January 14, 2000
Dear Shareholder:

     I cordially invite you to attend a special meeting (the "Special  Meeting")
of the shareholders of Fiberstars, Inc. ("Fiberstars") to be held at Fiberstars'
corporate offices,  44259 Nobel Drive,  Fremont,  California,  94538, on Friday,
January 28, 2000, at 2:00 p.m., local time. At the Special Meeting,  you will be
asked to vote on a proposal to approve the issuance of up to an aggregate amount
of 1,000,000  shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, of Fiberstars
(the  "Fiberstars  Common Stock") upon exercise or exchange of certain  warrants
granted pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement,  dated on or about January 14,
2000 (the  "Purchase  Agreement"),  among  Fiberstars  and  Unison  Fiber  Optic
Lighting  Systems,  LLC ("Unison"),  a Delaware  limited  liability  company and
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Advanced Lighting Technologies,  Inc., a significant
shareholder of Fiberstars.

     Under the Purchase  Agreement,  Fiberstars  will acquire certain assets and
assume certain  liabilities  of Unison (the  "Acquisition"),  for  consideration
consisting of four  warrants to purchase up to an aggregate of 1,000,000  shares
of Fiberstars Common Stock at an exercise price of $0.01 per share. The warrants
are  exercisable   only  upon  the  occurrence  of  certain  events  related  to
significant  increases in the trading price of Fiberstars Common Stock and sales
of solid  core fiber  based upon the  technology  acquired  in the  Acquisition.
Unison may elect at any time while a warrant remains  outstanding to cancel such
warrant in exchange for Fiberstars issuing to Unison a fixed number of shares of
Fiberstars Common Stock.

     The closing of the Acquisition is subject to certain conditions,  including
approval by  Fiberstars'  shareholders  of the issuance of shares of  Fiberstars
Common  Stock as  described  above (the "Share  Issuances").  I urge you to read
carefully  the  detailed  information  that follows  this letter  regarding  the
Purchase Agreement.

     Fiberstars'  Board  of  Directors  (the  "Fiberstars   Board"),   excluding
directors  employed  by ADLT (such  disinterested  directors  to be  referred to
herein as the "Disinterested Board"), have carefully reviewed and considered the
terms of the Purchase  Agreement and have determined that the Purchase Agreement
and the  transactions  contemplated  thereby,  including the Acquisition and the
Share Issuances (collectively, the "Transactions"), are in the best interests of
Fiberstars  and its  shareholders.  Accordingly,  the  Disinterested  Board  has
unanimously  approved the  Transactions and recommends that you vote in favor of
the Share Issuances at the Special Meeting.

     Your  participation  in the  Special  Meeting,  in person  or by proxy,  is
especially  important,  because  the item to be voted  on is very  important  to
Fiberstars.  Whether or not you plan to attend the Special Meeting in person, on
behalf of Fiberstars and your fellow shareholders, I urge you to complete, date,
sign and  promptly  return  the  enclosed  proxy  card in the  enclosed  prepaid
envelope to ensure that your shares will be represented at the Special Meeting.

     On behalf of the  Fiberstars  Board,  I thank you for your support and urge
you to vote FOR approval of the Share Issuances.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        /s/ David N. Ruckert
                                        David N. Ruckert
                                        Chief Executive Officer

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. __)

Filed by the Registrant                      [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement             [ ]  Confidential, for  Use  of the
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                   Commission Only (as  permitted
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials              by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]     No fee required.
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)     Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

(2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

(3)     Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)     Total fee paid:

        [X]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

        [ ]      Check  box if any  part of the fee is  offset  as  provided  by
                 Exchange Act Rule  0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
                 the offsetting fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous
                 filing  by  registration  statement  number,  or  the  Form  or
                 Schedule and the date of its filing.

                 (1)     Amount previously paid:

                 (2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

                 (3)     Filing party:

                 (4)     Date filed:

                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE TRANSACTIONS .......................................    3
WHO CAN HELP ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS .................................................    3
SUMMARY ............................................................................    4
Dilution to Existing Shareholders; Impact on Market Value of Fiberstars Common Stock    6
Consequences if Share Issuances are not Approved ...................................    6
THE SPECIAL MEETING ................................................................    6
Date, Time and Place; Purpose ......................................................    6
Record Date ........................................................................    6
Solicitation of Proxies ............................................................    6
Required Vote; Quorum ..............................................................    6
THE TRANSACTIONS ...................................................................    7
Background of the Transactions .....................................................    7
Recommendation of the Disinterested Board; Fiberstars' Reasons for the Transactions     8
Unison's Reasons for the Transactions ..............................................    9
Accounting Treatment ...............................................................   10
Tax Treatment ......................................................................   10
No Appraisal or Preemptive Rights ..................................................   10
MATERIAL PROVISIONS OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT ......................................   11
Explanatory Description ............................................................   11
Representations and Warranties .....................................................   11
Covenants ..........................................................................   12
Conditions .........................................................................   12
Termination ........................................................................   12
MATERIAL CONTRACTS RELATED TO THE TRANSACTIONS .....................................   12
Development Agreement ..............................................................   12
Cross-Licensing Agreement ..........................................................   13
Mutual Supply Agreement ............................................................   13
FINANCIAL AND OTHER INFORMATION OF UNISON ..........................................   14
Description of Business ............................................................   14
Description of Property ............................................................   14
Financial Statements ...............................................................   14
Managements Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation ...........................   14
FINANCIAL AND OTHER INFORMATION OF FIBERSTARS ......................................   16
UNAUDITED SELECTED PRO FORMA FINANCIAL DATA ........................................   16
INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANIES ....................................................   23
Fiberstars .........................................................................   23

Unison .............................................................................   23
 MANAGEMENT OF FIBERSTARS ..........................................................   24
FUTURE SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS .......................................................   25
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION ................................................   25
INCORPORATION OF CERTAIN INFORMATION BY REFERENCE ..................................   26
ACCOUNTANTS ........................................................................   26
OTHER MATTERS ......................................................................   26

APPENDIX A--Asset Purchase Agreement, dated on or about January 14, 2000.
APPENDIX B--Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, LLC Consolidated Financial Statements
            for the year ended June 30, 1999 and the six months ended June 30, 1998.
APPENDIX C--Fiberstars, Inc. 10-KSB for the period ending December 31, 1998.
APPENDIX D--Fiberstars, Inc.10-QSB for the period ending September 30, 1999.

                               FIBERSTARS, INC.
                               44259 Nobel Drive
                           Fremont, California 94538

                   Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders
                          To be held January 28, 2000


     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of shareholders (the "Special
Meeting") of Fiberstars, Inc., a California corporation ("Fiberstars"),  will be
held at 44259 Nobel Drive, Fremont,  California,  94538, on Friday,  January 28,
2000, at 2:00 p.m.,  local time, or at any adjournment or postponement  thereof,
for the following purposes:

   (1)  To consider  and vote on a proposal to approve the  issuance of up to an
        aggregate of  1,000,000  shares of  Fiberstars  common stock (the "Share
        Issuances")  upon the  exercise  or  exchange of certain  warrants  (the
        "Warrants")  granted  pursuant  to  an  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  (the
        "Purchase  Agreement"),  dated  on or  about  January  14,  2000,  among
        Fiberstars,  and Unison Fiber Optic Lighting  Systems,  LLC ("Unison") a
        Delaware  limited  liability  company  and  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
        Advanced  Lighting  Technologies,  Inc., a  significant  shareholder  of
        Fiberstars,  under which  Fiberstars  will  acquire  certain  assets and
        assume   certain   liabilities   of  Unison  (the   "Acquisition")   for
        consideration consisting of the Warrants.

   (2)  To act on any other matters as may arise  relating to the conduct of the
        Special Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.


     Shareholders  of record at the close of business  on November  29, 1999 are
entitled  to  receive  notice  of and to  vote  at the  Special  Meeting  or any
adjournment or postponement thereof. A complete list of shareholders entitled to
vote will be available for inspection at the Special Meeting and for a period of
ten days prior to the Special Meeting at Fiberstars' corporate  offices at 44259
Nobel Drive, Fremont, California 94538, during ordinary business hours.

     The accompanying  Proxy Statement  describes the Purchase Agreement and the
proposed  Acquisition  and Share  Issuances.  To  ensure  that your vote will be
counted,  please  complete,  date and sign the enclosed proxy card and return it
promptly  in the  enclosed  postage-paid  envelope,  whether  or not you plan to
attend the Special Meeting. You may revoke your proxy in the manner described in
the  accompanying  Proxy  Statement  at any time  before the vote at the Special
Meeting.  Executed proxies with no instructions  indicated thereon will be voted
"FOR" approval of the Share Issuances.

Fremont, California
January 14, 2000
                                        FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ DAVID N. RUCKERT
                                        DAVID N. RUCKERT
                                        Chief Executive Officer

Your vote is important.  To vote your shares, please mark, date, sign and return
the  enclosed  proxy card as soon as  possible in the  enclosed  postage-prepaid
envelope,  whether or not you plan to attend the Special Meeting.  If you attend
the meeting,  you may choose to vote in person even if you have  previously sent
in your proxy card.


                               FIBERSTARS, INC.
                               44259 Nobel Drive
                           Fremont, California 94538


     This Proxy  Statement is being  furnished to holders of common  stock,  par
value $0.0001 per share (the "Fiberstars Common Stock"), of Fiberstars,  Inc., a
California  corporation  ("Fiberstars"),  in connection with the solicitation of
proxies by and on behalf of  Fiberstars'  Board of  Directors  (the  "Fiberstars
Board") for use at a special  meeting of  shareholders to be held at Fiberstars'
corporate offices,  44259 Nobel Drive,  Fremont,  California,  94538, on Friday,
January  28,  2000,  at  2:00  p.m.,  local  time,  and  at any  adjournment  or
postponement  thereof (the  "Special  Meeting").  This Proxy  Statement  and the
accompanying  Notice  and  Proxy  Card are first  being  mailed  to  holders  of
Fiberstars  Common  Stock  entitled  to notice of,  and to vote at, the  Special
Meeting on or about January 14, 2000.

     At the Special Meeting, holders of Fiberstars Common Stock will be asked to
consider  and vote on a proposal to approve the  issuance of up to an  aggregate
amount of 1,000,000  shares of Fiberstars  Common Stock (the "Share  Issuances")
upon the exercise or exchange of certain  warrants granted pursuant to the Asset
Purchase  Agreement,   dated  on  or  about  January  14,  2000  (the  "Purchase
Agreement"),  among  Fiberstars  and Unison Fiber Optic  Lighting  Systems,  LLC
("Unison"),  a Delaware limited liability company and wholly owned subsidiary of
Advanced Lighting  Technologies,  Inc.  ("ADLT"),  a significant  shareholder of
Fiberstars. A copy of the Purchase Agreement is attached to this Proxy Statement
as Appendix A.

     Pursuant to the  Purchase  Agreement,  on January  28,  2000 (the  "Closing
Date")  Fiberstars  will acquire certain assets (the "Assets") of Unison related
to the fiber optic lighting  portion of Unison's  business (the  "Business") and
will assume certain liabilities of Unison that arise after the Closing Date with
respect  to the  Business.  The  acquisition  of the Assets  and  assumption  of
liabilities  shall be referred  to as the  "Acquisition".  In  exchange  for the
Assets,  Unison will receive  consideration  consisting  of four  warrants  (the
"Warrants",  and each a  "Warrant")  to purchase up to an aggregate of 1,000,000
shares of Fiberstars  Common Stock at an exercise price of $0.01 per share. Each
Warrant when  exercisable  will allow Unison to purchase up to 250,000 shares of
Fiberstars Common Stock. No warrant is exercisable,  generally, until Fiberstars
has recorded sales, in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles
("GAAP"),  to third  party  customers,  of at least  1,000  CPC units  (i.e.,  a
lamp/optics  combination using a "compound parabolic collector",  or "CPC", in a
fiber  optic  illuminator).   Additionally,  each  Warrant  contains  individual
exercise  conditions  based upon  significant  increases in the trading price of
Fiberstars'  Common Stock and certain  additional sales requirements as follows:
Warrant No. 1 is exercisable  only when the average  closing price of Fiberstars
Common Stock over any thirty (30) calendar day period (the  "Average  Price") is
equal to six dollars  ($6.00)  and  Fiberstars  has Sales  (defined as a sale by
Fiberstars to a third party customer, in accordance with GAAP) of at least 1,000
ft. of Solid Core Fiber Cable (defined as extruded solid core  "Optiflex"  fiber
cable, advanced "Cast Fiber", advanced "Cable-Lite",  or similar successor solid
core fiber cable  products);  Warrant No. 2 is exercisable only when the Average
Price equals eight  dollars  ($8.00) and  Fiberstars  has Sales of 10,000 ft. of
Solid Core Fiber Cable; Warrant No. 3 is exercisable only when the Average Price
equals ten dollars ($10.00) and Fiberstars has Sales of 50,000 ft. of Solid Core
Fiber Cable; and Warrant No. 4 is exercisable only when the Average Price equals
twelve  dollars  ($12.00) and  Fiberstars has Sales of 100,000 ft. of Solid Core
Fiber Cable. In the event of a merger,  consolidation or similar event involving
Fiberstars, the Warrants become immediately exercisable.

     Unison  may  elect at any time while a Warrant remains outstanding, even if
the  Warrant  is not yet exercisable, to cancel a particular Warrant in exchange
for  Fiberstars  issuing to Unison a fixed number of shares of Fiberstars Common
Stock.  Warrant  No.  1  may  be  cancelled  and exchanged for 151,250 shares of
Fiberstars  Common  Stock,  Warrant  No.  2  may  be cancelled and exchanged for


shares  of Fiberstars Common Stock, Warrant No. 3 may be cancelled and exchanged
for  95,625 shares of Fiberstars Common Stock and Warrant No. 4 may be cancelled
and exchanged for 78,750 shares of Fiberstars Common Stock.

     The  closing  of the  transactions  (the  "Closing")  is subject to certain
conditions,   including  approval  by  Fiberstars'  shareholders  of  the  Share
Issuances.  Under the rules of the National  Association  of Securities  Dealers
("NASD")  governing  corporations  with securities listed on the Nasdaq National
Market,  shareholder approval by a majority of the total votes cast in person or
by proxy at the  Special  Meeting  is  required  prior  to the  issuance  of the
Fiberstars  Common Stock  pursuant to the Warrants  because:  (i) ADLT has a 26%
interest in  Fiberstars as well as a 100% interest in Unison and the issuance of
Fiberstars  Common  Stock  upon  exercise  of the  Warrants  could  result in an
increase in the number of outstanding  shares of Fiberstars Common Stock of more
than 5%; (ii) the  Fiberstars  Common Stock issued upon exercise of the Warrants
could have upon issuance voting power equal to or in excess of 20% of the voting
power  outstanding  before such  issuance;  and (iii) the issuance of Fiberstars
Common  Stock upon  exercise  of the  Warrants  will be at a price less than the
market value of the stock and could equal 20% or more of the  Fiberstars  Common
Stock outstanding before the issuance (the "NASD Vote Requirement").

     Based on their  evaluation of the Purchase  Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated  thereby,   including  the  Acquisition  and  the  Share  Issuances
(collectively,  the "Transactions"),  the Fiberstars Board,  excluding directors
employed by ADLT (such  disinterested  directors to be referred to herein as the
"Disinterested Board"), has unanimously approved the Transactions and recommends
that you vote FOR approval of the Share Issuances at the Special Meeting.


             The date of this Proxy Statement is January 14, 2000.




A1:  You should  vote your shares by  completing,  signing and dating your proxy
     card and mailing it to us in the  enclosed  return  envelope.  You may also
     vote by attending the Special Meeting and voting in person.


A2: You may change your vote by:
    --sending  a written  notice to the  Secretary  of  Fiberstars  prior to the
      Special Meeting;
    --signing another proxy card and  returning it by mail prior to  the Special
      Meeting;  or
    --attending  the Special  Meeting and voting in person.


A3:  We are working to complete the Transactions as soon as possible. We hope to
     complete the Transactions, excluding the Share Issuances, on the day of the
     Special Meeting or the first business day immediately following the Special
     Meeting.  The Share Issuances will only occur upon the exercise or exchange
     of the Warrants by Unison.


   If you have additional questions about the transactions you should contact:

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
                                44259 Nobel Drive
                            Fremont, California 94538
                             Attn: Robert A. Connors

If you would  like  additional  copies of this Proxy  Statement,  or if you have
questions with respect to voting your shares, you should contact:

                        Chase Mellon Consulting Services
                        450 West 33rd Street--14th Floor
                               New York, NY 10001
                             Attn: Peter Tomaszewski


     This  Proxy  Statement  contains  forward-looking  statements,   including,
without limitation,  statements concerning possible or assumed future results of
operations of Fiberstars  set forth under "The  Transactions--Background  of the
Transactions,"  "--Recommendation of the Board of Directors; Fiberstars' Reasons
for  the   Transactions"   and  "--Unison's   Reasons  for  the   Transactions";
"Description of the  Companies--Fiberstars"  and "--Unison";  and  "Management's
Discussion  and Analysis or Plan of Operation of Fiberstars"  and  "Management's
Discussion  and Analysis or Plan of Operation of Unison",  and  including  those
statements  preceded  by,  followed  by or that  include  the  words  "intends,"
"believes,"  "expects,"  "anticipates" or similar expressions.  These statements
constitute  forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor contained
in the Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.  We have based these
forward-looking  statements on our current  expectations  and projections  about
future  events.  We may not update these  forward  looking  statements,  and the
occurrence of the events predicted in these statements is subject to a number of
risks and  uncertainties,  including  those  discussed  herein.  These risks and
uncertainties  could  cause our  actual  results to differ  materially  from the
results  predicted in our  forward-looking  statements.  You are  encouraged  to
consider all the  information in this proxy  statement and in other documents we
file from time to time with the SEC.



     This summary highlights selected  information from this Proxy Statement and
may not contain all of the  information  that is important to you. To understand
the Transactions fully and for a more complete description of the legal terms of
the  Transactions,   you  should  read  carefully  this  entire  document.   See
indicated, all dollar amounts herein are in U.S. dollars.

The Companies

Fiberstars, Inc.
44259 Nobel Drive
Fremont, California 94538
(510) 490-0719

     Fiberstars  develops and markets fiber optic  lighting  systems,  which are
used in a variety of commercial and residential applications and is the world' s
leading supplier in this emerging market.  Fiberstar's  products have advantages
over  conventional  lighting in areas of  efficiency,  safety,  maintenance  and
beauty,  and thus can be used in place of  conventional  lighting in a number of
applications.  Fiberstars  designs,  develops and  manufactures  its fiber optic
lighting  systems and  distributes  its products  worldwide,  primarily  through
independent sales representatives,  distributors and swimming pool builders. See
"Information about the Companies--Fiberstars."

Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, LLC
32000 Aurora Road
Solon, Ohio 44139
(440) 519-1033

     Unison is a designer,  manufacturer  and  marketer of fiber optic  lighting
systems and system components,  operating primarily in the United States. Unison
is a  Delaware  limited  liability  company  formed in  January  1998 as a joint
venture of Rohm and Haas Company and ADLT. On or about January 14, 2000,  Unison
became  a  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  ADLT.  See   "Information   about  the
Companies--Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems."

The Special Meeting

     Date, Time and Place; Purpose

     A Special Meeting of Fiberstars'  shareholders  will be held at Fiberstars'
corporate offices,  44259 Nobel Drive,  Fremont,  California,  94538, on Friday,
January 28, 2000, at 2:00 p.m., local time. At the Special  Meeting,  Fiberstars
shareholders  will be asked to consider  and vote upon a proposal to approve the
Share  Issuances and to transact such other matters as may arise relating to the
conduct of the Special Meeting. See "The Special Meeting--Date,  Time and Place;

     Record Date

     The  close  of  business  on  November  29, 1999 is the record date for the
Special  Meeting  (the "Record Date"). Only Fiberstars shareholders of record on
the  Record  Date  are  entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Special
Meeting. See "The Special Meeting--Record Date."

     Required Vote; Quorum

     Approval by a majority of the total votes cast in person or by proxy at the
Special Meeting is required to satisfy the NASD Vote Requirement.  Each share of
Fiberstars  Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date is entitled to one vote.
There are no other voting  securities of Fiberstars  outstanding.  A majority of
the shares of  Fiberstars  Common  Stock  which are issued and  outstanding  and
entitled  to vote,  present  in person or  represented  by proxy at the  Special
Meeting,  shall constitute a quorum.  See "The Special  Meeting--Required  Vote;


The Transactions

     On or about  January  14,  2000,  Fiberstars  and Unison  entered  into the
Purchase Agreement. Under the Purchase Agreement, on the Closing Date Fiberstars
will  acquire the Assets of Unison  necessary  to the  Business  and will assume
certain of the  liabilities  of Unison with respect to the  Business  that arise
after the  Closing  Date.  In  exchange  for the  Assets,  Unison  will  receive
consideration  consisting of the Warrants.  Each Warrant when  exercisable  will
allow Unison to purchase up to 250,000  shares of Fiberstars  Common  Stock.  No
Warrant  is   exercisable   until   Fiberstars  has  achieved  a  general  sales
requirement.  Additionally, each Warrant contains individual exercise conditions
based upon  significant  increases in the trading  price of  Fiberstars'  Common
Stock  and  certain  additional  sales  requirements.  In the event of a merger,
consolidation  or  similar  event  involving  Fiberstars,  the  Warrants  become
immediately   exercisable.    See   "Material   Provisions   of   the   Purchase
Agreement--Explanatory Description."

     Unison  may  elect at any time while a Warrant remains outstanding, even if
the  Warrant  is not yet exercisable, to cancel a particular Warrant in exchange
for  Fiberstars  issuing to Unison a fixed number of shares of Fiberstars Common
Stock.   See   "Material   Provisions  of  the  Purchase  Agreement--Explanatory

Shareholder Approval Requirements

     The  Closing  is  subject  to certain  conditions,  including  approval  by
Fiberstars  shareholders  of the  Share  Issuances.  Under the rules of the NASD
which govern  corporations with securities listed on the Nasdaq National Market,
approval is required by a majority of the total votes cast in person or by proxy
at the Special  Meeting of the issuance of Fiberstars  Common Stock  pursuant to
the  Warrants  prior to their  issuance.  "The Special  Meeting--Required  Vote;

Background of the Transactions; Reasons for the Transactions

     For  a  description  of  the  events  leading  up  to  the execution of the
Purchase  Agreement  and the  factors  considered  by the  Fiberstars  Board  in
evaluating and approving the Transactions,  see "The Transactions--Background of
the Transactions" and  "--Recommendation of the Board of Directors;  Fiberstars'
Reasons for the Transactions."

Recommendation of the Disinterested Board

     The  Disinterested  Board  has  determined that the Transactions are in the
best   interests   of   Fiberstars   and   its  shareholders.  Accordingly,  the
Disinterested  Board  has  approved  the  Transactions  and  recommends that the
Fiberstars  shareholders  vote  FOR  approval  of  the Share Issuances. See "The
Transactions--Recommendation  of the Board of Directors; Fiberstars' Reasons for
the Transactions."

Tax Treatment

     For  U.S.  federal  income  tax  purposes,  no income, gain or loss will be
recognized  by  Fiberstars  or  the  Fiberstars  shareholders as a result of the
Transactions. See "The Transactions--Tax Treatment."

Accounting Treatment

     The  Transactions  will be accounted for by Fiberstars under the "purchase"
method  of accounting in accordance with GAAP. See "The Transactions--Accounting

No Appraisal or Preemptive Rights

     Holders of Fiberstars Common Stock are not entitled under California law to
seek appraisal of their shares in connection with the Transactions. In addition,
holders of Fiberstars  Common Stock are not entitled to  preemptive  rights with
respect to the Share Issuances.



Dilution  to  Existing Shareholders; Impact on Market Value of Fiberstars Common

     The  issuance of the new shares of  Fiberstars  Common Stock to Unison upon
exercise of the Warrants granted  pursuant to the Purchase  Agreement will cause
dilution of the voting power of current  Fiberstars  shareholders.  In addition,
the issuance of such shares of  Fiberstars  Common Stock to Unison could cause a
decline  in the  market  value of the  Fiberstars  Common  Stock  because of the
increased  concentration of ownership.  Specifically,  it is possible Fiberstars
may not be as attractive an acquisition  target to a potential  buyer other than
ADLT  as a  result  of the  increased  direct  and  indirect  ownership  of ADLT
following the Acquisition.

Consequences if Share Issuances are not Approved

     Satisfaction of the NASD Vote  Requirement is a condition  precedent to the
consummation of the  Transactions.  If this  requirement is not satisfied,  then
Fiberstars has no obligation to complete the  transactions  contemplated  by the
Purchase Agreement.

Risk regarding Intellectual Property of Unison

     A third-party's  European  patent may affect one of the patents  Fiberstars
will aquire from Unison in the  Acquisition.  If the European patent is found to
be enforced and prior art,  Fiberstars  could be unable to sell some of Unison's
fiber  optic  cable  products  in Europe  without a  license  to the  technology
encompassed by the European  patent.  Additionally,  Unison licenses  technology
from a competitor of Fiberstars.  Under the terms of the license,  Unison may be
unable to transfer  the license to  Fiberstars.  In that event,  one of Unison's
fiber optic cable products may have to be redesigned by Fiberstars before it can
be sold commercially.

                              THE SPECIAL MEETING

Date, Time and Place; Purpose

     A Special  Meeting of  Fiberstars  shareholders  will be held at 2:00 p.m.,
local time, on January 28, 2000, 44259 Nobel Drive, Fremont, California,  94538.
At the  Special  Meeting,  Fiberstars'  shareholders  of record will be asked to
consider and vote upon a proposal to approve the Share Issuances and to transact
such other matters as may arise  relating to the conduct of the Special  Meeting
and any postponement or adjournment thereof.

Record Date

     The close of  business  on  November  29, 1999 has been fixed as the Record
Date for the determination of Fiberstars shareholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the Special Meeting.  Only Fiberstars  shareholders of record at the
close of business on the Record  Date are  entitled to receive  notice of and to
vote at the Special Meeting.  As of the Record Date, there were 3,987,286 shares
of  Fiberstars  Common Stock  outstanding.  As of the Record Date,  ADLT and the
directors  and  executive  officers of  Fiberstars  and their  affiliates  owned
approximately  26.0%  and  43.0%,  respectively,  of the  outstanding  shares of
Fiberstars Common Stock.

Solicitation of Proxies

     Fiberstars will bear the cost of the Special Meeting and soliciting proxies
therefor.  Chase Mellon  Consulting  Services will assist in the solicitation of
proxies by  Fiberstars  for a base fee of $5,500 plus  reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses.  Additionally,  officers and other  Fiberstars  employees  may solicit
proxies by telephone,  telegram,  telefax,  other electronic means or in person.
Such officers and employees will not receive any fees for such solicitation.

Required Vote; Quorum

     Approval by a majority of the total votes cast in person or by proxy at the
Special Meeting is required to satisfy the NASD Vote Requirement.  Each share of
Fiberstars  Common Stock outstanding on the Record Date is entitled to one vote.
There are no other voting  securities of Fiberstars  outstanding.  A majority of
the shares of  Fiberstars  Common  Stock  which are issued and  outstanding  and
entitled to vote,  present,  in person or represented  by proxy,  at the Special
Meeting will constitute a quorum.  For purposes of the quorum and the discussion
below regarding the vote necessary to take shareholder  action,  shareholders of
record  who are  present at the  meeting in person or by proxy and who  abstain,
including  brokers holding  customers' shares of record who cause abstentions to
be recorded at the  meeting,  are  considered  shareholders  who are present and
entitled to vote and they count toward the quorum.


     Brokers  holding shares of record for customers  generally are not entitled
to vote on certain  matters unless they receive voting  instructions  from their
customers.  As used herein,  "uninstructed shares" means shares held by a broker
who has not  received  instructions  from its  customers on such matters and the
broker has so notified  Fiberstars on a proxy form in  accordance  with industry
practice or has otherwise advised Fiberstars that it lacks voting authority.  As
used herein, "broker non-votes" means the votes that could have been cast on the
matter in question by brokers with respect to uninstructed shares if the brokers
had received their customers'  instructions.  To be adopted, the Share Issuances
must  receive  the  affirmative  vote of the  majority  of the votes cast at the
Special  Meeting.  Uninstructed  shares are not entitled to vote on this matter,
and therefore broker  non-votes do not affect the outcome.  Abstentions have the
effect of negative votes.


                               THE TRANSACTIONS

Background of the Transactions

     Fiberstars'  strategy to capitalize upon the growth  potential in the fiber
optic  lighting  market calls for  development of fiber optic products which are
comparable  to  certain  types of  electric  lights in  performance  and  price.
Beginning  in  1996,  the  management  of  Fiberstars   ("Management")  and  the
Fiberstars Board began  discussing the desirability of a strategic  relationship
with a lamp and power supply company to help Fiberstars achieve this goal.

     From time to time throughout  fiscal 1996,  Management had discussions with
various lamp and power supply  companies.  The most promising  discussions  were
with  ADLT,  which  has a number  of  divisions  which  manufacture  many of the
components  of a  fiber  optic  system,  including  metal  halide  lamps,  power
supplies,  fixtures and optical  coatings.  During these  meetings ADLT informed
Management  that part of ADLT's  strategic plan was to participate in the growth
of the fiber optic lighting  market,  and, to that end, ADLT  determined that it
was in its best interest to purchase an equity position in Fiberstars.

     On July 30, 1997, ADLT purchased all the shares of Fiberstars  Common Stock
held by Belfield  Services,  Inc., a venture  capital firm  ("Belfield"),  which
amounted to a 19% equity  interest in  Fiberstars.  At that time, the Fiberstars
Board  requested  that ADLT sign a standstill  agreement,  which  provided among
other  things  that ADLT could not hold more than 30% of the  Fiberstars  Common
Stock  outstanding  without the consent of the Fiberstars Board. In September of
1997, Wayne Hellman, Chairman and CEO of ADLT, joined the Fiberstars Board.

     In February of 1998, ADLT purchased all of the shares of Fiberstars  Common
Stock held by a second venture capital firm  affiliated  with Belfield  bringing
ADLT's equity position in Fiberstars to 29%. At present,  ADLT's equity position
in  Fiberstars  is 26%  and it  has  two  representatives  on  the  nine  member
Fiberstars  Board,  Mr. Hellman and Alan Ruud,  President and COO of ADLT.  (Mr.
Ruud joined the Fiberstars Board in July of 1999).

     In  furtherance  of ADLT's  strategic  plan to  penetrate  the fiber  optic
lighting market,  ADLT initiated  discussions  with Management  during the first
quarter of 1998 regarding the acquisition of Fiberstars by Unison, at the time a
joint venture of ADLT and Rohm and Haas, Inc. ("RH").  These discussions did not
materialize  into a  definitive  agreement  between the  parties;  however,  the
interest  in  a  strategic   combination  remained  and  the  parties  continued
discussions from time to time throughout 1998.

     In December 1998, Fiberstars entered into a letter of intent with Unison to
develop a new lighting system for the Fiberstars  swimming pool market which was
lower in cost and  higher  in light  output  than  Fiberstars  current  systems.
Pursuant to this  relationship,  Unison  disclosed to Fiberstars in mid-1999 its
work on compound parabolic collectors  ("CPCs"),  which marry optics to the core
of a


metal  halide  lamp to  deliver  higher  output  into  fiber  at a  lower  cost.
Management  recognized  that this  technology  had  application  in  Fiberstars'
commercial  downlight market as well as in the swimming pool sector.  Management
informed  the  Fiberstars  Board of  Unison's  technology  and at this  time the
Fiberstars Board formed a committee (the "Committee"), consisting of Fiberstars'
Chairman John B. Stuppin,  Fiberstars' CEO David N. Ruckert and Fiberstars Board
members  B.J.  Garet  and Jon  Merriman,  to review  and  negotiate  a  possible
strategic combination of Unison by Fiberstars. In the third quarter of 1999, the
Committee  instructed  Management to begin discussions with Unison regarding the
acquisition of Unison by Fiberstars. The Committee also authorized Management to
commence a due  diligence  review of Unison to evaluate  the merits of acquiring
Unison.  To assist in its due  diligence and  evaluation  of Unison,  Fiberstars
engaged  Gray  Cary  Ware &  Freidenrich  LLP to act as its  legal  advisor  and
PricewaterhouseCoopers to perform certain due diligence with respect to Unison's
financial and accounting information.

     On July 23, 1999,  Management made a presentation  to the Fiberstars  Board
regarding  the  acquisition  of the assets of Unison.  Messrs.  Hellman and Ruud
excused  themselves from the meeting prior to the presentation  because of their
relationship with ADLT. The presentation outlined a proposed transaction whereby
Fiberstars  would agree to buy selected assets of Unison,  including  technology
(owned and  licensed) and  specified  purchasing  rights to ADLT and Rohm & Haas
products.  Management  indicated  that the proposed  transaction  to combine the
leading  market  position of Fiberstars  with the technology and low cost supply
agreements  of Unison  would  help  Fiberstars  achieve  its  strategic  goal of
providing  a fiber  optic  lighting  system  with the light  output and low cost
pricing of certain electric downlights.

     Negotiations  continued after the July 23, 1999  Fiberstars  Board meeting.
Management  informed  the  Committee  that in  conjunction  with the purchase of
assets Fiberstars would be asked to hire 15 key Unison  employees.  Furthermore,
Unison would agree to provide Fiberstars with a $2 million development agreement
for completing  development  work on the CPC technology as well as certain fiber
development projects.

     On October 5, 1999, Fiberstars Board held a meeting to review the terms and
conditions  of  Fiberstars'  acquisition  of Unison.  Messrs.  Hellman  and Ruud
excused  themselves from the meeting prior to the presentation  because of their
relationship  with  ADLT.  Fiberstars'  legal  advisor  reviewed  the  terms and
conditions of the proposed transaction  set  forth in a letter  of  intent to be
delivered  to  Unison  and  the  legal  duties  and   responsibilities   of  the
Disinterested  Board in  connection  with the proposed  transaction.  Management
presented  an  analysis  of the  financial  terms of the  proposed  transaction,
including  the  financial  data and  analyses  used in  evaluating  the proposed
transaction.   Following   substantial   discussion,   the  Disinterested  Board
unanimously determined that the Acquisition and the related Share Issuances were
in the best  interests of Fiberstars  and its  shareholders.  The  Disinterested
Board approved  these matters,  subject to negotiation of the final terms of the
Purchase  Agreement and authorized its officers to take other steps necessary to
effect the Transactions.

     On October 14, 1999,  Fiberstars and Unison signed a letter of intent which
outlined the terms and conditions of the  Acquisition.  Additionally  in October
1999,  ADLT  disclosed  that  it was in  negotiations  to  purchase  all of RH's
membership  interest in Unison. In connection with these events,  Management and
ADLT began discussions to modify the standstill agreement between Fiberstars and
ADLT to incorporate the terms of the  Acquisition  providing a ceiling of 40% of
Fiberstars Common Stock.

     Between  October  14,  1999 and January  14,  2000,  Fiberstars  and Unison
representatives  negotiated  the final terms of the  Purchase  Agreement.  On or
about January 14, 2000, the parties reached  agreement on the final terms of the
Purchase Agreement and executed the Purchase Agreement.  On or about January 14,
2000, ADLT purchased all of RH's membership interest in Unison and Unison became
a wholly owned subsidiary of ADLT.

Recommendation  of  the  Disinterested   Board;   Fiberstars   Reasons  for  the




     In reaching its decision to approve and recommend the  authorization of the
Share  Issuances,  the  Disinterested  Board  considered  a number  of  factors,
including those described below:

                  1. The key fiber optic lighting  technologies and other assets
         to be acquired for lamp and fiber development and production including:
         (i)  8  patents;  (ii)  4  pending  patent  applications  and  numerous
         in-process  patent  applications  (including the rights to the Optiflex
         fiber  and  manufacturing  processes  developed  by RH and  the  patent
         application for CPC and other optical technologies  developed by Unison
         and/or ADLT); (iii) trademarks;  and (iv) intellectual capital from key
         employees who will be joining Fiberstars.

                  2.  Fiberstars  believes  the Unison  operations  acquired  by
         Fiberstars  will be fully  funded in the first  year  through:  (i) the
         development agreement which provides $2,000,000 of funding for lamp and
         fiber  development  over a 15 month  period;  (ii) sales from  existing
         Unison  products;  and  (iii)  cost  savings  achieved  through  supply
         agreements in place with ADLT.

