6500 N.W. 15th Avenue
                         Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

                             NOT TO SEND US A PROXY.


      This  Information  Statement  is being  furnished to the  stockholders  of
Aquagenix,  Inc. (the  "Company"),  a Delaware  corporation,  in connection with
proposals to (i) increase the number of shares reserved for issuance pursuant to
the Company's  1994 Stock Option Plan (the "Employee  Stock Option Plan"),  and;
(ii) adopt an Amended and Restated  Directors  Stock Option Plan (the "Directors
Stock Option  Plan"),  which  Directors  Stock  Option Plan,  among other things
increases the number of shares reserved for issuance  pursuant  thereto,  by the
written  consent of the  holders  of a majority  in  interest  of the  Company's
outstanding  Common Stock ("Common Stock").  The Company's Board of Directors on
May 3, 1996,  approved and  recommended  a  resolution  to increase to 1,000,000
shares  the  number of shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock in the  Company's
Employee  Stock  Option Plan that are  reserved  for  issuance  and to amend the
Company's  Directors Stock Option Plan which plan,  among other things increases
to 250,000  shares the number of shares of Common  Stock  reserved  for issuance
pursuant  thereto.  Each of the proposals will become effective upon the written
consent of the holders of not less than a majority of the Company's  outstanding
Common  Stock and the filing of the Written  Consent  with the  Secretary of the
Company.  The Company  anticipates  that the filing of the written consents will
occur on or about __________, 1997 (the "Effective Date"). If the proposals were
not adopted by written consent,  it would have been required to be considered by
the Company's  stockholders at a special  stockholders' meeting convened for the
specific purpose of approving the proposals.

      The  elimination  of the need for a special  meeting  of  stockholders  to
approve the  proposals is made  possible by Section 228 of the Delaware  General
Corporation  Law (the "Delaware Law") which provides that the written consent of
the  holders of  outstanding  shares of common  stock,  having not less than the
minimum  number of votes  which would be  necessary  to  authorize  or take such
action at a meeting at which all shares  entitled to vote  thereon  were present

and voted, may be substituted for such a special meeting.  In order to eliminate
the costs and management time involved in holding a special meeting and in order
to effect the proposals as early as possible in order to accomplish the purposes
of the Company,  as hereafter  described,  the Board of Directors of the Company
voted to utilize the written consent of the holders of a majority in interest of
the Company's Common Stock of the Company. As discussed hereafter,  the Board of
Directors  has  recommended  the  proposals  in order to increase  the number of
shares  available for issuance  pursuant to the Company's  Employee Stock Option
Plan and Directors Stock Option Plan to provide additional incentives to attract
and retain  qualified and competent  employees and non-employee  directors,  and
with respect to the Directors  Stock Option Plan to restructure  the former plan
to provide the Director Stock Option Committee the authority to issue any number
of options as it deems  appropriate  at any time,  which option will vest over a
two year  period in order to entice  long term  commitments  from the  Company's

      The  date on  which  this  Information  Statement  was  first  sent to the
stockholders  is on or about ______,  1997.  The record date  established by the
Company for purposes of determining  the number of outstanding  shares of Common
Stock of the Company is December 31,1996 (the "Record Date").

      Pursuant to Section 228 of the  Delaware  Law,  the Company is required to
provide prompt notice of the taking of the corporate action without a meeting to
stockholders  who have not consented in writing to such action.  Inasmuch as the
Company  will have  provided  to its  stockholders  of record  this  Information
Statement,  the Company will notify its stockholders at the time of distribution
of its next  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-QSB or Annual Report on Form 10-KSB of
the effective  date of the  proposals.  No additional  action will be undertaken
pursuant to such written consents,  and no dissenters' rights under the Delaware
Law are afforded to the  Company's  stockholders  as a result of the adoption of
the proposals.

                                EXECUTIVE OFFICES

      The Company's  principal  executive  offices are located at 6500 N.W. 15th
Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309. Its telephone number is (954) 975-7771.


      As of the  Record  Date,  there  were  4,163,391  shares of  Common  Stock
outstanding,  representing  all of  the  voting  capital  stock  of the  Company
outstanding and entitled to vote on matters submitted to the stockholders of the
Company.  Each share of Common Stock  entitles the holder thereof to one vote on
all matters submitted to stockholders.


                              OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

      The following  table sets forth Common Stock  ownership  information as of
December 31, 1996 with respect to (i) each person known to the Company to be the
beneficial  owner of more  than 5% of the  Company's  Common  Stock;  (ii)  each
director  of the  Company;  and  (iii) all  directors,  executive  officers  and
designated  stockholders  of the  Company  as a group.  This  information  as to
beneficial ownership was furnished to the Company by or on behalf of the persons
named.  Information  with  respect to the percent of class is based on 4,163,391
issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock as of December 31, 1996.

