations.
Additional  information  regarding  the  cash  flow and  liquidity  needs of The
Hartford  Financial  Services Group,  Inc. may be found in the Capital Resources
and  Liquidity  section of  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A").

The Company  maintains  a retail  mutual fund  operation,  whereby the  Company,
through   wholly-owned   subsidiaries,   provides   investment   management  and
administrative  services to The  Hartford  Mutual  Funds,  Inc. and The Hartford
Mutual  Funds II, Inc.  ("The  Hartford  mutual  funds"),  families of 34 mutual
funds.  Investors can purchase  "shares" in the mutual  funds,  all of which are
registered  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission in accordance  with the
Investment  Company Act of 1940. The mutual funds are owned by the  shareholders
of those funds and not by the Company.

On April 2, 2001,  The  Hartford  acquired  the United  States  individual  life
insurance,  annuity and mutual fund  businesses  of Fortis,  Inc.  (operating as
"Fortis  Financial  Group",  or "Fortis") for $1.12 billion in cash. The Company
effected  the   acquisition   through   several   reinsurance   agreements  with
subsidiaries of Fortis and the purchase of 100% of the stock of Fortis Advisors,
Inc. and Fortis Investors, Inc., wholly-owned subsidiaries of Fortis.

On December 31, 2003 the Company acquired certain of CNA Financial Corporation's
group life and accident,  and short-term and long-term disability businesses for
$485 in cash.  The  purchase  price  paid on  December  31,  2003 was based on a
September  30,  2003  valuation  of the  businesses  acquired.  During the first
quarter of 2004,  the purchase  price will be adjusted to reflect a December 31,
2003 valuation of the businesses acquired.  Currently the Company estimates that
adjustment  to the  purchase  price to be an increase of $51. As a result of the
acquisition being effective on December 31, 2003, there were no income statement
effects recorded for the year ended December 31, 2003, although the acquired CNA
assets and  liabilities  were  reflected on the  Company's  balance  sheet.  For
additional  information,  see the Capital Resources and Liquidity section of the
MD&A and Note 18 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


The  Hartford  is  organized  into two major  operations:  Life and  Property  &
Casualty. Within these operations, The Hartford conducts business principally in
nine operating  segments.  Additionally,  Corporate  includes  certain  interest
expense, capital raising and purchase accounting adjustment activities,  as well
as capital  raised  that has not been  contributed  to the  Company's  insurance

Life is organized into four reportable operating segments:  Investment Products,
Individual Life, Group Benefits and Corporate Owned Life Insurance ("COLI"). The
Company also includes in "Other"  corporate items not directly  allocable to any
of its reportable  operating segments,  principally  interest expense as well as
its international  operations,  which are primarily located in Japan and Brazil,
realized capital gains and losses and intersegment eliminations.

Property & Casualty is organized into five reportable  operating  segments:  the
North American  underwriting  segments of Business  Insurance,  Personal  Lines,
Specialty  Commercial and Reinsurance;  and the Other Operations segment,  which
includes   substantially  all  of  the  Company's   asbestos  and  environmental
exposures.  "North American" includes the combined  underwriting  results of the
Business  Insurance,   Personal  Lines,  Specialty  Commercial  and  Reinsurance
underwriting  segments.  Property & Casualty  also  includes  income and expense
items not directly  allocated to these segments,  such as net investment income,
net  realized  capital  gains and losses,  other  expenses  including  interest,
severance and income taxes.

The following is a description  of Life and Property & Casualty  along with each
of their segments,  including a discussion of principal products,  marketing and
distribution  and  competitive  environments.   Additional  information  on  The
Hartford's  reporting  segments may be found in the MD&A and Note 17 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.


Life's business is conducted by the subsidiaries of Hartford Life, Inc. ("HLI"),
a leading  financial  services and insurance  organization.  Through  Life,  The
Hartford provides (i) investment products,  including variable annuities,  fixed
market  value  adjusted  ("MVA")  annuities,  mutual funds and  retirement  plan
services  for the savings and  retirement  needs of over 1.5

                                      - 2 -

million customers,  (ii) life insurance for wealth protection,  accumulation and
transfer  needs  for  approximately  735,000  customers,  (iii)  group  benefits
products  such as group life and group  disability  insurance for the benefit of
millions of individuals and (iv) corporate owned life insurance,  which includes
life  insurance  policies  purchased by a company on the lives of its employees.
The  Company is one of the largest  sellers of  individual  variable  annuities,
variable  universal life insurance and group disability  insurance in the United
States. The Company's strong position in each of its core businesses provides an
opportunity  to increase  the sale of The  Hartford's  products  and services as
individuals  increasingly save and plan for retirement,  protect  themselves and
their families against the financial uncertainties associated with disability or
death and  engage in estate  planning.  In an effort to  advance  the  Company's
strategy of growing its  businesses,  The  Hartford  acquired the group life and
accident,  and short-term and long-term  disability  businesses of CNA Financial
Corporation on December 31, 2003, and the individual life insurance, annuity and
mutual fund  businesses of Fortis on April 2, 2001. For additional  information,
see the Capital Resources and Liquidity section of the MD&A and Note 18 of Notes
to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements.  In addition,  The Hartford's  Japanese
operation achieved $3.7 billion, $1.4 billion and $462 in variable annuity sales
for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001,  respectively.  The growth
in sales was the primary  reason for the  increased  account  values  related to
Japan, which grew to more than $6.2 billion as of December 31, 2003 up from $1.7
billion as of December 31, 2002.

HLI is among the largest consolidated life insurance groups in the United States
based on  statutory  assets as of December 31,  2003.  In the past year,  Life's
total assets under management, which include $22.5 billion of third-party assets
invested in the Company's mutual funds and 529 College Savings Plans,  increased
27% to $210.1  billion at December 31, 2003 from $165.1  billion at December 31,
2002. Life generated revenues of $8.1 billion,  $6.9 billion and $7.4 billion in
2003, 2002 and 2001,  respectively.  Additionally,  Life generated net income of
$769, $557 and $685 in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


Life maintains advantageous economies of scale and operating efficiencies due to
its  growth,  attention  to expense  and claims  management  and  commitment  to
customer  service  and  technology.   These  advantages  allow  the  Company  to
competitively price its products for its distribution network and policyholders.
In addition,  the Company utilizes computer technology to enhance communications
within the Company and throughout its  distribution  network in order to improve
the Company's  efficiency in marketing,  selling and servicing its products and,
as  a  result,   provides  high-quality  customer  service.  In  recognition  of
excellence in customer service for variable annuities,  HLI was awarded the 2003
Annuity  Service  Award by  DALBAR  Inc.,  a  recognized  independent  financial
services research organization, for the eighth consecutive year. HLI is the only
company  to  receive  this  prestigious  award  in  every  year  of the  award's
existence.  Also, in 2003 the Company  earned its first DALBAR Awards for Mutual
Fund and  Retirement  Plan Service  which  recognize  Hartford Life as the No. 1
service  provider  of  mutual  funds  and  retirement  plans  in  the  industry.
Additionally,  the Company's  Individual Life segment won its third  consecutive
DALBAR  award for  service of life  insurance  customers  and its second  DALBAR
Intermediary Service Award in 2003.


Life's  product  designs,  prudent  underwriting  standards and risk  management
techniques are intended to protect it against  disintermediation  risk,  greater
than  expected  mortality  and  morbidity  experience  and, for certain  product
features,  specifically  the  guaranteed  minimum  death  benefit  ("GMDB")  and
guaranteed  minimum  withdrawal  benefit  ("GMWB") offered with variable annuity
products,  equity market  volatility.  As of December 31, 2003,  the Company had
limited exposure to disintermediation  risk on approximately 96% of its domestic
life  insurance  and  annuity  liabilities  through  the  use of  non-guaranteed
separate   accounts,   MVA  features,   policy  loans,   surrender  charges  and
non-surrenderability   provisions.  The  Company  effectively  utilizes  prudent
underwriting  to  select  and  price  insurance  risks  and  regularly  monitors
mortality  and  morbidity   assumptions  to  determine  if  experience   remains
consistent with these assumptions and to ensure that its product pricing remains
appropriate.  The Company also enforces disciplined claims management to protect
itself  against  greater than expected  morbidity  experience.  The Company uses
reinsurance  structures  and has  modified  benefit  features  to  mitigate  the
mortality  exposure  associated with GMDB. The Company also uses  reinsurance in
combination  with derivative  instruments to minimize the volatility  associated
with the GMWB liability.


The Investment Products segment focuses, through the sale of individual variable
and fixed annuities, mutual funds, retirement plan services and other investment
products,  on the  savings  and  retirement  needs  of  the  growing  number  of
individuals who are preparing for retirement or who have already  retired.  This
segment's  assets under  management  grew to $146.5 billion at December 31, 2003
from $110.2 billion at December 31, 2002. Investment Products generated revenues
of $3.8  billion,  $3.1  billion  and  $3.3  billion  in 2003,  2002  and  2001,
respectively,  of which individual annuities accounted for $1.8 billion for 2003
and $1.5  billion  for 2002 and  2001.  Net  income in the  Investment  Products
segment was $510, $432 and $463 in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

The Company sells both variable and fixed individual  annuity products through a
wide distribution network of national and regional broker-dealer  organizations,
banks and other financial  institutions and independent financial advisors.  The
Company is a market leader in the annuity  industry with sales of $16.5 billion,
$11.6  billion  and $10.0  billion  in 2003,  2002 and 2001,  respectively.  The
Company was the largest seller of individual  retail  variable  annuities in the
United  States with sales of $15.7  billion,  $10.3  billion and $9.0 billion in
2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.  In addition, the Company continues to be the
largest  seller of individual  retail  variable  annuities  through banks in the
United States.

The Company's  total account  value related to individual  annuity  products was
$97.7  billion as of December  31,  2003.  Of this total  account  value,  $86.5
billion,  or 89%,  related to  individual  variable  annuity  products and $11.2
billion,  or 11%, related primarily to fixed MVA annuity  products.  At December
31, 2002,  the Company's  total  account  value  related to  individual

                                      - 3 -

annuity products was $74.9 billion.  Of this total account value, $64.3 billion,
or 86%, related to individual  variable  annuity products and $10.6 billion,  or
14%, related primarily to fixed MVA annuity products.

In addition to its leading position in individual  annuities,  Life continues to
emerge as a significant  participant  in the mutual fund  business.  In 2003 The
Hartford  mutual  funds  reached  $20  billion in assets  faster  than any other
retail-oriented  mutual fund family in history,  according to Strategic Insight.
As of December  31,  2003,  retail  mutual fund assets were $20.3  billion.  The
Company is also among the top  providers of  retirement  products and  services,
including asset management and plan administration sold to small and medium size
corporations pursuant to Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (referred to as "401(k)") and to municipalities  pursuant to Section 457
and 403 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as  amended  (referred  to as
"Section 457" and "403(b)",  respectively). The Company also provides structured
settlement  contracts,  terminal funding products and other investment  products
such as guaranteed  investment  contracts  ("GICs").  In 2002, the Company began
selling 529 college savings products.

Principal Products
- ------------------

Individual  Variable  Annuities  -- Life  earns  fees,  based on  policyholders'
account   values,   for  managing   variable   annuity  assets  and  maintaining
policyholder  accounts.  The Company  uses  specified  portions of the  periodic
deposits  paid by a customer  to purchase  units in one or more mutual  funds as
directed by the customer,  who then assumes the investment performance risks and
rewards.  As  a  result,  variable  annuities  permit  policyholders  to  choose
aggressive or  conservative  investment  strategies,  as they deem  appropriate,
without affecting the composition and quality of assets in the Company's general
account.  These  products  offer the  policyholder a variety of equity and fixed
income options,  as well as the ability to earn a guaranteed rate of interest in
the general  account of the Company.  The Company offers an enhanced  guaranteed
rate of interest for a specified  period of time (no longer than twelve  months)
if the  policyholder  elects to  dollar-cost  average  funds from the  Company's
general account into one or more non-guaranteed separate accounts. Additionally,
the  Investment  Products  segment sells variable  annuity  contracts that offer
various guaranteed death benefits.  For certain  guaranteed death benefits,  The
Hartford pays the greater of (1) the account value at death;  (2) the sum of all
premium payments less prior withdrawals; or (3) the maximum anniversary value of
the contract,  plus any premium payments since the contract  anniversary,  minus
any withdrawals following the contract anniversary.

Policyholders  may make  deposits  of varying  amounts  at regular or  irregular
intervals  and the  value of these  assets  fluctuates  in  accordance  with the
investment  performance of the funds selected by the policyholder.  To encourage
persistency,  many of the Company's individual variable annuities are subject to
withdrawal restrictions and surrender charges.  Surrender charges range up to 8%
of the  contract's  deposits less  withdrawals,  and reduce to zero on a sliding
scale,  usually  within seven years from the deposit date.  Individual  variable
annuity account values of $86.5 billion as of December 31, 2003, have grown from
$64.3  billion as of December 31, 2002,  due to strong net cash flow,  resulting
from  high  levels  of  sales,  low  levels  of  surrenders  and  equity  market
appreciation.  Approximately  90% and  88% of the  individual  variable  annuity
account values were held in non-guaranteed  separate accounts as of December 31,
2003 and 2002, respectively.

In August  2002,  the  Company  introduced  Principal  First,  a new  guaranteed
withdrawal  benefit  rider  which  is sold in  conjunction  with  the  Company's
variable annuity contracts.  The Principal First rider provides the policyholder
with a guaranteed  remaining  balance ("GRB") if the account value is reduced to
zero  through a  combination  of market  declines  and  withdrawals.  The GRB is
generally equal to premiums less withdrawals.  However,  annual withdrawals that
exceed 7% of the premiums paid may reduce the GRB by an amount  greater than the
withdrawals  and may also impact the guaranteed  annual  withdrawal  amount that
subsequently applies after the excess annual withdrawals occur. The policyholder
also has the option,  after a  specified  time  period,  to reset the GRB to the
then-current account value, if greater.

The  assets  underlying  the  Company's  variable  annuities  are  managed  both
internally and by independent  money  managers,  while the Company  provides all
policy  administration  services.  The Company  utilizes a select group of money
managers,  such as Wellington  Management Company, LLP ("Wellington");  Hartford
Investment Management Company ("Hartford Investment Management"), a wholly-owned
subsidiary of The Hartford; Putnam Financial Services, Inc. ("Putnam"); American
Funds;  MFS Investment  Management  ("MFS");  Franklin  Templeton Group; and AIM
Investments  ("AIM").  All have an interest in the continued  growth in sales of
the Company's products and enhance the marketability of the Company's  annuities
and  the  strength  of its  product  offerings.  Hartford  Leaders,  which  is a
multi-manager   variable  annuity  that  combines  the  product   manufacturing,
wholesaling  and  service  capabilities  of  the  Company  with  the  investment
management  expertise  of  four  of  the  nation's  most  successful  investment
management organizations: American Funds, Franklin Templeton Group, AIM and MFS,
has emerged as the industry  leader in terms of retail sales.  In addition,  the
Director variable annuity, which is managed in part by Wellington,  ranks second
in the industry in terms of retail sales.

Fixed MVA  Annuities -- Fixed MVA  annuities  are fixed rate  annuity  contracts
which  guarantee a specific  sum of money to be paid in the future,  either as a
lump sum or as monthly  income.  In the event that a  policyholder  surrenders a
policy prior to the end of the guarantee  period,  the MVA feature  increases or
decreases  the cash  surrender  value of the annuity in respect of any  interest
rate decreases or increases,  respectively,  thereby protecting the Company from
losses  due to higher  interest  rates at the time of  surrender.  The amount of
payment will not  fluctuate due to adverse  changes in the Company's  investment
return,  mortality  experience  or expenses.  The  Company's  primary  fixed MVA
annuities  have terms  varying  from one to ten years  with an  average  term of
approximately  four  years.  Account  values of fixed MVA  annuities  were $11.2
billion and $10.6 billion as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Mutual Funds -- In September 1996, Life launched a family of retail mutual funds
for  which  the  Company  provides  investment   management  and  administrative
services.  The fund family has grown  significantly from 8 funds at inception to
the current

                                      - 4 -

offering of 34 funds,  including the addition of the Hartford Equity Income Fund
introduced in 2003.  The Company's  funds are managed by Wellington and Hartford
Investment  Management.  The Company has entered into  agreements  with over 960
financial services firms to distribute these mutual funds.

The Company  charges fees to the  shareholders  of the mutual  funds,  which are
recorded as revenue by the Company.  Investors can purchase shares in the mutual
funds, all of which are registered with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,
in  accordance  with the  Investment  Company Act of 1940.  The mutual funds are
owned by the  shareholders  of those funds and not by the Company.  As such, the
mutual fund assets and liabilities,  as well as related investment returns,  are
not reflected in the Company's consolidated  financial statements.  Total retail
mutual fund assets under  management  were $20.3 billion and $14.1 billion as of
December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Governmental  -- The Company  sells  retirement  plan  products  and services to
municipalities under Section 457 plans. The Company offers a number of different
investment  products,  including variable  annuities and fixed products,  to the
employees in Section 457 plans. Generally, with the variable products,  Hartford
Investment  Management  manages the fixed income funds and certain other outside
money  managers act as advisors to the equity funds offered in Section 457 plans
administered by the Company.  As of December 31, 2003, the Company  administered
over 3,000 plans under Section 457 and 403(b).  Total governmental  assets under
management  were $9.7 billion and $7.9 billion as of December 31, 2003 and 2002,

Corporate  -- The  Company  sells  retirement  plan  products  and  services  to
corporations  under  Section  401(k) plans  targeting  the small and medium case
markets.  The Company believes these markets are  under-penetrated in comparison
to the large case market. As of December 31, 2003, the Company administered over
4,100 Section 401(k) plans.  Total corporate  assets under  management were $5.2
billion and $3.4 billion as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Institutional  Investment  Products -- The Company sells the following products:
institutional  investment  products,  structured  settlements,  GICs  and  other
short-term  funding  agreements,  institutional  mutual funds and other  annuity
contracts for special  purposes such as funding of  terminated  defined  benefit
pension plans.  Structured settlement contracts provide for periodic payments to
an injured  person or  survivor  for a generally  determinable  number of years,
typically in  settlement  of a claim under a liability  policy in lieu of a lump
sum  settlement.  The  Company's  structured  settlements  are sold  through The
Hartford's  Property  &  Casualty  insurance  operations  as well  as  specialty
brokers.  Total  institutional  investment products assets under management were
$13.1  billion and $9.9 billion as of December 31, 2003 and 2002,  respectively.
The increase in the  institutional  investment  products assets under management
was the result of strong  sales  totaling  $3.4  billion,  $2.0 billion and $2.6
billion for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Section 529 Plans - Life  introduced a  tax-advantaged  college  savings product
("529  plan") in March 2002  called  SMART 529.  SMART 529 is a  state-sponsored
education savings program established by the State of West Virginia which offers
an easy way for both residents of West Virginia and out-of-state participants to
plan for a college education. In 1996, Congress created a tax-advantaged college
savings  program  as part of  Section  529 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  (the
"Code").  The 529 Plan is an investment  plan  operated by a state,  designed to
help  families  save for future  college  costs.  On January 1, 2002,  529 Plans
became federal tax-exempt for qualified  withdrawals.  In July 2003, the Company
began selling a multi-manager 529 product.

SMART 529 is designed to be flexible by allowing investors to choose from a wide
variety  of  investment  portfolios  to  match  their  risk  preference  to help
investors  accumulate  savings for college.  An individual  can open a SMART 529
account for anyone, at any age. The SMART 529 product  complements the Company's
existing  offering of investment  products  (mutual funds,  variable  annuities,
401(k),  457 and 403 plans).  It also  leverages the Company's  capabilities  in
distribution,  service  and  fund  performance.  Total  529  Plan  assets  under
management were $259 and $87 as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Marketing and Distribution
- --------------------------

The Investment Products  distribution network is based on management's  strategy
of  utilizing  multiple  and  competing  distribution  channels  to achieve  the
broadest  distribution to reach target  customers.  The success of the Company's
marketing  and  distribution  system  depends  on its  product  offerings,  fund
performance,  successful  utilization of wholesaling  organizations,  quality of
customer  service,  and relationships  with national and regional  broker-dealer
firms,  banks  and  other  financial  institutions,  and  independent  financial
advisors (through which the sale of the Company's retail investment  products to
customers is consummated).

Life maintains a distribution  network of approximately 1,500 broker-dealers and
approximately  500 banks.  As of  December  31,  2003,  the  Company was selling
products  through the 25 largest retail banks in the United States.  The Company
periodically   negotiates   provisions  and  terms  of  its  relationships  with
unaffiliated  parties, and there can be no assurance that such terms will remain
acceptable  to  the  Company  or  such  third  parties.  The  Company's  primary
wholesaler  of its  individual  annuities  and mutual funds is its  wholly-owned
subsidiary,   PLANCO  Financial  Services,  Inc.  and  its  affiliate,   PLANCO,
Incorporated  (collectively  "PLANCO").  PLANCO is one of the  nation's  largest
wholesalers  of individual  annuities  and has played a significant  role in The
Hartford's growth over the past decade. As a wholesaler,  PLANCO distributes the
Company's fixed and variable annuities, mutual funds, 401(k) plans and 529 Plans
by providing sales support to registered representatives, financial planners and
broker-dealers  at brokerage  firms and banks across the United  States.  Owning
PLANCO secures an important  distribution  channel for the Company and gives the
Company a wholesale  distribution  platform which it can expand in terms of both
the number of individuals wholesaling its products and the portfolio of products
which they  wholesale.  In addition,  the Company uses internal  personnel  with
extensive experience in the Section 457 market, as well as access to the Section
401(k)  market,  to sell its products and  services in the  retirement  plan and
institutional markets.

                                     - 5 -

- -----------

The Investment Products segment competes with numerous other insurance companies
as well as certain banks,  securities  brokerage  firms,  independent  financial
advisors and other financial  intermediaries  marketing annuities,  mutual funds
and  other   retirement-oriented   products.   Product  sales  are  affected  by
competitive  factors such as investment  performance  ratings,  product  design,
visibility  in  the  marketplace,   financial  strength  ratings,   distribution
capabilities,  levels of charges and credited  rates,  reputation,  and customer

Regulatory Developments
- -----------------------

Recently,  there has been a significant increase in federal and state regulatory
activity relating to financial  services  companies,  particularly  mutual funds
companies.  These  regulatory  inquiries have focused on a number of mutual fund
issues. The Company,  like many others in the financial  services industry,  has
received  requests for information  from the Securities and Exchange  Commission
and a  subpoena  from the New  York  Attorney  General's  Office,  in each  case
requesting  documentation  and other  information  regarding various mutual fund
regulatory   issues.  The  Company  continues  to  cooperate  fully  with  these
regulatory   agencies   in   responding   to  these   requests.   In   addition,
representatives from the SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations
recently concluded an on-site  compliance  examination of the Company's variable
annuity and mutual fund operations.

The Company's  mutual funds are available for purchase by the separate  accounts
of different variable life insurance  policies,  variable annuity products,  and
funding  agreements,   and  they  are  offered  directly  to  certain  qualified
retirement  plans.  Although  existing  products contain  transfer  restrictions
between  subaccounts,   some  products,   particularly  older  variable  annuity
products,  do  not  contain  restrictions  on the  frequency  of  transfers.  In
addition,  as a result of the settlement of litigation  against the Company with
respect to certain  owners of older  variable  annuity  products,  the Company's
ability to restrict transfers by these owners is limited.

A number of companies recently have announced settlements of enforcement actions
with  various  regulatory  agencies,   primarily  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission and the New York Attorney  General's  Office. No such action has been
initiated  against  the  Company.  It is  possible  that one or more  regulatory
agencies may pursue action against the Company in the future.


The Individual Life segment provides life insurance solutions to a wide array of
partners to solve the wealth protection,  accumulation and transfer needs of its
affluent,  emerging affluent and business insurance clients. The individual life
business  acquired from Fortis in 2001 added  significant scale to the Company's
Individual  Life  segment,  contributing  to  a  significant  increase  in  life
insurance  in force in that year.  As of December 31,  2003,  life  insurance in
force  increased 3% to $130.8  billion,  from $126.7  billion as of December 31,
2002.  Account values increased 15% to $8.7 billion as of December 31, 2003 from
$7.6 billion as of December 31, 2002.  Revenues were $982, $958 and $890 for the
years ended December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001,  respectively.  Net income in the
Individual Life segment was $145, $133 and $121 for the years ended December 31,
2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Principal Products
- ------------------

Life holds a  significant  market share in the variable  universal  life product
market and is the number one seller of variable life insurance, according to the
Tillinghast  Value  Survey.  In 2003,  the Company's  sales of  individual  life
insurance were 54% variable universal life, 41% universal life and other, and 5%
term life insurance.

Variable  Universal Life -- Variable universal life provides life insurance with
a return linked to an  underlying  investment  portfolio and the Company  allows
policyholders to determine their desired asset mix among a variety of underlying
mutual funds. As the return on the investment  portfolio increases or decreases,
the  surrender  value of the  variable  universal  life policy will  increase or
decrease,  and, under certain  policyholder  options or market  conditions,  the
death  benefit  may also  increase  or  decrease.  The  Company's  second-to-die
products  are  distinguished  from other  products in that two lives are insured
rather  than  one,  and the  policy  proceeds  are paid  upon the  death of both
insureds.  Second-to-die  policies are frequently  used in estate planning for a
married  couple.  Variable  universal  life account values were $4.7 billion and
$3.6 billion as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Universal Life and Interest  Sensitive Whole Life -- Universal life and interest
sensitive whole life insurance  coverages provide life insurance with adjustable
rates of  return  based on  current  interest  rates.  Universal  life  provides
policyholders  with flexibility in the timing and amount of premium payments and
the amount of the death benefit,  provided there are sufficient  policy funds to
cover  all  policy  charges  for the  coming  period.  The  Company  also  sells
second-to-die   universal  life  insurance  policies  similar  to  the  variable
universal life insurance product offered.  Universal life and interest sensitive
whole life account values were $3.3 and $3.1 billion as of December 31, 2003 and
2002, respectively.

Marketing and Distribution
- --------------------------

Consistent with the Company's strategy to access multiple  distribution outlets,
the Individual Life distribution  organization has been developed to penetrate a
multitude of retail sales  channels.  These include  independent  life insurance
sales  professionals;   agents  of  other  companies;   national,  regional  and
independent   broker-dealers;   banks,  financial  planners,   certified  public
accountants  and  property  and casualty  insurance  organizations.  The primary
organization  used to wholesale  Hartford  Life's products to these outlets is a
group of highly qualified life insurance professionals with specialized training
in sophisticated life insurance sales. These individuals are generally employees
of the  Company  who  are  managed  through  a  regional  sales  office  system.
Additional  distribution is provided  through  Woodbury  Financial  Services,  a
subsidiary retail broker dealer and other marketing relationships.

- -----------

The Individual  Life segment  competes with  approximately  1,200 life insurance
companies  in the  United  States,  as well as

                                      - 6 -

other  financial  intermediaries
marketing  insurance  products.  Competitive factors related to this segment are
primarily the breadth and quality of life insurance  products offered,  pricing,
relationships  with  third-party  distributors,   effectiveness  of  wholesaling
support,   pricing  and   availability  of  reinsurance,   and  the  quality  of
underwriting and customer service.


The Group Benefits segment sells group life and group disability  insurance,  as
well as other  products,  including  medical  stop  loss,  accidental  death and
dismemberment,  travel accident and other special risk coverage to employers and
associations.  The Company also offers disability underwriting,  administration,
claims  processing  services and  reinsurance to other insurers and  self-funded
employer  plans.  Generally,  policies sold in this segment are term  insurance.
This allows the Company to adjust the rates or terms of its policies in order to
minimize  the  adverse  effect of various  market  trends,  including  declining
interest rates and other factors.  Typically  policies are sold with one, two or
three year rate guarantees depending upon the product. In the disability market,
the Company focuses on strong risk and claims management to derive a competitive
advantage. The Group Benefits segment generated revenues of $2.6 billion for the
years  ended  December  31, 2003 and 2002,  and $2.5  billion for the year ended
December  31,  2001,  of which group  disability  insurance  accounted  for $1.1
billion in each of the three years and group life insurance  accounted for $935,
$887 and $763, respectively.  The Company held group disability reserves of $4.0
billion and $2.5 billion and group life reserves of $1.2 billion and $765, as of
December  31,  2003 and 2002,  respectively.  Net  income in the Group  Benefits
segment was $148,  $128 and $106 for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and
2001, respectively.

As  previously  mentioned,  Life  acquired  the  group  life and  accident,  and
short-term and long-term disability  businesses of CNA Financial  Corporation on
December 31, 2003.  This  acquisition  will  increase the scale of the Company's
group life and  disability  operations,  expand the Company's  distribution  and
enhance the Company's capability to deliver outstanding products and services.

Principal Products
- ------------------

Group Disability -- Life is one of the largest  participants in the "large case"
market of the group disability  insurance  business.  The large case market,  as
defined by the Company, generally consists of group disability policies covering
over 500 employees in a particular company.  The Company is continuing its focus
on  the  "small  case"  and  "medium  case"  group  markets,   emphasizing  name
recognition and reputation as well as the Company's managed disability  approach
to claims and  administration.  The  Company's  efforts in the group  disability
market  focus on early  intervention,  return-to-work  programs  and  successful
rehabilitation.  Over the  last  several  years,  the  focus  of new  disability
products  introduced  is to  provide  incentives  for  employees  to  return  to
independence.  The Company also works with  disability  claimants to improve the
receipt rate of Social Security  offsets (i.e.,  reducing payment of benefits by
the amount of Social Security payments received).

The Company's  short-term  disability  benefit  plans  provide a weekly  benefit
amount  (typically 60% to 70% of the employee's  earned income up to a specified
maximum  benefit)  to insured  employees  when they are unable to work due to an
accident or illness.  Long-term  disability insurance provides a monthly benefit
for those  extended  periods  of time not  covered  by a  short-term  disability
benefit  plan when  insured  employees  are  unable  to work due to  disability.
Employees  may  receive  total or  partial  disability  benefits.  Most of these
policies begin providing  benefits  following a 90 or 180 day waiting period and
generally  continue  providing  benefits  until  the  employee  reaches  age 65.
Long-term  disability  benefits  are paid  monthly and are limited to a portion,
generally  50-70%,  of the  employee's  earned income up to a specified  maximum

Group Life -- Group term life insurance  provides term coverage to employees and
their  dependents for a specified period and has no accumulation of cash values.
The  Company  offers  options  for its  basic  group  life  insurance  coverage,
including  portability  of  coverage  and  a  living  benefit  option,   whereby
terminally ill  policyholders  can receive death benefits prior to their deaths.
In  addition,  the  Company  offers  premium  waiver  and  accidental  death and
dismemberment coverages to employee groups.

Other -- Life  provides  excess  of loss  medical  coverage  (known as stop loss
insurance) to employers  who self-fund  their medical plans and pay claims using
the services of a third party  administrator.  The Company also provides  travel
accident,  hospital  indemnity  and other  coverages  (including  group life and
disability) primarily to individual membership of various associations,  as well
as employee groups. A significant  Medicare  supplement  customer of the company
had been the  members  of the  Retired  Officers  Association,  an  organization
consisting of retired military officers. Congress passed legislation,  effective
in the fourth  quarter of 2001,  whereby  retired  military  officers age 65 and
older will  receive full medical  insurance,  eliminating  the need for Medicare
supplement insurance. This legislation reduced the Company's Medicare supplement
premium revenue to zero after 2001.

Marketing and Distribution
- --------------------------

The Company uses an experienced  group of Company  employees,  managed through a
regional sales office system,  to distribute  its group  insurance  products and
services  through  a  variety  of  distribution   outlets,   including  brokers,
consultants,  third-party  administrators  and trade  associations.  The Company
intends to  continue  to expand the system  over the coming  years in areas that
offer the highest growth potential.

- -----------

The Group Benefits  business  remains highly  competitive.  Competitive  factors
primarily  affecting  Group Benefits are the variety and quality of products and
services  offered,  the price quoted for coverage and  services,  the  Company's
relationships  with its  third-party  distributors,  and the quality of customer
service.  Group Benefits  competes with numerous other  insurance  companies and
other financial  intermediaries  marketing insurance products.  However, many of
these businesses have relatively high barriers to entry and there have been very
few new entrants over the past few years.


Life is a leader in the COLI market,  which  includes  life  insurance  policies
purchased  by a company  on the lives of its  employees,  with the  company or a
trust sponsored by the

                                      - 7 -

company named as the beneficiary  under the policy.  Until the passage of Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), the Company sold
two principal types of COLI, leveraged and variable products.  Leveraged COLI is
a fixed premium life insurance policy owned by a company or a trust sponsored by
a company.  HIPAA phased out the deductibility of interest on policy loans under
leveraged  COLI at the end of 1998,  virtually  eliminating  all future sales of
leveraged  COLI.  Variable  COLI  continues to be a product used by employers to
fund non-qualified benefits or other post-employment benefit liabilities.

Variable COLI account values were $21.0 billion and $19.7 billion as of December
31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Leveraged COLI account values decreased to $2.5
billion as of December  31,  2003 from $3.3  billion as of  December  31,  2002,
primarily due to surrender  activity.  COLI generated revenues of $483, $592 and
$719 for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001,  respectively and net
income (loss) of ($1), $32 and $37 for the years ended  December 31, 2003,  2002
and 2001, respectively.


Property & Casualty provides (1) workers'  compensation,  property,  automobile,
liability, umbrella, specialty casualty, marine, agricultural and bond coverages
to commercial accounts primarily  throughout the United States; (2) professional
liability  coverage and directors and officers  liability  coverage,  as well as
excess and surplus lines  business not normally  written by standard  commercial
lines insurers;  (3) automobile,  homeowners and home-based business coverage to
individuals throughout the United States; and (4) insurance related services.

The Hartford is the tenth largest property and casualty  insurance  operation in
the United States based on written premiums for the year ended December 31, 2002
according  to A.M.  Best  Company,  Inc.  ("A.M.  Best").  Property  &  Casualty
generated revenues of $10.7 billion, $9.5 billion and $8.6 billion in 2003, 2002
and  2001,  respectively.  Earned  premiums  for  2003,  2002 and 2001 were $8.8
billion, $8.1 billion and $7.3 billion,  respectively.  Additionally, net income
(loss) was $(811),  $469 and $(115) for 2003, 2002 and 2001,  respectively.  The
net loss for 2003 and 2001 includes the after-tax  effect of the asbestos charge
of $1,701 and $420 of  after-tax  losses  related to the  September 11 terrorist
attack ("September 11"), respectively. Total assets for Property & Casualty were
$37.2 billion and $31.1 billion as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.


Business Insurance provides standard commercial  insurance coverage to small and
middle market commercial businesses primarily throughout the United States. This
segment also provides  commercial risk management  products and services as well
as marine  coverage.  Earned premiums for 2003, 2002 and 2001 were $3.7 billion,
$3.1 billion and $2.6 billion (2001 includes $15 of reinsurance cessions related
to September 11),  respectively.  The segment had underwriting  income (loss) of
$101,  $44  and  $(242)  (2001includes  $245 of  underwriting  loss  related  to
September 11) in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Principal Products
- ------------------

The  Business   Insurance  segment  offers  workers'   compensation,   property,
automobile, liability, umbrella and marine coverages. Commercial risk management
products and services are also provided.

Marketing and Distribution
- --------------------------

Business  Insurance  provides  insurance  products and services through its home
office located in Hartford,  Connecticut,  and multiple domestic regional office
locations and insurance  centers.  The segment  markets its products  nationwide
utilizing  brokers and independent  agents and involving trade  associations and
employee  groups.  Brokers and  independent  agents,  who often  represent other
companies as well, receive commissions and other forms of incentive compensation
from the  Company  based on  written  premium,  growth in  written  premium  and
participation in underwriting profitability.  Brokers and independent agents are
not employees of The Hartford.

- -----------

The commercial insurance industry is a highly competitive  environment regarding
product,  price, service and technology.  The Hartford competes with other stock
companies,   mutual  companies,   alternative  risk  sharing  groups  and  other
underwriting  organizations.  These companies sell through various  distribution
channels and business models,  across a broad array of product lines, and with a
high  level  of  variation   regarding   geographic,   marketing   and  customer
segmentation.  The Hartford is the ninth largest commercial lines insurer in the
United  States based on written  premiums  for the year ended  December 31, 2002
according to A.M. Best. The relatively large size and  underwriting  capacity of
The  Hartford  provide  opportunities  not  available to smaller  companies.  In
addition,  the  marketplace  is affected by available  capacity of the insurance
industry as measured by  policyholders'  surplus.  Surplus expands and contracts
primarily in conjunction with profit levels  generated by the industry.  The low
interest rate environment is impacting returns and making underwriting decisions
even more  critical.  Overall,  in 2003,  market  conditions  in the  commercial
industry  have  continued  to  improve  as a result  of  increased  underwriting
discipline and a firmer pricing environment. Industry consolidation continues to
take place.


Personal  Lines  provides   automobile,   homeowners'  and  home-based  business
coverages  to the  members  of AARP  through a direct  marketing  operation;  to
individuals who prefer local agent involvement  through a network of independent
agents in the standard  personal  lines market;  and through the Company's  Omni
Insurance Group, Inc. ("Omni") subsidiary in the non-standard automobile market.
Personal  Lines also  operates  a member  contact  center  for health  insurance
products  offered through AARP's Health Care Options.  The Hartford's  exclusive
licensing  arrangement with AARP, which was renewed during the fourth quarter of
2001,  continues  through  January  1,  2010  for  automobile,   homeowners  and
home-based  business.  The Health Care Options agreement continues through 2007.
These agreements provide Personal Lines with an important competitive advantage.
Personal  lines had earned  premiums  of $3.2  billion,  $3.0  billion  and $2.7
billion in 2003,

                                      - 8 -

2002 and 2001, respectively.  Underwriting income (loss) for 2003, 2002 and 2001
was $117,  $(46) and $(87) (2001  includes $9 of  underwriting  loss  related to
September 11), respectively.

Principal Products
- ------------------

Personal Lines provides  standard and  non-standard  automobile,  homeowners and
home-based business coverages to individuals across the United States, including
a special program designed exclusively for members of AARP.

Marketing and Distribution
- --------------------------

Personal Lines reaches diverse markets through  multiple  distribution  channels
including brokers, independent agents, direct mail, the internet and advertising
in  publications.  This  segment  provides  customized  products and services to
customers through a network of independent agents in the standard personal lines
market,  and in the  non-standard  automobile  market through Omni.  Independent
agents,  who often represent other  companies as well,  receive  commissions and
other forms of incentive compensation from the Company based on written premium,
growth in written  premium  and  participation  in  underwriting  profitability.
Brokers and independent agents are not employees of The Hartford. Personal Lines
has an  important  relationship  with AARP and  markets  directly to its over 35
million members.

- -----------

The personal  lines  automobile  and  homeowners  businesses  continue to remain
highly  competitive.  Personal lines insurance is written by insurance companies
of varying  sizes that sell  products  through  various  distribution  channels,
including independent agents,  captive agents and directly to the consumer.  The
personal  lines  market  competes  on the  basis  of  price;  product;  service,
including claims handling;  stability of the insurer and name  recognition.  The
Hartford is the twelfth  largest  personal  lines  insurer in the United  States
based on written premiums for the year ended December 31, 2002 according to A.M.
Best.  Industry  consolidation  continues  to  take  place,  and  the  effective
utilization  of  technology  is  becoming   increasingly   important.   A  major
competitive  advantage of The Hartford is the  exclusive  licensing  arrangement
with AARP to provide  personal  automobile,  homeowners and home-based  business
insurance  products to its  members.  This  arrangement  was renewed  during the
fourth  quarter of 2001 and is in effect  through  January  1, 2010.  Management
expects  favorable "baby boom"  demographics to increase AARP membership  during
this period. In addition,  The Hartford provides customer service for all health
insurance products offered through AARP's Health Care Options, with an agreement
that continues through 2007.


Specialty  Commercial provides a wide variety of property and casualty insurance
products and services  through  retailers and  wholesalers  to large  commercial
clients and insureds  requiring a variety of specialized  coverages.  Excess and
surplus lines coverages not normally  written by standard line insurers are also
provided,  primarily through wholesale brokers.  Specialty Commercial had earned
premiums of $1.6  billion,  $1.2 billion and $1.0 billion  (2001  includes $7 of
reinsurance   cessions  related  to  September  11)  in  2003,  2002  and  2001,
respectively.  Underwriting losses were $29, $23 and $262 (2001 includes $167 of
underwriting loss related to September 11) in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Principal Products
- ------------------

Specialty  Commercial offers a variety of customized insurance products and risk
management services. Specialty Commercial provides standard commercial insurance
products including workers' compensation,  automobile and liability coverages to
large-sized  companies.  Specialty  Commercial also provides bond,  professional
liability,  specialty  casualty  and  agricultural  coverages,  as  well as core
property and excess and surplus lines coverages not normally written by standard
lines insurers.  Alternative  markets,  within  Specialty  Commercial,  provides
insurance products and services primarily to captive insurance companies,  pools
and  self-insurance   groups.  In  addition,   Specialty   Commercial   provides
third-party   administrator  services  for  claims  administration,   integrated
benefits,  loss  control and  performance  measurement  through  Specialty  Risk
Services, a subsidiary of the Company.

Marketing and Distribution
- --------------------------

Specialty  Commercial  provides insurance products and services through its home
office located in Hartford,  Connecticut and multiple domestic office locations.
The segment markets its products nationwide  utilizing a variety of distribution
networks  including  independent  agents  and  brokers  as well as  wholesalers.
Independent  agents, who represent other companies as well, receive  commissions
and other forms of  incentive  compensation  from the  Company  based on written
premium,   growth  in  written   premium  and   participation   in  underwriting
profitability.  Brokers  and  independents  agents  are  not  employees  of  The

- -----------

The commercial insurance industry is a highly competitive  environment regarding
product,  price, service and technology.  Specialty Commercial is comprised of a
diverse group of businesses  that are unique to commercial  lines.  Each line of
business operates  independently  with its own set of business  objectives,  and
focuses  on  the  operational   dynamics  of  their  specific  industry.   These
businesses,  while  somewhat  interrelated,  have a unique  business  model  and
operating  cycle.  Specialty  Commercial is considered a transactional  business
and,  therefore,  competes  with other  companies  for business  primarily on an
account  by  account  basis  due to the  complex  nature  of  each  transaction.
Specialty  Commercial  competes with other stock  companies,  mutual  companies,
alternative  risk  sharing  groups  and other  underwriting  organizations.  The
relatively  large  size  and  underwriting  capacity  of  The  Hartford  provide
opportunities  not  available to smaller  companies.  Overall,  in 2003,  market
conditions in the  commercial  industry have continued to improve as a result of
increased  underwriting  discipline and a firmer pricing  environment.  Industry
consolidation continues to take place.


On May 16, 2003, as part of the Company's  decision to withdraw from the assumed
reinsurance  business,  the  Company  entered  into a quota  share and  purchase
agreement  with  Endurance  Reinsurance  Corporation  of America  ("Endurance"),

                                     - 9 -

whereby the Reinsurance  segment  retroceded the majority of its inforce book of
business as of April 1, 2003 and sold  renewal  rights to  Endurance.  Under the
quota  share  agreement,  Endurance  reinsured  most  of the  segment's  assumed
reinsurance contracts that were written on or after January 1, 2002 and that had
unearned premium as of April 1, 2003. In consideration for Endurance  reinsuring
the unearned  premium as of April 1, 2003,  the Company paid Endurance an amount
equal to  unearned  premium  less the related  unamortized  commissions/deferred
acquisition  costs net of an override  commission  which was  established by the
contract.  In addition,  Endurance will pay a profit sharing commission based on
the loss performance of property treaty,  property catastrophe and aviation pool
unearned premium.  Under the purchase  agreement,  Endurance will pay additional
amounts,  subject to a guaranteed  minimum of $15, based on the level of renewal
premium  on the  reinsured  contracts  over the two year  period  following  the
agreement.  The guaranteed minimum is reflected in net income for the year ended
December 31, 2003. The Company remains subject to reserve  development  relating
to all retained business.

Prior to the Endurance transaction,  the Reinsurance segment assumed reinsurance
in North America and primarily  wrote treaty  reinsurance  through  professional
reinsurance brokers covering various property,  casualty,  property catastrophe,
marine  and   alternative   risk  transfer   ("ART")   products.   ART  included
non-traditional  reinsurance  products such as multi-year  property  catastrophe
treaties,  aggregate  excess of loss  agreements  and quota share  treaties with
single event caps. International property catastrophe,  marine and ART were also
written  outside  of  North  America  through  a  London  contact  office.   The
Reinsurance  segment had earned premiums of $352,  $713, $851 (2001 includes $69
of  reinsurance  cessions  related  to  September  11) in 2003,  2002 and  2001,
respectively. Underwriting losses were $125, $59 and $375 (2001 includes $226 of
underwriting loss related to September 11) in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


Property & Casualty's Other Operations consists of certain property and casualty
insurance  operations  of The Hartford  that have ceased  writing new  business.
These operations  primarily  include First State Insurance  Company,  located in
Boston,  Massachusetts;  Heritage  Reinsurance Company,  Ltd.,  headquartered in
Bermuda;  and Excess Insurance  Company Limited,  located in the United Kingdom.
Also  included  in Other  Operations  are  Property &  Casualty's  international
businesses up until their dates of sales, and for 2002 and 2003, the activity in
the  exited  international  lines  of  the  Reinsurance  segment  following  its
restructuring  in the fourth quarter of 2001. In addition,  claims for asbestos,
environmental and certain other liabilities under general liability policies are
managed in Other  Operations  regardless  of the  writing  company.  Most of the
policies against which these claims were made were written before 1985.

Property &  Casualty's  international  businesses  have  historically  consisted
primarily of Western European companies offering a variety of insurance products
designed to meet the needs of local customers.  The Company's strategic shift to
emphasize growth opportunities in asset accumulation  businesses has resulted in
the sale of all of its  international  property  and  casualty  businesses  in a
series of transactions concluded in 2001.

The Hartford was a global  reinsurer  through its Hartford  Reinsurance  Company
("HartRe") operations in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Hong
Kong and Taiwan,  writing treaty and facultative assumed  reinsurance  including
property,  casualty,  fidelity, and specialty coverages. In October 2001, HartRe
announced  that it was exiting most  international  lines,  and in January 2002,
these lines were moved to Other Operations.

The primary objectives of Other Operations are the proper disposition of claims,
the resolution of disputes, and the collection of reinsurance proceeds. As such,
Other Operations has no new product sales,  distribution  systems or competitive

The Other  Operations  segment had earned  premiums of $18, $69 and $17 in 2003,
2002 and 2001, respectively,  and underwriting losses of $2,716 (includes $2,604
of net asbestos reserve strengthening), $164 and $132 for each of the respective


In accordance  with  applicable  insurance  regulations  under which the Company
operates, life insurance subsidiaries of Life establish and carry as liabilities
actuarially  determined  reserves  which are  calculated  to meet the  Company's
future  obligations.  Reserves for life insurance and  disability  contracts are
based on actuarially recognized methods using prescribed morbidity and mortality
tables in general use in the United  States,  which are  modified to reflect the
Company's  actual  experience when  appropriate.  These reserves are computed at
amounts that,  with additions  from  estimated  premiums to be received and with
interest on such reserves  compounded  annually at certain  assumed  rates,  are
expected to be  sufficient  to meet the Company's  policy  obligations  at their
maturities or in the event of an insured's  disability  or death.  Reserves also
include unearned  premiums,  premium deposits,  claims incurred but not reported
and claims  reported  but not yet paid.  Reserves  for assumed  reinsurance  are
computed in a manner that is comparable to direct insurance reserves. Additional
information on Life reserves may be found in the Critical  Accounting  Estimates
section of the MD&A under "Reserves".


The  Hartford  establishes  property  and  casualty  reserves to provide for the
estimated  costs of  paying  claims  under  insurance  policies  written  by The
Hartford.  These  reserves  include  estimates  for both  claims  that have been
reported and those that have been  incurred but not reported to The Hartford and
include estimates of all expenses  associated with processing and settling these
claims. This estimation process is primarily based on historical  experience and
involves a variety of actuarial  techniques to analyze  current trends and other
relevant  factors.  Examples of current trends include increases in medical cost
inflation  rates and physical  damage  repair costs,  changes in internal  claim
practices,  changes in the legislative and regulatory  environment over workers'
compensation  claims,  evolving exposures to construction defects and other mass
torts  and the  potential  for  further  adverse  development  of  asbestos  and
environmental  claims.

                                     - 10 -

As a result of September  11, the Company  established  estimated  gross and net
reserves of $1.1 billion and $556 million, respectively, related to property and
casualty operations.  This loss estimate includes coverages related to property,
business  interruption,  workers'  compensation  and other liability  exposures,
including those underwritten by the Company's assumed reinsurance operation. The
Company  based this loss  estimate  upon a review of insured  exposures  using a
variety of assumptions and actuarial techniques, including estimated amounts for
incurred but not  reported  policyholder  losses and costs  incurred in settling
claims.  The Company  continues to carry the original incurred amount related to
September 11, less any paid losses.  Actual  experience in some cases appears to
be developing  favorably to our original  expectations,  such as the higher than
anticipated rate of participation  in the victim's  compensation  fund. There is
still  uncertainty,  particularly  with  respect to  coverage  disputes  and the
potential for the emergence of latent  injuries.  Furthermore,  the deadline for
filing a liability claim with respect to September 11 has been extended to March
11,  2004.  As various  deadlines  pass and more  coverage  disputes are settled
either out of court or through a court decision,  the uncertainty  about various
aspects of the reserves is reduced.  The Company will continue to evaluate these
reserves  on a  quarterly  basis  throughout  2004  and  will  make  appropriate
adjustments to reserve levels.

The   Hartford   continues   to  receive   claims  that  assert   damages   from
asbestos-related  and  environmental-related  exposures.  Asbestos claims relate
primarily to bodily injuries asserted by those who came in contact with asbestos
or products containing asbestos.

Environmental  claims relate  primarily to pollution  related clean-up costs. As
discussed  further in the Critical  Accounting  Estimates  and Other  Operations
sections of the MD&A,  significant  uncertainty  limits the Company's ability to
estimate the ultimate reserves  necessary for unpaid losses and related expenses
with regard to environmental and particularly asbestos claims.

Most of the  Company's  property  and  casualty  reserves  are  not  discounted.
However,  certain liabilities for unpaid claims,  where the amount and timing of
payments  are fixed  and  reliably  determinable,  principally  for  permanently
disabled  claimants and certain structured  settlement  contracts that fund loss
run-offs for  unrelated  parties have been  discounted to present value using an
average interest rate of 4.8% in 2003 and 5.0% in 2002. At December 31, 2003 and
2002,  such  discounted  reserves  totaled $799 and $720,  respectively  (net of
discounts of $525 and $527,  respectively).  Accretion of this  discount did not
have a material effect on net income during 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

As of December 31, 2003, net property and casualty reserves for claims and claim
adjustment  expenses reported on a statutory basis exceeded those reported under
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") by $61. The primary difference
resulted from the discounting of GAAP-basis  workers'  compensation  reserves at
risk-free  interest  rates,  which exceeded the statutory  discount rates set by
regulators,  partially offset by the required  exclusion from statutory reserves
of  assumed  retroactive  reinsurance  and a portion of the GAAP  provision  for
uncollectible reinsurance.

Further discussion on The Hartford's  property and casualty reserves,  including
asbestos and environmental claims reserves, may be found in the Reserves section
of the MD&A- Critical Accounting Estimates.

A reconciliation of liabilities for unpaid claims and claim adjustment  expenses
is herein referenced from Note 7 of Notes to Consolidated  Financial Statements.
A table  depicting the  historical  development  of the  liabilities  for unpaid
claims and claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance, follows.

                                     - 11 -

                                                       LOSS DEVELOPMENT TABLE
                                             FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, [1], [2]
                                      1993     1994     1995     1996    1997     1998     1999     2000     2001    2002     2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Liabilities for unpaid claims and
  claim adjustment expenses, net of
  reinsurance                         $11,212 $11,271  $11,574  $12,702  $12,770 $12,902  $12,476  $12,316  $12,860  $13,141 $16,218
  One year later                        2,590   2,715    2,467    2,625    2,472   2,939    2,994    3,272    3,339    3,480
  Two years later                       4,281   4,273    4,126    4,188    4,300   4,733    5,019    5,315    5,621       --
  Three years later                     5,390   5,469    5,212    5,540    5,494   6,153    6,437    6,972       --       --
  Four years later                      6,306   6,258    6,274    6,418    6,508   7,141    7,652       --       --       --
  Five years later                      6,912   7,135    6,970    7,201    7,249   8,080       --       --       --       --
  Six years later                       7,662   7,721    7,630    7,800    8,036      --       --       --       --       --
  Seven years later                     8,174   8,311    8,147    8,499       --      --       --       --       --       --
  Eight years later                     8,715   8,781    8,786       --       --      --       --       --       --       --
  Nine years later                      9,161   9,332       --       --       --      --       --       --       --       --
  Ten years later                       9,701      --       --       --       --      --       --       --       --       --
  One year later                       11,306  11,618   12,529   12,752   12,615  12,662   12,472   12,459   13,153   15,965
  Two years later                      11,608  12,729   12,598   12,653   12,318  12,569   12,527   12,776   16,176       --
  Three years later                    12,681  12,781   12,545   12,460   12,183  12,584   12,698   15,760       --       --
  Four years later                     12,811  12,787   12,399   12,380   12,138  12,663   15,609       --       --       --
  Five years later                     12,858  12,741   12,414   12,317   12,179  15,542       --       --       --       --
  Six years later                      12,824  12,782   12,390   12,322   15,047      --       --       --       --       --
  Seven years later                    12,912  12,791   12,380   15,188       --      --       --       --       --       --
  Eight years later                    12,960  12,775   15,253       --       --      --       --       --       --       --
  Nine years later                     12,955  15,604       --       --       --      --       --       --       --       --
  Ten years later                      15,807      --       --       --       --      --       --       --       --       --
REINSURANCE                            $4,595  $4,333   $3,679   $2,486   $2,277  $2,640   $3,133   $3,444   $3,316   $2,824
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The table above shows the cumulative  deficiency  (redundancy)  of the Company's
reserves,  net of  reinsurance,  as now estimated with the benefit of additional
information. Those amounts are comprised of changes in estimates of gross losses
and changes in estimates of related reinsurance recoveries.

The table below, for the periods  presented,  reconciles the net reserves to the
gross reserves, as initially estimated and recorded,  and as currently estimated
and  recorded,  and  computes  the  cumulative  deficiency  (redundancy)  of the
Company's reserves before reinsurance.

                                           FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, [1], [2]

                                          1994      1995     1996     1997     1998      1999     2000      2001     2002    2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET RESERVE, AS INITIALLY ESTIMATED      $11,271   $11,574  $12,702  $12,770  $12,902   $12,476  $12,316   $12,860  $13,141  $16,218
Reinsurance and other recoverables, as
initially estimated                        5,156     4,829    4,357    3,996    3,275     3,706    3,871     4,176    3,950    5,497
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROSS RESERVE, AS INITIALLY ESTIMATED    $16,427   $16,403  $17,059  $16,766  $16,177   $16,182  $16,187   $17,036  $17,091  $21,715
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET REESTIMATED RESERVE                  $15,604   $15,253  $15,188  $15,047  $15,542   $15,609  $15,760   $16,176  $15,965
Reestimated and other reinsurance
recoverables                               6,621     6,001    5,365    5,190    4,749     5,554    5,664     5,994    5,494
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROSS REESTIMATED RESERVE                $22,225   $21,254  $20,553  $20,237  $20,291   $21,163  $21,424   $22,170  $21,459
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROSS DEFICIENCY (REDUNDANCY)             $5,798    $4,851   $3,494   $3,471   $4,114    $4,981   $5,237    $5,134   $4,368
[1]  The above tables exclude Hartford Insurance,  Singapore as a result of its sale in September 2001, Hartford Seguros as a result
     of its sale in February 2001,  Zwolsche as a result of its sale in December 2000 and London & Edinburgh as a result of its sale
     in November 1998.
[2]  The above tables include the  liabilities  and claim  developments  for certain  reinsurance  coverages  written for affiliated

                                     - 12 -

The  following  table is derived  from the Loss  Reserve  Development  table and
summarizes the effect of reserve re-estimates,  net of reinsurance,  on calendar
year  operations  for the ten-year  period ended December 31, 2003. The total of
each column  details the amount of reserve  re-estimates  made in the  indicated
calendar  year and  shows  the  accident  years to which  the  re-estimates  are
applicable.  The  amounts  in the total  accident  year  column on the far right
represent the cumulative reserve  re-estimates  during the ten year period ended
December 31, 2003 for the indicated accident year(s).


                                                                       CALENDAR YEAR
                             1994      1995     1996      1997      1998     1999      2000      2001     2002      2003     TOTAL
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
By Accident year
  1993 & Prior                  $94      $302   $1,073      $130       $47     $(34)      $88       $48     $(5)   $2,852    $4,595
  1994                           --        45       38       (78)      (41)     (12)      (47)      (39)    (11)      (23)     (168)
  1995                           --        --     (156)       17       (59)    (100)      (26)      (33)      6        44      (307)
  1996                           --        --       --       (19)      (46)     (47)      (95)      (39)     15        (7)     (238)
  1997                           --        --       --        --       (56)    (104)      (55)       18      36         2      (159)
  1998                           --        --       --        --        --       57        42        60      38        11       208
  1999                           --        --       --        --        --       --        89        40      92        32       253
  2000                           --        --       --        --        --       --        --        88     146        73       307
  2001                           --        --       --        --        --       --        --        --     (24)       39        15
  2002                           --        --       --        --        --       --        --        --      --      (199)     (199)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total                         $94      $347     $955       $50     $(155)   $(240)      $(4)     $143    $293    $2,824    $4,307


Consistent  with  industry  practice,  The  Hartford  cedes  insurance  risk  to
reinsurance  companies.  For Property & Casualty  operations,  these reinsurance
arrangements  are intended to provide  greater  diversification  of business and
limit The Hartford's maximum net loss arising from large risks or catastrophes.

A major portion of The Hartford's property and casualty  reinsurance is effected
under general reinsurance contracts known as treaties, or, in some instances, is
negotiated on an individual risk basis,  known as facultative  reinsurance.  The
Hartford also has in-force excess of loss contracts with reinsurers that protect
it against a specified part or all of certain losses over stipulated amounts.

Reinsurance does not relieve The Hartford of its primary liability and, as such,
failure of reinsurers to honor their  obligations  could result in losses to The
Hartford.  The Hartford evaluates the financial  condition of its reinsurers and
monitors  concentrations  of credit risk.  The Company's  monitoring  procedures
include careful initial selection of its reinsurers,  structuring  agreements to
provide collateral funds where possible,  and regularly monitoring the financial
condition and ratings of its reinsurers.

In  accordance  with  normal  industry  practice,  Life is  involved in both the
cession  and  assumption  of  insurance  with other  insurance  and  reinsurance
companies.  As of  December  31,  2003,  the  largest  amount of life  insurance
retained  on any one life by any one of the life  operations  was  approximately
$2.5.  In addition,  the Company has reinsured the majority of the minimum death
benefit  guarantees and the guaranteed  minimum  withdrawal  benefits offered in
connection with its variable annuity contracts. The majority of variable annuity
contracts  issued  since August 2002  include a  guaranteed  minimum  withdrawal
benefit  ("GMWB")  rider.  The GMWB  represents  an embedded  derivative  in the
variable  annuity  contract that is required to be reported  separately from the
host variable annuity  contract.  Beginning July 7, 2003,  substantially all new
contracts  with the GMWB were not  covered by  reinsurance  as the  Company  had
exceeded the limit in the existing reinsurance  agreement prior to that date. As
of December  31,  2003,  approximately  $11  billion or 64% of variable  annuity
account value with GMWB was reinsured. The Company also assumes reinsurance from
other insurers.  The Company evaluates the financial condition of its reinsurers
and monitors  concentrations  of credit risk.  For the years ended  December 31,
2003,  2002 and 2001,  the Company did not make any  significant  changes in the
terms  under  which  reinsurance  is  ceded  to other  insurers  except  for the
Company's  recapture  of a  block  of  business  previously  reinsured  with  an
unaffiliated  reinsurer.  For  further  discussion  see  Note  14  of  Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements.


An  important  element of the  financial  results of The  Hartford  is return on
invested  assets.  The Hartford's  investment  portfolios are primarily  divided
between  Life and Property & Casualty.  The  investment  portfolios  are managed
based  on  the  underlying   characteristics  and  nature  of  each  operation's
respective liabilities and within established risk parameters.

The  investment  portfolios  of Life and  Property  &  Casualty  are  managed by
Hartford Investment  Management.  Hartford Investment  Management is responsible
for monitoring and managing the asset/liability profile, establishing investment
objectives and guidelines and determining,  within specified risk tolerances and
investment guidelines, the appropriate asset allocation, duration, convexity and
other  characteristics of the portfolios.  Security selection and monitoring are
performed  by  asset  class  specialists   working  within  dedicated  portfolio
management teams.

The primary  investment  objective  of Life's  general  account  and  guaranteed
separate accounts is to maximize  after-tax  returns  consistent with acceptable
risk  parameters,  including the management of the interest rate  sensitivity of
invested assets and the generation of sufficient liquidity,  relative to that of
policyholder and corporate obligations.

                                     - 13 -

The investment  objective for the majority of Property & Casualty is to maximize
economic value while  generating  after-tax  income and sufficient  liquidity to
meet  policyholder  and corporate  obligations.  For Property & Casualty's Other
Operations  segment,  the investment  objective is to ensure the full and timely
payment  of all  liabilities.  Property  & Casualty  investment  strategies  are
developed based on a variety of factors  including  business  needs,  regulatory
requirements and tax considerations.

For a further discussion of The Hartford's approach to managing risks, including
derivative utilization,  see the Investments and Capital Markets Risk Management
sections,  of the  MD&A,  as well as Note 1 of Notes to  Consolidated  Financial


Although  there has been some  deregulation  with  respect  to large  commercial
insureds in recent  years,  insurance  companies,  for the most part,  are still
subject to comprehensive and detailed regulation and supervision  throughout the
United  States.  The extent of such  regulation  varies,  but  generally has its
source in statutes which delegate  regulatory,  supervisory  and  administrative
powers to state  insurance  departments.  Such  powers  relate to,  among  other
things, the standards of solvency that must be met and maintained; the licensing
of insurers and their  agents;  the nature of and  limitations  on  investments;
establishing premium rates; claim handling and trade practices;  restrictions on
the size of risks  which  may be  insured  under a single  policy;  deposits  of
securities for the benefit of policyholders;  approval of policy forms; periodic
examinations of the affairs of companies;  annual and other reports  required to
be filed on the financial  condition of companies or for other purposes;  fixing
maximum  interest  rates on life  insurance  policy loans and minimum  rates for
accumulation  of  surrender  values;  and the  adequacy  of  reserves  and other
necessary  provisions for unearned premiums,  unpaid claims and claim adjustment
expenses and other liabilities, both reported and unreported.

Most states have enacted  legislation that regulates  insurance  holding company
systems such as The Hartford.  This  legislation  provides  that each  insurance
company in the system is required to register with the  insurance  department of
its state of domicile  and furnish  information  concerning  the  operations  of
companies  within the holding  company  system which may  materially  affect the
operations, management or financial condition of the insurers within the system.
All transactions within a holding company system affecting insurers must be fair
and  equitable.  Notice to the insurance  departments  is required  prior to the
consummation  of  transactions  affecting the ownership or control of an insurer
and of certain  material  transactions  between an insurer and any entity in its
holding  company system.  In addition,  certain of such  transactions  cannot be
consummated without the applicable insurance department's prior approval.

The extent of insurance  regulation on business outside the United States varies
significantly among the countries in which The Hartford operates. Some countries
have  minimal   regulatory   requirements,   while  others   regulate   insurers
extensively.   Foreign  insurers  in  many  countries  are  faced  with  greater
restrictions   than   domestic   competitors   domiciled   in  that   particular
jurisdiction.  The Hartford's international operations are comprised of insurers
licensed  in their  respective  countries  and,  therefore,  are  subject to the
generally less restrictive domestic insurance regulations.


The Hartford had approximately 30,000 employees as of December 31, 2003.


The Hartford files annual,  quarterly and current reports,  proxy statements and
other  documents with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") under
the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act").  The public may read
and copy any materials  that The Hartford files with the SEC at the SEC's Public
Reference Room at 450 Fifth Street,  NW,  Washington,  DC 20549.  The public may
obtain  information on the operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the
SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. Also, the SEC maintains an Internet website that contains
reports,  proxy and  information  statements,  and other  information  regarding
issuers,  including The  Hartford,  that file  electronically  with the SEC. The
public  can  obtain   reports   that  The   Hartford   files  with  the  SEC  at

The  Hartford  also makes  available  free of charge on or through its  Internet
website  (http://www.thehartford.com) The Hartford's annual report on Form 10-K,
quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q,  current reports on Form 8-K, and amendments to
those reports filed or furnished pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange
Act as soon as reasonably  practicable after The Hartford  electronically  files
such material with, or furnishes it to, the SEC.


The Hartford owns the land and buildings  comprising  its Hartford  location and
other  properties  within the  greater  Hartford,  Connecticut  area which total
approximately 1.9 million of the 2.2 million square feet owned. In addition, The
Hartford  leases  approximately  5.4 million  square feet  throughout the United
States and 39 thousand  square feet in other  countries.  All of the  properties
owned  or  leased  are  used  by one or  more of all  nine  operating  segments,
depending on the location.  (For more information on operating segments see Part
1, Item 1, Business of The Hartford - Reporting  Segments.) The Company believes
its properties and facilities are suitable and adequate for current operations.


The Hartford is involved in claims litigation  arising in the ordinary course of
business,  both as a liability  insurer  defending  third-party  claims  brought
against insureds and as an insurer defending coverage claims brought against it.
The Hartford  accounts for such  activity  through the  establishment  of unpaid
claim  and claim  adjustment  expense  reserves.  Subject  to the  uncertainties
discussed in Note 16 of Notes to  Condensed  Consolidated  Financial  Statements
under the caption "Asbestos and Environmental  Claims,"  management expects that
the ultimate  liability,  if any,  with respect to such  ordinary-course  claims
litigation,  after  consideration  of provisions  made for potential  losses and
costs of defense, will not be material to the consolidated  financial condition,
results of operations or cash flows of The Hartford.

                                     - 14 -

The  Hartford is also  involved in other kinds of legal  actions,  some of which
assert claims for  substantial  amounts.  These actions  include,  among others,
putative  state and federal class actions  seeking  certification  of a state or
national  class.  Such  putative  class  actions  have  alleged,   for  example,
underpayment  of claims or improper  underwriting  practices in connection  with
various kinds of insurance policies, such as personal and commercial automobile,
premises  liability,   and  inland  marine,  and  improper  sales  practices  in
connection with the sale of life insurance and other  investment  products.  The
Hartford also is involved in individual  actions in which  punitive  damages are
sought,  such as claims alleging bad faith in the handling of insurance  claims.
Management  expects that the ultimate  liability,  if any,  with respect to such
lawsuits,  after consideration of provisions made for potential losses and costs
of defense, will not be material to the consolidated  financial condition of The
Hartford.  Nonetheless,  given  the  large or  indeterminate  amounts  sought in
certain of these actions, and the inherent unpredictability of litigation, it is
possible that an adverse  outcome in certain  matters could,  from time to time,
have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's  consolidated  results  of
operations or cash flows in particular quarterly or annual periods.

As further  discussed  in the MD&A under the  caption  "Other  Operations,"  The
Hartford  continues to receive  asbestos and  environmental  claims that involve
significant  uncertainty  regarding  policy  coverage  issues.  Regarding  these
claims,   The  Hartford   continually   reviews  its  overall   reserve  levels,
methodologies and reinsurance coverages.

The MacArthur  Litigation - Hartford Accident and Indemnity  Company  ("Hartford
A&I"), a subsidiary of the Company, issued primary general liability policies to
Mac Arthur Company and its subsidiary,  Western MacArthur  Company,  both former
regional  distributors  of  asbestos  products  (collectively  or  individually,
"MacArthur"),  during the period 1967 to 1976.  In 1987,  Hartford  A&I notified
MacArthur  that its  available  limits for asbestos  bodily  injury claims under
these policies had been exhausted,  and MacArthur  ceased  submitting  claims to
Hartford A&I under these  policies.  Thirteen  years later,  MacArthur  filed an
action against  Hartford A&I seeking for the first time additional  coverage for
asbestos  bodily  injury  claims under the Hartford A&I primary  policies on the
theory  that  Hartford  A&I had not  exhausted  limits  MacArthur  alleged to be
available for  non-products  liability.  Following  the  voluntary  dismissal of
MacArthur's  original action, the coverage litigation  proceeded in the Superior
Court in Alameda County, California.  MacArthur sought a declaration of coverage
and damages,  alleging  that its liability for  liquidated  but unpaid  asbestos
bodily injury claims was $2.5 billion, of which more than $1.8 billion consisted
of  unpaid  judgments,  and that it had  substantial  additional  liability  for
unliquidated  and  future  claims.   Four  asbestos  claimants  holding  default
judgments  against MacArthur also were joined as plaintiffs and asserted a right
to an accelerated trial. Hartford A&I has been vigorously defending that action.

On June  3,  2002,  The St.  Paul  Companies,  Inc.  ("St.  Paul")  announced  a
settlement  of a coverage  action  brought by MacArthur  against  United  States
Fidelity and Guaranty  Company  ("USF&G"),  a subsidiary of St. Paul.  Under the
settlement,  St.  Paul  agreed to pay a total of $975 to  resolve  its  asbestos
liability to MacArthur in conjunction  with a proposed  bankruptcy  petition and
pre-packaged plan of  reorganization  to be filed by MacArthur.  On November 22,
2002,  pursuant to the terms of its settlement with St. Paul,  MacArthur filed a
bankruptcy   petition  and  proposed  plan  of   reorganization.   A  month-long
confirmation  trial was held  during the fourth  quarter of 2003.  Hartford  A&I
objected to the  proposed  plan and took the leading  role for the  objectors at

On December 19, 2003,  Hartford  A&I entered  into a settlement  agreement  with
MacArthur,  the Official Unsecured Creditors Committee representing the asbestos
plaintiffs,   the  Futures  Representative  appointed  by  the  court,  and  the
plaintiffs'  lawyers  representing  the  holders  of default  judgments  against
MacArthur. The settlement is contingent on the occurrence of certain conditions,
including final,  non-appealable court orders approving the settlement agreement
and  confirming a bankruptcy  plan under which,  among other things,  all claims
against  the  Company  relating  to the  asbestos  liability  of  MacArthur  are
enjoined.  If the conditions  are met, the settlement  will resolve all disputes
concerning Hartford A&I's alleged obligations arising from MacArthur's  asbestos
liability.  Under the settlement agreement,  Hartford A&I will pay $1.15 billion
into an escrow  account  in the first  quarter  of 2004,  and the funds  will be
disbursed  to a trust to be  established  for the  benefit of present and future
asbestos claimants pursuant to the bankruptcy plan once all conditions precedent
to the settlement have occurred.

In January 2004,  the bankruptcy  court  approved the  settlement  agreement and
entered an order  confirming  a plan of  reorganization  that  provides  for the
injunctions and other protections required under the settlement  agreement.  The
injunctions  will become effective when they are affirmed by the district court.
Management expects that all conditions to the settlement will be satisfied,  but
it is not certain whether or when those conditions will be satisfied.

Bancorp  Services,  LLC - In the third quarter of 2003,  Hartford Life Insurance
Company ("HLIC") and its affiliate  International Corporate Marketing Group, LLC
("ICMG") settled their intellectual property dispute with Bancorp Services,  LLC
("Bancorp").  The dispute  concerned,  among other things,  Bancorp's claims for
alleged  patent  infringement,   breach  of  a  confidentiality  agreement,  and
misappropriation   of  trade   secrets   related   to   certain   stable   value
corporate-owned life insurance products.

Under the terms of the settlement,  The Hartford will pay a minimum of $70 and a
maximum of $80,  depending on the outcome of the patent  appeal,  to resolve all
disputes  between the  parties.  The appeal from the trade  secret and breach of
contract judgment will be dismissed. The settlement resulted in the recording of
an additional  charge of $40 after-tax in the third quarter of 2003,  reflecting
the maximum  amount  payable  under the  settlement.  In  November of 2003,  the
Company paid the initial $70 of the settlement.

Reinsurance  Arbitration  - On March 16,  2003,  a final  decision and award was
issued in the previously disclosed reinsurance  arbitration between subsidiaries
of The Hartford and one of their  primary  reinsurers  relating to policies with
guaranteed  death benefits  written from 1994 to 1999. The arbitration  involved
alleged  breaches under the reinsurance  treaties.  Under the terms of the final
decision and award,  the reinsurer's  reinsurance

                                     - 15 -

obligations  to The  Hartford's  subsidiaries  were unchanged and not limited or
reduced in any manner. The award was confirmed by the Connecticut Superior Court
on May 5, 2003.


No matter was submitted to a vote of security holders of The Hartford during the
fourth quarter of 2003.



The Hartford's  common stock is traded on the New York Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE")
under the trading symbol "HIG".

The  following  table  presents  the high and low closing  prices for the common
stock of The Hartford on the NYSE for the periods  indicated,  and the quarterly
dividends declared per share.

                           1st Qtr.  2nd Qtr.  3rd Qtr.  4th Qtr.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Common Stock Price
 High                       $48.71     $51.84    $55.75   $59.03
 Low                         32.30      36.18     49.88    53.10
Dividends Declared            0.27       0.27      0.27     0.28
Common Stock Price
 High                       $68.56     $69.97    $58.63   $50.10
 Low                         59.93      58.04     41.00    37.38
Dividends Declared            0.26       0.26      0.26     0.27

As of February 20, 2004, the Company had approximately 126,000 shareholders. The
closing  price of The  Hartford's  common stock on the NYSE on February 20, 2004
was $65.42.

On October 16, 2003,  The  Hartford's  Board of  Directors  declared a quarterly
dividend of $0.28 per share payable on January 2, 2004 to shareholders of record
as of December 1, 2003.  The dividend  represented  a 4% increase from the prior
quarter.  Dividend  decisions  are based on and affected by a number of factors,
including the operating  results and financial  requirements of The Hartford and
the impact of  regulatory  restrictions  discussed in the Capital  Resources and
Liquidity section of the MD&A under "Liquidity Requirements".

There are also  various  legal  limitations  governing  the  extent to which The
Hartford's insurance  subsidiaries may extend credit, pay dividends or otherwise
provide funds to The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. as discussed in the
Capital   Resources  and  Liquidity   section  of  the  MD&A  under   "Liquidity


The  following  table  provides  information  as of December  31, 2003 about the
securities  authorized  for issuance  under the  Company's  equity  compensation
plans.  The Company  maintains The Hartford  Incentive  Stock Plan, The Hartford
Employee Stock  Purchase Plan (the "ESPP"),  and The Hartford  Restricted  Stock
Plan for Non-Employee  Directors (the "Director's  Plan"),  pursuant to which it
may grant equity awards to eligible persons. In addition,  the Company maintains
the 2000 PLANCO Non-employee Option Plan (the "PLANCO Plan"),  pursuant to which
it may grant awards to non-employee wholesalers of PLANCO products.

                                                   (a)                          (b)                              (c)
                                        --------------------------    ----------------------   -------------------------------------
                                         Number of Securities to        Weighted-average            Number of Securities Remaining
                                         be Issued Upon Exercise        Exercise Price of        Available for Future Issuance Under
                                         of Outstanding Options,      Outstanding Options,      Equity Compensation Plans (Excluding
                                           Warrants and Rights         Warrants and Rights       Securities Reflected in Column (a))
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity compensation plans approved by
   stockholders                              20,937,715                        48.63                         9,475,461   [1] [2] [3]
Equity compensation plans not
   approved by stockholders                     280,762                        53.15                           167,720
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                        21,218,477                        48.69                         9,643,181
[1]  Of these shares, 3,091,671 shares remain available for purchase under the ESPP.
[2]  Of these shares, a maximum of 2,933,086  shares remain  available for issuance as restricted stock or performance  shares under
     The Hartford Incentive Stock Plan.
[3]  Of these shares, 130,569 shares remain available for issuance under the Director's Plan.

                                     - 16 -


The Company's  Board of Directors  adopted the PLANCO Plan on July 20, 2000, and
amended  it on  February  20,  2003 to  increase  the  number  of  shares of the
Company's  common stock subject to the plan to 450,000 shares.  The stockholders
of the Company have not approved the PLANCO Plan.

Eligibility - Any non-employee  independent  contractor serving on the wholesale
sales force as an insurance  agent who is an  exclusive  agent of the Company or
who  derives  more than 50% of his or her  annual  income  from the  Company  is

Terms of options - Nonqualified  stock options  ("NQSOs") to purchase  shares of
common stock are available for grant under the PLANCO Plan. The administrator of
the PLANCO Plan, the  Compensation and Personnel  Committee,  (i) determines the
recipients  of options  under the PLANCO  Plan,  (ii)  determines  the number of
shares of common stock covered by such options,  (iii)  determines the dates and
the manner in which  options  become  exercisable  (which is  typically in three
equal  annual  installments  beginning on the first  anniversary  of the date of
grant),  (iv) sets the exercise price of options (which may be less than,  equal
to or greater  than the fair market  value of common stock on the date of grant)
and (v) determines the other terms and conditions of each option. Payment of the
exercise price may be made in cash,  other shares of the Company's  common stock
or through a same day sale program. The term of an NQSO may not exceed ten years
and two days from the date of grant.

