WASHINGTON  D.C.    20549

                                     FORM  8-K/A

             CURRENT  REPORT  PURSUANT  TO  SECTION  13  OR  15(D)  OF
                       THE  SECURITIES  EXCHANGE  ACT  OF  1934

                 Date  of  Report:        December  1,  1997
                    (Date  of  earliest  event  reported)

                 Bion  Environmental  Technologies,  Inc.
      (Exact  Name  of  Registrant  as  Specified  in  its  Charter)

          Colorado               0-19333                84-1176672
        -----------             -----------            -------------
        (State  of             (Commission          (I.R.S. Employer
      Incorporation)             File No.)          Identification No.)

      555  17th  Street,  Suite  3310,  Denver,  Colorado  80202
     (Address  and  Zip  Code  of  Principal  Executive  Offices)

Registrant's  telephone  number  including  area  code:  (303)  294-0750

ITEM  5.          OTHER  EVENTS.
- --------          --------------

(A)    On December 1, 1997, Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. (which along
with  its  subsidiaries  is  referred to as the "Registrant" or the "Company")
signed new Employment Agreements (the "Agreements") with Jon Northrop, C.E.O.,
Jere  Northrop, President, and M. Duane Stutzman, C.F.O., replacing previously
existing  employment  agreements which were due to expire on December 31, 1997
for  Mr.  Stutzman  and  March 31, 1998 for Messrs. Northrop. All terms of the
Agreements  are  essentially  the  same  as the previously existing agreements
except that the employment period is extended until December 31, 2002.  Copies
of  the  Agreements  are  attached  hereto  as  Exhibits 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3,

(B)        On January 9, 1998 the Registrant signed a contract for the design,
permitting,  and construction of its patented Bion NMS' animal waste treatment
system  to  retrofit a 3,650 sow farm in Knox County, Illinois.  This retrofit
to an existing lagoon based treatment system represents Bion's first expansion
into  Illinois.
(C)          On  December  31,  1997,  the  Registrant  executed  a  Closing
Memorandum/Addendum  #3  (the "Memorandum") with Bowman Family Farms, Inc. and
Crystal  Springs  Farms, LLC (collectively "BFF") which is the third amendment
to the agreement and addendum between Registrant and BFF dated October 8, 1997
as  amended  November  13,  1997  and  November  30,  1997  (collectively  the
"Agreement")(see  the  agreement  and addendum attached as Exhibit 10-1 to the
Registrant's September 30, 1997 Form 8-K).  The Memorandum sets forth that: 1)
in  consideration  of  payments made by BFF to Registrant the Agreement is now
binding  on  Registrant  and  BFF;  2)  the appointment of Michael Bowman as a
director  of  Registrant shall be accomplished upon completion of all payments
required  by  paragraph  5  A.i of the Agreement; 3) as well as numerous other
matters  related  to the project contemplated in the Agreement.  A copy of the
Memorandum  is  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  10.4,  and  the  Agreement  is
incorporated  in  Exhibit  10.4  by  reference.

(D)          On  December  1,  1997  the Registrant issued a bonus to M. Duane
Stutzman,  CFO, consisting of 20,000 class H6 Warrants (to purchase restricted
and  legended  shares  of  Registrant's  common stock at a price of $10.00 per
share  exercisable  from September 15, 1998 through December 31, 2001), 10,000
class  H7 Warrants (to purchase restricted and legended shares of Registrant's
common  stock  at  a  price of $12.50 per share exercisable from September 15,
1999  through  December  31,  2001), and 10,000 class H8 Warrants (to purchase
restricted  and  legended  shares  of  Registrant's common stock at a price of
$15.00  per  share  exercisable  from  September 15, 1999 through December 31,

(E)    Effective January 1, 1998, the parties to that certain Voting Agreement
(the "Voting Agreement") (see Registrant's Form 8-K dated May 19, 1997) agreed
that  such  Voting  Agreement  is  amended so that only shares currently owned
(which  totalled  4,007,797  in  aggregate  out  of  8,559,455  total  shares
outstanding  on  January  1,  1998)  by or that may be issued in the future to
LoTayLingKyur,  Inc. and Dublin Holding, Ltd. are to be voted by Jon Northrop,
Registrant's  C.E.O.,  and  that the Voting Agreement shall expire on June 30,
1999  absent  any  renewal  or  extension.

