DATED 23 April 1996

                             (1) ALEC DAVID JOHNSON


                            (2)J&J SECURITIES LIMITED

                                  SERVICE DEED

                             Messrs Howard Kennedy,
                               23 Harcourt House,
                              19 Cavendish Square,
                                 London WlA 2AW

                                Tel:071-636 1616


THIS DEED is made the 23rd day of April 1996


(1)       J&J  SECURITIES  LIMITED a company  registered in England under number
          1335672  whose registered  office is  situate  at  [Shelbourne  House,
          Croxley Business Park, Watford, Herts, WD1 8YE] ("the Company");

(2)       ALEC DAVID JOHNSON of 12 The  Witherings,  Emerson  Park,  Hornchurch,
          Essex, RM11 2RA ("the Appointee")



          In this  Deed  and the  Schedule  (unless  it is  expressly  otherwise
          provided or the context otherwise requires):-

1.1       the following expressions shall have the following meanings:-

1.1.1     "the  Appointment"  means  the  appointment  of the  Appointee  by the
          Company under this Deed.

1.1.2     "the Board"  means the board of  directors of the Company for the time
          being and includes any duly appointed committee of the Board.

1.1.3     "Group  Company"  means any  company  which is for the time  being the
          Company's  parent  undertaking  (as  defined  by  Section  258  of the
          Companies Act 1985) or a subsidiary undertaking (as so defined) of the
          Company  or  a  subsidiary   undertaking   of  the  Company's   parent
          undertaking (other than the Company) or any of them.

1.1.4     "month" means calendar month.

1.1.5     "the Salary" means the salary payable to the Appointee  under Clause 5
          of this Deed

1.1.6     "year" means calendar year.


1.1.7     "Termination  Date"  means  the  date  of  termination  of  this  Deed
          howsoever caused.

1.2       References to statutory provisions shall be construed as references to
          those  provisions as  respectively  amended or re-enacted from time to
          time  (whether  before or after the date hereof) and shall include any
          provisions  of which they are  re-enactments  (whether with or without
          modification)   and  any  subordinate   legislation  made  under  such

1.3       References to Clauses and Schedules are to those of this Deed.

1.4       The  Schedule(s)  form(s)  part of this Deed and shall be deemed to be
          incorporated  herein and any  reference to this Deed shall include the

1.5       Reference to the singular  number shall  include the plural number and
          vice versa and those denoting one gender only shall include the other

1.6       Headings are inserted  for  convenience  only and shall not affect the
          construction or interpretation of this Deed.


2.1       With effect from the date  hereof,  the Company  hereby  appoints  the
          Appointee  and the  Appointee  agrees to serve the  Company as the [ ]
          Director of the Company or in such other capacity  consistent with his
          status as the Board may  determine  and the Director may agree and the
          duties ot the  Appointee  rnay relate to the Company  and/or any Group
          Company (if the Board so determines  and the Appointee so agrees) upon
          the terms of this Deed.

2.2       The  Appointment  shall be for a term of 3 (three) years from the date
          hereof and shall be  terminable by either party serving upon the other
          12 months'  notice in  writing  such  notice not to expire  before the
          third anniversary hereof


2.3       During the course of any  applicable  notice  period the  Company  may
          require  the  Appointee  to continue  to be  available  to perform his
          duties at all times during usual working hours and whether at his home
          or at the  offices of the  Company or any Group  Company  (subject  to
          clause 4.1 below) PROVIDED HOWEVER that

          i) for a period of not exceeding 6 (six) months during such period the
          Company  shall not be  obliged  to assign or  continue  to assign  any
          duties to the  Appointee  whether or not this results in the Appointee
          being inactive or his duties being wholly or partly performed by other

          ii) during such notice  period the  Appointee  shall be entitled to be
          paid and receive his  remuneration  and all other benefits to which he
          is contractually entitled hereunder.

          iii) during the notice  period the  provisions  of Clause 13.1.3 shall
          apply as if the Appointment had been terminated.

2.4       The Appointee  warrants that by virtue of entering into this Agreement
          he will  not be in  breach  of any  express  or  implied  terms of any
          contract  with or of any other  obligation  to any third party binding
          upon him.

