EXHIBIT (9)(d)

                     Amendment to Master Custodian Agreement


         This Amendment to the Master Custodian Contract is made effective as of
May 10, 2002 by and between each party listed on Appendix 1 affixed to the
Master Custodian Contract (as amended from time to time, the "Fund") and State
Street Bank and Trust Company (the "Custodian" or "Foreign Custody Manager").
Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the
respective meanings given to such terms in the Master Custodian Contract
referred to below.

         WHEREAS, the Fund and the Custodian entered into a Master Custodian
Contract dated as of May 1, 1997 (as amended and in effect from time to time,
the "Contract");

         WHEREAS, the Fund is authorized to issue shares in separate series,
with each such series representing interests in a separate portfolio of
securities and other assets, and the Fund has made each such series subject to
the Contract (each such series, together with all other series subsequently
established by the Fund and made subject to the Contract in accordance with the
terms thereof, shall be referred to as a "Portfolio", and, collectively, the
"Portfolios"); and

         WHEREAS, the Fund and the Custodian desire to amend and restate certain
provisions of the Contract relating to the custody of assets of each of the
Portfolios held outside of the United States.

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual
covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereby agree to
amend the Contract, pursuant to the terms thereof, as follows:

I.       Articles 4 through 21 of the Contract are hereby renumbered, as of the
         effective date of this Amendment, as Articles 5 through 22,

II.      New Article 4 of the Contract is hereby added, as of the effective date
         of this Amendment, as set forth below.


4.1      DEFINITIONS.  Capitalized terms in this Article 4 shall have the
         following meanings:

"Foreign Securities System" means an Eligible Securities Depository listed on
Schedule B.

"Foreign Sub-Custodian" means a foreign banking institution serving as an
Eligible Foreign Custodian.

4.2.     HOLDING SECURITIES. The Custodian shall identify on its books as
belonging to the Portfolios the foreign securities held by each Foreign
Sub-Custodian or Foreign Securities System. The Custodian may hold foreign
securities for all of its customers, including the


Portfolios, with any Foreign Sub-Custodian in an account that is identified as
belonging to the Custodian for the benefit of its customers, provided however,
that (i) the records of the Custodian with respect to foreign securities of the
Portfolios which are maintained in such account shall identify those securities
as belonging to the Portfolios and (ii), to the extent permitted and customary
in the market in which the account is maintained, the Custodian shall require
that securities so held by the Foreign Sub-Custodian be held separately from any
assets of such Foreign Sub-Custodian or of other customers of such Foreign

4.3.     FOREIGN SECURITIES SYSTEMS. Foreign securities shall be maintained in a
Foreign Securities System in a designated country through arrangements
implemented by the Custodian or a Foreign Sub-Custodian, as applicable, in such


         4.4.1.   DELIVERY OF FOREIGN ASSETS. The Custodian or a Foreign
Sub-Custodian shall release and deliver foreign securities of the Portfolios
held by the Custodian or such Foreign Sub-Custodian, or in a Foreign Securities
System account, only upon receipt of Proper Instructions, which may be
continuing instructions when deemed appropriate by the parties, and only in the
following cases:

         (i)      upon the sale of such foreign securities for the Portfolio in
                  accordance with commercially reasonable market practice in the
                  country where such foreign securities are held or traded,
                  including, without limitation: (A) delivery against
                  expectation of receiving later payment; or (B) in the case of
                  a sale effected through a Foreign Securities System, in
                  accordance with the rules governing the operation of the
                  Foreign Securities System;

         (ii)     in connection with any repurchase agreement related to foreign

         (iii)    to the depository agent in connection with tender or other
                  similar offers for foreign securities of the Portfolios;

         (iv)     to the issuer thereof or its agent when such foreign
                  securities are called, redeemed, retired or otherwise become

         (v)      to the issuer thereof, or its agent, for transfer into the
                  name of the Custodian (or the name of the respective Foreign
                  Sub-Custodian or of any nominee of the Custodian or such
                  Foreign Sub-Custodian) or for exchange for a different number
                  of bonds, certificates or other evidence representing the same
                  aggregate face amount or number of units;

         (vi)     to brokers, clearing banks or other clearing agents for
                  examination or trade execution in accordance with market
                  custom; provided that in any such case the Foreign
                  Sub-Custodian shall have no responsibility or liability for
                  any loss arising from the delivery of such securities prior to
                  receiving payment for such securities


                  except as may arise from the Foreign Sub-Custodian's own
                  negligence or willful misconduct;

         (vii)    for exchange or conversion pursuant to any plan of merger,
                  consolidation, recapitalization, reorganization or
                  readjustment of the securities of the issuer of such
                  securities, or pursuant to provisions for conversion contained
                  in such securities, or pursuant to any deposit agreement;

         (viii)   in the case of warrants, rights or similar foreign securities,
                  the surrender thereof in the exercise of such warrants, rights
                  or similar securities or the surrender of interim receipts or
                  temporary securities for definitive securities;

         (ix)     for delivery as security in connection with any borrowing by
                  the Portfolios requiring a pledge of assets by the Portfolios;

         (x)      in connection with trading in options and futures contracts,
                  including delivery as original margin and variation margin;

         (xi)     in connection with the lending of foreign securities; and

         (xii)    for any other purpose, but only upon receipt of Proper
                  Instructions specifying the foreign securities to be delivered
                  and naming the person or persons to whom delivery of such
                  securities shall be made.

