DATED MAY 24, 2004

                      (1) GOOD ACHIEVE INVESTMENTS LIMITED


                            (3) ANMER CAPITAL LIMITED

                        (4) DUNKLEY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED

                           (5) NATION EXPRESS LIMITED

                                 (6) HAN HONG LU

                                  (7) MA LEUNG

                                   (8) ALAN LI

                                (9) CHEN MING YOU

                                (10) GUO JIANJUN




                           SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                         SHEUNG TAI INVESTMENTS LIMITED


                             STEPHENSON HARWOOD & LO
                           18TH FLOOR, EDINBURGH TOWER
                                  THE LANDMARK
                             15 QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL
                                    HONG KONG
                              TEL: (852) 2868 0789
                              FAX: (852) 2868 1504
                        REF: JKC/XXD/BA2092H/OO012G05.DOC


1.   INTERPRETATION........................................................... 2

2.   SALE AND PURCHASE OF THE SALE SHARES......................................4

3.   CONSIDERATION.............................................................5

     VENDORS AND THE WARRANTORS................................................5


6.   COMPLETION................................................................9

7.   POST COMPLETION EFFECT...................................................10

8.   RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS....................................................10

9.   FURTHER ASSURANCE AND ASSISTANCE.........................................12

10.  DOCUMENTS CONSTITUTING AGREEMENT.........................................12

11.  CONFIDENTIALITY..........................................................12

12.  NOTICES AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS ........................................12

13.  COSTS AND EXPENSES ......................................................13

14.  GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION...........................................13


PART A - SUBSIDIARIES.........................................................14

PART B - PARTICULARS OF THE SUBSIDIARIES......................................15


PART A - PARTICULARS OF THE BVI COMPANY.......................................18


SCHEDULE 3 - DEFINITION OF "TAXATION".........................................20

SCHEDULE 4 - THE WARRANTIES...................................................21


PART A - THE PURCHASER'S WARRANTIES...........................................27

CONSIDERATION SHARES..........................................................28

SCHEDULE 6 - THE ACCOUNTS.....................................................29

SCHEDULE 7 - FORM OF BOARD RESOLUTIONS........................................30

HAS BEEN OBTAINED.............................................................33



PART A - TRADEMARKS...........................................................35

PART B - PATENT APPLICATIONS..................................................35

SCHEDULE 11 - CORRESPONDENCE DETAILS..........................................36



(1)      GOOD ACHIEVE INVESTMENTS LIMITED, a company incorporated in the British
         Virgin  Islands  whose  registered  office is situate at the offices of
         Offshore Incorporations  Limited,  P.O.Box 957, Offshore Incorporations
         Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("GOOD ACHIEVE");

(2)      PROFIT SPRING  INTERNATIONAL  LIMITED,  a company  incorporated  in the
         British  Virgin  Islands  whose  registered  office is  situate  at the
         offices of  Offshore  Incorporations  Limited,  P.O.Box  957,  Offshore
         Incorporations  Centre,  Road Town,  Tortola,  British  Virgin  Islands
         ("PROFIT SPRING");

(3)      ANMER CAPITAL  LIMITED,  a company  incorporated  in the British Virgin
         Islands  whose  registered  office is situate at the offices of Trident
         Trust Company (B.V.I.)  Limited,  Trident  Chambers,  P.O.Box 146, Road
         Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("ANMER");

(4)      DUNKLEY  INTERNATIONAL  LIMITED, a company  incorporated in the British
         Virgin  Islands  whose  registered  office is situate at the offices of
         Trident Trust Company (B.V.I.) Limited, Trident Chambers,  P.O.Box 146,
         Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("DUNKLEY");

(5)      NATION EXPRESS  LIMITED,  a company  incorporated in the British Virgin
         Islands  who  registered  office is situate  at the  offices of Trident
         Trust Company (B.V.I.)  Limited,  Trident  Chambers,  P.O.Box 146, Road
         Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands ("NATION EXPRESS");

         (Good  Achieve,  Profit  Spring,  Anmer,  Dunkley  and  Nation  Express
          together known as the "VENDORS" or individually the "VENDOR")

(6)      HAN HONG LU (PRC identity card number:  330104580914161) of 172 Kaixuan
         Lu, Jianggan District,  Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the PRC ("MR.

