                              AGREEMENT OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP


                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
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1.01 Formation 1
1.02 Certificate of Limited 
Partnership 1
1.03 Name, Principal Office 
and Residence 1
1.04 Purpose 1

2.01 Definitions 1

3.01  Designation of Managing 
General Partner and 
Participants 7
3.02 Participants 7
3.03 Subscriptions to the 
Partnership 7
3.04 Capital Contributions 8
3.05 Payment of Subscriptions 
3.06 Partnership Funds 9

4.01 Acquisition of Leases 10
4.02 Conduct of Operations 11
4.03  General Rights and 
Obligations of the 
Participants and 
Restricted and 
Prohibited Transactions 
4.04  Designation, 
Compensation and 
of Managing General 
Partner and           Removal of 
Operator 20
4.05 Indemnification and 
Exoneration 21
4.06 Other Activities 22

5.01 Participation in Costs 
and Revenues 23
5.02 Capital Accounts and 
Thereto 24
5.03  Allocation of Income, 
Deductions and
Credits 25
5.04 Elections 26
5.05 Distributions 26

6.01 Transferability 27
6.02 Special Restrictions on 
Transfers 28
6.03  Right of Managing 
General Partner to 
Hypothecate and/or 
Withdraw Its Interests 
6.04 Repurchase Obligation 29

7.01 Duration 30
7.02 Dissolution and Winding 
Up 30

8.01 Notices 31
8.02 Time 31
8.03 Applicable Law 31
8.04 Agreement in Counterparts 
8.05 Amendment 31
8.06 Additional Partners 31
8.07 Legal Effect 32


EXHIBIT (I-A) -  Managing General Partner Signature Page

EXHIBIT (I-B) - Subscription Agreement

EXHIBIT (II) -  Drilling and Operating Agreement

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PARTNERSHIP ("AGREEMENT"), amending and restating the original 
Certificate of Limited Partnership, is made and entered into as of       
December 31, 1996, by and among Atlas Resources, Inc., hereinafter 
referred to as "Atlas" or the "Managing General Partner", and the 
remaining parties from time to time signing a Subscription Agreement for 
Limited Partner Units, such parties hereinafter sometimes referred to as 
"Limited Partners," or for Investor General Partner Units, such parties 
hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Investor General Partners". 
                              ARTICLE I

1.01.  FORMATION. The parties hereto form a limited partnership pursuant 
to the Pennsylvania Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, upon the 
terms and conditions set forth herein.

1.02.  CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. This document shall constitute 
not only the agreement among the parties hereto, but also shall 
constitute the Amended and Restated Certificate and Agreement of Limited 
Partnership of the Partnership and shall be filed or recorded in such 
public offices as is required under applicable law or deemed advisable in 
the discretion of the Managing General Partner. Amendments to the 
certificate of limited partnership shall be filed or recorded in such 
public offices as required under applicable law or deemed advisable in 
the discretion of the Managing General Partner.

1.03.  NAME, PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. The name of the Partnership is 
Atlas-Energy for the Nineties-Public #5 Ltd. The residence of Atlas shall 
be its principal place of business at 311 Rouser Road, Moon Township, 
Pennsylvania 15108, which shall also serve as the principal place of 
business of the Partnership. The residence of each Participant shall be 
as set forth on the Subscription Agreement executed by each such party. 
All such addresses shall be subject to change upon notice to the parties. 
The name and address of the agent for service of process shall be Mr. 
J.R. O'Mara at Atlas Resources, Inc., 311 Rouser Road, Moon Township, 
Pennsylvania 15108.

1.04.  PURPOSE. The Partnership shall engage in all phases of the oil 
and gas business, including, without limitation, exploration for, 
development and production of oil and gas upon the terms and conditions 
hereinafter set forth and any other proper purpose under the Pennsylvania 
Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act. The Managing General Partner may 
not, without the affirmative vote of Participants whose Agreed 
Subscriptions equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription, change 
the investment and business purpose of the Partnership or cause the 
Partnership to engage in activities outside the stated business purposes 
of the Partnership through joint ventures with other entities. No 
operations of the Partnership shall be commenced until the receipt of the 
minimum Partnership Subscription set forth in .3.02(d) and the Offering 
Termination Date.
                                 ARTICLE II
                             DEFINITION OF TERMS

2.01.  DEFINITIONS. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall 
have the meanings hereinafter set forth:

1. "Administrative Costs" shall mean all customary and routine 
expenses incurred by the Sponsor for the conduct of Partnership 
administration, including: legal, finance, accounting, 
secretarial, travel, office rent, telephone, data processing and 
other items of a similar nature. No Administrative Costs charged 
shall be duplicated under any other category of expense or cost. 
 No portion of the salaries, benefits, compensation or 
remuneration of controlling persons of Atlas will be reimbursed 
by the Partnership as Administrative Costs. Controlling persons 
include directors, executive officers and those holding five 
percent or more equity interest in the Managing General Partner 
or a person having power to direct or cause the direction of the 
Managing General Partner, whether through the ownership of voting 
securities, by contract, or otherwise.
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2. "Administrator" shall mean the official or agency administering 
the securities laws of a state.

3. "AEGH" shall mean AEG Holdings, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation 
whose principal executive offices are located at 311 Rouser Road, 
Moon Township, Pennsylvania 15108.

4. "Affiliate" shall mean with respect to a specific person (a) any 
person directly or indirectly owning, controlling, or holding 
with power to vote 10 per cent or more of the outstanding voting 
securities of such specified person; (b) any person 10 per cent 
or more of whose outstanding voting securities are directly or 
indirectly owned, controlled, or held with power to vote, by such 
specified person; (c) any person directly or indirectly 
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such 
specified person; (d) any officer, director, trustee or partner 
of such specified person; and (e) if such specified person is an 
officer, director, trustee or partner, any person for which such 
person acts in any such capacity.

5. "Agreed Subscription" shall mean that amount so designated on the 
Subscription Agreement executed by the Participant, or, in the 
case of the Managing General Partner, its subscription under 
 .3.03(b) and its subsections.

6. "Agreement" shall mean this Amended and Restated Certificate and 
Agreement of Limited Partnership, including all exhibits hereto.

7. "Assessments" shall mean additional amounts of capital which may 
be mandatorily required of or paid voluntarily by a Participant 
beyond his subscription commitment.

8. "Atlas" shall mean Atlas Resources, Inc., a Pennsylvania 
corporation, whose principal executive offices are located at 311 
Rouser Road, Moon Township, Pennsylvania 15108.

9. "Atlas Energy" shall mean Atlas Energy Group, Inc., an Ohio 
corporation, whose principal executive offices are located at 311 
Rouser Road, Moon Township, Pennsylvania 15108.

10. "Capital Account" or "account" shall mean the account established 
for each party hereto, maintained as provided in .5.02 and its 

11. "Capital Contribution" shall mean the amount agreed to be 
contributed to the Partnership by a party pursuant to ..3.04 and 
3.05 and their subsections.

12. "Carried Interest" shall mean an equity interest in the 
Partnership issued to a Person without consideration, in the form 
of cash or tangible property, in an amount proportionately 
equivalent to that received from the Participants.

13. "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

14. "Cost", when used with respect to the sale of property to the 
Partnership, shall mean (a) the sum of the prices paid by the 
seller to an unaffiliated person for such property, including 
bonuses; (b) title insurance or examination costs, brokers' 
commissions, filing fees, recording costs, transfer taxes, if 
any, and like charges in connection with the acquisition of such 
property; (c) a pro rata portion of the seller's actual necessary 
and reasonable expenses for seismic and geophysical services; and 
(d) rentals and ad valorem taxes paid by the seller with respect 
to such property to the date of its transfer to the buyer, 
interest and points actually incurred on funds used to acquire or 
maintain such property, and such portion of the seller's 
reasonable, necessary and actual expenses for geological, 
engineering, drafting, accounting, legal and other like services 
allocated to the property cost in conformity with generally 
accepted accounting principles and industry standards, except for 
expenses in connection with the past drilling of wells which are 
not producers of sufficient quantities of oil or gas to make 
commercially reasonable their continued operations, and provided 
that the expenses enumerated in this subsection (d) hereof shall 
have been incurred not more than 36 months prior to the purchase 
by the Partnership. When used with respect to services, "cost" 
shall mean the reasonable, necessary and actual expense incurred 
by the seller on behalf of the Partnership in providing such 
services, determined in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles. As used elsewhere, "cost" shall mean the 
price paid by the seller in an arm's-length transaction.

15. "Development Well" shall mean a well drilled within the proved 
area of an oil or gas reservoir to the depth of a stratigraphic 
Horizon known to be productive.
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16. "Direct Costs" shall mean all actual and necessary costs directly
incurred for the benefit of the Partnership and generally 
attributable to the goods and services provided to the 
Partnership by parties other than the Sponsor or its Affiliates. 
Direct Costs shall not include any cost otherwise classified as 
Organization and Offering Costs, Administrative Costs, Intangible 
Drilling Costs, Tangible Costs, Operating Costs or costs related 
to the Leases. Direct Costs may include the cost of services 
provided by the Sponsor or its Affiliates if such services are 
provided pursuant to written contracts and in compliance with 

17. "Distribution Interest" shall mean an undivided interest in the 
assets of the Partnership after payments to creditors of the 
Partnership or the creation of a reasonable reserve therefor, in 
the ratio the positive balance of a party's Capital Account bears 
to the aggregate positive balance of the Capital Accounts of all 
of the parties determined after taking into account all Capital 
Account adjustments for the taxable year during which liquidation 
occurs (other than those made pursuant to liquidating 
distributions or restoration of deficit Capital Account 
balances); provided, however, after the Capital Accounts of all 
of the parties have been reduced to zero, such interest in the 
remaining assets of the Partnership shall equal a party's 
interest in the related revenues of the Partnership as set forth 
in .5.01 and its subsections of this Agreement.

18. "Drilling and Operating Agreement" shall mean the proposed 
Drilling and Operating Agreement between Atlas, Atlas Energy or 
Atlas Energy Corporation as Operator, and the Partnership as 
Developer, a copy of the proposed form of which is attached 
hereto as Exhibit (II). 

19. "Exploratory Well" shall mean a well drilled to find commercially 
productive hydrocarbons in an unproved area, to find a new 
commercially productive Horizon in a field previously found to be 
productive of hydrocarbons at another Horizon, or to 
significantly extend a known prospect.

20. "Farmout" shall mean an agreement whereby the owner of the 
leasehold or Working Interest agrees to assign his interest in 
certain specific acreage to the assignees, retaining some 
interest such as an Overriding Royalty Interest, an oil and gas 
payment, offset acreage or other type of interest, subject to the 
drilling of one or more specific wells or other performance as a 
condition of the assignment.

21. "Final Terminating Event" shall mean any one of the following: 
(i) the expiration of the fixed term of the Partnership; (ii) the 
giving of notice to the Participants by the Managing General 
Partner of its election to terminate the affairs of the 
Partnership; (iii) the giving of notice by the Participants to 
the Managing General Partner of their similar election through 
the affirmative vote of Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions 
equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription; or (iv) the 
termination of the Partnership under .708(b)(1)(A) of the Code or 
the Partnership ceases to be a going concern.

22. "Horizon" shall mean a zone of a particular formation; that part 
of a formation of sufficient porosity and permeability to form a 
petroleum reservoir.

23. "Independent Expert" shall mean a person with no material 
relationship to the Sponsor or its Affiliates who is qualified 
and who is in the business of rendering opinions regarding the 
value of oil and gas properties based upon the evaluation of all 
pertinent economic, financial, geologic and engineering 
information available to the Sponsor or its Affiliates.

24. "Intangible Drilling Costs"or "Non-Capital Expenditures" shall 
mean those expenditures associated with property acquisition and 
the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells that under 
present law are generally accepted as fully deductible currently 
for federal income tax purposes; and includes all expenditures 
made with respect to any well prior to the establishment of 
production in commercial quantities for wages, fuel, repairs, 
hauling, supplies and other costs and expenses incident to and 
necessary for the drilling of such well and the preparation 
thereof for the production of oil or gas, that are currently 
deductible pursuant to Section 263(c) of the Code and Treasury 
Reg. Section 1.612-4, which are generally termed "intangible 
drilling and development costs," including the expense of 
plugging and abandoning any well prior to a completion attempt.

25. "Investor General Partners" shall mean the persons signing the 
Subscription Agreement as Investor General Partners and the 
Managing General Partner to the extent of any optional 
subscription under .3.03(b)(2). All Investor General Partners 
shall be of the same class and have the same rights.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

26. "Landowner's Royalty Interest" shall mean an interest in
production, or the proceeds therefrom, to be received free and 
clear of all costs of development, operation, or maintenance, 
reserved by a landowner upon the creation of an oil and gas 

27. "Leases" shall mean full or partial interests in oil and gas 
leases, oil and gas mineral rights, fee rights, licenses, 
concessions, or other rights under which the holder is entitled 
to explore for and produce oil and/or gas, and further includes 
any contractual rights to acquire any such interest.

28. "Limited Partners" shall mean the persons signing the 
Subscription Agreement as Limited Partners, the Managing General 
Partner to the extent of any optional subscription under 
 .3.03(b)(2), the Investor General Partners upon the conversion of 
their Investor General Partner Units to Limited Partner interests 
pursuant to .6.01(c), and any other persons who are admitted to 
the Partnership as additional or substituted Limited Partners. 
Except as provided in .3.05(b), with respect to the required 
additional Capital Contributions of Investor General Partners, 
all Limited Partners shall be of the same class and have the same 

29. "Managing General Partner" shall mean Atlas Resources, Inc. or 
any Person admitted to the Partnership as a general partner other 
than as an Investor General Partner pursuant to this Agreement 
who is designated to exclusively supervise and manage the 
operations of the Partnership.

30. "Managing General Partner Signature Page" shall mean an execution 
and subscription instrument in the form attached as Exhibit (I-A) 
to this Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference.

31. "Offering Termination Date" shall mean the date after the minimum 
Partnership Subscription has been received on which the Managing 
General Partner determines, in its sole discretion, the 
Partnership's subscription period is closed and the acceptance of 
subscriptions ceases, which shall not be later than December 31, 

32. "Operating Costs" shall mean expenditures made and costs incurred 
in producing and marketing oil or gas from completed wells, 
including, in addition to labor, fuel, repairs, hauling, 
materials, supplies, utility charges and other costs incident to 
or therefrom, ad valorem and severance taxes, insurance and 
casualty loss expense, and compensation to well operators or 
others for services rendered in conducting such operations. 
Subject to the foregoing, Operating Costs also include reworking, 
workover, subsequent equipping and similar expenses relating to 
any well.

33. "Operator" shall mean Atlas, as operator of Partnership Wells in 
Pennsylvania, Atlas Energy as operator of Partnership Wells in 
Ohio and Atlas Energy Corporation as Operator of Partnership 
Wells in West Virginia.

34. "Organization and Offering Costs" shall mean all costs of 
organizing and selling the offering including, but not limited 
to, total underwriting and brokerage discounts and commissions 
(including fees of the underwriters' attorneys), expenses for 
printing, engraving, mailing, salaries of employees while engaged 
in sales activities, charges of transfer agents, registrars, 
trustees, escrow holders, depositaries, engineers and other 
experts, expenses of qualification of the sale of the securities 
under federal and state law, including taxes and fees, 
accountants' and attorneys' fees and other front-end fees.

35. "Overriding Royalty Interest" shall mean an interest in the oil 
and gas produced pursuant to a specified oil and gas lease or 
leases, or the proceeds from the sale thereof, carved out of the 
working interest, to be received free and clear of all costs of 
development, operation, or maintenance.

36. "Participants" shall mean the Managing General Partner to the 
extent of its optional subscription under .3.03(b)(2); the 
Limited Partners, and the Investor General Partners.

37. "Partners" shall mean the Managing General Partner, the Investor 
General Partners and the Limited Partners.