         4.4.2.   PAYMENT OF PORTFOLIO MONIES. Upon receipt of Proper
Instructions, which may be continuing instructions when deemed appropriate by
the parties, the Custodian shall pay out, or direct the respective Foreign
Sub-Custodian or the respective Foreign Securities System to pay out, monies of
a Portfolio in the following cases only:

         (i)      upon the purchase of foreign securities for the Portfolio,
                  unless otherwise directed by Proper Instructions, by (A)
                  delivering money to the seller thereof or to a dealer therefor
                  (or an agent for such seller or dealer) against expectation of
                  receiving later delivery of such foreign securities; or (B) in
                  the case of a purchase effected through a Foreign Securities
                  System, in accordance with the rules governing the operation
                  of such Foreign Securities System;

         (ii)     in connection with the conversion, exchange or surrender of
                  foreign securities of the Portfolio;

         (iii)    for the payment of any expense or liability of the Portfolio,
                  including but not limited to the following payments: interest,
                  taxes, investment advisory fees, transfer agency fees, fees
                  under this Contract, legal fees, accounting fees, and other
                  operating expenses;

         (iv)     for the purchase or sale of foreign exchange or foreign
                  exchange contracts for the Portfolio, including transactions
                  executed with or through the Custodian or its Foreign


         (v)      in connection with trading in options and futures contracts,
                  including delivery as original margin and variation margin;

         (vi)     for payment of part or all of the dividends received in
                  respect of securities sold short;

         (vii)    in connection with the borrowing or lending of foreign
                  securities; and

         (viii)   for any other purpose, but only upon receipt of Proper
                  Instructions specifying the amount of such payment and naming
                  the person or persons to whom such payment is to be made.

         4.4.3.   MARKET CONDITIONS. Notwithstanding any provision of this
Contract to the contrary, settlement and payment for Foreign Assets received for
the account of the Portfolios and delivery of Foreign Assets maintained for the
account of the Portfolios may be effected in accordance with the customary
established securities trading or processing practices and procedures in the
country or market in which the transaction occurs, including, without
limitation, delivering Foreign Assets to the purchaser thereof or to a dealer
therefor (or an agent for such purchaser or dealer) with the expectation of
receiving later payment for such Foreign Assets from such purchaser or dealer.

The Custodian shall provide to the Board the information with respect to custody
and settlement practices in countries in which the Custodian employs a Foreign
Sub-Custodian described on Schedule C hereto at the time or times set forth on
such Schedule. The Custodian may revise Schedule C from time to time, provided
that no such revision shall result in the Board being provided with
substantively less information than had been previously provided hereunder.

4.5.     REGISTRATION OF FOREIGN SECURITIES. The foreign securities maintained
in the custody of a Foreign Sub-Custodian (other than bearer securities) shall
be registered in the name of the applicable Portfolio or in the name of the
Custodian or in the name of any Foreign Sub-Custodian or in the name of any
nominee of the foregoing, and the Fund on behalf of such Portfolio agrees to
hold any such nominee harmless from any liability as a holder of record of such
foreign securities, in the absence of the nominee's negligence and willful
misconduct. The Custodian or a Foreign Sub-Custodian shall not be obligated to
accept securities on behalf of a Portfolio under the terms of this Contract
unless the form of such securities and the manner in which they are delivered
are in accordance with reasonable market practice.

4.6      BANK ACCOUNTS. The Custodian shall identify on its books as belonging
to the Fund cash (including cash denominated in foreign currencies) deposited
with the Custodian. Where the Custodian is unable to maintain, or market
practice does not facilitate the maintenance of, cash on the books of the
Custodian, a bank account or bank accounts shall be opened and maintained
outside the United States on behalf of a Portfolio with a Foreign Sub-Custodian.
All accounts referred to in this Section shall be subject only to draft or order
by the Custodian (or, if applicable, such Foreign Sub-Custodian) acting pursuant
to the terms of this Agreement to hold cash received by or from or for the
account of the Portfolio. Cash maintained on the books of the


Custodian (including its branches, subsidiaries and affiliates), regardless of
currency denomination, is maintained in bank accounts established under, and
subject to the laws of, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

4.7.     COLLECTION OF INCOME. The Custodian shall use reasonable commercial
efforts to collect all income and other payments with respect to the Foreign
Assets held hereunder to which the Portfolios shall be entitled and shall credit
such income, as collected, to the applicable Portfolio. In the event that
extraordinary measures are required to collect such income, the Fund and the
Custodian shall consult as to such measures and as to the compensation and
expenses of the Custodian relating to such measures.