(7)      MA LEUNG (Hong Kong  identity  card number:  K968915(A))  of Room 4905,
         Office Tower,  Convention  Plaza,  1 Harbour Road,  Wanchai,  Hong Kong
         ("MR. MA");

(8)      ALAN LI (Hong Kong  identity  card  number:  P544292(1))  of 6D Borita,
         135-143 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong ("MR. LI");

(9)      CHEN MING YOU (PRC identity card number:  420106581220083) of Room 801,
         Block 2,  Defu  Yuan  (Zone  A),  Dexing  Garden,  Shenzhen,  Guangdong
         Province, the PRC ("MR. CHEN");

(10)     GUO JIANJUN (Hong Kong identity card number: P918183(4)) of 5/F Yee Kan
         Court, 12 Swatow Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong ("MR. Guo");

         (Mr. Han,  Mr. Ma,  Mr. Li,  Mr. Chen and Mr. Guo together known as the
         "WARRANTORS" or individually the "WARRANTOR"); and


(11)     CHINA PHARMACEUTICALS  CORPORATION,  a company incorporated in Delaware
         whose registered  office is situate at 615, South Dupont Highway,  City
         of Dover, Zip Code 19901, County of Kent,  Delaware,  the United States
         of America and which has a correspondence address in Hong Kong at Units
         3207 - 08, 32/F, West Tower,  Shun Tak Centre,  168-200  Connaught Road
         Central, Hong Kong (the "PURCHASER").


(A)      Mr. Han is the  registered  and  beneficial  owner of the entire issued
         share capital of Anmer.  Mr. Ma is the registered and beneficial  owner
         of the  entire  issued  share  capital of Good  Achieve.  Mr. Li is the
         registered and  beneficial  owner of the entire issued share capital of
         Dunkley.  Mr. Chen is the registered and beneficial owner of the entire
         issued share capital of Profit  Spring.  Mr. Guo is the  registered and
         beneficial  owner of the entire issued share capital of Nation Express.
         The Vendors  together are the registered  and beneficial  owners of the
         entire issued share capital of the BVI Company.

(B)      The Vendors and the Purchaser have agreed to a sale and purchase of the
         Sale Shares on the following terms and conditions.



1.1      In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
         expressions shall have the respective meanings set opposite thereto:-

         "ACCOUNTS"  means  the  audited   consolidated   accounts  of  Zhejiang
         University  Pharmaceutical  Company  Limited and its  subsidiary  which
         comprise   consolidated  balance  sheets,   statements  of  operations,
         statements of stockholders' equity, statements of cashflows and all the
         notes thereto for each of the two years ended 31st  December,  2002 and
         31st December, 2003, a copy of which is set out in Schedule 6;

         "ASSOCIATES"  in  relation  to each  Warrantor,  means his  spouse  and
         children  under  18 and any  company  in  which he  and/or  his  family
         interests taken together are directly or indirectly interested so as to
         exercise or control the exercise of 30 per cent.  or more of the voting
         power at general  meetings or to control the  composition of a majority
         of the board of  directors;  and in relation to each Vendor,  means any
         company  in which it is  directly  or  indirectly  interested  so as to
         exercise or control the exercise of 30 per cent.  or more of the voting
         power at general  meetings or to control the  composition of a majority
         of the board of directors;

         "BVI COMPANY" means Sheung Tai Investments  Limited,  brief particulars
         of which are set out in Part A of Schedule 2;

         "COMPLETION"  means the completion of the sale and purchase of the Sale
         Shares in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

         "COMPLETION DATE" means the date on which Completion takes place;


         "CONSIDERATION  SHARES" means a total of 13,848,220 shares of US$0.0001
         each in the capital of the  Purchaser  or (where the context  otherwise
         indicates) any of such share;

         "DOLLARS" or "HK$" means Hong Kong dollars;

         "GROUP" means the BVI Company and the  Subsidiaries and "GROUP COMPANY"
         and "MEMBER OF THE GROUP" shall be construed accordingly;

         "HONG KONG" means the Hong Kong  Special  Administrative  Region of the

         "INTELLECTUAL  PROPERTY" means patents,  trade marks and service marks,
         rights in designs,  trade or business names and copyrights  (whether or
         not  any  of  these  is  registered  and  including   applications  for
         registration  of any such thing) and rights under licences and consents
         in relation to any such thing and all rights or forms of  protection of
         a similar nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of these
         which may subsist anywhere in the world;

         "LAST ACCOUNTING DATE" means 31st December, 2003;

         "LISTING RULES" means the OTC Bulletin Board Rules;

         "PRC" means the People's Republic of China;

         "RELEVANT  CAPACITY"  means  for his  own  account  or for  that of any
         person,  firm or  company  other  than the  Purchaser  or the Group and
         whether  through the medium of any company which is his Associate  (for
         which  purpose  there  shall be  aggregated  with his  shareholding  or
         ability to exercise control the shares held or controlled by any of his
         Associates) or as principal, partner, director, employee, consultant or

         "RESTRICTED  PERIOD"  means  after  Completion,   the  12-month  period
         commencing  on the date on which any Vendor  ceases to be a shareholder
         of the Purchaser;

         "SALE  SHARES"  means 1,000 shares of US$1.00 in the capital of the BVI
         Company  representing  the  entire  issued  share  capital  of the  BVI
         Company,  of which 477 shares are held by Anmer, 206 shares are held by
         Good Achieve, 154 shares are held by Profit Spring, 100 shares are held
         by Dunkley and 63 shares held by Nation Express;

         "STOCK EXCHANGE" means the OTC Bulletin Board;

         "SUBSIDIARIES"  means the companies  whose name and  registered  office
         addresses are set out in Schedule 1;

         "US$" means the United States dollars; and

         "WARRANTIES" means the warranties  representations and undertakings set
         out in Schedule 4 and referred to in Clause 4.1.


