Exhibit Number             Description
- --------------               ----------------------------------

99.1  Text of press  release  issued  by Galaxy  announcing  its  engagement  of
      Donaldson,  Lufkin  &  Jenrette  Securities  Corporation  to  act  as  its
      financial advisor.

      October 31, 2000 - Galaxy Telecom, L.P. ("Galaxy") announced today that it
has engaged Donaldson,  Lufkin & Jenrette Securities  Corporation ("DLJ") to act
as its financial  advisor.  Under the terms of the engagement,  DLJ will,  among
other  things,  assist  Galaxy  in  exploring  various  strategic  alternatives,
including raising additional  financing,  which may involve refinancing Galaxy's
existing  credit  facility and  soliciting  consents to amend  certain  terms of
Galaxy's  12.375%  Senior   Subordinated   Notes  due  2005  to  permit  such  a
refinancing.  The  additional  financing  may also be used to meet the Company's
interest  payment under the Senior  Subordinated  Notes due October 1, 2000. The
Company, with the assistance of DLJ, continues to evaluate the sale of assets or
the Company as a whole.

      Galaxy is in the business of  acquiring,  owning and  operating  primarily
classic  cable  television  systems  clustered  in the Midwest and  Southeastern
United States.

      The  information  in this news  release  relating to matters  that are not
historical facts  constitutes  forward-looking  information  covered by the safe
harbor  created by Section 27A of the  Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of
the  Securities  Act of 1934.  These  forward-looking  statements are based on a
number  of  assumptions  and  Galaxy's  actual  results  and  operations  may be
materially  different  from those  expressed or implied by such  statements.  No
assurance  can be given that  Galaxy  will be  successful  in  implementing  any
strategic  alternatives.  For a description  of factors that may cause  Galaxy's
results  to  differ   materially   from  those  expressed  or  implied  by  such
forward-looking  statements,  please consult Galaxy's Annual Report on Form 10-K
and  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q on file with the  Securities  and  Exchange