(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. __)

Filed by the Registrant                      [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement             [ ]  Confidential, for  Use  of the
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                   Commission  Only (as permitted
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials              Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                              THE MONTGOMERY FUNDS
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

         (1)      Title  of each  class  of  securities  to  which  transactions

         (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

         (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined):

         (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5)      Total fee paid:

[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1)      Amount previously paid:

         (2)      Form,  Schedule or Registration  Statement No.:  Schedule 14A;
                  33-34841; 811-6011

         (3)      Filing party: Registrant

         (4)      Date filed: January 28, 2000

                              THE MONTGOMERY FUNDS
                              101 California Street
                         San Francisco, California 94111
                              (800) 572-FUND [3863]

                          Notice dated February 4, 2000

                            Montgomery Select 50 Fund

Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders

         A Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Montgomery Select 50 Fund (the
"Fund"), a series of The Montgomery Funds, a Massachusetts  business trust, will
be held at the offices of The  Montgomery  Funds (the  "Trust"),  101 California
Street,  35th Floor, San Francisco,  California 94111 on March 15, 2000 at 10:00
a.m. (local time) for the following purposes:

1.       To  approve  a change in the  investment  objective  of the  Montgomery
         Select 50 Fund,  which  now seeks  long-term  capital  appreciation  by
         investing  in a portfolio of 50  securities  with  approximately  equal
         weighting  in five  different  investment  disciplines  to instead seek
         long-term capital appreciation by investing in a concentrated portfolio
         of 20 to 30, but not fewer than 20,  securities  of  companies  located
         throughout the world,  including those in the United States,  developed
         international markets and developing markets.

2.       To  approve  a  change  of  the  Fund's  sub-classification  under  the
         Investment  Company  Act  of  1940,  as  amended,  from  a  diversified
         investment company to a non-diversified investment company, and approve
         the  elimination  of the Fund's  corresponding  investment  restriction
         regarding diversification.

3.       To  transact  such  other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
         Meeting, or any adjournments thereto.

         Shareholders of record at the close of business on January 31, 2000 are
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting. Montgomery Asset Management,
LLC has agreed to pay all expenses associated with this proxy statement.

/s/   Keith T. Kirk
- ----------------------------------
Keith T. Kirk, Assistant Secretary
The Montgomery Funds


                              THE MONTGOMERY FUNDS

                                 Proxy Statement
                      For a Special Meeting of Shareholders
                         To Be Held on February 29, 2000

                            Montgomery Select 50 Fund


         This  proxy  statement  is  solicited  by the  Board of  Trustees  (the
"Board") of The Montgomery Funds (the "Trust") for voting at the special meeting
of shareholders of the Montgomery  Select 50 Fund (the "Fund"),  a series of the
Trust,  to be held at  10:00  a.m.  (local  time)  on  March  15,  2000,  at 101
California Street,  35th Floor, San Francisco,  California 94111, and at any and
all  adjournments  thereof  (the  "Meeting"),  for the purposes set forth in the
accompanying Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders. This proxy statement was
first mailed to shareholders on or about February 4, 2000.

         Each share of the Fund is entitled to one vote on each  Proposal and on
each other  matter that it is entitled to vote upon at the  Meeting.  Each valid
proxy that we receive will be voted in accordance with your instructions, and as
the  persons  named in the proxy  determine  on such other  business as may come
before the Meeting.  If no instructions  are given on an executed proxy that has
been returned to us, that proxy will be voted FOR Proposal 1 and FOR Proposal 2.
Shareholders  who  execute  proxies  may revoke them at any time before they are
voted, either by writing to the Trust or by voting in person at the Meeting.

         The presence in person or by proxy of shareholders entitled to cast 40%
of the votes eligible to be cast at the  Shareholder  Meeting will  constitute a
quorum for the conduct of business.  When a quorum is present,  approval of each
Proposal  will  require  the  affirmative  vote of the  lesser of (i) 67% of the
shares  represented at the Meeting if more than 50% of the outstanding shares is
represented, or (ii) shares representing more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding
shares. The Shareholder Meeting may be adjourned from time to time by a majority
of the votes properly  voting on the question of adjourning a meeting to another
date and time,  whether or not a quorum is present,  and the meeting may be held
as  adjourned  within a  reasonable  time  after  the date set for the  original
meeting without  further notice.  The persons named in the proxy will vote those
shares that they are entitled to vote in favor of  adjournment if adjournment is
necessary to obtain a quorum or to obtain a favorable  vote on any proposal.  If
the  adjournment  requires  setting a new record date or the  adjournment is for
more than 60 days from the date set for the original  meeting (in which case the
Board of Trustees will set a new record date), the Trust will give notice of the
adjourned meeting to the  shareholders.  Business may be conducted once a quorum
is present and may continue until adjournment of the meeting.