                                    No. of Shares           Percent of
Name and Address or                 of Common Stock         Outstanding
Identity of Group                   Beneficially Owned(2)   Shares Owned(2)
- -----------------                   ---------------------   ---------------

Andrew P. Chesler                        753,378   (3)              18.1%
H&H Investments, Inc.                    219,082   (4)(11)           5.3
Abraham S. Fischler.                       7,500   (5)               0.2
Fred S. Katz                               7,500   (6)               0.2
Jeffrey T. Katz                           20,000   (7)               0.5
Allen H. Stern                               -     (8)              --
Helen Chia                                   -     (9)              --
Tarragona Fund, Inc.                   _________   (10)             ______
Alpha Atlas Holdings, LDC              _________   (10)             ______
Ray and Shirley Spirnock               _________                    ______

All directors and executive officers                                 0.5
   as a group (six persons)
                                         788,378   (3)(5)(11)       18.9

(1)   Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the  address  of each  beneficial  owner is
      Aquagenix, Inc., 6500 N.W. 15th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309.
(2)   A person is deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of securities  that can be
      acquired by such person  within 60 days from the date hereof upon exercise
      of options and warrants.  Each beneficial owner's percentage  ownership is
      determined  by assuming  that options and  warrants  that are held by such
      person (but not those held by any other  person) and that are  exercisable
      within 60 days from the date hereof have been exercised.
(3)   Andrew P.  Chesler is  Chairman  of the Board,  Chief  Executive  Officer,
      President  and  Treasurer  of the  Company.  Includes  (i) 1,600 shares of
      Common Stock held by Mr. Chesler's wife, (ii) 3,900 shares of Common Stock
      issuable upon the exercise of Warrants held by Mr.  Chesler's wife,  (iii)


      12,195  shares of Common Stock  subject to an option  granted to Robert A.
      Radler,  and (iv) 8,000 shares of Common Stock held  pursuant to the grant
      of stock options.  Does not include 72,000 shares of Common Stock issuable
      upon the exercise of options  granted to Mr.  Chesler  under the Company's
      1994  Employee  Stock  Option  Plan,   which  options  are  not  presently
(4)   Represents shares of Common Stock held by the seller of Haas Environmental
      Services,  Inc. ("Seller") (now known as H&H Investments,  Inc.), of which
      Mr.  Robert E. Haas and Mr. Eugene M. Haas ("the Haas  Shareholders")  are
      directors,  executive  officers and principal  shareholders,  which shares
      were  issued  to  the  Seller   pursuant  to  the   acquisition   of  Haas
      Environmental  Services, Inc. in partial payment of the purchase price for
      the  assets  of  Haas  and as  compensation  for  the  termination  of the
      employment  agreements  with the Haas  Shareholders.  The  address  of H&H
      Investments, Inc. is 1812 Route 206, Vincetown, New Jersey 08088.
(5)   Abraham S. Fischler is a director of the Company. Includes 7,500 shares of
      Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options granted to Mr. Fischler
      under the Company's  Directors  Stock Option Plan. Does not include 25,000
      shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options granted under the
      Company's Amended and Restated Directors Stock Option Plan, subject to the
      approval by the Company's  stockholders of such Amended and Restated Plan,
      which options are not presently exercisable.
(6)   Fred S. Katz is a director of the Company. Includes 7,500 shares of Common
      Stock issuable upon the exercise of options  granted to Mr. Katz under the
      Company's  Directors  Stock Option Plan. Does not include 40,000 shares of
      Common Stock issuable upon exercise of options granted under the Company's
      Amended and Restated  Directors Stock Option Plan, subject to the approval
      by the Company's  stockholders  of such Amended and Restated  Plan,  which
      options are not presently exercisable.
(7)   Jeffrey T. Katz is a director of the Company.  Includes  16,000  shares of
      Common Stock and 2,000  Warrants of the Company.  Does not include  10,000
      shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options granted under
      the Company's Amended and Restated Directors Stock Option Plan, subject to
      the approval by the  Company's  stockholders  of such Amended and Restated
      Plan, which options are not presently exercisable.
(8)   Allen H. Stern is a  director  of the  Company.  Does not  include  10,000
      shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options granted under
      the Company's Amended and Restated Directors Stock Option Plan, subject to
      the approval by the  Company's  stockholders  of such Amended and Restated
      Plan, which options are not presently exercisable.
(9)   Helen Chia is Chief Financial  Officer and Secretary of the Company.  Does
      not include  25,000  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise of
      options  granted  pursuant to the 1994 Employee  Stock Option Plan,  which
      options are not properly exercisable.