If an  optionee's  required  relationship  with the Company  terminates  for any
reason,  other than for cause, any exercisable  options remain exercisable for a
fixed period of three months,  not to exceed the remainder of the option's term.
Any  options  that  are not  exercisable  at the  time of such  termination  are
cancelled  on  the  date  of  such  termination.   If  the  optionee's  required
relationship is terminated for cause, the options are canceled immediately.

Acceleration  in Connection  with a Change in Control - Upon the occurrence of a
change  in  control,  each  option  outstanding  on the date of such  change  in
control,  and which is not then fully vested and exercisable,  shall immediately
vest and become exercisable. In general, a "Change in Control" will be deemed to
have  occurred upon the  acquisition  of 20% or more of the  outstanding  voting
stock of the Company,  a tender or exchange  offer to acquire 15% or more of the
outstanding   voting  stock  of  the  Company,   certain  mergers  or  corporate
transactions   resulting  in  the   shareholders   of  the  Company  before  the
transactions  owning  less than 55% of the entity  surviving  the  transactions,
certain transactions  involving a transfer of substantially all of the Company's
assets or a change in  greater  than 50% of the  Board  members  over a two year
period.  See  Note  11 of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for a
description of The Hartford Incentive Stock Plan and the ESPP.


On July 10, 2003, the Company issued $320 in aggregate  principal  amount of its
unregistered  4.625% senior notes, due 2013. The unregistered  senior notes were
offered and sold only to qualified  institutional buyers in compliance with Rule
144A of the Securities Act of 1933 and, outside the United States, in compliance
with  Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933. The initial  purchasers of the
senior notes were Banc of America Securities LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets,  LLC
and Banc One Capital  Markets,  Inc. The net proceeds from the  offering,  along
with available cash, were used to redeem $320 net aggregate  principal amount of
the Company's then outstanding  7.70% junior  subordinated  deferrable  interest
debentures,  series A, due February 28, 2016,  underlying  the 7.70%  cumulative
quarterly income preferred  securities,  series A, originally issued by Hartford
Capital I. On January 22, 2004,  pursuant to terms and  conditions  set forth in
the  registration  statement on Form S-4 (Reg. No.  333-110274)  effective as of
January 20, 2004 and the related  prospectus,  the Company commenced an exchange
offer  whereby the  unregistered  senior notes can be exchanged  for  registered
senior notes with identical terms. The exchange offer terminated on February 25,

                                     - 17 -

                                                   ITEM 6. SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                                    (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT FOR PER SHARE DATA AND COMBINED RATIOS)

                                                               2003           2002          2001           2000           1999
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenues [1]                                        $   18,733     $   16,417     $   15,980    $    15,312    $    13,945
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting
  changes [2]                                                    (91)         1,000            541            974            862
Net income (loss)  [2] [3]                                       (91)         1,000            507            974            862
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                                              $  225,853     $  181,975     $  181,593    $   171,951    $   167,486
Long-term debt                                                 4,613          4,064          3,377          3,105          2,798
Total stockholders' equity                                    11,639         10,734          9,013          7,464          5,466
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting
    changes [2]                                           $    (0.33)    $     4.01     $     2.27    $      4.42    $      3.83
   Net income (loss) [2] [3]                                   (0.33)          4.01           2.13           4.42           3.83
   Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting
    changes [2]                                                (0.33)          3.97           2.24           4.34           3.79
   Net income (loss) [2] [3]                                   (0.33)          3.97           2.10           4.34           3.79
Dividends declared per common share                             1.09           1.05           1.01           0.97           0.92
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mutual fund assets [5]                                    $   22,462     $   15,321     $   16,809    $    11,432    $     6,374
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
North American Property & Casualty [6]                           98.0           99.8          112.5         102.9          102.7
[1]  2001 includes a $91 reduction in premiums from reinsurance cessions related to September 11.
[2]  2003 includes an after-tax charge of $1,701 related to the Company's 2003 asbestos reserve  addition,  $40 of after-tax expense
     related to the settlement of the Bancorp Services,  LLC litigation dispute, $30 of tax benefit in Life primarily related to the
     favorable  treatment of certain tax items arising  during the 1996-2002  tax years,  and $27 after-tax of severance  charges in
     Property &  Casualty.  2002  includes  $76 tax  benefit in Life,  $11  after-tax  expense in Life  related to Bancorp and an $8
     after-tax benefit in Life's September 11 exposure.  2001 includes $440 of losses related to September 11 and a $130 tax benefit
     in Life.
[3]  2001 includes a $34 after-tax charge related to the cumulative effect of accounting  changes for the Company's adoption of SFAS
     No. 133,  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities" and EITF Issue No. 99-20,  "Recognition of Interest
     Income and Impairment on Purchased and Retained Beneficial Interests in Securitized Financial Assets".
[4]  As a result of the net loss for the year ended December 31, 2003, Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128,"Earnings
     per Share"  requires the Company to use basic weighted  average common shares  outstanding in the calculation of the year ended
     December 31, 2003 diluted earnings (loss) per share,  since the inclusion of options of 1.8 would have been antidilutive to the
     earnings per share  calculation.  In the absence of the net loss,  weighted  average  common  shares  outstanding  and dilutive
     potential common shares would have totaled 274.2.
[5]  Mutual funds are owned by the shareholders of those funds and not by the Company.  As a result, they are not reflected in total
     assets on the Company's balance sheet.
[6]  2001 includes the impact of September 11. Before the impact of September 11, the 2001 combined ratio was 103.5.

                                     - 18 -

                            AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations  ("MD&A") addresses the financial condition of The Hartford Financial
Services Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries  (collectively,  "The Hartford" or the
"Company") as of December 31, 2003,  compared  with  December 31, 2002,  and its
results of operations  for each of the three years in the period ended  December
31, 2003. This discussion  should be read in conjunction  with the  Consolidated
Financial   Statements  and  related  Notes  beginning  on  page  F-1.   Certain
reclassifications  have been made to prior year financial information to conform
to the current year presentation.

Certain of the statements contained herein are forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking  statements  are made pursuant to the safe harbor  provisions of
the Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and include estimates and
assumptions related to economic, competitive and legislative developments. These
forward-looking  statements are subject to change and uncertainty  which are, in
many  instances,  beyond  the  Company's  control  and have been made based upon
management's  expectations and beliefs concerning future  developments and their
potential  effect  upon the  Company.  There  can be no  assurance  that  future
developments  will be in accordance with  management's  expectations or that the
effect of future  developments  on The  Hartford  will be those  anticipated  by
management.  Actual results could differ  materially  from those expected by the
Company, depending on the outcome of various factors. These factors include: the
difficulty  in  predicting  the  Company's  potential  exposure for asbestos and
environmental  claims and related  litigation,  including the Company's  dispute
with  Mac  Arthur  Company  and  its  subsidiary,   Western   MacArthur  Company
(collectively,   or   individually,   "MacArthur")  if  the  conditions  to  the
consummation of our settlement  with MacArthur are not satisfied;  the uncertain
nature of damage  theories and loss amounts and the  development  of  additional
facts  related to the  September  11  terrorist  attack  ("September  11");  the
uncertain effect on the Company of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation
Act of 2003, in particular the reduction in tax rates on long-term capital gains
and most dividend  distributions;  the response of reinsurance  companies  under
reinsurance  contracts,  the  impact  of  increasing  reinsurance  rates and the
availability  and adequacy of reinsurance to protect the Company against losses;
the inability to effectively  mitigate the impact of equity market volatility on
the  Company's  financial  position  and  results  of  operations  arising  from
obligations   under  annuity  product   guarantees;   the  possibility  of  more
unfavorable  loss  experience  than  anticipated;  the  possibility  of  general
economic and business  conditions that are less favorable than anticipated;  the
incidence and severity of catastrophes, both natural and man-made; the effect of
changes  in  interest  rates,  the stock  markets  or other  financial  markets;
stronger  than  anticipated  competitive  activity;   unfavorable   legislative,
regulatory or judicial  developments;  the Company's  ability to distribute  its
products through distribution  channels,  both current and future; the uncertain
effects of emerging claim and coverage  issues;  the effect of  assessments  and
other surcharges for guaranty funds and second-injury  funds and other mandatory
pooling  arrangements;  a downgrade in the  Company's  claims-paying,  financial
strength or credit  ratings;  the ability of the Company's  subsidiaries  to pay
dividends to the Company;  and other factors  described in such  forward-looking

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Overview                                                    19
Critical Accounting Estimates                               21
Consolidated Results of Operations: Operating Summary       28
Life                                                        31
Investment Products                                         33
Individual Life                                             34
Group Benefits                                              35
Corporate Owned Life Insurance (COLI)                       36
Property & Casualty                                         37
Business Insurance                                          42
Personal Lines                                              44

Specialty Commercial                                        46
Reinsurance                                                 48
Other Operations (Including Asbestos and
   Environmental Claims)                                    49
Investments                                                 55
Investment Credit Risk                                      59
Capital Markets Risk Management                             64
Capital Resources and Liquidity                             71
Effect of Inflation                                         78
Impact of New Accounting Standards                          78

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  Hartford  provides  investment  products and life and property and casualty
insurance to both  individual  and business  customers in the United  States and
internationally.  The Company is organized into two major  operations:  Life and
Property & Casualty.  An overview of these operations and the principal  factors
that drive the profitability of these operations follows.


Life  provides  investment  and  retirement  products such as variable and fixed
annuities,  mutual funds and  retirement  plan services and other  institutional
products;  individual  and corporate  owned life  insurance;  and, group benefit
products, such as group life and group disability insurance.

                                     - 19 -

Life derives its revenues  principally  from:  (a) fee income,  including  asset
management  fees,  on separate  account and mutual fund assets and mortality and
expense fees, as well as cost of insurance charges;  (b) fully insured premiums;
(c) certain other fees; and (d) net investment income on general account assets.
Asset  management  fees and mortality  and expense fees are primarily  generated
from separate  account assets,  which are deposited with the Company through the
sale of variable  annuity and variable  universal  life products and from mutual
funds.  Cost of  insurance  charges  are  assessed on the net amount at risk for
investment-oriented life insurance products.

Premium  revenues  are derived  primarily  from the sale of group life and group
disability insurance products.

Life's expenses  essentially  consist of interest  credited to  policyholders on
general  account   liabilities,   insurance  benefits  provided,   dividends  to
policyholders,  costs of selling and servicing the various  products  offered by
the Company, and other general business expenses.

Life's  profitability  in its  variable  annuity,  mutual  fund and, to a lesser
extent,  variable universal life businesses depends largely on the amount of its
assets under  management  on which it earns fees and the level of fees  charged.
Changes in assets under management are comprised of two main factors: net flows,
which measure the success of Life's asset gathering and retention efforts (sales
and other deposits less surrenders) and the market return of the funds, which is
heavily  influenced by the return on the equity markets.  The  profitability  of
Life's fixed  annuities  depends  largely on its ability to earn target  spreads
between  earned  investment  rates on its general  account  assets and  interest
credited to policyholders. Profitability is also influenced by operating expense
management  including the benefits of economies of scale in its variable annuity
businesses in particular. In addition, the size and persistency of gross profits
from these  businesses  is an  important  driver of  earnings  as it affects the
amortization of the deferred policy acquisition costs.

Life's  profitability  in its  individual  life  insurance  and  group  benefits
businesses  depends  largely on the size of its in force block,  the adequacy of
product pricing and  underwriting  discipline,  and the efficiency of its claims
and expense management.


Property & Casualty provides a number of coverages to businesses  throughout the
United States, including workers' compensation, property, automobile, liability,
umbrella, specialty casualty, marine, agriculture,  bond, professional liability
and  directors  and  officer's  liability  coverage.  Property &  Casualty  also
provides automobile,  homeowners and home-based business coverage to individuals
throughout  the  United  States  as  well  as  insurance   related  services  to

Property & Casualty  derives its revenues  principally  from premium  earned for
insurance  coverages  provided to  insureds,  investment  income,  net  realized
capital gains and losses, and, to a lesser extent, from fees earned for services
provided  to third  parties.  Premiums  are  earned on a pro rata basis over the
terms of the related policies in force.

Service fees principally include revenues from third party claims administration
services  provided by Specialty  Risk Services and revenues from member  contact
center services provided through AARP's Health Care Options program.

Property  & Casualty  underwriting  segments  are  evaluated  by The  Hartford's
management  primarily  based upon  underwriting  results.  Underwriting  results
represent  earned premiums less incurred claims,  claim adjustment  expenses and
underwriting expenses.  Underwriting results are influenced significantly by the
adequacy  of the  Company's  pricing.  Property  &  Casualty  seeks to price its
insurance policies such that insurance premiums and net investment income earned
on premiums received will cover  underwriting  expenses and the ultimate cost of
paying claims reported on the policies and provide for a profit margin. For some
of its insurance  products,  Property & Casualty is required to obtain  approval
for its premium rates from state insurance departments.

Underwriting   profitability  is  also  greatly   influenced  by  the  Company's
underwriting discipline which seeks to manage exposure to loss through favorable
risk  selection  and by its  ability  to  manage  its  expense  ratio  which  it
accomplishes  through  economies  of scale and its  management  of  underwriting

In setting its pricing,  Property & Casualty assumes an expected level of losses
from natural or man-made  catastrophes that will cover the Company's exposure to
catastrophes over the long-term. In any one year, however, Property & Casualty's
actual  losses from  catastrophes  may be  significantly  more or less than that
assumed in its pricing.  A catastrophe  loss is an event that causes $25 or more
in industry insured property losses and affects a significant number of property
and casualty policyholders and insurers.

Also, given the lag in the period from when claims are incurred to when they are
reported and paid,  final claim  settlements may vary from current  estimates of
incurred  losses and loss  expenses,  particularly  when those  payments may not
occur until well into the future. Adjustments to previously established loss and
loss expense  reserves,  if any, are  reflected in  underwriting  results in the
period in which the adjustment is determined to be necessary.

Through its Other  Operations  segment,  Property & Casualty is responsible  for
managing the  operations  of The  Hartford  that have  discontinued  writing new
business as well as managing the claims  related to asbestos  and  environmental
exposures.  As such, the  underwriting  loss in Other  Operations is principally
related to development on claim and claim adjustment expense reserves.

                                     - 20 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  preparation  of  financial   statements,   in  conformity  with  accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP"), requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and  liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at
the date of the financial  statements  and the reported  amounts of revenues and
expenses  during the reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from those
estimates.  The Company has  identified  the following  estimates as critical in
that they involve a higher  degree of judgment and are subject to a  significant
degree of variability;  reserves; investments; deferred policy acquisition costs
and present value of future profits;  pension and other postretirement benefits;
and contingencies. In developing these estimates management makes subjective and
complex  judgments that are inherently  uncertain and subject to material change
as facts and circumstances  develop.  Although  variability is inherent in these
estimates,  management  believes the amounts provided are appropriate based upon
the facts available upon compilation of the financial statements.



The Company's  life  insurance  subsidiaries  establish and carry as liabilities
actuarially  determined  reserves  which are  calculated to meet The  Hartford's
future  obligations.  Reserves for life insurance and  disability  contracts are
based on actuarially recognized methods using prescribed morbidity and mortality
tables in general use in the United  States,  which are  modified to reflect the
Company's  actual  experience when  appropriate.  These reserves are computed at
amounts that,  with additions  from  estimated  premiums to be received and with
interest on such reserves  compounded  annually at certain  assumed  rates,  are
expected to be  sufficient  to meet the Company's  policy  obligations  at their
maturities or in the event of an insured's death.  Changes in or deviations from
the  assumptions  used for mortality,  morbidity,  expected  future premiums and
interest  can  significantly  affect the  Company's  reserve  levels and related
future operations.  Reserves also include unearned  premiums,  premium deposits,
claims incurred but not reported  ("IBNR") and claims reported but not yet paid.
Reserves for assumed  reinsurance are computed in a manner that is comparable to
direct insurance reserves.

The  liability  for  policy  benefits  for  universal  life-type  contracts  and
interest-sensitive  whole life  policies is equal to the balance that accrues to
the benefit of policyholders,  including  credited  interest,  amounts that have
been assessed to compensate the Company for services to be performed over future
periods,  and any amounts  previously  assessed against  policyholders  that are
refundable on termination of the contract.

For investment contracts,  policyholder liabilities are equal to the accumulated
policy account values, which consist of an accumulation of deposit payments plus
credited interest,  less withdrawals and amounts assessed through the end of the
period.  Certain  investment  contracts include  provisions whereby a guaranteed
minimum   death   benefit   ("GMDB")   is   provided   in  the  event  that  the
contractholder's  account value at death is below the guaranteed value. Although
the Company  reinsures the majority of the death benefit  guarantees  associated
with its in-force block of business,  declines in the equity market may increase
the Company's net exposure to death benefits under these contracts. In addition,
these  contracts  contain  various  provisions for determining the amount of the
death benefit  guaranteed  following the  withdrawal of a portion of the account
value by the policyholder.  Partial withdrawals under certain of these contracts
may not  result in a  reduction  in the  guaranteed  minimum  death  benefit  in
proportion  to the account  value  surrendered.  The  Company  records the death
benefit  costs,  net of  reinsurance,  upon death.  See Impact of New Accounting
Standards  section for a discussion  of the  Company's  adoption of Statement of
Position 03-1,  "Accounting  and Reporting by Insurance  Enterprises for Certain
Nontraditional Long-Duration Contracts and for Separate Accounts" (the "SOP") in
2004 and the recording of a liability for GMDB in accordance with the provisions
of the SOP.

For the Company's group disability policies, the level of reserves is based on a
variety of factors including particular diagnoses, termination rates and benefit


The  Hartford  establishes  property  and  casualty  reserves to provide for the
estimated  costs of paying  claims made under  policies  written by the Company.
These  reserves  include  estimates  for both claims that have been reported and
those that have been  incurred but not  reported,  and include  estimates of all
expenses  associated with  processing and settling these claims.  Estimating the
ultimate cost of future claims and claim adjustment expenses is an uncertain and
complex process. This estimation process is based largely on the assumption that
past  developments are an appropriate  predictor of future events and involves a
variety  of  actuarial  techniques  that  analyze  experience,  trends and other
relevant  factors.  Reserve estimates can change over time because of unexpected
changes in the external  environment.  Potential  external  factors  include (1)
changes in the inflation rate for goods and services  related to covered damages
such as medical care,  hospital  care,  auto parts,  wages and home repair,  (2)
changes in the  general  economic  environment  that could  cause  unanticipated
changes in the claim  frequency per unit  insured,  (3) changes in the litigious
environment as evidenced by changes in claimant  attorney  representation in the
claims  negotiation  and  settlement  process,   (4)  changes  in  the  judicial
environment  regarding the  interpretation of policy provisions  relating to the
determination of coverage and/or the amount of damages awarded for certain types
of damages, (5) changes in the social environment regarding the general attitude
of juries in the  determination  of liability  and  damages,  (6) changes in the
regulatory  environment  regarding  rates,  rating plans and policy  forms,  (7)
changes in the legislative  environment  regarding the definition of damages and
(8) new types of  injuries  caused  by new types of  exposure  to  injury:  past
examples include breast implants,  tobacco  products,  lead paint,  construction
defects and blood product contamination.  Reserve estimates can also change over
time  because of changes in  internal  company  operations.  Potential  internal
factors include (1) periodic changes in claims handling  procedures,  (2) growth
in new lines of business  where exposure and loss  development  patterns are not
well  established  or (3)  changes  in the  quality  of  risk  selection  in the
underwriting process. In the case of reinsurance,  all of the above risks apply.
In addition,  changes in ceding  company case  reserving and

                                     - 21 -

reporting  patterns  create  additional  factors that need to be  considered  in
estimating the reserves. Due to the inherent complexity of the assumptions used,
final claim  settlements  may vary  significantly  from the  present  estimates,
particularly when those settlements may not occur until well into the future.

The  Hartford,  like  other  insurance  companies,  categorizes  and  tracks its
insurance  reserves  for its  segments  by "line of  business",  such as general
liability,  commercial multi-peril,  workers' compensation,  auto bodily injury,
auto physical  damage,  homeowners  and assumed  reinsurance.  Furthermore,  The
Hartford regularly reviews the  appropriateness of reserve levels at the line of
business level,  taking into consideration the variety of trends that impact the
ultimate  settlement of claims for the subsets of claims in each particular line
of  business.  Adjustments  to  previously  established  reserves,  if any,  are
reflected  in the  operating  results of the period in which the  adjustment  is
determined  to be  necessary.  In the judgment of  management,  all  information
currently available has been properly considered in the reserves established for
claims and claim adjustment expenses.

The Hartford is a multiline company in the property and casualty  business.  The
Hartford is therefore subject to reserve  uncertainty  stemming from conditions,
including but not limited to, those noted above,  any of which could be material
at any point in time for any  segment.  Certain  issues may become  more or less
important over time as external or internal conditions change. As various market
conditions develop, management must assess whether those conditions constitute a
long-term  trend that should  result in a reserving  action (i.e.  increasing or
decreasing the reserve). Below is a discussion of certain market conditions that
Company management has observed during 2003.

The Company continues to carry the original incurred amount related to September
11,  less any  paid  losses.  Actual  experience  in some  cases  appears  to be
developing  favorably  to our  original  expectations,  such as the higher  than
anticipated rate of participation  in the victim's  compensation  fund. There is
still  uncertainty,  particularly  with  respect to  coverage  disputes  and the
potential for the emergence of latent  injuries.  Furthermore,  the deadline for
filing a liability claim with respect to September 11 has been extended to March
11,  2004.  As various  deadlines  pass and more  coverage  disputes are settled
either  outside  of court or through a court  decision,  the  uncertainty  about
various  aspects of the  reserves  will  likely be  reduced.  The  Company  will
continue to evaluate these  reserves on a quarterly  basis  throughout  2004 and
will make adjustments where appropriate.

Within the commercial segments and the Other Operations segment, the Company has
exposure to losses from construction defects and other mass torts.  Construction
defect losses involve the allegation of property damage from poor  construction.
The Company also has exposure to claims  asserted for bodily  injury as a result
of long-term or continuous exposure to harmful products or substances.  Examples
include, but are not limited to, pharmaceutical  products,  latex gloves, silica
and lead paint. Such exposures involve  potentially long latency periods and the
spreading of coverage across years.  These factors make reserves for such claims
more uncertain than other bodily injury or property damage claims.

In Personal Lines,  reserving estimates are generally less variable than for the
Company's  other  property  and  casualty  segments.  This is largely due to the
coverages  having  relatively  shorter  periods  of loss  emergence.  Estimates,
however, can still vary due to a number of factors, including interpretations of
frequency and severity trends and their impact on recorded reserve levels.  With
respect to severity, the Company's current accident year case reserves indicated
a moderation in claim severity trends,  which may be attributable in whole or in
part to recent changes in internal claim  practices.  Changes in claim practices
increase  the  uncertainty  in the  interpretation  of case  reserve data which,
therefore, increases the uncertainty in recorded reserve levels.

In Business  Insurance,  workers'  compensation is the Company's  single biggest
line and the line with the longest pattern of loss emergence.  Reserve estimates
for  workers'  compensation  are  particularly  sensitive to  assumptions  about
medical inflation,  which has been increasing  steadily over the past few years.
In addition, changes in state legislative and regulatory environments impact the
Company's  estimates.  In particular,  the California  environment has been very
volatile. The California legislature has recently passed a slate of reforms with
the  intention  of  reducing  loss costs.  Some of the reforms  will impact open
claims,  and therefore,  will potentially  impact reserve  estimates.  How these
reforms will impact the amount and timing of loss payments is still unknown.

In the Specialty  Commercial  segment,  many lines of insurance,  such as excess
insurance and deductible workers' compensation insurance are "long-tailed" lines
of insurance. For long-tailed lines, the period of time between the incidence of
the  insured  loss and either the  reporting  of the claim to the  insurer,  the
settlement of the claim,  or the payment of the claim can be substantial  and in
some cases several years. As a result of this extended period of time for losses
to emerge,  reserve  estimates  for these lines are more  uncertain  (i.e.  more
variable)  than  reserve  estimates  for  shorter-tailed   lines  of  insurance.
Estimating required reserve levels for deductible workers compensation insurance
is  further   complicated  by  the   uncertainty  of  whether  losses  that  are
attributable to the deductible amount can be paid by the insured; if such losses
are not paid by the insured due to financial difficulties,  the Company would be
contractually liable. Another example of reserve variability relates to reserves
for directors  and officers  insurance.  The required  level of reserves for the
recent financial and Wall Street scandals,  including those involving the mutual
fund industry,  the investment  banking  industry and various  highly-publicized
bankruptcies, is still uncertain.

In the  Reinsurance  segments,  much of the  business  is  long-tailed;  reserve
estimates  for this  business are  therefore  subject to  variability  caused by
extended loss emergence periods that were described for the Specialty Commercial
segment.  In the case of assumed  reinsurance,  there is the added complexity of
further  reporting  delays between the time of the incidence of the loss and the
reporting  of the claim to the direct  insurer and the  reporting  by the direct
insurer to the reinsurer.  There is also the complexity of the dependence on the
quality  and  consistency  of the loss  reporting  of the  ceding  company.  And
finally,  there is the added variability  caused by the reinsurer  generally not
having  loss  information  as  detailed  as the direct  insurer.  The  Company's
reinsurance   casualty   business  for  accident  years   1997-2001  has  proven
particularly difficult to project.

                                     - 22 -

In the opinion of  management,  based upon the known facts and current  law, the
reserves  recorded  for The  Hartford's  property  and  casualty  businesses  at
December  31,  2003  represent  the  Company's  best  estimate  of its  ultimate
liability for claims and claim adjustment  expenses related to losses covered by
policies   written  by  the  Company.   However,   because  of  the  significant
uncertainties  surrounding environmental and particularly asbestos exposures, it
is possible that  management's  estimate of the ultimate  liabilities  for these
claims may change and that the required  adjustment to recorded  reserves  could
exceed the  currently  recorded  reserves by an amount that could be material to
The Hartford's results of operations, financial condition and liquidity.


The   Hartford   continues   to  receive   claims  that  assert   damages   from
asbestos-related  and  environmental-related  exposures.  Asbestos claims relate
primarily to bodily injuries asserted by those who came in contact with asbestos
or products  containing  asbestos.  Environmental  claims  relate  primarily  to
pollution and related clean-up costs.

The Hartford wrote several different  categories of insurance  coverage to which
asbestos and  environmental  claims may apply.  First, The Hartford wrote direct
policies as a primary liability  insurance  carrier.  Second, The Hartford wrote
direct excess insurance policies providing additional coverage for insureds that
exhausted their primary liability insurance coverage.  Third, The Hartford acted
as a reinsurer  assuming a portion of risks previously assumed by other insurers
writing  primary,  excess  and  reinsurance  coverages.   Fourth,  The  Hartford
participated  as a London  Market  company that wrote both direct  insurance and
assumed reinsurance business.

In establishing  reserves for asbestos and  environmental  claims,  The Hartford
evaluates  both each  insured's  probable  liability  for such  claims  and each
insured's total available insurance coverage for such claims. In evaluating each
insured's probable liability for asbestos and environmental claims; The Hartford
considers a variety of factors that are unique to each insured.  With respect to
each insured's probable liability for asbestos claims, these factors include the
jurisdictions  where underlying  claims have been brought,  past and anticipated
future claim activity, past settlement values of similar claims, allocated claim
adjustment expense, and potential  bankruptcy impact. The Hartford's  evaluation
of  each  insured's  probable   liability  for  environmental   claims  involves
consideration of similar factors, including historical values of similar claims,
the number of sites involved, the insured's alleged activities at each site, the
alleged environmental damage at each site, the respective shares of liability of
potentially  responsible  parties at each site, the  appropriateness and cost of
remediation at each site, the nature of governmental  enforcement  activities at
each site, the ownership and general use of each site, and potential  bankruptcy

Having   evaluated  the  insured's   probable   liability  for  asbestos  and/or
environmental  claims,  The Hartford then  evaluates  each  insured's  insurance
coverage  program for such claims.  The Hartford  considers each insured's total
available  insurance  coverage,  including the coverage  issued by The Hartford.
This  evaluation  includes  consideration  of the  number of years of  coverage,
applicable   limits  of   liability,   self-insured   retentions,   deductibles,
exclusions,  insolvencies,  and "bare"  periods.  The  Hartford  also  considers
relevant  judicial  interpretations  of policy language and applicable  coverage
defenses or  determinations,  if any,  including in the case of asbestos  claims
whether  some or all of the  claims  for which an  insured  seeks  coverage  are
products or completed operations claims subject to aggregate limits.

For both  asbestos and  environmental  reserves,  The Hartford also compares its
historical  direct net loss and expense  paid and incurred  experience,  and net
loss and  expense  paid and  incurred  experience  year by year,  to assess  any
emerging trends, fluctuations or characteristics suggested by the aggregate paid
and incurred activity.

Once the gross ultimate  exposure for indemnity and allocated  claim  adjustment
expense  is  determined  for each  insured by each  policy  year,  The  Hartford
calculates its ceded reinsurance  projection based on any applicable facultative
and  treaty   reinsurance  and  the  Company's   experience   with   reinsurance

Uncertainties Regarding Adequacy of Asbestos and Environmental Reserves

With regard to both environmental and particularly asbestos claims,  significant
uncertainty  limits the  ability of insurers  and  reinsurers  to  estimate  the
ultimate reserves necessary for unpaid losses and related  settlement  expenses.
Conventional  reserving  techniques cannot reasonably estimate the ultimate cost
of these claims,  particularly during periods where theories of law are in flux.
As a result of the factors discussed in the following paragraphs,  the degree of
variability of reserve  estimates for these exposures is  significantly  greater
than for other, more traditional exposures. In particular, The Hartford believes
there is a high degree of  uncertainty  inherent in the  estimation  of asbestos
loss reserves.

In the case of the reserves for asbestos exposures,  factors contributing to the
high degree of uncertainty include inadequate development patterns,  plaintiffs'
expanding  theories of liability,  the risks inherent in major  litigation,  and
inconsistent   emerging  legal  doctrines.   Courts  have  reached  inconsistent
conclusions  as to when losses are deemed to have  occurred  and which  policies
provide coverage; what types of losses are covered;  whether there is an insurer
obligation to defend;  how policy limits are applied;  whether particular claims
are  product/completed  operation  claims subject to an aggregate limit; and how
policy  exclusions  and  conditions  are applied and  interpreted.  Furthermore,
insurers in general,  including  The  Hartford,  have  recently  experienced  an
increase in the number of  asbestos-related  claims due to, among other  things,
more intensive  advertising by lawyers seeking asbestos  claimants,  plaintiffs'
increased focus on new and previously peripheral defendants,  and an increase in
the  number  of  insureds   seeking   bankruptcy   protection  as  a  result  of
asbestos-related  liabilities.  Plaintiffs  and  insureds  have  sought  to  use
bankruptcy proceedings including  "pre-packaged"  bankruptcies to accelerate and
increase loss payments by insurers.  In addition,  some policyholders have begun
to assert new classes of claims for so-called  "non-products" coverages to which
an  aggregate  limit  of  liability  may not  apply.  Recently,  many  insurers,
including  The  Hartford,  also have been sued  directly by  asbestos  claimants
asserting  that  insurers  had a duty to protect  the public from the dangers of
asbestos.  Management believes these issues are not likely to be resolved in the
near future.

                                     - 23 -

In the case of the reserves for environmental exposures, factors contributing to
the high degree of uncertainty include court decisions that have interpreted the
insurance  coverage  to  be  broader  than  originally  intended;   inconsistent
decisions,  especially across jurisdictions;  and uncertainty as to the monetary
amount being sought by the claimant from the insured.

Further  uncertainties include the effect of the recent acceleration in the rate
of  bankruptcy  filings  by  asbestos  defendants  on the rate and amount of The
Hartford's asbestos claims payments;  a further increase or decrease in asbestos
and  environmental  claims  which  cannot  now  be  anticipated;   whether  some
policyholders'  liabilities  will reach the  umbrella or excess  layers of their
coverage;  the  resolution or  adjudication  of some disputes  pertaining to the
amount of available  coverage for asbestos claims in a manner  inconsistent with
The Hartford's  previous  assessment of these claims;  the number and outcome of
direct actions against The Hartford; and unanticipated  developments  pertaining
to The Hartford's ability to recover  reinsurance for asbestos and environmental
claims.  It is also not possible to predict changes in the legal and legislative
environment  and  their  impact  on  the  future  development  of  asbestos  and
environmental claims.  Additionally,  the reporting pattern for excess insurance
and reinsurance claims is much longer than direct claims. In many instances,  it
takes months or years to determine that the customer's own obligations have been
met and how the  reinsurance in question may apply to such claims.  The delay in
reporting reinsurance claims and exposures adds to the uncertainty of estimating
the related reserves.

Given the factors and emerging trends described above, The Hartford believes the
actuarial tools and other techniques it employs to estimate the ultimate cost of
claims for more  traditional  kinds of  insurance  exposure  are less precise in
estimating  reserves  for  its  asbestos  exposures.  The  Hartford  continually
evaluates  new  information  and new  methodologies  in assessing  its potential
asbestos  exposures.  At any time, The Hartford may be conducting an analysis of
newly identified  information.  Completion of exposure  analyses could cause The
Hartford to change its  estimates  of its asbestos  reserves,  and the effect of
these changes could be material to the Company's consolidated operating results,
financial condition and liquidity.

In the first  quarter of 2003,  The Hartford  conducted a detailed  study of its
asbestos exposures. The Company undertook the study consistent with its practice
of  regularly  updating  its  reserve  estimates  as  new  information   becomes
available.  The Company strengthened its gross and net asbestos reserves by $3.9
billion and $2.6 billion, respectively, during the first quarter ended March 31,

The process of estimating asbestos reserves remains subject to a wide variety of
uncertainties,  which are detailed in Note 16 of Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements.  Due to these  uncertainties,  further  developments could cause The
Hartford to change its estimates of asbestos  reserves,  and the effect of these
changes  could be  material to the  Company's  consolidated  operating  results,
financial condition and liquidity.


The  Hartford's  investments  in both fixed  maturities,  which  include  bonds,
redeemable  preferred stock and commercial  paper and equity  securities,  which
include  common  and   non-redeemable   preferred  stocks,   are  classified  as
"available-for-sale"  as defined in Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards
("SFAS")  No.  115,  "Accounting  for  Certain  Investments  in Debt and  Equity

Accordingly,  these  securities  are  carried at fair  value with the  after-tax
difference from amortized cost, as adjusted for the effect of deducting the life
and  pension  policyholders'  share of the  immediate  participation  guaranteed
contracts  and  certain  life and annuity  deferred  policy  acquisition  costs,
reflected  in  stockholders'   equity  as  a  component  of  accumulated   other
comprehensive income ("AOCI").  Policy loans are carried at outstanding balance,
which  approximates fair value.  Other investments  primarily consist of limited
partnership interests,  derivatives and mortgage loans. The limited partnerships
are  accounted  for under the equity  method  and  accordingly  the  partnership
earnings are included in net investment income.  Derivatives are carried at fair
value  and  mortgage  loans  on real  estate  are  recorded  at the  outstanding
principal  balance adjusted for amortization of premiums or discounts and net of
valuation allowances, if any.

Valuation of Fixed Maturities

The fair value for fixed  maturity  securities  is largely  determined by one of
three  primary  pricing  methods:  independent  third  party  pricing  services,
independent  broker quotations or pricing  matrices,  which use data provided by
external  sources.  With  the  exception  of  short-term  securities  for  which
amortized cost is predominantly used to approximate fair value, security pricing
is applied using a hierarchy or  "waterfall"  approach  whereby prices are first
sought from independent  pricing services with the remaining unpriced securities
submitted to brokers for prices or lastly priced via a pricing matrix.

Prices from independent  pricing  services are often  unavailable for securities
that are rarely traded or are traded only in privately negotiated  transactions.
As a  result,  a  significant  percentage  of  the  Company's  asset-backed  and
commercial  mortgage-backed  securities  are  priced via  broker  quotations.  A
pricing  matrix is used to price  securities  for which the Company is unable to
obtain  either a price  from a third  party  service  or an  independent  broker
quotation. The pricing matrix begins with current treasury rates and uses credit
spreads and issuer-specific yield adjustments received from an independent third
party source to determine the market price for the security.  The credit spreads
incorporate  the issuer's  credit rating as assigned by a nationally  recognized
rating agency and a risk premium, if warranted, due to the issuer's industry and
security's time to maturity. The issuer-specific yield adjustments, which can be
positive or negative, are updated twice annually, as of June 30 and December 31,
by an independent  third-party source and are intended to adjust security prices
for issuer-specific  factors. The matrix-priced  securities at December 31, 2003
and 2002, primarily consisted of non-144A private placements and have an average
duration of 4.5.

                                     - 24 -

The following  table  identifies the fair value of fixed maturity  securities by
pricing source as of December 31, 2003 and 2002:

                                                                2003                                          2002
                                              -----------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------
                                                General and Guaranteed     Percentage         General and Guaranteed     Percentage
                                                Separate Account Fixed      of Total          Separate Account Fixed      of Total
                                               Maturities at Fair Value    Fair Value        Maturities at Fair Value    Fair Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Priced via independent market quotations      $            60,871             83.4%         $           48,680              81.1%
Priced via broker quotations                                4,113              5.6%                      5,809               9.7%
Priced via matrices                                         4,253              5.8%                      3,232               5.4%
Priced via other methods                                      337              0.5%                        234               0.4%
Short-term investments [1]                                  3,424              4.7%                      2,019               3.4%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total                                     $            72,998            100.0%         $           59,974             100.0%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total general accounts                        $            61,263             83.9%         $           48,889              81.5%
Total guaranteed separate accounts            $            11,735             16.1%         $           11,085              18.5%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]   Short-term  investments are valued at amortized cost,  which  approximates fair value.

The fair value of a financial  instrument is the amount at which the  instrument
could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties,  other than
in a  forced  or  liquidation  sale.  As such,  the  estimated  fair  value of a
financial  instrument  may differ  significantly  from the amount  that could be
realized if the security was sold immediately.

Other-Than-Temporary Impairments

One of the significant  estimations  inherent in the valuation of investments is
the   evaluation  of   other-than-temporary   impairments.   The  evaluation  of
impairments is a quantitative and qualitative process, which is subject to risks
and  uncertainties  and is intended to  determine  whether  declines in the fair
value of investments should be recognized in current period earnings.  The risks
and uncertainties  include changes in general economic conditions,  the issuer's
financial  condition or near term recovery  prospects and the effects of changes
in interest rates.  The Company's  accounting  policy requires that a decline in
the value of a security  below its amortized cost basis be assessed to determine
if the  decline is  other-than-temporary.  If so, the  security  is deemed to be
other-than-temporarily  impaired,  and a  charge  is  recorded  in net  realized
capital losses equal to the difference between the fair value and amortized cost
basis of the  security.  The fair value of the  other-than-temporarily  impaired
investment  becomes  its new cost basis.  The Company has a security  monitoring
process overseen by a committee of investment and accounting  professionals that
identifies securities that, due to certain characteristics,  as described below,
are subjected to an enhanced analysis on a quarterly basis.

Securities  not subject to Emerging  Issues Task Force ("EITF") Issue No. 99-20,
"Recognition  of  Interest  Income and  Impairment  on  Purchased  and  Retained
Beneficial Interests in Securitized  Financial Assets ("non-EITF Issue No. 99-20
securities"),  that are  depressed by twenty  percent or more for six months are
presumed to be  other-than-temporarily  impaired  unless the  depression  is the
result of rising  interest rates or significant  objective  verifiable  evidence
supports  that the security  price is  temporarily  depressed and is expected to
recover within a reasonable period of time.  Non-EITF Issue No. 99-20 securities
depressed less than twenty  percent or depressed  twenty percent or more but for
less than six months are also  reviewed to determine if an  other-than-temporary
impairment is present.  The primary factors  considered in evaluating  whether a
decline in value for non-EITF Issue No. 99-20 securities is other-than-temporary
include:  (a) the length of time and the extent to which the fair value has been
less than  cost,  (b) the  financial  condition,  credit  rating  and  near-term
prospects  of the issuer,  (c)  whether  the debtor is current on  contractually
obligated  interest and principal payments and (d) the intent and ability of the
Company to retain the  investment  for a period of time  sufficient to allow for

For certain securitized  financial assets with contractual cash flows (including
asset-backed  securities),   EITF  Issue  No.  99-20  requires  the  Company  to
periodically  update  its  best  estimate  of cash  flows  over  the life of the
security.  If the fair value of a securitized  financial  asset is less than its
carrying  amount  and  there has been a  decrease  in the  present  value of the
estimated cash flows since the last revised  estimate,  considering  both timing
and  amount,  then an  other-than-temporary  impairment  charge  is  recognized.
Projections of expected  future cash flows may change based upon new information
regarding the performance of the underlying collateral.

For securities expected to be sold, an other-than-temporary impairment charge is
recognized  if the  Company  does not expect  the fair  value of a  security  to
recover to amortized cost prior to the expected date of sale. Once an impairment
charge   has   been   recorded,    the   Company   continues   to   review   the
other-than-temporarily  impaired securities for additional  other-than-temporary

Valuation of Derivative Instruments

Derivative  instruments are reported at fair value based upon either independent
market  quotations for exchange traded derivative  contracts,  independent third
party pricing  sources or pricing  valuation  models which  utilize  independent
third party data as inputs.  An embedded  derivative  instrument  is reported at
fair value based upon internally established valuations that are consistent with
external valuation models, quotations furnished by dealers in such instrument or
market  quotations.  The Company has calculated the fair value of the guaranteed
minimum  withdrawal  benefit  ("GMWB")  embedded  derivative  liability based on
actuarial  assumptions  related to the projected cash flows,  including benefits
and related  contract  charges,  over the lives of the contracts,  incorporating
expectations  concerning  policyholder  behavior.  Because  of the  dynamic  and
complex  nature of these cash flows,  stochastic  techniques  under a variety of
market return scenarios and other best estimate assumptions are used. Estimating
these cash flows involves numerous estimates and subjective  judgments including
those regarding expected market rates of return, market volatility, correlations
of market  returns and  discount  rates.  At each  valuation  date,  the Company
assumes  expected returns based on risk-free rates as represented by the current
LIBOR forward curve rates;  market

                                     - 25 -

volatility assumptions for each underlying index is based on a blend of observed
market "implied  volatility" data and annualized  standard deviations of monthly
returns  using  the  most  recent  20  years  of  observed  market  performance;
correlations  of market  returns  across  underlying  indices is based on actual
observed  market  returns and  relationships  over the ten years  preceding  the
valuation  date; and current  risk-free spot rates as represented by the current
LIBOR spot curve is used to determine the present value of expected  future cash
flows produced in the stochastic projection process.



Policy acquisition  costs, which include  commissions and certain other expenses
that  vary  with and are  primarily  associated  with  acquiring  business,  are
deferred and amortized  over the estimated  lives of the  contracts,  usually 20
years.  These deferred costs,  together with the present value of future profits
of acquired business,  are recorded as an asset commonly referred to as deferred
policy  acquisition  costs and  present  value of  future  profits  ("DAC").  At
December 31, 2003 and 2002, the carrying value of the Company's Life  operations
DAC was $6.6 billion and $5.8 billion,  respectively.  For statutory  accounting
purposes, such costs are expensed as incurred.

DAC related to traditional policies are amortized over the premium-paying period
in  proportion  to the present  value of annual  expected  premium  income.  DAC
related to investment  contracts and universal  life-type contracts are deferred
and amortized using the  retrospective  deposit method.  Under the retrospective
deposit  method,  acquisition  costs are  amortized in proportion to the present
value of estimated gross profits  ("EGPs"),  arising  principally from projected
investment,   mortality  and  expense   margins  and  surrender   charges.   The
attributable  portion of the DAC amortization is allocated to realized gains and
losses  on  investments.   The  DAC  balance  is  also  adjusted  through  other
comprehensive  income by an amount that represents the  amortization of deferred
policy  acquisition costs that would have been required as a charge or credit to
operations had unrealized gains and losses on investments been realized.  Actual
gross profits can vary from  management's  estimates,  resulting in increases or
decreases in the rate of amortization.

The Company  regularly  evaluates its EGPs to determine if actual  experience or
other evidence suggests that earlier  estimates should be revised.  In the event
that the Company were to revise its EGPs, the cumulative DAC amortization  would
be  adjusted  to  reflect  such  revised  EGPs in the period  the  revision  was
determined to be necessary.  Several assumptions considered to be significant in
the development of EGPs include separate account fund performance, surrender and
lapse rates,  estimated  interest spread and estimated  mortality.  The separate
account fund  performance  assumption is critical to the development of the EGPs
related to the  Company's  variable  annuity  and to a lesser  extent,  variable
universal  life  insurance  businesses.  The average  annual  long-term  rate of
assumed separate account fund performance (before mortality and expense charges)
used in estimating gross profits for the variable annuity and variable universal
life  insurance  business was 9% for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002.
For other  products  including  fixed  annuities and other  universal  life-type
contracts,  the average assumed investment yield ranged from 5% to 8.5% for both
years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002.

The Company has developed  sophisticated  modeling  capabilities to evaluate its
DAC asset,  which allowed it to run a large number of stochastically  determined
scenarios  of separate  account  fund  performance.  These  scenarios  were then
utilized to calculate a statistically  significant range of reasonable estimates
of EGPs.  This range was then  compared to the present  value of EGPs  currently
utilized in the DAC  amortization  model.  As of December 31, 2003,  the present
value  of the  EGPs  utilized  in the  DAC  amortization  model  fall  within  a
reasonable range of statistically calculated present value of EGPs. As a result,
the Company  does not believe  there is  sufficient  evidence to suggest  that a
revision to the EGPs (and  therefore,  a revision to the DAC) as of December 31,
2003 is  necessary;  however,  if in the  future  the EGPs  utilized  in the DAC
amortization  model  were to  exceed  the  margin  of the  reasonable  range  of
statistically calculated EGPs, a revision could be necessary.  Furthermore,  the
Company has  estimated  that the  present  value of the EGPs is likely to remain
within a reasonable  range if overall separate account returns decline by 15% or
less for  2004,  and if  certain  other  assumptions  that are  implicit  in the
computations of the EGPs are achieved.

Additionally,  the Company  continues  to perform  analyses  with respect to the
potential  impact of a revision to future EGPs.  If such a revision to EGPs were
deemed  necessary,  the  Company  would  adjust,  as  appropriate,  all  of  its
assumptions  for  products  accounted  for  in  accordance  with  SFAS  No.  97,
"Accounting  and Reporting by Insurance  Enterprises  for Certain  Long-Duration
Contracts and for Realized Gains and Losses from the Sale of  Investments",  and
reproject  its future  EGPs based on  current  account  values at the end of the
quarter in which a revision is deemed to be necessary. To illustrate the effects
of this  process,  assume the  Company  had  concluded  that a  revision  of the
Company's  EGPs was required at December 31, 2003.  If the Company  assumed a 9%
average long-term rate of growth from December 31, 2003 forward along with other
appropriate  assumption  changes in  determining  the revised EGPs,  the Company
estimates  the  cumulative  increase  to  amortization  would  be  approximately
$45-$50,  after-tax.  If instead the Company  were to assume a long-term  growth
rate  of  8%  in  determining   the  revised  EGPs,  the  adjustment   would  be
approximately $60-$70, after-tax.  Assuming that such an adjustment were to have
been required,  the Company  anticipates  that there would have been  immaterial
impacts on its DAC  amortization  for the 2004 and 2005 years  exclusive  of the
adjustment,  and that there would have been positive  earnings  effects in later
years. Any such adjustment would not affect statutory income or surplus,  due to
the prescribed accounting for such amounts that is discussed above.

Aside  from  absolute  levels  and  timing  of market  performance  assumptions,
additional factors that will influence this determination  include the degree of
volatility in separate  account fund  performance and shifts in asset allocation
within the separate account made by policyholders.  The overall return generated
by the separate account is dependent on several factors,  including the relative
mix of the underlying  sub-accounts among bond funds and equity funds as well as
equity  sector   weightings.   The  Company's   overall  separate  account  fund
performance has been reasonably correlated to the overall

                                     - 26 -

performance  of the S&P 500 Index (which  closed at 1,112 on December 31, 2003),
although no assurance can be provided that this correlation will continue in the

The  overall  recoverability  of the  DAC  asset  is  dependent  on  the  future
profitability of the business. The Company tests the aggregate recoverability of
the DAC asset by comparing  the amounts  deferred to the present  value of total
EGPs.  In  addition,  the  Company  routinely  stress  tests  its DAC  asset for
recoverability  against severe declines in its separate  account  assets,  which
could occur if the equity markets experienced another significant  sell-off,  as
the majority of policyholders' funds in the separate accounts is invested in the
equity market.  As of December 31, 2003, the Company  believed  variable annuity
separate  account  assets could fall by at least 40% before  portions of its DAC
asset would be unrecoverable.


Pursuant to accounting  principles  related to the  Company's  pension and other
postretirement benefit obligations to employees under its various benefit plans,
the Company is required to make a significant  number of assumptions in order to
estimate  the related  liabilities  and expenses  each period.  The two economic
assumptions  that have the most impact on pension  expense are the discount rate
and the expected  long-term  rate of return.  In  determining  the discount rate
assumption, the Company utilizes current market information provided by its plan
actuaries,  including a discounted  cash flow analysis of the Company's  pension
obligation  and  general  movements  in  the  current  market  environment.   In
particular,  the Company uses an interest rate yield curve developed by its plan
actuaries.  The yield curve is comprised of AAA/AA bonds with maturities between
zero and thirty years.  Based on all available  information,  it was  determined
that 6.25% is the appropriate discount rate as of December 31, 2003 to calculate
the Company's  accrued benefit cost liability.  Accordingly,  the 6.25% discount
rate will also be used to  determine  the  Company's  2004 pension  expense.  At
December 31, 2002 the discount rate was 6.5%.

The Company  determines the long-term rate of return  assumption for the pension
plan's asset portfolio based on analysis of the portfolio's  historical rates of
return  balanced  with  future  long-term  return  expectations.  Based  on  its
long-term outlook with respect to the markets,  which has been influenced by the
poor equity market  performance in recent years as well as the recent decline in
fixed income security  yields,  the Company lowered its long-term rate of return
assumption from 9.00% to 8.50% as of December 31, 2003.

To illustrate the impact of these assumptions on annual pension expense for 2004
and  going  forward,  a  25  basis  point  change  in  the  discount  rate  will
increase/decrease  pension  expense by  approximately  $12 and a 25 basis  point
change in the long-term asset return assumption will  increase/decrease  pension
expense by approximately $5.


Management   follows   the   requirements   of  SFAS  No.  5   "Accounting   for
Contingencies".  This statement requires  management to evaluate each contingent
matter separately. The evaluation is a two-step process, including:  determining
a likelihood of loss,  and, if a loss is probable,  developing a potential range
of loss.  Management  establishes  reserves for these contingencies at its "best
estimate",  or, if no one  number  within the range of  possible  losses is more
probable than any other, the Company records an estimated reserve at the low end
of the range of losses. The majority of contingencies  currently being evaluated
by the  Company  relate to  litigation  and tax  matters,  which are  inherently
difficult to evaluate and subject to significant changes.

                                     - 27 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OPERATING SUMMARY                                                                      2003             2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earned premiums [1]                                                              $      11,891  $       10,811     $       10,242
Fee income                                                                               2,760           2,577              2,633
Net investment income                                                                    3,233           2,929              2,842
Other revenues                                                                             556             476                491
Net realized capital gains (losses)                                                        293            (376)              (228)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      TOTAL REVENUES                                                                    18,733          16,417             15,980
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                          13,548          10,034             10,597
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and present value of future
profits                                                                                  2,411           2,241              2,214
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                                   2,424           2,317              2,037
Goodwill amortization                                                                       --              --                 60
Other expenses                                                                             900             757                731
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                               19,283          15,349             15,639
         CHANGES                                                                          (550)          1,068                341
Income tax expense (benefit)                                                              (459)             68               (200)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGES                         (91)          1,000                541
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax [2]                                     --              --                (34)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     NET INCOME (LOSS) [3]                                                       $         (91) $        1,000     $          507
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]   2001  includes a $91  reduction  in  premiums  from  reinsurance  cessions
      related to September 11.
[2]   Represents  the  cumulative  impact of the Company's  adoption of SFAS No.
      133,  as  amended,  "Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and Hedging
      Activities"  of $(23) and EITF Issue No. 99-20,  "Recognition  of Interest
      Income and  Impairment on Purchased and Retained  Beneficial  Interests in
      Securitized Financial Assets" of $(11).
[3]   2003 includes an after-tax  charge of $1,701 related to the Company's 2003
      asbestos  reserve  addition,  $40  of  after-tax  expense  related  to the
      settlement of the Bancorp  Services,  LLC litigation  dispute,  $30 of tax
      benefit in Life  primarily  related to the favorable  treatment of certain
      tax items arising  during the  1996-2002  tax years,  and $27 after-tax of
      severance charges in Property & Casualty. 2002 includes $76 tax benefit in
      Life, $11 after-tax expense in Life related to Bancorp and an $8 after-tax
      benefit in Life's  September 11  exposure.  2001  includes  $440 of losses
      related to September 11 and a $130 tax benefit at Life.


2003 COMPARED TO  2002--Revenues  for the year ended December 31, 2003 increased
$2.3 billion over the comparable 2002 period.  Revenues  increased due to earned
premium growth within the Business Insurance,  Specialty Commercial and Personal
Lines segments, primarily as a result of earned pricing increases, higher earned
premiums and net investment  income in the Investment  Products  segment and net
realized  capital  gains in 2003 as compared to net realized  capital  losses in

Total  benefits,  claims and expenses  increased $3.9 billion for the year ended
December 31, 2003 over the  comparable  prior year period  primarily  due to the
Company's $2.6 billion asbestos reserve  strengthening  actions during the first
quarter  of  2003  and  due to  increases  in the  Investment  Products  segment
associated  with  the  growth  in  the  individual   annuity  and  institutional
investments businesses.

The net  loss for the year  ended  December  31,  2003 is  primarily  due to the
Company's  first quarter 2003 asbestos  reserve  strengthening  of $1.7 billion,
after-tax.  Included in net loss for the year ended December 31, 2003 are $40 of
after-tax expense related to the settlement of litigation with Bancorp Services,
LLC ("Bancorp") and $27 of severance charges, after-tax, in Property & Casualty.
Included in net income for the year ended December 31, 2002 are the $8 after-tax
benefit  recognized by Hartford Life,  Inc.  ("HLI") related to the reduction of
HLI's reserves associated with September 11 and $11 of after-tax expense related
to litigation  with Bancorp.

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 - Revenues  increased $437 driven by strong earned premium
growth within Business Insurance, Personal Lines and Specialty Commercial, whose
earned  premiums   increased  by  $496,  $237  and  $200,   respectively.   Also
contributing  to the  growth  was Group  Benefits  and  Individual  Life,  whose
revenues increased $75 and $68, respectively. Partially offsetting the increases
described  above were  decreases in  Investment  Products,  as a result of lower
earned premiums in the institutional  investment products business and a decline
in revenues  within the individual  annuity  operation,  decreases in COLI, as a
result of the decrease in leveraged COLI account values as compared to 2001, and
higher net realized  capital losses,  which were $376 in 2002 compared with $228
in 2001.  The increase in the net realized  capital  losses was due primarily to
other than  temporary  write-downs  of  corporate  and  asset-backed  securities
including those in the telecommunication, utility and airline industries.

Net income  increased  $493,  or 97%. The increase was  partially due to $440 in
losses,  after-tax and net of  reinsurance,  included in 2001 results related to
September 11 and the  Company's  adoption of SFAS No. 142,  "Goodwill  and Other
intangible  Assets",  which precluded the amortization of goodwill  beginning on
January 1, 2002. The Company's goodwill  amortization  totaled $52, after-tax in
2001. Improved underwriting results in Property & Casualty, as well as increased
net income in the Group  Benefits  segment  also  contributed  to the  increase.
Partially  offsetting  these  increases  were lower net income in the Investment
Products  segment  and

                                     - 28 -

higher after-tax net realized capital losses in 2002 compared to 2001.


See "Investment Results" in the Investments section.


The  effective  tax  rate  for  2003,  2002  and  2001  was  83%,  6% and  (59%)
respectively.   Tax-exempt   interest   earned  on   invested   assets  and  the
dividends-received  deduction were the principal  causes of the effective  rates
differing from the 35% United States  statutory  rate.  Income taxes received in
2003,  2002,  and 2001 were $107,  $102 and $52,  respectively.  For  additional
information, see Note 15 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


The following table represents earnings per common share data for the past three

                                          2003      2002      2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic earnings (loss) per share          $(0.33)    $4.01     $2.13
Diluted earnings (loss) per share [1]    $(0.33)    $3.97     $2.10
Weighted average common shares
   outstanding (basic)                    272.4    249.4      237.7
Weighted average common shares
   outstanding and dilutive
   potential common shares (diluted) [1]  272.4    251.8      241.4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]   As a result of the net loss for the year ended December 31, 2003, SFAS No.
      128,  "Earnings  Per Share",  requires  the Company to use basic  weighted
      average  common shares  outstanding  in the  calculation of the year ended
      December 31, 2003 diluted  earnings (loss) per share,  since the inclusion
      of options of 1.8 would have been  antidilutive  to the earnings per share
      calculation.  In the  absence  of the net loss,  weighted  average  common
      shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares would have totaled


In December 2002, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS
No. 148,  "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation - Transition and Disclosure,
an  Amendment  of  FASB  Statement  No.  123",  which  provides  three  optional
transition  methods for entities that decide to voluntarily adopt the fair value
recognition   principles   of  SFAS  No.  123,   "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
Compensation",  and modifies  the  disclosure  requirements  of SFAS No. 123. In
January  2003,  the Company  adopted the fair value  recognition  provisions  of
accounting for employee stock  compensation and used the prospective  transition
method.  Under the  prospective  method,  stock-based  compensation  expense  is
recognized for awards granted or modified after the beginning of the fiscal year
in which the change is made. The fair value of stock-based awards granted during
the year ended  December  31, 2003 was $42,  after-tax.  The fair value of these
awards will be recognized as expense over the awards' vesting periods, generally
three years.

All stock-based  awards granted or modified prior to January 1, 2003 continue to
be valued using the  intrinsic  value-based  provisions  set forth in Accounting
Principles  Board  ("APB")  Opinion  No.  25,  "Accounting  for Stock  Issued to
Employees". Under the intrinsic value method, compensation expense is determined
on the  measurement  date,  which is the first  date on which both the number of
shares the  employee is entitled  to receive and the  exercise  price are known.
Compensation  expense, if any, is measured based on the award's intrinsic value,
which is the excess of the market price of the stock over the exercise  price on
the  measurement  date.  The expense,  including  non-option  plans,  related to
stock-based  employee  compensation  included in the determination of net income
for the years ended  December  31,  2003,  2002 and 2001 is less than that which
would  have been  recognized  if the fair value  method had been  applied to all
awards since the effective  date of SFAS No. 123. For further  discussion of the
Company's  stock-based  compensation  plans,  see  Notes  1 and 11 of  Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

The following table  illustrates net income (loss) and earnings (loss) per share
(basic  and  diluted)  as if the  fair  value  method  had been  applied  to all
outstanding and unvested awards in each period:

                                                                                           For the years ended December 31,
(In millions, except for per share data)                                               2003              2002             2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss), as reported                                                    $       (91)      $     1,000      $       507
Add:  Stock-based employee compensation expense included in reported net income
   (loss), net of related tax effects [1]                                                  20                 6                8
Deduct:  Total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under the
   fair value method for all awards, net of related tax effects                           (50)              (59)             (52)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pro forma net income (loss) [2]                                                   $      (121)      $       947      $       463
Earnings (loss) per share:
   Basic - as reported                                                            $     (0.33)      $      4.01      $      2.13
   Basic - pro forma [2]                                                          $     (0.44)      $      3.80      $      1.95
   Diluted - as reported [3]                                                      $     (0.33)      $      3.97      $      2.10
   Diluted - pro forma [2][3]                                                     $     (0.44)      $      3.76      $      1.92
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[1]   Includes  the  impact of  non-option  plans of $6, $3 and $6 for the years
      ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
[2]   The pro forma  disclosures  are not  representative  of the effects on net
      income (loss) and earnings (loss) per share in future years.
[3]   As a result of the net loss for the year ended December 31, 2003, SFAS No.
      128  requires  the Company to use basic  weighted  average  common  shares
      outstanding  in the  calculation of the year end December 31, 2003 diluted
      earnings  (loss) per share,  since the  inclusion  of options of 1.8 would
      have been  antidilutive  to the  earnings  per share  calculation.  In the
      absence of the net loss,  weighted  average common shares  outstanding and
      dilutive potential common shares would have totaled 274.2.

                                     - 29 -

The fair value of each option  grant is estimated on the date of the grant using
the  Black-Scholes  options-pricing  model with the following  weighted  average
assumptions used for grants in 2003, 2002 and 2001:

                                      2003        2002       2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividend yield                        2.3%        1.6%       1.6%
Expected price variability           39.8%       40.8%      29.1%
Risk-free interest rate              2.77%       4.27%      4.98%
Expected life                      6 years     6 years    6 years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

The use of the fair value  recognition  method results in  compensation  expense
being  recognized  in the  financial  statements  in  different  amounts  and in
different  periods  than  the  related  income  tax  deduction.  Generally,  the
compensation expense recognized under SFAS No. 123 will result in a deferred tax
asset since the stock  compensation  expense is not deductible for tax until the
option  is  exercised.  Deferred  tax  assets  arising  under  SFAS No.  123 are
evaluated as to future  realizability to determine whether a valuation allowance
is necessary.


The following is a summary of net income  (loss) for each of the Life  segments,
aggregate net income (loss) for the Property & Casualty  operations and net loss
for Corporate.

                                                                                    2003              2002                 2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Investment Products                                                      $       510      $         432       $          463
    Individual Life                                                                  145                133                  121
    Group Benefits                                                                   148                128                  106
    COLI                                                                              (1)                32                   37
    Other                                                                            (33)              (168)                 (42)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Life                                                                           769                557                  685
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Property & Casualty                                                           (811)               469                 (115)
Corporate                                                                            (49)               (26)                 (63)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                            $       (91)    $        1,000       $          507


The  following  is a summary  of  Property &  Casualty  underwriting  results by

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                    2003                 2002                 2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Business Insurance                                                              $    101              $    44            $    (242)
Personal Lines                                                                       117                  (46)                 (87)
Specialty Commercial                                                                 (29)                 (23)                (262)
Reinsurance                                                                         (125)                 (59)                (375)
Other Operations [1]                                                              (2,716)                (164)                (132)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] Includes $2,604 in 2003 of before-tax impact of asbestos reserve addition.

In the sections that follow,  the Company  analyzes the results of operations of
its  various  segments  using  the  performance  measurements  that the  Company
believes are meaningful.

                                     - 30 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OPERATING SUMMARY                                                                        2003              2002              2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fee income                                                                        $       2,760     $       2,577      $      2,633
Earned premiums                                                                           3,086             2,697             2,975
Net investment income                                                                     2,041             1,849             1,782
Other revenues                                                                              131               120               128
Net realized capital gains (losses)                                                          40              (308)             (136)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           TOTAL REVENUES                                                                 8,058             6,935             7,382
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                            4,616             4,158             4,444
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                                    1,535             1,438             1,390
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and present value of future profits       769               628               642
Goodwill amortization                                                                        --                --                24
Other expenses                                                                              189               144               117
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                            7,109             6,368             6,617
                CHANGES                                                                     949               567               765
Income tax expense                                                                          180                10                54
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax [1]                                      --                --               (26)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     NET INCOME                                                                   $         769     $         557      $        685
[1]    For the year ended December 31, 2001, represents the cumulative impact of
       the  Company's  adoption of SFAS No. 133 of $(23) and EITF Issue 99-20 of

Life is organized into four reportable operating segments:  Investment Products,
Individual  Life,  Group Benefits and Corporate  Owned Life Insurance  ("COLI").
Life also includes in "Other"  corporate items not directly  allocated to any of
its reportable  operating segments,  principally interest expense as well as its
international  operations,  which are  primarily  located  in Japan and  Brazil,
realized capital gains and losses and intersegment eliminations.

On December 31, 2003,  the Company  acquired CNA Financial  Corporation's  group
life and accident,  and short-term and long-term disability  businesses for $485
in cash.  The purchase price paid on December 31, 2003, was based on a September
30, 2003 valuation of the businesses acquired. During the first quarter of 2004,
the purchase  price will be adjusted to reflect a December 31, 2003 valuation of
the businesses acquired.  The Company currently estimates that adjustment to the
purchase price to be an increase of $51 which primarily reflects the increase in
the  surplus of the  businesses  acquired  in the fourth  quarter of 2003.  As a
result of the acquisition  being  effective on December 31, 2003,  there were no
income statement effects recorded for the year ended December 31, 2003. On April
2, 2001,  the Company  acquired the United  States  individual  life  insurance,
annuity and mutual fund businesses of Fortis. This transaction was accounted for
as a purchase and, as such, the revenues and expenses generated by this business
from April 2, 2001 forward are included in the Company's consolidated results of
operations.  For  further  discussion  see  Note  18 of  Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial Statements.

2003  COMPARED TO 2002 -- Revenues  increased  as a result of realized  gains in
2003 as compared to realized  losses in 2002.  See the  Investments  section for
further  discussion of investment results and related realized capital gains and
losses.  Also contributing to the increased revenues were higher earned premiums
and net investment income in the Investment  Products segment as compared to the
prior year. The increase in earned premiums in Investment Products is attributed
to higher sales in the institutional  investment products business  specifically
in the terminal funding and structured settlement businesses.  Additionally, net
investment  income  increased  due  to  higher  general  account  assets  in the
individual   annuity  business  and  growth  in  assets  in  the   institutional
investments  business.  Fee income in the Investment Products segment was higher
in 2003 compared to a year ago, as a result of higher  average  account  values,
specifically in individual  annuities and mutual fund businesses,  due primarily
to stronger  variable  annuity sales.  The Individual  Life segment  reported an
increase in revenues in 2003  compared to a year ago driven by increases in fees
and cost of insurance as life  insurance  in-force  grew and aged,  and variable
universal life account  values  increased 30% due primarily to the growth in the
equity markets. In addition,  Group Benefits experienced an increase in revenues
driven by  increases  in net  investment  income and earned  premiums in 2003 as
compared to a year ago.  Partially  offsetting  these  increases  were lower fee
income and net investment  income in the COLI segment.  The decrease in COLI net
investment  income for 2003 was primarily due to lower  average  leveraged  COLI
account values as a result of surrender  activity.  In addition,  COLI had lower
fee income due in part to lower sales in 2003, as compared to the prior year.

Benefits,  claims and  expenses  increased  primarily  due to  increases  in the
Investment Products segment associated with the growth in the individual annuity
and institutional  investments  businesses discussed above. Partially offsetting
this  increase was a decrease in interest  credited  expenses in COLI related to
the decline in leveraged  COLI account  values.  For the year ended December 31,
2003, COLI other expenses  increased due to a $40 after-tax  charge,  associated
with the settlement for the Bancorp Services,  LLC ("Bancorp")  litigation.  For
further  discussion  of  the  Bancorp  litigation,  see  Note  16  of  Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Net income  increased for the year ended  December 31, 2003 due primarily to the
growth in the Investment Products segment and a decrease in net realized capital
losses compared to a year ago. Additionally, Group Benefits net income increased

                                     - 31 -

principally  to more favorable  claims  experience as compared to the prior year
and continued expense management. Individual Life experienced earnings growth in
2003 due to  increases  in fee  income,  favorable  mortality  and growth in the
in-force business.  Partially  offsetting these increases was a decrease in COLI
net income of $(33) for the year ended  December  31,  2003,  as compared to the
prior  year  period.  This  decrease  includes  the  effects of a year over year
increase of $29 in the charge for the Bancorp litigation. In addition, there was
an $8  after-tax  impact  recorded  in the  first  quarter  of 2002  related  to
favorable development on the Company's estimated September 11 exposure.

The effective tax rate  increased in 2003 when compared with 2002 as a result of
higher  earnings  and lower  dividends-received  deduction  ("DRD")  related tax
items.  The tax  provision  recorded  during  2003  reflects  a benefit  of $30,
consisting  primarily  of a change in estimate  of the DRD tax benefit  reported
during  2002.  The change in estimate  was the result of actual 2002  investment
performance on the related separate  accounts being  unexpectedly out of pattern
with past performance,  which had been the basis for the estimate. This compares
with a tax benefit of $76  recorded in 2002.  See Note 16 of Notes  Consolidated
Financial Statements. The total DRD benefit related to the 2003 tax year for the
year  ended  December  31,  2003 was $87 as  compared  to $63 for the year ended
December 31, 2002.

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Revenues decreased,  primarily driven by an increase in
realized  capital  losses  in  2002  as  compared  to the  prior  year.  See the
Investments  section for further  discussion of  investment  results and related
realized capital losses.  Additionally,  COLI experienced a decline in revenues,
as a result of the  decrease in leveraged  COLI account  values as compared to a
year ago,  which  was  partially  offset  by  revenue  growth  across  the other
operating  segments.   Revenues  related  to  the  Investment  Products  segment
decreased, as a result of lower earned premiums in the institutional  investment
product  business,  and a decline  in  revenues  within the  individual  annuity
operation.  Lower  assets  under  management  due to the  decline  in the equity
markets  are the  principal  driver of  declining  revenues  for the  individual
annuity  operation.  The Group  Benefits  segment  experienced  an  increase  in
revenues,  as a result of strong sales to new  customers  and solid  persistency
within the in-force block of business.  Additionally,  Individual  Life revenues
increased,  as a result of  increased  life  insurance  in-force  and the Fortis

Total  benefits,  claims and  expenses  decreased  due  primarily to the revenue
changes described above.  Expenses decreased in the Investment Products segment,
principally  due to a lower  change in reserve  as a result of the lower  earned
premiums  discussed  above and a $31 increase in death  benefits  related to the
individual annuity operation,  as a result of depressed  contractholder  account
values driven by the lower equity markets.  In addition,  2002 expenses  include
$11, after-tax,  of accrued expenses recorded within the COLI segment related to
the Bancorp litigation.  For a discussion of the Bancorp litigation, see Note 16
of Notes to Consolidated  Financial  Statements.  Also included in 2002 expenses
was an  after-tax  benefit  of $8,  recorded  within  "Other",  associated  with
favorable development related to the estimated September 11 exposure.

Net income  decreased,  due  primarily  to lower  income in Other as a result of
higher  realized  capital  losses and lower  income in the  Investment  Products
segment as a result of the lower equity  markets.  These declines were partially
offset by increases in Group Benefits as a result of business  growth and stable
loss ratios and  Individual  Life  primarily due to the Fortis  acquisition.  In
addition,  the Company recorded,  in 2002, an $11 after-tax  expense  associated
with the  Bancorp  litigation  and  recognized  an $8  after-tax  benefit due to
favorable  development  related to September 11. In 2001, the Company recorded a
$20 after-tax loss related to September 11.

A description of each of Life's segments as well as an analysis of the operating
results summarized above are included on the following pages.

                                     - 32 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                                        2003             2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fee income and other                                                            $        1,744    $       1,631     $        1,724
Earned premiums                                                                            764              397                729
Net investment income                                                                    1,273            1,070                884
Net realized capital gains                                                                  27                9                  2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL REVENUES                                                                 3,808            3,107              3,339

Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                           1,993            1,454              1,652
Insurance operating costs and other expenses                                               652              648                608
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs
    and present value of future profits                                                    542              444                461
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                            3,187            2,546              2,721

          INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE                                                 621              561                618
Income tax expense                                                                         111              129                155
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          NET INCOME                                                            $          510    $         432     $          463
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Individual variable annuity account values                                      $       86,501    $      64,343     $       74,581
Other individual annuity account values                                                 11,215           10,565              9,572
Other investment products account values                                                26,279           19,921             19,322
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL ACCOUNT VALUES                                                          123,995           94,829            103,475
Mutual fund assets under management                                                     22,462           15,321             16,809
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT                                          $      146,457    $     110,150     $      120,284

The Investment  Products  segment focuses on the savings and retirement needs of
the growing  number of  individuals  who are preparing for  retirement,  or have
already  retired,  through the sale of individual  variable and fixed annuities,
mutual  funds,  retirement  plan  services and other  investment  products.  The
Company is both a leading  writer of  individual  variable  annuities  and a top
seller of individual variable annuities through banks in the United States.

2003 COMPARED TO 2002 -- Revenues in the Investment  Products segment  increased
primarily driven by higher earned premiums and higher net investment income. The
increase  in earned  premiums  is due to higher  sales of  terminal  funding and
structured   settlement  products  in  the  institutional   investment  products
business.  Net investment income increased due to higher general account assets.
General account assets for the individual  annuity business were $9.4 billion as
of December 31, 2003,  an increase of  approximately  $800 or 9% from 2002,  due
primarily to an increase in individual annuity sales, with the majority of those
new sales electing to use the dollar cost  averaging  ("DCA")  feature.  The DCA
feature  allows  policyholders  to earn a credited  interest rate in the general
account for a defined period of time as their invested assets are systematically
invested into the separate account funds.  Additionally,  net investment  income
related  to other  investment  products  increased  as a result of the growth in
average  assets  over the last  twelve  months in the  institutional  investment
business,  where related general account assets under management  increased $2.4
billion,  since  December  31, 2002,  to $10.4  billion as of December 31, 2003.
Assets under management is an internal  performance  measure used by the Company
since a significant portion of the Company's revenue is based upon asset values.
These revenues  increase or decrease with a rise or fall,  respectively,  in the
level of average assets under management.  Fee income in the Investment Products
segment was higher in 2003 compared to a year ago, as a result of higher average
account values, specifically in individual annuities and mutual fund businesses,
due  primarily to stronger  variable  annuity sales and the higher equity market
values compared to the prior year.

Total benefits,  claims and expenses increased  primarily due to higher terminal
funding and structured settlement sales in the institutional investment business
causing an increase in reserve  levels and  increased  interest  credited in the
individual annuity operation as a result of higher general account asset levels.
Additionally,  amortization of deferred policy  acquisition costs related to the
individual annuity business increased due to higher gross profits.

Net  income was higher  driven by an  increase  in  revenues  in the  individual
annuity and other  investment  product  operations as a result of the strong net
flows  and  growth  in  the  equity  markets  during  2003  and  strong  expense
management.  In addition,  net income  increased in 2003 compared to 2002 due to
the favorable impact of $21, resulting from the Company's  previously  discussed
change in estimate of the DRD tax benefit  reported  during 2002.  The change in
estimate  was the result of 2002 actual  investment  performance  on the related
separate accounts being unexpectedly out of pattern with past performance, which
had been the basis for the estimate.  The total DRD benefit  related to the 2003
tax year for the year ended December 31, 2003 was $81 as compared to $59 for the
year ended December 31, 2002.

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Revenues in the Investment  Products segment  decreased
primarily due to lower earned premiums in the institutional  investment products
business and lower fee income  related to the  individual  annuity  operation as
average account values decreased from $85.7 billion to $79.5 billion compared to
prior year,  primarily  due to the lower equity  markets.  Partially  offsetting
these declines was an increase in

                                     - 33 -

net  investment  income,   primarily  driven  by  growth  in  the  institutional
investment  product  business,  where related assets under management  increased
$699, or 7%, to $9.7 billion as of December 31, 2002.

Total benefits,  claims and expenses decreased,  due primarily to a lower change
in  reserve  as  a  result  of  the  lower  earned  premiums   discussed  above.
Additionally,  there was a decrease in amortization of policy  acquisition costs
related to the individual annuity business,  which declined as a result of lower
gross  profits,  driven by the  decrease in fee income and the increase in death
benefit costs.  Partially  offsetting  these decreases were increases of $84, or
11%, in interest credited on general account assets,  $61, or 6%, in commissions
and wholesaling expenses,  and $31 in individual annuity death benefit costs due
to the lower equity  markets.  The increase in operating  expenses was primarily
driven by the mutual fund business.

Net  income  decreased,  driven by the lower  equity  markets  resulting  in the
decline in revenues in the  individual  annuity  operation  and increases in the
death benefit costs incurred by the individual annuity operation.


Management  believes the market for retirement  products  continues to expand as
individuals  increasingly  save  and  plan for  retirement.  Demographic  trends
suggest that as the "baby boom" generation matures, a significant portion of the
United States population will allocate a greater  percentage of their disposable
incomes to saving for their retirement years due to uncertainty  surrounding the
Social  Security system and increases in average life  expectancy.  In addition,
the  Company  believes  that it has  developed  and  implemented  strategies  to
maintain and enhance its position as a market leader in the  financial  services
industry.  This was demonstrated by record  individual  annuity sales in 2003 of
$16.5  billion (a 42%  increase)  compared to $11.6 billion and $10.0 billion in
2002 and 2001, respectively.

Significantly  contributing  to the  growth  in sales  was the  introduction  of
Principal  First,  a guaranteed  minimum  withdrawal  benefit  rider,  which was
developed in response to our  customers'  needs.  However,  the  competition  is
increasing  in this  market  and as a  result,  the  Company  may not be able to
sustain  the level of sales  attained in 2003.  Based on VARDS,  the Company had
12.6%  market  share as of December 31, 2003 as compared to 9.4% at December 31,
2002.  Additionally,  in 2003 The Hartford  mutual funds  reached $20 billion in
assets  faster  than any other  retail-oriented  mutual  fund family in history,
according to Strategic Insight.

