Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 10-K

       [x] Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999

     [ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

                          Commission file number 1-9670

                             PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                       94-3041257
(State or other jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

    One Market, Steuart Street Tower,
      Suite 800, San Francisco, CA                      94105-1301
(Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (415) 974-1399
           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

    Title of each class                Name of each exchange on which registered
    -------------------                -----------------------------------------
Common Stock, $0.01 Par Value                  American Stock Exchange

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant  was required to file such  reports) and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes _X_ No ___

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of  Regulation  S-K (Sec.  229.405 of this  chapter)  is not  contained
herein,  and will not be contained,  to the best of registrant's  knowledge,  in
definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III
of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [X]

         The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by nonaffiliates of
the registrant as of March 17, 2000 was $53,525,506.

         The  number of shares  outstanding  of the  issuer's  classes of common
stock as of March 17, 2000: Common Stock, $0.01 Par Value--7,712,609 shares

                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                          1999 FORM 10-K ANNUAL REPORT
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                     Part I

Item 1     Business                                                            2
Item 2     Properties                                                          9
Item 3     Legal Proceedings                                                   9
Item 4     Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                11

                                       Part II

Item 5     Market for the Company's Common Equity and Related
             Stockholder Matters                                              12
Item 6     Selected Financial Data                                            13
Item 7     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
             Condition and Results of Operations                              14
Item 7A    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about
             Market Risk                                                      26
Item 8     Financial Statements and Supplemental Data                         26
Item 9     Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
             Accounting and Financial Disclosure                              26

                                       Part III

Item 10    Directors and Executive Officers of the Company                    27
Item 11    Executive Compensation                                             29
Item 12    Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
             and Management                                                   37
Item 13    Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                     38

                                       Part IV

Item 14    Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on
             Form 8-K                                                         39


                                     PART I


(A) Background

PLM International,  Inc. (PLM  International,  the Company, or PLMI), a Delaware
corporation,  is a diversified  equipment  leasing  company that  specializes in
transportation,  industrial,  and commercial  equipment,  both  domestically and
internationally.  Through  May 1996,  the  Company  also  syndicated  investment
programs  organized to invest primarily in transportation and related equipment.
The Company  continues  to manage  these  syndicated  investment  programs.  The
Company operates 19 rental yards specializing in short to mid-term  refrigerated
trailer  leasing to the food  service  industries.  The  Company  also has three
rental yards specializing in leasing dry van trailers.  As of December 31, 1999,
the Company  operated and managed  transportation,  industrial,  and  commercial
equipment  and related  assets for its own  account  and for various  investment
programs and third-party  investors with an approximate cost of $1.1 billion. An
organizational  chart for PLM  International  indicating  the  relationships  of
significant active legal entities as of December 31, 1999 is shown in Table 1:

                                    TABLE 1

                              ORGANIZATIONAL CHART

PLM International, Inc. (Delaware)

Subsidiaries of PLM International, Inc.

PLM Rental, Inc. (Delaware)
PLM Financial Services, Inc. (Delaware)
PLM Railcar Management Services, Inc. (Delaware)
PLM Worldwide Management Services Limited (Bermuda)
American Finance Group, Inc. (Delaware)

Subsidiaries of PLM Financial Services, Inc.

PLM Investment Management, Inc. (California)
PLM Transportation Equipment Corporation (California)
        (Subsidiary of PLM Transportation Equipment Corporation:
        TEC AcquiSub, Inc. (California)

Subsidiaries of PLM Worldwide Management Services Limited:

PLM Railcar Management Services Canada Limited (Alberta, Canada)

Subsidiary of American Finance Group, Inc.

AFG Credit Corporation (Delaware)


                          [PLM INTERNATIONAL GRAPHIC]

In October 1999, the Company  announced that the Company had engaged  investment
bankers  to  develop  strategic   alternatives  to  maximize  shareholder  value
including the possible sale of part or all of the Company.  In October 1999, the
Company agreed to sell American  Finance Group,  Inc. (AFG),  its commercial and
industrial  equipment leasing subsidiary for approximately $28.5 million, net of
transaction  costs and income taxes.  On February 25, 2000, the  shareholders of
PLM  International  approved the  transaction.  The sale of AFG was completed on
March 1, 2000, the Company  received $29.0 million for AFG. The Company  expects
to receive  additional  proceeds of $1.9  million in the second  quarter of 2000
related to the sale of AFG. Taxes and transaction  costs related to the sale are
estimated to be $5.0 million  resulting in estimated net proceeds to the Company
of $25.9 million. In addition,  AFG dividended to PLMI certain assets with a net
book value of $2.7 million immediately prior to the sale.

(B)     Description of Business

PLM  International,  a  Delaware  corporation  formed on May 20,  1987,  owns or
manages a portfolio  of  commercial  and  industrial  equipment,  transportation
equipment,  and related  assets with a combined  original cost of  approximately
$1.1  billion  (refer  to Table  2).  In 1999,  the  Company  operated  in three
operating segments: refrigerated and dry van (non-refrigerated) trailer leasing,
commercial and industrial equipment leasing and financing, and the management of
investment programs and other transportation equipment leasing.


                                                               TABLE 2

                                                    EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ASSETS

                                                          December 31, 1999
                                               (original cost in millions of dollars)

                                                                                  Management     Equipment      Other
                                                                                    Income        Growth      Investor
                                                                      PLMI          Fund I        Funds        Programs       Total
Commercial and industrial equipment                                   $  218        $ --          $ --          $ --          $  218
Refrigerated and dry van trailers                                        103             9            35          --             147
Aircraft, aircraft engines, and rotables                                --              35           200          --             235
Marine vessels                                                          --              51           145          --             196
Railcars                                                                --              20           123            49           192
Marine containers                                                       --              10            77          --              87
Other                                                                      2            19            42             3            66
Total                                                                 $  323        $  144        $  622        $   52        $1,141

(C)     Owned Equipment

(1) Refrigerated and Dry Van Trailers

PLM  Rental,  Inc.,  doing  business  as PLM  Trailer  Leasing,  a wholly  owned
subsidiary   of  PLMI,   markets   refrigerated   trailers   used  to  transport
temperature-sensitive  food products and dry van  (nonrefrigerated)  trailers on
short-term and mid-term operating leases through a network of rental facilities.
These trailers are owned by the Company or managed for the Company's  syndicated
investment programs.  Presently, the Company has 19 facilities primarily engaged
in  leasing  refrigerated  trailers,   located  in  or  near  Atlanta,  Georgia;
Baltimore,  Maryland; Boston,  Massachusetts;  Chicago, Illinois; Dallas, Texas;
Denver, Colorado;  Detroit,  Michigan;  Houston, Texas;  Indianapolis,  Indiana;
Kansas City,  Kansas;  Los Angeles,  California;  Miami,  Florida;  Newark,  New
Jersey; Orlando, Florida; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; San Francisco, California;
St. Louis, Missouri;  Seattle,  Washington; and Tampa, Florida. In addition, the
Company has three additional  facilities,  primarily  engaged in leasing dry van
trailers,  located in or near Atlanta, Georgia;  Chicago,  Illinois; and Newark,
New Jersey.  As of December  31,  1999,  the Company  owned 3,635  trailers  and
managed 2,383 trailers for its syndicated investment programs.


The Company's strategy is to specialize in refrigerated  trailers and become the
predominant  supplier of refrigerated  trailer rentals in the cities in which it
has facilities. During 1999, the Company purchased $42.5 million of refrigerated
trailers  and opened six new rental  yard  facilities.  The  Company  intends to
continue  to expand  its  refrigerated  trailer  leasing  operations  by opening
additional  rental yard  facilities  and by continuing to purchase  refrigerated
trailers in the future.

Leasing  Markets:   In  general,   the  trailer  leasing  industry  provides  an
alternative to direct trailer  ownership.  It is a highly  competitive  industry
offering  lease terms  ranging from one day to a term equal to the economic life
of the equipment.

Within the  trailer  leasing  industry,  there are  essentially  three  types of
leases: the full payout lease, the short-term rental, and the mid-term operating
lease.  The full  payout  lease,  in which  the  combined  rental  payments  are
sufficient  to cover a  lessor's  investment  and  provide  a return on it, is a
common  form of  leasing.  This  type of lease is  sometimes  referred  to,  and
qualifies  as, a direct  finance lease under United  States  generally  accepted
accounting  principles,  and is accounted for by the lessee as a purchase of the
underlying  asset. From the lessee's  perspective,  the election to enter into a
full  payout  lease is  usually  made on the basis of a  lease-versus-  purchase
analysis,  which  takes  into  account  the  lessee's  ability  to  utilize  the
depreciation tax benefits of ownership,  its liquidity and cost of capital,  and
financial  reporting  considerations.  Full payout leases are "net" leases where
the lessee pays for operating expenses such as maintenance, insurance, licenses,
and taxes.

Short-term  trailer  rentals and mid-term  operating  leases are  "full-service"
leases where the owner/lessor  provides and/or pays for operating  expenses such
as  maintenance,   insurance,   licenses,  and  taxes.  The  addition  of  these
value-added  services enables the lessor to charge higher rentals. The provision
of maintenance services results, in increased expenses, but under a full-service
contract,  the lessor levies usage charges for each mile the trailer travels and
each hour the  refrigeration  unit runs. The provision of  maintenance  services
also ensures the full-  services  lessor that the  equipment  is being  properly

Short-term  rental lessors direct their  services to users'  short-term  trailer
needs. This business requires a more extensive  overhead  commitment in the form
of marketing,  maintenance, and operating personnel by a lessor/owner.  There is
normally less than full  utilization in a lessor's  equipment  fleet,  as lessee
turnover  is  frequent.  Lessors  usually  charge a premium  for the  additional
flexibility  provided  through  short-term  rentals.   Generally,   lessees  use
short-term  trailer rentals to augment their own fleet when seasonal needs or an
unexpected surge in business occurs.

Mid-term  operating  leases for  trailers run for a period of one to five years.
Mid-term  operating  lease rates are usually higher than full payout lease rates
but lower  than  short-term  rental  rates.  From a  lessee's  perspective,  the
advantages  of a mid-term  operating  lease  compared to a full payout lease are
flexibility  in its equipment  commitment,  the fact that the rental  obligation
under the lease need not be capitalized on the lessee's  balance sheet,  greater
control over future costs,  protection against technological  obsolescence,  and
the ability to balance  equipment  requirements  over a specific period of time.
The disadvantages of a mid-term operating lease from a lessee's  perspective are
that the  equipment  may be subject to  significant  increases in lease rates in
future  leasing  periods or may be  required to be returned to the lessor at the
expiration of the initial lease. From the lessor's  perspective,  the advantages
of a mid-term  operating lease (as well as a short-term  rental),  compared to a
full payout lease, are that rental rates are generally higher, and in periods of
price  inflation,  there is the  potential  for  increasing  rentals  during the
equipment's economic life. From the lessor's perspective, the disadvantages of a
mid-term  operating lease (as well as a short-term  rental),  compared to a full
payout  lease,  are  that the  equipment  must  generally  be  re-leased  at the
expiration  of the  initial  lease term in order for the  lessor to recover  its
investment and that re-lease  rates are subject to changes in market  conditions
and changes in trailer or refrigeration unit design.

The Company markets  short-term  trailer rentals and mid-term trailer  operating
leases and avoids full payout  leases  because it believes  there is very little
value  added  beyond the  financing  provided  by the full  payout  leases.  The
Company's  emphasis on short-term trailer rentals and mid-term trailer operating
leases requires highly experienced management and local branch personnel, as the
equipment  must be properly  maintained and  periodically  re-leased to continue
generating rental income and thus maximize the long-term return on the trailers.

Lessees:  Lessees of trailer  equipment  range from Fortune  1,000  companies to
small  privately  held  corporations  and entities.  The Company's  refrigerated
trailer  lessees  are  primarily  engaged  in  the  production,  processing,  or
distribution of  temperature-sensitive  food products. The Company believes that
the demand for food products is less cyclical than the general economy.


In recent years, the Company has invested in specialized  refrigerated  trailers
used by the  foodservice  distribution  industry  in the local  delivery of food
products to restaurants,  schools, hospitals, and other institutional customers.
These trailers have  refrigeration  and delivery features designed to facilitate
multiple stops with multiple products,  requiring multiple  temperature settings
and  compartments.  These features are not found on traditional "" trailers used
to carry one product between cities. As a result,  foodservice distributors have
become an important customer base for the Company.

Competition:  The Company encounters  considerable  competition from lessors and
financial institutions offering full payout leases on new trailers.  Full payout
leases  provide  longer  lease  periods and lower  monthly rent than the Company
offers.  The  shorter-length  full  service  operating  leases  that the Company
provides offer lessees  flexibility and value-added  services such as the repair
and maintenance of the trailers.

The Company  competes with many trailer  lessors,  including TIP Corporation and
XTRA  Corporation,  on a national basis, and numerous smaller trailer lessors in
local markets. In addition, truck-leasing companies such as Ryder Transportation
Services and Penske  Corporation  provides  trailer  rental and leasing to their

Demand:  Demand  conditions for the Company's  major trailer types are discussed

Foodservice  Distribution  Trailers:  Sales within the foodservice  distribution
industry,  which represents the wholesale supply of food and related products to
restaurants,  grocers, hospitals, schools, and other purveyors of prepared food,
have  grown  at a 4.1%  annual  rate  over  the  past  five  years.  Foodservice
distribution  sales with the United  States are  estimated  to have reached over
$150 billion during 1999 and are expected to surpass $180 billion by 2005.

This growth is being driven by changes in consumer  demographics and lifestyles,
as more and more  consumers'  demand  fresher,  more  convenient  food products.
Increased  service demands by consumers  coupled with heightened fears over food
safety have  accelerated  the  development of new  technology  for  refrigerated
trailers  and have  caused  foodservice  distributors  to seek to upgrade  their
fleets by either  purchasing or leasing  newer,  more  technologically  advanced
trailers. More foodservice  distributors are considering leasing trailers due to
the lower  capital  outlays and  quicker  access to better  equipment  that this
option offers,  particularly  in view of the current six to twelve month backlog
on new trailer orders.

By focusing on meeting the growing needs of the United States food  distribution
industry,  PLM Trailer Leasing has been able to continue to increase utilization
of its specialized  refrigerated  trailers,  despite a one-third increase in the
size of its overall fleet during 1999.  Based on these trends and the attractive
long-term growth potential of the food distribution  market, the Company intends
to continue to expand its marketing to this industry.

Refrigerated    Trailers:    After   a   very   strong   year   in   1998,   the
temperature-controlled trailer market leveled off slightly in 1999, as equipment
users began to absorb the expanded  equipment  supply created over the prior two
years.  Refrigerated trailer users have been actively retiring their older units
and  consolidating  their  fleets in response to improved  refrigerated  trailer
technology. Concurrently, there is a backlog of six to nine months on orders for
new equipment.  As a result of these changes in the refrigerated trailer market,
it is anticipated that trucking  companies and shippers will utilize  short-term
trailer leases more frequently to supplement their existing fleets. Such a trend
should benefit PLM Trailer  Leasing,  which typically  leases its equipment on a
short-term  basis. As a result of continued  strong market  conditions  combined
with PLM Trailer  Leasing's  increased  market  penetration,  utilization of the
Company's   refrigerated   trailers   increased  from  nearly  70%  in  1998  to
approximately  76% in 1999.  These market  conditions and utilization  rates are
expected to continue during 2000.

Dry Trailers: The United States  non-refrigerated (dry) trailer market continued
its  recovery  during 1999,  as the strong  domestic  economy  resulted in heavy
freight volumes. With unemployment low, consumer confidence high, and industrial
production sound, the outlook for leasing this type of trailer remains positive,
particularly  as the equipment  surpluses of recent years are being  absorbed by
the buoyant  market.  In  addition  to high  freight  volumes,  improvements  in
inventory  turnover and tighter  turnaround times have led to a stronger overall
trucking industry and increased equipment demand. After remaining well above 70%
during 1998, the Company's dry van fleet ended 1999 at 78% utilization.

Government  Regulations:  The trailer  industry in which the Company operates is
subject  to  substantial  regulation  by  various  federal,   state,  and  local
government authorities. For example, federal regulations by the National Highway
Transportation  Safety  Association,  implemented in March 1998, require all new
trailers to have antilock brake systems installed,  adding 2% to 3% to the price
of new trailers but  increasing  safety while also reducing tire and brake wear.
An  enactment  such as this  affects the  performance  of trailers  owned by the
Company.  It is not


possible  to predict  the  positive  or  negative  effects of future  regulatory
changes in the trailer industry.

(2) Commercial and Industrial Equipment

American  Finance Group,  Inc.  (AFG), a wholly owned  subsidiary of PLMI, was a
Boston-based company that originated and managed lease and loan transactions for
commercial  and  industrial  equipment  for the  Company's  owned account or for
institutional  programs or other third-party  investors.  AFG served the capital
equipment  financing  needs of  predominantly  investment-grade,  Fortune  1,000
companies and creditworthy  middle-market  companies. AFG originated and managed
leases  and  loans  for  commercial  and  industrial  equipment;   utilized  its
transaction-structuring capabilities to tailor financing solutions that meet the
needs of its customers.  AFG took a security  interest in the assets on which it
provided  loans.  Assets  purchased  and loans  provided by AFG were financed by
nonrecourse  securitized debt. AFG used its warehouse credit facility to finance
the  acquisition  of assets  prior to their  sale or the  receipt  of  permanent
financing by  nonrecourse  securitized  debt.  The leases were  accounted for as
operating or direct finance leases.  In October 1999, the Company agreed to sell
American  Finance Group,  Inc.  (AFG),  its commercial and industrial  equipment
leasing subsidiary for approximately $28.5 million, net of transaction costs and
income  taxes.  On February  25, 2000,  the  shareholders  of PLM  International
approved the  transaction.  The sale of AFG was completed on March 1, 2000,  the
Company  received  $29.0  million  for  AFG.  The  Company  expects  to  receive
additional proceeds of $1.9 million in the second quarter of 2000 related to the
sale of AFG. Taxes and transaction costs related to the sale are estimated to be
$5.0  million  resulting  in  estimated  net  proceeds  to the  Company of $25.9
million.  In addition,  AFG  dividended  to PLMI certain  assets with a net book
value of $2.7 million immediately prior to the sale.

(D) Management of Investment Programs and Other Transportation Equipment Leasing

Management of Investment Programs

PLM Financial  Services,  Inc. (FSI), a wholly owned  subsidiary of PLMI,  along
with its primary  subsidiaries,  PLM Transportation  Equipment Corporation (TEC)
and PLM Investment Management, Inc. (IMI), focus on the management of investment
programs,  including a limited  liability  company,  limited  partnerships,  and
private   placement   programs,   which   acquire  and  lease   primarily   used
transportation  and related  equipment.  The Company has entered into management
agreements with these programs.

FSI  completed  the  offering  of 17  public  programs  that  have  invested  in
diversified  portfolios  of  transportation  and  related  equipment.  From 1986
through April 1995, FSI offered the PLM Equipment  Growth Fund (EGF)  investment
series.  From 1995 through May 1996, FSI offered  Professional  Lease Management
Income Fund I, a limited  liability  company  (Fund I) with a no  front-end  fee
structure. In May 1996, the Company announced that it no longer planned to offer
publicly  syndicated  programs  that  invest in  transportation  equipment.  The
Company plans to continue to manage the existing  programs.  Each of the EGF and
Fund I programs is  designed  to invest  primarily  in used  transportation  and
related equipment for lease in order to generate current operating cash flow for
distribution   to  investors  and  for   reinvestment   into   additional   used
transportation  and  related  equipment.  An  objective  of the  programs  is to
maximize the value of the equipment  portfolio and provide cash distributions to
investors by acquiring and managing  equipment for the benefit of the investors.
Cumulative  equity raised by PLM  International  for it's affiliated  investment
programs is $1.7 billion.

TEC is responsible for the selection,  negotiation  and purchase,  initial lease
and re-lease,  and sale of transportation  and related  equipment.  This process
includes identifying prospective lessees;  analyzing lessees'  creditworthiness;
negotiating lease terms; and negotiating with equipment  owners,  manufacturers,
or dealers for the purchase,  delivery, and inspection of equipment.  TEC or its
wholly owned  subsidiary,  TEC AcquiSub,  Inc.,  also  purchases  transportation
equipment for PLM International's own portfolio and on an interim basis prior to
resale to third  parties or  various  affiliated  programs  at the lower of fair
market value or cost.

IMI manages equipment owned by investors in the various investment programs. The
equipment consists of: aircraft (commercial and commuter),  aircraft engines and
rotables,   railcars,   trailers  (highway  and  intermodal,   refrigerated  and
nonrefrigerated),  marine containers (refrigerated and nonrefrigerated),  marine
vessels (dry bulk carriers,  marine feeder vessels, and product tankers). IMI is
obligated to invoice and collect rents;  arrange for the  maintenance and repair
of equipment;  arrange for the payment of operating expenses,  debt service, and
certain  taxes;  determine  that the  equipment is used in  accordance  with all
operative contractual arrangements; arrange insurance as appropriate; provide or
arrange for clerical and  administrative  services necessary to the operation of
the equipment;  correspond with program investors;  prepare quarterly and annual
financial  statements and tax information  materials;  and make distributions to
investors. IMI also monitors equipment regulatory requirements,  compliance with
investor  program debt  covenants  and terms of the various  investment  program


PLM Railcar Management Services,  Inc. (RMSI) markets and manages the investment
programs' railcar fleets.  RMSI is also involved in negotiating the purchase and
sale of railcars on behalf of IMI and TEC.

PLM Worldwide  Management  Services  Limited (WMS), a wholly owned subsidiary of
PLMI, is a Bermuda-based company that serves as the parent of several PLMI-owned
foreign-operating  entities and generates revenue from certain equipment leasing
and brokerage activities.

PLM Railcar  Management  Services Canada,  Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of
WMS  headquartered  in  Calgary,  Alberta,  Canada,  provides  fleet  management
services on behalf of IMI to the managed railcars operating in Canada.

Investment  in and  Management  of the EGFs,  Other  Limited  Partnerships,  and
Private Placements:  FSI earns revenues in connection with its management of the
limited  partnerships and private  placement  programs.  Equipment  acquisition,
lease  negotiation,  and debt  placement  fees are earned  through the purchase,
initial lease, and financing of equipment.  These fees are recognized as revenue
when FSI has completed  substantially all of the services required to earn them,
typically when binding commitment agreements are signed.