3.        DUTIES

3.1       The Appointee  shall during the  Appointment  exercise such powers and
          shall comply with and perform such  reasonable  directions  and duties
          consistent  with his status in relation to the  businesses and affairs
          of the Company and (if he so  reasonably  agrees) any Group Company as
          may from  time to time be  vested  in or given to him by the Board and
          with any standing  orders or other  regulations  for the time being in


3.2       The Appointee  undertakes well and faithfully to serve the Company and
          to use  his  best  endeavours  to  advance  promote  and  develop  the
          businesses and interests of the Company and the Group Companies.

3.3       The Appointee shall, unless prevented by sickness or accident,  devote
          his full time attention and abilities  during normal business hours to
          his duties hereunder.

3.4       The Company  may,  without the  Appointee's  consent  second him to be
          employed by any Group  Company  without  prejudice to his rights under
          this Agreement.

4.        LOCATION

4.1       The  Appointee's  place of work (when not engaged on business  travel)
          shall be at the above  registered  office of the  Company or within 50
          miles of Watford, Herts

4.2       The  Appointee  shall travel to such other places  (whether  inside or
          outside the United Kingdom) for such purposes and on such occasions as
          may  reasonably  be required for the proper  fulfilment  of his duties


5.1       The  Company  shall pay to the  Appointee  (which  shall  include  any
          remuneration  payable to the  Appointee as a Director or other officer
          of the  Company  or any Group  Company  or any  office  held by him as
          nominee  or  representative  of the  Company  or any Group  Company) a
          salary  payable  by equal  monthly  instalments  in arrear on the last
          business  day of each  month at the rate of  (pound)l5O,OOO  per annum
          together with the rights and benefits referred to in the Schedule.

5.2       The Salary is deemed to accrue  from day to day and the first  monthly
          instalment  will be  calculated  from  the  date  hereof  and the last


          instalment  will be calculated  down to the date of termination of the

5.3       The Salary is subject to upwards  only review on each  anniversary  of
          the date  hereof  at the  discretion  of the Board  provided  that the
          Salary  shall  be  increased  on  1st  January  in  each  year  by the
          percentage  increase  (if  any)  in the  Retail  Prices  Index  in the
          preceding year.

5.4       Contemporaneously  with the execution of this Deed the Appointee shall
          enter into a Stock Option  Agreement  with  Cityscape  Financial  Corp
          substantially  an the terrns  attached  hereto and  initialled  by the
          parties for identification purposes.

6.        EXPENSES

6.1       The Company  shall  promptly  reimburse to the  Appointee on a monthly
          basis  all  reasonable   travelling  hotel  and  other  out--of-pocket
          expenses  properly  incurred by him in the  performance  of his duties
          hereunder  provided that receipts for such expenses or other  evidence
          thereof is produced to the Company to the reasonable  satisfaction  of
          the Board.

6.2       Where the Company issues a company  sponsored credit or charge card to
          the  Appointee he shall use such card only for  expenses  reimbursable
          under Clause 7.1 above,  and shall return it to the Company  forthwith
          on the termination of his employment.

7.        HOLIDAYS

7.1       The  Appointee  shall be entitled to paid leave of absence for holiday
          for thirty working days during each year of the Appointrnent  (and pro
          rata as regards  each part of a year) to be taken by the  Appointee at
          such time or times as the Board shall approve (such approval not to be
          unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed)  in  addition  to bank and public


7.2       The  Appointee may not carry  forward any unused  holiday  entitlement
          from one year to the next without the prior consent of the Board (such
          approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

7.3       On termination of the  Appointment  the Appointee shall be entitled to
          payment  in  lieu of any  holiday  entitlement  accrued  due as at the
          Termination  Date and in  determining  the amount of such  payment one
          day's  holiday pay will be  calculated  as 1/260th of the  Appointes's
          annual salary.