The  growth  and  profitability  of  the  individual  annuity  and  mutual  fund
businesses  is  dependent  to a large  degree on the  performance  of the equity
markets.  In periods of favorable  equity  market  performance,  the Company may
experience  stronger sales and higher net cash flows, which will increase assets
under  management  and thus  increase  fee  income  earned on those  assets.  In
addition, higher equity market levels will generally reduce certain costs to the
Company of  individual  annuities,  such as GMDB and GMWB  benefits.  Conversely
though,  weak equity  markets may dampen sales  activity and increase  surrender
activity causing declines in assets under management and lower fee income.  Such
declines in the equity  markets  will also  increase  the cost to the Company of
GMDB and  GMWB  benefits  associated  with  individual  annuities.  The  Company
attempts to mitigate some of the  volatility  associated  with the GMDB and GMWB
benefits using reinsurance or other risk management strategies, such as hedging.
Future net income for the Company will be affected by the  effectiveness  of the
risk  management  strategies  the Company has  implemented  to mitigate  the net
income volatility associated with the GMDB and GMWB benefits of variable annuity
contracts.  For spread based products sold in the Investment  Products  segment,
the future  growth will depend on the  ability to earn  targeted  returns on new
business, given competition and the future interest rate environment.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OPERATING SUMMARY                                                                       2003              2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fee income and other                                                         $          747    $          705    $           643
Earned premiums                                                                         (20)               (8)                 4
Net investment income                                                                   256               262                244
Net realized capital losses                                                              (1)               (1)                (1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL REVENUES                                                                982               958                890
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                          436               443                385
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                                       176               160                168
Insurance operating costs and other expenses                                            161               159                159
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                           773               762                712
          INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE                                              209               196                178
Income tax expense                                                                       64                63                 57
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          NET INCOME                                                         $          145    $          133    $           121

 Variable universal life account values                                      $        4,725    $        3,648    $         3,993
 Total account values                                                        $        8,726    $        7,557    $         7,868
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Variable universal life insurance in force                                  $       67,031    $       66,715    $        61,617
 Total life insurance in force                                               $      130,798    $      126,680    $       120,269

The Individual Life segment provides life insurance solutions to a wide array of
partners to solve the wealth  protection,  accumulation  and  transfer  needs of
their affluent, emerging affluent and business insurance clients.

                                     - 34 -

2003  COMPARED TO 2002 --  Revenues in the  Individual  Life  segment  increased
primarily  driven by  increases  in fees and cost of  insurance  charges as life
insurance  in-force grew and aged,  and variable  universal  life account values
increased  30%,  driven  by the  growth in the  equity  markets  in 2003.  These
increases  were  partially  offset by lower earned  premiums and net  investment
income in 2003. The decrease in net investment income was due primarily to lower
investment   yields.   Earned   premiums,   which  include  premiums  for  ceded
reinsurance, decreased primarily due to increased use of reinsurance.

Total benefits, claims and expenses increased, principally driven by an increase
in  amortization  of deferred  policy  acquisition  costs.  These increases were
partially  offset by a decrease in benefit costs in 2003 as compared to 2002 due
to favorable mortality rates compared to the prior year.

Net income  increased  due to  increases in fee income and  unusually  favorable
mortality.  Additionally,  net  income  for the year  ended  December  31,  2003
includes the  favorable  impact of $2 DRD benefit  resulting  from the Company's
previously  discussed  change in estimate of the DRD tax benefit reported during
2002.  The total DRD  benefit  related  to the 2003 tax year for the year  ended
December 31, 2003 was $4 as compared to $3 for the year ended December 31, 2002.

2002  COMPARED TO 2001 -- Revenues in the  Individual  Life  segment  increased,
primarily  driven  by  business  growth  including  the  impact  of  the  Fortis
transaction. Total benefits, claims and expenses increased, driven by the growth
in the business  including  the impact of the Fortis  acquisition.  In addition,
mortality  rates for 2002  increased as compared to the prior year,  but were in
line with management's  expectations.  Individual Life's earnings  increased for
the year  ended  December  31,  2002,  principally  due to the  contribution  to
earnings  from the  Fortis  transaction.  The  increase  in net  income was also
impacted by an after-tax loss of $3 related to September 11 in the third quarter
of 2001.


The Individual Life segment benefited from unusually  favorable mortality during
the fourth  quarter.  It is not  anticipated  that similar  experience  would be
likely to continue. Individual Life sales grew to $196 in 2003 from $173 in 2002
with the successful  introduction of new universal life and whole life products.
Improved equity markets should help increase variable  universal life sales. The
Company  also  continues  to  introduce  new and  enhanced  products,  which are
expected to increase sales.  However,  the Company continues to face uncertainty
surrounding  estate  tax  legislation  and  aggressive   competition  from  life
insurance  providers.  The Company is  actively  pursuing  broader  distribution
opportunities  to  fuel  growth,   including  our  Pinnacle  Partners  marketing
initiative, and anticipates growth at Woodbury Financial Services.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                                  2003               2002                2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Earned premiums and other                                                  $       2,362     $        2,327     $        2,259
Net investment income                                                                264                258                255
Net realized capital losses                                                           (2)                (3)                (7)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL REVENUES                                                           2,624              2,582              2,507
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                     1,862              1,878              1,874
Insurance operating costs and other expenses                                         571                541                498
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                      2,433              2,419              2,372
          INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE                                           191                163                135
Income tax expense                                                                    43                 35                 29
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          NET INCOME                                                       $         148     $          128     $          106
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fully insured - ongoing premiums                                           $       2,302     $        2,295     $        2,014
Buyout premiums                                                                       40                 13                 97
Military Medicare supplement                                                          --                 --                131
Other                                                                                 20                 19                 17
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earned premiums                                                            $       2,362     $        2,327     $        2,259

The Company is a leading  provider of group  benefits,  and through this segment
sells  group  life and group  disability  insurance  as well as other  products,
including medical stop loss and supplementary medical coverages to employers and
employer sponsored plans,  accidental death and  dismemberment,  travel accident
and other special risk coverages to employers and associations. The Company also
offers disability underwriting,  administration,  claims processing services and
reinsurance to other insurers and self-funded employer plans.

2003  COMPARED TO 2002 -- Revenues in the Group  Benefits  segment  increased in
2003 as compared to 2002,  driven by increases in earned  premiums and other and
net investment income in 2003 as compared to a year ago. Premiums growth was not
as high as  anticipated  due to lower sales to new  customers  in 2003 and lower
persistency  on renewals  reflecting a  competitive  marketplace.  However,  the
segment  reported an  increase in total  buyout  premiums.  Buyouts  involve the
acquisition  of claim  liabilities  from  another  carrier for a purchase  price
calculated  to  cover  the  run off of  those  liabilities  plus  administration
expenses  and  profit.  Due  to  the  nature  of  the  buyout  marketplace,  the
predictability of buyout premiums is uncertain.

                                     - 35 -

Total  benefits,  claims and expenses  increased for the year ended December 31,
2003,  which is  consistent  with the  increase  in buyout  premiums  previously
described. Excluding buyouts, total benefits, claims and expenses decreased $43,
or 2%, over the same  period.  The  segment's  loss ratio  (defined as benefits,
claims and claim  adjustment  expenses as a  percentage  of  premiums  and other
considerations  excluding  buyouts)  was 79%,  down from 81% in 2002.  Insurance
operating  costs  and  other  expenses  increased  due  to  the  premium  growth
previously  described  and  continued  investments  in  technology,  service and
distribution.  The  segment's  ratio of  insurance  operating  costs  and  other
expenses to premiums and other  considerations was 24%, increasing slightly from
23% in 2002.

The increase in net income was due primarily to favorable claims experience.

2002  COMPARED  TO 2001 --  Revenues in the Group  Benefits  segment  increased,
driven  primarily by growth in premiums,  which increased in 2002 as compared to
2001.  The growth in premiums  was due to an increase in fully  insured  ongoing
premiums,  as a result of steady persistency and pricing actions on the in-force
block of business and strong sales.  Fully  insured  ongoing sales were $597, an
increase of $66, or 12%.  Offsetting  this  increase  was a decrease in military
medicare supplement premiums resulting from federal legislation effective in the
fourth quarter of 2001. This legislation  provides retired military officers age
65 and older with full medical insurance paid for by the government, eliminating
the need for medicare supplement insurance.  Additionally,  premium revenues for
2002 were partially offset by a decrease in total buyout premiums.

Total benefits, claims and expenses increased from 2001 to 2002. The increase in
expenses  is  consistent  with the  growth  in  revenues  previously  described.
Benefits and claims expenses, excluding buyouts, increased over the same period;
however,  the  segment's  loss  ratio  was 81% down  slightly  from 82% in 2001.
Insurance operating costs and other expenses increased, due to the fully insured
ongoing  premium  growth  previously  described  and  continued  investments  in
technology and service.  The segment's  ratio of insurance  operating  costs and
other expenses to premiums and other  considerations  was 23%,  consistent  with
prior year.

The  increase  in net income was due to the  increase  in premium  revenues  and
favorable  loss  costs,  which  was  partially  offset  by  increased  insurance
operating  costs and other  expenses as  previously  described.  Group  Benefits
incurred an after-tax loss of $2 related to September 11 in the third quarter of


Despite the current  market  conditions,  including low interest  rates,  rising
medical costs, the changing regulatory environment and cost containment pressure
on  employers,  the Group  Benefits  segment  continues  to leverage  off of its
strength in claim and risk management,  service and  distribution,  enabling the
Company to capitalize on market opportunities.  Additionally, employees continue
to look to the  workplace  for a broader and ever  expanding  array of insurance
products.   As  employers  design  benefit  strategies  to  attract  and  retain
employees,  while attempting to control their benefit costs, management believes
that the need for the Group Benefits segment's products will continue to expand.
This,  combined  with the  significant  number of employees who currently do not
have coverage or adequate levels of coverage,  creates unique  opportunities for
our  products and  services.  Furthermore,  on December  31,  2003,  the Company
acquired the group life and accident,  and short-term  and long-term  disability
businesses  of CNA Financial  Corporation.  This  acquisition  will increase the
scale of the  Company's  group  life and  disability  operations  and expand the
Company's  distribution  of its  products  and  services.  This  acquisition  is
expected  to be  slightly  accretive  to  earnings  in  2004.  Please  refer  to
"Subsequent events" in the Stockholders' Equity section of the Capital Resources
and Liquidity section for information on the financing of this transaction.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                       2003              2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fee income and other                                                            $         267    $          316    $          367
Net investment income                                                                     216               275               352
Net realized capital gains                                                                 --                 1                --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL REVENUES                                                                  483               592               719
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                            324               401               514
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                                    103                82                84
Dividends to policyholders                                                                 60                62                66
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                             487               545               664
          INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                                (4)               47                55
Income tax expense (benefit)                                                               (3)               15                18
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                     $          (1)   $           32    $           37

Variable COLI account values                                                    $      20,993    $       19,674    $       18,019
Leveraged COLI account values                                                           2,524             3,321             4,315
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL ACCOUNT VALUES                                                   $      23,517    $       22,995    $       22,334

The  Company  is a leader in the COLI  market,  which  includes  life  insurance
policies purchased by a company on the lives of its employees,  with the company
or a trust sponsored by the company named as beneficiary under the policy. Until
the Health Insurance  Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"),  the
Company  sold two  principal  types of COLI  business:  leveraged  and  variable
products.  Leveraged  COLI is a fixed premium life  insurance  policy owned by a
company or a trust sponsored by a company. HIPAA phased out the deductibility of
interest on policy loans under leveraged COLI

                                     - 36 -

through the end of 1998, virtually eliminating all future sales of this product.
Variable COLI continues to be a product used by employers to fund  non-qualified
benefits or other post-employment benefit liabilities.

2003 COMPARED TO 2002 -- COLI revenues decreased,  primarily driven by lower net
investment and fee income. Net investment income and fee income decreased due to
the decline in leveraged COLI account values as a result of surrender  activity.
Fee  income  also  decreased  as the  result  of lower  sales  volume in 2003 as
compared to prior year.

Total benefits,  claims and expenses decreased in 2003, primarily as a result of
a decline in interest  credited.  This was due to the decline in general account
assets as  compared to 2002.  This is related to the  surrender  activity  noted
above.  These  decreases  were  partially  offset by an  increase  in  insurance
operating costs and expenses due primarily to a $40 after-tax  expense,  related
to the  Bancorp  litigation  expense  recorded  in 2003  compared  with  the $11
after-tax expense recorded in 2002. For a discussion of the Bancorp  litigation,
see Note 16 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Net income  decreased in 2003  compared to 2002  principally  as a result of the
Bancorp litigation  expense.  Excluding the expenses associated with the Bancorp
litigation  discussed above, net income decreased $4 or 9%, primarily due to the
decline in leveraged COLI account values discussed above.

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- COLI revenues decreased, primarily related to lower net
investment and fee income due to the declining  block of leveraged COLI compared
to a  year  ago.  Total  benefits,  claims  and  expenses  decreased,  which  is
relatively  consistent with the decrease in revenues  described above.  However,
the decrease was  partially  offset by an $11 after-tax  expense  related to the
Bancorp  litigation.  COLI's net  income  decreased  principally  due to the $11
after-tax  expense  accrued  in  connection  with the  Bancorp  litigation.  The
decrease in net income was also  impacted by an after-tax  loss of $2 related to
September 11 recorded in the third quarter of 2001.


The focus of this  segment is variable  COLI,  which  continues  to be a product
generally   used  by   employers  to  fund   non-qualified   benefits  or  other
post-employment  benefit  liabilities.  The  leveraged  COLI product has been an
important  contributor to The Hartford's  profitability in recent years and will
continue  to  contribute  to the  profitability  of the  Company in the  future,
although  the level of profit  has  declined  in 2003,  compared  to 2002.  COLI
continues to be subject to a changing  legislative  and  regulatory  environment
that could have a material adverse effect on its business.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OPERATING SUMMARY                                                                    2003               2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earned premiums                                                               $       8,805      $       8,114     $        7,267
Net investment income                                                                 1,172              1,060              1,042
Other revenue [1]                                                                       428                356                363
Net realized capital gains (losses)                                                     253                (68)               (92)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL REVENUES                                                             10,658              9,462              8,580
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                        8,926              5,870              6,146
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                                     1,642              1,613              1,572
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                                  889                879                647
Goodwill amortization                                                                    --                 --                  3
Other expenses [2]                                                                      625                559                560
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                        12,082              8,921              8,928
             ACCOUNTING CHANGE                                                       (1,424)               541               (348)
Income tax expense (benefit)                                                           (613)                72               (241)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE                  (811)               469               (107)
Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax [3]                                   --                 --                 (8)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INCOME (LOSS) [4]                                                        $         (811)    $          469     $         (115)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loss ratio [6]                                                                          58.7               59.6               70.3
Loss adjustment expense ratio [6]                                                       12.1               11.2               12.5
Expense ratio [6]                                                                       26.8               28.3               29.2
Policyholder dividend ratio                                                              0.4                0.7                0.5
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMBINED RATIO [6]                                                                      98.0               99.8              112.5
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catastrophe ratio                                                                        3.0                1.3               10.6
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMBINED RATIO BEFORE CATASTROPHES [6]                                                  95.0               98.5              101.9
[1]   Primarily servicing revenue.
[2]   Includes  severance charges of $41 for 2003 and  restructuring  charges of
      $15 for 2001.
[3]   Represents the cumulative  impact of the Company's  adoption of EITF Issue
      No. 99-20.
[4]   2001 includes $420 of after-tax losses related to September 11.
[5]   Ratios  do not  include  the  effects  of Other  operations.  Refer to the
      "Ratios" section below for definitions of the underwriting ratios.
[6]   For 2001,  before the impact of  September  11, loss ratio was 62.8,  loss
      adjustment  expense  ratio was 11.4,  expense  ratio was 28.8 and combined
      ratio was 103.5.

                                     - 37 -

Property & Casualty is organized into five reportable  operating  segments:  the
North American  underwriting  segments of Business  Insurance,  Personal  Lines,
Specialty  Commercial and Reinsurance:  and the Other Operations segment,  which
includes   substantially  all  of  the  Company's   asbestos  and  environmental

2003 COMPARED TO 2002 -- Revenues for Property & Casualty increased $1.2 billion
for the year ended  December  31, 2003.  The  improvement  was due  primarily to
earned  premium  growth in the  Business  Insurance,  Specialty  Commercial  and
Personal Lines segments,  primarily as a result of earned pricing increases,  as
well as an  improvement  in net  realized  capital  gains  and  losses,  and net
investment income.  Partially  offsetting the increase was a $361 earned premium
decline in the  Reinsurance  segment as a result of the  Company's  decision  to
withdraw from the assumed reinsurance business as discussed more fully below.

On May 16, 2003, as part of the Company's  decision to withdraw from the assumed
reinsurance  business,  the  Company  entered  into a quota  share and  purchase
agreement  with  Endurance  Reinsurance  Corporation  of  America  ("Endurance")
whereby the Reinsurance  segment  retroceded the majority of its inforce book of
business as of April 1, 2003 and sold  renewal  rights to  Endurance.  Under the
quota  share  agreement,  Endurance  reinsured  most  of the  segment's  assumed
reinsurance contracts that were written on or after January 1, 2002 and that had
unearned premium as of April 1, 2003. In consideration for Endurance  reinsuring
the unearned  premium as of April 1, 2003,  the Company paid Endurance an amount
equal to unearned  premiums  less the related  unamortized  commissions/deferred
acquisition  costs net of an override  commission,  which was established by the
contract.  In addition,  Endurance will pay a profit sharing commission based on
the loss performance of property treaty,  property catastrophe and aviation pool
unearned premium.  Under the purchase  agreement,  Endurance will pay additional
amounts,  subject to a guaranteed  minimum of $15, based on the level of renewal
premium  on the  reinsured  contracts  over the two year  period  following  the
agreement.  The guaranteed minimum is reflected in net income for the year ended
December 31, 2003. The Company remains  subject to ongoing  reserve  development
relating to all retained business.

Net income decreased $1.3 billion for the year ended December 31, 2003 primarily
due to the net asbestos reserve strengthening of $1.7 billion, after-tax, in the
first quarter.  Results for the year were  favorably  impacted by an increase in
net realized  capital gains  (losses) and improved  underwriting  results in the
Personal  Lines and  Business  Insurance  segments.  Strong  earned  pricing and
favorable  frequency loss costs resulted in an increase in underwriting  results
in both the Personal Lines and Business  Insurance  segments.  In addition,  net
investment income,  after-tax, rose $69 for the year ended December 31, 2003 due
to higher  invested  assets,  primarily  from strong  cash flows and  additional
capital raised during the second quarter of 2003.

On September  1, 2003,  the Company  sold a wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Trumbull
Associates,  LLC, for $33,  resulting in a gain of $15,  after-tax.  The gain is
included in net realized  capital gains. The revenues and net income of Trumbull
Associates,  LLC were not  material  to the  Company or the  Property & Casualty

2002  COMPARED TO 2001 -- Revenues for Property & Casualty  increased  $882,  or
10%, for the year ended December 31, 2002. The  improvement was due primarily to
earned  premium growth in the Business  Insurance,  Personal Lines and Specialty
Commercial segments, primarily as a result of earned pricing increases. The 2001
reinsurance  cessions  related to  September  11  increased  the earned  premium
variance for the year by $91. Partially offsetting the increase was a decline in
earned  premium in the  Reinsurance  segment due to the  exclusion of the exited
international  business,   which  in  January  2002  was  transferred  to  Other
Operations, and a reduction in the alternative risk transfer line of business. A
decrease in net realized capital losses and improvement in net investment income
also contributed to the increase in revenues.

Net income increased $584 primarily due to after-tax losses related to September
11 of $420 in 2001,  improved  underwriting  results  across  each of the  North
American  underwriting  segments,   particularly  in  Specialty  Commercial  and
Reinsurance, and a decrease in net realized capital losses. Partially offsetting
the  improvement  was an increase in other expenses  primarily as a result of an
increase in e-business  research and development  expenses and certain  employee
benefits  costs,  as well as expenses  incurred  related to the  transfer of the
Company's New Jersey personal lines agency auto business to Palisades Safety and
Insurance Association and Palisades Insurance Co.


The previous  table and the following  segment  discussions  for the years ended
December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 include various underwriting ratios. Management
believes that these ratios are useful in understanding  the underlying trends in
The Hartford's current insurance underwriting business.  However, these measures
should only be used in conjunction with, and not in lieu of, underwriting income
and net income for the combined  property  and casualty  segments and may not be
comparable to other performance measures used by the Company's competitors.  The
"loss  ratio" is the  ratio of claims  expense  (exclusive  of claim  adjustment
expenses) to earned premiums. The "loss adjustment expense ratio" represents the
ratio of claim  adjustment  expenses  to  earned  premiums.  The  "loss and loss
expense  incurred  ratio"  is the sum of the loss and  loss  adjustment  expense
ratios. The "expense ratio" is the ratio of underwriting expenses, excluding bad
debt expense, to earned premiums. The "policyholder dividend ratio" is the ratio
of policyholder dividends to earned premiums. The "combined ratio" is the sum of
the loss ratio,  the loss  adjustment  expense ratio,  the expense ratio and the
policyholder  dividend  ratio.  These  ratios  are  relative  measurements  that
describe for every $100 of net premiums earned,  the cost of losses and expenses
as  defined  above,  respectively.  A  combined  ratio  below  100  demonstrates
underwriting  profit;  a  combined  ratio  above 100  demonstrates  underwriting
losses.  The "loss and loss  expense  paid ratio"  represents  the ratio of paid
claims and claim adjustment expenses to earned premiums. The "catastrophe ratio"
represents the ratio of catastrophe losses to earned premiums.  A catastrophe is
an event that causes $25 or more in industry insured property losses and affects
a significant number of property and casualty policyholders and insurers.

                                     - 38 -


Written premiums are a non-GAAP financial measure which represents the amount of
premiums charged for policies issued during a fiscal period.  Earned premiums is
a GAAP measure. Premiums are considered earned and are included in the financial
results  on a pro rata  basis  over the policy  period.  The  following  segment
discussions for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001  respectively,
include the  presentation  of written  premiums in addition to earned  premiums.
Management  believes that this performance  measure is useful to investors as it
reflects current trends in the Company's sale of property and casualty insurance
products, as compared to earned premium. Premium renewal retention is defined as
renewal  premium  written in the current period divided by total premium written
in the prior period.  Reinstatement  premium represents additional ceded premium
paid for the  reinstatement  of the  amount  of  reinsurance  coverage  that was
reduced as a result of a reinsurance loss payment.


The Hartford's property and casualty operations have well-developed processes to
manage catastrophic risk exposures to natural  catastrophes,  such as hurricanes
and earthquakes,  and other perils,  such as terrorism.  These processes involve
establishing  underwriting  guidelines for both individual risk and in aggregate
including  individual policy limits and aggregate  exposure limits by geographic
zone and peril. The Company  establishes  exposure limits and actively  monitors
the risk  exposures as a percent of North  American  property-casualty  surplus.
Generally the Company  limits its exposure from a single  250-year event to less
than 30% of statutory  surplus for losses prior to reinsurance  and to less than
15% of statutory  surplus for losses net of  reinsurance.  The Company  monitors
exposures monthly and employs both internally developed and externally purchased
loss modeling tools.

The  Hartford  utilizes  reinsurance  to manage risk and  transfer  exposures to
well-established  and  financially  secure  reinsurers.  Reinsurance  is used to
manage both  aggregate  exposures as well as specific risks based on accumulated
property  and  casualty  liabilities  in certain  geographic  zones.  All treaty
purchases are  administered  by a  centralized  function to support a consistent
strategy and ensure that the  reinsurance  activities are fully  integrated into
the organization's risk management processes.

A variety of traditional  reinsurance  products are used in the  development and
execution of the overall corporate risk management  strategy.  The risk transfer
products used include both excess of loss occurrence-based products,  protecting
aggregate property and workers  compensation  exposures,  and individual risk or
quota share products,  protecting specific classes or lines of business.  Finite
risk products may be used on a limited basis as a cost-effective  alternative to
traditional  products.  There are currently no significant finite risk contracts
in place and the  current  statutory  surplus  benefit  from all such prior year
contracts  is  immaterial.  Facultative  reinsurance  is  also  used  to  manage
policy-specific risk exposures based on established underwriting guidelines. The
Hartford also participates in governmentally administered reinsurance facilities
such as the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund ("FHCF").

To minimize the potential  credit risk resulting from the use of reinsurance,  a
centralized  group  evaluates the credit  standing of potential  reinsurers  and
establishes  the  Company's  schedule of  approved  reinsurers.  The  assessment
process  reviews  reinsurers  against  a  set  of  predetermined  financial  and
management criteria and distinguishes  between long-tail casualty and short-tail
property  business.  A committee  meets  regularly to review  activity with each
reinsurer and affirm the schedule of approved reinsurers.


The Company's net reinsurance  recoverables  from various  property and casualty
reinsurance  arrangements  amounted to $5.4 billion and $4.2 billion at December
31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Of the total net reinsurance recoverables as of
December 31, 2003,  $446 relates to the  Company's  mandatory  participation  in
various  involuntary  assigned  risk  pools,  which are backed by the  financial
strength of the property and casualty insurance industry. Of the remainder, $3.5
billion,  or 71%, was due from companies  rated by A.M. Best. Of the total rated
by A.M. Best,  92% of the companies  were rated A-  (excellent)  or better.  The
remaining  $1.4  billion,  or  29%,  of net  recoverables  from  reinsurers  was
comprised of the following: 5% related to voluntary pools, 2% related to captive
insurance companies, and 22% related to companies not rated by A.M. Best.

Where its contracts  permit,  the Company secures its collection of these future
claim obligations with various forms of collateral including irrevocable letters
of credit,  secured trusts such as New York  Regulation  114 trusts,  funds held
accounts and group wide offsets.

The net recoverables  include an allowance for doubtful accounts.  The allowance
for  unrecoverable  reinsurance was $381 and $211 at December 31, 2003 and 2002,
respectively.  The significant  increase was primarily  related to the Company's
asbestos  reserve  strengthening  actions  during the first quarter of 2003. The
Company's allowance for unrecoverable reinsurance is regularly reviewed based on
management's  assessment of the credit  quality of its  reinsurers as well as an
estimate for the cost (if any) of resolution of reinsurer disputes.


Reserving  for  property  and  casualty  losses  is an  estimation  process.  As
additional  experience and other relevant claim data become  available,  reserve
levels are adjusted accordingly.  Such adjustments of reserves related to claims
incurred in prior years are a natural  occurrence in the loss reserving  process
and are referred to as "reserve development". Reserve development that increases
previous estimates of ultimate cost is called "reserve  strengthening".  Reserve
development  that  decreases  previous  estimates  of  ultimate  cost is  called
"reserve releases".  Reserve development can influence the comparability of year
over year  underwriting  results and is set forth in the  paragraphs  and tables
that follow.  The "prior  accident  year  development  (pts.)" in the  following
tables for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 represents the ratio
of reserve  development  to earned  premiums.  For a detailed  discussion of the
Company's  reserve  policies,  see  Notes 1, 7 and 16 of  Notes to  Consolidated
Financial Statements and the Critical Accounting Estimates section of the MD&A.

                                     - 39 -

For the Year Ended December 31, 2003

There was no  significant  reserve  strengthening  or  release  in the  Business
Insurance  and Personal  Lines  segments  for the year ended  December 31, 2003.
Specialty  Commercial  strengthened  prior accident year reserves by $52 for the
year ended  December  31, 2003  primarily  as a result of losses in the bond and
professional  liability lines of business.  The bond reserve  strengthening  was
isolated to a few severe  contract  surety claims related to accident year 2002.
The  professional  liability  reserve  strengthening  involved a  provision  for
anticipated  settlements of reinsurance obligations for contracts outstanding at
the time of the original  acquisition of Reliance Group  Holdings' auto residual
value portfolio in the third quarter of 2000.  Reserve  strengthening  of $94 in
the Reinsurance  segment for the year occurred  across multiple  accident years,
primarily 1997 through 2000, and principally in the casualty line of traditional
reinsurance.  In  addition,  the Other  Operations  segment  for the year  ended
December 31, 2003 reflects the Company's net asbestos  reserve  strengthening of
$2.6 billion during the first quarter of 2003.

For the Year Ended December 31, 2002

Reserve  strengthening  in the  Business  Insurance  segment  for the year ended
December 31, 2002 was not  significant.  In Personal Lines,  prior accident year
loss and loss adjustment expenses for non-standard auto were strengthened due to
heavier than expected frequency, severity and litigation rates on prior accident
years. In addition, the prior accident year provision was increased modestly for
mold losses.  Virtually all of the strengthening in Specialty  Commercial is due
to deductible  workers'  compensation  losses on a few large  accounts.  Reserve
strengthening  in the Reinsurance  segment  occurred  across  multiple  accident
years,  primarily 1997 through 2000, and across several lines of business.  High
reported  losses from ceding  companies have persisted  throughout 2002 and loss
ratios have been revised upward.  Virtually all of the reserve  strengthening in
the Other Operations segment related to asbestos.

For the Year Ended December 31, 2001

There was little reserve  strengthening or weakening by segment in 2001 with the
exception of Other Operations,  where the strengthening was related primarily to
non-asbestos and  environmental  exposures.  (For further  discussion of reserve
activity related to asbestos and environmental, see the Other Operations section
of the MD&A.)

A rollforward of liabilities for unpaid claims and claim adjustment  expenses by
segment for Property & Casualty follows:

                                                 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             BUSINESS     PERSONAL     SPECIALTY                   AMERICAN      OTHER
                                             INSURANCE     LINES      COMMERCIAL    REINSURANCE      P&C       OPERATIONS  TOTAL P&C
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  AND CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-GROSS       $   4,744    $   1,692     $   4,957    $   1,614     $  13,007    $   4,084  $  17,091
REINSURANCE AND OTHER RECOVERABLES                366           49         1,998          388         2,801        1,149      3,950
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  AND CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-NET             4,378        1,643         2,959        1,226        10,206        2,935     13,141
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Current year                                 2,346        2,324         1,130          287         6,087           15      6,102
   Prior years                                     (6)          (6)           52           94           134        2,690      2,824
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES                     2,340        2,318         1,182          381         6,221        2,705      8,926
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PAYMENTS                                       (1,761)      (2,211)       (1,015)        (409)       (5,396)        (453)    (5,849)
OTHER [1]                                         (56)         (60)         (106)          (3)         (225)         225         --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENDING LIABILITIES FOR UNPAID CLAIMS AND        4,901        1,690         3,020        1,195        10,806        5,412     16,218
REINSURANCE AND OTHER RECOVERABLES                395           43         2,088          496         3,022        2,475      5,497
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-GROSS           $   5,296    $   1,733    $    5,108    $   1,691     $  13,828    $   7,887  $  21,715
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earned premiums                             $   3,696    $   3,181    $    1,558    $     352     $   8,787    $      18  $   8,805
Combined ratio                                   95.7         95.9          99.3        135.3          98.0
Loss and loss expense paid ratio                 47.7         69.5          65.1        116.3          61.4
Loss and loss expense incurred ratio             63.3         72.9          75.8        108.4          70.8
Catastrophe ratio                                 2.7          4.1           1.7          1.4           3.0
Prior accident year development (pts.) [2]       (0.2)        (0.2)          3.3         26.7           1.5
[1]   Represents the transfer of reserves pursuant to the MacArthur settlement.
[2]   In addition to prior year loss reserve  development  of $94,  Reinsurance  had $10 of earned  premiums in 2003 that related to
      exposure periods prior to 2003.

                                     - 40 -

                                                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             BUSINESS     PERSONAL     SPECIALTY                   AMERICAN      OTHER        TOTAL
                                             INSURANCE     LINES      COMMERCIAL    REINSURANCE      P&C       OPERATIONS      P&C
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   AND CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-GROSS      $    4,440   $     1,530     $    5,073   $   1,956   $     12,999   $   4,037 $ 17,036
 REINSURANCE AND OTHER RECOVERABLES                375            51          2,088         448          2,962       1,214    4,176
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   AND CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-NET             4,065         1,479          2,985       1,508         10,037       2,823   12,860
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Current year                                    1,943         2,244            820         492          5,499          78    5,577
 Prior years                                        19            75             29          77            200          93      293
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES                     1,962         2,319            849         569          5,699         171    5,870
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 PAYMENTS                                       (1,649)       (2,155)          (875)       (551)        (5,230)       (359)  (5,589)
 OTHER [1]                                          --            --             --        (300)          (300)        300       --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-NET                 4,378         1,643          2,959        1,226        10,206       2,935   13,141
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 REINSURANCE AND OTHER RECOVERABLES                366            49          1,998          388         2,801       1,149    3,950
   CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-GROSS          $    4,744   $     1,692     $    4,957   $    1,614  $     13,007   $   4,084 $ 17,091
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Earned premiums                            $    3,126   $     2,984     $    1,222   $      713  $      8,045   $      69    8,114
 Combined ratio                                   97.0         101.0           99.4        107.9          99.8
 Loss and loss expense paid ratio                 52.7          72.2           71.7         77.1          65.0
 Loss and loss expense incurred ratio             62.7          77.7           69.4         79.9          70.8
 Catastrophe ratio                                 0.8           2.5            0.5          0.7           1.3
 Prior accident year development (pts.)            0.6           2.5            2.4         10.8           2.5
[1]   $300 represents the transfer of the international lines of the Reinsurance segment to Other Operations.

                                                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             BUSINESS     PERSONAL     SPECIALTY                   AMERICAN      OTHER        TOTAL
                                             INSURANCE     LINES      COMMERCIAL    REINSURANCE      P&C       OPERATIONS      P&C
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   AND CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-GROSS      $    3,954  $    1,403    $     5,628    $   1,416   $   12,401   $    3,892  $  16,293
 REINSURANCE AND OTHER RECOVERABLES                195          42          2,011          234        2,482        1,389      3,871
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   AND CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-NET             3,759       1,361          3,617        1,182        9,919        2,503     12,422
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Current year                                    1,944       2,156            897          983        5,980           12      5,992
 Prior years                                       (10)         17             28          (11)          24          119        143
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES                     1,934       2,173            925          972        6,004          131      6,135
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 PAYMENTS                                       (1,628)     (2,055)          (955)        (646)      (5,284)        (308)    (5,592)
 OTHER [1] [2]                                      --          --           (602)          --         (602)         497       (105)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-NET                 4,065       1,479          2,985        1,508       10,037        2,823     12,860
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 REINSURANCE AND OTHER RECOVERABLES                375          51          2,088          448        2,962        1,214      4,176
   CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES-GROSS          $    4,440  $    1,530    $     5,073    $   1,956   $   12,999   $    4,037  $  17,036
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Earned premiums                            $    2,630  $    2,747    $     1,022    $     851   $    7,250   $       17  $   7,267
 Combined ratio                                  108.0       102.7          124.2        144.0        112.5
 Loss and loss expense paid ratio                 61.7        74.7           94.3         75.8         72.8
 Loss and loss expense incurred ratio             73.5        79.1           90.7        114.2         82.8
 Catastrophe ratio                                10.0         2.7           17.9         29.5         10.6
 Prior accident year development (pts.)           (0.4)        0.6            2.7         (1.3)         0.3
[1]   $602  represents  the transfer of asbestos and  environmental  reserves to Other Operations.
[2]   Includes $(101) related to the sale of international subsidiaries.

                                     - 41 -


As explained in connection with the Company's  discussion of Critical Accounting
Estimates,  the establishment of Property and Casualty reserves is an estimation
process. Ultimate losses may vary significantly from the current estimates. Many
factors can contribute to these  variations and the need to subsequently  change
the  previous  estimate  of  required  reserve  levels.  Subsequent  changes can
generally be thought of as being the result of the emergence of additional facts
that were not known or  anticipated  at the time of the prior  reserve  estimate
and/or changes in interpretations of information and trends.

The table  below  shows the range of  reserve  re-estimates  experienced  by The
Hartford  over  the  past  three  years.  The  amount  of  prior  accident  year
development (as shown in the reserve  rollforward) for a given year is expressed
as a percent of the beginning reserves.  The range below represents the range of
such  calculations  for the  last  three  years.  The  percentage  relationships
presented are  significantly  influenced by the facts and  circumstances of each
particular  year and by the fact that only the last three years are  included in
the range. Accordingly, these percentages are not intended to be a prediction of
the range of possible future variability.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   BUSINESS      PERSONAL     SPECIALTY                         NORTH          OTHER        TOTAL
                                  INSURANCE       LINES       COMMERCIAL     REINSURANCE    AMERICAN P&C     OPERATIONS      P&C
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003 [1] [2]                    (0.3) - 0.5   (0.4) - 5.1    0.8 - 1.8       (0.9) - 7.7      0.3 - 2.5      3.3 - 91.7   1.2 - 21.5
[1]  Bracketed prior accident development indicates favorable development. Unbracketed amounts represent unfavorable development.
[2]  Before the $2.6 billion of reserve  strengthening for asbestos during 2003, over the past five years,  reserve re-estimates for
     total Property & Casualty ranged from (1.3%) to 2.3%.

The potential  variability of the Company's Property and Casualty reserves would
normally be expected to vary by segment and the types of loss exposures  insured
by those  segments.  Illustrative  factors  influencing  the  potential  reserve
variability  for each of the segments are discussed  under  Critical  Accounting
Estimates.  In general, the Company would expect the variability of its Personal
Lines  reserve  estimates  to be  relatively  less than the  variability  of the
reserve  estimates  for its other  property and casualty  segments.  The Company
would expect the degree of variability of the other segment's reserve estimates,
from  lower  variability  to  higher  variability,   to  be  generally  Business
Insurance,  Specialty Commercial,  Reinsurance, and Other Operations. The actual
relative variability could prove to be different.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OPERATING SUMMARY                                                                                                 2001
                                                                                                       INCLUDING           BEFORE
                                                                         2003            2002         SEPTEMBER 11      SEPTEMBER 11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Written premiums                                                      $   3,957   $     3,412       $    2,871       $     2,886
Change in unearned premium reserve                                          261           286              241               241
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Earned premiums                                              $   3,696   $     3,126       $    2,630       $     2,645
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                            2,340         1,962            1,934             1,704
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                           913           779              681               681
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                      342           341              257               257
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        UNDERWRITING RESULTS                                          $     101   $        44       $    (242)       $         3
Loss ratio                                                                 50.8          50.7            59.9               52.3
Loss adjustment expense ratio                                              12.5          12.0            13.7               12.1
Expense ratio                                                              31.8          32.7            33.2               33.0
Policyholder dividend ratio                                                 0.6           1.5             1.3                1.3
COMBINED RATIO                                                             95.7          97.0           108.0               98.7
Catastrophe ratio                                                           2.7           0.8            10.0                0.7
COMBINED RATIO BEFORE CATASTROPHES                                         93.0          96.2            98.0               98.0

                                                                                                    INCLUDING     BEFORE SEPTEMBER
                                                                       2003           2002         SEPTEMBER 11           11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Commercial                                                   $   1,862      $    1,678     $    1,447           $  1,447
Middle Market                                                          2,095           1,734          1,439              1,439
September 11 Terrorist Attack                                             --              --            (15)                --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                           $   3,957      $    3,412     $    2,871           $  2,886
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Small Commercial                                                   $   1,782      $    1,555     $    1,335           $  1,335
Middle Market                                                          1,914           1,571          1,310              1,310
September 11 Terrorist Attack                                             --              --            (15)                --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                           $   3,696      $    3,126     $    2,630           $  2,645
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]  The difference between written premiums and earned premiums is attributable to the change in unearned premium reserve.

                                     - 42 -

Business Insurance provides standard commercial  insurance coverage to small and
middle market commercial businesses primarily throughout the United States. This
segment offers workers' compensation,  property, automobile, liability, umbrella
and marine coverages.  The Business  Insurance segment also provides  commercial
risk management products and services.

2003 COMPARED TO 2002 -- Business  Insurance  achieved written premium growth of
$545, or 16%, for the year ended December 31, 2003.  Growth was primarily due to
written pricing increases of 9%, and new business growth of 17%. Premium renewal
retention  remained strong at 87%. The written premium increase in middle market
business of $361,  or 21%,  was driven  primarily by  continued  strong  written
pricing increases and new business growth.  Small commercial  business increased
$184, or 11%, reflecting strong written pricing increases.

Earned  premiums  increased  $570,  or 18%,  due to strong 2002 and 2003 written
pricing increases impacting 2003 earned premium. Earned premiums increased $343,
or 22%, and $227, or 15%, for middle market and small commercial,  respectively,
reflecting double-digit earned pricing increases.

Underwriting  results  improved $57, with a corresponding  1.3 point decrease in
the combined ratio, for the year ended December 31, 2003,  despite a significant
increase  in  catastrophe  losses  due  largely to  Hurricane  Isabel and severe
tornadoes in the Midwest.  Before  catastrophes,  underwriting  results improved
$133, or 196%,  with a  corresponding  3.2 point decrease in the combined ratio.
The improvement  was driven by a decrease in the loss ratio before  catastrophes
for both small commercial and middle market, primarily due to improved frequency
of loss and double-digit  earned pricing  increases.  In addition,  double-digit
earned pricing increases and prudent expense  management  favorably impacted the
expense ratio for the year ended December 31, 2003.

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Business  Insurance  achieved written premium growth of
$541  (including $15 of reinsurance  cessions  related to September 11), or 19%,
due to strong growth in both middle market and small commercial.

The increase in middle market of $295, or 21%, was due primarily to double-digit
pricing  increases  as well as  continued  strong  new  business  growth.  Small
commercial  increased  $231, or 16%,  reflecting  double-digit  written  pricing
increases, particularly in the property line of business.

Business  Insurance earned premiums increased $496 (including $15 of reinsurance
cessions  related to September  11), or 19%, due to strong 2002 and 2001 written
pricing increases impacting 2002 earned premiums.  Middle market increased $260,
or 20%, and small  commercial  increased $221, or 16%,  reflecting  double-digit
earned pricing increases.

Underwriting  results improved $286 (including $245 of underwriting loss related
to September 11 in 2001),  with a corresponding  11 point decrease  (including a
9.3 point impact related to September 11) in the combined ratio. The improvement
in  underwriting  results and combined ratio before  September 11, was primarily
due to double-digit  earned pricing  increases and minimal loss costs.  Business
Insurance continued to benefit from favorable frequency loss costs. In addition,
the beneficial effects of strong pricing on the underwriting  expense ratio have
been offset by an  increase in taxes,  licenses  and fees rates,  and  increased
technology spending.


Management  expects the Business Insurance segment to continue to deliver strong
results in 2004.  Although price increases within many markets of the commercial
industry are expected to moderate, double-digit premium growth is expected to be
achieved,  in part, due to continued strategic actions being implemented.  These
include  providing  a  complete  product  solution  for  agents  and  customers,
expanding non-traditional distribution alternatives, executing geographic market
share  strategies and  developing  technology  solutions  that deliver  superior
business tools to The Hartford's  agents and alliances.  These  initiatives  are
focused  on  growing  the  businesses,  deepening  market  share and  leveraging
resources,  all while  developing  synergies and  efficiencies to streamline the
cost of doing  business.  While loss costs are expected to  increase,  continued
pricing and  underwriting  actions are expected to have a positive impact on the
segment's overall profitability in 2004.

                                     - 43 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                   INCLUDING        BEFORE
                                                                            2003        2002       SEPTEMBER 11   SEPTEMBER 11
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Written premiums                                                         $   3,272   $  3,050      $  2,860       $  2,860
Change in unearned premium reserve                                              91         66           113            113
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Earned premiums                                                     $   3,181   $  2,984      $  2,747       $  2,747
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                               2,318      2,319         2,173          2,164
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                              386        415           385            385
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                         360        296           276            276
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      UNDERWRITING RESULTS                                               $     117   $    (46)     $    (87)      $    (78)
Loss ratio                                                                    61.6       66.1          67.4           67.2
Loss adjustment expense ratio                                                 11.3       11.6          11.7           11.6
Expense ratio                                                                 23.0       23.3          23.6           23.6
Combined ratio                                                                95.9      101.0         102.7          102.4
Catastrophe ratio                                                              4.1        2.5           2.7            2.4
Combined ratio before catastrophes                                            91.8       98.6         100.0          100.0
Other revenues [1]                                                       $     123   $    123      $    150       $    150
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]   Represents servicing revenue.

WRITTEN PREMIUMS BREAKDOWN [1]                                                          2003          2002            2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Business Unit
AARP                                                                                $    2,066  $    1,855          $  1,638
Other Affinity                                                                             148         179               201
Agency                                                                                     804         756               783
Omni                                                                                       254         260               238
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                            $    3,272  $    3,050          $  2,860
Product Line
Automobile                                                                          $    2,508  $    2,352          $  2,224
Homeowners                                                                                 764         698               636
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                            $    3,272  $    3,050          $  2,860

EARNED PREMIUMS BREAKDOWN [1]                                                          2003             2002           2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Business Unit
AARP                                                                              $      1,956  $    1,747          $  1,559
Other Affinity                                                                             163         192               182
Agency                                                                                     807         794               765
Omni                                                                                       255         251               241
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                          $      3,181  $    2,984          $  2,747
Product Line
Automobile                                                                        $      2,458  $    2,326          $  2,131
Homeowners                                                                                 723         658               616
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                          $      3,181  $    2,984          $  2,747

Combined Ratios
Automobile                                                                                98.0       103.1             105.8
Homeowners                                                                                88.8        93.8              92.1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                                  95.9       101.0             102.7
[1]  The difference between written premiums and earned premiums is attributable to the change in unearned premium reserve.

Personal  Lines  provides   automobile,   homeowners'  and  home-based  business
coverages  to the  members  of AARP  through a direct  marketing  operation;  to
individuals who prefer local agent involvement  through a network of independent
agents  in  the  standard   personal  lines  market   ("Standard")  and  in  the
non-standard  automobile market through the Company's Omni Insurance Group, Inc.
("Omni")  subsidiary.  Personal  Lines also operates a member contact center for
health  insurance  products  offered  through  AARP's Health Care  Options.  The
Hartford's  exclusive licensing  arrangement with AARP, which was renewed during
the fourth quarter of 2001,  continues  through  January 1, 2010 for automobile,
homeowners and home-based business.  The Health Care Options agreement continues
through 2007.

                                     - 44 -

2003 COMPARED TO 2002--Written  premiums increased $222, or 7%, due to growth in
both the automobile and homeowners lines. The increase in automobile of $156, or
7%, was primarily due to written pricing  increases of 10%.  Automobile  premium
renewal  retention  remained strong at 91% for the year ended December 31, 2003.
Homeowners growth of $66, or 9%, was largely driven by written pricing increases
of 14%. Premium renewal retention was 101%. The increases in both automobile and
homeowners  written  premiums were  primarily due to growth in the AARP program.
AARP increased  $211, or 11%,  primarily as a result of strong  written  pricing
increases.  Partially  offsetting  the increase  was a $31, or 17%,  decrease in
other affinity  business due to a planned reduction in policy counts as a result
of the Company's strategic decision to de-emphasize other affinity business.

Earned  premiums  increased  $197, or 7%, due primarily to growth in AARP.  AARP
increased $209, or 12%, as a result of earned pricing increases.

Underwriting  results increased $163, with a corresponding 5.1 point decrease in
the  combined  ratio.  The  improvement  was  primarily  due to  the  successful
execution of the segment's state-specific  strategies to manage pricing and loss
costs.  Automobile  results  improved 5.1 combined  ratio points and  homeowners
results improved 5.0 combined ratio points, both due primarily to earned pricing
increases  and  favorable   frequency  loss  costs.   Personal  Lines  financial
performance was negatively affected by an increase in pre-tax catastrophe losses
over  prior  year of  $58,  or 1.6  points  due  largely  to  Hurricane  Isabel,
California  wildfires and severe tornadoes in the Midwest.  Double-digit  earned
pricing  increases  and  prudent  expense  management  resulted  in a 0.3  point
decrease in the expense ratio.

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Personal Lines written premiums  increased $190, or 7%,
primarily  driven by growth in AARP,  partially offset by a reduction in Agency.
AARP increased $217, or 13%,  primarily as a result of written pricing increases
and  improved  premium  renewal  retention.  Agency  decreased  $27,  or 3%, due
primarily to the conversion to six-month policies in certain states.

Earned  premiums  increased  $237,  or 9%, due  primarily  to growth in AARP and
Agency.  AARP  increased  $188,  or 12%,  and Agency  increased  $29, or 4%, due
primarily  to  earned  pricing  increases.  Underwriting  results  improved  $41
(including  $9  of   underwriting   loss  related  to  September   11),  with  a
corresponding  1.7 point  decrease  (including  a 0.3 point  impact  related  to
September 11) in the combined ratio.  While  automobile  results improved due to
favorable  frequency loss costs, the line of business was negatively impacted by
the increasing  severity of automobile  claims as a result of medical  inflation
and higher repair costs. The underwriting  experience relating to homeowners has
remained favorable due to improved  frequency of claims,  despite an increase in
the  severity  of  individual   homeowners'   claims.   An  improvement  in  the
underwriting  expense  ratio,  primarily  due to written  pricing  increases and
prudent  expense  management,  resulted  in a 0.3 point  decrease in the expense
ratio over the prior year.


While the personal  lines  industry  operating  fundamentals  are expected to be
strong in 2004, the market will continue to face significant  challenges.  Price
increases  in  automobile  and  homeowners  are  expected to temper.  Regulatory
requirements  applying to premium  rates vary from state to state,  and, in most
states,  rates  are  subject  to prior  regulatory  approval.  State  regulatory
constraints may prevent  companies from obtaining the necessary rates to achieve
an underwriting  profit.  Industry rates may still remain  inadequate in certain
states in 2004.  Loss cost  inflation  is  expected  to rise in 2004,  and it is
uncertain whether favorable frequency loss cost trends can continue.  Automobile
repair costs and medical  inflation are expected to continue to outpace  general
inflation trends.

The Personal Lines segment is expected to deliver growth in written premiums and
underwriting  results in 2004 due, in part, to a new auto class plan product and
technology platform in the agency channel which were introduced in a majority of
states  in  2003.  These  new  product  and  technology  investments  deliver  a
competitive value proposition to independent agents.  Improved financial results
in 2004 for the  Personal  Lines  segment  are  also  expected  as a  result  of
continued state-driven pricing product and underwriting actions. Personal Lines'
product  breadth,  channel  diversity  and  technology  position this segment to
effectively manage the market risks that face the personal lines industry.

                                     - 45 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OPERATING SUMMARY                                                                                                   2001
                                                                                                        INCLUDING          BEFORE
                                                                             2003          2002        SEPTEMBER 11     SEPTEMBER 11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Written premiums                                                          $   1,612   $     1,362       $      989     $       996
Change in unearned premium reserve                                               54           140              (33)            (33)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Earned premiums                                                  $   1,558   $     1,222       $    1,022     $     1,029
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                1,182           849              925             766
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                               254           240              267             267
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                          151           156               92              91
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        UNDERWRITING RESULTS                                              $     (29)  $       (23)      $     (262)    $       (95)
Loss ratio                                                                      62.5         57.6             73.1            59.5
Loss adjustment expense ratio                                                   13.3         11.8             17.6            15.0
Expense ratio                                                                   22.9         29.3             33.1            32.8
Policyholder dividend ratio                                                      0.7          0.7              0.4             0.4
Combined ratio                                                                  99.3         99.4            124.2           107.7
Catastrophe ratio                                                                1.7          0.5             17.9             1.4
Combined ratio before catastrophes                                              97.6         98.9            106.3           106.3
Other Revenues [1]                                                        $      306  $       233       $      213     $       213
[1]   Represents servicing revenue.

                                                                                                        INCLUDING        BEFORE
                                                                          2003            2002         SEPTEMBER 11    SEPTEMBER 11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property                                                                 $   440      $      405     $      284           $    284
Casualty                                                                     670             556            434                434
Bond                                                                         162             157            138                138
Professional Liability                                                       324             239            168                168
Other                                                                         16               5            (28)               (28)
September 11 Terrorist Attack                                                 --              --             (7)                --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                 $ 1,162      $    1,362     $      989           $    996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property                                                                 $   429      $      346     $      281           $    281
Casualty                                                                     615             498            438                438
Bond                                                                         152             148            127                127
Professional Liability                                                       296             200            117                117
Other                                                                         66              30             66                 66
September 11 Terrorist Attack                                                 --              --             (7)                --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                 $ 1,558      $    1,222     $    1,022           $  1,029
[1]  The difference between written premiums and earned premiums is attributable to the change in unearned premium reserve.

Specialty  Commercial offers a variety of customized insurance products and risk
management services. The segment provides standard commercial insurance products
including  workers'   compensation,   automobile  and  liability   coverages  to
large-sized  companies.  Specialty  Commercial also provides bond,  professional
liability,  specialty  casualty  and  agricultural  coverages,  as  well as core
property and excess and surplus lines coverages not normally written by standard
lines insurers.  Alternative  markets,  within  Specialty  Commercial,  provides
insurance products and services primarily to captive insurance companies,  pools
and  self-insurance  groups. In addition,  Specialty  Commercial  provides third
party administrator  services for claims  administration,  integrated  benefits,
loss control and performance measurement through Specialty Risk Services.

2003 COMPARED TO  2002--Written  premiums  increased  $250, or 18%, for the year
ended December 31, 2003,  primarily due to  double-digit  growth in casualty and
professional  liability.  Casualty and professional  liability  written premiums
grew $114, or 21%, and $85, or 36%, respectively,  due to strong written pricing
increases.  While property  pricing began to turn negative in the latter half of
2003,  written  premiums  in property  increased  $35, or 9%, for the year ended
December 31,  2003.  Bond growth for the year was  negatively  impacted by ceded
reinstatement premium.

Earned  premiums  increased  $336, or 27%, for the year ended December 31, 2003,
due  primarily  to  earned  premium   growth  in  the  property,   casualty  and
professional  liability  lines of business as a result of strong earned  pricing

Underwriting  results  deteriorated $6 for the year ended December 31, 2003, due
primarily to higher  catastrophe  losses  compared to unusually low  catastrophe
losses in the prior period

                                     - 46 -

and an increase in loss reserve  development  that was driven by prior  accident
year loss reserve  strengthening  of $20 in the bond and $25 in the professional
liability lines of business. The bond reserve strengthening is isolated to a few
severe  contract  surety claims related to accident year 2002. The  professional
liability reserve strengthening involved a provision for anticipated settlements
of reinsurance obligations for contracts outstanding at the time of the original
acquisition  of Reliance Group  Holdings'  auto residual value  portfolio in the
third quarter of 2000. In addition,  an increase in doubtful accounts expense of
$10 contributed to the decrease in underwriting results. Excluding catastrophes,
property  underwriting  results  continued to be favorable due to earned pricing
increases and improved significantly over prior year. Casualty continued to show
underwriting  improvement  over  prior  year  due to a  lower  loss  ratio.  The
Specialty  Commercial  combined  ratio  improved  0.1  points for the year ended
December  31,  2003  as  the  reserve   strengthening  and  higher  catastrophes
referenced  above mitigated the impact of strong earned  pricing,  higher ceding
commissions in the  professional  liability line of business and prudent expense

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Specialty  Commercial  written premiums  increased $373
(including  $7 of  reinsurance  cessions  related  to  September  11),  or  38%,
primarily driven by the property,  casualty and professional  liability lines of
business.  Written  premiums for property  grew $121,  or 43%,  while  specialty
casualty grew $122, or 28%, both  primarily due to significant  price  increases
and  new  business  growth  reflecting  an  improving   operating   environment.
Professional   liability  written  premiums  grew  $71,  or  42%,  also  due  to
significant price increases.

Earned premiums increased $200 (including $7 of reinsurance  cessions related to
September  11), or 20%,  primarily  driven by robust  earned  premium  growth in
property of $65, or 23%, casualty of $60, or 14%, and professional  liability of
$83, or 71%, as a result of double-digit earned pricing increases.

Underwriting  results improved $239 (including $167 of underwriting loss related
to September 11), with a  corresponding  24.8 point  decrease  (including a 16.5
point impact related to September 11) in the combined ratio.  The improvement in
underwriting results and combined ratio before September 11 was primarily due to
favorable property,  casualty and professional liability results, as a result of
the favorable pricing environment.  Increased losses incurred in property due to
the Midwest drought;  casualty due to deductible workers' compensation losses on
a few large accounts; and bond partially mitigated the improvement. In addition,
the underwriting  expense ratio improved  primarily due to pricing increases and
prudent expense  management.  Lower  catastrophes,  primarily as a result of the
Seattle  earthquake  in the  first  quarter  of 2001,  also  contributed  to the
improvement in underwriting results.


Specialty Commercial is made up of a diverse group of businesses that are unique
to commercial lines. Each line of business operates  independently  with its own
set of  business  objectives  and  focuses on the  operational  dynamics  of its
specific industry.  These businesses,  while somewhat interrelated,  each have a
unique  business model and operating  cycle.  Although  written price  increases
within  some  markets of the  commercial  industry  are  expected to moderate or
possibly be negative in 2004,  casualty and  professional  liability  pricing is
expected to be firm.  Strong written  pricing in 2003 will  contribute to earned
premium growth expected in 2004.  Management  believes that continued  strategic
actions  being  taken,  which  include  focusing  on  maximizing  growth  in the
segment's most profitable lines;  providing  innovative new products;  expanding
non-traditional  distribution alternatives;  and further leveraging underwriting
discipline  and  capabilities  will  continue  to enable the  segment to deliver
underwriting improvement and premium growth.

                                     - 47 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OPERATING SUMMARY                                                                                                2001
                                                                                                       INCLUDING         BEFORE
                                                                          2003           2002        SEPTEMBER 11     SEPTEMBER 11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Written premiums                                                      $       210   $       703     $       849      $       918
Change in unearned premium reserve                                           (142)          (10)             (2)              (2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Earned premiums                                                  $       352   $       713     $       851      $       920
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                381           569             972              815
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                              88           179             239              239
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                          8            24              15               15
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      UNDERWRITING RESULTS                                            $      (125)  $       (59)    $      (375)     $      (149)
Loss ratio                                                                    98.2         74.9           108.9             83.7
Loss adjustment expense ratio                                                 10.2          4.9             5.3              4.9
Expense ratio                                                                 26.9         28.0            29.8             27.6
Combined ratio                                                               135.3        107.9           144.0            116.2
Catastrophe ratio                                                              1.4          0.7            29.5              2.7
Combined ratio before catastrophes                                           133.8        107.2           114.6            113.5

WRITTEN PREMIUMS BREAKDOWN [1]                                                           2003            2002             2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Traditional reinsurance                                                             $       154      $      618          $   736
Alternative risk transfer ("ART")                                                            56              85              182
September 11 Terrorist Attack                                                                --              --              (69)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                            $       210      $      703          $   849

Traditional reinsurance                                                             $       299      $      621          $   734
Alternative risk transfer ("ART")                                                            53              92              186
September 11 Terrorist Attack                                                                --              --              (69)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                            $       352      $      713          $   851
[1]  The difference between written premiums and earned premiums is attributable to the change in unearned premium reserve.

During the second  quarter of 2003,  the Company  decided to  withdraw  from the
assumed reinsurance business due mainly to the Company's lack of scale necessary
to compete  effectively in the assumed  reinsurance market. On May 16, 2003, the
Company  entered  into a quota  share  and  purchase  agreement  with  Endurance
Reinsurance  Corporation  of  America  ("Endurance"),  whereby  the  Reinsurance
segment  retroceded  the majority of its inforce book of business as of April 1,
2003 and sold  renewal  rights to  Endurance.  Under the quota share  agreement,
Endurance  reinsured most of the segment's  assumed  reinsurance  contracts that
were  written on or after  January 1, 2002 and that had  unearned  premium as of
April 1, 2003. In consideration for Endurance reinsuring the unearned premium as
of April 1, 2003, the Company paid Endurance an amount equal to unearned premium
less the related  unamortized  commissions/deferred  acquisition costs net of an
override  commission  which  was  established  by  the  contract.  In  addition,
Endurance will pay a profit sharing  commission based on the loss performance of
property treaty,  property catastrophe and aviation pool unearned premium. Under
the purchase  agreement,  Endurance  will pay additional  amounts,  subject to a
guaranteed  minimum  of $15,  based  on the  level  of  renewal  premium  on the
reinsured  contracts  over the two year  period  following  the  agreement.  The
guaranteed  minimum is reflected  in net income for the year ended  December 31,
2003.  The  Company  remains  subject to  reserve  development  relating  to all
retained business.

Prior to the Endurance transaction,  the Reinsurance segment assumed reinsurance
in North America and primarily  wrote treaty  reinsurance  through  professional
reinsurance brokers covering various property,  casualty,  property catastrophe,
marine  and   alternative   risk  transfer   ("ART")   products.   ART  included
non-traditional  reinsurance  products such as multi-year  property  catastrophe
treaties,  aggregate of excess of loss  agreements and quota share treaties with
single event caps. International property catastrophe,  marine and ART were also
written outside of North America through a London contact office.

2003 COMPARED TO 2002 -- Reinsurance  written  premiums  decreased $493, or 70%,
and earned  premiums  decreased  $361,  or 51%,  primarily  due to the Company's
decision to withdraw from the assumed  reinsurance  business as discussed above.
The decrease in written  premiums also reflects the $145 cession of the unearned
premium to Endurance  related to certain  contracts written by the Company prior
to April 1, 2003.

Underwriting  losses increased $66, with a corresponding  27.4 point increase in
the combined ratio, primarily as a result of underwriting losses on the business
not ceded to Endurance and adverse loss development on prior underwriting years,
primarily1997  through 2000,  particularly  in the casualty lines of traditional

                                     - 48 -

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Reinsurance  written premiums decreased $146 (including
$69 of  reinsurance  cessions  related  to  September  11),  or 17%,  and earned
premiums  decreased $138 (including $69 related to September 11), or 16%, due to
the exclusion of the exited international  business,  which in January 2002, was
transferred  to Other  Operations,  and a reduction in the ART line of business.
Written and earned  premiums from the  international  business in 2001 were $131
and $136,  respectively.  ART written and earned premiums decreased $97, or 53%,
and  $94,  or  51%,   respectively,   due  primarily  to  the  expiration  of  a
non-recurring loss portfolio reinsurance contract and the non-renewal of a quota
share  treaty with one ceding  company.  Excluding  ART,  international  and the
impact of  September  11,  written  premiums  increased  $13,  or 2%, and earned
premiums increased $23, or 4%, due primarily to significant pricing increases as
a result of continued market firming, substantially offset by premium reductions
due to underwriting requirements to maintain profitability targets.

Underwriting  results improved $316 (including $226 of underwriting loss related
to September 11), with a  corresponding  36.1 point  decrease  (including a 27.8
point impact related to September 11) in the combined ratio.  The improvement in
underwriting results and combined ratio before September 11 was primarily due to
underwriting  initiatives  including  a shift to  excess  of loss  policies  and
increased   property  business  mix,  as  well  as  the  exit  from  nearly  all
international  lines,  an  intense  focus on  returns  and  lower  catastrophes.
Underwriting  results and the combined ratio were negatively impacted by adverse
loss development on prior underwriting years.


The Company exited the assumed  reinsurance  business during 2003. In connection
therewith,  the  Company  will  continue to manage the runoff of premium and the
settlement  of claims.  The  Company  remains  subject  to  reserve  development
relating to all retained business.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                     2003               2002                2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Written premiums                                                             $           14     $           57      $           17
Change in unearned premium reserve                                                       (4)               (12)                 --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Earned premiums                                                                       18                 69                  17
Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                        2,705                171                 142
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                                         1                 --                  --
Insurance operating costs and expenses                                                   28                 62                   7
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   UNDERWRITING RESULTS                                                      $       (2,716)    $         (164)     $         (132)

The  Other  Operations  segment  includes  operations  that  are  under a single
management structure,  Heritage Holdings, which was finalized in late 2001 to be
responsible for two related activities.  The first activity is the management of
certain  subsidiaries  and  operations  of The Hartford  that have  discontinued
writing new business. The second is the management of claims (and the associated
reserves) related to asbestos and environmental exposures.

The companies in this segment  which are not writing new business  include First
State  Insurance  Company and two  affiliated  subsidiaries,  located in Boston,
Massachusetts;  Heritage Reinsurance Company, Ltd ("Heritage Re"), headquartered
in Bermuda;  and Excess Insurance  Company,  Ltd, located in the United Kingdom.
Each of these  companies  is  primarily  focused on managing  claims,  resolving
disputes  and  collecting  reinsurance  proceeds.  While the  business  that was
written in these units on either a direct or  reinsurance  basis  spanned a wide
variety of insurance and reinsurance  policies and coverages,  a significant and
increasing  proportion of current and future claims activity  arising from these
businesses  relates  to  environmental  and,  to  a  greater  extent,   asbestos
exposures.  Other  Operations  also  includes  the  results  of  The  Hartford's
international  property-casualty  businesses  (substantially  all of which  were
disposed  of  in  a  series  of   transactions   concluding  in  2001)  and  the
international  businesses  of the  Reinsurance  segment,  exited  in the  fourth
quarter of 2001.

2003  COMPARED TO 2002 -- The decline in written and earned  premiums was due to
the  runoff  of  the  international   assumed  reinsurance   business  that  was
transferred to the Other  Operations  segment in January 2002. The  underwriting
loss was due primarily to the first quarter net asbestos  reserve  strengthening
of $2.6 billion as discussed in the section that follows.

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 --The increase in written and earned premiums reflects the
January 2002 transfer of the exited  international  business of the  Reinsurance
segment to Other Operations in January 2002.

The  paragraphs  that follow are  background  information  and a  discussion  of
asbestos and  environmental  claims,  the  deteriorating  trends with respect to
asbestos, and a summary of the Company's detailed study of asbestos reserves.

Asbestos and Environmental Claims

The Hartford  continues to receive asbestos and  environmental  claims,  both of
which  affect  Other  Operations.  These  claims  are made  pursuant  to several
different  categories of insurance  coverage.  First,  The Hartford wrote direct
policies as a primary liability  insurance  carrier.  Second, The Hartford wrote
direct excess insurance policies providing additional coverage for insureds that
exhaust their underlying liability insurance coverage. Third, The Hartford acted
as a reinsurer  assuming a

                                     - 49 -

portion of risks previously  assumed by other insurers  writing primary,  excess
and reinsurance coverages.  Fourth, The Hartford participated as a London Market
company that wrote both direct insurance and assumed reinsurance business.

With regard to both environmental and particularly asbestos claims,  significant
uncertainty  limits the  ability of insurers  and  reinsurers  to  estimate  the
ultimate reserves necessary for unpaid losses and related expenses.  Traditional
actuarial  reserving  techniques cannot reasonably estimate the ultimate cost of
these claims, particularly during periods when theories of law are in flux. As a
result of the  factors  discussed  in the  following  paragraphs,  the degree of
variability of reserve  estimates for these exposures is  significantly  greater
than for other more traditional exposures. In particular,  The Hartford believes
there is a high degree of  uncertainty  inherent in the  estimation  of asbestos
loss reserves.

In the case of the reserves for asbestos exposures,  factors contributing to the
high degree of uncertainty include inadequate development patterns,  plaintiffs'
expanding  theories of liability,  the risks inherent in major  litigation,  and
inconsistent   emerging  legal  doctrines.   Courts  have  reached  inconsistent
conclusions  as to when losses are deemed to have  occurred  and which  policies
provide coverage; what types of losses are covered;  whether there is an insurer
obligation to defend;  how policy limits are applied;  whether particular claims
are  product/completed  operation  claims subject to an aggregate limit; and how
policy  exclusions  and  conditions  are applied and  interpreted.  Furthermore,
insurers in general,  including  The  Hartford,  have  recently  experienced  an
increase in the number of  asbestos-related  claims due to, among other  things,
more intensive  advertising by lawyers seeking asbestos  claimants,  plaintiffs'
increased focus on new and previously peripheral defendants,  and an increase in
the  number  of  insureds   seeking   bankruptcy   protection  as  a  result  of
asbestos-related  liabilities.  Plaintiffs  and  insureds  have  sought  to  use
bankruptcy proceedings, including "pre-packaged" bankruptcies, to accelerate and
increase loss payments by insurers.  In addition,  some policyholders have begun
to assert new classes of claims for so-called  "non-products" coverages to which
an  aggregate  limit  of  liability  may not  apply.  Recently,  many  insurers,
including  The  Hartford,  also have been sued  directly by  asbestos  claimants
asserting  that  insurers  had a duty to protect  the public from the dangers of
asbestos.  Management believes these issues are not likely to be resolved in the
near future.

Further  uncertainties include the effect of the recent acceleration in the rate
of  bankruptcy  filings  by  asbestos  defendants  on the rate and amount of The
Hartford's asbestos claims payments;  a further increase or decrease in asbestos
and  environmental   claims  that  cannot  now  be  anticipated;   whether  some
policyholders'  liabilities  will reach the  umbrella or excess  layers of their
coverage;  the  resolution or  adjudication  of some disputes  pertaining to the
amount of available  coverage for asbestos claims in a manner  inconsistent with
The Hartford's  previous  assessment of these claims;  the number and outcome of
direct actions against The Hartford; and unanticipated  developments  pertaining
to The Hartford's ability to recover  reinsurance for asbestos and environmental
claims.  It is also not possible to predict changes in the legal and legislative
environment  and  their  impact  on  the  future  development  of  asbestos  and
environmental claims.

It is unknown whether a potential  Federal bill concerning  asbestos  litigation
approved by the Senate  Judiciary  Committee,  or some other  potential  Federal
asbestos-related  legislation,  will be enacted and, if so, what its effect will
be on The Hartford's aggregate asbestos liabilities. Additionally, the reporting
pattern for excess  insurance and reinsurance  claims is much longer than direct
claims.  In many  instances,  it takes  months  or years to  determine  that the
policyholder's own obligations have been met and how the reinsurance in question
may apply to such claims.  The delay in reporting excess and reinsurance  claims
adds to the uncertainty of estimating the related reserves.

In the case of the reserves for environmental exposures, factors contributing to
the high degree of uncertainty include court decisions that have interpreted the
insurance  coverage  to  be  broader  than  originally  intended;   inconsistent
decisions,  especially across jurisdictions;  and uncertainty as to the monetary
amount being sought by the claimant from the insured.

Given the factors and emerging trends described above, The Hartford believes the
actuarial tools and other techniques it employs to estimate the ultimate cost of
claims for more  traditional  kinds of  insurance  exposure  are less precise in
estimating reserves for its asbestos and environmental  exposures.  The Hartford
regularly  evaluates new  information  in assessing  its potential  asbestos and
environmental exposures.

Reserve Activity

Reserves and reserve  activity in the Other  Operations  segment are categorized
and reported as asbestos,  environmental or "all other" activity. The discussion
below relates to reserves and reserve activity, net of applicable reinsurance.

There are a wide  variety of claims  that  drive the  reserves  associated  with
asbestos, environmental and the "all other" category the Company has included in
Other  Operations.  Asbestos claims relate primarily to bodily injuries asserted
by those who came in contact  with  asbestos  or products  containing  asbestos.
Environmental  claims relate  primarily to pollution and related clean-up costs.
The "all other" category of reserves covers a wide range of exposures, including
potential liability for breast implants,  blood products,  construction defects,
lead paint and other long-tail liabilities.

The Other Operations  historic book of business  contains  policies written from
the 1940's to 1992, with the majority of the business spanning the interval 1960
to 1990. The Hartford's  experience has been that this book of business has over
time produced  significantly  higher claims and losses than were contemplated at
inception. The areas of active claim activity have also shifted based on changes
in plaintiff focus and the overall litigation environment. A significant portion
of the claim reserves of the Other Operations segment relates to exposure to the
insurance businesses of other insurers or reinsurers ("whole account" exposure).
Many  of  these  whole  account  exposures  arise  from  reinsurance  agreements
previously  written  by The  Hartford.  The  Hartford's  net  exposure  in these

                                     - 50 -

arrangements  has increased for a variety of reasons,  including The  Hartford's
commutation of previous  retrocessions  of such  business.  Due to the reporting
practices  of cedants to their  reinsurers,  determination  of the nature of the
individual  risks involved in these whole account  exposures  (such as asbestos,
environmental,  or other exposures)  requires various assumptions and estimates,
which are subject to uncertainty, as previously discussed.

During 2001,  the Company  observed a decrease in newly  reported  environmental
claims  as well as  favorable  settlements  with  respect  to  certain  existing
environmental   claims.  Both  observations  were  consistent  with  longer-term
positive trends for environmental  liabilities.  In the same period,  consistent
with the reports of other insurers,  The Hartford experienced an increase in the
number of new asbestos  claims by  policyholders  not  previously  identified as
potentially   significant   claimants,   including  installers  or  handlers  of
asbestos-containing  products.  In  addition,  some  policyholders  had begun to
assert that their asbestos-related  claims fell within so-called  "non-products"
coverage  contained  within their policies  rather than products hazard coverage
and that the claimed  non-products  coverage  was not  subject to any  aggregate
limit. Based on a review of the environmental claim trends that was completed in
the fourth quarter of 2001 under the supervision of the then newly  consolidated
management  structure  and in light of the  further  uncertainties  posed by the
foregoing  asbestos  trends,  the  Company  reclassified  $100 of  environmental
reserves to asbestos reserves.

During 2002,  as part of the  Company's  ongoing  monitoring  of  reserves,  the
Company  reclassified $600 of reserves from the all other reserve  category,  of
which  $540  was   reclassified   to  asbestos  and  $60  was   reclassified  to
environmental   claim  reserves.   The  increase  in  reserves   categorized  as
environmental of $60 (as contrasted with the $100 decrease in the fourth quarter
of 2001)  occurred  because  the  reviews  in each of the two  periods  employed
actuarial techniques to analyze distinct and non-overlapping  blocks of reserves
and associated  exposures.  Facts and  circumstances  associated with each block
determined   the  resulting   changes  in  category.   A  portion  of  the  2002
reclassification relates to re-estimates of the appropriate allocation among the
asbestos,  environmental and all other categories of the aggregate reserves (net
of reinsurance) carried for certain assumed  reinsurance,  commuted cessions and
commuted   retrocessions  of  whole  account  business.  As  part  of  the  2002
reclassification,  The  Hartford  also  revised  formulas  that it  will  use to
allocate (among the asbestos,  environmental  and all other  categories)  future
claim payments for which reinsurance  arrangements were commuted and to allocate
claim  payments  made to effect  commutations.  As a result of these  revisions,
payments  categorized as asbestos and environmental  exposures will be higher in
future periods than in prior periods.

In the first quarter of 2003, several events occurred that in the Company's view
confirmed the existence of a substantial long-term deterioration in the asbestos
litigation  environment.  For example, in February 2003, Combustion Engineering,
long a major  asbestos  defendant,  filed a pre-packaged  bankruptcy  plan under
which it proposed to emerge from bankruptcy within five weeks,  before opponents
of the plan could have a meaningful  opportunity  to object,  and included  many
novel  features in its plan that its insurers found  objectionable.  In December
2002, Halliburton had announced its intention to file a similar plan through one
or more  subsidiaries  and in  January  2003,  Honeywell  announced  that it had
reached an  agreement  with the  plaintiffs'  bar that would enable it to file a
pre-negotiated  plan  through  its  former  NARCO  subsidiary,  then  already in
bankruptcy.  In  January  2003,  Congoleum,  a floor  tile  manufacturer,  which
previously had defended claims  successfully  in the tort system,  announced its
intention to file a  pre-packaged  plan of  reorganization  to be funded  almost
entirely with insurance proceeds. Moreover, prominent members of the plaintiffs'
and  policyholders'  bars announced  publicly their  intention to file many more
such plans.  These  events  represented  a worsening of  conditions  the Company
observed in 2002.

As  a  result  of  these   worsening   conditions,   the  Company   conducted  a
comprehensive, ground-up study of its asbestos exposures in the first quarter of
2003 in an effort to project,  beginning at the individual  account  level,  the
effect of these trends on the  Company's  estimated  total  exposure to asbestos
liability.  Based on the Company's  evaluation of the  deteriorating  conditions
described above, the Company strengthened its gross and net asbestos reserves by
$3.9 billion and $2.6 billion,  respectively.  The reserve strengthening related
primarily  to  policies  effective  in 1985 or  prior  years.  The  Company  had
incorporated  an absolute  asbestos  exclusion in most of its general  liability
policies  written after 1985.  The Company  believes  that its current  asbestos
reserves  are  reasonable   and   appropriate.   However,   analyses  of  future
developments  could cause The  Hartford to change its  estimates of its asbestos
and environmental reserves, and the effect of these changes could be material to
the Company's consolidated operating results, financial condition and liquidity.

Consistent with the Company's  long-standing  reserving practices,  The Hartford
will continue to review and monitor these  reserves  regularly and, where future
developments  indicate,  make appropriate  adjustments to the reserves. The loss
reserving  assumptions,   drawn  from  both  industry  data  and  the  Company's
experience,  have  been  applied  over  time to all of this  business  and  have
resulted in reserve  strengthening or reserve releases at various times over the
past decade.

The following table presents reserve  activity,  inclusive of estimates for both
reported and incurred but not reported  claims,  net of  reinsurance,  for Other
Operations, categorized by asbestos, environmental and all other claims, for the
years ended  December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001.  Also included are the remaining
asbestos and environmental exposures of North American Property & Casualty.