Management   fees  are  earned  for  managing  the  equipment   portfolios   and
administering  investor programs as provided for in the various agreements,  and
are  recognized  as  revenue  as  they  are  earned.  FSI is  also  entitled  to
reimbursement for providing certain administrative services.

With  the  termination  of  syndication  activities  in 1996,  management  fees,
acquisition fees, lease negotiation fees, and debt placement fees from the older
programs have decreased and are expected to continue to decrease as the programs
liquidate their equipment portfolios.

In  accordance  with  certain  limited  partnerships'  agreements,  four limited
partnerships have entered their liquidation phases and the Company has commenced
an  orderly  liquidation  of  the  partnerships'  assets.  Two  of  the  limited
partnerships,  PLM Equipment  Growth Fund III (EGF III) and PLM Equipment Growth
Fund IV (EGF IV) are expected to be  liquidated  by the end of 2000.  Two of the
limited partnerships,  PLM Equipment Growth Fund (EGFI) and PLM Equipment Growth
Fund II (EGFII) will terminate on December 31, 2006, unless  terminated  earlier
upon the sale of all equipment or by certain other events.

As compensation for organizing a partnership investment program, FSI, as General
Partner,  is granted an interest  (between 1% and 5%) in the  earnings  and cash
distributions of the program. FSI recognizes as partnership interests its equity
interest in the earnings of a program,  after adjusting such earnings to reflect
the effect of special  allocations  of the program's  gross income allowed under
the respective partnership agreements.

FSI also  recognizes as income its interest in the estimated net residual  value
of the assets of a partnership as the assets are purchased. The amounts recorded
are based on  management's  estimate of the net proceeds to be distributed  upon
disposition of a partnership's  equipment at the end of a partnership's life. As
assets are  purchased  by a  partnership,  their  residual  value is recorded as
partnership  interests  and other fees at the  present  value of FSI's  share of
estimated  disposition  proceeds.  FSI has not recorded any such residual income
since 1997 at which point the partnerships had invested all original capital. As
required by FASB Technical Bulletin 1986-2, the discount on FSI's residual value
interests  is not  accreted  over the holding  period.  FSI reviews the carrying
value of its residual  interests  quarterly or whenever  circumstances  indicate
that the  carrying  value of an asset  may not be  recoverable  in  relation  to
expected  future  market  values for the  equipment  in which it holds  residual
interests. When a limited partnership is in the liquidation phase, distributions
received  by FSI  are  treated  as  recoveries  of its  equity  interest  in the
partnership   until  the  recorded   residual  is  eliminated.   Any  additional
distributions received are treated as residual interest income.

In accordance with certain  investment program and partnership  agreements,  FSI
received reimbursement for organizational and offering costs incurred during the
offering  period,  which was between  1.5% and 3% of the equity  raised.  In the
event  organizational  and  offering  costs  incurred  by FSI, as defined by the
program  agreement,   exceeded  the  amounts  allowed,  the  excess  costs  were
capitalized  as an additional  investment  in the related  program and are being
amortized  until the projected  start of the  liquidation  phase of the program.
These  additional  investments are reflected as equity interest in affiliates in
the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.


Investment in and Management of Limited Liability Company: From 1995 through May
1996, Fund I, a limited liability company with a no front-end fee structure, was
offered as an investor  program.  FSI serves as the manager for the program.  No
compensation was paid to FSI or any of its subsidiaries for the organization and
syndication  of interests,  the  acquisition  of equipment,  the  negotiation of
leases, or the placement of debt in Fund I. FSI funded the cost of organization,
syndication, and offering through the use of operating cash, and has capitalized
these costs as its  investment in Fund I, which is reflected as equity  interest
in affiliates in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. FSI is amortizing
its investment in Fund I until the projected start of the  liquidation  phase of
the program. In return for its investment,  FSI is entitled to a 15% interest in
the cash  distributions  and earnings of Fund I,  subject to certain  allocation
provisions. FSI's interest in the cash distributions and earnings of Fund I will
increase to 25% after the investors have received  distributions  equal to their
invested  capital.  Management  fees  are  earned  for  managing  the  equipment
portfolios in Fund I, and are  recognized as revenue as they are earned.  FSI is
also entitled to reimbursement for providing certain administrative services.

FSI also  recognizes as income its interest in the estimated net residual  value
of the assets of Fund I as they are purchased. The amounts recorded are based on
management's  estimate of the net proceeds to be distributed upon disposition of
the  program's  equipment at the end of the program.  As assets are purchased by
Fund I, these residual-value interests are recorded in partnership interests and
other  fees at the  present  value  of  FSI's  share  of  estimated  disposition
proceeds.  As required by FASB Technical  Bulletin 1986-2, the discount on FSI's
residual value  interests is not accreted over the holding  period.  FSI reviews
the carrying value of its residual interests quarterly or whenever circumstances
indicate that the carrying value of an asset may not  recoverable in relation to
expected  future  market  values for the  equipment  in which it holds  residual
interests.  When Fund I is in the liquidation phase,  distributions  received by
FSI will be treated as  recoveries  of its equity  interest in the program until
the recorded residual is eliminated.  Any additional distributions received will
be treated as residual interest income.

Leasing Markets:  FSI, on behalf of its affiliated  investment programs,  leases
its  transportation   equipment  primarily  on  mid-term  operating  leases  and
short-term  rentals.  Leases  of  aircraft  are  net  operating  leases.  In net
operating  leases,  expenses such as insurance,  taxes,  and maintenance are the
responsibility of the lessees.  The effect of entering into net operating leases
is to reduce lease rates,  compared to  full-service  lease rates for comparable
lease terms.  Per diem rental  agreements are used on equipment in the Company's
refrigerated  and  trailer  and  container  rental  operations,  in  addition to
mid-term  operating  leases.  Railcar leases are  full-services  leases.  Marine
vessel leases may be either net operating  leases or full-service  leases.  In a
full-service  lease and a per diem rental,  the lessor  absorbs the  maintenance
costs. This allows the Company to insure proper maintenance of the equipment.

Lessees:  Lessees of the investment programs' equipment range from Fortune 1,000
companies to small  privately  held  corporations  and  entities.  All equipment
acquisitions,  equipment sales, and lease renewals  relating to equipment having
an original  cost basis in excess of $1.0  million  must be approved by a credit
committee.  The credit committee performs an in-depth review of each transaction
and  considers  many factors,  including  anticipated  residual  values from the
eventual  sale of the  equipment.  These  residuals  may be  affected by several
factors during the time the equipment is held,  including  changes in regulatory
environments  in which the  equipment  is operated,  the onset of  technological
obsolescence,  changes in equipment markets,  and perceived values for equipment
at the time of sale.  Because the impact of any of these factors is difficult to
forecast with accuracy over extended time  horizons,  the Company cannot predict
with certainty that the anticipated  residual values for equipment  selected for
acquisition  will  actually be realized  when the  equipment is sold.  Deposits,
prepaid  rents,  corporate  and personal  guarantees,  and letters of credit are
utilized,  when  necessary,  to provide  credit  support  for lessees who do not
satisfy the credit committee's financial requirements.

Competition:  When marketing operating leases for transportation assets owned by
the managed investment programs, the Company encounters considerable competition
from lessors  offering full payout leases on new equipment.  In comparing  lease
terms for the same  equipment,  full payout leases  provide longer lease periods
and lower monthly rents than the Company offers. The shorter length of operating
leases also provides  lessees with  flexibility  in their  equipment and capital

The Company  competes  with  transportation  equipment  manufacturers  who offer
operating  leases and full payout leases.  Manufacturers  may provide  ancillary
services that the Company cannot offer; such as specialized maintenance services
(including possible substitution of equipment),  warranty services, spare parts,
training, and trade-in privileges.


The Company  competes  with many  transportation  equipment  lessors,  including
Penske Corporation,  TIP Corporation,  GE Capital Railcar Services,  Inc., GATX,
Associates Commercial  Corporation,  Ryder Transportation  Services,  Inc., XTRA
Corporation,  GE Capital Aviation Services,  Inc.,  International  Lease Finance
Corporation,  Union Tank Car Company,  international  banks, and certain limited
partnerships, some of which lease the same type of equipment.

Government  Regulations:  The transportation  industry, in which the majority of
the  equipment  managed by the  Company  operates,  is  subject  to  substantial
regulation by various federal, state, local, and foreign government authorities.
For   example,   federal   regulations   issued  by  the  U.S.   Department   of
Transportation,  through the Federal  Railroad  Administration,  implemented  in
September  1998,  requires the inspection and repair of tanks in  Richmond-built
tank  cars  that  were  originally  equipped  with  "foam-in-place"  insulation,
resulting in additional  inspection and repair costs while increasing safety. In
addition,  the U.S.  Department of Transportation  Aircraft Capacity Act of 1990
limits the  operation of  commercial  aircraft in the United  States that do not
meet certain noise, aging, and corrosion  criteria.  Enactments like these could
affect the performance of equipment  managed by the Company.  It is not possible
to predict the positive or negative effects of future regulatory  changes in the
transportation industry.

Transportation Equipment Leasing and Other

The Company owns portable  on-site  storage units.  In January 1997, the Company
entered  into an  agreement  to lease all of its storage  equipment  assets to a
lessee for a five-year period, with a purchase option when the lease terminates.

The Company had an 80% interest in a company owning 100% of a company located in
Australia  that was  involved in aircraft  brokerage  and  aircraft  spare parts
sales. This company was sold during August 1998.

During the last few years, the Company has exited certain  equipment  markets by
selling or disposing of underperforming assets including railcars, aircraft, and
intermodal  trailers.  During 1998, the Company marketed  intermodal trailers to
railroads and shippers on short-term  arrangements through a licensing agreement
with a short-line  railroad.  These  intermodal  trailers were sold in the third
quarter of 1998.

(E) Employees

As of March 17, 2000, the Company and its subsidiaries  had 125 employees.  None
of the Company's  employees are subject to collective  bargaining  arrangements.
The Company believes that employee relations are good.


As of December 31, 1999, the Company owned trailer  equipment and related assets
with  an  original  cost of  approximately  $103  million,  and  commercial  and
industrial equipment with an original cost of approximately $218 million.

The  Company's  principal  offices  are  located in leased  office  space at One
Market,  Steuart  Street  Tower,  Suite 800, San  Francisco,  California.  As of
December 31, 1999, the Company or its subsidiaries  also leased business offices
in Boston,  Massachusetts;  Chicago,  Illinois; and Calgary, Alberta, Canada. In
addition,  the Company or its subsidiaries  lease trailer  equipment rental yard
facilities in Conley,  Georgia;  Romeoville,  Illinois;  Irving, Texas; Dearborn
Heights, Michigan;  Indianapolis,  Indiana; Kansas City, Kansas; Miami, Florida;
Orlando, Florida; Tampa, Florida; Baltimore, Maryland; Mansfield, Massachusetts;
Denver, Colorado;  Bensalem,  Philadelphia;  San Leandro,  California;  Fontana,
California;  Newark, New Jersey; Houston, Texas; Sumner,  Washington;  Pagedale,
Missouri; College Park, Georgia; Lemont, Illinois; and Bayonne, New Jersey.


The Company and various of its wholly owned subsidiaries are named as defendants
in a lawsuit  filed as a purported  class  action in January 1997 in the Circuit
Court of Mobile County, Mobile,  Alabama, Case No. CV-97- 251 (the Koch action).
The named  plaintiffs are six individuals  who invested in PLM Equipment  Growth
Fund IV (Fund IV), PLM Equipment  Growth Fund V (Fund V), PLM  Equipment  Growth
Fund VI (Fund VI),  and PLM  Equipment  Growth & Income Fund VII (Fund VII) (the
Partnerships),  each a California  limited  partnership  for which the Company's
wholly owned subsidiary, PLM Financial Services, Inc. (FSI), acts as the General
Partner. The complaint asserts causes of action against all defendants for fraud
and deceit, suppression, negligent


misrepresentation,  negligent and intentional breaches of fiduciary duty, unjust
enrichment,  conversion,  and conspiracy.  Plaintiffs allege that each defendant
owed plaintiffs and the class certain duties due to their status as fiduciaries,
financial  advisors,  agents,  and  control  persons.  Based  on  these  duties,
plaintiffs assert liability against  defendants for improper sales and marketing
practices,  mismanagement of the Partnerships, and concealing such mismanagement
from investors in the  Partnerships.  Plaintiffs seek  unspecified  compensatory
damages,  as well as punitive damages,  and have offered to tender their limited
partnership units back to the defendants.

In March 1997,  the  defendants  removed the Koch action from the state court to
the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama,  Southern
Division  (Civil  Action No.  97-0177-BH-C)  (the  court)  based on the  court's
diversity jurisdiction. In December 1997, the court granted defendants motion to
compel  arbitration of the named  plaintiffs'  claims,  based on an agreement to
arbitrate  contained in the limited  partnership  agreement of each Partnership.
Plaintiffs appealed this decision,  but in June 1998 voluntarily dismissed their
appeal pending settlement of the Koch action, as discussed below.

In June 1997, the Company and the affiliates who are also defendants in the Koch
action were named as defendants in another  purported  class action filed in the
San Francisco  Superior Court, San Francisco,  California,  Case No. 987062 (the
Romei  action).  The plaintiff is an investor in Fund V, and filed the complaint
on her own  behalf and on behalf of all class  members  similarly  situated  who
invested in the Partnerships.  The complaint alleges the same facts and the same
causes of action as in the Koch action, plus additional causes of action against
all of the  defendants,  including  alleged  unfair and deceptive  practices and
violations of state  securities law. In July 1997,  defendants  filed a petition
(the  petition)  in federal  district  court under the Federal  Arbitration  Act
seeking to compel  arbitration  of  plaintiff's  claims.  In October  1997,  the
district court denied the Company's  petition,  but in November 1997,  agreed to
hear the Company's motion for reconsideration. Prior to reconsidering its order,
the district  court  dismissed  the  petition  pending  settlement  of the Romei
action,  as  discussed  below.  The state court  action  continues  to be stayed
pending such resolution.

In February 1999 the parties to the Koch and Romei actions  agreed to settle the
lawsuits,  with  no  admission  of  liability  by any  defendant,  and  filed  a
Stipulation  of Settlement  with the court.  The  settlement is divided into two
parts,  a  monetary  settlement  and  an  equitable  settlement.   The  monetary
settlement  provides  for  a  settlement  and  release  of  all  claims  against
defendants  in  exchange  for payment for the benefit of the class of up to $6.6
million.  The final settlement  amount will depend on the number of claims filed
by class members,  the amount of the administrative costs incurred in connection
with the  settlement,  and the amount of attorneys' fees awarded by the court to
plaintiffs'  attorneys.  The Company will pay up to $0.3 million of the monetary
settlement,  with  the  remainder  being  funded  by an  insurance  policy.  For
settlement  purposes,  the monetary  settlement class consists of all investors,
limited partners, assignees, or unit holders who purchased or received by way of
transfer or assignment  any units in the  Partnerships  between May 23, 1989 and
June 29, 1999. The monetary settlement,  if approved, will go forward regardless
of whether the equitable settlement is approved or not.

The equitable  settlement  provides,  among other things, for: (a) the extension
(until  January 1, 2007) of the date by which FSI must complete  liquidation  of
the Partnerships'  equipment, (b) the extension (until December 31, 2004) of the
period  during  which FSI can  reinvest the  Partnerships'  funds in  additional
equipment,  (c)  an  increase  of up to  20% in the  amount  of  front-end  fees
(including  acquisition and lease negotiation fees) that FSI is entitled to earn
in  excess of the  compensatory  limitations  set  forth in the  North  American
Securities  Administrator's  Association's  Statement of Policy;  (d) a one-time
repurchase  by each of  Funds  V, VI and VII of up to 10% of that  partnership's
outstanding units for 80% of net asset value per unit; and (e) the deferral of a
portion of the  management  fees paid to an  affiliate  of FSI  until,  if ever,
certain  performance  thresholds have been met by the  Partnerships.  Subject to
final court approval, these proposed changes would be made as amendments to each
Partnership's  limited  partnership  agreement  if less than 50% of the  limited
partners of each Partnership vote against such amendments.  The limited partners
will be provided the opportunity to vote against the amendments by following the
instructions  contained in  solicitation  statements that will be mailed to them
after being filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  The equitable
settlement  also  provides  for  payment of  additional  attorneys'  fees to the
plaintiffs' attorneys from Partnership funds in the event, if ever, that certain
performance  thresholds  have  been  met  by  the  Partnerships.  The  equitable
settlement class consists of all investors,  limited partners, assignees or unit
holders who on June 29,  1999 held any units in Funds V, VI, and VII,  and their
assigns and successors in interest.

The court preliminarily  approved the monetary and equitable settlements in June
1999. The monetary settlement remains subject to certain  conditions,  including
notice to the monetary class and final  approval by the court  following a final
fairness  hearing.   The  equitable   settlement   remains  subject  to  certain
conditions, including: (a) notice to the equitable class, (b) disapproval of the
proposed  amendments  to the  partnership  agreements  by less  than  50% of the
limited  partners  in one or more of  Funds V, VI,  and  VII,  and (c)  judicial
approval  of the  proposed


amendments and final approval of the equitable settlement by the court following
a final fairness hearing.  No hearing date is currently  scheduled for the final
fairness  hearing.  The Company continues to believe that the allegations of the
Koch and Romei actions are  completely  without merit and intends to continue to
defend this matter vigorously if the monetary settlement is not consummated.

The Company is involved as plaintiff or defendant in various other legal actions
incidental  to its  business.  Management  does  not  believe  that any of these
actions will be material to the financial condition of the Company.


At the  Meeting of  Stockholders  held  February  25,  2000,  one  proposal  was
submitted to a vote of the Company's security holders.

The proposal to sell the American Finance Group, Inc. (AFG) was approved.

            For                      Against                 Abstentions
         4,871,355                   26,116                     28,013


                                    PART II


The  Company's  common stock trades under the ticker symbol PLMI on the American
Stock Exchange  (AMEX).  As of the date of this annual  report,  the Company has
7,712,609  common shares  outstanding and  approximately  3,009  shareholders of

Table 3, below,  sets forth the  quarterly  high and low prices of the Company's
common stock for 1999 and 1998, as reported by the AMEX:

                                     TABLE 3

  Calendar Period                                 High             Low
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1st Quarter                                      $ 6.250         $ 5.310
2nd Quarter                                        6.750           5.500
3rd Quarter                                        5.940           4.500
4th Quarter                                        6.130           4.440

1st Quarter                                      $ 6.250         $ 5.063
2nd Quarter                                        9.250           5.813
3rd Quarter                                        7.750           5.438
4th Quarter                                        7.000           5.063

During 1998, the Company repurchased 106,200 shares for $0.6 million, completing
the $5.0 million common stock repurchases program announced in March 1997.

In 1998,  the Company  announced  that its Board of Directors had authorized the
repurchase  of up to $1.1 million of the Company's  common  stock.  During 1998,
170,300 shares were repurchased under this plan for a total of $1.1 million.

In  December  1998,  the  Company  announced  that its  Board of  Directors  had
authorized the  repurchase of up to $5.0 million of the Company's  common stock.
During 1998,  63,300 shares had been repurchased  under this plan for a total of
$0.4 million. During 1999, 666,779 shares were repurchased under this plan for a
total of $4.0 million.

Additional future  repurchases may be made in the open market or through private



                                                      Years ended December 31,
                                         (in thousands of dollars, except per share amounts)

                                                                 1999           1998            1997          1996           1995
Results of operations:
  Revenue                                                     $  37,265       $  30,120      $  31,169      $  39,751      $  54,748
  Income before income taxes                                      3,832           2,833            375          2,160          7,477
  Net Income from continuing operations                           2,345           1,679            798          2,968          5,798
  Net income from discontinued operations                           811           3,178          3,869          1,127            250
  Loss on disposition of discontinued
    operations                                                     (550)           --             --             --             --
  Net income before cumulative
    effect of accounting change                                   2,606           4,857          4,667          4,095          6,048
  Cumulative effect of accounting change                           (250)           --             --             --             --
  Net income to common shares                                     2,356           4,857          4,667          4,095          6,048
  Basic earnings per weighted-
    average common share outstanding:
    Income from continuing operations                              0.29            0.20           0.09           0.30           0.50
    Income from discontinued operations                            0.10            0.38           0.42           0.11           0.02
    Loss from disposition of discontinued
       operations                                                 (0.07)           --             --             --             --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                        (0.03)           --             --             --             --
    Net income to common shares                                    0.29            0.58           0.51           0.41           0.52

Financial position:
  Total assets                                                $ 152,197       $ 127,546      $ 118,571      $ 120,081      $ 126,209
  Long-term secured debt                                         80,200          56,047         44,844         43,618         47,853
  Shareholders' equity                                           49,413          50,197         46,548         46,320         48,620



Trailer Leasing

The Company operates 22 trailer rental  facilities that engage in short-term and
mid-term operating leases.  Nineteen of these facilities  operate  predominantly
refrigerated  trailers  used  to  transport  temperature-sensitive  commodities,
consisting  primarily of food products.  Three  facilities  operate only dry van
(non-refrigerated)  trailers.  The Company  intends to move virtually all of its
dry van  trailers to these  facilities.  In 1999,  the Company  opened three new
refrigerated  trailer yards. During 1999, the Company purchased $42.5 million of
refrigerated trailers equipment.

Management of Investment Programs

The Company has syndicated  investment programs from which it earns various fees
and equity interests.  Professional Lease Management Income Fund I, LLC (Fund I)
was structured as a limited liability company with a no front-end fee structure.
The  previously  syndicated  limited  partnership  programs allow the Company to
receive fees for the acquisition and initial leasing of the equipment.  The Fund
I program  does not provide for  acquisition  and lease  negotiation  fees.  The
Company  invested the equity raised  through  syndication  for these programs in
transportation  equipment and related assets, which it then manages on behalf of
the investors.  The equipment management  activities for these types of programs
generate  equipment  management fees for the Company over the life of a program.
The  limited  partnership  agreements  entitle the Company to receive a 1% or 5%
interest in the cash  distributions  and earnings of a  partnership,  subject to
certain  allocation  provisions.  The Fund I agreement entitles the Company to a
15% interest in the cash  distributions and earnings of the program,  subject to
certain  allocation  provisions.  The  Company's  interest in the  earnings  and
distributions  of Fund I will increase to 25% after the investors  have received
distributions equal to their original invested capital.