8.1       During any period  in which the  Appointee may be  incapacitated  from
          performing  his duties  hereunder  due to sickness  (including  mental
          disorder)  or  accident  the  Company  shall  pay to the  Appointee  a
          sickness allowance at the following rates:-

8.1.1     during  the  first  six  consecutive  months  of  such  incapacity  an
          allowance  of an  amount  which  is equal to the  Salary  which  would
          otherwise be payable to the Appointee; and

8.1.2     during the next six  consecutive  months of such incapacity (up to and
          including the twelfth  month) an allowance of an amount which is equal
          to one-half  of the Salary  which  would  otherwise  be payable to the

8.1.3     after the twelfth consecutive month of such incapacity an allowance at
          the Board's discretion.

          Provided  always  that such  remuneration  shall be  inclusive  of any
          Statutory  Sick Pay to which  the  Appointee  is  entitled  under  the
          provisions  of the Social  Security and Housing  Benefits Act 1982 and
          any Social Security Sickness Benefit or other benefits  recoverable by
          the Appointee (whether or not recovered) may be deducted therefrom and
          that the benefits to be provided to the Appointee in  accordance  with
          the Schedule shall still continue to be provided to him.


8.2       If after the  twelfth  consecutive  month of absence by reason of such
          incapacity  the  Appointee  continues  to be so absent the Company may
          terminate  the  Appointment  at any time by not less than twelve weeks
          notice in writing to the Appointee.

8.3       In the event of absence through  sickness or injury the Appointee must
          notify the Company of the date of  commencement  and the nature of the
          sickness or injury or arrange for such  notification to be made on his
          or her behalf on the first working day of absence  either by telephone
          or in writing to the Company.

8.4       In  addition  to  notification  in  accordance  with this  Clause  the
          Appointee  must  submit to the  Company  a  completed  certificate  of
          sickness  every  seventh  day of absence (or not later than the day of
          return to work if the period of absence is less than seven  days).  In
          the case of absences from work for seven days or more  certificates of
          sickness must be produced from the  Appointee's  G.P. or other medical
          adviser recognised by the Company.

8.5       Monday  to  Friday  shall  be   "qualifying   days"  for  purposes  of
          calculating  the  amount  of  Statutory  Sick  Pay for any  period  of


9.1       The Appointee  shall not at any time whether during the continuance of
          the  Appointment or at any time after its  termination  divulge to any
          third party whatsoever (except insofar as it may be necessary to do so
          in the performance of his duties hereunder or in strict  confidence to
          professional  advisers  or as  required  by law or  the  rules  of any
          regulatory  authority) or use take away conceal  destroy or retain for
          his own or another's  advantage or to the  detriment of the Company or
          any Group  Company  any of the trade  secrets  accounts  financial  or
          trading  information  or  other  confidential  information  which  the
          Appointee may receive or obtain in relation to the businesses finances
          dealings or affairs


          of  the  Company  or  any  Group  Company  including  any  information
          regarding the products  processes  formulae research projects or other
          technical  data or the  customers  suppliers,  borrowers,  brokers  or
          agents of the Company or any Group  Company and including any drawings
          plans models designs papers or records howsoever  recorded (whether in
          writing or print or by photographic  electrical  magnetic  symbolic or
          other means) save to the extent that such  information  is (or becomes
          other than through a breach by the  Appointee  of this Clause)  within
          the public domain.

9.2       All  notes,  memoranda,  records  and  writing  made by the  Appointee
          relating to the business of the Company or any Group  Companies  shall
          be and  remain the  property  of the  Company or any Group  Company to
          whose  business  they  relate  and  shall be  delivered  by him to the
          company to which they belong forthwith upon request.



          If at any time during the Appointment  the  Appointee  either alone or
          jointly  makes   discovers  or  acquires  any  invention   development
          improvement  process  or secret  whatsoever  or any  interest  therein
          (whether  the  subject of letters  patent or not) which  relates to or
          concerns any of the  products of the  Company or any Group  Company or
          creates  or  produces  any  artistic  or other  work  which may be the
          subject of copyright or other form of intellectual property protection
          in any  jurisdiction  (except only those works and designs  originated
          conceived  written or made by the Appointee  wholly outside his normal
          working hours and wholly unconnected with the Appointment)  (hereafter
          together referred to as "an Invention") or if details of any Invention
          are  communicated  to  the  Appointee  by any  other  employee  of the
          Company or any Group Company then:-