1.2      Any  reference  to a Clause,  sub-clause  or Schedule  (other than to a
         Schedule to a  statutory  provision)  is a  reference  to a Clause or a
         sub-clause or Schedule to this Agreement and the Schedules form part of
         and are deemed to be incorporated into this Agreement.

1.3      Words denoting the singular  number or the masculine  shall include the
         plural or the feminine or neuter and vice versa.

1.4      Any reference to  "SUBSIDIARIES"  has the meaning ascribed to it in the
         Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) of the Laws of Hong Kong. Any reference to
         an ordinance, statute, legislation or enactment shall be construed as a
         reference to such ordinance,  statute,  legislation or enactment as may
         be  amended or  re-enacted  from time to time and for the time being in

1.5      The headings to the Clauses of this Agreement are for ease of reference
         only and shall be ignored in interpreting this Agreement.


2.1      Good Achieve  shall,  as registered  and  beneficial  owner sell to the
         Purchaser   and  the   Purchaser,   relying  on  the   representations,
         warranties,  undertakings  and indemnities made or given by the Vendors
         and the Warrantors and subject to the terms and conditions contained in
         this  Agreement,  shall purchase from Good Achieve 206 Sale Shares free
         from all claims, charges, liens, encumbrances, equities and third party
         rights and together with all rights attached  thereto and all dividends
         and distributions  declared,  paid or made in respect thereof after the
         Completion Date.

2.2      Profit Spring shall, as beneficial  owner sell to the Purchaser and the
         Purchaser, relying on the representations, warranties, undertakings and
         indemnities made or given by the Vendors and the Warrantors and subject
         to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, shall purchase
         from  Profit  Spring 154 Sale  Shares  free from all  claims,  charges,
         liens, encumbrances,  equities and third party rights and together with
         all  rights  attached  thereto  and  all  dividends  and  distributions
         declared, paid or made in respect thereof after the Completion Date.

2.3      Anmer  shall,  as  beneficial  owner  sell  to the  Purchaser  and  the
         Purchaser, relying on the representations, warranties, undertakings and
         indemnities made or given by the Vendors and the Warrantors and subject
         to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, shall purchase
         from  Anmer 477 Sale  Shares  free  from all  claims,  charges,  liens,
         encumbrances,  equities and third party  rights and  together  with all
         rights attached thereto and all dividends and  distributions  declared,
         paid or made in respect thereof after the Completion Date.

2.4      Dunkley  shall,  as  beneficial  owner  sell to the  Purchaser  and the
         Purchaser, relying on the representations, warranties, undertakings and
         indemnities made or given by the Vendors and the Warrantors and subject
         to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, shall purchase
         from  Dunkley 100 Sale Shares  free from all  claims,  charges,  liens,
         encumbrances,  equities and third party  rights and  together  with all
         rights attached thereto and all dividends and  distributions  declared,
         paid or made in respect thereof after the Completion Date.

2.5      Nation Express shall, as beneficial owner sell to the Purchaser and the
         Purchaser, relying on the representations, warranties, undertakings and
         indemnities made or given by the Vendors and the Warrantors and subject
         to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, shall purchase
         from  Nation  Express 63 Sale  Shares  free from all  claims,  charges,
         liens, encumbrances, equities


         and third party rights and together with all  rights  attached  thereto
         and  all  dividends and distributions declared, paid or made in respect
         thereof after the Completion Date.

2.6      Each of the Vendors hereby  unconditionally  and irrevocably  waive any
         pre-emption rights which it may have in respect of the Sale Shares.


3.1      The  consideration  for the sale by Good Achieve of the 206 Sale Shares
         shall be the  allotment  and  issue by the  Purchaser  on the  terms of
         Clause 3.6 to Good Achieve (or as Good Achieve may otherwise direct) of
         3,005,064 Consideration Shares.

3.2      The  consideration for the sale by Profit Spring of the 154 Sale Shares
         shall be the  allotment  and  issue by the  Purchaser  on the  terms of
         Clause 3.6 to Profit Spring (or as Profit Spring may otherwise  direct)
         of 2,248,028 Consideration Shares.

3.3      The consideration for the sale by Anmer of the 477 Sale Shares shall be
         the  allotment and issue by the Purchaser on the terms of Clause 3.6 to
         Anmer (or as Anmer may  otherwise  direct) of  6,407,110  Consideration

3.4      The  consideration for the sale by Dunkley of the 100 Sale Shares shall
         be the  allotment and issue by the Purchaser on the terms of Clause 3.6
         to  Dunkley  (or  as  Dunkley  may   otherwise   direct)  of  1,357,125
         Consideration Shares.