                                     - 51 -


2003                                                              Asbestos        Environmental      All Other[1]          Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beginning liability - net                                       $    1,118        $      591        $    1,250         $   2,959
Claims and claim adjustment expenses incurred                        2,612                 2               102             2,716
Claims and claim adjustment expenses paid                             (161)             (185)             (119)             (465)
Other [2]                                                              225                --                --               225
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENDING LIABILITY - NET [3] [4]                                  $    3,794        $      408        $    1,233         $   5,435
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beginning liability - net                                       $      616        $      654        $    1,591         $   2,861
Claims and claim adjustment expenses incurred                           88               (11)               89               166
Claims and claim adjustment expenses paid                             (126)             (112)             (130)             (368)
Transfer of international lines of Reinsurance [1]                      --                --               300               300
Other  [5]                                                             540                60              (600)               --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENDING LIABILITY - NET [3] [4]                                  $    1,118        $      591        $    1,250         $   2,959
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beginning liability - net [6]                                   $      572        $      911        $    1,753         $   3,236
Claims and claim adjustment expenses incurred                           28                15               116               159
Claims and claim adjustment expenses paid                              (84)             (172)             (176)             (432)
Other [5]                                                              100              (100)             (102)             (102)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENDING LIABILITY - NET [3] [4]                                  $      616        $      654        $    1,591         $   2,861
[1]   Includes unallocated loss adjustment expense reserves.
[2]   Represents the transfer of reserves pursuant to the MacArthur settlement.
[3]   Ending liabilities include asbestos and environmental reserves reported in
      North  American  Property & Casualty of $13 and $10,  respectively,  as of
      December 31, 2003, of $14 and $10  respectively,  as of December 31, 2002,
      and of $6 and $32, respectively, as of December 31, 2001.
[4]   Gross of reinsurance,  reserves for asbestos and environmental were $5,884
      and  $542,  respectively,  as of  December  31,  2003,  $1,994  and  $682,
      respectively,  as of December 31, 2002 and $1,633 and $919,  respectively,
      as of December 31, 2001.
[5]   The  nature  of  these   reallocations   is  described  in  the  preceding
[6]   Represents  the  January  1, 2002  transfer  of  reserves  from the exited
      international  reinsurance  business from the Reinsurance segment to Other

At December 31, 2003,  asbestos reserves were $3.8 billion,  an increase of $2.7
billion  compared to $1.1 billion as of December 31, 2002.  Net incurred  losses
and loss  adjustment  expenses were $2.6 billion for the year ended December 31,
2003.  The increase in reserves as well as the  increase in paid losses  reflect
asbestos claim and litigation trends.

On December 19, 2003,  Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company  ("Hartford A&I")
entered into a settlement  agreement with MacArthur  Company and its subsidiary,
Western MacArthur Company.  (For further discussion of the MacArthur  settlement
see Part I, Item 3. Legal Proceedings.) Under the settlement agreement, Hartford
A&I will pay $1.15 billion into an escrow  account in the first quarter of 2004,
and the funds will be disbursed to a trust to be established  for the benefit of
present and future asbestos  claimants  pursuant to the bankruptcy plan once all
conditions  precedent to the settlement have occurred.  Management  expects that
all  conditions  to the  settlement  will be  satisfied,  but it is not  certain
whether or when those conditions will be satisfied.

In comparing  environmental  claims and claim adjustment expenses paid from year
to year,  2003  payments  reflect the final  settlement  of a number of disputed
claims that had been in the process  resolution for an extended  period of time.
As a result of the timing of these  settlements,  the Company believes the level
of payments in 2003 is not representative of annual payments. Trends in asbestos
paids and  incurreds are addressed in the  paragraphs  preceding the table.  All
other paid losses continue to decline year to year.

The Company  classifies  its asbestos  reserves  into three  categories:  direct
insurance,  assumed  reinsurance and London Market.  Direct  insurance  includes
primary  and  excess  coverage.   Assumed  Reinsurance  includes  both  "treaty"
reinsurance  (covering  broad  categories  of claims or blocks of business)  and
"facultative"  reinsurance  (covering  specific risks or individual  policies of
primary or excess  insurance  companies).  London Market  business  includes the
business  written by one or more of The  Hartford's  subsidiaries  in the United
Kingdom,  which are no longer active in the insurance or  reinsurance  business.
Such business includes both direct insurance and assumed reinsurance.

Exposures  on direct  policies  are the  easiest to  identify  because  specific
policies can be  associated  with  specific  accounts and reserves  established,
where appropriate,  for claims presented.  Over the last three years,  including
the current  reporting  period,  the Company  experienced  a reduction  in newly
reported environmental claims on Direct business, and actual claim payments have
been made at levels within the Company's previously  established  provisions for
loss.  However,  with  respect to asbestos  claims,  the Company  experienced  a
variety of negative trends, including increasing numbers of policyholders making
claims, an apparent increase in the number of claimants under such policies, and
an accelerated  rate of  policyholder  bankruptcies.  Due to the  combination of
these events,  the Company  estimates  that the total value of potential  claims
will reach  higher into the excess  layers of the  Company's  policies  and into
later years of coverage than had been expected.

In  reporting  the results of the  asbestos  study,  the Company has divided its
direct  asbestos  exposures  into  the  following  categories:

                                     - 52 -

Major  Asbestos  Defendants  (the "Top 70" accounts in  Tillinghast's  published
Tiers 1 and 2 and  Wellington  accounts  collectively  divided into:  structured
settlements,  Wellington,  and Other Major Asbestos  Defendants),  Accounts with
Future  Expected  Exposures  greater than $2.5,  Accounts  with Future  Expected
Exposures less than $2.5 and Unallocated.

Structured  settlements  are those  accounts  where the  Company  has reached an
agreement  with the insured as to the amount and timing of the claim payments to
be made to the insured.

The  Wellington  category  includes  insureds that entered into the  "Wellington
Agreement"  dated June 19, 1985.  The  Wellington  Agreement  provided terms and
conditions for how the signatory  asbestos producers would access their coverage
from the signatory insurers.

The Other Major Asbestos Defendants  subcategory represents insureds included in
Tiers 1 and 2, as defined by Tillinghast.  The Tier 1 and 2 classifications  are
meant to capture the  insureds  for which  there is  expected to be  significant
exposure to asbestos claims.

The  unallocated  category  includes an estimate of the reserves  necessary  for
asbestos  claims  related to direct  insureds who have not  previously  tendered
asbestos claims to the company and potential non-products exposures.

Assumed  Reinsurance  exposures  are  inherently  less  predictable  than direct
insurance  exposures because the Company may not receive notice of a reinsurance
claim until the underlying direct insurance claim is mature. This causes a delay
in the receipt of information at the reinsurer level  reflecting  changes in the
asbestos tort litigation and direct insurance coverage environments.

The asbestos and environmental liability components of the London Market book of
business  consist of both direct  policies of insurance and contracts of assumed
reinsurance. As a participant in the London Market (comprised of both Lloyd's of
London and London Company Markets), the Company wrote business on a subscription
basis,  with the  Company's  involvement  being  limited to a  relatively  small
percentage of a total contract placement.  Claims are reported, via a broker, to
the "lead"  underwriter  and,  once agreed to, are  presented  to the  following
markets for  concurrence.  This  reporting  and claim  agreement  process  makes
estimating  liabilities  for this  business  the  most  uncertain  of the  three
categories of claims (Direct, Assumed - Domestic and London Market).

The following  table displays gross  asbestos  reserves and other  statistics by
policyholder category as of December 31, 2003.

                                                        SUMMARY OF GROSS ASBESTOS RESERVES

                                                            As of December 31, 2003
                                                                                  % of                                 3 Year Gross
                                           Number of   All Time      Total      Asbestos    All Time    3 Year Total  Survival Ratio
                                         Accounts [4]     Paid      Reserves    Reserves    Ultimate    Paid  Losses   [1] [2] [5]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                                        (in years)
Major asbestos defendants
  Structured settlements (includes 2
    Wellington accounts)                        5    $     224    $     279          5%    $     503        $    93           9.0
  Wellington (direct only)                     31          628          300          5%          928            168           5.4
  Other major asbestos defendants              29          179          420          7%          599             66          19.1
  No known policies (includes 3
    Wellington accounts)                        5           --           --         --            --             --           --
Accounts with future exposure > $2.5          127          415        1,354         23%        1,769            202          20.1
Accounts with future exposure < $2.5          826          308          111          2%          419             28          11.9
MacArthur Settlement                           --           --        1,150         20%        1,150
Unallocated                                    --           16          936         15%          952             16
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total direct [3]                                      1,770        4,550         77%        6,320            611          22.3
Assumed reinsurance                                        560          854         15%        1,414            180          14.2
London market                                              373          480          8%          853            106          13.6
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL GROSS ASBESTOS RESERVES                        $   2,703    $   5,884        100%    $   8,587        $   897          19.7
[1]  Survival  ratio is a commonly  used industry  ratio for  comparing  reserve
     levels  between  companies.  While the method is commonly used, it is not a
     predictive  technique.  Survival  ratios may vary over time due to numerous
     factors  such as large  payments  due to the final  resolution  of  certain
     asbestos liabilities, or reserve re-estimates. The survival ratio presented
     in the above table is computed by  dividing  the  recorded  reserves by the
     average of the past three years of  payments.  The ratio is the  calculated
     number  of years the  recorded  reserves  would  survive  if future  annual
     payments were equal to the historical three-year average.
[2]   The one year gross paid amount for total asbestos claims is $319 resulting
      in a one year gross survival ratio of 18.4 years.
[3]   Three year total paid losses include payments of $38 on closed claims (not
      presented by category).
[4]   Number of accounts by category established as of December 2002.
[5]   If the ratio  was  calculated  without  considering  the  $1.15  billon of
      reserves that are allocated for the MacArthur payments, which will be paid
      in 2004,  the one year  survival  ratio  would be 14.8 years and the three
      year survival ratio would be 15.7 years.

In  reporting  gross  environmental  results,  the Company has divided the gross
exposure into Direct (accounts with future exposure greater than $2.5,  accounts
with future exposure less than $2.5, and Other direct),  Assumed Reinsurance and
London  Market.  The  unallocated  category  includes  historical  paid loss and
expense  on  closed  accounts,   an  estimate  of  the  necessary  reserves  for
environmental claims related to direct insureds who have not previously tendered
environmental claims to the company and reserves for pools and associations.

                                     - 53 -

The following table displays gross  environmental  reserves and other statistics
by category as of December 31, 2003.

                                               SUMMARY OF GROSS ENVIRONMENTAL RESERVES

                                                                                     As of December 31, 2003
                                                                                                           % of        3 Year Gross
                                                                              Number of     Total      Environmental     Survival
                                                                             Accounts[4]   Reserves      Reserves     Ratio [1] [3]
Accounts with future exposure > $2.5                                               24     $     107        20%             3.5
Accounts with future exposure < $2.5                                              593            98        18%             2.2
Other direct [2]                                                                   --            56        10%             1.1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total direct                                                                   617           261        48%             2.1
Assumed reinsurance                                                                             192        36%             5.9
London market                                                                                    89        16%             3.5
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL GROSS ENVIRONMENTAL RESERVES                                                        $     542        100%            2.9
[1]   Survival  ratio is a commonly  used industry  ratio for comparing  reserve
      levels between  companies.  While the method is commonly used, it is not a
      predictive  technique.  Survival ratios may vary over time due to numerous
      factors  such as large  payments  due to the final  resolution  of certain
      environmental  liabilities,  or reserve  re-estimates.  The survival ratio
      presented in the above table is computed by dividing the recorded reserves
      by the  average  of the past  three  years of  payments.  The ratio is the
      calculated  number of years the  recorded  reserves  would  last if future
      annual payments were equal to the historical three-year average.
[2]   Includes pools and associations, closed accounts and unallocated IBNR.
[3]   The one year gross  paid  amount  for total  environmental  claims is $141
      resulting in a one year gross survival ratio of 3.8 years.
[4]   Number of accounts by category established as of June 2003.

The  following  table sets forth,  for the three years ended  December 31, 2003,
paid and incurred loss  activity by the three  categories of claims for asbestos
and environmental.  The table shows that in this timeframe asbestos payments and
incurred losses have been increasing, while environmental activity generally has
been  improving.  During the fourth  quarter of 2003,  The Hartford  conducted a
comprehensive review of reported  environmental claims which reaffirmed that its
carried  reserves  reflect its current best  estimate of future  exposure.  Such
estimate is, however, subject to the uncertainties noted earlier.


                                                                  ASBESTOS                                   ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                 --------------------------------------------     ----------------------------------
                                                          PAID                INCURRED                  PAID             INCURRED
2003                                                   LOSS & LAE            LOSS & LAE              LOSS & LAE         LOSS & LAE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Direct                                         $          226         $       3,113             $        109      $          12
  Assumed - Domestic                                         53                   585                       15                 (3)
  London Market                                              40                   286                       17                 (8)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total                                                   319                 3,984                      141                  1
Ceded [1]                                                  (158)               (1,372)                      44                  1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net                                              $          161         $       2,612             $        185      $           2

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Direct                                         $         212          $         559             $        124      $           (9)
  Assumed - Domestic                                        66                     89                       15                 (39)
  London Market                                             35                     26                       24                 (26)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total                                                  313                    674                      163                 (74)
Ceded                                                     (187)                   (46)                     (51)                123
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net                                              $         126          $         628             $        112      $           49

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Direct                                         $         173           $        329             $        148       $        (247)
  Assumed - Domestic                                        61                     63                       68                 (65)
  London Market                                             31                     --                       36                  --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total                                                  265                    392                      252                (312)
Ceded                                                     (181)                  (264)                     (80)                227
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net                                              $          84           $        128             $        172       $         (85)
[1]   2003  environmental  paid losses reflect ceded  commutation  settlement of
      previously disputed balances.


The Other Operations segment will continue to manage the discontinued operations
of The Hartford as well as claims (and associated  reserves) related to asbestos
and  environmental  exposure.  The  Hartford  will  continue  to review  various
components of all of its reserves on a periodic basis.

                                     - 54 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The  Hartford's  investment  portfolios are primarily  divided  between Life and
Property  &  Casualty.  The  investment  portfolios  are  managed  based  on the
underlying characteristics and nature of each operation's respective liabilities
and  within  established  risk  parameters.  (For a  further  discussion  of The
Hartford's  approach  to  managing  risks,  see the  Investment  Credit Risk and
Capital Markets Risk Management sections.)

The  investment  portfolios  of Life and  Property  &  Casualty  are  managed by
Hartford Investment  Management Company ("Hartford  Investment  Management"),  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of The  Hartford.  Hartford  Investment  Management is
responsible   for   monitoring   and  managing  the   asset/liability   profile,
establishing  investment  objectives  and  guidelines  and  determining,  within
specified risk  tolerances  and investment  guidelines,  the  appropriate  asset
allocation,  duration,  convexity and other  characteristics  of the portfolios.
Security  selection  and  monitoring  are  performed by asset class  specialists
working within dedicated portfolio management teams.

Return on  general  account  invested  assets  is an  important  element  of The
Hartford's  financial results.  Significant  fluctuations in the fixed income or
equity markets could weaken the Company's  financial condition or its results of
operations. Additionally, changes in market interest rates may impact the period
of time over which certain investments,  such as mortgage-backed securities, are
repaid and whether certain  investments are called by the issuers.  Such changes
may,  in turn,  impact  the yield on these  investments  and also may  result in
reinvestment  of funds  received from calls and  prepayments  at rates below the
average  portfolio yield.  Net investment  income and net realized capital gains
and  losses  accounted  for  approximately  19%,  16% and  17% of the  Company's
consolidated  revenues for the years ended  December  31,  2003,  2002 and 2001,

Fluctuations  in interest  rates  affect the  Company's  return on, and the fair
value  of,  general   account  fixed  maturity   investments,   which  comprised
approximately  93%  and 90% of the  fair  value  of its  invested  assets  as of
December  31, 2003 and 2002,  respectively.  Other events  beyond the  Company's
control  could  also  adversely  impact  the fair  value  of these  investments.
Specifically,  a downgrade of an issuer's credit rating or default of payment by
an issuer could reduce the Company's investment return.

The Company invests in private placement securities,  mortgage loans and limited
partnership arrangements in order to further diversify its investment portfolio.
These investment types comprised  approximately 17% and 15% of the fair value of
its  invested  assets as of  December  31,  2003 and 2002,  respectively.  These
security  types are typically  less liquid than direct  investments  in publicly
traded fixed income or equity investments.  However,  generally these securities
have higher yields to compensate for the liquidity risk.

A   decrease   in  the   fair   value   of  any   investment   that  is   deemed
other-than-temporary would result in the Company's recognition of a net realized
capital  loss  in  its  financial  results  prior  to  the  actual  sale  of the
investment.  (For a further  discussion,  see the  Company's  discussion  of the
evaluation of other-than-temporary  impairments in Critical Accounting Estimates
under "Investments".)


The  primary  investment  objective  of Life's  general  account is to  maximize
after-tax  returns  consistent with acceptable  risk  parameters,  including the
management  of  the  interest  rate  sensitivity  of  invested  assets  and  the
generation  of  sufficient  liquidity  relative  to  that  of  policyholder  and
corporate  obligations,  as  discussed in the Capital  Markets  Risk  Management
section under "Market Risk - Life".

The following  table  identifies the invested assets by type held in the general
account as of December 31, 2003 and 2002.

                                                  COMPOSITION OF INVESTED ASSETS
                                                                                     2003                         2002
                                                                              AMOUNT       PERCENT        AMOUNT        PERCENT
                                                                           -------------- ----------- --------------- -------------

 Fixed maturities, at fair value                                          $    37,462          91.0% $    29,377           86.7%
 Equity securities, at fair value                                                 357           0.9%         458            1.3%
 Policy loans, at outstanding balance                                           2,512           6.1%       2,934            8.7%
 Mortgage loans, at cost                                                          466           1.1%         334            1.0%
 Limited partnerships, at fair value                                              177           0.4%         519            1.5%
 Other investments                                                                180           0.5%         269            0.8%
   TOTAL INVESTMENTS                                                      $    41,154         100.0% $    33,891          100.0%

During 2003, fixed maturity  investments  increased 28%, primarily the result of
investment and universal life contract sales, operating cash flows, redeployment
of invested assets from limited  partnerships and the acquisition of CNA's group
life and accident,  long-term and short-term  disability  and certain  specialty
businesses.  In March 2003,  the  Company  decided to  liquidate  its hedge fund
limited  partnership  investments  and reinvest  the proceeds in fixed  maturity
investments.  Hedge  fund  liquidations  totaled  $397  during  the year.  As of
December 31, 2003 the hedge fund investment have been liquidated.

                                     - 55 -


The following table summarizes Life's investment results.

(before-tax)                                                                         2003               2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net investment income - excluding policy loan income [1]                      $       1,831      $       1,595      $       1,475
Policy loan income                                                                      210                254                307
Net investment income - total [1]                                             $       2,041      $       1,849      $       1,782
Yield on average invested assets [2]                                                    6.0%               6.1%               7.0%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross gains on sale                                                           $         267      $         175      $         106
Gross losses on sale                                                                    (95)              (112)              (120)
Impairments                                                                            (162)              (380)              (105)
Periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives [1]                        26                  9                 (3)
GMWB derivatives, net [3]                                                                 6                 --                 --
Other, net [4]                                                                           (2)                --                (14)
Net realized capital gains (losses), before-tax [1]                           $          40      $        (308)     $        (136)
[1]  Prior  periods  reflect  the   reclassification   of  periodic  net  coupon
     settlements on non-qualifying derivatives from net investment income to net
     realized capital gains (losses).
[2]  Represents net  investment  income  (excluding  net realized  capital gains
     (losses))  divided by average invested assets at cost or amortized cost, as
     applicable.  Average  invested assets are calculated by dividing the sum of
     the beginning and ending period  amounts by two,  excluding the  collateral
     obtained  from the  securities  lending  program  and the fixed  maturities
     associated with the acquisition of CNA's group life and accident, long-term
     and short-term disability and certain specialty businesses.
[3]  Net gains on GMWB  derivatives were due principally to a $4 gain associated
     with  international  funds for which hedge  positions were initiated in the
     first  quarter  of  2004  and $2 due to  modeling  refinements  to  improve
     valuation  estimates.  Ineffectiveness on S&P 500 and NASDAQ economic hedge
     positions for the year was not significant.
[4]  Primarily  consists of changes in fair value and hedge  ineffectiveness  on
     derivative  instruments as well as the amortization of deferred acquisition

2003 COMPARED TO 2002 -- Net investment  income,  excluding  policy loan income,
increased  $236, or 15%,  compared to the prior year. The increase was primarily
due to income earned on a higher  invested asset base partially  offset by lower
investment yields.  Policy loan income decreased primarily due to the decline in
leveraged  COLI  policies,  as a result of  surrender  activity and lower sales.
Yield on average  invested  assets  decreased  as a result of lower rates on new
investment purchases and decreased policy loan income.

Net realized  capital  gains  (losses) for 2003 improved by $348 compared to the
prior year,  primarily as a result of net gains on sales of fixed maturities and
a decrease  in  other-than-temporary  impairments  on fixed  maturities.  (For a
further    discussion    of    other-than-temporary    impairments,    see   the
Other-Than-Temporary Impairments commentary in this section of the MD&A.)

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Net investment  income,  excluding  policy loan income,
increased  $120,  or 8%. The increase was  primarily  due to income  earned on a
higher  invested  asset  base  partially  offset by $36 lower  income on limited
partnerships and the impact of lower interest rates on new investment purchases.
Policy loan income  decreased  primarily  due to the decline in  leveraged  COLI
policies,  as a result of surrender  activity and lower sales.  Yield on average
invested  assets  decreased  as a  result  of  lower  rates  on  new  investment
purchases,  decreased  policy  loan  income  and  decreased  income  on  limited

Net realized  capital losses for 2002 increased  $172, or 126%,  compared to the
prior  year as a  result  of  higher  other-than-temporary  impairments.  (For a
further    discussion    of    other-than-temporary    impairments,    see   the
Other-Than-Temporary Impairments commentary in this section of the MD&A.)


Separate  account  products  are  those  for  which a  separate  investment  and
liability  account is  maintained on behalf of the  policyholder.  The Company's
separate  accounts  reflect two  categories of risk  assumption:  non-guaranteed
separate  accounts  totaling $124.5 billion and $95.3 billion as of December 31,
2003 and 2002, respectively,  wherein the policyholder assumes substantially all
the risk and reward; and guaranteed separate accounts totaling $12.1 billion and
$11.8  billion as of  December  31,  2003 and 2002,  respectively,  wherein  the
Company contractually guarantees either a minimum return or the account value to
the  policyholder.  Guaranteed  separate account products  primarily  consist of
modified guaranteed  individual annuities and modified guaranteed life insurance
and generally include market value adjustment  features and surrender charges to
mitigate  the risk of  disintermediation.  The primary  investment  objective of
guaranteed  separate accounts is to maximize  after-tax returns  consistent with
acceptable  risk  parameters,  including  the  management  of the interest  rate
sensitivity of invested assets relative to that of policyholder obligations,  as
discussed in the Capital  Markets Risk  Management  section under "Market Risk -
Life".  Effective  January 1, 2004,  these  investments  will be  included  with
general account assets  pursuant to Statement of Position 03-1,  "Accounting and
Reporting  by Insurance  Enterprises  for Certain  Nontraditional  Long-Duration
Contracts and for Separate Accounts" (the "SOP").

Investment objectives for non-guaranteed separate accounts, which consist of the
participants'  account  balances,  vary by fund account type, as outlined in the
applicable   fund   prospectus   or  separate   account   plan  of   operations.
Non-guaranteed  separate account products include variable  annuities,  variable
universal  life insurance  contracts and variable  COLI.  The separate  accounts
associated with variable annuity products sold in Japan do not meet the criteria
to be  recognized  as a separate  account  because  the  assets are not  legally
insulated  from the  Company.

                                     - 56 -

These assets will also be included with general account assets effective January
1, 2004.


The investment  objective for the majority of Property & Casualty is to maximize
economic value while  generating  after-tax  income and sufficient  liquidity to
meet  policyholder  and corporate  obligations.  For Property & Casualty's Other
Operations  segment,  the investment  objective is to ensure the full and timely
payment of all  liabilities.  Property & Casualty's  investment  strategies  are
developed based on a variety of factors  including  business  needs,  regulatory
requirements and tax considerations.

The following  table  identifies the invested assets by type held as of December
31, 2003 and 2002.

                                                   COMPOSITION OF INVESTED ASSETS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                      2003                          2002
                                                                             AMOUNT         PERCENT        AMOUNT         PERCENT
                                                                          -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------
Fixed maturities, at fair value                                           $    23,715         96.4%     $    19,446         94.5%
Equity securities, at fair value                                                  208          0.8%             459          2.2%
Real estate/Mortgage loans, at cost                                               328          1.3%             131          0.7%
Limited partnerships, at fair value                                               168          0.7%             362          1.8%
Other investments                                                                 186          0.8%             175          0.8%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TOTAL INVESTMENTS                                                       $    24,605        100.0%     $    20,573        100.0%

During 2003, fixed maturity investments increased 22% primarily due to increased
operating  cash flow,  changes in portfolio  allocation and the May 2003 capital
raising proceeds. In March 2003, the Company decided to liquidate its hedge fund
limited  partnership  investments and certain equity securities and reinvest the
proceeds  into fixed  maturity  investments.  Equity  securities  and hedge fund
investment liquidations have totaled $289 and $191,  respectively,  during 2003.
As of December 31, 2003, the hedge fund investments have been liquidated.


The following table below summarizes Property & Casualty's investment results.

                                                                                     2003               2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net investment income, before-tax [1]                                         $       1,172      $       1,060      $       1,042
Net investment income, after-tax [1] [2]                                      $         889      $         820      $         812
Yield on average invested assets, before-tax [3]                                        5.5%               5.8%               6.0%
Yield on average invested assets, after-tax [2] [3]                                     4.2%               4.5%               4.7%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross gains on sale                                                           $         397      $         282      $         223
Gross losses on sale                                                                   (125)              (181)              (216)
Impairments                                                                             (38)              (199)               (91)
Periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives [1]                        18                 15                 11
Other, net [4]                                                                            1                 15                (19)
Net realized capital gains (losses), before-tax [1]                           $         253      $         (68)     $         (92)
[1]  Prior  periods  reflect  the   reclassification   of  periodic  net  coupon
     settlements on non-qualifying derivatives from net investment income to net
     realized capital gains (losses).
[2]  Due to  significant  holdings  in  tax-exempt  investments,  after-tax  net
     investment income and yield are also included.
[3]  Represents net  investment  income  (excluding  net realized  capital gains
     (losses))  divided by average invested assets at cost or amortized cost, as
     applicable.  Average  invested assets are calculated by dividing the sum of
     the beginning and ending period  amounts by two,  excluding the  collateral
     obtained from the securities lending program.
[4]  Primarily  consists of changes in fair value and hedge  ineffectiveness  on
     derivative instruments.

2003 COMPARED TO 2002 -- Before-tax net  investment  income  increased  $112, or
11%, and after-tax net investment  income  increased $69, or 8%, compared to the
prior year. The increases in net investment  income were primarily due to income
earned on a higher  invested  asset base  partially  offset by lower  investment
yields.  Yields on average  invested  assets  decreased from the prior year as a
result of lower rates on new investment purchases.

Net realized  capital  gains  (losses) for 2003 improved by $321 compared to the
prior year.  The  improvement  was primarily the result of net gains on sales of
fixed  maturity  investments,   Trumbull  Associates,  LLC  and  a  decrease  in
other-than-temporary    impairments.    (For    a    further    discussion    of
other-than-temporary   impairments,  see  the  Other-Than-Temporary  Impairments
commentary in this section of the MD&A.)

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- Before and after-tax net investment income increased 2%
and 1%,  respectively,  compared to the prior year as increased  operating  cash
flow resulted in higher  investment  income on the higher  invested  asset base.
Yields on  average  invested  assets  declined  due to the lower  interest  rate

Net  realized  capital  losses  for 2002  improved  by $24,  or 26%,  as  higher
other-than-temporary  impairments  in 2002 were offset by a  reduction  in other
losses,  as 2001  included  losses on  international  subsidiary  sales.  (For a
further    discussion    of    other-than-temporary    impairments,    see   the
Other-than-Temporary  Impairments  commentary  in  this  section  of the  MD&A.)


Certain proceeds from the Company's  September 2002 and May 2003 capital raising
activities  have been  retained in  Corporate.

                                     - 57 -

As of December 31, 2003 and 2002  Corporate held $86 and $66,  respectively,  of
short-term fixed maturity investments.  In addition,  Corporate held $2 of other
investments as of December 31, 2003.


The following table identifies the Company's other-than-temporary impairments by

                                              OTHER-THAN-TEMPORARY IMPAIRMENTS BY TYPE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    LIFE                    PROPERTY & CASUALTY                  CONSOLIDATED
                                        -----------------------------   -----------------------------    ---------------------------
(before-tax)                              2003     2002      2001         2003      2002      2001         2003     2002      2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asset-backed securities ("ABS")
  Aircraft lease receivables            $    29  $    73   $     2      $    --   $    11    $   2       $   29   $    84   $     4
  Corporate debt obligations ("CDO")         21       35        14           10        12        9           31        47        23
  Credit card receivables                    12        9        --            2        --       --           14         9        --
  Interest only securities                    5        3        10            7         4       11           12         7        21
  Manufacturing housing ("MH")
   receivables                                9       14        --           --         8       --            9        22        --
  Mutual fund fee receivables                 3       16        --           --         2       --            3        18        --
  Other ABS                                   3       13         5           --         3       --            3        16         5
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total ABS                               82      163        31           19        40       22          101       203        53
Commercial mortgage-backed securities
  ("CMBS")                                    5        4        --           --        --       --            5         4        --
  Basic industry                              1       --         9            1        --        2            2        --        11
  Consumer non-cyclical                       7       --        --            2        --       --            9        --        --
  Financial services                          4        6        --           --         4       --            4        10        --
  Food and beverage                          25       --        --           --        --       --           25        --        --
  Technology and communications               3      142        17            2       116       42            5       258        59
  Transportation                              7        1        --            3         5       --           10         6        --
  Utilities                                  --       23        37            1        17       16            1        40        53
  Other Corporate                            --       13        --           --        11        4           --        24         4
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Corporate                         47      185        63            9       153       64           56       338       127
Equity                                       21       17        --            9         3        5           30        20         5
Foreign government                           --       11        11           --         3       --           --        14        11
Mortgage-backed securities ("MBS") -
  interest only securities                    7       --        --            1        --       --            8        --        --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total other-than-temporary impairments  $   162  $   380   $   105      $    38   $   199    $  91       $  200   $   579   $   196

ABS -- During 2003,  other-than-temporary  impairments were recorded for various
ABS  security  types as a result  of a  continued  deterioration  of cash  flows
derived  from  the  underlying   collateral.   A  significant  number  of  these
impairments were recorded on the Company's  investments in lower tranches of ABS
supported by aircraft lease and enhanced equipment trust certificates (together,
"aircraft  lease  receivables")  due to continued lower aircraft lease rates and
the prolonged  decline in airline  travel.  CDO  impairments  were primarily the
result of increasing  default rates and lower recovery rates on the  collateral.
Impairments  on ABS backed by credit card  receivables  were a result of issuers
extending  credit to sub-prime  borrowers and the higher  default rates on these
loans,  while  impairments  on  securities  supported  by  MH  receivables  were
primarily  the result of  repossessed  units  liquidated  at  depressed  levels.
Interest only security  impairments recorded during 2003, 2002 and 2001 were due
to the flattening of the forward yield curve.

Impairments  of ABS  during  2002 and  2001  were  driven  by  deterioration  of
collateral cash flows. Numerous bankruptcies, collateral defaults, weak economic
conditions  and reduced  airline travel were all factors  contributing  to lower
collateral cash flows and broker quoted market prices of ABS.

CORPORATE -- The decline in corporate  bankruptcies  and  improvement in general
economic  conditions have  contributed to lower corporate  impairment  levels in
2003 compared to 2002. A  significant  portion of corporate  impairments  during
2003 resulted from issuers who experienced  fraud or accounting  irregularities.
The most  significant of these was the Italian dairy concern,  Parmalat SpA, and
one consumer non-cyclical issuer in the healthcare industry, which resulted in a
$25 and $7 before-tax loss, respectively.  A loss of $5 was recorded relating to
one  communications  sector  issuer  in the  cable  television  industry  due to
deteriorating  earnings  forecasts,  debt  restructuring  issues and  accounting
irregularities.  Additional  impairments  were  incurred  as  a  result  of  the
deterioration  in the  transportation  sector during the first half of the year,
specifically  issuers of airline  debt,  as a result of a  continued  decline in
airline travel.

During  2002,  impairments  of corporate  securities  were  concentrated  in the
technology and communications sector and included a $110 before-tax loss related
to securities issued by WorldCom.

During  2001,  impairments  of corporate  securities  were  concentrated  in the
technology and communications  and the utilities  sectors,  which included a $53
before-tax loss related to securities issued by Enron Corporation.

OTHER -- Other-than-temporary  impairments were also recorded in 2003 on various
diversified  mutual  funds and  preferred  stock  investments.  In 2002 and 2001
other-than-temporary   impairments  were  recognized  on  various  common  stock
investments,  primarily in the technology and communications

                                     - 58 -

sector,  which had experienced  declines in fair value for an extended period of

In  addition to the  impairments  described  above,  fixed  maturity  and equity
securities  were sold during 2003,  2002 and 2001 at total gross losses of $196,
$256 and $221, respectively.  No single security was sold at a loss in excess of
$10, $13 and $8 during 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Based upon the  general  improvement  in  corporate  credit  quality,  favorable
overall market  conditions and the apparent  stabilization in certain ABS types,
the Company expects other-than-temporary impairments to trend lower in 2004 from
the 2003 and 2002 amounts.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Hartford has established investment credit policies that focus on the credit
quality of obligors and counterparties,  limit credit concentrations,  encourage
diversification  and  require  frequent  creditworthiness  reviews.   Investment
activity,  including  setting of policy and defining  acceptable risk levels, is
subject to regular review and approval by senior management and by the Company's
Finance Committee of the Board of Directors.

The Company invests primarily in securities which are rated investment grade and
has established exposure limits, diversification standards and review procedures
for  all   credit   risks   including   borrower,   issuer   and   counterparty.
Creditworthiness  of specific  obligors  is  determined  by an  internal  credit
evaluation   supplemented   by   consideration   of  external   determinants  of
creditworthiness,  typically ratings assigned by nationally  recognized  ratings
agencies.  Obligor,  asset  sector and  industry  concentrations  are subject to
established limits and monitored on a regular basis.

The Hartford is not exposed to any credit  concentration risk of a single issuer
greater than 10% of the Company's stockholders' equity.


The Company's derivative  counterparty exposure policy establishes  market-based
credit limits,  favors long-term  financial stability and  creditworthiness  and
typically requires credit  enhancement/credit  risk reducing agreements.  Credit
risk is  measured  as the amount  owed to the  Company  based on current  market
conditions  and  potential  payment  obligations  between  the  Company  and its
counterparties. Credit exposures are generally quantified weekly and netted, and
collateral is pledged to and held by, or on behalf of, the Company to the extent
the current value of derivatives exceeds exposure policy thresholds.

The Company also minimizes the credit risk in derivative instruments by entering
into   transactions  with  high  quality   counterparties   which  are  reviewed
periodically by the Company's internal  compliance unit,  reviewed frequently by
senior  management and reported to the Company's  Finance Committee of the Board
of  Directors.  The  Company  also  maintains  a policy  of  requiring  that all
derivative  contracts  be governed  by an  International  Swaps and  Derivatives
Association  Master  Agreement  which  is  structured  by  legal  entity  and by
counterparty and permits right of offset.

The  Company  periodically  enters  into swap  agreements  in which the  Company
assumes credit  exposure from a single entity,  referenced  index or asset pool.
Total return swaps involve the periodic exchange of payments with other parties,
at  specified  intervals,  calculated  using the agreed upon index and  notional
principal amounts. Generally, no cash or principal payments are exchanged at the
inception of the contract.  Typically,  at the time a swap is entered into,  the
cash flow streams exchanged by the counterparties are equal in value.

Credit default swaps involve a transfer of credit risk from one party to another
in exchange for periodic payments. One party to the contract will make a payment
based on an agreed  upon rate and a  notional  amount.  The  second  party,  who
assumes credit exposure,  will only make a payment when there is a credit event,
and such payment will be equal to the notional value of the swap  contract,  and
in return, the second party will receive the debt obligation of the first party.
A credit  event is  generally  defined  as default  on  contractually  obligated
interest or principal payments or bankruptcy.

As of December 31, 2003 and 2002,  the notional value of total return and credit
default swaps totaled $1.0 billion and $1.0 billion,  respectively, and the swap
fair value totaled $(33) and $(78), respectively.

                                     - 59 -


The  following  table  identifies  fixed  maturity   securities  by  type  on  a
consolidated basis,  including guaranteed separate accounts,  as of December 31,
2003 and December 31, 2002.

                                                CONSOLIDATED FIXED MATURITIES BY TYPE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  2003                                                   2002
                           ----------------------------------------------------   --------------------------------------------------
                                                                     PERCENT                                               PERCENT
                                                                     OF TOTAL                                              OF TOTAL
                              COST      GAINS      LOSSES     VALUE    VALUE         COST      GAINS      LOSSES     VALUE   VALUE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ABS                        $   6,483  $     154  $    (113) $    6,524   8.9%      $  6,109  $     155  $    (173) $    6,091  10.1%
CMBS                          10,230        545        (44)     10,731  14.7%         6,964        607        (10)      7,561  12.6%
Collateralized mortgage
  obligations ("CMO")          1,059         17         (3)      1,073   1.5%           909         45         (2)        952   1.6%
   Basic industry              4,035        286        (15)      4,306   5.9%         2,931        194        (19)      3,106   5.2%
   Capital goods               1,850        133        (11)      1,972   2.7%         1,399         92        (10)      1,481   2.5%
   Consumer cyclical           3,167        210        (12)      3,365   4.6%         1,873        121         (5)      1,989   3.3%
   Consumer non-cyclical       3,572        236        (18)      3,790   5.2%         3,101        220        (22)      3,299   5.5%
   Energy                      2,036        142        (10)      2,168   3.0%         1,812        137        (10)      1,939   3.2%
   Financial services          7,767        536        (45)      8,258  11.3%         6,454        441       (100)      6,795  11.3%
   Technology and
     communications            4,955        489        (18)      5,426   7.5%         3,972        337        (92)      4,217   7.0%
   Transportation                777         51         (6)        822   1.1%           707         57        (20)        744   1.2%
   Utilities                   2,941        221        (20)      3,142   4.3%         2,371        147        (60)      2,458   4.1%
   Other                         720         33         (5)        748   1.0%           483         23         --         506   0.9%
   Foreign                     1,605        171         (3)      1,773   2.4%         1,780        162         (8)      1,934   3.2%
   United States               1,401         33         (4)      1,430   1.9%           764         53         --         817   1.4%
MBS - agency                   2,794         43         (3)      2,834   3.9%         2,739         79         --       2,818   4.7%
   Taxable                       625         19        (15)        629   0.9%           147         20         (1)        166   0.3%
   Tax-exempt                  9,445        775         (4)     10,216  14.0%        10,029        822         (5)     10,846  18.1%
Redeemable preferred stock        77          3         --          80   0.1%            97          6         (1)        102   0.2%
Short-term                     3,708          3         --       3,711   5.1%         2,151          2         --       2,153   3.6%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES     $  69,247  $   4,100  $    (349) $   72,998 100.0%      $ 56,792  $   3,720  $    (538) $   59,974 100.0%
Total general account
  fixed maturities         $  58,127  $   3,413  $    (277) $   61,263  83.9%      $ 46,241  $   3,062  $    (414) $   48,889  81.5%
Total guaranteed separate
  account fixed maturities $  11,120  $     687  $     (72) $   11,735  16.1%        10,551  $     658  $    (124) $   11,085  18.5%

The Company's fixed maturity gross  unrealized gains and losses have improved by
$380 and $189,  respectively  from  December  31,  2002 to  December  31,  2003,
primarily  due to  improved  corporate  credit  quality  and to a lesser  extent
recognition  of  other-than-temporary  impairments  and asset  sales,  partially
offset by an increase in interest  rates.  The  improvement in corporate  credit
quality was largely due to the security  issuers'  renewed emphasis on improving
liquidity, reducing leverage and various cost cutting measures. Throughout 2003,
the general  economic  outlook has continued to rebound,  the result of improved
profitability  supported by improved  manufacturing  demand,  a continued strong
housing  market  and robust  consumer  and  government  spending.  The  apparent
economic  acceleration has resulted in the 10 year Treasury rate increasing over
40 basis points since  December 31, 2002 and more than 100 basis points from its
low in June 2003.

Investment  allocations as a percentage of total fixed  maturities have remained
materially  consistent  since  December  31,  2002,  except for CMBS,  municipal
tax-exempt and short-term securities.

Portfolio  allocations to CMBS increased due to the asset class's stable spreads
and high quality.  CMBS  securities  have lower  prepayment risk than MBS due to
contractual  penalties.  The Company  decreased  its  percentage  of  tax-exempt
municipal  holdings  due to  alternative  minimum tax  implications.  Short-term
securities  have increased  primarily due to the receipt of operating cash flows
awaiting  investment in longer term securities,  securities  received as part of
the CNA transaction and collateral obtained related to the Company's  securities
lending program.

Effective  December  31,  2003,  the  Company  purchased  CNA's  group  life and
accident,  long-term and short-term  disability and certain specialty  business.
Associated  with the purchase,  CNA  transferred  to the Company $2.3 billion of
fixed  maturities  on December 31, 2003.  The  securities  were recorded at fair
value on the date of acquisition  resulting in no unrealized  gain or loss as of
December 31, 2003. The acquired fixed maturities were  concentrated in corporate
and short-term  securities but did not significantly alter the Company's overall
investment allocations as a percentage of total fixed maturities.  The corporate
securities  are  distributed  into several  sectors,  most notably the financial
services, technology and communications and consumer cyclical sectors.

As of December 31, 2003 and 2002, 18% of the fixed  maturities  were invested in
private placement securities,  including 11% of Rule 144A offerings to qualified
institutional  buyers.  Private

                                     - 60 -

placement  securities are generally less liquid than public securities.  Most of
the private  placement  securities  are rated by  nationally  recognized  rating

(For  a  further  discussion  of  risk  factors  associated  with  sectors  with
significant  unrealized  loss positions,  see the sector risk factor  commentary
under the  Consolidated  Total  Securities with Unrealized Loss Greater than Six
Months by Type  schedule  in this  section  of the MD&A.)

The  following  table  identifies  fixed  maturities  by  credit  quality  on  a
consolidated basis,  including guaranteed separate accounts,  as of December 31,
2003 and 2002.  The  ratings  referenced  below are  based on the  ratings  of a
nationally  recognized rating  organization or, if not rated,  assigned based on
the Company's internal analysis of such securities.

                                          CONSOLIDATED FIXED MATURITIES BY CREDIT QUALITY
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    2003                                       2002
                                                    --------------------------------------     -------------------------------------
                                                                              PERCENT OF                                 PERCENT OF
                                                     AMORTIZED                TOTAL FAIR        AMORTIZED                TOTAL FAIR
                                                        COST      FAIR VALUE     VALUE             COST      FAIR VALUE     VALUE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States Government/Government agencies        $    5,274   $    5,357       7.3%         $    4,234   $    4,397       7.3%
AAA                                                     15,672       16,552      22.7%             13,344       14,358      24.0%
AA                                                       7,377        7,855      10.8%              7,267        7,784      13.0%
A                                                       17,646       18,750      25.7%             15,082       16,034      26.7%
BBB                                                     16,143       17,114      23.4%             11,531       12,121      20.2%
BB & below                                               3,427        3,659       5.0%              3,183        3,127       5.2%
Short-term                                               3,708        3,711       5.1%              2,151        2,153       3.6%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES                              $   69,247   $   72,998     100.0%         $   56,792   $   59,974     100.0%
Total general account fixed maturities              $   58,127   $   61,263      83.9%         $   46,241   $   48,889      81.5%
Total guaranteed separate account fixed maturities  $   11,120   $   11,735      16.1%         $   10,551   $   11,085      18.5%

As of December 31, 2003 and 2002, 95% and over 94%,  respectively,  of the fixed
maturity  portfolio  was invested in short-term  securities or securities  rated
investment grade (BBB and above).

The following table presents the Below Investment Grade ("BIG") fixed maturities
by type,  including  guaranteed  separate accounts,  as of December 31, 2003 and

                                             CONSOLIDATED BIG FIXED MATURITIES BY TYPE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    2003                                       2002
                                                    --------------------------------------     -------------------------------------
                                                                              PERCENT OF                                 PERCENT OF
                                                     AMORTIZED                TOTAL FAIR        AMORTIZED                TOTAL FAIR
                                                        COST      FAIR VALUE     VALUE             COST      FAIR VALUE     VALUE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ABS                                                 $      293   $      275       7.5%         $      237   $      209       6.7%
CMBS                                                       185          190       5.2%                196          214       6.8%
  Basic industry                                           365          381      10.4%                338          339      10.8%
  Capital goods                                            177          187       5.1%                177          180       5.8%
  Consumer cyclical                                        377          408      11.2%                289          298       9.5%
  Consumer non-cyclical                                    423          442      12.1%                263          255       8.2%
  Energy                                                   113          123       3.4%                111          113       3.6%
  Financial services                                        20           20       0.5%                 53           45       1.4%
  Technology and communications                            418          505      13.8%                612          571      18.3%
  Transportation                                            58           61       1.7%                 44           40       1.3%
  Utilities                                                529          549      15.0%                415          376      12.0%
Foreign government                                         416          463      12.7%                397          441      14.1%
Other                                                       53           55       1.4%                 51           46       1.5%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES                              $    3,427   $    3,659     100.0%         $    3,183   $    3,127     100.0%
Total general account fixed maturities              $    2,681   $    2,877      78.6%         $    2,494   $    2,443      78.1%
Total guaranteed separate account fixed maturities  $      746   $      782      21.4%         $      689   $      684      21.9%

As of December  31, 2003 and 2002,  the Company held no issuer of a BIG security
with a fair value in excess of 3% and 4%, respectively,  of the total fair value
for BIG securities.

The following table presents the Company's unrealized loss aging for total fixed
maturity and equity  securities on a consolidated  basis,  including  guaranteed
separate  accounts,  as of  December  31,  2003 and 2002,  by length of time the
security was in an unrealized loss position.

                                     - 61 -

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    2003                                       2002
                                                   --------------------------------------     --------------------------------------
                                                     AMORTIZED                UNREALIZED        AMORTIZED                UNREALIZED
                                                        COST      FAIR VALUE     LOSS              COST      FAIR VALUE     LOSS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Three months or less                                $   4,867    $   4,826    $     (41)       $   2,042    $    1,949   $     (93)
Greater than three months to six months                 3,991        3,854         (137)           1,542         1,463         (79)
Greater than six months to nine months                    404          382          (22)             703           611         (92)
Greater than nine months to twelve months                 151          142           (9)           1,820         1,719        (101)
Greater than twelve months                              1,844        1,688         (156)           2,351         2,103        (248)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                               $  11,257    $  10,892    $    (365)       $   8,458    $    7,845   $    (613)
Total general accounts                              $   9,234    $   8,941    $    (293)       $   6,339    $    5,852   $    (487)
Total guaranteed separate accounts                  $   2,023    $   1,951    $     (72)       $   2,119    $    1,993   $    (126)

The decrease in the unrealized  loss amount since December 31, 2002 is primarily
the result of improved  corporate  fixed maturity credit quality and to a lesser
extent  recognition  of   other-than-temporary   impairments  and  asset  sales,
partially  offset by an increase in interest rates.  (For a further  discussion,
see the economic  commentary  under the  Consolidated  Fixed  Maturities by Type
table in this section of the MD&A.)

As of December 31,  2003,  fixed  maturities  represented  $349,  or 96%, of the
Company's total  unrealized  loss. There were no fixed maturities as of December
31, 2003 with a fair value less than 80% of the security's  amortized cost basis
for six  continuous  months  other  than  certain  asset-backed  and  commercial
mortgage-backed   securities.   Other-than-temporary   impairments  for  certain
asset-backed  and  commercial  mortgage-backed  securities are recognized if the
fair value of the security,  as determined by external pricing sources,  is less
than its carrying  amount and there has been a decrease in the present  value of
the  expected  cash  flows  since  the  last  reporting  period.  There  were no
asset-backed  or  commercial  mortgage-backed  securities  included in the table
above, as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, for which management's best estimate of
future cash flows adversely  changed during the reporting period. As of December
31, 2003,  no  asset-backed  or  commercial  mortgage-backed  securities  had an
unrealized   loss  in  excess  of  $15.   (For  a  further   discussion  of  the
other-than-temporary  impairments  criteria,  see "Investments"  included in the
Critical  Accounting  Estimates  section  of the  MD&A and in Note 1 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.)

The Company held no  securities  of a single  issuer that were at an  unrealized
loss position in excess of 5% and 6% of the total  unrealized  loss amount as of
December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

The total  securities in an unrealized  loss position for longer than six months
by type as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 are presented in the following table.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           2003                                               2002
                                     -------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------
                                                                           PERCENT OF                                     PERCENT OF
                                                                             TOTAL                                          TOTAL
                                         COST       VALUE        LOSS         LOSS       COST       VALUE       LOSS         LOSS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Aircraft lease receivables         $      174   $    116  $      (58)     31.0%     $       94  $      79 $     (15)      3.4%
  CDOs                                      176        153         (23)     12.3%            262        217       (45)     10.2%
  Credit card receivables                   123        111         (12)      6.4%            408        359       (49)     11.1%
  Other ABS and CMBS                        693        673         (20)     10.7%            784        768       (16)      3.6%
  Financial services                        747        710         (37)     19.8%            910        831       (79)     17.9%
  Technology and communications              55         52          (3)      1.6%            609        536       (73)     16.6%
  Transportation                             42         38          (4)      2.1%             89         72       (17)      3.9%
  Utilities                                 103         95          (8)      4.3%            361        325       (36)      8.2%
  Other                                     268        248         (20)     10.7%            821        781       (40)      9.1%
Diversified equity mutual funds               4          4          --       --              113         88       (25)      5.7%
Other securities                             14         12          (2)      1.1%            423        377       (46)     10.3%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                $    2,399   $  2,212  $     (187)    100.0%     $    4,874  $   4,433 $    (441)    100.0%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total general accounts               $    1,760   $  1,619  $     (141)     75.4%     $    3,597  $   3,258 $    (339)     76.9%
Total guaranteed separate accounts   $      639   $    593  $      (46)     24.6%     $    1,277  $   1,175 $    (102)     23.1%

The ABS  securities in an unrealized  loss position for six months or more as of
December 31, 2003, were primarily supported by aircraft lease receivables,  CDOs
and credit card receivables. The Company's current view of risk factors relative
to these fixed maturity types is as follows:

AIRCRAFT  LEASE  RECEIVABLES  -- The  securities  supported  by  aircraft  lease
receivables  continued  to decline in value  during 2003 due to a  reduction  in
lease  payments and  aircraft  values  driven by a prolonged  decline in airline
travel,  which  has  resulted  in the  financial  difficulties  of many  airline
carriers. As a result of the uncertainty surrounding the timing of any

                                     - 62 -

potential  recovery  in this  industry,  significant  risk  premiums  have  been
required by the market for these securities,  resulting in reduced liquidity and
lower broker  quoted  prices.  Air travel began to improve in the second half of
2003, which resulted in lease rates stabilizing on certain aircrafts.  While the
Company saw some modest  price  increases  and greater  liquidity in this sector
during the fourth  quarter of 2003,  additional  price  recovery  will depend on
continued improvement in economic fundamentals,  political stability and airline
operating performance.

CDOS -- Adverse CDO experience can be attributed to higher than expected default
rates and downgrades of the collateral supporting these securities, particularly
in  the  technology  and  utilities  sectors,  causing  a  deterioration  in the
subordinated  tranches  of  these  structures.  As a  result,  significant  risk
premiums  have been  required by the market for these  securities,  resulting in
reduced  liquidity  and  lower  broker  quoted  prices.  Improved  economic  and
operating  fundamentals of the underlying  security  issuers,  along with better
market liquidity, should lead to improved pricing levels.

CREDIT  CARD  RECEIVABLES  --  The  unrealized  loss  position  in  credit  card
securities has primarily been caused by exposure to companies  originating loans
to sub-prime  borrowers.  While the unrealized loss position  improved for these
holdings  during the year due to the better  than  expected  performance  of the
underlying collateral of credit card receivables,  concerns remain regarding the
long-term viability of certain issuers within this sub-sector.

As of December 31, 2003,  security  types other than ABS and CMBS that were in a
significant  unrealized loss position for greater than six months were corporate
fixed maturities primarily within the financial services sector.

FINANCIAL  SERVICES -- As of December 31, 2003,  the securities in the financial
services  sector  unrealized  loss  position  for  greater  than six months were
comprised of  approximately  50 different  securities.  The  securities  in this
category  are  primarily   investment  grade  and  substantially  all  of  these
securities  are priced at or greater than 90% of  amortized  cost as of December
31, 2003.  These positions are primarily  variable rate securities with extended
maturity dates,  which have been adversely  impacted by the reduction in forward
interest rates  resulting in lower expected cash flows.  Unrealized loss amounts
for these securities have declined during the year as interest rates have risen.
Additional changes in fair value of these securities are primarily  dependent on
future  changes in forward  interest  rates.  A substantial  percentage of these
securities  are currently  hedged with  interest  rate swaps,  which convert the
variable rate earned on the securities to a fixed amount. The swaps receive cash
flow  hedge  accounting  treatment  and  are  currently  in an  unrealized  gain

As part of the Company's ongoing security  monitoring  process by a committee of
investment and accounting professionals, the Company has reviewed its investment
portfolio  and  concluded  that  there were no  additional  other-than-temporary
impairments  as of December  31, 2003 and 2002.  Due to the  issuers'  continued
satisfaction of the securities' obligations in accordance with their contractual
terms and the expectation that they will continue to do so,  management's intent
and  ability  to  hold  these  securities,  as  well  as the  evaluation  of the
fundamentals of the issuers' financial  condition and other objective  evidence,
the Company believes that the prices of the securities in the sectors identified
above were temporarily depressed.

The  evaluation  for  other-than-temporary  impairments  is a  quantitative  and
qualitative  process,  which  is  subject  to  risks  and  uncertainties  in the
determination  of  whether  declines  in  the  fair  value  of  investments  are
other-than-temporary.  The risks and  uncertainties  include  changes in general
economic  conditions,  the issuer's  financial  condition or near term  recovery
prospects  and the  effects of changes  in  interest  rates.  In  addition,  for
securitized  financial  assets with  contractual cash flows (e.g. ABS and CMBS),
projections of expected  future cash flows may change based upon new information
regarding the performance of the underlying collateral. As of December 31, 2003,
management's expectation of the discounted future cash flows on these securities
was in excess  of the  associated  securities'  amortized  cost.  (For a further
discussion,  see  "Investments"  included in the Critical  Accounting  Estimates
section of MD&A and in Note 1 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.)

The following  table  presents the Company's  unrealized  loss aging for BIG and
equity  securities  on  a  consolidated  basis,  including  guaranteed  separate
accounts, as of December 31, 2003 and 2002.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    2003                                       2002
                                                    --------------------------------------     -------------------------------------
                                                     AMORTIZED                UNREALIZED        AMORTIZED                UNREALIZED
                                                        COST      FAIR VALUE     LOSS              COST      FAIR VALUE     LOSS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Three months or less                                $     133    $    129     $      (4)       $     274    $     229    $     (45)
Greater than three months to six months                   134         129            (5)             308          267          (41)
Greater than six months to nine months                     81          73            (8)             266          213          (53)
Greater than nine months to twelve months                  18          17            (1)             576          515          (61)
Greater than twelve months                                417         349           (68)             610          517          (93)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                               $     783    $    697     $     (86)       $   2,034    $   1,741    $    (293)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total general accounts                              $     663    $    593     $     (70)       $   1,702    $   1,444    $    (258)
Total guaranteed separate accounts                  $     120    $    104     $     (16)       $     332    $     297    $     (35)

Similar  to the  decrease  in the  Consolidated  Unrealized  Loss Aging of Total
Securities  table from  December 31, 2002 to December 31, 2003,  the decrease in
the BIG and equity  security  unrealized loss amount was primarily the result of
improved  corporate  fixed  maturity  credit  quality  and  to a  lesser  extent
recognition  of  other-than-temporary  impairments  and asset  sales,  partially
offset by an increase  in interest  rates.  (For a further  discussion,  see the
economic  commentary  under the

                                     - 63 -

Consolidated Fixed Maturities by Type table in this section of the MD&A.)

The BIG and equity securities in an unrealized loss position for longer than six
months by type as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 are  presented in the  following

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         2003                                               2002
                                     ----------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------
                                                                       PERCENT OF                                         PERCENT OF
                                                                          TOTAL                                              TOTAL
                                      AMORTIZED    FAIR    UNREALIZED  UNREALIZED       AMORTIZED     FAIR    UNREALIZED  UNREALIZED
                                        COST      VALUE       LOSS        LOSS             COST      VALUE       LOSS        LOSS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Aircraft lease receivables         $       55  $    36  $      (19)      24.6%       $        4   $      2 $      (2)       1.0%
  CDOs                                       44       34         (10)      13.0%                4          2        (2)       1.0%
  Credit card receivables                    45       34         (11)      14.3%               36         23       (13)       6.3%
  Other ABS and CMBS                         59       49         (10)      13.0%               45         39        (6)       2.9%
  Financial services                        142      128         (14)      18.2%              141        131       (10)       4.8%
  Technology and communications               6        6          --        --                325        267       (58)      28.0%
  Transportation                             21       18          (3)       3.9%               33         26        (7)       3.4%
  Utilities                                  76       70          (6)       7.8%              209        182       (27)      13.0%
  Other                                      63       59          (4)       5.2%              379        346       (33)      15.9%
Diversified equity mutual funds               4        4          --        --                113         88       (25)      12.1%
Other securities                              1        1          --        --                163        139       (24)      11.6%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                $      516  $   439  $      (77)     100.0%       $    1,452   $  1,245     $(207)     100.0%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total general accounts               $      417  $   355  $      (62)      80.5%       $    1,191   $  1,012     $(179)      86.5%
Total guaranteed separate accounts   $       99  $    84  $      (15)      19.5%       $      261   $    233     $ (28)      13.5%

(For a further discussion of the Company's current view of risk factors relative
to certain security types listed above,  see the  Consolidated  Total Securities
with  Unrealized  Loss  Greater Than Six Months by Type table in this section of
the MD&A.)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Hartford has a disciplined  approach to managing risks  associated  with its
capital markets and asset/liability management activities.  Investment portfolio
management  is organized to focus  investment  management  expertise on specific
classes of investments,  while asset/liability  management is the responsibility
of  dedicated  risk  management  units  supporting  Life,  including  guaranteed
separate accounts,  and Property & Casualty operations.  Derivative  instruments
are  utilized in  compliance  with  established  Company  policy and  regulatory
requirements  and are monitored  internally  and reviewed by senior  management.
Derivatives  play an important role in  facilitating  the management of interest
rate risk,  mitigating  equity  market risk  exposure  associated  with  certain
variable annuity products and changes in currency exchange rates.


The Company is exposed to market  risk,  primarily  relating to the market price
and/or cash flow variability  associated with changes in interest rates,  market
indices or foreign currency exchange rates.

Interest Rate Risk
- ------------------

The Company's  exposure to interest rate risk relates to the market price and/or
cash flow variability  associated with the changes in market interest rates. The
Company  manages its  exposure to interest  rate risk through  asset  allocation
limits,  asset/liability  duration  matching and through the use of derivatives.
The  Company  analyzes   interest  rate  risk  using  various  models  including
multi-scenario  cash flow  projection  models  that  forecast  cash flows of the
liabilities and their supporting investments,  including derivative instruments.
Measures  the Company  uses to  quantify  its  exposure  to  interest  rate risk
inherent in its invested  assets and interest  rate  sensitive  liabilities  are
duration   and  key   rate   duration.   Duration   is  the   weighted   average
term-to-maturity  of a security's  cash flows,  and is used to  approximate  the
percentage  change in the price of a security  for a  100-basis-point  change in
market  interest  rates.  For  example,  a duration  of 5 means the price of the
security will change by  approximately 5% for a 1% change in interest rates. The
key rate duration  analysis  considers the expected  future cash flows of assets
and liabilities assuming non-parallel interest rate movements.

To  calculate  duration,  projections  of asset  and  liability  cash  flows are
discounted to a present value using interest rate assumptions.  These cash flows
are  then  revalued  at  alternative  interest  rate  levels  to  determine  the
percentage  change in fair  value due to an  incremental  change in rates.  Cash
flows  from  corporate  obligations  are  assumed  to  be  consistent  with  the
contractual  payment streams on a yield to worst basis. The primary  assumptions
used in calculating cash flow projections include expected asset payment streams
taking into account prepayment  speeds,  issuer call options and contract holder
behavior.  Asset-backed  securities,  collateralized  mortgage  obligations  and
mortgage-backed  securities are modeled based on estimates of the rate of future
prepayments  of  principal  over the  remaining  life of the  securities.  These
estimates are developed using  prepayment  speeds  provided in broker  consensus
data. Such estimates are derived from prepayment speeds  previously  experienced
at the interest rate levels

                                     - 64 -

projected for the underlying  collateral.  Actual prepayment experience may vary
from these estimates.

The Company is also exposed to interest  rate risk based upon the discount  rate
assumption  associated  with the  Company's  pension  and  other  postretirement
benefit obligation.  The discount rate assumption is based upon an interest rate
yield curve  comprised of AAA/AA bonds with  maturities  between zero and thirty
years.  Declines in long-term  interest rates have had a negative  impact on the
funded  status of the plans.  (For a further  discussion  of interest  rate risk
associated with the plans, see Capital  Resources and Liquidity,  "Pension Plans
and  Other  Postretirement  Benefits"  and  Note  12 of  Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial Statements.)

Equity Risk
- -----------

The Company's primary exposure to equity risk relates to the potential for lower
earnings  associated  with  certain of the Life's  businesses  such as  variable
annuities  where fee  income is earned  based  upon the fair value of the assets
under  management.   In  addition,  Life  offers  certain  guaranteed  benefits,
primarily  associated  with  variable  annuity  products,  which  increases  the
Company's  potential  benefit  exposure as the equity  markets  decline.  (For a
further discussion, see the Life "Equity Risk" section.)

The Company does not have significant equity risk exposure from invested assets.
In March  2003,  the  Company  decided  to  liquidate  its  hedge  fund  limited
partnership  investments and certain equity securities and reinvest the proceeds
into fixed maturity  investments,  thereby reducing its exposure to equity price
risk. The Company has not materially  changed other aspects of its overall asset
allocation position or market risk since December 31, 2002.

The  Company is also  subject to equity risk based upon the  expected  long-term
rate of  return  assumption  associated  with the  Company's  pension  and other
postretirement benefit obligation.  The Company determines the long-term rate of
return assumption for the plans' portfolios based upon an analysis of historical
returns.  Declines in equity  returns  have had a negative  impact on the funded
status of the plans.  (For a further  discussion of equity risk  associated with
the  plans,  see  Capital  Resources  and  Liquidity,  "Pension  Plans and Other
Postretirement  Benefits"  and  Note  12  of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial

Foreign Currency Exchange Risk
- ------------------------------

The Company's  currency  exchange  risk is related to non-US dollar  denominated
investments,  which  primarily  consist of fixed  maturity  investments  and the
investment  in  the  Japanese  Life  operation.  A  significant  portion  of the
Company's foreign currency exposure is mitigated through the use of derivatives.

Derivative Instruments
- ----------------------

The Hartford  utilizes a variety of  derivative  instruments,  including  swaps,
caps, floors,  forwards,  futures and options, in compliance with Company policy
and regulatory requirements to mitigate interest rate, equity market or currency
exchange rate risk or volatility.

Interest  rate swaps  involve  the  periodic  exchange  of  payments  with other
parties,  at  specified  intervals,  calculated  using the agreed upon rates and
notional  principal  amounts.  Generally,  no cash  or  principal  payments  are
exchanged at the  inception of the  contract.  Typically,  at the time a swap is
entered into, the cash flow streams exchanged by the counterparties are equal in

Interest rate cap and floor contracts  entitle the purchaser to receive from the
issuer at specified dates, the amount,  if any, by which a specified market rate
exceeds the cap strike rate or falls below the floor strike  rate,  applied to a
notional  principal  amount.  A premium  payment is made by the purchaser of the
contract at its inception, and no principal payments are exchanged.

Forward  contracts  are  customized  commitments  to  either  purchase  or  sell
designated  financial  instruments,  at a future date, for a specified price and
may be settled in cash or through delivery of the underlying instrument.

Financial  futures  are  standardized  commitments  to either  purchase  or sell
designated  financial  instruments,  at a future date, for a specified price and
may be settled in cash or through delivery of the underlying instrument. Futures
contracts trade on organized exchanges.  Margin requirements for futures are met
by pledging securities,  and changes in the futures' contract values are settled
daily in cash.

Option contracts grant the purchaser, for a premium payment, the right to either
purchase from or sell to the issuer a financial instrument at a specified price,
within a specified period or on a stated date.

Foreign  currency swaps exchange an initial  principal amount in two currencies,
agreeing to  re-exchange  the  currencies  at a future  date,  at an agreed upon
exchange  rate.  There  is also  periodic  exchange  of  payments  at  specified
intervals  calculated  using  the  agreed  upon  rates and  exchanged  principal

Derivative  activities are monitored by an internal  compliance  unit,  reviewed
frequently  by senior  management  and reported to the Finance  Committee of the
Board of Directors.  The notional amounts of derivative  contracts represent the
basis upon which pay or receive amounts are calculated and are not reflective of
credit risk.  Notional amounts pertaining to derivative  instruments used in the
management of market risk for both the general and guaranteed  separate accounts
at  December  31,  2003  and  2002  were  $37.3   billion  and  $18.7   billion,
respectively.  The increase in the  derivative  notional  amount during 2003 was
primarily due to the embedded  derivatives and reinsurance  contract  associated
with the GMWB product feature.

The following discussions focus on the key market risk exposures within Life and
Property & Casualty portfolios.

                                     - 65 -


Life is responsible  for maximizing  after-tax  returns within  acceptable  risk
parameters,  including  the  management  of the  interest  rate  sensitivity  of
invested   assets  and  the  generation  of  sufficient   liquidity  to  support
policyholder  and corporate  obligations.  Life's fixed maturity  portfolios and
certain  investment  contracts and insurance  product  liabilities have material
market  exposure to interest  rate risk.  In  addition,  Life's  operations  are
significantly  influenced by changes in the equity markets. Life's profitability
depends  largely on the amount of assets  under  management,  which is primarily
driven by the level of sales,  equity market  appreciation  and depreciation and
the  persistency  of the in-force  block of business.  Life's  foreign  currency
exposure  is  primarily  related  to  non-US  dollar  denominated  fixed  income
securities and the investment in the Japanese Life operation.

Interest Rate Risk
- ------------------

Life's  exposure to interest  rate risk  relates to the market price and/or cash
flow  variability  associated with changes in market interest rates.  Changes in
interest rates can potentially impact Life's profitability. In certain scenarios
where  interest rates are volatile,  Life could be exposed to  disintermediation
risk and a  reduction  in net  interest  rate  spread  or  profit  margins.  The
investments  and  liabilities  primarily  associated with interest rate risk are
included in the following  discussion.  Certain product  liabilities,  including
those containing  guaranteed  minimum  withdrawal or death benefits,  expose the
Company to  interest  rate risk but also have  significant  equity  risk.  These
liabilities are discussed as part of the Equity Risk section below.

Fixed Maturity Investments

Life's general account and guaranteed  separate  account  investment  portfolios
primarily  consist of  investment  grade fixed  maturity  securities,  including
corporate bonds, asset-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities,
tax-exempt municipal  securities and collateralized  mortgage  obligations.  The
fair value of these  investments was $49.2 billion and $40.5 billion at December
31,  2003 and  2002,  respectively.  The fair  value of these and  Life's  other
invested assets fluctuates  depending on the interest rate environment and other
general  economic  conditions.  During  periods  of  declining  interest  rates,
paydowns on mortgage-backed  securities and collateralized  mortgage obligations
increase as the  underlying  mortgages  are prepaid.  During such  periods,  the
Company  generally  will  not be able  to  reinvest  the  proceeds  of any  such
prepayments at comparable yields. Conversely,  during periods of rising interest
rates, the rate of prepayments  generally declines,  exposing the Company to the
possibility  of  asset/liability  cash flow and  yield  mismatch.  The  weighted
average duration of the fixed maturity  portfolio was  approximately 4.8 and 4.5
as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.


Life's investment  contracts and certain insurance  product  liabilities,  other
than non-guaranteed separate accounts,  include asset accumulation vehicles such
as fixed  annuities,  guaranteed  investment  contracts,  other  investment  and
universal  life-type  contracts and other  insurance  products such as long-term
disability.  Asset accumulation vehicles primarily require a fixed rate payment,
often for a  specified  period of time.  Product  examples  include  fixed  rate
annuities  with a market  value  adjustment  feature  and fixed rate  guaranteed
investment contracts.  The duration of these contracts generally range from less
than one year to ten years. In addition, certain products such as universal life
contracts and the general account portion of Life's variable  annuity  products,
credit  interest  to  policyholders  subject to market  conditions  and  minimum
interest    rate    guarantees.    The    duration   of   these    products   is
short-to-intermediate term.

While interest rate risk associated with many of these products has been reduced
through the use of market value adjustment  features and surrender charges,  the
primary  risk  associated  with  these  products  is  that  the  spread  between
investment  return and  credited  rate may not be  sufficient  to earn  targeted

The Company also manages the risk of other  insurance  liabilities  similarly to
investment  type  products due to the relative  predictability  of the aggregate
cash flow payment  streams.  Products in this  category may contain  significant
actuarial  (including  mortality  and  morbidity)  pricing  and cash flow risks.
Product examples include structured settlement  contracts,  on-benefit annuities
(i.e.,  the  annuitant is currently  receiving  benefits  thereon) and short and
long-term disability contracts.  The cash out flows associated with these policy
liabilities  are not interest rate sensitive but do vary based on the timing and
amount of benefit payments. The primary risks associated with these products are
that the benefits will exceed expected  actuarial pricing and/or that the actual
timing  of the  cash  flows  differ  from  those  anticipated,  resulting  in an
investment  return  lower than that  assumed in pricing.  Contract  duration can
range from less than one year to typically up to ten years.

Product Liability Characteristics
- ---------------------------------

Life's product liabilities, other than non-guaranteed separate accounts, include
accumulation vehicles such as fixed and variable annuities, other investment and
universal  life-type  contracts,  and other insurance products such as long-term
disability and term life  insurance.  The table below shows  carrying  values of
insurance policy liabilities as of December 31, 2003 and 2002.

                                              2003         2002
               DESCRIPTION                    TOTAL        TOTAL
  Fixed rate asset accumulation vehicles  $     14.6   $     13.6
       Weighted average credited rate            6.0%         5.8%
  Indexed asset accumulation vehicles     $      1.6   $      0.7
       Weighted average credited rate            1.8%         3.0%
  Interest credited asset accumulation
       vehicles                           $     17.2   $     16.0
       Weighted average credited rate            3.8%         4.2%
  Long-term pay out liabilities           $     11.8   $      9.1
  Short-term pay out liabilities          $      1.2   $      1.0

Life employs several risk  management  tools to quantify and manage risk arising
from investment contracts and other insurance liabilities,  such as duration and
key rate duration and the use of derivative instruments. For certain portfolios,
management  monitors the changes in present value between

                                     - 66 -

assets and  liabilities  resulting from various  interest rate  scenarios  using
integrated  asset/liability  measurement  systems and a proprietary  system that
simulates the impacts of parallel and non-parallel yield curve shifts.  Based on
this current and prospective  information,  management  implements risk reducing
techniques to improve the match between  assets and  liabilities,  including the
use of derivative  instruments.  Derivatives used to mitigate interest rate risk
are discussed in more detail below.


Life  utilizes a variety of  derivative  instruments  to mitigate  interest rate
risk.  Interest rate swaps are primarily used to convert interest  receipts to a
fixed or variable rate. In addition, interest rate swaps are used to convert the
contract rate on certain  liability  products offered by the Company into a rate
that trades in a more liquid and efficient market. The use of such swaps enables
the Company to customize  contract terms and  conditions to customer  objectives
and  satisfies  the  operation's   asset/liability   duration  matching  policy.
Occasionally, swaps are also used to hedge the variability in the cash flow of a
forecasted purchase or sale due to changes in interest rates.

Interest rate caps and floors, swaptions and option contracts are primarily used
to hedge against the risk of liability  contract holder  disintermediation  in a
rising  interest  rate  environment,  and to offset the changes in fair value of
corresponding  derivatives  embedded in certain of the Company's  fixed maturity

At December  31,  2003 and 2002,  notional  amounts  pertaining  to  derivatives
utilized to manage  interest  rate risk totaled $9.5 billion and $10.0  billion,
respectively ($7.8 billion and $8.3 billion,  respectively  related to insurance
investments  and $1.7  billion and $1.7  billion,  respectively  related to life
insurance liabilities).  The fair value of these derivatives as reflected on the
consolidated  balance sheets was $142 and $357 as of December 31, 2003 and 2002,

Calculated Interest Rate Sensitivity

The after-tax  change in the net economic  value of investment  contracts  (e.g.
guaranteed  investment  contracts) and other insurance product liabilities (e.g.
short and long-term disability  contracts),  that are not substantially affected
by changes in interest rates ("fixed  liabilities") and for which the investment
experience  is  substantially  absorbed by Life,  are included in the  following
table along with the  corresponding  general  and  guaranteed  separate  account
assets.  Also  included  in  this  analysis  are  the  interest  rate  sensitive
derivatives  used by Life to hedge its exposure to interest  rate risk.  Certain
financial instruments, such as limited partnerships,  have been omitted from the
analysis  because the  investments are accounted for under the equity method and
lack  sensitivity to interest rate changes.  Interest rate sensitive  investment
contracts and universal  life-type  contracts are excluded from the hypothetical
calculation  below  because  the  contracts  generally  allow  Life  significant
flexibility to adjust credited rates to reflect actual investment experience and
thereby pass through a substantial  portion of actual  investment  experience to
the  policyholder.  Non-guaranteed  separate  account assets and liabilities are
excluded  from the  hypothetical  calculation  below because gains and losses in
separate accounts generally accrue to policyholders. The estimated change in net
economic  value assumes a 100 basis point upward and downward  parallel shift in
the yield curve.

                             CHANGE IN NET ECONOMIC VALUE
                                  AS OF DECEMBER 31,
                               2003                 2002
Basis point shift        - 100     + 100      - 100     + 100
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Amount                  $  (27)  $   (19)   $    17   $   (51)

The fixed  liabilities  included above  represented  approximately 60% of Life's
general and guaranteed  separate account liabilities as of December 31, 2003 and
2002.  The assets  supporting  the fixed  liabilities  are monitored and managed
within rigorous duration  guidelines using scenario simulation  techniques,  and
are evaluated on an annual basis, in compliance with regulatory requirements.

The  after-tax  change  in fair  value of the  general  account  invested  asset
portfolios  that  support  interest  rate  sensitive  investment  contracts  and
universal  life-type  contracts  and  other  insurance  contracts  that  possess
significant  mortality  risk are shown in the  following  table.  The cash flows
associated with these  liabilities are less predictable than fixed  liabilities.
The Company identifies the most appropriate  investment  strategy based upon the
expected  policyholder  behavior and liability crediting needs. The hypothetical
calculation  of the  estimated  change in fair value below,  assumes a 100 basis
point upward and downward parallel shift in the yield curve.

                                 CHANGE IN FAIR VALUE
                                  AS OF DECEMBER 31,
                               2003                 2002
Basis point shift        - 100     + 100      - 100     + 100
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Amount                  $  481   $  (473)   $   415   $  (401)

The above  quantitative  presentation  was adopted in the current year and is in
lieu of the tabular presentation  historically  disclosed.  The Company believes
the current  presentation is preferable in understanding the Company's  invested
asset interest rate risk exposure.

The selection of the 100 basis point  parallel shift in the yield curve was made
only as a hypothetical illustration of the potential impact of such an event and
should not be construed as a prediction of future market events.  Actual results
could differ  materially from those  illustrated  above due to the nature of the
estimates and assumptions used in the above analysis.  The Company's sensitivity
analysis  calculation  assumes  that the  composition  of  invested  assets  and
liabilities  remain  materially  consistent  throughout  the  year  and that the
current relationship between short-term and long-term interest rates will remain
constant over time. As a result,  these  calculations  may not fully capture the
impact of portfolio  re-allocations,  significant  product sales or non-parallel
changes in interest rates.

In addition,  Life carries other  obligations  (non-insurance  liabilities) that
have, to a lesser extent, exposure to interest rate risk.

                                     - 67 -

The table below provides information as of December 31, 2003 on debt obligations
and reflects principal cash flows and related weighted average interest rates by
maturity year. Comparative totals are included as of December 31, 2002.

                                                                                                                   2003       2002
                                                  2004      2005       2006      2007       2008    THEREAFTER    TOTAL      TOTAL
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Fixed Rate
   Amount                                      $    200   $    --   $     --   $    --   $     --   $     --   $    200    $     --
   Weighted average interest rate                   6.9%       --         --        --         --         --        6.9%         --
   Fair value                                  $    205   $    --   $     --   $    --   $     --   $     --   $    205    $     --
  Fixed Rate
   Amount                                      $     --   $    --   $     --   $   200   $    305   $    1,100 $  1,605    $  1,575
   Weighted average interest rate                    --        --         --       7.1%       2.9%        7.4%     6.5%        7.2%
   Fair value                                  $     --   $    --   $     --   $   224   $    367   $    1,237 $  1,828    $  1,681
[1]   Includes junior subordinated debentures.