                  3. The access to favorable  purchase and license terms for key
         fiber  optic  lighting  components  from the ADLT  group of  companies,
         including  a  supply   agreement   which   provides   Fiberstars   with
         inter-company  pricing on any ADLT/RH  products or materials  purchased
         and  a  cross-licensing   agreement  which  provides   Fiberstars  with
         exclusive rights to ADLT technologies for fiber optic lighting markets.

                  4.  The  strengthening  of the  Company's  management  team in
         technology  and  marketing,  including the addition of John  Davenport,
         former General  Manager of General  Electric  Lighting,  Jeff McDonald,
         formerly in sales at General Electric  Lighting,  and Roger Buelow,  an
         experienced lamp designer also formerly of General Electric Lighting.

                  5. The  acquisition of $600,000 in tangible  assets needed for
         continuing  research and development work on lamps and fiber as well as
         favorable  terms on acquiring fiber  production  equipment from RH once
         the Optiflex fiber product is ready for production.

                  6. The  potential  for  development  of lower cost fiber optic
         lighting  products which will better compete with traditional  lighting

                  7. The terms and conditions of the Asset Purchase Agreement.

     The Disinterested Board also considered certain  countervailing  factors in
its deliberations concerning the Transactions, including:

                  1. The  dilutive  effects of the  issuance  of shares upon the
         exercise of the warrants.

                  2. The problems and costs  associated  with the integration of
         the acquired operations and people.

                  3.  The  risks  of  product   development,   including   costs
         associated with delays and the risk that Fiberstars  may not be able to
         develop technology enabling Fiberstars' products to effectively compete
         with electric lighting systems.

                  4. The risk  that  Fiberstars  will be  unable to sell some of
         Unison's  fiber optic cable  products in Europe  without a  third-party
         license if a particular  European  patent held by such  third-party  is
         found to be enforced and prior art encompassing such products.

                  5. The  risk  that  Fiberstars  may  have to  redesign  one of
         Unison's  fiber optic cable  products if Unison is unable to transfer a
         license to certain technology by a competitor of Fiberstars.

                  6.  The  effects  of  the  increased   concentration  of  ADLT
         ownership of Fiberstars Common Stock.

     In the  view of the  Disinterested  Board,  these  considerations  were not
sufficient,  individually or in the aggregate, to outweigh the advantages of the

Unison's Reasons for the Transactions

     Unison believes that the sale of certain assets and fiber optic  technology
to  Fiberstars  is  the  best  way to  commercialize  Unison's  technology.  The
technology  and  asset  transfer,  together  with the  signing  of a  technology
development  agreement,  may enable Fiberstars to introduce improved fiber optic
products in the future. These


improvements  may provide future value to Unison and its members through royalty
payments received, if any, pursuant to the development agreement and through the
Warrants to purchase Fiberstars Common Stock.

Accounting Treatment

     The  Transactions  will be accounted for by Fiberstars under the "purchase"
method of accounting  in  accordance  with U.S.  generally  accepted  accounting
principles,  and all of the assets acquired and specific  liabilities assumed by
Fiberstars  pursuant to the Purchase  Agreement  will be recorded in Fiberstars'
consolidated  financial statements at their estimated relative fair value on the
closing date of the acquisition to reflect the aggregate  consideration  paid by
Fiberstars in connection with the Transactions.

Tax Treatment

     For U.S.  federal  income tax  purposes,  no  income,  gain or loss will be
recognized  by  Fiberstars  or the  Fiberstars  shareholders  as a result of the

No Appraisal or Preemptive Rights

     Holders of Fiberstars Common Stock are not entitled under California law to
seek appraisal of their shares in connection with the Transactions. In addition,
holders of Fiberstars  Common Stock are not entitled to  preemptive  rights with
respect to the Share Issuances.



     The  description of the Purchase  Agreement set forth below is qualified by
reference to the complete  text of the  Purchase  Agreement,  a copy of which is
attached  as  Appendix  A to this Proxy  Statement  and  incorporated  herein by

Explanatory Description

     Under the  Purchase  Agreement,  on January 28, 2000 (the  "Closing  Date")
Fiberstars  will  acquire  certain  assets (the  "Assets")  of Unison  which are
necessary and material to the Fiber Optic Lighting portion of Unison's  business
(the "Business").  In addition,  Fiberstars will assume certain liabilities (the
"Liabilities")  of Unison.  The  Liabilities  assumed  shall only be those which
arise after the Closing Date under certain identified  contracts relating to the
Business.  Fiberstars  will not assume any  liabilities  which are not expressly
assumed pursuant to the Purchase Agreement.

     In exchange for the Assets, Unison will receive consideration consisting of
four  warrants  (the  "Warrants"  and each a  "Warrant")  to  purchase  up to an
aggregate of 1,000,000 shares of Fiberstars Common Stock at an exercise price of
$0.01 per share.  Each warrant when exercisable will allow Unison to purchase up
to 250,000  shares of  Fiberstars  Common  Stock.  No  Warrant  is  exercisable,
generally,  until  Fiberstars has recorded  sales,  in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"),  to third party customers,  of at least
1,000 CPC units (i.e.,  a lamp/optics  combination  using a "compound  parabolic
collector", or "CPC", in a fiber optic illuminator).  Additionally, each Warrant
contains  individual exercise conditions based upon the performance of the price
of  Fiberstars'  common  stock and  certain  additional  sales  requirements  as
follows:  Warrant No. 1 is  exercisable  only when the average  closing price of
Fiberstars'  common stock over any thirty (30) calendar day period (the "Average
Price") is equal to six dollars  ($6.00) and Fiberstars' has Sales (defined as a
sale by Buyer to a third party  customer,  in accordance  with GAAP) of at least
1,000 ft. of Solid Core Fiber Cable (defined as extruded  solid core  "Optiflex"
fiber cable,  advanced Cast Fiber,  advanced  Cable-Lite,  or similar  successor
solid core fiber cable  products);  Warrant No. 2 is  exercisable  only when the
Average Price equals eight dollars  ($8.00) and  Fiberstars  has Sales of 10,000
ft. of Solid  Core  Fiber  Cable;  Warrant  No. 3 is  exercisable  only when the
Average Price equals ten dollars ($10.00) and Fiberstars has sales of 50,000 ft.
of Solid  Core Fiber  Cable;  and  Warrant  No. 4 is  exercisable  only when the
Average Price equals twelve dollars ($12.00) and Fiberstars has Sales of 100,000
ft. of Solid Core Fiber Cable.

     Unison may elect at any time while a Warrant remains  outstanding,  even if
the Warrant is not yet exercisable,  to cancel a particular  numbered Warrant in
exchange for Fiberstars issuing to Unison a fixed number of shares of Fiberstars
Common Stock. Warrant No. 1 may be cancelled and exchanged for 151,250 shares of
Fiberstars  Common  Stock,  Warrant No. 2 may be  cancelled  and  exchanged  for
119,375  shares of Fiberstars  Common Stock,  Warrant No. 3 may be cancelled and
exchanged for 95,625 shares of Fiberstars  Common Stock and Warrant No. 4 may be
cancelled and exchanged for 78,750 shares of Fiberstars Common Stock.

     Additionally,  each Warrant is immediatlely  exercisable  upon a "Change of
Control" of Fiberstars. A Change of Control is defined as (i) the acquisition by
any person,  excluding  ADLT,  of more than 50% of the combined  voting power of
Fiberstars'  then  outstanding  voting  securities,  (ii)  the  approval  by the
Shareholders of Fiberstars of a merger or consolidation of Fiberstars other than
a  merger  or  consolidation   which  would  result  in  the  voting  securities
outstanding  immediately prior thereto  continuing to represent more than 50% of
the combined  voting power of the voting  securities of the surviving  entity or
(iii) the  approval  by the  shareholders  of  Fiberstars  of a plan of complete
liquidation  of Fiberstars or an agreement for the sale or disposition of all or
substantially all of Fiberstars' assets.

Representations and Warranties

     The Purchase Agreement includes representations and warranties by Unison as
to:   (a)   organization   and    qualification,    (b)    authorization,    (c)
non-contravention,  (d)  government  approvals,  (e) financial  statements,  (f)
absence of changes, (g) title to properties;  absence of liens and encumbrances,
(h)  purchased   intellectual  property,  (i)  contracts  and  other  data,  (j)
performance, (k) consents, (l) litigation, (m) compliance with laws, (n) assets,
(o) taxes, (p) condition of properties,  (q) absence of undisclosed liabilities,
(r) compliance  with  environmental  requirements,  (s) employees,  (t) business
relations, and (u) full disclosure. The representations and warranties of Unison
will survive for a period of two years commencing on the Closing Date.

     The  Purchase   Agreement  includes   representations   and  warranties  of
Fiberstars as to: (a) organization and  qualification,  (b)  authorization,  (c)
non-contravention, (d) government approvals, (e) litigation, and (f) brokers.



     The Purchase  Agreement  contains  covenants of Unison as to (a) conduct of
business,  (b) access to information,  (c) non-assignable  licenses,  leases and
contracts,  (d)  non-competition,  (e)  non-solicitation,  (f) exclusivity,  (g)
injunctive relief, and (h) the Optiflex Manufacturing Line.

     The Purchase  Agreement contains covenants of both Unison and Fiberstars as
to confidentiality, and consents and authorizations.


     The obligations of Fiberstars  under the Purchase  Agreement are subject to
the  satisfaction  in all  material  respects  or  waiver by  Fiberstars  of the
following  conditions:  (a) each of the representations and warranties of Unison
in the Purchase  Agreement,  disclosure  schedule or in any closing  certificate
shall be true and correct at and as of the Closing  Date,  (b) Unison shall have
complied with all  covenants,  (c) Fiberstars  shall have received  certified or
other copies of all documents  relating to Unison incident to the  Transactions,
(d) no legal action or proceeding  shall have been instituted  after January 14,
2000 regarding the  transactions  contemplated  by the Purchase  Agreement which
would prevent the  consummation of the  Transactions or have a material  adverse
effect on the  Business,  (e) Unison shall have  obtained all required  consents
with regard to the  assignment of contracts,  (f) Unison shall have executed and
delivered to  Fiberstars a bill of sale,  (g) Unison  shall have  delivered  the
assets to Fiberstars, (h) Unison shall have executed and delivered the ancillary
agreements  to  Fiberstars,  (i) Unison  shall have  delivered  to  Fiberstars a
certificate signed by its President  certifying to fulfillment of the conditions
described above, (j) Fiberstars shall have received a legal opinion from counsel
to Unison, (k) Fiberstars shall have satisfactorily  completed its due diligence
review of Unison,  (l)  Fiberstars'  shareholders  shall have approved the Share
Issuances,  and (m) certain prior agreements between Fiberstars and Unison shall
have terminated upon Closing.

     The  obligations of Unison under the Purchase  Agreement are subject to the
satisfaction  in all  material  respects  or waiver  by Unison of the  following
conditions:  (a) each of the representations and warranties of Fiberstars in the
Purchase  Agreement or any closing  certificate shall be true and correct in all
material  respects  on and as of the Closing  Date,  (b)  Fiberstars  shall have
complied with all covenants,  (c) Unison shall have received  certified or other
copies of all documents relating to Fiberstars incident to the Transactions, (d)
no legal action or proceeding  shall have been instituted after January 14, 2000
regarding the  transactions  contemplated by the Purchase  Agreement which would
prevent the  consummation of the  Transactions or have a material adverse effect
on the Business, (e) Fiberstars shall have executed and delivered the assumption
agreement  to Unison,  (f)  Fiberstars  shall have  executed and  delivered  the
ancillary  agreements to Unison,  (g) Unison shall have received a legal opinion
from counsel to Fiberstars,  (h) certain prior agreements between Fiberstars and
Unison shall have terminated upon Closing.


     The Purchase Agreement may be terminated, and the Acquisition abandoned, at
any time prior to the closing of the  Transactions  by : (a) the mutual  written
consent of Fiberstars and Unison; (b) Fiberstars,  if the Closing does not occur
by March 1, 2000; or (c) by either  Fiberstars or Unison if there is an order or
decree  preventing to a material  degree the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated by the Purchase Agreement. If the Purchase Agreement is terminated,
it will become  void and no  liability  shall  survive on the part of any party,
except that:  (a) no party shall be relieved of any liability  resulting  from a
breach of the confidentiality provisions of the Purchase Agreement; and (b) each
party will bear its respective  expenses,  costs and fees in connection with the
transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement.

Material Contracts Related to the Transaction

     Development Agreement

     In connection with the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement,
Fiberstars  will  enter  into a  development  agreement  with  Unison to develop
certain  lamp and fiber  technologies.  In exchange for this  development  work,
Unison will pay


Fiberstars  $2,000,000 over a 15 month period in scheduled quarterly payments as
follows:  (i) $500,000 on January 1, 2000, (ii) $500,000 on April 1, 2000, (iii)
$500,000 July 1, 2000, (iv) $250,000  October 1, 2000, and (v) $250,000  January
1, 2001.

     This funding is to be used for development work on the following  projects:
(i) an improved,  more flexible Advanced CableLite fiber, (ii) an Optiflex fiber
suitable in life and  light-acceptance  capability for the  commercial  lighting
and/or  the  residential  pool  market,  (iii)  pool  and spa  market  dual  CPC
technology,  (iv) accent downlight using dual CPC technology, and (v) single CPC
technology for pool and spa and commercial lighting applications.

     Pursuant  to the  agreement,  Fiberstars  will  agree to  maintain  certain
staffing levels on the projects and to work toward achieving certain development
milestones. Additionally,  Fiberstars will agree to pay royalties of 3% for five
years, 2% in the sixth and seventh years and 1% for the eighth,  ninth and tenth
years on net sales of Advanced CableLite fiber,  Optiflex fiber and illuminators
using  the CPC  technology.  Fiberstars  will  retain  exclusive  rights  on all
technology  for fiber optic  lighting  applications.  After the ten year royalty
period,  Fiberstars  assumes  exclusive  royalty-free  rights to the fiber optic
lighting applications of this technology.

Cross License Agreement

     In connection with the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement,
ADLT, Unison and Fiberstars will enter into a Cross-Licensing  Agreement.  Under
the  agreement,  ADLT and Unison agree to grant to  Fiberstars,  and  Fiberstars
agrees to grant to ADLT and Unison,  a world-wide,  royalty-free,  non-exclusive
license  to new  products  developed  by the  parties.  The  license  granted to
Fiberstars  is limited  to the  fiberoptic  field of use while the ADLT  license
excludes the fiberoptic  field of use and may only be sub-licensed to affiliates
of the  respective  parties.  Each  license is limited in scope  utility  and/or
design patent  applications and/or patents owned or controlled by the respective
party. The agreement is for a term of ten years, which term shall  automatically
renew for a period of ten years unless proper notice given or earlier terminated
by the parties.

Mutual Supply Agreement

     In connection with the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement,
ADLT,  including certain  subsidiaries of ADLT, and Fiberstars will enter into a
Mutual Supply Agreement.  Under the agreement,  each of ADLT and Fiberstars will
agree to manufacture  and sell products to the other party at specified  prices.
Manufacture of the products will be pursuant to specifications  provided by each
party and products will be supplied pursuant to purchase orders submitted by the
respective parties in accordance with the agreement. The agreement is for a term
of five  years,  which term may be renewed by either  party with  proper  notice
given for an additional five year period if the parties agree upon prices.



Description of Business

     Unison is a designer,  manufacturer  and  marketer of fiber optic  lighting
systems and system components,  operating primarily in the United States. Unison
maintains its  headquarters  in Solon,  OH and conducts  extensive  research and
development  programs  in Solon and  Bristol,  PA. Its  Cable-Lite  division  in
Dallas, TX manufactures fiber optic  illuminators and cable.  Unison markets and
sells its fiber optic  systems  and system  components  primarily  in the United
States to customers and  representatives.  Unison's  sales and customer  service
personnel  provide  complete  ordering and pricing  information,  in addition to
technical service, to customers.

     In June 1999, Unison  streamlined its operations and significantly  reduced
its workforce. As part of this restructuring, Unison consolidated its production
facilities,  implemented an aggressive sales program and intensified its current
product development and technology programs.

Descripion of Property

     Unison performs research and development activities at facilities in Solon,
OH  and  in  Bristol,  PA.  Each  of  these  facilities  is  leased  by  Unison.
Additionally,  Unison  leases  a  facility  in  Dallas,  TX  from  which  Unison
manufactures products.

Financial Statements

     Financial statements for Unison are attached hereto as Appendix B.

Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation

     The  following  is  Unison  management's  discussion  and  analysis  of the
financial condition and results of operations of Unison for the six months ended
June 30, 1998 and the twelve  months ended June 30, 1999.  This  discussion  and
analysis  should be read in  conjunction  with, and is qualified in its entirety
by, the audited  financial  statements  for the periods  ended June 30, 1998 and
June 30,  1999  attached  hereto as  Appendix  B.  Management's  discussion  and
analysis  provides   information   concerning  Unison's  business   environment,
consolidated  results of  operations  and liquidity  and capital  resources.  In
addition  to  historical  information,   management's  discussion  and  analysis
includes  certain  forward-looking  statements  regarding  events and  financial
trends that may affect Unison's future operating results and financial position.
Readers  are  cautioned  not to place undue  reliance  on these  forward-looking
statements  which speak only as of the date hereof.  Such statements are subject
to risks  and  uncertainties  that  could  cause  Unison's  actual  results  and
financial position to differ materially.

                                                12 Months Ended   6 Months Ended
Income Statement Data                            June 30, 1999     June 30, 1998
- ---------------------                             -----------       -----------
Net sales ..................................      $   864,833       $   211,521
Cost of sales ..............................        2,016,647           370,224
 Gross loss ................................       (1,151,814)         (158,703)
Selling and administrative expense .........        3,492,464         1,501,196
Research and development expense ...........        3,231,826         2,394,485
Restructuring expense ......................          300,647              --
 Loss from operations ......................       (8,176,751)       (4,054,384)
Other income
 Interest income ...........................          458,972           353,200
 Other .....................................            9,470              --
    Net loss ...............................      $(7,708,309)      $(3,701,184)


Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1999 Compared To Six Months Ended June 30, 1998
(On an Annualized Basis)

     Net sales for the year ended June 30, 1999 were $864,833,  more than double
the net sales of the previous six months (on an annualized basis). The increased
sales came from Unison' s Cablelite division and the retail display market. Cost
of  sales  of  $2,016,647  for the 12  months  ended  June  30,  1999  increased
significantly  from the  previous six months due  primarily  to the Bristol,  PA
fiber plant moving from pilot operation into production.

     Selling and  administrative  expense of  $3,492,464  increased 16% from the
previous  six  months  (on an  annualized  basis)  due  primarily  to  increased
personnel and promotional costs.  Research and development expense of $3,231,826
decreased  33% from the  previous six months (on an  annualized  basis) due to a
reduction  in certain  start-up  costs (such as  prototype  design,  tooling and
consulting)  in the 1999 period and the transfer of the Bristol,  PA fiber plant
into production

     Unison earns interest on its short-term investments and on notes receivable
from its members. Interest income declined from the 6 months ended June 30, 1998
to the 12  months  ended  June 30,  1999 as  Unison's  cash  balances  and notes
receivable decreased.

     Unison's net loss of $7,708,309 increased 4% from the previous 6 months (on
an annualized basis). Unison is a limited liability company and therefore had no
income tax liability for the periods shown.


     In June 1999,  Unison provided  $300,647 for certain  restructuring  costs,
primarily  employee   severance  and  outplacement   costs.  This  restructuring
streamlined  Unison's  operations,   significantly  reduced  its  workforce  and
significantly reduced its spending and projected losses in the future.

Liquidity And Capital Resources

     Unison's working capital was $ (3,571,478) at June 30, 1999, as compared to
$755,699 at June 30, 1998.  The decrease in working  capital was due to Unison's
net loss for the year  ended  June 30,  1999,  partially  offset by payment of a
member's note receivable during 1999.



     The financial and other  information  regarding  Fiberstars is incorporated
herein by reference to the  information  in the Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for
the year ending December 31, 1998 and in the Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for
the period ending  September 30, 1999 attached hereto as Appendix C and Appendix
D,  respectively,  including the  information  required by Items 201, market for
common equity and related shareholder matters, 303, management's  discussion and
analysis or plan of operation and 304, changes in disagreements with accountants
on  accounting  and  financial  disclosure  of  Regulation  S-B,  as well as the
financial information required by Part I of Form 10-QSB.


The accompanying  unaudited pro forma combined  condensed balance sheet combines
the historical  financial  statements of Fiberstars,  Inc. (the Company) and the
balance  sheet  of  Unison  as if the  acquisition  had  occurred  on or  before
September 30, 1999.

The accompanying  unaudited pro forma combined condensed statement of operations
for the year ended  December  31,  1998  includes  the  historical  consolidated
statement of operations of the Company for the year ended  December 31, 1998 and
the  historical  statement  of  operations  of Unison for the nine months  ended
September 30, 1999 as if the acquisition had occurred on January 1, 1998.

The  accompanying   unaudited  pro  forma  combined  consolidated  statement  of
operations for the nine months ended  September 30, 1999 includes the historical
statement of  operations  of the Company and of Unison for the nine months ended
September 30, 1999 as if the acquisition had occurred on January 1, 1998.

The unaudited pro forma combined condensed  statements of operations give effect
to the acquisition  using the purchase method of accounting,  and are based upon
allocation of the purchase  price and include the  adjustments  described in the
notes attached thereto.

The unaudited pro forma combined condensed  financial  statements do not purport
to represent  what the Company's  results of operations  would have been had the
acquisition occurred on the date indicated or for any future period or date. The
pro forma adjustments give effect to available  information and assumptions that
the Company believes are reasonable.  The unaudited pro forma combined condensed
financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company's historical
financial  statements  and the  financial  statements  of  Unison  and the notes
thereto included or incorporated elsewhere herein.


                                                          FIBERSTARS, INC.
                                             PRO FORMA COMBINED CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET
                                                       FOR SEPTEMBER 30, 1999
                                                       (amounts in thousands)

                                                                                   Pro Forma         Pro Forma
                                                                Fiberstars         Unison(B1)      Adjustments(B2)         Combined
                                                                ----------         ----------      ---------------         --------
Current Assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents .............................         $  3,096          $    128          $   (128)             $  3,096
 Accounts receivable trade, net ........................            5,046               169              (169)                5,046
 Notes and other accounts receivable ...................              201             3,000            (3,000)                  201
 Inventories ...........................................            4,017             1,463            (1,463)                4,017
 Prepaid expenses and other assets .....................              458                32               (32)                  458
 Deferred income taxes .................................              163              --                --                     163
                                                                 --------          --------          --------              --------
   Total current assets ................................           12,981             1,792            (1,792)               12,981
 Fixed assets, net .....................................            2,175             2,986            (2,386)(B3)            2,775
 Goodwill, net .........................................            3,983             1,003            (1,003)                3,983
 Acquired Technology ...................................             --                --               2,000 (B4)            2,000
 Investment in joint ventures ..........................                2              --                --                       2
 Other assets ..........................................              173                54               (54)                  173
 Deferred income taxes .................................               89              --                --                      89
                                                                 --------          --------          --------              --------
   Total assets ........................................         $ 19,403          $  5,835          $ (3,235)             $ 22,003
                                                                 ========          ========          ========              ========
Current liabilities
 Accounts payable ......................................         $  2,352          $  5,979            (5,979)             $  2,352
 Accrued expenses ......................................            2,084                83               (83)                2,084
 Current portion of long-term debt .....................                8              --                --                       8
                                                                 --------          --------          --------              --------
   Total current liabilities ...........................            4,444             6,062            (6,062)                4,444
Long-term debt, less current portion ...................              708              --                --                     708
                                                                 --------          --------          --------              --------
   Total liabilities ...................................            5,152             6,062            (6,062)                5,152
                                                                 --------          --------          --------              --------
Common stock ...........................................             --                --                --                    --
Additional paid-in capital .............................           13,946            14,970           (14,970)               13,946
Issuance of warrants ...................................             --                --               2,600 (B5)            2,600
Notes receivable from shareholder ......................              (75)             --                --                     (75)
Note receivable, member ................................             --              (3,000)            3,000                  --
Cumulative translation adjustments .....................              (46)             --                --                     (46)
Accumulated deficit ....................................              426           (12,197)           12,197                   426
                                                                 --------          --------          --------              --------
   Total shareholders' equity ..........................           14,251              (227)            2,827                16,851
                                                                 --------          --------          --------              --------
    Total liabilities and shareholders'
      equity ...........................................         $ 19,403          $  5,835          $ (3,235)             $ 22,003
                                                                 ========          ========          ========              ========

                             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Note A--Acquisition:

On December 3, 1999,  Fiberstars,  inc. (the  Company)  entered into a Letter of
Intent to acquire the net assets of Unison  Fiber Optic  Lighting  Systems,  LLC
(Unison) for an aggregate of $2,600,000 in the form of four warrants to purchase
up to an aggregate of 1,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock.  Unison is
a manufacturer and distributor of fiber optic lighting systems worldwide.

Note B--Pro Forma Adjustments:

                  (1)  Unison  Fiber  Optic  Lighting  Systems,  LLC on or about
         January 14, 2000 became a wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced  Lighting
         Technologies,  Inc. of Solon,  Ohio.  Prior to that date it was a joint
         venture  partnership between Advanced Lighting  Technologies,  Inc. and
         Rohm and Haas Company. The balance sheet for Unison as of September 30,
         1999  represents all of the assets,  liabilities and equity holdings of
         the joint venture.

                  (2) Fiberstars  will be assuming only a portion of the balance
         sheet of the joint  venture in the form of selected  fixed  assets,  as
         well as  technology  which had no balance  sheet  value on the books of
         Unison. The remainder of the assets not acquired  substantially consist
         of manufactory  equipment which  Fiberstars  otherwise has an option to
         acquire for  $1,000,000.  Those assets are  presently not being used by
         Unison.  These assets are  described in notes 3 and 4 below.  All other
         balance  sheet  items  have  been  eliminated  as part of the pro forma

                  (3) $600,000 of fixed assets are not  eliminated.  These fixed
         assets  represent  the book  value of office  equipment,  R&D  research
         equipment and solid core fiber  production  equipment to be utilized by
         former Unison employees who will be employed by Fiberstars.

                  (4) Represents the allocated  value of certain  technology for
         lamp and solid core fiber production.

                  (5) Represents the value of four warrants to purchase up to an
         aggregate of  1,000,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock used to
         acquire the assets  described in (3) and (4). The value of the warrants
         was determined by reference to an appropriate options pricing model.


                                                          FIBERSTARS, INC.
                                        PRO FORMA COMBINED CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                                              FOR NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1999
                                           (amounts in thousands except per share amounts)

                                                                                    Pro Forma         Pro Forma
                                                                 Fiberstars         Unison (1)      Adjustments (2)        Combined
                                                                 ----------         ----------      ---------------        --------
Net sales ...............................................         $ 24,083          $    787          $   --               $ 24,870
Cost of Sales ...........................................           13,969             1,218              --                 15,354
                                                                  --------          --------          --------             --------
Gross profit ............................................           10,114              (431)             --                  9,683
Operating expenses ......................................            8,672             4,738               150(3)            13,560
                                                                  --------          --------          --------             --------
                                                                     1,442            (5,169)             (150)              (3,877)
Interest income/(expense) ...............................              (15)              166              --                    151
Other income/(expense) ..................................               13                (2)             --                     11
                                                                  --------          --------          --------             --------
Income before income taxes ..............................            1,440            (5,005)             (150)              (3,715)
Provision for income taxes ..............................             (524)            1,752                54(4)             1,282
                                                                  --------          --------          --------             --------
Net income/(loss) .......................................         $    916          $ (3,253)         $    (96)            $ (2,433)
                                                                  ========          ========          ========             ========
Net income/(loss) per share--basic ......................         $   0.23              --                --               $  (0.61)
                                                                  ========          ========          ========             ========
Shares used in per share calculation--
 basic ..................................................            3,984              --                --                  3,984
                                                                  --------          --------          --------             --------
Net income/(loss) per share--diluted ....................         $   0.23              --                --               $  (0.61)
                                                                  --------          --------          --------             --------
Shares used in per share
 calculation--diluted ...................................            4,064              --                --                  3,984
                                                                  --------          --------          --------             --------

                             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

                    FOR NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

(1) Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, LLC on or about January 14, 2000 became
    a wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Lighting Technologies,  Inc. of Solon,
    Ohio. Prior to that date it was a joint venture partnership between Advanced
    Lighting  Technologies,  Inc. and Rohm and Haas  Company.  The  statement of
    operations  for Unison as of September  30, 1999  represents  the profit and
    loss accounts of a start-up venture.  During the three month period prior to
    September  30,  1999,   the  scale  of  the  operation  had  been  cut  back
    considerably  from a high of 52  employees to 25 full time  employees.  As a
    result,  these pro-forma  results will not be representative of the combined
    results after the acquisition.

(2) Pro forma adjustments are additional adjusting entries required to represent
    the  combination  as  though  it had been in effect  for the  entire  period
    reported. Of the $2 million allocated to acquired technology,  approximately
    $1 million will be allocated to in-process  research and  development  which
    will  be  charged  to the  Company's  results  of  operations  in the  first
    published results subsequent to the transaction.

(3) Represents the  amortization of the acquired  technology and depreciation of
    fixed  assets  purchased  from Unison  exclusive  of  consideration  for the
    approximately  $1 million for in-process  research and development (See note
    2). The period of amortization is 8 years.

(4) Represents tax adjustment to reflect 36% overall income tax rate  applicable
    to pro forma results.

(5) Unison results for the quarter ending  September 30, 1999 included  expenses
    from personnel and operations  which were largely reduced or discontinued by
    Unison prior to the Acquisition.  The results for this quarter without these
    personnel and operations may be shown as follows:

                                                                                   Pro-forma Quarter
                                          Unison          Costs of personnel     ending Sept. 30, 1999
                                       Quarter ending      and operations           without costs
                                       Sept. 30, 1999      not continued            not continued
                                       --------------      -------------            -------------
Sales ..........................             313                                        313
COS ............................             355                141                     214
                                             ---                ---                     ---
Gross Profit ...................             -42               -141                      99
Expenses .......................             810                380                     430
Operating income ...............            -852               -521                    -331
                                             ===                ===                     ===


                                                          FIBERSTARS, INC.
                                                         PRO FORMA COMBINED
                                                  CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                                                FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                                                Pro Forma          Pro Forma
                                                           Fiberstars           Unison(1)        Adjustments(2)            Combined
                                                           ----------           ---------        --------------            --------
Net sales .......................................           $ 22,682            $    603            $   --                 $ 23,285
Cost of Sales ...................................             14,136               2,781                --                   16,917
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Gross profit ....................................              8,546              (2,178)               --                    6,368
Operating expenses ..............................              8,339               5,691                 200(3)              14,230
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Operating income ................................                207              (7,869)               (200)                (7,862)
Interest income/(expense) .......................                223                 646                --                      869
Other income/(expense) ..........................                779                  11                --                      790
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Income before income taxes ......................              1,209              (7,212)               (200)                (6,203)
Provision for income taxes ......................               (447)              2,524                  72                  2,149
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Net income/(loss) ...............................           $    762            $ (4,688)           $   (128)              $ (4,054)
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Net income/(loss) per share--basic ..............           $   0.21                --                  --                 $  (1.12)
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Shares used in per share calculation--
 basic ..........................................              3,623                --                  --                    3,623
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Net income/(loss) per share--diluted ............           $   0.21                --                  --                 $  (1.12)
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------
Shares used in per share
 calculation--diluted ...........................              3,695                --                  --                    3,623
                                                            --------            --------            --------               --------


                               FIBERSTARS, INC.

                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

(1) Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, LLC on or about January 14, 2000 became
    a wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Lighting Technologies,  Inc. of Solon,
    Ohio. Prior to that date it was a joint venture partnership between Advanced
    Lighting  Technologies,  Inc. and Rohm and Haas  Company.  The  statement of
    operations  for Unison as of September  30, 1999  represents  the profit and
    loss accounts of a start-up venture.  During the three month period prior to
    September  30,  1999,   the  scale  of  the  operation  had  been  cut  back
    considerably  from a high of 52  employees to 25 full time  employees.  As a
    result,  these  pro-forma  results  will be  representative  of the combined
    results as of the combination.

(2) Pro forma adjustments are additional adjusting entries required to represent
    the  combination  as  though  it had been in effect  for the  entire  period
    reported. Of the $2 million allocated to acquired technology,  approximately
    $1 million will be allocated to in-process  research and  development  which
    will  be  charged  to the  Company's  results  of  operations  in the  first
    published results subsequent to the transaction.

(3) Represents the  amortization of the acquired  technology and depreciation of
    fixed  assets  purchased  from Unison  exclusive  of  consideration  for the
    approximately  $1 million for in-process  research and development (See note
    2). The period of amortization is 8 years.

(4) Represents tax adjustment to reflect 36% overall income tax rate  applicable
    to pro forma results.




     Fiberstars  which was  incorporated  in  California  in 1985,  develops and
markets fiber optic lighting systems,  which are used in a variety of commercial
and  residential  applications.  Fiberstars  pioneered  the use of  fiber  optic
technology in lighting.  By continuing to improve the price and  performance  of
its products and by expanding its marketing  efforts,  Fiberstars has become the
world's leading supplier in this emerging market.

     Fiberstars' products have advantages over conventional lighting in areas of
efficiency,  safety,  maintenance  and beauty,  and thus can be used in place of
conventional  lighting  in a  number  of  applications.  By  delivering  special
lighting effects which conventional  lighting cannot match, fiber optic lighting
systems are especially  attractive for a wide range of decorative  applications,
such as the lighting of swimming  pools and spas,  signage,  "neon"  decoration,
landscaping, and other segments within the commercial and residential markets.

     Fiberstars  designs,  develops and  manufactures  its fiber optic  lighting
systems and distributes its products  worldwide,  primarily through  independent
sales representatives, distributors and swimming pool builders.


     Unison is a Delaware limited liability company formed as a joint venture of
RH and ADLT. As of January 2000 Unison became a wholly owned subsidiary of ADLT.
Unison is a designer,  manufacturer and marketer of fiber optic lighting systems
and  system  components,  operating  primarily  in  the  United  States.  Unison
maintains its headquarters in Solon,  Ohio and conducts  extensive  research and
development  programs  in Solon and  Bristol,  PA. Its  Cable-Lite  division  in
Dallas, TX manufactures fiber optic  illuminators and cable.  Unison markets and
sells its fiber optic  systems  and system  components  primarily  in the United
States to customers and  representatives.  Unison's  sales and customer  service
personnel  provide  complete  ordering and pricing  information,  in addition to
technical service, to customers.


     As of the close of business on January 14, 2000,  there were  approximately
200 shareholders of record for Fiberstars Common Stock. Fiberstars believes that
the actual number of holders of Fiberstars Common Stock exceeds 1300. Fiberstars
has not declared or paid any cash dividends on shares of its equity  securities,
including  Fiberstars Common Stock, since its incorporation in 1985.  Fiberstars
currently intends to retain earnings to support its growth strategy and does not
anticipate paying dividends in the foreseeable  future.  Fiberstars Common Stock
is traded on the Nasdaq  National  Market  under the symbol  "FBST".  Fiberstars
Common Stock commenced trading on August 18, 1994. On October 15, 1999, the last
full day of trading before the announcement of the  Acquisition,  the high sales
price of Fiberstars Common Stock was $3.875 per share and the low sales price of
Fiberstars  Common Stock was $3.875 as reported on the Nasdaq  National  Market.
You should obtain more recent stock price quotes from other sources of financial


                         AND MANAGEMENT OF FIBERSTARS

     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  with  respect  to
beneficial  ownership of the Company's  Common Stock as of September 30, 1999 as
to (i) each  person  known by the  Company  to own  beneficially  more than five
percent of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock,  (ii) each director of the
Company or director  nominee who beneficially  owns shares,  (iii) the Company's
Chief  Executive  Officer and the five  highest paid  executive  officers of the
Company whose total annual salary and bonus  exceeded  $100,000  during the year
ended  December 31, 1998,  and (iv) all executive  officers and directors of the
Company as a group. Unless otherwise specified, the address for each officer and
director is 44259 Nobel Drive, Fremont, California 94538.