3.5      The  consideration for the sale by Nation Express of the 63 Sale Shares
         shall be the  allotment  and  issue by the  Purchaser  on the  terms of
         Clause  3.6 to Nation  Express  (or as  Nation  Express  may  otherwise
         direct) of 830,893 Consideration Shares.

3.6      The Consideration Shares shall be allotted and issued as fully paid and
         shall rank pari passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary
         shares in the capital of the Purchaser. Immediately after the allotment
         and issuance of the  Consideration  Shares,  the Purchaser will have in
         total  46,160,733  shares of US$0.0001 in issue and the  percentages of
         shares in the Purchaser represented by the Consideration Shares are set
         out in Part B of Schedule 5.

3.7      After this Agreement has been executed by the parties,  the Vendors and
         the  Purchaser  shall  sign any  documents  (undated)  or  procure  the
         production of such documents as are required for Completion and deliver
         the same to Stephenson Harwood & Lo to arrange for Completion.


4.1      Each of the Vendors and the Warrantors hereby represents,  warrants and
         undertakes to the Purchaser  (for himself and as trustee for each Group
         Company)  in the  terms of  Schedule  4 (each of the  Warranties  being
         hereinafter   referred  to  as  a   "WARRANTY"   and  together  as  the
         "WARRANTIES") and acknowledges that the Purchaser is entering into this
         Agreement in reliance upon the Warranties and that the Purchaser  shall
         be entitled to treat the Warranties as conditions of this Agreement.


4.2      Each of the  Warranties  set out in each  sub-paragraph  of  Schedule 4
         hereto shall be separate and independent and save as expressly provided
         shall  not be  limited  by  reference  to any  other  sub-paragraph  or
         anything in this Agreement or the Schedules hereto.

4.3      The benefit of the  Warranties  may be assigned in whole or in part and
         without restriction by the person for the time being entitled thereto.

4.4      The Vendors and the Warrantors shall not (save only as may be necessary
         to give effect to this Agreement) do or allow and shall procure that no
         act or omission shall occur before  Completion which would constitute a
         breach of any of the  Warranties if they were given at the time of such
         act or  omission  and/or at  Completion  or which would make any of the
         Warranties  inaccurate  or  misleading  if they  were so given  and the
         Vendors and the Warrantors jointly and severally  undertake to disclose
         to the  Purchaser in writing any matter  occurring  prior to Completion
         which  constitutes  a  breach  of or is  inconsistent  with  any of the
         Warranties forthwith upon becoming aware of the same.

4.5      In the  event of it being  found  prior to  Completion  that any of the
         Warranties is incorrect or misleading or has not been fully carried out
         in any material respect, or in the event of any matter or thing arising
         or  becoming  known  or  being  notified  to  the  Purchaser  which  is
         inconsistent  with any of the Warranties or any other provision of this
         Agreement  or in  the  event  of  any  of  the  Vendors  or  any of the
         Warrantors  becoming  unable or failing to do  anything  required to be
         done by him at or before Completion the Purchaser shall not be bound to
         complete this  Agreement  and the Purchaser may by notice  rescind this
         Agreement  without  liability on its part.  The right  conferred on the
         Purchaser by this Clause is for the exclusive  benefit of the Purchaser
         and in  addition  to and  without  prejudice  to any  other  rights  or
         remedies   of  the   Purchaser   (including   any   rights   under  the
         Misrepresentation   Ordinance  or  any  rights  to  claim   damages  or
         compensation  from the Vendors and the Warrantors by reason of any such
         breach  or  non-fulfilment)  and  failure  to  exercise  it  shall  not
         constitute a waiver of any such rights or remedies.

4.6      If in  respect  of or in  connection  with  any  breach  of  any of the
         Warranties  any sum payable to the Purchaser by the Vendors  and/or the
         Warrantors pursuant to this Agreement by way of compensation is subject
         to Taxation (as defined in Schedule 3), then such further  amount shall
         be paid to the  Purchaser  by the  Vendors so as to secure that the net
         amount  received  by  the  Purchaser  is  equal  to the  amount  of the
         compensation due to it as aforesaid.

4.7      Each of the Vendors and the  Warrantors  undertake  to  compensate  the
         Purchaser  against  all  costs  (including   reasonable  legal  costs),
         expenses or other  liabilities  which the Purchaser may properly  incur
         either  before or after the  commencement  of any action in  connection

         4.7.1    the  settlement  of any claim  that any of the  Warranties  is
                  untrue or misleading or has been breached;

         4.7.2    any legal  proceedings in which the Purchaser  claims that any
                  of the Warranties is untrue or misleading or has been breached
                  and in which judgment is given for the Purchaser; or

         4.7.3    the enforcement of any such settlement or judgment.