Equity Risk
- -----------

The Company's  operations are significantly  influenced by changes in the equity
markets.  The Company's  profitability  depends  largely on the amount of assets
under management, which is primarily driven by the level of sales, equity market
appreciation  and  depreciation  and the  persistency  of the in-force  block of
business.  Prolonged and  precipitous  declines in the equity markets can have a
significant  impact on the Company's  operations,  as sales of variable products
may decline and surrender  activity may increase,  as customer sentiment towards
the equity  market turns  negative.  Lower assets under  management  will have a
negative impact on the Company's  financial results,  primarily due to lower fee
income  related to the Investment  Products and, to a lesser extent,  Individual
Life  segments,  where a heavy  concentration  of  equity  linked  products  are
administered  and sold.  Furthermore,  the Company may experience a reduction in
profit  margins if a  significant  portion of the  assets  held in the  variable
annuity separate  accounts move to the general account and the Company is unable
to earn an  acceptable  investment  spread,  particularly  in  light  of the low
interest rate environment and the presence of contractually  guaranteed  minimum
interest credited rates, which for the most part are at a 3% rate.

In  addition,  prolonged  declines in the equity  market may also  decrease  the
Company's  expectations of future gross profits, which are utilized to determine
the amount of DAC to be  amortized  in a given  financial  statement  period.  A
significant  decrease in the Company's estimated gross profits would require the
Company  to  accelerate  the  amount  of DAC  amortization  in a  given  period,
potentially  causing a material  adverse  deviation in that period's net income.
Although an acceleration of DAC amortization would have a negative impact on the
Company's  earnings,  it would not affect the  Company's  cash flow or liquidity

Additionally,  the Investment  Products segment sells variable annuity contracts
that offer various  guaranteed  death  benefits.  For certain  guaranteed  death
benefits,  the Company pays the greater of (1) the account  value at death;  (2)
the sum of all  premium  payments  less prior  withdrawals;  or (3) the  maximum
anniversary value of the contract,  plus any premium payments since the contract
anniversary,  minus any  withdrawals  following  the contract  anniversary.  The
Company  currently  reinsures  a  significant  portion  of these  death  benefit
guarantees associated with its in-force block of business. The Company currently
records the death  benefit  costs,  net of  reinsurance,  as they are  incurred.
Declines in the equity  market may increase the  Company's net exposure to death
benefits under these contracts.

The Investment Products segment's total gross exposure (i.e. before reinsurance)
to these guaranteed death benefits as of December 31, 2003 is $11.4 billion. Due
to the fact that 81% of this amount is reinsured,  the Company's net exposure is
$2.2  billion.  This  amount  is often  referred  to as the net  amount at risk.
However,  the Company will incur these  guaranteed death benefit payments in the
future only if the policyholder has an in-the-money  guaranteed death benefit at
their time of death.  In order to analyze  the total  costs that the Company may
incur in the future  related to these  guaranteed  death  benefits,  the Company
performed an actuarial present value analysis. This analysis included developing
a  model  utilizing   stochastically   generated  scenarios  and  best  estimate
assumptions related to mortality and lapse rates. A range of projected costs was
developed and  discounted  back to the financial  statement  date  utilizing the
Company's cost of capital, which for this purpose was assumed to be 9.25%. Based
on this analysis, the Company estimated a 95% confidence interval of the present
value of the retained  death  benefit costs to be incurred in the future to be a
range of $88 to $282 for  these  contracts.  The  median  of the  stochastically
generated investment  performance scenarios was $132. In addition, the Company's
gross and net exposure to GMDB and other benefits in its Japanese  operation was
$0.1 billion at December 31, 2003.

On June  30,  2003,  the  Company  recaptured  a block  of  business  previously
reinsured with an unaffiliated  reinsurer.  Under this treaty,  Life reinsured a
portion of the GMDB feature associated with certain of its annuity contracts. As
consideration  for  recapturing  the  business  and final  settlement  under the
treaty,  the Company has received  assets  valued at  approximately  $32 and one
million   warrants   exercisable   for   the   unaffiliated   company's   stock.
Prospectively, as a result of the recapture, Life will be responsible for all of
the remaining and ongoing risks associated with the GMDB's related to this block
of business.  The  recapture  increased  the net amount at risk  retained by the
Company, which is included in the net amount at risk discussed above.

On January 1, 2004, the Company  adopted the provisions of Statement of Position
03-1,   "Accounting   and  Reporting  by  Insurance   Enterprises   for  Certain
Nontraditional  Long-Duration

                                     - 68 -

Contracts and for Separate  Accounts",  (the "SOP").  The  provisions of the SOP
include a requirement  for recording a liability for variable  annuity  products
with a guaranteed  minimum  death benefit  feature.  The  determination  of this
liability is also based on models that involve numerous estimates and subjective
judgments,  including  those  regarding  expected  market  rates of  return  and
volatility,  contract surrender rates and mortality experience. As of January 1,
2004, the Company has recorded a liability for GMDB's sold with variable annuity
products of $199 and a related  reinsurance  recoverable  asset of $108.  Net of
estimated DAC and income tax effects,  the cumulative effect of establishing the
required GMDB  reserves  resulted in a reduction of net income of $54 during the
first quarter of 2004.

In addition,  the Company offers certain  variable  annuity products with a GMWB
rider. The GMWB provides the policyholder  with a guaranteed  remaining  balance
("GRB") if the account value is reduced to zero through a combination  of market
declines  and  withdrawals.   The  GRB  is  generally  equal  to  premiums  less
withdrawals. However, annual withdrawals that exceed 7% of the premiums paid may
reduce the GRB by an amount greater than the withdrawals and may also impact the
guaranteed annual  withdrawal amount that subsequently  applies after the excess
annual  withdrawals  occur.  The  policyholder  also  has  the  option,  after a
specified time period,  to reset the GRB to the  then-current  account value, if
greater.  The GMWB represents an embedded  derivative  liability in the variable
annuity  contract  that is  required  to be  reported  separately  from the host
variable  annuity  contract.  It is carried at fair value and  reported in other
policyholder  funds. The fair value of the GMWB obligations are calculated based
on actuarial assumptions related to the projected cash flows, including benefits
and related  contract  charges,  over the lives of the contracts,  incorporating
expectations  concerning  policyholder  behavior.  Because  of the  dynamic  and
complex  nature of these cash flows,  stochastic  techniques  under a variety of
market return scenarios and other best estimate assumptions are used. Estimating
cash flows involves numerous estimates and subjective  judgments including those
regarding expected market rates of return,  market  volatility,  correlations of
market returns and discount rates.

Declines in the equity  market may increase the  Company's  exposure to benefits
under the GMWB contracts.  For all contracts in effect through July 6, 2003, the
Company  entered into a  reinsurance  arrangement  to offset its exposure to the
GMWB for the remaining lives of those contracts. As of July 6, 2003, the Company
exhausted all but a small portion of the  reinsurance  capacity for new business
under the current arrangement and will be ceding only a very small number of new
contracts  subsequent to July 6, 2003.  Substantially all new contracts with the
GMWB are not covered by reinsurance. These unreinsured contracts are expected to
generate  volatility  in  net  income  as  the  underlying  embedded  derivative
liabilities are recorded at fair value each reporting  period,  resulting in the
recognition  of net realized  capital  gains or losses in response to changes in
certain critical factors  including  capital market  conditions and policyholder
behavior.  In order to minimize the volatility  associated  with the unreinsured
GMWB  liabilities,  the  Company  established  an  alternative  risk  management
strategy.  During the third  quarter of 2003,  the  Company  began  hedging  its
unreinsured  GMWB exposure  using  interest  rate  futures,  Standard and Poor's
("S&P") 500 and NASDAQ index put options and futures contracts.

The net impact of the  change in value of the  embedded  derivative,  net of the
results of the hedging program was a $6 pre-tax gain for the year ended December
31, 2003. The net gain is due  principally to an approximate $4 gain  associated
with international  funds for which hedge positions had not been initiated prior
to December 31, 2003 but were  initiated in the first quarter of 2004 and $2 due
to modeling refinements to improve valuation  estimates.  Excluding these items,
ineffectiveness  on  S&P  500  and  NASDAQ  economic  hedge  positions  was  not

Currency Exchange Risk
- ----------------------

Currency  exchange  risk exists with  respect to  investments  in non-US  dollar
denominated fixed maturities,  primarily denominated in Euro, Sterling,  Yen and
Canadian dollars, as well as Life's investment in foreign operations,  primarily

The  functional  currency  of  the  Japanese  operation  is  the  Japanese  yen.
Accordingly, the premiums, claims, commissions and investment income are paid or
received in yen. In addition,  most of the Japanese operation's  investments are
yen denominated.

The risk associated  with these  investments  relates to potential  decreases in
value and income resulting from  unfavorable  changes in foreign exchange rates.
At December  31, 2003 and 2002,  Life had  approximately  $2.0  billion and $1.2
billion of non-US dollar  denominated  fixed maturities,  respectively.  The net
investment  in the Japanese  operation  was  approximately  $250 and $113, as of
December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

In order to manage its currency  exposures,  Life enters into  foreign  currency
swaps to hedge the  variability  in cash flow  associated  with certain  foreign
denominated  fixed  maturities.  These  foreign  currency  swap  agreements  are
structured  to match the  foreign  currency  cash  flows of the  hedged  foreign
denominated  securities.  As of December 31, 2002,  substantially  all the fixed
maturity investments were hedged into US dollars mitigating the foreign currency
exchange  risk.  In  addition,  during 2003,  Life entered into yen  denominated
forwards to hedge a  substantial  portion of the net  investment in the Japanese
operation. At December 31, 2003 and 2002, the derivatives used to hedge currency
exchange  risk had a total  notional  value of $1.6  billion  and $1.3  billion,
respectively, and total fair value of $(303) and $(70), respectively.

Based on the fair values of Life's non-US  dollar  denominated  investments  and
derivative  instruments  (including  its Japanese  operation) as of December 31,
2003 and 2002,  management  estimates that a 10% unfavorable  change in exchange
rates would  decrease  the fair values by a total of $36 and $13,  respectively.
The estimated  impact was based upon a 10% change in December 31 spot rates. The
selection  of  the  10%  unfavorable  change  was  made  only  for  hypothetical
illustration  of the  potential  impact  of  such an  event  and  should  not be
construed as a prediction of future market  events.  Actual results could differ
materially from those  illustrated  above due to the nature of the estimates and
assumptions used in the above analysis.

                                     - 69 -


Property &  Casualty  attempts  to  maximize  economic  value  while  generating
appropriate  after-tax income and sufficient  liquidity to meet policyholder and
corporate obligations.  Property & Casualty's portfolio has material exposure to
interest  rates.  The Company  continually  monitors  these  exposures and makes
portfolio adjustments to manage these risks within established limits.

Interest Rate Risk
- ------------------

The primary exposure to interest rate risk in Property & Casualty relates to its
fixed maturity investments,  including corporate bonds, asset-backed securities,
municipal  bonds,  commercial   mortgage-backed  securities  and  collateralized
mortgage obligations.  The fair value of these investments was $23.7 billion and
$19.4  billion at December  31, 2003 and 2002,  respectively.  The fair value of
these and Property & Casualty's  other invested assets  fluctuates  depending on
the interest rate  environment  and other general  economic  conditions.  During
periods of declining  interest rates,  embedded call features within  securities
are exercised with greater frequency and paydowns on mortgage-backed  securities
and collateralized mortgage obligations increase as the underlying mortgages are
prepaid. During such periods, the Company generally will not be able to reinvest
the proceeds of any such  prepayments at comparable  yields.  Conversely  during
periods of rising interest  rates,  the rate of prepayments  generally  decline.
Derivative  instruments  such as  swaps,  caps and  options  are used to  manage
interest rate risk and had a total  notional  amount as of December 31, 2003 and
2002 of $1.4 billion and $1.1 billion,  respectively,  and fair value of $19 and
$36, respectively.

One of the  measures  Property &  Casualty  uses to  quantify  its  exposure  to
interest  rate risk  inherent in its invested  assets is duration.  The weighted
average duration of the fixed maturity portfolio was 4.7 as of December 31, 2003
and 2002.

Calculated Interest Rate Sensitivity

The following table provides an analysis showing the estimated  after-tax change
in the fair value of  Property  &  Casualty's  fixed  maturity  investments  and
related  derivatives,  assuming  100 basis point  upward and  downward  parallel
shifts in the yield curve as of December  31, 2003 and 2002.  Certain  financial
instruments,  such as limited partnerships,  have been omitted from the analysis
due to the fact the  investments  are  accounted for under the equity method and
lack sensitivity to interest rate changes.

                                 CHANGE IN FAIR VALUE
                               2003                 2002
Basis point shift        - 100     + 100      - 100     + 100
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Amount                 $   738  $   (714)   $   571   $  (562)

The above  quantitative  presentation  was adopted in the current year and is in
lieu of the tabular  presentation  used by the Company in  previous  years.  The
Company  believes the current  presentation is preferable in  understanding  the
Company's  exposure to interest rate risk and how such exposure is managed.  The
selection of the 100 basis point parallel shift in the yield curve was made only
for  hypothetical  illustration  of the  potential  impact  of such an event and
should not be construed as a prediction of future market events.  Actual results
could differ  materially from those  illustrated  above due to the nature of the
estimates and assumptions used in the above analysis.  The Company's sensitivity
analysis  calculation  assumes that the  composition of invested  assets remains
materially  consistent  throughout  the year and that the  current  relationship
between  short-term and long-term interest rates will remain constant over time.
As a result,  these  calculations  may not fully capture the impact of portfolio
re-allocations or non-parallel changes in interest rates.

Interest rate risk also exists,  to a lesser extent,  on debt issued.  The table
below  provides  information  as of December  31, 2003 on debt  obligations  and
reflects  principal cash flows and related  weighted  average  interest rates by
maturity year. Comparative totals are included as of December 31, 2002.

                                                                                                                   2003       2002
                                                  2004      2005       2006      2007       2008    THEREAFTER    TOTAL      TOTAL
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Variable Rate
   Amount                                      $    315   $    --   $     --   $     --  $     --   $     --   $    315    $    315
   Weighted average interest rate                   1.3%       --         --         --        --         --        1.3%        1.5%
   Fair value                                  $    315   $    --   $     --   $     --  $     --   $     --   $    315    $    315
  Fixed Rate
   Amount                                      $     --   $    --   $     --   $    300  $    350   $  1,020   $  1,670    $  1,850
   Weighted average interest rate                    --        --         --        4.7%      5.4%       6.5%       6.0%        6.7%
   Fair value                                  $     --   $    --   $     --   $    314  $    398   $  1,102   $  1,814    $  1,904
[1]   Includes junior subordinated debentures.

Currency Exchange Risk
- ----------------------

Currency  exchange  risk exists with  respect to  investments  in non-US  dollar
denominated  fixed  maturities,  primarily  Euro,  Sterling and Canadian  dollar
denominated  securities.  The risk associated with these  securities  relates to
potential  decreases  in value  resulting  from  unfavorable  changes in foreign
exchange  rates.  The fair value of these fixed maturity  securities at December
31, 2003 and 2002 was $1.2 billion and $1.0 billion, respectively.

In order to manage its  currency  exposures,  Property &  Casualty  enters  into
foreign  currency swaps and forward  contracts to hedge the  variability in cash
flow  associated  with certain  foreign  denominated  securities.  These foreign
currency swap agreements are structured to match the foreign currency cash flows
of the hedged foreign denominated securities. At

                                     - 70 -

December 31, 2003 and 2002, the derivatives used to hedge currency exchange risk
had a total notional value of $325 and $793, respectively,  and total fair value
of $(26) and $(4), respectively.

Based on the fair  values of Property &  Casualty's  non-US  dollar  denominated
securities  and  derivative  instruments  as of  December  31,  2003  and  2002,
management  estimates  that a 10%  unfavorable  change in  exchange  rates would
decrease the fair values by a total of approximately $75 and $49,  respectively.
The estimated  impact was based upon a 10% change in December 31 spot rates. The
selection  of  the  10%  unfavorable  change  was  made  only  for  hypothetical
illustration  of the  potential  impact  of  such an  event  and  should  not be
construed as a prediction of future market  events.  Actual results could differ
materially from those  illustrated  above due to the nature of the estimates and
assumptions used in the above analysis.


Interest Rate Risk
- ------------------

The  primary  exposure to interest  rate risk in  Corporate  relates to the debt
issued in connection with The HLI Repurchase.

The  table  below  provides  information  as of  December  31,  2003 and 2002 on
Corporate's  debt  obligations  and  reflects  principal  cash flows and related
weighted  average  interest  rates by  maturity  year.  Comparative  totals  are
included as of December 31, 2003.

                                                                                                                   2003       2002
                                                  2004      2005       2006      2007       2008    THEREAFTER    TOTAL      TOTAL
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Variable Rate
   Amount                                      $    535   $    --   $     --   $     --  $     --   $     --   $      535  $   --
   Weighted average interest rate                   1.3%       --         --         --        --         --          1.3%     --
   Fair value                                  $    535   $    --   $     --   $     --  $     --   $     --   $      535  $   --

  Fixed Rate
   Amount                                      $     --   $    250  $     250  $     --  $     565  $     275  $    1,340  $    630
   Weighted average interest rate                    --        7.8%       2.4%       --        2.8%       7.9%        4.7%     7.2%
   Fair value                                  $     --   $    269  $     248  $     --  $     681  $     333  $    1,531  $    698
[1]   $411 of short-term debt was repaid in January 2004.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Capital resources and liquidity  represent the overall financial strength of The
Hartford and its ability to generate strong cash flows from each of the business
segments,  borrow  funds at  competitive  rates and raise  new  capital  to meet
operating and growth needs.


The liquidity requirements of The Hartford have been and will continue to be met
by funds from  operations  as well as the issuance of commercial  paper,  common
stock, debt securities and borrowings from its credit facilities.  The principal
sources of operating funds are premiums and investment  income,  while investing
cash flows originate from maturities and sales of invested assets.

The Hartford  endeavors to maintain a capital structure that provides  financial
and operational flexibility to its insurance subsidiaries,  ratings that support
its competitive  position in the financial services marketplace (see the Ratings
section below for further  discussion),  and strong  shareholder  returns.  As a
result,  the Company may from time to time raise  capital  from the  issuance of
stock, debt or other capital  securities.  The issuance of common stock, debt or
other capital  securities could result in the dilution of shareholder  interests
or reduced net income due to additional interest expense.

The  Hartford  Financial  Services  Group,  Inc.  ("HFSG")  and HLI are  holding
companies  which rely upon  operating  cash flow in the form of  dividends  from
their  subsidiaries,  which enable them to service debt, pay dividends,  and pay
certain business expenses.

Dividends to HFSG from its subsidiaries are restricted. The payment of dividends
by Connecticut-domiciled insurers is limited under the insurance holding company
laws of Connecticut.  Under these laws, the insurance subsidiaries may only make
their dividend payments out of unassigned surplus.  These laws require notice to
and approval by the state insurance  commissioner for the declaration or payment
of any dividend,  which,  together with other  dividends or  distributions  made
within  the  preceding  twelve  months,  exceeds  the  greater of (i) 10% of the
insurer's  policyholder  surplus as of December 31 of the preceding year or (ii)
net income (or net gain from  operations,  if such  company is a life  insurance
company) for the twelve-month  period ending on the thirty-first day of December
last preceding,  in each case determined  under statutory  insurance  accounting
policies.  In  addition,  if any  dividend  of a  Connecticut-domiciled  insurer
exceeds the  insurer's  earned  surplus,  it requires the prior  approval of the
Connecticut  Insurance  Commissioner.  The insurance holding company laws of the
other  jurisdictions  in  which  The  Hartford's   insurance   subsidiaries  are
incorporated  (or  deemed  commercially  domiciled)  generally  contain  similar
(although in certain  instances  somewhat more  restrictive)  limitations on the
payment of  dividends.  For the year ended  December  31,  2003,  the  Company's
insurance  subsidiaries paid $326 to HFSG and HLI and are permitted to pay up to
a maximum of  approximately  $1.4  billion in  dividends to HFSG and HLI in 2004
without prior approval from the applicable insurance commissioner.

The primary uses of funds are to pay claims, policy benefits, operating expenses
and commissions and to purchase new

                                     - 71 -

investments.  In addition,  The Hartford has a policy of carrying a  significant
short-term  investment  position and  accordingly  does not  anticipate  selling
intermediate-  and long-term  fixed  maturity  investments to meet any liquidity
needs. (For a discussion of the Company's investment  objectives and strategies,
see the Investments and Capital Markets Risk Management sections.)


Shelf Registrations
- -------------------

On December 3, 2003, The Hartford's shelf registration  statement  (Registration
No.  333-108067)  for  the  potential  offering  and  sale of  debt  and  equity
securities in an aggregate  amount of up to $3.0 billion was declared  effective
by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Registration Statement allows for
the following types of securities to be offered: (i) debt securities,  preferred
stock,  common stock,  depositary shares,  warrants,  stock purchase  contracts,
stock purchase units and junior  subordinated  deferrable interest debentures of
the Company,  and (ii) preferred securities of any of one or more capital trusts
organized by The Hartford  ("The Hartford  Trusts").  The Company may enter into
guarantees  with  respect to the  preferred  securities  of any of The  Hartford
Trusts.  As of December 31, 2003, the Company had $3.0 billion  remaining on its
shelf.  Subsequently,  in January 2004,  the Company  issued  approximately  6.7
million shares of common stock pursuant to an  underwritten  offering at a price
to  the  public  of  $63.25  per  share  and  received  net  proceeds  of  $411.
Accordingly,  as of February 27, 2004, the Company had $2.6 billion remaining on
its shelf.

On May 15, 2001, HLI filed with the SEC a shelf  registration  statement for the
potential  offering  and  sale  of up to $1.0  billion  in  debt  and  preferred
securities.  The registration  statement was declared effective on May 29, 2001.
As of December 31, 2003, HLI had $1.0 billion remaining on its shelf.

Commercial Paper and Revolving Credit Facilities
- ------------------------------------------------

The  table  below  details  the  Company's  short-term  debt  programs  and  the
applicable balances outstanding.

                                                                                                            As of December 31,
Description                               Effective Date     Expiration Date     Maximum Available         2003           2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial Paper
  The Hartford                               11/10/86              N/A             $     2,000          $     850      $     315
  HLI                                         2/7/97               N/A                     250                 --             --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total commercial paper                                                             $     2,250          $     850      $     315
Revolving Credit Facility
  5-year revolving credit facility            6/20/01            6/20/06           $     1,000          $      --      $      --
  3-year revolving credit facility           12/31/02           12/31/05                   490                 --             --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Revolving Credit Facilities                                                  $     1,490          $      --      $      --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITIES                                                        $     3,740          $     850      $     315


On June 30, 2003, the Company entered into a sale-leaseback of certain furniture
and fixtures with a net book value of $40. The sale-leaseback resulted in a gain
of $15,  which was deferred and will be amortized into earnings over the initial
lease  term of three  years.  The  lease  qualifies  as an  operating  lease for
accounting  purposes.  At the end of the initial lease term, the Company has the
option to purchase the leased assets,  renew the lease for two one-year  periods
or return the leased assets to the lessor.  If the Company  elects to return the
assets to the lessor at the end of the initial  lease  term,  the assets will be
sold,  and the Company has  guaranteed  a residual  value on the  furniture  and
fixtures of $20. If the fair value of the furniture and fixtures were to decline
below the residual value, the Company would have to make up the difference under
the residual value guarantee. Since the estimated fair value of the equipment at
the end of the initial  lease term exceeds the residual  value,  the Company has
not recorded a liability for the residual value guarantee.

The Company has outstanding commitments to fund limited partnership investments.
These capital  commitments  can be called by the  partnership at any time during
the commitment  period (on average,  3-6 years) to fund working capital needs or
the purchase of new  investments.  If the commitment  period expires and has not
been fully funded,  The Hartford is not required to fund the remaining  unfunded
commitment  but may elect to do so. The  Company is unable to predict the timing
of  the  funding  of  these  outstanding  commitments.   The  Company  also  has
outstanding  commitments  to fund  obligations  associated  with  investments in
mortgage loans. These have a commitment period that expires in one year.

The Company does not have any other  off-balance  sheet  arrangements  including
letters  of  credit,  guarantees  issued on behalf of  unconsolidated  entities,
trading activities involving non-exchange-traded contracts accounted for at fair
value,  obligations  under  derivative  financial  instruments  indexed  to  the
Company's  stock,  retained  interests in assets  transferred to  unconsolidated
entities and obligations  arising from a material  interest in an unconsolidated
entity,  except  as  disclosed  in Note 1 of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial

                                     - 72 -

The following table identifies the Company's aggregate  contractual  obligations
due by payment period:

                                                       PAYMENTS DUE BY PERIOD
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    TOTAL       LESS THAN 1 YEAR     1-3 YEARS       3-5 YEARS    MORE THAN 5 YEARS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-term debt  obligations [1] [2]            $     6,239     $     752        $      541      $       675        $     4,271
Capital lease obligations                               --            --                --               --                 --
Operating lease obligations                            748           161               264              179                144
Purchase obligations [3]                               857           698               142               17                 --
Other long-term liabilities reflected on the
balance sheet [4] [5]                                1,537         1,537                --               --                 --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                          $     9,381     $   3,148        $      947      $       871        $     4,415
 [1] Includes  contractual  principal and interest  payments.  Payments  exclude
     amounts  associated  with  fair-value  hedges of certain  of the  Company's
     long-term  debt.  All  long-term  debt  obligations  have  fixed  rates  of
 [2] On February 13, 2004, the Company provided notice that all outstanding 7.2%
     junior subordinated debentures underlying trust preferred securities issued
     by Hartford  Life  Capital I have been called for  redemption  on March 15,
     2004. The principal and interest  payable upon  redemption of $253 has been
     reflected in payments due in less than 1 year.  Long-term debt  obligations
     also  includes  principal  and interest  payments of $700 and $2.5 billion,
     respectively,  related to junior subordinated debentures which are callable
     beginning  in  2006.  See   Note  8  of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial
     Statements for additional discussion of long-term debt obligations.
 [3] Includes $661 in  commitments  to purchase  investments  including  $324 of
     limited  partnerships and $140 of mortgage loans.  Outstanding  commitments
     under  these  limited  partnerships  and  mortgage  loans are  included  in
     payments  due in  less  than 1 year  since  the  timing  of  funding  these
     commitments cannot be estimated. The remaining $197 relates to payables for
     securities  purchased  which are  reflected on the  Company's  consolidated
     balance sheet.
 [4] As of December 31, 2003,  the Company has accepted cash  collateral of $1.2
     billion in connection with the Company's derivative instruments.  Since the
     timing of the  return of the  collateral  is  uncertain,  the return of the
     collateral has been included in the payments due in less than 1 year.
 [5] Includes  estimated  contribution of $300 to the Company's  pension plan in


The Company maintains a U.S. qualified defined benefit pension plan (the "Plan")
that covers  substantially  all employees,  as well as unfunded  excess plans to
provide  benefits in excess of amounts  permitted to be paid to  participants of
the Plan under the provisions of the Internal  Revenue Code.  Additionally,  the
Company has entered into individual  retirement  agreements with certain current
and retired directors providing for unfunded supplemental pension benefits.  The
Company maintains  international plans which represent an immaterial  percentage
of total pension assets,  liabilities  and expense and, for reporting  purposes,
are combined with domestic plans.

In  September  2003,  the Company  announced  its  approval to amend the Plan to
implement,  effective  January 1, 2009, the cash balance formula for purposes of
calculating future pension benefits for services rendered on or after January 1,
2009 for employees  hired before January 1, 2001.  These amounts are in addition
to amounts earned through December 31, 2008 under the traditional  final average
pay formula.  Employees hired on or after January 1, 2001 are currently  covered
under the same cash balance formula.

The Company made voluntary  contributions  of $306, $0 and $90 in 2003, 2002 and
2001,  respectively,  to its  defined  benefit  pension  plan.  Pension  expense
reflected in the  Company's net income was $120,  $67 and $57 in 2003,  2002 and
2001,  respectively.  The Company  estimates  its 2004  pension  expense will be
approximately $122, based on current assumptions provided below. The assumptions
that  primarily  impact  the amount of the  Company's  pension  obligations  and
periodic  pension  expense are the  weighted-average  discount rate and the Plan
asset portfolio's expected long-term rate of return.

In determining the discount rate assumption, the Company utilizes current market
information  provided by its plan  actuaries,  including a discounted  cash flow
analysis  of the  Company's  pension  obligation  and general  movements  in the
current market  environment.  In  particular,  the Company uses an interest rate
yield curve  developed by its plan actuaries to make judgments  pursuant to EITF
Topic No. D-36,  "Selection of Discount Rates Used for Measuring Defined Benefit
Pension  Obligations and Obligations of Postretirement  Benefit Plans Other Than
Pensions".  The yield curve is comprised of AAA/AA bonds with maturities between
zero and thirty years. Based upon all available  information,  it was determined
that 6.25% is the appropriate discount rate as of December 31, 2003 to calculate
the Company's accrued benefit cost liability. Accordingly, as prescribed by SFAS
No. 87, "Employers' Accounting for Pensions",  the 6.25% discount rate will also
be used to determine the Company's  2004 pension  expense.  At December 31, 2002
the discount rate was 6.5%.

The Company  determines the long-term  rate of return  assumption for the Plan's
asset portfolio based on analysis of the portfolio's  historical  compound rates
of return since 1979 (the earliest date for which  comparable  portfolio data is
available) over rolling 5 year, 10 year and 20 year periods, balanced along with
future long-term  return  expectations.  The Company selected these periods,  as
well as shorter durations,  to assess the portfolio's  volatility,  duration and
total returns as they relate to pension  obligation  characteristics,  which are
influenced by the Company's workforce demographics.  While the historical return
of the Plan's  portfolio  has been  10.86%  since 1979,  management  lowered its
long-term rate of return  assumption from 9.00% to 8.50% as of December 31, 2003
based on its  long-term  outlook  with  respect to the  markets,  which has been
influenced  by the poor equity market  performance  in recent years coupled with
the recent decline in fixed income security yields.

The  Plan's  asset  portfolio  is  generally  structured  over  time to  include
approximately 60% equity securities  (substantially  securities issued by United
States-based   companies)  and  40%  fixed  income   securities   (substantially
investment  grade and above).  At December 31, 2003,  the portfolio  composition
varied  slightly  from  the  targeted  mix  and  was  approximately

                                     - 73 -

61% equity  securities and 39% fixed income  securities due in part to a rebound
in the equity markets and declining interest rates.

As provided for under SFAS No. 87, the Company uses a five-year averaging method
to determine the market-related value of Plan assets, which is used to determine
the expected return component of pension expense. Under this methodology,  asset
gains/losses  that result from returns that differ from the Company's  long-term
rate of return assumption are recognized in the  market-related  value of assets
on a level basis over a five year period. The actual asset return/(loss) for the
Plan of $334 and $ (119)  for the  years  ended  December  31,  2003  and  2002,
respectively,  reflects the  improved  equity  market  performance  in 2003,  as
compared to an expected return of $184 and $183 for the years ended December 31,
2003 and 2002, respectively.  These differentials will be fully reflected in the
market-related  value  of Plan  assets  over  the  next  five  years  using  the
methodology described above. Despite the favorable 2003 actual asset return, the
level of unrecognized net losses continues to exceed the allowable  amortization
corridor as defined  under SFAS No. 87. Based on the selected 2004 discount rate
of  6.25%  and  taking  into  account  estimated  future  minimum  funding,  the
differential  between  actual and  expected  performance  in 2003 will  decrease
annual pension expense in future years by  approximately $7 in 2004 and decrease
by approximately $37 in 2008.  Additionally,  the decrease in the long-term rate
of return  assumption  from 9.00% to 8.50% is expected to increase the Company's
annual pension expense by approximately $10.

At December 31, 2003, the change in the discount rate from 6.50% (as of December
31, 2002) to 6.25% (as of December 31, 2003)  increased  the  projected  benefit
obligation  ("PBO") by $100.  The effect of this  increase  in PBO will serve to
increase annual pension expense by approximately  $7, assuming no future changes
in discount rates going forward. In addition, the decrease in discount rate will
also increase the service cost component of pension expense by approximately $5.

Changes in the  economic  assumptions  used to  determine  pension  expense will
impact the Company's  pension expense.  As mentioned  earlier,  the two economic
assumptions  that have the most impact on pension  expense are the discount rate
and the expected  long-term  rate of return.  To illustrate  the impact of these
assumptions  on annual pension  expense for 2004 and going  forward,  a 25 basis
point  change in the discount  rate will  increase/decrease  pension  expense by
approximately  $12,  and a 25 basis point change in the  long-term  asset return
assumption will increase/decrease pension expense by approximately $5.

While the Company has significant  discretion in making voluntary  contributions
to the Plan, the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974  regulations
mandate  minimum   contributions   in  certain   circumstances.   Under  current
assumptions,  assuming no continued  pension relief in 2004 the required minimum
funding  contributions  are  estimated  to be  approximately  $160.  If Congress
approves  pension  relief  legislation  for 2004, the Company is not expected to
have a minimum funding requirement in 2004.


The capital structure of The Hartford as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 consisted
of debt and equity, summarized as follows:

                                                                                                      AS OF DECEMBER 31,
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                              2003                      2002
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-term debt (includes current maturities of long-term debt)                     $       1,050            $          315
Long-term debt  [1]                                                                         4,613                     4,064
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     TOTAL DEBT                                                                     $       5,663            $        4,379
Equity excluding accumulated other comprehensive income, net of tax ("AOCI")        $      10,393            $        9,640
AOCI                                                                                        1,246                     1,094
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                     $      11,639            $       10,734
     TOTAL CAPITALIZATION INCLUDING AOCI                                            $      17,302            $       15,113
Debt to equity                                                                                 49%                       41%
Debt to capitalization                                                                         33%                       29%
[1] Includes junior subordinated debentures.

The Hartford's total capitalization increased $2.2 billion during the year ended
and as of December 31, 2003 as compared  with  December 31, 2002.  This increase
was due to the capital raising  described  below,  partially offset by dividends
declared and the loss for the year, which reflected the $1.7 billion, after-tax,
charge taken to strengthen reserves for asbestos related exposure.

During the fourth quarter of 2003, the Company  increased its  capitalization by
$535 through the issuance of commercial  paper to finance the acquisition of the
group life and accident, and short term and long term disability business of CNA
Financial  Corporation.  In  January  2004,  the  company  repaid  $428  of  the
outstanding  commercial  paper  using $411 of  proceeds  from the  common  stock

During the second quarter of 2003, the Company  increased its  capitalization by
$2.1  billion  through the  issuance of $1.2  billion in common  stock,  $669 in
equity units and $249 in senior notes.  Contributions of proceeds included: $300
to  the  Company's   qualified   pension  plan,   $150  to  the  life  insurance
subsidiaries, $180 to redeem a portion of its Series A 7.7% Cumulative Quarterly
Income  Preferred  Securities due February 28, 2016, with the balance to be used
in the property and casualty insurance subsidiaries.


The following  discussion  describes the Company's debt financing activities for

In December  2003,  the Company  issued $535 in commercial  paper to finance the
acquisition  of the  group  life and  accident,

                                     - 74 -

and short term and long term disability businesses of CNA Financial Corporation.

On July 10, 2003,  the Company  issued 4.625% senior notes due July 15, 2013 and
received net proceeds of $317. Interest on the notes is payable semi-annually on
January 15 and July 15,  commencing on January 15, 2004.  On July 10, 2003,  the
Company issued $320 in aggregate  principal  amount of its  unregistered  4.625%
senior notes, due 2013. The unregistered senior notes were offered and sold only
to qualified institutional buyers in compliance with Rule 144A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and,  outside the United States,  in compliance with Regulation S of
the Securities Act of 1933. The initial purchasers of the senior notes were Banc
of America  Securities LLC,  Wachovia Capital Markets,  LLC and Banc One Capital
Markets,  Inc. The net proceeds from the offering,  along with  available  cash,
were used to redeem $320 net aggregate  principal  amount of the Company's  then
outstanding 7.70% junior subordinated deferrable interest debentures,  series A,
due  February  28,  2016,  underlying  the  7.70%  cumulative  quarterly  income
preferred  securities,  series A,  originally  issued by Hartford  Capital I. On
January 22, 2004, pursuant to terms and conditions set forth in the registration
statement on Form S-4 (Reg. No. 333-110274) effective as of January 20, 2004 and
the related  prospectus,  the Company  commenced an exchange  offer  whereby the
unregistered  senior notes can be  exchanged  for  registered  senior notes with
identical terms. The exchange offer terminated on February 25, 2004.

On June 30,  2003,  the Company  redeemed  $180 of its 7.7% junior  subordinated
debentures  underlying trust preferred  securities issued by Hartford Capital I.
On September  30, 2003,  the Company  redeemed  the  remaining  $320 of its 7.7%
junior subordinated  debentures  underlying trust preferred securities issued by
Hartford Capital I.

On May 23, 2003, The Hartford  issued 12.0 million 7% equity units at a price of
fifty dollars per unit and received net proceeds of $582.  Subsequently,  on May
30, 2003,  The Hartford  issued an  additional  1.8 million 7% equity units at a
price of fifty dollars per unit and received net proceeds of $87.

On May 23, 2003,  The Hartford  issued  2.375% senior notes due June 1, 2006 and
received net proceeds of $249. Interest on the notes is payable semi-annually on
June 1 and December 1, commencing on December 1, 2003.

Subsequent  event -- On February 13, 2004, the Company  provided notice that all
outstanding 7.2% junior subordinated  debentures  underlying the trust preferred
securities  issued by Hartford Life Capital I have been called for redemption on
March 15, 2004. The Company intends to fund the redemption  through the issuance
of $150 of commercial paper and the utilization of $100 from internal sources.

For additional  information  regarding debt, see Note 8 of Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements.


Issuance of common stock -- On May 23, 2003, The Hartford  issued  approximately
24.2 million  shares of common stock pursuant to an  underwritten  offering at a
price to the  public of  $45.50  per share and  received  net  proceeds  of $1.1
billion.  Subsequently,  on May 30, 2003, The Hartford issued  approximately 2.2
million  shares of common stock at a price to the public of $45.50 per share and
received  net  proceeds of $97. On May 23, 2003 and May 30,  2003,  The Hartford
issued  12.0  million  7%  equity  units  and  1.8  million  7%  equity   units,
respectively.  Each  equity unit  contains a purchase  contract  obligating  the
holder to purchase and The  Hartford to sell, a variable  number of newly issued
shares of The Hartford's common stock. Upon settlement of the purchase contracts
on August 16, 2006, The Hartford will receive proceeds of approximately $690 and
will deliver between 12.1 million and 15.2 million shares in the aggregate.  For
further  discussion  of the  equity  units  issuance,  see  Note 8 of  Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Subsequent  events-- On January 22, 2004, The Hartford issued  approximately 6.3
million shares of common stock pursuant to an  underwritten  offering at a price
to  the  public  of  $63.25  per  share  and  received  net  proceeds  of  $388.
Subsequently,  on January 30, 2004, The Hartford  issued  approximately  377,000
shares of common stock  pursuant to an  underwritten  offering at a price to the
public of $63.25 per share and  received  net  proceeds of $23. The Company used
the proceeds from these  issuances to repay $411 of  commercial  paper issued in
connection with the  acquisition of the group life and accident,  and short-term
and long-term disability business of CNA Financial Corporation.

Dividends -- On October 16, 2003, The Hartford declared a dividend on its common
stock of $0.28 per share payable on January 2, 2004 to shareholders of record as
of December 1, 2003.

The Hartford  declared $300 and paid $291 in dividends to  shareholders in 2003,
declared $262 and paid $257 in 2002 and declared $242 and paid $235 in 2001.

AOCI - AOCI increased by $152 as of December 31, 2003 compared with December 31,
2002.  The increase  resulted  primarily  from the impact of decreased  interest
rates on unrealized gains on the fixed maturity  portfolio,  partially offset by
net losses on cash-flow hedging instruments.

The funded status of the Company's pension and postretirement plans is dependent
upon many factors,  including returns on invested assets and the level of market
interest  rates.  Declines in the value of securities  traded in equity  markets
coupled with declines in long-term  interest rates have had a negative impact on
the funded  status of the plans.  As a result,  the  Company  recorded a minimum
pension  liability  as of December  31,  2003,  and 2002,  which  resulted in an
after-tax reduction of stockholders' equity of $375 and $383. respectively. This
minimum pension liability did not affect the Company's results of operations.

For additional  information on stockholders' equity and AOCI see Notes 9 and 19,
respectively, of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                  2003        2002       2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by
  operating activities         $   3,896  $   2,577   $   2,261
Net cash used for investing
  activities                   $  (8,387) $  (6,600)  $  (5,528)
Net cash provided by
  financing activities         $   4,608  $   4,037   $   3,399
Cash - end of year             $     462  $     377   $     353

                                     - 75 -

2003  COMPARED TO 2002-- The increase in cash  provided by operating  activities
was primarily the result of the 2003 asbestos reserve addition, partially offset
by the related  income  statement  effects of this  addition  and  increases  in
reinsurance  recoverables.  Financing  activities  increased  primarily  due  to
capital raising  activities  related to the 2003 asbestos  reserve  addition and
decreased due to repayments on long-term debt and lower proceeds from investment
and  universal  life-type  contracts.   The  increase  in  cash  from  financing
activities  accounted  for the majority of the change in cash used for investing

2002 COMPARED TO 2001 -- The increase in cash  provided by operating  activities
was  primarily  the  result of higher  net  income  reported  for the year ended
December  31,  2002 than for the prior year as well as an increase in income tax
refunds  received in 2002  compared  with the prior year.  The  increase in cash
provided by financing  activities was primarily the result of increased proceeds
from investment and universal  life-type  contracts,  partially  offset by lower
proceeds  received  from  issuances  of common  stock and no issuances of junior
subordinated  debentures in 2002. The increase in cash from financing activities
accounted for the majority of the change in cash for investing activities.

Operating  cash flows in each of the last three years have been adequate to meet
liquidity requirements.



On December 31, 2003,  the Company  acquired CNA Financial  Corporation's  group
life and accident,  and short-term and long-term disability  businesses for $485
in cash.  Purchase  consideration  for this  transaction  was obtained  from the
issuance of commercial  paper. The purchase price paid on December 31, 2003, was
based on a September  30, 2003  valuation of the business  acquired.  During the
first quarter of 2004, the purchase price will be adjusted to reflect a December
31, 2003 valuation of the business  acquired.  The Company  currently  estimates
that  adjustment to the purchase price to be an increase of $51, which primarily
reflects  the  increase  in the surplus of the  business  acquired in the fourth
quarter of 2003.


For a discussion  of the potential  impact of the equity  markets on capital and
liquidity, see the Capital Markets Risk Management section under "Market Risk".


Ratings are an important factor in establishing the competitive  position in the
insurance and financial services marketplace. There can be no assurance that the
Company's  ratings will  continue for any given period of time or that they will
not be changed. In the event the Company's ratings are downgraded,  the level of
revenues or the persistency of the Company's business may be adversely impacted.

Upon  completion  of the  Company's  asbestos  reserve  study and the  Company's
capital-raising   activities,   certain   of  the  major   independent   ratings
organizations revised The Hartford's financial ratings as follows:

On May 23, 2003, Fitch affirmed all ratings on The Hartford  Financial  Services
Group,  Inc.  including  the fixed  income  ratings  and the  insurer  financial
strength rating of the Hartford Fire Intercompany Pool.  Further,  these ratings
have been  removed  from  Rating  Watch  Negative  and now have a Stable  Rating

On May 20, 2003,  Standard & Poor's  removed from  CreditWatch  and affirmed the
long-term  counterparty  credit and senior debt rating of The Hartford Financial
Services Group, Inc. and the counterparty  credit and financial strength ratings
on the operating companies following the Company's completion of capital-raising
activities. The outlook is stable.

On May 14,  2003,  Moody's  downgraded  the debt  ratings  of both The  Hartford
Financial  Services Group,  Inc. and Hartford Life, Inc. to A3 from A2 and their
short-term  commercial  paper ratings to P-2 from P-1. The outlook on all of the
ratings except for the P-2 rating on commercial paper is negative.

On May 13,  2003,  A.M.  Best  affirmed  the  financial  strength  ratings of A+
(Superior) of The Hartford Fire  Intercompany  Pool and the main  operating life
insurance subsidiaries of HLI.  Concurrently,  A.M. Best downgraded to "a-" from
"a+" the senior debt ratings of The Hartford  Financial Services Group, Inc. and
Hartford Life Inc. and removed the ratings from under review.

The following table summarizes The Hartford's  significant  United States member
companies'  financial ratings from the major independent rating organizations as
of February 27, 2004.

                              A.M.            STANDARD
                             BEST    FITCH   & POOR'S   MOODY'S
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  Hartford Fire               A+      AA       AA-        Aa3
  Hartford Life Insurance
   Company                    A+      AA       AA-        Aa3
  Hartford Life and
   Accident                   A+      AA       AA-        Aa3
  Hartford Life Group
   Insurance Company          A+      AA       AA-        --
  Hartford Life and
   Annuity                    A+      AA       AA-        Aa3
  The Hartford Financial
   Services Group, Inc.:
   Senior debt                a-       A        A-        A3
   Commercial paper          AMB-2    F1       A-2        P-2
  Hartford Capital III
   trust originated
   preferred securities       bbb     A-       BBB       Baa1
  Hartford Life, Inc.:
   Senior debt                a-       A        A-        A3
   Commercial paper           --      F1       A-2        P-2
  Hartford Life, Inc.:
   Capital I and II trust
   preferred securities       bbb     A-       BBB       Baa1
  Hartford Life Insurance
   Short Term Rating          --      --       A-1+       P-1

These  ratings  are not a  recommendation  to buy or hold any of The  Hartford's
securities and they may be revised or revoked at any time at the sole discretion
of the rating organization.

                                     - 76 -

The  agencies  consider  many  factors  in  determining  the final  rating of an
insurance company.  One consideration is the relative level of statutory surplus
necessary to support the business  written.  Statutory  surplus  represents  the
capital  of  the  insurance  company  reported  in  accordance  with  accounting
practices prescribed by the applicable state insurance department.

The table  below  sets  forth  statutory  surplus  for the  Company's  insurance

                                            2003         2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Life Operations                         $    4,470   $   3,019
Property & Casualty Operations               5,900       4,878
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                   $   10,370   $   7,897


The National  Association of Insurance  Commissioners  ("NAIC") has  regulations
establishing  minimum  capitalization  requirements  based on risk-based capital
("RBC")  formulas  for both  life  and  property  and  casualty  companies.  The
requirements   consist  of  formulas,   which   identify   companies   that  are
undercapitalized  and require specific regulatory  actions.  The RBC formula for
life companies establishes capital requirements relating to insurance, business,
asset and  interest  rate risks.  RBC is  calculated  for  property and casualty
companies after adjusting capital for certain  underwriting,  asset,  credit and
off-balance  sheet  risks.  As of  December  31,  2003,  each of The  Hartford's
insurance  subsidiaries  within Life and North American  Property & Casualty had
more than sufficient capital to meet the NAIC's minimum RBC requirements.


The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 ("the Act")  established a program that
will run through  2005 that  provides a backstop  for  insurance-related  losses
resulting  from  any  "act  of  terrorism"  certified  by the  Secretary  of the
Treasury, in concurrence with the Secretary of State and Attorney General. Under
the  program,  the federal  government  will pay 90% of covered  losses after an
insurer's  losses exceed a deductible  determined  by a  statutorily  prescribed
formula,  up to a combined annual aggregate limit for the federal government and
all insurers of $100 billion. If an act of terrorism or acts of terrorism result
in covered losses exceeding the $100 billion annual limit,  insurers with losses
exceeding their deductibles will not be responsible for additional losses.

The statutory  formula for  determining a company's  deductible for each year is
based on the company's direct  commercial earned premiums for the prior calendar
year multiplied by a specified percentage. The specified percentages are 10% for
2004 and 15% for 2005.

The Act applies to a significant  portion of The Hartford's  commercial property
and casualty  contracts,  but it  specifically  excludes some of The  Hartford's
other insurance business, including crop or livestock insurance, reinsurance and
personal  lines  business.  The Act  currently  does not  apply  to  group  life
insurance  contracts  but permits the  Secretary  of the  Treasury to extend the
backstop protection to them.

On August 15, 2003, the Treasury Department  announced that it would not use its
legislatively-granted  authority  to  include  group  life  insurance  under the
Federal  backstop for terrorism  losses in the Terrorism  Risk  Insurance Act of
2002. In announcing this decision,  the Treasury stated that they would continue
to monitor the group life situation.

The Act requires all property and casualty insurers,  including The Hartford, to
make terrorism  insurance  coverage available in all of their covered commercial
property and casualty  insurance  policies (as defined in the Act). The Hartford
will  evaluate  risks  with  terrorism  exposures  by  applying  its  internally
developed  underwriting  guidelines  and control  plans.  The Hartford  does not
anticipate significant increases in premiums due to the Act.

In the event the Act is not  renewed,  or is renewed in a  materially  different
form, the Company may have to attempt to obtain appropriate  reinsurance for the
related  terrorism  risk,  seek  exclusions  from coverage  related to terrorism
exposure  from the  appropriate  regulatory  authorities,  limit  certain of its
writings,  or  pursue  a  solution  encompassing  aspects  of  one or all of the


Legal Proceedings - The Hartford is involved in claims litigation arising in the
ordinary course of business,  both as a liability insurer defending  third-party
claims brought  against  insureds and as an insurer  defending  coverage  claims
brought  against  it.  The  Hartford  accounts  for such  activity  through  the
establishment of unpaid claim and claim adjustment expense reserves.  Subject to
the  discussion of the litigation  involving  MacArthur in Part I, Item 3. Legal
Proceedings and the uncertainties  related to asbestos and environmental  claims
discussed in the MD&A under the caption "Other  Operations,"  management expects
that the ultimate liability, if any, with respect to such ordinary-course claims
litigation,  after  consideration  of provisions  made for potential  losses and
costs of defense, will not be material to the consolidated  financial condition,
results of operations or cash flows of The Hartford.

The  Hartford is also  involved in other kinds of legal  actions,  some of which
assert claims for  substantial  amounts.  These actions  include,  among others,
putative  state and federal class actions  seeking  certification  of a state or
national  class.  Such  putative  class  actions  have  alleged,   for  example,
underpayment  of claims or improper  underwriting  practices in connection  with
various kinds of insurance policies, such as personal and commercial automobile,
premises liability and inland marine, and improper sales practices in connection
with the sale of life insurance and other investment products. The Hartford also
is involved in individual actions in which punitive damages are sought,  such as
claims  alleging  bad faith in the  handling  of  insurance  claims.  Management
expects  that the ultimate  liability,  if any,  with respect to such  lawsuits,
after  consideration  of  provisions  made for  potential  losses  and  costs of
defense,  will not be material to the  consolidated  financial  condition of The
Hartford.  Nonetheless,  given  the  large or  indeterminate  amounts  sought in
certain of these actions, and the inherent unpredictability of litigation, it is
possible that an adverse  outcome in certain  matters could,  from time to time,
have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's  consolidated  results  of
operations or cash flows in particular quarterly or annual periods.

                                     - 77 -

Dependence on Certain Third Party  Relationships  - The Company  distributes its
annuity,  life and certain  property and casualty  insurance  products through a
variety of distribution channels, including broker-dealers,  banks, wholesalers,
its own internal  sales force and other third party  organizations.  The Company
periodically negotiates provisions and renewals of these relationships and there
can be no  assurance  that such terms will remain  acceptable  to the Company or
such third parties.  An  interruption in the Company's  continuing  relationship
with  certain of these  third  parties  could  materially  affect the  Company's
ability to market its products.

For  further  information  on  other  contingencies,  see  Note 16 of  Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements.


On July 10, 2003, the Senate Judiciary  Committee approved  legislation that, if
enacted,  would  provide for the  creation of a Federal  asbestos  trust fund in
place of the  current  tort system for  determining  asbestos  liabilities.  The
prospects for enactment and the ultimate  details of any legislation  creating a
Federal  asbestos trust fund are uncertain.  Therefore,  any potential effect on
the Company's  financial condition or results of operations cannot be reasonably
estimated at this time.

Certain elements of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief  Reconciliation  Act of 2003,
in  particular  the  reduction in tax rates on long-term  capital gains and most
dividend  distributions,  could have a material effect on the Company's sales of
variable annuities and other investment products.  While sales of these products
do not appear to have been reduced to date, the long-term effect of the Jobs and
Growth Act of 2003 on the Company's financial condition or results of operations
cannot be reasonably estimated at this time.

There are proposals in the federal 2005 budget submitted by President Bush which
would create new investment  vehicles with larger annual contribution limits for
individuals.  Some  of  these  proposed  vehicles  would  have  significant  tax
advantages,  and could have a  material  effect on sales of the  Company's  life
insurance and investment products.  There also have been proposals regarding the
estate tax and  deferred  compensation  arrangements  that  could have  negative
effects  on the  Company's  product  sales.  Prospects  for  enactment  of  this
legislation  in 2004 are  uncertain.  Therefore,  any  potential  effect  on the
Company's  financial  condition or results of  operations  cannot be  reasonably
estimated at this time.

In addition,  other tax proposals and regulatory  initiatives which have been or
are being  considered by Congress could have a material  effect on the insurance
business.  These proposals and initiatives include changes pertaining to the tax
treatment of insurance companies and life insurance products and annuities,  and
reductions  in benefits  currently  received by the  Company  stemming  from the
dividends  received  deduction.  Legislation to restructure  the Social Security
system and expand  private  pension  plans  incentives  also may be  considered.
Prospects  for  enactment  and  the  ultimate  effect  of  these  proposals  are

Congress is expected to consider  provisions  regarding  age  discrimination  in
defined  benefit plans,  transition  relief for older and longer service workers
affected  by  changes  to  traditional  defined  benefit  pension  plans and the
replacement  of the  interest  rate  used  to  determine  pension  plan  funding
requirements. These changes could affect the Company's pension plan.

Congress may consider a number of legal reform  proposals this year.  Among them
is  legislation  that would reduce the number and type of national class actions
certified  by  state   judges  by  updating  the  federal   rules  on  diversity
jurisdiction. Prospects for enactment of these proposals in 2004 are uncertain.


In all states,  insurers  licensed to transact  certain classes of insurance are
required to become members of an insolvency  fund. In most states,  in the event
of the  insolvency  of an insurer  writing  any such class of  insurance  in the
state,  members of the fund are assessed to pay certain  claims of the insolvent
insurer.  A  particular  state's  fund  assesses  its  members  based  on  their
respective  written  premiums in the state for the classes of insurance in which
the insolvent insurer is engaged. Assessments are generally limited for any year
to one or two percent of premiums written per year depending on the state.  Such
assessments paid by The Hartford approximated $26 in 2003, $26 in 2002 and $6 in

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The rate of  inflation as measured by the change in the average  consumer  price
index has not had a material effect on the revenues or operating  results of The
Hartford during the three most recent fiscal years.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For a discussion of accounting  standards,  see Note 1 of Notes to  Consolidated
Financial Statements.

In July 2003,  the  Accounting  Standards  Executive  Committee  of the American
Institute of Certified  Public  Accountants  issued  Statement of Position 03-1,
"Accounting and Reporting by Insurance  Enterprises  for Certain  Nontraditional
Long-Duration  Contracts  and  for  Separate  Accounts"  (the  "SOP").  The  SOP
addresses a wide variety of topics,  some of which have a significant  impact on
the Company. The major provisions of the SOP require:

- -   Recognizing  expenses  for a variety of  contracts  and  contract  features,
    including guaranteed minimum death benefits ("GMDB"), certain death benefits
    on universal-life  type contracts and annuitization  options,  on an accrual
    basis versus the previous method of recognition upon payment;
- -   Reporting and measuring  assets and liabilities of certain  separate account
    products as general account assets and liabilities  when specified  criteria
    are not met;
- -   Reporting and measuring the Company's  interest in its separate  accounts as
    general  account  assets  based on the

                                     - 78 -

    insurer's  proportionate  beneficial  interest  in  the  separate  account's
    underlying assets; and

- -   Capitalizing  sales inducements that meet specified  criteria and amortizing
    such amounts over the life of the contracts  using the same  methodology  as
    used for amortizing deferred acquisition costs ("DAC").

The SOP is effective for financial  statements for fiscal years  beginning after
December  15, 2003.  At the date of initial  application,  January 1, 2004,  the
estimated  cumulative  effect of the adoption of the SOP on net income and other
comprehensive income was comprised of the following individual impacts:

       Cumulative Effect of Adoption                          Net Income                          Other Comprehensive Income
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Establishing GMDB and other benefit
   reserves for annuity contracts                                $(54)                                         $--
Reclassifying certain separate accounts to
   general accounts                                                30                                          294
Other                                                              (1)                                          (2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ADOPTION                              $(25)                                        $292

Exclusive of the cumulative effect,  overall  application of the SOP is expected
to have a small  positive  impact  to  earnings  over the next few  years,  with
individual impacts described below.

Death Benefits and Other Insurance Benefit Features

The Company sells variable annuity contracts that offer various guaranteed death
benefits.  For certain  guaranteed death benefits,  Life pays the greater of (1)
the  account  value at death;  (2) the sum of all  premium  payments  less prior
withdrawals;  or (3) the maximum  anniversary  value of the  contract,  plus any
premium payments since the contract anniversary, minus any withdrawals following
the contract anniversary.  The Company currently reinsures a significant portion
of  these  death  benefit  guarantees  associated  with  its  in-force  block of
business.  As of January 1, 2004,  the Company has recorded a liability for GMDB
and other  benefits  sold with variable  annuity  products of $199 and a related
reinsurance  recoverable  asset of $108. The determination of the GMDB liability
and related  reinsurance  recoverable is based on models that involve a range of
scenarios and  assumptions,  including those regarding  expected market rates of
return and volatility,  contract surrender rates and mortality  experience.  The
assumptions  used are consistent with those used in determining  estimated gross
profits for purposes of amortizing deferred acquisition costs.  Exclusive of the
cumulative effect  adjustment,  the  establishment of the required  liability at
January 1, 2004 is  expected  to result in  slightly  higher  earnings in future
years as well as a more stable pattern of death benefit expense.

The  Company  sells  universal   life-type   contracts  with  certain  secondary
guarantees,  such as a  guarantee  that the policy  will not lapse,  even if the
account value is reduced to zero, as long as the  policyholder  makes  scheduled
premium  payments.  The assumptions  used in the  determination of the secondary
guarantee  liability are  consistent  with those used in  determining  estimated
gross  profits for purposes of amortizing  deferred  policy  acquisition  costs.
Based on current  estimates,  the Company  expects the cumulative  effect on net
income upon recording this liability to be not material.  The  establishment  of
the  required  liability  will change the  earnings  pattern of these  products,
lowering earnings in the early years of the contract and increasing  earnings in
the later years. Based on the current in-force of these products,  the impact is
not  expected to be material in the near term.  Currently  there is diversity in
industry practice and inconsistent  guidance  surrounding the application of the
SOP to universal life-type contracts.  The Company believes consensus or further
guidance  surrounding the  methodology  for  determining  reserves for secondary
guarantees  will develop in the future.  This may result in an adjustment to the
cumulative effect of adopting the SOP and could impact future earnings.

Separate Account Presentation

The Company has recorded certain market value adjusted ("MVA") fixed annuity and
modified  guarantee life insurance  products  (primarily the Company's  Compound
Rate Contract  ("CRC") and  associated  assets) as separate  account  assets and
liabilities  through  December  31,  2003.   Notwithstanding  the  market  value
adjustment  feature in this product,  all of the  investment  performance of the
separate  account  assets is not  being  passed  to the  contractholder,  and it
therefore, does not meet the conditions for separate account reporting under the
SOP.  On January 1, 2004,  the  cumulative  adjustments  to  earnings  and other
comprehensive  income as a result of recording the separate  account  assets and
liabilities in the general account were recorded net of amortization of deferred
acquisition  costs and income taxes.  Through December 31, 2003, the Company had
recorded CRC assets and  liabilities on a market value basis with all changes in
value (market value spread) included in current earnings as a component of other
revenues.  Upon adoption of the SOP, the component of CRC spread on a book value
basis will be recorded in net investment income and interest credited.  Realized
gains and  losses on  investments  and  market  value  adjustments  on  contract
surrenders  will  be  recognized  as  incurred.  On  balance,  exclusive  of the
cumulative  effect gain recognized,  these changes will result in smaller future
earnings from the in-force block of CRC contracts.

The Company has also recorded its variable  annuity products offered in Japan in
separate  account  assets and  liabilities  through  December 31,  2003.  As the
separate account  arrangement in Japan is not legally insulated from the general
account liabilities of the Company, it does not meet the conditions for separate
account  reporting  under the SOP.  The  adoption of the SOP will not change the
pattern of earnings in the future.

Certain  other  products  offered by the Company  recorded  in separate  account
assets and  liabilities  through  December 31, 2003,  were  reclassified  to the
general account upon adoption of the SOP.

                                     - 79 -

Interests in Separate Accounts

As of  December  31,  2003,  the  Company  had $24  representing  unconsolidated
interests  in its own  separate  accounts.  On  January  1,  2004,  the  Company
reclassified  $11 to  investment  in  trading  securities,  where the  Company's
proportionate  beneficial interest in the separate account was less than 20%. In
instances  where the  Company's  proportionate  beneficial  interest was between
20-50%, the Company  reclassified $13 of its investment to reflect the Company's
proportionate interest in each of the underlying assets of the separate account.
Future impacts to net income as a result of adopting these provisions of the SOP
will be insignificant.

Sales Inducements

The   Company   currently   offers   enhanced  or  bonus   crediting   rates  to
contract-holders  on  certain  of its  individual  and group  annuity  products.
Effective January 1, 2004, upon adopting the SOP, the future expense  associated
with  offering  a bonus  will be  deferred  and  amortized  over the life of the
related  contract  in a pattern  consistent  with the  amortization  of deferred
acquisition costs.  Effective January 1, 2004,  amortization  expense associated
with expenses  previously  deferred will be recorded over the remaining  life of
the contract rather than over the contingent  deferred sales charge period.  Due
to the longer  deferral  periods,  this  provision  is  expected to have a small
positive impact to earnings in future periods.


The  information  required by this item is set forth in the Capital Markets Risk
Management  section of the  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations and is incorporated herein by reference.


See Index to Consolidated Financial Statements and Schedules elsewhere herein.





The Company's  principal  executive officer and its principal financial officer,
based on their  evaluation of the Company's  disclosure  controls and procedures
(as defined in Exchange Act Rule  13a-15(e))  have  concluded that the Company's
disclosure  controls and  procedures are adequate and effective for the purposes
set  forth in the  definition  thereof  in  Exchange  Act Rule  13a-15(e)  as of
December 31, 2003.


There was no change in the Company's  internal control over financial  reporting
that  occurred  during  the  Company's  fourth  fiscal  quarter of 2003 that has
materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's
internal control over financial reporting.



Certain  of the  information  called  for by Item 10  will be set  forth  in the
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2004 annual  meeting of  shareholders  (the
"Proxy  Statement") to be filed by The Hartford with the Securities and Exchange
Commission within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Form
10-K under the captions "Item 1 Election of Directors",  "Common Stock Ownership
of Directors,  Executive Officers and Certain Shareholders",  and "Governance of
the Company" and is incorporated herein by reference.

The  Company  has  adopted  a Code of Ethics  and  Corporate  Conduct,  which is
applicable  to all employees of the Company,  including the principal  executive
officer,  the principal financial officer and the principal  accounting officer.
The Code of Ethics and Corporate  Conduct is available on the Company's  website
at: www.thehartford.com.


Information  about the executive  officers of The Hartford who are also nominees
for election as directors will be set forth in The Hartford's  Proxy  Statement.
Set  forth  below is  information  about  the other  executive  officers  of the

(Group Senior Vice President, Human Resources)
Ms. de Raismes, 53, has held the position of Group Senior Vice President,  Human
Resources, of the Company since March 2003. She previously served as Senior Vice
President  of Human  Resources  of Hartford  Life,  Inc.  ("Hartford  Life"),  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company, from 1997 to March 2003. Ms. de Raismes
joined Hartford Life in 1984 as Manager of Staffing,  and served successively at
Hartford  Life as Assistant  Director of Life  Personnel  from 1987 to 1991,  as
Director of Human  Resources  from 1991 to 1992,  as Assistant  Vice  President,
Human Resources from 1992 to 1994 and as Vice President from 1994 to 1997.

(Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer)
Mr.  Johnson,  43, has held the position of Executive  Vice  President and Chief
Financial  Officer  of the  Company  since May 1,  2001.  Prior to  joining  the
Company,  Mr. Johnson was Senior  Executive  Vice President and Chief  Financial
Officer  of Cendant  Corporation  since  November  1998 and  Managing  Director,
Investment  Banking Division,  at Merrill Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner and Smith from
1986 to 1998.

                                     - 80 -

(Senior Vice President and Controller)
Mr. Price, 53, is Senior Vice President and Controller of the Company. Mr. Price
joined  the  Company in June 2002 in his  current  role.  Prior to  joining  the
company,  Mr. Price was President and Chief Executive  Officer of CitiInsurance,
the international  insurance  indirect  subsidiary of Citigroup,  Inc., from May
2000 to December  2001.  From April 1989 to April 2000,  Mr.  Price held various
positions at Aetna,  Inc.,  including  Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of Aetna International and Vice President and Corporate Controller.

(Executive Vice President and General Counsel)
Mr.  Wolin,  42, has held the position of Executive  Vice  President and General
Counsel  since  joining the Company on March 20,  2001.  Previously,  Mr.  Wolin
served as General  Counsel of the U.S.  Treasury  from 1999 to January  2001. In
that capacity,  he headed  Treasury's legal division,  composed of 2,000 lawyers
providing  services to all of  Treasury's  offices and  bureaus,  including  the
Internal Revenue Service,  Customs,  Secret Service,  Public Debt, the Office of
Thrift  Supervision,  the Financial  Management  Service,  the U.S. Mint and the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Mr. Wolin served as the Deputy General Counsel
of the  Department  of the  Treasury  from 1995 to 1999.  Prior to  joining  the
Treasury  Department,  he  served  in the White  House,  first as the  Executive
Assistant to the National  Security Advisor and then as the Deputy Legal Advisor
to the National Security Council.  Mr. Wolin joined the U.S.  Government in 1991
as  special  assistant  to the  Directors  of Central  Intelligence,  William H.
Webster, Robert M. Gates and R. James Woolsey.

(Group Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer)
Mr.  Znamierowski,  43, was  appointed  Group  Senior Vice  President  and Chief
Investment  Officer  of  the  Company  and  President  of  Hartford   Investment
Management,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company,  effective  November 5,
2001. Previously,  he was Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer for
the Company's life  operations  since May 1999,  Vice President  since September
1998 and Vice  President,  Investment  Strategy since  February  1997.  Prior to
joining the Company in April 1996, Mr.  Znamierowski held a variety of positions
in the investment  industry,  including  portfolio manager and Vice President of
Investment  Strategy  and Policy for Aetna Life & Casualty  Company from 1991 to
April 1996 and Vice President of Corporate  Finance for Salomon  Brothers,  Inc.
from 1986 to 1991.  He also serves as a director  and  President  of each of The
Hartford-sponsored mutual funds.


The  information  called for by Item 11 will be set forth in the Proxy Statement
under the captions  "Compensation  of Executive  Officers",  "Governance  of the
Company-Compensation  of Directors" and "Performance of the Common Stock" and is
incorporated herein by reference.


Certain of the information  called for by Item 12 will be set forth in the Proxy
Statement  under the caption  "Common Stock  Ownership of  Directors,  Executive
Officers and Certain  Shareholders"  and is  incorporated  herein by  reference.
Certain other information called for by Item 12 is set forth in Item 5 herein.


Any  information  called for by Item 13 will be set forth in the Proxy Statement
under the caption "Common Stock Ownership of Directors,  Executive Officers and
Certain Shareholders" and is incorporated herein by reference.


The  information  called for by Item 14 will be set forth in the Proxy Statement
under the  caption  "Audit  Committee  Charter and Report  Concerning  Financial
Matters - Fees to  Independent  Auditors  for Years Ended  December 31, 2003 and
2002" and is incorporated herein by reference.



Documents filed as a part of this report:

1.      CONSOLIDATED  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  See Index to Consolidated Financial
        Statements elsewhere herein.

        Financial Statement Schedules elsewhere herein.

3.      EXHIBITS. See Exhibit Index elsewhere herein.

Reports on Form 8-K - During the fourth  quarter of 2003, The Hartford filed the
following Current Reports on Form 8-K:

    Filed  December  2, 2003,  Item 5,  Other  Events,  to report the  Company's
    agreement to acquire  certain group benefits  businesses  from CNA Financial

    Filed  December  23, 2003,  Item 5, Other  Events,  to report the  Company's
    agreement to a global settlement of all claims arising out of its historical
    insurance  relationship with Mac Arthur Company and its subsidiary,  Western
    MacArthur Company.

(a) See Item 15(a)(3).

    See Item 15(a)(2).

                                     - 81 -


Report of Management                                                      F-1
Independent Auditors' Report                                              F-2
Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations  for the  three  years  ended
December 31, 2003                                                         F-3
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2003 and 2002              F-4

Consolidated  Statements  of Changes in  Stockholders'  Equity for the
three years ended December 31, 2003                                       F-5
Consolidated  Statements of  Comprehensive  Income for the three years
ended December 31, 2003                                                   F-5
Consolidated  Statements  of Cash  Flows  for the  three  years  ended
December 31, 2003                                                         F-6
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                F-7-51
Summary of Investments - Other Than Investments in Affiliates             S-1
Condensed  Financial  Information of The Hartford  Financial  Services
Group, Inc.                                                               S-2-3
Supplementary Insurance Information                                       S-4
Reinsurance                                                               S-5
Valuation and Qualifying Accounts                                         S-6
Supplemental  Information  Concerning  Property and Casualty Insurance
Operations                                                                S-6

                              REPORT OF MANAGEMENT

The  management  of  The  Hartford   Financial  Services  Group,  Inc.  and  its
subsidiaries  ("The  Hartford") is responsible for the preparation and integrity
of information contained in the accompanying  consolidated  financial statements
and other sections of the Annual Report.  The financial  statements are prepared
in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
of America and, where necessary,  include amounts that are based on management's
informed judgments and estimates.  Management  believes these statements present
fairly The Hartford's financial position and results of operations, and that any
other  information  contained  in the  Annual  Report  is  consistent  with  the
financial statements.

Management has made available The Hartford's  financial records and related data
to Deloitte & Touche  LLP,  independent  auditors,  in order for them to perform
their audits of The Hartford's  consolidated financial statements.  Their report
appears on page F-2.

An essential element in meeting management's  financial  responsibilities is The
Hartford's system of internal controls. These controls, which include accounting
controls and The Hartford's  internal auditing program,  are designed to provide
reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded,  and transactions are properly
authorized,  executed and  recorded.  The  controls,  which are  documented  and
communicated  to employees in the form of written  codes of conduct and policies
and procedures,  provide for careful  selection of personnel and for appropriate
division of  responsibility.  Management  continually  monitors for  compliance,
while The Hartford's internal auditors independently assess the effectiveness of
the controls and make recommendations for improvement.

Another important element is management's recognition and acknowledgement within
the organization of its responsibility for fostering a strong,  ethical climate,
thereby  firmly  establishing  an  expectation  that The  Hartford's  affairs be
transacted  according  to the highest  standards  of personal  and  professional
conduct.  The Hartford has a  long-standing  reputation of integrity in business
conduct and utilizes  communication and education to create and fortify a strong
compliance culture.

The Audit  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  of The  Hartford,  composed of
independent  directors,  meets  periodically  with  the  external  and  internal
auditors to evaluate the  effectiveness of work performed by them in discharging
their  respective  responsibilities  and to ensure their  independence  and free
access to the Committee.



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
Hartford, Connecticut

We have audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of The Hartford
Financial  Services  Group,  Inc.  and  its  subsidiaries   (collectively,   the
"Company")  as of  December  31,  2003 and 2002,  and the  related  consolidated
statements of operations,  changes in stockholders' equity, comprehensive income
and cash flows for each of the three  years in the  period  ended  December  31,
2003. Our audits also included the financial  statement  schedules listed in the
Index at Item 15. These financial  statements and financial  statement schedules
are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our  responsibility is to
express  an  opinion  on these  financial  statements  and  financial  statement
schedules based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  such consolidated  financial  statements present fairly, in all
material  respects,  the financial  position of The Hartford  Financial Services
Group,  Inc.  and its  subsidiaries  as of December  31, 2003 and 2002,  and the
results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the period ended  December 31, 2003, in conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.  Also, in our opinion,  such
financial  statement  schedules,  when  considered  in  relation  to  the  basic
consolidated  financial  statements  taken as a  whole,  present  fairly  in all
material respects the information set forth therein.

