FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the undersigned, AQUAGENIX, INC. (hereinafter
called  "Guarantor"),   for  itself,  their  heirs,  personal   representatives,
successors and assigns, hereby, jointly and severally, unconditionally guarantee
to CAPITAL BANK, a Florida banking  corporation  (hereinafter  called "Lender"),
and its successors,  participants, endorsees or assigns, the due performance and
full and prompt  payment when due,  whether at maturity or by  acceleration,  or
otherwise,  of any and all obligations and indebtedness of AQUAGENIX  LAND-WATER
TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (hereinafter called "Borrower") to Lender.

      The word "indebtedness" is used herein in its most comprehensive sense and
includes any and all advances,  debts,  obligations and  liabilities,  including
interest of Borrower  heretofore,  now or hereafter made, incurred or created or
held or to be held,  by Lender for its own account or as agent for  another,  or
otherwise,  whether  created  directly or acquired by assignment,  or otherwise,
whether  voluntary  or  involuntary,  and however  arising,  whether due or not,
absolute or contingent,  liquidated or non-liquidated,  and whether Borrower may
be liable  individually  or jointly with others,  or whether  recovery upon such
indebtedness may be or hereafter become barred by any statute of limitations, or
whether such  indebtedness may be or hereafter  become otherwise  unenforceable.
This is a Continuing  Guaranty  relating to said  indebtedness,  including  that
arising under subsequent or successive transactions between Borrower and Lender,
which shall either continue or increase the  indebtedness  and is not limited as
to amount.

      The  obligations  hereunder are joint and several,  and independent of the
obligations  of  Borrower,  and a separate  action or actions may be brought and
prosecuted  against  Guarantor,  whether action is brought  against  Borrower or
whether Borrower may be joined in any such action or actions. This is a guaranty
of payment and not of collection.

      Guarantor  acknowledges  that the loan  referred  to herein is a valid and
binding obligation of the Borrower.  Guarantor authorizes Lender, without notice
of demand, and without affecting their liability  hereunder,  from time to time,
and on any  number  of  occasions,  to (a)  renew,  amend,  compromise,  extend,
accelerate,  reinstate or otherwise change the time for payment of, or otherwise
change the terms of the indebtedness or any part thereof,  including increase or
decrease  of the rate of  interest  thereon;  (b) take and hold  security of the
payment of this  guaranty or the  indebtedness  guaranteed,  exchange,  enforce,
waive and  release any such  security;  (c) apply such  security  and direct the
order or manner of sale thereof as Lender in its discretion  may determine;  and
(d)  release  or  substitute  any one or more of the  endorsers  or  guarantors.
Guarantor acknowledges and agrees that no act or omission of any kind by Lender,
including,  but not  limited  to,  the  failure  to take or  perfect a  security
interest in any security for the indebtedness guaranteed, shall affect or impair
this  guaranty  and the  Lender  shall  have no duties  in  respect  thereof  to
Guarantor.  Lender,  may,  without  notice,  assign this guaranty in whole or in


      Guarantor  waives  any  right to  require  Lender to (a)  proceed  against
Borrower; (b) proceed against or exhaust any security held from Borrower; or (c)
pursue any other  remedy in  Lender's  power  whatsoever.  Guarantor  waives any
defense  arising by reason of any  disability or other defense of Borrower or by
reason of the cessation from any cause  whatsoever of the liability of Borrower.
Until all  indebtedness  of  Borrower  to Lender  shall  have been paid in full,
Guarantor shall have no right of subrogation, and waive any right to enforce any
remedy which Lender now has or may hereafter  have against  Borrower,  and waive
any benefit of, and any right to  participate  in, any security now or hereafter
held by Lender.  Guarantor  waives all  presentments,  demands for  performance,
notices  of  nonperformance,  protests,  notices  of  dishonors  and  notices of
acceptance of this guaranty and of the  existence,  creation or incurring of new
or  additional  indebtedness.  Guarantor  covenants  to cause  the  Borrower  to
maintain and preserve the  enforceability  of any  instruments  now or hereafter
executed in favor of the  Lender,  and to take no action of any kind which might
be the basis for a claim that the  Guarantor  have any defense  hereunder  other
than payment in full of all  indebtedness  of the Borrower to Lender.  Guarantor
hereby  indemnifies  Lender  against  loss,  cost or  expense  by  reason of the
assertion by the Guarantor of any defense  hereunder  based upon any such action
or inaction  of the  Borrower.  Guarantor  waives any right or claim of right to
cause a marshaling of the Borrower's  assets or to require the Lender to proceed
against  the  Guarantor  in any  particular  order.  No delay on the part of the
Lender in the exercise of any right,  power or privilege under the documentation
with the Borrower or under this  guaranty  shall operate as a waiver of any such
privilege, power or right.

      In addition to all liens upon, and rights of setoffs against,  the monies,
securities,  or other property of Guarantor,  or any of them, given to Lender by
law, Lender shall have a lien upon, and a right of setoff  against,  all monies,
securities and other property of Guarantor,  or any of them, now or hereafter in
the  possession  of or on  deposit  with  Lender,  whether  held in a general or
special account of deposit,  or for  safekeeping,  or otherwise;  and every such
lien and right of  setoff  may be  exercised  without  demand  upon or notice to
Guarantor. No lien or right of setoff shall be deemed to have been waived by any
act or conduct on the part of the Lender,  or by any  neglect to  exercise  such
right of setoff or to enforce such lien, or by any delay in so doing;  and every
right of setoff and lien  shall  continue  in full  force and effect  until such
right of setoff or lien is  specifically  waived or released by an instrument in
writing executed by Lender.