4.8      If any of the Vendors and the  Warrantors  defaults in the payment when
         due of any sum payable  under this  Agreement  (whether  determined  by
         agreement  or  pursuant  to an  order  of a court  or  otherwise),  the
         liability  of the  Vendors and the  Warrantors  shall be  increased  to
         include  interest  on such sum from the date when such  payment  is due
         until the date of actual payment (as well after as before  judgment) at
         a rate per annum of 2 per cent.  above the prime rate from time to time
         of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Such interest
         shall accrue from day to day and shall be compounded annually.

4.9      Each of the Vendors and the  Warrantors  represents and warrants to the
         Purchaser  that each of the  Warranties is accurate in all respects and
         not misleading at the date of this Agreement and that if for any reason
         there is any  interval of time between the time of this  Agreement  and
         Completion, the Warranties will continue to be accurate in all respects
         and  not  misleading  at all  times  subsequent  to the  date  of  this
         Agreement up to and  including  the  Completion  Date as if repeated on
         each such day immediately before Completion.

4.10     Each  of  the  Warranties  shall,  save  where  the  context  otherwise
         requires, be given in respect of each of the member of the Group.

4.11     In the absence of fraud,  dishonesty or wilful  concealment on the part
         of the  Vendors  and/or the  Warrantors  in  respect  of any  potential
         liabilities  under  this  Clause 4, no claim  shall be  brought  by the
         Purchaser  against the Vendors and/or the  Warrantors  unless notice of
         any such  claim  (specifying  in  reasonable  detail  the nature of the
         breach) has been given to the Vendors and the Warrantors on or prior to
         the of the  expiry  of the  first  18-month  period  commencing  on the
         Completion Date.


5.1      The Purchaser hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the Vendors
         in the terms of Schedule 5 (each of the  Warranties  being  hereinafter
         referred  to  as  a   "PURCHASER'S   WARRANTY"   and  together  as  the
         "PURCHASER'S  WARRANTIES") and acknowledges that each of the Vendors is
         entering  into  this   Agreement  in  reliance  upon  the   Purchaser's
         Warranties  and that each of the Vendors shall be entitled to treat the
         Purchaser's Warranties as conditions of this Agreement.

5.2      Each of the  Purchaser's  Warranties set out in each  sub-paragraph  of
         Schedule  5  hereto  shall  be  separate  and  independent  and save as
         expressly  provided  shall not be  limited  by  reference  to any other
         sub-paragraph or anything in this Agreement or the Schedules hereto.

5.3      The benefit of the  Purchaser's  Warranties may be assigned in whole or
         in part and  without  restriction  by the  person  for the  time  being
         entitled thereto.

5.4      The  Purchaser  shall not (save only as may be necessary to give effect
         to  this  Agreement)  do or  allow  and  shall  procure  that no act or
         omission shall occur before  Completion which would constitute a breach
         of any of the Purchaser's  Warranties if they were given at the time of
         such act or omission  and/or at  Completion  or which would make any of
         the  Purchaser's  Warranties  inaccurate  or misleading if they were so
         given and the  Purchaser  undertakes  to  disclose  to the  Vendors  in
         writing any matter  occurring prior to Completion  which  constitutes a
         breach of or is  inconsistent  with any of the  Purchaser's  Warranties
         forthwith upon becoming aware of the same.


5.5      In the  event of it being  found  prior to  Completion  that any of the
         Purchaser's Warranties is incorrect or misleading or has not been fully
         carried out in any material  respect,  or in the event of any matter or
         thing arising or becoming  known or being notified to the Vendors which
         is  inconsistent  with any of the  Purchaser's  Warranties or any other
         provision  of this  Agreement  or in the  event of  Purchaser  becoming
         unable or failing to do anything required to be done by it at or before
         Completion  the Vendors shall not be bound to complete  this  Agreement
         and the Vendors may by notice rescind this Agreement  without liability
         on their part. The right conferred on the Vendors by this Clause is for
         the  exclusive  benefit of the  Vendors  and in addition to and without
         prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Vendos  (including any
         rights  under the  Misrepresentation  Ordinance  or any rights to claim
         damages or compensation from the Purchaser by reason of any such breach
         or  non-fulfilment)  and failure to exercise it shall not  constitute a
         waiver of any such rights or remedies.

5.6      If in  respect  of or in  connection  with  any  breach  of  any of the
         Purchaser's  Warranties any sum payable to the Vendors by the Purchaser
         pursuant  to  this  Agreement  by way of  compensation  is  subject  to
         Taxation (as defined in Schedule 3), then such further  amount shall be
         paid to the  Vendors  by the  Purchaser  so as to  secure  that the net
         amount  received  by  the  Vendors  is  equal  to  the  amount  of  the
         compensation due to it as aforesaid.

5.7      The Purchaser  undertakes to compensate  the Vendors  against all costs
         (including reasonable legal costs), expenses or other liabilities which
         the Vendors may properly incur either before or after the  commencement
         of any action in connection with:-

         5.7.1    the  settlement  of any  claim  that  any  of the  Purchaser's
                  Warranties is untrue or misleading or has been breached;

         5.7.2    any legal  proceedings  in which any Vendor claims that any of
                  the Purchaser's Warranties is untrue or misleading or has been
                  breached and in which judgment is given for the Vendor; or

         5.7.3    the enforcement of any such settlement or judgment.