(10)  Tarragona Fund, Inc. and Alpha Atlas Holdings,  LDC,  collectively  owning
      ___% of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  are  each  beneficially  owned  by

(11)  H&H Investments,Inc. has granted to Andrew P. Chesler an irrevocable proxy
      to vote the 219,082 shares held by H&H Investments, Inc. until the earlier
      of April 25, 1997, or divestment of interest therein.



      It is proposed to  increase  to  1,000,000  shares the number of shares of
Common Stock in the Company's  Employee  Stock Option Plan that are reserved for
issuance. The Employee Stock Option Plan presently authorizes 500,000 shares for
issuance upon exercise of stock options.  The current text of the Employee Stock
Option  Plan,  as modified  pursuant to this  amendment,  is attached  hereto as
Exhibit A. The material features of the Employee Stock Option Plan are discussed
below,  but the  description is subject to, and is qualified in its entirety by,
the full text of the Employee Stock Option Plan, as amended.

      The purpose of the  Employee  Stock  Option Plan is to provide  additional
incentives to attract and retain qualified and competent  employees,  upon whose
efforts and  judgment the success of the Company is largely  dependent,  through
the  encouragement  of  stock  ownership  in the  Company  by such  persons.  In
furtherance of this purpose,  the Employee Stock Option Plan  authorizes (a) the
granting of incentive or non-statutory stock options to purchase Common Stock to
employees of the Company  satisfying the description above, (b) the provision of
loans for the  purpose of  financing  the  exercise of options and the amount of
taxes payable in connection  therewith,  and (c) the use of already owned Common
Stock as payment of the exercise  price for options  granted  under the Employee
Stock  Option  Plan (such  provisions  being at times  referred to herein as the
"Stock Swap").

      Approval of the  increase in the number of shares  reserved  for  issuance
under the Employee Stock Option Plan by the Company's  stockholders  pursuant to
the Employee  Stock Option Plan is one of the  conditions of Rule 16b-3,  a rule
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC") that provides
an exemption from the operation of the "short-swing  profit" recovery provisions
of  Section  16(b) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the
"Exchange  Act"),  with respect to the  acquisition  of options,  the use of the
Stock Swap and certain transactions by officers and directors of the Company.

      The Employee Stock Option Plan provides that it shall be administered by a
committee  consisting  of two or  more  directors  designated  by the  Board  of


Directors, or in the absence of such a committee the full Board of Directors (in
either case, the "Committee"). The Committee in its sole discretion,  determines
the persons to be awarded options,  the number of shares subject thereto and the
exercise  price and other terms  thereof.  In addition,  the  Committee has full
power and authority to construe and  interpret  the Employee  Stock Option Plan,
and the  acts of the  Committee  are  final,  conclusive  and  binding  upon all
interested parties,  including the Company,  its stockholders,  its officers and
employees,  recipients  of grants under the  Employee  Stock Option Plan and all
persons or entities claiming by or through such persons.  The Board of Directors
has established  the Employee Stock Option  Committee to administer the Employee
Stock Option Plan. The Employee Stock Option Committee is currently comprised of
Jeffrey T. Katz and Allen H. Stern.

      Options are intended to be granted  primarily to those persons who possess
a capacity to contribute  significantly  to the  successful  performance  of the
Company.  Because  persons to whom  grants of  options  are to be made are to be
determined  from  time  to  time  by the  Committee,  in its  discretion,  it is
impossible  at this time to indicate  the precise  number,  name or positions of
persons who will receive  options or the number of shares for which options will
be  granted  to any such  employee,  except to the  extent  already  granted  or
conditionally granted.

      Assuming  approval of the  proposed  amendment,  an aggregate of 1,000,000
shares of Common  Stock  (subject  to  adjustment  as  discussed  below) will be
reserved for sale upon  exercise of options  granted  under the  Employee  Stock
Option Plan. As of November,  1996, options to purchase 381,730 shares of Common
Stock were issued and  outstanding  under the Employee  Stock  Option  Plan.  In
November,  1996,  the Company issued options to purchase an aggregate of 240,000
shares of Common  Stock under the Employee  Stock  Option  Plan,  subject to the
approval by the  shareholders  to increase  the amount of shares  available  for
issuance  pursuant to said plan.  The shares  acquired  upon exercise of options
granted  under the Employee  Stock Option Plan will be  authorized  and unissued
shares of Common Stock. The Company's  stockholders will not have any preemptive
rights to purchase or subscribe for the shares  reserved for issuance  under the
Employee  Stock  Option Plan.  If any option  granted  under the Employee  Stock
Option Plan should  expire or  terminate  for any reason  other than having been
exercised in full, the  unpurchased  shares subject to that option will again be
available for purposes of the Employee Stock Option Plan.

