DAVIS & CO., CPAs, P.C. 9137 East Mineral Circle, Suite 110 Englewood, Colorado 80112-3402 Phone 303/792-3900 FAX 303/792-2811 July 22, 1996 Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 RE: Datalink Systems Corporation (formerly Lord Abbott, Inc.) SEC File No. 33-21508 Ladies and Gentlemen: Relative to the change in auditors, of which we were notified on July 22, 1996, we have read the statements made by Datalink Systems Corporation. We understand that these statements are being filed with the Commission, pursuant to Item 4 of the Company's Form 8-K report dated July 22, 1996. We agree with the statements concerning our firm in such Form 8-K, Item 4. Sincerely, DAVIS & CO., CPAs, P.C. /s/ Carol A. Davis Carol A. Davis Certified Public Accountant Enclosures cc: Jon D. Sawyer, P.C. Datalink Systems Corporation - Anthony LaPine