10.1      the  Appointee  shall  forthwith in writing  communicate  full details
          thereof  including all  necessary  plans and models to the Board or as
          the Board may direct;

10.2      any such  Invention  made or  discovered by the Appointee or his share
          therein if made or discovered  jointly  belongs to and is the absolute
          property of the Company;

10.3      at the  request of the Company and either  during the  Appointment  or
          after  its  termination  the  Appointee  shall at the  expense  of the
          Company or its nominee as part of his duties  hereunder  join with and
          assist the Company or its nominee in obtaining and/or renewing letters
          patent design and/or trade mark registrations or other like protection
          in such  countries as the Board may direct for any such  Invention and
          shall  execute such deeds and documents and carry out such acts as may
          be necessary for vesting in the Company or its nominee as the case may
          be the sole beneficial right in any such Invention;


10.4      the Company is under no liability to account to the  Appointee for any
          revenue or profit derived or resulting from any such Invention;

10.5      the Appointee hereby irrevocably and unconditionally  waives in favour
          of the Company any and all moral rights conferred on him by Chapter IV
          of Part I of the  Copyright  Designs and Patents Act 1988 for any work
          in which  copyright or design right is vested in the Company by Clause
          10; and

10.6      the Appointee hereby  irrevocably and by way of security  appoints any
          Director of the Company to be his  attorney and in his name and on his
          behalf  to do  and  execute  any  such  act  or  instrument  as may be
          necessary  for the  purpose of  implementing  the  provisions  of this


11.1      The Company  may  terminate  the  Appointment  forthwith  by notice in
          writing to the Appointee in any of the following circumstances:-

11.1.1    if the  Appointee  is  guilty  of any  fraud  or  material  dishonesty
          (whether  or not  connected  with  his  employment)  gross  misconduct
          (connected  with his  employment) or wilful neglect of duty (otherwise
          than as a result of sickness  (including mental or accident)) or shall
          commit any continued  material  breach of the terms of this Deed which
          material  breach (if capable of remedy) shall continue  unremedied for
          at least 30 days of the Appointee  being given  written  notice by the
          Company requiring such breach to be remedied

11.1.2    if the Appointee is convicted of any criminal  offence  (excluding any
          offence  under road traffic  legislation  or any offence for which the
          Appointee  is not  sentenced  to any  term  of  imprisonment  (whether
          suspended or not);

11.1.3    if  the  Appointee  becomes  bankrupt  or  makes  any  arrangement  or
          composition with his creditors;


11.1.4    if the  Appointee  is made the  subject  of an order  under the Mental
          Health Act 1983; or

11.1.5    if the Appointee is convicted of an offence under the Criminal Justice
          Act 1993

11.2      The Appointee has no claim (other than as provided in this  Agreement)
          against the Company or any Group  Company for damages or  otherwise by
          reason of termination under this Clause or under Clause 8.2. Any delay
          or  forbearance  by the  Company  in  exercising  any  such  right  of
          termination shall not constitute a waiver of that right.

11.3      In  order  to  investigate  a  complaint   against  the  Appointee  of
          misconduct  the Company  shall be entitled to suspend the Appointee on
          full pay and  benefits  for so long as may be necessary to carry out a
          proper  investigation  and hold a disciplinary  hearing  provided that
          such suspension shall not be for a period longer than 30 days.


12.1      The  Appointee  shall not at any time  during the  continuance  of the
          Appointment  be or become a Director  of any  company  (other than the
          Company or any Group  Company) or be engaged  concerned or  interested
          directly or indirectly in any other business trade or occupation.