                                                                  Shares Beneficially Owned
Name and Address (1)                                               Number        of Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------------   -----------   -----------
Advanced Lighting Technologies, Inc.(2)
 Wayne Hellman
 Alan Ruud
 3200 Aurora Rd.
 Solon, OH 44139 ...............................................  1,039,677        26.0
David N. Ruckert(3) ............................................    271,573         6.6
Philip Wolfson(4) ..............................................    154,008         3.8
Michael Feuer(5) ...............................................    113,067         2.8
John B. Stuppin(6) .............................................    100,832         2.5
Barry R. Greenwald(7) ..........................................     79,211         2.0
J. Steven Keplinger(8) .........................................     70,746         1.8
Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.(9) ......................................     37,666          *
B. J. Garet(10) ................................................     26,666          *
Frederick Martin(11) ...........................................     34,771          *
J. Arthur Hatley(12) ...........................................     16,477          *
All officers and directors as a group (14 persons)(13) .........  1,944,694        43.0

- ------------
 *  Less than one percent.
 1) To  Fiberstars'  knowledge,  the persons named in the table have sole voting
    and  investment  power with  respect to all shares of Common  Stock shown as
    beneficially  owned  by them,  subject  to  community  property  laws  where
    applicable and the information contained in the footnotes to this table.
 2) Includes 1,023,011 shares held by Advanced Lighting  Technologies,  Inc., of
    which Mr.  Hellman is Chairman and CEO and Mr. Ruud is President and COO and
    as to which each of Mr. Hellman and Mr. Ruud disclaim beneficial  ownership.
    Also includes 16,666 shares subject to outstanding stock options held by Mr.
    Hellman that are exercisable on or before September 30, 1999.
 3) Includes 137,500 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
 4) Includes 49,166 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
 5) Includes 40,468 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
 6) Includes 39,166 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.


 7) Includes 75,330 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
 8) Includes 66,331 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
 9) Includes  1,000  owned  by  the  Eliot  Trust,  of  which  Mr.  Eliot  is  a
    beneficiary.  Also,  includes  36,666 shares  subject to  outstanding  stock
    options exercisable on or before September 30, 1999.
10) Includes 26,666 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
11) Includes 32,500 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
12) Includes 16,250 shares subject to outstanding  stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.
13) Includes 571,709 shares subject to outstanding stock options  exercisable on
    or before September 30, 1999.


     Two  directors,  Mr.  Wayne  Hellman and Mr. Alan Ruud,  of the nine member
Fiberstars  Board are  designees of ADLT. Mr Hellman is Chairman and CEO of ADLT
and Mr. Ruud is its President and COO.

     Upon  the  closing  of the  Transactions,  ADLT  will  beneficially  own an
aggregate of 1,039,677 shares of Fiberstars  Common Stock. In addition,  Unison,
which prior to the Closing Date will become a wholly owned  subsidiary  of ADLT,
will own warrants to purchase up to an additional 1,000,000 shares of Fiberstars
Common Stock.

     Mr.  Hellman and Mr. Ruud disclaim beneficial ownership as to the shares of
Fiberstars Common Stock beneficially owned by ADLT and Unison.

                         FUTURE SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Pursuant to Rule  14a-4(c)(1) of the Exchange Act, the Company's  proxy for
the 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  may confer  discretionary  authority to
vote on any  proposal  submitted  by a  shareholder  if  written  notice of such
proposal is not  received  by the  Company at its offices at 44259 Nobel  Drive,
Fremont,  CA 94538,  on or before  February  15,  2000,  or, if the 2000  Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders is held more than 30 days before or after May 12, 2000,
within a reasonable time before the mailing of the Company's proxy materials for
the 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

     Proposals of  shareholders of the Company that are intended to be presented
by such  shareholders at the Company's 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  must
be received by the Company no later than December 2, 1999 to be  considered  for
inclusion in the proxy statement and form of proxy relating to such meeting.


     Fiberstars files annual,  quarterly and special  reports,  proxy statements
and  other  information  with  the SEC.  You may  read  and  copy  any  reports,
statements or other  information that Fiberstars files with the SEC at the SEC's
public  reference  rooms in  Washington,  D.C.,  New York, New York and Chicago,
Illinois.  Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further  information on the
public reference rooms.  These SEC filings are also available to the public from
commercial  document  retrieval services and at the Internet web site maintained
by the SEC at "http://www.sec.gov."

     Unison has  supplied  all  information  contained  in this Proxy  Statement
relating  to  Unison.  Except as  otherwise  indicated,  all  other  information
contained in this Proxy  Statement has been supplied or prepared by  Fiberstars.
You should rely only on the information contained in this Proxy Statement.


We have not authorized  anyone to provide you with information that is different
from what is contained in this Proxy  Statement.  This Proxy  Statement is dated
January 14, 2000. You should not assume that the  information  contained in this
Proxy  Statement  is accurate  as of any date other than that date.  Neither the
mailing of this Proxy Statement to  shareholders  nor the  authorization  of the
issuance of Fiberstars  Common Stock pursuant to the Purchase  Agreement creates
any implication to the contrary.


     The following  documents,  each of which was previously filed by Fiberstars
(Commission  File No.  000-24230)  with the SEC  pursuant  to  Section 13 of the
Exchange Act, are incorporated herein by reference:

                  (1) Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB  for the fiscal  year ended
         December 31, 1998 and amendments thereto filed April 2, 1999, April 28,
         1999 and May 28, 1999;

                  (2)  Quarterly  Report on Form  10-QSB for the fiscal  quarter
         ended September 30, 1999.;

                  (3)  Quarterly  Report on Form  10-QSB for the fiscal  quarter
         ended June 30, 1999; and

                  (4)  Quarterly  Report on Form  10-QSB for the fiscal  quarter
         ended March 31, 1999.

     Fiberstars  will  provide  without  charge  to each  person to whom a Proxy
Statement is delivered  upon written or oral request to such person,  within one
business day of receipt of such request,  a copy of any  documents  incorporated
herein by reference  (other than exhibits to such documents unless such exhibits
are  specifically  incorporated  by reference into the documents that this Proxy
Statement  incorporates).  Requests  for  such  copies  should  be  directed  to
Fiberstars' Secretary,  Fiberstars, Inc., 44259 Nobel Drive, Fremont, California


     One or more  representatives of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, the principal
accountants  of  Fiberstars  for the  current  year  and for the  most  recently
completed fiscal year, (i) will attend the Special  Meeting;  (ii) will have the
opportunity  to make a  statement  if they  desire to do so;  and (iii)  will be
available to respond to appropriate questions.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  knows of no other  matters to be  submitted to the
Special Meeting.  If any other matters properly come before the Special Meeting,
then the persons  named in the enclosed  form of proxy will vote the shares they
represent in such manner as the Board may recommend.

                                     BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                     /s/ DAVID N. RUCKERT
                                     DAVID N. RUCKERT
                                     President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief
                                     Operating Officer and Director

Dated: January 14, 2000


                                   APPENDIX A


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.



                         Dated as of December ___, 1999


                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I  TRANSFER OF ASSETS, PURCHASE PRICE, CLOSING, ETC.......................................................1
         SECTION 1.01  Transfer of Assets.........................................................................1
         SECTION 1.02  Instruments of Conveyance and Transfer.....................................................3
         SECTION 1.03  Nonassignable Contracts....................................................................3
         SECTION 1.04  Purchase Price.............................................................................3
         SECTION 1.05  Closing....................................................................................5
         SECTION 1.06  Payments to Seller on the Closing Date.....................................................5
         SECTION 1.07  Assumption of Liabilities..................................................................5
         SECTION 1.08  Non-Assumption of Certain Liabilities......................................................5

ARTICLE II  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES........................................................................6
         SECTION 2.01  Representations and Warranties of Seller...................................................6
         SECTION 2.02  Representations and Warranties by Buyer...................................................11

ARTICLE III  ADDITIONAL COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS.................................................................13
         SECTION 3.01  Conduct of Business.......................................................................13
         SECTION 3.02  Access to Information by Buyer............................................................13
         SECTION 3.03  Confidentiality...........................................................................13
         SECTION 3.04  Consents and Authorizations...............................................................14
         SECTION 3.05  Non-Assignable Licenses, Leases and Contracts.............................................14
         SECTION 3.06  Non-Competition...........................................................................14
         SECTION 3.07  Non-Solicitation..........................................................................14
         SECTION 3.08  Exclusivity...............................................................................15
         SECTION 3.09  Injunctive Relief.........................................................................15
         SECTION 3.10  Optiflex Manufacturing Line...............................................................15

ARTICLE IV  CONDITIONS PRECEDENT.................................................................................16
         SECTION 4.01  Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Buyer..........................................16
         SECTION 4.02  Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Seller.........................................17

ARTICLE V SURVIVAL OF REPRESENTATIONS; INDEMNIFICATION...........................................................18
         SECTION 5.01  Survival..................................................................................18
         SECTION 5.02  Indemnity.................................................................................18
         SECTION 5.03  Third Party Claims........................................................................19
         SECTION 5.04  Limitation on Indemnities.................................................................20

ARTICLE VI FURTHER ASSURANCES....................................................................................20
         SECTION 6.01  Further Assurances........................................................................20
         SECTION 6.02  Books and Records.........................................................................20
         SECTION 6.03  Cooperation on Taxes......................................................................21

ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS........................................................................................21
         SECTION 7.01  Termination...............................................................................21
         SECTION 7.02  Effect of Termination.....................................................................21
         SECTION 7.03  Expenses, etc.............................................................................21
         SECTION 7.04  Execution in Counterparts.................................................................22
         SECTION 7.05  Notices...................................................................................22
         SECTION 7.06  Waivers...................................................................................22
         SECTION 7.07  Amendments, Supplements, etc..............................................................22
         SECTION 7.08  Entire Agreement..........................................................................23
         SECTION 7.09  Applicable Law............................................................................23
         SECTION 7.10  Binding Effect, Benefits..................................................................23
         SECTION 7.11  Assignability.............................................................................23
         SECTION 7.12  Public Announcements......................................................................23
         SECTION 7.13  Invalid Provisions........................................................................23
         SECTION 7.14  Commercially Reasonable...................................................................24

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

  Exhibit           Description
  -------           -----------

    A               List of Assets

    A-1             Purchased Intellectual Property

    B               Bill of Sale and Assignment Agreement

    C               Warrants

    D               Assumption Agreement

    E               Ancillary Agreements, consisting of:

    E-1             Development Agreement

    E-2             Supply Agreement

    E-3             Cross-License Agreement

    E-4             Parent Agreement


                              INDEX OF DEFINITIONS

ADLT...................................................................Recital C
Adverse Effect...................................................ss. 2.01(f)(xi)
Affiliate...............................................................ss. 3.06
Ancillary Agreements......................................ss. 4.01(h), Exhibit E
Assets...............................................................ss. 1.01(a)
Business...............................................................Recital B
Closing.................................................................ss. 1.05
Closing Date............................................................ss. 1.05
CPC..................................................................ss. 1.04(a)
Disclosure Schedule.....................................................ss. 2.01
Employment Agreement......................................ss. 4.01(i), Exhibit F
Encumbrances.........................................................ss. 2.01(g)
Environmental Permits...........................................ss. 2.01(r)(iii)
Fiber Optic Lighting Applications.......................................ss. 3.06
Financial Statements.................................................ss. 2.01(e)
GAAP.................................................................ss. 1.04(a)
Hazardous Material................................................ss. 2.01(r)(i)
Hazardous Materials Activities...................................ss. 2.01(r)(ii)
Material Adverse Effect.................................................ss. 2.01
Permitted Exceptions.............................................ss. 2.01(f)(xi)
Purchase Price..........................................................ss. 1.04
Purchased Intellectual Property.....................ss. 1.01(a)(ii), Exhibit A-1
Solid Core Fiber Cable...............................................ss. 1.04(a)
Warrants.....................................................ss. 1.04, Exhibit C

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

THIS  ASSET  PURCHASE  AGREEMENT  dated as of  December  __,  1999,  is  between


         A.  Seller is  engaged in the  business  of  developing  manufacturing,
marketing and selling  lighting  products and components,  including fiber optic
lighting; and

         B. Buyer  desires to  purchase  and  acquire  from  Seller,  and Seller
desires to sell,  assign and transfer to Buyer,  certain  assets and  properties
held in connection with,  necessary for, or material to the Seller's fiber optic
lighting  portion  of its  business  (the  "Business");  and Buyer has agreed to
assume certain  liabilities of Seller, all for the Purchase Price (as defined in
Section  1.04  below)  and on the terms and  subject to the  conditions  of this

         C.  A  member  of  Seller  is  Venture  Lighting  International,   Inc.
("Venture");  and Venture is a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  Advanced  Lighting
Technologies, Inc. ("ADLT").

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and  the  mutual
covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I


SECTION 1.01      Transfer of Assets.

               (a) The  assets,  properties  and  business of Seller to be sold,
conveyed,  transferred and delivered by Seller to Buyer pursuant to this Section
1.01(a) are  referred to in this  Agreement  as the  "Assets".  On the terms and
subject  to the  conditions  hereinafter  set  forth,  on the  Closing  Date (as
hereinafter defined),  Seller will sell, convey,  transfer and deliver to Buyer,
and Buyer will purchase from Seller,  for the purchase price provided in Section
1.04 hereof, all the following assets and properties of Seller as the same shall
exist on the Closing Date,  except those assets  excluded  pursuant to paragraph
(b) below:

                    (i)  all  tangible  property  (real,   personal  or  mixed),
computer systems, work in process, supplies, leaseholds, leasehold improvements,
tools, fixtures,  machinery and equipment of Seller existing on the Closing Date
and either (x)  attributable  to the Business or (y)  otherwise set forth in the
List  of  Assets  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  A  hereto,  including,  without
limitation,  equipment for research and developing work and pilot  manufacturing
for Optiflex fiber processing and manufacturing  equipment for Advance CableLite
fiber and certain research and development equipment;

                    (ii) all of the intellectual property rights owned by Seller
or licensed to Seller and used in  connection  with the  Business or the Assets,
including,  without  limitation,  all of Seller's (a) rights in any  trademarks,
service  marks,  trade  names,  corporate  names,  copyrights,  patents,  patent
applications,  design rights,  inventions  and trade  secrets;  and (b) computer
software programs and systems, know-how, formulae and designs, and documentation
relating to the foregoing (the "Purchased Intellectual Property"). The Purchased
Intellectual Property is further described on Exhibit A-1.

                    (iii) all drawings, blueprints,  specifications, designs and
data  relating  to  the  Business,   including,  without  limitation,   specific
development  plans with milestone dates  acceptable to Buyer for ADLT to develop
in cooperation with the Buyer (a) dual CPC lamp/optics technology and (b) single
CPC lamp/optics technology;

                    (iv)   all   catalogues,    brochures,   sales   literature,
advertising,  promotional  material and other selling  material  relating to the

                    (v) all books and records and all files, documents,  papers,
agreements,  books of account and other  records  pertaining to the Assets or to
the  Business  which are located at the offices or used in  connection  with the
Assets or the Business,  subject to Seller obtaining any necessary consents with
respect to personal information concerning its employees;

                    (vi) any other  assets or rights of every  kind and  nature,
real or personal,  tangible or intangible,  which are owned or used by Seller or
useful in connection with the Business.

         Without  limiting the  generality of the  foregoing,  the Assets shall,
         except as set forth in  paragraph  (b)  below,  include  all assets set
         forth in a detailed list to be prepared from the accounting  records of
         Seller  and  furnished  by Seller  to Buyer at or prior to the  Closing
         Date,  and all such  assets as may have  been  acquired  by Seller  and
         reasonably  necessary to, or for use primarily in connection  with, the
         Business  since the date of such list and which  would be included on a
         list  prepared in like manner  from such  accounting  records as of the
         Closing  Date,  except any such assets which may have been  disposed of
         since said date in the ordinary  course of business and consistent with
         past practice.

               (b) Anything  herein  contained to the contrary  notwithstanding,
the following assets and properties of Seller are specifically excluded from the
Assets and shall be retained by Seller:

                    (i) all cash on hand,  including bank accounts and temporary
cash  investments  (except  for petty  cash funds  maintained  at offices of the
Business), accounts receivable, notes receivable, inventories,  prepayments, and
deferred items of the Business, outstanding on the Closing Date;

                    (ii)  claims for refunds of Taxes (as  hereinafter  defined)
and other  governmental  charges for  periods  ending on or prior to the Closing

                    (iii) claims or rights  against  third  parties  relating to
liabilities or obligations which are not assumed by Buyer hereunder;


                    (iv) rights under insurance  policies,  including  rights to
any cancellation value on the Closing Date; and

                    (v) the  manufacturing  line  equipment  located at Bristol,
Pennsylvania; and

                    (vi) patents and other  intellectual  property  rights which
are only licensed to Buyer,  as  distinguished  from being assigned to Buyer, as
further described on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto.

         SECTION 1.02 Instruments of Conveyance and Transfer. Subject to Section
1.03 below,  on the Closing Date Seller shall execute and deliver to Buyer (i) a
bill of sale in the form included in the Bill of Sale and  Assignment  Agreement
annexed hereto as Exhibit B,  transferring to Buyer the properties and assets to
be acquired by Buyer under the terms of this Agreement,  (ii) assignments of all
patents,  patent  applications  and  computer  software  and of  all  contracts,
licenses, leases and similar agreements to be assigned to Buyer pursuant to this
Agreement,  and (iii) such other bills of sale,  instruments  of assignment  and
other appropriate documents as may be reasonably requested by Buyer, as the case
may be, in order to carry out the intentions and purposes of this Agreement.  To
the extent that any  property or asset which is to be assigned  and  conveyed to
Buyer requires a prior consent from a third party, and such consent has not been
obtained by the time of the Closing Date, then Seller hereby grants to Buyer the
exclusive license right to use said property or asset, on a royalty-free  basis,
until  such  required  consent is  obtained.  Seller  agrees to pursue  diligent
efforts to obtain such  consent as soon as feasible  and to assign and convey to
Buyer said property or asset as soon as the consent is so obtained.

         SECTION 1.03 Nonassignable  Contracts.  Nothing in this Agreement shall
be construed  as an attempt or  agreement  to assign (i) any  contract  which is
nonassignable  without the consent of the other party or parties  thereto unless
such consent shall have been given or (ii) any contract or claim as to which all
the remedies  for the  enforcement  thereof  enjoyed by Seller would not pass to
Buyer as an incident  of the  assignments  provided  for by this  Agreement.  In
order, however, that the full value of every contract and claim of the character
described  in clauses  (i) and (ii)  above and all  claims  and  demands on such
contracts may be realized,  Seller will use its commercially  reasonable efforts
to obtain approval to assignment,  and failing that, Seller will by itself or by
its agents, at the request and under the direction of Buyer, as the case may be,
in the name of Seller or otherwise as Buyer,  as the case may be, shall  specify
and as shall be  permitted  by law,  take all such  action and do or cause to be
done all such things as shall in the reasonable opinion of Buyer be necessary or
proper  (x) in order  that the  rights  and  obligations  of Seller  under  such
contracts shall be preserved  (provided Buyer assumes all such  obligations) and
(y) for, and to facilitate, the collection of the moneys due and payable, and to
become due and payable, to Seller in and under every such contract and claim and
in respect of every such claim and  demand,  and Seller  shall hold the same for
the benefit of and shall pay the same over promptly to Buyer.

         SECTION 1.04 Purchase Price.

               (a) The aggregate  purchase  price for the Assets (the  "Purchase
Price")  shall be warrants to purchase up to one million  (1,000,000)  shares of
Buyer's  common  stock  at an


exercise price of $0.01 per share in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit C (the
"Warrants").  There shall be four separate  Warrants,  each for 250,000  shares.
Each Warrant shall have an expiration date as of the seventh  anniversary of the
Closing  Date.  None of the Warrants  shall be  exercisable  until the Buyer has
recorded  sales,  in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles
("GAAP"),  to third party  customers,  of at least 1,000  "CPC" units  (i.e.,  a
lamp/optics  combination using a "compound parabolic collector" in a fiber optic
illuminator).  In addition,  the Warrants shall become exercisable only upon the
achievement  of certain  share prices of Buyer's  common stock  averaged  over a
thirty (30) calendar day period as quoted on the Nasdaq  national market (or any
other  national  public market system on which  Buyer's  common stock  regularly
trades).  A Warrant shall become  exercisable  when the average closing price of
Buyer's  common  stock over any thirty (30)  calendar  day period is equal to or
greater  than the value set forth  below,  provided  that Buyer also has met the
additional sales requirement set forth below:

Warrant                                     Minimum Average                        Additional Sales
Number                Warrant                 Share Price                             Requirement
- ------                -------                 -----------                             -----------
      1         250,000 shares                $6 per share          Sales of 1,000 ft of Solid Core Fiber Cable

      2         250,000 shares                $8 per share          Sales of 10,000 ft of Solid Core Fiber Cable

      3         250,000 shares               $10 per share          Sales of 50,000 ft of Solid Core Fiber Cable

      4         250,000 shares               $12 per share          Sales of 100,000 ft of Solid Core Fiber Cable

As used above,  the term  "Solid Core Fiber  Cable"  means  extruded  solid core
"Optiflex" fiber cable,  advanced Cast Fiber,  advanced  Cable-Lite,  or similar
successor  solid  core  fiber  cable  products   developed  from  the  Purchased
Intellectual  Property.  The above additional sales  requirement means a sale by
Buyer to a third party  customer,  in accordance  with GAAP, of Solid Core Fiber
Cable.  Buyer shall use its commercially  reasonable efforts to develop and sell
Solid Core Fiber Cable and CPC units, as described above.

               (b) As an  alternative to exercising one or more of the foregoing
Warrants, Seller may elect at any time while a Warrant remains outstanding, even
if the Warrant is not yet exercisable,  to cancel a particular  numbered Warrant
in  exchange  for Buyer  issuing to Seller a number of shares of Buyer's  common
stock, as follows:

                 Cancelled                   Shares to
               Warrant Number                Be Issued
                     1                         151,250
                     2                         119,375
                     3                          95,625
                     4                          78,750


Said election shall be by a written notice delivered to Buyer, together with the
Warrant to be cancelled.

               (c) All of the share certificates  issued pursuant to an exercise
or  cancellation  of a  Warrant  shall  be  endorsed  with  a  customary  legend
restricting transfers of shares in accordance with applicable securities laws.

         SECTION 1.05 Closing.  The closing of the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement (the  "Closing")  shall take place at the offices of Buyer,  once
the  conditions  precedent  set  forth  in  Sections  4.01 and  4.02  have  been
satisified or waived,  targetted to occur on January 28, 2000 at 10 A.M.,  local
time,  or at such other  place or at such other date or time as Seller and Buyer
may mutually  agree (such date and time of Closing is herein called the "Closing
Date");  it being understood and agreed that for all purposes  relating to Taxes
the Closing shall be effective as of the close of business on the Closing Date.

         SECTION  1.06  Payments to Seller on the Closing  Date.  On the Closing
Date, in full consideration for the sale,  conveyance,  transfer and delivery to
Buyer of the  Assets  hereinafter,  subject  to the  assumption  of  liabilities
provided for herein, Buyer shall issue the Warrants to the Seller.

         SECTION 1.07  Assumption of  Liabilities.  On the Closing  Date,  Buyer
shall execute and deliver to Seller an assumption agreement,  in the form of the
Assumption  Agreement annexed hereto as Exhibit D, pursuant to which, subject to
Section 1.08 below,  Buyer shall assume and agree to pay,  perform and discharge
when due those certain liabilities and obligations of Seller with respect to the
Business as identified on Exhibit D.

         SECTION  1.08  Non-Assumption  of  Certain  Liabilities.  Buyer  is not
assuming,  and  shall  not  be  deemed  to  have  assumed,  any  liabilities  or
obligations  of  Seller of any kind or nature  whatsoever,  except as  expressly
provided above in Section 1.07 hereof. In no event shall Buyer be deemed to have
assumed or taken subject to any  liabilities  arising on or prior to the Closing
Date.  Anything in Section 1.07 or  elsewhere in this  Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding,  and without  limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  it is
hereby  agreed  that  Buyer is not  assuming  any  liability  and shall  have no
obligation  for or with respect to any liability or obligation of Seller (i) for
any taxes of Seller,  its  subsidiaries or affiliates or for which Seller or any
of its  subsidiaries  or affiliates is or may be liable,  without regard to when
such tax is due or payable or (ii) arising out of any action, suit or proceeding
based upon an event  occurring or a claim arising (x) on or prior to the Closing
Date or (y) after the Closing  Date in the case of claims in respect of services
delivered  by Seller on or prior to the Closing  Date and  attributable  to acts
performed or omitted by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date.


                                   ARTICLE II


         SECTION  2.01  Representations  and  Warranties  of  Seller.  Except as
otherwise  set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule (the  "Disclosure  Schedule"),
which has been delivered to Buyer as of the date hereof,  Seller  represents and
warrants to, and agrees with, Buyer as follows:

               (a)  Organization  and  Qualification,  etc.  Seller is a limited
liability  company duly organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under
the laws of the State of  Delaware,  has power and  authority  to own all of its
properties and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted,
and  is  duly  qualified  to  do  business  and  is in  good  standing  in  each
jurisdiction  as set forth in the Disclosure  Schedule  where, to the reasonable
belief of Seller,  such  qualification  is  appropriate  to the Business and the
failure to so  qualify  would have a  Material  Adverse  Effect (as  hereinafter

                  "Material  Adverse  Effect" means any change in, or effect on,
         the  Business as currently  conducted by the Seller that is  materially
         adverse to the results of  operations  or  financial  condition  of the
         Business, taken as a whole.

               (b)  Authority  Relative to  Agreement.  Seller has the power and
authority  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement,  and  to  consummate  the
transactions  contemplated on the part of Seller hereby. No other proceedings on
the part of Seller are necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of this
Agreement  by  Seller  or  the   consummation  by  Seller  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby.  This  Agreement  has been duly  executed and delivered by
Seller and,  assuming  the due  authorization,  execution  and  delivery of this
Agreement  by Buyer,  is a valid and binding  agreement  of Seller,  enforceable
against  Seller in  accordance  with its terms,  except as limited by applicable
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium  or other  laws of general
application  relating to or affecting  enforcement  of creditor's  rights and by
rules  of  law  governing  specific  performance,  injunctive  relief  or  other
equitable remedies.

               (c)  Non-Contravention.   The  execution  and  delivery  of  this
Agreement by Seller does not and the  consummation by Seller of the transactions
contemplated  hereby will not (i) violate any  provision  of the  organizational
documents  (including the Operating  Agreement) of Seller,  or (ii) violate,  or
result with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both in a violation of,
any  provision  of, or result in the  acceleration  of or  entitle  any party to
accelerate  (whether  after  the  giving of notice or lapse of time or both) any
obligation  under, or result in the creation or imposition of any lien,  charge,
pledge,  security  interest  or other  encumbrance  upon any of the  property of
Seller  pursuant to any  provision  of, any mortgage,  lien,  lease,  agreement,
license,  instrument,  law,  ordinance,  regulation,  order,  arbitration award,
judgment  or decree to which  Seller is a party or by which any of its assets is
bound and do not and will not violate or conflict with any other  restriction of
any kind or  character  to which Seller is subject or by which any of its assets
may be bound,  and the same does not and will not constitute an event permitting
termination of any mortgage,  lien, lease,  agreement,  license or instrument to
which Seller is a party.


               (d) Government  Approvals.  No consent,  authorization,  order or
approval of, or filing or registration with, any governmental commission,  board
or other  regulatory  body is required  for the  execution  and delivery of this
Agreement and the  consummation by the Seller of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby, except (i) where the failure to obtain such consents,  authorizations or
approvals  or to make  such  filings  or  registrations  would not  prevent  the
consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  (ii)  as  may be
necessary as a result of any facts or circumstances relating solely to Buyer, as
the case may be.

               (e) Financial Statements.  Seller has furnished Buyer its balance
sheet and related statements of income as of and for the period ending September
30, 1999 ("Financial  Statements").  All such balance sheets and accounts are in
accordance  with the books and  records  of Seller  and  fairly  and  accurately
present  in  all  material  respects  the  financial  position  and  results  of
operations of Seller as of the date and for the period  indicated,  in each case
consistently applied,  subject to normal year-end adjustments and the absence of

               (f) Absence of Certain  Changes or Events.  Since  September  30,
1999, with respect to the Business, Seller has not:

                    (i)  incurred  any   obligation   or  liability   (fixed  or
contingent),  except  normal  trade  or  business  obligations  incurred  in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

                    (ii) discharged or satisfied any lien,  security interest or
encumbrance or paid any  obligation or liability  (fixed or  contingent),  other
than in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

                    (iii) mortgaged,  pledged or subjected to any lien, security
interest  or other  encumbrance  any of its  assets or  properties  (other  than
Permitted Exceptions (as hereinafter defined));

                    (iv) transferred, leased or otherwise disposed of any of its
assets or properties or acquired any assets or properties, except in any case in
the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

                    (v) canceled or compromised any debt or claim, except in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

                    (vi)  waived  or  released,  under any  contract,  rights of
Seller having value to the Business,  except in any case in the ordinary  course
of business and consistent with past practice;

                    (vii)   transferred   or  granted   any  rights   under  any
concessions, leases, licenses,
agreements,  patents,  inventions,  trademarks,  trade names,  service  marks or
copyrights  or with respect to any  know-how,  except in the ordinary  course of
business and consistent with past practice;

                    (viii) entered into any transaction, contract or commitment,
except those listed,  or which  pursuant to the terms hereof are not required to
be listed,  on the  Disclosure


Schedule,  this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and those
entered  into in the  ordinary  course  of  business  and  consistent  with past

                    (ix) paid or made  provisions  for any  payment to Seller or
any affiliate of
Seller,  except in the  ordinary  course of business  and  consistent  with past

                    (x)  suffered any  casualty  loss or damage  (whether or not
such loss or damage shall have been covered by  insurance)  which affects in any
material respect its ability to conduct its business; or

                    (xi) suffered any Material Adverse Effect.

                  "Permitted    Exceptions"    shall   mean   (i)    mechanic's,
         materialman's,  warehouseman's  and carrier's  liens and purchase money
         security  interests  arising in the ordinary  course of business;  (ii)
         liens for taxes and assessments not yet payable; (iii) liens for taxes,
         assessments and charges and other claims,  the validity of which Seller
         is contesting in good faith; and (iv)  imperfections  of title,  liens,
         security  interests,  claims and other  charges  and  encumbrances  the
         existence of which would not have in the aggregate an Adverse Effect.

                  "Adverse  Effect"  means any  change  in, or  effect  on,  the
         Business or its  Subsidiaries  as  currently  conducted  by Seller that
         would result in the  incurrence of damages or liabilities of the sum of
         $25,000 or more.

               (g) Title to Properties; Absence of Liens and Encumbrances,  etc.
Seller has good and marketable title to all of the real,  tangible  personal and
mixed  properties and assets owned by it and used in the Business free and clear
of any  liens,  charges,  pledges,  security  interests  or  other  encumbrances
(collectively,  "Encumbrances")  (other than  Permitted  Exceptions),  except as
reflected in the Financial  Statements.  The  intangible  properties  and assets
owned by Seller and used in the Business are free and clear of any  Encumbrances
(other  than  Permitted  Exceptions),  except  as  reflected  in  the  Financial

               (h) Purchased  Intellectual  Property. The Purchased Intellectual
Property  (identified  on Exhibit  A-1) is owned by Seller free and clear of any
Encumbrances, or Seller has a valid license to use the same, which such licenses
may be freely transferred to Buyer. Except as set forth on Disclosure  Schedule,
Seller has not received any notice or claim disputing the right of Seller to own
or use any of the  Purchased  Intellectual  Property or  alleging  that such use
infringes upon the  intellectual  property rights of such person.  The Purchased
Intellectual  Property  constitutes all of the proprietary  rights necessary and
sufficient  for the  operation  of the  Assets  and the  Business  as  currently
conducted.  The Assets and the operation of the Business are not infringing upon
or otherwise acting  adversely to any  intellectual  property owned by any other
person. Seller is not in default, and to the best of Seller's knowledge no third
party is in default, under any license,  sublicense or agreement by which Seller
hold  or has  given  to  others  the  right  to use any  Purchased  Intellectual
Property. No claim has been made challenging the validity of, or any of Seller's
rights under, the Purchased Intellectual Property.  Seller has at all times used
legally  sufficient  and  commercially  reasonable  efforts to protect its trade
secrets  and has not  disclosed  or  otherwise  dealt  with such items in such a
manner as to cause the loss of such


trade secrets by release thereof into the public domain. Seller has at all times
used commercially  reasonable  efforts to protect the  confidentiality of all of
its other  confidential  and  proprietary  information and that of third parties
which is subject to confidentiality  and non-disclosure  obligations which is or
has been in its possession. Each person currently or formerly employed by Seller
(including  independent  contractors,   if  any)  that  has  or  had  access  to
confidential  information  of Seller  relating to the Business or the Assets has
executed a confidentiality  and non-disclosure  agreement in the form previously
provided  to  Buyer  and  each  current  and  former  employee  has  executed  a
proprietary  rights and inventions  assignment  agreement in the form previously
provided to Buyer. Neither the execution or delivery of such agreements, nor the
carrying on of the Business as employees by such persons,  will conflict with or
result in a breach of the terms,  conditions  or  provisions  of or constitute a
default  under any  contract,  covenant  or  instrument  under which any of such
persons is obligated.

               (i) List of Properties,  Contracts and Other Data. Exhibits A and
A-1 attached  hereto contain a list describing and setting forth with respect to
the  Business  as of  the  date  hereof  all of the  assets,  leases,  licenses,
intellectual property,  permits,  contracts,  data and other rights used for the
operation of the Business, other than the excluded assets and property described
in Section  1.01(b).  Seller has delivered to Buyer true and complete  copies of
all documents constituting the items referenced in Exhibits A and A-1.

               (j) Performance. Except to the extent described in the Disclosure
Schedule,  Seller has performed all of the obligations  required to be performed
by it to date and is not in  default  under  any of the  agreements,  contracts,
instruments  or documents  listed or  described  in Exhibits A and A-1,  nor, to
Seller's  knowledge,   is  any  other  party  to  such  agreements,   contracts,
instruments or documents in default thereunder.

               (k) Consents.  Seller has obtained,  or prior to the Closing Date
will obtain,  all  consents and  approvals,  including  approvals of  government
agencies,  required for the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by Seller
and the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

               (l) Litigation.  There are no actions,  suits or proceedings with
respect to the Business pending against Seller at law or in equity, or before or
by any federal,  state,  municipal,  foreign or other  governmental  department,
commission,  board, bureau, agency or instrumentality,  nor, to the knowledge of
Seller,  are there any such actions,  suits or  proceedings  with respect to the
Business threatened against Seller.

               (m) Compliance with Law. Seller is not in default with respect to
any order of any court,  governmental authority or arbitration board or tribunal
to which it is a party or, to the  knowledge  of Seller,  to which it is subject
and which  applies to the  Business  and,  has not been  notified  that it is in
violation of any laws, ordinances, governmental rules or regulations to which it
is subject or has failed to obtain any  licenses,  permits,  franchises or other
governmental  authorizations  necessary to the ownership of the Assets or to the
conduct of the Business.

               (n) Assets.  The Assets  being sold,  conveyed,  transferred  and
delivered or licensed by Seller to Buyer pursuant to this  Agreement  constitute
all  Seller's  assets and  properties  of every kind and  description  (wherever
located)  reasonably  necessary to, or used


primarily in connection with, the Business  including without limitation list of
all  customers,  suppliers  and other  business  contacts  used by Seller in the

               (o) Taxes.  Seller has filed all federal,  state, local and other
tax returns and reports, if any, required to be filed by it and such returns are
true and correct. Seller has paid all taxes, if any, shown to be due and payable
on said  returns and reports and has  withheld  with  respect to  employees  all
federal and state income taxes,  FICA, FUTA and other taxes and charges required
to be withheld.  There are no outstanding tax audits or notices of tax audits or
liabilities to pay any additional  taxes,  and there have been no tax audits for
the last five (5) fiscal years.