         Proxies  may  be  voted  by  mail  or  electronically  by  internet  or
telephone.  If voted  electronically,  the Fund or its agent will use reasonable
procedures  (such  as  requiring  an   identification   number)  to  verify  the
authenticity  of the vote cast.  Each  shareholder  who casts an electronic vote
also will be able to validate that his or her vote was received correctly.


         All proxies voted,  including  abstentions and broker  non-votes (where
the underlying  holder has not voted and the broker does not have  discretionary
authority to vote the shares),  will be counted  toward  establishing  a quorum.
Approval of each Proposal will occur only if a sufficient number of votes at the
Meeting are cast for that  proposal.  Abstentions do not constitute a vote "for"
and effectively result in a vote "against." However,  while broker non-votes are
considered  "present,"  they are  disregarded in  calculating  the percentage of
votes  cast in favor of or  against  a  Proposal  by  those  "voting  securities
present" when the voting  requirement  is based on achieving a percentage of the
voting securities  present in person or by proxy at the Meeting.  In the case of
the  Proposals,  which must be passed by the required  percentage of outstanding
shares, broker non-votes and abstentions effectively count as a vote against the

The Board of Trustees of The Montgomery  Funds recommends that you vote in favor
of each Proposal.

         The Board of  Trustees of The  Montgomery  Funds has fixed the close of
business  on  January  31,  2000 as the  record  date (the  "Record  Date")  for
determining  holders of the Fund's  shares  entitled to notice of and to vote at
the Meeting.  Each shareholder will be entitled to one vote for each share held.
At the  close  of  business  on the  Record  Date,  the  following  shares  were

Fund                                    Total Fund Shares Outstanding

Montgomery Select 50 Fund                        [5,786,199]

         The holders of 5% or more of the outstanding  shares of the Fund on the
Record  Date are  listed  on  Exhibit A to this  Proxy  Statement.  Neither  the
officers  nor  the  Trustees  of  The  Montgomery  Funds  beneficially  own  any
outstanding voting securities of the Fund as of the Record Date.


         The Fund currently  invests in five different  investment  disciplines,
with each portfolio  management team from the Montgomery  Growth,  U.S. Emerging
Growth, Equity Income, International Growth and Emerging Markets Funds selecting
10  stocks  that  they  believe  may offer  the  greatest  capital  appreciation
potential from their respective areas of expertise.  Effective immediately after
the close of business on March 15, 2000, subject to shareholder  approval before
then, the Montgomery  Equity Income Fund is expected to be reorganized  into the
Montgomery Balanced Fund by becoming an underlying fund. Therefore,  U.S. equity
income  will no  longer be among the  investment  disciplines  in which the Fund

         Montgomery  Asset  Management,  LLC  (the  "Manager"),  the  investment
adviser to the Fund,  believes that the reorganization of the Equity Income Fund
creates a unique  opportunity  for the  Manager  to change  further  the  Fund's
investment  approach from one that invests in a portfolio of 50 securities  with
approximately  equal weighting in five different  investment  disciplines to one
that  invests in a  concentrated  portfolio  of 20 to 30, but not fewer than 20,
securities worldwide.


         The Manager has advised the Board of Trustees that the proposed  change
in  the  Fund's   investment   approach  would  be  in  the  best  interests  of
shareholders, after taking into account the risks associated with investing in a
more concentrated portfolio,  because this investment approach would provide the
Manager  with the ability to maximize  potential  returns by investing a greater
percentage of the Fund's assets in fewer stocks whose investment  potentials are
believed to be especially attractive.