      The  following  table  sets  forth,  as  of  December  31,  1996,  certain
information  regarding  options  granted under the Employee Stock Option Plan to
the persons and groups indicated. None of such options are currently exercisable
except as indicated.


                                                                Value of
                          Number of Shares  Exercise Price     Options at
 Name and Position      Subject to Options    Per Share     December 31, 1996(1)
 -----------------      ------------------    ---------     --------------------

Andrew P. Chesler                230,000(2)     $3.88-$7.50             $_______
   Chairman of the Board, Chief
   Executive Officer and

Helen Chia                        45,000              $3.88             $_______
   Chief Financial Officer and

All current executive officers   275,000        $3.88-$7.50             $_______
   as a group (two persons)

All employees as a group         621,730(3)     $3.88-$7.13             $_______

(1)   The closing  sale price of the Common Stock on December 31, 1996 was $6.25
      per share as reported by NASDAQ.  Value is calculated by  multiplying  (a)
      the  difference  between  $6.25 and the option  exercise  price by (b) the
      number of shares of Common Stock underlying the option.

(2)   Includes  8,000  shares of  Common  Stock  subject  to  Options  presently

(3)   Includes  38,820  shares of Common  Stock  subject  to  Options  presently

Terms and Conditions

      All options  granted  under the Employee  Stock Option Plan are, and shall
be, evidenced by a written agreement  between the Company and the grantee.  Such
agreements do or shall contain such terms and  conditions,  consistent  with the
Employee Stock Option Plan, relating to the grant, the time or times of exercise
and other terms of the options as the Committee prescribes.

      Under the  Employee  Stock  Option  Plan,  the option  price per share for
incentive  stock  options  may not be less  than  the fair  market  value of the
underlying  shares on the date of grant.  For  purposes  of the  Employee  Stock
Option  Plan  and  subject  to the  Committee's  sole  discretion  to  determine
otherwise in a fair and uniform  manner,  the term "fair market value" means (i)
the  closing  price of the Common  Stock as  reported  on a national  securities
exchange  or  by  the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers  Automated
Quotation National Market System or (ii) the mean  between  the closing high bid


and low quotation for the Common Stock on the National Association of Securities
Dealers  Automated  Quotation  System  (the  "NASDAQ"),   on  the  business  day
immediately  preceding the date of grant. The exercise price of an option may be
paid in cash, or at the sole discretion of the Committee, by delivery of already
owned  shares of Common  Stock  having a fair market value equal to the exercise
price, or by a combination of the foregoing. The Employee Stock Option Plan also
authorizes  the  Company to make loans to  optionees  to enable them to exercise
their  options.  Such loans must (i) provide for recourse to the optionee,  (ii)
bear interest at a rate no less than the prime rate of interest of the Company's
principal lender,  and (iii) be secured by the shares of Common Stock purchased.
Cash payments will be used by the Company for general corporate purposes.

      The use of already owned shares of Common Stock applies to payment for the
exercise of an option in a single transaction and to the "pyramiding" of already
owned  shares  in  successive,   simultaneous  option  exercises.   In  general,
pyramiding  permits  an option  holder  to start  with as little as one share of
Common Stock and exercise an entire  option to the extent then  exercisable  (no
matter what the number of shares subject  thereto).  By utilizing  already owned
shares of Common Stock,  no cash (except for fractional  share  adjustments)  is
needed to exercise an option.  Consequently,  the optionee  would receive Common
Stock equal in value to the spread  between the fair market  value of the shares
subject to the option and the exercise price of the option.

      No option  granted  under the Employee  Stock Option Plan is assignable or
transferable,  other  than by will or by the laws of descent  and  distribution.
During  the  lifetime  of an  optionee,  an option is  exercisable  only by such
optionee.  The expiration  date of an option will be determined by the Committee
at the time of the grant,  but in no event will an option be  exercisable  after
the  expiration of ten years from the date of grant.  An option may be exercised
at any  time  or  from  time to  time  or  only  after  a  period  of time or in
installments,  as the  Committee  determines.  The  Committee  may  in its  sole
discretion accelerate the date on which any option may be exercised.

