CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT TO THE
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION

                                                         State of Delaware
                                                         Secretary of State
                                                      Division of Corporations
                                                   Delivered 10:32 AM 03/18/2004
                                                     FILED 10:32 AM 03/18/2004
                                                   SRV 040201119 - 3338767 FILE

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                            WILMINGTON REXFORD, INC.

                                UNDER SECTION 242
                                     OF THE

Wilmington  Rexford,  Inc., a corporation  organized  and existing  under and by
virtue of the  General  Corporation  Law of the State of  Delaware,  does hereby
certify as follows:

FIRST:         That  the  name  of  the  corporation  (the   "Corporation")   is
               Wilmington Rexford, Inc.

SECOND:        That the certificate of  incorporation  of the  Corporation  (the
               "Certificate")  was originally filed with the Delaware  Secretary
               of State on  January 2, 2001,  under the name  E-Trend  Networks,

THIRD:         That Article I of the  Certificate  is hereby amended to read, in
               its entirety, as follows:

               "The   name  of   the  Corporation   is   China   Pharmaceuticals

FOURTH:        That Article IV of the  Certificate is hereby amended to read, in
               its entirety, as follows:

                   "(a)  The  total   number  of  shares  of  stock   which  the
               Corporation shall have authority to issue is 51,000,000 shares of
               capital  stock,  consisting  of (i)  50,000,000  shares of common
               stock,  par value $0.0001 per share (the "Common Stock") and (ii)
               1,000,000  shares of preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share
               (the "Preferred Stock").

                   (b) Common Stock. The powers, preferences and rights, and the
               qualifications,  limitations and  restrictions,  of each class of
               the Common Stock are as follows:

                        (1) No  Cumulative  Voting.  The  holders  of  shares of
               Common Stock shall not have cumulative voting rights.

                        (2)  Dividends;  Stock Splits.  Subject to the rights of
               the  holders  of  Preferred  Stock,  and  subject  to  any  other
               provisions of this  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  as it may be
               amended  from time to time,  holders  of  shares of Common  Stock
               shall  be  entitled   to  receive   such   dividends   and  other
               distributions in cash, stock or property of the Corporation when,
               as and if declared thereon by the Board of Directors

               from time to  time  out of assets  or  funds  of the  Corporation
               legally available therefor.

                        (3) Liquidation,  Dissolution,  Winding Up. In the event
               of any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up (either  voluntary
               or  involuntary)  of the  Corporation,  the  holders of shares of
               Common Stock shall be entitled to receive the assets and funds of
               the  Corporation  available for  distribution  after  payments to
               creditors  and  to the  holders  of any  Preferred  Stock  of the
               Corporation that may at the time be outstanding, in proportion to
               the number of shares held by them, respectively.

                        (4) No Preemptive or Subscription  Rights.  No holder of
               shares  of  Common  Stock  shall be  entitled  to  preemptive  or
               subscription rights.

                   (c)  Preferred  Stock.  The  Board  of  Directors  is  hereby
               expressly authorized,  subject to limitations  prescribed by law,
               to provide for the issuance of all or any shares of the Preferred
               Stock in one or more classes or series,  and to fix for each such
               class or series such voting powers, full or limited, or no voting
               powers,   and  such   designations,   preferences  and  relative,
               participating,   optional  or  other  special   rights  and  such
               qualifications,  limitations or restriction  thereof, as shall be
               stated and expressed in the resolution or resolutions  adopted by
               the Board of Directors  providing  for the issuance of such class
               or series.

FIFTH:         That each issued and outstanding share of Common Stock, par value
               $0.0001 per share ("Old  Common  Stock"),  outstanding  as of the
               close of business on the date stated as the effective date in the
               Ninth Article hereof (the "Effective Date") shall  automatically,
               without  any  action on the part of the  holder of the Old Common
               Stock,  be  converted  into one  twentieth  (1/20)  of a share of
               Common Stock,  par value $0.0001 per share ("New Common  Stock").
               Immediately  following the reverse split, the aggregate number of
               shares of New  Common  Stock  held by each  holder of New  Common
               Stock shall be calculated. Thereafter, all such holders otherwise
               entitled to receive a  fractional  share of New Common Stock will
               receive  a full  share  of New  Common  Stock  in  lieu  of  such
               fractional share, as each fractional share will be rounded up and
               become  a  whole  share.   Each  holder  of  a   certificate   or
               certificates  which  immediately  prior  to  the  Effective  Date
               represented  outstanding  shares of Old  Common  Stock  (the "Old
               Certificates")  shall,  from and after  the  Effective  Date,  be
               entitled  to  receive a  certificate  or  certificates  (the "New
               Certificates")  representing  the shares of New Common Stock into
               which the shares of Old Common Stock formerly represented by such
               Old Certificates  are converted under the terms hereof.  Prior to
               the Effective  Date,  there are  15,196,035  shares of Old Common
               Stock issued and outstanding  shares.  Following the effectuation
               of the reverse stock split on the Effective  Date,  there will be
               approximately 759,800 issued and outstanding shares of New Common
               Stock.  The  15,196,035  shares of Old  Common  Stock are  hereby
               changed into

               approximately  759,800 shares of New Common Stock at  the rate of
               one  share  of  New  Common Stock  for every twenty shares of Old
               Common Stock.

SIXTH:         That  thereafter,   pursuant  to  resolutions  of  the  board  of
               directors,  the amendments were authorized by resolutions adopted
               by the affirmative vote of the stockholders holding not less than
               the necessary  number of shares required by written consent to so
               authorize,  all in  accordance  with  Section  228 of the General
               Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

SEVENTH:       That said  amendments to the  Certificate of  Incorporation  were
               duly  adopted  in  accordance  with  Section  242 of the  General
               Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

EIGHTH:        That the capital of the corporation shall not be reduced under or
               by reason of said amendments.

NINTH:         That this Certificate and the amendments  contained therein shall
               become effective on March 25, 2004.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned has executed this Certificate as of the 5th
day of March, 2004.

                                        WILMINGTON REXFORD, INC.

                                        By:  /s/ AARON ZHU
                                              Aaron Zhu, President