This Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement ("Option Agreement")
made the 18th day of December, 1997, between LSB Industries, Inc.,
a Delaware corporation, hereinafter called the "Company", and
Daniel L. Ellis, hereinafter called "Optionee";

                       W I T N E S S E T H:

     In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions, the
parties agree as follows:

     1.   Recitations.  The Company is presently employing the
Optionee as its employee at a Subsidiary (as defined below) of the
Company and considers it desirable and in its best interest that
Optionee be given an inducement to acquire an initial or additional
proprietary interest in the Company as an added incentive to
advance the interest of the of the Company in the form of this
option to purchase certain shares of the Company's common stock,
par value $.10 per share ("Common Stock").  The Board of Directors
of the Company has adopted and granted this option on this 18th day
of December, 1997.

     2.   Obligations.  This Option Agreement shall not impose upon
the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company any obligation to
retain Optionee as an employee at his present salary or position or
to employ Optionee in any other position with or for the Company or
any Subsidiary of the Company.  If Optionee shall leave the employ
of the Company for any reason, the option granted herein shall
immediately terminate, except as otherwise expressly provided in
Section 4 hereof.

     3.   Grant of Option and Option Price.  Subject to the terms
and conditions hereof, the Company hereby grants to Optionee as of
the close of business on this the 18th day of December, 1997, the
right, privilege and option to purchase 25,000 shares of the
Company's common stock, par value $.10, at an option price of
$4.125 a share (the "Exercise Price), such Exercise Price being one
hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock
as determined at the close of the business on the 18th day of
December, 1997.  Such option is hereinafter referred to as the
"Option" and the shares of Common Stock purchasable upon the
exercise of the Option are hereinafter sometimes referred to as the
"Option Shares"..

     4.   Time of Exercise of Option.  

          (a)  As an Employee.  If this option has not been
     terminated pursuant to Section 6 hereof, subject to the terms
     and conditions contained herein, the option herein granted may
     be exercised by Optionee as hereinafter provided.  Subject to
     the terms and conditions contained herein, during the first
     two (2) years that the option granted herein is outstanding it
     may not be exercised by the Optionee with respect to any of
     the shares covered hereby; at any time after two (2) years of
     continuous employment by the Optionee as an employee for and
     on behalf of the Company or a Subsidiary of the Company from

     the date of this Option Agreement, it may be exercised by the
     Optionee as to not more than an additional thirty percent
     (30%) of the total number of shares set forth in Section 3
     hereof; at any time after three (3) years of continuous
     employment by the Optionee as an employee for and on behalf of
     the Company or a Subsidiary of the Company from the date of
     this Option Agreement, it may be exercised by the Optionee as
     to an additional thirty percent (30%) of the total number of
     shares set forth in Section 3 hereof; and at any time after
     four (4) years of continuous employment by the Optionee as an
     employee for and on behalf of the Company or a Subsidiary of
     the Company from the date of this Option Agreement, it may be
     exercised by the Optionee, in whole or in part, as to the
     remaining shares.  The right to exercise the option granted
     herein shall be cumulative.  

          (b)  As a Former Employee.  The Option granted herein may
     not be exercised after the Optionee is no longer an employee
     of the Company or any Subsidiary; except that if the Optionee
     ceases to be an employee on account of physical or mental
     disability as defined in Section 22(e)(3) of the Internal
     Revenue Code ("Former Employee"), he may exercise the Option
     within twelve (12) months after the date on which he ceased to
     be an employee, for the number of Option Shares for which he
     could have exercised at the time he ceased to be an employee. 
     In no event may the Option be exercised after the expiration
     of ten (10) years from the Date of Grant.

          (c)  In Case of Death.  If the Optionee dies prior to the
     termination of this Option, the Option may be exercised within
     one (1) year after the death of the Optionee by the personal
     representative of this estate, or by a person who acquired the
     right to exercise the Option by bequest, inheritance, or by
     reason of the death of the Optionee, provided that:

     (1)  the Optionee died while an employee of the Company or a
          Subsidiary; or

     (2)  the Optionee ceased to be an employee of the Company or
          a Subsidiary on account of physical or mental disability
          and died within three (3) months after the date on which
          he ceased to be such employee.

     The Option may be exercised only as to the number of shares
     for which the Optionee could have exercised at the time the
     Optionee died.  In no event may the Option be exercised after
     the expiration of ten (10) years from the Date of Grant.

          (d)  Acceleration and Continuous Employment.  The Board
     of Directors of the Company shall have the sole and absolute
     discretion to accelerate the time when Optionee will become
     entitled to exercise this option pursuant to the terms hereof. 
     The Board of Directors shall decide, in its sole and absolute
     discretion, to what extent leaves of absence for government or
     military service, illness, temporary disability or other
     reasons, shall not interrupt continuous employment as an


     employee for and on behalf of the Company or a Subsidiary of
     the Company, which decision shall be binding for the purpose
     of this Option Agreement.
     5.   Method of Exercise and Payment of Exercise Price.

