Opinion and Consent to Tax Matters - Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP


                      Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
                             555 South Flower Street
                               Twenty-Third Floor
                       Los Angeles, California 90071-2371

                                January 18, 2000

The Montgomery Funds                                                27287.82497
101 California Street
San Francisco, California 94111

              Re:     Reorganization of Montgomery International Small Cap
                      Fund into Montgomery International Growth Fund

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         You have requested our opinion as counsel for The  Montgomery  Funds, a
Massachusetts  business  trust (the  "Trust"),  with respect to certain  federal
income tax  matters in  connection  with the  reorganization  by and between the
Montgomery  International  Growth Fund (the "Acquiring  Fund"),  a series of the
Trust, and the Montgomery  International  Small Cap Fund (the "Acquired  Fund"),
also a series of the Trust.  This  opinion is  rendered in  connection  with the
transaction  described in the Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  dated as of
December 31, 1999 (the "Reorganization  Agreement"), by the Trust for itself and
on behalf of the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund, and adopts the applicable
defined terms therein.

         This letter and the opinion  expressed  herein are for  delivery to the
Trust and may be relied upon only by the Trust,  the Acquiring Fund and Acquired
Fund, and their  shareholders.  This opinion also may be disclosed by the Trust,
Acquiring  Fund and Acquired  Fund, or any of their  shareholders  in connection
with an audit or other  administrative  proceeding  before the Internal  Revenue
Service (the "Service")  affecting the Trust,  Acquiring Fund and Acquired Fund,
or any of their  shareholders  or in  connection  with any  judicial  proceeding
relating to the federal,  state or local tax  liability of the Trust,  Acquiring
Fund and Acquired Fund or any of their shareholders.

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         For  purposes of this opinion we have assumed the truth and accuracy of
the following facts:

         The Trust was duly created pursuant to its Agreement and Declaration of
Trust by the  Trustees  for the  purpose  of acting as a  management  investment
company under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"),
and is validly existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The
Trust is  registered  as an  investment  company  classified  as a  diversified,
open-end management company, under the 1940 Act.

         The Acquiring Fund is a series of the Trust duly established  under the
laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  and is validly  existing under the
laws of that Commonwealth. The shares of the Acquiring Fund are widely held. The
Acquiring  Fund has an authorized  capital of an unlimited  number of shares and
each outstanding  share of the Acquired Fund is fully  transferable and has full
voting rights.

         The Acquired Fund is a series of the Trust duly  established  under the
laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  and is validly  existing under the
laws of that Commonwealth.  The shares of the Acquired Fund are widely held. The
Acquired  Fund has an  authorized  capital of an unlimited  number of shares and
each outstanding  share of the Acquired Fund is fully  transferable and has full
voting rights.

         For valid business purposes,  the following transaction will take place
in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and pursuant to
the Reorganization Agreement:

         (a) On the date of the closing  (the  "Closing  Date"),  the Trust will
cause the  Acquired  Fund to  transfer  substantially  all of its  assets to the
Acquiring Fund. Solely in exchange therefor,  the Trust will cause the Acquiring
Fund to deliver to the Acquired Fund a number of Class R shares (the  "Acquiring
Fund  Shares") of voting  common stock of the  Acquiring  Fund and to assume the
liabilities of the Acquired Fund as stated in the Reorganization Agreement.

         (b) The  Trust  will then  cause the  Acquired  Fund to  liquidate  and
distribute all of the Acquiring Fund Shares to the shareholders of Acquired Fund
in proportion to their respective interests in the Acquired Fund in exchange for
their shares in the Acquired Fund.

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         (c) The Trust will then cause the Acquired Fund to wind up and dissolve
as soon as practicable thereafter.

         In rendering  the opinions  stated  below,  we have examined and relied
upon the following,  assuming the truth and accuracy of any statements contained

         (1)      The Reorganization Agreement; and

         (2)      Such  other  documents,  records  and  instruments  as we have
                  deemed  necessary in order to enable us to render the opinions
                  referred to in this letter.

         For  purposes  of  rendering  the  opinions  stated  below,  we have in
addition  relied upon the  following  representations  by the Trust on behalf of
both the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund, as applicable:

         (A) The fair market value of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by each
shareholder of the Acquired Fund will be approximately  equal to the fair market
value of the  shares of the  Acquired  Fund  surrendered  in the  exchange.  The
shareholders of the Acquired Fund received no consideration other than Acquiring
Fund Shares in exchange for their stock in Acquired Fund.