      The  unexercised  portion of any option  granted to an employee  under the
Employee  Stock Option Plan shall  automatically  be terminated (a) three months
after the date on which the  optionee's  employment is terminated for any reason
other than (i) Cause (as defined in the Employee Stock Option Plan); (ii) mental
or physical disability;  or (iii) death; (b) immediately upon the termination of
the optionee's  employment  for Cause;  (c) one year after the date on which the
optionee's   employment   is   terminated   by  reason  of  mental  or  physical
disabilities;  or (d) one year after the date on which the optionee's employment
is terminated by reason of the death of the employee; or one year after the date
on which the  optionee  shall die if such death shall occur  during the one year
period  following  the  termination  of the  optionee's  employment by reason of
mental or physical disability.


      To prevent  dilution of the rights of a holder of an option,  the Employee
Stock  Option Plan  provides  for  adjustment  of the number of shares for which
options may be granted,  the number of shares subject to outstanding options and
the  exercise  price of  outstanding  options  in the event of any  increase  or
decrease in the number of issued and outstanding  shares through the declaration
of a  stock  dividend  or  through  any  recapitalization  resulting  in a stock
split-up,  combination  or exchange of shares.  Provisions  governing the effect
upon options of a merger,  consolidation or other  reorganization of the Company
are also included in the Employee Stock Option Plan.


      No option may be granted  under the  Employee  Stock Option Plan after May
11, 2004.  The Board of Directors  may amend,  suspend or terminate the Employee
Stock Option Plan at any time,  provided  that such  amendment may not adversely
affect  the  rights of an  optionee  under an  outstanding  option  without  the
affected optionee's written consent. In addition, the Board of Directors may not
amend the Employee Stock Option Plan to (a) without first obtaining  stockholder
approval, increase the number of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance or
change the class of persons eligible to receive options, (b) permit the granting
of options  that expire  beyond the maximum  10-year  period,  or (c) extend the
termination date of the Employee Stock Option Plan.


      The Employee  Stock Option Plan is not qualified  under the  provisions of
Section  401(a) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the "Code"),
nor is it subject to any of the  provisions  of the Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974, as amended.

      The  following  discussion  is  based  on  federal  income  tax  laws  and
regulations in effect on December 31, 1996. It does not purport to be a complete
description of the federal income tax  consequences of the Employee Stock Option
Plan, nor does it describe the consequences of state,  local or foreign tax laws
which may be  applicable.  Accordingly,  any person  receiving a grant under the
Plan should consult with his own tax adviser.

      NON-STATUTORY  STOCK OPTIONS.  An optionee  granted a non-statutory  stock
option  under the Stock  Option Plan will  generally  recognize,  at the date of
exercise  of such  non-statutory  stock  option,  ordinary  income  equal to the
difference between the exercise price and the fair market value of the shares of
Common Stock subject to the  non-statutory  stock option.  This taxable ordinary
income will be subject to federal income tax  withholding.  A federal income tax
deduction  will be allowed to the  Company  in an amount  equal to the  ordinary
income to be recognized by the optionee,  provided that such amount  constitutes
an ordinary and necessary business expense to the Company and is reasonable, and
the Company satisfies its withholding obligation with respect to such income.


      The federal  income tax  treatment is somewhat  different for officers and
directors of the Company  ("Reporting  Persons") as a result of the  short-swing
profit recovery  provisions of Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act. If a Reporting
Person  exercises  an  option  prior to the  expiration  of the  holding  period
required by Rule 16b-3 (which holding period lasts for six months  following the
acquisition of the option), unless the Reporting Person makes an 83(b) Election,
as described below, the Reporting Person will recognize ordinary income upon the
expiration of the holding period or such earlier date on which the person ceases
to be a Reporting  Person.  The amount of  ordinary  income will be equal to the
difference between the exercise price of the option and the fair market value of
the  shares  at the time that the  income is  recognized.  A  Reporting  Person,
however,  is  entitled  to elect  under  Section  83(b) of the Code (the  "83(b)
Election"),  within 30 days after  exercising  an option,  to treat as  ordinary
income the excess of the fair market  value of the shares  covered by the option
on the date of exercise over the exercise price and no further  ordinary  income
will be recognized,  irrespective of whether the fair market value of the shares
has  increased or decreased at the  expiration  of the  applicable  period under
Section 16(b). The Company's deduction is dependent upon when a Reporting Person
recognizes ordinary income.