          (a)  Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the
     option granted under this Option Agreement may be exercised by
     written notice directed to the Company at its principal place
     of business setting forth the exact number of shares under
     this option that the Optionee is purchasing, which may not
     exceed the number of shares that the Optionee is eligible to
     purchase under this Option Agreement at the time of such
     purchase, and enclosing with such written notice a certified
     or cashier's check or cash, or the equivalent thereof
     acceptable to the Company, in payment of the full option price
     for the number of shares specified in such written notice and
     shall comply with such other reasonable requirements as the
     Board of Directors of the Company may establish.  Subject to
     the terms and conditions of this Option Agreement, the Company
     shall make delivery of such shares within a reasonable period
     of time after the giving of such notice; provided that if any
     law or regulation requires the Company to take any action with
     respect to the shares specified in such notice before the
     issuance thereof, then the date of delivery of such shares
     shall be extended for the period necessary to take such

          (b)  The Optionee understands that, on the exercise of
     this operation (or at the time a sale of the stock acquired by
     such exercise at a profit would no longer subject Optionee to
     suit under Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of
     1934, as amended) the excess of the fair market value of the
     common stock over it option price is taxable remuneration to
     him subject to federal income tax withholding by the Company. 
     To facilitate withholding by the Company, if required,
     Optionee hereby agrees that the exercisability of this option
     is conditional on Optionee agreeing to such arrangements and
     taking such actions as the Company determines are appropriate
     to insure that the amount required to be withheld will be
     available for payment in money by the Company as required

     6.   Termination of Option.  This Option Agreement and the
option granted herein, to the extent not theretofore exercised,
shall immediately terminate and become null and void upon the
earlier of the following to occur:

          (a)  At such time as the Option is no longer exercisable
     pursuant to the terms of Section 4 hereof; or 

          (b)  Termination of the Optionee for any reason
     whatsoever, with or without cause, as an employee for Climate
     Master, Inc., or another Subsidiary of the Company; or  


          (c)  On the tenth anniversary of the date of this
     Agreement; or

          (d)  Upon the Optionee's surrender to the Company for
     cancellation of this Agreement and the Option granted herein.

     7.   Restrictions.

          (a)  The Option will not be transferrable otherwise than
     by will or the laws of descent and distribution, and the
     Option may be exercised, during the lifetime of the Optionee,
     only by Optionee.  More particularly (but without limiting the
     generality of the foregoing), the Option may not be assigned,
     transferred (except as provided above), pledged, or
     hypothecated in any way, will not be assignable by operation
     of law and will not be subject to execution, attachment, or
     similar process.  Any attempted assignment, transfer, pledge,
     hypothecation, or other disposition of the Option contrary to
     the provisions hereof, and the levy of any execution,
     attachment or similar process upon the Option, will be null
     and void and without effect.

          (b)  Optionee shall have no right as a stockholder with
     respect to any shares covered by this Option Agreement until
     the date of issuance of a stock certificate to him for such
     shares.  No adjustment shall be made for dividends or other
     rights for which the record date is prior to the date such
     stock certificate is issued.

     8.   Stock Dividends, Reorganizations.  If and to the extent
that the number of issued shares of common stock of the Company
shall be increased or reduced resulting from a subdivision or
consolidation of shares or the payment of a stock dividend or any
other increase or decrease in the number of such shares of common
stock of the Company effected without receipt of consideration by
the Company, the number of shares of common stock subject to this
option and the option price therefor shall be proportionately

          If the Company is reorganized or consolidated or merged
with another corporation, in which the Company is the non-surviving
corporation, Optionee shall be entitled to receive options covering
shares of such reorganized, consolidated or merged company in the
same proportion as optioned under this Option Agreement to Optionee
prior to such reorganization, consolidation or merger, at an
equivalent price, and subject to the same terms and conditions as
contained herein.  For purposes of the preceding sentence, the
excess of the aggregate fair market value of the shares subject to
this option immediately after the reorganization, consolidation or
merger over the aggregate option price of such shares shall not be
more than the excess of the aggregate fair market value of all
shares subject to this option immediately before such
reorganization, consolidation or merger over the aggregate option
price of such shares, and the new option or assumption of this
option shall not give Optionee additional benefits which he did not
have under this option.


