Rule 425
                                                        Filer: BroadVision, Inc.

                                                Subject Company: Interleaf, Inc.
                                                          SEC File No. 333-86557

Investors are urged to read documents  relevant to the acquisition  described in
this  announcement  that are  filed  with or that  will be  filed  with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange  Commission  because they contain important  information
about the  acquisition.  After  they are  filed,  you can  obtain  the  relevant
documents that are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for free on
the Securities and Exchange Commission's web site at  If you
write or call us, we will send you for free, when available, the prospectus that
we file in connection  with the  registration  of the shares to be issued in the
acquisition. You can call us at (650) 261-5100 or write to us at:

          BroadVision, Inc.
          585 Broadway
          Redwood City, California  94063
          Attention: Investor Relations

         BroadVision Extends Its E-Business Leadership with Agreement to
                    Acquire Interleaf, The e-Content Company

    BroadVision Gains Leading XML-Based e-Content Management Tools and X-WAP
                 Technology for Wireless Delivery of Content to
             Enhance Company's Personalized E-Business Applications

REDWOOD CITY, CA - Jan. 26, 2000 - BroadVision Inc. (Nasdaq:  BVSN), a leader in
personalized  e-business  applications,  today  announced  that it has  signed a
definitive  agreement to acquire  Interleaf,  Inc.  (Nasdaq:  LEAF).  Key to the
acquisition  is the  e-content  company,  a  separate  Interleaf  business  unit
dedicated to the development, marketing and sale of XML-based content management
tools.  These tools enable the creation,  publication,  management and re-use of
dynamic,  intelligent content for web and wireless  applications.  The e-content
company  comprises nearly 70 percent of Interleaf's  approximately 400 employees
and has been the most  significant  area of Interleaf growth and investment over
the past two years.

Subject to conditions,  under the terms of the agreement each outstanding  share
of Interleaf  common stock will be exchanged for .3465 of a share of BroadVision
common stock and will be accounted for as a purchase  transaction.  In addition,
all outstanding  options and warrants to purchase Interleaf common stock will be
assumed by BroadVision. Based on basic shares outstanding as of January 25, 2000
and both companies'  closing price as of that date, the  transaction  represents
approximately a 40% premium over  Interleaf's  current value. On a fully diluted
basis,  BroadVision  would issue  approximately 5.6 million shares of its common
stock,  having a value of  approximately  $877  million  based on  BroadVision's
closing stock price on January 25, 2000.


The  transaction is intended to be tax-free to the Interleaf  shareholders.  The
transaction,  which has been  unanimously  approved  by both the  Interleaf  and
BroadVision  Boards  of  Directors,   is  subject  to  approval  by  Interleaf's
stockholders.  The  transaction  is subject to certain other  customary  closing
conditions, including Hart-Scott-Rodino antitrust clearance and other regulatory
approvals. The companies expect to close the transaction by May 31, 2000.

"Through  the  acquisition  of  Interleaf,  BroadVision  will be able to quickly
expand our leadership in delivering  personalized e-business applications across
multi-touch  points such as web and wireless," said Dr. Pehong Chen,  President,
CEO and Chairman of the Board for BroadVision.  "With our combined customer base
of more than 2,500 blue-chip and '' companies, both firms have the proven
ability to meet e-business demands for a fast time-to-market, easier integration
with content sources and back-end systems, and high performance and scalability.
We look  forward  to  leveraging  the  strengths  of both  companies  to provide
increased benefits for customers and shareholders."

"At  Interleaf,  we have spent the past three  years  repositioning  the company
around new XML and wireless  technology," said Jaime Ellerston,  President,  CEO
and Chairman of the Board for  Interleaf.  "This past year we have  successfully
penetrated the e-business marketplace by delivering  state-of-the-art  XML-based
e-content  management  tools.  We  believe  strongly  that  these  tools and our
initiative  into the  wireless  market  make us a unique fit with  BroadVision's
strength in web applications and with their strategic objectives. Both companies
see XML  content  proving  itself to be of  particular  importance  for the fast
growing  business-to-business  e-commerce market.  Therefore, the combination of
our  e-content   management  tools  integrated  with  BroadVision's   e-business
applications  make a  powerful  end-to-end  solution  for the B2B  market  while
further extending these applications to the emerging wireless market."

Benefits of Acquisition for Customers

The combination of the suite of BroadVision One-To-One  personalized  e-business
applications and Interleaf's  XML-based  e-content  management tools will create
one of the most  comprehensive,  end-to-end  offerings for companies  needing to
manage content-rich and transactional e-businesses for delivery over the Web and
wireless   devices.   GartnerGroup   estimates  that  by  2003,  80  percent  of
application-to-application  traffic  passing over public networks will be in XML
(GartnerGroup, October, 1999).