      If an optionee exercises a non-statutory  stock option by delivering other
shares,  the  optionee  will not  recognize  gain or loss  with  respect  to the
exchange of such  shares,  even if the then fair  market  value of the shares is
different from the optionee's tax basis. The optionee, however, will be taxed as
described above with respect to the exercise of the  non-statutory  stock option
as if he had paid the exercise price in cash, and the Company likewise generally
will  be  entitled  to  an  equivalent  tax   deduction.   Provided  a  separate
identifiable  stock certificate is issued therefor,  the optionee's tax basis in
that number of shares  received on such exercise which is equal to the number of
shares surrendered on such exercise will be equal to his tax basis in the shares
surrendered,  and his  holding  period for such number of shares  received  will
include his holding period for the shares surrendered.  The optionee's tax basis
and  holding  period  for  the  additional  shares  received  on  exercise  of a
non-statutory  stock  option paid for, in whole or in part,  with shares will be
the same as if the optionee had exercised the non-statutory  stock option solely
for cash.

      INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTIONS.  Incentive  stock options are  "incentive  stock
options"  as defined in Section  422 of the Code.  Under the Code,  an  optionee
generally is not subject to ordinary income tax upon the grant or exercise of an
incentive  stock option.  However,  an employee who exercises an incentive stock
option by delivering shares of Common Stock previously  acquired pursuant to the
exercise  of an  incentive  stock  option is treated  as making a  Disqualifying
Disposition  (defined below) of such shares if the employee delivers such shares
before the  expiration  of the holding  period  applicable  to such shares.  The
applicable holding period is the  longer of two  years from the date of grant or


one year from the date of exercise.  The effect of this  provision is to prevent
"pyramiding"  the exercise of an incentive  stock option (i.e.,  the exercise of
the  incentive  stock  option  for one share  and the use of that  share to make
successive  exercises  of the  incentive  stock  option  until it is  completely
exercised) without the imposition of current income tax.

      If,  subsequent to the exercise of an incentive stock option (whether paid
for in cash or in shares), the optionee holds th e shares received upon exercise
for a period  that  exceeds  (a) two years  from the date such  incentive  stock
option  was  granted  or, if later (b) one year from the date of  exercise  (the
"Required Holding Period"),  the difference (if any) between the amount realized
from the sale of such  shares and the tax basis to the  holder  will be taxed as
long-term capital gain or loss.

      In general,  if, after  exercising an incentive stock option,  an employee
disposes of the shares so acquired before the end of the Required Holding Period
(a  "Disqualifying  Disposition"),  such optionee  would be deemed in receipt of
ordinary income in the year of the Disqualifying  Disposition in an amount equal
to the excess of the fair market  value of the shares at the date the  incentive
stock  option  was  exercised  over the  exercise  price.  If the  Disqualifying
Disposition  is a sale or exchange  which would  permit a loss to be  recognized
under the Code (were a loss in fact to be sustained), and the sales proceeds are
less  than the fair  market  value of the  shares on the date of  exercise,  the
optionee's ordinary income would be limited to the gain, (if any) from the sale.
If the amount  realized  upon  disposition  exceeds the fair market value of the
shares on the date of  exercise,  the excess would be treated as  short-term  or
long-term capital gain,  depending on whether the holding period for such shares
exceeded one year.

      An income tax  deduction is not allowed to the Company with respect to the
grant or exercise of an  incentive  stock option or the  disposition,  after the
Required  Holding Period,  of shares  acquired upon exercise.  In the event of a
Disqualifying Disposition, a federal income tax deduction will be allowed to the
Company  in an  amount  equal to the  ordinary  income to be  recognized  by the
optionee,  provided  that such  amount  constitutes  an ordinary  and  necessary
business expense to the Company and is reasonable, and the Company satisfies any
applicable withholding obligation with respect to such income.


      The Board of  Directors of the Company  believes  that the increase in the
number of shares reserved for issuance pursuant to the Company's  Employee Stock
Option Plan is necessary to provide the Company with  additional  incentives  to
attract and retain qualified and competent employees and non-employee directors.


No Dissenter's Rights.

      Under Delaware law, stockholders are not entitled to dissenter's rights of
appraisal with respect to the Company's proposed increase of shares reserved for
issuance pursuant to the Company's Employee Stock Option Plan.



      It is proposed to adopt an  amendment  to the  Company's  Directors  Stock
Option Plan and to adopt a resolution  to increase to 250,000  shares the number
of shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance pursuant thereto.  A copy of the
proposed  Directors  Stock  Option  Plan is  attached  hereto as  Exhibit B. The
material  features of the Directors Stock Option Plan are discussed  below,  but
the description is subject to, and is qualified in its entirety by the full text
of the Directors Stock Option Plan, as amended.

      The purpose of the Directors Stock Option Plan is to advance the interests
of the  Company  by  providing  additional  incentives  to  attract  and  retain
qualified and competent non-employee directors,  upon whose efforts and judgment
the success of the Company is largely  dependent,  through the  encouragement of
stock ownership in the Company by such persons.