38. "Partnership" shall mean Atlas-Energy for the Nineties-Public #5 
Ltd., the Pennsylvania limited partnership formed pursuant to 
this Agreement.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

39. "Partnership Net Production Revenues" shall mean gross revenues 
after deduction of the related Operating Costs, Direct Costs, 
Administrative Costs and all other Partnership costs not 
specifically allocated.

40. "Partnership Subscription" shall mean the aggregate Agreed 
Subscriptions of the parties to this Agreement; provided, 
however, with respect to Participant voting rights under this 
Agreement, the term "Partnership Subscription" shall be deemed 
not to include the Managing General Partner's required 
subscription under .3.03(b)(1).

41. "Partnership Well" shall mean a well, some portion of the 
revenues from which is received by the Partnership.

42. "Person" shall mean a natural person, partnership, corporation, 
association, trust or other legal entity.

43. "Program" shall mean one or more limited or general partnerships 
or other investment vehicles formed, or to be formed, for the 
primary purpose of exploring for oil, gas and other hydrocarbon 
substances or investing in or holding any property interests 
which permit the exploration for or production of hydrocarbons or 
the receipt of such production or the proceeds thereof.

44. "Prospect" shall mean an area covering lands which are believed 
by the Managing General Partner to contain subsurface structural 
or stratigraphic conditions making it susceptible to the 
accumulations of hydrocarbons in commercially productive 
quantities at one or more Horizons. The area, which may be 
different for different Horizons, shall be designated by the 
Managing General Partner in writing prior to the conduct of 
Partnership operations and shall be enlarged or contracted from 
time to time on the basis of subsequently acquired information to 
define the anticipated limits of the associated hydrocarbon 
reserves and to include all acreage encompassed therein. A 
"Prospect" with respect to a particular Horizon may be limited to 
the minimum area permitted by state law or local practice, 
whichever is applicable, to protect against drainage from 
adjacent wells if the well to be drilled by the Partnership is to 
a Horizon containing Proved Reserves. Subject to the foregoing 
sentence, with respect to the Clinton/Medina geological formation 
in Ohio and Pennsylvania "Prospect"shall be deemed the drilling 
or spacing unit.

45. "Proved Reserves" shall mean the estimated quantities of crude 
oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids which geological and 
engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be 
recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing 
economic and operating conditions, i.e., prices and costs as of 
the date the estimate is made. Prices include consideration of 
changes in existing prices provided only by contractual 
arrangements, but not on escalations based upon future 

(i) Reservoirs are considered proved if economic producibility is 
supported by either actual production or conclusive formation 
test. The area of a reservoir considered proved includes (a) 
that portion delineated by drilling and defined by gas-oil 
and/or oil-water contacts, if any; and (b) the immediately 
adjoining portions not yet drilled, but which can be 
reasonably judged as economically productive on the basis of 
available geological and engineering data. In the absence of 
information on fluid contacts, the lowest known structural 
occurrence of hydrocarbons controls the lower proved limit of 
the reservoir.

(ii) Reserves which can be produced economically through 
application of improved recovery techniques (such as fluid 
injection) are included in the "proved" classification when 
successful testing by a pilot project, or the operation of an 
installed program in the reservoir, provides support for the 
engineering analysis on which the project or program was 

(iii) Estimates of proved reserves do not include the following: 
(a) oil that may become available from known reservoirs but 
is classified separately as "indicated additional reserves"; 
(b) crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids, the 
recovery of which is subject to reasonable doubt because of 
uncertainty as to geology, reservoir characteristics, or 
economic factors; (c) crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas 
liquids, that may occur in undrilled prospects; and (d) crude 
oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids, that may be 
recovered from oil shales, coal, gilsonite and other such 

46. "Proved Developed Oil and Gas Reserves" shall mean reserves that 
can be expected to be recovered through existing wells with 
existing equipment and operating methods. Additional oil and gas 
expected to be obtained through the application of fluid 
injection or other improved recovery techniques for supplementing 
the natural forces and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

mechanisms of primary recovery should be
included as "proved developed reserves" only after testing by a 
pilot project or after the operation of an installed program has 
confirmed through production response that increased recovery 
will be achieved.

47. "Proved Undeveloped Reserves" shall mean reserves that are 
expected to be recovered from new wells on undrilled acreage, or 
from existing wells where a relatively major expenditure is 
required for recompletion. Reserves on undrilled acreage shall be 
limited to those drilling units offsetting productive units that 
are reasonably certain of production when drilled. Proved 
reserves for other undrilled units can be claimed only where it 
can be demonstrated with certainty that there is continuity of 
production from the existing productive formation. Under no 
circumstances should estimates for proved undeveloped reserves be 
attributable to any acreage for which an application of fluid 
injection or other improved recovery technique is contemplated, 
unless such techniques have been proved effective by actual tests 
in the area and in the same reservoir.

48. "Roll-Up" shall mean a transaction involving the acquisition, 
merger, conversion or consolidation, either directly or 
indirectly, of the Partnership and the issuance of securities of 
a Roll-Up Entity. Such term does not include: (a) a transaction 
involving securities of the Partnership that have been listed for 
at least twelve months on a national exchange or traded through 
the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated 
Quotation National Market System; or (b) a transaction involving 
the conversion to corporate, trust or association form of only 
the Partnership if, as a consequence of the transaction, there 
will be no significant adverse change in any of the following: 
voting rights; the term of existence of the Partnership; the 
Managing General Partner's compensation; and the Partnership's 
investment objectives.

49. "Roll-Up Entity" shall mean a partnership, trust, corporation or 
other entity that would be created or survive after the 
successful completion of a proposed roll-up transaction.

50. "Sales Commissions" shall mean all underwriting and brokerage 
discounts and commissions incurred in the sale of Units in the 
Partnership payable to registered broker-dealers, excluding 
reimbursement for bona fide accountable due diligence expenses 
and wholesaling fees.

51. "Sponsor" shall mean any person directly or indirectly 
instrumental in organizing, wholly or in part, a program or any 
person who will manage or is entitled to manage or participate in 
the management or control of a program. "Sponsor" includes the 
managing and controlling general partner(s) and any other person 
who actually controls or selects the person who controls 25% or 
more of the exploratory, development or producing activities of 
the program, or any segment thereof, even if that person has not 
entered into a contract at the time of formation of the program. 
"Sponsor" does not include wholly independent third parties such 
as attorneys, accountants, and underwriters whose only 
compensation is for professional services rendered in connection 
with the offering of units. Whenever the context so requires, the 
term "sponsor" shall be deemed to include its affiliates.

  52. "Subscription Agreement" shall mean an execution and subscription 
instrument in the form attached as Exhibit (I-B) to this 
Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference.

53. "Tangible Costs"or "Capital Expenditures" shall mean those costs 
associated with the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells 
which are generally accepted as capital expenditures pursuant to 
the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code; and includes all 
costs of equipment, parts and items of hardware used in drilling 
and completing a well, and those items necessary to deliver 
acceptable oil and gas production to purchasers to the extent 
installed downstream from the wellhead of any well and which are 
required to be capitalized pursuant to applicable provisions of 
the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder.

54. "Tax Matters Partner" shall mean the Managing General Partner.

55. "Units" or "Units of Participation" shall mean the Limited 
Partner interests and the Investor General Partner interests 
purchased by Participants in the Partnership under the provisions 
of .3.03 and its subsections.

56. "Working Interest" shall mean an interest in an oil and gas 
leasehold which is subject to some portion of the Cost of 
development, operation, or maintenance.
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                             ARTICLE III

shall serve as Managing General Partner of the Partnership. Atlas shall 
further serve as a Participant to the extent of any subscription made by 
it pursuant to .3.03(b)(2). Limited Partners and Investor General 
Partners, including Affiliates of the Managing General Partner, shall 
serve as Participants; and except as provided under the Pennsylvania 
Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, the Limited Partners shall not 
be bound by the obligations of the Partnership.


3.02(a).  LIMITED PARTNER AT FORMATION. Atlas Energy Group, Inc., as 
Original Limited Partner, has acquired one Unit and has made a Capital 
Contribution of $100.  Upon the admission of Limited Partners and  
Investor General Partners pursuant to .3.02(c) below, the Partnership 
shall return to such Original Limited Partner its Capital Contribution 
and shall reacquire its Unit and such Original Limited Partner shall 
cease to be a Limited Partner in the Partnership with respect to such 

3.02(b).  OFFERING OF INTERESTS. The Partnership is authorized to admit to 
the Partnership at or prior to the Offering Termination Date additional 
Limited Partners and Investor General Partners whose Agreed Subscriptions 
for Units are accepted by the Managing General Partner if, after the 
admission of such additional Limited Partners and Investor General 
Partners, the Agreed Subscriptions of all Limited Partners and Investor 
General Partners do not exceed the number of Units set forth in 
 .3.03(c)(1). The Managing General Partner may refuse to admit any person 
as a Limited Partner or Investor General Partner for any reason 
whatsoever pursuant to .3.03(d).

action or consent by the Participants shall be required for the admission 
of additional Limited Partners and Investor General Partners pursuant to 
 .3.02(b). All subscribers' funds shall be held by an independent interest 
bearing escrow holder and shall not be released to the Partnership until 
the receipt of the minimum Partnership Subscription in .3.03(c)(2). 
Thereafter, subscriptions may be paid directly to the Partnership 

Units shall be terminated not later than the earlier of (i) December 31, 
1996; or (ii) at such time as Agreed Subscriptions for the maximum 
Partnership Subscription set forth in .3.03(c)(1) shall have been 
received and accepted by the Managing General Partner. The offering may 
be terminated earlier at the option of the Managing General Partner. If 
at the time of termination Agreed Subscriptions for fewer than 100 Units 
have been received and accepted, all monies deposited by subscribers 
shall be promptly returned to them with the interest earned thereon from 
the date such monies were deposited in escrow through the date of refund.



3.03(a)(1).  AGREED SUBSCRIPTION. A Participant's Agreed Subscription to 
the Partnership shall be the amount so designated on his Subscription 

subscription price of a Unit in the Partnership shall be $10,000, payable 
as set forth herein. The minimum Agreed Subscription per Participant 
shall be one Unit ($10,000); however, the Managing General Partner, in 
its discretion, may accept one-half Unit ($5,000) subscriptions. Larger 
Agreed Subscriptions shall be accepted in $1,000 increments.

3.03(a)(3).  EFFECT OF SUBSCRIPTION. Execution of a Subscription Agreement 
shall serve as an agreement by such Limited Partner or Investor General 
Partner to be bound by each and every term of this Agreement.


General Partner, as a general partner and not as a Limited Partner or 
Investor General Partner, shall contribute to the Partnership the Leases 
which will be drilled by the Partnership
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 on the terms set forth in
 .4.01(a)(3) and shall pay the costs charged to it pursuant to .5.01(a). 
Such amounts shall be paid as set forth in .3.05(a).

In addition to the Managing General Partner's required subscription under 
 .3.03(b)(1), the Managing General Partner may subscribe to up to 10% of 
the Units on the same basis as a Participant may subscribe to Units under 
the provisions of .3.03(a) and its subsections, and, subject to the 
limitations on voting rights set forth in .4.03(c)(1), to that extent 
shall be deemed a Participant in the Partnership for all purposes under 
this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, broker-dealers and the 
Managing General Partner and its officers and directors shall not be 
required to pay any Sales Commission, accountable due diligence expense 
or wholesaling fee.

3.03(b)(3).  EFFECT OF AND EVIDENCING SUBSCRIPTION. The Managing General 
Partner has executed a Managing General Partner Signature Page which 
evidences the Managing General Partner's required subscription under 
 .3.03(b)(1) and which may be amended to reflect the amount of any 
optional subscription under .3.03(b)(2). Execution of the Managing 
General Partner Signature Page serves as an agreement by the Managing 
General Partner to be bound by each and every term of this Agreement.


3.03(c)(1).  MAXIMUM PARTNERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION. The maximum Partnership 
Subscription excluding the Managing General Partner's required 
subscription under .3.03(b)(1) may not exceed $7,000,000 (700 Units). 
However, if subscriptions for all 700 Units being offered are obtained, 
the Managing General Partner, in its sole discretion, may offer not more 
than 100 additional Units and increase the maximum aggregate 
subscriptions with which the Partnership may be funded to not more than 
800 Units ($8,000,000).

3.03(c)(2).  MINIMUM PARTNERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION. The minimum Partnership 
Subscription shall equal at least $1,000,000 (100 Units). The Managing 
General Partner and its Affiliates may purchase up to 10% of the 
Partnership Subscription, none of which shall be applied to satisfy the 
$1,000,000 minimum.

3.03(d).  ACCEPTANCE OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. Acceptance of subscriptions shall 
be discretionary with Atlas and Atlas may reject any subscription for any 
reason it deems appropriate. A Participant's subscription to the 
Partnership and Atlas' acceptance thereof shall be evidenced by the 
execution of a Subscription Agreement by the Limited Partner or the 
Investor General Partner and by Atlas. Agreed Subscriptions shall be 
accepted or rejected by the Partnership within thirty days of their 
receipt; if rejected, all funds shall be returned to the subscriber 
immediately. The subscriber must be admitted as a Partner in the 
Partnership within 150 days after the date on which the Subscription 
Agreement is received by the escrow agent.  Upon the original sale of 
Units, the Participants shall be admitted as Partners not later than 
fifteen days after the release from escrow of Participants' funds to the 
Partnership, and thereafter Participants shall be admitted into the 
Partnership not later than the last day of the calendar month in which 
their Agreed Subscriptions were accepted by the Partnership.


3.04(a).  CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS. Each Participant shall make a Capital 
Contribution to the Partnership equal to the sum of: (i) the Agreed 
Subscription of such Participant; and (ii) in the case of Investor 
General Partners, but not the Limited Partners, the additional Capital 
Contributions required in .3.05(b). Participants shall not be required to 
restore any deficit balances in their Capital Accounts except as set 
forth in .5.03(h).


PARTNER. In addition to any Capital Contribution required of the 
Managing General Partner as provided in .3.03(b)(1) and any optional 
Capital Contribution as a Participant as provided in .3.03(b)(2), the 
Managing General Partner shall further contribute cash sufficient to pay 
all costs charged to it under this Agreement to the extent such costs 
exceed: (i) its Capital Contribution pursuant to .3.03(b); and (ii) its 
share of undistributed revenues. In any event, the Managing General 
Partner's aggregate Capital Contributions to the Partnership (including 
Leases contributed pursuant to .3.03(b)(1)) shall not be less than 15% of 
all Capital Contributions to the Partnership. Any payments by the 
Managing General Partner in excess of the costs set forth in .3.03(b)(1) 
shall be used to pay Partnership costs which would otherwise be charged 
to the Participants. Such Capital Contributions shall be paid by the 
Managing General Partner at the time such costs are required to be paid 
by the Partnership, but, in no event, later than December 31, 1997. Upon 
liquidation of the Partnership or its interest in the Partnership, the 
Managing General Partner shall contribute to the Partnership any deficit 
balance in its Capital Account, determined
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

 after taking into account all
adjustments for the Partnership's taxable year during which such 
liquidation occurs (other than adjustments made pursuant to this 
requirement), by the end of the taxable year in which its interest in the 
Partnership is liquidated (or, if later, within 90 days after the date of 
such liquidation), to be paid to creditors of the Partnership or 
distributed to the other parties hereto in accordance with .7.02 upon 
liquidation of the Partnership. The Managing General Partner shall 
maintain a minimum Capital Account balance equal to 1% of total positive 
Capital Account balances for the Partnership.

3.04(b)(2).  INTEREST FOR CONTRIBUTIONS. The interest of the Managing 
General Partner in the capital and revenues of the Partnership is in 
consideration for, and is the only consideration for, its Capital 
Contribution to the Partnership.

