Law Offices of
                      Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
                              345 California Street
                      San Francisco, California 94104-2635
                            Telephone (415) 835-1600
                            Facsimile (415) 217-5333

                                February 8, 2000


Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20549

Re:      The Montgomery Funds - CIK No. 0000863435
         Request for Withdrawal of Registration Statement on Form N-14
         File No. 333-96117

Sir or Madam:

                  On behalf  of The  Montgomery  Funds  (the  "Registrant")  and
pursuant  to Rule  477(a)  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the
"Securities  Act"),  we  hereby  request  the  withdrawal  of  the  Registrant's
Registration  Statement on Form N-14 (the  "Registration  Statement"),  as filed
with the Commission on February 3, 2000.

                  The above  filing was  intended  as a filing  pursuant to Rule
497(e) under the Securities  Act  respecting  the Combined  Proxy  Statement and
Prospectus and the Statement of Additional Information for the reorganization of
the Montgomery  International  Small Cap Fund into the Montgomery  International
Growth  Fund,  two series of the  Registrant.  However,  the vendor  used by the
Registrant to effect this 497(e) filing erroneously filed it with the Commission
as a new Form N-14 filing.

                  Please  address any  comments  or  questions  concerning  this
withdrawal  request to the  undersigned  at (415)  835-1607 or to Thao H. Ngo at
(415) 835-1649.

                                      Very truly yours,

                                      /s/ David A. Hearth
                                for PAUL, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY & WALKER LLP

cc:  Ms. Paige Morway
     Thao H. Ngo and Julie Allecta, Esq.