Description of Current Director Stock Option Plan

      GENERAL. Currently, the Board of Directors administers the Directors Stock
Option Plan and may grant options (the "Director  Options") to any  non-employee
director of the  Company  pursuant to the terms of the  Directors  Stock  Option
Plan.  The total number of shares of Common Stock  issuable  under the Directors
Stock  Option Plan  currently  may not exceed  50,000  shares.  In the event any
change is made to the Common Stock  issuable  under the  Directors  Stock Option
Plan (by  reason of any stock  split,  stock  dividend,  combination  of shares,
merger,  consolidation,  reorganization or other change in the capitalization of
the  Company),  an  appropriate   adjustment  would  be  made  as  necessary  to
reflect/adjust  (i) the  aggregate  number of shares of Common  Stock and/or the
kind of securities available for issuance under the Directors Stock Option Plan,
(ii) the number of shares of Common  Stock and/or the kind of  securities  to be
made the subject of each subsequent  grant,  (iii) the exercise price,  and (iv)
the number of shares of Common Stock and/or the kind of securities available for
purchase under each outstanding  Director Options and the exercise price payable
per share so that no dilution or  enlargement  of benefits will occur under such
Director Options.


Director  Options is the fair market value of the Company's  Common Stock on the
day  preceding  the date the  Director  Option is granted.  For  purposes of the
Directors  Stock Option Plan and subject to,  currently,  the Board of Directors
sole discretion to determine  otherwise in a fair and uniform  manner,  the term
"fair market  value" means (i) the closing price of the Common Stock as reported
on the National Securities Exchange or by the National Association of Securities
Dealers Automated  Quotation National Market System or (ii) the mean between the
closing  high bid and low  quotation  for the  Common  Stock on  NASDAQ,  on the
business day immediately  preceding the date of grant.  The exercise price of an
option may be paid in cash, or at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors,
by delivery of already  owned  shares of Common Stock having a fair market value
equal to the exercise price, or by a combination of the foregoing. See "Proposal
to Increase the Number of Shares Reserved for Issuance Pursuant to the Company's
1994 Employee Stock Option Plan" for further  description of payment by delivery
of  already  owned  shares of  Common  Stock.  Currently  under the terms of the
Directors  Stock Option Plan, each  non-employee  director is granted an initial
option to purchase 5,000 shares of Common Stock and thereafter each non-employee
director  is granted an  additional  option to purchase  2,500  shares of Common
Stock upon each  re-election  to the Board of  Directors.  Any  options  granted
pursuant to the  Directors  Stock  Option Plan have a term of five (5) years and
may be  exercised  only  after the  expiration  of one (1) year from the date of

      ASSIGNABILITY.  Director Options are  nonassignable or transferable  other
than  by will or the  laws  of  descendant  and  distribution  and,  during  the
optionees lifetime, the Director Option may be exercised only by such optionee.

      AMENDMENTS.  Currently the Board of Directors may amend or discontinue the
Director  Stock Option Plan at anytime,  provided that no such  amendment may be
made  without  the  requisite  approval  of the  stockholders  of the Company if
stockholder  approval is required as a condition to the  Directors  Stock Option
Plan  continuing to comply with the  provisions of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange
Act or Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the

      TERMINATION.  The unexercised portion of any Director Option granted under
the Director Stock Option Plan currently shall  automatically  be terminated (a)
three (3) months  after the date on which the  optionee  ceases to be a director
for the Company for any reason other than (i) Cause (as defined in the Directors
Stock Option  Plan);  (ii) mental or physical  disability;  or (iii) death;  (b)
immediately  upon the date the  optionee  ceases to be a director of the Company
for Cause;  (c) one (1) year after the date on which the optionee ceases to be a
director of the Company by reason of mental or  physical  disabilities;  (d) one
(1) year after the date on which the  optionee  ceases to be a  director  of the
Company by reason of the death of the director; or (e) or one (1) year after the
date on which the  optionee  shall die if  such death shall occur during the one


(1) year period  following the  termination of the date that the optionee ceases
to be a director of the Company by reason of mental or physical disability.

      The  following  table  sets  forth,  as  of  December  31,  1996,  certain
information  regarding  options granted under the Directors Stock Option Plan to
the  persons  and  groups   indicated.   None  of  such  options  are  currently
exercisable.  As of March 1996, options to purchase 5,000 shares of Common Stock
were issued and  outstanding  under the  Directors  Stock Option Plan.  In March
1996,  the Company  issued  options to purchase an aggregate of 85,000 shares of
Common  Stock under the Employee  Stock Option Plan,  subject to the approval by
the  shareholders  to  increase  the  amount of shares  available  for  issuance
pursuant to said plan.