Specific benefits of the combined offering will include:

o Less Time and Lower Cost for e-Content  Management.  The  integrated  offering
combines  Interleaf's  XML-based  e-content  management tools and  BroadVision's
real-time  instant  publishing  tools to shorten time to production for content.
This lowers the total cost of ownership for companies by enabling  publishers to
more  easily  create,  publish,  manage and  re-purpose  transactional  content.
Additionally,  the integrated  offering is differentiated by its support for the
publication of XML-based documents from Microsoft Office  applications,  greatly
expanding general business users' ability to publish Web and wireless content.


o Automate B2B E-Commerce through Intelligent  Content.  The integrated offering
will enable the  automation of B2B  e-commerce by enabling  companies to improve
their  operations via the use of  intelligent  content.  Intelligent  content is
personalized,  re-usable  and  dynamically  assembled  in real time to  increase
collaboration and communication among commerce partners.  Unlike static content,
intelligent content automates  interactions and transactions among participants,
creating a highly productive information value chain.

o Expanded  e-Business  Reach.  The  integration of Interleaf's  X-WAP (Wireless
Application  Protocol) and XSL (eXtensible Style Language,  which enable content
to be separated  from data,  so that content can be shared  across any number of
XML documents) technology will enable BroadVision customers to deploy e-business
applications  that  enable  access to  dynamic  content  from  mobile  and other
wireless devices, such as digital cellular telephones,  pagers, personal digital
assistants  and  e-books.  End  users  will  be  able to  access  in  real  time
personalized  product  information,  inventory,  price,  and catalog data and to
execute orders from Web sites and wireless devices via BroadVision's  ability to
deliver  'e-business  anywhere,  anytime." The Yankee Group has  estimated  that
wireless  subscribers  accessing the Internet will grow from 669 million in 1999
to  1.26  billion  by  2005  (The  Yankee  Group,  November,  1999).  Therefore,
BroadVision  believes the integration of Interleaf's  X-WAP technology will be a
significant benefit for companies implementing  e-business  applications capable
of providing  dynamic,  personalized  content to the growing  number of users of
wireless devices.

The BroadVision and Interleaf Fit

The two  companies  share a vision  for  enabling  e-business  through  a common
commitment  to an XML  backbone.  Interleaf,  a thought and industry  leader for
XML-based e-content  management,  brings people, tools and technologies that are
completely complementary to BroadVision's applications. For example, Interleaf's
employees  represent  the world's  largest  XML talent  pool.  And,  Interleaf's
technology  leadership in XML and WAP are technologies  that supplement those of
BroadVision.  Additionally,  Interleaf has a large  worldwide  base of more than
2,000   customers  who  are   potential   users  of   BroadVision's   e-business

Key Technologies

BroadVision will fully integrate Interleaf's e-content management tools based on
XML into  BroadVision's full suite of e-business  applications.  Interleaf's key
technologies include:

o BladeRunner. A scalable,  comprehensive XML-based content management tool that
enables companies to create,  manage, and publish structured  e-business content
that is targeted, timely, personalized,  intelligent and medium-aware.  With XML
as its technology  backbone and Microsoft  Office  integration  used for content
creation, companies using BladeRunner are able to apply intelligence,  structure
and style to content for e-business applications.

o X-WAP Technology. Interleaf's X-WAP wireless application technology transforms
XML into HTML, WML, PDF, ASCII and raw text into  intelligent  business  content
for delivery to wireless devices.


o QuickSilver.  A full-featured  high-end authoring and publish-ing product with
an extension to enable the generation of XML-based content.  QuickSilver enables
users to manage XML- and  non-XML-based  content in one integrated  system.  The
acquisition  creates a combined entity with a compelling  record of business and
technology achievements:

o A broad  depth and breadth of  experience,  provided by over nine years in the
e-content  management and e-business  applications  markets;Over  1100 employees
dedicated to e-content and e-business applications;

o A combined customer base of thousands of international blue chip and ""
customers to guide the company's  integration of existing and development of new
e-business solutions; and,

o The  proven  ability  to  meet  customers'  e-business  needs  for  return  on
investment, quick time-to-market, and high performance, scalable solutions.

o  Membership  in key  consortia  including  The WAP Forum,  more than 260 firms
dedicated to developing de facto world  standards for wireless  information  and
telephony  services on digital mobile  telephones  and other  wireless  devices;
AICPA,  the American  Institute of Certified  Public  Accounts,  for  specifying
XML-based  specifications  for preparing and  exchanging  financial  reports and
data; and others.