In 1996, the Company announced the suspension of public syndication of equipment
leasing  programs  with  the  close  of Fund I. As a  result  of this  decision,
revenues  earned  from  managed   programs,   which  include   management  fees,
partnership  interests and other fees,  and  acquisition  and lease  negotiation
fees,  will be  reduced in the future as the older  programs  liquidate  and the
managed equipment portfolio for these programs becomes permanently reduced.

In  accordance  with  certain  limited  partnerships'  agreements,  four limited
partnerships have entered their liquidation phases and the Company has commenced
an  orderly  liquidation  of  the  partnerships'  assets.  Two  of  the  limited
partnerships,  PLM Equipment  Growth Fund III (EGF III) and PLM Equipment Growth
Fund IV (EGF IV) are expected to be  liquidated  by the end of 2000.  Two of the
limited partnerships, PLM Equipment Growth Fund (EGF I) and PLM Equipment Growth
Fund II (EGF II) will terminate on December 31, 2006, unless terminated  earlier
upon the sale of all equipment or by certain other events.

The Company will  occasionally  own  transportation  equipment  prior to sale to
affiliated  programs.  During this period,  the Company  earns lease revenue and
incurs interest expense.

Commercial and Industrial Equipment Leasing and Financing

The Company  funded and  managed  long-term  direct  finance  leases,  operating
leases,  and loans through its American  Finance Group,  Inc. (AFG)  subsidiary.
Master lease  agreements were entered into with  predominately  investment-grade
lessees and served as the basis for marketing  efforts.  The  underlying  assets
represented  a broad range of  commercial  and  industrial  equipment,  such as:
point-of-sale,  materials  handling,  computer  and  peripheral,  manufacturing,
general purpose plant and warehouse,  communications,  medical, and construction
and  mining  equipment.  Through  AFG,  the  Company  was  also  engaged  in the
management of institutional programs for which it originated leases and received
acquisition and management  fees. The Company also earned  syndication  fees for
arranging purchases and sales of equipment to other unaffiliated third parties.

In October  1999,  the  Company  agreed to sell its  commercial  and  industrial
equipment  subsidiary American Finance Group, Inc. (AFG) for approximately $28.5
million,  net of transaction  costs and income taxes.  On February 25, 2000, the
shareholders of PLM International approved the transaction.  The sale of AFG was
completed  on March 1, 2000,  the Company  received  $29.0  million for AFG. The
Company  expects to receive  additional  proceeds of $1.9  million in the second
quarter of 2000 related to the sale of AFG. Taxes and transaction  costs related
to the sale are estimated to be $5.0 million resulting in estimated net proceeds
to the Company of $25.9  million.  In addition,  AFG  dividended to PLMI certain
assets with a net book value of $2.7


million immediately prior to the sale.

Accordingly,  the Company's  commercial  and industrial  leasing  operations are
accounted for as a discontinued operation and prior periods financial statements
have been restated.

Comparison of the Company's  Operating  Results for the Years Ended December 31,
1999 and 1998

The following analysis reviews the operating results of the Company:


                                                                                                      1999                    1998
                                                                                                       (in thousands of dollars)
Operating lease income                                                                              $ 25,755                $ 12,012
Management fees                                                                                        8,167                   9,385
Partnership interests and other fees                                                                     657                     917
Acquisition and lease negotiation fees                                                                 1,354                   3,253
Aircraft brokerage and services                                                                         --                     1,090
(Loss) gain on the sale or disposition of assets, net                                                    (49)                  1,526
Other                                                                                                  1,381                   1,937
                                                                                                    --------                --------
  Total revenues                                                                                    $ 37,265                $ 30,120

The  fluctuations in revenues between 1999 and 1998 are summarized and explained

                                                                                                    1999                      1998
                                                                                                       (in thousands of dollars)
Refrigerated and dry van trailers                                                                  $24,591                   $ 9,743
Lease income from assets held for sale                                                               1,155                       412
Intermodal trailers                                                                                   --                       1,706
Other                                                                                                    9                       151
                                                                                                   -------                   -------
  Total operating lease income                                                                     $25,755                   $12,012

Operating  lease  income  includes  revenues  generated  from  assets  held  for
operating  leases and assets  held for sale that are on lease.  A $13.7  million
increase in operating  lease income  during 1999 compared to 1998 was due to the

(a)  A $14.8  million  increase in  operating  lease income was  generated  from
     refrigerated and dry van trailers.  The increase was due to the addition of
     six rental  yards in 1998 and an addition  of six rental  yards in 1999 and
     purchase  of $34.1  million of trailer  equipment  in 1998 and  purchase of
     $42.5 million of trailer equipment in 1999.

(b)  A $0.7 million increase in operating lease income was generated from assets
     held for sale. During 1999, the Company purchased and sold $21.8 million in
     marine containers to affiliated  programs at cost, which approximated their
     fair market  value.  The Company  earned $1.2  million in  operating  lease
     income on these  marine  containers  during 1999 prior to their sale to the
     affiliated  programs.  During  1998,  the  Company  owned an interest in an
     entity  owning a marine  vessel that  generated  $0.4  million in operating
     lease  income.  The Company  sold its interest in the entity that owned the
     marine  vessel  at  cost,  which  approximated  fair  market  value,  to an
     affiliated program during 1998.

These  increases  in  operating  lease  income were  partially  offset by a $1.8
million  decrease in intermodal  trailer and other operating lease income due to
the Company's strategic decision to dispose of certain transportation assets and
exit certain equipment markets.

Management fees:

Management fees are, for the most part, based on the gross revenues generated by
equipment under management.  Management fees decreased $1.2 million during 1999,
compared to 1998.  The decrease in management  fees resulted from a net decrease
in managed equipment from the PLM Equipment Growth Fund (EGF) programs and other
managed  programs.  With the  termination  of  syndication  activities  in 1996,


management  fees from the older  programs  are  decreasing  and are  expected to
continue to decrease as the programs liquidate their equipment portfolios.

Partnership interests and other fees:

The Company  records as  revenues  its equity  interest  in the  earnings of the
Company's affiliated programs. The net earnings and distribution levels from the
affiliated  programs  were  $1.4  million  and $1.7  million  for 1999 and 1998,
respectively.  In addition, a decrease of $0.8 million in the Company's residual
interests in the programs was recorded during 1999 and 1998. The decrease in the
equity interest in the earnings of the affiliated  programs in 1999, compared to
1998,  resulted  mainly from the  disposition of equipment in certain of the EGF
programs. Residual income is based on the General Partner's share of the present
value of the estimated  disposition  proceeds of the equipment portfolios of the
affiliated  partnerships  when the  equipment  is  purchased.  Decreases  in the
recorded residual value result when partnership assets are sold and the proceeds
are less than the original investment in the sold equipment.

Acquisition and lease negotiation fees:

During  1999,   the  Company,   on  behalf  of  the  EGF   programs,   purchased
transportation and other equipment,  along with beneficial interests in entities
that own marine  containers and a commercial  aircraft,  for $51.7  million.  In
1998,  $60.4  million in  transportation  and other  equipment  and a beneficial
interest in entities that own marine  containers and a commercial  aircraft were
purchased on behalf of the EGFs.  This  resulted in a $1.9  million  decrease in
acquisition and lease negotiation fees in 1999 compared to 1998. The Company did
not  take   acquisition  and  lease   negotiation   fees  on  $26.1  million  of
transportation  and other  equipment,  as the Company  has  reached  certain fee
limitations  for one of its limited  partnership  programs  per the  partnership
agreement.  Because of the Company's  decision to halt  syndication of equipment
leasing  programs with the close of Fund I in 1996,  and because Fund I has a no
front-end  fee  structure,  acquisition  and  lease  negotiation  fees  will  be
substantially reduced in the future.

Aircraft brokerage and services:

Aircraft  brokerage and services  revenue,  which  represents  revenue earned by
Aeromil  Holdings,  Inc., the Company's  aircraft spare part sales and brokerage
subsidiary,  decreased  $1.1 million  during 1999,  compared to 1998, due to the
sale of this subsidiary in August 1998.

(Loss) gain on the sale or disposition of assets, net:

During 1999, the Company  recorded a $49,000 net loss on the sale or disposition
of trailers.  During 1998, the Company recorded $1.5 million in net gains on the
sale or disposition of assets. Of this gain, $1.0 million resulted from the sale
or disposition of an aircraft engine, a 20% interest in a commuter aircraft, and
trailers,  which the company  previously  leased.  Also during 1998, the Company
purchased and  subsequently  sold railcars to an unaffiliated  third party for a
net gain of $0.5 million.


Other  revenues  decreased  $0.6 million  during 1999,  compared to 1998. A $0.3
million  decrease in other revenue was due to lower data  processing fees earned
from the affiliated  programs.  A $0.2 million  decrease in underwriting  income
from Transportation Equipment Indemnity Company, Ltd. (TEI) due to TEI providing
less insurance  coverage to the investment  programs than in previous years. TEI
was  liquidated  during the first  quarter of 2000. A $0.1  million  decrease in
miscellaneous  income  from  Aeromil  Holdings,  Inc.  due to the  sale  of this
subsidiary in August 1998.

Costs and Expenses

                                                                                                  1999                        1998
                                                                                                      (in thousands of dollars)
Operations support                                                                               $14,148                     $12,383
Depreciation and amortization                                                                      8,097                       4,868
General and administrative                                                                         6,828                       7,624
                                                                                                 -------                     -------
  Total costs and expenses                                                                       $29,073                     $24,875


Operations support:

Operations  support expense,  including salary and  office-related  expenses for
operational  activities,  equipment  insurance,  repair and  maintenance  costs,
equipment  remarketing  costs,  costs of goods sold,  and provision for doubtful
accounts,  increased $1.8 million (14%) for 1999,  compared to 1998.  Operations
support expense  related to the trailer  leasing segment  increased $6.3 million
due to the  expansion of PLM Rental,  the addition of a total of 12 rental yards
in 1998 and 1999 and  purchase of $76.6  million  trailer  equipment in 1998 and
1999.  This  increase  was  partially  offset  by a  $4.5  million  decrease  in
operations support expenses related to the management of investment programs and
other transportation equipment leasing segment, and other expenses mainly due to
the sale of the Company's aircraft leasing and spare parts brokerage  subsidiary
in  August  1998  and  the  sale of  other  transportation  equipment  including
intermodal trailers (discussed in the operating lease income section).

Depreciation and amortization:

Depreciation  and amortization  expenses  increased $3.2 million (66%) for 1999,
compared  to  1998.  An  increase  of $3.8  million  was due to an  increase  in
refrigerated  trailer  equipment owned and on operating lease. This increase was
partially  offset by the reduction of $0.6 million in depreciation  expense from
intermodal trailers and other equipment due to the sale of this equipment.

General and administrative:

General and  administrative  expenses  decreased $0.8 million (10%) during 1999,
compared to 1998 due to a $0.6  million  decrease in  compensation  and benefits
expense,  a $0.5 million decrease in rent and office related expenses and a $0.1
million decrease in insurance expense. These decreases were due to a decrease in
staffing and office space requirements. These decreases were partially offset by
an increase of $0.4 million in legal fees and  professional  services related to
the AFG sale.

Other Income and Expenses

                                                      1999               1998
                                                      (in thousands of dollars)
Interest expense                                     $(5,424)           $(3,826)
Interest income                                          343                941
Other income, net                                        721                473

Interest expense:

Interest  expense  increased  $1.6 million (42%) during 1999,  compared to 1998.
Interest expense increased $1.7 million due to an increase in borrowings to fund
trailer purchases.  The increase caused by these borrowings was partially offset
by lower  interest  expense of $0.1 million  resulting  from  reductions  in the
amount outstanding on the senior secured notes.

Interest income:

Interest  income  decreased $0.6 million (64%) during 1999,  compared to 1998. A
decrease  of $0.3  million was due to lower cash  balances  in 1999  compared to
1998.  The decrease in interest  income was also due to $0.3 million of interest
income recorded in 1998 for a tax refund receivable that had not previously been
recognized. No similar interest income was recorded in 1999.

Other income, net:

Other income in 1999 was $0.7 million,  compared to $0.5 million in 1998.  Other
income of $0.7 million in 1999  represents $0.8 million of mileage credit income
received from the railroads, partially offset by a litigation settlement of $0.1
million. During 1998, the Company recorded income of $0.7 million related to the
settlement of a lawsuit  against Tera Power  Corporation and recorded an expense
of $0.3 million  related to a legal  settlement  for the Koch and Romei  actions
(refer to Note 11 to the consolidated financial statements).


Provision for Income Taxes

For 1999,  the  provision  for income taxes was $1.5  million,  representing  an
effective  rate from  continuing  operations of 39%. For 1998, the provision for
income taxes was $1.2 million,  representing  an effective rate from  continuing
operations of 41%. The increase in effective rate of 3% was due to a reversal of
investment  tax credit taken in 1995.  The increase was offset by 1% decrease in
effective  rate due to  additional  tax loss related to Aeromil  Holdings,  Inc.
which was sold in August 1998.

Net Income from Discontinued Operations

In October  1999,  the  Company  agreed to sell its  commercial  and  industrial
equipment  subsidiary American Finance Group, Inc. (AFG) for approximately $28.5
million,  net of transaction  costs and income taxes.  On February 25, 2000, the
shareholders of PLM  International  approved the transaction.  Accordingly,  the
Company's  commercial and industrial  leasing  operations are accounted for as a
discontinued   operation  and  prior  periods  financial  statements  have  been

Net income from discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 1999 and
1998 are as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                                           1999          1998
Operating lease income                                   $ 10,714      $  7,935
Finance lease income                                       10,500        12,506
Management fees                                               743           818
Acquisition and lease negotiation fees                       --             721
Gain on sale or disposition of assets, net                  2,159         3,167
Other                                                       2,177         1,811
    Total revenues                                         26,293        26,958

Costs and expenses
Operations support                                          5,178         4,650
Depreciation and amortization                               9,527         6,965
    Total costs and expenses                               14,705        11,615

Operating income                                           11,588        15,343

Interest expense                                           (9,881)      (10,782)
Interest income                                               568           505
Other expenses                                               (975)         --
  Income before income taxes                                1,300         5,066
Provision for income taxes                                    489         1,888
Net income from discontinued operations                  $    811      $  3,178

Net income from  discontinued  operations  was $0.8 million for 1999 compared to
$3.2 million for 1998.  Income from  discontinued  operations  for 1999 and 1998
included revenues of $26.3 million and $27.0 million, respectively.

Operating lease income from discontinued  operations  increased to $10.7 million
for 1999,  compared to $7.9 million for 1998 due to an increase in the amount of
commercial and industrial equipment owned and on operating leases. Finance lease
income  decreased to $10.5  million for 1999  compared to $12.5 million for 1998
due to a decrease  in  commercial  and  industrial  assets  that were on finance

Acquisition and lease  negotiation fees from discontinued  operations  decreased
$0.7 million for 1999,  compared to 1998 due to no equipment  being purchased by
AFG for the  institutional  investment  programs during 1999,  compared to $26.0
million in 1998, for which the Company  earned $0.7 million of  acquisition  and
lease negotiation fees.

During 1999 and 1998, AFG recorded $2.2 million and $3.2 million in gains on the
sale or disposition of commercial and industrial  equipment,  respectively.  The
decrease in the gain on the sale was due to less equipment  being disposed of in
1999 compared to 1998.  The original  cost of equipment  disposed of during 1999
was $59.3 million compared to $98.6 million during 1998.

Operations  support from discontinued  operations  increased to $5.2 million for
1999  compared  to  $4.7  million  for  1998  primarily  due to an  increase  in
compensation  expense  resulting  from a new bonus program  initiated in 1999 to
retain AFG employees during AFG's sale.  Depreciation and amortization  expenses
increased to $9.5 million


for 1999, compared to $7.0 million for 1998 due to an increase in commercial and
industrial equipment on operating leases.

Interest  expense of AFG  decreased to $9.9  million for 1999  compared to $10.8
million for 1998 due to lower average debt outstanding during 1999,  compared to
1998.  Other expenses of $1.0 million in 1999  represent the expense  related to
the proposed  initial public  offering of AFG. During the first quarter of 1999,
the Company's  Board of Directors  determined  that it was in the Company's best
interest to sell AFG rather than proceed with a stock  offering,  and  therefore
wrote off all associated offering costs.

Loss on disposition of discontinued operations

The  Company  recorded  a $0.6  million  loss  on  disposition  of  discontinued
operations during 1999, there was no similar loss in 1998.

Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change

In April 1998, the American  Institute of Certified  Public  Accountants  issued
Statement of Position  98-5,  "Reporting  on the Costs of Start-Up  Activities,"
which requires costs related to start-up  activities to be expensed as incurred.
The  statement  requires  that initial  application  be reported as a cumulative
effect of a change in accounting  principle.  The Company adopted this statement
during the first quarter of 1999,  at which time it took a $0.3 million  charge,
net of tax of $0.1  million,  related to start-up  costs of its  commercial  and
industrial  equipment  leasing  subsidiary  which  is  being  accounted  for  as
discontinued operations.

Net Income

As a result of the  foregoing,  1999 net income was $2.5  million,  resulting in
basic and diluted  earnings per  weighted-average  common share  outstanding  of
$0.32 and $0.31, respectively.  For 1998, net income was $4.9 million, resulting
in basic and diluted earnings per  weighted-average  common share outstanding of
$0.58 and $0.57, respectively.

Comparison of the Company's  Operating  Results for the Years Ended December 31,
1998 and 1997

The following analysis reviews the operating results of the Company:


                                                           1998          1997
                                                       (in thousands of dollars)
Operating lease income                                    $12,012     $10,602
Management fees                                             9,385      10,546
Partnership interests and other fees                          917       1,306
Acquisition and lease negotiation fees                      3,253       2,356
Aircraft brokerage and services                             1,090       2,466
Gain on the sale or disposition of assets, net              1,526       1,745
Other                                                       1,937       2,148
  Total revenues                                          $30,120     $31,169

The  fluctuations in revenues between 1998 and 1997 are summarized and explained

Operating lease income by equipment type:

                                                          1998           1997
                                                       (in thousands of dollars)

Refrigerated and dry van trailers                        $ 9,743       $ 5,539
Intermodal trailers                                        1,706         3,083
Lease income from assets held for sale                       412         1,104
Aircraft and aircraft engine                                  74           655
Marine containers                                           --             188
Other                                                         77            33
  Total operating lease income                           $12,012       $10,602


Operating  lease  income  includes  revenues  generated  from  assets  held  for
operating  leases and assets held for sales that are on lease.  Operating  lease
income  increased  $1.4  million  during 1998,  compared to 1997,  due to a $4.2
million increase in operating lease income which was generated from refrigerated
and dry van trailer  equipment,  due to an increase in the amount of these types
of equipment owned and on operating lease.

These  increases  in  operating  lease  income  were  partially  offset  by  the

(a)  A $2.1 million decrease in marine container,  aircraft and aircraft engine,
     and  intermodal  trailer  operating  lease  income  due  to  the  Company's
     strategic  decision  to dispose of certain  transportation  assets and exit
     certain equipment markets.

(b)  A $0.7  million  decrease in  operating  lease  income from assets held for
     sale.  During 1998, the Company  purchased an entity owning a marine vessel
     that generated $0.4 million in operating lease income. The Company sold the
     entity that owned the marine vessel,  at the Company's  cost, to affiliated
     programs in 1998.  During 1997,  the Company  owned a 47.5%  interest in an
     entity  that  owned a  marine  vessel,  which  generated  $0.5  million  in
     operating  lease  income  during  that  year.  The  Company  sold the 47.5%
     interest in the entity that owned the marine vessel, at the Company's cost,
     to an  affiliated  program in 1997. In addition,  during 1997,  the Company
     owned one mobile offshore  drilling unit, as well as a 25.5% interest in an
     entity that owned another mobile  offshore  drilling unit,  which generated
     $0.6 million in operating  lease income.  Both of these drilling units were
     sold at the  Company's  cost to an  affiliated  program  during  the  first
     quarter of 1997.

Management fees:

Management fees are, for the most part, based on the gross revenues generated by
equipment under management.  Management fees decreased $1.2 million during 1998,
compared to 1997.  The decrease in management  fees resulted from a net decrease
in managed equipment from the PLM Equipment Growth Fund (EGF) programs and other
managed  programs.  With the  termination  of  syndication  activities  in 1996,
management  fees from the older  programs  are  decreasing  and are  expected to
continue to decrease as the programs liquidate their equipment portfolios.

Partnership interests and other fees:

The Company  records as  revenues  its equity  interest  in the  earnings of the
Company's affiliated programs. The net earnings and distribution levels from the
affiliated  programs  were  $1.7  million  and $2.3  million  for 1998 and 1997,
respectively.  In  addition,  a decrease of $0.8 million and $1.0 million in the
Company's  residual interests in the programs was recorded during 1998 and 1997,
respectively.  The decrease in net earnings and distribution levels and residual
interests in 1998,  compared to 1997,  resulted  mainly from the  disposition of
equipment  in  certain  of the EGF  programs.  Residual  income  is based on the
General  Partner's  share  of the  present  value of the  estimated  disposition
proceeds of the equipment  portfolios of the  affiliated  partnerships  when the
equipment is  purchased.  Decreases in the recorded  residual  value result when
partnership  assets  are  sold and the  proceeds  are  less  than  the  original
investment in the sold equipment.

Acquisition and lease negotiation fees:

During  1998,   the  Company,   on  behalf  of  the  EGF   programs,   purchased
transportation and other equipment,  along with beneficial interests in entities
that own  marine  containers  and a  commercial  aircraft,  for  $60.4  million,
compared to $42.8 million in transportation  equipment and a beneficial interest
in a marine  vessel and  aircraft  purchased  on behalf of the EGFs during 1997,
resulting in a $0.9 million increase in acquisition and lease negotiation fees.

Aircraft brokerage and services:

Aircraft  brokerage and services  revenue,  which  represents  revenue earned by
Aeromil  Holdings,  Inc., the Company's  aircraft spare part sales and brokerage
subsidiary,  decreased $1.4 million during 1998, compared to 1997. A decrease of
$1.2  million in spare parts sales was due to decrease  demand for this  product
and a decrease of $0.2 million was due to the sale of this  subsidiary in August

Gain on the sale or disposition of assets, net:

During  1998,  the  Company  recorded  $1.5  million in net gains on the sale or
disposition  of assets.  Of this gain,  $1.0 million  resulted  from the sale or
disposition of an aircraft  engine, a 20% interest in a commuter  aircraft,  and


trailers,  which the Company  previously  leased.  Also during 1998, the Company
purchased and  subsequently  sold railcars to an unaffiliated  third party for a
net gain of $0.5 million.  During 1997, the Company recorded $1.7 million in net
gains on the sale or disposition of assets.  Of this gain, $1.1 million resulted
from the sale or disposition of trailers, storage equipment,  marine containers,
and commuter aircraft,  which the Company  previously leased.  Also during 1997,
the  Company  purchased  and  subsequently  sold two  commercial  aircraft to an
unaffiliated  third  party  for a net gain of $0.8  million.  These  gains  were
partially  offset by a $0.2  million  adjustment  to reduce  the  estimated  net
realizable value of certain trailers.