         In  connection  with that proposed  change,  the Manager is also asking
shareholders'  approval  to  change  the  sub-classification  of the Fund from a
diversified  mutual  fund  to a  non-diversified  mutual  fund  so  that  it can
concentrate  the Fund's  investments  in fewer  stocks.  Because  Proposal 1 and
Proposal 2 are  interrelated,  the Board of Trustees has determined that neither
Proposal  should be implemented  (even if approved by Fund  shareholders)  until
such time as both Proposals have been approved by shareholders.

         The  Fund's  current  fundamental   investment  objective  is  to  seek
long-term capital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of 50 securities with
approximately  equal  weighting in five  different  investment  disciplines.  In
addition,  the Fund is currently a diversified  mutual fund,  which means,  with
respect to 75% of its total assets,  it cannot  invest in the  securities of any
one   issuer   (other   than  the  U.S.   Government   and  its   agencies   and
instrumentalities)  if immediately after and as a result of such investment more
than 5% of the total assets of the Fund would be invested in such issuer.  Under
the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended (the "1940 Act"),  neither the
investment  objective  nor the  diversification  status can be  changed  without
approval of a "majority"  of the  outstanding  shares  within the meaning of the
1940 Act.  Therefore,  in order for the Manager and the Trust to  implement  the
proposed  changes  further  described  below,  shareholders  must  approve  both

B.       PROPOSAL 1:

         Proposal 1 is to approve a change in the  investment  objective  of the
Montgomery  Select 50 Fund,  which now seeks long-term  capital  appreciation by
investing in a portfolio of 50 securities with approximately  equal weighting in
five different  investment  disciplines  (each  typically  20%), to instead seek
long-term capital appreciation by investing in a concentrated portfolio of 20 to
30, but not fewer than 20, securities.

         Although  the Manager  will  continue to invest in  companies  from the
current  investment  disciplines,  with the  exception  of U.S.  equity  income,
selected by the Manager's International and Global Equity Team and the Manager's
U.S. Growth Equity Team,  this change in investment  objective and approach will
be accompanied by several changes in the Fund's principal investment strategies.
No more than 40% of the Fund's assets, or two times the Fund's benchmark weight,
whichever  is  greater,  may be  invested  in any one  country.  Investments  in
companies based in the United States are not subject to that limit. No more than
30% of the Fund's assets may be invested in the stocks of companies based in the
world's developing economies.  Additionally,  the Fund may concentrate up to 35%
of its  total  assets  in the  stocks  of  communications  companies  worldwide,
including companies involved in telecommunications, broadcasting, publishing and
the Internet, among other industries.


         The current  benchmarks  of the Fund are the S&P 500 Index and the MSCI
World Index.  In connection with the change in the Fund's  investment  approach,
the Fund's performance will be measured against only the MSCI World Index, which
the Manager believes better represents the types of securities in which the Fund
may invest,  and the name of the Fund will be changed to  "Montgomery  Global 20

         Before  shareholders  vote  on  the  proposal,   however,   you  should
understand  these changes result in additional  risks for your  investment.  For
example,  even  though  the Fund  currently  invests a portion  of its assets in
emerging markets (typically 20%) and, therefore, is already exposed to the types
of risks  generally  associated  with investing in those  markets,  the Manager,
under  Proposal  1,  could  invest  up to 30% of the  Fund's  assets  in any one
emerging  markets  country.  Because the Fund may  concentrate  up to 35% of its
assets  in the  global  communications  industry,  its  share  value may be more
volatile  than that of more  diversified  funds,  and may reflect  trends in the
global  communications  industry,  which may be subject  to  greater  changes in
governmental policies and regulation than many other industries.

C.       PROPOSAL 2:

         Proposal  2 is to  approve  a change of the  Fund's  sub-classification
under the 1940 Act from a diversified  investment  company to a  non-diversified
investment company,  and to approve the elimination of the Fund's  corresponding
investment restriction regarding diversification.

