                               UNITED TRADING.COM
Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  the  Nevada Revised Statutes, the undersigned
Corporation adopts these articles of amendment to its Articles of Incorporation:


FIRST:  ARTICLES I  of the Articles of Incorporation as now filed is stricken in
its  entirety  and  the  following Articles I substituted therefore as if it had
been  a  part  of  the  original  Articles  of  Incorporation;

                                    ARTICLE I

The  complete  name  of  the  Corporation  is  Global Links Corp.

SECOND:  This amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, has
been duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of Section 78.385 and 78.390
of  the  Nevada Revised Statues. The number of shares outstanding at the time of
adoption  of this amendment was 7,225,000. An excess of 51% did vote in favor of
this  amendment.  The  number  voting  against  was  zero.

THIRD:  ARTICLE  IV of the Articles of Incorporation as now filed is stricken in
its  entirety,  and  the following Article IV substituted therefore as if it had
been  a  part  of  the  original  Articles  of  Incorporation.

                                   ARTICLE IV
THIRD:  ARTICLE  IV of the Articles of Incorporation as now filed is stricken in
its  entirety,  and  the following Article IV substituted therefore as if it had
been  a  part  of  the  original  Articles  of  Incorporation.

ARTICLE IV   Capital Stock

The  aggregate  number  of  shares  of  all  classes  of capital stock that this
corporation  shall have authority to issue is 550,000,000 shares, 500,000,000 of
which  shall be of a class designated as common stock (the Common Stock) with a
par  value  of  One Tenth of a Cent ($0.001) per share, and 50,000,000 shares of
which  shall  be  of a class designated as preferred stock (the Preferred Stock)
with  a  par  value  of  One  Tenth  of  a  Cent (0.001) per share. The board of
directors  shall  have  the  authority,  without  any  further  approval  of the
shareholders,  a)  to establish the relative rights, preferences and limitations
of  any  class  of  common  or  preferred stock and b) to decrease the number of
issued  and  outstanding shares of a class or series held by each stockholder of
record  at  the  effective  date  and time of the change without correspondingly
decreasing  the  number  of  authorized  shares  of  the  same  class or series.
Cumulative  voting shall not prevail in any election by the stockholders of this
corporation.  No  stockholder  shall  have  preemptive  rights  to  acquire  the
corporations  unissued  shares  and  any and all such existing preemptive rights
shall  be  extinguished.

FOURTH: This amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, of the Corporation, has
been duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of Section 78.385 and 78.390
of  the  Nevada Revised Statues. The number of shares outstanding at the time of
adoption  of this amendment was 7,225,000. An excess of 51% did vote in favor of
this  amendment.  The  number  voting  against  was  zero.

FIFTH:  the  date  of  adoption  of  these amendment by the shareholders of this
corporation  is  November 1, 2002.

This  amendment to become effective upon the date of filing of this amendment in
the  office  of  the  Secretary  of  State.

INWITNESS  WHEREOF  the  undersigned,  the  President  and  Secretary  of  the
Corporation,  have executed this Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation this
1st  day  of  November,  2002.

____S/James G. Brewer__________               ______S/James L. Hancock     ____
James G. Brewer, President                    James L Hancock, Acting Secretary



State  of  California     )
                )  ss:
County  of  Orange     )

James  L.  Hancock,  being  duly  sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is the
secretary  of  United Trading.Com a corporation organized and existing under the
laws  of  the  State  of  Nevada,  ;having  principal  offices  in  the State of
California,  and  that beginning on or about December 10, 2002, he caused notice
of  an  action by Written Consent of a Majority of the Outstanding Common Shares
of  the  Company  taken  on or about November 1, 2002, a copy of which is hereto
attached  and  is  hereby  made a part of this affidavit, to be deposited in the
United  States  Post  Office  at  the  City  of _________, in a sealed envelope,
postage paid, duly addressed to each stockholder of record of the Corporation at
his  last-known  post  office  address  as the same appeared on the books of the

December 10, 2002                                   ___________________________
                                                    James L. Hancock,  Secretary

State  of  California     )
                )  ss:
County  of  __________     )

On this _____ day of _________, 2000 before me , a Notary Public in and for said
Country  and  State,  personally  appeared  Norman Wright and Ian Anderson, both
known  to  me  to  be  the  persons  whose names are subscribed to the foregoing
instrument  who  duly  acknowledged  to  me  that they executed the same for the
purpose  therein  mentioned.

IN  WITNESS WHREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal in said County
and  State  this  _____day  of  ______,  2002.

                              My  commission  expires:________________