5.8      If the  Purchaser  defaults in the payment  when due of any sum payable
         under this Agreement (whether determined by agreement or pursuant to an
         order of a court or otherwise), the liability of the Purchaser shall be
         increased  to  include  interest  on such sum from the date  when  such
         payment  is due  until  the date of actual  payment  (as well  after as
         before  judgment)  at a rate per annum of 2 per  cent.  above the prime
         rate from time to time of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
         Limited.  Such  interest  shall  accrue  from  day to day and  shall be
         compounded annually.

5.9      The Purchaser  represents  and warrants to the Vendors that each of the
         Purchaser's  Warranties is accurate in all respects and not  misleading
         at the date of this  Agreement  and that if for any reason there is any
         interval of time between the time of this Agreement and Completion, the
         Purchaser's Warranties will continue to be accurate in all respects and
         not misleading at all times subsequent to the date of this Agreement up
         to and  including the  Completion  Date as if repeated on each such day
         immediately before Completion.



6.1      Completion  shall take place at the offices of Stephenson  Harwood & Lo
         at 18/F.,  Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong
         Kong or such other place as the parties  may agree  forthwith  upon the
         execution  of this  Agreement,  on the  date on  which  the  conditions
         precedent  are  satisfied  (or such later date as agreed by the parties
         hereto),  such  conditions  precedents  being  (1) the  release  of all
         charges and  encumbrances  to which the Sale Shares are subject and (2)
         all the following  business being able to be simultaneously  transacted

         6.1.1    each of the Vendors  shall  deliver to the  Purchaser or as it
                  may direct the following:-

                  (a)      instruments  of transfer  in favour of the  Purchaser
                           and/or its  nominee(s)  in respect of the Sale Shares
                           duly executed by the registered holders thereof;

                  (b)      original  share  certificates  in respect of the Sale
                           Shares (if any);

                  (c)      such other  documents  as may be  required  to give a
                           good  and  effective  transfer  of  title of the Sale
                           Shares to the Purchaser  and/or its nominee(s) and to
                           enable  it/them  to  become  the  registered  holders

                  (d)      signed resignation letters from Ma Leung, Yu Sin,
                           Chen Ming You, Liu Yan Xin, Han Hong Lu, Cheng Jia
                           An, and Alan Li as directors of the BVI Company;

         6.1.2    each of the Vendors and the  Warrantors  shall cause a meeting
                  of the board of  directors  of the BVI  Company  to be held at
                  which  resolutions  shall be passed to approve the transfer of
                  the Sale  Shares  referred to above and the issue of new share
                  certificate  for the Sale Shares in the name of the  Purchaser
                  and/or its nominee(s),  if so required,  the acceptance of the
                  resignation of the directors as stated in Clause  6.1.1(d) and
                  the  appointments  of the persons stated in Clause 6.1.3(e) as
                  directors of the BVI Company; and

         6.1.3    the Purchaser shall:-

                  (a)      procure  the  passing  of the  board  resolutions  in
                           Schedule  7 and allot  and  issue  the  Consideration
                           Shares, credited as fully paid, to the Vendors (or as
                           the  Vendors  may  otherwise  direct) on the terms of
                           Clause 3.6;

                  (b)      deliver  to the  Vendors  (or his  nominee(s))  share
                           certificates for the  Consideration  Shares or as the
                           Vendors may otherwise direct;

                  (c)      produce for inspection by the Vendors the instruments
                           of  transfer  in  respect  of the  Sale  Shares  duly
                           executed by the Purchaser and/or its nominee(s);

                  (d)      arrange  to  present  the   instruments  of  transfer
                           together  with the share  certificates  in respect of
                           the Sale Shares to the BVI  Company for  registration
                           of such transfer; and

                  (e)      deliver to the Company  the signed  consent to act as
                           directors of the BVI Company from Aaron Zhu Xiaojun.


6.2      The  transactions  described in Clause 6.1 shall take place at the same
         time, so that in default of the performance of any such transactions by
         either  party,  the other party  shall not be obliged to complete  this
         Agreement or perform any obligations  hereunder  (without  prejudice to
         any further legal remedies).


         This  Agreement  shall  remain  in full  force  and  effect  after  and
         notwithstanding  Completion in respect of all obligations,  agreements,
         covenants,  undertakings,  conditions,  representations,  warranties or
         indemnities which have not been done, observed or performed at or prior
         to  Completion  and that the  parties may take action for any breach or
         non-fulfilment  of  any  of  such  obligations,  agreement,  covenants,
         undertakings,  conditions,  representations,  warranties or indemnities
         either  before  or after  Completion  (whether  or not such  breach  or
         non-fulfilment  may have been known to or discoverable by the Purchaser
         prior to  Completion)  it being  agreed  that  Completion  shall not be
         deemed to constitute a waiver of or operate as an estoppel  against any
         right to take any such action.