               (p)  Condition  of  Properties.  All  of  the  tangible  personal
properties of Seller included in the Assets are in good operating  condition and
repair,  subject  only to ordinary  wear and tear which is not such as to render
the properties less than  substantially  fit for the purposes for which they are
being used. None of said tangible  personal  properties of Seller are subject to
any deferred maintenance obligations.

               (q) Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities. Seller has no liabilities
of any nature,  fixed or  contingent,  which are not  reflected in the Financial
Statements other than those liabilities based upon circumstances of which Seller
neither knows nor should reasonably know.

               (r) Compliance with Environmental Requirements.

                    (i) As of the date hereof,  to the  knowledge of Seller,  no
underground  storage  tanks are present under any property that Seller or any of
its subsidiaries has at any time owned, operated,  occupied or leased. As of the
date  hereof,  no  amount  of any  substance  that  has been  designated  by any
governmental  entity  or  by  applicable  federal,  state  or  local  law  to be
radioactive,   toxic,   hazardous  or  otherwise  a  danger  to  health  or  the
environment,   including,   without  limitation,   PCBs,  asbestos,   petroleum,
urea-formaldehyde  and all substances listed as hazardous substances pursuant to
the Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation,  and Liability Act of
1980, as amended,  or defined as a hazardous waste pursuant to the United States
Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, and the regulations
promulgated  pursuant to said laws (a  "Hazardous  Material"),  are present as a
result of the actions of Seller, or, to Seller's  knowledge,  any actions of any
third  party,  in,  on or  under  any  property,  including  the  land  and  the
improvements, ground water and surface water, that Seller has at any time owned,
operated, occupied or leased.

                    (ii)  At no  time  has  Seller  transported,  stored,  used,
manufactured,  disposed  of,  released  or exposed  its  employees  or others to
Hazardous  Materials  in violation of any law in effect on or before the Closing
Date, nor has Seller disposed of, transported, sold, or manufactured any product
containing a Hazardous Material (collectively, "Hazardous Materials Activities")
in  violation  of any rule,  regulation,  treaty or statute  promulgated  by any
governmental entity to prohibit,  regulate or control Hazardous Materials or any
Hazardous Material Activity.

                    (iii) Seller  currently holds all  environmental  approvals,
permits,  licenses,   clearances  and  consents  (the  "Environmental  Permits")
necessary for the conduct of its


businesses as such activities and businesses  (including any Hazardous Materials
Activity)  are  currently  being  conducted,  the  absence  of  which  would  be
reasonably likely to result in fines to Seller in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars

                    (iv) No action, proceeding, revocation proceeding, amendment
procedure,  writ, injunction or claim is pending or, to the knowledge of Seller,
threatened  concerning  any  Environmental  Permit  or any  Hazardous  Materials
Activity of Seller.  Seller is not aware of any fact or circumstance which would
be reasonably likely to involve Seller in any environmental litigation or impose
upon Seller any  environmental  liability  which would be  reasonably  likely to
exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).

               (s)  Employees.  Buyer has already  employed  several of Seller's
former employees.  Buyer is not obligated to employ any other existing or former
employees of Seller. Buyer shall not have any responsibility for any obligations
of Seller with respect to any existing or former employees of Seller.

               (t) Business Relations. Seller has not received from any customer
or supplier of Seller  notice that such  customer or supplier  intends to change
its business  relationship  with Seller after  consummation of the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

               (u) Full Disclosure.  All documents and papers delivered by or on
behalf of Seller in connection  with this  Agreement or any of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby were  prepared and delivered by Seller and are complete and
authentic in all  respects.  Seller has complied  with all requests of Buyer and
its representatives for documents,  papers and information relating to Seller in
connection with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and have not failed to
deliver  any  document,  paper or other  information  requested  by Buyer or its
representatives in connection therewith. No representation or warranty by Seller
contained in this Agreement or any agreement or instrument  contemplated hereby,
or  in  any  document,  written  information,  statement,  financial  statement,
certificate or exhibit  prepared or furnished or to be prepared and furnished by
Seller or its representatives to Buyer or its representatives pursuant hereto or
in connection with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  contains any untrue
statement  of a fact or omits to state a fact  required to be stated  therein or
necessary  to  make  the  statements   contained   therein,   in  light  of  the
circumstances under which it was made, not false or misleading.  Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  while all  projections,  provided to Buyer were prepared by the
management  of  Seller in a good  faith  effort to  describe  Seller's  proposed
business and products and the markets therefor,  and the assumptions  applied in
preparing  these  projections  appeared  reasonable to management as of the date
thereof,  there  can  be no  assurance  that  the  results  set  forth  in  such
projections will actually be achieved. To Seller's knowledge, there are no facts
which  (individually  or in the aggregate)  materially and adversely  affect the
business, assets, liabilities,  financial condition,  prospects or operations of
Seller that have not been set forth in the Agreement,  the exhibits hereto or in
other documents delivered to Buyer.

               (v)  Investment  Intent.  Seller is  acquiring  the  Warrants for
investment  for Seller's own account and not with the view to the public  resale
or  distribution  thereof  within the meaning of the  Securities Act of 1933, as
amended,  and the regulations  thereunder (the "Securities Act"), and Seller has
no present  intention of selling,  granting any  participation  in, or otherwise
distributing the Warrants.  No other person has a direct or indirect  beneficial
interest,  in whole or in part, in the Warrants.  Purchaser understands that the
Warrants  have not been  registered  under  the  Securities  Act by  reason of a
specific exemption from the registration provisions of the Securities Act, which
exemption  depends upon,  among other  things,  the bona fide nature of Seller's
investment  intent as expressed herein. As a condition to Seller exercising each
of the Warrants, Seller understands that Seller will need to make the investment
representations  as stated in  Attachment 2 to the  Warrants;  and Seller hereby
makes  the  same  representations  at this  time  in  connection  with  Seller's
acquisition of the Warrants. Seller is an accredited investor as defined in Rule
501(a)  of  Regulation  D  promulgated  under  the  Securities  Act.  Seller  is
experienced in evaluating and investing in high-risk  technology  companies such
as Buyer,  and by reason of Seller's  business and financial  experience has the
capacity to protect Seller's own interests in connection with the acquisition of
the Warrants and the underlying  shares of Buyer and has the ability to bear the
economic  risk  of  investment.  Seller  is  aware  that  the  Warrants  and the
underlying  shares  of Buyer are  highly  speculative  and that  there can be no
assurance as to what return, if any, there may be.

         SECTION 2.02  Representations and Warranties by Buyer. Buyer represents
and warrants to, and agrees with, Seller as follows:

               (a) Organization and  Qualification,  etc. Buyer is a corporation
duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the
State of California and has


corporate  power and authority to own its  properties and assets and to carry on
its business as it is now being conducted.

               (b)  Authority  Relative to  Agreement.  Buyer has the  corporate
power and authority to execute and deliver this  Agreement and to consummate the
transactions  contemplated  hereby. The execution and delivery of this Agreement
and the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly
authorized by the buyer's Board of Directors.  No other corporate proceedings on
the part of Buyer, are necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of this
Agreement  and  any  ancillary  agreements  to  which  it  is  a  party  or  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. This Agreement
has  been  duly  executed  and   delivered  by  Buyer  and,   assuming  the  due
authorization,  execution and delivery of this  Agreement by Seller,  is a valid
and binding agreement of Buyer, enforceable against Buyer in accordance with its
terms, except as limited by applicable bankruptcy, reorganization, moratorium or
other  laws of general  application  relating  to or  affecting  enforcement  of
creditors' rights and by rules of law governing specific performance, injunctive
relief or other equitable remedies.

               (c)  Non-Contravention.   The  execution  and  delivery  of  this
Agreement does not and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby
will not (i) violate any provision of the Articles of  Incorporation  or By-Laws
of Buyer,  as the case may be, or (ii)  violate,  or result  with the  giving of
notice or the lapse of time or both in a  violation  of,  any  provision  of, or
result in the acceleration of or entitle any party to accelerate  (whether after
the giving of notice or lapse of time or both) any obligation  under,  or result
in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge, pledge,  security interest or
other  encumbrance  upon any of the property of Buyer  pursuant to any provision
of, any mortgage, lien, lease, agreement,  license,  instrument, law, ordinance,
regulation,  order,  arbitration  award,  judgment or decree to which Buyer is a
party or by which any of its assets is bound and do not and will not  violate or
conflict with any other  restriction  of any kind or character to which Buyer is
subject or by which any of its  assets  may be bound,  and the same does not and
will not  constitute an event  permitting  termination  of any  mortgage,  lien,
lease,  agreement,  license or instrument to which Buyer is a party,  except for
any such violation, acceleration,  creation, imposition, conflict or termination
which would not prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
by Buyer.

               (d) Government  Approvals.  No consent,  authorization,  order or
approval of, or filing or registration with, any governmental commission,  board
or other regulatory body is required for or in connection with the execution and
delivery of this  Agreement and the  consummation  by Buyer of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby,  except  (i) where the  failure to obtain  such  consents,
authorizations  or approvals or to make such filings or registrations  would not
prevent the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby or thereby and
(ii) as may be  necessary  as a result  of any facts or  circumstances  relating
solely to Seller.

               (e)  Litigation.  There are no actions,  claims,  proceedings  or
governmental  investigations  pending  against  Buyer or any of their  assets or
properties at law or in equity,  before or by any federal,  state,  or municipal
court,  agency or other  governmental  entity,  or by any other  person,  which,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  could  reasonably be expected (i) to have a
material  adverse effect on the financial  condition or results of operations of
Buyer or (ii) to  prevent  the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated


               (f) Brokers. All negotiations  relative to this Agreement and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby have been carried out by Buyer  directly with
Seller, without the intervention of any person on behalf of Buyer in such manner
as to give rise to any valid  claim by any person  against  Buyer for a finder's
fee, brokerage commission, or similar payment.

                                  ARTICLE III


         SECTION  3.01  Conduct of  Business.  During  the period  from the date
hereof through and including the Closing Date, except as otherwise  contemplated
by this  Agreement,  Seller  shall use its  commercially  reasonable  efforts to
conduct the Business  according to its ordinary and usual course of business and
consistent  with past  practice  and use its  commercially  reasonable  efforts,
subject  to  the  foregoing,  to  preserve  substantially  intact  the  business
organization  of the Business,  keep  available the services of its officers and
employees,  and maintain its present  relationships  with licensors,  suppliers,
distributors,  customers and others having  significant  business  relationships
with it.  Representatives of Seller will confer with representatives of Buyer to
keep them informed with respect to the general status of the on-going operations
of the Business.

         SECTION  3.02 Access to  Information  by Buyer.  Buyer may prior to the
Closing  Date have access to the  business  and  properties  of the Business and
information concerning its financial and legal condition as Buyer deem necessary
or  advisable  in  connection  with  the   consummation   of  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby,  provided that such access shall not interfere with normal
operations  of the Business.  Seller  agrees to permit Buyer and its  authorized
representatives,  or cause them to be permitted  to have,  after the date hereof
and until the Closing Date,  full access to the  premises,  books and records of
Seller relating to the Business  during normal business hours,  and the officers
of Seller will furnish Buyer with such  financial  and operating  data and other
information with respect to the business and properties of the Business as Buyer
shall from time to time reasonably request. No investigation by Buyer heretofore
or hereafter made shall affect the representations and warranties of Seller, and
each such  representation  and warranty  shall  survive any such  investigation,
provided,  however, that in the event that as a result of any such investigation
the senior executive  officers of Buyer or such attorneys and accountants as the
senior   executive   officers  of  Buyer  shall   designate   to  conduct   such
investigation,   shall  receive  notice  of  material  facts  which,   based  on
information actually known to them, they shall reasonably determine would be, or
reasonably might be, required to be disclosed in the Disclosure Schedule and are
not so disclosed will use  reasonable  efforts to inform Seller of such material
facts and no such  material  facts  shall  form the  basis  for  indemnification
hereunder,  and  provided,  further,  however,  that neither  Buyer nor any such
officers, attorneys or accountants shall have any obligation to make any inquiry
in respect of the foregoing.

         SECTION  3.03  Confidentiality.  Each of Buyer,  on the one  hand,  and
Seller,  on the other hand,  covenants and agrees for itself,  its subsidiaries,
its affiliates and its officers and directors  that, for a period of three years
following the Closing, it will hold all information  concerning the Business and
all  information  concerning  Buyer or Seller,  as the case may be,


received by Buyer or Seller,  as the case may be, in connection  herewith (other
than any information which (i) becomes generally  available to the public,  (ii)
was  available to Buyer,  or Seller,  as the case may be, on a  non-confidential
basis prior to its disclosure by, Buyer or Seller, or (iii) becomes available to
Buyer or Seller, as the case may be, on a  non-confidential  basis from a source
other  than,  Buyer or  Seller,  that is not  prohibited  from  disclosing  such
information to Buyer or Seller, by a contractual, legal or fiduciary obligation)
on a confidential  basis,  not use itself or voluntarily  disclose to others any
such information, promptly return every document furnished by Buyer or Seller in
connection  herewith and any copies  thereof it may have made and to destroy any
summaries,  compilations  or similar  documents it may have made or derived from
such material,  and have its representatives  promptly return such documents and
copies and destroy such summaries,  compilations or similar  documents.  Each of
Buyer and Seller further covenants and agrees for itself, its subsidiaries,  its
affiliates and its officers and directors that it will keep confidential and not
use trade secrets of the business of Buyer,  on the one hand, or Seller,  on the
other hand, as the business appears immediately following the Closing Date.

         SECTION 3.04 Consents and Authorizations.  As soon as practicable, each
of the parties hereto will commence to take all reasonable  action to obtain all
authorizations,  consents,  orders and approvals of all third parties and of all
federal,  state and local regulatory bodies and officials which may be or become
necessary  for  its  execution  and  delivery  of,  and the  performance  of its
obligations  pursuant to, this Agreement and will cooperate fully with the other
parties in promptly seeking to obtain all such authorizations,  consents, orders
and approvals.

         SECTION 3.05  Non-Assignable  Licenses,  Leases and  Contracts.  Seller
shall use its commercially  reasonable efforts to obtain and deliver to Buyer at
or prior to the Closing  such  consents or waivers as are required in order that
any contract listed on Exhibits A or A-1 or the Disclosure  Schedule which would
be breached or  violated,  or would give any other party the right to cancel the
same, as a result of the  occurrence of the Closing  hereunder,  shall not be so
breached or violated or result in such right of cancellation.

         SECTION  3.06  Non-Competition.  During  the period  commencing  on the
Closing Date and ending on the tenth  anniversary  of the Closing  Date,  Seller
shall not be engaged in any  material  respect in the  business of  providing to
third parties any products or services for "Fiber Optic Lighting  Applications,"
defined to mean any lighting  applications  involving remote source lighting and
either (i) fiber  optics,  or (ii) light  pipes,  or (ii)  other  light  guides.
Further, Seller shall obtain a similar  non-competition  covenant signed by ADLT
to bind  ADLT and all of its  affiliates,  in the form of the  Parent  Agreement
attached  hereto as Exhibit  E-4.  As used in this  Section  3.06 and in Section
3.07, the term "affiliate" of ADLT shall mean any business entity in which ADLT,
directly or  indirectly,  owns or controls at least fifty  percent  (50%) of the
equity, profit interests or voting power. The foregoing non-competition covenant
shall not apply to any activities of Seller  pursuant to any specific  agreement
between  Buyer and Seller (such as their Supply  Agreement or their  Development

         SECTION 3.07 Non-Solicitation.

               (a) During the period  commencing  on the Closing Date and ending
on the first  anniversary  of the Closing  Date,  neither  Seller nor any of its
affiliates  nor any  executive  officers  thereof  will  directly or  indirectly
actively solicit for employment, or advise or recommend to any


other person that they employ or solicit for employment,  any employee of Buyer;
provided,  however,  that nothing in this Section 3.07 shall prohibit  Seller or
any of its affiliates  from employing any person who contacts them on his or her
own initiative or in response to a general  solicitation of employees  through a
newspaper advertisement or similar means. Further, Seller shall obtain a similar
non-solicitation covenant signed by ADLT to bind ADLT and all of its affiliates,
in the form of the Parent Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 4.

               (b)  Each of the  Seller  and the  Shareholders  agrees  that the
limitations  set  forth in these  Sections  3.06  and 3.07  (including,  without
limitation,  any time or  territorial  limitations)  are reasonable and properly
required for the adequate protection of the business of Buyer. In the event that
any such  territorial or time limitation is deemed to be unreasonable by a court
of competent jurisdiction,  Seller agrees to the reduction of the territorial or
time  limitation  to the area or period  which  such  court  shall  have  deemed

         SECTION  3.08  Exclusivity.  Until the earlier of the  Closing  Date or
termination of this Agreement in accordance  with its terms,  Seller agrees that
it will not (and that it will use its best efforts to assure that its employees,
agents  and  affiliates  do not on its  behalf)  take  any  action  to  solicit,
initiate,  seek,  encourage  or support  any  inquiry,  proposal  or offer from,
furnish  any  information  to, or  participate  in any  negotiations  with,  any
corporation, partnership, person or other entity or group concerning the sale or
acquisition  of  Seller,  its stock  (including)  by means of a public  offering
thereof,  but  excluding  issuance  of stock and  options  to  employees  in the
ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past  practices) or a substantial
part of its  assets  with  any  parties  other  than  Buyer,  and  that any such
discussions  presently in progress will be  terminated or suspended  during that
period.  Seller represents and warrants that it has the legal right to terminate
or suspend any such  pending  negotiations  and agrees to indemnify  Buyer,  its
representatives  and  agents  from and  against  any claims by any party to such
negotiations  based upon or arising out of the discussion or any consummation of
this Agreement.

         SECTION 3.09 Injunctive Relief.  Seller acknowledges that its expertise
in the Business and the Assets is of a special,  unique, unusual,  extraordinary
and  intellectual  character,  which gives such expertise a peculiar value,  and
that a breach by it of the covenants contained in Section 3 cannot be reasonably
or  adequately  compensated  in damages in an action of law and that such breach
will cause Buyer irreparable injury and damage. Seller further acknowledges that
it  possesses  unique  skills,  knowledge  and ability and that  competition  in
violation of this Section 3 would be extremely  detrimental to Buyer.  By reason
thereof,  Seller agrees that Seller shall be entitled,  in addition to any other
remedies  it  may  have  under  this  Agreement  or  otherwise,   to  temporary,
preliminary and/or permanent injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent or
curtail any breach of this Section 3, without proof of actual  damages that have
been or may be caused to Buyer by such breach or threatened breach.

         SECTION 3.10 Optiflex Manufacturing Line. Seller hereby grants to Buyer
the option to purchase  the Optiflex  manufacturing  line  equipment  located in
Bristol, Pennsylvania at a commercially reasonable purchase price, not to exceed
one million dollars ($1,000,000). Said option shall be exercised, if at all, not
later than the earlier to occur of (i) 50 days  following  Buyer's  receipt of a
written  notice that the owner of the Bristol  facility  has  required  that the
equipment be removed from the Bristol facility, which 50 day notice period shall
not end prior to 12 months after the Closing  Date,  or (ii) 18 months after the
Closing  Date.  Any such purchase


shall be on commercially  reasonable  terms.  Seller hereby agrees to retain and
maintain said equipment in good condition pending any such purchase.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

         SECTION 4.01  Conditions  Precedent to the  Obligations  of Buyer.  The
obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are subject to the satisfaction in all
material  respects or waiver by Buyer prior to or on the Closing Date of each of
the following conditions:

               (a)   Accuracy   of   Representations    and   Warranties.    The
representations  and warranties of Seller  contained in this  Agreement,  in the
Disclosure Schedule or in any closing certificate or document delivered to Buyer
pursuant  hereto  shall be true and  correct  at and as of the  Closing  Date as
though  made  at and  as of  that  time  other  than  such  representations  and
warranties as are specifically made as of another date.

               (b) Compliance  with  Covenants.  Seller shall have performed and
complied with all  covenants of this  Agreement to be performed or complied with
by it at or prior to the Closing Date.

               (c) All Proceedings to be Satisfactory. Buyer shall have received
certified or other copies of all  documents  relating to Seller  incident to the
transactions  contemplated hereby as Buyer or its counsel may reasonably request
and such  documents  shall be reasonably  satisfactory  in form and substance to
Buyer and its counsel.

               (d) Legal Actions or  Proceedings.  No legal action or proceeding
shall have been  instituted  after the date  hereof  against  Seller  arising by
reason of the  acquisition of the Assets  pursuant to this  Agreement,  which is
reasonably  likely (i) to restrain,  prohibit or invalidate the  consummation of
the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  or (ii) to have a  Material
Adverse Effect.

               (e)  Assignments  of  Contracts.  Seller shall have  obtained all
authorizations, consents, waivers and approvals as may be required in connection
with the assignment of those contracts,  agreements,  licenses, leases and other
commitments to be assigned to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement.

               (f) Bill of Sale.  Seller shall have  executed  and  delivered to
Buyer the Bill of Sale and  Assignment  Agreement in  substantially  the form of
Exhibit B hereto.

               (g) Delivery of Assets.  Seller shall have  delivered  all of the
Assets to Buyer's address set forth in Section 7.05 below.

               (h)  Ancillary   Agreements.   Seller  shall  have  executed  and
delivered to Buyer the (1)  Development  Agreement,  (2) Supply  Agreement,  (3)
Cross-Licensing  Agreement,  and (4) Parent Agreement in substantially the forms
attached hereto as Exhibit E (the "Ancillary Agreements").


               (i)  Compliance  Certificate.  Seller  shall  deliver  to Buyer a
certificate executed by its President in form satisfactory to Buyer and dated as
of the Closing Date,  certifying to the fulfillment of the conditions  described
in Sections 4.01(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i).

               (j) Legal  Opinion.  Buyer shall have received a legal opinion in
form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer from counsel to Seller dated
as of the Closing Date.

               (k) Completion of Due Diligence  Investigation.  Buyer shall have
completed to its  satisfaction  its due diligence review of the Business and the

               (l) Shareholder  Approval.  The Buyer's  shareholders  shall have
approved the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

               (m) Prior Agreements.

                    (i) Upon the  Closing,  that certain  Professional  Services
Agreement between Buyer and Seller, dated as of October 1, 1999, shall terminate
automatically,  excepting  however that those provisions which logically survive
termination  shall remain  applicable,  as appropriate,  particularly  including
Sections  3 (Rights  to Work  Product),  4  (Limited  Warranty:  Limitations  of
Liability), 5 (Confidentiality and NonDisclosure), and 8 General.

                    (ii) Upon the Closing, that certain Agency Agreement between
Buyer and Seller,  dated as of November 1, 1999, shall terminate  automatically,
excepting  however that those  provisions  which logically  survive  termination
shall remain  applicable,  as  appropriate,  particularly  including  Sections 2
(Payment to Fiberstars; Review of Records), 6 (Indemnification and Limitation of
Liability), 7 (Limitation of Liability), 8 (Exclusion of Consequential Damages),
and 9 (General).

                    (iii) Upon the Closing, that certain Distribution  Agreement
between  Buyer and Seller,  dated as of November 1, 1999,  shall  remain in full
force and  effect  for the  purpose  of Buyer  continuing  to sell the  Seller's
remaining  inventory  of  "products"  (as defined in said  agreement)  which are
retained by Seller after the Closing.

         SECTION 4.02  Conditions  Precedent to the  Obligations of Seller.  The
obligations  of Seller under this Agreement are subject to the  satisfaction  in
all  material  respects or waiver by Seller  prior to or on the Closing  Date of
each of the following conditions:

               (a)   Accuracy   of   Representations    and   Warranties.    The
representations  and warranties of each of Buyer  contained in this Agreement or
in any closing certificate or document delivered to Seller pursuant hereto shall
be true and  correct on and as of the  Closing  Date as though made at and as of
that date other than such  representations  and  warranties as are  specifically
made as of another date.

               (b)  Compliance  with  Covenants.  Buyer shall have performed and
complied with all  covenants of this  Agreement to be performed or complied with
by, at or prior to the Closing Date.


               (c)  All  Proceedings  to  be  Satisfactory.  Seller  shall  have
received  certified or other copies of all documents  relating to Buyer incident
to the transactions  contemplated hereby as Seller or its counsel may reasonably
request  and  such  documents  shall  be  reasonably  satisfactory  in form  and
substance to Seller and its counsel.

               (d) Legal Actions or  Proceedings.  No legal action or proceeding
shall have been  instituted  that is  reasonably  likely to restrain,  prohibit,
violate or otherwise affect the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated

               (e) Assumption Agreement. Buyer shall have executed and delivered
to Seller  the  Assumption  Agreement  in  substantially  the form of  Exhibit D

               (f) Ancillary Agreements. Buyer shall have executed and delivered
the Ancillary Agreements to Seller.

               (g) Legal Opinion.  Seller shall have received a legal opinion in
form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Seller from counsel to Buyer dated
as of the Closing Date.

               (h) Prior Agreements.  The prior agreements  specified in Section
4.01(l) hereof shall terminate as specified in Section 4.01(l) hereof.

                                   ARTICLE V

         SECTION 5.01 Survival.  Subject to the limitations and other provisions
of this  Agreement,  the  representations  and  warranties of the parties hereto
contained  herein  shall  survive the Closing and shall remain in full force and
effect,  regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of Buyer or Seller
until the second anniversary of the Closing Date.

         SECTION 5.02 Indemnity.

               (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Article V, Seller
hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer  harmless from and against all damages
to and  liabilities  of Buyer  resulting  from or relating  to demands,  claims,
actions or causes of action,  assessments  or other  losses,  costs and expenses
relating  thereto,   including  reasonable  out-of-pocket  attorneys'  fees  and
expenses by reason of or resulting  from (i) a breach of any  representation  or
warranty of Seller  contained in or made  pursuant to this  Agreement , (ii) the
failure of Seller to  perform or observe  any term,  provision  or  covenant  or
agreement to be performed  or observed by it pursuant to this  Agreement,  (iii)
any  actions,  suits or  proceedings  (actual  or  threatened  and  relating  to
activities of Seller on or prior to the Closing  Date) listed in the  Disclosure
Schedule or any actions,  suits or proceedings relating to circumstances arising
prior to or relating  to the conduct of the  Business on or prior to the Closing
Date or (iv) any  liability  or  obligation  of Seller of any kind or nature not
expressly assumed by Buyer pursuant to Section 1.07 hereof.

               (b) Subject to the terms and  conditions of this Article V, Buyer
hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from and against all
damages to and  liabilities  of Seller  resulting  from or  relating to demands,
claims,  actions or causes of action,  assessments  or


other  losses,  costs  and  expenses  relating  thereto,   including  reasonable
out-of-pocket attorneys' fees and expenses, by reason of or resulting from (i) a
breach of any  representation or warranty of Buyer contained in or made pursuant
to this  Agreement,  (ii) any  failure of Buyer to perform or observe  any term,
provision,  covenant or  agreement to be performed or observed by it pursuant to
this  Agreement  or (iii) the  conduct of Business  by Buyer  subsequent  to the
Closing Date.

               (c) The parties  hereto hereby  acknowledge  and agree that their
sole and  exclusive  remedy with  respect to any and all claims  relating to the
subject matter of this  Agreement  (other than a claim for fraud or for specific
performance  of  the  terms  of  this  Agreement)   shall  be  pursuant  to  the
indemnification provisions set forth in this Article V.

               (d) Except for actions  required to be taken by Buyer pursuant to
this  Agreement,  Seller  shall have no  liability  under any  provision of this
Agreement for any  liabilities  and damages to the extent that such  liabilities
and damages  relate to actions  taken or not taken by Buyer or their  affiliates
after the Closing Date. The parties  hereto shall take all  reasonable  steps to
mitigate all  liabilities and damages upon and after becoming aware of any event
which could reasonably be expected to give rise to such liabilities and damages.
In no event shall any party hereto be liable for consequential damages.

         SECTION 5.03 Third Party Claims. If any claim,  assertion or proceeding
by or in respect of a third party is made  against an  indemnified  party or any
event in respect of a third party occurs,  and if the indemnified  party intends
to seek  indemnity  with  respect  thereto  under this Article V or to apply any
damage or  liability  arising  therefrom  to the $50,000  amount  referred to in
Section 5.04, the indemnified party shall promptly notify the indemnifying party
of such  claim in  writing.  The  indemnifying  party  shall  have 30 days after
receipt of such notice to undertake, conduct and control, through counsel of its
own choosing and at its expense,  the  settlement  or defense  thereof,  and the
indemnified  party shall  cooperate with it in connection  therewith;  provided,
that,  (a)  the  indemnifying  party  shall  permit  the  indemnified  party  to
participate  in  such  settlement  or  defense  through  counsel  chosen  by the
indemnified party,  provided that the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be
borne by the  indemnified  party,  (b) the  indemnifying  party  shall  promptly
reimburse the indemnified  party for the full amount of any liability  resulting
from such claim and all related and reasonable expenses (other than the fees and
expenses of counsel as aforesaid)  incurred by the indemnified  party within the
limits of this  Article V and  subject  to the  $50,000  amount  referred  to in
Section 5.04,  (c) the  indemnified  party shall not,  without the prior written
consent of the indemnifying  party, settle or compromise any claim or consent to
the entry of any  judgment  which  does not  include  as an  unconditional  term
thereof the giving by the claimant or the plaintiff to the  indemnified  party a
release from all liability in respect of such claim and (d) nothing herein shall
require any indemnified  party to consent to the entry of any order,  injunction
or consent decree affecting its ability to conduct its business operations after
the date thereof. So long as the indemnifying party is reasonably contesting any
such claim in good faith (and shall have provided security, if requested, to the
indemnitee in a mutually agreed upon amount),  the  indemnified  party shall not
pay or settle any such claim.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the  indemnified
party  shall have the right to pay or settle any such  claim,  provided  that in
such event it shall waive any right to  indemnity  therefor by the  indemnifying
party. If the indemnifying party does not notify the indemnified party within 30
days after the receipt of the  indemnified  party's written notice of a claim of


hereunder that it elects to undertake the defense thereof, the indemnified party
shall have the right to contest,  settle or compromise the claim in the exercise
of its reasonable judgment at the expense of the indemnifying party.

         SECTION 5.04  Limitation on Indemnities.  No claim for  indemnification
will be made by Buyer, on the one hand, or by Seller,  on the other hand,  under
Section  5.02(a)(i)  or  (b)(i)  hereof,  respectively,   with  respect  to  any
individual  item of  liability  or  damage  unless  and to the  extent  that the
aggregate of all such claims by Buyer or by Seller, as the case may be, shall be
in  excess  of  $50,000.  For  avoidance  of  doubt,  said  $50,000  amount is a
forgiveness  level,  and any  indemnity  claim  shall be for only the amounts in
excess of said forgiveness level.  Payments by an indemnifying party pursuant to
Section  5.02 shall be limited to the  amount of any  liability  or damage  that
remains after  deducting  therefrom any  insurance  proceeds and any  indemnity,
contribution or other similar payment reasonably  recoverable by the indemnified
party from any third party with respect thereto. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary  contained  in this  Agreement,  no claim by any  party  hereto  may be
asserted,  nor may any action be commenced against any party hereto,  for breach
of any representation,  warranty, covenant or agreement unless notice thereof is
received in writing  describing in reasonable  detail the facts or circumstances
with respect to the subject  matter of such claim on or before the date on which
the  representation,  warranty,  covenant  or  agreement  on which such claim or
action is based ceases to survive as set forth in Section 5.01,  irrespective of
whether the subject  matter of such claim or action shall have occurred  before,
on or after such date, except that any claim by Buyer under Section  5.02(a)(iv)
shall survive indefinitely. Any payment made by Seller to Buyer, as the case may
be, under Article V shall  constitute a reduction of the Purchase  Price for all
purposes, including Federal, state and local tax as well as financial accounting

                                   ARTICLE VI
                               FURTHER ASSURANCES

         SECTION 6.01 Further  Assurances.  At any time and from time to time on
and after the Closing Date (i) at the request of Buyer  Seller shall  deliver to
Buyer any records,  documents  and data  possessed by Seller and not  previously
delivered  to Buyer to which Buyer is entitled  and execute and deliver or cause
to be executed and delivered all such deeds,  assignments,  consents,  documents
and further  instruments  of transfer  and  conveyance,  and take or cause to be
taken  all such  other  actions,  as Buyer  may  reasonably  deem  necessary  or
desirable  in order to fully and  effectively  vest in Buyer,  or to confirm its
title to and possession  of, the Assets or to assist Buyer in exercising  rights
with respect  thereto which Buyer is entitled to exercise  pursuant to the terms
of this  Agreement;  and (ii) Buyer  shall  execute  and  deliver or cause to be
executed and delivered  such further  instruments  and take or cause to be taken
such further  actions as Seller may  reasonably  deem  necessary or desirable to
carry out the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

         SECTION 6.02 Books and Records. Buyer agrees that it shall preserve and
keep all books and records  relating to the  Business  and the Assets in Buyer's
possession  until  six  months  following  the  expiration  of  the  statute  of
limitations  (including  extensions thereof) applicable to the tax returns filed
by or with respect to the Business for taxable periods ending prior to or on the
Closing  Date to which such books or records may be  relevant.  After such time,


Seller,  upon at least 90 calendar days' prior written  notice to Buyer,  at its
sole cost and  expense,  may remove all or any part of such books and records as
Seller  may  select,  and  Seller may retain  copies  thereof.  Duly  authorized
representatives  of Seller shall,  upon reasonable  notice,  have access to such
books and records during normal business hours to examine, inspect and copy such
books and records.

         SECTION 6.03 Cooperation on Taxes.  Seller and Buyer agree to cooperate
with each other in order to make proper tax filings by  executing  or causing to
be executed any required  documents  and by making  available to the other,  all
books and records relating to the Assets or the Business (including work papers,
records  and notes of any kind) at all  reasonable  times,  for the  purpose  of
allowing  the  appropriate  party to  complete  any tax  return,  respond to any
audits, make any determination required under this Agreement (including, but not
limited to,  determinations  as to which period any  asserted  tax  liability is
attributable),  verify any issue and negotiate any settlement with tax authority
or defend or prosecute any tax claim.

                                   ARTICLE VII

         SECTION 7.01 Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time
prior to the Closing:

               (a) by the mutual written consent of Seller and Buyer;

               (b) by Buyer,  if the Closing shall not have occurred by March 1,

               (c) by  either  Seller  or Buyer  if there is an order or  decree
restraining,  enjoining, prohibiting,  invalidating or otherwise preventing to a
material  degree  the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement; or

         SECTION 7.02 Effect of Termination. In the event of termination of this
Agreement as provided in Section 7.01,  this Agreement  shall  forthwith  become
void and there shall be no  liability  on the part of any party  hereto,  except
that Sections 3.03, 7.02, and 7.03 hereof shall survive such termination.

         SECTION  7.03   Expenses,   etc.   Whether  or  not  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement are consummated, none of the parties hereto shall
have any  obligation  to pay any of the fees and  expenses of the other  parties
incident  to the  negotiation,  preparation  and  execution  of this  Agreement,
including the fees and expenses of counsel,  accountants and other expert.  Each
of Seller,  on the one hand,  and Buyer,  on the other hand,  will indemnify the
other party,  and hold it harmless from and against any claims for finders' fees
or brokerage  commissions in relation to or in connection with such transactions
as a result of any agreement or understanding  between such  indemnifying  party
and any third party.  Seller shall pay and be responsible for any transfer taxes
arising  from the sale of the  Assets  hereunder  and in that  connection  shall
timely file all required tax returns  related  thereto and shall indemnify Buyer
with respect thereto,  give Buyer a copy of such tax returns together with proof
of payment of the tax.


         SECTION 7.04  Execution in  Counterparts.  For the  convenience  of the
parties,  this  Agreement may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which together  shall  constitute
one and the same instrument. Signatures may be transmitted by facsimile.

         SECTION 7.05  Notices.  All notices  which are required or may be given
pursuant  to the  terms of this  Agreement  shall  be in  writing  and  shall be
sufficient  in all  respects  if given in  writing  and  delivered  or mailed by
registered or certified mail postage prepaid,  or sent by telecopier,  facsimile
transmission  (followed by mailing of original notice) or nationally  recognized
overnight courier service as follows:

             If to Seller, to:         Fiberstars, Inc.
                                       44259 Nobel Drive
                                       Fremont, CA  94538
                                       Attn:  President

             If to  Buyer to:          Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, LLC
                                       32000 Aurora Road
                                       Solon, Ohio 44139
                                       Attn:  President

or such other address or addresses as any party hereto shall have  designated by
notice in writing to the other parties hereto. Any notice or other communication
pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be deemed to have been duly given or made and
to have become  effective  when delivered in hand to the party to which directed
or if sent by  first-class  mail  postage  prepaid or by  telecopier,  facsimile
transmission  or nationally  recognized  overnight  courier service and properly
addressed as set forth above at the earlier of (i) the time when received by the
addressee or (ii) the third business day following the dispatch thereof.