PARTNERS. In no event shall a Limited Partner be required to make 
contributions to the Partnership greater than his required Capital 
Contribution under .3.04(a).


Partner shall contribute to the Partnership the Leases pursuant to 
 .3.03(b)(1) and pay the costs charged to it when incurred by the 
Partnership, subject to .3.04(b)(1). Any optional subscription under 
 .3.03(b)(2) shall be paid by the Managing General Partner in the same 
manner as provided for the payment of Participant subscriptions under 

THE INVESTOR GENERAL PARTNERS. A Participant shall pay his Agreed 
Subscription 100% in cash at the time of subscribing. A Participant shall 
receive interest on his Agreed Subscription up until the Offering 
Termination Date.

Investor General Partners are obligated to make Capital Contributions to 
the Partnership when called by the Managing General Partner, in addition 
to their Agreed Subscriptions, for their pro rata share of any 
Partnership obligations and liabilities which are recourse to the 
Investor General Partners and are represented by their ownership of Units 
prior to the conversion of Investor General Units to Limited Partner 
interests pursuant to .6.01(c). The failure of an Investor General 
Partner to timely make a required additional Capital Contribution 
pursuant to this section results in his personal liability to the other 
Investor General Partners for the amount in default. The remaining 
Investor General Partners, pro rata, must pay such defaulting Investor 
General Partner's share of Partnership liabilities and obligations. In 
that event, the remaining Investor General Partners shall have a first 
and preferred lien on the defaulting Investor General Partner's interest 
in the Partnership to secure payment of the amount in default plus 
interest at the legal rate; shall be entitled to receive 100% of the 
defaulting Investor General Partner's cash distributions directly from 
the Partnership until the amount in default is recovered in full plus 
interest at the legal rate; and may commence legal action to collect the 
amount due plus interest at the legal rate.


3.06(a).  FIDUCIARY DUTY. The Managing General Partner shall have a 
fiduciary responsibility for the safekeeping and use of all funds and 
assets of the Partnership, whether or not in the Managing General 
Partner's possession or control, and the Managing General Partner shall 
not employ, or permit another to employ, such funds and assets in any 
manner except for the exclusive benefit of the Partnership. Neither this 
Agreement nor any other agreement between the Sponsor and the Partnership 
shall contractually limit any fiduciary duty owed to the Participants by 
the Sponsor under applicable law, except as provided in ..4.01, 4.02, 
4.04, 4.05 and 4.06 of this Agreement.

SUBSCRIPTION. Following the receipt of the minimum Partnership 
Subscription, the funds of the Partnership shall be held in a separate 
interest-bearing account maintained for the Partnership and shall not be 
commingled with funds of any other entity.

3.06(c).  INVESTMENT. Partnership funds may not be invested in the 
securities of another person except in the following instances: (1) 
investments in Working Interests or undivided Lease interests made in the 
ordinary course of the Partnership's business; (2) temporary investments 
made as set forth below; (3) multi-tier arrangements meeting the 
requirements of .4.03(d)(15); (4) investments involving less than 5% of 
the Partnership Subscription which are a necessary and incidental part of 
a property acquisition transaction; and (5) investments in entities 
established solely to limit the Partnership's liabilities associated with 
the ownership or operation of property or equipment, provided, in such 
instances duplicative fees and expenses shall be prohibited.  After the 
Offering Termination Date and until proceeds from the public offering are
invested in the Partnership's operations, such proceeds may be 
temporarily invested in income producing short-term, highly liquid 
investments, where there is appropriate safety of principal, such as U.S. 
Treasury Bills.

                                  ARTICLE IV
                            CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS



4.01(a)(1).  GENERAL. The Managing General Partner shall select, acquire 
and assign or cause to have assigned to the Partnership full or partial 
interests in Leases, by any method customary in the oil and gas industry, 
subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. The Partnership 
shall acquire only Leases reasonably expected to meet the stated purposes 
of the Partnership. No Leases shall be acquired for the purpose of a 
subsequent sale unless the acquisition is made after a well has been 
drilled to a depth sufficient to indicate that such an acquisition would 
be in the Partnership's best interest.

4.01(a)(2).  FEDERAL AND STATE LEASES. The Partnership is authorized to 
acquire Leases on federal and state lands. 

4.01(a)(3).  TERMS AND OBLIGATIONS. Subject to the provisions of .4.03(d) 
and its subsections, such acquisitions of Leases or other property may be 
made under any terms and obligations, including any limitations as to the 
Horizons to be assigned to the Partnership, and subject to any burdens, 
as the Managing General Partner deems necessary in its sole discretion. 
Provided, however, that any Lease acquired from the Managing General 
Partner, the Operator or their Affiliates shall be credited towards the 
Managing General Partner's required Capital Contribution set forth in 
 .3.03(b)(1) at the Cost of such Lease, unless the Managing General 
Partner shall have cause to believe that Cost is materially more than the 
market value of such property, in which case the credit for such 
contribution will be made at a price not in excess of the fair market 
value. A determination of fair market value must be supported by an 
appraisal from an Independent Expert. Such opinion and any associated 
supporting information must be maintained in the Partnership's records 
for six years. To the extent the Partnership does not acquire a full 
interest in a Lease from the Managing General Partner, the remainder of 
the interest in such Lease may be held by the Managing General Partner 
which may either retain and exploit it for its own account or sell or 
otherwise dispose of all or a part of such remaining interest. Profits 
from such exploitation and/or disposition shall be for the benefit of the 
Managing General Partner to the exclusion of the Partnership.

4.01(a)(4).  NO BREACH OF DUTY. Subject to the provisions of .4.03 and 
its subsections, acquisition of Leases from the Managing General Partner, 
the Operator or their Affiliates shall not be considered a breach of any 
obligation owed by the Managing General Partner, the Operator, or their 
Affiliates to the Partnership or the Participants.

4.01(b).  OVERRIDING ROYALTY INTERESTS. Neither the Managing General 
Partner nor any Affiliate shall acquire or retain any Overriding Royalty 
Interest on the Lease interests acquired by the Partnership.


4.01(c)(1).  LEGAL TITLE. Legal title to all Leases acquired by the 
Partnership shall be held on a permanent basis in the name of the 
Partnership. However, Partnership properties may be held temporarily in 
the name of the Managing General Partner, the Operator or their 
Affiliates or in the name of any nominee designated by the Managing 
General Partner to facilitate the acquisition of the properties.

4.01(c)(2).  TITLE. The Managing General Partner shall take such steps as 
are necessary in its best judgment to render title to the Leases to be 
acquired by the Partnership acceptable for the purposes of the 
Partnership. No operation shall be commenced on Leases acquired by the 
Partnership unless the Managing General Partner is satisfied that 
necessary title requirements have been satisfied. The Managing General 
Partner shall be free, however, to use its own best judgment in waiving 
title requirements and shall not be liable to the Partnership or to the 
other parties for any mistakes of judgment; nor shall the Managing 
General Partner be deemed to be making any warranties or representations, 
express or implied, as to the validity or merchantability of the title to 
the Leases assigned to the Partnership or the extent of the interest 
covered thereby except as otherwise may be provided in the Drilling and 
Operating Agreement.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------


4.02(a).  IN GENERAL. The Managing General Partner shall establish a 
program of operations for the Partnership. Subject to the limitations 
contained in Article III of this Agreement concerning the maximum Capital 
Contribution which can be required of a Limited Partner, the Managing 
General Partner, the Limited Partners and the Investor General Partners 
agree to participate in the program so established by the Managing 
General Partner.

4.02(b).  MANAGEMENT. Subject to any restrictions contained in this 
Agreement, the Managing General Partner shall exercise full control over 
all operations of the Partnership.


4.02(c)(1).  IN GENERAL. Subject to the provisions of .4.03 and its 
subsections, and to any authority which may be granted the Operator under 
 .4.02(c)(3)(b), the Managing General Partner shall have full authority to 
do all things deemed necessary or desirable by it in the conduct of the 
business of the Partnership. Without limiting the generality of the 
foregoing, the Managing General Partner is expressly authorized to engage 
(i) the making of all determinations of which Leases, wells and 
operations will be  participated in by the Partnership, which 
Leases are developed and which Leases are abandoned, or at its 
sole discretion, sold or assigned to other parties, including 
other investor ventures organized by the Managing General 
Partner, the Operator or any of their Affiliates;
(ii) the negotiation and execution on any terms deemed desirable in 
its sole discretion of  any contracts, conveyances, or other 
instruments, considered useful to the conduct of such operations 
or the implementation of the powers granted it under this 
Agreement, including, without limitation, the making of 
agreements for the conduct of operations or the furnishing of 
equipment, facilities, supplies and material, services, and 
personnel and the exercise of any options, elections, or 
decisions under any such agreements;
(iii) the exercise, on behalf of the Partnership or the parties, in 
such manner as the Managing General Partner in its sole judgment 
deems best, of all rights, elections and options granted or 
imposed by any agreement, statute, rule, regulation, or order;
(iv) the making of all decisions concerning the desirability of 
payment, and the payment or supervision of the payment, of all 
delay rentals and shut-in and minimum or advance royalty 
(v) the selection of full or part-time employees and outside 
consultants and contractors  and the determination of their 
compensation and other terms of employment or hiring;
(vi) the maintenance of such insurance for the benefit of the 
Partnership and the parties as it deems necessary, but, subject 
to .6.01(c), in no event less in amount or type than the 
following: worker's compensation insurance in full compliance 
with the laws of the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and West 
Virginia and any other applicable state laws; liability insurance 
(including automobile) which has a $1,000,000 combined single 
limit for bodily injury and property damage in any one accident 
or occurrence and in the aggregate; and such excess liability 
insurance as to bodily injury and property damage with combined 
limits of $20,000,000, per occurrence or accident and in the 
aggregate, which includes $250,000 of seepage, pollution and 
contamination insurance which protects and defends the insured 
against property damage or bodily injury claims from third 
parties (other than a co-owner of the Working Interest) alleging 
seepage, pollution or contamination damage resulting from an 
accident. Such excess liability insurance shall be in place and 
effective no later than the Offering Termination Date and shall 
be for the sole benefit of the Partnership and no other Program 
in which Atlas serves as Managing General Partner until the 
Investor General Partners are converted to Limited Partners, at 
which time coverage for the exclusive benefit of the Partnership 
will lapse. The Partnership shall continue to enjoy the non-
exclusive benefit of Atlas' $11,000,000 liability insurance on 
the same basis as Atlas and its Affiliates, including other 
Programs in which Atlas serves as Managing General Partner;
(vii) the use of the funds and revenues of the Partnership, and the 
borrowing on behalf of, and the loan of money to, the 
Partnership, on any terms it sees fit, for any purpose, including 
without limitation the conduct or financing, in whole or in part, 
of the drilling and other activities of the Partnership or the 
conduct of additional operations, and the repayment of any such 
borrowings or loans used initially to finance such operations or 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

(viii) the disposition, hypothecation, sale, exchange, release,
surrender, reassignment or abandonment of any or all assets of 
the Partnership (including, without limitation, the Leases, 
wells, equipment and production therefrom) provided that the sale 
of all or substantially all of the assets of the Partnership 
shall only be made as provided in .4.03(d)(6);
(ix) the formation of any further limited or general partnership, tax 
partnership, joint venture, or other relationship which it deems 
desirable with any parties who it, in its sole and absolute 
discretion, selects, including any of its Affiliates;
(x) the control of any matters affecting the rights and obligations 
of the Partnership, including the employment of attorneys to 
advise and otherwise represent the Partnership, the conduct of 
litigation and other incurring of legal expense, and the 
settlement of claims and litigation;
(xi) the operation of producing wells drilled on the Leases owned by 
the Partnership, or on a Prospect which includes any part of the 
(xii) the exercise of the rights granted to it under the power of 
attorney created pursuant to this Agreement; and
(xiii) the incurring of all costs and the making of all expenditures 
in any way related to any of the foregoing. 

4.02(c)(2).  SCOPE OF POWERS. The Managing General Partner's powers shall 
extend to any operation participated in by the Partnership or affecting 
its Leases, or other property or assets, irrespective of whether or not 
the Managing General Partner is designated operator of such operation by 
any outside persons participating therein.


4.02(c)(3)(a).  IN GENERAL. The Managing General Partner may subcontract 
and delegate all or any part of its duties hereunder to any entity chosen 
by it, including an entity related to it, and such party shall have the 
same powers in the conduct of such duties as would the Managing General 
Partner; but such delegation shall not relieve the Managing General 
Partner of its responsibilities hereunder.

4.02(c)(3)(b).  DELEGATION TO OPERATOR. The Managing General Partner is 
specifically authorized to delegate any or all of its duties to the 
Operator by executing the Drilling and Operating Agreement, but such 
delegation shall not relieve the Managing General Partner of its 
responsibilities hereunder. In no event shall any consideration received 
for operator services be in excess of the competitive rates or 
duplicative of any consideration or reimbursements received pursuant to 
this Agreement. The Managing General Partner may not benefit by 
interpositioning itself between the Partnership and the actual provider 
of operator services.

4.02(c)(4).  RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS. Subject to the provisions of 
 .4.03 and its subsections, any transaction which the Managing General 
Partner is authorized to enter into on behalf of the Partnership under 
the authority granted in this section and its subsections, may be entered 
into by the Managing General Partner with itself or with any other 
general partner, the Operator or any of their Affiliates.

4.02(d).  ADDITIONAL POWERS. In addition to the powers granted the 
Managing General Partner under .4.02(c) and its subsections or elsewhere 
in this Agreement, the Managing General Partner, where specified, shall 
have the following additional express powers.

4.02(d)(1).  DRILLING CONTRACTS. Partnership Wells drilled in 
Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and other areas of the Appalachian 
Basin may be drilled pursuant to the Drilling and Operating Agreement on 
a per-foot basis with Atlas or its Affiliates based on $37.39 per foot 
or, with respect to a well which the Partnership elects not to complete, 
$20.60 per foot. In no event shall Atlas or its Affiliates, as drilling 
contractor, receive a per foot rate which is not competitive with the 
rates charged by unaffiliated contractors in the same geographic region. 
No turnkey drilling contracts shall be made between the Managing General 
Partner or its Affiliates and the Partnership. Neither the Managing 
General Partner nor its Affiliates shall profit by drilling in 
contravention of its fiduciary obligations to the Partnership. The 
Managing General Partner may not benefit by interpositioning itself 
between the Partnership and the actual provider of drilling contractor 

4.02(d)(2).  POWER OF ATTORNEY.

4.02(d)(2)(a).  IN GENERAL. Each party hereto hereby makes, constitutes 
and appoints the Managing General Partner his true and lawful 
attorney-in-fact for him and in his name, place and stead and for his use 
and benefit, from time to time: 

1. to create, prepare, complete, execute, file, swear to, deliver,
endorse and record any and all documents, certificates or other 
instruments required or necessary to amend this Agreement as 
authorized under the terms of this Agreement,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 or to qualify the
Partnership as a limited partnership or partnership in commendam 
and to conduct business under the laws of any jurisdiction in 
which the Managing General Partner elects to qualify the 
Partnership or conduct business; and
2. to create, prepare, complete, execute, file, swear to, deliver, 
endorse and record any and all instruments, assignments, security 
agreements, financing statements, certificates and other 
documents as may be necessary from time to time to implement the 
borrowing powers granted under this Agreement.