                                                                     Value of
                           Number of Shares  Exercise Price   Options at
  Name of Director       Subject to Options    Per Share   December 31, 1996(1)
  ----------------       ------------------    ---------   --------------------

Abraham S. Fischler(2)                32,500      $3.88-5.75        $66,750
Fred S. Katz(3)                       47,500      $3.88-5.75       $102,300
Allen H. Stern(4)                     10,000           $3.88        $23,700
Jeffrey T. Katz(5)                    10,000           $3.88        $23,700
All current eligible Directors as
   a group (Four persons)            100,000      $3.88-5.75       $216,450

(1)   The closing  sale price of the Common Stock on December 31, 1996 was $6.25
      per share as reported by NASDAQ.  Value is calculated by  multiplying  (a)
      the  difference  between  $6.25 and the option  exercise  price by (b) the
      number of shares of Common Stock underlying the option.

(2)   Includes  25,000 shares of Common Stock  issuable upon exercise of options
      granted under the Company's  Amended and Restated  Directors  Stock Option
      Plan,  subject  to the  approval  by the  Company's  stockholders  of such
      Amended and Restated Plan, which options are not presently exercisable.

(3)   Includes  40,000 shares of Common Stock  issuable upon exercise of options
      granted under the Company's  Amended and Restated  Directors  Stock Option
      Plan,  subject  to the  approval  by the  Company's  stockholders  of such
      Amended and Restated Plan, which options are not presently exercisable.

(4)   Includes  10,000 shares of Common Stock  issuable upon exercise of options
      granted under the Company's  Amended and Restated  Directors  Stock Option
      Plan,  subject  to the  approval  by the  Company's  stockholders  of such
      Amended and Restated Plan, which options are not presently exercisable.


(5)   Includes  10,000 shares of Common Stock  issuable upon exercise of options
      granted under the Company's  Amended and Restated  Directors  Stock Option
      Plan,  subject  to the  approval  by the  Company's  stockholders  of such
      Amended and Restated Plan, which options are not presently exercisable.

Federal Income Tax Aspects

      The Director Options do not constitute incentive stock options, within the
meaning of Section  422(b) of the Code.  See "Proposal to Increase the Number of
Shares  Reserved for Issuance  Pursuant to the  Company's  1994  Employee  Stock
Option  Plan  Federal  Income  Tax  Consequences  of  the  Stock  Option  Plan -
Non-Statutory  Stock  Options"  for a  description  of the  federal  income  tax
consequences of the Director Options.

Proposed Amendments to the Directors Option Plan

      The  Directors  and the  Directors  Stock Option  Committee has adopted an
Amended  and  Restated  Directors  Stock  Option  Plan to effect  the  following
amendments to the Directors Stock Option Plan:

      (a) To increase the number of shares of Common Stock eligible for issuance
thereunder from the current limit of 50,000 shares to 250,000 shares;

      (b)  To provide the Directors Stock Option Committee with the authority to
administer the Directors Stock Option Plan;

      (c) The  annual  amount of  Director  Options  granted  to a  non-employee
director  under the  Directors  Stock  Option  Plan shall be  determined  by the
Directors  Stock  Option  Committee  and shall be  exercisable  in two (2) equal
installments each on the first and second anniversary date following the date of
the grant; and

      (d) Any unexercised portion of any Director Option shall automatically and
without  notice  terminate  and  become  null and void on the date on which  the
optionee ceases to be a director of the Company for any reason except upon death
of a director  whereupon the exercise portion of any option shall  automatically
and without notice  terminate and become null and void sixty (60) days after the
date on which such Director ceases to be a director by reason of death.


      The  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  believes  that an  Amended  and
Restated  Directors  Stock  Option Plan and the increase of the number of shares


reserved  for  issuance  pursuant  thereto is  necessary  to provide  additional
incentives to attract and retain qualified and competent  non-employee directors
and to  restructure  the  former  plan to  provide  the  Director  Stock  Option
Committee the  authority to issue any number of options as it deems  appropriate
at any time,  which  option  will vest over a two year period in order to entice
long term commitments from the Company's directors.

No Dissenter's Rights.

      Under Delaware law, stockholders are not entitled to dissenter's rights of
appraisal with respect to the Company's proposed increase of shares reserved for
issuance pursuant to the Company's Employee Stock Option Plan.

                                    BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                    /s/Andrew P. Chesler
                                    Andrew P. Chesler, Chairman of the Board

                                    BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