         SECTION 7.06  Waivers.  Any party  hereto (as to itself,  but not as to
other parties without their consent) may, by written notice to the other parties
hereto,  (a) extend the time for the  performance  of any of the  obligations or
other  actions  of the  other  parties  under  this  Agreement;  (b)  waive  any
inaccuracies in the  representations or warranties of another party contained in
this  Agreement or in any document  delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement;  (c)
waive  compliance  with any of the  conditions  or  covenants  of another  party
contained in this Agreement;  or (d) waive performance of any of the obligations
of another  party  under this  Agreement.  Except as  otherwise  provided in the
preceding sentence hereof, no action taken pursuant to this Agreement, including
without  limitation  any  investigation  by or on behalf of any party,  shall be
deemed to constitute a waiver by the party taking such action of compliance with
any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement.
The waiver by any party hereto of a breach of any  provision  of this  Agreement
shall not operate or be construed a waiver of any subsequent breach.

         SECTION 7.07 Amendments,  Supplements,  etc. At any time this Agreement
may be  amended or  supplemented  by such  additional  agreements,  articles  or
certificates,  as may be  determined  by the  parties  hereto  to be  necessary,
desirable or expedient to further the purposes of


the Agreement,  or to clarify the intention of the parties hereto,  or to add to
or modify the covenants,  terms or conditions  hereof or to effect or facilitate
any  governmental  approval  or  acceptance  of this  Agreement  or to effect or
facilitate the filing or recording of this Agreement or the  consummation of any
of the transactions  contemplated hereby. Any such instrument must be in writing
and signed by all parties.

         SECTION  7.08  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement,  its  Exhibits  and
Schedules,  and  the  documents  executed  on the  Closing  Date  in  connection
herewith,  constitute  the entire  agreement  between  the  parties  hereto with
respect to the subject  matter  hereof and supersede  all prior  agreements  and
understandings, oral and written, between the parties hereto with respect to the
subject matter  hereof.  No  representation,  warranty,  promise,  inducement or
statement of  intention  has been made by any party hereto which is not embodied
in this  Agreement or such other  documents,  and no party hereto shall be bound
by, or be liable for, any alleged representation,  warranty, promise, inducement
or statement of intention not embodied herein or therein.

         SECTION 7.09  Applicable  Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.

         SECTION 7.10 Binding  Effect,  Benefits.  This Agreement shall inure to
the  benefit  of and be binding  upon the  parties  hereto and their  respective
successors and assigns.  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to
the contrary,  nothing in this Agreement,  expressed or implied,  is intended to
confer  on any  person  other  than  the  parties  hereto  or  their  respective
successors and assigns, any rights,  remedies,  obligations or liabilities under
or by reason of this Agreement.

         SECTION  7.11  Assignability.  Neither  this  Agreement  nor any of the
parties'  rights  hereunder  shall be assignable by any party hereto without the
prior written consent of the other parties hereto,  except that Buyer may assign
its rights hereunder to a direct or indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Buyer,
in which case such assignee  shall succeed to all the rights of Buyer  hereunder
and shall assume all of Buyer's obligations and liabilities hereunder.

         SECTION 7.12 Public  Announcements.  Buyer and Seller will consult with
each other  before  issuing  any press  release or  otherwise  making any public
statement  with respect to the  transactions  contemplated  herein and shall not
issue any such  press  release or make any such  public  statement  without  the
approval of the other,  unless  counsel has advised such party that such release
or other public  statement must be issued  immediately and the issuing party has
not been able,  despite its good faith efforts,  to secure the prior approval of
the other party.

         SECTION 7.13 Invalid Provisions.  If any provision of this Agreement is
held to be illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable  under any present or future law,
rule or regulation,  such provision  shall be fully severable and this Agreement
shall be construed  and enforced as if such  illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable
provision had never  comprised a part hereof.  The remaining  provisions of this
Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the
illegal,  invalid  or  unenforceable  provision  or by its  severance  herefrom.
Furthermore,  in lieu of such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision, there
shall be added  automatically  as a part of


this Agreement a legal,  valid and enforceable  provision as similar in terms to
such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible.

         SECTION 7.14 Commercially  Reasonable.  For purposes of this Agreement,
"commercially  reasonable"  shall  mean that a party  shall  act as a  similarly
situated  prudent  business entity in the same or similar type of business would
act under similar circumstances,  but not as though such entity were selling the

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this
Agreement to be duly executed as of the date first above written.

                                    FIBERSTARS, INC.


                                    Name:  __________________________________

                                    Title:  ___________________________________

                                    UNISON FIBER OPTIC LIGHTING SYSTEMS, LLC


                                    Name: ___________________________________

                                    Title:  ___________________________________


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 LIST OF ASSETS

                                   EXHIBIT A-1


                                    EXHIBIT B


                                    EXHIBIT C


                                    EXHIBIT D

                              ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT

                                    EXHIBIT E

                              ANCILLARY AGREEMENTS

                                   EXHIBIT E-1

                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

                                   EXHIBIT E-2

                                SUPPLY AGREEMENT

                                   EXHIBIT E-3

                             CROSS-LICENSE AGREEMENT

                                   EXHIBIT E-4

                                PARENT AGREEMENT

                                   APPENDIX B

     Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
     Consolidated Financial Statements
     for the year ended June 30, 1999
     and the six months ended June 30, 1998

                        Report of Independent Accountants

To the Management of

Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.:

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  balance sheet and the related  statements of
operations,  members'  equity and cash  flows,  present  fairly in all  material
respects, the financial position of Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems,  L.L.C.
(the  "Company") at June 30, 1999 and 1998 and the results of its operations and
its cash flows for the year and six month period then ended,  in conformity with
generally accepted  accounting  principles.  These financial  statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management;  our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  statements  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain  reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,   assessing  the
accounting  principles  used and significant  estimates made by management,  and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

As discussed in Note 10, the Company will become a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
Advanced Lighting Technologies,  one of the Company members, upon the completion
of the purchase agreement.  The accompanying  financial statements were prepared
on a going  concern  basis and no  adjustments  have been  made to  reflect  any
potential   changes  that  might  arise  as  a  result  of  the   aforementioned

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Cleveland, Ohio

December 1, 1999

Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Balance Sheet
June 30, 1999 and 1998

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 ASSETS                        1999           1998
Current assets:

   Cash and cash equivalents                                              $   823,835      $ 2,889,105
   Accounts receivable, trade, less allowance for doubtful
       accounts of $60,275 in 1999 and $29,317 in 1998                        179,771           59,640
   Accounts receivable, member                                                367,438          255,000
   Inventories                                                              1,415,720          685,458
   Prepaid expenses                                                            28,661           78,972
                                                                          -----------      -----------

         Total current assets                                               2,815,425        3,968,175

Property, plant and equipment, net                                          3,060,100        3,403,600

Goodwill, net                                                               1,021,704          983,312
Other assets                                                                   50,679           11,603
                                                                          -----------      -----------

         Total assets                                                     $ 6,947,908      $ 8,366,690
                                                                          ===========      ===========

                                    LIABILITIES AND MEMBERS' CAPITAL

Current liabilities:

   Accounts payable, trade                                                $   597,248      $   188,283
   Accounts payable, members                                                5,415,060        2,874,221
   Accrued liabilities                                                        374,595          149,972
                                                                          -----------      -----------

         Total current liabilities                                          6,386,903        3,212,476
                                                                          -----------      -----------

Commitments and contingencies

Members' capital                                                            3,561,005       11,154,214

Less: Note receivable member                                                3,000,000        6,000,000
                                                                          -----------      -----------

         Total members' capital                                               561,005        5,154,214
                                                                          -----------      -----------

         Total liabilities and members' capital                           $ 6,947,908      $ 8,366,690
                                                                          ===========      ============
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Statement of Operations
for the year ended June 30, 1999 and for the six months ended June 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             1999              1998

Net sales                                $   864,833       $   211,521

Cost of sales                              2,016,647           370,224
                                         -----------       -----------

       Gross loss                         (1,151,814)         (158,703)

Selling and administrative expenses        3,492,464         1,501,196
Research and development                   3,231,826         2,394,485
Restructuring expense                        300,647              --
                                         -----------       -----------

       Loss from operations                8,176,751         4,054,384

Other income:

   Interest income                           458,972           353,200
   Other                                       9,470              --
                                         -----------       -----------

         Net loss                        $ 7,708,309       $ 3,701,184
                                         ===========       ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Statement of Members' Equity
for the year ended June 30, 1999 and for the six months ended June 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  1999              1998
   Net loss                                                   $(7,708,309)      $(3,701,184)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash flows
       from operating activities:

     Depreciation                                                 643,886           332,813
     Amortization                                                  76,708            37,876
     Restructuring expenses                                       300,647              --
     Member interest income not received                         (112,438)         (255,000)
     Gain on fixed asset disposals                                 (2,690)             --
     Changes in assets and liabilities:

       Accounts receivable                                       (120,131)           88,852
       Inventories                                               (730,262)          217,376
       Other assets                                                11,236           (80,825)
       Accounts payable                                           408,965           188,283
       Accrued liabilities                                        (25,377)           89,350
                                                              -----------       -----------

         Net cash used in operating activities                 (7,257,765)       (3,082,459)

Cash flows from investing activities:

   Purchase of property, plant and equipment                     (352,919)         (479,750)
   Proceeds from property, plant and equipment disposals            4,575              --
                                                              -----------       -----------

         Net cash used in investing activities                   (348,344)         (479,750)

Cash flows from financing activities:

   Cash contributions from member                               3,000,000         4,028,916
   Accounts payable, members                                    2,540,839         2,422,398
                                                              -----------       -----------

         Net cash provided by financing activities              5,540,839         6,451,314
                                                              -----------       -----------

Net change in cash                                             (2,065,270)        2,889,105

Cash at beginning of period                                     2,889,105              --
                                                              -----------       -----------

Cash at end of period                                         $   823,835       $ 2,889,105
                                                              ===========       ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Statement of Members' Equity
for the year ended June 30, 1999 and for the six months ended June 30, 1998

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     Members'           Members'          Members'
                                                     Capital           Receivable          Equity
Initial capital contributed                       $ 14,855,398       $ (6,000,000)      $  8,855,398

Net loss                                            (3,701,184)              --           (3,701,184)
                                                  ------------       ------------       ------------

June 30, 1998                                       11,154,214         (6,000,000)         5,154,214

Member's payment on note receivable                        --           3,000,000          3,000,000

Additional capital contributed                         115,100                --             115,100

Net loss                                            (7,708,309)               --          (7,708,309)
                                                  ------------       ------------       ------------

June 30, 1999                                     $  3,561,005       $ (3,000,000)      $    561,005
                                                  ============       ============       ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Notes to Financial Statements

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   Organization:

     Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems,  L.L.C. (the "Company") is a designer,
     manufacturer  and  marketer  of fiber  optic  lighting  systems and systems
     components,  operating  primarily  in the United  States.  The  Company was
     formed  on  January  1,  1998  as  a  joint  venture   (Limited   Liability
     Corporation)  of Rohm and Haas  Company  ("Rohm  and  Haas")  and  Advanced
     Lighting   Technologies   ("Advanced   Lighting")   (together  the  "Member
     Companies").  The Member  Companies  contributed to the joint venture cash,
     promissory  notes and  certain  assets  in  exchange  for a 50%  membership

2.   Significant Accounting Policies:

     Principles of Consolidation

     The consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of the Company
     and its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Advanced  Cablelite  Corporation  after
     elimination of all significant  inter-company accounts and transactions and
     related revenues and expenses.

     Accounting Estimates

     The  preparation of the financial  statements in conformity  with generally
     accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make estimates and
     assumptions in certain  circumstances  that affect amounts  reported in the
     consolidated  financial  statements  and  footnotes.  Actual  results could
     differ from those estimates.

     Cash Equivalents

     The Company invests only in highly liquid  instruments,  which it considers
     to be cash equivalents.

     Concentration of Credit Risk

     The Company invests its excess cash primarily in high-quality  money market
     portfolio and high quality  securities.  The Company provides credit in the
     normal course of business,  primarily to customers and  distributors in the
     fiber optic lighting industry and generally collateral or other security is
     not  required.  The Company  conducts  ongoing  credit  evaluations  of its
     customers  and  maintains  allowances  for  potential  losses  which,  when
     realized, have been within the range of management's expectations.

     During 1999, the Company had sales to one customer  representing 14% of net
     sales.  Included  in  accounts  receivable  - trade  at June  30,  1999 are
     balances from three customers representing 15%, 12% and 12%, respectively.

     Amounts  related to doubtful  accounts that were charged to expense for the
     year ended June 30,  1999 and for the six months  ended June 30,  1998 were
     $69,030 and $29,317, respectively.


     Inventories  are  valued  at the  lower of cost  (first-in,  first-out)  or


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Notes to Financial Statements

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Property, Plant and Equipment

     Property,   plant  and  equipment  is  stated  at  cost.  Expenditures  for
     maintenance  and repairs,  which extend the useful life,  are  capitalized.
     Depreciation  is  provided  for using  the  straight-line  method  over the
     following useful lives:

        Machinery and equipment                           5-7 years
        Office and computer equipment                     3-5 years
        Furniture and fixtures                              7 years
        Leasehold improvements                            2-3 years


     Goodwill  resulting  from  Advanced  Lighting's   acquisition  of  Advanced
     Cablelite Corporation,  a contributed asset to the Company (see Note 5), is
     being  amortized  using  the  straight-line  method  over  15  years  which
     represents management's estimate of the customer relationships and industry
     expertise  acquired.  For the year ended  June 30,  1999 and the six months
     ended  June  30,  1998,  amortization  expense  was  $76,708  and  $37,876,
     respectively.  Accumulated  amortization  totaled $114,584 at June 30, 1999
     and $37,876 at June 30, 1998. The Company will continually evaluate whether
     events and circumstance have occurred that indicate the remaining  goodwill
     may warrant revision.

     Research and Development

     Research and development  costs,  primarily the development of new products
     and modifications of existing products, are charged to expense as incurred.

     Revenue Recognition

     The Company recognizes sales upon shipment.

     Recent Pronouncements

     In April 1998,  the  American  Institute of  Certified  Public  Accountants
     issued Statement of Position 98-5, or SOP 98-5,  "Reporting on the Costs of
     Start-Up Activities". This standard requires companies to expense the costs
     of start-up activities and organization costs as incurred.  In general, SOP
     98-5 is effective for years  beginning after December 15, 1998. The Company
     believes  the  adoption of SOP 98-5 will not have a material  impact on its
     results of operations.

     In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued
     Statement  of  Financial   Accounting  Standards  No.  133,  or  SFAS  133,
     "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities".  SFAS 133
     establishes  new  standards of  accounting  and  reporting  for  derivative
     instruments and hedging activities.

     SFAS 133 requires that all derivatives be recognized at fair value

     in the statement of financial position, and that the corresponding gains or
     losses be reported  either in the statement of operations or as a component
     of comprehensive income, depending on the type of hedging relationship that
     exists.  SFAS 133 will be effective for years beginning after June 15, 2000
     (as deferred by SFAS 137 in June 1999). The Company does not currently hold
     derivative instruments or engage in hedging activities.


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Notes to Financial Statements

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Income Taxes

     The Company is  organized  as a Limited  Liability  Company and for federal
     income tax purposes elected to have the tax effects of profit and loss flow
     directly to the Company's  members.  The Company accrues for and pays local
     taxes and certain state taxes.

3.   Inventories:

     Inventories consisted of the following:

                                                                         1999              1998
        Raw materials                                               $   748,089       $   324,295
        Work in process                                                  33,275            53,909
        Finished goods                                                  634,356           307,254
                                                                    -----------       -----------

        Total inventories                                           $ 1,415,720       $   685,458
                                                                    ===========       ===========

4    Property, Plant and Equipment:

     Property, plant and equipment consisted of the following:

                                                                           1999              1998

        Manufacturing machinery and equipment                       $ 3,124,285       $ 2,961,606
        Laboratory equipment                                            509,414           458,255
        Office and computer equipment                                   246,708           135,597
        Furniture and fixtures                                           73,116            54,618
        Leasehold improvements                                           49,729           126,337
                                                                    -----------       -----------

                                                                      4,003,252         3,736,413
        Less:  accumulated depreciation                                (943,152)         (332,813)
                                                                    -----------       -----------

        Property, plant and equipment, net                          $ 3,060,100       $ 3,403,600
                                                                    ===========       ===========

     Depreciation  expense was $643,886 for the year ended June 30, 1999 and was
     $332,813 for the six months ended June 30, 1998.


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Notes to Financial Statements

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.   Members Capital:

     The  Company  was formed on January 1, 1998 as a joint  venture of Rohm and
     Haas and  Advanced  Lighting  with  each  Member  Company  receiving  a 50%
     membership  interest.  The following  schedule  summarizes in aggregate the
     contributed assets on January 1, 1998:

        Cash                                                    $ 4,028,916
        Note receivable                                           6,000,000
        Accounts receivable                                         148,492
        Inventory                                                   902,834
        Equipment                                                 3,256,661
        Goodwill                                                  1,021,188
        Other assets                                                  9,751
        Liabilities assumed                                        (512,444)

        Total investment                                         14,855,398

          Less: non cash items                                   10,826,482

        Cash investment                                         $ 4,028,916

     Included  in  the  above  schedule  are  assets,  including  goodwill,  and
     liabilities   contributed   to  the  Company   from   Advanced   Lighting's
     wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Advanced  Cablelite  Corporation.  In  addition,
     during July 1998 an  earn-out  requirement  related to  Advanced  Cablelite
     Corporation  resulted in the Company  recording an  additional  $115,100 of
     goodwill and investment in the Company.

6.   Employee Benefits:

     The Company maintains a qualified cash or deferred  compensation plan under
     Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "401(k) Plan") that covers
     substantially all the employees of the Company.  Under the 401(k) Plan, the
     Company  will  make a  matching  contribution  of 50% of the first 6% of an
     employees' salary deferral. The Company's contributions totaled $18,897 for
     the year ended June 30, 1999 and $4,386 for six months ended June 30, 1998.

7.   Restructuring Charges:

     In June 1999, the Company  provided for certain costs,  primarily  employee
     severance and  outplacement  costs,  in connection  with its  restructuring
     program.  This restructuring  program streamlined the Company's  operations
     and significantly  reduced its workforce.  The Company consolidated its Las
     Vegas, Nevada showroom and its Bristol,  Pennsylvania production operations
     into its Dallas, Texas operations. Restructuring costs totaled $300,647 for
     the year ended June 30, 1999.


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Notes to Financial Statements

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8.   Related Party Transactions:

     The  Company  leases  manufacturing,   warehouse,   laboratory  and  office
     facilities  from its Member  Companies.  In addition  the Member  Companies
     provide at cost certain  services,  such as utilities,  communication,  and
     engineering  services.  The Company also expenses and reimburses salary and
     related  benefit costs of certain Company  employees,  who are paid by Rohm
     and Haas.

     For the year ended June 30, 1999,  the Company was charged  $3,281,845  and
     $166,512 for these  facilities and services from Rohm and Haas and Advanced
     Lighting,  respectively. For the six months ended June 30, 1998 the Company
     was  charged  $1,861,302  from  Rohm and Haas and  $805,402  from  Advanced

     The  Company  owed  $4,586,076  to Rohm and Haas and  $828,984  to Advanced
     Lighting  at June  30,  1999  and  owed  $1,861,302  to Rohm  and  Haas and
     $1,012,919 to Advanced Lighting at June 30, 1998.

     The Company has a $3 million  promissory  note,  plus  accrued  interest of
     $367,438,  due from  Advanced  Lighting at June 30, 1999. At June 30, 1998,
     the Company had a $3 million  promissory  note,  plus  accrued  interest of
     $127,500, due from Advanced Lighting and a $3 million promissory note, plus
     accrued interest of $127,500, due from Rohm and Haas. These notes have been
     recorded as a reduction  of members'  capital on the balance  sheet.  These
     promissory  notes  were  part of the  member's  contribution  to the  joint
     venture,  as described in Note 5. The Advanced Lighting promissory note and
     accrued  interest  at the prime rate  (7.75% and 8.5% at June 30,  1999 and
     1998, respectively) are due and payable on January 1, 2000.

     In addition,  the Company had $525,000 and $2,775,000 invested  (short-term
     cash  equivalent)  with Rohm and Haas at June 30,  1999 and June 30,  1998,

9.   Commitments:

     The Company  leases  building and certain  equipment  under  non-cancelable
     operating  lease  agreements.  Total rent expense was $436,439 for the year
     ended June 30, 1999 and $178,630 for the six months ended June 30, 1998.

     Future minimum lease commitments, as of June 30, 1999, are as follows:

        2000                         $185,200
        2001                            8,618
        2002                            2,144


Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, L.L.C.
Notes to Financial Statements

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10.  Subsequent Event:

     On October 1, 1999, Rohm and Haas and Advanced Lighting  signed a letter of
     intent,  in which Advanced Lighting will purchase Rohm and Haas' membership
     interest in the Company. Advanced Lighting and Rohm and Haas expect to sign
     the definitive agreement in January 2000.

     Concurrent with purchasing Rohm and Haas' interest,  Advance Lighting plans
     to sell certain Company assets and the fiber optic technology  developed by
     the Company to Fiberstars,  a fiber optic company headquartered in Fremont,
     California. In exchange for these assets and technology,  Advanced Lighting
     will  receive  four  warrants to purchase up to an  aggregate  of 1,000,000
     shares of  Fiberstar's  Common  Stock  at  an  exercise  price of $0.01 per
     share.  Each warrant when exercisable will allow the Company to purchase up
     to 250,000 shares of Fiberstars Common Stock. The vesting of these warrants
     will be subject to  Fiberstars'  common  shares  attaining  certain  market
     prices in the future and to  Fiberstars  attaining  sales levels of certain
     products arising from the Company's technology.

     Unison may elect at any time while a warrant remains  outstanding,  even if
     the  warrant  is not yet  exercisable,  to cancel a  particular  warrant in
     exchange  for  Fiberstars  issuing  to  Unison a fixed  number of shares of
     Fiberstars  Common Stock.  Warrant No. 1 may be cancelled and exchanged for
     151,250 shares of Fiberstars  Common Stock,  Warrant No. 2 may be cancelled
     and exchanged for 119,375 shares of Fiberstars Common Stock,  Warrant No. 3
     may be cancelled and exchanged for 95,625 shares of Fiberstars Common Stock
     and Warrant  No. 4 may be  cancelled  and  exchanged  for 78,750  shares of
     Fiberstars Common Stock.

     The agreement  calls for the Company to provide  Fiberstars with $2 million
     in research and development  funds, to be paid over five quarters,  against
     milestones  for the  completion of  development  work on large core plastic
     optical fiber as well as new technology  lamp/optics projects. In exchange,
     Fiberstars will pay royalties on product sales of these technologies of 3%,
     2% and 1% over the next ten years, after which Fiberstars assumes exclusive
     royalty-free  rights.  The Fiberstars letter of intent is subject to normal
     closing  conditions,  including approval by Fiberstars'  shareholders,  due
     diligence efforts and the execution of definitive  agreements  satisfactory
     to the parties.

                                   APPENDIX C

                              Washington, DC 20549

                                   FORM 10-KSB/A


    For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998



    For the transition period from __________ to __________

                         Commission file number 33-85664

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
        (Exact name of small business issuer as specified in its charter)

          California                                     94-3021850
(State or other jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

                      2883 Bayview Drive, Fremont, CA 94538
              (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (510) 490-0719

       Securities registered under Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act:

          Title of                                  Name of each exchange on
         Each Class                                     which registered
        Common Stock                                 Nasdaq National Market

     Securities registered under section 12(g) of the Exchange Act: None

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports)  and  (2)  has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]

     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-B is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated  by reference in Part III of this Form 10-KSB or any  amendments to
this Form 10-KSB. [ ]

     Net sales of the  registrant  for the fiscal year ended  December  31, 1998
were $22,682,000.

     The aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of
the registrant was approximately $10,298,464 as of March 19, 1999 based upon the
last trading  price of the Common  Stock of  registrant  on the Nasdaq  National
Market as of that date. This calculation  does not reflect a determination  that
any person is an affiliate of the registrant for any other purpose.

     As of March 19,  1999,  there  were  3,982,601  shares of the  registrant's
Common Stock outstanding.


     Part  III of  this  Report  on  Form  10-KSB  incorporates  information  by
reference from registrant's  definitive Proxy Statement to be used in connection
with its 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

                                     PART I

     This 10-KSB contains forward-looking  statements. Such statements generally
concern future operating results, capital expenditures,  product development and
enhancements,  liquidity and strategy.  Specific  forward-looking  statements in
this report include, without limitation, our remarks concerning the evolution of
the fiber optic  lighting  market,  the future size of the fiber optic  lighting
market,  our  expectations  concerning  the future  performance  of our recently
completed acquisitions, our expectations regarding future performance of certain
lamp  components of our products that have recently  experienced  problems,  the
rate of  adoption of fiber  optic  lighting in Europe and in the United  States,
trends in the price and performance of fiber optic lighting products, the future
performance  of our lighting  products,  our  relationship  with ADLT and future
technologies  expected to result  from our  relationship  with ADLT.  We may not
update  these  forward  looking  statements,  and the  occurrence  of the events
predicted in these statements is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties,
including those discussed in this report.  These risks and  uncertainties  could
cause our actual results to differ  materially from the results predicted in our
forward looking  statements.  You are encouraged to consider all the information
in this report, and in our Annual Report,  along with our other periodic reports
on file with the SEC, prior to investing in our stock.

Item 1.  Description of Business


     Fiberstars, Inc. ("Fiberstars" or the "Company"), which was incorporated in
California in 1985, develops and markets fiber optic lighting systems, which are
used in a variety  of  commercial  and  residential  applications.  The  Company
pioneered  the use of fiber optic  technology  in  lighting.  By  continuing  to
improve the price and performance of its products and by expanding its marketing
efforts,  Fiberstars  has become the world's  leading  supplier in this emerging

     The Company's products often have advantages over conventional  lighting in
areas of efficiency,  safety,  maintenance  and beauty,  and thus can be used in
place of  conventional  lighting  in a number  of  applications.  By  delivering
special lighting effects which  conventional  lighting cannot match, fiber optic
lighting  systems  are  especially  attractive  for a wide  range of  decorative
applications,  such as the lighting of swimming pools and spas, signage,  "neon"
decoration,   landscaping,   and  other  segments   within  the  commercial  and
residential markets.

     The Company  designs,  develops and  manufactures  its fiber optic lighting
systems and distributes its products  worldwide,  primarily through  independent
sales representatives, distributors and swimming pool builders.


     Fiberstars'   lighting   systems   combine   three   types  of  products  -
illuminators,  fiber  tubing,  and fixtures - in  configurations  which meet the
needs  of  specific  market  segments.  The  electrically  powered  illuminators
generate and focus light to enter into the ends of optical  fiber.  Fiber tubing
products  connect to the  illuminators  and are designed to emit light either at
the end of the tube as a spot source of light,  or along the length of the tube,
similar in effect to neon  lighting.  The systems can also include  fixtures and
other accessories designed for specific applications.


         The Company manufactures a number of different  illuminators for use in
different  applications.  Most commercial illuminators utilize metal halide high
intensity  discharge (H.I.D.) lamps to provide long life and maximum brightness.
Some include  patented  reflectors  which have been  designed by  Fiberstars  to
enhance  performance.  The Company's lower cost  illuminators use quartz halogen
lamps,   some  of  which  are  custom   products   manufactured  to  Fiberstars'
specifications. Illuminator advances in 1998 include the Model 601 which


was released from  engineering  for shipment in 1999. It provides up to 33% more
light output than our previous high-end illuminator while costing about 50% less
to build.

     Fiberstars also introduced a new pool lighting product line in the November
1998  National Spa and Pool  Institute  trade show.  The new line,  System 6000,
offers superior lamp life and other  characteristics  vs. the Company's previous

Fiber Tubing

     Fiber tubing products are  manufactured in various lengths and diameters to
meet the  requirements of each particular  market and  application.  Fiberstars'
patented BritePak(R) products can maintain reasonably  consistent brightness for
side-lit fiber runs up to 100 feet in length. For end-lit applications,  several
spotlights  are  typically  connected  to a single  illuminator  and are  placed
withinfifty feet from the illuminator.

     New fiber products in 1998 include  BritePak(R)  III Ultra Pure cabled side
light product providing 20% more brightness.

Fixtures and Accessories

     Certain  fixtures and accessories  have been designed by Fiberstars for the
Company's  product  lines.  Other  fixtures are supplied by third  parties.  The
Company's  Commercial  Lighting  Division produces a broad assortment of ceiling
and landscape  fixtures  from among which  lighting  designers  may choose.  The
Company's new patent-pending lightbar, LinearEssence(TM),  began shipping toward
the end of 1998. It is targeted at the display case and under  cabinet  lighting
markets which are new for Fiberstars.

Other Products

     In 1997, Fiberstars' Pool and Spa Group introduced Fiberstars Catalyst(TM),
a safe chemical  product designed to reduce the usage of chlorine in residential
swimming  pools.  In  1998,  Marketing   responsibility  for  this  product  was
transferred to a consultant,  Barry Nelson, of Water Quality Management,  a pool
water systems company.

Applications and End-Users

     The Company's  fiber optic  lighting  products are specified by architects,
professional lighting designers, swimming pool builders or end-users.

     The  Company's  products  have  been  installed  for  commercial   lighting
applications in fast food restaurants such as Burger King and McDonald's; retail
stores  such as  Albertson's,  Giant Food and Toys R Us;  hotels such as the MGM
Grand and the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas; and entertainment facilities such
as theme  parks  operated  by the Walt Disney  Company  and  Universal  Studios.
Fiberstars  commercial  lighting  systems  also  have  been  used in a number of
specialty  applications,  including  theatrical  productions,  bridges,  theater
aisles and ceilings, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Marathon Coach, HBO Studios, AMC
theaters, Chevron and New York Life.

     The  Company's  primary  products for pool and spa lighting are designed to
provide underwater lighting for newly constructed pools. In addition, Fiberstars
markets pool products for spa lighting,  pool perimeter lighting,  patios, decks
and landscape lighting.  The Company's underwater lighting systems are installed
in pools and spas built by major national pool builders and builder  groups,  as
well as numerous  regional and local pool builders  throughout the United States
and Canada.

     A series of  residential  landscape  lighting  products is being  tested in
limited  retail  distribution.  This  product was not a material  portion of the
Company's business in 1998 and is not expected to be material in 1999.


Sales, Marketing and Distribution

     Commercial Lighting Products

     In the commercial  lighting  market,  the Company's  marketing  efforts are
directed at creating  specifications for Fiberstars'  systems in plans developed
by architects,  professional lighting designers and building owners. The Company
reaches  these  professionals  through  approximately  60  independent  lighting
representative  organizations throughout the United States,  approximately 20 of
which account for a substantial  majority of the Company's  commercial  lighting
product  sales.  The  independent   lighting   representatives   assist  in  the
specification  process,  directing orders to electrical equipment  distributors,
who in turn typically purchase products from Fiberstars.  Domestic  distributors
of commercial  lighting products typically do not engage in marketing efforts or
stock any inventory of the Company's products.  The Company's  arrangements with
its  independent  representatives  do not prohibit the handling of  conventional
lighting products,  including products that may be competitive with those of the
Company,  although such representatives  typically do not handle competing fiber
optic  lighting  products.  Sonic,  the Company's  largest  commercial  lighting
customer, accounted for 13% of the Company's net sales in 1998.

     In November 1998, the Company acquired the net assets of Crescent  Lighting
Ltd., in the United Kingdom and Lichberatung  Mann in Germany.  Together,  these
two   companies   oversee  the  sales   operations   in  Europe  which   include
sub-distributors and sales representatives.

     Outside  of  Europe,  Fiberstars'  commercial  lighting  products  are sold
internationally  by  approximately  17 distributors  that sell into more than 34
countries, including Mitsubishi in Japan; and Fiberstars Australasia Pty Ltd., a
46.5%-owned  joint  venture  that sells  products  in  Australia,  New  Zealand,
Indonesia,  Malaysia and Fiji. These distributors are primarily  responsible for
any marketing activities in their territories.

     In  August  1998,  the  Company  acquired  the net  assets  of  FibreOptics
International  Inc., a Seattle  company,  which is now the  Company's  sales and
marketing arm for themed entertainment and signs.

     Swimming Pool and Spa Products

     The  Company's   underwater   lighting  products  are  sold  primarily  for
installation in new swimming pools and spas. Accordingly,  the marketing for the
Company's swimming pool and spa products depends  substantially on swimming pool
builders to recommend  the  Company's  products to their  customers and to adapt
their swimming pool designs to include Fiberstars lighting systems.  The Company
utilizes regional sales representative organizations that specialize in swimming
pool  products  sold  to pool  builders  and  pool  product  distributors.  Each
representative  organization  typically  has the  exclusive  right  to sell  the
Company's products within its territory,  receiving  commissions on sales in its
territory.  Regional and national distributors in the swimming pool market stock
the Company's products to fill orders received from swimming pool builders,  and
some of these  distributors  engage  in  limited  marketing  activities  for the
Company's products.

     The Company enters into incentive  arrangements  to encourage pool builders
to purchase the Company's products. The Company also has entered into agreements
with certain large  national pool  builders,  under which the builders  purchase
Fiberstars  systems  directly from the Company and offer the Company's  products
with their swimming  pools.  The Company  provides pool builders and independent
sales  representatives  with  marketing  tools,  including  promotional  videos,
showroom  displays  and  demonstration  systems.  The  Company  also uses  trade
advertising  and  direct  mail  in  addition  to an  ongoing  program  of  sales
presentations to pool builders and distributors.

     South Central Pools (SCP), the largest Pool distributor in the U.S. and the
Company's largest pool customer, accounted for 10% of the Company's net sales in
1998 and 13% in 1997. The Company expects to maintain its business  relationship
with  SCP;  however,  a  cessation  or  substantial  decrease  in the  volume of
purchases by this customer could reduce  availability of the Company's  products
to end users and could in turn have a material  adverse  effect on the Company's
net sales and results of operations.


     The majority of sales of the Company's  swimming  pool lighting  systems to
date have been made in the United States and Canada.  The Company entered into a
distribution  agreement in Europe in 1998 with Astral, a European pool equipment
company. Sales to Astral were not material in 1998.


     The Company  normally  ships product  within a few days after receipt of an
order and generally does not have a significant backlog of orders. The Company's
backlog at year's end was $952,000 vs. an average of $535,000 per month in 1998,
the Company does not consider backlog to be an indicator of future performance.


     The Company's  products  compete with a wide variety of lighting  products,
including  conventional  electric  lighting in various forms and decorative neon
lighting.  The Company has also  experienced  increasing  competition from other
companies  offering  products  containing  fiber  optic  technology.   Principal
competitive   factors   include  price,   performance   (including   brightness,
reliability  and other factors),  aesthetic  appeal  (including  color and color
variation),  market presence,  installation and maintenance requirements,  power

     The Company believes its products compete  favorably  against  conventional
lighting in such areas as aesthetic appeal, ease of installation and maintenance
and power consumption.  The unique characteristics of fiber optic lighting (such
as no heat or  electricity at the light,  ability to change  colors,  and remote
lamp  replacement)  enable  the  products  to be used in some  situations  where
conventional  lighting is not practical.  However, the initial purchase price of
the Company's products is typically higher than conventional  lighting,  and the
Company's products tend to be less bright than conventional alternatives. In the
case of Neon lighting,  certain popular neon colors,  such as bright red, cannot
be achieved as effectively with the Company's products.