4.02(d)(2)(b).  FURTHER ACTION. Each party hereto hereby authorizes such 
attorney-in-fact to take any further action which such attorney-in-fact 
shall consider necessary or advisable in connection with any of the 
foregoing and acknowledges that the power of attorney granted under this 
section is a special power of attorney coupled with an interest and is 
irrevocable and shall survive the assignment by a party of the whole or a 
portion of his interest in the Partnership; except that where such 
assignment is of such party's entire interest in the Partnership and the 
purchaser, transferee or assignee thereof, with the consent of the 
Managing General Partner, is admitted as a successor Limited Partner or 
Investor General Partner, the power of attorney shall survive the 
delivery of such assignment for the sole purpose of enabling such 
attorney-in-fact to execute, acknowledge and file any such agreement, 
certificate, instrument or document necessary to effect such 

4.02(d)(2)(c).  POWER OF ATTORNEY TO OPERATOR. The Managing General 
Partner is hereby authorized to grant a Power of Attorney to the Operator 
on behalf of the Partnership.


funds over the Partners' Capital Contributions are needed for Partnership 
operations, the Managing General Partner may: (i) use Partnership 
revenues allocable to the accounts of the Partners on whose behalf such 
Partnership revenues are expended for such purposes; or (ii) the Managing 
General Partner and its Affiliates may advance to the Partnership the 
funds necessary pursuant to .4.03(d)(8)(b) which borrowings (other than 
credit transactions on open account customary in the industry to obtain 
goods and services) shall be without recourse to the Investor General 
Partners and the Limited Partners except as otherwise provided herein. 
Also, the amount that may be borrowed at any one time (other than credit 
transactions on open account customary in the industry to obtain goods 
and services) shall not exceed an amount equal to 5% of the Partnership 
Subscription. Notwithstanding, the Managing General Partner and it 
Affiliates shall not be obligated to advance the funds to the 


4.02(e)(2)(a).  INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS. Each party hereto for 
whose account an interest in Partnership assets is mortgaged, pledged or 
otherwise encumbered hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless every 
other party from any loss resulting from such mortgage, pledge or 
encumbrance, limited to the amount of his agreed Capital Contribution.

4.02(e)(2)(b).  FORECLOSURE. Should a foreclosure of a mortgage, pledge 
or security interest permitted hereunder occur, any revenues, proceeds 
and all taxable gain or loss resulting from such foreclosure shall be 
allocated entirely to the party for whose account such interest was 
pledged; and such party's interest in the remaining revenues of the 
Partnership shall be reduced to take into account the foreclosure of the 
interests foreclosed.

4.02(f).  DESIGNATION OF TAX MATTERS PARTNER. Atlas is hereby designated 
the Tax Matters Partner of the Partnership pursuant to .6231(a)(7) of the 
Code and is authorized to act in such capacity on behalf of the 
Partnership and the Participants and to take such action, including 
settlement or litigation, as it in its sole discretion deems to be in the 
best interest of the Partnership. Costs incurred by the Tax Matters 
Partner shall be considered a Direct Cost of the Partnership. The Tax 
Matters Partner shall notify all Participants of any partnership 
administrative proceedings commenced by the Internal Revenue Service, and 
thereafter shall furnish all Participants periodic reports at least 
quarterly on the status of such proceedings.  Each Partner agrees as 
follows: (1) he will not file the statement described in Section 
6224(c)(3)(B) of the Code prohibiting the Managing General Partner as the 
Tax Matters Partner for the Partnership from entering into a settlement 
on his behalf with respect to partnership items (as such term is defined 
in Section 6231(a)(3) of Code) of the Partnership; (2) he will not form 
or become and exercise any rights as a member of a group of Partners 
having a 5% or greater interest in the profits of the Partnership under 
Section 6223(b)(2) of the Code; and (3) the Managing General Partner is 
authorized to file a copy of this Agreement (or pertinent portions 
hereof) with the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to Section 6224(b) of 
the Code if necessary to perfect the waiver of rights under this 
Subsection 4.02(f).


4.03(a)(1).  LIMITED LIABILITY OF LIMITED PARTNERS. Limited Partners shall 
not be bound by the obligations of the Partnership and shall not be 
personally liable for any debts of the Partnership or any of the 
obligations or losses thereof beyond the amount of their agreed Capital 
Contributions, except to the extent such parties also subscribe to the 
Partnership as Investor General Partners, or, in the case of Atlas, as 
Managing General Partner.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

such, shall have no power over the conduct of the affairs of the 
Partnership; and no Participant, as such, shall take part in the 
management of the business of the Partnership, or have the power to sign 
for or to bind the Partnership.

 (1) Commencing with the 1996 calendar year, the Partnership shall 
provide each Participant an annual report within 120 days after 
the close of the calendar year, and commencing with the 1997 
calendar year, a report within 75 days after the end of the first 
six months of its calendar year, containing, except as otherwise 
indicated, at least the information set forth below:
  (a) Audited financial statements of the Partnership, including a 
balance sheet and statements of income, cash flow and 
Partners' equity, all of which shall be prepared in 
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and 
accompanied by an auditor's report containing an opinion of 
an independent public accountant selected by the Managing 
General Partner stating that his audit was made in accordance 
with generally accepted auditing standards and that in his 
opinion such financial statements present fairly the 
financial position, results of operations, partners' equity 
and cash flows in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles. Semiannual reports need not be 
  (b) A summary itemization, by type and/or classification of the total 
fees and compensation including any unaccountable, fixed 
payment reimbursements for Administrative Costs and Operating 
Costs, paid by the Partnership, or indirectly on behalf of 
the Partnership, to the Managing General Partner, the 
Operator and their Affiliates. In addition, Participants 
shall be provided the percentage that the annual 
unaccountable, fixed fee reimbursement for Administrative 
Costs bears to annual Partnership revenues.
  (c) A description of each Prospect in which the Partnership owns an 
interest, including the Cost, location, number of acres under 
lease and the Working Interest owned therein by the 
Partnership, except succeeding reports need contain only 
material changes, if any, regarding such Prospects.

(d) A list of the wells drilled or abandoned by the Partnership 
during the period of the report (indicating whether each of 
such wells has or has not been completed), and a statement of 
the Cost of each well completed or abandoned. Justification 
shall be included for wells abandoned after production has 

(e) A description of all farmins and joint ventures, made during 
the period of the report, including the Managing General 
Partner's justification for the arrangement and a description 
of the material terms. 

(f) A schedule reflecting the total Partnership costs, the costs 
paid by the Managing General Partner and the costs paid by 
the Participants, the total Partnership revenues, the 
revenues received or credited to the Managing General Partner 
and the revenues received and credited to the Participants 
and a reconciliation of such expenses and revenues in 
accordance with the provisions of Article V.

(2) The Partnership shall, by March 15 of each year, prepare, or 
supervise the preparation of, and transmit to each Partner such 
information as may be needed to enable such Partner to file his 
federal income tax return, any required state income tax return 
and any other reporting or filing requirements imposed by any 
governmental agency or authority.

(3) Annually, beginning January 1, 1998, a computation of the total 
oil and gas Proved Reserves of the Partnership and the present 
worth of such reserves determined using a discount rate of 10%, a 
constant price for the oil and basing the price of gas upon the 
existing gas contracts shall be provided to each Participant 
along with each Participant's interest therein.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The reserve
computations shall be based upon engineering reports prepared by 
the Partnership and reviewed by an Independent Expert. There 
shall also be included an estimate of the time required for the 
extraction of such reserves and a statement that because of the 
time period required to extract such reserves the present value 
of revenues to be obtained in the future is less than if 
immediately receivable. In addition to the foregoing computation 
and required estimate, as soon as possible, and in no event more 
than ninety days after the occurrence of an event leading to 
reduction of such reserves of the Partnership of 10% or more, 
excluding reduction as a result of normal production, sales of 
reserves or product price changes, a computation and estimate 
shall be sent to each Participant.

(4) The cost of all such reports described in this .4.03(b) shall be 
paid by the Partnership as Direct Costs.

(5) The Participants and/or their representatives shall be permitted 
access to all records of the Partnership, after adequate notice, 
at any reasonable time and may inspect and copy any of them. The 
Managing General Partner will provide a copy of this Agreement or 
other documents to the Participants after the Partnership's 
documents have been filed with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 
upon request. The Managing General Partner shall maintain and 
preserve during the term of the Partnership and for six years 
thereafter all accounts, books and other relevant documents, 
including a record that a Participant meets the suitability 
standards established in connection with an investment in the 
Partnership and of fair market value as set forth in .4.01(a)(3). 
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Managing General Partner may 
keep logs, well reports and other drilling and operating data 
confidential for reasonable periods of time. The Managing General 
Partner may release information concerning the operations of the 
Partnership to such sources as are customary in the industry or 
required by rule, regulation, or order of any regulatory body.

(6) The following provisions apply regarding access to the list of 
Participants: (a) an alphabetical list of the names, addresses 
and business telephone numbers of the Participants along with the 
number of Units held by each of them (the "Participant List") 
shall be maintained as a part of the books and records of the 
Partnership and shall be available for inspection by any 
Participant or its designated agent at the home office of the 
Partnership upon the request of the Participant; (b) the 
Participant List shall be updated at least quarterly to reflect 
changes in the information contained therein; (c) a copy of the 
Participant List shall be mailed to any Participant requesting 
the Participant List within ten days of the written request. The 
copy of the Participant List shall be printed in alphabetical 
order, on white paper, and in a readily readable type size (in no 
event smaller than 10-point type). A reasonable charge for copy 
work shall be charged by the Partnership; (d) the purposes for 
which a Participant may request a copy of the Participant List 
include, without limitation, matters relating to Participant's 
voting rights under this Agreement and the exercise of 
Participant's rights under the federal proxy laws; and (e) if the 
Managing General Partner neglects or refuses to exhibit, produce, 
or mail a copy of the Participant List as requested, the Managing 
General Partner shall be liable to any Participant requesting the 
list for the costs, including attorneys fees, incurred by that 
Participant for compelling the production of the Participant 
List, and for actual damages suffered by any Participant by 
reason of such refusal or neglect. It shall be a defense that the 
actual purpose and reason for the requests for inspection or for 
a copy of the Participant List is to secure the list of 
Participants or other information for the purpose of selling such 
list or information or copies thereof, or of using the same for a 
commercial purpose other than in the interest of the applicant as 
a Participant relative to the affairs of the Partnership. The 
Managing General Partner shall require the Participant requesting 
the Participant List to represent in writing that the list was 
not requested for a commercial purpose unrelated to the 
Participant's interest in the Partnership. The remedies provided 
hereunder to Participants requesting copies of the Participant 
List are in addition to, and shall not in any way limit, other 
remedies available to Participants under federal law, or the laws 
of any state.

(7) Concurrently with their transmittal to Participants, and as 
required, the Managing General Partner shall file a copy of each 
report provided for in this .4.03(b) with the Arkansas Securities 
Department, the California Commissioner of Corporations, the 
Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions, the Virginia State 
Corporation Commission and with the securities commissions of 
other states which request the report.

4.03(c).  MEETINGS OF PARTICIPANTS. Meetings of the Participants may be 
called by the Managing General Partner or by Participants whose Agreed 
Subscriptions equal 10% or more of the Partnership Subscription for any 
matters for which Participants may vote. Such call for a meeting shall be 
deemed to have been made upon receipt by the Managing General Partner of 
a written request from holders of the requisite percentage of Agreed 
Subscriptions stating the purpose(s) of the meeting. The Managing General 
Partner shall deposit in the United States mail within fifteen days after 
the receipt of said request, written notice to all Participants of the 
meeting and the purpose of such meeting, which shall be held on a date 
not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days after the date of the 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

 of said notice, at a reasonable time and place. Provided,
however, that the date for notice of such a meeting may be extended for a 
period of up to sixty days, if in the opinion of the Managing General 
Partner such additional time is necessary to permit preparation of proxy 
or information statements or other documents required to be delivered in 
connection with such meeting by the Securities and Exchange Commission or 
other regulatory authorities. Participants shall have the right to vote 
in person or by proxy at any meetings of the Participants.

4.03(c)(1).  SPECIAL VOTING RIGHTS. At the request of Participants whose 
Agreed Subscriptions equal 10% or more of the Partnership Subscription, 
the Managing General Partner shall call for a vote by Participants. Each 
Unit is entitled to one vote on all matters; each fractional Unit is 
entitled to that fraction of one vote equal to the fractional interest in 
the Unit. Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions equal a majority of the 
Partnership Subscription may, without the concurrence of the Managing 
General Partner or its Affiliates, vote to:

(a) amend this Agreement; provided however, any such amendment may 
not increase the duties or liabilities of any Participant or the 
Managing General Partner or increase or decrease the profit or 
loss sharing or required Capital Contribution of any Participant 
or the Managing General Partner without the approval of such 
Participant or the Managing General Partner. Furthermore, any 
such amendment may not affect the classification of Partnership 
income and loss for federal income tax purposes without the 
unanimous approval of all Participants;
 (b) dissolve the Partnership;
 (c) remove the Managing General Partner and elect a new Managing General 
 (d) elect a new Managing General Partner if the Managing General Partner 
elects to withdraw from the Partnership; 
 (e) remove the Operator and elect a new Operator;
 (f) approve or disapprove the sale of all or substantially all of the 
assets of the Partnership; and
 (g) cancel any contract for services with the Managing General Partner, 
or the Operator or their Affiliates, except services described in 
the Prospectus without penalty upon sixty days notice. 

With respect to Units owned by the Managing General Partner or its 
Affiliates, the Managing General Partner and its Affiliates may not vote 
or consent on the matters set forth in (c) or (e) above, or regarding any 
transaction between the Partnership and the Managing General Partner or 
its Affiliates. In determining the requisite percentage in interest of 
Units necessary to approve any Partnership matter on which the Managing 
General Partner and its Affiliates may not vote or consent, any Units 
owned by the Managing General Partner and its Affiliates shall not be 

the Limited Partners of the rights granted Participants under .4.03(c), 
except for the special voting rights granted Participants under 
 .4.03(c)(1), shall be subject to the prior legal determination that the 
grant or exercise of such powers will not adversely affect the limited 
liability of Limited Partners, unless in the opinion of counsel to the 
Partnership, such legal determination is not necessary under Pennsylvania 
law to maintain the limited liability of the Limited Partners. A legal 
determination under this paragraph may be made either pursuant to an 
opinion of counsel, such counsel being independent of the Partnership and 
selected upon the vote of Limited Partners whose Agreed Subscriptions 
equal a majority of the Agreed Subscriptions held by Limited Partners, or 
a declaratory judgment issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. The 
Investor General Partners may exercise the rights granted to the 
Participants whether or not the Limited Partners can participate in such 
vote if the Investor General Partners represent the requisite percentage 
of the Participants necessary to take such action.


4.03(d)(1).  EQUAL PROPORTIONATE INTEREST. If the Managing General 
Partner or an Affiliate, excluding another program in which the interest 
of the Managing General Partner or its Affiliates is substantially 
similar to or less than their interest in the Partnership, sells, 
transfers or conveys any oil, gas or other mineral interests or property 
to the Partnership, it must, at the same time, sell to the Partnership an 
equal proportionate interest in all its other property in the same 
Prospect. Notwithstanding, a Prospect shall be deemed to consist of the 
drilling or spacing unit on which such well will be drilled by the 
Partnership if the geological feature to which such well will be drilled 
contains Proved Reserves and the drilling or spacing unit protects 
against drainage. With respect to an oil and gas Prospect located in Ohio 
and Pennsylvania on which a well will be drilled by the Partnership to 
test the Clinton/Medina geologic formation a Prospect shall be deemed to 
consist of the drilling and spacing unit if it meets the test in the 
preceding sentence.  Neither the Managing General Partner nor its 
Affiliates may drill any well within 1,650 feet of an existing 
Partnership Well in the
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pg.44 (Page 17)

Clinton/Medina formation in Pennsylvania or
within 1,100 feet of an existing Partnership Well in Ohio within five 
years of the drilling of the Partnership Well. In the event the 
Partnership abandons its interest in a well, this restriction will 
continue for one year following the abandonment.