(F)       Effective January 1, 1998, holders of 84% of the Registrant's common
stock  (post  transaction)  participated  in  an  exchange  transaction  (the
"Exchange")  conducted pursuant to Section 351 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 as amended that resulted in the exchange of 7,463,012 warrants of various
classes  for  4,351,348  shares  of  restricted  stock  and  2,832,909 Class Z
Warrants  to  purchase  shares  of the Registrant's common stock at $15.00 per
share  for a 24 month period commencing January 1, 2000.  The Exchange was the
result  of  negotiations that were initiated in response to a proposal made by
certain  warrant  holders  on November 23, 1997, and finalized on December 24,
1997  (see  Exhibit  2.1  attached  hereto for the Exchange offer memorandum).
Schedules detailing the calculations for the Exchange, the warrants exchanged,
warrants outstanding after the Exchange, and outstanding options as of January
1,  1998  are  contained  in  Exhibits 99.1, 99.2, 99.3, and 99.4 respectively
hereto.    Registrant  has  prepared  the  following  analysis  of its capital
structure  on  January  2,  1998  following  the  Exchange:

Common  Stock:
     Issued  and  outstanding                    8,559,455 1,2

     Options 3
     Vested                                        144,460
Not  Vested                                         79,212

     Warrants 4
     Vested                                      3,129,836
Not  Vested                                         11,250

1  This is an increase from December 31, 1997 of 4,539,586 shares, 4,351,348 of
which  are  as  a result of the Exchange, and 188,238 of which result from the
issuance  of  shares  previously  subscribed.

2  The  Registrant currently is obligated to pay $130,000 under the terms of a
convertible  credit  facility  with  a  shareholder which, if converted, would
result  in the issuance of 28,889 shares of restricted Common Stock as payment
in  full  of  the obligation. (See 8-K dated December 1, 1996). If the note is
converted  into  stock, it would result in the Company having 8,588,344 shares
of  Common  Stock  outstanding.

3  See  Exhibit  99.4  hereto  for  a  detailed  listing  of  the  options.

4  See  Exhibit  99.3  hereto  for  a  detailed  listing  of  the  warrants.

Following  completion  of the Exchange the ownership positions of all officers
and/or  owners  of  5%  or  more  of the common stock of the Registrant are as

     Name  of  Holder                        Shares Owned     Z Warrants Owned
     ----------------                        ------------     ----------------

     Dublin  Holding,  Ltd.                    2,500,790          1,141,003
     LoTayLingKyur,  Inc.                      1,507,007            267,589
     Jere  Northrop                              694,040            356,528
     Jon  Northrop                               672,367            350,556
     Mark  Smith  and  Kelly  Moone              519,822            216,486
     Duane  Stutzman                             133,820             65,259

- --------    -------------------------------------

a)          Financial Statements                 None

b)          Pro forma Financial Information      None

c)          Index to Exhibits

            2.1:  Exchange offer memorandum dated December 24, 1997.

           10.1:  Employment Agreement for Jon Northrop, CEO, dated December 1,

           10.2:  Employment  Agreement  for Jere Northrop, President, dated 
                  December  1,  1997.

           10.3:  Employment Agreement for M. Duane Stutzman, CFO, dated 
                  December 1,  1997.

           10.4:  Closing Memorandum/Addendum #3 between Bion Tech-nologies, 
                  Inc. and  Bowman  Family  Farms, Inc. and Crystal Springs
                  Farms, LLC dated December 31,  1997.

           99.1:  Schedule  detailing  calculations for Exchange offer dated
                  December  24,  1997,  to  be  effective  January  1,  1998.

           99.2:  Schedule detailing warrants to be exchanged in Exchange offer
                  dated  December  24,  1997,  to  be  effective  January  1,

           99.3:  Schedule  detailing  warrants  outstanding  after Exchange
                  transaction  was  completed  on  January  1,  1998.

           99.4:  Schedule detailing options outstanding on January 1, 1998.


     Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.


Date:  January  27,  1998          By:        /s/  Jon  Northrop
                                                   Jon  Northrop,
                                       Chief  Executive  Officer