



DATE:  6-15-2005


EFFECTIVE DATE:  6-15-2005 TO 6-14-2006

Contract signed is in compliance with the contract laws of the Peoples' Republic
of China.

Both parties mutually agree upon all terms below.

  (A)   Content
        Research for application of facial recognition operation technology
        (i)  Facial recognition in surveillance application
        (ii) Facial recognition for logical access control

  (B)   Joint venture method
          (i)    Party A provide capital and operational technicians
          (ii)   Party B provide location and technical technicians

  (C)   Ownership of newly developed intellectual properties rights
          (i)    Both parties agreed all facial recognition technology that was
                 developed and own by either party prior to this contract shall
                 belong to the developed party respectively
          (ii)   Any new facial recognition technology that's develop after this
                 contract is signed shall become the property of the joint

  (D)   Cost and payment method for the joint venture
          (i)    Party A agree to pay party B a total of one hundred thousand
                 dollars RMB(100,000.00 RMB)
          (ii)   Ten days after this contract is signed, Party A agree to pay
                 party B fifty thousand dollars RMB (50,000.00 RMB)
          (iii)  Three months after this contract is signed, party A agree to
                 pay the balance of fifty thousand dollars RMB (50,000.00 RMB)
                 to party B

  (E)   Effective date
        Contract will be effective for twelve months after Party a deposit the
        first payment to party B

  (F)   Confidentiality
          (i)    Both parties shall at anytime after this agreement is signed
                 keep all information in this contract confidential.  Unless any
                 disclosure of this contract is agree upon by related party
                 before any disclosure.  If disclosure is forced by law, all
                 disclosed parties shall be notify immediately, content of
                 disclosure shall be notified to related party too

          (ii)   All information provided to Party B by Party A shall consider
                 as confidential. (This information shall include but not
                 limited to customer list, strategy of company, pricing, know
                 how and idea) None of the said information shall disclose to
                 any third party.

          (iii)  All information provided to Party A by Party B shall consider
                 as confidential. This information shall include but not limited
                 to technical know how, code name and calculating formula. None
                 of the said information shall disclose to any third party.

          (iv)   Both parties shall not use any provided information from the
                 opposite party to do harm and go against the opposite party. If
                 there is harm or any damage occur, the party that cause the
                 harm or damage shall compensate the opposite party.

          (v)    This agreement (F) shall not be affected by the termination of
                 this contract. All information provided by both parties shall
                 remain confidential until all information become public from an
                 unrelated party. This information shall not come from either
                 party in this agreement.

          (vi)   Confidential information shall not include any information that
                 was disclosed before the signing of this contract.

  (G)   Breach of contract
          (i)    If this contract is breached due to the following situation by
                 any party, The opposite party shall have the right to terminate
                 this contract by writing thirty days prior to the incident,

                   (a)  If any party go bankrupt voluntary of involuntary, or if
                        a creditor is taking over the business and dissolve the

                   (b)  If the breaching party does not try to fulfill the
                        obligation of this contract thirty days after receiving
                        the notice. (Assuming the breaching party has the
                        ability to fulfill this contract)

          (ii)   Both party agreed that if either party breach this contract it
                 will give The non-breaching party harms and unforeseeable
                 damage. The non-breaching party therefore shall have the right
                 to claim all loses and damages by taking the case to the court.
                 All legal fees shall be the responsibility of the breaching

          (iii)  If during the research period any technology is expose to the
                 public by an unrelated party this joint venture shall consider
                 as meaningless and either party has the right to terminate this

  (H)   Settlement of disagreement
        If any disagreement comes up within the time frame of this contract,
        both parties agree to try to settle the dispute with a friendly manor
        before taking it to litigation.

  (I)   Unforeseen interruption
          (i)    Unforeseen interruption means any event happens to interrupt
                 the ongoing process of this contract, that's beyond the control
                 of both parties. These events could include government
                 interference, earthquake, fire, typhoon, flood, war or any
                 other similar events.

          (ii)   If any of the above happened, the affected shall notify the
                 other party right away. Details of event like date, nature and
                 estimate duration of event etc. also what kind of effect will
                 have for the affected party to fulfill this contract shall be

          (iii)  Affected party shall update the opposite party constantly. If
                 event got settled, a written notification shall be sent to the
                 opposite party immediately.

          (iv)   If section B & C of this contract has been fulfilled by the
                 affected party before any event happened, affected party has
                 the right to terminate its obligation temporary until the event
                 got settled. Affected party shall not be responsible for any
                 lose of damage that is caused. Affected party shall try it's
                 best to fulfill the obligation again after the event ended.

          (v)    Affected party shall provide official document to verify the
                 event that had happened if no official document is provided,
                 affected party shall be responsible for all loses and damages
                 that was caused by the said event.


   (i)  Five copies of contract are produced, party A keeps two copies, party B
        keeps three copies, and all copies shall be legally recognized.

   (ii)   Any other amendment or attachment that is sign after this contract
          will become part of this document if document is sign and stamp by
          both parties.

Party A
Legal Representative - Johnny Ng
Phone No. 852-3427-3177
Fax No. 852-2776-2257
Address: 10/F Tianjin Building
         167 Connaught Road West
         Hong Kong
         Hong Kong

Party B
Legal Representative - Tam Tik Nu
Phone No. 010-4262-6787
Fax No. 010-6265-9350
Address: 96 Chun Lun Village Road
         Beijing City 100080
         Peoples' Republic of China
Banker:  Bank of Beijing
Acct No. 0200049609088100325