WASHINGTON, D.C.

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT

                      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                 August 26, 1996
                 Date of Report (date of earliest event reported)

                         DATALINK SYSTEMS CORPORATION
               Exact name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter

         Nevada                   0-21069                 35-3574355
- ---------------------------    ---------------    ---------------------------
State or Other Jurisdiction    Commission File    IRS Employer Identification
     of Incorporation              Number                   Number

                  17420 High Street, Los Gatos, California 95032
           Address of Principal Executive Offices, Including Zip Code

                                (408) 354-5604
               Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code


     Effective August 21, 1996, the Company completed a transaction with a
non-affiliated Canadian corporation (the Buyer) pursuant to which the Company
sold its Mail Alert System Software and related technology to the Buyer for
cash and a note.  At closing, the Company received $1,500,000 Canadian in
cash.  An additional payment of $1,500,000 Canadian is due in November 1996. 
The Company also received a note for $36,730,000 Canadian.  The note is due
December 31, 2006, and bears interest at 8% per annum.  The note is
collateralized by the technology.

     The Company and the Buyer entered into a "Management and Marketing
Agreement" dated August 21, 1996 (the Agreement).  The Agreement expires
August 31, 2001, and may be extended for two additional two year terms.  The
extension of the term will be automatic and the Company or the Buyer during
any extension can terminate the agreement with 90 days notice to the other
party.  The significant terms of the agreement are as follows:

     The Company will receive an annual fee of 10% of "Direct Cost of
Marketing, Distribution and Selling" technology related services, as defined
in the Agreement.  The Company receives an exclusive worldwide right to use,
modify and sublicense the source code for the technology, including
application software, intellectual property and documentation.

     The Company has first right of refusal in the event the Buyer desires to
transfer all or part of the application software.  The Buyer will receive,
commencing January 1, 1997, an annual "owners fee" of $1,500,000 Canadian,
which is to be applied as follows:  pay accrued interest and the excess, if
any; a) 60% of the remaining fee applied to the note balance, and b) 40% of
the remaining fee paid in cash to the Buyer until the note is paid in full.

     Buyer will receive the "net revenue less owners fee payable," as defined
in the Agreement, related to the technology sold to be applied as follows: a)
60% of the net revenue applied to the note balance, and b) 40% of the net
revenue paid in cash to the Buyer until the note is paid in full.

     After the note is paid, the "net revenue," as defined in the agreement,
related to the technology sold is to be applied as follows:  40% of the net
revenue paid in cash to the Buyer.

     The cash received by the Company will be accounted for under the
provisions of the "Emerging Issues Task Force, 88-18:  Sales of Future
Revenues."  It is expected that the owners fees and net revenue allocated to
the Buyer will not be sufficient to service the note receivable principal and
interest payments due the Company and as such the note will not be recorded. 
The note is expected to have no financial statement impact.


    (c)  EXHIBITS.

         Exhibit 10.1  Application Software Purchase Agreement between
                       Datalink Systems Corporation and Shalcor Investments
         Exhibit 10.2  Management and Marketing Agreement between Datalink
                       Systems Corporation and Shalcor Investments
         Exhibit 10.3  8% Secured Term Note


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                      DATALINK SYSTEMS CORPORATION  

Dated: October 10, 1996               By /s/ Anthony LaPine
                                         Anthony LaPine, President