     Fiberstars  is engaged  in ongoing  efforts  to  develop  and  improve  its
products,  adapt its products for new  applications  and design and engineer new
products.  The  Company  expects  that its ability to compete  effectively  with
conventional lighting technologies, other fiber optic lighting products, and new
lighting  technologies  that may be introduced  will depend  substantially  upon
achieving greater brightness and reducing the cost of the Company's systems.  In
1998, the Company redesigned several  illuminators and fiber products to improve
performance such as the above mentioned 601 illuminator and the line of Lifetime
Illuminators(TM).  In addition to continuing work with a number of outside lamp,
power  supply and optic  companies,  the  Company  has been  working on advanced
product development with Advanced Lighting Technologies,  Inc. (ADLT), the world
leader in metal halide lamp technology.

     Providers of conventional lighting systems include large lamp manufacturers
and lighting fixture companies,  which have substantially greater resources than
the  Company.  These  conventional  lighting  companies  may  introduce  new and
improved  products,  which  may  reduce  or  eliminate  some of the  competitive
advantages of the Company's products.  In commercial lighting,  the Company also
competes  primarily  with local and regional  neon  lighting  manufacturers  and
craftspeople  who in many cases are better  established  in their local  markets
than the Company.

     Direct  competition from other fiber optic lighting  products has continued
to  increase.  Competitive  products  are  offered  in the pool  market by ESSEF
Company's  American  Products  Division  and Hayward  Pool  Products,  two major
manufacturers  of pool  equipment and supplies.  In commercial  lighting,  fiber
optic  lighting  products  are  offered  by  an  increasing  number  of  smaller
companies, some of which compete aggressively on price. These competing products
include  a  new  line  of  light  boxes  recently  introduced  by a  small  U.S.
manufacturer  at very aggressive  pricing.  Certain of these  competitors  offer
products with performance  characteristics  comparable to those of the Company's
products. The Company is aware that several larger companies in the conventional
lighting  industry are developing  fiber optic lighting systems that may compete
in the near future with the  Company's  products.  In Europe,  both  Philips and
Schott, a glass fiber company,  offer fiber optic lighting  systems.  Schott has
recently formed an entity to enter the U.S. market. In Europe, Philips


markets  Fiberstars'  BritePak(R)  fiber  tubing  on an OEM  basis,  along  with
Philips' own  illuminators and other products.  Many companies  compete with the
Company  in Asia,  including  Mitsubishi,  Bridgestone  and Toray.  3M  recently
entered the market in Japan.  Mitsubishi sells Fiberstars  BritePak fiber tubing
in Japan,  and licenses  certain  illuminator  technology  from  Fiberstars  for
manufacture and sale in Japan.  In the U.S.,  Rohm & Haas and Advanced  Lighting
Technologies have a joint venture, Unison, for the sale of fiber optic products.

     The Company  cannot  predict  the impact of  competition  on its  business.
Increased  competition could result in price reductions,  reduced profit margins
and loss of market share,  which would adversely affect the Company's  operating
results.  There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to continue to
compete  successfully  against  current  and future  competitors.  However,  the
Company also  believes  that  increased  competition  may be  accompanied  by an
increase  in the  rate  of  market  expansion,  and  that  the  Company  is well
positioned to participate in any such expansion.

Assembly, Testing and Quality Assurance

     The  Company's  illuminator   manufacturing  consists  primarily  of  final
assembly,  testing and quality control. The Company uses independent contractors
to manufacture some components and  subassemblies,  and has worked with a number
of its vendors to design custom  components to meet Fiberstars'  specific needs.
Inventories  of  domestically   produced   component  parts  are  managed  on  a
just-in-time  basis when  practicable.  The Company's  quality assurance program
provides for testing of all sub-assemblies at key stages in the assembly process
as well as testing of finished products.

     Mitsubishi  is the sole  supplier of the  Company's  fiber,  under a supply
agreement  lasting  until March  2001.  The  Company  expects to  maintain  this
relationship with Mitsubishi;  Mitsubishi owns approximately 3.2% of the Company
and distributes  Fiberstars'  products in Japan. The Company also relies on sole
source suppliers for certain lamps, reflectors, remote control devices and power
supplies. Although the Company cannot predict the effect that the loss of one or
more of such  suppliers  would have on the  Company,  such loss could  result in
delays in the  shipment of products  and  additional  expenses  associated  with
redesigning products,  and could have a material adverse effect on the Company's
operating results.

Research and Product Development

     The Company  believes that growth in fiber optic lighting will be driven by
improvements in technology to provide  increased  brightness at lower costs, and
the Company is  committing  much of its R&D  resources to those  challenges.  In
1998, the Company  redesigned  its high-end  commercial  illuminator,  improving
brightness by 33%. In the fall of 1998,  the Company  increased  BritePak  fiber
tubing brightness by approximately 20%. Pool illuminator lamp life was increased
from a few hundred hours to 6,000 hours by moving to HID technology. Despite its
ongoing development efforts,  there can be no assurance that the Company will be
able to achieve future  improvements in brightness and cost or that  competitors
will not develop  lighting  technologies  that are brighter,  less  expensive or
otherwise superior to those of the Company.

     At the end of 1998,  the  Company  entered  into a letter  of  intent  with
Unison, the lighting joint venture between ADLT and Rohm & Haas, which calls for
the development of a low cost  illuminator  for Fiberstars.  ADLT acquired about
18% of the Company's  common stock in a private  transaction  during 1997 and in
the  first  quarter  of 1998  increased  that  position  to  approximately  29%.
Additional  purchases of the Company's  common stock by ADLT require approval of
Fiberstars'  Board of  Directors.  Fiberstars  and ADLT plan to work together to
design  next  generation   systems.   The  Company's  goal  is  to  improve  the
price/performance  of fiber optic lighting systems to compete more directly with
conventional  lighting  across a much broader  spectrum of the general  lighting

     The Company  augments its  internal  research  and  development  efforts by
involving certain of its component suppliers,  independent consultants and other
third parties in the process of seeking  improvements in the company's  products
and technology. The Company depends substantially on these parties to undertake
research and development  efforts  necessary to achieve  improvements that would
not otherwise be possible given


the multiple and diverse  technologies  that must be integrated in the Company's
products  and  the  Company's  limited  engineering,   personnel  and  financial
resources.  These third  parties  have no material  contractual  commitments  to
participate  in these  efforts,  and  there can be no  assurance  that they will
continue to do so.

Intellectual Property

     The Company believes that the success of its business depends  primarily on
its technical  innovations,  marketing  abilities and responsiveness to customer
requirements,  rather than on patents, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights and
other intellectual  property rights.  Nevertheless,  the Company has a policy of
seeking  to  protect  its  intellectual   property   through  patents,   license
agreements,  trademark  registrations,  confidential  disclosure  agreements and
trade secrets.  There can be no assurance,  however,  that the Company's  issued
patents are valid or that any patents  applied for will be issued.  There can be
no assurance  that the Company's  competitors or customers will not copy aspects
of the Company's  fiber optic lighting  systems or obtain  information  that the
Company regards as proprietary.  There also can be no assurance that others will
not  independently  develop products  similar to those sold by the Company.  The
laws of some  foreign  countries  in  which  the  Company  sells or may sell its
products do not protect the Company's  proprietary rights in its products to the
same extent as do the laws of the United States.

     The  Company is aware that a large  number of patents  and  pending  patent
applications  exist in the field of fiber optic  technology.  The  Company  also
believes  that  certain of its  competitors  hold and have  applied  for patents
related to fiber  optic  lighting.  Although  to date the  Company  has not been
involved in litigation  challenging its intellectual  property rights, there can
be no assurance  that third  parties will not assert  claims that the  Company's
products infringe patents or other intellectual property rights or that, in case
of a dispute,  licenses  to such  technology  will be  available,  if at all, on
reasonable  terms.  In the event of  litigation to determine the validity of any
third-party claims,  such litigation,  whether or not determined in favor of the
Company,  could  result in  significant  expense to the  Company  and divert the
efforts of the Company's  technical and  management  personnel  from  productive
tasks.  Also in the event of an adverse ruling in such  litigation,  the Company
might be  required to expend  significant  resources  to develop  non-infringing
technology or to obtain  licenses to the infringing  technology,  which licenses
may not be available on  acceptable  terms.  In the event of a successful  claim
against the Company and the Company's failure to develop or license a substitute
technology, the Company's operating results could be adversely affected.

     Fiberstars  has  licensed  the  rights  to   manufacture   certain  of  its
illuminators to Mitsubishi for sale in Japan.


     As of December 31, 1998,  Fiberstars employed 106 people full time, of whom
28 were involved in sales,  marketing and customer  service,  12 in research and
product development, 48 in assembly and quality assurance, and 18 in finance and
administration.  From time to time the Company also employs part time  personnel
in various capacities,  primarily assembly and clerical support. The Company has
never had a work stoppage, no employees are subject to any collective bargaining
agreement, and the Company considers its employee relations to be good.

     The Company's future success will depend to a large extent on the continued
contributions of certain employees,  many of whom would be difficult to replace.
The future success of the Company also will depend on its ability to attract and
retain qualified technical,  sales, marketing and management personnel, for whom
competition  is  intense.  The loss of or failure to attract and retain any such
persons could delay product development cycles, disrupt the Company's operations
or otherwise have a material adverse effect on the Company's business.

Item 2.  Description of Property

     The Company's  principal  executive  offices and manufacturing and assembly
facilities are located in a 31,500 square foot facility in Fremont,  California,
under a lease agreement expiring in 1999. The Company


leases a 9,500 square foot facility in Fremont,  California, which it devotes to
fiber  processing,  under a lease  agreement  which expires in 1999. The Company
also  subleases  an  approximately   5,200  square  foot  facility  in  Fremont,
California  under a sublease  agreement  that expires in 1999. In December 1998,
the  Company  entered  into a new  seven  year  lease for a 60,000  square  foot
facility in Fremont,  California. It plans to consolidate its Fremont operations
in this new facility during third quarter 1999.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings


Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

     There were no matters  submitted to a vote of security  holders  during the
quarter ended December 31, 1998.


                                     PART II

Item 5.  Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters

     The Company's Common Stock trades on the Nasdaq National Market tier of The
Nasdaq Stock MarketSM under the symbol  "FBST".  The following  table sets forth
the high and low sale prices for the Company's  Common Stock, as reported on the
Nasdaq National Market for the periods indicated.  These reported prices reflect
interdealer  prices  without  adjustments  for  retail  markups,   markdowns  or

                                               High          Low
                                               ----          ---
             First quarter 1997                5 1/8         4 1/4
             Second quarter 1997               5 1/4         3 3/4
             Third quarter 1997                6 9/16        4 7/8
             Fourth quarter 1997               8 1/2         4 7/8
             First quarter 1998                6 9/16        5
             Second quarter 1998               6 3/16        4 1/4
             Third quarter 1998                5 1/8         3 15/16
             Fourth quarter 1998               4 1/2         3 3/8

     There were  approximately  225  holders of record of the  Company's  Common
Stock as of March 19, 1998,  and the Company  estimates  that at that date there
were approximately 800 additional beneficial owners.

     The  Company  has not  declared  or paid  any cash  dividends  and does not
anticipate paying cash dividends in the foreseeable future.

Item 6.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
         of Operations

Item 6.         Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results
                     of Operations and Financial Condition


In  August  1998,  the  Company   purchased  the  net  assets  of  Fiber  Optics
International, Inc. (FOI, a Seattle company, for $865,000 consisting of $315,000
in cash and 122,350 in shares of Fiberstars  common stock. In November 1998, the
Company  acquired  the net  assets of  Crescent  Lighting  Ltd.  (Crescent)  and
Lichtberatung Mann (LBM), fiber optic lighting manufacturers and distributors in
Europe.  Fiberstars  paid $2,875,000 in cash and 282,386 in shares of Fiberstars
common stock,  or an aggregate of $4,013,000.  In December 1998 the Company sold
the  manufacturing  and  distribution  rights of its  phototherapy  fiber  optic
products to Respironics, Inc. for a net gain of $801,000.

Results of Operations

Net sales  increased 27% to  $22,682,000  in 1998.  The increase was primarily a
result of growth in the commercial lighting products.  Pools lighting sales also
grew for the year,  after  starting  the year  with a  decrease  due to  adverse
weather  conditions  and  product  problems  with a new line.  The  acquisitions
contributed to revenue growth in the 4th quarter.

Net  sales  in  1997  increased  to  $17,871,000,  up 15%  from  1996  sales  of
$15,576,000.  The 1997  increase  was due to growth in the  commercial  and pool
fiber optic lighting markets.

International  sales  accounted  for  approximately  17% of net sales in 1998 as
compared to 17% in 1997 and 15% in 1996.

Gross profit  increased to $8,546,000  in 1998, a 9% increase.  The gross profit
margin was 38% in 1998, a decline  from the 44% gross  margin  achieved in 1997.
The decrease in gross margin was  primarily a result of higher cost of sales for
some of the Company's pools products early in the year along with an increase in
warranty  costs  associated  with a  lamp  component.  The  Company  has  gained
assurances  from its lamp  supplier  that the  lamp  component  involved  in the
warranty  claims has been fixed and as a result  expects  gross  margins to show
some improvement in 1999.

The Company's  gross margin  percentage  achieved in 1997 was 44% as compared to
42%  achieved in 1996.  The  increase in 1997 was  primarily  due to lower fiber
processing costs in connection with the Company's fiber processing facility,  as
well as higher  than  average  margins  from the  Fiberstars  Catalyst(TM)  pool
sanitation product line, which began shipping in 1997.

Research and  development  expenses were $1,283,000 in 1998, a 10% increase over
1997.  The  increase  is  largely  due  to  additional   personnel  and  product
development  expenses  associated  with  releasing  new  products  in  1998  and
preparing  products to be released in 1999.  Sales and  marketing  expenses were
$5,381,000  in 1998 as compared  to  $4,393,000  in 1997,  an increase of 22%. A
portion of the  increase  was due to $333,400 in  additional  expenses  from the
acquired companies in 1998 for which there were no expenses in 1997. The balance
of the  increase  is a  result  of  additional  personnel  and  marketing  costs
associated with supporting  existing products as well as introduction  costs for
new products  released during the year.  General and  administrative  costs were
$1,675,000  in 1998,  an  increase  of 18% over 1997 costs.  This  increase  was
largely a result of  writing  down the value of  $200,000  in assets  which were
deemed  to  have  no  future  value,  along  with  goodwill   amortization  from
acquisitions of $63,000 which was part of general and administrative  expense in
1998.  Total operating  expenses were 37% of sales in 1998 as compared to 39% in
1997 and 38% in 1996.

Research and  development  expenses  increased by 21% to $1,165,000 in 1997. The
increases  consisted  primarily  of  increased  personnel  and project  expenses
associated with increased product  development  activity.  Selling and marketing
expenses increased by 18% to $4,393,000 in 1997.  Increases occurred in the pool
division and included  increases in advertising,  sales literature and personnel
related  expenses.  General  and  administrative  expenses  increased  by 13% to
$1,419,000  in  1997,   primarily  due  to  increases  in  personnel   expenses,
professional  fees and other  expenses,  consistent  with growth in the business
during the year. Total operating  expenses increased by $1,033,000 to $6,977,000
in 1997, an increase of 17%. As a percentage of sales,  total operating expenses
increased to 39% in 1997 from 38% in 1996, as operating  expenses increased more
rapidly than sales.

Other income and expense  includes  interest  income and expense,  income (loss)
from the  Company's  joint venture as recognized  under the equity  method,  and
income from  divestitures.  Net interest income was $223,000 in 1998 compared to
$246,000 in 1997.  The  decrease  was due  primarily to a use of cash in the 4th
quarter to acquire  two  companies,  along with a general  decrease  in interest
rates in 1998.  The loss from the  Company's  joint  venture was $22,000 in 1998
versus a loss of  $12,000  in 1997.  This  larger  loss is mainly due to adverse
exchange  rate  effects on business in  Australia.  As  highlighted  above,  the
divestiture  income  was a result  of the  Company  selling  its  rights  to the
phototherapy fiber optic product to Respironics, Inc.

Net interest  income in 1997 was $246,000 or the same as that  achieved in 1996.
The Company's  investment in joint venture  activities yielded a loss of $12,000
in 1997 compared to a profit of $8,000 in 1996.

The income tax rate in 1998 was 37% compared to 40% in 1997 and 40% in 1996. The
lower rate was due to the recognition of certain tax benefits  accumulated  over
prior years.  There is no assurance  that the income tax rate in future  periods
will be maintained at the level experienced in 1998.

As a result of the  increase in sales in 1998,  partially  offset by lower gross
margin and higher  expenses,  and aided by the one time net gain, net income for
the year was  $762,000  or 18% above net income  achieved  in 1997.  The Company
recorded  net  income  of  $644,000  in 1997,  a gain of 26% over net  income of
$511,000 achieved in 1996.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

For the year ended December 31, 1998,  cash and cash  equivalents  when combined
with  short-term  investments  were $1,290,000 as compared to $5,120,000 for the
year ended  December 31, 1997.  Cash in the amount of $3,232,000 was used in the
year to acquire three  companies.  Additional cash was utilized by operations in
the 4th quarter to fund additions to accounts receivable for purchases of "early
buy" products by customers in the pools market.  Cash may decline further during
the 1st quarter of 1999,  but then  increase in the 2nd quarter as the early buy
season comes to an end.

In June 1998,  the Company  renewed its $1 million  unsecured line of credit for
working  capital  purposes  and its  $500,000  term loan  commitment  to finance
equipment  purchases.  Both lines  expired on June 28, 1998.  As of December 31,
1998 the Company had no borrowings  outstanding against either of these lines of

The Company  also had a total  borrowing of $527,700  against a credit  facility
held by its  German  subsidiary.  This  borrowing  is  largely  held in order to
finance the building of new offices owned by the Company in Basching, Germany.

The Company  believes that existing cash  balances,  together with the Company's
bank lines of credit and funds that may be generated  from  operations,  will be
sufficient  to finance  the  Company's  currently  anticipated  working  capital
requirements and capital  expenditure  requirements for at least the next twelve

Subsequent event

In March,  1999 the company  increased its unsecured  line of credit for working
capital to $2 million.

Other Factors

        This Annual Report contains forward-looking  statements. Such statements
generally  concern  future  operating  results,  capital  expenditures,  product
development and enhancements,  liquidity and strategy.  Specific forward-looking
statements in this report include,  without  limitation,  our remarks concerning
the evolution of the fiber optic lighting  market,  the future size of the fiber
optic lighting market,  our expectations  concerning the fixture  performance of
our  recently  completed   acquisitions,   our  expectations   regarding  future
performance  of certain  lamp  components  of our  products  that have  recently
experienced problems, the rate of adoption of fiber optic lighting in Europe and
in the  United  States,  trends  in the  price and  performance  of fiber  optic
lighting  products,  the  future  performance  of  our  lighting  products,  our
relationship  with ADLT and  future  technologies  expected  to result  from our
relationship with ADLT. We may not update these forward looking statements,  and
the  occurrence  of the events  predicted  in these  statements  is subject to a
number of risks and  uncertainties,  including  those  discussed in this report.
These  risks  and  uncertainties  could  cause  our  actual  results  to  differ
materially from the results predicted in our forward looking statements. You are
encouraged  to consider all the  information  in this report,  and in our Annual
Report on Form 10-KSB filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"),
along with our other  periodic  reports on file with the SEC, prior to investing
in our stock.

        Basiness Risks and Uncertainties

        Our quarterly operating results can vary significantly  depending upon a
number of factors.  It is difficult to predict the lighting market's  acceptance
of our  products  on a  quarterly  basis,  and the  level  and  timing of orders
received  can  fluctuate  substantially.   Our  sales  volumes  also  fluctuate.
Historically we have shipped a substantial portion of our quarterly sales in the
last month of each of the second and fourth  quarters  of the year.  Significant
portions  of our  expenses  are  relatively  fixed  in  advance  based  upon our
forecasts of future  sales.  If sales fail below our  expectations  in any given
quarter, we will not be able to make any significant adjustment in our operating
expenses and our operating results will be adversely affected, In addition,  our
product  development  and marketing  expenditures  may vary  significantly  from
quarter to quarter and are made well in advance of potential resulting revenue.

        Sales  of our  pool  and spa  lighting  products,  which  currently  are
available only with newly constructed pools and spas, depend  substantially upon
the level of new construction. Sales of commercial lighting products also depend
significantly upon the level of new building  construction.  Construction levels
are affected by housing market trends, interest rates, and the weather.  Because
of the  seasonality of  construction,  our sales of swimming pool and commercial
lighting products,  and thus our overall revenues and income,  have tended to be
significantly  lower in the first  quarter of each year.  Various  economic  and
other trends may alter these  seasonal  trends from year to year,  and we cannot
predict the extent to which these seasonal trends will continue.  We believe our
business  has been  favorably  impacted by recent  strength in the overall  U.S.
economy.  If the U.S.  economy  softens,  our  operating  results will  probably

        In the fourth quarter of 1998, we introduced two major new products. Our
Pool & Spa product called the Fiberstars Lifetime Illuminator(TM) is expected to
outperform  similar  types of  illuminators  in the  marketplace.  The Model 601
illuminator  for the Commercial  Lighting market will replace and is expected to
outperform and be less costly than our current brightest  illuminator Model 501.
We could have difficulties  manufacturing  these new products as a result of our
inexperience with them. Also, it is difficult to predict whether the market will
accept  either of these new products.  If either of these new products  fails to
meet expectations, our operating results will be adversely affected.

        Competition  is  increasing  in a number  of our  markets.  A number  of
companies offer directly  competitive  products,  including fiber optic lighting
products for downlighting,  display case and water lighting,  and neon and other
lighted  signs.  Our  competitors  include some very large and well  established
companies such as [Philips, Schott, 3M, Bridgestone,  Mitsubishi,  Osram/Siemens
and Rohm &  Haas/Advanced  Lighting  Technologies].  All of these companies have
substantially  greater financial,  technical and marketing resources than we do.
We anticipate that any future growth in fiber optic lighting will be accompanied
by continuing  increases in competition,  which could  accelerate  growth in the
market for fiber  optic  lighting,  but which  could also  adversely  affect our
operating results to the extent we do not compete effectively.

        We were awarded our ninth patent in the fourth quarter of 1998. However,
we believe  the  success of our  business  depends  primarily  on our  continued
technical  innovation,   marketing  abilities  and  responsiveness  to  customer
requirements,  rather than on patents, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights and
other intellectual property rights. Nevertheless, we have a policy of seeking to
protect our intellectual  property through,  among other things, the prosecution
of patents  with respect to certain of our  technologies.  There are many issued
patents and pending patent  applications in the field of fiber optic technology,
and certain of our  competitors  hold and have  applied  for patents  related to
fiber optic  lighting.  Although to date we have not been involved in litigation
challenging our intellectual property rights or asserting  intellectual property
rights of others, we have in the past received communications from third parties
asserting  rights in our patents or that our technology  infringes  intellectual
property  rights  held by such third  parties.  Based on  information  currently
available to use we do not believe that any such claims involving our technology
or patents are meritorious.  However, we may be required to engage in litigation
to protect our patent rights or to defend  against the claims of others.  In the
event of  litigation  to  determine  the  validity of any third party  claims or
claims  by us  against  such  third  party,  such  litigation,  whether  or  not
determined in our favor, could result in significant expense.

        Our business is subject to additional  risks that could  materially  and
adversely affect our future business, including:

     o   manufacturing  risks,  including the risks of shortages in materials or
         components necessary to our manufacturing and assembly operations,  and
         the risks of increases in the prices of raw materials and components;

     o   sales and distribution  risks,  such as risks of changes in product mix
         or distribution channels that result in lower margins;

     o   risks of the loss of a significant distributor or sales representative;

     o   risks of the loss of a significant customer or swimming pool builder;

     o   risks of the  effects  of volume  discounts  that we grant from time to
         time to our larger customers, including reduced profit margins;

     o   risks of product returns and exchanges; in this regard, as noted above,
         we have increased our warranty reserve in the fourth quarter of 1998 in
         response to evidence of defective lamps in certain of our products.  We
         cannot assure you we will not experience  similar component problems in
         the future that could also  require  increased  warranty  reserves  and
         manufacturing costs.

     o   risks associated with product  development and  introduction  problems,
         such  as  increased   research,   development  and  marketing  expenses
         associated with new product introductions; and

     o   risks  associated  with delays in the  introduction of new products and
         technologies, including lost sales and loss of market share.

Year 2000 Compliance

Many currently  installed computer systems and software products are not capable
of  distinguishing  20th century dates from 21st century dates. As a result,  in
less than one year, computers systems  and/or software used by many companies in
a very wide  variety of  applications  will  experience  operating  difficulties
unless  they  are  modified  or  upgraded  to  adequately  process   information
involving,  related  to  or  dependent  upon  the  century  change.  Significant
uncertainty  exists  in  the  software  and  information   services   industries
concerning  the scope and  magnitude  of  problems  associated  with the century
change.  In light of the  potentially  broad  effects of the year 2000 on a wide
range of business systems, the Company's products and services may be affected.

The Company utilizes and is dependent upon data processing computer hardware and
software to conduct its business,  and in 1998  completed an upgrade of hardware
and software at an  approximate  cost of $30,000.  The Company has completed its
assessment  of its own  computer  systems  and based upon this  assessment,  the
Company  believes  its  computer  systems  are "Year 2000  compliant;"  that is,
capable of adequately distinguishing 21st century dates from 20th century dates.
However,  there can be no assurance  that the Company has timely  identified  or
will  timely  identify and remediate all  significant  Year 2000 problems in its
own computer systems,  that remedial efforts  subsequently made will not involve
significant  time and expense,  or that such  problems  will not have a material
adverse  effect on the  Company's  business,  operating  results  and  financial
condition.  If unforeseen internal  disruptions occur, the Company believes that
its existing disaster recovery program,  which includes the manual processing of
certain key transactions, would significantly mitigate the impact.

The  Company  has made only  limited  efforts  to  determine  the  extent of and
minimize  the risk that the  computer  systems  of the  Company's  suppliers  or
customers are not Year 2000 compliant,  or will not become compliant on a timely
basis.  The  Company  expects  that the  process of making  inquiries with these
customers  and suppliers  will be ongoing  through the end of 1999. If Year 2000
problems prevent any of the Company's suppliers from timely delivery of products
or services  required by the Company,  the Company's  operating results could be
materially adversely affected. However, the Company currently estimates that its
costs  to  address  Year  2000  issues  relating  to its  suppliers  will not be
material, and that these costs will be funded from its operating cash flows. The
Company has  identified and will continue to identify  alternative  suppliers in
the event its preferred suppliers become incapable of timely delivering products
or services  required by the Company.  The  Company's  suppliers  are  generally
locally or regionally based,  which tends to lessen the Company's  exposure from
the lack of readiness of any single supplier.

The  Company may also face delays in receipt of  payments  from  customers  with
unresolved Year 2000 problems, and such delays could materially adversely affect
the Company's  operating results.  To the extent any such delays are significant
or protracted,  the Company's quarterly results would be adversely affected. The
Company intends to continually reassess this risk as it receives  communications
about the  status of its  customers  with  regard  to Year 2000  issues,  and if
necessary, adjust its account sales and policies accordingly.

Year 2000  costs  relating  to the  Company's  own  computer  systems  including
consulting fees and costs to remediate or replace  hardware and software as well
as  non-incremental  costs resulting from redeployment of internal resources are
estimated  to be  immaterial.  The  Company is not able to  accurately  estimate
potential  costs  associated  with the Year  2000  issues of its  customers  and
suppliers,  and is in the process of verifying that these companies will be year
2000 compliant by the end of 1999.  There can be no assurance that the estimated
costs for  remediating  the  Company's  own systems as well as  estimated  costs
associated with the potential  non-compliance of its customers and suppliers are
correct,  and actual  results  could  differ  materially  from these  estimates.
Specific factors that might cause such material differences include, but are not
limited to, the  availability  and cost of personnel  trained in this area,  the
ability  to  locate  and  correct  all  relevant  computer  costs,  and  similar

Item 7.  Financial Statements

        The financial statements and related notes thereto required by this item
are listed and set forth in a separate  section  of this  report  following  the
index to exhibits.

Item 8.  Changes In and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting and
         Financial Disclosure

     Not applicable.


                                    PART III

Item 9.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

     The information  required by this Item regarding  directors and nominees is
incorporated herein by reference to the information in the Company's  definitive
Proxy  Statement for the 1998 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held on May
12, 1999 (the "Proxy  Statement") under the caption "PROPOSAL NO. 1: ELECTION OF

     The executive officers of the Company who are not directors, and their ages
as of December 31, 1998, are as follows:

        Name                   Age             Position
        ----                   ---             --------
        George K. Awai         43    Vice President, Research and Development
        Barry R. Greenwald     52    Senior Vice President and General
                                      Manager, Pool Division
        J. Arthur Hatley       49    Vice President and General Manager,
                                      Commercial Lighting
        J. Steven Keplinger    39    Senior Vice President, Operations
                                      and Retail
        Fredrick N. Martin     55    Chief Operating Officer
        Robert A. Connors      50    Vice President, Finance, Chief Financial
- ----------
     Mr. Awai joined the Company in October 1986 as Vice President, Engineering.
Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Awai served as Senior Fiber Optics Engineering
Supervisor at Advanced  Cardiovascular  Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of Eli Lilly
engaged in research  and  development  of medical  devices,  from August 1985 to
October  1986.  From  December  1983 to August 1985,  Mr. Awai served as Quality
Assurance Optics Manager at Kaptron, Inc., a fiber optics manufacturing company.
Mr.  Awai  served  as  Senior   Optical   Engineering   Technician   at  Siemens
Optoelectronics  from August 1982 to December  1983, as Fiber Optics  Laboratory
Supervisor at Cooper  Medical  Devices,  Inc. from May 1981 to July 1982, and as
Senior Fiber Optics Technician at Olympus Corporation from September 1979 to May

     Mr. Greenwald  joined the Company in October 1989 as General Manager,  Pool
Division.  He became Vice  President in September 1993 and Senior Vice President
in February 1997. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Greenwald served as National
Sales Manager at Aquamatic,  a swimming pool accessory company, from August 1987
to October 1989. From May 1982 to August 1987, Mr.  Greenwald served as National
Sales Manager at Jandy Inc., a swimming pool equipment company.

     Mr.  Hatley  joined the  Company in July 1995 as  National  Sales  Manager,
Commercial Lighting Division. He was promoted to General Manager in January 1996
and was named Vice President in December 1996. Prior to joining the Company, Mr.
Hatley served in progressive sales management  capacities for Reggiani and Capri
Lighting  companies.  Mr.  Hatley was  previously a commercial  lighting  agency
principal  and  also  served  at  Graybar  Electric,  a  national  lighting  and
electrical products distributor.

     Mr.  Keplinger  joined the Company in August 1988 as Manager of Operations.
He became Vice  President in 1991 and Senior Vice  President  in February  1997.
From June 1986 to August  1988,  Mr.  Keplinger  was a sales  representative  at
Leemah Electronics, an electronics manufacturing company. From February 1983


to June 1986, Mr. Keplinger was a sales manager with California  Magnetics Corp,
a custom transformer  manufacturing company. Mr. Keplinger is also a director of
Fiberstars Australasia Pty. Ltd.

     Mr.  Martin  joined  the  Company in March  1997 as Senior  Vice  President
responsible for Engineering, R&D and Commercial Lighting sales and marketing and
was promoted to Chief Operating Officer in 1998. From May 1994 to February 1997,
Mr.  Martin was general  partner in a retail  business.  From 1989 to 1993,  Mr.
Martin was President and Chief Executive Officer of Progress Lighting.  Prior to
that,  he  served as  Executive  Vice  President  of sales &  marketing  for USI
Lighting,  a large lighting  fixture and controls  company,  and as President of
Prescolite, a lighting fixture company.

     Mr.  Connors  joined the Company in July 1998 as Vice  President,  Finance,
Chief  Financial  Officer.  From 1984 to 1998,  Mr.  Connors  held a variety  of
positions  for Micro  Focus  Group  Plc,  a software  company,  including  Chief
Financial  Officer and Chief  Operating  Officer.  Prior to that, he held senior
finance positions with Eagle Computer and W. R. Grace.

Item 10.  Executive Compensation

     The information  regarding  executive  compensation  required by Item 10 is
incorporated herein by reference to the information in the Proxy Statement under
the caption "Executive Compensation."

Item 11.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

     The information  regarding  security ownership of certain beneficial owners
and management  required by Item 11 is  incorporated  herein by reference to the
information  in the Proxy  Statement  under the caption  "Security  Ownership of
Principal Shareholders and Management."

Item 12.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     The information  regarding certain  relationships and related  transactions
required by Item 12 is  incorporated  herein by reference to the  information in
the Proxy Statement under the caption "Certain Transactions."

Item 13.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

     (a)  Reference  is made to the Index to Exhibits  that begins on page 12 of
          this report.

     (b)  Form 8-K filed on December 4, 1998,  is included as Exhibit  10.27 and
          is included  in the Index to  Exhibits  that begins on page 12 of this


                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS
                                  (Item 13(a))
Number                             Document
- ------                             --------
3.1     Amended  and  Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  of  the  Registrant
        (incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit  3.3  in  the   Registrant's
        Registration  Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission  File No.  33-79116-LA)
        which became effective on August 17, 1994).

3.2     Bylaws  of  Registrant,   including  all  amendments   (incorporated  by
        reference  to  Exhibit  3.2 in the  Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form
        10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1994).

3.3     Amendment  to  Bylaws  of  Registrant,  dated  as of  December  1,  1995
        (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit 3.3 in the  Registrant's  Annual
        Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1995).

10.0    Form of warrant  issued to the  Underwriters  in the  Company's  initial
        public  offering  (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  1.1  in the
        Registrant's  Registration  Statement on Form SB-2  (Commission File No.
        33-79116-LA) which became effective on August 17, 1994)

10.1+   Form of  Indemnification  Agreement  for  directors  and officers of the
        Registrant   (incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit  10.1  in  the
        Registrant's  Registration  Statement on Form SB-2  (Commission File No.
        33-79116-LA) which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.2+   1988 Stock Option Plan, as amended,  and forms of stock option agreement
        (incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.2  in  the   Registrant's
        Registration  Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission  File No.  33-79116-LA)
        which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.3+   1994 Stock Option Plan, as amended,  and forms of stock option agreement
        (incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.3  in  the   Registrant's
        Registration  Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission  File No.  33-79116-LA)
        which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.4+   1994 Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan and form of  subscription  agreement
        (incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.4  in  the   Registrant's
        Registration  Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission  File No.  33-79116-LA)
        which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.5+   1994  Directors'  Stock Option Plan and form of stock  option  agreement
        (incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.5  in  the   Registrant's
        Registration  Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission  File No.  33-79116-LA)
        which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.6    Registration  Rights  Agreement  dated as of June 27, 1990,  between the
        Registrant and certain  holders of the  Registrant's  capital stock,  as
        amended by  Amendment  No. 1 dated as of February 6, 1991 and  Amendment
        No. 2 dated as of April 30, 1994  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit
        10.10  in  the   Registrant's   Registration   Statement  on  Form  SB-2
        (Commission File No.  33-79116-LA)  which became effective on August 17,

10.7    Amendment  No. 3 to  Registration  Rights  Agreement to include  Warrant
        shares as Registerable Securities  (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
        1.2 in the Registrant's  Registration Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission
        File No. 33-79116-LA) which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.8+   Stock Purchase  Agreement and related  Promissory  Note between David N.
        Ruckert and the  Registrant  dated as of  December  9, 1987,  as amended
        (incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.14  in  the  Registrant's
        Registration  Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission  File No.  33-79116-LA)
        which became effective on August 17, 1994).


10.9+   Common Stock  Purchase  Warrant  dated as of June 27, 1988 issued by the
        Registrant to Philip Wolfson (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.15
        in the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form SB-2 (Commission File
        No. 33-79116-LA) which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.10   Lease  Agreement  dated  December  20, 1993 between the  Registrant  and
        Bayside  Spinnaker  Partners IV  (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit
        10.19  in  the   Registrant's   Registration   Statement  on  Form  SB-2
        (Commission File No.  33-79116-LA)  which became effective on August 17,

10.11   Form  of  Agreement   between  the  Registrant  and  independent   sales
        representatives  (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.20 in the
        Registrant's  Registration  Statement on Form SB-2  (Commission File No.
        33-79116-LA) which became effective on August 17, 1994).

10.12+  Consulting  Agreement  dated August 25, 1994 between the  Registrant and
        Philip Wolfson, M.D.  (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.17 in the
        Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended  December
        31, 1994).