          To the extent that the foregoing adjustments and
determinations relate to the shares of common stock of the Company
and/or fair market values of such shares, such adjustments and
determinations shall be made by the Board of Directors, whose
determination in that respect shall be final, binding and

          Except as hereinabove expressly provided in this Section
8, the Optionee shall have no rights by reason of any subdivision
or consolidation of shares of stock of any class or the payment of
any stock dividend or any other increase or decrease in the number
of share of stock of any class or by reason of any dissolution,
liquidation, merger, consolidation or reorganization or spin-off of
assets or stock of another corporation, and any issue by the
Company of share of stock of any class, or securities convertible
into shares of stock of any class, shall not affect and no
adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with respect to the
number or price of shares subject to this option.

          The grant of this option shall not affect in any way the
right of power of the Company to make adjustments,
reclassifications, reorganizations or changes of its capital or
business structure or to merge or to consolidate or to dissolve,
liquidate or sell, or transfer all or any part of its business or

     9.   Compliance with Law and Approval of Regulatory Bodies.
Notwithstanding anything in this Option Agreement to the contrary,
no shares will be issued, or, in the case of treasury shares
transferred, upon exercise of the option granted hereunder, except
in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws, rules and
regulations (including, but not limited to the Federal and State
securities laws, rules and regulations) and in compliance with
rules of stock exchanges on which the Company's shares of common
stock may be listed.  Notwithstanding anything in this Option
Agreement to the contrary, no shares will be issued, or, in the
case of treasury shares transferred, upon exercise of the option
granted hereunder, until the Company has obtain such consent or
approval from any and all regulatory bodies, Federal or State, and
such stock exchanges having jurisdiction over such matters as the
Board of Directors of the Company may deem advisable.

     10.  Binding Effect and Amendments.  This Agreement shall be
binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators and successors of
the parties hereto.  This Agreement may not be amended except in
writing signed by all of the parties hereto.

     11.  Interpretation, Other Restrictions and Legends.

          (a)  The Board of Directors of the Company shall construe
     and interpret the terms and provisions of this Option
     Agreement, which construction and interpretation, shall be
     binding and conclusive upon all parties hereto.  This Option
     Agreement shall be construed pursuant to the laws of the State
     of Delaware.


          (b)  The Optionee represents and warrants that if he
     acquires any of the shares under this Option Agreement he will
     acquire such shares for his own account and for the purpose of
     investment and not with a view to the sale or distribution
     thereof, except for sales pursuant to an effective
     registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933 (the
     "Act") or pursuant to an exemption from registration under the
     Act.  The Optionee understands that the shares of common stock
     covered by this Option Agreement have not as of the date
     hereof and may not at the time that such are purchased be
     registered under the Act (the Company being under no
     obligation to effect such registration) and that such shares
     must be held indefinitely unless a subsequent disposition
     thereof is registered under the Act or is exempt from
     registration.  The Optionee further understands that the
     exemption from registration afforded by Rule 144 under the Act
     depends upon the satisfaction of various conditions and that,
     if applicable, Rule 144 affords the basis for sale of such
     shares only in limited amounts.

          (c)  The Optionee represents, covenants, and agrees that
     he will not sell or otherwise dispose of the shares acquired
     under this Option Agreement in the absence of (i) an effective
     registration statement under the Act, (ii) an opinion
     acceptable in form and substance to the Company from
     Optionee's counsel satisfactory to the Company, or an opinion
     of counsel to the Company, to the effect that no registration
     is required for such disposition, or (iii) a "no-action"
     letter from the staff of the Securities & Exchange Commission
     ("SEC") to the effect that such a disposition takes place
     without registration.

          (d)  The certificates representing shares covered by this
     Option Agreement shall upon issuance thereof have stamped or
     imprinted thereon or affixed thereto a legend to the following

          "The registered holder hereof has acquired the
          shares represented by this certificate for
          investment and not for resale in connection
          with a distribution thereof.  Accordingly,
          such shares have not been registered under the
          Securities Act of 1933 and may not be sold,
          transferred or otherwise disposed of except
          pursuant to a currently effective registration
          statement under said Act or otherwise in a
          transaction exempt from the provisions of
          Section 5 of said Act."

     12.  Definitions.  For the purposes of this Option Agreement:

          (a)  The term "Subsidiary" or "Subsidiary Corporation"
     means any corporation (other than the Company) in an unbroken
     chain of corporations beginning with the Company if each of
     the corporations other than the last corporation in the
     unbroken chain own stock possessing fifty percent (50%) or
     more of the total combined voting power of all classes of
     stock in one or the other corporations in such chain.


          (b)  The term "employee" means a person who has
     contracted to perform work or services for another and to
     perform such work or services not less than forty (40) hours
     each week of the year.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused this
Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written.

                                   LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                   By: /s/ Jack E. Golsen
                                      Jack E. Golsen, President


/s/ Heidi Brown
                Asst. Secretary



                                   /s/ Daniel L. Ellis
                                   Daniel L. Ellis