         The Fund is  currently a  diversified  mutual  fund.  This means,  with
respect to 75% of the Fund's total assets,  it may not invest in the  securities
of  any  issuer   (other  than  the  U.S.   Government   and  its  agencies  and
instrumentalities)  if immediately after and as a result of that investment more
than 5% of the total  assets of the Fund would be invested in such  issuer.  The
remaining  25% of the Fund's total assets may be invested  without being subject
to that  restriction.  The Manager has proposed,  and the Board has approved,  a
change in the Fund's  sub-classification under Section 5(b) of the 1940 Act from
"diversified" to "non-diversified"  status and the elimination of the investment
restriction  described above. The Fund,  however,  intends to continue to comply
with the  diversification and other requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986,  as amended (the  "Code"),  that are  applicable  to regulated  investment
companies  like the Fund so that it will not be subject to U.S.  federal  income
taxes on its net investment income.

         The  Manager  believes  that the  requirements  under  the 1940 Act for
diversified funds may, at times,  negatively affect the Fund's ability to invest
as high of a portion of the Fund's assets in suitable  securities believed to be
attractive  investments.  The  Manager  believes  the change to  non-diversified
investment  status would give the Fund the additional  flexibility  necessary to
invest its assets given the proposed change in the Fund's investment  objective.
Accordingly,  the Manager asks that shareholders  approve the change of the Fund
from a diversified to a non-diversified fund.

         Although the Fund would remain subject to the diversification standards
imposed by the Code, a change in the Fund's  classification to a non-diversified
investment company would permit the Fund to concentrate its investments in fewer
issuers  than is  presently  the case.  While  greater  concentration  may prove
beneficial  when  the  issuers  in  which  the  Fund  invests  prove  to be good
investments,  greater  concentration in fewer issuers will also magnify negative


performance by any one position. Furthermore,  because the Fund would be able to
invest a relatively  higher  percentage of its assets in the stocks of a limited
number of issuers, it may be more susceptible to any single economic,  political
or  regulatory  event than it currently  is as a  diversified  fund.  You should
consider the greater risk of investing  in a  non-diversified  fund  compared to
more diversified mutual funds.


         The Board of Trustees of the Trust met on November 16, 1999 to evaluate
the two  Proposals.  After careful  consideration,  the Board decided to approve
Proposals and authorized  that both Proposals be submitted to  shareholders  for
their approval. In approving the two Proposals,  the Board determined,  in their
exercise of their business  judgment and in light of their  fiduciary  duties as
Trustees,  that the Proposals would be beneficial to shareholders,  after taking
into  account  the  increased   risks   associated  with  investing  in  a  more
concentrated portfolio.

         Among the Board's  considerations  in deciding to approve the Proposals
were the following:

         *     U.S. equity income will no longer be an investment  discipline in
               which the Fund may invest.

         *     The revised investment objective better complements the Manager's
               experience in global  investing and preferred  style of designing
               concentrated portfolios.

         *     The absence of any fee  increase or other  adverse  change in the
               management of the Fund.

         *     The  Manager  will  absorb  the  costs of the  proposed  changes,
               including the preparation and distribution of proxy materials.

The Board of Trustees  unanimously  recommends that shareholders vote "FOR" each
of Proposal 1 and Proposal 2.


         The Trust knows of no other  matters that are to be brought  before the
Meeting. However, if any other matters not now known or determined properly come
before the Meeting,  it is the  intention  of the persons  named in the enclosed
form of Proxy to vote such Proxy in accordance  with their best judgment on such


         The  Meeting  is a special  meeting  of  shareholders.  The Fund is not
required to, nor does it intend to, hold regular  meetings of its  shareholders.
If such a meeting is called, any shareholder who wishes to submit a proposal for
consideration at the meeting should submit the proposal promptly to the Trust.



         Montgomery Asset Management,  LLC is located at 101 California  Street,
San  Francisco,  California  94111.  Funds  Distributor,  Inc., 60 State Street,
Boston,  Massachusetts 02109,  distributes the Fund. DST Systems, Inc., 333 West
11th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64105 is the Fund's Master Transfer Agent and
Paying Agent.

         You can find more information  about The Montgomery  Funds'  investment
policies in the Prospectus and Statement of Additional  Information (SAI), which
are available free of charge.