10.13*  Distribution  Agreement  dated March 21, 1995 between the Registrant and
        Mitsubishi  International  Corporation  (incorporated  by  reference  to
        Exhibit 10.18 in the  Registrant's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the
        year ended December 31, 1994).

10.14*  Three (3) Year  Supply  Agreement  dated  March  21,  1995  between  the
        Registrant and Mitsubishi  International  Corporation  (incorporated  by
        reference to Exhibit  10.19 in the  Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form
        10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1994).

10.15   Stock  Purchase  Agreement  dated March 21,  1995 among the  Registrant,
        Mitsubishi   International   Corporation   and  Mitsubishi   Corporation
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.20 in the  Registrant's  Annual
        Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1994).

10.16+  Consulting  Agreement dated as of December 14, 1995,  between Registrant
        and Michael D. Ernst  (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.21 in the
        Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended  December
        31, 1995).

10.17   Distribution  Agreement  dated as of  February  21,  1996,  between  the
        Registrant  and  Fiberoptic  Medical  Products,  Inc.  (incorporated  by
        reference to Exhibit  10.24 in the  Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form
        10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1995).

10.21   Amendment to 1994 Stock  Option  Plan,  effective as of December 6, 1996
        (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.21 in the  Registrant's  Annual
        Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1996).

10.22   Promissory  Note dated as of  October  7,  1996,  issued in favor of the
        Registrant  by Steve  Keplinger  (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit
        10.22 in the  Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB  for the year
        ended December 31, 1996).

10.23   Promissory  Note  dated as of March  25,  1997,  issued  in favor of the
        Registrant  by Barry  Greenwald  (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit
        10.23 in the  Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB  for the year
        ended December 31, 1996).

10.24*  Amended and  Restated  Three (3) Year Supply  Agreement  dated March 31,
        1998 between the  Registrant and  Mitsubishi  International  Corporation
        (incorporated  by reference in the  Registrant's  Annual  Report on Form
        10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1997).


10.25   Rental  Agreement  dated  February 1, 1998  between the  Registrant  and
        Signature Floors.

10.26   Promissory  Note  dated as of March  15,  1998,  issued  in favor of the
        Registrant by Barry Greenwald

10.27   Consulting  Agreement  dated November 1, 1997 between the Registrant and
        Barry A. Nelson.

10.29   Loan  Agreement  dated June 28, 1998,  between the  Registrant and Wells
        Fargo Bank.

10.30   Term  Commitment  Note of the  Registrant  dated as of June 28, 1998, to
        Wells Fargo Bank.

10.31   Revolving  Line of Credit  Note of the  Registrant  dated as of June 28,
        1998, to Wells Fargo Bank

10.32   Asset Purchase Agreement by and among FibreOptics International, Inc., a
        Washington corporation, and the Registrant dated August 31, 1998.

10.33   Sale and Purchase  Agreement dated as of November 19, 1998, by and among
        Fiberstars,  Inc.,  Hillgate (4)  Limited,  Crescent  Lighting  Limited,
        Michael Beverly Morrison and Corinne Bertrand.

10.34   Purchase and Take-over  Agreement  between Frau Claudia Mann, acting for
        LBM Lichtleit-Fasertechnik, Claudia Mann and Fiberstars Deutschland GmbH
        and Bernhard Mann.

10.35*  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  dated  as  of  December  30,  1998,  between
        Respironics, Inc. and Fiberstars, Inc.

10.36   Lease Agreement dated November 23, 1998 between  Registrant and Catellus
        Development Corporation.

10.37   Lease Agreement  dated September 15, 1998 between  Resistrant and Harsch
        Investment Corp.

10.38   Memorandum  of  Understanding   between  Registrant  and  Water  Quality
        Management, Inc. dated January 22, 1999.

10.39   Promissory  Note dated June 19, 1998 between  Registrant and Fredrick N.

10.40   Promissory  Note dated March 25, 1999 between  Registrant  and J. Steven

23.1    Consent of Independent Accountants.

27.1    Financial Data Schedule

* Confidential treatment requested.
+ Management Compensatory Plan or Arrangement



     In accordance  with Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, thereto duly authorized, on the 31st day of March, 1999.

                                           FIBERSTARS, INC.

                                           By: /s/ DAVID N. RUCKERT
                                           David N. Ruckert
                                           Chief Executive Officer
                                           (Principal Executive Officer)

     In accordance  with the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  this Report has
been  signed  by the  following  persons  in  the  capacities  and on the  dates

       Signature                        Title                         Date
       ---------                        -----                         ----

/s/ DAVID N. RUCKERT            Chief Executive Officer and       March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------    Director (Principal
    David N. Ruckert            Executive Officer)

/s/ ROBERT A. CONNORS           Chief Financial Officer           March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------    (Principal Accounting Officer)
    Robert A. Connors

/s/ JOHN B. STUPPIN             Director                          March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------
    John B. Stuppin

/s/ THEODORE L. ELIOT, JR       Director                          March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------
    Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.

/s/ MICHAEL FEUER, PH.D.        Director                          March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------
    Michael Feuer, Ph.D.

/s/ B.J. GARET                  Director                          March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------
    B.J. Garet

/s/ WAYNE R. HELLMAN            Director                          March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------
    Wayne R. Hellman

/s/ PHILIP WOLFSON              Director                          March 31, 1999
- ----------------------------
    Philip Wolfson


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS, December 31, 1998 and 1997
            (amounts in thousands except share and per share amounts)

                                   ASSETS                   1998        1997
                                                          --------    --------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                               $  1,290    $    523
  Short-term investments                                                 4,597
  Accounts receivable, net of allowances for
  doubtful accounts of $370 in 1998 and $293 in 1997         5,210       2,525
  Notes and other receivables                                  771         161
  Inventories                                                4,179       3,068
  Prepaids and other current assets                            369         373
  Deferred income taxes                                        507         677
                                                          --------    --------
     Total current assets                                   12,326      11,924

Fixed assets, net                                            1,522       1,003
Investment in joint venture                                     18          40
Goodwill                                                     4,403
Other assets                                                   566         103
Deferred income taxes                                           89          54
                                                          --------    --------
     Total assets                                         $ 18,924    $ 13,124
                                                          ========    ========
Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                        $  2,598    $  1,068
  Accrued liabilities                                        2,198       1,318
  Current portion of long-term debt                            107          13
                                                          --------    --------
     Total current liabilities                               4903       2,399

Long-term debt, less current portion                           667          17
                                                          --------    --------
     Total liabilities                                       5,570       2,416
                                                          --------    --------
Commitments and contingencies (Note 9)

                              SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

Preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share:
  Authorized:2,000,000 shares in 1998 and 1997
  Issued and outstanding :no shares in 1998 and 1997

Common stock, par value $0.0001 per share:
  Authorized:30,000,000 shares in 1998 and 1997
  Issued and outstanding: 3,952,601 shares in
  1998 and 3,509,474 shares in 1997                            --          --
Additional paid-in capital                                  13,930      12,035
Notes receivable from shareholders                             (86)        (75)
Accumulated deficit                                           (490)     (1,252)
                                                          --------    --------
     Total shareholders' equity                             13,354      10,708
                                                          --------    --------
     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity           $ 18,924    $ 13,124
                                                          ========    ========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

              for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996
            (amounts in thousands except share and per share amounts)

                                                   1998        1997       1996
                                                 -------     -------    -------

Net sales                                        $22,682     $17,871    $15,576

Cost of sales                                     14,136      10,047      9,032
                                                 -------     -------    -------

     Gross profit                                  8,546       7,824      6,544
                                                 -------     -------    -------
Operating expenses:
  Research and development                         1,283       1,165        962
  Sales and marketing                              5,381       4,393      3,728
  General and administrative                       1,675       1,419      1,254
                                                 -------     -------    -------

     Total operating expenses                      8,339       6,977      5,944
                                                 -------     -------    -------

Income from operations                               207         847        600

Other income (expense):
  Equity in joint ventures' income (loss)            (22)        (12)         8
  Divestiture                                        801
  Interest and other income                          224         248        252
  Interest expense                                    (1)         (2)        (6)
                                                 -------     -------    -------

Income before provision for income taxes           1,209       1,081        854

Provision for income taxes                          (447)       (437)      (343)
                                                 -------     -------    -------

     Net income                                  $   762     $   644    $   511
                                                 =======     =======    =======

Net income per share - basic                     $  0.21     $  0.19    $  0.15
                                                 =======     =======    =======

Shares used in per share calculation - basic       3,623       3,446      3,398
                                                 =======     =======    =======

Net income per share - diluted                   $  0.21     $  0.18    $  0.14
                                                 =======     =======    =======

Shares used in per share calculation - diluted     3,695       3,597      3,539
                                                 =======     =======    =======

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

              for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                                 (in thousands)

                                             Common Stock       Additional  Receivable
                                           -----------------     Paid-In      from       Accumulated
                                           Shares     Amount     Capital   Shareholders    Deficit    Total
                                           ------     ------     -------   ------------    -------    -----
Balances, January 1, 1996                   3,381     $   --    $ 11,848       $(75)      $(2,407)   $ 9,366
Exercise of common stock options                7                      9                                   9
Issuance of common stock under employee
stock purchase plan                             9                     32                                  32
Issuance of common stock pursuant to
exercise of warrants                           16                     14                                  14
Net Income                                                                                    511        511
                                            -----     ------    --------       ----       -------    -------

Balances, December 31, 1996                 3,413         --      11,903        (75)       (1,896)     9,932
Exercise of common stock options               88                     97                                  97
Issuance of common stock under employee
stock purchase plan                             9                     35                                  35
Net income                                                                                    644        644
                                            -----     ------    --------       ----       -------    -------

Balances, December 31, 1997                 3,510         --      12,035        (75)       (1,252)    10,708
Exercise of common stock options               46                    164                                 164
Issuance of common stock under employee
stock purchase plan                            10                     35                                  35
Issuance of common stock pursuant to
exercise of warrants                           12                     11        (11)                       0
Issuance of common stock for acquisitions     405                  1,685                               1,685
Net income                                                                                    762        762
                                            -----     ------    --------       ----       -------    -------

Balances, December 31, 1998                 3,983     $   --    $ 13,930       $(86)      $  (490)   $13,354
                                            =====     ======    ========       ====       =======    =======

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
              for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                                 (in thousands)

                                                   1998       1997       1996
                                                 -------    -------    -------
Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                      $   762    $   644    $   511
                                                 -------    -------    -------
Adjustments to reconcile net income to
  net cash provided by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization                      647        453        322
  Provision for doubtful accounts receivable          77         76         56
  Deferred income taxes                              135        407        343
  Equity in joint venture                             22         12         (8)
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
   Accounts receivable, trade                     (1,072)         2        (63)
   Inventories                                      (275)      (900)      (264)
   Prepaids and other current assets                  36       (192)        (5)
   Other assets                                     (463)        19        (53)
   Accounts payable                                  240        101       (131)
   Accrued liabilities                               671        196        145
                                                 -------    -------    -------
       Total adjustments                              18        174        342
                                                 -------    -------    -------
   Net cash provided by operating activities         780        818        853
                                                 -------    -------    -------
Cash flows from investing activities:
 Sale of short-term investments                    4,597
 Purchase of short-term investments                          (1,282)      (869)
 Acquisition of business, net of cash acquired    (3,232)
 Loans made under notes receivable                  (610)       (30)      (161)
 Acquisition of fixed assets                        (479)      (624)      (400)
 Sale of investment in joint venture                 298
                                                 -------    -------    -------
   Net cash provided by (used in)
    investing activities                             276     (1,936)    (1,132)
                                                 -------    -------    -------
Cash flows from financing activities:
 Proceeds from issuances of common stock             199        132         55
 Repayment of long-term debt                        (488)       (11)       (12)
                                                 -------    -------    -------
   Net cash provided by (used in) financing
    activities                                      (289)       121         43
                                                 -------    -------    -------
       Net increase (decrease) in cash and
        cash equivalents                             767       (997)      (236)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year         523      1,520      1,756
                                                 -------    -------    -------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year           $ 1,290    $   523    $ 1,520
                                                 =======    =======    =======
Supplemental Information:
 Interest paid                                   $     1    $     2    $     6
 Income taxes paid                               $    66    $    24    $    38

The Company  purchased  certain  businesses during 1998. In conjunction with the
acquisitions, liabilities were assumed as follows:

Fair value of assets acquired                    $ 7,649
Cash paid for capital stock                       (3,232)
Capital stock issued                              (1,685)

Liabilities assumed                              $ 2,732

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

1.   Nature of Operations:

     Fiberstars,  Inc. (the Company)  develops and assembles  lighting  products
     using fiber optic technology for commercial  lighting and swimming pool and
     spa lighting  applications.  The Company markets its products for worldwide
     distribution   primarily   through   independent   sales   representatives,
     distributors and swimming pool builders.

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

     Basis of Consolidation:

     The consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of Fiberstars,
     Inc.  and its  subsidiaries.  All  significant  intercompany  balances  and
     transactions have been eliminated.

     Use of Estimates:

     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
     accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make estimates and
     assumptions  that affect the reported  amount of assets and liabilities and
     disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and  liabilities  at  the  date  of the
     financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses
     during  the  reported  period.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those

     Cash Equivalents:

     The  Company  considers  all highly  liquid  investments  purchased  with a
     remaining maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

     Short-Term Investments:

     Short-term  investments  consist of debt securities with remaining maturity
     of more than three months when  purchased.  The Company has determined that
     all of its debt securities should be classified as available-for-sale.  The
     difference  between  the cost basis and the market  value of the  Company's
     investments  was not material at December 31, 1998 and 1997.  The Company's
     investments  at December 31, 1998 and 1997  primarily  consist of corporate
     notes with maturities of one year or less. Short-term  investments are held
     by one investment bank as of December 31, 1998.


     Inventories  are  stated at the lower of cost  (determined  on a  first-in,
     first-out basis) or market.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Investments in Joint Ventures:

       The Company  records its  investments  in joint ventures under the equity
       method of accounting.

       Fair Value of Financial Instruments:

       Carrying  amounts  of  certain  of the  Company's  financial  instruments
       including cash and cash  equivalents,  short-term  investments,  accounts
       receivable,  accounts payable and other accrued  liabilities  approximate
       fair  value  due to their  short  maturities.  Based on  borrowing  rates
       currently  available  to the Company for loans with  similar  terms,  the
       carrying  value of long-term  debt  obligations  also  approximates  fair

       Revenue Recognition:

       The Company recognizes sales upon shipment.

       Depreciation and Amortization:

       Fixed  assets are  stated at cost and  depreciated  by the  straight-line
       method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets (two to five
       years).  Leasehold  improvements  are amortized on a straight-line  basis
       over their estimated useful lives or the lease term, whichever is less.

       Certain Risks and Concentrations:

       The Company invests its excess cash in deposits and high-grade short-term
       securities with two major banks.

       The  Company  sells  its  products   primarily  to  commercial   lighting
       distributors  and residential  pool  distributors  and pool  installation
       contractors  in North  America,  Europe  and the Far  East.  The  Company
       performs  ongoing credit  evaluations of its customers and generally does
       not require  collateral.  Although the Company  maintains  allowances for
       potential  credit  losses  that it  believes  to be  adequate,  a payment
       default on a significant  sale could  materially and adversely affect its
       operating  results and  financial  condition.  At December 31, 1998,  one
       customer  accounted  for 22% of accounts  receivable  and at December 31,
       1997, one customer accounted for more than 17% accounts receivable.

       One customer  accounted  for 13%, 13% and 10% of net sales in 1998,  1997
       and 1996, respectively.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       The Company  currently  buys all of its fiber,  the main component of its
       products, from one supplier.  Although there is a limited number of fiber
       suppliers,  management  believes that other suppliers could provide fiber
       on comparable terms. A change in suppliers,  however,  could cause delays
       in  manufacturing  and a possible  loss of sales  which  would  adversely
       affect operating results.

       Research and Development:

       Research and development costs are charged to operations as incurred.

       Income Taxes:

       The Company  accounts for income taxes using the  liability  method under
       which  deferred tax assets or  liabilities  are calculated at the balance
       sheet date using current tax laws and rates in effect.

       Earnings Per Share:

       The  Company  has  adopted  the  provisions  of  Statement  of  Financial
       Accounting   Standards  No.  128,  "Earnings  Per  Share,"  ("SFAS  128")
       effective  December 31, 1997. SFAS 128 requires the presentation of basic
       and diluted  earnings per share (EPS).  Basic EPS is computed by dividing
       income available to common shareholders by the weighted average number of
       common shares outstanding for the period.  Diluted EPS is computed giving
       effect to all  dilutive  potential  common  shares that were  outstanding
       during  the  period.   Dilutive   potential   common  shares  consist  of
       incremental  shares upon  exercise  of stock  options.  All prior  period
       earnings per share amounts have been restated to comply with SFAS 128.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Earnings Per Share, continued:

       In  accordance   with  the  disclosure   requirements   of  SFAS  128,  a
       reconciliation  of the numerator and denominator of basic and diluted EPS
       is provided as follows (in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                                       Year Ended December 31,
                                                     1998       1997       1996
                                                    ------     ------     ------
            Numerator - Basic and Diluted EPS
              Net income                            $  762     $  644     $  511

            Denominator - Basic EPS
              Weighted average shares outstanding    3,623      3,446      3,398
                                                    ------     ------     ------
            Basic earnings per share                $ 0.21     $ 0.19     $ 0.15
                                                    ======     ======     ======
            Denominator - Diluted EPS
              Denominator - Basic EPS                3,623      3,446      3,398
              Effect of dilutive securities:
                Stock options and warrants              72        151        141
                                                    ------     ------     ------
                                                     3,695      3,597      3,539
                                                    ------     ------     ------

            Diluted earnings per share              $ 0.21     $ 0.18     $ 0.14
                                                    ======     ======     ======

       Options and  warrants  to purchase  584,626  shares,  371,705  shares and
       421,095  shares of common  stock were  outstanding  at December 31, 1998,
       1997 and 1996, respectively, but were not included in the calculations of
       diluted EPS because their  exercise  prices were greater than the average
       fair market price of the common shares.

       Recent Pronouncements:

       In March 1998,  the American  Institute of Certified  Public  Accountants
       issued Statement of Position 98-1, or SOP 98-1, "Accounting for the Costs
       of Computer  Software  Developed  or  Obtained  for  Internal  Use." This
       standard requires companies to capitalize qualifying software costs which
       are incurred during the application  development  stage and amortize them
       over the  software's  estimated  useful life.  SOP 98-1 is effective  for
       fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 1998. The Company is currently
       evaluating the impact of SOP 98-1 on its financial statements and related

       In April 1998,  the American  Institute of Certified  Public  Accountants
       issued  Statement of Position 98-5, or SOP 98-5,  "Reporting on the Costs
       of Start-Up  Activities." This standard requires companies to expense the
       costs of start-up activities and organization


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Recent Pronouncements, continued:

       costs as incurred.  In general,  SOP 98-5 is  effective  for fiscal years
       beginning  after December 15, 1998. The Company  believes the adoption of
       SOP 98-5 will not have a material impact on its results of operations.

       In June 1998, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
       No. 133, or SFAS 133, "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging
       Activities".  SFAS  133  establishes  new  standards  of  accounting  and
       reporting for derivative  instruments  and hedging  activities.  SFAS 133
       requires  that  all  derivatives  be  recognized  at  fair  value  in the
       statement  of financial  position,  and that the  corresponding  gains or
       losses  be  reported  either  in  the  statement  of  operations  or as a
       component  of  comprehensive  income,  depending  on the type of  hedging
       relationship  that exists.  SFAS 133 will be  effective  for fiscal years
       beginning  after June 15,  1999.  The  Company  does not  currently  hold
       derivative instruments or engage in hedging activities.

       In the first quarter of 1998, the Company adopted  statement of financial
       accounting  standards  No. 130,  ("SFAS 130"),  "Reporting  Comprehensive
       Income",  which specifies the  computation,  presentation  and disclosure
       requirements  for  comprehensive  income.  There  was  no  impact  on the
       Company's  financial  position,  results of  operation or cash flows as a
       result of adoption, and comprehensive and net income are the same.

       In 1998, the Company adopted statement of financial  accounting standards
       No. 131 ("SFAS 131")  "Disclosures  about  Segments of an Enterprise  and
       Related Information". SFAS 131 requires publicly held companies to report
       financial and other information about key  revenue-producing  segments of
       the entity for which such  information  is available  and utilized by the
       Chief  Operations   decision  maker.   SFAS  131  also  requires  revenue
       geographic  information  and revenue  with  significant  customers  to be
       disclosed.  The Company operates in one segment and will not be reporting
       product segment  information  but will report  geographic and significant
       customer revenue.

3.     Inventories (in thousands):

                                                    December 31,
                                                 1998          1997
                                                ------        ------
            Raw materials                       $2,780        $2,020
            Finished goods                       1,399         1,048
                                                ------        ------
                                                $4,179        $3,068
                                                ======        ======


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

4.     Fixed Assets (in thousands):

                                                                December 31,
                                                               1998       1997
                                                             -------    -------
          Equipment                                          $ 2,823    $ 2,197
          Furniture and fixtures                                 250        127
          Computer software                                      452        242
          Leasehold improvements                                 541        101
                                                             -------    -------
                                                               4,066      2,667
          Less accumulated depreciation and amortization      (2,544)    (1,664)
                                                             -------    -------
                                                             $ 1,522    $ 1,003
                                                             =======    =======

5.     Acquisitions:

       In August 1998, the Company  completed the  acquisition of the net assets
       of Fibre Optics  International,  Inc.  (FOI) for $865,000  consisting  of
       $315,000  in cash  and  122,350  shares  of  Fiberstars  stock.  FOI is a
       manufacturer and marketer of fiber optic-lighted signs, based in Seattle,

       In November  1998,  the Company  acquired the net assets of  Lichberatung
       Mann  (LBM),   fiber  optic  lighting   manufacturers   and   distributor
       headquartered  near Munich,  Germany.  Also in November 1998, the Company
       purchased the net assets of Crescent Lighting, Ltd. (Crescent),  which is
       a fiber optic lighting  manufacturer  and  distributor  based in Newbury,
       England.  The consideration given for both the European  acquisitions was
       $2,875,000  in  cash  and  282,386  shares  of  Fiberstars  stock,  or an
       aggregate of $4,013,000.

       All three acquisitions were accounted for as purchases.  Accordingly, the
       purchase  price was allocated to the net assets  acquired  based on their
       estimated fair market values.  In connection with the  acquisitions,  the
       Company  recorded  goodwill of $4,466,000  which is being  amortized on a
       straight line basis over ten years.

       The following table presents the unaudited pro forma results assuming the
       Company had acquired  FOI,  LBM and  Crescent at the  beginning of fiscal
       years 1997 and 1998,  respectively.  Net income and diluted  earnings per
       share  amounts have been  adjusted to include  goodwill  amortization  of
       $447,000  for the twelve  months ended  December 31, 1997 and 1998.  This
       information  may not  necessarily  be indicative  of the future  combined
       results of the Company.

                                               Year Ended December 31,
                                                  1998          1997
                                                -------       -------
            Revenues                            $28,240       $24,184
            Net income                              414           702
            Diluted earnings per share          $  0.10       $  0.18
            Basic earnings per share            $  0.10       $  0.18


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

6.     Joint Venture:

       Fiberoptic Medical Products, Inc.

       In February  1996,  the Company  entered  into an  agreement  to sell its
       equity in Fiberoptic Medical Products,  Inc. (FMP) for the net book value
       of approximately $300,000.

       Fiberstars Australasia Pty. Ltd:

       The Company  participates in a joint venture with Fiberstars  Australasia
       Pty. Ltd., to market  lighting  products using  fiberoptic  technology in
       Australia  and New  Zealand.  The Company  maintains a 46.5%  interest in
       Fiberstars Australasia.

       The Company recorded sales to Fiberstars  Australasia  totaling $137,000,
       $259,000 and $234,000,  for the years ended  December 31, 1998,  1997 and
       1996, respectively.  Accounts receivable from Fiberstars Australasia Pty.
       Ltd.  as of  December  31,  1998  and 1997  were  $130,887  and  $67,752,

       The following represents condensed financial  information  (unaudited) of
       Fiberstars Australasia as of December 31, 1998 and 1997 and for the years
       then ended,  and combined  information of FMP and Fiberstars  Australasia
       for the year ended December 31, 1996 (in thousands):

                                                December 31,
                                             1998         1997
                                             ----         ----
            Current assets                   $ 193       $ 208
            Property and other assets           64          37
                                             -----       -----
                                             $ 257       $ 245
                                             =====       =====

            Current liabilities              $ 227       $ 172
            Issued capital                     108         108
            Accumulated deficit                (78)        (35)
                                             -----       -----
                                             $ 257       $ 245
                                             =====       =====

                                                  December 31,
                                          1998        1997       1996
                                          ----        ----       ----
            Revenue                      $ 569       $ 589       $566
            Expenses                       620         626        545
                                         -----       -----       ----
            Net income (loss)            $ (51)      $ (37)      $ 21
                                         =====       =====       ====


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

7.     Accrued Liabilities (in thousands):

                                                      December 31,
                                                    1998       1996
                                                    ----       ----
            Sales commissions and incentives       $1,003     $  735
            Accrued warranty expense                  325        218
            Accrued legal and accounting fees         372         99
            Other                                     498        266
                                                   ------     ------
                                                   $2,198     $1,318
                                                   ======     ======

8.     Lines of Credit:

       On June 28,  1998,  the  Company  entered  into the  following  borrowing
       arrangements with its bank:

       a)     A  $1,000,000  revolving  line of credit  expiring  June 28, 1998,
              bearing  interest  at prime plus 0.125%  (8.625% at  December  31,
              1997).  Borrowings under this line are  uncollateralized,  and the
              Company must  maintain  zero  balance for at least 30  consecutive
              days during each fiscal year.

       b)     A $500,000 term loan  commitment to finance  equipment  purchases,
              expiring  June 28, 1999.  Borrowings  bear  interest at prime plus
              0.50% (9% at December 31, 1998).  Under this note, the Company may
              finance up to 80% of the cost of the new  equipment and 75% of the
              cost of used equipment.  The note is  collateralized by a security
              interest in all equipment  financed  with the  proceeds.  Interest
              only is payable  monthly  until  June 28,  1999,  after  which the
              principal  plus interest is repayable in 36 monthly  installments.
              There  were no amounts  outstanding  at  December  31,  1998.  The
              Company is  required  to maintain  certain  financial  ratios on a
              quarterly basis, including specified levels of working capital and
              tangible net worth.

       c)     A (pound)  250,000 bank  overdraft  agreement with Lloyds Bank Plc
              which is reviewed again in November 1999. There were no borrowings
              against this facility at December 31, 1999.

       d)     A DM 1,150,000 bank  borrowing  facility in Germany with Sparkasse
              Newmarket  Bank.  There was DM 886,497 in borrowings  against this
              facility  as of December  31,  1998.  DM 450,000 of this  facility
              terminates in 2003 and DM 700,000 terminates in 2008.

9.     Commitments and Contingencies:

       The Company occupies  manufacturing and office facilities under operating
       leases  expiring  in 1999  under  which  it is  responsible  for  related
       maintenance,  taxes and insurance.  Minimum lease  commitments  under the
       leases are as follows (in thousands):


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

                                                    Minimum lease commitments
             1999                                           $  581

             2000                                              701
             Total minimum lease payments                   $1,282

       Rent expense approximated $388,000,  $322,000 and $318,000, for the years
       ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

       The Company is engaged in certain  legal and  administrative  proceedings
       incidental to its normal business activities. While it is not possible to
       determine the ultimate outcome of these actions at this time,  management
       believes that any liabilities resulting from such proceedings,  or claims
       which are  pending  or known to be  threatened,  will not have a material
       adverse  effect  on  the  Company's  financial  position  or  results  of

10.    Shareholders' Equity:

       Common Stock:

       The notes receivable from  shareholders for common stock bear interest at
       a rate of 9% and are payable ten years from the date of issuance.

       Under the terms of certain  agreements  with the Company,  the holders of
       approximately  1,489,000  shares of common stock have certain  demand and
       piggyback  registration rights. All registration expenses generally would
       be borne by the Company.


       The Company has issued warrants to purchase shares of its common stock to
       certain directors and consultants of the Company.  These warrants,  which
       were  granted at the fair market value of the common stock at the date of
       grant as determined  by the Board of  Directors,  expire on varying dates
       through 1999.

       In connection with its public offering in August 1994, the Company issued
       to the  underwriters,  RvR  Securities  Corp.  and Van  Kasper & Company,
       warrants (the Underwriters' warrants) to purchase up to 100,000 shares of
       the  Company's  common  stock at an  exercise  price equal to 120% of the
       initial offering price of $4.50 per share. The Underwriters' warrants are
       exercisable  for a period  of five  years  from  the  date of the  public
       offering expiring on August 18, 1999.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

       Warrant activity comprised:

                                                 Warrants Outstanding
                                            Shares      Price        Amount
                                            ------      -----        ------
                                                                  (in thousands)

       Balances, December 31, 1995          12,6666   $0.90-$5.40    $ 564
       Warrants exercised                   (15,625)     $0.90         (14)
                                            -------                  -----
       Balances, December 31, 1996 and 1997 111,041   $0.90-$5.40    $ 550
       Warrants exercised/cancelled         (11,041)     $0.90         (10)
                                            -------                  -----
       Balances, December 31, 1998          100,000      $5.40       $ 540
                                            =======                  =====

       At December 31, 1998, 100,000 outstanding warrants were exercisable.  The
       Company has reserved  100,000  shares of common  stock for issuance  upon
       exercise of the common stock warrants.

       1988 Stock Option Plan:

       Upon  adoption of the 1994 Stock Option Plan (see below),  the  Company's
       Board of Directors  determined  to make no further  grants under the 1988
       Stock Option Plan (the 1988 Plan). Upon cancellation or expiration of any
       options  granted  under the 1988 Plan,  the  related  reserved  shares of
       common stock will become available  instead for options granted under the
       1994 Stock Option Plan.

       1994 Stock Option Plan:

       At December 31, 1998,  an aggregate of 1,350,000  shares of the Company's
       common stock are  reserved for issuance  under the 1994 Stock Option Plan
       to employees,  officers,  directors and  consultants  at prices not lower
       than the fair market value of the common stock of the Company on the date
       of grant.  Options  granted  may be either  incentive  stock  options  or
       nonstatutory  stock  options.   The  plan  administrator  (the  Board  of
       Directors  or a committee of the Board)  determines  the terms of options
       granted  under the plan  including  the  number of shares  subject to the
       option, exercise price, term and exercisability.

       1994 Directors' Stock Option Plan:

       At December 31, 1998, a total of 200,000  shares of common stock has been
       reserved for issuance  under the 1994  Directors'  Stock Option Plan. The
       plan  provides  for  the  granting  of  nonstatutory   stock  options  to
       nonemployee directors of the Company.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

10.    Shareholders' Equity, continued:

       Activity Under the Stock Option Plans:

       Option activity under all plans comprised:

                                                     Options Outstanding
                                      Options              Average
                                     Available            Exercise
                                        for      Number     Price
                                       Grant   of Shares  Per Share    Amount
                                       -----   ---------  ---------    ------
                                                                  (in thousands)

       Balances, December 31, 1995    200,842    544,203    $3.83      $2,137
         Additional shares reserved   500,000
         Granted                     (299,050)   299,050    $4.99       1,455
         Canceled                      49,892    (49,892)   $5.15        (216)
         Exercised                                (7,188)   $1.04          (9)
                                     --------  ---------               ------
       Balances, December 31, 1996    451,684    786,173    $4.10       3,367
         Granted                     (355,600)   355,600    $4.93       1,866
         Canceled                      22,724    (22,724)   $4.83        (114)
         Exercised                               (87,791)   $0.99         (97)
                                     --------  ---------               ------
       Balances, December 31, 1997    118,808  1,031,258                5,022
         Additional shares reserved   550,000
         Granted                     (282,500)   282,500    $4.49       1,088
         Canceled                      18,284    (18,284)   $4.74         (90)
         Exercised                               (45,790)   $3.54        (164)
                                     --------  ---------               ------
       Balances, December 31, 1998    404,592  1,249,684               $5,856
                                     ========  =========               ======

       At December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, options to purchase 623,169, 436,497
       and 372,818  shares of common stock,  respectively  were  exercisable  at
       weighted average fair values of $4.78, $4.44 and $3.46, respectively.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

10.    Shareholders' Equity, continued:

         Activity Under the Stock Option Plans:

                                OPTIONS                        OPTIONS CURRENTLY
                              OUTSTANDING                         EXERCISABLE
         -------------------------------------------------  ----------------------
                                       Average    Weighted                Weighted
                          Number      Remaining   Average                  Average
          Exercise       of Shares   Contractual  Exercise    Number      Exercise
           Prices       Outstanding     Life       Price    Exercisable     Price
           ------       -----------  -----------  --------  -----------   --------
                      (in thousands)  (in years)                        (in thousands)
         $0.90-$0.90        67          3.3         $0.90        67         $0.90
         $3.60-$4.63       377          5.3         $4.99       108         $4.43
         $4.75-$4.75       262          3.0         $4.75       111         $4.75
         $5.13-$5.88       484          3.1         $5.49       277         $5.51
         $6.25-$6.50        60          2.1         $6.49        60         $6.46

       1994 Employee Stock Purchase Plan:

       At December 31,  1998, a total of 50,000  shares of common stock has been
       reserved for issuance  under the 1994 Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan. The
       plan permits eligible  employees to purchase common stock through payroll
       deductions  at a price equal to the lower of 85% of the fair market value
       of the Company's  common stock at the beginning or ending of the offering
       period.  Employees  may end their  participation  at any time  during the
       offering period,  and participation  ends automatically on termination of
       employment with the Company. At December 31, 1998, 39,382 shares had been
       issued under this plan.

       Stock-Based Compensation:

       The Company has adopted the  disclosure  only  provision  of Statement of
       Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 123 ("SFAS 123"),  "Accounting  for
       Stock-Based  Compensation." The Company, however,  continues to apply APB
       25,   "Accounting   for  Stock   Issued  to   Employees,"   and   related
       interpretations in accounting for its plans. Accordingly, no compensation
       cost has been recognized for options granted under the Stock Option Plans
       nor for  shares  issued  under the  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan.  Had
       compensation cost for these plans been determined based on the fair value
       of the  options  at the  grant  date for  awards  in 1998,  1997 and 1996
       consistent  with the provisions of SFAS 123, the Company's net income and
       net income per share  would  have been  reduced to the pro forma  amounts
       indicated below (in thousands, except per share amounts):


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

10.    Shareholders' Equity, continued:

                                                              December 31,
                                                       1998      1997      1996
                                                       ----      ----      ----
          Net income - as reported                    $ 762     $ 644     $ 511
                                                      =====     =====     =====
          Net income - pro forma                      $ 538     $ 480     $ 422
                                                      =====     =====     =====
          Basic earnings per share - as reported      $0.21     $0.19     $0.15
                                                      =====     =====     =====
          Basic earnings per share - pro forma        $0.15     $0.14     $0.12
                                                      =====     =====     =====
          Diluted earnings per share - as reported    $0.21     $0.18     $0.14
                                                      =====     =====     =====
          Diluted earnings per share - pro forma      $0.15     $0.13     $0.12
                                                      =====     =====     =====

       As the  provisions of SFAS 123 are only applied to stock options  granted
       after January 1, 1995 in the above pro forma  amounts,  the impact of the
       pro forma stock  compensation  cost will likely continue to increase,  as
       the vesting  period for the  Company's  options and the period over which
       compensation is charged to expense is generally four years.