Forward Looking Statements

The company noted that each of the above  forward-looking  statements is subject
to change,  based on various important factors,  including,  without limitation,
the possible inability to complete the merger as anticipated, or at all, and the
performance and successful  integration of the acquired  businesses.  Additional
information on potential factors that could affect BroadVision's and Interleaf's
financial results are included in their respective Forms 10-K's and 10-Q's,  and
other  documents  filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  While the
announced  transaction is pending and following its  consummation,  the value of
BroadVision's common stock will be dependent on or directly related to the value
of  Interleaf's  common  stock,  which in turn  depends on factors  relating  to
Interleaf's  business  and  financial  performance,  which  in turn  are  beyond
BroadVision's  control.  Reference  is  made  to  Interleaf's  SEC  filings  for
additional  information   concerning  Interleaf  and  its  business,   financial
performance and operations.

This press release  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of
Section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933 and  Section  21E of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934.  BroadVision's actual results could differ materially from
those set forth in the  forward-looking  statements.  Certain factors that might
cause such a difference include, among other things, the following:

     o The transaction  described above is contingent and may not actually occur
     as described or at all, and the failure of the  transaction  to close could
     have a material adverse impact on the value of Interleaf's common stock;

     o Interleaf  and  BroadVision  may  experience  difficulties  realizing the
     described  benefits  from  the  business  combination,   including  without
     limitation  difficulties  in  integrating  the


     Interleaf and BroadVision  products,  technologies,  cultures,  information
     systems,  business  practices  and  policies;  BroadVision  may  experience
     difficulties  in  marketing  the  Interleaf   products  into  BroadVision's
     customer base, and Interleaf may experience  difficulties  in marketing the
     BroadVision products into Interleaf's customer base;

     o The  announcement and consummation of the transaction may cause confusion
     in  the  marketplace  and  disruption  to  Interleaf's  and   BroadVision's
     businesses,   including  without   limitation   difficulties  in  retaining
     Interleaf's current employees through the transition, integrating them into
     BroadVision's   operations   and   retaining   them  over  the   long-term;
     difficulties  in retaining  Interleaf's  significant  customers at historic
     purchasing  levels;  and  delays  in the  consummation  of sales  currently

About Interleaf

Interleaf,  Inc.,  based in  Waltham,  Massachusetts,  provides  enterprise-wide
software tools for e-content management  including  BladeRunner and QuickSilver.
These tools provide Global 2000 customers with a distinct competitive  advantage
by  enabling  them to deploy  e-business  applications  that  improve  operating
efficiency and customer  satisfaction,  while driving revenue and profitability.
Interleaf's  software  products make it easy for companies to assemble,  manage,
retrieve,  distribute  and  publish  business-critical  information  across  the
enterprise and beyond.

Key customers  include Alcatel,  Deutsch Bank,  Fidelity,  IDC, Intel,  Lockheed
Martin, MacMillan, Motorola, Shared Medical Systems, Tektronix and Toyota.

About BroadVision

BroadVision,  Inc. is the leading worldwide supplier of personalized  e-business
applications.   BroadVision's   end-to-end   solutions   enable   companies  and
governments to rapidly deploy and  cost-effectively  operate  secure,  scalable,
intelligent,  and flexible  e-business  applications  for e-commerce,  financial
services, online billing and knowledge management.  The company's entire product
line has  experienced  strong  growth and  increasing  acceptance by Global 2000
businesses, governments and pure-play "e-startups."

BroadVision    has   more   than   500   customers   in   financial    services,
retail/distribution, high technology, telecommunications,  government and travel
including  Argentaria,  American Airlines,  British Telecom,  CCF Group,  Credit
Suisse, Ernst & Young, Hewlett-Packard, The Home Depot, Motorola, RS Components,
Sears, Vodafone, Wal-Mart, and Xerox.

BroadVision is headquartered in Redwood City,  Calif. and maintains an extensive
worldwide  network of  subsidiaries  and  licensed  resellers in North and South
America,  Europe,  Australia and Asia. BroadVision is a public company traded on
the Nasdaq in the United States under the symbol BVSN and on the high-technology
stock  market of  Germany,  the  Neuer  Markt  segment  of the  Frankfurt  Stock
Exchange,  under the symbol BDN. The Company can be reached at (650) 261-5100 or