12.2      Nothing in this Deed prevents the Appointee from:-

12.2.1    being engaged  concerned or interested in any other  business trade or
          occupation with the prior written consent of the Board; or

12.2.2    holding  or being  beneficially  interested  in not more than five per
          cent of any  class  of  securities  in any  company  if such  class of
          securities is listed on a recognised Stock Exchange


13.1      The Appointee hereby covenants with and undertakes to the Company that
          he will not:-


13.1.1    at any time during the  continuance  of the  Appointment or within the
          period of  twelve  months  after its  termination  induce  solicit  or
          endeavour  to entice away from the Company or any Group  Company  with
          which the Appointee was actively engaged during the period of one year
          prior to termination of the Appointment on his own behalf or on behalf
          of any third  party any person  firm or company who or which is or was
          at any time during the period of one year prior to  termination of the
          Appointment  a customer of or in the habit of dealing with the Company
          or any such Group Company:

13.1.2    at any time during the  continuance  of the  Appointment or within the
          period of  twelve  months  after its  termination  induce  solicit  or
          endeavour  to entice  away from the  Company or any Group  Company any
          person who is an employee of the Company or any Group Company; or

13.1.3    at any time after the termination of the Appointment  hold himself out
          as being in any way  connected  with the  Company  or any of the Group
          Companies  or use any name which is  identical or similar to or likely
          to be confused with the name of the Company or any Group Company or of
          any business  carried on by any such company or any product or service
          produced  or provided  by any such  company or which  might  suggest a
          connection with any such company or any of its products or services.

13.2      Each of the covenants in Clause 13.1 above  constitutes a separate and
          independent covenant and is to be construed independently of the other
          covenants in Clause 13. 1.

13.3      The  Appointee  shall  not,  and shall  ensure  that any member of his
          immediate  family shall not, (i) buy or sell  securities  in Cityscape
          Financial Corp. or other publicly traded securities, including without
          limitation  purchasing,  selling,  selling  short  and  purchasing  or
          writing  options  on  the  securities  or as to any  rights,  options,
          warrants or  convertible  securities  related to the said  securities,
          when in possession of material information


          about Cityscape  Financial Corp. or any of its subsidiaries  which has
          not been publicly disseminated ("Inside Information") in a manner that
          would violate  applicable  US securities  laws or (ii) pass the Inside
          Information along to others.


          The Appointee hereby covenants with and undertakes to the Company that
          he will not within the period of one year after the termination of the
          Appointment  be engaged  concerned or interested  whether  directly or
          indirectly  and whether as director  employee  sub-contractor  partner
          consultant  proprietor  or agent in any business  trade or  occupation
          which shall in any way be in competition with any of the businesses of
          the  Company  or any Group  Company  being  businesses  with which the
          Appointee was actively  engaged during the period of one year prior to
          termination of the Appointment  Provided always that the provisions of
          this  Clause  shall  not  apply  in the  event  that  the  Appointee's
          employment  hereunder  is  terminated  by the  Company  in  breach  of
          contract or in  circumstances  which  amount to unfair or  constructve


          All documents records  correspondence  price lists accounts statistics
          equipment or other  property  relating to the businesses or affairs of
          the Company or any Group Company including all those items referred to
          in Clause 9 above kept in the  possession  or under the control of the
          Appointee and all copies  thereof or extracts  therefrom made by or on
          behalf of the Appointee are and remain the property of the Company and
          will be delivered up to the Company on termination of the Appointment.



          If the  Appointee  shall be a  director  of the  Company  or any Group
          Company the Board on or after the Termination Date may give him notice
          in  writing  requesting  him to and he  shall  forthwith  resign  such
          directorship and if the appropriate  resignation or resignations shall
          not be signed and delivered by the Appointee to the Board within seven
          days after such  request  the Board may  appoint  any  director of the
          Company to sign notices of  resignation  as attorney for and on behalf
          of any  such  director  as his  attorney  for  such  purpose  but such
          resignation shall not terminate this Agreement.


          If the Appointee shall have been offered but shall  unreasonably  have
          refused or  unreasonably  failed to agree to the transfer of this Deed
          by way of novation to a company which as a result of a re-organisation
          or  reconstruction  has  acquired  or agreed to  acquire  the whole or
          substantially  the whole of the undertaking and assets of or the whole
          or not  less  than 90 per  cent of the  equity  share  capital  of the
          Company  the  Appointee  shall have no claim  against  the  Company in
          respect  of  the  termination  of the  Appointment  by  reason  of the
          subsequent voluntary winding up of the Company or of the disclaimer of
          this   Agreement  by  the  Company  within  three  months  after  such
          unreasonable refusal or unreasonable failure to agree.