As discussed in Note 1 of the  consolidated  financial  statements,  the Company
changed its method of accounting  for goodwill and  indefinite-lived  intangible
assets in 2002. In addition,  the Company  changed its method of accounting  for
derivative  instruments and hedging  activities and its method of accounting for
the  recognition  of  interest  income  and  impairment  on  purchased  retained
beneficial interests in securitized financial assets in 2001.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Hartford, Connecticut
February 25, 2004


                                         THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.
                                            CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                     For the years ended December 31,
(In millions, except for per share data)                                           2003            2002           2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Earned premiums                                                              $    11,891    $    10,811     $    10,242
  Fee income                                                                         2,760          2,577           2,633
  Net investment income                                                              3,233          2,929           2,842
  Other revenues                                                                       556            476             491
  Net realized capital gains (losses)                                                  293           (376)           (228)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL REVENUES                                                             18,733         16,417          15,980

  Benefits, claims and claim adjustment expenses                                    13,548         10,034          10,597
  Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and present value of
    future profits                                                                   2,411          2,241           2,214
  Insurance operating costs and expenses                                             2,424          2,317           2,037
  Goodwill amortization                                                                 --             --              60
  Other expenses                                                                       900            757             731
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL BENEFITS, CLAIMS AND EXPENSES                                        19,283         15,349          15,639

           ACCOUNTING CHANGES                                                         (550)         1,068             341

  Income tax expense (benefit)                                                        (459)            68            (200)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                       (91)         1,000             541

  Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax                                   --             --             (34)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                     $       (91)   $     1,000     $       507

  Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                 $     (0.33)   $      4.01     $      2.27
  Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax                                   --             --           (0.14)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                        $     (0.33)   $      4.01     $      2.13

  Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                 $    (0.33)    $      3.97     $      2.24
  Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax                                   --             --           (0.14)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                         $     (0.33)   $      3.97     $      2.10
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weighted average common shares outstanding                                           272.4          249.4           237.7
Weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common
  shares                                                                             272.4          251.8           241.4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash dividends declared per share                                              $      1.09    $      1.05     $      1.01



                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.
                                                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                                        As of December 31,
(In millions, except for share data)                                                                  2003              2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Fixed maturities, available-for-sale, at fair value (amortized cost of $58,127 and $46,241)   $      61,263     $      48,889
  Equity securities, available-for-sale, at fair value (cost of $505 and $937)                            565               917
  Policy loans, at outstanding balance                                                                  2,512             2,934
  Other investments                                                                                     1,507             1,790
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total investments                                                                                65,847            54,530
  Cash                                                                                                    462               377
  Premiums receivable and agents' balances                                                              3,085             2,611
  Reinsurance recoverables                                                                              5,958             5,027
  Deferred policy acquisition costs and present value of future profits                                 7,599             6,689
  Deferred income taxes                                                                                   845               545
  Goodwill                                                                                              1,720             1,721
  Other assets                                                                                          3,704             3,397
  Separate account assets                                                                             136,633           107,078
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TOTAL ASSETS                                                                            $     225,853     $     181,975

  Reserve for future policy benefits and unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses
      Property and casualty                                                                     $      21,715     $      17,091
      Life                                                                                             11,402             8,567
  Other policyholder funds and benefits payable                                                        26,185            23,956
  Unearned premiums                                                                                     4,423             3,989
  Short-term debt                                                                                       1,050               315
  Long-term debt                                                                                        4,613             4,064
  Other liabilities                                                                                     8,193             6,181
  Separate account liabilities                                                                        136,633           107,078
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                            214,214          171,241


 Common stock -750,000,000 shares authorized, 286,339,430 and  258,184,483 shares issued,
   $0.01 par value                                                                                          3                 3
 Additional paid-in capital                                                                             3,929             2,784
 Retained earnings                                                                                      6,499             6,890
 Treasury stock, at cost - 2,959,692 and 2,943,565 shares                                                 (38)              (37)
 Accumulated other comprehensive income                                                                 1,246             1,094
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                     11,639            10,734
        TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                              $     225,853     $     181,975



                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                                                         For the years ended December 31,
(In millions, except for share data)                                                  2003             2002             2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at beginning of year                                                 $       2,787     $      2,364     $       1,688
     Issuance of common stock in underwritten offerings                                 1,161              330               569
     Issuance of equity units                                                            (112)             (33)               --
     Issuance of shares and compensation expense associated with incentive
       and stock compensation plans                                                        83              101                93
     Tax benefit on employee stock options and awards                                      13               25                14
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at end of year                                                               3,932            2,787             2,364
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at beginning of year                                                         6,890            6,152             5,887
     Net income (loss)                                                                    (91)           1,000               507
     Dividends declared on common stock                                                  (300)            (262)             (242)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at end of year                                                               6,499            6,890             6,152
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at beginning of year                                                           (37)             (37)             (480)
     Issuance of common stock in underwritten offerings                                    --               --               446
     Issuance (return) of shares under incentive and stock compensation plans              (1)              --                 4
     Treasury stock acquired                                                               --               --                (7)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at end of year                                                                 (38)             (37)              (37)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at beginning of year                                                         1,094              534               369
     Change in unrealized gain/loss on securities, net of tax
       Change in unrealized gain/loss on securities                                       320              838               110
       Cumulative effect of accounting change                                              --               --                (1)
     Change in net gain/loss on cash-flow hedging instruments, net of tax
       Change in net gain/loss on cash-flow hedging instruments                          (170)              65                39
       Cumulative effect of accounting change                                              --               --                24
     Foreign currency translation adjustments                                              (6)              21                (3)
     Minimum pension liability adjustment, net of tax                                       8             (364)               (4)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total other comprehensive income                                                     152              560               165
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at end of year                                                               1,246            1,094               534
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                      $      11,639     $     10,734     $       9,013
   Balance at beginning of year                                                       255,241          245,536           226,290
     Issuance of common stock in underwritten offerings                                26,377            7,303            17,042
     Issuance of shares under incentive and stock compensation plans                    1,778            2,402             2,331
     Return of shares under incentive and stock compensation plans to                     (16)              --                --
     treasury stock
     Treasury stock acquired                                                               --               --              (127)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Balance at end of year                                                             283,380          255,241           245,536

                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME

                                                                                          For the years ended December 31,
 (In millions)                                                                         2003             2002              2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net income (loss)                                                             $       (91)      $     1,000      $      507
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Other Comprehensive Income
     Change in unrealized gain/loss on securities, net of tax
       Change in unrealized gain/loss on securities                                      320               838             110
       Cumulative effect of accounting change                                             --                --              (1)
     Change in net gain/loss on cash-flow hedging instruments, net of tax
       Change in net gain/loss on cash-flow hedging instruments                         (170)               65              39
       Cumulative effect of accounting change                                             --                --              24
     Foreign currency translation adjustments                                             (6)               21              (3)
     Minimum pension liability adjustment, net of tax                                      8              (364)             (4)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total other comprehensive income                                                    152               560             165
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                                      $        61       $     1,560      $      672



                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.
                                                CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                           For the years ended December 31,
(In millions)                                                                          2003              2002             2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net income (loss)                                                              $         (91)   $        1,000    $         507
  Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and present value
      of future profits                                                                   2,411             2,241            2,214
  Additions to deferred policy acquisition costs and present value of future
      profits                                                                            (3,313)           (2,859)          (2,739)
   Change in:
     Reserve for future policy benefits, unpaid claims and claim adjustment
       expenses and unearned premiums                                                     5,597             1,654            2,703
     Reinsurance recoverables                                                            (1,105)              191             (599)
     Receivables                                                                            (47)             (280)            (245)
     Payables and accruals                                                                  576                (2)             442
     Accrued and deferred income taxes                                                     (327)              202             (119)
   Net realized capital (gains) losses                                                     (293)              376              228
   Depreciation and amortization                                                            219               104               85
   Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax                                       --                --               34
   Other, net                                                                               269               (50)            (250)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                           3,896             2,577            2,261
   Purchase of investments                                                              (28,918)          (21,338)         (16,871)
   Sale of investments                                                                   17,320            12,017            9,858
   Maturity of investments                                                                3,731             2,910            2,760
   Purchase of business/affiliate, net of cash acquired                                    (464)               --           (1,105)
   Sale of affiliates                                                                        33                --               39
   Additions to property, plant and equipment, net                                          (89)             (189)            (209)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      NET CASH USED FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                             (8,387)           (6,600)          (5,528)
   Issuance of short-term debt, net                                                         535                16              264
   Issuance of long-term debt                                                             1,235               617            1,084
   Repayment of long-term debt                                                             (500)             (300)            (700)
   Issuance of common stock in underwritten offering                                      1,162               330            1,015
   Net receipts from investment and universal life-type contracts charged
     against policyholder accounts                                                        2,409             3,539            1,901
   Dividends paid                                                                          (291)             (257)            (235)
   Return of shares under incentive and stock compensation plans to treasury                 (1)               --               --
   Acquisition of treasury stock                                                             --                --               (7)
   Proceeds from issuances of shares under incentive and stock compensation
     plans                                                                                   59                92               77
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                           4,608             4,037            3,399
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Foreign exchange rate effect on cash                                                     (32)               10               (6)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net increase in cash                                                                      85                24              126
   Cash - beginning of year                                                                 377               353              227
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      CASH - END OF YEAR                                                          $         462    $          377    $         353

- ------------------------------------------------
   Income taxes                                                                   $        (107)   $         (102)   $         (52)
   Interest                                                                       $         258    $          260    $         275






The Hartford  Financial  Services Group, Inc. and its consolidated  subsidiaries
("The  Hartford"  or the  "Company")  provide  investment  products and life and
property and casualty insurance to both individual and business customers in the
United States and internationally.

On December 31, 2003,  the Company  acquired  the group life and  accident,  and
short-term  and  long-term  disability  business of CNA  Financial  Corporation.
Accordingly,  there was no impact to the Company's results of operations for the
year ended  December  31,  2003.  For further  discussion  of the CNA  Financial
Corporation acquisition, see Note 18.

On April 2, 2001,  The Hartford  acquired the U.S.  individual  life  insurance,
annuity  and mutual  fund  businesses  of  Fortis,  Inc.  (operating  as "Fortis
Financial  Group" or "Fortis").  The acquisition was accounted for as a purchase
transaction  and, as such, the revenues and expenses  generated by this business
from April 2, 2001 forward are included in the Company's consolidated statements
of operations. For further discussion of the Fortis acquisition, see Note 18.

The  consolidated  financial  statements  have  been  prepared  on the  basis of
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America,  which
differ materially from the accounting  practices prescribed by various insurance
regulatory  authorities.  Subsidiaries  in which The Hartford has at least a 20%
interest,  but less than a majority ownership  interest,  are reported using the
equity method. All material  intercompany  transactions and balances between The
Hartford, its subsidiaries and affiliates have been eliminated.


The  preparation  of  financial   statements,   in  conformity  with  accounting
principles  generally  accepted  in  the  United  States  of  America,  requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and  liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at
the date of the financial  statements  and the reported  amounts of revenues and
expenses  during the reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from those

The most significant  estimates  include those used in determining  reserves for
future policy benefits and unpaid claim and claim adjustment expenses;  deferred
policy  acquisition  costs;   investments;   pension  and  other  postretirement
benefits; and commitments and contingencies.


Certain  reclassifications have been made to prior year financial information to
conform to the current year presentation.


In January 2004, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board ("FASB") issued FASB
Staff Position  ("FSP") No. FAS 106-1,  "Accounting and Disclosure  Requirements
Related to the Medicare Prescription Drug,  Improvement and Modernization Act of
2003",  which  addresses the  accounting and  disclosure  implications  that are
expected to arise as a result of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and
Modernization  Act of 2003 (the  "Act")  enacted on  December  8, 2003.  The Act
introduces  a  prescription  drug  benefit  under  Medicare as well as a federal
subsidy to sponsors of retiree  health care benefit plans that provide a benefit
that is at least equivalent to Medicare.  The issue is whether any employer that
provides postretirement  prescription drug coverage should recognize the effects
of the Act on the benefit  obligation  and net periodic  postretirement  benefit
cost and,  if so,  when and how to account  for those  costs.  Under FSP No. FAS
106-1,  companies  have a  one-time  election  to defer the  effects  of the new
legislation in financial  statements  ending after December 7, 2003. The Company
has  elected  to defer  the  effects  of the Act.  Companies  electing  to defer
recognition  of the  effects  must  defer  recognition  until  the  FASB  issues
clarifying  guidance on how the legislation should be interpreted.  All measures
of the benefit obligation and net periodic postretirement benefit costs included
in the consolidated  financial statements and Note 12 do not reflect the effects
of the Act. Future guidance,  when issued by the FASB, could require the Company
to restate  previously  reported  information.  The Company is in the process of
reviewing  the  provisions  of  the  Act  in  conjunction   with  the  Company's
postretirement  benefit  plan and does not  expect  the  impact of the Act to be

In December 2003, the FASB issued  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards
("SFAS") No. 132 (revised  2003),  "Employers'  Disclosures  about  Pensions and
Other  Postretirement  Benefits".  This standard  requires  additional  detailed
disclosures  regarding  pension plan assets,  benefit  obligations,  cash flows,
benefit costs and related information. With the exception of disclosures related
to foreign  plans,  the new  disclosures  are  required to be provided in annual
statements of public  entities with fiscal years ending after December 15, 2003.
Companies  with foreign plans may defer certain  disclosures  until fiscal years
ending after June 15, 2004. The Company adopted the new disclosure  requirements
for all plans, including the foreign plans as of December 31, 2003. See Note 12.

Effective December 31, 2003, the Company adopted the disclosure  requirements of
Emerging   Issues  Task  Force  ("EITF")  Issue  No.  03-01,   "The  Meaning  of
Other-Than-Temporary  Impairment and Its  Application  to Certain  Investments".
Under the consensus,  disclosures  are required for  unrealized  losses on fixed
maturity and equity securities accounted for under SFAS No. 115, "Accounting for
Certain Investment in Debt and Equity Securities", and SFAS No. 124, "Accounting
for  Certain  Investments  Held  by  Not-for-Profit  Organizations",   that  are
classified as either  available-for-sale  or  held-to-maturity.  The  disclosure
requirements include quantitative  information regarding the aggregate amount of
unrealized  losses  and the  associated  fair  value  of the  investments  in an
unrealized loss position, segregated into time periods for which the investments
have been in an unrealized  loss position.  The consensus also requires  certain
qualitative  disclosures  about  the  unrealized  holdings  in order to  provide
additional  information  that the  Company  considered  in  concluding  that the
unrealized losses




were not other-than-temporary.  (For further discussion, see disclosures in Note

In May 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 150,  "Accounting  for Certain  Financial
Instruments with  Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity".  SFAS No. 150
establishes  standards  for  classifying  and measuring as  liabilities  certain
financial   instruments   that  embody   obligations  of  the  issuer  and  have
characteristics of both liabilities and equity. Generally, SFAS No. 150 requires
liability  classification  for two broad classes of financial  instruments:  (a)
instruments  that  represent,  or are indexed to, an  obligation to buy back the
issuer's shares regardless of whether the instrument is settled on a net-cash or
gross-physical  basis and (b) obligations  that (i) can be settled in shares but
derive their value  predominately  from another  underlying  instrument or index
(e.g.  security prices,  interest rates, and currency rates),  (ii) have a fixed
value,  or  (iii)  have  a  value  inversely  related  to the  issuer's  shares.
Mandatorily  redeemable  equity  and  written  options  requiring  the issuer to
buyback shares are examples of financial  instruments that should be reported as
liabilities under this new guidance.

SFAS No.  150  specifies  accounting  only for  certain  freestanding  financial
instruments  and  does  not  affect  whether  an  embedded  derivative  must  be
bifurcated and accounted for in accordance  with SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting  for
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities".

SFAS No. 150 is effective for instruments entered into or modified after May 31,
2003 and for all other  instruments  beginning with the first interim  reporting
period beginning after June 15, 2003.  Adoption of this statement did not have a
material impact on the Company's  consolidated financial condition or results of

In April 2003, the FASB issued  guidance in Statement 133  Implementation  Issue
No. B36,  "Embedded  Derivatives:  Modified  Coinsurance  Arrangements  and Debt
Instruments  That  Incorporate  Credit Risk Exposures That Are Unrelated or Only
Partially Related to the  Creditworthiness of the Obligor of Those Instruments",
("DIG B36") that  addresses the instances in which  bifurcation of an instrument
into a debt host contract and an embedded derivative is required.  The effective
date of DIG B36 was  October 1, 2003.  DIG B36  indicates  that  bifurcation  is
necessary in a modified coinsurance arrangement when the yield on the receivable
and payable is based on a specified proportion of the ceding company's return on
either its general account assets or a specified  block of those assets,  rather
than the  overall  creditworthiness  of the  ceding  company.  The  Company  has
evaluated its modified  coinsurance  and funds withheld  agreements and believes
all but one are not  impacted by the  provisions  of DIG B36.  The one  modified
coinsurance  agreement  that  requires  the  separate  recording  of an embedded
derivative  contains two total return swap embedded  derivatives  that virtually
offset each other. Due to the offsetting nature of these total return swaps, the
net value of the embedded derivatives in the modified coinsurance  agreement had
no material effect on the consolidated financial statements upon adoption of DIG
B36 on October 1, 2003 and at December 31, 2003.

DIG B36 is also applicable to corporate  issued debt securities that incorporate
credit  risk  exposures  that are  unrelated  or only  partially  related to the
creditworthiness  of the  obligor.  The  adoption  of DIG B36,  as it relates to
corporate  issued  debt  securities,  did  not  have a  material  effect  on the
Company's consolidated financial condition or results of operations.

In April 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 149,  "Amendment  of  Statement  133 on
Derivative  Instruments  and  Hedging  Activities".  The  Statement  amended and
clarified  accounting for derivative  instruments,  including certain derivative
instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging activities under SFAS
No. 133.

SFAS No. 149 amends SFAS No. 133 for decisions  made as part of the  Derivatives
Implementation  Group ("DIG") process that  effectively  required  amendments to
SFAS No. 133, in  connection  with other FASB  projects  dealing with  financial
instruments.  SFAS No. 149 also clarifies  under what  circumstances  a contract
with an initial net investment and purchases and sales of when-issued securities
that do not yet exist meet the  characteristics  of a derivative as discussed in
SFAS No. 133. In addition,  it clarifies when a derivative  contains a financing
component that warrants special reporting in the statement of cash flows.

SFAS No. 149 is effective for contracts  entered into or modified after June 30,
2003, except as stated below and for hedging relationships designated after June
30, 2003.  The  provisions of this  Statement  should be applied  prospectively,
except as stated below.

The  provisions of SFAS No. 149 that relate to SFAS No. 133 DIG issues that have
been  effective for fiscal  quarters  that began prior to June 15, 2003,  should
continue to be applied in accordance with their  respective  effective dates. In
addition,  the guidance in SFAS No. 149 related to forward purchases or sales of
when-issued  securities  or other  securities  that do not yet exist,  should be
applied to both existing contracts and new contracts entered into after June 30,
2003.  The  adoption  of SFAS No.  149 did not  have a  material  impact  on the
Company's consolidated financial condition or results of operations.

In January  2003,  the FASB  issued  Interpretation  No. 46,  "Consolidation  of
Variable Interest  Entities,  an interpretation of ARB No. 51" ("FIN 46"), which
requires  an  enterprise  to  assess  whether  consolidation  of  an  entity  is
appropriate  based upon its interests in a variable  interest entity ("VIE").  A
VIE is an entity in which the equity  investors do not have the  characteristics
of a controlling financial interest or do not have sufficient equity at risk for
the entity to finance its activities without additional  subordinated  financial
support from other parties. The initial  determination of whether an entity is a
VIE shall be made on the date at which an enterprise  becomes  involved with the
entity. An enterprise shall consolidate a VIE if it has a variable interest that
will absorb a majority  of the VIEs  expected  losses if they  occur,  receive a
majority of the entity's expected residual returns if they occur or both. FIN 46
was effective  immediately for new VIEs  established or purchased  subsequent to
January 31, 2003. For VIEs  established  or purchased  subsequent to January 31,
2003,  the  adoption of FIN 46 did not have a material  impact on the  Company's
consolidated  financial  condition  or  results of  operations  as there were no
material VIEs identified which required consolidation.




In December 2003, the FASB issued a revised version of FIN 46 ("FIN 46R"), which
incorporates a number of modifications and changes made to the original version.
FIN 46R replaces the previously  issued FIN 46 and,  subject to certain  special
provisions,  is  effective no later than the end of the first  reporting  period
that ends after December 15, 2003 for entities  considered to be special-purpose
entities and no later than the end of the first reporting period that ends after
March 15, 2004 for all other VIEs.  Early  adoption  is  permitted.  The Company
adopted FIN 46R in the fourth  quarter of 2003.  The adoption of FIN 46R did not
result  in  the   consolidation  of  any  material  VIEs  but  resulted  in  the
deconsolidation of VIEs that issued Mandatorily  Redeemable Preferred Securities
of Subsidiary  Trusts  ("trust  preferred  securities").  The Company is not the
primary  beneficiary of the VIEs,  which issued the trust preferred  securities.
The Company does not own any of the trust preferred securities which were issued
to unrelated third parties.  These trust preferred securities are considered the
principal  variable  interests issued by the VIEs. As a result,  the VIEs, which
the Company previously consolidated, are no longer consolidated. The sole assets
of the VIEs are  junior  subordinated  debentures  issued  by the  Company  with
payment terms identical to the trust preferred securities. Previously, the trust
preferred  securities  were  reported as a separate  liability on the  Company's
consolidated  balance  sheets  as  "company  obligated  mandatorily   redeemable
preferred  securities of subsidiary  trusts holding  solely junior  subordinated
debentures". At December 31, 2003 and 2002, the impact of deconsolidation was to
increase long-term debt and decrease the trust preferred  securities by $952 and
$1.5 billion,  respectively.  (For further discussion, see Note 8 for disclosure
of information related to these VIEs as required under FIN 46R.)

In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 45, "Guarantor's Accounting
and Disclosure  Requirements for Guarantees,  Including  Indirect  Guarantees of
Indebtedness  of Others"  ("FIN 45" or the  "Interpretation").  FIN 45  requires
certain guarantees to be recorded at fair value and also requires a guarantor to
make new  disclosures,  even when the  likelihood of making  payments  under the
guarantee  is remote.  In general,  the  Interpretation  applies to contracts or
indemnification  agreements  that  contingently  require the  guarantor  to make
payments to the guaranteed party based on changes in an underlying instrument or
indices (e.g.,  security  prices,  interest  rates,  or currency rates) that are
related to an asset,  liability or an equity  security of the guaranteed  party.
The  recognition  provisions of FIN 45 are effective on a prospective  basis for
guarantees   issued  or  modified   after  December  31,  2002.  The  disclosure
requirements  are  effective  for  financial  statements  of interim  and annual
periods ending after December 15, 2002. For further discussion,  see Notes 3 and
16.  Adoption of this statement did not have a material  impact on the Company's
consolidated financial condition or results of operations.

In June 2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 146,  "Accounting  for Costs  Associated
with Exit or Disposal  Activities",  which  addresses  financial  accounting and
reporting for costs  associated with exit or disposal  activities and supercedes
EITF Issue No. 94-3,  "Liability  Recognition for Certain  Employee  Termination
Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an Activity  (including  Certain Costs Incurred
in a Restructuring)"  ("Issue 94-3"). The principal  difference between SFAS No.
146 and Issue 94-3 is that SFAS No. 146  requires  that a  liability  for a cost
associated with an exit or disposal activity be recognized when the liability is
incurred,  rather  than at the date of an entity's  commitment  to an exit plan.
SFAS No.  146 is  effective  for exit or  disposal  activities  initiated  after
December 31,  2002.  Adoption of SFAS No. 146 resulted in a change in the timing
of when a liability is recognized  for certain  restructuring  activities  after
December 31, 2002.  Adoption of this statement did not have a material impact on
the Company's consolidated financial condition or results of operations.

In April 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 145,  "Rescission of FASB Statements No.
4, 44, and 64,  Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical  Corrections".
Under   historical   guidance,   all  gains  and  losses   resulting   from  the
extinguishment  of  debt  were  required  to be  aggregated  and,  if  material,
classified as an extraordinary  item, net of related income tax effect. SFAS No.
145  rescinds   that   guidance   and  requires   that  gains  and  losses  from
extinguishments  of debt be classified as  extraordinary  items only if they are
both unusual and infrequent in occurrence. SFAS No. 145 also amends SFAS No. 13,
"Accounting for Leases",  for the required accounting treatment of certain lease
modifications that have economic effects similar to sale-leaseback transactions.
SFAS No. 145 requires  that those lease  modifications  be accounted  for in the
same manner as sale-leaseback  transactions.  In the fourth quarter of 2002, the
Company early adopted the  provisions of SFAS No. 145 related to the  rescission
of SFAS No. 4, "Reporting Gains and Losses from Early  Extinguishment  of Debt",
retroactively and reclassified the 2001 extraordinary loss from early retirement
of debt of $13,  before-tax,  to other expenses.  The provisions of SFAS No. 145
related to SFAS No. 13 are effective for  transactions  occurring  after May 15,
2002.  Adoption of the provisions of SFAS No. 145 related to SFAS No. 13 did not
have a material  impact on the  Company's  consolidated  financial  condition or
results of operations.

Effective September 2001, the Company adopted EITF Issue No. 01-10,  "Accounting
for the  Impact of the  Terrorist  Attacks of  September  11,  2001".  Under the
consensus,  costs  related to the  terrorist  act should be  reported as part of
income from continuing  operations and not as an extraordinary item. The Company
has recognized and classified all direct and indirect costs  associated with the
attack of September 11 in accordance  with the consensus.  For discussion of the
impact of the September 11 terrorist attack ("September 11"), see Note 2.

In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144,  "Accounting for the Impairment or
Disposal of Long-Lived Assets". SFAS No. 144 establishes an accounting model for
long-lived  assets to be  disposed  of by sale that  applies  to all  long-lived
assets,  including  discontinued  operations.  SFAS No. 144 requires  that those
long-lived assets be measured at the lower of carrying amount or fair value less
cost to sell,  whether  reported in  continuing  operations  or in  discontinued
operations.  The  provisions  of  SFAS  No.  144  are  effective  for  financial
statements  issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2001.  Adoption
of SFAS No. 144 did not have a material impact on the




Company's consolidated financial condition or results of operations.

In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141,  "Business  Combinations".  SFAS No.
141  eliminates  the  pooling-of-interests  method of  accounting  for  business
combinations,  requiring all business combinations to be accounted for under the
purchase  method.  Accordingly,  net assets  acquired are recorded at fair value
with any excess of cost over net assets assigned to goodwill.

SFAS No. 141 also requires that certain intangible assets acquired in a business
combination be recognized  apart from  goodwill.  The provisions of SFAS No. 141
apply to all business  combinations  initiated after June 30, 2001.  Adoption of
SFAS No.  141 did not  have a  material  impact  on the  Company's  consolidated
financial condition or results of operations.

In June 2001,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No. 142,  "Goodwill  and Other  Intangible
Assets". Under SFAS No. 142, effective January 1, 2002, amortization of goodwill
is  precluded;  however,  its  recoverability  must be  periodically  (at  least
annually) reviewed and tested for impairment.

Goodwill must be tested at the reporting  unit level for  impairment in the year
of adoption,  including an initial test performed within six months of adoption.
If the  initial  test  indicates a potential  impairment,  then a more  detailed
analysis to determine the extent of impairment  must be completed  within twelve
months of adoption.

During the second quarter of 2002, the Company completed the review and analysis
of its goodwill  asset in  accordance  with the  provisions of SFAS No. 142. The
result of the analysis  indicated that each reporting unit's fair value exceeded
its  carrying  amount,  including  goodwill.  As a  result,  goodwill  for  each
reporting unit was not considered impaired.

SFAS No. 142 also requires that useful lives for intangibles other than goodwill
be reassessed and the remaining  amortization  periods be adjusted  accordingly.
For further discussion of the impact of SFAS No. 142, see Note 5.

Effective April 1, 2001, the Company adopted EITF Issue No. 99-20,  "Recognition
of Interest Income and Impairment on Purchased and Retained Beneficial Interests
in Securitized  Financial  Assets".  Under the  consensus,  investors in certain
securities with contractual cash flows, primarily asset-backed  securities,  are
required to periodically  update their best estimate of cash flows over the life
of the security.  If the fair value of the  securitized  financial asset is less
than its carrying  amount and there has been a decrease in the present  value of
the  estimated  cash flows since the last  revised  estimate,  considering  both
timing and amount, an other-than-temporary  impairment charge is recognized. The
estimated  cash  flows are also used to  evaluate  whether  there  have been any
changes in the securitized  asset's  estimated yield. All yield  adjustments are
accounted for on a prospective basis. Upon adoption of EITF Issue No. 99-20, the
Company  recorded  an $11  charge  as the net of tax  cumulative  effect  of the
accounting change.

Effective  January 1, 2001, the Company  adopted SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting  for
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities",  as amended by SFAS Nos. 137 and
138. The standard requires,  among other things, that all derivatives be carried
on the balance sheet at fair value. The standard also specifies hedge accounting
criteria under which a derivative can qualify for special  accounting.  In order
to receive special accounting, the derivative instrument must qualify as a hedge
of either  the fair  value or the  variability  of the cash flow of a  qualified
asset or liability, or forecasted transaction. Special accounting for qualifying
hedges  provides  for  matching  the timing of gain or loss  recognition  on the
hedging instrument with the recognition of the corresponding changes in value of
the hedged item.  The  Company's  policy  prior to adopting  SFAS No. 133 was to
carry its derivative instruments on the balance sheet in a manner similar to the
hedged item(s).

Upon  adoption of SFAS No. 133, the Company  recorded a $23 charge as the net of
tax cumulative effect of the accounting change.  This transition  adjustment was
primarily  comprised of gains and losses on derivatives that had been previously
deferred  and not  adjusted  to the  carrying  amount of the hedged  item.  Also
included  in  the  transition  adjustment  were  gains  and  losses  related  to
recognizing  at fair value all  derivatives  that are  designated  as fair-value
hedging  instruments  offset by the difference  between the book values and fair
values of related  hedged items  attributable  to the hedged  risks.  The entire
transition  amount was previously  recorded in Accumulated  Other  Comprehensive
Income ("AOCI") - Unrealized Gain/Loss on Securities in accordance with SFAS No.
115.  Gains  and  losses  on  derivatives  that  were  previously   deferred  as
adjustments  to the  carrying  amount of hedged  items were not  affected by the
implementation  of SFAS No. 133. Upon  adoption,  the Company also  reclassified
$24, net of tax, to AOCI - Gain/(Loss)  on Cash-Flow  Hedging  Instruments  from
AOCI - Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Securities.  This reclassification reflects the
January 1, 2001 net unrealized gain for all derivatives  that were designated as
cash-flow  hedging   instruments.   For  further  discussion  of  the  Company's
derivative-related accounting policies, see the Investment section of Note 1.


In December 2003, the Accounting  Standards  Executive Committee of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("AcSEC") issued Statement of Position
03-3,  "Accounting for Certain Loans or Debt  Securities " (SOP 03-3).  SOP 03-3
addresses the accounting for differences  between  contractual and expected cash
flows to be collected from an investment in loans or fixed  maturity  securities
(collectively  hereafter  referred  to as  "loan(s)")  acquired in a transfer if
those  differences are  attributable,  at least in part, to credit quality.  SOP
03-3  limits  the yield  that may be  accreted  to the  excess of the  estimated
undiscounted expected principal,  interest and other cash flows over the initial
investment in the loan.  SOP 03-3 also  requires that the excess of  contractual
cash flows over cash flows  expected to be  collected  not be  recognized  as an
adjustment of yield, loss accrual or valuation allowance.  SOP 03-3 is effective
for loans acquired in fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 2004. For loans
acquired in fiscal years beginning on or before December 15, 2004 and within the
scope of Practice  Bulletin 6  "Amortization  of Discounts  on Certain  Acquired
Loans", SOP 03-3, as it pertains to decreases in cash flows expected to be




collected,  should be applied  prospectively  for fiscal years  beginning  after
December 15, 2004. Adoption of this statement is not expected to have a material
impact  on  the  Company's   consolidated  financial  condition  or  results  of

In July 2003,  AcSEC issued a final Statement of Position 03-1,  "Accounting and
Reporting  by Insurance  Enterprises  for Certain  Nontraditional  Long-Duration
Contracts  and for  Separate  Accounts"  (the "SOP").  The SOP  addresses a wide
variety of topics,  some of which have a significant impact on the Company.  The
major provisions of the SOP require:

o    Recognizing  expenses  for a variety of contracts  and  contract  features,
     including  guaranteed  minimum  death  benefits  ("GMDB"),   certain  death
     benefits on universal-life type contracts and annuitization  options, on an
     accrual basis versus the previous method of recognition upon payment;

o    Reporting and measuring  assets and liabilities of certain separate account
     products as general account assets and liabilities when specified  criteria
     are not met;

o    Reporting and measuring the Company's  interest in its separate accounts as
     general  account  assets based on the  insurer's  proportionate  beneficial
     interest in the separate account's underlying assets; and

o    Capitalizing  sales inducements that meet specified criteria and amortizing
     such amounts over the life of the contracts  using the same  methodology as
     used for amortizing deferred acquisition costs ("DAC").

The SOP is effective for financial  statements for fiscal years  beginning after
December  15, 2003.  At the date of initial  application,  January 1, 2004,  the
estimated  cumulative  effect of the adoption of the SOP on net income and other
comprehensive income was comprised of the following individual impacts:

                                            Net     Comprehensive
     Cumulative Effect of Adoption        Income        Income
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Establishing GMDB and other benefit
   reserves for annuity contracts [1]     $(54)           $--
Reclassifying certain separate
   accounts to general accounts             30            294
Other                                       (1)            (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Total cumulative effect of adoption       $(25)          $292
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] As of September 30, 2003,  the Company  estimated the  cumulative  effect of
    adopting  this  provision  of the  SOP to be  between  $30 and  $40,  net of
    amortization of DAC and taxes.  During the fourth quarter,  industry and the
    largest public  accounting firms reached general  consensus on how to record
    the reinsurance  recovery asset related to GMDB's.  This refinement resulted
    in the increase to the cumulative effect adjustment as of January 1, 2004.

Death Benefits and Other Insurance Benefit Features
- ---------------------------------------------------

The Company sells variable annuity contracts that offer various guaranteed death
benefits. For certain guaranteed death benefits, the Company pays the greater of
(1) the account value at death;  (2) the sum of all premium  payments less prior
withdrawals;  or (3) the maximum  anniversary  value of the  contract,  plus any
premium payments since the contract anniversary, minus any withdrawals following
the contract anniversary.  The Company currently reinsures a significant portion
of  these  death  benefit  guarantees  associated  with  its  in-force  block of
business.  As of January 1, 2004,  the Company has recorded a liability for GMDB
and other  benefits  sold with variable  annuity  products of $199 and a related
reinsurance  recoverable  asset of $108. The determination of the GMDB liability
and related  reinsurance  recoverable is based on models that involve a range of
scenarios and  assumptions,  including those regarding  expected market rates of
return and volatility,  contract surrender rates and mortality  experience.  The
assumptions  used are consistent with those used in determining  estimated gross
profits for purposes of amortizing deferred acquisition costs.

Through  December  31, 2003,  the Company had not  recorded a liability  for the
risks associated with GMDB offered on the Company's  variable annuity  business,
but had  consistently  recorded the related  expenses in the period the benefits
were paid to contractholders.  Net of reinsurance,  the Company paid $54 and $49
for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002,  respectively,  in GMDB benefits
to contractholders.

At December 31, 2003, the Company held $92.4 billion of variable  annuities that
contained guaranteed minimum death benefits.  The Company's total gross exposure
(i.e.  before  reinsurance),  or net amount at risk (the amount by which current
account values in the variable annuity  contracts are not sufficient to meet its
GMDB commitments), related to these guaranteed death benefits as of December 31,
2003 was $11.5  billion.  Due to the fact that 80% of this amount was reinsured,
the  Company's  net exposure was $2.3  billion.  However,  the Company will only
incur these  guaranteed death benefit payments in the future if the policyholder
has an in-the-money guaranteed death benefit at their time of death.

The Individual  Life segment sells  universal  life-type  contracts with certain
secondary  guarantees,  such as a guarantee that the policy will not lapse, even
if the  account  value is reduced  to zero,  as long as the  policyholder  makes
scheduled  premium  payments.  The assumptions used in the  determination of the
secondary  guarantee  liability are  consistent  with those used in  determining
estimated gross profits for purposes of amortizing  deferred policy  acquisition
costs. Based on current estimates,  the Company expects the cumulative effect on
net income upon recording this liability to be not material.  The  establishment
of the required  liability will change the earnings  pattern of these  products,
lowering earnings in the early years of the contract and increasing  earnings in
the  later  years.  Currently  there  is  diversity  in  industry  practice  and
inconsistent  guidance  surrounding  the  application  of the  SOP to  universal
life-type  contracts.   The  Company  believes  consensus  or  further  guidance
surrounding the methodology  for determining  reserves for secondary  guarantees
will develop in the future.  This may result in an adjustment to the  cumulative
effect of adopting the SOP and could impact future earnings.




Separate Account Presentation
- -----------------------------

The Company has recorded  certain  market value  adjusted  ("MVA") fixed annuity
products and modified guarantee life insurance (primarily the Company's Compound
Rate Contract  ("CRC") and  associated  assets) as separate  account  assets and
liabilities  through  December  31,  2003.   Notwithstanding  the  market  value
adjustment  feature in this product,  all of the  investment  performance of the
separate  account  assets is not  being  passed  to the  contractholder,  and it
therefore, does not meet the conditions for separate account reporting under the
SOP. On January 1, 2004,  market  value  reserves  included in separate  account
liabilities for CRC, of $10.8 billion, were revalued at current account value in
the general  account to $10.1 billion.  The related  separate  account assets of
$11.0 billion were also  reclassified to the general  account.  Fixed maturities
and equity securities were reclassified to the general account, as available for
sale  securities,  and will  continue to be  recorded  at fair  value,  however,
subsequent  changes in fair value,  net of amortization of deferred  acquisition
costs and income taxes,  will be recorded in other  comprehensive  income rather
than net income.  On January 1, 2004, the Company  recorded a cumulative  effect
adjustment to earnings  equal to the  revaluation of the  liabilities  from fair
value to account value plus the adjustment to record  unrealized  gains (losses)
on available for sale invested assets, previously recorded as a component of net
income, as other  comprehensive  income. The cumulative  adjustments to earnings
and other  comprehensive  income were recorded net of  amortization  of deferred
acquisition  costs and income taxes.  Through December 31, 2003, the Company had
recorded CRC assets and  liabilities on a market value basis with all changes in
value (market value spread) included in current earnings as a component of other
revenues. Upon adoption of the SOP, the components of CRC spread on a book value
basis will be recorded in interest income and interest credited.  Realized gains
and losses on investments  and market value  adjustments on contract  surrenders
will be recognized as incurred.

The Company has also recorded its variable  annuity products offered in Japan in
separate  account  assets and  liabilities  through  December 31,  2003.  As the
separate account  arrangement in Japan is not legally insulated from the general
account liabilities of the Company, it does not meet the conditions for separate
account  reporting  under  the  SOP.  On  January  1,  2004,   separate  account
liabilities  in Japan of $6.2 billion  recorded at account value in the separate
account,  were  reclassified to the general account with no change in value. The
related  separate  account assets of $6.2 billion were also  reclassified to the
general  account  with no change in  value.  The  separate  account  assets  are
primarily  comprised of equity  securities.  These assets were  recorded at fair
value in a trading securities portfolio and the subsequent changes in fair value
will be reflected in net investment income.

Certain  other  products  offered by the Company  recorded  in separate  account
assets and  liabilities  through  December 31, 2003,  were  reclassified  to the
general account upon adoption of the SOP.

Interests in Separate Accounts
- ------------------------------

As of  December  31,  2003,  the  Company  had $24  representing  unconsolidated
interests  in its own  separate  accounts.  These  interests  were  recorded  as
available  for sale  equity  securities,  with  changes in fair  value  recorded
through other comprehensive income. On January 1, 2004, the Company reclassified
$11 to  investment  in trading  securities,  where the  Company's  proportionate
beneficial  interest  in  the  separate  account  was  less  than  20%.  Trading
securities are recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recorded to net
investment  income.  In instances where the Company's  proportionate  beneficial
interest was between 20-50%,  the Company  reclassified $13 of its investment to
reflect the Company's proportionate interest in each of the underlying assets of
the separate account.  The Company has designated its proportionate  interest in
these equity securities and fixed maturities as available-for-sale.

Sales Inducements
- -----------------

The   Company   currently   offers   enhanced  or  bonus   crediting   rates  to
contract-holders  on  certain  of its  individual  and group  annuity  products.
Through December 31, 2003, the expense associated with offering certain of these
bonuses was deferred and amortized  over the  contingent  deferred  sales charge
period.  Others  were  expensed as  incurred.  Effective  January 1, 2004,  upon
adopting the SOP, the future  expense  associated  with offering a bonus will be
deferred  and  amortized  over the life of the  related  contract  in a  pattern
consistent  with the  amortization  of  deferred  acquisition  costs.  Effective
January  1, 2004,  amortization  expense  associated  with  expenses  previously
deferred will be recorded over the  remaining  life of the contract  rather than
over the contingent deferred sales charge period.

In May 2003,  the EITF reached a consensus in EITF Issue No. 03-4,  "Determining
the  Classification  and Benefit  Attribution  Method for a Cash Balance Pension
Plan",  that cash balance plans should be considered  defined  benefit plans for
purposes of applying SFAS No. 87, "Employers' Accounting for Pension Plans". The
EITF also  concluded that the  attribution  method used to determine the benefit
for the entire plan for certain  cash balance  plans  should be the  traditional
unit credit method.  The consensus is effective as of the next  measurement date
of the plan,  which is December 31, 2003,  for the Company's  cash balance plan.
Any difference between the evaluation under the previous  attribution method and
the new  attribution  method should be recognized as an actuarial  gain or loss.
Adoption  of this  issue  is not  expected  to  have a  material  impact  on the
Company's consolidated financial condition or results of operations.





In December  2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 148,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation  - Transition  and  Disclosure,  an Amendment of FASB Statement No.
123", which provides three optional  transition methods for entities that decide
to  voluntarily  adopt the fair value  recognition  principles  of SFAS No. 123,
"Accounting   for  Stock-Based   Compensation",   and  modifies  the  disclosure
requirements  of SFAS No. 123.  In January  2003,  the Company  adopted the fair
value recognition  provisions of accounting for employee stock  compensation and
used  the  prospective   transition  method.   Under  the  prospective   method,
stock-based  compensation  expense is recognized  for awards granted or modified
after the  beginning  of the fiscal  year in which the change is made.  The fair
value of stock-based  awards granted during the year ended December 31, 2003 was
$42,  after-tax.  The fair value of these awards will be  recognized  as expense
over the awards' vesting periods, generally three years.

All  stock-based  awards  granted  or  modified  prior to  January  1, 2003 will
continue to be valued using the intrinsic  value-based  provisions  set forth in
Accounting Principles Board ("APB") Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued
to  Employees".  Under the  intrinsic  value  method,  compensation  expense  is
determined on the  measurement  date,  which is the first date on which both the
number of shares the employee is entitled to receive and the exercise  price are
known.  Compensation expense, if any, is measured based on the award's intrinsic
value,  which is the excess of the market  price of the stock over the  exercise
price on the measurement date. The expense,  including non-option plans, related
to stock-based employee compensation included in the determination of net income
for the years ended  December  31,  2003,  2002 and 2001 is less than that which
would  have been  recognized  if the fair value  method had been  applied to all
awards since the effective  date of SFAS No. 123. For further  discussion of the
Company's stock-based compensation plans, see Note 11.

The  following  table  illustrates  the effect on net income (loss) and earnings
(loss)  per share  (basic  and  diluted)  as if the fair  value  method had been
applied to all outstanding and unvested awards in each period.

                                                                                         For the years ended December 31,
(In millions, except for per share data)                                                 2003             2002               2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss), as reported                                                    $       (91)      $     1,000      $       507
Add:  Stock-based employee compensation expense included in reported net income
   (loss), net of related tax effects [1]                                                  20                 6                8
Deduct:  Total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under the
   fair value method for all awards, net of related tax effects                           (50)              (59)             (52)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pro forma net income (loss) [2]                                                   $      (121)      $       947      $       463
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Earnings (loss) per share:
   Basic - as reported                                                            $     (0.33)      $      4.01      $      2.13
   Basic - pro forma [2]                                                          $     (0.44)      $      3.80      $      1.95
   Diluted - as reported [3]                                                      $     (0.33)      $      3.97      $      2.10
   Diluted - pro forma [2] [3]                                                    $     (0.44)      $      3.76      $      1.92
[1]  Includes  the  impact  of  non-option  plans of $6, $3 and $6 for the years
     ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
[2]  The pro forma  disclosures  are not  representative  of the  effects on net
     income (loss) and earnings (loss) per share in future years.
[3]  As a result of the net loss for the year ended December 31, 2003,  SFAS No.
     128,  "Earnings  Per Share",  requires  the  Company to use basic  weighted
     average  common shares  outstanding  in the  calculation  of the year ended
     December 31, 2003 diluted earnings (loss) per share, since the inclusion of
     options  of 1.8 would  have been  antidilutive  to the  earnings  per share
     calculation. In the absence of the net loss, weighted average common shares
     outstanding and dilutive potential common shares would have totaled 274.2.

The fair value of each option  grant is estimated on the date of the grant using
the  Black-Scholes  options-pricing  model with the following  weighted  average
assumptions used for grants in 2003, 2002 and 2001:

                                   2003        2002       2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividend yield                       2.3%         1.6%       1.6%
Expected price variability           39.8%       40.8%      29.1%
Risk-free interest rate              2.77%       4.27%      4.98%
Expected life                       6 years     6 years   6 years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

The use of the fair value  recognition  method results in  compensation  expense
being  recognized  in the  financial  statements  at  different  amounts  and in
different  periods  than  the  related  income  tax  deduction.  Generally,  the
compensation expense recognized under SFAS No. 123 will result in a deferred tax
asset since the stock  compensation  expense is not deductible for tax until the
option  is  exercised.  Deferred  tax  assets  arising  under  SFAS No.  123 are
evaluated as to future  realizability to determine whether a valuation allowance
is necessary. (For further discussion, see Note 15.)


The  Hartford's  investments  in both fixed  maturities,  which  include  bonds,
redeemable  preferred stock and commercial paper; and equity  securities,  which
include  common  and   non-redeemable   preferred  stocks,   are  classified  as
"available-for-sale"  as defined in SFAS No. 115. Accordingly,  these securities
are carried at fair value with the after-tax  difference from amortized cost, as
adjusted for the effect of deducting the life and pension  policyholders'  share
of the immediate participation guaranteed contracts and certain life and annuity
deferred  policy  acquisition  costs,  reflected  in  stockholders'  equity as a
component of AOCI. Policy loans are carried at outstanding




balance,  which approximates fair value. Other investments  primarily consist of
limited  partnership  interests,  derivatives  and mortgage  loans.  The limited
partnerships  are  accounted  for under the equity  method and  accordingly  the
partnership  earnings are included in net  investment  income.  Derivatives  are
carried at fair value and  mortgage  loans on real  estate are  recorded  at the
outstanding principal balance adjusted for amortization of premiums or discounts
and net of valuation allowances, if any.

Valuation of Fixed Maturities

The fair value for fixed  maturity  securities  is largely  determined by one of
three  primary  pricing  methods:  independent  third  party  pricing  services,
independent  broker quotations or pricing  matrices,  which use data provided by
external  sources.  With  the  exception  of  short-term  securities  for  which
amortized cost is predominantly used to approximate fair value, security pricing
is applied using a hierarchy or  "waterfall"  approach  whereby prices are first
sought from independent  pricing services with the remaining unpriced securities
submitted to brokers for prices or lastly priced via a pricing matrix.

Prices from independent  pricing  services are often  unavailable for securities
that are rarely traded or are traded only in privately negotiated  transactions.
As a  result,  a  significant  percentage  of  the  Company's  asset-backed  and
commercial  mortgage-backed  securities  are  priced via  broker  quotations.  A
pricing  matrix is used to price  securities  for which the Company is unable to
obtain  either a price  from a third  party  service  or an  independent  broker
quotation. The pricing matrix begins with current treasury rates and uses credit
spreads and issuer-specific yield adjustments received from an independent third
party source to determine the market price for the security.  The credit spreads
incorporate  the issuer's  credit rating as assigned by a nationally  recognized
rating agency and a risk premium, if warranted, due to the issuer's industry and
security's time to maturity. The issuer-specific yield adjustments, which can be
positive or negative, are updated twice annually, as of June 30 and December 31,
by an independent  third-party source and are intended to adjust security prices
for issuer-specific  factors. The matrix-priced  securities at December 31, 2003
and 2002, primarily consisted of non-144A private placements and have an average
duration of 4.6.

The following  table  identifies the fair value of fixed maturity  securities by
pricing source as of December 31, 2003 and 2002:

                                                                2003                                           2002
                                              ------------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------
                                               General Account Fixed     Percentage of        General Account Fixed    Percentage of
                                              Maturities at Fair Value    Total Fair           Maturities at Fair       Total Fair
                                                                             Value                    Value                Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Priced via independent market quotations      $          51,554               84.2%          $        40,391                82.5%
Priced via broker quotations                              3,090                5.0%                    3,987                 8.2%
Priced via matrices                                       3,297                5.4%                    2,373                 4.9%
Priced via other methods                                    209                0.3%                      151                 0.3%
Short-term investments [1]                                3,113                5.1%                    1,987                 4.1%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL                                     $          61,263              100.0%          $        48,889               100.0%
[1]  Short-term  investments  are valued at amortized cost,  which  approximates
     fair value.

The fair value of a financial  instrument is the amount at which the  instrument
could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties,  other than
in a  forced  or  liquidation  sale.  As such,  the  estimated  fair  value of a
financial  instrument  may differ  significantly  from the amount  that could be
realized if the security was sold immediately.

Other-Than-Temporary Impairments

One of the significant  estimations  inherent in the valuation of investments is
the   evaluation  of   other-than-temporary   impairments.   The  evaluation  of
impairments is a quantitative and qualitative process, which is subject to risks
and  uncertainties  and is intended to  determine  whether  declines in the fair
value of investments should be recognized in current period earnings.  The risks
and uncertainties  include changes in general economic conditions,  the issuer's
financial  condition or near term recovery  prospects and the effects of changes
in interest rates.  The Company's  accounting  policy requires that a decline in
the value of a security  below its amortized cost basis be assessed to determine
if the  decline is  other-than-temporary.  If so, the  security  is deemed to be
other-than-temporarily  impaired,  and a  charge  is  recorded  in net  realized
capital losses equal to the difference between the fair value and amortized cost
basis of the  security.  The fair value of the  other-than-temporarily  impaired
investment  becomes  its new cost basis.  The Company has a security  monitoring
process overseen by a committee of investment and accounting  professionals that
identifies securities that, due to certain characteristics,  as described below,
are subjected to an enhanced analysis on a quarterly basis.

Securities  not  subject  to EITF Issue No.  99-20  ("non-EITF  Issue No.  99-20
securities"),  that are  depressed by twenty  percent or more for six months are
presumed to be  other-than-temporarily  impaired  unless the  depression  is the
result of rising  interest rates or significant  objective  verifiable  evidence
supports  that the security  price is  temporarily  depressed and is expected to
recover within a reasonable period of time. Non-EITF Issue No.
99-20 securities  depressed less than twenty percent or depressed twenty percent
or more but for less  than six  months  are also  reviewed  to  determine  if an
other-than-temporary  impairment is present.  The primary factors  considered in
evaluating whether a decline in value for non-EITF Issue No. 99-20 securities is




other-than-temporary include: (a) the length of time and the extent to which the
fair value has been less than cost, (b) the financial  condition,  credit rating
and  near-term  prospects  of the  issuer,  (c) whether the debtor is current on
contractually  obligated  interest and principal payments and (d) the intent and
ability of the Company to retain the investment for a period of time  sufficient
to allow for recovery.

For certain securitized  financial assets with contractual cash flows (including
asset-backed  securities),   EITF  Issue  No.  99-20  requires  the  Company  to
periodically  update  its  best  estimate  of cash  flows  over  the life of the
security.  If the fair value of a securitized  financial  asset is less than its
carrying  amount  and  there has been a  decrease  in the  present  value of the
estimated cash flows since the last revised  estimate,  considering  both timing
and  amount,  then an  other-than-temporary  impairment  charge  is  recognized.
Projections of expected  future cash flows may change based upon new information
regarding the performance of the underlying collateral.

For securities expected to be sold, an other-than-temporary impairment charge is
recognized  if the  Company  does not expect  the fair  value of a  security  to
recover to amortized cost prior to the expected date of sale. Once an impairment
charge  has  been   recorded,   the  Company   then   continues  to  review  the
other-than-temporarily  impaired securities for additional  other-than-temporary

Net Realized Capital Gains and Losses

Net realized capital gains and losses on security  transactions  associated with
the  Company's  immediate  participation  guaranteed  contracts are recorded and
offset by amounts owed to policyholders and were $1 for the years ended December
31, 2003,  2002, and 2001.  Under the terms of the  contracts,  the net realized
capital  gains and losses will be credited to  policyholders  in future years as
they are entitled to receive them. Net realized capital gains and losses,  after
deducting the life and pension  policyholders' share and related amortization of
deferred policy  acquisition costs for certain Life products,  are reported as a
component of revenues and are determined on a specific identification basis.

Net Investment Income

Interest  income from fixed  maturities is recognized  when earned on a constant
effective  yield basis.  The Company stops  recognizing  interest income when it
does not expect to receive amounts in accordance  with the contractual  terms of
the security. Net investment income on these investments is recognized only when
interest payments are received.


- --------

The Company utilizes a variety of derivative instruments, including swaps, caps,
floors,  forwards,  futures  and options  through  one of four  Company-approved
objectives: to hedge risk arising from interest rate, price or currency exchange
rate volatility;  to manage liquidity; to control transaction costs; or to enter
into income enhancement and replication transactions. (For a further discussion,
see Note 3.)

The Company's  derivative  transactions are permitted uses of derivatives  under
the derivatives use plan filed and/or approved,  as applicable,  by the State of
Connecticut  and the State of New York insurance  departments.  The Company does
not make a market  or trade in these  instruments  for the  express  purpose  of
earning short-term trading profits.

Accounting and Financial  Statement  Presentation of Derivative  Instruments and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hedging Activities
- ------------------

Effective  January 1, 2001, and in accordance with SFAS No. 133, all derivatives
are  recognized  on the balance  sheet at their fair value.  Fair value is based
upon  either  independent  market  quotations  for  exchange  traded  derivative
contracts,  independent  third party pricing sources or pricing valuation models
which utilize  independent  third party data as inputs The derivative  contracts
are  reported  as  assets  or  liabilities  in  other   investments   and  other
liabilities,   respectively,  in  the  consolidated  balance  sheets,  excluding
embedded   derivatives  and  guaranteed   minimum  withdrawal  benefit  ("GMWB")
reinsurance  contracts.  Embedded  derivatives are recorded in the  consolidated
balance sheets with the associated host instrument.  GMWB  reinsurance  contract
amounts are recorded in reinsurance  recoverables  in the  consolidated  balance

On the date the derivative  contract is entered into, the Company designates the
derivative  as (1) a hedge of the fair value of a recognized  asset or liability
("fair  value"  hedge),  (2) a  hedge  of a  forecasted  transaction  or of  the
variability  of cash flows to be received or paid related to a recognized  asset
or  liability  ("cash-flow"  hedge),  (3)  a  foreign-currency,  fair  value  or
cash-flow hedge ("foreign-currency" hedge), (4) a hedge of a net investment in a
foreign  operation  or  (5)  held  for  other  investment  and  risk  management
activities,  which primarily  involve managing asset or liability  related risks
which do not qualify for hedge accounting under SFAS No. 133.

Fair-Value Hedges

Changes in the fair value of a derivative  that is designated and qualifies as a
fair-value  hedge,  along with the changes in the fair value of the hedged asset
or liability  that is  attributable  to the hedged risk, are recorded in current
period  earnings  with any  differences  between the net change in fair value of
derivative and the hedged item representing the hedge ineffectiveness.  Periodic
derivative net coupon settlements are recorded in net investment income.

Cash-Flow Hedges

Changes in the fair value of a derivative  that is designated and qualifies as a
cash-flow hedge are recorded in AOCI and are reclassified into earnings when the
variability  of the cash flow of the hedged  item  impacts  earnings.  Gains and
losses on




derivative  contracts that are reclassified from AOCI to current period earnings
are included in the line item in the  consolidated  statements  of operations in
which the  hedged  item is  recorded.  Any  hedge  ineffectiveness  is  recorded
immediately  in  current  period  earnings.   Periodic   derivative  net  coupon
settlements are recorded in net investment income.

Foreign-Currency Hedges

Changes in the fair value of  derivatives  that are  designated  and  qualify as
foreign-currency  hedges are recorded in either current period earnings or AOCI,
depending on whether the hedged transaction is a fair-value hedge or a cash-flow
hedge,  respectively.  Any hedge  ineffectiveness  is  recorded  immediately  in
current period earnings. Periodic derivative net coupon settlements are recorded
in net investment income.

Net Investment in a Foreign Operation Hedges

Changes in fair-value of a derivative  used as a hedge of a net  investment in a
foreign  operation,  to the extent  effective  as a hedge,  are  recorded in the
foreign currency translation adjustments account within AOCI. Cumulative changes
in fair value recorded in AOCI are  reclassified  into earnings upon the sale or
complete or substantially  complete liquidation of the foreign entity. Any hedge
ineffectiveness  is recorded  immediately in current period  earnings.  Periodic
derivative net coupon settlements are recorded in net investment income.

Other Investment and Risk Management Activities

The Company's other investment and risk management  activities  primarily relate
to strategies used to reduce economic risk or enhance income, and do not receive
hedge  accounting  treatment  under SFAS No.  133.  Changes  in the fair  value,
including periodic net coupon  settlements,  of derivative  instruments held for
other  investment  and risk  management  purposes are reported in current period
earnings as net realized  capital  gains and losses.  During  2003,  the Company
began recording  periodic net coupon  settlements in net realized  capital gains
and losses and reclassified  prior period amounts to conform to the current year

Hedge Documentation and Effectiveness Testing
- ---------------------------------------------

At hedge inception,  the Company formally  documents all  relationships  between
hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its  risk-management  objective
and strategy for  undertaking  each hedge  transaction.  In connection  with the
implementation  of SFAS No. 133, the Company  designated anew all existing hedge
relationships.  The documentation  process includes linking all derivatives that
are  designated as fair-value,  cash-flow,  foreign-currency  or  net-investment
hedges to specific  assets and  liabilities  on the balance sheet or to specific
forecasted transactions. The Company also formally assesses, both at the hedge's
inception  and on an ongoing  basis,  whether the  derivatives  that are used in
hedging  transactions are highly effective in offsetting  changes in fair values
or cash flows of hedged  items.  At  inception,  and on a quarterly  basis,  the
change in value of the hedging  instrument and the change in value of the hedged
item  are  measured  to  assess  the  validity  of  maintaining   special  hedge
accounting. Hedging relationships are considered highly effective if the changes
in the fair value or discounted cash flows of the hedging  instrument are within
a ratio of 80-125% of the inverse  changes in the fair value or discounted  cash
flows of the hedged item. Hedge effectiveness is assessed using the quantitative
methods,  prescribed  by SFAS No.  133,  as  amended,  including  the "Change in
Variable  Cash  Flows  Method,"  the  "Change  in  Fair  Value  Method"  and the
"Hypothetical  Derivative  Method " depending  on the hedge  strategy.  If it is
determined  that a derivative  is no longer  highly  effective  as a hedge,  the
Company  discontinues  hedge  accounting  in the period in which the  derivative
became ineffective and prospectively, as discussed below under discontinuance of
hedge accounting.

Discontinuance of Hedge Accounting
- ----------------------------------

The  Company  discontinues  hedge  accounting   prospectively  when  (1)  it  is
determined  that the  derivative  is no longer  highly  effective in  offsetting
changes in the fair value or cash flows of a hedged item;  (2) the derivative is
dedesignated  as a hedge  instrument,  because it is unlikely  that a forecasted
transaction will occur; or (3) the derivative expires or is sold, terminated, or
exercised.  When hedge accounting is discontinued  because it is determined that
the  derivative  no longer  qualifies  as an  effective  fair-value  hedge,  the
derivative  continues  to be  carried at fair  value on the  balance  sheet with
changes in its fair value recognized in current period earnings.  The changes in
the fair  value of the  hedged  asset or  liability  are no longer  recorded  in
earnings.  When hedge  accounting is  discontinued  because the Company  becomes
aware that it is not probable that the forecasted  transaction  will occur,  the
derivative  continues to be carried on the balance sheet at its fair value,  and
gains and losses that were  accumulated  in AOCI are  recognized  immediately in
earnings. In all other situations in which hedge




accounting  is  discontinued  on a cash-flow  hedge,  including  those where the
derivative is sold, terminated or exercised, amounts previously deferred in AOCI
are amortized into earnings when earnings are impacted by the variability of the
cash flow of the hedged item.

Embedded Derivatives
- --------------------

The Company occasionally  purchases or issues financial  instruments or products
that  contain  a  derivative  instrument  that  is  embedded  in  the  financial
instrument or products.  When it is determined that (1) the embedded  derivative
possesses economic  characteristics  that are not clearly and closely related to
the economic characteristics of the host contract, and (2) a separate instrument
with the same terms  would  qualify as a  derivative  instrument,  the  embedded
derivative is bifurcated  from the host for measurement  purposes.  The embedded
derivative,  which is  reported  with the host  instrument  in the  consolidated
balance sheets,  is carried at fair value with changes in fair value reported in
net realized capital gains and losses.

Credit Risk
- -----------

The Company's derivatives  counterparty exposure policy establishes market-based
credit limits,  favors long-term financial stability and  creditworthiness,  and
typically requires credit  enhancement/credit risk reducing agreements. By using
derivative instruments, the Company is exposed to credit risk, which is measured
as the  amount  owed to the  Company  based on  current  market  conditions  and
potential payment obligations  between the Company and its counterparties.  When
the fair value of a derivative  contract is positive,  this  indicates  that the
counterparty  owes the Company,  and,  therefore,  exposes the Company to credit
risk.  Credit  exposures  are  generally   quantified  weekly  and  netted,  and
collateral is pledged to and held by, or on behalf of, the Company to the extent
the current value of derivatives exceeds exposure policy thresholds. The Company
also  minimizes  the credit risk in  derivative  instruments  by  entering  into
transactions with high quality  counterparties that are reviewed periodically by
the Company's internal compliance unit, reviewed frequently by senior management
and reported to the Company's Finance  Committee of the Board of Directors.  The
Company also maintains a policy of requiring  that all  derivative  contracts be
governed by an International Swaps and Derivatives  Association Master Agreement
which is structured by legal entity and by counterparty and permits the right of
offset.  In addition,  the Company  periodically  enters into swap agreements in
which the Company assumes credit exposure from a single entity, referenced index
or asset pool.

Product Derivatives and Risk Management

The Company offers certain variable annuity products with a GMWB rider. The GMWB
provides the  policyholder  with a guaranteed  remaining  balance ("GRB") if the
account  value is reduced to zero through a combination  of market  declines and
withdrawals.  The GRB is generally equal to premiums less withdrawals.  However,
annual  withdrawals that exceed 7% of the premiums paid may reduce the GRB by an
amount greater than the  withdrawals  and may also impact the guaranteed  annual
withdrawal amount that subsequently  applies after the excess annual withdrawals
occur. The policyholder  also has the option,  after a specified time period, to
reset the GRB to the then-current account value, if greater. The GMWB represents
an embedded  derivative in the variable  annuity contract that is required to be
reported  separately from the host variable annuity  contract.  It is carried at
fair value and reported in other policyholder  funds. The fair value of the GMWB
obligations  is  calculated  based  on  actuarial  assumptions  related  to  the
projected cash flows,  including benefits and related contract charges, over the
lives  of the  contracts,  incorporating  expectations  concerning  policyholder
behavior.  Because  of the  dynamic  and  complex  nature of these  cash  flows,
stochastic  techniques under a variety of market return scenarios and other best
estimate  assumptions are used.  Estimating  these cash flows involves  numerous
estimates and subjective  judgments  including those  regarding  expected market
rates of return, market volatility,  correlations of market returns and discount
rates. In valuing the embedded  derivative,  the Company attributes a portion of
the fees  collected from the  policyholder  equal to the present value of future
GMWB  claims  (the  "Attributed  Fees").  All  changes  in the fair value of the
embedded  derivative are recorded in net realized capital gains and losses.  The
excess of fees collected from the  policyholder for the GMWB over the Attributed
Fees are recorded in fee income.

For all  contracts in effect  through July 6, 2003,  the Company  entered into a
reinsurance  arrangement  to offset  its  exposure  to the GMWB for the lives of
those  contracts.  This arrangement is recognized as a derivative and carried at
fair value in  reinsurance  recoverables.  Changes in the fair value of both the
derivative assets and liabilities  related to the reinsured GMWB are recorded in
net realized capital gains and losses. As of July 6, 2003, the Company exhausted
all  but  a  small  portion  of  the  reinsurance  capacity  under  the  current
arrangement, as it relates to new business, and will be ceding only a very small
number  of new  contracts  subsequent  to July 6,  2003.  Substantially  all new
contracts with the GMWB are not covered by reinsurance. As of December 31, 2003,
$6.2 billion or 36% of account value with the GMWB feature was  unreinsured.  In
order  to  minimize  the  volatility   associated  with  the  unreinsured   GMWB
liabilities,   the  Company  has  established  an  alternative  risk  management
strategy.  During the third  quarter of 2003,  the  Company  began  hedging  its
unreinsured  GMWB exposure  using  interest  rate  futures,  Standard and Poor's
("S&P") 500 and NASDAQ  index put options  and futures  contracts.  For the year
ended  December 31, 2003,  net realized  capital  gains and losses  included the
change in market value of both the value of the embedded  derivative  related to
the GMWB liability and the related  derivative  contracts that were purchased as
economic  hedges,  the net effect of which was a $6 gain before  deferred policy
acquisition  costs  and tax  effects.  The net  gain  is due  principally  to an
approximate  $4  gain  associated  with  international  funds  for  which  hedge
positions had not been initiated  prior to December 31, 2003, but were initiated
in the first  quarter  of 2004 and $2 due to  modeling  refinements  to  improve
valuation estimates.  Excluding these items our hedging strategy ineffectiveness
on S&P 500 and NASDAQ economic hedge positions was not significant.





The  Company  maintains  separate  account  assets  and  liabilities,  which are
reported  at fair  value.  Separate  account  assets are  segregated  from other
investments  and investment  income and gains and losses accrue  directly to the
policyholder.  Separate  accounts  reflect two  categories  of risk  assumption:
non-guaranteed   separate  accounts,   wherein  the  policyholder   assumes  the
investment  risk,  and  guaranteed   separate  accounts,   wherein  the  Company
contractually  guarantees  either  a  minimum  return  or  account  value to the
policyholder.  The fees earned for administrative and contractholder maintenance
services performed for these separate accounts are included in fee income.

Beginning January 1, 2004,  products  previously recorded in guaranteed separate
accounts  through  December 31, 2003, will be recorded in the general account in
accordance  with the  Company's  adoption  of the SOP.  See the  Adoption of New
Accounting  Standards  section of Note 1 for a more  complete  discussion of the
Company's adoption of the SOP.


LIFE - Policy  acquisition  costs,  which include  commissions and certain other
expenses that vary with and are primarily  associated  with acquiring  business,
are deferred and amortized over the estimated lives of the contracts, usually 20
years.  These deferred costs,  together with the present value of future profits
of acquired business,  are recorded as an asset commonly referred to as deferred
policy  acquisition  costs and  present  value of  future  profits  ("DAC").  At
December 31, 2003 and 2002,  the  carrying  value of Life's DAC was $6.6 billion
and $5.8 billion,  respectively.  For statutory accounting purposes,  such costs
are expensed as incurred.

DAC related to traditional policies are amortized over the premium-paying period
in  proportion  to the present  value of annual  expected  premium  income.  DAC
related to investment  contracts and universal  life-type contracts are deferred
and amortized using the  retrospective  deposit method.  Under the retrospective
deposit  method,  acquisition  costs are  amortized in proportion to the present
value of estimated gross profits  ("EGPs"),  arising  principally from projected
investment,   mortality  and  expense   margins  and  surrender   charges.   The
attributable  portion of the DAC amortization is allocated to realized gains and
losses  on  investments.   The  DAC  balance  is  also  adjusted  through  other
comprehensive  income by an amount that represents the  amortization of deferred
policy  acquisition costs that would have been required as a charge or credit to
operations had unrealized gains and losses on investments been realized.  Actual
gross profits can vary from  management's  estimates,  resulting in increases or
decreases in the rate of amortization.

The Company  regularly  evaluates its EGPs to determine if actual  experience or
other evidence suggests that earlier  estimates should be revised.  In the event
that the Company were to revise its EGPs, the cumulative DAC amortization  would
be  adjusted  to  reflect  such  revised  EGPs in the period  the  revision  was
determined to be necessary.  Several assumptions considered to be significant in
the development of EGPs include separate account fund performance, surrender and
lapse rates,  estimated  interest spread and estimated  mortality.  The separate
account fund  performance  assumption is critical to the development of the EGPs
related to the  Company's  variable  annuity  and to a lesser  extent,  variable
universal  life  insurance  businesses.  The average  annual  long-term  rate of
assumed separate account fund performance (before mortality and expense charges)
used in estimating gross profits for the variable annuity and variable universal
life business was 9% for the years ended  December 31, 2003 and 2002.  For other
products including fixed annuities and other universal life-type contracts,  the
average  assumed  investment  yield  ranged from 5% to 8.5% for both years ended
December 31, 2003 and 2002.

The Company has developed  sophisticated  modeling  capabilities to evaluate its
DAC asset,  which allowed it to run a large number of stochastically  determined
scenarios  of separate  account  fund  performance.  These  scenarios  were then
utilized to calculate a statistically  significant range of reasonable estimates
of EGPs.  This range was then  compared to the present  value of EGPs  currently
utilized in the DAC  amortization  model.  As of December 31, 2003,  the present
value  of the  EGPs  utilized  in the  DAC  amortization  model  fall  within  a
reasonable range of statistically calculated present value of EGPs. As a result,
the Company  does not believe  there is  sufficient  evidence to suggest  that a
revision to the EGPs (and  therefore,  a revision to the DAC) as of December 31,
2003 is  necessary;  however,  if in the  future  the EGPs  utilized  in the DAC
amortization  model  were to  exceed  the  margin  of the  reasonable  range  of
statistically calculated EGPs, a revision could be necessary.  Furthermore,  the
Company has  estimated  that the  present  value of the EGPs is likely to remain
within a reasonable  range if overall separate account returns decline by 15% or
less for  2004,  and if  certain  other  assumptions  that are  implicit  in the
computations of the EGPs are achieved.

Additionally,  the Company  continues  to perform  analyses  with respect to the
potential  impact of a revision to future EGPs.  If such a revision to EGPs were
deemed  necessary,  the  Company  would  adjust,  as  appropriate,  all  of  its
assumptions  for  products  accounted  for  in  accordance  with  SFAS  No.  97,
"Accounting  and Reporting by Insurance  Enterprises  for Certain  Long-Duration
Contracts and for Realized Gains and Losses from the Sale of  Investments",  and
reproject  its future  EGPs based on  current  account  values at the end of the
quarter in which a revision is deemed to be necessary. To illustrate the effects
of this  process,  assume the  Company  had  concluded  that a  revision  of the
Company's  EGPs was required at December 31, 2003.  If the Company  assumed a 9%
average long-term rate of growth from December 31, 2003 forward along with other
appropriate  assumption  changes in  determining  the revised EGPs,  the Company
estimates  the  cumulative  increase  to  amortization  would  be  approximately
$45-$50,  after-tax.  If instead the Company  were to assume a long-term  growth
rate  of  8%  in  determining   the  revised  EGPs,  the  adjustment   would  be
approximately $60-$70, after-tax.  Assuming that such an adjustment were to have
been required,  the Company  anticipates  that there would have been  immaterial
impacts on its DAC amortization for the 2004 and 2005 years exclusive of the




adjustment,  and that there would have been positive  earnings  effects in later
years. Any such adjustment would not affect statutory income or surplus,  due to
the prescribed accounting for such amounts that is discussed above.

Aside  from  absolute  levels  and  timing  of market  performance  assumptions,
additional factors that will influence this determination  include the degree of
volatility in separate  account fund  performance and shifts in asset allocation
within the separate account made by policyholders.  The overall return generated
by the separate account is dependent on several factors,  including the relative
mix of the underlying  sub-accounts among bond funds and equity funds as well as
equity  sector   weightings.   The  Company's   overall  separate  account  fund
performance has been reasonably correlated to the overall performance of the S&P
500 Index (which  closed at 1,112 on December 31,  2003),  although no assurance
can be provided that this correlation will continue in the future.

The  overall  recoverability  of the  DAC  asset  is  dependent  on  the  future
profitability of the business. The Company tests the aggregate recoverability of
the DAC asset by comparing  the amounts  deferred to the present  value of total
EGPs.  In  addition,  the  Company  routinely  stress  tests  its DAC  asset for
recoverability  against severe declines in its separate  account  assets,  which
could occur if the equity markets experienced another significant  sell-off,  as
the majority of policyholders' funds in the separate accounts is invested in the
equity market.  As of December 31, 2003, the Company  believed  variable annuity
separate  account  assets could fall by at least 40% before  portions of its DAC
asset would be unrecoverable.

PROPERTY &  CASUALTY - The  Property  &  Casualty  operations  also incur  costs
including  commissions,  premium  taxes  and  certain  underwriting  and  policy
issuance costs,  that vary with and are related  primarily to the acquisition of
property and casualty  insurance business and are deferred and amortized ratably
over the period the related premiums are earned.  Deferred acquisition costs are
reviewed to determine if they are  recoverable  from future income,  and if not,
are charged to  expense.  Anticipated  investment  income is  considered  in the
determination of the  recoverability of deferred policy  acquisition  costs. For
the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 no material amounts of deferred
policy  acquisition  costs were charged to expense based on the determination of


Life insurance  subsidiaries of The Hartford  establish and carry as liabilities
actuarially  determined  reserves,  which are  calculated to meet The Hartford's
future  obligations.  Reserves for life insurance and  disability  contracts are
based on actuarially recognized methods using prescribed morbidity and mortality
tables in general use in the United  States,  which are  modified to reflect The
Hartford's actual  experience when  appropriate.  These reserves are computed at
amounts that,  with additions  from  estimated  premiums to be received and with
interest on such reserves  compounded  annually at certain  assumed  rates,  are
expected to be sufficient to meet The  Hartford's  policy  obligations  at their
maturities or in the event of an insured's  disability  or death.  Changes in or
deviations from the assumptions used for mortality,  morbidity,  expected future
premiums and interest can significantly  affect the Company's reserve levels and
related future  operations.  Reserves also include  unearned  premiums,  premium
deposits, claims incurred but not reported and claims reported but not yet paid.
Reserves for assumed  reinsurance are computed in a manner that is comparable to
direct insurance reserves.

Liabilities  for future  policy  benefits are computed by the net level  premium
method using  interest  assumptions  ranging from 3% to 11% and  withdrawal  and
mortality  assumptions  appropriate at the time the policies were issued.  Claim
reserves,  which  are the  result  of sales of group  long-term  and  short-term
disability, stop loss, and Medicare supplement, are stated at amounts determined
by estimates on individual  cases and  estimates of  unreported  claims based on
past experience.

The following table displays the development of the claim reserves  (included in
reserve  for  future  policy  benefits  and unpaid  claims and claim  adjustment
expenses in the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets)  resulting  primarily from group
disability products.

                                  For the years ended December 31,
                                    2003      2002       2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
BEGINNING CLAIM RESERVES-GROSS     $2,914     $2,764    $2,384
Reinsurance recoverables              275        264       177
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
BEGINNING CLAIM RESERVES-NET        2,639      2,500     2,207
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
     Current year                   1,140      1,154     1,272
     Prior years                      (41)         4       (15)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL INCURRED                      1,099      1,158     1,257
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
     Current year                     367        387       439
     Prior years                      638        632       525
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL PAID                          1,005      1,019       964
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
ENDING CLAIM RESERVES-NET           2,733      2,639     2,500
Acquisition of claim reserves       1,497         --        --
Reinsurance recoverables              250        275       264
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
ENDING CLAIM RESERVES-GROSS        $4,480     $2,914    $2,764


The  Hartford  establishes  property  and  casualty  reserves to provide for the
estimated  costs of paying  claims made under  policies  written by the Company.
These  reserves  include  estimates  for both claims that have been reported and
those that have been  incurred but not  reported,  and include  estimates of all
expenses  associated with  processing and settling these claims.  Estimating the
ultimate cost of future claims and claim adjustment expenses is an uncertain and
complex  process.   This  estimation  process  is  based  significantly  on  the
assumption that past developments are an appropriate predictor of future events,
and involves a variety of actuarial  techniques that analyze experience,  trends
and other  relevant  factors.  The  uncertainties  involved  with the  reserving
process  have  become  increasingly  unpredictable  due to a number  of  complex
factors  including  social and  economic  trends and changes in the  concepts of
legal liability and damage awards. Accordingly, final claim settlements may vary
from the present estimates, particularly when those payments may not occur until
well into the future.




The Hartford  continually reviews the adequacy of its estimated claims and claim
adjustment  expense  reserves on an overall  basis.  Adjustments  to  previously
established  reserves,  if any, are  reflected in the  operating  results of the
period in which the adjustment is determined to be necessary. In the judgment of
management,  all information currently available has been properly considered in
the reserves established for claims and claim adjustment expenses.

Most of the  Company's  property  and  casualty  reserves  are  not  discounted.
However,  certain liabilities for unpaid claims,  where the amount and timing of
payments  are fixed  and  reliably  determinable,  principally  for  permanently
disabled  claimants and certain structured  settlement  contracts that fund loss
run-offs for  unrelated  parties have been  discounted to present value using an
average interest rate of 4.8% in 2003 and 5.0% in 2002. At December 31, 2003 and
2002,  such  discounted  reserves  totaled $799 and $720,  respectively  (net of
discounts of $525 and $527,  respectively).  Accretion of this  discount did not
have a material effect on net income during 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


Other  policyholder  funds and benefits  payable include reserves for investment
contracts  without  life  contingencies,  corporate  owned  life  insurance  and
universal life insurance contracts.  Of the amounts included in this item, $25.6
billion  and $22.3  billion,  as of December  31,  2003 and 2002,  respectively,
represent net  policyholder  obligations.  The liability for policy benefits for
universal  life-type  contracts  is equal to the  balance  that  accrues  to the
benefit of policyholders,  including credited  interest,  amounts that have been
assessed to  compensate  the Company for  services to be  performed  over future
periods,  and any amounts  previously  assessed against  policyholders  that are
refundable on termination of the contract.

For investment contracts,  policyholder liabilities are equal to the accumulated
policy account values, which consist of an accumulation of deposit payments plus
credited interest,  less withdrawals and amounts assessed through the end of the


LIFE - For investment and universal life-type  contracts,  the amounts collected
from policyholders are considered deposits and are not included in revenue.  Fee
income for  investment  and  universal  life-type  contracts  consists of policy
charges for policy  administration,  cost of  insurance  charges  and  surrender
charges assessed against  policyholders'  account balances and are recognized in
the period in which services are provided.  Traditional life and the majority of
the  Company's  accident and health  products are long duration  contracts,  and
premiums are  recognized as revenue when due from  policyholders.  Retrospective
and contingent  commissions and other related expenses are incurred and recorded
in the same  period  that  the  retrospective  premiums  are  recorded  or other
contract provisions are met.

PROPERTY &  CASUALTY  - Property  and  casualty  insurance  premiums  are earned
principally  on a pro rata  basis  over the lives of the  policies  and  include
accruals  for  ultimate   premium  revenue   anticipated   under  auditable  and
retrospectively  rated  policies.  Unearned  premiums  represent  the portion of
premiums  written  applicable  to the  unexpired  terms of  policies  in  force.
Unearned  premiums  also  include  estimated  and unbilled  premium  adjustments
related  to  a  small  percentage  of  the  Company's   loss-sensitive  workers'
compensation business.

Other  revenue  consists  primarily of revenues  associated  with the  Company's
servicing businesses. Retrospective and contingent commissions and other related
expenses are  incurred  and  recorded in the same period that the  retrospective
premiums are recorded or other contract provisions are met.


Foreign  currency  translation  gains and losses are reflected in  stockholders'
equity as a component of AOCI. The Company's foreign subsidiaries' balance sheet
accounts are  translated  at the  exchange  rates in effect at each year end and
income  statement  accounts  are  translated  at the  average  rates of exchange
prevailing  during the year. Gains and losses on foreign  currency  transactions
are  reflected  in  earnings.  The  national  currencies  of  the  international
operations are generally their functional currencies.


Policyholder  dividends  are accrued  using an estimate of the amount to be paid
based on underlying contractual  obligations under policies and applicable state

LIFE - Participating  life insurance  in-force accounted for 6%, 6% and 8% as of
December  31,  2003,  2002  and  2001,  respectively,  of total  life  insurance
in-force.  Dividends to policyholders  were $63, $65 and $68 for the years ended
December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively. There were no additional amounts
of income allocated to participating policyholders.  If limitations exist on the
amount of net income from  participating  life  insurance  contracts that may be
distributed to  stockholders,  the  policyholders'  share of net income on those
contracts that cannot be distributed is excluded from stockholders'  equity by a
charge to operations and a credit to a liability.

PROPERTY  & CASUALTY - Net  written  premiums  for  participating  property  and
casualty  insurance  policies  represented 9% of total net written  premiums for
each of the  years  ended  December  31,  2003,  2002  and  2001,  respectively.
Dividends to  policyholders  were $34, $57 and $38 for the years ended  December
31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


The Company  maintains  a retail  mutual fund  operation,  whereby the  Company,
through   wholly-owned   subsidiaries,   provides   investment   management  and
administrative  services to The Hartford  Mutual Funds,  Inc.,  and The Hartford
Mutual  Funds II, Inc.  families of 34 open-end  mutual funds as of December 31,
2003. The Company charges fees to the  shareholders  of the mutual funds,  which
are recorded as revenue by the Company.  Investors can purchase  "shares" in the
mutual funds, all of




which are registered  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC"),  in
accordance  with the Investment  Company Act of 1940. The mutual funds are owned
by the  shareholders of those funds and not by the Company.  As such, the mutual
fund assets and liabilities and related  investment returns are not reflected in
the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  since they are not  assets,
liabilities and operations of the Company.


Written  premiums,  earned  premiums  and  incurred  insurance  losses  and loss
adjustment  expense all reflect the net effects of assumed and ceded reinsurance
transactions.  Assumed reinsurance refers to our acceptance of certain insurance
risks that other insurance companies have underwritten.  Ceded reinsurance means
other  insurance  companies  have agreed to share certain risks that the Company
has  underwritten.  Reinsurance  accounting  is  followed  for assumed and ceded
transactions when the risk transfer provisions of SFAS No. 113,  "Accounting and
Reporting for Reinsurance of Short-Duration  and Long-Duration  Contracts," have
been met.

For the years ended  December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001, the Company did not make
any significant  changes in the terms under which  reinsurance is ceded to other


The Company  recognizes  taxes  payable or  refundable  for the current year and
deferred taxes for the tax  consequences  of  differences  between the financial
reporting  and tax basis of assets  and  liabilities.  Deferred  tax  assets and
liabilities  are measured  using enacted tax rates  expected to apply to taxable
income in the years the temporary differences are expected to reverse.

2.  SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

As a  result  of  September  11,  the  Company  recorded  in 2001  an  estimated
before-tax loss amounting to $678, net of reinsurance:  $647 related to property
and  casualty  operations  and $31 related to life  operations.  The  Property &
Casualty loss included a $1.1 billion gross reserve  addition,  an estimated net
reserve addition of $556 with cessions under reinsurance contracts of $569. Also
included  in the  Property & Casualty  loss was $91 of  reinstatement  and other
reinsurance  premiums.  The  property-casualty  portion of the estimate includes
coverages related to property, business interruption, workers' compensation, and
other liability exposures, including those underwritten by the Company's assumed
reinsurance  operation.  The Company  based this loss  estimate upon a review of
insured  exposures  using a variety of  assumptions  and  actuarial  techniques,
including  estimated amounts for incurred but not reported  policyholder  losses
and costs  incurred  in settling  claims.  The  Company  continues  to carry the
original  incurred amount related to September 11, less any paid losses.  Actual
experience  in some cases  appears to be  developing  favorably  to our original
expectations,  such as the higher than  anticipated rate of participation in the
victim's  compensation  fund.  There is  still  uncertainty,  particularly  with
respect to coverage  disputes  and the  potential  for the  emergence  of latent
injuries. Furthermore, the deadline for filing a liability claim with respect to
September 11 has been extended to March 11, 2004. As various  deadlines pass and
more  coverage  disputes  are  settled  either  out of court or  through a court
decision, the uncertainty about various aspects of the reserves will be reduced.
The  Company  will  continue  to evaluate  these  reserves on a quarterly  basis
throughout 2004 and will make appropriate adjustments to reserve levels.


                                                                                     For the years ended December 31,
COMPONENTS OF NET INVESTMENT INCOME                                                2003               2002               2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed maturities income                                                      $     2,800        $     2,510        $     2,362
Policy loans income                                                                  210                254                307
Other investment income                                                              267                208                209
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross investment income                                                            3,277              2,972              2,878
Less:   Investment expenses                                                           44                 43                 36
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   NET INVESTMENT INCOME                                                     $     3,233        $     2,929        $     2,842

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed maturities                                                             $       255        $      (378)       $       (50)
Equity securities                                                                    (29)               (42)               (34)
Periodic net coupon settlements on non-qualifying derivatives                         44                 24                  8
Sale of affiliates                                                                    22                 (4)               (93)
Other [1]                                                                             --                 23                (60)
Change in liability to policyholders for net realized capital gains                    1                  1                  1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   NET REALIZED CAPITAL GAINS (LOSSES)                                       $       293        $      (376)       $      (228)
[1] 2003 includes $6 of net gains associated with the GMWB hedging program.




                                                                                     For the years ended December 31,
COMPONENTS OF UNREALIZED GAINS (LOSSES) ON EQUITY SECURITIES                       2003               2002               2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross unrealized gains                                                       $        76        $        57        $       177
Gross unrealized losses                                                              (16)               (77)              (117)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net unrealized gains (losses)                                                         60                (20)                60
Deferred income taxes and other items                                                 20                 (7)                19
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net unrealized gains (losses), net of tax                                             40                (13)                41
Balance - beginning of year                                                          (13)                41                 90
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   CHANGE IN UNREALIZED GAINS (LOSSES) ON EQUITY SECURITIES                  $        53        $       (54)       $       (49)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross unrealized gains                                                       $     3,413        $     3,062        $     1,369
Gross unrealized losses                                                             (277)              (414)              (477)
Net unrealized gains credited to policyholders                                       (63)               (58)               (22)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net unrealized gains                                                               3,073              2,590                870
Deferred income taxes and other items                                              1,349              1,133                305
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net unrealized gains, net of tax                                                   1,724              1,457                565
Balance - beginning of year                                                        1,457                565                407
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   CHANGE IN UNREALIZED GAINS (LOSSES) ON FIXED MATURITIES                   $       267        $       892        $       158

                                                                                    As of December 31, 2003
                                                            Amortized            Gross                 Gross               Fair
                                                               Cost        Unrealized Gains      Unrealized Losses        Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and authorities
    (guaranteed and sponsored)                            $     1,060     $         13          $         (3)         $     1,070
  U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and authorities
    (guaranteed and sponsored) - asset-backed                   3,315               51                    (5)               3,361
  States, municipalities and political subdivisions            10,003              786                   (19)              10,770
  International governments                                     1,436              148                    (2)               1,582
  Public utilities                                              2,316              151                   (15)               2,452
  All other corporate including international                  23,323            1,714                  (111)              24,926
  All other corporate - asset-backed                           13,235              543                  (122)              13,656
  Short-term investments                                        3,363                3                    --                3,366
  Redeemable preferred stock                                       76                4                    --                   80
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES                                $    58,127     $      3,413          $       (277)         $    61,263

                                                                                    As of December 31, 2002
                                                            Amortized            Gross                 Gross               Fair
                                                               Cost        Unrealized Gains      Unrealized Losses        Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and authorities
    (guaranteed and sponsored)                            $       467     $         17          $         --          $       484
  U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and authorities
    (guaranteed and sponsored) - asset-backed                   2,867               95                    (3)               2,959
  States, municipalities and political subdivisions            10,104              832                    (7)              10,929
  International governments                                     1,481              139                    (6)               1,614
  Public utilities                                              1,754              102                   (49)               1,807
  All other corporate including international                  16,389            1,230                  (186)              17,433
  All other corporate - asset-backed                           10,189              593                  (136)              10,646
  Short-term investments                                        2,097                3                    --                2,100
  Certificates of deposit                                         795               45                   (25)                 815
  Redeemable preferred stock                                       98                6                    (2)                 102
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES                                $    46,241     $      3,062          $       (414)         $    48,889

The amortized  cost and estimated  fair value of fixed  maturity  investments at
December  31,  2003 by  contractual  maturity  year are shown  below.  Estimated
maturities  may differ from  contractual  maturities  due to call or  prepayment
provisions.  Asset-backed securities,  including mortgage-backed  securities and
collateralized  mortgage obligations,  are distributed to maturity year based on
the Company's  estimates of the rate of future prepayments of principal over the
remaining  lives  of  the  securities.   These  estimates  are  developed  using
prepayment  speeds provided in broker consensus data. Such estimates are derived
from prepayment speeds experienced at the interest rate levels projected for the
applicable  underlying  collateral.  Actual prepayment  experience may vary from
these estimates.




                                      Amortized        Fair
MATURITY                                 Cost          Value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
One year or less                     $     6,129   $     6,181
Over one year through five years          16,149        16,938
Over five years through ten years         16,874        17,827
Over ten years                            18,975        20,317
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                $    58,127   $    61,263


Investments that were non-income producing as of December 31 are as follows:

                          2003                  2002
Security Type      Amortized   Fair     Amortized    Fair
                      Cost     Value      Cost       Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------
All other          $     3   $    6    $     --   $      1
corporate -
All other               19       50          37         56
International           12       12          32         31
- --------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL           $    34   $   68    $     69   $     88

For  2003,  2002  and  2001,  net  investment   income  was  $31,  $26  and  $3,
respectively,  lower  than  it  would  have  been  if  interest  on  non-accrual
securities  had been  recognized in accordance  with the original terms of these


                                For the years ended December 31,
                                  2003       2002        2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
  Sale proceeds                $   13,827 $   9,174   $   8,714
  Gross gains                         576       276         202
  Gross losses                       (150)     (134)        (82)
  Sale proceeds                $      490 $     649   $     803
  Gross gains                          47       144         135
  Gross losses                        (46)     (122)       (139)


The Hartford is not exposed to any credit  concentration risk of a single issuer
greater than 10% of the Company's stockholders' equity.


The following  table  presents the  Company's  unrealized  loss,  fair value and
amortized cost for fixed maturity and equity  securities,  excluding  securities
subject to EITF Issue No. 99-20, aggregated by investment category and length of
time that  individual  securities  have  been in a  continuous  unrealized  loss
position, as of December 31, 2003.

                                           Less Than 12 Months               12 Months or More                      Total
                                     -------------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------------------------
                                     Amortized    Fair   Unrealized    Amortized Fair    Unrealized     Amortized   Fair  Unrealized
                                        Cost     Value     Losses        Cost     Value    Losses         Cost      Value    Losses
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and
 authorities (guaranteed and
 sponsored)                          $    310  $    307  $    (3)     $      --  $   --  $     --      $     310  $   307  $     (3)
U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and
 authorities (guaranteed and
 sponsored) - asset-backed                521       516       (5)             2       2        --            523      518        (5)
States, municipalities and political
 subdivisions                             448       429      (19)            --      --        --            448      429       (19)
International governments                 128       126       (2)            --      --        --            128      126        (2)
Public utilities                          442       432      (10)            66      61        (5)           508      493       (15)
All other corporate including
 international                          3,394     3,308      (86)           451     431       (20)         3,845    3,739      (106)
All other corporate - asset-backed      1,906     1,876      (30)           151     149        (2)         2,057    2,025       (32)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total fixed maturities               7,149     6,994     (155)           670     643       (27)         7,819    7,637      (182)
Common stock                                4         4       --              4       4        --              8        8        --
Nonredeemable preferred stock              70        63       (7)            80      71        (9)           150      134       (16)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total equity                            74        67       (7)            84      75        (9)           158      142       (16)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL TEMPORARILY IMPAIRED SECURITIES$  7,223  $  7,061  $  (162)     $     754  $  718  $    (36)     $   7,977  $ 7,779  $   (198)

The following discussion refers to the data presented in the table above.

There were no fixed  maturities  or equity  securities  as of December 31, 2003,
with a fair value less than 80% of the security's amortized cost. As of December
31,  2003,  fixed  maturities  represented  approximately  92% of the  Company's
unrealized  loss amount,  which was  comprised of  approximately  800  different
securities. As of December 31, 2003, the Company held no securities presented in
the table above that were at an unrealized loss position in excess of $5.

The majority of the  securities  in an  unrealized  loss  position for less than
twelve months are depressed due to the rise in long-term  interest  rates.  This
group of  securities  was  comprised  of over 700  securities.  Of the less than
twelve  months  total  unrealized  loss amount $148,  or 91%,  was  comprised of
securities  with fair value to amortized  cost ratios as of December 31, 2003 at
or greater  than 90%.  As of  December  31,  2003,  $144 of the less than twelve
months total unrealized loss amount was comprised of securities in an unrealized
loss position for less than six continuous months.




The  securities  depressed for twelve months or more were comprised of less than
100 securities. Of the twelve months or more unrealized loss amount $24, or 67%,
was  comprised  of  securities  with fair  value to  amortized  cost ratio as of
December 31, 2003 at or greater than 90%.

As of December 31, 2003,  the  securities  in an  unrealized  loss  position for
twelve months or more were  primarily  interest rate related.  The sector in the
greatest  gross  unrealized  loss  position in the schedule  above was financial
services,   which  is  included  within  the  all  other  corporate,   including
international and non-redeemable preferred stock categories above. A description
of the events  contributing to the security type's  unrealized loss position and
the factors  considered in determining  that  recording an  other-than-temporary
impairment was not warranted are outlined below.

Financial  services  represents  approximately  $23  of  the  securities  in  an
unrealized  loss  position  for twelve  months or more.  All of these  positions
continue to be priced at or greater than 80% of amortized  cost.  The  financial
services  securities  in an unrealized  loss  position are primarily  investment
grade variable rate  securities with extended  maturity  dates,  which have been
adversely impacted by the reduction in forward interest rates after the purchase
date, resulting in lower expected cash flows.  Unrealized loss amounts for these
securities  have  declined  during  the  year  as  interest  rates  have  risen.
Additional changes in fair value of these securities are primarily  dependent on
future  changes in forward  interest  rates.  A substantial  percentage of these
securities  are currently  hedged with  interest  rate swaps,  which convert the
variable rate earned on the  securities to a fixed amount.  The swaps  generally
receive cash flow hedge accounting  treatment and are currently in an unrealized
gain position.

The  remaining  balance  of $13 in the  twelve  months or more  unrealized  loss
category  is  comprised  of  approximately  60  securities  with  fair  value to
amortized cost ratios greater than 80%.

As part of the Company's ongoing security  monitoring  process by a committee of
investment and accounting professionals, the Company has reviewed its investment
portfolio  and  concluded  that  there were no  additional  other-than-temporary
impairments  as of December  31, 2003 and 2002.  Due to the  issuers'  continued
satisfaction of the securities' obligations in accordance with their contractual
terms and the expectation that they will continue to do so,  management's intent
and  ability  to  hold  these  securities,  as  well  as the  evaluation  of the
fundamentals of the issuers' financial  condition and other objective  evidence,
the Company believes that the prices of the securities in the sectors identified
above were temporarily depressed.

The  evaluation  for  other-than-temporary  impairments  is a  quantitative  and
qualitative  process,  which  is  subject  to  risks  and  uncertainties  in the
determination  of  whether  declines  in  the  fair  value  of  investments  are
other-than-temporary.  The risks and  uncertainties  include  changes in general
economic  conditions,  the issuer's  financial  condition or near term  recovery
prospects and the effects of changes in interest rates.


Derivative  instruments  are  recorded  at  fair  value  and  presented  in  the
consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, as follows:

                                                                                Asset Values                   Liability Values
                                                                          --------------------------       -------------------------
                                                                              2003         2002               2003         2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other investments                                                         $    199      $    299           $    --      $     --
Reinsurance recoverables                                                        --            48                89            --
Other policyholder funds and benefits payable                                  115            --                --            48
Fixed maturities                                                                 7            15                --            --
Other liabilities                                                               --            --               303           208
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TOTAL                                                                   $    321      $    362           $   392      $    256

The following table  summarizes the primary  derivative  instruments used by the
Company and the hedging  strategies  to which they  relate.  Derivatives  in the
Company's separate accounts are not included because associated gains and losses
generally  accrue  directly to  policyholders.  The notional value of derivative
contracts  represent the basis upon which pay or receive  amounts are calculated
and are not  reflective  of credit risk.  The fair value  amounts of  derivative
assets and  liabilities  are  presented  on a net basis as of December 31 in the
following table.




                                                                                   Notional Amount                 Fair Value
                                                                              --------------------------    ------------------------
Hedging Strategy                                                                 2003          2002             2003         2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest rate swaps
    Interest  rate swaps are  primarily  used to convert  interest  receipts  on
    floating-rate  fixed maturity  investments to fixed rates. These derivatives
    are predominantly used to better match cash receipts from
    assets with cash disbursements required to fund liabilities.              $    2,599   $    2,784       $       91    $     206
 Foreign currency swaps
    Foreign  currency swaps are used to convert foreign  denominated  cash flows
    associated with certain foreign  denominated  fixed maturity  investments to
    U.S.  dollars.  The foreign fixed  maturities  are primarily  denominated in
    Euros and are swapped to minimize cash flow
    fluctuations due to changes in currency rates.                                 1,060          389             (175)         (29)

 Interest rate swaps
    A portion of the Company's  fixed debt is hedged against  increases in LIBOR
    (the benchmark interest rate). In addition,  interest rate swaps are used to
    hedge the changes in fair value of certain fixed rate
    liabilities due to changes in LIBOR.                                             862          530                4           22
 Interest rate caps and floors
    Interest  rate caps and floors are used to offset the  changes in fair value
    related to corresponding interest rate caps and floors that exist
    in certain of the Company's variable-rate fixed maturity investments.             80          180               (1)          (4)
    Swaption arrangements are utilized to offset the change in the fair value of
    call options embedded in certain  municipal fixed maturity  securities.  The
    swaptions give the Company the option to enter into a "received fixed" swap.
    The purpose of the swaptions is to mitigate  reinvestment  risk arising from
    the call option embedded in the
    municipal security,  providing for a fixed return over the original term
    to maturity.                                                                      14           90                1            4




                                                                                   Notional Amount                 Fair Value
                                                                              --------------------------    ------------------------
Hedging Strategy                                                                 2003          2002             2003         2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Yen  denominated  forwards  are  used to  hedge  the net  investment  in the
    Japanese Life operation from potential volatility in the yen to U.S.
    dollar exchange rate.                                                        $   200   $       --       $       (4)   $      --

   Interest rate caps and swaption contracts
    The Company is exposed to policyholder  surrenders  during a rising interest
    rate  environment.  Interest  rate cap and  swaption  contracts  are used to
    mitigate the  Company's  loss in a rising  interest  rate  environment.  The
    increase in yield from the cap and  swaption  contract in a rising  interest
    rate environment may be used to raise credited rates, thereby increasing the
    Company's  competitiveness  and  reducing  the  policyholder's  incentive to

    The  Company  also uses an  interest  rate cap as an  economic  hedge of the
    interest rate risk related to the fixed rate debt. In a rising
    interest rate  environment,  the cap will limit the net interest expense
    on the hedged fixed rate debt.                                                 1,966        1,016               19           11
  Credit default and total return swaps
    The Company enters into swap  agreements in which the Company assumes credit
    exposure  from an individual  entity,  referenced  index or asset pool.  The
    Company  assumes  credit  exposure to  individual  entities  through  credit
    default swaps. These contracts entitle the company to receive a periodic fee
    in exchange for an  obligation  to compensate  the  derivative  counterparty
    should  a  credit  event  occur on the  part of the  issuer.  Credit  events
    typically  include  failure on the part of the issuer to make a fixed dollar
    amount of  contractual  interest or principal  payments or  bankruptcy.  The
    maximum  potential  future  exposure to the Company is the notional value of
    the swap contracts, $137, after-tax, as of December 31, 2003 and 2002.

    The Company also assumes exposure to the change in value of indices or asset
    pools  through  total return  swaps.  As of December 31, 2003 and 2002,  the
    maximum potential future exposure to the Company from such
    contracts is $425 and $291, after-tax, respectively.                             865          915              (34)         (78)
    The Company  writes  option  contracts  for a premium to monetize the option
    embedded in certain of its fixed  maturity  investments.  The written option
    grants  the holder the  ability to call the bond at a  predetermined  strike
    value. The maximum  potential future economic exposure is represented by the
    then fair value of the bond in excess of the strike value, which is expected
    to be entirely offset by the
    appreciation in the value of the embedded long option.                           333        1,013                1           --




                                                                                   Notional Amount                 Fair Value
                                                                              --------------------------    ------------------------
Hedging Strategy                                                                 2003          2002             2003         2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest rate swaps
    The Company enters into interest rates swaps to terminate  existing swaps in
    hedging  relationships,  and thereby  offsetting the changes in value in the
    original swap. In addition,  the Company uses interest rate swaps to convert
    interest receipts on floating-rate fixed maturity
    investments to fixed rates.                                                 $  3,077   $    2,706       $       11    $     (14)
 Foreign currency swaps and put and call options
    The Company  enters  into  foreign  currency  swaps,  purchases  foreign put
    options  and  writes  foreign  call  options to hedge the  foreign  currency
    exposures in certain of its foreign  fixed  maturity  investments.  Currency
    options were closed in January 2003 for a loss of $3,
    after-tax.                                                                       104        1,145              (31)         (12)
 Product derivatives
    The Company offers certain  variable annuity products with a GMWB rider. The
    GMWB is an embedded  derivative that provides the policyholder with a GRB if
    the  account  value is  reduced  to zero  through  a  combination  of market
    declines  and  withdrawals.  The GRB is  generally  equal to  premiums  less
    withdrawals.  The policyholder  also has the option,  after a specified time
    period, to reset the GRB to the then-current account value, if greater. (For
    a  further  discussion,  see Note  1.) The  notional  value of the  embedded
    derivative is the GRB balance.                                                14,961        2,760              115          (48)
 Reinsurance contracts
    Reinsurance  arrangements  are used to offset the Company's  exposure to the
    GMWB  embedded  derivative  for  the  lives  of the  host  variable  annuity
    contracts. The notional amount of the reinsurance contracts is the GRB
    amount.                                                                        9,139        2,760              (89)          48
 Futures  contracts,  equity index options and interest rate swap  contracts The
    Company  enters into interest rate futures,  Standard and Poor's ("S&P") 500
    and NASDAQ index  futures  contracts  and put and call  options,  as well as
    interest rate swap contracts to hedge exposure to the volatility  associated
    with the portion of the GMWB liabilities
    which are not reinsured.                                                         544           --               21           --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                                                           $ 35,804   $   16,288       $      (71)   $     106

For the years ended December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001, the Company's gross gains
and losses representing the total  ineffectiveness of all cash-flow,  fair-value
and net  investment  hedges were  immaterial.  For the years ended  December 31,
2003, 2002 and 2001, the Company recognized an after-tax net gain (loss) of $11,
$22 and ($18), respectively,  (reported as net realized capital gains and losses
in the  consolidated  statements of  operations),  which  represented  the total
change in value for other  derivative-based  strategies which do not qualify for
hedge accounting  treatment including the periodic net coupon  settlements.  The
net,  after-tax,  GMWB activity  (including the embedded  derivative  liability,
reinsurance  contracts and futures,  swaps and option  contracts) is included in
this amount and totaled $4, $0 and $0 for the years  ended  December  31,  2003,
2002 and 2001, respectively.

As of December 31, 2003 and 2002, the after-tax deferred net gains on derivative
instruments accumulated in AOCI that are expected to be reclassified to earnings
during the next  twenty-four  months are $7.  This  expectation  is based on the
anticipated interest payments on hedged investments in fixed maturity securities
that will occur over the next twenty-four months, at which time the Company will
recognize the deferred net gains  (losses) as an  adjustment to interest  income
over the term of the  investment  cash flows.  The  maximum  term over which the
Company is hedging its exposure to the variability of future cash flows (for all
forecasted  transactions,  excluding interest payments on variable-rate debt) is
twenty-four  months.  For the years ended December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001, the
net reclassifications from AOCI to earnings resulting from the discontinuance of
cash-flow hedges were immaterial.

The net investment  hedge of the Japanese Life operation was  established in the
fourth  quarter of 2003.  The  after-tax  amount of gain (loss)  included in the
foreign currency translation adjustment associated with the net investment hedge
was $(3) as of December 31, 2003. The net amount of gains  (losses)  recorded in
the foreign  currency  translation  adjustments  account  pertaining  to the net
investment hedge for the year ended December 31, 2003 was $(3).





The Company  participates in a securities lending program to generate additional
income,  whereby certain domestic fixed income securities are loaned for a short
period of time from the Company's  portfolio to qualifying third parties,  via a
lending agent.  Borrowers of these securities  provide collateral of 102% of the
market value of the loaned securities.  Acceptable collateral may be in the form
of cash or U.S. Government securities. The market value of the loaned securities
is monitored  and  additional  collateral is obtained if the market value of the
collateral falls below 100% of the market value of the loaned securities.  Under
the terms of the securities  lending program,  the lending agent indemnifies the
Company against  borrower  defaults.  As of December 31, 2003, the fair value of
the loaned securities was  approximately  $1.1 billion and was included in fixed
maturities in the consolidated  balance sheets. The Company retains a portion of
the income earned from the cash  collateral or receives a fee from the borrower.
The Company recorded before-tax income from securities lending transactions, net
of lending fees, of $1 for the year ended December 31, 2003,  which was included
in net investment income.

The Company enters into various collateral arrangements,  which require both the
pledging  and  accepting  of  collateral  in  connection   with  its  derivative
instruments.  As of December 31, 2003 and 2002,  collateral  pledged of $275 and
$96, respectively,  was included in fixed maturities in the consolidated balance

The classification and carrying amount of the loaned securities  associated with
the lending  program and the  collateral  pledged at December  31, 2003 and 2002
were as follows:

LOANED SECURITIES AND COLLATERAL PLEDGED                                                           2003                   2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and authorities (guaranteed and sponsored)                     $      464             $       20
 U.S. Gov't and Gov't agencies and authorities (guaranteed and sponsored - asset-backed)              33                     76
 International governments                                                                            20                     --
 Public utilities                                                                                     28                     --
 All other corporate including international                                                         612                     --
 All other corporate - asset-backed                                                                  244                     --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL                                                                                     $    1,401             $       96

As of December 31, 2003 and 2002, the Company had accepted  collateral  relating
to the  securities  lending  program and collateral  arrangements  consisting of
cash, U.S.  Government,  and U.S. Government agency securities with a fair value
of $1.4 billion and $454, respectively. At December 31, 2003 and 2002, only cash
collateral of $1.2 billion and $176, respectively,  was invested and recorded in
the  consolidated  balance sheets in fixed  maturities and with a  corresponding
amount recorded in other liabilities.  The Company is only permitted by contract
to sell or repledge  the  non-cash  collateral  in the event of a default by the
counterparty  and none of the  collateral has been sold or repledged at December
31, 2003 and 2002. As of December 31, 2003 and 2002, all collateral accepted was
held in separate custodial accounts.


SFAS No. 107, "Disclosure about Fair Value of Financial  Instruments",  requires
disclosure of fair value information of financial instruments.

For certain financial  instruments where quoted market prices are not available,
other  independent  valuation  techniques  and  assumptions  are  used.  Because
considerable judgment is used, these estimates are not necessarily indicative of
amounts  that  could be  realized  in a current  market  exchange.  SFAS No. 107
excludes certain  financial  instruments from  disclosure,  including  insurance
contracts, other than financial guarantees and investment contracts.

The Hartford uses the following  methods and  assumptions in estimating the fair
value of each class of financial instrument.

Fair value for fixed maturities and marketable  equity  securities  approximates
those quotations  published by applicable stock exchanges or received from other
reliable sources.

For policy loans, carrying amounts approximate fair value.

Fair  value of  limited  partnerships  and  trusts is based on  external  market
valuations from partnership and trust management.

Derivative  instruments  are  reported  at  fair  value  based  upon  internally
established  valuations  that are  consistent  with external  valuation  models,
quotations  furnished by dealers in such instrument or market quotations.  Other
policyholder  funds and benefits payable fair value information is determined by
estimating future cash flows, discounted at the current market rate. For further
discussion of other policyholder funds and derivatives, see Note 1.

For short-term debt, carrying amounts approximate fair value.

Fair value for long-term  debt is based on market  quotations  from  independent
third party pricing services.




The carrying amounts and fair values of The Hartford's financial  instruments at
December 31, 2003 and 2002 were as follows:

                                                                  2003                                      2002
                                                 Carrying Amount     Fair Value             Carrying Amount       Fair Value
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Fixed maturities                                  $61,263             $61,263                $48,889               $48,889
 Equity securities                                     565                 565                    917                   917
 Policy loans                                        2,512               2,512                  2,934                 2,934
 Limited partnerships [1]                              345                 345                    881                   881
 Other investments [2]                               1,162               1,162                    909                   909
 Other policyholder funds and benefits payable     $24,284             $24,677                $20,744               $20,951
 Short-term debt                                     1,050               1,055                    315                   315
 Long-term debt                                      4,613               5,173                  4,064                 4,283
 Derivative related liabilities [4]                    303                 303                    208                   208
[1]  Included in other investments on the consolidated balance sheets.
[2]  2003  and  2002  include  $199  and  $299  of  derivative  related  assets,
[3]  Excludes group accident and health and universal life insurance  contracts,
     including corporate owned life insurance.
[4]  Included in other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets.


Effective  January 1, 2002,  the Company  adopted  SFAS No. 142 and  accordingly
ceased all amortization of goodwill. The following tables show net income (loss)
and earnings  (loss) per share for the years ended  December 31, 2003,  2002 and
2001, with 2001 adjusted for goodwill amortization recorded.

                                                                                      2003              2002              2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                      $       (91)      $    1,000       $      541
Goodwill amortization, net of tax                                                        --                 --               52
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                     (91)           1,000              593
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax                                      --                 --              (34)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted net income (loss)                                                        $       (91)      $    1,000       $      559
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                      $    (0.33)       $     4.01       $      2.27
Goodwill amortization, net of tax                                                        --                --               0.22
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                  (0.33)             4.01              2.49
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax                                      --                --              (0.14)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted net income (loss)                                                        $    (0.33)       $     4.01       $      2.35
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                      $    (0.33)       $     3.97       $      2.24
Goodwill amortization, net of tax                                                        --                --               0.22
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted income (loss) before cumulative effect of accounting changes                  (0.33)             3.97              2.46
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax                                      --                --              (0.14)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted net income (loss)                                                        $    (0.33)       $     3.97       $      2.32

The following table shows the Company's acquired intangible assets that continue
to be subject to amortization  and aggregate  amortization  expense.  Except for
goodwill, the Company has no intangible assets with indefinite useful lives.

                                                                    2003                                       2002
                                                    -------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
                                                     Gross Carrying    Accumulated Net           Gross Carrying   Accumulated Net
ACQUIRED INTANGIBLE ASSETS                               Amount          Amortization                Amount         Amortization
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Present value of future profits                       $       1,459    $        380              $       1,406     $        274
Renewal rights                                                   46              33                         42               27
Other                                                            11               1                         --               --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                 $       1,516    $        414              $       1,448     $        301




Net  amortization  expense for the years ended December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001
was $113, $117 and $128, respectively.

Estimated  future net  amortization  expense for the succeeding five years is as

   For the year ended December 31,
                  2004                          $      130
                  2005                          $      105
                  2006                          $       94
                  2007                          $       78
                  2008                          $       69

The  carrying  amounts of goodwill  as of  December  31, 2003 and 2002 are shown

                                      2003         2002
- --------------------------------------------------------
Life                    $              796  $       796
Property & Casualty                    152          153
Corporate                              772          772
- --------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                   $            1,720  $     1,721

The Company's  tests of its goodwill for impairment in accordance  with SFAS No.
142 resulted in no  write-downs  for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002.
For further discussions of the adoption of SFAS No. 142, see Note 1.


The Hartford maintained separate account assets and liabilities  totaling $136.6
billion and $107.1  billion at December 31, 2003 and 2002,  respectively,  which
are reported at fair value.  Separate account assets,  which are segregated from
other  investments,  reflect two categories of risk  assumption:  non-guaranteed
separate accounts totaling $124.5 billion and $95.3 billion at December 31, 2003
and 2002, respectively, wherein the policyholder assumes the investment risk and
reward and guaranteed separate accounts totaling $12.1 billion and $11.5 billion
at  December  31,  2003  and  2002,  respectively,  wherein  Life  contractually
guarantees  either a minimum  return or the account  value to the  policyholder.
Included in the non-guaranteed category were policy loans totaling $139 and $384
at December 31, 2003 and 2002,  respectively.  Net investment  income (including
net realized  capital gains and losses ) and interest  credited to policyholders
on separate account assets are not reflected in the  consolidated  statements of
operations.   Beginning  January  1,  2004,   products  previously  recorded  in
guaranteed  separate accounts through December 31, 2003, will be recorded in the
general account in accordance with the Company's adoption of the SOP. See Note 1
for a more complete discussion of the Company's adoption of the SOP.

Separate account  management fees and other revenues included in fee income were
$1.3  billion,   $1.2  billion  and  $1.3  billion  in  2003,   2002  and  2001,
respectively.  The  guaranteed  separate  accounts  include fixed MVA individual
annuities and modified guaranteed life insurance.  The average credited interest
rate on  these  contracts  was  6.0% and 6.3% at  December  31,  2003 and  2002,
respectively.  The assets that support these liabilities were comprised of $11.7
billion and $11.1 billion in fixed  maturities as of December 31, 2003 and 2002,
respectively, and $106 and $385 of other investments as of December 31, 2003 and
2002, respectively. The portfolios are segregated from other investments and are
managed to minimize  liquidity  and interest rate risk. In order to minimize the
risk of disintermediation  associated with early withdrawals,  fixed MVA annuity
and modified guaranteed life insurance contracts carry a graded surrender charge
as well as a market value adjustment. Additional investment risk is hedged using
a variety of derivatives  which totaled $(81) and $135 in net carrying value and
$2.6  billion and $3.6  billion in notional  amounts as of December 31, 2003 and
2002, respectively.


As described in Note 1, The Hartford  establishes  reserves for claims and claim
adjustment  expenses on reported and unreported claims.  These reserve estimates
are based on known facts and interpretations of circumstances, and consideration
of various  internal  factors  including The Hartford's  experience with similar
cases,  historical  trends  involving  claim payment  patterns,  loss  payments,
pending  levels of unpaid  claims,  loss  control  programs  and product mix. In
addition,  the reserve  estimates  are  influenced by  consideration  of various
external  factors  including  court  decisions,  economic  conditions and public
attitudes.  The effects of inflation are implicitly  considered in the reserving

The establishment of appropriate  reserves,  including reserves for catastrophes
and asbestos and  environmental  claims, is inherently  uncertain.  The Hartford
regularly updates its reserve estimates as new information becomes available and
events unfold that may have an impact on unsettled claims. Changes in prior year
reserve  estimates,  which may be  material,  are  reflected  in the  results of
operations  in the period  such  changes are  determined  to be  necessary.  For
further discussion of asbestos and environmental claims, see Note 16.




A reconciliation of liabilities for unpaid claims and claim adjustment  expenses

                                    For the years ended December
                                     2003      2002      2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  EXPENSES-GROSS                    $17,091   $17,036   $16,293
Reinsurance and other recoverables    3,950     4,176     3,871
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  EXPENSES-NET                       13,141    12,860    12,422
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
     Current year                     6,102     5,577     5,992
     Prior years                      2,824       293       143
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  AND CLAIM ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES       8,926     5,870     6,135
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
     Current year                     2,369     2,257     2,349
     Prior years                      3,480     3,332     3,243
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL PAYMENTS                        5,849     5,589     5,592
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Other [1]                                --        --      (105)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  EXPENSES-NET                       16,218    13,141    12,860
Reinsurance and other recoverables    5,497     3,950     4,176
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  EXPENSES-GROSS                    $21,715   $17,091   $17,036
[1]  Includes $(101) related to the sales of international  subsidiaries for the
     year ended December 31, 2001.

The Company has an exposure to catastrophic  losses,  both natural and man made,
which can be caused by significant  events including  hurricanes,  severe winter
storms,  earthquakes,  windstorms,  fires and terrorist  acts. The frequency and
severity  of  catastrophic  losses  are  unpredictable,  and the  exposure  to a
catastrophe  is a function of both the total amount  insured in an area affected
by the  event and the  severity  of the  event.  Catastrophes  generally  impact
limited geographic areas; however, certain events may produce significant damage
in heavily  populated areas. The Company  generally seeks to reduce its exposure
to catastrophic losses through individual risk selection, aggregation of risk by
geographic location and the purchase of catastrophe reinsurance.

In the opinion of  management,  based upon the known facts and current  law, the
reserves  recorded  for The  Hartford's  property  and  casualty  businesses  at
December  31,  2003  represent  the  Company's  best  estimate  of its  ultimate
liability for claims and claim adjustment  expenses related to losses covered by
policies  written by the Company.  Based on  information  or trends that are not
presently known,  future reserve  reestimates may result in adjustments to these
reserves. Such adjustments could possibly be significant, reflecting any variety
of new and adverse or favorable trends.

Examples of current trends include increases in medical cost inflation rates and
physical damage repair costs,  changes in internal claim  practices,  changes in
the legislative and regulatory  environment over workers'  compensation  claims,
evolving  exposures  to  construction  defects  and  other  mass  torts  and the
potential for further adverse development of asbestos and environmental claims.

   8. DEBT

SHORT-TERM DEBT                                 2003       2002

Commercial paper                            $    850   $    315
Current maturities of long-term debt             200         --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL SHORT-TERM DEBT                       $  1,050   $    315

LONG -TERM DEBT [1]    Senior Notes and
Debentures                                      2003       2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
   6.9%    Notes, due 2004                  $     --   $    199
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
   7.75%   Notes, due 2005                       249        247
   2.375%  Notes, due 2006                       250         --
   7.1%    Notes, due 2007                       198        198
   4.7%    Notes, due 2007                       300        300
   6.375%  Notes, due 2008                       200        200
   4.1%    Equity Units Notes, due 2008          330        330
   2.56%   Equity Units Notes, due 2008          690         --
   7.9%    Notes, due 2010                       275        274
   4.625%  Notes, due 2013                       321         --
   7.3%    Notes, due 2015                       200        200
   7.65%   Notes, due 2027                       248        248
   7.375%  Notes, due 2031                       400        400
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
     TOTAL SENIOR NOTES AND DEBENTURES      $  3,661   $  2,596
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
   Junior Subordinated Debentures
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
   7.7%    Notes, due 2016                        --        500
   7.20%   Notes, due 2038                       245        245
   7.625%  Notes, due 2050                       200        200
   7.45%   Notes, due 2050                       507        523
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
      DEBENTURES                                 952      1,468
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT                     $  4,613   $  4,064
[1]  The Hartford's  long-term debt securities are issued by either The Hartford
     Financial   Services  Group,   Inc.  ("HFSG")  or  HLI  and  are  unsecured
     obligations  of HFSG or HLI and rank on a parity  with all other  unsecured
     and unsubordinated indebtedness of HSFG or HLI.


On December 3, 2003, The Hartford's shelf registration  statement  (Registration
No.  333-108067)  for  the  potential  offering  and  sale of  debt  and  equity
securities in an aggregate  amount of up to $3.0 billion was declared  effective
by the  SEC.  The  Registration  Statement  allows  for the  following  types of
securities to be offered:  (i) debt securities,  preferred stock,  common stock,
depositary shares, warrants, stock purchase contracts,  stock purchase units and
junior  subordinated  deferrable  interest  debentures of the Company,  and (ii)
preferred  securities  of any of one or more  capital  trusts  organized  by The
Hartford ("The Hartford  Trusts").  The Company may enter into  guarantees  with
respect  to the  preferred  securities  of any of  The  Hartford  Trusts.  As of
December  31,  2003,  The  Hartford  had $3.0  billion  remaining  on its shelf.
Subsequently,  in January 2004,  the Company  issued  approximately  6.7 million
shares of common stock  pursuant to an  underwritten  offering at a price to the
public of $63.25 per share and received net proceeds of




$411.  Accordingly,  as of February  27,  2004,  the  Company  had $2.6  billion
remaining on its shelf.

On May 15, 2001, HLI filed with the SEC a shelf  registration  statement for the
potential  offering  and  sale  of up to $1.0  billion  in  debt  and  preferred
securities.  The registration  statement was declared effective on May 29, 2001.
As of December 31, 2003, HLI had $1.0 billion remaining on its shelf.


                                                                                                             As of December 31,
                                                                                                       --------------- -------------
Description                                  Effective Date    Expiration Date    Maximum Available         2003            2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial Paper
  The Hartford                                  11/10/86             N/A             $   2,000         $     850       $      315
  HLI                                            2/7/97              N/A                   250                --               --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total commercial paper                                                               $   2,250         $     850       $      315
Revolving Credit Facility
  5-year revolving credit facility               6/20/01           6/20/06           $   1,000         $      --       $       --
  3-year revolving credit facility              12/31/02          12/31/05                 490                --               --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revolving credit facility                                                      $   1,490         $      --       $       --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITIES                                                      $   3,740         $     850       $      315


Equity Units Offerings
- ----------------------

On May 23, 2003, The Hartford  issued 12.0 million 7% equity units at a price of
fifty dollars per unit and received net proceeds of $582.  Subsequently,  on May
30, 2003,  The Hartford  issued an  additional  1.8 million 7% equity units at a
price of fifty dollars per unit and received net proceeds of $87.

Each equity unit offered  initially  consists of a corporate  unit with a stated
amount of fifty dollars per unit.  Each  corporate unit consists of one purchase
contract for the sale of a certain number of shares of the Company's stock and a
5% ownership  interest in one thousand dollars  principal amount of senior notes
due August 16, 2008.

The  corporate  unit  may be  converted  by the  holder  into  a  treasury  unit
consisting of the purchase contract and a 5% undivided  beneficial interest in a
zero-coupon  U.S.  Treasury  security  with a principal  amount of one  thousand
dollars that  matures on August 15, 2006.  The holder of an equity unit owns the
underlying senior notes or treasury  securities but has pledged the senior notes
or treasury  securities to the Company to secure the holder's  obligations under
the purchase contract.

The purchase  contract  obligates  the holder to  purchase,  and  obligates  The
Hartford to sell, on August 16, 2006,  for fifty dollars,  a variable  number of
newly issued common shares of The Hartford.  The number of The Hartford's shares
to be issued will be determined  at the time the purchase  contracts are settled
based upon the then current  applicable  market value of The  Hartford's  common
stock. If the applicable market value of The Hartford's common stock is equal to
or less than $45.50,  then the Company will deliver  1.0989 shares to the holder
of the equity unit, or an aggregate of 15.2 million  shares.  If the  applicable
market value of The Hartford's common stock is greater than $45.50 but less than
$56.875,  then the  Company  will  deliver  the number of shares  equal to fifty
dollars  divided by the then current  applicable  market value of The Hartford's
common  stock to the holder.  Finally,  if the  applicable  market  value of The
Hartford's  common stock is equal to or greater than  $56.875,  then the Company
will  deliver  0.8791  shares to the holder,  or an  aggregate  of 12.1  million
shares.  Accordingly,  upon  settlement of the purchase  contracts on August 16,
2006, The Hartford will receive proceeds of approximately  $690 and will deliver
between  12.1  million and 15.2  million  common  shares in the  aggregate.  The
proceeds  will be credited to  stockholders'  equity and  allocated  between the
common stock and additional  paid-in  capital  accounts.  The Hartford will make
quarterly contract  adjustment  payments to the equity unit holders at a rate of
4.44% of the stated amount per year until the purchase contract is settled.

Each  corporate  unit also  includes a 5%  ownership  interest  in one  thousand
dollars  principal  amount of senior  notes that will mature on August 16, 2008.
The aggregate  maturity value of the senior notes is $690. The notes are pledged
by the holders to secure their  obligations  under the purchase  contracts.  The
Hartford  will make  quarterly  interest  payments  to the  holders of the notes
initially  at an  annual  rate of 2.56%.  On May 11,  2006,  the  notes  will be
remarketed. At that time, The Hartford's remarketing agent will have the ability
to  reset  the  interest  rate on the  notes in  order  to  generate  sufficient
remarketing  proceeds  to satisfy the  holder's  obligation  under the  purchase
contract. If the initial remarketing is unsuccessful, the remarketing agent will
attempt to remarket the notes, as necessary, on June 13, 2006, July 12, 2006 and
August 11, 2006. If all remarketing attempts are unsuccessful,  the Company will
exercise its rights as a secured party to obtain and extinguish the notes.

The total distributions payable on the equity units are at an annual rate of 7%,
consisting of interest (2.56%) and contract  adjustment  payments  (4.44%).  The
corporate  units are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "HIG

The  equity  units  have  been  reflected  in the  diluted  earnings  per  share
calculation using the treasury stock method,  which would be used for the equity
units at any time before the  settlement  of the purchase  contracts.  Under the
treasury stock method,  the number of shares of common stock used in calculating
diluted earnings per share is increased by the excess,  if any, of the number of
shares  issuable upon  settlement of the purchase  contracts  over the number of
shares that could be  purchased  by The  Hartford in the market,  at the average
market price during the period, using the proceeds received upon settlement. The
Company  anticipates  that there will be no dilutive  effect on its earnings per
share related to the equity units, except during periods when the average market




price  of a  share  of  the  Company's  common  stock  is  above  the  threshold
appreciation  price  of  $56.875.  Because  the  average  market  price  of  the
Hartford's  common  stock  during the period from the date of  issuance  through
December  31,  2003 was below  this  threshold  appreciation  price,  the shares
issuable under the purchase contract component of the equity units have not been
included in the diluted earnings (loss) per share calculation.  On September 13,
2002,  The  Hartford  issued  6.6  million  6% equity  units at a price of fifty
dollars per unit and received net proceeds of $319.

Each equity unit offered  initially  consists of a corporate  unit with a stated
amount of fifty dollars per unit.  Each  corporate unit consists of one purchase
contract for the sale of a certain  number of shares of the Company's  stock and
fifty dollars principal amount of senior notes due November 16, 2008.

The  corporate  unit  may be  converted  by the  holder  into  a  treasury  unit
consisting of the purchase contract and a 5% undivided  beneficial interest in a
zero-coupon  U.S.  Treasury  security  with a principal  amount of one  thousand
dollars that matures on November 15, 2006. The holder of an equity unit owns the
underlying  senior notes or treasury  portfolio but has pledged the senior notes
or treasury  portfolio to the Company to secure the holder's  obligations  under
the purchase contract.

The purchase  contract  obligates  the holder to  purchase,  and  obligates  The
Hartford to sell, on November 16, 2006, for fifty dollars,  a variable number of
newly issued common shares of The Hartford.  The number of The Hartford's shares
to be issued will be determined  at the time the purchase  contracts are settled
based upon the then current  applicable  market value of The  Hartford's  common
stock. If the applicable market value of The Hartford's common stock is equal to
or less than $47.25,  then the Company will deliver  1.0582 shares to the holder
of the equity unit,  or an aggregate of 7.0 million  shares.  If the  applicable
market value of The Hartford's common stock is greater than $47.25 but less than
$57.645,  then the  Company  will  deliver  the number of shares  equal to fifty
dollars  divided by the then current  applicable  market value of The Hartford's
common  stock to the holder.  Finally,  if the  applicable  market  value of The
Hartford's  common stock is equal to or greater than  $57.645,  then the Company
will deliver 0.8674 shares to the holder, or an aggregate of 5.7 million shares.
Accordingly, upon settlement of the purchase contracts on November 16, 2006, The
Hartford will receive  proceeds of  approximately  $330 and will deliver between
5.7 million and 7.0 million common shares in the aggregate. The proceeds will be
credited to  stockholders'  equity and  allocated  between the common  stock and
additional  paid-in capital accounts.  The Hartford will make quarterly contract
adjustment  payments to the equity unit holders at a rate of 1.90% of the stated
amount per year until the purchase contract is settled.

Each corporate unit also includes fifty dollars principal amount of senior notes
that will mature on November  16,  2008.  The  aggregate  maturity  value of the
senior  notes is $330.  The notes are  pledged by the  holders  to secure  their
obligations  under the  purchase  contracts.  The Hartford  will make  quarterly
interest  payments  to the holders of the notes  initially  at an annual rate of
4.10%.  On August 11,  2006,  the notes will be  remarketed.  At that time,  The
Hartford's remarketing agent will have the ability to reset the interest rate on
the notes in order to generate  sufficient  remarketing  proceeds to satisfy the
holder's obligation under the purchase contract. In the event of an unsuccessful
remarketing,  the Company will  exercise its rights as a secured party to obtain
and extinguish the notes.

The total  distributions  payable on the equity  units are at an annual  rate of
6.0%,  consisting of interest (4.10%) and contract  adjustment payments (1.90%).
The corporate  units are listed on the New York Stock  Exchange under the symbol
"HIG PrA".

The equity  units are  reflected in the diluted  earnings per share  calculation
using the treasury stock method, which would be used for the equity units at any
time before the issuance of the shares of The  Hartford's  common stock upon the
settlement  of the purchase  contracts.  Under the treasury  stock  method,  the
number of shares of common stock used in calculating  diluted earnings per share
is  increased  by the  excess,  if any,  of the number of shares  issuable  upon
settlement  of the  purchase  contracts  over the number of shares that could be
purchased by The Hartford in the market,  at the average market price during the
period,  using the proceeds  received upon settlement.  The Company  anticipates
that there will be no dilutive  effect on its earnings per share  related to the
equity units,  except during periods when the average market price of a share of
the Company's common stock is above the threshold appreciation price of $57.645.
Because the average  market  price of The  Hartford's  common  stock  during the
period  from the date of  issuance  through  December  31, 2002 and for the year
ended December 2003, was below this  threshold  appreciation  price,  the shares
issuable under the purchase contract component of the equity units have not been
included in the diluted earnings (loss) per share calculations.

Senior Notes Offerings
- ----------------------

On July 10, 2003,  the Company  issued 4.625% senior notes due July 15, 2013 and
received net proceeds of $317. Interest on the notes is payable semi-annually on
January 15 and July 15, commencing on January 15, 2004.

On May 23, 2003,  The Hartford  issued  2.375% senior notes due June 1, 2006 and
received net proceeds of $249. Interest on the notes is payable semi-annually on
June 1 and December 1, commencing on December 1, 2003.


The Hartford and its subsidiary HLI have formed statutory business trusts, which
exist for the exclusive  purposes of (i) issuing Trust  Securities  representing
undivided  beneficial  interests in the assets of the Trust;  (ii) investing the
gross  proceeds  of the  Trust  Securities  in  Junior  Subordinated  Deferrable
Interest Debentures ("Junior  Subordinated  Debentures") of The Hartford or HLI;
and (iii) engaging in only those activities  necessary or incidental thereto. In
accordance  with the  adoption of FIN 46R,  the Company has  deconsolidated  the
trust preferred  securities.  For further discussion of the adoption of FIN 46R,
see Note 1.




The financial structure of Hartford Capital I and III, and Hartford Life Capital
I and II, as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, were as follows:

                                                            Hartford Capital    Hartford Life       Hartford Life          Hartford
                                                                   III            Capital II          Capital I        Capital I [4]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Principal amount owed                                          $500               $200               $250                 $500
   Balance December 31, 2003                                      $507               $200               $245                 $--
   Balance December 31, 2002                                      $523               $200               $245                 $500
   Coupon rate                                                    7.45%             7.625%              7.20%                7.70%
   Interest payable                                             Quarterly         Quarterly           Quarterly           Quarterly
   Maturity date                                              Oct. 26, 2050     Feb. 15, 2050       June 30, 2038      Feb. 28, 2016
   Redeemable by issuer on or after                           Oct. 26, 2006      Mar. 6, 2006       June 30, 2003      Feb. 28, 2001
   Issuance date                                              Oct. 26, 2001      Mar. 6, 2001       June 29, 1998      Feb. 28, 1996
   Securities issued                                           20,000,000         8,000,000          10,000,000           20,000,000
   Liquidation preference per security (in dollars)                $25                $25                $25                  $25
   Liquidation value                                              $500               $200               $250                 $500
   Coupon rate                                                    7.45%             7.625%              7.20%                7.70%
   Distribution payable                                         Quarterly         Quarterly           Quarterly          Quarterly
   Distribution guaranteed by [3]                             The Hartford           HLI                 HLI            The Hartford
[1] For each of the respective debentures, The Hartford or HLI, has the right at
    any time, and from time to time, to defer payments of interest on the Junior
    Subordinated  Debentures for a period not exceeding 20 consecutive  quarters
    up to the debentures'  maturity date. During any such period,  interest will
    continue  to accrue and The  Hartford or HLI may not declare or pay any cash
    dividends or distributions on, or purchase,  The Hartford's or HLI's capital
    stock nor make any principal,  interest or premium payments on or repurchase
    any  debt  securities  that  rank  equally  with  or  junior  to the  Junior
    Subordinated Debentures. The Hartford or HLI will have the right at any time
    to dissolve  the Trust and cause the Junior  Subordinated  Debentures  to be
    distributed to the holders of the Preferred Securities.
[2] The Hartford  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures are unsecured and rank junior
    and  subordinate  in right of payment to all senior debt of The Hartford and
    are effectively  subordinated to all existing and future  liabilities of its
[3] The Hartford has guaranteed,  on a subordinated  basis,  all of the Hartford
    Capital III obligations  under the Hartford  Series C Preferred  Securities,
    including  to pay the  redemption  price  and  any  accumulated  and  unpaid
    distributions to the extent of available funds and upon dissolution, winding
    up or  liquidation,  but only to the extent  that  Hartford  Capital III has
    funds to make such payments.
[4] $180 of the  securities  for  Hartford  Capital I were  redeemed on June 30,
    2003. The remaining $320 of these  securities were redeemed on September 30,

Subsequent  event -- On February 13, 2004, the Company  provided notice that all
outstanding 7.2% junior subordinated  debentures  underlying the trust preferred
securities  issued by Hartford Life Capital I have been called for redemption on
March 15, 2004. The Company intends to fund the redemption  through the issuance
of $150 of commercial paper and the utilization of $100 from internal sources.


The following table presents  interest expense incurred for 2003, 2002 and 2001,

                              For the years ended December 31,
                                 2003       2002       2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Short-term debt               $      5    $     6    $      2
Long-term debt [1]                 266        259         293
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE        $    271    $   265    $    295
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
[1] Includes junior subordinated debentures.



On May 23, 2003, The Hartford issued approximately 24.2 million shares of common
stock  pursuant to an  underwritten  offering at a price to the public of $45.50
per share and received net proceeds of $1.1  billion.  Subsequently,  on May 30,
2003, The Hartford issued  approximately 2.2 million shares of common stock at a
price to the public of $45.50 per share and received net proceeds of $97.

On May 23, 2003 and May 30,  2003,  The  Hartford  issued 12.0 million 7% equity
units and 1.8 million 7% equity units, respectively. Each equity unit contains a
purchase contract  obligating the holder to purchase and The Hartford to sell, a
variable  number of newly issued shares of The  Hartford's  common  stock.  Upon
settlement  of the  purchase  contracts on August 16,  2006,  The Hartford  will
receive proceeds of approximately $690 and will deliver between 12.1 million and
15.2 million shares in the aggregate. For further discussion of the equity units
issuance, see Note 8 above.

On September 13, 2002, The Hartford issued  approximately  7.3 million shares of
common stock pursuant to an underwritten offering at a price of $47.25 per share
and  received net proceeds of $330.  Also on  September  13, 2002,  The Hartford
issued  6.6  million  6% equity  units.  Each  equity  unit  contains a purchase
contract  obligating the holder to purchase and The Hartford to sell, a variable
number of newly-issued shares of The Hartford's common stock. Upon settlement of
the purchase  contracts on November 16, 2006, The Hartford will receive proceeds
of  approximately  $330 and will  deliver  between  5.7  million and 7.0 million
shares in the aggregate. For further discussion of this issuance, see Note 8.




At the  Company's  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  held on  April  18,  2002,
shareholders  approved an amendment to Section (a) Article Fourth of the Amended
and Restated  Certificate of Incorporation to increase the aggregate  authorized
number of shares of common stock from 400 million to 750 million.

Subsequent  events - On January 22, 2004, The Hartford issued  approximately 6.3
million shares of common stock pursuant to an  underwritten  offering at a price
to  the  public  of  $63.25  per  share  and  received  net  proceeds  of  $388.
Subsequently,  on January  30,  2004,  The  Hartford  issued  approximately  377
thousand shares of common stock at a price to the public of $63.25 per share and
received net proceeds of $23. The Company used the proceeds from these issuances
to repay $411 of commercial  paper issued in connection  with the acquisition of
the group life and accident, and short term and long term disability business of
CNA Financial Corporation. (For further discussion of this acquisition, see Note


The Company has 50,000,000 shares of preferred stock  authorized,  none of which
have been issued. In 1995, the Company approved The Hartford  Stockholder Rights
Plan,  pursuant  to which a  nonvoting  right  attaches  to each share of common
stock. Upon the occurrence of certain  triggering  events, the right will permit
each shareholder to purchase a fraction of a share of the Series A Participating
Cumulative  Preferred  Stock (the "Series A Preferred  Stock") of The  Hartford.
There are 300,000  authorized shares of Series A Preferred Stock. No shares were
issued or outstanding at December 31, 2003 or 2002.


                                             As of December 31,
                                          2003          2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
  Life operations                      $    4,470    $    3,019
  Property & Casualty operations            5,900         4,878
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL                              $   10,370    $    7,897

                                 For the years ended December 31,
                                   2003         2002        2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
  Life operations                $  1,026    $   (137)   $ (364)
  Property & Casualty operations     (196)      4,779      (223)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL                        $    830    $  4,642    $ (587)

A significant  percentage of the consolidated  statutory  surplus is permanently
invested  or is subject  to  various  state and  foreign  government  regulatory
restrictions or other  agreements  which limit the payment of dividends  without
prior approval.  The payment of dividends by  Connecticut-domiciled  insurers is
limited under the insurance  holding  company laws of  Connecticut.  Under these
laws, the insurance  subsidiaries  may only make their dividend  payments out of
unassigned  surplus.  These laws  require  notice to and  approval  by the state
insurance  commissioner  for the declaration or payment of any dividend,  which,
together with other dividends or distributions  made within the preceding twelve
months,  exceeds the greater of (i) 10% of the insurer's policyholder surplus as
of  December  31 of the  preceding  year or (ii) net  income  (or net gain  from
operations,  if such company is a life insurance  company) for the  twelve-month
period ending on the thirty-first  day of December last preceding,  in each case
determined under statutory insurance  accounting policies.  In addition,  if any
dividend  of  a  Connecticut-domiciled  insurer  exceeds  the  insurer's  earned
surplus,   it  requires  the  prior  approval  of  the   Connecticut   Insurance
Commissioner.  The insurance holding company laws of the other  jurisdictions in
which  The  Hartford's  insurance   subsidiaries  are  incorporated  (or  deemed
commercially domiciled) generally contain similar (although in certain instances
somewhat  more  restrictive)  limitations  on the  payment of  dividends.  As of
December 31, 2003, the maximum amount of statutory  dividends  which may be paid
to HFSG from its insurance subsidiaries in 2004, without prior approval, is $1.4

The domestic  insurance  subsidiaries of HFSG prepare their statutory  financial
statements in accordance  with accounting  practices  prescribed or permitted by
the  applicable  state  insurance  department  which vary with GAAP.  Prescribed
statutory  accounting practices include publications of the National Association
of Insurance  Commissioners  ("NAIC"),  as well as state laws,  regulations  and
general  administrative  rules.  The  differences  between  statutory  financial
statements  and  financial  statements  prepared  in  accordance  with GAAP vary
between domestic and foreign  jurisdictions.  The principal differences are that
statutory financial  statements do not reflect deferred policy acquisition costs
and limit  deferred  income  taxes,  and for  statutory  reporting all bonds are
carried at amortized cost and  reinsurance  assets and liabilities are presented
net  of  reinsurance.  The  Company's  use  of  permitted  statutory  accounting
practices does not have a significant impact on statutory surplus.




Earnings  (loss) per share  amounts have been  computed in  accordance  with the
provisions of SFAS No. 128. The following tables present a reconciliation of net
income (loss) and shares used in calculating  basic earnings (loss) per share to
those used in calculating diluted earnings (loss) per share.

(In millions, except for per share data)

                                                                                   NET INCOME
2003                                                                                 (LOSS)          SHARES   PER SHARE AMOUNT
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net income (loss) available to common shareholders                            $         (91)       272.4  $       (0.33)
    Options                                                                                  --         --              --
    Net income (loss) available to common shareholders plus assumed conversions   $         (91)       272.4  $       (0.33)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net income available to common shareholders                                    $       1,000          249.4  $        4.01
  Options                                                                                   --            2.4
  Net income available to common shareholders plus assumed conversions           $       1,000          251.8  $        3.97
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net income available to common shareholders                                    $         507          237.7  $        2.13
  Options                                                                                   --            3.7
  Net income available to common shareholders plus assumed conversions           $         507          241.4  $        2.10
[1]  As a result of the net loss for the year ended December 31, 2003,  SFAS No.
     128  requires  the  Company to use basic  weighted  average  common  shares
     outstanding in the  calculation of the year ended December 31, 2003 diluted
     earnings (loss) per share, since the inclusion of options of 1.8 would have
     been antidilutive to the earnings per share calculation.  In the absence of
     the net loss,  weighted  average  common  shares  outstanding  and dilutive
     potential common shares would have totaled 274.2.

Basic  earnings  (loss) per share are  computed  based on the  weighted  average
number of shares  outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings (loss) per share
include the dilutive  effect of  outstanding  options and the  Company's  equity
units, if any, using the treasury stock method,  and also contingently  issuable
shares. Under the treasury stock method, exercise of options is assumed with the
proceeds  used to  purchase  common  stock at the average  market  price for the
period. The difference between the number of shares assumed issued and number of
shares purchased  represents the dilutive shares.  Contingently  issuable shares
are included upon satisfaction of certain conditions related to the contingency.


On May  18,  2000,  the  shareholders  of The  Hartford  approved  The  Hartford
Incentive  Stock  Plan (the "2000  Plan"),  which  replaced  The  Hartford  1995
Incentive  Stock  Plan  (the  "1995  Plan").  The  terms of the 2000  Plan  were
substantially  similar to the terms of the 1995 Plan  except  that the 1995 Plan
had an annual award limit and a higher maximum award limit.

Under the 2000  Plan,  awards may be  granted  in the form of  non-qualified  or
incentive stock options  qualifying  under Section 422A of the Internal  Revenue
Code,  performance  shares  or  restricted  stock,  or  any  combination  of the
foregoing.  In addition,  stock appreciation rights may be granted in connection
with all or part of any stock options granted under the 2000 Plan. The aggregate
number of shares of stock,  which may be awarded,  is subject to a maximum limit
of 17,211,837  shares  applicable to all awards for the ten-year duration of the
2000 Plan.

All  options  granted  have an exercise  price equal to the market  price of the
Company's common stock on the date of grant, and an option's maximum term is ten
years and two days.  Certain options become exercisable over a three year period
commencing  one year from the date of grant,  while certain other options become
exercisable  upon the attainment of specified  market price  appreciation of the
Company's  common  shares.  For any year, no individual  employee may receive an
award of options for more than  1,000,000  shares.  As of December 31, 2003, The
Hartford had not issued any incentive stock options under the 2000 Plan.

Performance  awards of common stock granted  under the 2000 Plan become  payable
upon the attainment of specific  performance goals achieved over a period of not
less than one nor more than five  years,  and the  restricted  stock  granted is
subject to a restriction  period. On a cumulative basis, no more than 20% of the
aggregate  number  of  shares  which  may be  awarded  under  the 2000  Plan are
available for performance shares and restricted stock awards.  Also, the maximum
award of performance  shares for any individual  employee in any year is 200,000
shares.  In 1997,  the Company  awarded  special  performance-based  options and
restricted  stock to certain  key  executives  under the 1995  Plan.  The awards
vested only if the Company's  stock traded at certain  predetermined  levels for
ten consecutive days by March 1, 2001. Vested options could not




be exercised nor restricted  shares disposed of until March 1, 2001. As a result
of the Company's stock trading at predetermined levels for ten consecutive days,
in May 1999 and also in September  2000, the special  performance-based  options
and  restricted  stock  vested.  As a  result,  the  Company  began  recognizing
compensation  expense in May 1999 and  continued  to recognize  expense  through
March 1, 2001.

In 1996,  the Company  established  The Hartford  Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan
("ESPP").  Under this plan,  eligible  employees  of The  Hartford  may purchase
common  stock of the  Company at a 15%  discount  from the lower of the  closing
market  price at the  beginning or end of the  quarterly  offering  period.  The
Company may sell up to 5,400,000 shares of stock to eligible employees under the
ESPP. In 2003, 2002 and 2001, 443,467 and 408,304, and 315,101 shares were sold,
respectively.  The per share  weighted  average fair value of the discount under
the ESPP was $11.96,  $11.70,  and $14.31 in 2003, 2002 and 2001,  respectively.
Additionally,  during 1997,  The Hartford  established  employee  stock purchase
plans for certain employees of the Company's international  subsidiaries.  Under
these plans,  participants  may purchase common stock of The Hartford at a fixed
price at the end of a three-year period.

Effective  January 1,  2003,  the  Company  adopted  the fair value  recognition
provisions of accounting for stock-based compensation awards granted or modified
after  January 1, 2003.  All  stock-based  awards  granted or modified  prior to
January  1,  2003,  continue  to  be  valued  using  the  intrinsic  value-based
provisions  set forth in APB Opinion No. 25 and  related  interpretations.  (See
Note 1 for discussion of accounting for stock compensation  plans.) A summary of
the status of non-qualified  options  included in the Company's  incentive stock
plan as of December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001 and changes  during the years ended
December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 is presented below:

                                  -------------------------------   -------------------------------   ------------------------------
                                               2003                              2002                              2001
                                  -------------------------------   -------------------------------   ------------------------------
                                              Weighted Average                  Weighted Average                  Weighted Average
(Shares in thousands)              Shares      Exercise Price         Shares     Exercise Price         Shares     Exercise Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at beg. of  year        20,172        $49.66              18,937        $45.29              16,970        $39.96
Granted                              2,904         37.54               3,800         65.56               4,237         62.10
Exercised                           (1,225)        33.89              (2,060)        37.32              (1,789)        34.28
Canceled/Expired                      (633)        56.37                (505)        54.63                (481)        45.04
                                  -----------                       -----------                       -----------
Outstanding at end of year          21,218         48.69              20,172         49.66              18,937         45.29
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exercisable at end of year          14,661         46.02              12,099         43.47              10,716         40.30
Weighted average fair value of
   options granted                  $15.46                            $25.20                            $20.35

The following table summarizes  information about stock options  outstanding and
exercisable (shares in thousands) at December 31, 2003:

                                          Options Outstanding                                         Options Exercisable
                    -----------------------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------
                                              Weighted Average                                    Number              Weighted
     Range of        Number Outstanding     Remaining Contractual  Weighted Average           Exercisable at           Average
 Exercise Prices    at December 31, 2003        Life (Years)        Exercise Price          December 31, 2003       Exercise Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 $15.31 - $22.97                382                  1.2                 $20.16                        382             $20.16
  22.97 - 30.63                 487                  2.1                  26.02                        487              26.02
  30.63 - 38.28               6,001                  6.9                  35.69                      3,798              34.72
  38.28 - 45.94               3,835                  4.6                  43.16                      3,786              43.17
  45.94 - 53.59               2,084                  4.2                  48.27                      2,040              48.25
  53.59 - 61.25               1,132                  5.5                  57.42                        731              57.63
  61.25 - 68.91               7,262                  7.3                  64.00                      3,403              63.47
  68.91 - 76.56                  35                  6.9                  71.98                         34              72.11
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 $15.31 - $76.56             21,218                  6.1                 $48.69                     14,661             $46.02


The Company maintains a U.S. qualified defined benefit pension plan ("the Plan")
that covers  substantially  all  employees.  U.S.  employees  of the Company and
certain  affiliates  hired  prior to January 1, 2001 and who have  rendered 5 or
more years of service are  entitled to annual  pension  benefits,  beginning  at
normal  retirement  age (65),  equal to 2% of their  final  average pay per year
multiplied by the number of years of credited  service up to a maximum of 60% of
the  average,  less 1 2/3% of  primary  Social  Security  per  year of  credited
service, up to a maximum of 50%. Final average pay represents the average of any
of their 60 highest paid calendar  months during the last 120 calendar months of
credited  service  preceding  termination  or  retirement.   Effective  for  all
employees who joined the Company on or after January 1, 2001, a new component or
formula was applied under the Plan  referred to as the "cash  balance  formula".
Under the cash  balance  formula,  a notional  account is  established  for each
employee that is credited with a percentage of the  employee's  pay for each pay
period,  based on the  employee's  age and whether or not the employee's pay has
exceeded the Social  Security  taxable wage base at the time  crediting  occurs.
Interest is also credited on employee cash balance accounts.




Once they become vested,  employees can elect to receive the value of their plan
benefit (the  accumulated sum of their annual plan allocations with interest) in
a single cash  payment  when they leave the  Company.  In  September  2003,  the
Company announced its approval to amend the Plan to implement,  as of January 1,
2009, the cash balance  formula for the purposes of  calculating  future pension
benefits for services  rendered on or after  January 1, 2009,  for all employees
hired before  January 1, 2001.  These amounts are in addition to amounts  earned
through  December  31, 2008 under the  traditional  final  average pay  formula.
Employees hired on or after January 1, 2001 date are currently covered under the
same cash balance formula.  Under certain  conditions,  as described in the Plan
document,  the Plan  permits  early  retirement  at ages  50-64  with a  reduced
benefit.  Employees may elect to receive their pension benefits in the form of a
life annuity or joint and survivor  annuity.  Employees  covered  under the cash
balance  formula  may elect a  lump-sum  distribution.  Employees  automatically
receive  the  portion  of  their   accumulated   plan  benefits  as  a  lump-sum
distribution upon retirement or termination, if less than five thousand dollars.
If employees  terminate  before  rendering 5 years of service,  they forfeit the
right to receive the portion of their accumulated plan benefits  attributable to
the Company's contributions.

The Company also maintains  unfunded excess plans to provide  benefits in excess
of amounts permitted to be paid to participants of the Plan under the provisions
of the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  Additionally,  the Company  has  entered  into
individual  retirement  agreements  with certain  current and retired  directors
providing for unfunded supplemental pension benefits.

The  Hartford  provides  certain  health care and life  insurance  benefits  for
eligible retired employees. The Hartford's contribution for health care benefits
will depend  upon the  retiree's  date of  retirement  and years of service.  In
addition,  the plan has a  defined  dollar  cap  which  limits  average  Company
contributions.  The  Hartford  has  prefunded  a  portion  of  the  health  care
obligations  through trust funds where such  prefunding can be accomplished on a
tax effective basis. Effective January 1, 2002, retiree medical,  retiree dental
and retiree life insurance  benefits were eliminated for employees with original
hire dates with the Company on or after January 1, 2002.

As more fully  discussed  in Note 1, FASB issued FSP No. FAS 106-1,  "Accounting
and  Disclosure   Requirements  Related  to  the  Medicare   Prescription  Drug,
Improvement  and  Modernization  Act of 2003" which addresses the accounting and
disclosure  implications  that are expected to arise as a result of the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (the "Act") enacted
on December 8, 2003.  The Act  introduces  a  prescription  drug  benefit  under
Medicare as well as a federal subsidy to sponsors of retiree health care benefit
plans that provide a benefit that is at least equivalent to Medicare.  The issue
is whether any employer that provides postretirement  prescription drug coverage
should  recognize  the  effects  of the Act on the  benefit  obligation  and net
periodic postretirement benefit cost and, if so, when and how those costs should
be  accounted  for by the  employer.  Under the FSP,  companies  have a one-time
election to defer the effects of the new legislation in financial statements for
periods  ending  after  December  7, 2003.  The Company has elected to defer the
effects of the Act.  Companies electing to defer recognition of the effects must
defer  recognition  until  the  FASB  issues  clarifying  guidance  on  how  the
legislation  should be interpreted.  All measures of the benefit  obligation and
net periodic postretirement benefit costs included in the consolidated financial
statements and footnotes do not reflect the effects of the Act. Future guidance,
when  issued by the FASB,  could  require  the  Company  to  restate  previously
reported information.  The Company is in the process of reviewing the provisions
of the Act in  conjunction  with the Company's  postretirement  benefit plan and
does not expect the impact of the Act to be significant.


The following tables set forth a reconciliation of beginning and ending balances
of the  benefit  obligation  and fair value of plan assets as well as the funded
status of The Hartford's defined benefit pension and postretirement  health care
and life insurance benefit plans for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002.
International plans represent an immaterial  percentage of total pension assets,
liabilities and expense and, for reporting purposes,  are combined with domestic
plans.  The Company uses a  measurement  date of December 31 for its pension and
other postretirement benefit plans.

                                                                       Pension Benefits              Other Postretirement Benefits
                                                                -------------------------------      -------------------------------
CHANGE IN BENEFIT OBLIGATION                                         2003            2002                 2003           2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Benefit obligation - beginning of year                        $      2,588    $     2,108             $   434     $       373
  Service cost (excluding expenses)                                      101             80                  12               9
  Interest cost                                                          167            156                  28              27
  Plan participants' contributions                                        --             --                   6               6
  Amendments                                                            (168)            --                  --              (5)
  Actuarial loss                                                          48             31                   5               7
  Change in assumption:
   Discount rate                                                         100            354                  22              44
   Salary scale                                                           --            (29)                 --              --
  Benefits paid                                                         (113)          (112)                (30)            (27)
  Other / Foreign exchange adjustment                                     11             --                  --              --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     BENEFIT OBLIGATION - END OF YEAR                           $      2,734    $     2,588             $   477     $       434




CHANGE IN PLAN ASSETS                                                  Pension Benefits              Other Postretirement Benefits
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Fair value of plan assets - beginning of year                 $      1,487      $   1,711          $       96     $        97
  Actual return on plan assets                                           334           (119)                  7               4
  Employer contribution                                                  306             --                  --              --
  Benefits paid                                                         (107)          (101)                 (3)             (5)
  Expenses paid                                                           (4)            (4)                 --              --
  Other / Foreign exchange adjustment                                     (1)            --                  --              --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     FAIR VALUE OF PLAN ASSETS - END OF YEAR                    $      2,015      $   1,487          $      100     $        96

                                                                        Pension Benefits              Other Postretirement Benefits
                                                                  -----------------------------       ------------------------------
                                                                        2003           2002                2003            2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Funded status                                                   $       (719)     $  (1,101)         $     (377)    $      (338)
Unrecognized transition obligation                                        --             --                   2               2
Unrecognized net actuarial (gain) loss                                   915            934                 123              98
Unrecognized prior service cost                                         (148)            26                 (85)           (108)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     NET AMOUNT RECOGNIZED                                      $         48      $    (141)         $     (337)    $      (346)

Amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets consist of:

                                                                       Pension Benefits              Other Postretirement Benefits
                                                                -------------------------------      -------------------------------
                                                                     2003            2002                 2003           2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Accrued benefit liability                                      $       (529)     $    (763)          $    (337)    $      (346)
 Intangible asset                                                         --             32                  --              --
 Accumulated other comprehensive income                                  577            590                  --              --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     NET AMOUNT RECOGNIZED                                      $         48      $    (141)          $    (337)    $      (346)

In 2003, the Company amended its defined benefit pension plan. Effective January
1, 2009,  participants covered under the traditional  final-average-pay  formula
will accrue benefits under the cash balance  formula for service  rendered after
this date. As a result of this amendment the Plan benefit obligations  decreased
approximately $168.

The  funded  status  of  the  Company's   defined   benefit  pension  and  other
postretirement  plans is  dependent  upon many  factors,  including  returns  on
invested assets and the level of market interest rates. Declines in the value of
securities traded in equity markets coupled with declines in long-term  interest
rates have had a negative impact on the funded status of the plans. As a result,
the Company has recorded a change in minimum liabilities as of December 31, 2003
and 2002 as presented below:

                                                                                                               Pension Benefits
                                                                                                                2003        2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Accumulated benefit obligation for under-funded plans                                                  $      2,531  $      2,250
 Fair value of plan assets for under-funded plans                                                              2,002         1,487
 Unfunded accumulated benefit obligation                                                                         529           763
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net amount recognized                                                                                            48          (141)
 Intangible asset                                                                                                 --           (32)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Minimum pension liability, end of year                                                                          577           590
 Minimum pension liability, beginning of year                                                                    590            30
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Increase/(decrease) in minimum pension liability included in other comprehensive income, before-tax    $        (13) $        560
 Increase/(decrease) in minimum pension liability included in other comprehensive income, after-tax     $         (8) $        364


Total net periodic  benefit cost for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and
2001 include the following components:

                                                                    Pension Benefits                Other Postretirement Benefits
                                                           -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
                                                               2003        2002       2001            2003       2002        2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Service cost                                              $     105   $      84  $      70       $     12   $      9    $      8
 Interest cost                                                   167         156        145             27         27          25
 Expected return on plan assets                                 (184)       (183)      (168)            (8)        (9)         (9)
 Amortization of prior service cost                                6           6          6            (24)       (24)        (23)
 Amortization of unrecognized net losses                          26           4          4              4          2          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   NET PERIODIC BENEFIT COST                               $     120   $      67  $      57       $     11   $      5    $      1





Weighted average assumptions used in calculating the benefit obligations and the
net amount recognized for the plans per year were as follows:

                                      As of December 31,
                                      2003              2002
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
 Discount rate                    6.25%                6.50%
 Rate of increase in
   compensation levels            4.00%                4.00%

Weighted  average  assumptions  used in calculating the net pension cost for the
plans were as follows:

                                         Twelve Months Ended
                                             December 31,
                                       2003     2002      2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
 Discount rate                         6.50%    7.50%       7.75%
 Expected long-term rate of return
   on plan assets                      9.00%    9.75%       9.75%
 Rate of increase in compensation
   levels                              4.00%    4.25%       4.25%

In determining the discount rate assumption, the Company utilizes current market
information  provided by its plan  actuaries,  including a  discounted  cashflow
analysis  of the  Company's  pension  obligation  and general  movements  in the
current market environment.  The Company determines the long-term rate of return
assumption  for the  pension  plan's  asset  portfolio  based on analysis of the
portfolio's  historical  rates of return balanced with future  long-term  return
expectations.  Based on its long-term outlook with respect to the markets, which
has been  influenced  by the poor equity market  performance  in recent years as
well as the recent decline in fixed income security yields,  the Company lowered
its long-term rate of return  assumption  from 9.00% to 8.50% as of December 31,

Assumed health care cost trend rates were as follows:

                                                As of
                                            December 31,
                                       2003       2002      2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
 Health care cost trend rate          9.00%     9.00%      10.00%
 Rate to which the cost  trend rate
   is  assumed   to  decline   (the
   ultimate trend rate)               5.00%     5.00%       5.00%
 Year  that  the rate  reaches  the
   ultimate trend rate                2008      2007        2007

Assumed  health care cost trends have an effect on the amounts  reported for the
postretirement    health    care    and    life    insurance    benefit    plan.
Increasing/decreasing  the health care trend rates by one percent would have the
effect of  increasing/decreasing  the benefit obligation as of December 31, 2003
by $16 and the annual net periodic expense for the year then ended by $1.