         To  request  a free  copy of the  Prospectus  or SAI,  call us at (800)
572-FUND  [3863].  You  can  review  and  copy  further  information  about  The
Montgomery  Funds,  including  the  Prospectus  or SAI,  at the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission's  (SEC's) Public  Reference  Room in  Washington,  D.C. To
obtain  information  on the operation of the Public  Reference  Room please call
(202) 942-8090.  Reports and other  information  about The Montgomery  Funds are
available at the SEC's Web site at  You can also obtain  copies of
this  information,  upon  payment of a  duplicating  fee,  by writing the Public
Reference Section of the SEC, Washington,  D.C.,  20549-6009 or by e-mailing the
SEC at

         You can find  further  information  about The  Montgomery  Funds in our
annual and semiannual  shareholder reports,  which discuss the market conditions
and investment  strategies that  significantly  affected the Fund's  performance
during its most  recent  fiscal  period.  To  request a copy of the most  recent
annual or semiannual report, please call us at (800) 572-FUND [3863].

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please complete,  sign and return this proxy promptly. No postage is required if
mailed in the United States. You also may vote by Internet at
(just follow the simple  instructions  once you have logged in) and by telephone
by calling (800) 609-6903).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

By order of the Board of Trustees,

/s/ Keith T. Kirk
- ----------------------------------
Keith T. Kirk, Assistant Secretary
The Montgomery Funds


                                    EXHIBIT A


         As of January 31, 2000,  the  following  persons  owned of record 5% or
more of the shares of the Fund:

Name                                                Shares          Ownership
- ----                                                ------          ---------

Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.                       [1,582,786]         [27.35%]
101 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94104-4122

National Financial Services Corp.                  [417,907]          [7.74%]
For the Exclusive Benefit of Our Customers
Attn Mutual Funds
P.O. Box 3730
Church Street Station
New York, New York 10008-1730


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                                  FORM OF PROXY

[Shareholder Name]
[Title (if applicable)]
[Fund Name]
[Shares Held]
                              THE MONTGOMERY FUNDS
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                            MONTGOMERY SELECT 50 FUND

                                 March 15, 2000


         The undersigned  hereby appoints  Johanne Castro and Keith T. Kirk, and
each of them,  as proxies of the  undersigned,  each with the power to appoint a
substitute,  for the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Montgomery Select 50
Fund (the "Fund"),  a separate  series of The  Montgomery  Funds,  to be held on
March 15, 2000, at 101 California Street, 35th Floor, San Francisco,  California
94111,  and at any and all  adjournments  thereof (the  "Meeting"),  to vote, as
designated  below,  all shares of the Fund, held by the undersigned at the close
of business on January 31, 2000.  Capitalized terms used without definition have
the meanings given to them in the accompanying Proxy Statement.

         A signed  proxy will be voted in favor of the  Proposals  listed  below
unless you have  specified  otherwise.  Please sign,  date and return this proxy
promptly.  You may vote  only if you  held  shares  in the Fund at the  close of
business on January 31, 2000.  Your signature  authorizes the proxies to vote in
their  discretion on such other business as may properly come before the Meeting
including,  without  limitation,  all  matters  incident  to the  conduct of the

Please vote by filling in the boxes below.

         Proposal  1: To  approve a change in the  investment  objective  of the
Montgomery  Select 50 Fund,  which now seeks long-term  capital  appreciation by
investing in a portfolio of 50 securities with approximately  equal weighting in
five  different  investment   disciplines  to  instead  seek  long-term  capital
appreciation by investing in a concentrated portfolio of 20 to 30, but not fewer
than 20, securities.

FOR [ ]          AGAINST [ ]          ABSTAIN [ ]


         Proposal 2: To approve a change of the Fund's  sub-classification under
the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended,  from a diversified  investment
company to a non-diversified  investment company, and approve the elimination of
the Fund's corresponding investment restriction regarding diversification.

FOR [ ]          AGAINST [ ]          ABSTAIN [ ]

Dated:_________________________________________________________________, 2000
         [Shareholder Name]

Dated:_________________________________________________________________, 2000
         [Signature(s) (if held jointly)]

         Please  sign  exactly as the name or names  appear on your  shareholder
account statement. When signing as attorney,  trustee, executor,  administrator,
custodian, guardian or corporate officer, please give your full title. If shares
are held jointly, each shareholder should sign.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please complete,  sign and return this proxy promptly. No postage is required if
mailed in the United States. You also may vott by Internet at
(just follow the simple  instructions  once you have logged in) and by telephone
by calling (800) 609-6903).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