If the area constituting the Partnership's Prospect is subsequently 
enlarged to encompass any area wherein the Managing General Partner or an 
Affiliate, excluding another Program in which the interest of the 
Managing General Partner or its Affiliates is substantially similar to or 
less than their interest in the Partnership, owns a separate property 
interest, such separate property interest or a portion thereof shall be 
sold, transferred or conveyed to the Partnership as set forth in 
 ..4.01(a)(3), 4.03(d)(1) and 4.03(d)(2) if the activities of the 
Partnership were material in establishing the existence of Proved 
Undeveloped Reserves which are attributable to such separate property 
interest. Notwithstanding, Prospects in the Clinton/Medina geological 
formation shall not be enlarged or contracted if the Prospect was limited 
to the drilling or spacing unit because the well was being drilled to 
Proved Reserves in the Clinton/Medina geological formation and the 
drilling or spacing unit protected against drainage.

AFFILIATES' ENTIRE INTEREST. A sale, transfer or a conveyance to the 
Partnership of less than all of the ownership of the Managing General 
Partner or an Affiliate, excluding another Program in which the interest 
of the Managing General Partner or its Affiliates is substantially 
similar to or less than their interest in the Partnership, in any 
Prospect shall not be made unless the interest retained by the Managing 
General Partner or the Affiliate is a proportionate Working Interest, the 
respective obligations of the Managing General Partner or its Affiliates 
and the Partnership are substantially the same after the sale of the 
interest by the Managing General Partner or its Affiliates, and the 
Managing General Partner's interest in revenues does not exceed the 
amount proportionate to its retained Working Interest. Neither the 
Managing General Partner nor any Affiliate will retain any Overriding 
Royalty Interests or other burdens on an interest sold by it to the 
Partnership. With respect to its retained interest the Managing General 
Partner shall not Farmout a Lease for the primary purpose of avoiding 
payment of its costs relating to drilling the Lease. This section does 
not prevent the Managing General Partner or its Affiliates from 
subsequently dealing with their retained interest as they may choose with 
unaffiliated parties or Affiliated partnerships.

Managing General Partner and its Affiliates shall not purchase any 
producing or non-producing oil and gas properties from the Partnership.

years from the Offering Termination Date of the Partnership, if the 
Managing General Partner or any of its Affiliates, excluding another 
Program in which the interest of the Managing General Partner or its 
Affiliates is substantially similar to or less than their interest in the 
Partnership, proposes to acquire an interest, from an unaffiliated 
person, in a Prospect in which the Partnership possesses an interest or 
in a Prospect in which the Partnership's interest has been terminated 
without compensation within one year preceding such proposed acquisition, 
the following conditions shall apply:

(a) if the Managing General Partner or the Affiliate, excluding 
another Program in which the interest of the Managing General 
Partner or its Affiliates is substantially similar to or less 
than their interest in the Partnership, does not currently own 
property in the Prospect separately from the Partnership, then 
neither the Managing General Partner nor the Affiliate shall be 
permitted to purchase an interest in the Prospect; and

(b) if the Managing General Partner or the Affiliate, excluding 
another Program in which the interest of the Managing General 
Partner or its Affiliates is substantially similar to or less 
than their interest in the Partnership, currently own a 
proportionate interest in the Prospect separately from the 
Partnership, then the interest to be acquired shall be divided 
between the Partnership and the Managing General Partner or the 
Affiliate in the same proportion as is the other property in the 
Prospect; provided, however, if cash or financing is not 
available to the Partnership to enable it to consummate a 
purchase of the additional interest to which it is entitled, then 
neither the Managing General Partner nor the Affiliate shall be 
permitted to purchase any additional interest in the Prospect.

Partnership shall not purchase properties from or sell properties to any 
other affiliated partnership. This prohibition, however, shall not apply 
to joint ventures among such affiliated partnerships, provided that the 
respective obligations and revenue sharing of all parties to the 
transaction are substantially the same and the compensation arrangement 
or any other interest or right of either the Managing General Partner or 
its Affiliates is the same in each affiliated partnership, or, if 
different, the aggregate compensation of the Managing General Partner or 
the Affiliate is reduced to reflect the lower compensation arrangement.
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Pg.45 (Page 18)

4.03(d)(6).  SALE OF ALL ASSETS. The sale of all or substantially all of 
the assets of the Partnership (including, without limitation, Leases, 
wells, equipment and production therefrom) shall be made only with the 
consent of Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions equal a majority of 
the Partnership Subscription.

4.03(d)(7).  SERVICES. The Managing General Partner and any Affiliate 
shall not render to the Partnership any oil field, equipage or other 
services nor sell or lease to the Partnership any equipment or related 
supplies unless such person is engaged, independently of the Partnership 
and as an ordinary and ongoing business, in the business of rendering 
such services or selling or leasing such equipment and supplies to a 
substantial extent to other persons in the oil and gas industry in 
addition to the partnerships in which the Managing General Partner or an 
Affiliate has an interest; and the compensation, price or rental therefor 
is competitive with the compensation, price or rental of other persons in 
the area engaged in the business of rendering comparable services or 
selling or leasing comparable equipment and supplies which could 
reasonably be made available to the Partnership. If such person is not 
engaged in such a business then such compensation, price or rental will 
be the Cost of such services, equipment or supplies to such person or the 
competitive rate which could be obtained in the area, whichever is less. 
Any such services for which the Managing General Partner or an Affiliate 
is to receive compensation other than those described in this Prospectus 
shall be embodied in a written contract which precisely describes the 
services to be rendered and all compensation to be paid. Such contracts 
are cancellable without penalty upon sixty days written notice by 
Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions equal a majority of the 
Partnership Subscription.

4.03(d)(8).  LOANS.

4.03(d)(8)(a).  LOANS FROM THE PARTNERSHIP. No loans or advances shall be 
made by the Partnership to the Managing General Partner or any Affiliate.

4.03(d)(8)(b).  LOANS TO THE PARTNERSHIP. Neither the Managing General 
Partner nor any Affiliate shall loan money to the Partnership where the 
interest to be charged exceeds the Managing General Partner's or the 
Affiliate's interest cost or where the interest to be charged exceeds 
that which would be charged to the Partnership (without reference to the 
Managing General Partner's or the Affiliate's financial abilities or 
guarantees) by unrelated lenders, on comparable loans for the same 
purpose, and neither the Managing General Partner nor any Affiliate shall 
receive points or other financing charges or fees, regardless of the 
amount, although the actual amount of such charges incurred from 
third-party lenders may be reimbursed to the Managing General Partner or 
the Affiliate.

4.03(d)(9).  FARMOUTS. The Partnership shall not Farmout its Leases.

4.03(d)(10).  COMPENSATING BALANCES. Neither the Managing General 
Partner nor any Affiliate shall use the Partnership's funds as 
compensating balances for its own benefit.

4.03(d)(11).  FUTURE PRODUCTION. Neither the Managing General Partner 
nor any Affiliate shall commit the future production of a well developed 
by the Partnership exclusively for its own benefit.

4.03(d)(12).  MARKETING ARRANGEMENTS. All benefits from marketing 
arrangements or other relationships affecting property of the Managing 
General Partner or its Affiliates and the Partnership shall be fairly and 
equitably apportioned according to the respective interests of each in 
such property.  The Managing General Partner shall treat all wells in a 
geographic area equally concerning to whom and at what price the 
Partnership's gas will be sold and to whom and at what price the gas of 
other oil and gas Programs which the Managing General Partner has 
sponsored or will sponsor will be sold. The Managing General Partner 
calculates a weighted average selling price for all of the gas sold in a 
geographic area by taking all money received from the sale of all of the 
gas sold to its customers in a geographic area and dividing by the volume 
of all gas sold from the wells in that geographic area.  Notwithstanding, 
the Managing General Partner and its Affiliates are parties to, and 
contract for, the sale of natural gas with industrial end-users and will 
continue to enter into such contracts on their own behalf, and the 
Partnership will not be a party to such contracts.  The Managing General 
Partner and its Affiliates also have a substantial interest in certain 
pipeline facilities and compression facilities which access interstate 
pipeline systems, which it is anticipated will be used to transport the 
Partnership's gas production as well as Affiliated partnership and 
third-party gas production, and the Partnership will not receive any 
interest in the Managing General Partner's and its Affiliates' pipeline 
or gathering system or compression facilities.

4.03(d)(13).  ADVANCE PAYMENTS. Advance payments by the Partnership to 
the Managing General Partner and its Affiliates are prohibited, except 
where advance payments are required to secure the tax benefits of prepaid 
drilling costs and for a business purpose. These advance payments, if 
any, shall not include nonrefundable payments for completion costs prior 
to the time that a decision was made that the well or wells warrant a 
completion attempt.
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Pg.46 (Page 19)

4.03(d)(14).  NO REBATES. No rebates or give-ups may be received by the
Managing General Partner or any Affiliate nor may the Managing General 
Partner or any Affiliate participate in any reciprocal business 
arrangements which would circumvent these guidelines.

4.03(d)(15).  PARTICIPATION IN OTHER PARTNERSHIPS. If the Partnership 
participates in other partnerships or joint ventures (multi-tier 
arrangements), the terms of any such arrangements shall not result in the 
circumvention of any of the requirements or prohibitions contained in 
this Agreement, including the following: (i) there shall be no 
duplication or increase in organization and offering expenses, the 
Managing General Partner's compensation, Partnership expenses or other 
fees and costs; (ii) there shall be no substantive alteration in the 
fiduciary and contractual relationship between the Managing General 
Partner and the Participants; and (iii) there shall be no diminishment in 
the voting rights of the Participants.

4.03(d)(16).  ROLL-UP LIMITATIONS. In connection with a proposed Roll-Up, 
the following shall apply:

(a) An appraisal of all Partnership assets shall be obtained from a 
competent Independent Expert. If the appraisal will be included 
in a prospectus used to offer securities of a Roll-Up Entity, the 
appraisal shall be filed with the Securities and Exchange 
Commission and the Administrator as an exhibit to the 
registration statement for the offering. Accordingly, an issuer 
using the appraisal shall be subject to liability for violation 
of Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 and comparable 
provisions under state law for any material misrepresentations or 
material omissions in the appraisal. Partnership assets shall be 
appraised on a consistent basis. The appraisal shall be based on 
all relevant information, including current reserve estimates 
prepared by an independent petroleum consultant, and shall 
indicate the value of the Partnership's assets as of a date 
immediately prior to the announcement of the proposed Roll-Up 
transaction. The appraisal shall assume an orderly liquidation of 
the Partnership's assets over a twelve month period. The terms of 
the engagement of the Independent Expert shall clearly state that 
the engagement is for the benefit of the Partnership and the 
Participants. A summary of the independent appraisal, indicating 
all material assumptions underlying the appraisal, shall be 
included in a report to the Participants in connection with a 
proposed Roll-Up.
(b) In connection with a proposed Roll-Up, Participants who vote "no" 
on the proposal shall be offered the choice of:
(1) accepting the securities of the Roll-Up Entity offered in the 
proposed Roll-Up;
(2) remaining as Participants in the Partnership and preserving 
their interests therein on the same terms and conditions as 
existed previously; or
(3) receiving cash in an amount equal to the Participants' pro 
rata share of the appraised value of the net assets of the 
(c) The Partnership shall not participate in any proposed Roll-Up 
which, if approved, would result in the diminishment of any 
Participant's voting rights under the Roll-Up Entity's chartering 
agreement. In no event shall the democracy rights of Participants 
in the Roll-Up Entity be less than those provided for under 
 ..4.03(c) and 4.03(c)(1) of this Agreement. If the Roll-Up Entity 
is a corporation, the democracy rights of Participants shall 
correspond to the democracy rights provided for in this Agreement 
to the greatest extent possible.
(d) The Partnership shall not participate in any proposed Roll-Up 
transaction which includes provisions which would operate to 
materially impede or frustrate the accumulation of shares by any 
purchaser of the securities of the Roll-Up Entity (except to the 
minimum extent necessary to preserve the tax status of the 
Roll-Up Entity); nor shall the Partnership participate in any 
proposed Roll-Up transaction which would limit the ability of a 
Participant to exercise the voting rights of its securities of 
the Roll-Up Entity on the basis of the number of Units held by 
that Participant.
(e) The Partnership shall not participate in a Roll-Up in which 
Participants' rights of access to the records of the Roll-Up 
Entity will be less than those provided for under ..4.03(b)(5) 
and 4.03(b)(6) of this Agreement.
(f) The Partnership shall not participate in any proposed Roll-Up 
transaction in which any of the costs of the transaction would be 
borne by the Partnership if less than 75% in interest of the 
Participants vote to approve the proposed Roll-Up.
(g) The Partnership shall not participate in a Roll-Up transaction 
unless the Roll-Up transaction is approved by Participants whose 
Agreed Subscriptions equal 75% of the Partnership Subscription.

4.03(d)(17).  DISCLOSURE OF BINDING AGREEMENTS. Any agreement or 
arrangement which binds the Partnership must be disclosed in the 
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Pg.47(Page 20)

 4.03(d)(18) FAIR AND REASONABLE.   Neither the Managing General Partner
nor any Affiliate will sell, transfer, or convey any property to or 
purchase any property from the Partnership, directly or indirectly, 
except pursuant to transactions that are fair and reasonable, nor take 
any action with respect to the assets or property of the Partnership 
which does not primarily benefit the Partnership.



4.04(a)(1).  TERM OF SERVICE. Atlas shall serve as the Managing General 
Partner of the Partnership until it is removed pursuant to .4.04(a)(3).

Managing General Partner for goods and services must be fully supportable 
as to the necessity thereof and the reasonableness of the amount charged. 
All actual and necessary expenses incurred by the Partnership may be paid 
out of the Partnership Subscription and out of Partnership revenues.

In addition to the compensation set forth in ..4.01(a)(3) and 4.02(d)(1) 
Atlas, as Managing General Partner and its Affiliates shall be reimbursed 
for all Direct Costs and credited pursuant to .5.01(a) for Organization 
and Offering Costs not exceeding 15% of the Partnership Subscription; 
provided, however, Direct Costs shall be billed directly to and paid by 
the Partnership to the extent practicable. In addition, subject to the 
above paragraph, Atlas shall receive an unaccountable, fixed payment 
reimbursement for its Administrative Costs of $75 per well per month, 
which shall be proportionately reduced to the extent the Partnership 
acquires less than 100% of the Working Interest in the well. The 
unaccountable, fixed payment reimbursement of $75 per well per month 
shall not be increased in amount during the term of the Partnership. 
Further, Atlas, as Managing General Partner, shall not be reimbursed for 
any additional Partnership Administrative Costs and the unaccountable, 
fixed payment reimbursement of $75 per well per month shall be the entire 
payment to reimburse Atlas for the Partnership's Administrative Costs. 
Finally, Atlas, as Managing General Partner, shall not receive the 
unaccountable, fixed payment reimbursement of $75 per well per month for 
plugged or abandoned wells.

Atlas and its Affiliates shall also receive a combined transportation and 
marketing fee at a competitive rate for transporting and marketing the 
Partnership's gas.

The Managing General Partner and its Affiliates may enter into 
transactions pursuant to .4.03(d)(7) and shall be entitled to 
compensation pursuant to such section. In addition, the Managing General 
Partner and its Affiliates shall receive compensation as set forth in the 
Drilling and Operating Agreement.

4.04(a)(3).  REMOVAL OF MANAGING GENERAL PARTNER. The Managing General 
Partner may be removed and a new Managing General Partner or Managing 
General Partners may be substituted at any time upon sixty days advance 
written notice to the outgoing Managing General Partner, by the 
affirmative vote of Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions equal a 
majority of the Partnership Subscription. Should Participants vote to 
remove the Managing General Partner from the Partnership, Participants 
must elect by an affirmative vote of Participants whose Agreed 
Subscriptions equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription either to 
terminate, dissolve and wind up the Partnership or to continue as a 
successor limited partnership under all the terms of this Partnership 
Agreement, as provided in .7.01(c). If the Participants elect to continue 
as a successor limited partnership, the Managing General Partner shall 
not be removed until a substituted Managing General Partner has been 
selected by an affirmative vote of Participants whose Agreed 
Subscriptions equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription and 
installed as such.