         (B) On the Closing Date and at all times since the  Closing,  there was
not and there has not been any plan or intention by Acquiring Fund or any person
related (as defined in section  1.368-1(e)(3) of the Treasury  Regulations which
generally  provides  that two  corporations  are  related  persons if either (i)
corporations are members of the same affiliated group or (ii) if one corporation
is a subsidiary of the other corporation) to Acquiring Fund to acquire or redeem
any of the stock of Acquiring Fund issued in the transaction  either directly or
through any transaction,  agreement, or arrangement with any other person, other
than  redemptions in the ordinary course of Acquiring's  business as an open-end
investment company as required by section 22(e) of the 1940 Act.

         (C) During the five-year  period  ending on the Closing  Date,  neither
Acquired  Fund nor any person  related to  Acquired  Fund (as defined in section
1.368-1(e)(3)  of the Treasury  Regulations)  will have  directly or through any
transaction, agreement, or arrangement with any other person, (i) acquired stock
of  Acquired  Fund with  consideration  other than shares of  Acquiring  Fund or
Acquired  Fund,  except for stock  redeemed in the  ordinary  course of Acquired
Fund's business as an open-end  investment  company as required by section 22(e)
of the 1940 Act or (ii) made

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distributions  with  respect to  Acquired  Fund stock,  except for (a)  regular,
normal dividend  distributions made to Acquired Fund's shareholders in an amount
equal to 100% of its  investment  company  taxable  income  and its net  capital
gains, and (b) additional distributions, to the extent such distributions do not
exceed 50 percent of the value (without giving effect to such  distributions) of
the proprietary  interest in Acquired Fund on the effective date of the proposed

         (D)  Prior to or in the  transaction,  neither  Acquiring  Fund nor any
person  related to Acquiring  Fund (as defined in section  1.368-1(e)(3)  of the
Treasury  Regulations)  will have acquired  directly or through any transaction,
agreement or  arrangement  with any other  person,  stock of Acquired  Fund with
consideration other than shares of Acquiring Fund.

         (E) The  Acquiring  Fund will  acquire  at least 90 percent of the fair
market  value of the net assets and at least 70 percent of the fair market value
of the  gross  assets  held  by  the  Acquired  Fund  immediately  prior  to the
transaction.  For purposes of this representation,  amounts used by the Acquired
Fund to pay its  reorganization  expenses,  amounts paid by the Acquired Fund to
shareholders  who  receive  cash or  other  property,  and all  redemptions  and
distributions  (except  for  distributions  and  redemptions  occurring  in  the
ordinary  course of the Acquired  Fund's  business as a series of an  investment
company) made by the Acquired Fund immediately  preceding the transfer have been
included  as  assets  of  the  Acquired  Fund  held  immediately  prior  to  the

         (F) On the Closing  Date and at all times since the Closing  Date,  the
Acquiring  Fund did not have  and has not had any plan or  intention  to sell or
otherwise  dispose of any of the assets of the  Acquired  Fund  acquired  in the
Transaction, except for dispositions made in the ordinary course of its business
as a series of an open-end investment company.

         (G) The Acquired Fund distributed the Acquiring Fund Shares it received
in the Transaction to its shareholders as provided in the Transaction documents.

         (H) The  liabilities of the Acquired Fund assumed by the Acquiring Fund
and the liabilities to which the transferred assets are subject were incurred by
the Acquired Fund in the ordinary  course of business and were  associated  with
the assets transferred to the Acquiring Fund.

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         (I) At all times  following the  Transaction,  the  Acquiring  Fund has
continued and intends to continue to the historic  business of the Acquired Fund
or use a significant  portion of the Acquired Fund's historic business assets in
a business.

         (J) The Acquiring Fund, the Acquired Fund, and the  shareholders of the
Acquired Fund will pay their respective expenses, if any, incurred in connection
with the transaction.

         (K)  There  is no  intercorporate  indebtedness  existing  between  the
Acquired  Fund and the  Acquiring  Fund that was  issued,  acquired,  or will be
settled at a discount.

         (L) The Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund each meet the requirements
of a regulated  investment company as defined in Sections  368(a)(2)(F)(ii)  and
(iii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         (M) On the Closing Date,  the Acquiring  Fund did not own,  directly or
indirectly,  nor did it own during the five years  preceding  the Closing  Date,
directly or indirectly, any stock of the Acquired Fund.

         (N)  The  fair  market  value  of  the  assets  of  the  Acquired  Fund
transferred  to  the  Acquiring  Fund  will  equal  or  exceed  the  sum  of the
liabilities  assumed by the Acquiring Fund,  plus the amount of liabilities,  if
any, to which the transferred assets are subject.