8.1      For the purpose of assuring to the  Purchaser  the full  benefit of the
         business  and  goodwill  of the  Group,  each  of the  Vendors  and the
         Warrantors   undertakes  by  way  of  further   consideration  for  the
         obligations  of the  Purchaser  under this  Agreement,  as separate and
         independent   agreements  that  he  will  not  and  shall  procure  his
         Associates will not:

         8.1.1    at any  time  after  Completion  disclose  to any  person,  or
                  himself use for any purpose, and shall use his best endeavours
                  to prevent the  publication or disclosure of, any  information
                  concerning  the  business,  accounts  or finances of any Group
                  Company,  or any of its  clients',  suppliers'  or  customers'
                  transactions  or affairs,  which may, or may have, come to his
                  knowledge except with the consent of the Purchaser;

         8.1.2    in any  Relevant  Capacity at any time  during the  Restricted
                  Period directly or indirectly solicit,  interfere with, employ
                  or endeavour to entice away from any Group Company with a view
                  to competing  with the Group any person who, to his knowledge,
                  has   during  the  12  months   preceding   the  date  of  the
                  commencement   of  the  Restricted   Period  been,  a  client,
                  customer, supplier or employee of, or has been in the habit of
                  dealing with, any Group Company; and/or

         8.1.3    at any time after  Completion use the name or trading style of
                  any  Group  Company,  or any  trade  marks or logos or  device
                  similar in appearance to any trade marks,  in Hong Kong or any
                  other part of the world,  or represent  himself as carrying on
                  or continuing or being connected with any Group Company or its
                  business  for  any  purposes   whatsoever   unless  he  is  so
                  authorised by the Group Company.

8.2      Each of the Vendors and the Warrantors who individually will be holding
         5% or more of the issued share capital of the Purchaser hereby:

         8.2.1    undertakes  with the Purchaser,  to supply to it on Completion
                  with full and  accurate  details of any  business  or interest
                  which each of the Vendors and/or each of the Warrantors and/or
                  his or its  Associates  has or may have which  competes or may


                  with  the  business  from time to time carried on by the Group
                  and any other conflicts of interests which each of the Vendors
                  and/or each of the Warrantors has or may have  with the  Group
                  and whether each of the Vendors and/or  each of the Warrantors
                  and/or his or its  Associates  intends  or  does not intend to
                  inject such business or interest into the Group;

         8.2.2    undertakes  with the  Purchaser,  at any time during which the
                  Purchaser  is listed on the Stock  Exchange and for so long as
                  each of the Vendors  and/or each of the  Warrantors his or its
                  Associates  is  individually  interested  in 5% or more of the
                  issued share  capital of the  Purchaser,  notify the Purchaser
                  forthwith  of any  changes  of  the  details  and  information
                  referred  to in  Sub-clause  8.2.1  above so as to enable  the
                  Purchaser  to  disclose  such  information  by way of a  press
                  announcement  and,  if so  required  by  the  Stock  Exchange,
                  include such information in all circulars,  annual reports and
                  half-year  reports  required  to be  issued  by the  Purchaser
                  pursuant to the Listing Rules;

         8.2.3    Undertakes  with the  Purchaser to procure any director of the
                  Purchaser  from time to time  nominated by the Vendors  and/or
                  the Warrantors:

                  (i)      to disclose to the Purchaser after  Completion and at
                           any time during which the  Purchaser is listed on the
                           Stock  Exchange  full  and  accurate  details  of any
                           business or interest  which such Director  and/or his
                           Associates  has or may  have  which  competes  or may
                           compete with the  business  from time to time carried
                           on by the Group and any other  conflicts  of interest
                           which such Director has or may have with the Group;

                  (ii)     to notify the  Purchaser  forthwith of any changes of
                           the details and information referred to in Sub-clause
                           8.2.3 above,  including any such business or interest
                           acquired by such Director and/or his Associates after
                           the  listing  of the  Purchaser  so as to enable  the
                           Purchaser to include such  information  in its annual
                           reports  and, if so  required by the Stock  Exchange,
                           its quarter-year reports and circulars; and

         8.2.4    acknowledges  that  and,  if so  required  by  the  Purchaser,
                  procure  such  director  referred  to in  Sub-clause  8.2.3 to
                  acknowledge  that the  information  supplied to the  Purchaser
                  pursuant  to this Clause 8.2 will or may be  disclosed  by the
                  Purchaser in the prospectus, circulars, reports, announcements
                  and  other   statements  to  the  Stock  Exchange  and/or  any
                  regulatory  authorities  and  their  respective  officers  and
                  employees  from time to time issued by the  Purchaser and that
                  such  disclosure  is  required  by the  Purchaser  in order to
                  comply  with the  requirements  of the Stock  Exchange  and/or
                  other regulatory bodies.