In the event the Managing General Partner is removed, the Managing 
General Partner's interest in the Partnership shall be determined by 
appraisal by a qualified Independent Expert selected by mutual agreement 
between the removed Managing General Partner and the incoming Managing 
General Partner, such appraisal to take into account an appropriate 
discount, to reflect the risk of recovery of oil and gas reserves, but 
not less than that utilized in the most recent repurchase offer, if any. 
The cost of such appraisal shall be borne equally by the removed Managing 
General Partner and the Partnership. The incoming Managing General 
Partner shall have the option to purchase 20% of the removed Managing 
General Partner's interest for the value determined by the Independent 

The method of payment for such interest must be fair and must protect the 
solvency and liquidity of the Partnership. Where the termination is 
voluntary, the method of payment shall be a non-interest bearing 
unsecured promissory note with principal payable, if at all, from 
distributions which the Managing General Partner otherwise would have 
received under the Partnership Agreement had the Managing General Partner 
not been terminated. Where the termination is involuntary, the method of 
payment shall be an interest bearing promissory note coming due in no 
less than five years with equal installments each year. The interest rate 
shall be that charged
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pg.48(Page 21)

 on comparable loans. The removed Managing General
Partner, at the time of its removal shall cause, to the extent it is 
legally possible, its successor to be transferred or assigned all its 
rights, obligations and interests as Managing General Partner of the 
Partnership in contracts entered into by it on behalf of the Partnership. 
In any event, the removed Managing General Partner shall cause its 
rights, obligations and interests as Managing General Partner of the 
Partnership in any such contract to terminate at the time of its removal. 
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the Partnership or 
the successor Managing General Partner shall not be a party to any gas 
purchase agreement that Atlas or its Affiliates enters into with a third 
party and shall not have any rights pursuant to such gas purchase 
agreement. Further, the Partnership or the successor Managing General 
Partner shall not receive any interest in Atlas' and its Affiliates' 
pipeline or gathering system or compression facilities.

At any time commencing ten years after the Offering Termination Date of 
the Partnership and the Partnership's primary drilling activities, the 
Managing General Partner may voluntarily withdraw as Managing General 
Partner upon giving 120 days' written notice of withdrawal to the 
Participants and its interest in the Partnership shall be determined as 
provided above with respect to removal. Such interest shall be 
distributed to the Managing General Partner as described above with 
respect to voluntary removal, subject to the option of any successor 
Managing General Partner to purchase 20% of such interest at the value 
determined as described above with respect to removal.

The Managing General Partner has the right at any time to withdraw a 
property interest held by the Partnership in the form of a Working 
Interest in the Partnership Wells equal to or less than its respective 
interest in the revenues of the Partnership pursuant to the conditions 
set forth in .6.03. The Managing General Partner shall fully indemnify 
the Partnership against any additional expenses which may result from a 
partial withdrawal of its interests and such withdrawal may not result in 
a greater amount of Direct Costs or Administrative Costs being allocated 
to the Participants. The expenses of withdrawing shall be borne by the 
withdrawing Managing General Partner.

4.04(a)(4).  REMOVAL OF OPERATOR. The Operator may be removed and a new 
Operator may be substituted at any time upon 60 days advance written 
notice to the outgoing Operator by the Managing General Partner acting on 
behalf of the Partnership upon the affirmative vote of Participants whose 
Agreed Subscriptions equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription. 
The Operator shall not be removed until a substituted Operator has been 
selected by an affirmative vote of Participants whose Agreed 
Subscriptions equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription and 
installed as such.


4.05(a).  GENERAL STANDARDS. The Managing General Partner, the Operator 
and their Affiliates shall have no liability whatsoever to the 
Partnership or to any Participant for any loss suffered by the 
Partnership or Participants which arises out of any action or inaction of 
the Managing General Partner, the Operator or their Affiliates if the 
Managing General Partner, the Operator and their Affiliates, determined 
in good faith that such course of conduct was in the best interest of the 
Partnership, the Managing General Partner, the Operator and their 
Affiliates were acting on behalf of or performing services for the 
Partnership and such course of conduct did not constitute negligence or 
misconduct of the Managing General Partner, the Operator or their 

The Managing General Partner, the Operator and their Affiliates shall be 
indemnified by the Partnership against any losses, judgments, 
liabilities, expenses and amounts paid in settlement of any claims 
sustained by them in connection with the Partnership, provided that the 
Managing General Partner, the Operator and their Affiliates determined in 
good faith that the course of conduct which caused the loss or liability 
was in the best interest of the Partnership, the Managing General 
Partner, the Operator and their Affiliates were acting on behalf of or 
performing services for the Partnership and such course of conduct was 
not the result of negligence or misconduct of the Managing General 
Partner, the Operator or their Affiliates.

Provided, however, payments arising from such indemnification or 
agreement to hold harmless are recoverable only out of the tangible net 
assets of the Partnership, including any insurance proceeds.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the above, the 
Managing General Partner, the Operator and their Affiliates and any 
person acting as a broker-dealer shall not be indemnified for any losses, 
liabilities or expenses arising from or out of an alleged violation of 
federal or state securities laws by such party unless (1) there has been 
a successful adjudication on the merits of each count involving alleged 
securities law violations as to the particular indemnitee; (2) such 
claims have been dismissed with prejudice on the merits by a court of 
competent jurisdiction as to the particular indemnitee, or (3) a court of 
competent jurisdiction approves a settlement of the claims against a 
particular indemnitee and finds that indemnification of the settlement 
and the related costs should be made, and the court considering the 
request for indemnification has been advised of the position of the 
Securities and Exchange Commission,
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pg.49(Page 22)

 the Massachusetts Securities
Division, and the position of any state securities regulatory authority 
in which plaintiffs claim they were offered or sold Partnership Units, 
with respect to the issue of indemnification for violation of securities 

The advancement of Partnership funds to the Managing General Partner or 
its Affiliates for legal expenses and other costs incurred as a result of 
any legal action for which indemnification is being sought is permissible 
only if the Partnership has adequate funds available and the following 
conditions are satisfied: (1) the legal action relates to acts or 
omissions with respect to the performance of duties or services on behalf 
of the Partnership; (2) the legal action is initiated by a third party 
who is not a Participant, or the legal action is initiated by a 
Participant and a court of competent jurisdiction specifically approves 
such advancement; and (3) the Managing General Partner or its Affiliates 
undertake to repay the advanced funds to the Partnership, together with 
the applicable legal rate of interest thereon, in cases in which such 
party is found not to be entitled to indemnification.

The Partnership shall not bear the cost of that portion of insurance 
which insures the Managing General Partner, the Operator or their 
Affiliates for any liability for which the Managing General Partner, the 
Operator or their Affiliates could not be indemnified pursuant to the 
first two paragraphs of this .4.05(a).

4.05(b).  LIABILITY OF PARTNERS. Pursuant to the Pennsylvania Revised 
Uniform Limited Partnership Act the Investor General Partners are liable 
jointly and severally for all liabilities and obligations of the 
Partnership. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as among themselves, the 
Investor General Partners hereby agree that each shall be solely and 
individually responsible only for his pro rata share of the liabilities 
and obligations of the Partnership. In addition, Atlas and AEGH agree to 
use their corporate assets and not the assets of the Partnership to 
indemnify each of the Investor General Partners against all Partnership 
related liabilities which exceed such Investor General Partner's interest 
in the undistributed net assets of the Partnership and insurance 
proceeds, if any. Further, Atlas and AEGH agree to indemnify each 
Investor General Partner against any personal liability as a result of 
the unauthorized acts of another Investor General Partner. Upon such 
indemnification by Atlas and AEGH, each Investor General Partner who has 
been indemnified shall and does hereby transfer and subrogate his rights 
for contribution from or against any other Investor General Partner to 
Atlas and/or AEGH.

4.05(c).  ORDER OF PAYMENT. Claims shall be paid first out of any 
insurance proceeds, next out of the assets and revenues of the 
Partnership, and finally by the Managing General Partner as provided in 
 ..3.05(b) and 4.05(b).  No Limited Partner shall be required to reimburse 
the Managing General Partner, the Operator or their Affiliates or the 
Investor General Partners for any liability in excess of his agreed 
Capital Contribution, except for a liability resulting from such Limited 
Partner's unauthorized participation in Partnership management, or from 
some other breach by such Limited Partner of this Agreement.

4.05(d).  AUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS. No transaction entered into or action 
taken by the Partnership or the Managing General Partner, the Operator or 
their Affiliates, which is authorized by this Agreement to be entered 
into or taken with such party shall be deemed a breach of any obligation 
owed by the Managing General Partner, the Operator or their Affiliates to 
the Partnership or the Participants.

4.06.  OTHER ACTIVITIES. The Managing General Partner, the Operator and 
their Affiliates are now engaged, and will engage in the future, for 
their own account and for the account of others, including other 
investors, in all aspects of the oil and gas business, including, without 
limitation, the evaluation, acquisition and sale of producing and 
nonproducing Leases, and the exploration for and production of oil, gas, 
and other minerals. The Managing General Partner is required to devote 
only so much of its time as is necessary to manage the affairs of the 
Partnership. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in this 
Agreement, and subject to fiduciary duties, such parties may continue 
such activities, or initiate further such activities, individually, 
jointly with others, or as a part of any other limited or general 
partnership, tax partnership, joint venture, or other entity or activity 
to which they are or may become a party, in any locale and in the same 
fields, areas of operation or prospects in which the Partnership may 
likewise be active; may reserve partial interests in Leases being 
assigned to the Partnership or any other interests not expressly 
prohibited by this Agreement; may deal with the Partnership as 
independent parties or through any other entity in which they may be 
interested; may conduct business with the Partnership as set forth 
herein; may participate in such other investor operations, as investors 
or otherwise; and shall not be required to permit the Partnership or the 
Participants to participate in any such operations in which they may be 
interested or share in any profits or other benefits therefrom. However, 
except as otherwise provided herein, the Managing General Partner and any 
of its Affiliates may pursue business opportunities that are consistent 
with the Partnership's investment objectives for their own account only 
after they have determined that such opportunity either cannot be pursued 
by the Partnership because of insufficient funds or because it is not 
appropriate for the Partnership under the existing circumstances. Atlas 
or its Affiliates may manage multiple programs simultaneously. 
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the Partnership 
shall not be a party to any gas supply agreement that Atlas or its 
Affiliates enters into with a third party and shall not have any rights 
pursuant to such gas supply agreement. Further, the Partnership shall not
receive any interest in Atlas' and its Affiliates' pipeline or gathering 
system or compression facilities.
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Pg.50 (Page 23)

                                  ARTICLE V

5.01.  PARTICIPATION IN COSTS AND REVENUES. Except as otherwise provided in 
this Agreement, costs and revenues shall be charged and credited to the 
Managing General Partner and the Participants as set forth in this .5.01 
and its subsections.

5.01(a).  COSTS. Costs shall be charged as follows:

(1) Organization and Offering Costs shall be charged 100% to the 
Managing General Partner. For purposes of sharing in revenues, 
pursuant to .5.01(b)(4), the Managing General Partner shall be 
credited with Organization and Offering Costs up to and including 
15% of the Partnership Subscription which were paid by the 
Managing General Partner.  Notwithstanding, Organization and 
Offering Costs in excess of 15% of the Partnership Subscription 
shall be charged 100% to the Managing General Partner without 
recourse to the Partnership and the Managing General Partner 
shall not be credited with such amounts towards its required 
Capital Contribution.

(2) Intangible Drilling Costs shall be charged 100% to the 

(3) Tangible Costs shall be charged 14% to the Managing General 
Partner and 86% to the Participants.

(4) Operating Costs, Direct Costs, Administrative Costs and all other 
Partnership costs not specifically allocated shall be charged 75% 
to the Participants and 25% to the Managing General Partner. 
Provided, however, in the event a portion of the Managing General 
Partner's Partnership Net Production Revenues are subordinated 
pursuant to .5.01(b)(4), all such Operating Costs, Direct Costs, 
Administrative Costs and all other Partnership costs not 
specifically allocated shall be charged between the Managing 
General Partner and the Participants in the same ratio as the 
related production revenues are being credited.

5.01(b).  REVENUES. Revenues of the Partnership from all sources and 
wells shall be commingled and credited as follows: 

(1) If the Partners' Capital Accounts are adjusted to reflect the 
simulated depletion of an oil or gas property of the Partnership, 
the portion of the total amount realized by the Partnership upon 
the taxable disposition of such property that represents recovery 
of its simulated tax basis therein shall be allocated to the 
Partners in the same proportion as the aggregate adjusted tax 
basis of such property was allocated to such Partners (or their 
predecessors in interest). lf the Partners' Capital Accounts are 
adjusted to reflect the actual depletion of an oil or gas 
property of the Partnership, the portion of the total amount 
realized by the Partnership upon the taxable disposition of such 
property that equals the Partners' aggregate remaining adjusted 
tax basis therein shall be allocated to the Partners in 
proportion to their respective remaining adjusted tax bases in 
such property. Thereafter, any excess shall be allocated to Atlas 
in an amount equal to the difference between the fair market 
value of the Lease at the time it was contributed to the 
Partnership and its simulated or actual adjusted tax basis at 
such time. Finally, any excess shall be credited to the parties 
in accordance with the sharing ratios provided in (4), below. In 
the event of a sale of developed oil and gas properties with 
equipment thereon, the Managing General Partner may make any 
reasonable allocation of proceeds between the equipment and the 

(2) Interest earned on Agreed Subscriptions before the Offering 
Termination Date pursuant to .3.05(b) shall be credited to the 
accounts of the respective subscribers who paid such 
subscriptions to the Partnership and paid approximately six weeks 
after the Offering Termination Date. After the Offering 
Termination Date and until proceeds from the offering are 
invested in the Partnership's oil and gas operations, any 
interest income from temporary investments shall be allocated pro 
rata to the Participants providing such Agreed Subscriptions. All 
other interest income, including interest earned on the deposit 
of production revenues, shall be credited as provided in (4), 
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Pg.51(Page 24)

(3) Proceeds from the sale or disposition of equipment shall be 
credited to the parties charged with the costs of such equipment 
in the ratio in which such costs were charged.

(4) All other revenues of the Partnership shall be credited 75% to 
the Participants and 25% to the Managing General Partner. 
Notwithstanding, the Managing General Partner shall subordinate a 
part of its Partnership production revenues in an amount up to 
10% of the Partnership's Net Production Revenues net of the 
related costs as provided in .5.01(a)(4), to the receipt by 
Participants of cash distributions from the Partnership equal to 
10% of their Agreed Subscriptions in each of the first five 
twelve-month periods of Partnership operations. The subordination 
shall be determined on a cumulative basis throughout the entire 
subordination period commencing with the first distribution of 
revenues to the Participants by debiting or crediting current 
period Partnership revenues to the Managing General Partner as 
may be necessary to provide such distributions to the 

5.01(c).  ALLOCATIONS.

5.01(c)(1).  ALLOCATIONS AMONG PARTICIPANTS. Except as provided otherwise 
in this Agreement, costs and revenues shared or credited to the 
Participants as a group shall be allocated among the Participants 
(including the Managing General Partner to the extent of any optional 
subscription pursuant to .3.03(b)(2)) in the ratio of their respective 
Agreed Subscriptions.

WELL. Costs and revenues not directly allocable to a particular 
Partnership Well or additional operation shall be allocated among the 
Partnership Wells or additional operations in any manner the Managing 
General Partner in its reasonable discretion, shall select, and shall 
then be charged or credited in the same manner as costs or revenues 
directly applicable to such Partnership Well or additional operation are 
being charged or credited.