4.8      SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS. With respect to the foreign securities held
pursuant to this Article 4, the Custodian will use reasonable commercial efforts
to facilitate the exercise of voting and other shareholder rights, subject
always to the laws, regulations and practical constraints that may exist in the
country where such securities are issued. The Fund acknowledges that local
conditions, including lack of regulation, onerous procedural obligations, lack
of notice and other factors may have the effect of severely limiting the ability
of the Fund to exercise shareholder rights.

transmit promptly to the Fund written information with respect to materials
received by the Custodian via the Foreign Sub-Custodians from issuers of the
foreign securities being held for the account of the Portfolios (including,
without limitation, pendency of calls and maturities of foreign securities and
expirations of rights in connection therewith). With respect to tender or
exchange offers, the Custodian shall transmit promptly to the Fund written
information with respect to materials so received by the Custodian from issuers
of the foreign securities whose tender or exchange is sought or from the party
(or its agents) making the tender or exchange offer. Absent negligence and
willful misconduct on the part of the Custodian, the Custodian shall not be
liable for any untimely exercise of any tender, exchange or other right or power
in connection with foreign securities or other property of the Portfolios at any
time held by it unless (i) the Custodian or the respective Foreign Sub-Custodian
is in actual possession of such foreign securities or property and (ii) the
Custodian receives Proper Instructions with regard to the exercise of any such
right or power, and both (i) and (ii) occur at least three business days prior
to the date on which the Custodian is to take action to exercise such right or

4.10.    LIABILITY OF FOREIGN SUB-CUSTODIANS. Each agreement pursuant to which
the Custodian employs a Foreign Sub-Custodian shall, to the extent possible,
require the Foreign Sub-Custodian to exercise reasonable care in the performance
of its duties, and to indemnify, and hold harmless, the Custodian from and
against any loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim arising out of or in
connection with the Foreign Sub-Custodian's performance of such obligations. At
the Fund's election, the Portfolios shall be entitled to be subrogated to the
rights of the Custodian with respect to any claims against a Foreign
Sub-Custodian as a consequence of any such loss, damage, cost, expense,
liability or claim if and to the extent that the Portfolios have not been made
whole for any such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim.


4.11.    TAX LAW. The Custodian shall have no responsibility or liability for
any obligations now or hereafter imposed on the Fund, the Portfolios or the
Custodian as custodian of the Portfolios by the tax law of the United States or
of any state or political subdivision thereof. It shall be the responsibility of
the Fund to notify the Custodian of the obligations imposed on the Fund with
respect to the Portfolios or the Custodian as custodian of the Portfolios by the
tax law of countries other than those mentioned in the above sentence, including
responsibility for withholding and other taxes, assessments or other
governmental charges, certifications and governmental reporting. The sole
responsibility of the Custodian with regard to such tax law shall be to use
reasonable efforts to assist the Fund with respect to any claim for exemption or
refund under the tax law of countries for which the Fund has provided such

4.12.    LIABILITY OF CUSTODIAN. Except as may arise from the Custodian's own
negligence or willful misconduct or the negligence or willful misconduct of a
Sub-Custodian, the Custodian shall be without liability to the Fund for any
loss, liability, claim or expense resulting from or caused by anything which is
part of Country Risk.

The Custodian shall be liable for the acts or omissions of a Foreign
Sub-Custodian to the same extent as set forth with respect to sub-custodians
generally in the Contract and, regardless of whether assets are maintained in
the custody of a Foreign Sub-Custodian or a Foreign Securities System, the
Custodian shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or
claim resulting from nationalization, expropriation, currency restrictions, or
acts of war or terrorism, or any other loss where the Sub-Custodian has
otherwise acted with reasonable care.

III.              Except as specifically superseded or modified herein, the
                  terms and provisions of the Contract shall continue to apply
                  with full force and effect. In the event of any conflict
                  between the terms of the Contract prior to this Amendment and
                  this Amendment, the terms of this Amendment shall prevail. If
                  the Custodian is delegated the responsibilities of Foreign
                  Custody Manager pursuant to the terms of Article 3, in the
                  event of any conflict between the provisions of Articles 3 and
                  4 hereof, the provisions of Article 3 shall prevail.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties has caused this Amendment to be
executed in its name and behalf by its duly authorized representative as of the
date first above written.


/s/ Jean S. Carr                    By:    /s/ Joseph L. Hooley
- ------------------                         ------------------------------------
Jean S. Carr                        Name:  Joseph L. Hooley
Counsel                             Title: Executive Vice President


/s/ Noreen O'Connell                By:    /s/ Richard J. Wirth
- --------------------                       -----------------------------------
*Noreen M. O'Connell                Name:  Richard J. Wirth
*Paralegal IV                       Title: Secretary