Costs and Expenses

                                                        1998            1997
                                                       (in thousands of dollars)
Operations support                                     $12,383         $13,166
Depreciation and amortization                            4,868           4,489
General and administrative                               7,624           9,536
  Total costs and expenses                             $24,875         $27,191

Operations support:

Operations  support expense,  including salary and  office-related  expenses for
operational  activities,  equipment  insurance,  repair and  maintenance  costs,
equipment  remarketing  costs,  costs of goods sold,  and provision for doubtful
accounts,  decreased $0.8 million (6%) in 1998, compared to 1997. A $2.6 million
decrease in operations  support expenses related to the management of investment
programs and other transportation  equipment leasing segment, and other expenses
mainly  due to the  sale of the  Company's  aircraft  leasing  and  spare  parts
brokerage  subsidiary  in  August  1998  and the  sale of  other  transportation
equipment including intermodal  trailers.  These decreases were partially offset
by the increase of $1.8 million in additional  costs due to the expansion of PLM
Rental,  with the addition of six rental  yards in 1998 and new  trailers  being
purchased for the existing yards.

Depreciation and amortization:

Depreciation  and  amortization  expenses  increased $0.4 million (8%) for 1998,
compared  to  1997.  An  increase  of $2.1  million  was due to an  increase  in
refrigerated  trailer  equipment owned and on operating lease. This increase was
partially  offset by the reduction in depreciation  expense related to aircraft,
marine  container,  and  intermodal  trailer  portfolios  due to the  sales  and
disposition of this equipment.

General and administrative:

General and  administrative  expenses  decreased $1.9 million (20%) during 1998,
compared to 1997,  primarily due to a $0.4 million  decrease in compensation and
benefits  expense as a result of a decrease  in  staffing  requirements,  a $0.5
million   decrease   in   expenses   related  to  the   Company's   response  to
shareholder-sponsored initiatives in 1997, a $0.5 million decrease in legal fees
related to the Koch and Romei actions,  a $0.2 million decrease in rent expense,
and a $0.3  million  decrease in  expenses  related to the  redemption  of stock

Other Income and Expenses

                                                        1998             1997
                                                      (in thousands of dollars)
Interest expense                                       $(3,826)         $(4,572)
Interest income                                            941            1,311
Other income (expenses), net                               473             (342)

Interest expense:

Interest  expense  decreased  $0.7 million (16%) during 1998,  compared to 1997,
primarily  due to reductions in the amounts  outstanding  on the senior  secured

Interest income:

Interest  income  decreased  $0.4 million  (28%) million  during 1998.  Interest
income  decreased  $0.7 million due to decrease in average cash balances in 1998
compared to 1997. This decrease was partially offset by $0.3 million of interest
income related to a tax refund recorded in 1998.


Other income (expenses), net:

In 1998, other income was $0.5 million,  compared to $0.3 million of expense for
1997.  During 1998, the Company  recorded  income of $0.7 million related to the
settlement of a lawsuit against Tera Power  Corporation and recorded  expense of
$0.3 million related to a legal settlement for the Koch and Romei actions (refer
to  Note  11 to the  consolidated  financial  statements).  During  1997,  other
expenses of $0.3 million represented an accrual for a litigation settlement that
was paid in 1998.

Provision for Income Taxes

For 1998,  the  provision  for income taxes was $1.2  million,  representing  an
effective  rate  from  continuing  operations  of 41%.  For  1997,  the  Company
recognized a benefit for income taxes of $0.4  million.  In 1997,  the Company's
income tax rate  included  the benefit of certain  income  earned  from  foreign
activities that has been  permanently  invested  outside the United States.  The
Company  did not earn any income of this type  during  1998 (refer to Note 10 to
the consolidated financial statements).

Net Income from Discontinued Operations

In October  1999,  the  Company  agreed to sell its  commercial  and  industrial
equipment  subsidiary American Finance Group, Inc. (AFG) for approximately $28.5
million,  net of transaction  costs and income taxes.  On February 25, 2000, the
shareholders of PLM  International  approved the transaction.  Accordingly,  the
Company's  commercial and industrial  leasing  operations are accounted for as a
discontinued   operation  and  prior  periods  financial  statements  have  been

Net income from discontinued operations for the year ended December 31, 1998 and
1997 are as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                                           1998          1997
Operating lease income                                   $  7,935      $  5,175
Finance lease income                                       12,506         8,657
Management fees                                               818           729
Acquisition and lease negotiation fees                        721           828
Gain on sale or disposition of assets, net                  3,167         1,975
Other                                                       1,811         1,132
    Total revenues                                         26,958        18,496

Costs and expenses
Operations support                                          4,650         3,403
Depreciation and amortization                               6,965         3,958
    Total costs and expenses                               11,615         7,361

Operating income                                           15,343        11,135

Interest expense                                          (10,782)       (5,319)
Interest income                                               505           324
  Income before income taxes                                5,066         6,140
Provision for income taxes                                  1,888         2,271
Net income from discontinued operations                  $  3,178      $  3,869

Net income from  discontinued  operations  was $3.2 million for 1998 compared to
$3.9 million for 1997.  Income from  discontinued  operations  for 1998 and 1997
included revenues of $27.0 million and $18.5 million, respectively.

Operating lease income from  discontinued  operations  increased to $7.9 million
for 1998,  compared to $5.2 million for 1997 due to an increase in the amount of
commercial and industrial  equipment owned and on operating lease. Finance lease
income increased to $12.5 million for 1999 compared to $8.7 million for 1998 due
to an increase in commercial and industrial assets that were on finance lease.

Acquisition and lease negotiation fees from discontinued operations decreased to
$0.7 million for 1998,  compared to $0.8 million for 1997 due to less  equipment
being purchased by AFG for the institutional  programs.  Equipment  purchased by
AFG for the  institutional  programs was $26.0 million during 1998,  compared to
$29.6 million for 1997.


During 1998 and 1997,  AFG recorded $3.2 million and $2.0  million,  gain on the
sale or disposition of commercial and industrial equipment, respectively.

Operations  support from discontinued  operations  increased to $4.7 million for
1998  compared  to  $3.4  million  for  1997  primarily  due to an  increase  in
compensation   and  benefits   expense   resulting  from   increased   staffing.
Depreciation  and  amortization  expenses  increased  to $7.0  million for 1998,
compared  to $4.0  million for 1997 due to an  increase  in the  commercial  and
industrial equipment on operating lease.

Interest  expense  increased to $10.8  million for 1998 compared to $5.3 million
for 1997 due to higher average debt outstanding during 1998, compared to 1997.

Net Income

As a result of the  foregoing,  1998 net income was $4.9  million,  resulting in
basic and diluted  earnings per  weighted-average  common share  outstanding  of
$0.58 and $0.57, respectively.  For 1997, net income was $4.7 million, resulting
in basic and diluted earnings per  weighted-average  common share outstanding of
$0.51 and $0.50, respectively.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash  requirements  have  historically  been  satisfied  through  cash flow from
operations, borrowings, and the sale of equipment.

Liquidity in 2000 and beyond will depend, in part, on the continued  remarketing
of the equipment  portfolio at similar lease rates,  the  management of existing
sponsored programs, the effectiveness of cost control programs, the purchase and
sale of  equipment,  the  volume  of  trailer  equipment  leasing  transactions,
additional  borrowings,  and the proceeds from sale of AFG.  Management believes
the  Company  can  accomplish  the  preceding  and that it will have  sufficient
liquidity and capital  resources for the future.  Future liquidity is influenced
by the factors summarized below.

Debt financing:

FSI Warehouse Credit  Facility:  Assets acquired and held on an interim basis by
FSI for sale to affiliated  programs or third  parties have,  from time to time,
been  partially  funded  by a $24.5  million  warehouse  credit  facility.  This
facility is also used to  temporarily  finance the purchase of trailers prior to
permanent  financing being obtained.  Borrowings  under this facility secured by
trailers are limited to $12.0 million. This facility was amended on December 15,
1999 to extend this facility until June 30, 2000.  The Company  believes it will
be able to  renew  this  facility  on  substantially  the  same  terms  upon its

This  facility is shared with  Equipment  Growth Fund VI (EGF VI), PLM Equipment
Growth & Income Fund VII (EGF VII), and  Professional  Lease  Management  Income
Fund I (Fund I). Borrowings under this facility by the other eligible  borrowers
reduce the amount available to be borrowed by the Company.  All borrowings under
this  facility  are  guaranteed  by the  Company.  This  facility  provides  80%
financing for transportation  assets. The Company can hold transportation assets
under this facility for up to 150 days.  Interest accrues at prime or LIBOR plus
162.5 basis  points,  at the option of the Company.  As of December 31, 1999 and
March 17, 2000,  the Company had no outstanding  borrowings  under this facility
and there were no other borrowings  outstanding under this facility by any other
eligible borrower. No other eligible borrowers had amounts outstanding.

Senior  Secured  Notes:  On June 28, 1996,  the Company  closed a  floating-rate
senior  secured  note  agreement  that allowed the Company to borrow up to $27.0
million within a one-year period. On September 22, 1998, the Company amended the
note agreement to allow the Company to borrow an additional  $10.0 million under
the facility during the period from September 22, 1998 through October 15, 1998.
During this period, the Company borrowed $10.0 million. During 1999, the Company
repaid $7.5 million on this facility.  The facility bears interest at LIBOR plus
240 basis  points.  As of December  31,  1999,  the  Company  had $20.7  million
outstanding  under this  agreement.  As of March 17, 2000, the Company had $18.8
million outstanding under this agreement.  The Company has pledged substantially
all of its future management fees,  acquisition and lease negotiation fees, data
processing  fees, and partnership  distributions  as collateral to the facility.
The facility required quarterly interest- only payments through August 15, 1997,
with principal plus interest  payments  beginning  November 15, 1997.  Principal
payments of $1.9 million are payable quarterly  through  termination of the loan
on August 15, 2002.

Senior  Secured Loan:  The  Company's  senior loan with a syndicate of insurance
companies,  which had an


outstanding  balance of $8.8 million as of December 31, 1999 and March 17, 2000,
provides that equipment sale proceeds from pledged equipment or cash deposits be
placed into a collateral account or used to purchase additional equipment to the
extent required to meet certain debt covenants.  Pledged equipment for this loan
consists of the storage equipment and virtually all trailer equipment  purchased
prior to August 1998. As of December 31, 1999, the cash  collateral  balance for
this loan was $46,000 and is included in restricted cash and cash equivalents on
the Company's  balance  sheet.  During 1999,  the Company repaid $5.9 million on
this  facility.  The facility  bears  interest at 9.78% and  required  quarterly
interest  payments through June 30, 1997, with quarterly  principal  payments of
$1.5 million plus interest charges  beginning June 30, 1997 and continuing until
termination of the loan in June 2001. The senior secured loan agreement contains
financial covenants related to net worth, ratios for leverage, interest coverage
ratios,  and  collateral  coverage.  The  senior  secured  loan also  contains a
covenant requiring  diversification of the equipment in the collateral pool. The
Company is not in compliance  with this covenant as virtually all of the pledged
equipment  are  trailers.  The lender has verbally  waived this  covenant and is
expected to waive it in the future.

Other  Secured  Debt:  As of December  31, 1999,  the Company had $36.0  million
outstanding  under eight debt agreements,  bearing interest from 5.35% to 7.05%,
each with  payments of $0.1 million due monthly in advance.  The debt is secured
by certain  trailer  equipment  and allows the Company to buy the equipment at a
fixed price at the end of the loan. During 1999, the Company repaid $2.2 million
on the eight  debt  agreements.  The  final  payments  under  these  eight  debt
agreements total $9.1 million due between December 2005 and October 2006.

In the second quarter of 1999,  the Company  entered into a $15.0 million credit
facility  loan  agreement  bearing  interest at LIBOR plus 1.5%.  This  facility
allows the Company to borrow up to $15.0 million within a one-year period. As of
December 31, 1999 and March 17, 2000,  the Company had  borrowed  $14.7  million
under this facility. Payments of $0.1 million are due quarterly beginning August
2000, with a final payment of $1.4 million due August 2006.

AFG Warehouse Credit Facility: The Company had a warehouse credit facility which
allowed the Company to borrow up to $50.0  million to be used to acquire  assets
on  an  interim   basis  prior  to  placement  in  the   Company's   nonrecourse
securitization  facility,  sold to  institutional  programs  or  syndication  to
unaffiliated third parties.  Interest accrued at prime or LIBOR plus 137.5 basis
points, at the option of the Company.  On December 10, 1999, the Company amended
AFG's  warehouse  credit  facility to extend the facility to April 21, 2000, and
lowered the amount available to be borrowed from $60.0 million to $50.0 million.
As of December 31, 1999, the Company had $38.2 million in borrowings outstanding
under this facility. The Company was the sole borrower under this facility. This
facility  provided  borrowings for 100% of the present value of the lease stream
from the assets collateralized in this facility, up to 90% of original equipment
cost  of the  assets  held  in this  facility.  This  facility  was  repaid  and
terminated on March 1, 2000 concurrent with the sale of AFG.

Nonrecourse   Securitized   Debt:   The  Company  had  available  a  nonrecourse
securitization  facility  to be used to acquire  assets by AFG secured by direct
finance  leases,  operating  leases,  and  loans on  commercial  and  industrial
equipment  that had terms from one to seven  years.  The  facility  allowed  the
Company to borrow up to $125.0 million  through  October 10, 2000.  Repayment of
the facility  matched the terms of the underlying  leases.  The securitized debt
beard  interest  equivalent  to the lender's  cost of funds based on  commercial
paper market rates for the determined period of borrowing, plus an interest rate
spread  and  fees  (6.39%  and  6.46%  as  of   December   31,  1999  and  1998,
respectively).  As of December 31, 1999 and 1998,  there were $102.1 million and
$103.6 million in borrowings under this facility,  respectively. The Company was
required to hedge at least 90% of the aggregate  discounted lease balance (ADLB)
of those leases used as collateral in its nonrecourse  securitization  facility.
As of December 31, 1999,  90% of the ADLB had been hedged.  This debt was repaid
and terminated on March 1, 2000 concurrent with the sale of AFG.

In addition to the $125.0 million nonrecourse debt facility discussed above, the
Company  also had $4.4  million in  nonrecourse  notes  payable  outstanding  at
December 31, 1999 secured by direct  finance leases on commercial and industrial
equipment at AFG that had terms  corresponding  to the note  repayment  schedule
that began November 1997 and ends March 2001. The notes bore interest from 8.32%
to 9.5% per  annum.  This  debt  was  repaid  and  terminated  on March 1,  2000
concurrent with the sale of AFG.

Trailer leasing:

The Company operates 22 trailer rental  facilities that engage in short-term and
mid-term operating leases.  Nineteen of these facilities  operate  predominantly
refrigerated  trailers  used  to  transport  temperature-sensitive  commodities,
consisting  primarily  of food  products.  Three  facilities  lease only dry van
(non-refrigerated)  trailers.  The Company  intends to move virtually all of its
dry van  trailers to these  facilities.  In 1999,  the Company  opened


three new refrigerated  trailer yards.  During 1999, the Company purchased $42.5
million in  refrigerated  trailer  equipment and sold  refrigerated  and dry van
trailers with a net book value of $0.6 million for proceeds of $0.5 million.

Other transportation equipment leasing and other:

During 1999,  the Company  generated  proceeds of $21.8 million from the sale of
assets sold to affiliated programs at cost, which approximated their fair market

Management  believes that, through debt financing,  possible sales of equipment,
proceeds from the sale of AFG, and cash flows from operations,  the Company will
have  sufficient  liquidity and capital  resources to meet its projected  future
operating needs.

Stock repurchase program:

In  December  1998,  the  Company  announced  that its  Board of  Directors  had
authorized the  repurchase of up to $5.0 million of the Company's  common stock.
As of March 17, 2000,  784,080 shares had been repurchased under this plan for a
total of $4.7 million.

Effects of the Year 2000

To date,  the Company has not  experienced  any  material  Year 2000 issues with
either its internally developed software or purchased software.  In addition, to
date the Company has not been  impacted by any Year 2000  problems that may have
impacted our customers and  suppliers.  The amount the Company has spent related
to Year 2000 issues has not been material.  The Company continues to monitor its
systems for any potential Year 2000 issues.


There  was no  material  impact  on the  Company's  operations  as a  result  of
inflation during 1999, 1998, or 1997.

Geographic Information

For  geographic  information,  refer  to Note 17 to the  consolidated  financial

Forward-Looking Information

Except for historical  information contained herein, the discussion in this Form
10-K contains  forward-looking  statements that involve risks and uncertainties,
such  as  statements  of the  Company's  plans,  objectives,  expectations,  and
intentions.  The cautionary  statements made in this Form 10-K should be read as
being applicable to all related forward-looking  statements wherever they appear
in this Form 10-K.  The Company's  actual results could differ  materially  from
those discussed here.


The Company opened six new rental facilities in 1999 and purchased $42.5 million
in refrigerated  trailer equipment.  The Company expects to continue to purchase
additional refrigerated trailer equipment in the future.

In 1996,  the  Company  announced  that it would no longer  syndicate  equipment
leasing programs.  As a result of this decision,  revenues,  earned from managed
programs which include  management fees,  partnership  interests and other fees,
and acquisition and lease  negotiation fees will be reduced in the future as the
programs  liquidate  and the managed  equipment  portfolio  becomes  permanently

In October 1999, the Company  announced that the Company had engaged  investment
bankers  to  develop  strategic   alternatives  to  maximize  shareholder  value
including the possible sale of part or all of the Company.  In October 1999, the
Company agreed to sell American  Finance Group,  Inc. (AFG),  its commercial and
industrial  equipment leasing subsidiary for approximately $28.5 million, net of
transaction  costs and income taxes.  On February 25, 2000, the  shareholders of
PLM  International  approved the  transaction.  The sale of AFG was completed on
March 1, 2000, the Company  received $29.0 million for AFG. The Company  expects
to receive  additional  proceeds of $1.9  million in the second  quarter of 2000
related to the sale of AFG. Taxes and transaction  costs related to the sale are
estimated to be $5.0 million  resulting in estimated net proceeds to the


Company of $25.9  million.  In addition,  AFG  dividended to PLMI certain assets
with a net book value of $2.7 million immediately prior to the sale.

The Company continues to monitor costs and expenses for potential  reductions in
all areas.


The  Company's  primary  market risk  exposure is that of interest  rate risk. A
change in the U.S. prime  interest  rate,  LIBOR rate, or lender's cost of funds
based on  commercial  paper  market  rates,  would  affect the rate at which the
Company could borrow funds under its various borrowing facilities.  Increases in
interest rates to the Company, which may cause the Company to raise the implicit
rates charged to its customers,  could in turn,  result in a reduction in demand
for the Company's lease financing.  The Company's  warehouse credit  facilities,
senior  secured  notes,  and certain  other  secured debt  financing for trailer
equipment are variable rate debt. The Company  estimates a one percent  increase
or decrease in the  Company's  variable rate debt would result in an increase or
decrease,  respectively,  in  interest  expense of $0.3  million  in 2000,  $0.1
million in 2001,  $36,000 in 2002, and $19,000 in 2003. The Company  estimates a
two  percent  increase or decrease  in the  Company's  variable  rate debt would
result in an increase or  decrease,  respectively,  in interest  expense of $0.5
million in 2000,  $0.2  million in 2001,  $0.1  million in 2002,  and $36,000 in

The Company hedged  borrowings  under the nonrecourse  securitization  facility,
effectively  fixing the rate of these  borrowings.  The Company was  required to
hedge  against  the risk of interest  rate  increased  for those  leases used as
collateral  for  its  nonrecourse   securitization  facility,  but  the  Company
generally  did  not  enter  into  hedges  for  leases  designated  for  sale  to
institutional  programs,  or for  syndication,  or for leases of  transportation
equipment.  Such hedging activities limited the Company's ability to participate
in the  benefits of any  decrease in interest  rates with  respect to the hedged
portfolio of leases,  but also  protected the Company from increases in interest
rates for the hedged portfolio.  This debt was repaid and terminated in March 1,
2000  concurrent  with the sale of AFG.  All of the  Company's  other  financial
assets and liabilities are at fixed rates.


The response to this item is submitted as a separate section of this report. See
Item 14.




                                    PART III


As of the filing date of this report,  the directors  and executive  officers of
PLM  International  (and key  executive  officers  of its  subsidiaries)  are as

Name                             Age             Position
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert N. Tidball                61              Chairman of the Board, Director, President, and Chief
                                                 Executive Officer, PLM International, Inc.

Randall L-W. Caudill             52              Director, PLM International, Inc.

Douglas P. Goodrich              53              Director and Senior Vice President, PLM International, Inc.

Warren G. Lichtenstein           34              Director, PLM International, Inc.

Howard M. Lorber                 51              Director, PLM International, Inc.

Harold R. Somerset               64              Director, PLM International, Inc.

Robert L. Witt                   60              Director, PLM International, Inc.

Stephen M. Bess                  53              President, PLM Investment Management, Inc.; Vice
                                                 President and Director, PLM Financial Services, Inc.

Richard K Brock                  37              Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, PLM
                                                 International, Inc.

Susan C. Santo                   37              Vice President, Secretary, and General Counsel, PLM
                                                 International, Inc.

Robert N.  Tidball was  appointed  Chairman of the Board of  Directors in August
1997 and President and Chief  Executive  Officer of PLM  International  in March
1989. At the time of his appointment as President and Chief  Executive  Officer,
he was Executive  Vice  President of PLM  International.  Mr.  Tidball  became a
director of PLM International in April 1989, and his current  three-year term as
a Class I director  expires at the 2000 annual  meeting of  shareholders  of the
Company.  Mr. Tidball also serves as the Chairman of the Executive  Committee of
the  Board of  Directors.  Between  1987 and  1989,  Mr.  Tidball  held  various
executive positions with subsidiaries of PLM International.

