CME                                          CME & Company
                                             A partnership of:
                                             C.M. Exploration International Ltd.
                                             C.M. (Exploration) Ltd.

                                                         October 10, 1999

Columbia River Resources Ltd.
#304-856 Homer Street
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6B 2W5



Pursuant to our conversation, the following outlines CME & Company's conditions,
programs and budget for the services to be rendered by CME in Nigeria.

The parties to this agreement are:

                           Columbia River Resources Ltd.
                           #304-856 Homer Street
                           Vancouver, B.C.
                           Canada V6B 2W5
                           hereinafter referred to as "CRVV"

                           CME & COMPANY
                           104-106 Kings Road, Brentwood, Essex, UK CM14 4EA
                           hereinafter referred to as "CME."

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   P.O. Box 199 Victory House, Le Truchot, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4JQ,
                                Channel Islands
             Telephone (441 481) 723372 Facsimile (441 481) 711354


Phase I - Target delineation

Geological mapping and rock sampling will be designed to cover the Northern Maru
belt and the Anka belt and will include  creek  drainages,  survey grid line and
access roads.  Mapping will include  detailed rock  descriptions  and structural

During the program,  10 kilometer of grid will be established.  An estimated 200
rock samples, 220 soil samples, 120 BLEG and 120 stream sediment will be taken.

Phase II - Tantalum deposit evaluation

An approach  for  detailed  geological  mapping of the  deposit,  a sampling and
assaying protocol; parameters for characterization of the mineralogy,  chemistry
and granulometry of the ore minerals and gangue; and preliminary metallurgy.  In
addition,  an estimated of 10 kilometer of grid will be  established at 25 meter
spacing and pegged at 25 meter along  lines and  approximately  of 10 pits to be
excavated to 3 meter at selected  localities in valleys between  mineralized and
albitized highs.


The  completion  of the  summary  a report  is  contingent  upon  receiving  all
analytical results from the propose work program. Both CRVV and CME are aware of
potential delays of sample shipment from Kano, Nigeria to the analytical company
in  Vancouver,  Canada and that such delays are beyond the  control of CME.  The
summary  report will be delivered  to CRVV no later than 45 days from  receiving
the last batch of analytical results of the propose work program.

Four copies of the summary  report will be provided to CRVV. Any addition of the
summary report requested by CRVV will be charged at cost plus 15%.


         Phase I                 US$150,000
         Phase II                   150,000
         Total(1)                US$300,000

- -------------------------
(1)   Budgeted amount does not include any taxes that may be imposed by the
Nigerian governemnt.


CRVV may at any time  instruct  CME to  investigate  changes in the scope of the
propose  work  program and CME shall  forthwith  prepare for CRVV's  approval an
estimate reflecting the cost if any, of such charge,  based on the unit rates as


         Consultant I                                    US$750 per day
         Project Manager/Consultant II                   US$650 per day
         Project Geologist                               US$400 per day
         Project Field Supervisor                        US$350 per day


         Vehicle                                         US$150 per day
         Subcontractor                                   cost plus 15%

CRVV also agrees to reimburse CME for all costs(2)  incurred in connection  with
the project and to pay an administration fee of 15% of such costs.


CME shall establish the project management team.

CME shall organize the team to accomplish the project within the limits of time,
cost, and quality agreed.

Upon the scope,  budget and  schedule  having been agreed to by CRVV,  CME shall
execute the necessary  exploration  tasks for the  completion of the project and
assume full control of, and responsibility for, this execution.

CRVV shall appoint a client  representative  whom CME shall report to. CME shall
keep the representative  informed as to the progress of the project and refer to
the representative when there are:

     a)    changes in scope, and
     b)    significant changes which will effect the cost

- --------
(2)   Cost of any of CME's service providers (including for long distance
telephone, long distance facsimile, travel and laboratory services) will be
charged according to the cost charged CME without any credit CME may received
from time to time by reason of the volume of CME's overall business with its
services providers.


It is mutually  agreed that this  agreement  shall be binding upon and ensure to
the benefit of the parties  hereto,  their  respective  successors and permitted
assigns,  but shall not be  assignable  by either  party  without the consent in
writing of the other party first hand and obtained.

If requested by CRVV,  CME will obtain all  necessary  work permits on behalf of
and at the  expense  of CRVV.  CRVV will be  responsible  for any  damage to the
environment incurred in the course of normal operations. CME will be responsible
where direct negligence of its crews can be demonstrated.

CME shall perform and execute all works and services  required  pursuant to this
contract in a proper,  careful and workmanlike manner. CME shall comply with all
mining and other laws,  ordinances,  rules and regulations  relating to the work
and to the preservation of the public health and safety.

CRVV  will  cooperate  with CME and  provide  CME  access to the site and to all
exploration results and data.

CME shall at all times,  enforce strict discipline and maintain good order among
its  employees,  and shall not retain on the work any unfit person or anyone not
skilled in the work assigned to them.

CME shall be excused for failure to perform its obligations  hereunder if such a
failure is caused by war, invasion, insurrection, riot, the order or regulations
of any civil or military authority, or by strikes, lockouts, or labour disputes,
whether in or in the  neighborhood of the work site or by the failure to perform
by any supplier or subcontractor necessary for the completion of the contract.

CME  shall  be  responsible  for all  damages  arising  by  reason  of  injuries
(including  death)  sustained  by any person or by reason of damage to  property
arising out of or in relation  to work  performed  hereunder  or  equipment  and
vehicles used  hereunder,  and will indemnify CRVV against all claims arising by
reason of such injuries and damages,  excluding,  however, claims arising out of
negligent acts or omissions of CRVV, its servants or agents.

CRVV will be  responsible  for the cost of removing CME employees from the field
in the event of  restrictions  to the site due to fire,  fire  hazard,  flood or
other Acts of God or  environmental  hazards  which  threaten  the safety of CME

CRVV  agrees  that any  employee  of its company  while  visiting  the  property
outlined  above  will  not in any way be  considered  an  employee  of CME.  Any
documents,  data or maps released to an authorized representative of CRVV during
a site examination  shall be the  responsibility of CRVV in the event of loss or

It is understood  the CME and its staff will not disclose any  information  with
respect to this program, except to an authorized representative of CRVV, without
the prior written consent of CRVV.

CRVV  agrees  not to use the name CME in any  form,  or the name of any of their
employees in any public  announcement,  press release or public document without
the prior written consent of CME.


CRVV  agrees  to  make  a  50% (US$150,000)   payment  of  the  budgeted  amount
(US$300,000),  upon  acceptance  of this proposal and agreement on the scope and
budget  for  the   assignment.   US$75,000   within  two  weeks  of  field  work
commencement.  Receipt of balance immediately on client's receipt of 4 copies of
final report.

Payments  will be due on receipt of CME  invoices.  Interest  will be charged on
invoices more than 15 days overdue at the rate of 1.5% per month  (compounded to
19.6% over one year).

This  contract may be  terminated by either party two weeks after the receipt of
written  notification.  In the  event  of  termination  by  CRVV,  CME  will  be
reimbursed for all work performed to the date of termination in accordance  with
the terms of this contract and all costs  incurred to  demobilize  crews and all
obligations entered into with suppliers or subcontractors prior to termination.

If the preceding is  acceptable  as set out,  please sign and return one copy to
CME with an advance payment of US$150,000.

Yours very truly,
CME & Company                                    Columbia River Resources Ltd.
By C.M. Exploration International
General Partner

/s/ T. Gregory Hawkins                            /s/ Robert Ferguson
- -------------------------                        ---------------------------
T. Gregory Hawkins                               Robert Ferguson
Managing Director                                President