       The fair value of each  option  grant is  estimated  on the date of grant
       using a type of  Black-Scholes  option  pricing  model with the following
       weighted-average assumptions used for grants in 1998, 1997 and 1996:

                                            1998          1997          1996
                                            ----          ----          ----
          Fair value of options issued      $1.72         $2.38         $1.39
          Exercise price                    $3.80         $5.20         $4.80
          Expected life of option         3.88 years    3.91 years    3.89 years
          Risk-free interest rate           4.82%         6.00%         6.11%
          Expected volatility                 50%           50%           23%

11.      Income Taxes

       The  components  of the  provision  for income  taxes are as follows  (in

                                                Years Ended December 31,
                                             1998          1997         1996
                                             ----          ----         ----
              Federal                       $(265)        $ (20)        $ (23)
              State                           (47)          (10)           (1)
                                            -----         -----         -----
                                             (312)          (30)          (24)
                                            -----         -----         -----
              Federal                        (115)         (386)         (303)
              State                           (20)          (21)          (16)
                                            -----         -----         -----
                                             (135)         (407)         (319)
                                            -----         -----         -----
            Provision for income taxes      $(447)        $(437)        $(343)
                                            =====         =====         =====


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

11.    Income Taxes, continued:

       The principal  items  accounting for the difference  between income taxes
       computed at the United States statutory rate and the provision for income
       taxes reflected in the statements of operations are as follows:

                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                      1998      1997      1996
                                                      ----      ----      ----
          United States statutory rate               (34.0)%   (34.0)%   (34.0)%
          State taxes (net of federal tax benefit)    (5.5)     (3.9)     (5.5)
          Other                                       (2.5)     (2.5)     (0.6)
                                                     -----     -----     -----
                                                     (37.0)%   (40.4)%   (40.1)%
                                                     =====     =====     =====

       The tax effects of temporary  differences  that give rise to  significant
       portions of the deferred tax asset are as follows (in thousands):

                                                   Years Ended December 31,
                                                     1998             1997
                                                     ----             ----
          Allowance for doubtful accounts           $ 126             $ 117
          Accrued expenses and other reserves         606               352
          Depreciation and amortization                60               (31)
          General business credits                                      215
          Net operating loss carryforwards                               95
          Installment sales                          (213)
          Other                                        17               (17)
                                                    -----             -----
          Total deferred tax asset                  $ 596             $ 731
                                                    =====             =====

       The  deferred tax is not reduced by a valuation  allowance as  management
       believes it will fully  realize the benefit from its deferred tax assets.
       Realization is dependent on generating sufficient taxable income prior to
       expiration  of  the  loss  carryforwards.  Although  realization  is  not
       assured,  management  believes it is more likely than not that all of the
       deferred tax asset will be realized. The amount of the deferred tax asset
       considered  realizable,  however,  could be  reduced  in the near term if
       estimates of future taxable income are reduced.


                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

12.    Segments and Geographic Sales:

       The  Company  has  adopted the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board's
       Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  131  ("SFAS  131"),
       "Disclosures  about Segments of an Enterprise  and Related  Information",
       effective for fiscal years  beginning  after December 31, 1997.  SFAS 131
       supersedes  Statement of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 14 ("SFAS
       14"), "Financial Reporting for Segments of a Business  Enterprise".  SFAS
       131  changes  current  practice  under  SFAS  14  by  establishing  a new
       framework on which to base segment  reporting and also  requires  interim
       reporting of segment information.

       The Company  operates in a single  industry  segment  that  manufactures,
       markets and sells fiber optic lighting products.  The Company markets its
       products for worldwide  distribution  primarily through independent sales
       representatives,   distributors  and  swimming  pool  builders  in  North
       America, Europe and the Far East.

       A summary of geographic sales is as follows (in thousands):

                                            Year Ended December 31,
                                         1998         1997        1996
                                         ----         ----        ----
            U.S. Domestic              $18,912      $14,736      $13,294
            European subsidiaries          768            0            0
            Export                        3002        3,135        2,282
                                       -------      -------      -------
                                       $22,682      $17,871      $15,576
                                       =======      =======      =======

13.    Employee Retirement Plan:

       The Company  maintains a 401(k) profit sharing plan for its employees who
       meet certain qualifications.  The Plan allows eligible employees to defer
       up to 15% of their earnings,  not to exceed the statutory amount per year
       on a pretax basis through  contributions  to the Plan.  The Plan provides
       for employer  contributions  at the discretion of the Board of Directors;
       however, no such contributions were made in 1998, 1997 and 1996.

14.    Related Party Transactions:

       During  1998 and 1997,  the  Company  advanced a total of $30,000 in each
       year to  certain  officers  by way of  promissory  notes.  The  notes are
       collateralized  by certain issued or potentially  issuable  shares of the
       Company's  common stock. The notes bear interest at rates ranging from 6%
       to 8% per annum and are repayable at various dates through  April,  1999.
       At December 31, 1998 and 1997, $196,000 and $161,000 were outstanding and
       included with notes receivable.



To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
Fiberstars, Inc.
Fremont, California

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets and the related
consolidated statements of operations, of shareholders' equity and of cash flows
present fairly, in all material respects,  the financial position of Fiberstars,
Inc. and its  subsidiaries  (the  Company) at December 31, 1998 and 1997 and the
results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the period  ended  December  31,  1998 in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial  statements  based on our  audits.  We  conducted  our audits of these
statements  in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards  which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about
whether the financial  statements  are free of material  misstatement.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing the  accounting  principles
used and  significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

San Jose, California
February 4, 1999


                                   APPENDIX D

                              Washington, DC 20549

                                   Form 10-QSB

(Mark one)

[X]  Quarterly  report  pursuant  to Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  and
     Exchange Act of 1934

     For the quarterly period ended   September 30,  1999

[ ]  Transition  Report  Pursuant  to  Section  13 or  15(d)  of the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934

     For the transition period from . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . .  . . . .

         Commission file number            0-24564

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

California                                  94-3021850
- -------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

                  44259 Nobel Drive, Fremont, CA            94538
            (Address of principal executive offices)      (Zip Code)

      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code): (510) 490-0719

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                  Yes X No ____

Number of shares of Common Stock outstanding as of September 30, 1999: 3,987,261

                         Index to Exhibits is at page 15

                                     Page 1

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                         Part I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1         Financial Statements:

               a.   Consolidated Balance Sheets
                    September 30, 1999 and December 31, 1998....................................3

               b.   Consolidated Statements of Operations
                    Three and nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998.....................4

               c.   Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Operation
                    Three and nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998.....................5

               d.   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                    Nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998...............................6

               e.   Notes to Financial Statements.............................................7-8

Item 2         Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
               Condition and Results of Operations...........................................9-13

                           Part II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6         Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K................................................14



               Index to Exhibits...............................................................15

                                     Page 2

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1. Financial Statements

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                             (amounts in thousands)

                                                     September 30,  December 31,
                                                         1999            1998
                                                       --------        --------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                          $  3,096        $  1,290
    Accounts receivable trade, net                        5,046           5,210
    Notes and other accounts receivables                    201             771
    Inventories, net                                      4,017           4,179
    Prepaids and other current assets                       458             369
    Deferred income taxes                                   163             507
                                                       --------        --------
         Total current assets                            12,981          12,326

Fixed assets, net                                         2,175           1,522
Goodwill, net                                             3,983           4,403
Investment in joint venture                                   2              18
Other assets                                                173             566
Deferred income taxes                                        89              89
                                                       --------        --------
         Total assets                                  $ 19,403        $ 18,924
                                                       ========        ========

Current Liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                   $  2,352        $  2,598
    Accrued expenses                                      2,084           2,198
    Current portion of long-term debt                         8             107
                                                       --------        --------
         Total current liabilities                        4,444           4,903
Long-term debt, less current portion                        708             667
                                                       --------        --------
         Total liabilities                                5,152           5,570
                                                       --------        --------

Common stock                                                  0               0
Additional paid-in capital                               13,946          13,930
Note receivable from shareholder                            (75)            (86)
Cumulative translation adjustments                          (46)              0
Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)                     426            (490)
                                                       --------        --------
         Total shareholders' equity                      14,251          13,354
                                                       --------        --------
         Total liabilities and shareholders' equity    $ 19,403        $ 18,924
                                                       ========        ========

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                       part of these financial statements

                                     Page 3

                                                              FIBERSTARS, INC.
                                                   CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                              (amounts in thousands except per share amounts)

                                                                           Three Months Ended                 Nine Months Ended
                                                                               September 30,                    September 30,
                                                                        -------------------------         --------------------------
                                                                          1999             1998             1999              1998
                                                                        --------         --------         --------         --------
Net sales                                                               $  8,056         $  5,477         $ 24,083         $ 16,298
Cost of sales                                                              4,657            3,386           13,969           10,188
                                                                        --------         --------         --------         --------
           Gross profit                                                    3,399            2,091           10,114            6,110
                                                                        --------         --------         --------         --------

Operating expenses:
      Research and development                                               368              301            1,021              952
      Sales and marketing                                                  1,874            1,192            5,833            3,812
      General and administrative                                             666              372            1,818            1,151
                                                                        --------         --------         --------         --------
           Total operating expenses                                        2,908            1,865            8,672            5,915
                                                                        --------         --------         --------         --------
                Income from operations                                       491              226            1,442              195

Other income:
      Equity in joint venture's loss                                           0                0              (15)             (20)
      Interest income, net                                                     8               69               13              177
                                                                        --------         --------         --------         --------
           Income before income taxes                                        499              295            1,440              352
Provision for income taxes                                                  (180)            (106)            (524)            (134)
                                                                        --------         --------         --------         --------
           Net income                                                   $    319         $    189         $    916         $    218
                                                                        ========         ========         ========         ========

Net income per share - basic                                            $   0.08         $   0.05         $   0.23         $   0.06
                                                                        ========         ========         ========         ========
Shares used in per share calculation - basic                               3,987            3,601            3,984            3,557
                                                                        ========         ========         ========         ========

Net income per share - diluted                                          $   0.08         $   0.05         $   0.23         $   0.06
                                                                        ========         ========         ========         ========
Shares used in per share calculation - diluted                             4,112            3,653            4,064            3,643
                                                                        ========         ========         ========         ========

                                               The accompanying notes are an integral
                                                 part of these financial statements

                                                               Page 4

                                                           FIBERSTARS, INC.
                                          CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE OPERATION
                                           (amounts in thousands except per share amounts)

                                                        Three Months Ended September 30,           Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                                             1999                 1998                 1999                 1998
                                                          ------------         -----------          ------------         -----------

Net income                                              $         319        $        189         $         916       $         218

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
      Foreign currency translation adjustments                     12                   0                   (46)                  0
                                                        --------------       -------------        --------------      --------------
           Comprehensive income                         $         331        $        189         $         870       $         218
                                                        ==============       =============        ==============      ==============

                                               The accompanying notes are an integral
                                                 part of these financial statements

                                                               Page 5

                                                      FIBERSTARS INC.
                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                   (amounts in thousands)

                                                                                                            Nine Months Ended
                                                                                                               September 30,
                                                                                                          1999               1998
                                                                                                        -------             -------
Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net income                                                                                        $   916             $   218
                                                                                                        -------             -------
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
               operating activities:
                Depreciation and amortization                                                               622                 411
                Provision for doubtful accounts receivable                                                   56                  72
                Deferred income taxes                                                                       344                 134
                Equity in joint ventures' loss                                                               15                  20
                Changes in assets & liabilities:
                        Accounts receivable                                                                 108                (207)
                        Notes and other receivable                                                          (50)                  0
                        Inventories                                                                         162                (232)
                        Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                           (89)                (17)
                        Other assets                                                                        393                (100)
                        Accounts payable                                                                   (246)                (98)
                        Accrued expenses                                                                   (113)                522
                                                                                                        -------             -------
                                Total adjustments                                                         1,202                 505
                                                                                                        -------             -------
                Net cash provided by operating activities                                                 2,118                 723
                                                                                                        -------             -------

Cash flows from investing activities:
      Sale of short-term investments                                                                          0                 517
      Repayment of loans made to officers                                                                     0                  44
      Loans made to officers                                                                                  0                 (30)
      Acquisition of business, net of cash acquired                                                           0                (260)
      Repayment of loans made under notes receivable                                                        620                   0
      Acquisition of fixed assets                                                                          (954)               (310)
                                                                                                        -------             -------
                Net cash used in investing activities                                                      (334)                (39)
                                                                                                        -------             -------

Cash flows from financing activities:
      Cash proceeds from sale of common stock                                                                27                 182
      Repayment of long term debt                                                                           (57)                (13)
                                                                                                        -------             -------
                Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                         (30)                169
                                                                                                        -------             -------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                                                                      52                   0
                                                                                                        -------             -------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                                 1,806                 853
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                                            1,290                 523
                                                                                                        -------             -------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                                                $ 3,096             $ 1,376
                                                                                                        =======             =======

Non-cash investing activities:
      Common stock issued in connection with acquisitions                                               $     0             $   550
                                                                                                        =======             =======
                                               The accompanying notes are an integral
                                                 part of these financial statements

                                                               Page 6

1.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Interim Financial Statements (unaudited)

Although unaudited,  the interim financial statements in this report reflect all
adjustments,  consisting of normal recurring accruals, which are, in the opinion
of management,  necessary for a fair statement of financial position, results of
operations and cash flows for the interim  periods  covered and of the financial
condition  of the Company at the interim  balance  sheet  dates.  The results of
operations for the interim periods  presented are not necessarily  indicative of
the results expected for the entire year.

The year-end  balance  sheet  information  was derived  from  audited  financial
statements,  but does not include all disclosures required by generally accepted
accounting principles.  These financial statements should be read in conjunction
with the Company's audited  financial  statements and notes thereto for the year
ended  December  31,  1998,  contained in the  Company's  1998 Annual  Report to

Earnings Per Share

The Company  presents its earnings per share (EPS) in  accordance  with SFAS 128
which requires the  presentation of basic and diluted EPS. Basic EPS is computed
by dividing income  available to shareholders by the weighted  average number of
common  shares  outstanding  for the  period.  Diluted EPS is computed by giving
effect to all dilutive  potential common shares that were outstanding during the
period.  Dilutive  potential  common shares consist of  incremental  shares upon
exercise of stock options and warrants.

In accordance with the disclosure  requirements of SFAS 128, a reconciliation of
the  numerator and  denominator  of basic and diluted EPS is provided as follows
(in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                                Three months              Nine months
                                              ended September 30,     ended September 30,
                                              -------------------     -------------------
                                                1999     1998          1999      1998
                                               ------   ------         ------   ------
Numerator - Basic and diluted EPS
     Net income                                $  319   $  189         $  916   $  218
Denominator - Basic EPS
     Weighted average shares outstanding        3,987    3,601          3,984    3,557
                                               ------   ------         ------   ------
Basic earnings per share                       $ 0.08   $ 0.05         $ 0.23   $ 0.06
                                               ======   ======         ======   ======

Denominator - Diluted EPS
     Denominator - Basic EPS                    3,987    3,601          3,984    3,557
     Effect of dilutive securities:
         Stock options                            125       52             80       86
                                               ------   ------         ------   ------
                                                4,112    3,653          4,064    3,643
                                               ------   ------         ------   ------
Diluted earnings per share                     $ 0.08   $ 0.05         $ 0.23   $ 0.06
                                               ======   ======         ======   ======

Options  and  warrants  to  purchase  1,053,802  shares  of  common  stock  were
outstanding at September 30, 1999,  but were not included in the  calculation of
diluted EPS because their inclusion would have been  antidilutive.  At September
30, 1998,  options and warrants to purchase 603,725 were  outstanding,  but were
not included in the  calculation  of diluted EPS because their  inclusion  would
have been antidilutive.

                                     Page 7

2. Inventories

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in,  first-out) or market and
consist of the following (in thousands):

                                               September 30,      December 31,
                                                   1999               1998
                                                  ------             ------
Raw materials                                     $2,790             $2,780
Finished Goods                                     1,227              1,399
                                                  ------             ------
                                                  $4,017             $4,179
                                                  ======             ======

3. Comprehensive Income

The Company has adopted the  provisions  of Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
Standards No. 130, "Reporting  Comprehensive Income," effective January 1, 1998.
This  statement  requires  the  disclosure  of  comprehensive   income  and  its
components in a full set of general purpose financial statements.  Comprehensive
income is defined as net income plus net sales, expenses, gains and losses that,
under generally accepted accounting principles,  are excluded from net income. A
separate statement of comprehensive income has been presented with this report.

4. Significant Equity Transactions

There were no significant equity transactions during the quarter.

5. Segments and Geographic Sales

The Company operates in a single industry segment that manufactures, markets and
sells fiber  optic  lighting  products.  The Company  markets its  products  for
worldwide  distribution  primarily through  independent  sales  representatives,
distributors  and swimming  pool builders in North  America,  Europe and the Far

A summary of geographic sales is as follows (in thousands):

                                                 Nine months ended September 30,
                                                    1999              1998
                                                   -------           -------
                                                 (unaudited)       (unaudited)

U.S. Domestic                                      $16,817           $14,025
Foreign                                              7,266             2,273
                                                   -------           -------
                                                   $24,083           $16,298
                                                   =======           =======

                                     Page 8

Item 2.  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of Results of  Operations  and
         Financial Condition

The  following  discussion  should  be read in  conjunction  with  the  attached
financial statements and notes thereto.


Net sales increased 47% to $8,056,000 for the quarter ending  September 30, 1999
as  compared to the net sales for the same period in 1998.  The  increase  was a
result of growth in the commercial  lighting and pools product sales.  Net sales
from companies  acquired in 1998 also contributed to net sales growth in the 3rd
quarter.  For  the  nine  months  ending  September  30,  1999  net  sales  were
$24,083,000,  a 48% increase over the prior year. Net sales year-to-date grew in
both pools and  commercial  lighting  and was  augmented by  contributions  from
companies acquired in 1998.

Gross profit  increased to $3,399,000 in the 3rd quarter of 1999, a 63% increase
over the same period in the prior year.  The gross profit margin was 42% for the
quarter,  an increase  from the 38% gross margin  achieved in the 3rd quarter of
1998.  The increase in gross margin was primarily a result of lower warranty and
freight costs in 1999 versus 1998.  Gross profit  year-to-date  was $10,114,000,
66% above the gross  profit  for the same  period in the prior  year.  The gross
profit  margin  year-to-date  was 42%  compared  to 37% in the prior  year.  The
improvement was a result of lower costs for components along with lower warranty

Research and development expenses were $368,000 in the 3rd quarter of 1999, a 6%
decrease  over the 3rd quarter of 1998 due to lower  travel and  project  costs.
Research  and  development  expenses  were 5% of sales in the 3rd  quarter  1999
versus  5%  in  1998.  Year-to-date,  research  and  development  expenses  were
$1,021,000 compared to $952,000 in the prior year. As a percentage of net sales,
research  and  development  were 4%  year-to-date  versus 6% in the  prior  year
largely as a result of expenses remaining constant while net sales increased.

Sales and  marketing  expenses  were  $1,874,000  in the 3rd  quarter of 1999 as
compared to  $1,192,000  in 1998, an increase of 57%. The increase was primarily
due to  $477,000  in  additional  expenses  for the 3rd quarter of 1999 from the
companies  acquired  in 1998 for which there were no expenses in the 3rd quarter
of 1998.  Sales and  marketing  expenses were 23% of sales in the 3rd quarter of
1999 compared to 22% in 1998.  Year-to-date,  sales and marketing  expenses were
$5,833,000  compared to $3,812,000,  a 53% increase.  The increase was largely a
result of $1,334,000 in additional  expenses from companies acquired in 1998 for
which there were no expenses  in the nine  months of 1998.  Sales and  marketing
expenses  were 24% of net sales  year-to-date  in 1999  versus  23% for the same
period in the prior year.

General and  administrative  costs were  $666,000 in the 3rd  quarter  1999,  an
increase  of 79% over  1998  costs.  This  increase  was  largely  a  result  of
additional  general and  administrative  costs in the third quarter of 1999 from
companies  acquired  in 1998 for which there were no expenses in the 3rd quarter
of 1998, as well as moving costs  associated with moving the main Fremont office
to a new location.  General and administrative costs were 8% of net sales in the
quarter  ending  September  30,  1999  versus 7% for the same  quarter  in 1998.
Year-to-date,  general  and  administrative  expenses  were  $1,818,000  in 1999
compared to  $1,151,000  for the same period in the prior year.  Increases  were
largely  due to  additional  costs from  companies  acquired at the end

                                     Page 9

of 1998. General and  administrative  costs were 8% of net sales year-to-date in
1999 versus 7% for the same period in the prior year.

Total  operating  expenses  were  36% of net  sales in the 3rd  quarter  of 1999
compared  to 34% for the same  period in the  prior  year.  Year-to-date,  total
operating  expenses were 36% of net sales in 1999,  the same as achieved for the
equivalent period in 1998.

Other income and expense includes income from joint ventures and interest income
and expense.  Net interest income was $8,000 in the 3rd quarter of 1999 compared
to $69,000 in 1998.  The decrease was due  primarily to a use of cash in 1998 to
acquire three  companies,  along with a general decrease in interest rates since
the 3rd  quarter of 1998.  Year-to-date,  the Company  incurred  losses from its
joint venture with its  Australian  distributor of $15,000 in 1999 compared to a
loss of $20,000  for the same period in 1998.  The  Company is working  with its
Australian distributor to eliminate these losses in future periods. Net interest
income  year-to-date  was $13,000 in 1999 versus $177,000 for the same period in
1998,  largely as a result of a decrease in the cash  position from 1998 to 1999
due to the usage of cash for acquisitions.

The income tax rate in the 3rd quarter 1999 was 36%,  the same rate  recorded in
1998.  The tax rate is lower than  historical  rates due to the  recognition  of
certain tax benefits accumulated over prior years. Year-to-date,  the income tax
rate was 36%.

As a result of the  increase  in sales in the 3rd  quarter of 1999 over the same
quarter in 1998 and the  improvement  in gross margin,  the Company's net income
increased  to  $319,000  in the 3rd quarter of 1999 as compared to net income of
$189,000  for the same  period in 1998.  Year-to-date,  net income was  $916,000
compared to $218,000 for the same period in the prior year.


For the period ended September 30, 1999, cash and cash equivalents when combined
with  short-term  investments  were $3,096,000 as compared to $1,290,000 for the
year ended December 31, 1998.

During the first nine months of 1999,  net income  contributed  $916,000 to cash
compared to a $218,000 contribution from net income for the same period in 1998.
After adjusting for  depreciation  and  amortization  and deferred income taxes,
along with a small  contribution  from working capital,  there was $2,118,000 in
cash contributed from operating  activities in the nine month period as compared
to a total  contribution  from  operating  activities  of $723,000  for the same
period in 1998.  Cash  utilized in 1999 to acquire  fixed  assets was  partially
offset by cash received  against  loans  outstanding  for a divestiture  made in
fiscal 1998, resulting in a net cash used of $334,000 for investing  activities.
This  compares  to a  use  of  $39,000  for  investing  activities  in  1998.  A
significant  portion of the fixed assets  acquired in 1999 were  associated with
adding tenant  improvements to the new Fremont office building which the company
moved  into  during the 3rd  quarter.  There was a net use of $30,000 in cash in
1999 for  financing  activities,  primarily  for  paying  down long term debt of
subsidiaries. This compares to a net provision of cash of $169,000 for the first
nine months of 1998. As a result of the cash provided from operating  activities
and investing  activities  combined with exchange rate effects,  there was a net
provision of cash in the first nine months of 1999 of $1,806,000  which resulted
in an ending cash balance of  $3,096,000.  This  compares to a net  provision of
$853,000  in cash for the same  period  in 1998,  resulting  in an  ending  cash
balance of  $1,376,000  for that period.  It is expected  that the cash balances
will  decrease  during  the 4th  quarter  of 1999 as a  result  of the  seasonal
inventory purchases associated with distributor sales in the Pool market.

                                    Page 10

The  Company has a $2.5  million  unsecured  line of credit for working  capital
purposes and a term loan commitment of $500,000 for equipment  purchases.  These
are renewed on an annual  basis,  with the most recent  renewal in August  1999,
subsequent renewals will also be in August. As of September 30, 1999 the Company
had no borrowings outstanding against either of these lines of credit.

The Company  also had a total  borrowing of $708,000  against a credit  facility
held by its  German  subsidiary.  This  borrowing  is  largely  held in order to
finance the building of new offices owned by the Company in Berching, Germany.

The Company  believes that existing cash  balances,  together with the Company's
bank lines of credit and funds that may be generated  from  operations,  will be
sufficient  to finance  the  Company's  currently  anticipated  working  capital
requirements and capital  expenditure  requirements for at least the next twelve


This Report on Form 10QSB contains forward-looking  statements.  Such statements
generally  concern  future  operating  results,  capital  expenditures,  product
development and enhancements,  liquidity and strategy.  Specific forward-looking
statements in this report  include,  without  limitation,  statements  regarding
improvements  in the Company's  cash  position.  We may not update these forward
looking  statements,  and  the  occurrence  of the  events  predicted  in  these
statements is subject to a number of risks and  uncertainties,  including  those
discussed in this report.  These risks and uncertainties  could cause our actual
results to differ  materially from the results  predicted in our forward looking
statements.  You are  encouraged to consider all the  information in this report
along with our other  periodic  reports on file with the SEC, prior to investing
in our stock.


Our quarterly  operating results can vary significantly  depending upon a number
of factors.  It is difficult to predict the lighting market's  acceptance of our
products on a quarterly  basis,  and the level and timing of orders received can
fluctuate substantially. Our sales volumes also fluctuate.  Historically we have
shipped a substantial  portion of our quarterly  sales in the last month of each
of the second and  fourth  quarters  of the year.  Significant  portions  of our
expenses  are  relatively  fixed in advance  based upon our  forecasts of future
sales. If sales fall below our expectations in any given quarter, we will not be
able to make  any  significant  adjustment  in our  operating  expenses  and our
operating  results  will  be  adversely  affected.  In  addition,   our  product
development and marketing  expenditures may vary  significantly  from quarter to
quarter and are made well in advance of potential resulting net sales.

Sales of our pool and spa lighting products,  which currently are available only
with newly constructed pools and spas,  depend  substantially  upon the level of
new   construction.   Sales  of   commercial   lighting   products  also  depend
significantly upon the level of new building  construction and the renovation of
existing  buildings.  Construction levels are affected by housing market trends,
interest rates, and the weather. Because of the seasonality of construction, our
sales of swimming pool and commercial  lighting  products,  and thus our overall
net sales and income, have tended to be significantly lower in the first quarter
of each year.  Various economic and other trends may alter these seasonal trends
from year to year,  and we cannot  predict  the extent to which  these  seasonal
trends will  continue.  We believe our business has been  favorably

                                    Page 11

impacted by recent  strength in the overall U.S.  economy.  If the U.S.  economy
softens, our operating results will probably suffer.

Competition  is  increasing  in a number of our  markets.  A number of companies
offer directly competitive products, including fiber optic lighting products for
downlighting, display case and water lighting, and neon and other lighted signs.
Our competitors  include some very large and well established  companies such as
Philips,  Schott,  3M,  Bridgestone,   Mitsubishi,   Osram/Siemens  and  Rohm  &
Haas/Advanced Lighting  Technologies.  All of these companies have substantially
greater financial,  technical and marketing  resources than we do. We anticipate
that any future growth in fiber optic lighting will be accompanied by continuing
increases in competition,  which could accelerate growth in the market for fiber
optic lighting,  but which could also adversely affect our operating  results to
the extent we do not compete effectively.

We believe  the  success of our  business  depends  primarily  on our  continued
technical  innovation,   marketing  abilities  and  responsiveness  to  customer
requirements,  rather than on patents, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights and
other intellectual property rights. Nevertheless, we have a policy of seeking to
protect our intellectual  property through,  among other things, the prosecution
of patents  with respect to certain of our  technologies.  There are many issued
patents and pending patent  applications in the field of fiber optic technology,
and certain of our  competitors  hold and have  applied  for patents  related to
fiber optic  lighting.  Although to date we have not been involved in litigation
challenging our intellectual property rights or asserting  intellectual property
rights of others, we have in the past received communications from third parties
asserting  rights in our patents or that our technology  infringes  intellectual
property  rights  held by such third  parties.  Based on  information  currently
available to us we do not believe that any such claims  involving our technology
or patents are meritorious.  However, we may be required to engage in litigation
to protect our patent rights or to defend  against the claims of others.  In the
event of  litigation  to  determine  the  validity of any third party  claims or
claims  by us  against  such  third  party,  such  litigation,  whether  or  not
determined in our favor, could result in significant expense.

Our business is subject to additional  risks that could materially and adversely
affect our future business, including:

     o    manufacturing risks,  including the risks of shortages in materials or
          components necessary to our manufacturing and assembly operations, and
          the risks of increases in the prices of raw materials and components;

     o    sales and distribution  risks, such as risks of changes in product mix
          or distribution channels that result in lower margins;

     o    risks   of  the   loss  of  a   significant   distributor   or   sales

     o    risks of the loss of a significant customer or swimming pool builder;

     o    risks of the  effects of volume  discounts  that we grant from time to
          time to our larger customers, including reduced profit margins;

     o    risks of product  returns  and  exchanges;  in this  regard,  as noted
          above, we have increased our warranty reserve in the fourth quarter of
          1998 in  response to  evidence  of  defective  lamps in certain of our
          products.  We  cannot  assure  you  we  will  not  experience  similar
          component  problems  in the future that could also  require  increased
          warranty reserves and manufacturing costs;

     o    risks associated with product  development and introduction  problems,
          such  as  increased  research,   development  and  marketing  expenses
          associated with new product introductions; and

                                    Page 12

     o    risks  associated with delays in the  introduction of new products and
          technologies, including lost sales and loss of market share.


Many currently  installed computer systems and software products are not capable
of  distinguishing  20th  century  dates from 21st century  dates.  As a result,
within the next year,  computers  systems and/or software used by many companies
in a very wide variety of applications  will experience  operating  difficulties
unless  they  are  modified  or  upgraded  to  adequately  process   information
involving,  related  to  or  dependent  upon  the  century  change.  Significant
uncertainty  exists  in  the  software  and  information   services   industries
concerning  the scope and  magnitude  of  problems  associated  with the century
change.  In light of the  potentially  broad  effects of the year 2000 on a wide
range of business systems, the Company's products and services may be affected.

The Company utilizes and is dependent upon data processing computer hardware and
software to conduct its business,  and in 1998  completed an upgrade of hardware
and software at an  approximate  cost of $30,000.  The Company has completed its
assessment  of its own  computer  systems  and based upon this  assessment,  the
Company  believes  its  computer  systems  are "Year 2000  compliant;"  that is,
capable of adequately distinguishing 21st century dates from 20th century dates.
However,  there can be no assurance  that the Company has timely  identified  or
will timely identify and remediate all significant Year 2000 problems in its own
computer  systems,  that  remedial  efforts  subsequently  made will not involve
significant  time and expense,  or that such  problems  will not have a material
adverse  effect on the  Company's  business,  operating  results  and  financial
condition.  If unforeseen internal  disruptions occur, the Company believes that
its existing disaster recovery program,  which includes the manual processing of
certain key transactions, would significantly mitigate the impact.

The Company has made  efforts to  determine  the extent of and minimize the risk
that the computer  systems of the Company's  suppliers or customers are not Year
2000  compliant,  or will not become  compliant on a timely  basis.  The Company
expects that the process of making  inquiries with these customers and suppliers
will be ongoing through the end of 1999. As of this report,  the Company has had
responses from a portion of these customers and suppliers.  Of those responding,
the majority are compliant,  with the rest  indicating they will be compliant by
year end 1999. If Year 2000 problems prevent any of the Company's suppliers from
timely delivery of products or services  required by the Company,  the Company's
operating results could be materially  adversely affected.  However, the Company
currently  estimates that its costs to address Year 2000 issues  relating to its
suppliers  will not be  material,  and that these  costs will be funded from its
operating  cash flows.  The Company has identified and will continue to identify
alternative  suppliers in the event its preferred  suppliers become incapable of
timely delivering  products or services  required by the Company.  The Company's
suppliers are generally locally or regionally  based,  which tends to lessen the
Company's exposure from the lack of readiness of any single supplier.

The  Company may also face delays in receipt of  payments  from  customers  with
unresolved Year 2000 problems, and such delays could materially adversely affect
the Company's  operating results.  To the extent any such delays are significant
or protracted,  the Company's quarterly results would be adversely affected. The
Company intends to continually reassess this risk as it receives  communications
about the  status of its  customers  with  regard  to Year 2000  issues,  and if
necessary, adjust its account sales and policies accordingly.

                                    Page 13

Year 2000  costs  relating  to the  Company's  own  computer  systems  including
consulting fees and costs to remediate or replace  hardware and software as well
as  non-incremental  costs resulting from redeployment of internal resources are
estimated  to be  immaterial.  The  Company is not able to  accurately  estimate
potential  costs  associated  with the Year  2000  issues of its  customers  and
suppliers,  and is in the process of verifying that these companies will be year
2000 compliant by the end of 1999.  There can be no assurance that the estimated
costs for  remediating  the  Company's  own systems as well as  estimated  costs
associated with the potential  non-compliance of its customers and suppliers are
correct,  and actual  results  could  differ  materially  from these  estimates.
Specific factors that might cause such material differences include, but are not
limited to, the  availability  and cost of personnel  trained in this area,  the
ability  to  locate  and  correct  all  relevant  computer  costs,  and  similar

                                    Page 14

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         (a) The following exhibits have been filed with this Report:

                  Exhibit 10.30 -  Extension  -  Term  Commitment  Note  of  the
                                   Registrant  dated as of  August 1,  1999,  to
                                   Wells Fargo Bank.

                  Exhibit 10.31 -  Extension - Revolving  Line of Credit Note of
                                   the Registrant dated as of August 1, 1999, to
                                   Wells Fargo Bank.

                  Exhibit 27    - Financial Data Schedule

         (b)       No reports on Form 8-K were filed by the  Company  during the
                   period covered by this report.

Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and  5 are not applicable and have been omitted.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                FIBERSTARS, INC.

Date: November 15, 1999         By:      /s/  Robert A.Connors
                                             Robert A.Connors
                                             Chief Financial Officer
                                    (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)

                                    Page 15

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

 Exhibit                                                                                    Page
 Number                                                                                    Number
 ------                                                                                    ------
   10.30      Extension - Term Commitment Note of the Registrant dated as of
              August 1, 1999, to Wells Fargo Bank.                                           16

   10.31      Extension - Revolving Line of Credit Note of the Registrant dated
              as of August 1, 1999, to Wells Fargo Bank.                                     21

   27         Financial Data Schedule

                                    Page 16

                                                                      Appendix E

PROXY                           FIBERSTARS, INC.                           PROXY


         The undersigned  hereby appoints David N. Ruckert,  John B. Stuppin and
Robert A. Connors, or any of them, proxy and  attorney-in-fact,  with full power
to designate a substitute  representative,  to represent the  undersigned and to
vote all of the shares of stock in  Fiberstars,  Inc., a California  corporation
(the  "Company"),  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at the  Special
Meeting of the  Shareholders of the Company to be held at Fiberstars'  corporate
offices, 44259 Nobel Drive, Fremont,  California 94538, Friday, January 28, 2000
at 2:00 P.M. local time, and at any adjournment thereof as hereinafter specified
upon the proposals listed below and as more  particularly in the Proxy Statement
of the Company dated January 14, 2000 (the "Proxy Statement"),  receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged. This proxy is first being mailed on or about January 14,

                 (Continued, and to be signed on the other side)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            ^ FOLD AND DETACH HERE ^

                                                                                                                     [X] Please mark
                                                                                                                          your votes
                                                                                                                           as this

                                                                                                             FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN
                                                       1.   Approval of the issuance or exchange  of up
                                                            to  1,000,000  shares  of   Company   Common     [ ]     [ ]      [ ]
                                                            Stock  upon exercise or exchange of certain
                                                            warrants  granted   pursuant  to  an  Asset
                                                            Purchase  Agreement,  dated  on  or  around
                                                            January 14, 2000,  among  the  Company  and
                                                            Unison Fiber Optic Lighting Systems, LLC.

                                                       2.   In their  discretion  with  respect to such
                                                            other  business as properly may come before
                                                            the   meeting   or   any   adjustments   or
                                                            postponements thereof.


                            [ ]

                                                                                The  shares  represented  hereby  will be  voted  as
                                                                                specified.  If no specification is made, such shares
                                                                                will be voted FOR the above proposal 1.

                                                                                IT IS IMPORTANT  THAT YOUR SHARES BE  REPRESENTED AT
                                                                                THIS MEETING  REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF SHARES YOU
                                                                                HOLD.  PLEASE  DATE,  SIGN,  AND  RETURN  THE  PROXY
                                                                                PROMPTLY IN THE ENCLOSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE.

                                                                                          (Be sure to date proxy.)

Signature(s) __________________________________________________________________      Dated __________________________________, 2000

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      ^ FOLD AND DETACH HERE ^