Randall L-W. Caudill was elected to the Board of Directors in September 1997 and
his current  three-year  term as a Class II director  expires at the 2001 annual
meeting of  shareholders of the Company.  He serves on the Executive  Committee,
the  Compensation  Committee and the Audit Committee  (Chairman) of the Board of
Directors.  Mr.  Caudill is President of Dunsford Hill Capital  Partners,  a San
Francisco-based  financial  consulting firm serving  emerging growth  companies.
Prior to founding  Dunsford  Hill  Capital  Partners in 1997,  Mr.  Caudill held
senior investment banking positions at Prudential  Securities from 1987 to 1997,
and before that at Morgan  Grenfell Inc. and The First Boston  Corporation.  Mr.
Caudill also serves as a director of SBE,  Inc., a  publicly-held  company,  and
various other companies.

Douglas P.  Goodrich  was elected to the Board of  Directors  in July 1996,  and
appointed  Senior Vice President of PLM  International  in March 1994.  Prior to
1994, Mr. Goodrich served as an executive  officer of the Company and several of
its  subsidiaries  since  joining the Company in 1987.  Mr.  Goodrich's  current
three-year  term as a Class II director  expires at the 2001  annual  meeting of
shareholders of the Company.

Warren G.  Lichtenstein  was elected to the Board of Directors in December  1998
and his  current  three-year  term as a Class III  director  expires at the 2002
annual meeting of  shareholders  of the Company.  Mr.  Lichtenstein is the Chief
Executive  Officer  of Steel  Partners  L.L.C.,  the  general  partner  of Steel
Partners  II,  L.P.,   which  is  PLM   International's   largest   shareholder.
Additionally, Mr. Lichtenstein is Chairman of the Board of Directors for each of
Aydin Corporation, a New York Stock Exchange-listed defense electronics concern,
and Gateway  Industries,  Inc.,  and serves on the boards of directors of Rose's
Holdings, Inc. and Saratoga Beverage Group, Inc., each a


publicly-held company.

Howard M. Lorber was elected to the Board of  Directors  in January 1999 and his
current  three-year  term as a Class III  director  expires  at the 2002  annual
meeting of  shareholders  of the  Company.  Mr.  Lorber is  President  and Chief
Operating  Officer of New Valley  Corporation,  an  investment  banking and real
estate concern.  He is also Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
Nathan's  Famous,  Inc.,  a fast food  company.  Additionally,  Mr.  Lorber is a
director of United Capital  Corporation and Prime Hospitality  Corporation,  and
serves on the boards of several community service organizations.

Harold R. Somerset was elected to the Board of Directors of PLM International in
July 1994 and his current three- year term as a Class II director expires at the
2001 annual meeting of shareholders  of the Company.  Mr. Somerset serves on the
Executive  Committee,  the  Compensation  Committee  (Chairman)  and  the  Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors.  From February 1988 to December  1993,  Mr.
Somerset was  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of  California & Hawaiian
Sugar  Corporation  (C&H Sugar),  a subsidiary of Alexander & Baldwin,  Inc. Mr.
Somerset also serves on the boards of directors for various other  companies and
organizations, including Longs Drug Stores, Inc., a publicly-held company.

Robert  L.  Witt was  elected  to the  Board of  Directors  in June 1997 and his
current three-year term as a Class I director expires at the 2000 annual meeting
of  shareholders  of the  Company.  He serves on the  Executive  Committee,  the
Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.  Since
January 2000,  Mr. Witt has been the President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of
1201 Financial & Insurance  Services,  Inc., a financial and insurance  services
company.  He also has been a principal  with WWS  Associates,  a consulting  and
investment group specializing in start-up  situations and private  organizations
about to go public,  since 1993.  Prior to that, he was Chief Executive  Officer
and  Chairman  of the Board of Hexcel  Corporation,  an  international  advanced
materials  company with sales  primarily in the  aerospace,  transportation  and
general industrial markets.  Mr. Witt also serves on the boards of directors for
various other companies and organizations.

Stephen M. Bess was  appointed a Director of PLM  Financial  Services,  Inc.,  a
subsidiary of PLM International,  in July 1997. Mr. Bess has served as President
of PLM Investment Management,  Inc., an indirect wholly-owned  subsidiary of PLM
International,  since August 1989, and as an executive  officer of certain other
of PLM International's subsidiaries or affiliates since 1982.

Richard K Brock was appointed Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer of PLM
International in January 2000,  having served as Acting Chief Financial  Officer
since  June  1999  and  as  Vice  President  and  Corporate  Controller  of  PLM
International  since June 1997. Prior to June 1997, Mr. Brock served the Company
as an accounting manager beginning in September 1991 and as Director of Planning
and General Accounting beginning in February 1994.

Susan C. Santo was appointed Vice President,  Secretary,  and General Counsel of
PLM  International  in  November  1997.  She has worked as an  attorney  for PLM
International  since 1990 and served as its Senior  Attorney from 1994 until her
appointment as General Counsel.



The  following  table sets forth for the fiscal  years ended  December 31, 1999,
1998 and 1997, a summary of  compensation  awarded to,  earned by or paid to the
Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and each of its  four  other  most  highly
compensated  executive officers  (together,  the "named executive  officers") at
December 31, 1999:

                                            SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                     Annual Compensation              Long-Term Compensation

                                                                   Restricted    Securities
                                                                      Stock      Underlying        All Other
                                       Salary(1)      Bonus (2)    Awards (3)   Options (4)     Compensation(5)
Name and Principal Position   Year        ($)            ($)           ($)          (#)               ($)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert N. Tidball             1999      323,400           --           --            --              5,304
President, Chief              1998      311,000        180,000       80,000       110,000            5,971
Executive Officer             1997      300,000        172,500       76,670          --              6,682

Douglas P. Goodrich           1999      205,333           --           --            --              5,304
Senior Vice President         1998      197,733         80,000       106,672       85,000            5,971
                              1997      190,000         75,000       100,000         --              6,682

Donald R. Dugan(6)            1999      188,817        202,250         --            --              5,304
President, American           1998      179,733         50,000         --          50,000            5,971
Finance Group, Inc.           1997      150,000        105,000       46,669          --              6,682

Stephen M. Bess               1999      183,417         42,560         --            --              5,304
President, PLM Investment     1998      176,417         52,500       23,334        20,000            5,971
Management, Inc.              1997      170,000         52,500       23,334          --              6,682

Susan C. Santo                1999      176,417         40,000         --            --              5,304
Vice President, General       1998      170,000         80,000         --          40,000            5,971
Counsel and Secretary         1997      115,167         25,000         --            --              6,682

(1)  Amounts shown do not include the cost to the Company of personal  benefits,
     the value of which did not  exceed  the  lesser  of  $50,000  or 10% of the
     aggregate salary and bonus compensation for each named executive officer.

(2)  Bonus  compensation  reflects the amount earned in the designated year, but
     paid in the  immediate  subsequent  year,  except that,  Mr.  Bess,  as the
     officer  responsible for marine  container  transactions  for the Company's
     equipment acquisition subsidiary, PLM Transportation Equipment Corporation,
     was paid $32,560 in 1999 pursuant to a commission  incentive  plan based on
     the dollar amount of certain containers purchased in 1998/1999.

(3)  Restricted  stock (also referred to as "Bonus Shares") was awarded pursuant
     to the 1996 PLM International, Inc. (Mandatory Management Stock Bonus Plan.
     Bonus Shares were granted in substitution of cash bonus compensation earned
     in the designated  year,  though shares were actually granted in January of
     the  subsequent  year. The number of Bonus Shares granted equals the amount
     of cash bonus awarded by the Board of Directors to a designated  recipient,
     multiplied by an allocation ratio applicable to such recipient,  multiplied
     by 1.334 (to compensate  recipients for the restricted nature of the shares
     and risk of  forfeiture)  divided by the fair market value of the Company's
     common stock on the effective date of grant. The fair market value is equal
     to the closing price of the Company's common stock on the effective date of
     grant or the  immediately  preceding  trading  day if the  grant  day was a
     non-trading  day. Cash bonus  compensation  earned in a designated  year is
     reduced  by an  amount  equal to the  amount  of cash  bonus  earned in the
     designated  year  multiplied  by the  allocation  ratio  applicable  to the
     recipient.  Bonus  Shares  granted  pursuant  to this plan  generally  vest
     ratably over three years, except that in connection with the Company's sale
     of all of the issued  and  outstanding  common  stock of  American  Finance
     Group,  Inc. on March 1, 2000,  the Bonus Shares  granted to Mr. Dugan were
     fully  vested as of March 1, 2000.  Non-vested  Bonus Shares are subject to
     forfeiture in the event the  recipient  voluntarily  terminates  his or her
     employment  with the  Company.  The


     allocation ratio for the Bonus Shares granted in substitution of cash bonus
     earned in 1998 and 1997,  the  resulting  awards of Bonus  Shares,  and the
     reduction  in cash  bonus are as  follows  for each of the named  executive

                                           Bonus Shares Awarded        Reduction in Cash Bonus
                               Allocation  ---------------------        ---------------------
              Name               Ratio        1998          1997          1998          1997
              ----               -----        ----          ----          ----          ----

     Robert N. Tidball            25%        13,606        14,960       $60,000       $57,500
     Douglas P. Goodrich          50%        18,141        19,513        80,000        75,000
     Donald R. Dugan              25%          --           9,106          --          35,000
     Stephen M. Bess              25%         3,968         4,553        17,500        17,500

(4)  Comprised  of options  granted  effective  May 12,  1998,  pursuant  to the
     Company's 1998 Management  Stock  Compensation  Plan, which was approved by
     the Board of Directors on May 12, 1998.  The options have an exercise price
     of $6.813 per share.  All options  vest ratably over three years and expire
     on May 12, 2008,  except that in connection  with the Company's sale of all
     of the issued and outstanding  common stock of American Finance Group, Inc.
     on March 1, 2000, the options  granted to Mr. Dugan were fully vested as of
     March 1, 2000.

(5)  Includes for 1999,  contributions  made by the Company  pursuant to the PLM
     International,  Inc.  Profit  Sharing  and 401(k) Plan to each of the named
     executive  officer's  accounts  as  follows:   $4,000  in  401(k)  matching
     contributions and $731 in profit-sharing  contributions (an equal amount of
     profit-sharing  contributions were made to the retirement  accounts of each
     of  the  Company's  eligible  employees).  Also  includes  for  each  named
     executive officer Company-paid premiums in the amount of $573 for term life

(6)  On March 1, 2000, the Company sold all of the issued and outstanding common
     stock of  American  Finance  Group,  Inc. to Guaranty  Federal  Bank,  FSB.
     Accordingly,  Mr. Dugan is no longer  employed by the Company or any of its


The  following  table sets forth  information  concerning  the exercise of stock
options during the last fiscal year by each of the named executive  officers and
the  December  31, 1999 value of  unexercised  options held by each of the named
executive officers as of such date:

                                      AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                Number of Securities      Value of Unexercised
                                                                     Underlying               In-the-Money
                                                               Unexercised Options at         Options at
                                                                 December 31, 1999         December 31, 1999
                                Acquired on        Value            Exercisable/              Exercisable/
            Name                Exercise (1)     Realized          Unexercisable            Unexercisable(2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert N. Tidball (3)              65,000        $243,750          121,666/73,334                $304,375/--
Douglas P. Goodrich(4)             10,000         36,250            83,333/56,667                 156,875/--
Donald R. Dugan, Jr.(5)               --             --             46,667/33,333                  78,750/--
Stephen M. Bess (6)                   --             --             16,667/13,333                  38,750/--
Susan C. Santo (7)                    --             --             13,333/36,667                      --/--

- ---------------------
(1)  All of the options exercised were granted in 1992 and had an exercise price
     of $2.00 per share.

(2)  Options granted in 1992 have an exercise price of $2.00; options granted in
     1996 have an exercise price of $3.25;  and options  granted in 1998 have an
     exercise price of $6.813.  The closing price of the Company's  common stock
     on the American Stock Exchange on December 31, 1999 was $5.875 per share.


(3)  On December 31, 1999, Mr. Tidball had  outstanding  options granted in 1992
     to  purchase  65,000  shares of common  stock,  options  granted in 1996 to
     purchase  20,000  shares of common  stock and  options  granted  in 1998 to
     purchase 110,000 shares of common stock.

(4)  On December 31, 1999, Mr. Goodrich had outstanding  options granted in 1992
     to  purchase  10,000  shares of common  stock,  options  granted in 1996 to
     purchase  45,000  shares of common  stock and  options  granted  in 1998 to
     purchase 85,000 shares of common stock.

(5)  On December 31, 1999, Mr. Dugan had outstanding  options granted in 1996 to
     purchase  30,000  shares of common  stock and  options  granted  in 1998 to
     purchase 50,000 shares of common stock.

(6)  On December 31, 1999, Mr. Bess had  outstanding  options granted in 1992 to
     purchase  10,000  shares of common  stock and  options  granted  in 1998 to
     purchase 20,000 shares of common stock.

(7)  On December 31, 1999, Ms. Santo had outstanding  options granted in 1998 to
     purchase 40,000 shares of common stock.


The following  table sets forth certain  information  regarding  annual benefits
payable in specified compensation and years of service classifications under the
Company's nonqualified supplemental retirement income plan:

Average Annual Compensation       Annual Payout to be Received in Each of Five
During Last Five Years of           Years Following Later of Termination of
      Employment(1,2)                 Employment or Attainment of Age 60
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         Credited Years of Service(3)
                                  5                   10                15
                              --------             --------          --------
        $100,000              $ 25,000             $ 50,000          $ 75,000
         140,000                35,000               70,000           105,000
         180,000                45,000               90,000           135,000
         220,000                55,000              110,000           165,000
         260,000                65,000              130,000           195,000
         300,000                75,000              150,000           225,000
         400,000               100,000              200,000           300,000

(1)  The Company's  nonqualified  supplemental  retirement  income plan provides
     that an  executive  participating  in the  plan is  generally  entitled  to
     receive for a period of 60 months,  commencing upon the later of attainment
     of age 60 or termination  of employment,  an amount equal to the product of
     (a) 5%,  (b)  number of years of  employment  with PLM  International,  its
     affiliates  or  predecessors  (up to a maximum of 15 years) and (c) average
     monthly  base  compensation  during the most recent  consecutive  months of
     employment  (not  to  exceed  60)  preceding   termination  of  employment.
     Obligations  under  the plan are  funded  by  general  corporate  funds and
     insurance  policies  on the  lives of the  participants.  For  purposes  of
     computing benefits under the plan,  compensation includes only salaries and
     wages and does not include bonuses. Benefits payable are not subject to any
     deduction  for social  security or other  offset  amounts.  The annual base
     compensation 60-month averages at December 31, 1999 for the named executive
     officers were as follows: Mr. Tidball,  $306,800;  Mr. Goodrich,  $194,200;
     Mr. Bess, $166,467; and Ms. Santo, $117,694.

(2)  Benefits under the plan generally vest over a five-year period.  Vesting is
     accelerated  immediately to 100% in the event of a change in control of the
     Company, and the participating  executive is deemed to have attained age 60
     prior to such change in control.  The Board of Directors has  discretion to
     accelerate  the date for making  payments  under the plan in the event of a
     change in control.


(3)  Years of credited service for the named executive officers are as follows:

Robert N. Tidball                  14
Douglas P. Goodrich                12
Stephen M. Bess                    17
Susan C. Santo                      9


Each  non-employee  director  of the  Company  (Messrs.  Caudill,  Lichtenstein,
Lorber,  Somerset,  and Witt)  receives  a  monthly  retainer  of  $2,000  and a
per-meeting  fee of  $1,000  for  meetings  of the  Board of  Directors  and the
Executive   Committee   attended  in  person  ($250  for  meetings  attended  by
telephone).  A fee of $250 per meeting is paid to all non-employee directors for
meetings of all other committees of the Board of Directors.

Additionally,   each  non-employee  director  of  the  Company  is  entitled  to
participate in the  Directors'  1995  Nonqualified  Stock Option Plan (the "1995
Directors'  Plan")  which was adopted by the Board of  Directors  on January 25,
1995,  and the  Directors'  2000  Nonqualified  Stock  Option  Plan  (the  "1995
Directors'  Plan")  which was adopted by the Board of  Directors  on February 1,
2000. The Company  reserved  120,000 shares with respect to which options may be
granted under the 1995 Directors'  Plan, and 70,000 shares with respect to which
options may be granted under the 2000 Directors'  Plan. The 1995 Directors' Plan
provides that each non-employee director of the Company is granted on February 1
of each year options to purchase  10,000  shares of common stock of the Company,
or, if the number of shares  available  for grant is  insufficient,  options are
granted pro rata to each  eligible  director to the extent  shares are available
under the  Directors'  1995 Plan.  On  February  1,  2000,  10,000  shares  were
available  for  grant  under  the  Directors'  1995  Plan,  and each of the five
non-employee  directors of the Company were  granted  options to purchase  2,000
shares  of  common  stock.  The 2000  Directors'  Plan  provides  for a grant on
February  1, 2000 to each  non-employee  director of the  Company,  an option to
purchase 8,000 shares of common stock.  Both  directors'  plans provide that the
exercise price of options granted under such plans shall be the closing price of
the common stock on the American  Stock  Exchange as of the date as of which the
options  were  granted,  that  such  options  generally  vest  pro  rata  over a
three-year period,  and that vested options held by a non-employee  director who
ceases to be a director of the Company may be exercised  within six months after
ceasing to be a director.  Accordingly,  on February 1, 2000, each  non-employee
director of the Company was granted options to purchase a total of 10,000 shares
of common stock of the Company at an exercise price of $6.188 per share.


The Company  and its Chief  Executive  Officer  and four other  named  executive
officers  are  parties  to  employment  agreements,  termination  of  employment
arrangements and/or change in control arrangements as further described herein.

The  Company  has  entered  into  an  Employment   Agreement  (the   "Employment
Agreement") with each of Robert N. Tidball, Douglas P. Goodrich, Stephen M. Bess
and Susan C. Santo.  The Employment  Agreements are designed to encourage  those
employees  to  remain  in the  employ  of the  Company  and to  reinforce  their
continued  attention  and  dedication  to  their  duties  in  the  event  of  an
unsolicited  attempt  to  take  over  control  of the  Company.  The  Employment
Agreements have  three-year  terms from the date on which they were entered into
(the "Original Term") and are automatically  extended for one additional year on
each succeeding  anniversary thereof unless earlier terminated by the Company or
the employee.  Each Employment  Agreement contains provisions  governing salary,
bonus and participation in Company benefit plans, and provides in certain events
for payments to the employee upon  termination of his or her employment with the

The Employment  Agreements  provide that, if, following an unsolicited change in
control,  the Company  terminates  the  employee  other than for cause or if the
employee  terminates his or her employment for good reason  (including,  without
limitation,  any  demonstrable  and  material  diminution  of the  compensation,
duties, responsibilities, authority or powers of the employee), then the Company
is  required  to pay the  employee  the sum of (a) the  employee's  annual  base
compensation  rate  then in  effect  multiplied  by the  number  of years in the
Original  Term (up to 2.99  years),  (b) an amount  equal to the  greater of the
amount paid and/or payable to or due the employee  under the Company's  bonus or
incentive  plans (i) for the  Company's  fiscal year prior to the fiscal year of
any  change  in  control  or (ii) for the  immediately  preceding  fiscal  year,
multiplied  by the number of years in the  Original  Term (up to 2.99 years) and
(c) all other cash  benefits  due the  employee.  In addition  if,  following an
unsolicited change in control, the employee terminates his or her employment for
good  reason,  all  options to


purchase stock of the Company granted to such employee  immediately become fully
vested and any restrictions on the exercise of such options lapse.

For  purposes of the  Employment  Agreements,  a change in control is  generally
defined to include,  among other  things,  (a) any Person  acquiring  Beneficial
Ownership  (as such terms are defined in the  Employment  Agreements)  of 36% or
more of the combined voting power of the Company's  securities,  (b) any Person,
who did not have  Beneficial  Ownership of 5% or more of the voting power of the
Company's  securities  on the date the  Employment  Agreement  was entered into,
subsequently  acquiring  Beneficial  Ownership  of more than 15% of such  voting
power or (c) a change  in the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  due to proxy
solicitations  or other actions to influence voting at a meeting of stockholders
of the  Company by a Person who has  Beneficial  Ownership  of 5% or more of the
voting  power of the  Company,  and which causes the  Continuing  Directors  (as
defined below) to cease to be a majority of the Board of Directors,  unless such
event(s)  have  been  approved  by  a  majority  of  the  Continuing  Directors.
"Continuing  Directors"  are  those  who (a)  were  directors  on the  date  the
Employment  Agreement was entered into, (b) were  appointed or  recommended  for
election by a majority  of those who were  directors  on such date,  or (c) were
appointed or recommended by a majority of those  directors  described in (a) and
(b) above.

The Employment  Agreements are structured so that no excess  payments within the
meaning of Section 280G of the Code will be made to the employee. If a change in
control as defined in the Employment  Agreements occurred on the date hereof and
the employment of each of the following named executive officers was immediately
terminated without cause, based on certain  assumptions,  the following would be
the  amounts  of post-  employment  compensation  benefits  provided  under  the
Employment  Agreements:  Mr. Tidball,  $1,007,510;  Mr. Goodrich,  $640,577; Mr.
Bess, $572,166; and Ms. Santo, $669,999.

The  Company  has  also  entered  into a  Severance  Agreement  (the  "Severance
Agreement")  with each of Robert N.  Tidball,  Douglas P.  Goodrich and Susan C.
Santo.  The Severance  Agreements were entered into in connection with the Board
of  Director's  decision to explore  strategic and  financial  alternatives  for
maximizing   shareholder   value,   including  a  transaction  or   transactions
representing a merger,  consolidation,  business combination or sale of all or a
substantially all of the business,  securities or assets of the Company, and are
designed to encourage those employees to remain in the employ of the Company and
to act vigorously and  constructively in connection with any negotiations  being
conducted regarding any such transaction.  The Severance  Agreements have a term
from January 1, 2000  through  December 31, 2000 so long as no change in control
has  occurred  on or  before  December  31,  2000,  or, in the event a change in
control has occurred prior to December 31, 2000, until the employee's employment
has been terminated by the Company or the employee,  and all  obligations  under
the Severance Agreement have been met.