      Any  indebtedness of Borrower now or hereafter held by Guarantor is hereby
subordinated to the indebtedness of Borrower to Lender; and such indebtedness of
Borrower to Guarantor  if Lender so requests  shall be  collected,  enforced and
received  by  Guarantor  as  trustees  for  Lender and be paid over to Lender on
account of the  indebtedness  of  Borrower to Lender,  but  without  reducing or
affecting in any manner the liability of Guarantor under the other provisions of
this guaranty.

      Guarantor  agrees to pay a reasonable  attorneys'  fee and all other costs
and expenses  which may be incurred or expended by Lender in the  enforcement of
the Borrower's obligation and of this guaranty,  whether suit be brought or not,
and in the event suit is brought,  then for all services in trial and  appellate
courts.  Guarantor does hereby waive the right to trial by jury of any claims or
actions arising hereunder or resulting from the indebtedness referred to herein.


      Upon the default of the Borrower with respect to any of its obligations or
liabilities  to  Lender,  or in case  Borrower  or any  Guarantor  shall  become
insolvent or make an assignment  for the benefit of creditors,  or if a petition
in bankruptcy or for corporate  reorganization or for an arrangement be filed by
or against  Borrower or any Guarantor,  or in the event of the  appointment of a
receiver for Borrower or for any Guarantor or their  properties,  or in the even
that a judgment is obtained or warrant of attachment  issued against Borrower or
any Guarantor,  or in the event Lender deems itself  insecure,  or should Lender
request  additional  security and  Guarantor or Borrower  should fail to provide
same, all or any part of the indebtedness of the Borrower and of the obligations
and liabilities of the Guarantor to Lender, whether direct or contingent, and of
every kind and description,  shall,  without notice or demand,  at the option of
the Lender,  become  immediately  due and payable and shall be paid forthwith by
the Guarantor.

      Where the Borrower is a corporation or a partnership,  it is not necessary
for the Lender to  inquire  into the powers of the  Borrower,  or the  officers,
directors,  partners or agents  acting or  purporting  to act in the  Borrower's
behalf,  and any  indebtedness  made or created in reliance  upon the  professed
exercise of such powers shall be guaranteed hereunder.

      Notwithstanding any provision herein or in any instrument now or hereafter
evidencing said indebtedness,  the total liability for payments in the nature of
interest shall not exceed the limits imposed from time to time by the usury laws
of the State of Florida.  This  guaranty and the rights and  obligations  of the
Lender and the Guarantor  shall be governed and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Florida.

      The terms  "Borrower,"  "Borrowers,"  "Guarantor"  or  "Guarantors"  shall
denote the single or the plural,  and natural or artificial persons whenever and
wherever the context so requires or admits.

      The  Guarantor  acknowledges  that the  Lender  has been  induced  by this
Guaranty  to  make  financial  accommodations,  now  and in the  future,  to the
Borrower,  and  would  not  make  such  financial  accommodations  without  this
Guaranty,  and this  Guaranty  agreement  shall,  without  further  reference or
assignment,  pass to, and may be relied upon and enforced  by, any  successor or
participant or assignee of the Lender.

      As to each of the undersigned,  this Guaranty shall continue until written
notice of revocation signed by such undersigned,  or until written notice of the
death of such undersigned  shall in each case have been actually received by the
Lender,  notwithstanding  revocation by, or the death of, or complete or partial
release for any cause of, any one or more of the  remainder of the  undersigned,
or of the Borrower or of anyone liable in any manner for the indebtedness hereby
guaranteed or for the indebtedness (including those hereunder) incurred directly
or indirectly in respect thereof or hereof, and notwithstanding the dissolution,
termination  or increase,  decrease or change in personnel of any one or more of
the undersigned which may be partnerships.  No revocation or termination  hereof
shall affect in any manner  rights  arising  under this Guaranty with respect to
(a) liabilities which shall have been created,  contracted,  assumed or incurred
prior  to  receipt  by the  Lender  of  written  notice  of such  revocation  or


termination,  or (b)  liabilities  which  shall have been  created,  contracted,
assumed  or  incurred  after  receipt of such  written  notice  pursuant  to any
contract  entered into by the Lender  prior to receipt of such  notice;  and the
sole effect of  revocation or  termination  hereof shall be to exclude from this
Guaranty  liabilities  thereafter arising which are unconnected with liabilities
theretofore arising or transactions theretofore entered into.

      All notices  required or permitted to be given to the Lender  herein shall
be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt  requested,  directed to
the President of the Lender.

      Wherever  possible,  each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted
in such manner as to be effective and valid under  applicable law;  however,  if
any  provision  of this  Agreement  shall  be  prohibited  by or  invalid  under
applicable  law,  such  provision  shall be  ineffective  to the  extent of such
prohibition or invalidity,  without invalidating the remainder of such provision
or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  have  hereunto set their hands and
seals this _10th_ day of April, 1997.

Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:                 AQUAGENIX, INC.

/s/ Christine Lenoir                By: /s/ Andrew Chesler
- --------------------------             -----------------------------------------
/s/ Jami Looney                     Print Name:  Andrew Chesler, President
- --------------------------          