8.3      While the restrictions contained in this Clause 8 are considered by the
         parties to be reasonable in all the circumstances, it is agreed that if
         any one or more of such  restrictions  shall  either taken by itself or
         themselves  together be adjudged to go beyond what is reasonable in all
         the circumstances for the protection of the legitimate interests of the
         Purchaser  but  would  be  adjudged   reasonable   if  any   particular
         restriction or restrictions were deleted or if any part or parts of the
         wording  thereof were  deleted,  restricted  or limited in a particular
         manner  or if the  period  thereof  were  reduced  or if the  range  of
         activities  reduced in scope, then the remaining  restrictions shall be
         valid  to the  extent  that  they are not  held to be  invalid  and the
         affected  restriction


         contained in this Clause 8 shall apply with such  deletion, restriction
         or limitation, as the case may be.


         The Vendors shall,  and the  Warrantors  shall procure that the Vendors
         shall,  do, execute and perform and shall procure to be done,  executed
         and performed all such further acts, deeds, documents and things as the
         Purchaser  may  require  from  time to  time  effectively  to vest  the
         beneficial  ownership  of the Sale  Shares  in the  Purchaser  or as it
         directs free from all liens, charges, options,  encumbrances or adverse
         rights or interest of any kind and  otherwise to give to the  Purchaser
         the full benefit of this Agreement.


         This  Agreement  and  all  agreements  entered  or to be  entered  into
         pursuant to the terms of this Agreement together  constitute the entire
         agreement and understanding  between the parties in connection with the
         subject-matter of this Agreement and supersedes all previous proposals,
         representations,   warranties,   agreements  or  undertakings  relating
         thereto whether oral, written or otherwise and neither party has relied
         on any  such  proposals,  representations,  warranties,  agreements  or


         Other than such  disclosure  as may be required by the Stock  Exchange,
         none of the parties  hereto shall make any  announcement  or release or
         disclose any information  concerning this Agreement or the transactions
         herein referred to or disclose the identity of any of the other parties
         (save  disclosure  to their  respective  professional  advisers who are
         under a duty of  confidentiality)  without the prior written consent of
         the other parties.


         Each of the Vendors  and the  Warrantors  hereby  appoint Mr. Ma at the
         address  stated in  Schedule  11 as its agent to  receive on its or his
         behalf  service of process any  proceedings in Hong Kong. The Purchaser
         hereby appoints Mr. Aaron Zhu Xiaojun at the address stated in Schedule
         11 as its  agent to  receive  on its  behalf  service  of  process  any
         proceedings  in Hong  Kong.  Any notice or other  communications  to be
         given under this Agreement  shall be in writing and may be delivered by
         hand or given by facsimile,  telex, telegram or cable to the respective
         addresses  of the parties  set out in  Schedule  11. Any such notice or
         communication  shall be sent to the party to whom it is  addressed  and
         must  contain  sufficient  reference  and/or  particulars  to render it
         readily  identifiable with the subject matter of this Agreement.  If so
         delivered by hand or given by facsimile,  telex, telegram or cable such
         notice  or  communication  shall  be  deemed  received  on the  date of
         despatch  and if so sent by post (or, if sent to an address  outside of
         Hong Kong, so sent by first class  air-mail) shall be deemed received 2
         business days after the date of despatch.


         The parties hereto bear their respective  legal and professional  fees,
         costs  and  expenses  incurred  in  the  negotiation,  preparation  and
         execution of this Agreement and all documents contemplated hereby.



         This  Agreement  shall be governed by and  construed and take effect in
         all respects in  accordance  with the laws of Hong Kong and the parties
         hereto agree to submit to the non-exclusive  jurisdiction of the courts
         of Hong Kong.



         IN  WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the
day and year first above written.

SIGNED  by Ma Leung                   )
for and on behalf of GOOD ACHIEVE     )
INVESTMENTS LIMITED                   )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR

SIGNED by                             )
MA LEUNG                              )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR


SIGNED  by Chen Ming You              )
for and on behalf of PROFIT SPRING    )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR

SIGNED by                             )
CHEN MING YOU                         )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR


SIGNED  by Han Hong Lu                )
for and on behalf of                  )
ANMER CAPITAL LIMITED                 )
in the presence of:-                  )

SIGNED by                             )
HAN HONG LU                           )
in the presence of:-                  )


SIGNED  by Alan Li                    )
for and on behalf of DUNKLEY          )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR

SIGNED by                             )
ALAN LI                               )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR


SIGNED  by Guo Jianjun                )
for and on behalf of NATION           )
EXPRESS LIMITED                       )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR

SIGNED by                             )
GUO JIANJUN                           )
in the presence of:-                  )

Josephine C. K. Chan
18th Floor Edinburgh Tower
The Landmark, Central
Hong Kong
Solicitor, HKSAR


SIGNED  by Aaron Zhu Xiaojun          )
for and on behalf of                  )
CORPORATION                           )
in the presence of:-                  )