For  purposes  of the  Severance  Agreements,  a change in control is  generally
defined to mean (a) any Person acquiring Beneficial Ownership (as such terms are
defined  in Rule  13d-3 of the  Exchange  Act) of more than 50% of the  combined
voting  power  of the  Company's  securities,  (b) a  merger,  consolidation  or
reorganization  involving the Company,  (c) the sale or other disposition of the
Company's  subsidiary American Finance Group, Inc. followed by the sale or other
disposition of the Company's  trailer  leasing  business,  (d) the sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company  (excluding
the sales or dispositions referred to in (c)), or a sale or other disposition of
the Company's  subsidiary PLM Financial Services,  Inc., or (e) the stockholders
of the Company approve a plan of dissolution or liquidation of the Company.

Upon the occurrence of a change in control,  each Severance  Agreement  provides
for the  acceleration  and full  vesting  of all stock  grants  and  options  to
purchase stock of the Company granted to the employee,  that any restrictions on
the grants and options  shall  lapse,  and that the  employee may elect that the
Company "cash-out" the grants and/or options by paying the employee the value of
the grants and/or options. Additionally,  upon a change in control, the employee
is deemed to have attained age 60 prior to the change in control and to be fully
vested under and for the  purposes of the  Company's  nonqualified  supplemental
retirement  income plan.  Each of the Severance  Agreements  also provides that,
following a  termination  which  requires the payment of severance (as described
below),  the  employee  may elect that the Company pay to employee in a lump sum
the present value of the total amount of any payments due to be paid pursuant to
the Company's nonqualified supplemental retirement income plan.

The Severance  Agreements entered into with each of Mr. Tidball and Mr. Goodrich
provide that, in the event employee's  employment with the Company is terminated
at will by either the  Company  or the  employee  following  a change in control
consisting of the sale or other disposition of the Company's subsidiary American
Finance Group,  Inc.  followed by the sale or other disposition of the Company's
trailer leasing business,  or without cause by the Company or for good reason by
the executive following any other change in control transaction, then,


following  any such  termination,  Mr.  Tidball will be paid a severance  amount
equal to three years of his annual base salary and Mr.  Goodrich  will be paid a
severance amount equal to two years of his annual base salary.

The Severance  Agreement  entered into with Ms. Santo provides that in the event
her  employment  with the Company is terminated  without cause by the Company or
for good reason by Ms. Santo  following a change in control  transaction,  then,
following any such termination,  Ms. Santo will be paid a severance amount equal
to one year of her annual base salary.

The Severance  Agreements are structured so that no excess  payments  within the
meaning of Section 280G of the Code will be made to the employee pursuant to the
Severance  Agreements.  Additionally,  if a change  in  control  transaction  as
defined in the Severance  Agreements  occurs, and the transaction is also deemed
to be a change in control as defined under the Employment  Agreements,  then the
terms and  conditions  of the  Employment  Agreements  govern and  supercede the
Severance Agreements.

If a change in control as defined in the  Severance  Agreements  occurred on the
date hereof and the employment of each of the following named executive officers
was immediately  terminated  without cause,  based on certain  assumptions,  the
following would be the amounts of post-employment compensation benefits provided
under the Severance Agreements: Mr. Tidball, $1,010,880; Mr. Goodrich, $428,480;
and Ms. Santo, $184,080.

The Company's wholly owned subsidiary PLM Financial Services,  Inc. entered into
a Severance  Agreement (the  "Agreement") with Stephen M. Bess in December 1996,
in order to provide  incentives to retain Mr. Bess. The Agreement  provides that
Mr. Bess will be paid a severance amount equal to twenty four months of his base
salary  in the  event  he is  terminated  from  employment  with  PLM  Financial
Services, Inc. for any reason other than a resignation,  cause or disability. If
Mr. Bess was immediately terminated without cause, based on certain assumptions,
he would be paid  $16,666  per  month for 24 months  under  the  Agreement.

The Company's  former  wholly owned  subsidiary  American  Finance  Group,  Inc.
("AFG") entered into an Employment  Agreement (the "AFG  Agreement") with Donald
R. Dugan,  Jr. in January  1999,  with a term through June 30, 2000, in order to
provide incentives to retain Mr. Dugan during the time that the Company explored
strategic  alternatives for AFG. The AFG Agreement contains provisions governing
salary, bonus and participation in AFG benefit plans. The AFG Agreement provides
that Mr.  Dugan would be paid a retention  bonus of $47,250 in the event that he
remained  employed  by AFG  through  December  31,  1999 so long as no change in
control of AFG occurred during that period, or for six months following a change
in control of AFG occurring on or before  December 31, 1999.  Mr. Dugan was paid
this  retention  bonus in January 2000 because there was no change in control of
AFG as of December 31, 1999.  The Agreement also provides that, in the event Mr.
Dugan's  employment  is terminated by AFG without cause or by Mr. Dugan for good
reason on or before June 30, 2000, then he will be paid a severance amount equal
to two years of his annual base salary.  The Company has no further  obligations
under the AFG Agreement.


The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  (the  "Committee")  is
responsible  for  advising  and  recommending  to the Board of  Directors of the
Company policies governing  executive  compensation and the Company's  incentive
compensation plans. The Company's executive  compensation  programs are designed
to attract  and retain  executives  capable of leading  the  Company to meet its
business objectives and to motivate them to enhance long-term stockholder value.
The Committee is also responsible for determining the annual compensation levels
for the Company's Chief Executive Officer and other executive officers,  subject
to review by the disinterested members of the Board of Directors.  The Committee
reviews the  policies and  specific  programs  annually to determine if they are
meeting the goals of attracting and retaining qualified executives.

Compensation  for the  Company's  executive  officers  may consist of both fixed
(base salary) and variable (incentive)  compensation elements,  including annual
cash  incentives,  stock  option  grants and stock  grants.  These  elements are
designed  to  operate  on  an  integrated  basis  and  together  comprise  total
compensation  value. Base compensation for the executive  officers is determined
at the  beginning of each fiscal year based,  in part,  on an  evaluation of the
individual's  performance  for the prior  fiscal  year,  as well as reference to
compensation   data  included  in  a  variety  of  salary   surveys.   Incentive
compensation for the executive officers for each fiscal year is

- -----------------------
(1)  The  material in this report is not  "soliciting  material,"  is not deemed
     filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and  is  not to be
     incorporated by reference in any filing of the Company under the Securities
     Act of 1933,  as  amended,  or the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as


determined  after the end of the fiscal year,  based on  individual  and Company
performance  as  compared  to  goals  set at the  beginning  of  the  year.  The
disinterested   members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  review  the  Committee's
recommendations regarding the compensation of executive officers.

Base Salary

Base salary  levels of the  Company's  executive  officers  other than the Chief
Executive Officer are largely  determined based on the executive's  performance,
as reflected by the appraisal and  recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer
after he has completed  written  performance  reviews of the  executives.  These
reviews  are  designed  to assess  the extent to which  each  executive  has met
certain  goals which are  established  at the beginning of the year by the Chief
Executive  Officer  and are  tied  to the  functional  responsibilities  of each
executive.  Individual goals may include objective and subjective factors,  such
as improving the  performance  of assets  managed by the  executive,  successful
acquisitions  or  sales,  management  of  operating  expenses,   development  of
leadership skills, and personal training and education. The base salary level of
the Chief  Executive  Officer is  determined by the Committee on an annual basis
based on the Committee's  evaluation of his performance,  including factors such
as  leadership  and  strategic  planning for the future of the Company,  and the
financial results of the Company.

Additionally,  from time to time, for comparison purposes, the Committee reviews
salary surveys complied by the Company.  These surveys include information about
comparable   salary  levels  from  outside   compensation   consultants   and/or
compensation  information  for companies  located in the San Francisco Bay area,
companies with total revenues of between $100 to $650 million,  companies with a
gross leasing  portfolio  between $500 million and $1 billion,  companies in the
transportation  leasing and financial  services  industries,  and companies with
less than 500 employees.  The companies  included in the salary  comparisons are
generally  not the same as the  companies  included  in the  index in the  stock
performance  graph  included  below in this report on Form 10-K.  The  Committee
believes that the Company's most direct  competitors for executive talent in the
San  Francisco  Bay Area are not  necessarily  the same  companies  to which the
Company would be compared for stock performance purposes.

In determining  base  compensation  for the Company's named  executive  officers
other than the Chief  Executive  Officer for 1999, the Committee  considered the
1998  compensation of each executive,  along with the individual  performance of
each  executive,  in order to  determine  the  amount,  if any, of a base salary
increase.  The  Summary  Compensation  Table  above  shows,  under  the  caption
"Salary," the base compensation for the named executive officers in 1999.

Mr. Tidball's base compensation was set at $324,000, effective February 1, 1999.
Mr. Tidball's annual base salary was in part determined based on the Committee's
evaluation of his  performance  during fiscal year 1998. The Committee also took
into   consideration   the  fact  that  Mr.  Tidball's  base   compensation  was
approximately 21% less than the average compensation of chief executive officers
as  reflected  in the most  recent  salary  survey  conducted  by the Company in
December 1997.

Annual Cash Incentives

The  annual  cash  incentive  is  designed  to  provide  short-term   (one-year)
incentives to executive officers.  Generally,  the cash incentive is paid from a
senior  management  bonus pool  established by the Committee at the beginning of
each year based on a targeted  level of  profitability  which is  measured by an
increase in earnings  compared to the prior fiscal year.  The Committee  retains
the right to increase  or  decrease  the size of the bonus pool during the year.
Consideration of whether the Company has met the targeted level of profitability
is a significant factor in determining the amount, if any, of cash incentives to
be paid.

Incentive  awards for the  Company's  executive  officers  participating  in the
single bonus pool (other than the Chief Executive Officer) are also based on the
achievement of predetermined  individual  performance goals. Specific individual
goals for each  executive  are  established  at the beginning of the year by the
Chief Executive Officer and are tied to the functional  responsibilities of each
executive.  Individual goals may include objective and subjective factors,  such
as improving the  performance  of assets  managed by the  executive,  successful
acquisitions  or  sales,  management  of  operating  expenses,   development  of
leadership skills, and personal training and education.  No specific weights are
assigned to the  individual  goals.  In fiscal 1999,  certain of the  individual
performance  targets were met, but the targeted level of  profitability  for the
Company was not. The Summary  Compensation  Table above shows, under the caption
"Bonus," incentive awards for the named executive officers for 1999.


In establishing  the annual cash incentive for the Chief  Executive  Officer for
1999, the Committee  primarily  considered the  profitability  of the Company in
1999. The  Compensation  Committee did not recommend an incentive  bonus for the
Chief Executive Officer in 1999, as reflected in the Summary  Compensation Table
above under the caption  "Bonus,"  because the Company did not meet its targeted
level of profitability.

The Members of the Compensation Committee



The following stock  performance graph compares the performance of the Company's
common stock to the S&P 500 Index and the Russell 2000 Index,  an index of small
market  capitalization  companies.  The Company  believes  it cannot  reasonably
identify a peer group of  issuers  leasing  similar  portfolios  of  diversified
transportation  equipment on operating leases, numerous other equipment types of
equipment  on finance  leases and  refrigerated  trailers on a short term basis.
Therefore,  the Company has used an index  composed of  companies  with  similar
market  capitalizations.  The graph assumes that the value of the  investment in
the  Company's  common  stock  and each  index  was $100 on  December  31 of the
applicable year.

[The following  descriptive  data is supplied in accordance  with Rule 304(d) of
Regulation S-T]


December 1994:

S & P 500:  $100
RUSSEL 2000:  $100

December 1995

S & P 500:  $138
RUSSELL 2000:  $127

December 1996

S & P 500:  $169
RUSSELL 2000:  $155

December 1997

S & P 500:  $226
RUSSELL 2000:  $204

December 1998

S & P 500:  $290
RUSSELL 2000:  $191

December 1999

S & P 500:  $351
RUSSELL 2000:  $188



                                [GRAPH OMITTED]


The  following  table sets forth certain  information  known to the Company with
respect to  beneficial  ownership  of the common  stock by (a) each  stockholder
known by the  Company to be the  beneficial  owner of more than 5% of the common
stock, (b) each of its directors and the named executive officers  identified in
the Summary  Compensation  Table  below,  and (c) all  directors  and  executive
officers of the Company as a group.

                                             Number of Shares of            Percent of Common
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner           Common Stock(1)                  Stock(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steel Partners II, L.P(2) ...................     1,337,300                      17.34%
        750 Lexington Avenue, 27th Floor
        New York, New York 10022


Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc.(3) ..........       501,600                       6.5%
        1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor
        Santa Monica, California 90401

Oak Forest Investment Management, Inc.(4) ...       464,200                       6.02%
        6701 Democracy Blvd., Ste. 402
        Bethesda, MD 20817

Stephen M. Bess(5) ..........................        53,354                        *

Randall L-W. Caudill(6) .....................        12,000                        *

Donald R. Dugan(7) ..........................        89,106                       1.14%

Douglas P. Goodrich(8) ......................       212,143                       2.71%

Warren G. Lichtenstein (9) ..................     1,340,633                      17.37%
        750 Lexington Avenue, 27th Floor
        New York, New York 10022

Howard M. Lorber(10) ........................         3,333                        *

Susan C. Santo(11) ..........................        29,166                        *

Harold R. Somerset(12) ......................        46,000                        *

Robert N. Tidball(13) .......................       377,338                       4.83%

Robert L. Witt(14) ..........................        15,000                        *

All directors and executive officers as a
group (11 people)(15) .......................     2,211,156                      27.16%

- -----------------------
*    Represents less than 1% of the outstanding shares.

(1)  Computed  on the basis of  7,712,609  shares of  common  stock  outstanding
     (excluding  treasury stock) as of March 17, 2000.  Beneficial  ownership as
     reported in the above table has been  determined  in  accordance  with Rule
     13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

(2)  As reported on Schedule  13D/A  Amendment 6 filed with the  Securities  and
     Exchange  Commission (SEC) on April 30, 1998, Steel Partners II, L.P. holds
     1,337,300  shares.  The general partner of Steel Partners II, L.P. is Steel
     Partners L.L.C., of which Mr.  Lichtenstein is the chief executive officer,
     and Steel Partners II, L.P. reports that Mr.  Lichtenstein may be deemed to
     be the  beneficial  owner of all of such  shares  by virtue of his power to
     vote and dispose of such shares.

(3)  As  reported  on  Schedule  13G filed  with the SEC on  February  3,  2000,
     Dimensional  Fund Advisors  Inc.  ("Dimensional")  holds 501,600  shares as
     investment  advisor  and  investment  manager on behalf of four  investment
     companies  registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 and other
     investment  vehicles,  including  commingled  group trusts.  In its role as
     investment  advisor and  investment  manager,  Dimensional  reports that it
     possesses both voting and investment power over the shares, and Dimensional
     disclaims beneficial ownership of all such shares.

(4)  As reported on Schedule  13G/A filed with the SEC on February 8, 2000,  Oak
     Forest  Investment  Management,  Inc. holds 464,200 shares as an investment
     advisor registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. In its role as
     investment advisor, Oak Forest Investment Management,  Inc. reports that it
     possesses  both the power to vote and to dispose or direct the  disposition
     of all such shares.

(5)  Includes  23,333  shares of common stock  issuable to Mr. Bess  pursuant to
     options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(6)  Includes 10,000 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Caudill  pursuant to
     options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(7)  Includes  80,000 shares of common stock  issuable to Mr. Dugan  pursuant to
     options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(8)  Includes  111,666 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Goodrich  pursuant
     to options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(9)  Includes  1,337,300  shares held by Steel  Partners  II,  L.P.  The general
     partner of Steel Partners II, L.P. is Steel Partners  L.L.C.,  of which Mr.
     Lichtenstein is the chief executive officer. Mr. Lichtenstein may be


     deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of all of such  shares by virtue of his
     power to vote and dispose of such  shares.  Also  includes  3,333 shares of
     common stock issuable to Mr.  Lichtenstein  pursuant to options exercisable
     within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(10) Comprised of 3,333 shares of common stock  issuable to Mr. Lorber  pursuant
     to options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(11) Includes  26,666 shares of common stock  issuable to Ms. Santo  pursuant to
     options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(12) Includes 40,000 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Somerset pursuant to
     options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(13) Includes 93,333 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Tidball  pursuant to
     options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(14) Includes  10,000  shares of common stock  issuable to Mr. Witt  pursuant to
     options exercisable within 60 days of March 17, 2000.

(15) Includes 428,330 shares of common stock issuable to members of the Board of
     Directors and executive officers pursuant to options  exercisable within 60
     days of March 17, 2000.




                                    PART IV


(a)      Financial Statements

         (1) The consolidated  financial  statements  listed in the accompanying
             index to  financial  statements  are  filed as part of this  Annual
             Report on Form 10-K.

         (2) Exhibits are listed at Item (c), below.

         (3) Financial Statement Schedules

             - Schedule II Valuation and qualifying accounts All other schedules
               are omitted,  since the required  information is not pertinent or
               is not present in amounts sufficient to require submission of the
               schedule,  or because the information required is included in the
               consolidated financial statements and notes thereto.

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K Filed in the Last Quarter of 1999


(c)      Exhibits

 3.1           Certificate of  Incorporation,  incorporated  by reference to the
               Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K filed with the  Securities
               and Exchange Commission on April 2, 1990.

 3.2           Bylaws,  incorporated by reference to the Company's Annual Report
               on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
               April 2, 1990.

10.1           $45,000,000  Senior Secured Note Agreement,  dated as of June 30,
               1994,  as amended,  incorporated  by reference  to the  Company's
               Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange
               Commission on March 15, 1995.

10.2           $27,000,000  Floating Rate Senior Secured Notes Agreement,  dated
               as of June 28, 1996,  incorporated  by reference to the Company's
               Quarterly  Report  on Form 10-Q  filed  with the  Securities  and
               Exchange Commission on August 5, 1996.

10.3           Form of Employment contracts for Executive Officers, incorporated
               by reference to the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K filed
               with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 31, 1993.

10.4           Form of Company Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement, incorporated
               by reference to the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K filed
               with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 31, 1993.

10.5           Directors' 1995 Nonqualified  Stock Option Plan,  incorporated by
               reference to the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with
               the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 15, 1995.

10.6           PLM International,  Inc.  Mandatory  Management Stock Bonus Plan,
               incorporated by reference to the Company's  Annual Report on Form
               10-K  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on
               February 24, 1997.

10.7           Form of Executive Deferred Compensation  Agreement,  incorporated
               by reference to the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K filed
               with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 31, 1993.

10.8           Asset Purchase Agreement,  dated as of July 1, 1995, incorporated
               by reference to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed
               with the Securities and Exchange Commission


               on November 1, 1995.

10.9           Pooling and Servicing  Agreement and Indenture of Trust, dated as
               of July 1,  1995,  incorporated  by  reference  to the  Company's
               Quarterly  Report  on Form 10-Q  filed  with the  Securities  and
               Exchange Commission on November 1, 1995.

10.10          Series  1997-1  Supplemental  Indenture to Pooling and  Servicing
               Agreement  and  Indenture of Trust among AFG Credit  Corporation,
               American Finance Group,  Inc., First Union Capital Markets Corp.,
               and  Bankers  Trust  Company,  dated  as  of  October  14,  1997,
               incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with
               the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 24, 1997.

10.11          Note Purchase  Agreement among AFG Credit  Corporation,  Variable
               Funding  Capital  Corporation,  and First Union  Capital  Markets
               Corp., dated as of October 14, 1997, incorporated by reference to
               the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities  and Exchange
               Commission on October 24, 1997.

10.12          Office  Lease  for  Premises  at  One  Market,   San   Francisco,
               California,  incorporated  by reference to the  Company's  Annual
               Report  on Form  10-K  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on April 1, 1991.

10.13          First Amendment to Restated  Warehousing  Credit  Agreement among
               American Finance Group,  Inc., First Union National Bank of North
               Carolina,  and  Bank of  Montreal,  dated  as of  June  1,  1998,
               incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with
               the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 22, 1998.

10.14          Second Amendment to Restated  Warehousing  Credit Agreement among
               American Finance Group, Inc., First Union National Bank, and Bank
               of Montreal,  dated as of June 8, 1998, incorporated by reference
               to the Company's Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange
               Commission on July 22, 1998.

10.15          1998  Management  Stock  Compensation  Plan,  dated May 12, 1998,
               incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with
               the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 22, 1998.

10.16          Amendment No. 4 to Pooling and Servicing  Agreement and Indenture
               of Trust, dated April 14, 1998,  incorporated by reference to the
               Company's  Form  10-Q  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on October 27, 1998.

10.17          Master Amendment to Floating Rate Senior Secured Notes Agreement,
               dated  September  22,  1998,  incorporated  by  reference  to the
               Company's  Form  10-Q  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on October 27, 1998.

10.18          Third Amended and Restated Warehousing Credit Agreement among TEC
               Acquisub, Inc., the Lenders, and First Union National Bank, dated
               December 15, 1998  incorporated  by reference to the Company Form
               10-K filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on March
               9, 1999.

10.19          Fourth Amended and Restated  Warehousing  Credit  Agreement among
               PLM Equipment  Growth Fund VI, PLM Equipment Growth & Income Fund
               VII,  Professional  Lease  Management  Income  Fund I,  LLC,  PLM
               Financial Services,  Inc., the Lenders,  and First Union National
               Bank,  dated December 15, 1998  incorporated  by reference to the
               Company  Form  10-K  filed  with  the   Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on March 9, 1999.

10.20          Master Lease Agreement among PLM International,  Inc. and Norwest
               Equipment Finance,  Inc., dated December 28, 1998 incorporated by
               reference to the Company Form 10-K filed with the  Securities and
               Exchange Commission on March 9, 1999.

10.21          Master Lease  Agreement  among PLM  International,  Inc. and U.S.
               Bancorp Leasing & Financial, dated December 11, 1998 incorporated
               by reference  to the Company Form 10-K filed with the  Securities
               and Exchange Commission on March 9, 1999.

10.22          Warehousing  Credit Agreement among American Finance Group, Inc.,
               the Lenders,  and First


               Union National  Bank,  dated  December 15, 1998  incorporated  by
               reference to the Company Form 10-K filed with the  Securities and
               Exchange Commission on March 9, 1999.

10.23          Amendment No. 1 to Series 1997-1 Supplemental Indenture among AFG
               Credit Corporation, American Finance Group, Inc., and First Union
               Capital Markets, dated December 9, 1998 incorporated by reference
               to the Company Form 10-K filed with the  Securities  and Exchange
               Commission on March 9, 1999.

10.24          Amendment No. 2 to Note Purchase Agreement among Variable Funding
               Capital Corporation,  First Union Capital Markets, and AFG Credit
               Corporation,  dated December 9, 1998 incorporated by reference to
               the  Company  Form 10-K filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on March 9, 1999.