5.01(c)(3).  DISCRETION IN MAKING ALLOCATIONS. In determining the proper 
method of allocating charges or credits among the parties, or in making 
any other allocations hereunder, the Managing General Partner may adopt 
any method of allocation which it, in its reasonable discretion, selects, 
if, in its sole discretion based on advice from its legal counsel or 
accountants, a revision to such allocations is required for such 
allocations to be recognized for federal income tax purposes either 
because of the promulgation of Treasury Regulations or other developments 
in the tax law. Any new allocation provisions shall be provided by an 
amendment to this Agreement and shall be made in a manner that would 
result in the most favorable aggregate consequences to the Participants 
as nearly as possible consistent with the original allocations described 


5.02(a).  CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. A single, separate Capital Account shall be 
established for each party to this Agreement, regardless of the number of 
interests owned by such party, the class of the interests and the time or 
manner in which such interests were acquired.

5.02(b).  CHARGES AND CREDITS. Except as otherwise provided in this 
Agreement, the Capital Account of each party shall be determined and 
maintained in accordance with Treas. Reg. .1.704-l(b)(2)(iv) and shall be 
increased by: (i) the amount of money contributed by him to the 
Partnership; (ii) the fair market value of property contributed by him 
(without regard to .7701(g) of the Code) to the Partnership (net of 
liabilities secured by the contributed property that the Partnership is 
considered to assume or take subject to under .752 of the Code); and 
(iii) allocations to him of Partnership income and gain (or items 
thereof), including income and gain exempt from tax and income and gain 
described in Treas. Reg. .1.704-l(b)(2)(iv)(g), but excluding income and 
gain described in Treas. Reg. .1.704-l(b)(4)(i); and shall be decreased 
by (iv) the amount of money distributed to him by the Partnership; (v) 
the fair market value of property distributed to him (without regard to 
 .7701(g) of the Code) by the Partnership (net of liabilities secured by 
the distributed property that he is considered to assume or take subject 
to under .752 of the Code); (vi) allocations to him of Partnership 
expenditures described in .705(a)(2)(B) of the Code; and (vii) 
allocations to him of Partnership loss and deduction (or items thereof), 
including loss and deduction described in Treas. Reg. 
 .1.704-l(b)(2)(iv)(g), but excluding items described in (vi) above, and 
loss or deduction described in Treas. Reg. .1.704-l(b)(4)(i) or (iii). If 
Treas. Reg. .1.704-l(b)(2)(iv)fails to provide guidance, Capital Account 
adjustments shall be made in a manner that: (i) maintains equality 
between the aggregate governing Capital Accounts of the Partners and the 
amount of Partnership capital reflected on the Partnership's balance 
sheet, as computed for book purposes; (ii) is consistent with the 
underlying economic arrangement of the Partners; and (iii) is based, 
wherever practicable, on federal tax accounting principles.

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Pg.52(Page 25)

of the Managing General Partner shall be reduced by payments to it 
pursuant to .4.04(a)(2) only to the extent of the Managing General 
Partner's distributive share of any Partnership deduction, loss, or other 
downward Capital Account adjustment resulting from such payments.

5.02(d).  DISCRETION OF MANAGING GENERAL PARTNER. Notwithstanding any 
other provisions of this Agreement, the method of maintaining Capital 
Accounts may be changed from time to time, in the discretion of the 
Managing General Partner, to take into consideration .704 and other 
provisions of the Code and such rules, regulations and interpretations 
relating thereto as may exist from time to time.

5.02(e).  REVALUATIONS OF PROPERTY. In the discretion of the Managing 
General Partner the Capital Accounts of the Partners may be increased or 
decreased to reflect a revaluation of Partnership property, including 
intangible assets such as goodwill, (on a property-by-property basis 
except as otherwise permitted under .704(c) of the Code and the 
regulations thereunder) on the Partnership's books, in accordance with 
Treas. Reg. .1.704-l(b)(2)(iv)(f).

5.02(f).  AMOUNT OF BOOK ITEMS. In cases where .704(c) of the Code or 
 .5.02(e) applies, Capital Accounts shall be adjusted in accordance with 
Treas. Reg. .1.704-l(b)(2)(iv)(g) for allocations of depreciation, 
depletion, amortization and gain and loss, as computed for book purposes, 
with respect to such property.


5.03(a).  IN GENERAL. To the extent permitted by law and except as 
otherwise provided in this Agreement, nonrecourse deductions shall be 
allocated among the Partners in the ratio in which income and gain (other 
than minimum gain recognized by the Partnership) attributable to the 
property securing the nonrecourse liabilities are allocated among the 
Partners during the period in question. All other deductions and credits, 
including, but not limited to, intangible drilling and development costs 
and depreciation, shall be allocated to the party who has been charged 
with the expenditure giving rise to such deductions and credits; and to 
the extent permitted by law, such parties shall be entitled to such 
deductions and credits in computing taxable income or tax liabilities to 
the exclusion of any other party. Except as otherwise provided in this 
Agreement, all items of income and gain, including gain on disposition of 
assets, shall be allocated in accordance with the related revenue 
allocations set forth in .5.01(b) and its subsections.

5.03(b).  TAX BASIS. Subject to .704(c) of the Code, the tax basis of each 
oil and gas property for computation of cost depletion and gain or loss 
on disposition shall be allocated and reallocated when necessary based 
upon the capital interest in the Partnership as to such property and the 
capital interest in the Partnership for such purpose as to each property 
shall be considered to be owned by the parties hereto in the ratio in 
which the expenditure giving rise to the tax basis of such property has 
been charged as of the end of the year.

5.03(c).  GAIN OR LOSS ON OIL AND GAS PROPERTIES. Each party shall 
separately compute its gain or loss on the disposition of each oil and 
gas property in accordance with the provisions of .613A(c)(7)D) of the 
Code, and the calculation of such gain or loss shall consider the party's 
adjusted basis in his property interest computed as provided in .5.03(b) 
and the party's allocable share of the amount realized from the 
disposition of the property.

5.03(d).  GAIN ON DEPRECIABLE PROPERTY. Gain from each sale or other 
disposition of depreciable property shall be allocated to each party 
whose share of the proceeds from such sale or other disposition exceeds 
its contribution to the adjusted basis of the property in the ratio that 
such excess bears to the sum of the excesses of all parties having such 
an excess.

5.03(e).  LOSS ON DEPRECIABLE PROPERTY. Loss from each sale, abandonment 
or other disposition of depreciable property shall be allocated to each 
party whose contribution to the adjusted basis of the property exceeds 
its share of the proceeds from such sale, abandonment or other 
disposition in the proportion that such excess bears to the sum of the 
excesses of all parties having such an excess.

5.03(f).  RECAPTURE. Any recapture treated as an increase in ordinary 
income by reason of ..1245, 1250, or 1254 of the Code shall be allocated 
to the parties in the amounts in which such recaptured items were 
previously allocated to them; provided that to the extent recapture 
allocated to any party is in excess of such party's gain from the 
disposition of the property, such excess shall be allocated to the other 
parties but only to the extent of such other parties' gain from the 
disposition of the property.

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(Page 26)

5.03(g).  TAX CREDITS. If a Partnership expenditure (whether or not 
deductible) that gives rise to a tax credit in a Partnership taxable year 
also gives rise to valid allocations of Partnership loss or deduction (or 
other downward Capital Account adjustments) for such year, then the 
Partners' interests in the Partnership with respect to such credit (or 
the cost giving rise thereto) shall be in the same proportion as such 
Partners' respective distributive shares of such loss or deduction (and 
adjustments). Identical principles shall apply in determining the 
Partners' interests in the Partnership with respect to tax credits that 
arise from receipts of the Partnership (whether or not taxable).

Notwithstanding any provisions of this Agreement to the contrary, an 
allocation of loss or deduction which would result in a Partner having a 
deficit Capital Account balance as of the end of the taxable year to 
which such allocation relates, if charged to such Partner, (to the extent 
such Partner is not required to restore such deficit to the Partnership), 
taking into account: (i) adjustments that, as of the end of such year, 
reasonably are expected to be made to such Partner's Capital Account for 
depletion allowances with respect to the Partnership's oil and gas 
properties; (ii) allocations of loss and deduction that, as of the end of 
such year, reasonably are expected to be made to such Partner pursuant to 
 ..704(e)(2) and 706(d) of the Code and Treas. Reg. .1.751-1(b)(2)(ii); 
and (iii) distributions that, as of the end of such year, reasonably are 
expected to be made to such Partner to the extent they exceed offsetting 
increases to such Partner's Capital Account (assuming for this purpose 
that the fair market value of Partnership property equals its adjusted 
tax basis) that reasonably are expected to occur during (or prior to) the 
Partnership taxable years in which such distributions reasonably are 
expected to be made, shall be charged to the Managing General Partner; 
provided further, the Managing General Partner shall be credited with an 
additional amount of Partnership income or gain equal to the amount of 
such loss or deduction as quickly as possible (to the extent such 
chargeback does not cause or increase deficit balances in the Partners' 
Capital Accounts which are not required to be restored to the 
Partnership). Notwithstanding any provisions of this Agreement to the 
contrary, if such Partner unexpectedly receives an adjustment, 
allocation, or distribution described in (i), (ii), or (iii) above, or 
any other distribution, which causes or increases a deficit balance in 
such Partner's Capital Account which is not required to be restored to 
the Partnership, such Partner shall be allocated items of income and gain 
(consisting of a pro rata portion of each item of Partnership income, 
including gross income, and gain for such year) in an amount and manner 
sufficient to eliminate such deficit balance as quickly as possible.

5.03(i).  PARTNERS' ALLOCABLE SHARES. Except as otherwise provided in this 
Agreement, each Partner's allocable share of Partnership income, gain, 
loss, deductions and credits shall be determined by the use of any method 
prescribed or permitted by the Secretary of the Treasury by regulations 
or other guidelines and selected by the Managing General Partner which 
takes into account the varying interests of the Partners in the 
Partnership during the taxable year. In the absence of such regulations 
or guidelines, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, such 
allocable share shall be based on actual income, gain, loss, deductions 
and credits economically accrued each day during the taxable year in 
proportion to each Partner's varying interest in the Partnership on each 
day during the taxable year.


5.04(a).  INTANGIBLES ELECTION. The Partnership's federal income tax 
return shall be made in accordance with an election under the option 
granted by the Code to deduct intangible drilling and development costs.

5.04(b).  NO ELECTION OUT OF SUBCHAPTER K. No election shall be made by 
the Partnership, any Partner, or the Operator for the Partnership to be 
excluded from the application of the provisions of Subchapter K of the 

5.04(c).  CONTINGENT INCOME. If it is determined that any taxable income 
results to any party by reason of its entitlement to a share of profits 
or revenues of the Partnership before such profit or revenue has been 
realized by the Partnership, the resulting deduction as well as any 
resulting gain, shall not enter into Partnership net income or loss but 
shall be separately allocated to such party.

5.04(d).  .754 ELECTION. In the event of the transfer of an interest in 
the Partnership, or upon the death of an individual party hereto, or in 
the event of the distribution of property to any party hereto, the 
Managing General Partner may choose for the Partnership to file an 
election in accordance with the applicable Treasury Regulations to cause 
the basis of the Partnership's assets to be adjusted for federal income 
tax purposes as provided by ..734 and 743 of the Code.


5.05(a).  IN GENERAL. The Managing General Partner shall review the 
accounts of the Partnership at least quarterly to determine whether cash 
distributions are appropriate and the amount to be distributed, if any. 
The Partnership shall distribute funds to the Managing General Partner
and the Participants allocated to their accounts which the Managing 
General Partner deems unnecessary to retain by the Partnership. In no 
event, however, shall funds be advanced or borrowed for purposes of 
distributions, if the amount of such distributions would exceed the 
Partnership's accrued and received revenues for the previous four 
quarters, less paid and accrued Operating Costs with respect to such 
revenues. The determination of such revenues and costs shall be made in 
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, consistently 
applied. Cash distributions from the Partnership to the Managing General 
Partner shall only be made in conjunction with distributions to 
Participants and only out of funds properly allocated to the Managing 
General Partner's account.

At any time after three years from the date each Partnership Well is 
placed into production, the Managing General Partner shall have the right 
to deduct each month from the Partnership's proceeds of the sale of the 
production from the well up to $200 for the purpose of establishing a 
fund to cover the estimated costs of plugging and abandoning said well. 
All such funds shall be deposited in a separate interest bearing account 
for the benefit of the Partnership, and the total amount so retained and 
deposited shall not exceed the Managing General Partner's reasonable 
estimate of such costs.

subscription proceeds not expended or committed for expenditure, as 
evidenced by a written agreement, by the Partnership within twelve months 
of the Offering Termination Date of the Partnership, except necessary 
operating capital, shall be distributed pro rata to the Participants in 
the ratio of their Agreed Subscriptions to the Partnership, as a return 
of capital and the Managing General Partner shall reimburse the 
Participants for the selling or other offering expenses allocable to the 
return of capital. For purposes of this subsection, "committed for 
expenditure" shall mean contracted for, actually earmarked for or 
allocated by the Managing General Partner to the Partnership's drilling 
operations, and "necessary operating capital" shall mean those funds 
which, in the opinion of the Managing General Partner, should remain on 
hand to assure continuing operation of the Partnership.

5.05(c).  DISTRIBUTIONS ON WINDING UP. Upon the winding up of the 
Partnership distributions shall be made as provided in .7.02.

5.05(d).  INTEREST AND RETURN OF CAPITAL. It is agreed among the parties 
hereto that no party shall under any circumstances be entitled to any 
interest on amounts retained by the Partnership, and that each 
Participant shall look only to his share of distributions, if any, from 
the Partnership for a return of his Capital Contribution.
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                                  ARTICLE VI
                             TRANSFER OF INTERESTS


6.01(a).  IN GENERAL. In addition to other restrictions on 
transferability provided in this Agreement, interests in the Partnership 
(and any rights to income or other attributes of Units in the 
Partnership) shall be nontransferable except transfers to or with the 
consent of the Managing General Partner where the transfer of a 
Participant's interest is involved, and, except as otherwise provided in 
this Agreement, the consent of Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions 
equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription where a transfer by the 
Managing General Partner is involved. Unless an assignee becomes a 
substituted Partner in accordance with the provisions set forth below, he 
shall not be entitled to any of the rights granted to a Partner 
hereunder, other than the right to receive all or part of the share of 
the profits, losses, income, gain, credits and cash distributions or 
returns of capital to which his assignor would otherwise be entitled.

6.01(b).  OBJECTIONS TO TRANSFER. Failure to notify the transferring 
party of an objection to any proposed or completed transfer of the 
transferor's interest hereunder within thirty days following the receipt 
of notice thereof shall conclusively serve as a consent to such transfer.

INTERESTS. After substantially all of the Partnership Wells have been 
drilled and completed the Managing General Partner shall file an amended 
certificate of limited partnership with the Secretary of State of the 
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose of converting the Investor 
General Partner Units to Limited Partner interests. Upon such conversion 
the Investor General Partners shall be Limited Partners entitled to 
limited liability; however, they shall remain liable to the Partnership 
for any additional Capital Contribution required for their proportionate 
share of any Partnership obligation or liability arising prior to the 
conversion of their Units as provided in .3.05(b). Such conversion shall 
not affect the allocation to any Partner of any item of Partnership 
income, gain, loss, deduction or credit or other item of special tax 
significance (other than Partnership liabilities, if any) and shall not
affect any Partner's interest in the Partnership's oil and gas properties 
and unrealized receivables.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Managing General Partner shall notify 
all Participants at least thirty days prior to the effective date of any 
adverse material change in the Partnership's insurance coverage. If the 
insurance coverage is to be materially reduced, the Investor General 
Partners shall have the right to convert their Units into Limited Partner 
interests prior to such reduction by giving written notice to the 
Managing General Partner.


6.02(a).  IN GENERAL. Only whole Units may be assigned unless the 
Participant owns less than a whole Unit, in which case his entire 
fractional interest must be assigned. The costs and expenses associated 
with the assignment must be paid by the assignor Partner and the 
assignment must be in a form satisfactory to the Managing General 
Partner. The terms of the assignment must not contravene those of this 
Agreement. Transfers of interest in the Partnership are subject to the 
following additional restrictions.