18.1      This  Deed  is in  substitution  for and  supersedes  all  former  and
          existing   agreements  or  arrangements  for  the  employment  of  the
          Appointee  by the  Company  all of  which  are  deemed  to  have  been
          cancelled with effect from the date of commencement of this Deed.

18.2      The Appointee's  employment with the Company which began on 2nd August
          1990 counts as part of the Appointee's continuous period of


          employment  with  the  Company  for  the  purposes  of the  Employment
          Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 (as amended).


19.1      There are no set disciplinary rules applicable to the Appointee.

19.2      If the  Appointee  is  dissatisfied  with  any  disciplinary  decision
          relating to him or wishes to seek redress of any grievance relating to
          the  Appointment  he should apply to the Board in writing or in person
          by prior  appointment.  The Board shall then  consider  his  grievance
          notify its  decision to him afford him an  opportunity  of  commenting
          thereon  and  shall  thereafter  take  such  action  as  it  considers


          The Company shall effect and maintain insurance for the benefit of the
          Appointee  against  any  liability  incurred  by him in respect of any
          actual omission in the actual or purported exercise,  execution and/or
          discharge of his powers of duties and/or  otherwise in relation to his
          duties,  powers or  officers  in relation to the Company and any Group
          Company of which he shall become a director.  The terms and conditions
          of such insurance  shall not be materially  less  advantageous  to the
          Appointee  than  that  enjoyed  by  him  immediately   prior  to  this

21.       NOTICES

          Any notice  required  to be given  hereunder  is deemed duly served if
          delivered by hand or sent by registered  or recorded  delivery post to
          the  Company  at its  registered  office  for the time being or to the
          Appointee at his last known  address and is deemed to be served at the
          time when the same is  delivered  to such address or if served by post
          forty-eight hours after the time of posting.



          This  Deed  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in all  respect  in
          accordance  with the laws  England and the parties  agree to submit to
          the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

23.       VARIATION

          This Deed shall only be capable of being varied by a supplemental deed
          signed by or on behalf of the parties.


AS WITNESS  the  parties  have  executed  this Deed the day and year first above

EXECUTED and DELIVERED             )
as a DEED by J & J SECURITIES-     )
LIMITED acting by :-               )


                                             Director /Secretary

SIGNED as a DEED and               )
DELIVERED by ALEC DAVID            )
JOHNSON                            )


                                  THE SCHEDULE
                            (Referred to in Clause 5)

                               RIGHTS AND BENEFITS

1.        During the Appointment:-

1.1       subject to the  Appointee  holding a current full driving  licence the
          Company shall provide the Appointee with a motor car to a value of not
          less  than  (pound)40,000  for the sole use of the  Appointee  and his
          spouse in  connection  with the  performance  of his duties under this
          Agreement. Such motor car shall be replaced in accordance with Company
          policy from time to time in force;

1.2       the  expenses  of taxing  insuring  repairing  maintaining  and where'
          appropriate  the  full  operating  lease  charges  and  (in  so far as
          attributable  to the use of the said motor car for the purposes of the
          business of the Company or any Group  Company)  the expense of running
          the said motor car shall be borne by the Company;

1.3       the  Appointee  shall ensure that at all times when the said motor car
          is driven on the road it is in the state and condition required by law
          and that if so  required  a current  test  certificate  is in force in
          respect of it. The Appointee  shall also at all times be the holder of
          a current  driving  licence  entitling  him to drive motor cars in the
          United Kingdom and shall produce it to the Company on request; and

1.4       the  Appointee  (and his spouse)  shall be solely  entitled to use the
          said motor car privately.  Such use shall (subject to paragraph 1.2 of
          this Schedule) be at the sole expense of the Appointee.

2.        During the  Appointment  the Company shall also provide at its expense
          for the  benefit of the  Appointee,  his spouse and  children  medical
          insurance with such  organisation as currently  provide such insurance
          to the Appointee and


          provided  that  the  level of such  benefit  shall  not be  materially
          advantageous  than that enjoyed by the Appointee in his  employment by
          the Company immediately prior to the date hereof