10.25          $1,813,449  Note Payable and Security  Agreement  among  American
               Finance Group, Inc. and Transamerica Business Credit Corporation,
               dated July 28, 1998 incorporated by reference to the Company Form
               10-K filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on March
               9, 1999.

10.26          $1,118,010  Promissory Note, Pledge, and Security Agreement among
               American  Finance  Group,   Inc.  and  General  Electric  Capital
               Corporation, dated June 30, 1998 incorporated by reference to the
               Company  Form  10-K  filed  with  the   Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on March 9, 1999.

10.27          $6,579,350  Term  Notes and Loan and  Security  Agreements  among
               American  Finance Group,  Inc. and Varilease  Corporation,  dated
               March 27, 1998,  incorporated  by reference to the Company's Form
               10-K filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on March
               9, 1999.

10.28          Employment   Agreement   dated  December  18,  1992  between  PLM
               International,   Inc.  and  Robert  N.  Tidall,  incorporated  by
               reference to the Company's  Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.29          Employment   Agreement   dated  December  18,  1992  between  PLM
               International,  Inc.  and Douglas P.  Goodrich,  incorporated  by
               reference to the Company's  Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.30          Employment   Agreement   dated  December  18,  1992  between  PLM
               International,   Inc.  and  Stephen  M.  Bess,   incorporated  by
               reference to the Company's  Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.31          Severance  Agreement dated December 2, 1996 between PLM Financial
               Services,  Inc. and Stephen M. Bess, incorporated by reference to
               the Company's  Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities and Exchange
               Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.32          Employment   Agreement   dated   May   12,   1998   between   PLM
               International,   Inc.  and  Richard  K  Brock,   incorporated  by
               reference to the Company's  Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.33          Amendment to Employment Agreement dated November 18, 1998 between
               PLM  International,  Inc.  and Richard K Brock,  incorporated  by
               reference to the Company's  Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.34          Employment   Agreement   dated  November  19,  1997  between  PLM
               International, Inc. and Susan C. Santo, incorporated by reference
               to the  Company's  Form  10-K/A  filed  with the  Securities  and
               Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.35          Amendment to Employment Agreement dated November 17, 1998 between
               PLM  International,  Inc.  and Susan C.  Santo,  incorporated  by
               reference to the Company's  Form 10-K/A filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.36          Executive Deferred Compensation Agreement dated December 18, 1992
               between  PLM   International,   Inc.   and  Robert  N.   Tidball,
               incorporated  by  reference to the  Company's  Form 10- K/A filed
               with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.


10.37          Executive  Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  July 7, 1993
               between  PLM   International,   Inc.  and  Douglas  P.  Goodrich,
               incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-K/A filed with
               the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.38          Executive Deferred Compensation Agreement dated December 18, 1992
               between PLM International, Inc. and Stephen M. Bess, incorporated
               by  reference  to the  Company's  Form  10- K/A  filed  with  the
               Securities and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.39          Executive Deferred Compensation  Agreement dated January 18, 1999
               between PLM International, Inc. and Richard K Brock, incorporated
               by  reference  to  the  Company's  Form  10-K/A  filed  with  the
               Securities and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.40          Executive Deferred Compensation  Agreement dated January 18, 1999
               between PLM International,  Inc. and Susan C. Santo, incorporated
               by  reference  to  the  Company's  Form  10-K/A  filed  with  the
               Securities and Exchange Commission on January 19, 2000.

10.41          Master Lease  Agreement among PLM  International,  Inc. and Wells
               Fargo  Equipment  Finance,  Inc.,  dated  as of  April  2,  1999,
               incorporated  by reference to the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with
               the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 4, 1999.

10.42          Amendment to PLM International, Inc. Directors' 1995 Nonqualified
               Stock  Option  Plan,  dated  April  28,  1999,   incorporated  by
               reference to the  Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities
               and Exchange Commission on May 4, 1999.

10.43          Amendment  to  PLM  International,  Inc.  1998  Management  Stock
               Compensation   Plan,  dated  April  28,  1999,   incorporated  by
               reference to the  Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities
               and Exchange Commission on May 4, 1999.

10.44          Amended Form of Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement, incorporated
               by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on May 4, 1999.

10.45          $15,000,000 Facility Agreement among PLM International,  Inc. and
               Meespierson N.V., dated May 6, 1999, incorporated by reference to
               the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities  and Exchange
               Commission on July 26, 1999.

10.46          Second Amendment to PLM International, Inc. 1998 Management Stock
               Compensation Plan, dated May 29, 1999,  incorporated by reference
               to the Company's Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange
               Commission on July 26, 1999.

10.47          Employment  Agreement  among  American  Finance  Group,  Inc. and
               certain  employees,   dated  January  1,  1999,  incorporated  by
               reference to the  Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities
               and Exchange Commission on July 26, 1999.

10.48          Retention  Agreement  among  American  Finance  Group,  Inc.  and
               certain employees, dated April 1999, incorporated by reference to
               the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities  and Exchange
               Commission on July 26, 1999.

10.49          Severance  Agreement  among PLM  International,  Inc. and certain
               employees  dated  August 1999,  incorporated  by reference to the
               Company's  Form  10-Q  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on October 28, 1999.

10.50          Amendment #1 dated April 2, 1999 to Master Lease  Agreement among
               PLM International,  Inc. and Wells Fargo Equipment Finance,  Inc.
               dated April 2, 1999,  incorporated  by reference to the Company's
               Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on
               October 28, 1999.

10.51          Master  Lease  Agreement  among  PLM   International,   Inc.  and
               Associates Leasing,  Inc. dated August 25, 1999,  incorporated by
               reference to the  Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities
               and Exchange Commission on October 28, 1999.

10.52          Master Lease  Agreement  among PLM Rental Inc. and Fleet Capital,
               Inc. dated  September 23,


               1999,  incorporated by reference to the Company's Form 10-Q filed
               with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 28, 1999.

10.53          Amendment  #2 dated  October 12, 1999 to Master  Lease  Agreement
               among PLM International,  Inc. and Wells Fargo Equipment Finance,
               Inc.  dated  April 2,  1999,  incorporated  by  reference  to the
               Company's  Form  10-Q  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission on October 28, 1999.

10.54          Master Lease Agreement among PLM Rental Inc. and US Bancorp dated
               September  22, 1999,  incorporated  by reference to the Company's
               Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on
               October 28, 1999.

10.55          Stock Sales Agreement among PLM International,  Inc. and Guaranty
               Federal Bank dated October 26, 1999, incorporated by reference to
               the Company's  Form 10-Q filed with the  Securities  and Exchange
               Commission on October 28, 1999.

10.56          Amendment #2 dated March 1, 2000 to Stock Sales  Agreement  among
               PLM International,  Inc. and Guaranty Federal Bank,  incorporated
               by reference to the Company's  Form 8-K filed with the Securities
               and Exchange Commission on March 9, 2000.

10.57          Amendment  #1 dated  January 24,  2000 to Stock  Sales  Agreement
               among PLM International, Inc. and Guaranty Federal Bank.

10.58          Amendment  number one to third  amended and restated  Warehousing
               Credit Agreement among TEC Acquisub, Inc., the Lenders, and First
               Union National Bank, dated December 10, 1999.

10.59          Amendment  number one to fourth amended and restated  Warehousing
               Credit   Agreement  among  PLM  Equipment  Growth  Fund  VI,  PLM
               Equipment Growth & Income Fund VII, Professional Lease Management
               Income Fund I, LLC, PLM Financial  Services,  Inc.,  the Lenders,
               and First Union National Bank, dated December 10, 1999.

10.60          Amendment number one to amended and restated  Warehousing  Credit
               Agreement among American  Finance Group,  Inc., the Lenders,  and
               First Union National Bank, dated December 10, 1999.

10.61          Severance   Agreement   dated   December  17,  1999  between  PLM
               International, Inc. and Robert N. Tidall.

10.62          Severance   Agreement   dated   December  17,  1999  between  PLM
               International, Inc. and Richard K Brock.

10.63          Severance   Agreement   dated   December  17,  1999  between  PLM
               International, Inc. and Douglas P. Goodrich.

10.64          Severance   Agreement   dated   December  17,  1999  between  PLM
               International, Inc. and Susan C. Santo.

10.65          Employment  Agreement  dated  January  1, 1999  between  American
               Finance Group, Inc. and D. R. Dugan

10.66          Directors 2000 Nonqualified Stock Option Plan.

23.2           Independent Auditors' Report and Consent

24.1           Powers of Attorney.



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the Company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date: March 17, 2000                      PLM International, Inc.

                                          By: /s/ Robert N. Tidball
                                              Robert N. Tidball
                                              Chairman, President, and
                                              Chief Executive Officer

                                          By: /s/ Richard K Brock
                                              Richard K Brock
                                              Chief Financial Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Company,  in the
capacities and on the dates indicated.

*                                       Director, Senior              March 17, 2000
- ----------------------------------      Vice President
Douglas P. Goodrich

*                                       Director                      March 17, 2000
- ----------------------------------
Randall L.-W. Caudill

*                                       Director                      March 17, 2000
- ----------------------------------
Warren G. Lichtenstein

*                                       Director                      March 17, 2000
- ----------------------------------
Howard M. Lorber

*                                       Director                      March 17, 2000
- ----------------------------------
Harold R. Somerset

*                                       Director                      March 17, 2000
- ----------------------------------
Robert L. Witt

*    Susan C. Santo,  by signing  her name  hereto,  does sign this  document on
     behalf of the persons indicated above,  pursuant to powers of attorney duly
     executed  by such  persons  and  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange

                                                  /s/ Susan C. Santo
                                                  Susan C. Santo


                         INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                               (Item 14(a)(1)(2))

Description                                                                Page
- -----------                                                                ----

Independent Auditors' Report                                                  46

Consolidated Statements of Income for Years Ended
  December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997                                           47

Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998                  48

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
  and Comprehensive Income for Years Ended December 31,
  1999, 1998, and 1997                                                        49

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for Years
  Ended December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997                                  50-51

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                 52-74


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors and Shareholders
PLM International, Inc.

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of PLM International, Inc.
and  subsidiaries  (the Company),  as listed in the  accompanying  index.  These
consolidated  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility is to express an opinion on these  consolidated
financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of PLM International,
Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the  three-year  period
ended  December 31, 1999,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting

MARCH 15, 2000


                                                      PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                         (in thousands of dollars, except per share amounts)

                                                                                           1999             1998             1997

Operating lease income (Note 5)                                                          $ 25,755         $ 12,012         $ 10,602
Management fees (Note 1)                                                                    8,167            9,385           10,546
Partnership interests and other fees (Note 1)                                                 657              917            1,306
Acquisition and lease negotiation fees (Note 1)                                             1,354            3,253            2,356
Aircraft brokerage and services                                                              --              1,090            2,466
(Loss) gain on the sale or disposition of assets, net                                         (49)           1,526            1,745
Other                                                                                       1,381            1,937            2,148
  Total revenues                                                                           37,265           30,120           31,169

Costs and expenses

Operations support (Notes 11 and 14)                                                       14,148           12,383           13,166
Depreciation and amortization (Note 1)                                                      8,097            4,868            4,489
General and administrative (Notes 11 and 14)                                                6,828            7,624            9,536
  Total costs and expenses                                                                 29,073           24,875           27,191

Operating income                                                                            8,192            5,245            3,978

Interest expense (Notes 8 and 9)                                                           (5,424)          (3,826)          (4,572)
Interest income                                                                               343              941            1,311
Other income (expenses), net                                                                  721              473             (342)
  Income before income taxes                                                                3,832            2,833              375

Provision for (benefit from) income taxes (Note 10)                                         1,487            1,154             (423)

  Net income from continuing operations                                                     2,345            1,679              798

Income from operations of discontinued operations, net of tax (Note 2)                        811            3,178            3,869
Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                               (550)            --               --

    Net income before cumulative effect of accounting change                                2,606            4,857            4,667

Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax (Note 20)                                 (250)            --               --
    Net income to common shares                                                          $  2,356         $  4,857         $  4,667

Basic earnings per weighted-average common share outstanding:

    Income from continuing operations                                                    $   0.29         $   0.20         $   0.09
    Discontinued operations                                                                  0.10             0.38             0.42
    Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                          (0.07)            --               --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                                                  (0.03)            --               --
                                                                                         $   0.29         $   0.58         $   0.51
Diluted earnings per weighted-average common share outstanding:

    Income from continuing operations                                                    $   0.29         $   0.20         $   0.09
    Discontinued operations                                                                  0.10             0.37             0.41
    Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                          (0.07)            --               --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                                                  (0.03)            --               --
                                                                                         $   0.29         $   0.57         $   0.50

                                  See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements


                                                       PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                         As of December 31,
                                          (in thousands of dollars, except share amounts)


                                                                                                       1999                  1998
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                            $   2,089            $   8,786
Receivables (net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $0.8 million and
  $0.4 million as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively)                                           8,437                5,003
Receivables from affiliates (Note 3)                                                                     2,962                2,944
Net assets of discontinued operations (Note 2)                                                          30,990               32,930
Equity interest in affiliates (Note 3)                                                                  18,145               22,588
Trailers held for operating leases (Note 5)                                                            103,000               63,044
  Less accumulated depreciation                                                                        (21,093)             (15,516)
                                                                                                        81,907               47,528

Restricted cash and cash equivalents (Note 6)                                                            1,812                2,261
Other assets, net (Note 9)                                                                               5,855                5,506
    Total assets                                                                                     $ 152,197            $ 127,546

                                                LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY


Senior secured notes (Note 9)                                                                        $  20,679            $  28,199
Senior secured loan (Note 9)                                                                             8,824               14,706
Other secured debt (Note 9)                                                                             50,697               13,142
Payables and other liabilities                                                                           8,445                9,675
Deferred income taxes (Note 10)                                                                         14,139               11,627
  Total liabilities                                                                                    102,784               77,349

Commitments and contingencies (Note 11)                                                                   --                   --

Shareholders' equity (Note 12)
Preferred stock ($0.01 par value, 10.0 million shares
  authorized, none outstanding as of December 31, 1999 and 1998)                                          --                   --
Common stock ($0.01 par value, 50.0 million shares
  authorized, and 7,675,410 and 8,159,919 shares
  issued and outstanding as of December 31, 1999
  and 1998, respectively)                                                                                  112                  112
Paid-in capital, in excess of par                                                                       75,059               74,947
Treasury stock (4,360,345 and 3,875,836 shares at
  respective dates)                                                                                    (18,324)             (15,072)
Accumulated deficit                                                                                     (7,434)              (9,790)
  Total shareholders' equity                                                                            49,413               50,197
    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                                       $ 152,197            $ 127,546

                                 See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements


                                                       PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                                      AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
                                            Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997
                                                      (in thousands of dollars)

                                                         Common Stock                      Accumulated
                                                    ----------------------                   Deficit &
                                                                  Paid-in                   Accumulated
                                                                 Capital in                    Other                      Total
                                                       At          Excess       Treasury   Comprehensive Comprehensive Shareholders'
                                                      Par          of Par        Stock         Income        Income       Equity
  Balances, December 31, 1996                       $     117      $ 77,778      $(12,382)     $(19,193)                  $ 46,320
Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                                                                      4,667      $  4,667        4,667
  Other comprehensive loss:
    Foreign currency translation loss                                                              (123)         (123)        (123)
    Total comprehensive income                                                                                  4,544
Common stock purchases                                     (5)       (3,128)       (1,268)                                  (4,401)
Reissuance of treasury stock, net                                                     215           (38)                       177
Redemption of shareholder rights                                                                    (92)                       (92)
                                                    ---------------------------------------------------                   --------
  Balances, December 31, 1997                             112        74,650       (13,435)      (14,779)                    46,548

Comprehensive income:
  Net income                                                                                      4,857         4,857        4,857
  Other comprehensive income:
    Foreign currency translation
      Income                                                                                        132           132          132
    Total comprehensive income                                                                                  4,989
Exercise of stock options                                               218           211                                      429
Common stock purchases                                                             (2,059)                                  (2,059)
Reissuance of treasury stock, net                                        79           211                                      290
                                                    ---------------------------------------------------                   --------
  Balances, December 31, 1998                             112        74,947       (15,072)       (9,790)                    50,197

Comprehensive income:
Net income                                                                                        2,356      $  2,356        2,356
Exercise of stock options                                                11           591                                      602
Common stock purchases                                                             (3,951)                                  (3,951)
Reissuance of treasury stock, net                                       101           108                                      209
                                                    ---------------------------------------------------                   --------
   Balances, December 31, 1999                      $     112      $ 75,059      $(18,324)     $ (7,434)                  $ 49,413
                                                    ===================================================                   ========
                                 See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements.


                                                      PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                               CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                     (in thousands of dollars)

                                                                                         1999              1998               1997
Operating activities
Net income from continuing operations                                                  $  2,345          $  1,679          $    798
Adjustments to reconcile net income from continuing operations
 to net cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                                                         8,097             4,868             4,489
    Foreign currency translation                                                           --                 (80)             (123)
    Deferred income tax                                                                   2,512            (3,324)             (474)
    Loss (gain) on the sale or disposition of assets, net                                    49            (1,526)           (1,745)
    Loss on sale of investment in subsidiary                                               --                 245              --
    Undistributed residual value interests                                                  958             1,057             1,052
    Minority interest in net loss of subsidiaries                                          --                (100)              (39)
    (Decrease) increase in payables and other liabilities                                (1,021)           (1,665)            1,785
    (Increase) decrease in receivables and receivables from
      affiliates                                                                         (3,452)              739             1,482
    Amortization of organization and offering costs                                       3,485             2,839             2,913
    (Increase) decrease in other assets                                                    (657)              560               308
      Cash provided by operating activities of
         continuing operations                                                           12,316             5,292            10,446
      Cash provided by operating activities of discontinued
         operations                                                                       8,607            12,578             7,726
      Cumulative effect of accounting change                                                250              --                --
       Net cash provided by operating activities                                         21,173            17,870            18,172

Investing activities
Principal payments received on finance leases                                               281               225                12
Purchase of property, plant, and equipment                                                 (521)             (265)             (300)
Purchase of transportation equipment and capital improvements                           (64,347)          (58,916)          (33,725)
Proceeds from the sale of transportation equipment held for lease                           565             6,230            12,318
Proceeds from the sale of assets held for sale                                           21,805            25,328            25,857
Sale of  investment in subsidiary                                                          --                 176              --
Decrease in restricted cash and cash equivalents                                            449            12,242               159
Investing activities of discontinued operations                                          (5,989)          (50,673)          (49,624)
  Net cash used in investing activities                                                 (47,757)          (65,653)          (45,303)


                                 See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements.


                                                       PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                                CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                      (in thousands of dollars)


                                                                                      1999                1998                1997
Financing activities
Borrowings of warehouse credit facilities                                             46,608              22,990             15,639
Repayment of warehouse credit facilities                                             (46,608)            (22,990)           (19,719)
Borrowings of senior secured notes                                                      --                10,000              9,000
Repayment of senior secured notes                                                     (7,520)             (5,644)            (3,157)
Repayment of senior secured loan                                                      (5,882)             (5,882)            (4,412)
Borrowings of other secured debt                                                      39,727              13,471               --
Repayment of other secured debt                                                       (2,172)               (270)              (205)
Purchase of stock                                                                     (3,951)             (2,059)            (4,401)
Redemption of shareholder rights                                                        --                  --                  (92)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                                  602                 429               --
Financing activities of discontinued operations                                         (917)             41,300             32,064
  Net cash provided by financing activities                                           19,887              51,345             24,717

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents                                  (6,697)              3,562             (2,414)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                         8,786               5,224              7,638
    Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                        $  2,089            $  8,786           $  5,224

Supplemental information
Net cash paid for interest from continuing operations                               $  5,122            $  3,886           $  4,338
Net cash paid for interest from discontinued operations                             $  9,382            $ 10,168           $  5,057
Net cash paid for income taxes                                                      $    331            $  1,656           $  1,119

                                 See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements.



Basis of Presentation

The  accompanying   consolidated  financial  statements  contain  all  necessary
adjustments,  consisting  primarily  of normal  recurring  accruals,  to present
fairly the results of operations,  financial position,  changes in shareholders'
equity and comprehensive  income, and cash flows of PLM International,  Inc. and
its wholly and majority owned subsidiaries (PLM  International,  the Company, or
PLMI). All  intercompany  transactions  among the  consolidated  group have been

PLM  International  is a diversified  equipment  leasing and management  company
specializing  in the leasing of  transportation  and  commercial  and industrial
equipment.  The Company  specializes in creating equipment leasing solutions for
domestic and international customers.

These financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting
in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  This requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities,  disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the
date of the  financial  statements,  and the  reported  amounts of revenues  and
expenses  during the reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from those

Leasing Operations

PLM  International's  owned  transportation  leasing assets consist primarily of
trailers on operating leases. The Company's commercial and industrial subsidiary
leasing operations  consists of operating and direct finance leases on a variety
of equipment including point-of-sale,  computer, communications,  manufacturing,
and  materials-handling  equipment.  Equipment held for operating lease includes
transportation  equipment and  commercial and  industrial  equipment,  which are
depreciated  over their estimated  useful life.  Rental payments are recorded as
revenue over the lease term as earned.

Under the  direct  finance  lease  method of  accounting,  the  leased  asset is
recorded as an investment in direct  finance  leases and  represents the minimum
net lease payments receivable,  including third-party guaranteed residuals, plus
the unguaranteed  residual value of the equipment,  less unearned income. Rental
payments  consist of  principal  and interest on the lease,  principal  payments
reduce the  investment  in the finance  lease,  and the  interest is recorded as
revenue over the lease term.

Prior to 1998, the Company  expensed initial direct lease  origination  costs as
incurred  since they were not  material.  Under  generally  accepted  accounting
principles,  initial direct costs, if material,  should be  capitalized.  As the
Company's  portfolio  of equipment on lease  continued  to grow,  the  resulting
initial direct lease  origination  costs became material.  Effective  January 1,
1998,  the Company began  capitalizing  these costs.  During 1998 and 1999,  the
Company  capitalized  a total of $1.1  million  of these  costs,  of which  $0.5
million had been amortized as of December 31, 1999. Amounts  capitalized related
to direct  finance  leases are included in the net  investment in finance leases
and are amortized using the effective interest method.