6.02(a)(1).  SECURITIES LAWS RESTRICTION. Subject to transfers permitted 
by .6.04 and transfers by operation of law, no interest in the 
Partnership shall be sold, assigned, pledged, hypothecated or transferred 
in the absence of an effective registration of the Units under the 
Securities Act of 1933, as amended and qualification under applicable 
state securities laws or an opinion of counsel acceptable to the Managing 
General Partner that such registration and qualification are not 
required.  Transfers are also subject to any conditions contained in the 
Subscription Agreement and Exhibit (B) to the Prospectus.

6.02(a)(2).  TAX LAW RESTRICTIONS. No sale, exchange, transfer or 
assignment shall be made which, in the opinion of counsel to the 
Partnership, would result in the Partnership being considered to have 
been terminated for purposes of Section 708 of the Code or would result 
in materially adverse tax consequences to the Partnership or the 

6.02(a)(3).  SUBSTITUTE PARTNER. An assignee of a Limited Partner's or 
Investor General Partner's interest in the Partnership shall become a 
substituted Limited Partner or Investor General Partner entitled to all 
the rights of a Limited Partner or Investor General Partner, as the case 
may be, if, and only if: (i) the assignor gives the assignee such right; 
(ii) the Managing General Partner consents to such substitution, which 
consent shall be in the Managing General Partner's absolute discretion; 
(iii) the assignee pays to the Partnership all costs and expenses 
incurred in connection with such substitution; and (iv) the assignee 
executes and delivers such instruments, in form and substance 
satisfactory to the Managing General Partner, necessary or desirable to 
effect such substitution and to confirm the agreement of the assignee to 
be bound by all of the terms and provisions of this Agreement.  A 
substitute Limited Partner or Investor General Partner is entitled to all 
of the rights attributable to full ownership of the assigned Units 
including the right to vote.
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Pg.56(Page 29)
6.02(b).  EFFECT OF TRANSFER. The Partnership shall amend its records at 
least once each calendar quarter to effect the substitution of 
substituted Participants. Any transfer permitted hereunder where the 
assignee does not become a substituted Limited Partner or Investor 
General Partner shall be effective as of midnight of the last day of the 
calendar month in which it is made, or, at the Managing General Partner's 
election, 7:00 A.M. of the following day. No such transfer, including a 
transfer of less than all of a party's rights hereunder or the transfer 
of rights hereunder to more than one party, shall relieve the transferor 
of its responsibility for its proportionate part of any expenses, 
obligations and liabilities hereunder related to the interest so 
transferred, whether arising prior or subsequent to such transfer, nor 
shall any such transfer require an accounting by the Managing General 
Partner, or the granting of rights hereunder as between such parties and 
the remaining parties hereto, including the exercise of any elections 
hereunder, to more than one party unanimously designated by the 
transferees and, if he should have retained an interest hereunder, the 

Until a proper designation acceptable to it is received by the Managing 
General Partner, it shall continue to account only to the person to whom 
it was furnishing notices prior to such time pursuant to .8.01 and its 
subsections; and such party shall continue to exercise all rights 
applicable to the entire interest previously owned by the transferor.

ITS INTERESTS. The Managing General Partner shall have the authority 
(without the consent of the Participants and without affecting the 
allocation of costs and revenues received or incurred hereunder), to 
hypothecate, pledge, or otherwise encumber, on any terms it sees fit, its 
Partnership interest (or an undivided interest in the assets of the 
Partnership equal to or less than its respective interest in the revenues 
of the Partnership) to obtain funds for use by it for its own general 
purposes. All repayments of such borrowings and costs and interest or 
other charges related thereto shall be borne and paid separately by the 
Managing General Partner; and in no event shall such repayments, costs, 
interest, or other
 charges be charged to the account of the Participants.
In addition, subject to a required participation of not less than 1% of 
the Partnership Subscription, the Managing General Partner may withdraw a 
property interest held by the Partnership in the form of a Working 
Interest in the Partnership Wells equal to or less than its respective 
interest in the revenues of the Partnership if such withdrawal is 
necessary to satisfy the bona fide request of its creditors or approved 
by Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions equal a majority of the 
Partnership Subscription.


6.04(a).  IN GENERAL. Participants shall have the right to present their 
interests to the Managing General Partner subject to the conditions and 
limitations set forth in this section. The Managing General Partner shall 
not purchase more than 10% of the Units in any calendar year and shall 
not purchase less than one Unit of a Participant's interests in the 
Partnership unless such lesser amount represents the entire amount of the 
Participant's interest. The Managing General Partner may waive these 
limitations in its sole discretion other than the limitation that it 
shall not purchase more than 10% of the Units in any calendar year. The 
Participant is not obligated to accept such repurchase offer.

The Managing General Partner shall offer to repurchase a Participant's 
interest in cash in the second quarter of every year beginning in 2000. 
The commencement of the offer must be made within 120 days of the reserve 
report set forth in .4.03(b)(3). A Participant may accept the repurchase 
offer by a written acceptance. No repurchase shall be considered 
effective until after the payment has been made to the Participant in 
cash. In addition, in accordance with Treas. Reg. .1.7704-1(f), no 
repurchase shall occur until at least 60 calendar days after the 
Participant notifies the Partnership in writing of the Participant's 
intention to exercise the repurchase right.

6.04(b). INDEPENDENT PETROLEUM CONSULTANT. The amount attributable to 
Partnership reserves shall be determined based upon the last reserve 
report of the Partnership reviewed by the Independent Expert. The 
Partnership and the Independent Expert shall estimate the present worth 
of future net revenues attributable to the Partnership's interest in the 
Proved Reserves, and in making this estimate, they shall employ a 
discount rate equal to 10%, use a constant price for the oil and base the 
price of gas upon the existing gas contracts at the time of the 
repurchase. The calculation of the repurchase price shall be as set forth 
in .6.04(c).

6.04(c).  CALCULATION OF REPURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price shall be 
based upon the Participant's share of the net assets and liabilities of 
the Partnership and allocated pro rata to each Participant based upon his 
Agreed Subscription. The repurchase price shall include the sum of the 
following items:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i) an amount based on 70% of the present worth of future net 
revenues from the Partnership's Proved Reserves determined as 
described in .6.04(b);
(ii) Partnership cash on hand;
(iii) prepaid expenses and accounts receivable of the Partnership, 
less a reasonable amount for doubtful accounts; and
(iv) the estimated market value of all assets of the Partnership, not 
separately specified above, determined in accordance with 
standard industry valuation procedures.

There shall be deducted from the foregoing sum the following items:
(i) an amount equal to all Partnership debts, obligations, and other 
liabilities, including accrued expenses; and
(ii) any distributions made to the Participants between the date of 
the request and the actual payment; provided, however, that if 
any cash distributed was derived from the sale, subsequent to the 
request, of oil, gas or other mineral production, or of a 
producing property owned by the Partnership, for purposes of 
determining the reduction of the purchase price, such 
distributions shall be discounted at the same rate used to take 
into account the risk factors employed to determine the present 
worth of the Partnership's Proved Reserves.

The purchase price may be further adjusted by the Managing General 
Partner for estimated changes therein from the date of such report to the 
date of payment of the purchase price to the Participants: (i) by reason 
of production or sales of, or additions to, reserves and lease and well 
equipment, sale or abandonment of Leases, and similar matters occurring 
prior to the request for repurchase, and (ii) by reason of any of the 
following occurring prior to payment of the purchase price to the selling 
Participants: changes in well performance, increases or decreases in the 
market price of oil, gas, or other minerals, revision of regulations 
relating to the importing of hydrocarbons, changes in income, ad valorem, 
and other tax laws (e.g. material variations in the provisions for 
depletion) and similar matters.

6.04(d).  SELECTION BY LOT. If less than all interests presented at any
time are to be purchased, the Participants whose interests are to be 
purchased will be selected by lot. The Managing General Partner's 
obligation to purchase such interests may be discharged for the benefit 
of the Managing General Partner by a third party or an Affiliate. The 
interests of the selling Participant will be transferred to the party who 
pays for it. A selling Participant will be required to deliver an 
executed assignment of his interest, together with such other 
documentation as the Managing General Partner may reasonably request.

RESERVE. The Managing General Partner shall have no obligation to 
establish any reserve to satisfy the repurchase obligations under this 

Partner may suspend its repurchase obligation at any time if it does not 
have sufficient cash flow or is unable to borrow funds for such purpose 
on terms it deems reasonable, by so notifying the Participants. In 
addition, the Managing General Partner's repurchase obligation may be 
conditioned, in the Managing General Partner's sole discretion, on the 
Managing General Partner's receipt of an opinion of counsel that such 
transfers will not cause the Partnership to be treated as a "publicly 
traded partnership" under the Code. The Managing General Partner shall 
hold such repurchased Units for its own account and not for resale.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              ARTICLE VII

7.01.  DURATION.

7.01(a).  FIFTY YEAR TERM. The Partnership shall continue in existence for 
a term of fifty years from the effective date of this Agreement unless 
sooner terminated as hereinafter set forth.

7.01(b).  TERMINATION. The Partnership shall terminate following the 
occurrence of a Final Terminating Event, or upon the occurrence of any 
event which under the Pennsylvania Revised Uniform Limited Partnership 
Act causes the dissolution of a limited partnership.

7.01(c).  CONTINUANCE OF PARTNERSHIP. Except upon the occurrence of a 
Final Terminating Event, the Partnership or any successor limited 
partnership shall not be wound up, but shall be continued by the parties 
and their respective successors as a successor limited partnership under 
all the terms of this Agreement. Such successor limited partnership shall 
succeed to all of the assets of the Partnership. As used throughout this 
Agreement, the term "Partnership" shall include such successor limited 
partnerships and the parties thereto.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.02.  DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP. Upon the occurrence of a Final 
Terminating Event, the affairs of the Partnership shall be wound up and 
there shall be distributed to each of the parties its Distribution 
Interest in the remaining assets of the Partnership. To the extent 
practicable and in accordance with sound business practices in the 
judgment of the Managing General Partner, liquidating distributions shall 
be made by the end of the taxable year in which liquidation occurs 
(determined without regard to .706(c)(2)(A) of the Code) or, if later, 
within ninety days after the date of such liquidation. Provided, however, 
amounts withheld for reserves reasonably required for liabilities of the 
Partnership and installment obligations owed to the Partnership need not 
be distributed within the foregoing time period so long as such withheld 
amounts are distributed as soon as practicable. Any in kind property 
distributions to the Participants shall be made to a liquidating trust or 
similar entity for the benefit of the Participants, unless at the time of 
the distribution:

(1) the Managing General Partner shall offer the individual 
Participants the election of receiving in kind property 
distributions and the Participants accept such offer after being 
advised of the risks associated with such direct ownership; or

(2) there are alternative arrangements in place which assure the 
Participants that they will not, at any time, be responsible for 
the operation or disposition of Partnership properties.

It shall be presumed that a Participant has refused such consent if the 
Managing General Partner has not received such consent within thirty days 
after the Managing General Partner mailed the request for such consent. 
Any Partnership asset which would otherwise be distributed in kind to a 
Participant, but for the failure or refusal of such Participant to give 
his written consent to such distribution, may instead be sold by the 
Managing General Partner at the best price reasonably obtainable from an 
independent third party who is not an Affiliate of the Managing General 
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(Page 31)

                               ARTICLE VIII
                         MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

8.01.  NOTICES.

8.01(a).  METHOD. Any notice required hereunder shall be in writing, 
and given by mail or wire addressed to the party to receive such notice 
at the address designated in .1.03.

8.01(b).  CHANGE IN ADDRESS. The address of any party hereto may be 
changed by written notice to the other parties hereto in the event of a 
change of address by the Managing General Partner or to the Managing 
General Partner in the event of a change of address by a Participant; 
provided, however, that in the event of a transfer of rights hereunder, 
no notice to any such transferee shall be required, nor shall such 
transferee have any rights hereunder, until notice thereof shall have 
been given to the Managing General Partner. Any transfer of rights 
hereunder shall not increase the duty to give notice, and in the event of 
a transfer of rights hereunder to more than one party, notice to any 
owner of any interest in such rights shall be notice to all owners 

8.01(c).  TIME NOTICE DEEMED GIVEN. Any notice shall be considered given, 
and any applicable time shall run, from the date such notice is placed in 
the mails or delivered to the telegraph company as to any notice given by 
the Managing General Partner and when received as to any notice given by 
any Participant.

8.01(d).  EFFECTIVENESS OF NOTICE. Any notice to a party other than the 
Managing General Partner, including a notice requiring concurrence or 
nonconcurrence, shall be effective, and any failure to respond binding, 
irrespective of whether or not such notice is actually received, and 
irrespective of any disability or death on the part of the noticee, 
whether or not known to the party giving such notice.

8.01(e).  FAILURE TO RESPOND. Except where this Agreement expressly 
requires affirmative approval of a Participant, any Participant who fails 
to respond in writing within the time specified for such response (which 
time shall be not less than fifteen business days from the date of 
mailing of such request) to a request by the Managing General Partner for 
approval of or concurrence in a proposed action shall be conclusively 
deemed to have approved such action.
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Pg59 (Page32)

8.02.  TIME. Time is of the essence of each part of this Agreement.

8.03.  APPLICABLE LAW. The terms and provisions hereof shall be construed 
under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, provided, however, 
this .8.03 shall not be deemed to limit causes of action for violations 
of federal or state securities law to the laws of the Commonwealth of 
Pennsylvania. Neither this Agreement nor the Subscription Agreement shall 
require mandatory venue or mandatory arbitration of any or all claims by 
Participants against the Sponsor.

8.04.  AGREEMENT IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in 
counterpart and shall be binding upon all parties executing this or 
similar agreements from and after the date of execution by each party.

8.05.  AMENDMENT. No changes herein shall be binding unless proposed in 
writing by the Managing General Partner, and adopted with the consent of 
Participants whose Agreed Subscriptions equal a majority of the 
Partnership Subscription; or unless proposed in writing by Participants 
whose Agreed Subscriptions equal 10% or more of the Partnership 
Subscription and approved by an affirmative vote of Participants whose 
Agreed Subscriptions equal a majority of the Partnership Subscription; 
provided, however, that the Managing General Partner is authorized to 
amend this Agreement and its exhibits without such consent in any way 
deemed necessary or desirable by it: (i) to add or substitute (in the 
case of an assigning party) additional Limited Partners or Investor 
General Partners; (ii) to enhance the tax benefits of the Partnership to 
the parties; and (iii) to satisfy any requirements, conditions, 
guidelines, options, or elections contained in any opinion, directive, 
order, ruling, or regulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission, 
the Internal Revenue Service, or any other federal or state agency, or in 
any federal or state statute, compliance with which it deems to be in the 
best interest of the Partnership. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no 
amendment materially and adversely affecting the interests or rights of 
Participants shall be made without the consent of the Participants whose 
interests will be so affected.

8.06.  ADDITIONAL PARTNERS. Each Participant hereby consents to the 
admission to the Partnership of such additional Limited Partners or 
Investor General Partners as the Managing General Partner, in its 
discretion, chooses to admit.

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(Page 32)

8.07.  LEGAL EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to 
the benefit of the parties, their heirs, devisees, personal 
representatives, successors and assigns, and shall run with the interests 
subject hereto. The terms "Partnership," "Limited Partner," "Investor 
General Partner," "Participant," "Partner," "Managing General Partner," 
"Operator," or "parties" shall equally apply to any successor limited 
partnership, and any heir, devisee, personal representative, successor or 
assign of a party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their hands and seal as of the 
day and year hereinabove shown.



By:/s/Bruce M. Wolf
      Bruce M. Wolf (SEAL) Secretary

Managing General Partner

By:/s/J.R. O'Mara 
       James R. O'Mara, President