         (O) Both the  Acquired  Fund and the  Acquiring  Fund has elected to be
taxed as a "regulated investment company" under Section 851 of the Code and, for
all of its taxable  periods,  (including the last short taxable period ending on
the date of the transaction for the Acquired Fund) has qualified for the special
tax treatment afforded regulated  investment companies under the Code, and after
the transaction, the Acquiring Fund intends to continue to so qualify.

         (P) The  Acquired  Fund is not under the  jurisdiction  of a court in a
case under Title 11 of the United States Code or a receivership, foreclosure, or
similar  proceeding  in a Federal  or state  court  within  the  meaning of Code
Section 368(a)(3)(A).

         (Q) Neither the Acquired Fund nor one or more of its  shareholders,  or
any combination  thereof,  will control (within the meaning of Section 368(c) of
the Code) the Acquiring Fund immediately after the transfer.

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         Our  opinions  set  forth in this  letter  are  based  upon  the  Code,
regulations of the Treasury Department,  published administrative  announcements
and  rulings  of the  Service  and court  decisions,  all as of the date of this
letter. Based on the foregoing facts and representations,  and provided that the
transaction  will take place in accordance with the terms of the  Reorganization
Agreement, and further provided that the Acquired Fund distributes the shares of
Acquiring Fund received in the transaction as soon as practicable, we are of the
opinion that:

         (1) The  transfer  by the  Acquired  Fund of  substantially  all of its
assets to the Acquiring Fund solely in exchange for shares of the Acquiring Fund
and the  assumption by the Acquiring  Fund of the Acquired  Fund's  liabilities,
followed by the  distribution  by the Acquired Fund of the Acquiring Fund Shares
to its  shareholders  in complete  liquidation  of the  Acquired  Fund will be a
reorganization  within  the  meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the Code.  The
Acquiring  Fund and the  Acquired  Fund each are a "party  to a  reorganization"
within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.

         (2) The Acquired Fund will recognize no gain or loss on its transfer of
substantially all of its assets to the Acquiring Fund in exchange solely for the
Acquiring  Fund Shares and the  assumption by the Acquiring Fund of the Acquired
Fund's  liabilities,  or on  distribution  of such  Acquiring Fund Shares to its

         (3) The Acquiring Fund will recognize no gain or loss on its receipt of
substantially  all of the assets of the Acquired Fund and the  assumption by the
Acquiring Fund of the Acquired  Fund's  liabilities  in exchange  solely for the
Acquiring Fund Shares.

         (4) The Acquiring Fund's basis in the assets received from the Acquired
Fund in the transaction  will equal the basis of such assets in the hands of the
Acquired Fund immediately prior to the transaction.

         (5) The Acquiring  Fund's holding period for the assets received in the
Reorganization  will include the period during which the Acquired Fund held such

         (6) The  shareholders  of the Acquired  Fund will  recognize no gain or
loss on the receipt of the Acquiring Fund Shares (including any fractional share
interests to which they may be entitled)  solely in exchange for their  Acquired
Fund stock.

         (7) The basis of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  received  by each of the
Acquired Fund's shareholders in the transaction  (including fractional shares to

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they  may be  entitled)  will  equal  the  basis  of  the  Acquired  Fund  stock
surrendered in exchange therefor.

         (8) The holding period of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by each of
the  Acquired  Fund's  shareholders  in exchange for their  Acquired  Fund stock
(including  fractional  shares to which they may be  entitled)  will include the
period that the  shareholder  held the Acquired  Fund stock  exchange  therefor,
provided that the shareholder  held such stock as a capital asset on the date of
the exchange.

         The  opinions  set forth  above  represent  our  conclusions  as to the
application  of federal income tax law existing as of the date of this letter to
the transactions  described above, and we can give no assurance that legislative
enactments,  administrative  changes or court  decisions may not be  forthcoming
which would  require  modifications  or  revocations  of our opinions  expressed
herein.  Moreover,  there can be no  assurance  that  positions  contrary to our
opinions  will not be  taken by the  Service,  or that a court  considering  the
issues would not hold contrary to such opinions.  Further,  all the opinions set
forth  above  represent  our  conclusions  based  upon the  documents  and facts
referred to above.  Any material  amendments to such documents or changes in any
significant facts would affect the opinions referred to herein. Although we have
made such inquiries and performed such investigation as we have deemed necessary
to  fulfill  our  professional  responsibilities,  we  have  not  undertaken  an
independent investigation of the facts referred to in this letter.

         We  express  no  opinion  as to any  federal  income tax issue or other
matter except those set forth above.

         We hereby  consent to the  filing of this  opinion as an exhibit to the
Trust's Registration  Statement on Form N-14 (and our being named therein) filed
by the Trust in connection with the Reorganization.

                                           Very truly yours,

                                      /s/  Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP