THIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is executed as of 
November ___, 1996, but shall be considered effective as of the 1st
day of day of April, 1996, by and between PERMA-FIX ENVIRONMENTAL
SERVICES, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), and JOHN
HENDERSON, an individual ("Henderson").

                           W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Henderson has experience in waste water treatment

     WHEREAS, the Company wishes to engage Henderson as an
independent, outside consultant to the Company, and Henderson
desires to accept such engagement, pursuant to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement;

     WHEREAS, in consideration for such engagement, the parties
desire to provide for the issuance of shares of the Company's Common
Stock, par value $.001 per share ("Common Stock"), on terms and
subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth;

     WHEREAS, the parties intend this Agreement to constitute an
"Employee Benefit Plan", as such term is defined under Rule 405 of
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended; and,

     WHEREAS, the parties do not intend that this Agreement qualify
under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and
covenants contained herein, the parties hereto, intending to be
legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:

     1.   Engagement of Henderson.  The Company does hereby engage
Henderson, and Henderson does hereby accept such engagement, as an
outside, independent consultant to provide the following consulting
services for the Company in connection with:

          (a)  The construction of the waste water treatment
     facility at the Fort Lauderdale, Florida plant of Perma-Fix of
     Fort Lauderdale, Inc. ("PFFL"), a wholly owned subsidiary of
     the Company;

          (b)  The design for improvements to, and the upgrade of,
     the waste water treatment facility at Perma-Fix of Dayton,
     Inc.'s ("PFD"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company,
     Dayton, Ohio plant;

          (c)  The construction of improvements to, and the upgrade
     of, the waste water treatment facility at PFD's Dayton, Ohio
     plant; and,

          (d)  Such other consulting services to be performed on
     behalf of the Company or subsidiaries of the Company as
     reasonably requested by the Chairman of the Board or Chief
     Executive Officer of the Company.

Provided, however, that Henderson shall render bona fide consulting
services to the Company under this Agreement, and none of the
consulting services to be rendered by Henderson shall be in
connection with the offer or sale of securities or in a capital-
raising transaction.

     2.   Term.  Henderson has and will provide the above consulting
services for the Company under this Agreement for a period of one
(1) year from  April 1, 1996 (the "Term").
     3.   Compensation.  In consideration of Henderson providing the
consulting services for PFFL for the period from April 1, 1996,
through August 31, 1996, and for PFFL and PFD for the period from
September 1, 1996, through March 31, 1997, the Company agrees to
issue to Henderson 45,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock (the
"Shares"), payable as follows:

          (a)  Within ten (10) business days from the date that the
     Company's Form S-8 (as defined below) registering the Shares
     under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),
     becomes effective with the Securities and Exchange Commission
     ("Commission") issue to Henderson 20,000 of the Shares;

          (b)  Three (3) months thereafter, or approximately
     January 1, 1997, whichever occurs later, issue to Henderson
     15,000 of the Shares; and,

          (c)  Three months thereafter, or approximately March 1,
     1997, whichever occurs first, issue to Henderson the remaining
     10,000 of the Shares on approximately April 1, 1997.

The Company shall use reasonable efforts to register the Shares to
be issued to Henderson under this Agreement on a Form S-8
Registration Statement ("Form S-8") under the Act as soon as
reasonably practicable.  Henderson shall not be entitled to any cash
compensation for his consulting services rendered under this
Agreement, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Section

     If Henderson sells all of the Shares during the Term in open
market transactions for an amount equal to the prevailing fair
market price for such Shares on the date of such sale, and, as a
result of such sale or sales by Henderson of all of the Shares
during the Term, Henderson receives a gross amount, less reasonable
and customary brokerage commissions ("Gross Amount Received by
Henderson"), of less than $90,000, then, within forty-five (45) days
after the end of the Term, the Company will pay to Henderson a sum
equal to $90,000 less the Gross Amount Received by Henderson as a
result of such sale or sales of the Shares by Henderson during the
Term.  If the Gross Amount Received by Henderson as a result of each

sale or sales by Henderson of all of the Shares equal or exceeds
$90,000, the Company shall not have any further liability or
obligation to Henderson under this Agreement.

     4.   Agreement Not to Solicit Customers and Employees. 
Henderson agrees that, during the term of this Agreement and for a
period of one (1) year following the termination of the Term of this
Agreement, he shall not, either alone or for himself or on behalf
of any other person, firm, corporation or entity, directly or

          (a)  Induce, or in any manner attempt to induce, any
     person employed by, or any agent of, the Company or any of the
     subsidiaries of the Company or any of their affiliates to
     terminate his or her employment or agency, as the case may be;

          (b)  Solicit, induce, or attempt to solicit or induce,
     any supplier or customer of the Company or any subsidiaries of
     the Company or any of their affiliates to cease being (or any
     prospective supplier not to become) a supplier or customer of
     the Company or any of the subsidiaries of the Company or any
     of their affiliates.