The Company's  defined benefit pension plan weighted average asset allocation at
December 31, 2003 and 2002, and target allocation for 2004 by asset category are
as follows:

                    PERCENTAGE OF PENSION
                    PLAN ASSETS FAIR VALUE         TARGET
                       AT DECEMBER 31,           ALLOCATION
                       2003        2002             2004
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Equity securities         61%         54%        50% - 70%
Debt securities           39%         46%        30% - 50%
Real estate               --%         --%       2% maximum
Other                     --%         --%       5% maximum
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                   100%         100%

There was no Company  common stock  included in the Plan's assets as of December
31, 2003 and 2002.

The Company's other benefit plans' weighted average asset allocation at December
31,  2003 and 2002,  and target  allocation  for 2004 by asset  category  are as
                      PERCENTAGE OF OTHER
                     POSTRETIREMENT BENEFIT
                     PLAN ASSETS FAIR VALUE        TARGET
                        AT DECEMBER 31,          ALLOCATION
                        2003        2002            2004
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Equity securities          38%         34%        25% - 45%
Debt securities            62%         66%        55% - 75%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                     100%        100%

Included in equity securities is the Company's common stock in the amounts of $1
(0.50% of total Other  Postretirement  Benefit plan assets) at December 31, 2003
and 2002.

The overall goal of the Plan is to maximize total investment  returns to provide
sufficient funding for present and anticipated future benefit obligations within
the  constraints  of a  prudent  level of  portfolio  risk and  diversification.
Investment  decisions  are  approved by the  Company's  Pension  Committee.  The
Company  believes  that the asset  allocation  decision  will be the single most
important factor determining the long-term performance of the Plan.

Divergent  market  performance  among  different asset classes may, from time to
time,  cause the asset  allocation to deviate from the desired asset  allocation
ranges.  The asset  allocation  mix is  reviewed on a periodic  basis.  If it is
determined  that  an  asset  allocation  mix  rebalancing  is  required,  future
portfolio  additions and  withdrawals  will be used, as necessary,  to bring the
allocation within tactical ranges.

In order to  minimize  risk,  the Plan  maintains a listing of  permissible  and
prohibited  investments.  In addition, the Plan has certain concentration limits
and investment quality requirements  imposed on permissible  investment options.
The Company  employs a duration  overlay  program to adjust the  duration of the
fixed  income  component  in the plan assets to better match the duration of the
benefits obligations. The portfolio will invest primarily in U.S. Treasury notes




and bond future  contracts  to  maintain  the  duration  within +/- 0.75 year of
target duration.


The following  table  illustrates  the Company's  prior and  anticipated  future
        EMPLOYER                  PENSION         POSTRETIREMENT
    CONTRIBUTIONS                 BENEFITS           BENEFITS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  2002                             $--               $--
  2003                             $306              $--
  2004 (best estimate)             $300              $--

The Company presently anticipates contributing approximately $300 million to its
pension  plan in 2004,  based upon certain  economic  and business  assumptions.
These assumptions  include,  but are not limited to, equity market  performance,
changes in interest  rates and the  Company's  other capital  requirements.  The
Company's  2004  required  minimum  funding  contributions  are  estimated to be
approximately  $160 assuming no continued  pension relief.  If Congress approves
the pension relief  legislation  for 2004, the Company is not expected to have a
minimum funding requirement during the year.

Employer   contributions   in  2003  were  made  in  cash  and  do  not  include
contributions of the Company's common stock.


Substantially  all U.S.  employees are eligible to participate in The Hartford's
Investment and Savings Plan under which designated contributions may be invested
in  common  stock  of  The  Hartford  or  certain   other   investments.   These
contributions  are  matched,  up to 3%  of  compensation,  by  the  Company.  In
addition,  the  Company  allocates  at least 0.5% of base salary to the plan for
each eligible  employee.  In 2004, the Company will allocate 1.5% of base salary
to the  plan for  eligible  employees  who have  salaries  of less  than  ninety
thousand  dollars  per  year.  The  cost  to The  Hartford  for  this  plan  was
approximately $36, $34 and $30 for 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


The Hartford  cedes  insurance  to other  insurers in order to limit its maximum
losses and to  diversify  its  exposures.  Such  transfer  does not  relieve The
Hartford of its primary liability under policies it wrote and, as such,  failure
of reinsurers to honor their obligations could result in losses to The Hartford.
The Hartford also assumes reinsurance from other insurers.  The Hartford also is
a member of and participates in several reinsurance pools and associations.  The
Hartford  evaluates  the  financial  condition  of its  reinsurers  and monitors
concentrations  of credit risk.  Virtually  all of The  Hartford's  property and
casualty  reinsurance  is placed  with  reinsurers  that meet  strict  financial
criteria  established  by a credit  committee.  As of  December  31,  2003,  The
Hartford had no  reinsurance-related  concentrations of credit risk greater than
10% of the Company's stockholders' equity.


In  accordance  with  normal  industry  practice,  Life is  involved in both the
cession  and  assumption  of  insurance  with other  insurance  and  reinsurance
companies.  As of  December  31,  2003,  the  largest  amount of life  insurance
retained  on any one life by any one of the life  operations  was  approximately
$2.5. In addition,  the Company  reinsures the majority of minimum death benefit
guarantees and the guaranteed withdrawal benefits offered in connection with its
variable annuity contracts.

Life insurance net retained premiums were comprised of the following:

                              For the years ended December 31,
                                2003         2002        2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Gross premiums              $    6,247  $    5,634     $ 5,950
Assumed                            195         180         232
Ceded                             (465)       (420)       (446)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  NET RETAINED PREMIUMS     $    5,977  $    5,394     $ 5,736

Life reinsures  certain of its risks to other  reinsurers under yearly renewable
term, coinsurance, and modified coinsurance arrangements.  Yearly renewable term
and  coinsurance  arrangements  result in  passing a portion  of the risk to the
reinsurer.  Generally,  the  reinsurer  receives a  proportionate  amount of the
premiums  less an  allowance  for  commissions  and expenses and is liable for a
corresponding proportionate amount of all benefit payments. Modified coinsurance
is similar to coinsurance  except that the cash and investments that support the
liabilities for contract  benefits are not transferred to the assuming  company,
and settlements are made on a net basis between the companies.

Life also  purchases  reinsurance  covering the death  benefit  guarantees  on a
portion of its variable  annuity  business.  On March 16, 2003, a final decision
and  award  was  issued  in  the  previously   disclosed   arbitration   between
subsidiaries  of the Company  and one of their  primary  reinsurers  relating to
policies with death benefits written from 1994 to 1999. (For further  discussion
of this arbitration, see Note 16.)

The cost of reinsurance related to long-duration contracts is accounted for over
the life of the underlying reinsured policies using assumptions  consistent with
those used to account for the underlying policies.  Life insurance recoveries on
ceded reinsurance contracts,  which reduce death and other benefits,  were $541,
$484  and  $392  for  the  years  ended  December  31,  2003,   2002  and  2001,





The effect of reinsurance on property and casualty  premiums  written and earned
was as follows:

                            For the years ended December 31,
                               2003        2002         2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
     Direct               $   10,393   $   8,985   $    7,625
     Assumed                     688         850        1,035
     Ceded                    (2,016)     (1,251)      (1,075)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       NET                $    9,065   $   8,584   $    7,585

     Direct               $    9,919   $   8,404   $    7,230
     Assumed                     731         872        1,016
     Ceded                    (1,845)     (1,162)        (980)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       NET                $    8,805   $   8,114   $    7,266

Reinsurance  cessions,   which  reduce  claims  and  claim  adjustment  expenses
incurred,  were $2.0 billion, $988 and $1.2 billion for the years ended December
31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

The Hartford records a receivable for reinsured benefits paid and the portion of
insurance  liabilities  that are  reinsured,  net of a valuation  allowance,  if
necessary.  The amounts  recoverable  from  reinsurers  are  estimated  based on
assumptions  that are consistent  with those used in  establishing  the reserves
related  to  the  underlying  reinsured   contracts.   Management  believes  the
recoverables are appropriately  established;  however,  in the event that future
circumstances  and  information  require The  Hartford to change its estimate of
needed loss reserves,  the amount of reinsurance  recoverables  may also require

As of December 31, 2003 and 2002,  the allowance for  uncollectible  reinsurance
totaled $381 and $211, respectively.


On June  30,  2003,  the  Company  recaptured  a block  of  business  previously
reinsured with an  unaffiliated  reinsurer.  Under this treaty,  HLI reinsured a
portion of the GMDB feature associated with certain of its annuity contracts. As
consideration  for  recapturing  the  business  and final  settlement  under the
treaty,  the Company has received  assets  valued at  approximately  $32 and one
million warrants  exercisable for the unaffiliated  company's stock. This amount
represents to the Company an advance  collection of its future  recoveries under
the reinsurance  agreement and will be recognized as future losses are incurred.
Prospectively,  as a result of the recapture, HLI will be responsible for all of
the remaining and ongoing risks associated with the GMDB's related to this block
of business.  The  recapture  increased  the net amount at risk  retained by the
Company,  which is  included in the net amount at risk  discussed  in Note 1. On
January 1, 2004, upon adoption of the SOP, the $32 was included in the Company's
GMDB reserve calculation as part of the net reserve benefit ratio and as a claim
recovery to date.


The provision (benefit) for income taxes consists of the following:

                                                                                  For the years ended December 31,
                                                                       2003                    2002                     2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Current  -    U.S. Federal                                $        (120)          $         136            $        (240)
                 International                                             5                       3                       (2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL CURRENT                                                  (115)                    139                     (242)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Deferred -   U.S. Federal                                 $        (344)          $         (70)           $          41
                 International                                            --                      (1)                       1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL DEFERRED                                                 (344)                    (71)                      42
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         TOTAL INCOME TAX EXPENSE (BENEFIT)                    $        (459)          $          68            $        (200)

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) include the following as of December 31:

                                                                                                   U.S. Federal
                                                                                              2003                2002
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loss reserves discounted on tax return                                                  $       696           $     677
Other insurance-related items                                                                  (151)               (212)
Employee benefits                                                                               255                 377
Reserve for bad debts                                                                            48                  32
Depreciation                                                                                     23                  27
Unrealized gains                                                                             (1,121)               (954)
Other investment-related items                                                                   23                  33
Minimum tax credit                                                                              252                 338
NOL benefit carryover                                                                           822                 217
Other                                                                                            (2)                 10
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL                                                                                $       845           $     545

In management's  judgment,  the net deferred tax asset will more likely than not
be realized as reductions of future taxable  income.  Accordingly,  no valuation
allowance has been recorded.  Included in the deferred tax asset is the expected
tax benefit  attributable to net operating losses of $2.3 billion,  which expire
in 2021 - 2023.




Prior to the Tax Reform Act of 1984, the Life  Insurance  Company Income Tax Act
of 1959  permitted the deferral  from taxation of a portion of statutory  income
under  certain  circumstances.  In these  situations,  the  deferred  income was
accumulated in a "Policyholders' Surplus Account" and, based on current tax law,
will be taxable in the future only under conditions  which management  considers
to be remote;  therefore,  no federal  income  taxes have been  provided  on the
balance in this account,  which for tax return  purposes was $104 as of December
31, 2003.

A reconciliation  of the tax provision at the U.S. Federal statutory rate to the
provision for income taxes is as follows:

                                                                                      For the years ended December 31,
                                                                               2003                  2002                2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tax provision at U.S. Federal statutory rate                           $        (193)        $         374       $         119
Tax-preferred investment income                                                 (243)                 (225)               (221)
Sale of International subsidiaries (see Note 18)                                  --                    (8)                  9
Internal Revenue Service audit settlement (see Note 16)                           --                   (77)                 --
Tax adjustment - HLI (see Note 16)                                               (30)                   --                (130)
Other                                                                              7                     4                  23
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   PROVISION (BENEFIT) FOR INCOME TAX                                  $        (459)        $          68       $        (200)



The Hartford is involved in claims litigation  arising in the ordinary course of
business,  both as a liability  insurer  defending  third-party  claims  brought
against insureds and as an insurer defending coverage claims brought against it.
The Hartford  accounts for such  activity  through the  establishment  of unpaid
claim  and claim  adjustment  expense  reserves.  Subject  to the  uncertainties
discussed  below  under  the  caption  "Asbestos  and   Environmental   Claims",
management  expects that the ultimate  liability,  if any,  with respect to such
ordinary-course  claims litigation,  after  consideration of provisions made for
potential losses and costs of defense,  will not be material to the consolidated
financial condition, results of operations or cash flows of The Hartford.

The  Hartford is also  involved in other kinds of legal  actions,  some of which
assert claims for  substantial  amounts.  These actions  include,  among others,
putative  state and federal class actions  seeking  certification  of a state or
national  class.  Such  putative  class  actions  have  alleged,   for  example,
underpayment  of claims or improper  underwriting  practices in connection  with
various kinds of insurance policies, such as personal and commercial automobile,
premises liability and inland marine, and improper sales practices in connection
with the sale of life insurance and other investment products. The Hartford also
is involved in individual actions in which punitive damages are sought,  such as
claims  alleging  bad faith in the  handling  of  insurance  claims.  Management
expects  that the ultimate  liability,  if any,  with respect to such  lawsuits,
after  consideration  of  provisions  made for  potential  losses  and  costs of
defense,  will not be material to the  consolidated  financial  condition of The
Hartford.  Nonetheless,  given  the  large or  indeterminate  amounts  sought in
certain of these actions, and the inherent unpredictability of litigation, it is
possible that an adverse  outcome in certain  matters could,  from time to time,
have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's  consolidated  results  of
operations or cash flows in particular quarterly or annual periods.

The Hartford continues to receive asbestos and environmental claims that involve
significant  uncertainty  regarding  policy  coverage  issues.  Regarding  these
claims,   The  Hartford   continually   reviews  its  overall   reserve  levels,
methodologies and reinsurance coverages.

The MacArthur  Litigation - Hartford Accident and Indemnity  Company  ("Hartford
A&I"), a subsidiary of the Company, issued primary general liability policies to
Mac Arthur Company and its subsidiary,  Western MacArthur  Company,  both former
regional  distributors  of  asbestos  products  (collectively  or  individually,
"MacArthur"),  during the period 1967 to 1976.  In 1987,  Hartford  A&I notified
MacArthur  that its  available  limits for asbestos  bodily  injury claims under
these policies had been exhausted,  and MacArthur  ceased  submitting  claims to
Hartford A&I under these  policies.  Thirteen  years later,  MacArthur  filed an
action against  Hartford A&I seeking for the first time additional  coverage for
asbestos  bodily  injury  claims under the Hartford A&I primary  policies on the
theory  that  Hartford  A&I had not  exhausted  limits  MacArthur  alleged to be
available for  non-products  liability.  Following  the  voluntary  dismissal of
MacArthur's  original action, the coverage litigation  proceeded in the Superior
Court in Alameda County, California.  MacArthur sought a declaration of coverage
and damages,  alleging  that its liability for  liquidated  but unpaid  asbestos
bodily injury claims was $2.5 billion, of which more than $1.8 billion consisted
of  unpaid  judgments,  and that it had  substantial  additional  liability  for
unliquidated  and  future  claims.   Four  asbestos  claimants  holding  default
judgments  against MacArthur also were joined as plaintiffs and asserted a right
to an accelerated trial. Hartford A&I has been vigorously defending that action.

On June  3,  2002,  The St.  Paul  Companies,  Inc.  ("St.  Paul")  announced  a
settlement  of a coverage  action  brought by MacArthur  against  United  States
Fidelity and Guaranty  Company  ("USF&G"),  a subsidiary of St. Paul.  Under the
settlement,  St.  Paul  agreed to pay a total of $975 to  resolve  its  asbestos
liability to MacArthur in conjunction  with a proposed  bankruptcy  petition and
pre-packaged plan of  reorganization  to be filed by MacArthur.  On November 22,
2002,  pursuant to the terms of its settlement with St. Paul,  MacArthur filed a
bankruptcy   petition  and  proposed  plan  of   reorganization.   A  month-long
confirmation  trial was held  during the fourth  quarter of 2003.  Hartford  A&I
objected to the proposed plan and took




the leading role for the objectors at trial. On December 19, 2003,  Hartford A&I
entered into a  settlement  agreement  with  MacArthur,  the Official  Unsecured
Creditors   Committee   representing  the  asbestos   plaintiffs,   the  Futures
Representative  appointed by the court, and the plaintiffs' lawyers representing
the holders of default judgments against MacArthur. The settlement is contingent
on the occurrence of certain conditions,  including final,  non-appealable court
orders approving the settlement agreement and confirming a bankruptcy plan under
which,  among other  things,  all claims  against  the  Company  relating to the
asbestos  liability of MacArthur are enjoined.  If the  conditions  are met, the
settlement  will  resolve  all  disputes   concerning   Hartford  A&I's  alleged
obligations arising from MacArthur's  asbestos  liability.  Under the settlement
agreement,  Hartford A&I will pay $1.15  billion  into an escrow  account in the
first  quarter  of  2004,  and the  funds  will be  disbursed  to a trust  to be
established for the benefit of present and future asbestos claimants pursuant to
the  bankruptcy  plan  once all  conditions  precedent  to the  settlement  have

In January 2004,  the bankruptcy  court  approved the  settlement  agreement and
entered an order  confirming  a plan of  reorganization  that  provides  for the
injunctions and other protections required under the settlement  agreement.  The
injunctions  will become effective when they are affirmed by the district court.
Management expects that all conditions to the settlement will be satisfied,  but
it is not certain whether or when those conditions will be satisfied.

Bancorp  Services,  LLC - In the third quarter of 2003,  Hartford Life Insurance
Company ("HLIC") and its affiliate  International Corporate Marketing Group, LLC
("ICMG") settled their intellectual property dispute with Bancorp Services,  LLC
("Bancorp").  The dispute  concerned,  among other things,  Bancorp's claims for
alleged  patent  infringement,   breach  of  a  confidentiality  agreement,  and
misappropriation   of  trade   secrets   related   to   certain   stable   value
corporate-owned  life  insurance  products.  The  dispute  was  the  subject  of
litigation  in the United  States  District  Court for the  Eastern  District of
Missouri,  in which Bancorp  obtained in 2002 a judgment  exceeding $134 against
HLIC and ICMG  after a jury trial on the trade  secret  and  breach of  contract
claims,  and HLIC and ICMG obtained summary judgment on the patent  infringement
claim. Based on the advice of legal counsel following entry of the judgment, the
Company  recorded  an $11  after-tax  charge  in the  first  quarter  of 2002 to
increase litigation reserves. Both components of the judgment were appealed.

Under the terms of the settlement,  The Hartford will pay a minimum of $70 and a
maximum of $80,  depending on the outcome of the patent  appeal,  to resolve all
disputes  between the  parties.  The appeal from the trade  secret and breach of
contract judgment will be dismissed. The settlement resulted in the recording of
an additional  charge of $40 after-tax in the third quarter of 2003,  reflecting
the maximum amount payable under the  settlement.  In November 2003, the Company
paid the initial $70 of the settlement.

Reinsurance  Arbitration  - On March 16,  2003,  a final  decision and award was
issued in the previously disclosed reinsurance  arbitration between subsidiaries
of The Hartford and one of their  primary  reinsurers  relating to policies with
guaranteed  death benefits  written from 1994 to 1999. The arbitration  involved
alleged  breaches under the reinsurance  treaties.  Under the terms of the final
decision and award,  the reinsurer's  reinsurance  obligations to The Hartford's
subsidiaries were unchanged and not limited or reduced in any manner.  The award
was confirmed by the Connecticut Superior Court on May 5, 2003.


The   Hartford   continues   to  receive   claims  that  assert   damages   from
asbestos-related  and  environmental-related  exposures.  Asbestos claims relate
primarily to bodily injuries asserted by those who came in contact with asbestos
or products  containing  asbestos.  Environmental  claims  relate  primarily  to
pollution and related clean-up costs.

The Hartford wrote several different  categories of insurance  coverage to which
asbestos and  environmental  claims may apply.  First, The Hartford wrote direct
policies as a primary liability  insurance  carrier.  Second, The Hartford wrote
direct excess insurance policies providing additional coverage for insureds that
exhausted their underlying  liability  insurance  coverage.  Third, The Hartford
acted as a  reinsurer  assuming a portion of risks  previously  assumed by other
insurers writing primary, excess and reinsurance coverages. Fourth, The Hartford
participated  as a London  Market  company that wrote both direct  insurance and
assumed reinsurance business.

With regard to both environmental and particularly asbestos claims,  significant
uncertainty  limits the  ability of insurers  and  reinsurers  to  estimate  the
ultimate reserves necessary for unpaid losses and related expenses.  Traditional
actuarial  reserving  techniques cannot reasonably estimate the ultimate cost of
these claims,  particularly during periods where theories of law are in flux. As
a result of the factors  discussed in the  following  paragraphs,  the degree of
variability of reserve  estimates for these exposures is  significantly  greater
than for other, more traditional exposures. In particular, The Hartford believes
there is a high degree of  uncertainty  inherent in the  estimation  of asbestos
loss reserves.

In the case of the reserves for asbestos exposures,  factors contributing to the
high degree of uncertainty include inadequate development patterns,  plaintiffs'
expanding  theories of liability,  the risks inherent in major  litigation,  and
inconsistent   emerging  legal  doctrines.   Courts  have  reached  inconsistent
conclusions  as to when losses are deemed to have  occurred  and which  policies
provide coverage; what types of losses are covered;  whether there is an insurer
obligation to defend;  how policy limits are applied;  whether particular claims
are  product/completed  operation  claims subject to an aggregate limit; and how
policy  exclusions  and  conditions  are applied and  interpreted.  Furthermore,
insurers in general,  including  The  Hartford,  have  recently  experienced  an
increase in the number of  asbestos-related  claims due to, among other  things,
more intensive  advertising by lawyers seeking asbestos  claimants,  plaintiffs'
increased focus on new and previously peripheral defendants,  and an increase in
the  number  of  insureds   seeking   bankruptcy   protection  as  a  result  of
asbestos-related  liabilities.  Plaintiffs  and  insureds  have  sought  to  use
bankruptcy proceedings, including "pre-packaged" bankruptcies, to accelerate and
increase loss payments by insurers. In addition,




some  policyholders  have  begun to assert new  classes of claims for  so-called
"non-products" coverages to which an aggregate limit of liability may not apply.
Recently, many insurers, including The Hartford, also have been sued directly by
asbestos claimants asserting that insurers had a duty to protect the public from
the dangers of asbestos.  Management  believes these issues are not likely to be
resolved in the near future.

Further  uncertainties include the effect of the recent acceleration in the rate
of  bankruptcy  filings  by  asbestos  defendants  on the rate and amount of The
Hartford's asbestos claims payments;  a further increase or decrease in asbestos
and  environmental   claims  that  cannot  now  be  anticipated;   whether  some
policyholders'  liabilities  will reach the  umbrella or excess  layers of their
coverage;  the  resolution or  adjudication  of some disputes  pertaining to the
amount of available  coverage for asbestos claims in a manner  inconsistent with
The Hartford's  previous  assessment of these claims;  the number and outcome of
direct actions against The Hartford; and unanticipated  developments  pertaining
to The Hartford's ability to recover  reinsurance for asbestos and environmental
claims.  It also is not possible to predict changes in the legal and legislative
environment  and  their  impact  on  the  future  development  of  asbestos  and
environmental claims.

It is unknown whether a potential  Federal bill concerning  asbestos  litigation
approved by the Senate  Judiciary  Committee,  or some other  potential  Federal
asbestos-related  legislation,  will be enacted and, if so, what its effect will
be on The Hartford's aggregate asbestos liabilities. Additionally, the reporting
pattern for excess  insurance and reinsurance  claims is much longer than direct
claims.  In many  instances,  it takes  months  or years to  determine  that the
policyholder's own obligations have been met and how the reinsurance in question
may apply to such claims.  The delay in reporting excess and reinsurance  claims
and exposures adds to the uncertainty of estimating the related reserves.

In the case of the reserves for environmental exposures, factors contributing to
the high degree of uncertainty include court decisions that have interpreted the
insurance  coverage  to  be  broader  than  originally  intended;   inconsistent
decisions,  especially across jurisdictions;  and uncertainty as to the monetary
amount being sought by the claimant from the insured.

Given the factors and emerging trends described above, The Hartford believes the
actuarial tools and other techniques it employs to estimate the ultimate cost of
claims for more  traditional  kinds of  insurance  exposure  are less precise in
estimating reserves for its asbestos and environmental  exposures.  The Hartford
regularly  evaluates new  information  in assessing  its potential  asbestos and
environmental exposures.

In the first quarter of 2003, several events occurred that in the Company's view
confirmed the existence of a substantial long-term deterioration in the asbestos
litigation  environment.  For example, in February 2003, Combustion Engineering,
long a major  asbestos  defendant,  filed a pre-packaged  bankruptcy  plan under
which it proposed to emerge from bankruptcy within five weeks,  before opponents
of the plan could have a meaningful  opportunity  to object,  and included  many
novel  features in its plan that its insurers found  objectionable.  In December
2002, Halliburton had announced its intention to file a similar plan through one
or more  subsidiaries  and in  January  2003,  Honeywell  announced  that it had
reached an  agreement  with the  plaintiffs'  bar that would enable it to file a
pre-negotiated  plan  through  its  former  NARCO  subsidiary,  then  already in
bankruptcy.  In  January  2003,  Congoleum,  a floor  tile  manufacturer,  which
previously had defended claims  successfully  in the tort system,  announced its
intention to file a  pre-packaged  plan of  reorganization  to be funded  almost
entirely with insurance proceeds. Moreover, prominent members of the plaintiffs'
and  policyholders'  bars announced  publicly their  intention to file many more
such plans.  These  events  represented  a worsening of  conditions  the Company
observed in 2002.

As  a  result  of  these   worsening   conditions,   the  Company   conducted  a
comprehensive, ground-up study of its asbestos exposures in the first quarter of
2003 in an effort to project,  beginning at the individual  account  level,  the
effect of these trends on the  Company's  estimated  total  exposure to asbestos
liability.  Based on the Company's reevaluation of the deteriorating  conditions
described above, the Company strengthened its gross and net asbestos reserves by
$3.9 billion and $2.6 billion,  respectively.  The reserve strengthening related
primarily  to  policies  effective  in 1985 or  prior  years.  The  Company  had
incorporated  an absolute  asbestos  exclusion in most of its general  liability
policies  written after 1985.  The Company  believes  that its current  asbestos
reserves are reasonable and appropriate.

As of December 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, the Company reported $3.8 billion
and $1.1 billion of net asbestos reserves and $408 and $591 of net environmental
reserves,  respectively.  Because of the  significant  uncertainties  previously
described,  principally those related to asbestos,  the ultimate liabilities may
exceed the currently  recorded reserves.  Any such additional  liability (or any
range of additional  amounts)  cannot be  reasonably  estimated now but could be
material to The Hartford's  future  consolidated  operating  results,  financial
condition and liquidity.  Consistent with the Company's  longstanding  reserving
practices,  The Hartford  will  continue to regularly  review and monitor  these
reserves and, where future circumstances  indicate, make appropriate adjustments
to the reserves.


Total rental expense on operating leases was $158 in 2003, $155 in 2002 and $156
in 2001. Future minimum lease commitments are as follows:

2004                                              $       161
2005                                                      141
2006                                                      123
2007                                                      102
2008                                                       77
Thereafter                                                144
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                            $        748

On June 30, 2003, the Company entered into a sale-leaseback of certain furniture
and fixtures with a net book value of $40. The sale-leaseback resulted in a gain
of $15,  which was deferred and will be amortized into earnings over the initial
lease  term of three  years.  The  lease  qualifies  as an  operating  lease for
accounting purposes. At the end of the initial lease term, the Company has




the option to  purchase  the  leased  assets,  renew the lease for two  one-year
periods or return the leased  assets to the  lessor.  If the  Company  elects to
return the assets to the lessor at the end of the initial lease term, the assets
will be sold,  and the Company has  guaranteed a residual value on the furniture
and fixtures of $20. If the fair value of the  furniture  and  fixtures  were to
decline  below  the  residual  value,  the  Company  would  have  to make up the
difference under the residual value guarantee.

As of December 31, 2003,  no liability was recorded for this  guarantee,  as the
expected  fair value of the  furniture  and  fixtures  at the end of the initial
lease term was greater than the residual value guarantee.


The Hartford's  Federal income tax returns are routinely audited by the Internal
Revenue Service ("IRS").  The Company is currently under audit for the 1998-2001
tax years.  Management  believes  that  adequate  provision has been made in the
financial  statements  for any  potential  assessments  that may result from tax
examinations and other tax-related matters for all open tax years.

Throughout the IRS audit of the 1996-1997 years, the Company and the IRS engaged
in a dispute  regarding what portion of the separate account  dividends-received
deduction  ("DRD") was  deductible  by the  Company.  During  2001,  the Company
continued its  discussions  with the IRS. As part of the Company's due diligence
with respect to this issue, the Company closely  monitored the activities of the
IRS with respect to other taxpayers on this issue and consulted with outside tax
counsel and advisors on the merits of the  Company's  separate  account DRD. The
due  diligence  was  completed  during the third quarter of 2001 and the Company
concluded  that it was probable that a greater  portion of the separate  account
DRD  claimed on its filed  returns  would be  realized.  Based on the  Company's
assessment of the probable outcome, the Company concluded an additional $130 tax
benefit was appropriate to record in the third quarter of 2001,  relating to the
tax years  1996-2000.  Additionally,  the Company  increased its estimate of the
separate account DRD recognized with respect to tax year 2001 from $44 to $60.

Early in 2002, the Company and its IRS agent requested  advice from the National
Office of the IRS with  respect to certain  aspects  of the  computation  of the
separate  account DRD that had been  claimed by the  Company  for the  1996-1997
audit period.  During  September  2002, the IRS National  Office issued a ruling
that confirmed  that the Company had properly  computed the items in question in
the separate  account DRD claimed on its  1996-1997  tax returns.  Additionally,
during the third  quarter,  the Company  reached  agreement  with the IRS on all
other issues with respect to the  1996-1997  tax years.  The Company  recorded a
benefit of $76 during the third quarter of 2002,  primarily  relating to the tax
treatment of such issues for the  1996-1997  tax years,  as well as  appropriate
carryover  adjustments to the 1998-2002  years. The total DRD benefit related to
the 2002 tax year was $63.

During  the  second  quarter  of 2003,  the  Company  recorded a benefit of $30,
consisting primarily of a change in the estimate of the DRD tax benefit reported
during 2002. The change in the estimate was the result of actual 2002 investment
performance on the related separate  accounts being  unexpectedly out of pattern
with past performance,  which had been the basis for the estimate. The total DRD
benefit  relating to the 2003 tax year recorded  during the year ended  December
31, 2003 was $87.

The  Company  will  continue to monitor  further  developments  surrounding  the
computation of the separate account DRD, as well as other tax-related items, and
will adjust its estimate of the probable outcome of these issues as developments


At December 31, 2003, The Hartford has outstanding commitments totaling $464, of
which $324 is committed to fund limited partnership  investments.  These capital
commitments  can be called by the partnership  during the commitment  period (on
average 2 to 5 years) to fund working capital needs or purchase new investments.
Once the commitment  period expires,  the Company is under no obligation to fund
the remaining unfunded  commitment but may elect to do so. The remaining $140 of
outstanding  commitments are related to various funding  obligations  associated
with investments in mortgage loans.  These have a commitment period that expires
in less than one year.


The  Hartford  is  organized  into two major  operations:  Life and  Property  &
Casualty. Within these operations, The Hartford conducts business principally in
nine operating  segments.  Additionally,  Corporate  includes  certain  interest
expense, capital raising and purchase accounting adjustment activities,  as well
as capital  raised  that has not been  contributed  to the  Company's  insurance

Life is organized into four reportable operating segments:  Investment Products,
Individual  Life,  Group Benefits and Corporate  Owned Life Insurance  ("COLI").
Investment  Products  offers  individual  variable and fixed  annuities,  mutual
funds,  retirement plan services and other investment products.  Individual Life
sells a variety of life insurance  products,  including variable universal life,
universal life,  interest  -sensitive whole life and term life insurance.  Group
Benefits  sells  group  insurance  products,  including  group  life  and  group
disability  insurance,  as well as  other  products,  including  stop  loss  and
supplementary  medical  coverage  to  employers  and  employer-sponsored  plans,
accidental  death and  dismemberment,  travel  accident  and other  special risk
coverages to employers and associations. COLI primarily offers variable products
used by employers to fund non-qualified benefits or other postemployment benefit
obligations as well as leveraged COLI.  Life also includes in "Other"  corporate
items  not  directly  allocable  to any of its  reportable  operating  segments,
principally interest expense as well as its international operations,  which are
primarily  located in Japan and Brazil,  realized  capital  gains and losses and
intersegment eliminations.




Property & Casualty is organized into five reportable  operating  segments:  the
four North American underwriting segments of Business Insurance, Personal Lines,
Specialty   Commercial  and  Reinsurance  ("North  American");   and  the  Other
Operations segment,  which includes  substantially all of the Company's asbestos
and  environmental  exposures.  Property &  Casualty  also  includes  income and
expense items not directly  allocated to these segments,  such as net investment
income,  net realized  capital gains and losses,  and other  expenses  including
interest, severance and income taxes.

Business  Insurance  provides standard  commercial  insurance  coverage to small
commercial and middle market commercial business primarily throughout the United
States.  This  segment  offers  workers'  compensation,   property,  automobile,
liability,  umbrella and marine coverages.  Commercial risk management  products
and services also are provided.

Personal  Lines  provides   automobile,   homeowners'  and  home-based  business
coverages  to the  members  of AARP  through a direct  marketing  operation;  to
individuals who prefer local agent involvement  through a network of independent
agents in the standard  personal  lines market;  and through the Omni  Insurance
Group in the  non-standard  automobile  market.  Personal  Lines also operates a
member  contact  center for health  insurance  products  offered  through AARP's
Health Care Options.

The  Specialty  Commercial  segment  offers a variety  of  customized  insurance
products and risk management  services.  Specialty  Commercial provides standard
commercial  insurance products including workers'  compensation,  automobile and
liability coverages to large-sized companies. Specialty Commercial also provides
bond, professional liability,  specialty casualty and agricultural coverages, as
well as core  property  and excess and  surplus  lines  coverages  not  normally
written by  standard  lines  insurers.  Alternative  markets,  within  Specialty
Commercial,  provides  insurance  products  and  services  primarily  to captive
insurance  companies,  pools and self-insurance  groups. In addition,  Specialty
Commercial   provides   third   party   administrator    services   for   claims
administration,  integrated benefits,  loss control and performance  measurement
through Specialty Risk Services, a subsidiary of the Company.

On May 16, 2003, as part of the Company's  decision to withdraw from the assumed
reinsurance  business,  the  Company  entered  into a quota  share and  purchase
agreement  with  Endurance  Reinsurance  Corporation  of  America  ("Endurance")
whereby the Reinsurance  segment  retroceded the majority of its inforce book of
business as of April 1, 2003 and sold  renewal  rights to  Endurance.  Under the
quota  share  agreement,  Endurance  reinsured  most  of the  segment's  assumed
reinsurance contracts that were written on or after January 1, 2002 and that had
unearned premium as of April 1, 2003. In consideration for Endurance  reinsuring
the unearned  premium as of April 1, 2003,  the Company paid Endurance an amount
equal to unearned  premiums  less the related  unamortized  commissions/deferred
acquisition  costs and an  override  commission,  which was  established  by the
contract.  In addition,  Endurance will pay a profit sharing commission based on
the loss performance of property treaty,  property catastrophe and aviation pool
unearned premium.  Under the purchase  agreement,  Endurance will pay additional
amounts,  subject to a guaranteed  minimum of $15, based on the level of renewal
premium  on the  reinsured  contracts  over the two year  period  following  the
agreement.  The guaranteed minimum is reflected in net income for the year ended
December 31, 2003. The Company remains  subject to ongoing  reserve  development
relating to all retained business.

Prior to the Endurance transaction,  the Reinsurance segment assumed reinsurance
in North America and primarily  wrote treaty  reinsurance  through  professional
reinsurance brokers covering various property,  casualty,  property catastrophe,
marine  and   alternative   risk  transfer   ("ART")   products.   ART  included
non-traditional  reinsurance  products such as multi-year  property  catastrophe
treaties,  aggregate of excess of loss  agreements and quota share treaties with
single event caps. International property catastrophe,  marine and ART were also
written outside of North America through a London contact office.

The Other Operations segment consists of certain property and casualty insurance
operations  of The  Hartford  which have  discontinued  writing new business and
includes   substantially  all  of  the  Company's   asbestos  and  environmental

The measure of profit or loss used by The  Hartford's  management  in evaluating
the  performance  of its  Life  segments  is net  income.  Property  &  Casualty
underwriting segments are evaluated by The Hartford's management primarily based
upon underwriting  results.  Underwriting results represent earned premiums less
incurred claims, claim adjustment expenses and underwriting expenses.

Certain  transactions  between  segments  occur  during the year that  primarily
relate to tax settlements, insurance coverage, expense reimbursements,  services
provided,  security transfers and capital  contributions.  In addition,  certain
reinsurance  stop loss agreements  exist between the segments which specify that
one  segment  will  reimburse  another  for  losses  incurred  in  excess  of  a
predetermined limit. Also, one segment may purchase group annuity contracts from
another to fund  pension  costs and  annuities  to settle  casualty  claims.  In
addition,  certain  intersegment  transactions occur in Life. These transactions
include  interest income on allocated  surplus and the allocation of certain net
realized  capital gains and losses through net investment  income  utilizing the
duration  of  the  segment's  investment   portfolios.   Consolidated  Life  net
investment  income and net realized  capital gains and losses are  unaffected by
such insignificant  transactions.  During the year ended December 31, 2003, $1.8
billion of securities were sold by the Property & Casualty operation to the Life
operation.  For segment  reporting,  the net gain on this sale was  deferred and
will be  reported by the  Property & Casualty  operation  as  realized  when the
underlying  securities are sold by the Life operation.  On December 1, 2002, the
Property & Casualty segments entered into a contract with a subsidiary,  whereby
reinsurance  will  be  provided  to the  Property  &  Casualty  operation.  This
reinsurance  program enables Property & Casualty to purchase  reinsurance at the
overall  Property &  Casualty  operation  level  rather  than by the  individual
segment. The financial results of this reinsurance program, net of retrocessions
to unrelated reinsurers, are included in the Specialty Commercial segment.




The  following   tables  present   revenues,   operating   results  and  assets.
Underwriting  results are presented for the Business Insurance,  Personal Lines,
Specialty  Commercial,  Reinsurance  and Other  Operations  segments,  while net
income is presented for Life, Property & Casualty and Corporate.

                                                                                     For the years ended December 31,
REVENUES                                                                        2003                 2002                2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Investment Products
     Individual annuity                                                  $         1,750     $         1,539      $         1,532
     Other                                                                         2,058               1,568                1,807
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total Investment Products                                                     3,808               3,107                3,339
  Individual Life                                                                    982                 958                  890
  Group Benefits                                                                   2,624               2,582                2,507
  COLI                                                                               483                 592                  719
  Other [1]                                                                          161                (304)                 (73)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Life                                                                         8,058               6,935                7,382
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property & Casualty
  North American
     Business Insurance
       Workers' Compensation                                                       1,242               1,079                  891
       Property                                                                    1,116                 927                  770
       Automobile                                                                    676                 590                  512
       Liability                                                                     419                 382                  345
       Other                                                                         242                 148                  127
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Business Insurance                                                    3,695               3,126                2,645
     Personal Lines
       Automobile                                                                  2,325               2,232                2,067
       Homeowners and other [2]                                                      979                 875                  830
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Personal Lines                                                        3,304               3,107                2,897
     Specialty Commercial
       Workers' Compensation                                                         106                 112                  126
       Property                                                                      238                 198                  108
       Automobile                                                                     21                  19                   20
       Liability                                                                     352                 238                  151
       Other [2]                                                                   1,148                 888                  837
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Specialty Commercial                                                  1,865               1,455                1,242
     Reinsurance                                                                     351                 713                  920
  Other Operations                                                                    18                  69                   17
  Ceded premiums related to September 11                                              --                  --                  (91)
  Net investment income                                                            1,172               1,060                1,042
  Net realized capital gains (losses)                                                253                 (68)                 (92)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Property & Casualty                                                         10,658               9,462                8,580
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corporate                                                                             17                  20                   18
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     TOTAL REVENUES                                                      $        18,733     $        16,417      $        15,980
[1]  Amounts  include net realized  capital  gains  (losses) of $15,  $(317) and
     $(133) for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
[2]  Includes servicing revenue.




                                                                                                For the years ended December 31,
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                                     2003             2002               2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Investment Products                                                          $         510  $           432    $           463
   Individual Life                                                                        145              133                121
   Group Benefits                                                                         148              128                106
   COLI                                                                                    (1)              32                 37
   Other [1]                                                                              (33)            (168)               (42)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Life                                                                              769              557                685
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Property & Casualty
      Underwriting results
       Business Insurance                                                                 101               44                  3
       Personal Lines                                                                     117              (46)               (78)
       Specialty Commercial                                                               (29)             (23)               (95)
       Reinsurance                                                                       (125)             (59)              (149)
       Other Operations                                                                  (112)            (164)              (132)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Underwriting results before September 11 and 2003 asbestos reserve addition         (48)            (248)              (451)
        September 11 [2]                                                                   --               --               (647)
        2003 asbestos reserve addition                                                 (2,604)              --                 --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total underwriting results                                                       (2,652)            (248)            (1,098)
      Net servicing and other income [3]                                                    8               15                 22
      Net investment income                                                             1,172            1,060              1,042
      Net realized capital gains (losses)                                                 253              (68)               (92)
      Other expenses [4]                                                                 (205)            (218)              (222)
      Income tax (expense) benefit                                                        613              (72)               241
      Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax                                   --               --                 (8)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Property & Casualty                                                              (811)             469               (115)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Corporate                                                                               (49)             (26)               (63)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                         $         (91) $         1,000    $           507
[1] Amounts include net realized capital gains (losses), after-tax of $9, $(196)
    and $(89) for the year ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
[2] 2001  includes  underwriting  losses  related to  September  11 of $(245) in
    Business Insurance,  $(9) in Personal Lines, $(167) in Specialty  Commercial
    and $(226) in Reinsurance.
[3] Net of expenses related to service  business.
[4] 2003 includes before-tax severance charges of $41.

                                                                                                For the years ended December 31,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASSETS                                                                                              2003                 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Life                                                                                     $       187,592        $       149,794
  Property & Casualty                                                                               37,159                 31,129
  Corporate                                                                                          1,102                  1,052
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       TOTAL ASSETS                                                                        $       225,853        $       181,975

                                                                                     For the years ended December 31,
REVENUES                                                                         2003                2002                2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  North America                                                          $        18,480     $        16,289      $        15,836
  Other                                                                              253                 128                  144
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       TOTAL REVENUES                                                    $        18,733     $        16,417      $        15,980



- ---

On  December  31,  2003,   the  Company   acquired   certain  of  CNA  Financial
Corporation's group life and accident,  and short-term and long-term  disability
businesses,  through a stock purchase,  for $485 in cash. This  acquisition will
increase the scale of the Company's group life and disability operations, expand
the  Company's  distribution  and enhance the  Company's  capability  to deliver
outstanding products and services.  Purchase  consideration for this transaction
was obtained from the issuance of commercial  paper.  The purchase price paid on
December 31, 2003, was based on a September 30, 2003 valuation of the businesses
acquired.  During the first quarter of 2004, the purchase price will be adjusted
to reflect a December 31, 2003 valuation of the businesses acquired. The Company
currently  estimates that  adjustment to the purchase price to be an increase of
$51,  which  primarily  reflects the  increase of the surplus of the  businesses
acquired  in the  fourth  quarter  of  2003.  Through  this  acquisition  assets
increased $2.6 billion,  primarily  comprised of fixed maturities and short-term
investments, and




liabilities  increased $2.1 billion,  primarily  comprised of reserve for future
policy benefits.

The assets and liabilities  acquired in this  transaction  were recorded at fair
value.  An intangible  asset  representing  the present value of future  profits
("PVP") of the acquired businesses was established in the amount of $53. The PVP
is  amortized  to expense in  relation  to the  estimated  gross  profits of the
underlying  insurance  contracts,  and  interest is accreted on the  unamortized

- ------

On April 2, 2001, The Hartford acquired Fortis Financial Group for $1.12 billion
in cash.  The Company  effected  the  acquisition  through  several  reinsurance
agreements  with  subsidiaries  of Fortis,  Inc. and the purchase of 100% of the
stock  of  Fortis  Advisers,  Inc.  and  Fortis  Investors,  Inc.,  wholly-owned
subsidiaries  of Fortis,  Inc. The  acquisition  was accounted for as a purchase
transaction  and, as such, the revenues and expenses  generated by this business
from April 2, 2001 forward are included in the company's consolidated statements
of operation purchase consideration for the transaction was as follows:

Issuance of:
- ------------

Common stock issuance (10 million shares
   @ $64.00 per share), net of transaction costs      $     615
Long-term notes:
   $400  7.375% notes due March 1, 2031                     400
Junior subordinated debentures:
   $200  7.625% Junior subordinated debentures
   due February 15, 2050                                    200
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
     Consideration raised                             $   1,215

The assets and liabilities  acquired in this transaction were recorded at values
prescribed by applicable  purchase  accounting rules, which represent  estimated
fair  value.  In  addition,  an  intangible  asset  representing  the PVP of the
acquired business was established in the amount of $605.

The PVP is amortized to expense in relation to the  estimated  gross  profits of
the underlying insurance contracts,  and interest is accreted on the unamortized
balance.  Goodwill of $553,  representing  the excess of the purchase price over
the amount of net assets  (including  PVP) acquired,  has also been recorded and
was amortized on a straight-line  basis until January 1, 2002, when amortization
ceased under the provisions of SFAS No. 142.


On September  1, 2003,  the Company  sold a wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Trumbull
Associates,  LLC, for $33,  resulting in a gain of $15,  after-tax.  The gain is
included in net realized  capital gains. The revenues and net income of Trumbull
Associates,  LLC were not  material  to the  Company or the  Property & Casualty

On September 7, 2001,  HLI completed  the sale of its  ownership  interest in an
Argentine subsidiary,  Sudamerica Holding S.A. The Company recorded an after-tax
net realized capital loss of $21 related to the sale.

On  February  8,  2001,  The  Hartford  completed  the  sale of its  Spain-based
subsidiary,  Hartford  Seguros.  The Hartford recorded an after-tax net realized
capital loss of $16.


Comprehensive income is defined as all changes in stockholders'  equity,  except
those arising from transactions with stockholders. Comprehensive income includes
net income (loss) and other comprehensive income, which for the Company consists
of changes in unrealized  appreciation or depreciation of investments carried at
market  value,  changes  in gains or losses on  cash-flow  hedging  instruments,
changes  in foreign  currency  translation  gains or losses  and  changes in the
Company's minimum pension liability.

The components of AOCI or loss were as follows:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003                                 Net Gain (Loss)     Foreign
                                                       Unrealized     on Cash-Flow       Currency   Minimum Pension     Accumulated
                                                         Gain on         Hedging        Cumulative     Liability           Other
                                                       Securities,    Instruments,     Translation    Adjustment,      Comprehensive
                                                       net of tax      net of tax      Adjustments     net of tax      Income (Loss)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR                              $1,444             $128           $(95)           $(383)          $1,094
  Unrealized gain on securities [1] [2]                    320               --             --               --              320
  Foreign currency translation adjustments                  --               --             (6)              --               (6)
  Net gain (loss) on cash-flow hedging
     instruments [1] [3]                                    --             (170)            --               --             (170)
  Minimum pension liability adjustment [1]                  --               --             --                8                8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, END OF YEAR                                    $1,764             $(42)         $(101)           $(375)          $1,246
[1]  Unrealized gain (loss) on securities is net of tax and other items of $136,
     $810  and $60 for the  years  ended  December  31,  2003,  2002  and  2001,
     respectively.  Net gain on cash-flow  hedging  instruments is net of tax of
     $(92),  $35 and $21 for the years ended  December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001,
     respectively.  Minimum  pension  liability  adjustment is net of tax of $4,
     $(196)  and $(2) for the years  ended  December  31,  2003,  2002 and 2001,
[2]  Net of  reclassification  adjustment  for gains  (losses)  realized  in net
     income of $162,  $(252) and $(72) for the years ended  December  31,  2003,
     2002 and 2001, respectively.
[3]  Net of amortization  adjustment of $20, $5 and $6 to net investment  income
     for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
[4]  For the year ended December 31, 2001, unrealized gain (loss) on securities,
     net of tax, includes cumulative effect of accounting change of $(23) to net
     income and $24 to net gain on cash-flow hedging instruments.




                                                                     Net Gain (Loss)     Foreign
                                                       Unrealized     on Cash-Flow       Currency   Minimum Pension     Accumulated
                                                         Gain on         Hedging        Cumulative     Liability           Other
                                                       Securities,    Instruments,     Translation    Adjustment,      Comprehensive
                                                       net of tax      net of tax      Adjustments     net of tax      Income (Loss)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR                                $606              $63          $(116)            $(19)            $534
  Unrealized gain on securities [1] [2]                    838               --             --               --              838
  Foreign currency translation adjustments                  --               --             21               --               21
  Net gain on cash-flow hedging instruments [1] [3]         --               65             --               --               65
  Minimum pension liability adjustment [1]                  --               --             --             (364)            (364)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, END OF YEAR                                    $1,444             $128           $(95)           $(383)          $1,094

                                                                     Net Gain (Loss)     Foreign
                                                       Unrealized     on Cash-Flow       Currency   Minimum Pension     Accumulated
                                                         Gain on         Hedging        Cumulative     Liability           Other
                                                       Securities,    Instruments,     Translation    Adjustment,      Comprehensive
                                                       net of tax      net of tax      Adjustments     net of tax      Income (Loss)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR                                    $497           $--           $(113)            $(15)            $369
  Cumulative effect of accounting change [4]                    (1)           24              --               --               23
  Unrealized gain on securities [1] [2]                        110            --              --               --              110
  Foreign currency translation adjustments                      --            --              (3)              --               (3)
  Net gain on cash-flow hedging instruments [1] [3]             --            39              --               --               39
  Minimum pension liability adjustment [1]                      --            --              --               (4)              (4)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE, END OF YEAR                                          $606           $63           $(116)            $(19)            $534
[1]  Unrealized gain (loss) on securities is net of tax and other items of $136,
     $810  and $60 for the  years  ended  December  31,  2003,  2002  and  2001,
     respectively.  Net gain on cash-flow  hedging  instruments is net of tax of
     $(92),  $35 and $21 for the years ended  December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001,
     respectively.  Minimum  pension  liability  adjustment is net of tax of $4,
     $(196)  and $(2) for the years  ended  December  31,  2003,  2002 and 2001,
[2]  Net of  reclassification  adjustment  for gains  (losses)  realized  in net
     income of $162,  $(252) and $(72) for the years ended  December  31,  2003,
     2002 and 2001, respectively.
[3]  Net of amortization  adjustment of $20, $5 and $6 to net investment  income
     for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
[4]  For the year ended December 31, 2001, unrealized gain (loss) on securities,
     net of tax, includes cumulative effect of accounting change of $(23) to net
     income and $24 to net gain on cash-flow hedging instruments.


                                                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                      March 31,             June 30,          September 30,          December 31,
                                                    2003       2002      2003       2002       2003      2002       2003       2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                                         $   4,331 $   4,060  $   4,682 $   3,992  $   4,947  $  4,085  $   4,773  $   4,280
Benefits, claims and expenses                    $   6,556 $   3,692  $   4,053 $   3,792  $   4,511  $  3,891  $   4,163  $   3,974
Net income (loss) [1]                            $  (1,395)$     292  $     507 $     185  $     343  $    265  $     454  $     258
Basic earnings (loss) per share [1]              $   (5.46)$    1.19  $    1.89 $    0.75  $    1.21  $   1.06  $    1.60  $    1.01
Diluted earnings (loss) per share [1] [2]        $   (5.46)$    1.17  $    1.88 $    0.74  $    1.20  $   1.06  $    1.59  $    1.01
Weighted average common shares outstanding           255.4     246.1      268.8     247.4      282.5     248.9      283.0      255.2
Weighted average common shares outstanding and
   dilutive potential common shares [2]              255.4     249.7      270.2     250.7      284.8     250.5      285.6      256.3
[1] Included in the  quarter  ended  March 31,  2003 is an  after-tax  charge of
    $1,701 related to the Company's 2003 asbestos reserve addition.  Included in
    the  quarter  ended  September  30,  2003 and March 31,  2002 are  after-tax
    expenses  of $40 and $11,  respectively,  related to the  settlement  of the
    Bancorp  Services,  LLC litigation  dispute.  Included in the quarters ended
    June 30, 2003 and September 30, 2002 are $30 and $76,  respectively,  of tax
    benefits in Life  related to the  favorable  treatment  of certain tax items
    arising  during the  1996-2002  tax years.  The quarter  ended June 30, 2003
    includes $27 of after-tax severance charges in Property & Casualty.
[2] As a result of the net loss in the quarter  ended March 31,  2003,  SFAS No.
    128 requires the Company to use basic weighted average shares outstanding in
    the  calculation  of first quarter 2003 diluted  earnings per share,  as the
    inclusion of options of 0.7 would have been antidilutive to the earnings per
    share calculation.  In the absence of the net loss,  weighted average common
    shares  outstanding and dilutive  potential common shares would have totaled


                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                             SCHEDULE I


(In millions)                                                                            As of December 31, 2003
                                                                                                                Amount at which
                                                                                                                shown on Balance
Type of Investment                                                              Cost           Fair Value            Sheet
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bonds and notes
     U.S. Government and Government agencies and authorities
      (guaranteed and sponsored)                                           $     1,060        $       1,070    $      1,070
     U.S. Government and Government agencies and authorities
      (guaranteed and sponsored) - asset-backed                                  3,315                3,361           3,361
     States, municipalities and political subdivisions                          10,003               10,770          10,770
     International governments                                                   1,436                1,582           1,582
     Public utilities                                                            2,316                2,452           2,452
     All other corporate including international                                23,323               24,926          24,926
     All other corporate - asset-backed                                         13,235               13,656          13,656
     Short-term investments                                                      3,363                3,366           3,366
  Redeemable preferred stock                                                        76                   80              80
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES                                                   58,127               61,263          61,263
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Common stocks
     Industrial and miscellaneous                                                  115                  169             169
  Nonredeemable preferred stocks                                                   390                  396             396
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       TOTAL EQUITY SECURITIES                                                     505                  565             565
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       TOTAL FIXED MATURITIES AND EQUITY SECURITIES                             58,632               61,828          61,828
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

REAL ESTATE                                                                          2                    2               2

  Mortgage loans on real estate                                                    792                  792             792
  Policy loans                                                                   2,512                2,512           2,512
  Investments in partnerships and trusts                                           392                  345             345
  Futures, options and miscellaneous                                               239                  368             368
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       TOTAL OTHER INVESTMENTS                                                   3,935                4,017           4,017
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       TOTAL INVESTMENTS                                                   $    62,569        $      65,847    $     65,847


                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                             SCHEDULE II


(In millions)                                                                                      As of December 31,
BALANCE SHEETS                                                                                 2003                2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Receivables from affiliates                                                         $           385      $           333
    Other assets                                                                                    332                  263
    Investment in affiliates                                                                     15,447               13,351
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                 16,164               13,947
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Short-term debt                                                                                 850                  315
    Long-term debt                                                                                3,319                2,574
 Other liabilities                                                                                  356                  324
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                             4,525                3,213
    TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                   11,639               10,734
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                          $        16,164      $        13,947

 (In millions)
 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS                                                           For the years ended December 31,
                                                                              2003               2002                2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Earnings of subsidiaries                                              $         21     $         1,104      $         641
 Interest expense (net of interest income)                                      155                 155                190
 Other  expenses                                                                 17                   5                 16
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                         (151)                944                435
 Income tax expense (benefit)                                                   (60)                (56)               (72)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                 $        (91)    $         1,000      $         507


                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                             SCHEDULE II

                                                 CONDENSED FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF
                                       THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC. (CONTINUED)

(In millions)                                                                       For the years ended December 31,
                                                                             2003               2002                 2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net income (loss)                                                  $          (91)  $         1,000       $          507
    Undistributed earnings of subsidiaries                                       (197)             (877)                (555)
    Change in working capital                                                     163              (128)                  45
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      CASH USED FOR OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                         (125)               (5)                  (3)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Net sale (purchase) of short-term investments                                  60                 6                   (41)
    Capital contribution to subsidiary                                         (2,135)             (498)                 (854)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  CASH USED FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES                           (2,075)             (492)                 (895)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Net increase in debt                                                        1,270               333                    48
    Issuance of common stock                                                    1,162               330                 1,015
    Dividends paid                                                               (291)             (257)                 (235)
    Acquisitions of treasury stock                                                 (1)               --                   (7)
    Proceeds from issuances of shares under incentive and stock
      purchase plans                                                               59                92                    77
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                     2,199               498                   898
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net change in cash                                                             (1)                1                    --
    Cash - beginning of year                                                        1                --                    --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Cash-end of year                                                  $           --   $             1      $             --
  Interest                                                             $          148   $           150      $          186


                                      THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                     SCHEDULE III

                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INSURANCE INFORMATION
                                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003, 2002 AND 2001

(In millions)
                                       Future Policy
                          Deferred    Benefits, Unpaid                        Other
                           Policy     Claims and Claim                     Policyholder
                         Acquisition     Adjustment         Unearned        Funds and       Earned Premiums, Fee
                          Costs [1]       Expenses          Premiums     Benefits Payable     Income and Other
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Life                       $   6,623    $     11,411    $        58        $      26,186  $           5,977
Property & Casualty              975          21,715          4,372                   --              9,233
Corporate                          1              (9)            (7)                  (1)                (3)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CONSOLIDATED             $   7,599    $     33,117    $     4,423        $      26,185  $          15,207

Life                       $   5,758    $      8,583    $        54        $      23,957  $           5,394
Property & Casualty              930          17,091          3,942                   --              8,470
Corporate                          1             (16)            (7)                  (1)                --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CONSOLIDATED             $   6,689    $     25,658    $     3,989        $      23,956  $          13,864

Life                       $   5,572    $      8,842    $        45        $      19,357  $           5,736
Property & Casualty              847          17,036          3,399                   --              7,630
Corporate                          1             (23)            (8)                  (2)                --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CONSOLIDATED             $   6,420    $     25,855    $     3,436        $      19,355  $          13,366

                                           Claims and    Amortization of
                                Net          Claim       Deferred Policy
                            Investment     Adjustment      Acquisition
                              Income        Expenses        Costs [1]      Other Expenses   Net Written Premiums
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Life                      $    2,041     $      4,616   $       769        $       1,724  $          N/A
Property & Casualty            1,172            8,926         1,642                1,514           9,065
Corporate                         20                6            --                   86             N/A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CONSOLIDATED            $    3,233     $     13,548   $     2,411        $       3,324  $        9,065

Life                      $    1,849     $      4,158   $       628        $       1,582  $           N/A
Property & Casualty            1,060            5,870         1,613                1,438            8,584
Corporate                         20                6            --                   54              N/A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CONSOLIDATED            $    2,929     $     10,034   $     2,241        $       3,074  $         8,584

Life                      $    1,782     $      4,444   $       642        $       1,531  $           N/A
Property & Casualty            1,042            6,146         1,572                1,210            7,585
Corporate                         18                7            --                   87              N/A
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CONSOLIDATED            $    2,842     $     10,597   $     2,214        $       2,828  $         7,585
     [1]  Also includes present value of future profits.
     Note:Certain  reclassifications  have  been  made to prior  year  financial
          information to conform to current year presentation.
     N/A  - Not applicable to life insurance pursuant to Regulation S-X.


                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                             SCHEDULE IV


                                                                                              Assumed From                 of Amount
(In millions)                                             Gross           Ceded to Other         Other                    Assumed to
                                                          Amount            Companies          Companies      Net Amount      Net
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Life insurance in force                            $     704,369     $      288,758    $       59,969  $      475,580          13%
     Property and casualty insurance                 $       9,919     $        1,845    $          731  $        8,805           8%
     Life insurance and annuities                            4,762                361               122           4,523           3%
     Accident and health insurance                           1,485                104                73           1,454           5%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TOTAL INSURANCE REVENUES                     $      16,166     $        2,310    $          926  $       14,782           6%


  Life insurance in force                            $     629,028     $      209,608    $       65,590  $      485,010          14%
     Property and casualty insurance                 $       8,404     $        1,162    $          872  $        8,114          11%
     Life insurance and annuities                            4,067                279                84           3,872           2%
     Accident and health insurance                           1,567                141                96           1,522           6%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TOTAL INSURANCE REVENUES                     $      14,038     $        1,582    $        1,052  $       13,508           8%


  Life insurance in force                            $     534,489     $     142,352     $       50,828  $      442,965          11%
     Property and casualty insurance                 $       7,230     $          980    $        1,016  $        7,266          14%
     Life insurance and annuities                            4,542                323                68           4,287           2%
     Accident and health insurance                           1,408                123               164           1,449          11%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        TOTAL INSURANCE REVENUES                     $      13,180     $        1,426    $        1,248  $       13,002          10%


                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                             SCHEDULE V

                                                  VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS

(In millions)                                Balance         Charged to Costs     Translation   Write-offs/           Balance
                                            January 1,         and Expenses       Adjustment    Payments/Other     December 31,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allowance for doubtful accounts          $       142        $       111       $        --       $      (81)       $       172
Allowance for uncollectible reinsurance          211                263                --              (93)               381
Accumulated depreciation of plant,
   property and equipment                        799                126                --             (166)               759

Allowance for doubtful accounts          $       133        $        96       $       (11)      $      (76)       $       142
Allowance for uncollectible reinsurance          158                 67               --               (14)               211
Accumulated depreciation of plant,
   property and equipment                        721                107               --               (29)               799

Allowance for doubtful accounts          $       127        $        60       $        (1)      $      (53)       $       133
Allowance for uncollectible reinsurance          107                 64               --               (13)               158
Accumulated depreciation of plant,
   property and equipment                        675                 95               --               (49)               721

                                             THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.

                                                             SCHEDULE VI

                                            SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION CONCERNING PROPERTY
                                                  AND CASUALTY INSURANCE OPERATIONS

                                                                                    Claims and Claim Adjustment
                                                               Discount            Expenses Incurred Related to:    Paid Claims and
                                                             Deducted From         -------------------------------  Claim Adjustment
(In millions)                                                  Liabilities [1]        Current Year    Prior Year          Expenses
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Years ended December 31,

                 2003                                  $            525            $     6,102      $     2,824    $       5,849

                 2002                                  $            527            $     5,577      $      293     $       5,589

                 2001                                  $            429            $     5,992      $      143     $       5,592

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1]  Reserves for permanently  disabled  claimants,  terminated  reinsurance  treaties and certain  reinsurance  contracts have been
     discounted  using the rate of return The Hartford could receive on risk-free  investments of 4.8%, 5.0% and 5.1% for 2003, 2002
     and 2001, respectively.



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                               THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES
                                               GROUP, INC.

                                               By:  /s/ Robert J. Price
                                               Robert J. Price
                                               Senior Vice President and

Date: February 27, 2004

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

       SIGNATURE                         TITLE                      DATE
       ---------                         -----                      ----

/S/ Ramani Ayer               Chairman, President, Chief       February 27, 2004
- -------------------------   Executive Officer and Director
Ramani Ayer                  (Principal Executive Officer)

/S/ Thomas M. Marra         Executive Vice President and       February 27, 2004
- -------------------------             Director
Thomas M. Marra

/S/ David K. Zwiener        Executive Vice President and       February 27, 2004
- -------------------------            Director
David K. Zwiener

/S/ David M. Johnson        Executive Vice President and       February 27, 2004
- -------------------------      Chief Financial Officer
David M. Johnson            (Principal Financial Officer)

/S/ Robert J. Price       Senior Vice President and Controller February 27, 2004
- -------------------------    (Principal Accounting Officer)
Robert J. Price

/S/ Rand V. Araskog                   Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Rand V. Araskog

/S/ Donald R. Frahm                   Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Donald R. Frahm

/S/ Edward J. Kelly, III              Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Edward J. Kelly, III

/S/ Paul G. Kirk, Jr.                 Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Paul G. Kirk, Jr.

/S/ Gail J. McGovern                  Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Gail J. McGovern

/S/ Robert W. Selander                Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Robert W. Selander

/S/ Charles B. Strauss                Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Charles B. Strauss

/S/ H. Patrick Swygert                Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
H. Patrick Swygert

/S/ Gordon I. Ulmer                   Director                 February 27, 2004
- -------------------------
Gordon I. Ulmer


                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2003
                                    FORM 10-K

                                 EXHIBITS INDEX

The exhibits  attached to this Form 10-K are those that are required by Item 601
of Regulation S-K.

EXHIBIT NO.                       DESCRIPTION
- -----------                       -----------

3.01    Amended  and  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of The  Hartford
        Financial Services Group, Inc. ("The Hartford"), effective May 21, 1998,
        as amended  by  Amendment  No. 1,  effective  May 1, 2002  (incorporated
        herein by reference to Exhibit 3.01 to The Hartford's  Form 10-Q for the
        quarterly period ended March 31, 2002).

3.02    Amended and Restated  By-Laws of The Hartford,  amended  effective April
        17,  2003  (incorporated  herein by  reference  to  Exhibit  3.01 to The
        Hartford's Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2003).

4.01    Amended and Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and By-Laws of The
        Hartford (incorporated herein by reference as indicated in Exhibits 3.01
        and 3.02 hereto, respectively).

4.02    Rights Agreement dated as of November 1, 1995, (the "Rights Agreement"),
        between  The  Hartford  and  The  Bank  of  New  York  as  Rights  Agent
        (incorporated  herein by reference  to Exhibit 4.26 to the  Registration
        Statement on Form S-3  (Registration  No.  333-103915)  of The Hartford,
        Hartford Capital IV, Hartford Capital V and Hartford Capital VI).

4.03    Form of  certificate  of the voting  powers,  preferences  and  relative
        participating,   optional  and  other  special  rights,  qualifications,
        limitations  or  restrictions  of  Series  A  Participating   Cumulative
        Preferred  Stock of The  Hartford  (attached  as Exhibit A to the Rights
        Agreement  that is  incorporated  herein by  reference  as Exhibit  4.02

4.04    Form of Right Certificate (attached as Exhibit B to the Rights Agreement
        that is incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit 4.02 hereto).

4.05    Senior Indenture, dated as of October 20, 1995, between The Hartford and
        The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association) as Trustee (incorporated
        herein by  reference to Exhibit  4.03 to the  Registration  Statement on
        Form S-3 (Registration No. 333-103915) of The Hartford, Hartford Capital
        IV, Hartford Capital V and Hartford Capital VI).

4.06    Junior Subordinated Indenture, dated as of October 30, 1996, between The
        Hartford and Wilmington Trust Company, as Trustee  (incorporated  herein
        by reference to Exhibit 4.05 to the  Registration  Statement on Form S-3
        (Registration  No.  333-103915)  of The Hartford,  Hartford  Capital IV,
        Hartford Capital V and Hartford Capital VI).

4.07    Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of  October  26,  2001,  between  The
        Hartford  and  Wilmington  Trust  Company,  as  Trustee,  to the  Junior
        Subordinated Indenture filed as Exhibit 4.06 hereto between The Hartford
        and  Wilmington  Trust  Company,  as  Trustee  (incorporated  herein  by
        reference  to Exhibit  4.27 to The  Hartford's  Form 10-K for the fiscal
        year ended December 31, 2001).

4.08    Amended and Restated Trust  Agreement,  dated as of October 26, 2001, of
        Hartford Capital III,  relating to the 7.45% Trust Originated  Preferred
        Securities, Series C (the "Series C Preferred Securities") (incorporated
        herein by reference to Exhibit 4.28 to The Hartford's  Form 10-K for the
        fiscal year ended December 31, 2001).

4.09    Agreement as to Expenses and Liabilities,  dated as of October 26, 2001,
        between The Hartford and Hartford  Capital III  (incorporated  herein by
        reference  to Exhibit  4.29 to The  Hartford's  Form 10-K for the fiscal
        year ended December 31, 2001).

4.10    Preferred  Security  Certificate for Hartford Capital III  (incorporated
        herein by reference to Exhibit 4.30 to The Hartford's  Form 10-K for the
        fiscal year ended December 31, 2001).

4.11    Guarantee Agreement,  dated as of October 26, 2001, between The Hartford
        and Wilmington  Trust Company,  relating to The Hartford's  guarantee of
        the Series C Preferred  Securities  (incorporated herein by reference to
        Exhibit  4.31 to The  Hartford's  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year  ended
        December 31, 2001).


                           EXHIBITS INDEX (CONTINUED)
- ----------

4.12    Supplemental  Indenture  No.1,  dated as of December  27,  2000,  to the
        Senior Indenture filed as Exhibit 4.05 hereto,  between The Hartford and
        The Chase Manhattan Bank, as Trustee  (incorporated  herein by reference
        to Exhibit  4.30 to The  Hartford's  Registration  Statement on Form S-3
        (Amendment No. 1) dated December 27, 2000) (Registration No. 333-49666).

4.13    Supplemental  Indenture  No. 2, dated as of September  13, 2002,  to the
        Senior Indenture filed as Exhibit 4.05 hereto,  between The Hartford and
        JPMorgan  Chase Bank,  as Trustee  (incorporated  herein by reference to
        Exhibit 4.1 to The Hartford's  Report on Form 8-K,  filed  September 17,

4.14    Form of Global Security (included in Exhibit 4.13).

4.15    Purchase Contract Agreement, dated as of September 13, 2002, between The
        Hartford  and  JPMorgan   Chase  Bank,   as  Purchase   Contract   Agent
        (incorporated  herein by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.2 to The  Hartford's
        Report on Form 8-K, filed September 17, 2002).

4.16    Form of Corporate Unit Certificate (included in Exhibit 4.15).

4.17    Pledge Agreement, dated as of September 13, 2002, among The Hartford and
        JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Collateral  Agent,  Custodial Agent,  Securities
        Intermediary  and  JPMorgan  Chase  Bank  as  Purchase   Contract  Agent
        (incorporated  herein by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.3 to The  Hartford's
        Report on Form 8-K, filed September 17, 2002).

4.18    Remarketing  Agreement,  dated as of  September  13,  2002,  between The
        Hartford and Morgan Stanley & Co.  Incorporated,  as Remarketing  Agent,
        and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Purchase Contract Agent (incorporated herein
        by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to The Hartford's  Report on Form 8-K, filed
        September 17, 2002).

4.19    Supplemental  Indenture  No. 3, dated as of May 23, 2003,  to the Senior
        Indenture  filed as  Exhibit  4.05  hereto,  between  The  Hartford  and
        JPMorgan  Chase Bank,  as Trustee  (incorporated  herein by reference to
        Exhibit 4.1 of the  Company's  Current  Report on Form 8-K filed May 30,

4.20    Purchase  Contract  Agreement,  dated as of May 23,  2003,  between  The
        Hartford  and  JPMorgan   Chase  Bank,   as  Purchase   Contract   Agent
        (incorporated  herein  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.2 of the  Company's
        Current Report on Form 8-K filed May 30, 2003).

4.21    Pledge  Agreement,  dated as of May 23,  2003,  between The Hartford and
        JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Collateral  Agent,  Custodial Agent,  Securities
        Intermediary  and  Purchase  Contract  Agent  (incorporated   herein  by
        reference  to Exhibit 4.3 of the  Company's  Current  Report on Form 8-K
        filed May 30, 2003).

4.22    Remarketing  Agreement,  dated as of May 23, 2003, between The Hartford,
        Goldman,  Sachs & Co., as the Remarketing Agent and JPMorgan Chase Bank,
        as Purchase Contract Agent (incorporated  herein by reference to Exhibit
        4.4 of the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K filed May 30, 2003).

*10.01  Employment  Agreement,  dated July 1, 1997,  between  The  Hartford  and
        Ramani Ayer  (incorporated  herein by reference to Exhibit  10.01 to The
        Hartford's Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended September 30, 1997).

*10.02  Employment Agreement, dated July 1, 1997, between The Hartford and David
        K. Zwiener  (incorporated  herein by  reference to Exhibit  10.03 to The
        Hartford's Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended September 30, 1997).

*10.03  Employment  Agreement,  dated July 1, 2000,  between  The  Hartford  and
        Thomas M. Marra (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to The
        Hartford's Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2000).

*10.04  Employment  Agreement,  dated as of March 20, 2001, between The Hartford
        and  Neal  Wolin  as  Executive  Vice  President  and  General   Counsel
        (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to The Hartford's Form
        10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2001).

*10.05  Employment  Agreement,  dated as of April 26, 2001, between The Hartford
        and David M. Johnson as Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial
        Officer  (incorporated  herein  by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.2  to The
        Hartford's Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2001).


                           EXHIBITS INDEX (CONTINUED)

- ----------

*10.06  Employment Agreement, dated as of November 5, 2001, between The Hartford
        and David M.  Znamierowski  as Group  Senior  Vice  President  and Chief
        Investment Officer. +

*10.07  Form  of Key  Executive  Employment  Protection  Agreement  between  The
        Hartford and certain executive officers of The Hartford. +

*10.08  The  Hartford  Restricted  Stock  Plan for  Non-Employee  Directors,  as
        amended  (incorporated  herein  by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.13 to The
        Hartford's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002).

*10.09  The Hartford Incentive Stock Plan, as amended. +

*10.10  The  Hartford   Deferred   Restricted   Stock  Unit  Plan,   as  amended
        (incorporated  herein by  reference to Exhibit  10.15 to The  Hartford's
        Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002).

*10.11  The Hartford Deferred Compensation Plan, as amended (incorporated herein
        by reference to Exhibit 10.16 to The Hartford's Form 10-K for the fiscal
        year ended December 31, 2002).

*10.12  The Hartford Senior Executive Severance Pay Plan, as amended. +

*10.13  The Hartford  Executive  Severance Pay Plan I, as amended  (incorporated
        herein by reference to Exhibit 10.18 to The Hartford's Form 10-K for the
        fiscal year ended December 31, 2002).

*10.14  The Hartford Planco Non-Employee  Option Plan, as amended  (incorporated
        herein by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to The Hartford's Form 10-K for the
        fiscal year ended December 31, 2002).

10.15   Second Amended and Restated Five-Year  Competitive Advance and Revolving
        Credit Facility Agreement (the "Five-Year Credit Facility"), dated as of
        February 26, 2003, among The Hartford  Financial  Services Group,  Inc.,
        the lenders  named  therein,  and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank and Bank of
        America,  N.A.  as  Co-Administrative  Agents  (incorporated  herein  by
        reference to Exhibit  10.27 to The  Hartford's  Form 10-K for the fiscal
        year ended December 31, 2002).

10.16   First  Amendment,  dated as of June 30, 2003,  to the  Five-Year  Credit
        Facility  among The  Hartford,  the Lenders  party  thereto and JPMorgan
        Chase Bank and Bank of America, N.A.,
        as Co-Administrative Agents. +

10.17   Three-Year  Competitive  Advance and Revolving Credit Facility Agreement
        (the "Three-Year Credit Facility"),  dated as of December 31, 2002 among
        The  Hartford,  Hartford  Life,  Inc.,  the Lenders named therein and JP
        Morgan  Chase  Bank  and  Citibank,  N.A.  as  Co-Administrative  Agents
        (incorporated  herein by  reference to Exhibit  10.28 to The  Hartford's
        Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002).

10.18   First  Amendment,  dated as of June 30, 2003, to the  Three-Year  Credit
        Facility  among The Hartford,  Hartford  Life,  Inc.,  the Lenders party
        thereto  and  JPMorgan  Chase  Bank  and  Bank  of  America,   N.A.,  as
        Co-Administrative Agents. +

12.01   Statement Re: Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges. +

21.01   Subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. +

23.01   Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP the incorporation by reference into The
        Hartford's  Registration  Statements  on Forms  S-8 and Forms S-3 of the
        report of Deloitte & Touche LLP  contained  in this Form 10-K  regarding
        the audited financial statements is filed herewith. +

31.01   Certification   of  Ramani   Ayer   pursuant   to  Section  302  of  the
        Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. +

31.02   Certification  of  David  M.  Johnson  pursuant  to  Section  302 of the
        Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.+

32.01   Certification   of  Ramani   Ayer   pursuant   to  Section  906  of  the
        Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. +

32.02   Certification  of  David  M.  Johnson  pursuant  to  Section  906 of the
        Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.+

* Management contract, compensatory plan or arrangement.
+ Filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  as an  exhibit to this