     5.   Confidential Information.  During the Term and for a
period of one (1) year following the termination of the Term, (i)
Henderson shall hold, in a fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the
Company and all subsidiaries of the Company, all secret or
confidential information, knowledge or data relating to the Company
and all subsidiaries of the Company or any of  their affiliated
companies and their respective businesses, which shall have been
obtained by Henderson at any time and which shall not be public
knowledge (other than by acts of Henderson or his representatives
in violation of this Agreement), including, without limitation,
customer lists, bid proposals, contracts, matters subject to
litigation and information regarding periods and environmental
applications, and (ii) Henderson shall not, without the prior
written consent of the Company, communicate or divulge any such
information, knowledge or data to anyone other than the Company and
those designated by it.

     6.   Injunctive Relief.  In the event of a breach by Henderson
of any of the terms or provisions of Sections 4 or 5 of this
Agreement, the Company shall be entitled to an injunction to prevent
irreparable injury to it or any of its subsidiaries or any of their
affiliates.  Nothing shall be construed as prohibiting the Company
from pursuing any other remedies (at law or in equity) available to
it for such breach, including, but not limited to, recovery of
damages, attorneys' fees and other costs.

     7.   Miscellaneous.

          (a)  Assignment and Binding Effect.  The respective
     rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement
     shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their heirs,
     executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns;
     provided, however, that the Company may not assign its rights
     hereunder without the prior written consent of Henderson.

          (b)  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed as
     to its validity, interpretation and effect by the laws of the
     State of Delaware.

          (c)  Entire Agreement; Amendments.  This Agreement
     constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the
     Company and Henderson with respect to the terms of Henderson's
     consultancy relationship with the Company and supersedes all
     prior discussions, understandings and agreements with respect
     to such consultancy relationship.  This Agreement may not be
     amended unless by the mutual written consent of all of the
     parties hereto.

          (d)  Captions.  All captions and headings used herein are
     for convenient reference only and do not form part of this

          (e)  Waiver.  The waiver of a breach of any term or
     provision of this Agreement shall not operate as, or be
     construed to be, a waiver of any other or subsequent breach of
     this Agreement.

          (f)  Notices.  Any notice or communication required or
     permitted under this Agreement shall be made in writing and
     shall be delivered by hand, or mailed by registered or
     certified mail, return receipt requested, or first class
     postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

          if to Henderson, to:     John Henderson
                                   3729 N.W. 29th Street
                                   Gainesville, Florida  32605-2250

          if to the Company to:    Perma-Fix Environmental
                                   Services, Inc.
                                   1940 Northwest 67th Place, 
                                   Suite A
                                   Gainesville, Florida  32653
                                   Attn: Dr. Louis F. Centofanti,

          (g)  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in
     counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same

          (h)  Legal and Tax Effects.  This Agreement is not
     qualified under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code of
     1986, as amended.  Henderson understands that the Company is
     not provided any legal or tax advice regarding this Agreement
     and that Henderson is to consult with his legal and tax
     consultants regarding this Agreement.

          (i)  Independent Contractor.  Henderson is an independent
     contractor and is not, in any manner, an employee or agent of
     the Company or any subsidiary of the Company. Henderson may
     not bind the Company or any subsidiary of the Company in any
     manner whatsoever.

          (j)  Florida Blue Sky Laws.  The securities have not been
     registered with the State of Florida, but will be sold in
     reliance on an exemption from such registration set forth in
     Section 517.061(11) of the Florida Statutes.  Pursuant to Section
     517.061(11)(a)(5) of the Florida Statutes, a Florida investor
     has a three (3) day right of rescission.  A Florida resident
     who executes this Agreement may elect, within three (3)
     business days after signing this Agreement, to withdraw from
     this Agreement and thereby terminate this Agreement.  Such
     withdrawal will be without any further liability to any
     person.  To accomplish such withdrawal, a Florida resident
     need only send a letter or telegraph to the Company at the
     address set forth in this Agreement indicating his intention
     to withdraw.  Such letter or telegram must be sent and
     postmarked prior to the end of the aforementioned third (3rd)
     business day.  If a Florida resident sends a letter, it is
     prudent to send it by certified mail, return-receipt
     requested, to ensure that it is received and also evidence the
     time and date when it is mailed.  Should a Florida resident
     make this request orally, he should ask for written
     confirmation that his request has been received.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
     Consulting Agreement on November ___, 1996, but shall be
     considered effective as of April 1, 1996.

                                   John Henderson

                                   PERMA-FIX ENVIRONMENTAL
                                   SERVICES, INC.

                                          Dr. Louis F. Centofanti
                                          Chairman of the Board and
                                          Chief Executive Officer