Trailer  equipment held for operating  lease is stated at cost.  Depreciation is
computed on the straight-line  method down to the equipment's  estimated salvage
value,  utilizing the following estimated useful lives in years: trailers, 10 to
12;  and  commercial  and  industrial  equipment,  1 to 7.  Salvage  values  for
transportation  equipment are 20% of original equipment cost. Salvage values for
commercial and industrial equipment vary according to the type of equipment.

In accordance  with Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board (FASB)  Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 121, "Accounting for the Impairment of
Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets to Be  Disposed  Of," the Company
reviews the  carrying  value of its  equipment at least  quarterly  and whenever
circumstances  indicate  that  the  carrying  value  of  an  asset  may  not  be
recoverable.  If  projected  undiscounted  future  cash flows are lower than the
carrying  value  of the  equipment,  the loss on  revaluation  is  recorded  for
operating leases or as



Equipment (continued)

a reduction to finance lease income (if the assets were on finance lease). Total
reductions  were $0.6 million in 1999, $0.2 million in 1998, and $0.2 million in

The Company  classifies assets as held for sale when management has committed to
a plan to dispose of the asset,  whether by sale or abandonment.  Equipment held
for sale is valued at the lower of depreciated cost or estimated fair value less
cost to sell.

Repairs and maintenance costs are usually the obligation of the Company.  Repair
and maintenance  expenses were $4.7 million,  $2.7 million, and $2.7 million for
1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively.

Investment  in  and  Management  of  Equipment   Growth  Funds,   Other  Limited
Partnerships, and Private Placement Programs

The  Company  earns  revenues  in  connection  with the  management  of  limited
partnerships and private  placement  programs.  Equipment  acquisition and lease
negotiation fees are earned through the purchase and initial lease of equipment,
and are  recognized  as revenue when the Company  completes  all of the services
required to earn the fees,  typically  when binding  commitment  agreements  are

Management   fees  are  earned  for  managing  the  equipment   portfolios   and
administering  investor programs as provided for in various agreements,  and are
recognized as revenue over time as they are earned.

As compensation for organizing a partnership investment program, the Company was
granted an interest  (between 1% and 5%) in the earnings and cash  distributions
of the  program,  in which PLM  Financial  Services,  Inc.  (FSI) is the General
Partner. The Company recognizes as partnership  interests its equity interest in
the earnings of the  partnerships,  after adjusting such earnings to reflect the
effect of special  allocations  of the programs'  gross income allowed under the
respective partnership agreements.

The Company also recognizes as income its interest in the estimated net residual
value of the  assets of the  partnerships  as they are  purchased.  The  amounts
recorded  are  based  on  management's  estimate  of  the  net  proceeds  to  be
distributed  upon disposition of the  partnerships'  equipment at the end of the
respective  partnerships.  As assets are  purchased by the  partnerships,  these
residual value  interests are recorded in other fees at the present value of the
Company's share of estimated disposition proceeds. FSI has not recorded any such
residual  income  since 1997 at which point the  partnerships  had  invested all
original capital.  Special distributions  received by the Company resulting from
the sale of equipment are treated as  recoveries  of its equity  interest in the
partnership   until  the  recorded   residual  is  eliminated.   Any  additional
distributions received are treated as residual interest income.

The  Company is entitled  to  reimbursement  from the  investment  programs  for
providing certain administrative services.

In accordance with certain  investment program and partnership  agreements,  the
Company  received  reimbursement  for  organization  and offering costs incurred
during the offering  period.  The  reimbursement  was between 1.5% and 3% of the
equity raised.  In the event  organizational  and offering costs incurred by the
Company, as defined by the partnership agreement,  exceeded amounts allowed, the
excess  costs  were  capitalized  as an  additional  investment  in the  related
partnership and are being amortized until the projected start of the liquidation
phase of the partnership.  These additional  investments are reflected as equity
interest in affiliates in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.



Investment in and Management of Limited Liability Company

From May 1995 through May 1996, Professional Lease Management Income Fund I, LLC
(Fund I), a limited  liability  company with a no front-end fee  structure,  was
offered as an investor  program.  FSI serves as the manager for the program.  No
compensation  was paid to the Company for the  organization  and  syndication of
interests,   the  acquisition  of  equipment,  the  negotiation  of  leases  for
equipment,   or  the  placement  of  debt.  The  Company  funded  the  costs  of
organization,  syndication,  and offering  through the use of operating cash and
has  capitalized  these  costs  as its  investment  in Fund I.  The  Company  is
amortizing  its  investment  in Fund I over eight years to the  beginning of the
liquidation period of Fund I in 2003.

In return for its  investment,  the Company is entitled to a 15% interest in the
cash  distributions  and  earnings  of Fund I,  subject  to  certain  allocation
provisions.  The Company's  interest in the cash  distributions  and earnings of
Fund I will  increase to 25% after the  investors  have  received  distributions
equal to their  invested  capital.  The Company is entitled to monthly  fees for
equipment   management   services  and   reimbursement   for  providing  certain
administrative services.

FSI also  recognized as income its interest in the estimated net residual  value
of the assets of Fund I purchased  with the  proceeds  from the  offering of the
fund.  The  amounts  recorded  are  based on  management's  estimate  of the net
proceeds to be distributed  upon  disposition of the program's  equipment at the
end of the  program.  As assets are  purchased by Fund I, these  residual  value
interests  are recorded in  partnership  interests and other fees at the present
value of FSI's share of estimated  disposition  proceeds.  Special distributions
resulting  from  the  sale of  equipment  received  by FSI  will be  treated  as
recoveries of its equity interest in the program until the recorded  residual is
eliminated.  Any additional  distributions  received will be treated as residual
interest income.

Institutional Programs

The Company earned revenues in connection with lease origination's and servicing
equipment  leases  for  institutional  programs,  which  were  managed  by  AFG.
Acquisition  fees  were  earned  through  the  purchase  and  initial  lease  of
equipment,   and  were   recognized  as  revenue  when  the  Company   completed
substantially all of the services  required in earning the fees,  typically when
binding  commitment  agreements  were  signed.  Management  fees were earned for
servicing  the  equipment  portfolios  and  leases as  provided  for in  various
agreements,  and were  recognized as revenue over time as they were earned.  AFG
was sold on March 1, 2000.

Residual Interests

The Company has residual  interests in equipment owned by the managed  programs,
which are  recorded  as equity  interest  in  affiliates.  As  required  by FASB
Technical  Bulletin  1986-2,  the  discount  on  the  Company's  residual  value
interests in the  equipment  owned by the managed  programs is not accreted over
the holding  period.  Residual  interests  in  equipment  on finance  leases are
included in investment in direct finance  leases,  net. The Company  reviews the
carrying  value of its residual  interests  quarterly or whenever  circumstances
indicate that the carrying  value of an asset may not be recoverable in relation
to expected  future market  values for the equipment in which it holds  residual
interests for the purpose of assessing recoverability of recorded amounts.


Earnings Per Weighted-Average Common Share

Basic  earnings  per common  share are computed by dividing net income to common
shares by the weighted- average number of shares  outstanding during the period.
The  computation of diluted  earnings per share is similar to the computation of
basic earnings per share,  except for the inclusion of all potentially  dilutive
common shares.  Basic and diluted earnings per share are presented below for the
years ended December 31:

                                                                                       1999               1998               1997
                                                                                    (in thousands of dollars, except per share data)

    Net income from continuing operations                                             $ 2,345            $ 1,679           $   798
    Net income from discontinued operations                                               811              3,178             3,869
    Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                       (550)              --                --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                                               (250)              --                --
    Net income to common shares                                                       $ 2,356            $ 4,857           $ 4,667
    Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding                                8,025              8,325             9,081
    Basic earnings per common share:
    Income from continuing operations                                                    0.29               0.20              0.09
    Income from discontinued operations                                                  0.10               0.38              0.42
    Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                      (0.07)              --                --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                                              (0.03)              --                --
    Net income to common shares                                                       $  0.29            $  0.58           $  0.51

    Net income from continuing operations                                             $ 2,345            $ 1,679           $   798
    Net income from discontinued operations                                               811              3,178             3,869
    Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                       (550)              --                --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                                               (250)              --                --
    Net income to common shares                                                       $ 2,356            $ 4,857           $ 4,667
    Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding                                8,025              8,325             9,081
    Potentially dilutive common shares                                                     99                155               196
    Total shares                                                                        8,124              8,480             9,277
    Diluted earnings per weighted-average common share:
    Income from continuing operations                                                    0.29               0.20              0.09
    Income from discontinued operations                                                  0.10               0.37              0.41
    Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                      (0.07)              --                --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                                              (0.03)              --                --
    Net income to common shares                                                       $  0.29            $  0.57           $  0.50

Income Taxes

The Company  recognizes income tax expense using the liability method.  Deferred
income taxes are recognized for the tax consequences of "temporary  differences"
by  applying  enacted   statutory  tax  rates  applicable  to  future  years  to
differences  between the financial  statement carrying amounts and the tax bases
of existing assets and liabilities.

Deferred  income taxes arise  primarily  because of differences in the timing of
reporting equipment  depreciation,  partnership income, and certain accruals for
financial statement and income tax reporting purposes.


Intangibles  consist  primarily of goodwill related to acquisitions,  loan fees,
software,  and lease  origination  costs.  They are reported at the lower of net
amortized cost or fair value and are generally  included on the balance sheet in
other  assets,  net.  Lease  origination  costs  related to  finance  leases are
reported as investment in finance leases. Goodwill is amortized over eight years
from the  acquisition  date.  The  Company  annually  reviews the  valuation  of
goodwill  based on  projected  undiscounted  future  cash  flows.  Loan fees are
amortized over the life of



Intangibles (continued)

the  related  loan.  Software  is  amortized  over  three to five years from the
acquisition  date.  Lease  origination  costs are amortized over the life of the
related lease.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers highly liquid investments  readily  convertible into known
amounts  of  cash,  with  original  maturities  of  90  days  or  less  as  cash

Comprehensive Income

The  Company  discloses  its  foreign  currency  translation  gain  (loss)  as a
component  of  comprehensive  income on a gross  basis,  because it relates to a
foreign investment permanently reinvested outside of the United States.


Certain  prior-year  amounts have been  reclassified  in order to conform to the
current year's presentation.

Interest-Rate Swap Agreements

The Company has entered into interest rate swap agreements to hedge its interest
rate exposure on its nonrecourse  securitization facility. The terms of the swap
agreements correspond to the hedged debt. The impact of the swap agreement is to
increase or decrease  interest  expense by the amount to be paid or received due
to the swap in that period. In accordance with SFAS 80,  "Accounting For Futures
Contracts", the Company does not adjust interest expense for future amounts that
may be paid or received from these swaps.

Discontinued Operations

The Company's  commercial and industrial  equipment  subsidiary American Finance
Group, Inc. (AFG) is accounted for as a discontinued operation and prior periods
financial statements have been restated. AFG was sold on March 1, 2000.


In October 1999, the Company  announced that the Company had engaged  investment
bankers  to  develop  strategic   alternatives  to  maximize  shareholder  value
including the possible sale of part or all of the Company.  In October 1999, the
Company agreed to sell American  Finance Group,  Inc. (AFG),  its commercial and
industrial  equipment leasing subsidiary for approximately $28.5 million, net of
transaction  costs and income taxes.  On February 25, 2000, the  shareholders of
PLM  International  approved the  transaction.  The sale of AFG was completed on
March 1, 2000, the Company  received $29.0 million for AFG. The Company  expects
to receive additional proceeds of $1.9 million (unaudited) in the second quarter
of 2000 related to the sale of AFG. Taxes and  transaction  costs related to the
sale are estimated to be $5.0 million resulting in estimated net proceeds to the
Company of $25.9  million.  In addition,  AFG  dividended to PLMI certain assets
with a net book value of $2.7 million immediately prior to the sale. The loss on
disposition  of AFG of $0.6 million  includes $0.3 million  (unaudited) of AFG's
estimated  net income for the period from January 1, 2000  through  February 29,

Accordingly,  the Company's  commercial  and industrial  leasing  operations are
accounted for as a discontinued  operation and prior periods have been restated.
For  business  segment  reporting  purposes,  AFG's is  reported  in the segment
"Commercial and industrial equipment leasing and financing".  Costs and expenses
included in  discontinued  operations  includes all direct  expenses of AFG that
will be eliminated on the  completion of the sale and allocated  costs from PLMI
that will be eliminated as a result of the sale.



Net income from  discontinued  operations  for the year ended December 31, 1999,
1998 and 1997 are as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                                                                       1999               1998               1997
Revenue                                                                              $ 26,293           $ 26,958           $ 18,496
Costs and expenses                                                                    (14,705)           (11,615)            (7,361)
Operating income                                                                       11,588             15,343             11,135
Interest expense                                                                       (9,881)           (10,782)            (5,319)
Interest income and other expenses                                                       (407)               505                324
Net income from discontinued operations before income taxes                             1,300              5,066              6,140
Income tax                                                                               (489)            (1,888)            (2,271)
Net income from discontinued operations                                              $    811           $  3,178           $  3,869

Loss on disposition of discontinued operations                                       $   (550)          $   --             $   --

Net assets of  discontinued  operations  on the balance sheet as of December 31,
1999 and 1998 are as follow (in thousands of dollars):

                                                        1999             1998
Cash and cash equivalents                            $     382        $    --
Restricted cash                                          7,380            8,088
Receivables                                              2,330            2,279
Investment in direct finance leases                    123,632          143,006
Loan receivables                                        28,115           23,493
Commercial and industrial equipment, net                23,464           16,689
Other assets, net                                        1,895            3,898
Warehouse credit facility                              (38,240)         (34,420)
Nonrecourse securitized debt                          (106,485)        (111,222)
Payables and other liabilities                          (5,382)         (12,093)
Deferred income taxes                                   (6,101)          (6,788)
  Net assets of discontinued operations              $  30,990        $  32,930

Financing Transaction Activities

AFG  originated  and  managed  lease  and loan  transactions  on  primarily  new
commercial and industrial equipment that was financed by nonrecourse securitized
debt or sold to institutional programs or other unaffiliated investors. AFG used
one of its warehouse credit facilities to finance the acquisition of the assets,
subject  to  leases,  prior  to  sale  or  permanent  financing  by  nonrecourse
securitized  debt.  The majority of these  transactions  were  accounted  for as
direct finance leases,  while some  transactions  qualify as operating leases or

During 1999,  AFG funded $55.7  million in equipment  that was placed on finance
lease.  Also during 1999,  the Company sold  equipment on finance  lease with an
original cost of $41.0 million,  resulting in net gains of $0.4 million.  During
1998,  AFG funded $129.1  million in equipment that was placed on finance lease.
Also during 1998,  AFG sold  equipment on finance lease with an original cost of
$56.0 million, resulting in net gains of $1.5 million.



Financing Transaction Activities (continued)

The following  table lists the  components of the  investment in direct  finance
leases of AFG as of December 31 (in thousands of dollars):

                                                         1999            1998
                                                      ---------       ---------
Minimum lease payments receivable                     $ 122,314       $ 145,119
Estimated unguaranteed residual values
Initial direct lease origination costs, net                 548             435
                                                      ---------       ---------
                                                        146,397         170,336
  Less unearned income                                  (22,765)        (27,330)
                                                      ---------       ---------
    Investment in direct finance leases, net          $ 123,632       $ 143,006
                                                      =========       =========

The schedule of the minimum  future lease  revenues was projected as follows (in
thousands of dollars):

                                            2000          $   44,106
                                            2001              31,586
                                            2002              21,375
                                            2003              15,421
                                            2004               7,359
                                      Thereafter               2,467
         Total minimum lease payments receivable          $  122,314

Equipment Held for Operating Leases

During 1999, AFG funded $20.7 million in commercial  and  industrial  equipment,
which was placed on  operating  lease.  During  1999,  AFG sold  commercial  and
industrial  equipment  that  was on  operating  lease,  for a net  gain  of $1.7
million.  During 1998,  AFG funded $24.0  million in commercial  and  industrial
equipment, which was placed on operating lease. During 1998, AFG sold commercial
and  industrial  equipment that was on operating  lease,  for a net gain of $1.7
million.  Future  minimum  rentals  receivable  for  commercial  and  industrial
equipment under  noncancelable  leases as of December 31, 1999 are approximately
$8.0 million in 2000,  $4.1 million in 2001,  $2.4 million in 2002, $1.0 million
in 2003, $0.3 million in 2004, and $26,000 thereafter.

Warehouse Credit Facility

AFG had a  warehouse  credit  facility  which  allowed AFG to borrow up to $50.0
million to be used to acquire  assets on an interim  basis prior to placement in
AFG's nonrecourse  securitization  facility,  sold to institutional  programs or
syndication to unaffiliated  third parties.  Interest  accrued at prime or LIBOR
plus 137.5  basis  points,  at the option of AFG.  On December  10,  1999,  PLMI
amended  AFG's  warehouse  credit  facility to extend the  facility to April 21,
2000,  and lowered the amount  available  to be borrowed  from $60.0  million to
$50.0  million.  As of December 31, 1999,  AFG had $38.2  million in  borrowings
outstanding under this facility. PLMI was the sole borrower under this facility.
This  facility  provided  borrowings  for 100% of the present value of the lease
stream from the assets  collateralized  in this facility,  up to 90% of original
equipment cost of the assets held in this facility.

Borrowings secured by  investment-grade  lessees can be held under this facility
until the  facility's  expiration.  Borrowings  secured  by  noninvestment-grade
lessees may be outstanding for 120 days. Interest accrues at prime or LIBOR plus
137.5 basis points, at the option of the Company. The weighted-average  interest
rates on the Company's  warehouse  credit facility were 7.47% and 7.22% for 1999
and  1998,  respectively.   Repayment  of  the  borrowings  for  commercial  and
industrial  equipment matches the terms of the underlying leases. As of December
31, 1999, the Company had $38.2 million  outstanding  under this facility.  This
facility was repaid and terminated on March 1, 2000  concurrent with the sale of



Nonrecourse Securitized Debt

AFG had  available a nonrecourse  securitization  facility to be used to acquire
assets by AFG secured by direct finance leases,  operating leases,  and loans on
commercial and industrial  equipment that had terms from one to seven years. The
facility  allowed AFG to borrow up to $125.0 million  through  October 10, 2000.
Repayment  of the  facility  matched  the terms of the  underlying  leases.  The
securitized  debt beard interest  equivalent to the lender's cost of funds based
on commercial paper market rates for the determined period of borrowing, plus an
interest rate spread and fees (6.39% and 6.46% as of December 31, 1999 and 1998,
respectively).  As of December 31, 1999 and 1998,  there were $102.1 million and
$103.6 million in borrowings under this facility, respectively. AFG was required
to hedge at least 90% of the aggregate  discounted lease balance (ADLB) of those
leases used as  collateral in its  nonrecourse  securitization  facility.  As of
December 31, 1999, 90% of the ADLB had been hedged. This facility was repaid and
terminated on March 1, 2000 concurrent with the sale of AFG.

In addition to the $125.0 million nonrecourse debt facility discussed above, AFG
also had $4.4 million in nonrecourse  notes payable  outstanding at December 31,
1999 secured by direct finance leases on commercial and industrial  equipment at
AFG that had terms  corresponding  to the note  repayment  schedule  that  began
November 1997 and ends March 2001.  The notes beard  interest from 8.32% to 9.5%
per annum.  This debt was repaid and terminated on March 1, 2000 concurrent with
the sale of AFG.

Purchase Commitments

As of December 31, 1999,  the Company had committed to purchase $43.6 million of
equipment  for  its  commercial  and  industrial  equipment  lease  and  finance
receivable  portfolio,  of which $1.7  million had been  received by lessees and
accrued as a liability  by the Company as of December 31,  1999.  This  includes
equipment  that will be held by the Company and  equipment  that will be sold to
third parties.

From January 1, 2000 through March 1, 2000,  the Company  funded $0.8 million of
commitments  outstanding  for its commercial and industrial  equipment lease and
finance receivables portfolio as of December 31, 1999.

Concentrations of Credit Risk

As  of  December  31,  1999,   AFG's  five  largest   customers   accounted  for
approximately  30% of its commercial and industrial  equipment lease and finance

Interest-Rate Risk Management

AFG was  required to hedge at least 90% of the ADLB of those  leases  designated
for its nonrecourse securitization facility. As of December 31, 1999, 90% of the
ADLB had been hedged.  AFG had entered into  interest-rate  swap  agreements  in
order to meet the hedge  requirements and to manage the  interest-rate  exposure
associated  with  its  nonrecourse  debt.  As of  December  31,  1999,  the swap
agreements had a weighted-average  duration of 1.55 years,  corresponding to the
terms of the remaining debt. As of December 31, 1999, a notional amount of $91.9
million of interest-rate swap agreements  effectively fixed interest rates at an
average of 6.77% on such  obligations.  Interest  expense was  increased by $0.6
million, $0.4 million, and $0.3 million due to these arrangements in 1999, 1998,
and 1997, respectively.


FSI, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, is the General Partner or manager
in 11  investment  programs.  Distributions  of the  programs  are  allocated as
follows:  99% to the  limited  partners  and 1% to the  General  Partner  in PLM
Equipment  Growth  Fund (EGF I), PLM  Passive  Income  Investors  1988,  and PLM
Passive  Income  Investors  1988-II;  95% to the limited  partners and 5% to the
General  Partner in EGFs II, III, IV, V, VI, PLM Equipment  Growth & Income Fund
VII (EGF VII); 85% to the members and 15% to the manager in  Professional  Lease
Management  Income  Fund I (Fund I).  Net  income is  allocated  to the  General
Partner subject to certain allocation provisions. FSI also receives a management
fee on a per car basis at a fixed rate each month, plus an incentive  management
fee equal to 15% of "Net  Earnings"  over $750 per car per quarter  from Covered
Hopper Program 1979-1.  The Company's interest in the cash distributions of Fund
I will increase to 25% after the investors have received  distributions equal to
their invested capital.



The summarized  combined  financial data for FSI's  affiliates as of and for the
years ended December 31, reflecting straight-line  depreciation,  are as follows
(in thousands of dollars, unaudited):

                                                             1999         1998
Financial position:
  Cash and other assets                                    $ 40,129     $ 35,994
  Transportation equipment and other assets,
    net of accumulated depreciation of $163,926
    in 1999 and $223,621 in 1998                            473,973      604,474
      Total assets                                          514,102      640,468

    Less liabilities, primarily long-term financings        118,409      158,259
    Less minority interests                                    --         24,995
        Partners' equity                                   $395,693     $457,214

PLM International's share thereof,
    Recorded as equity interest in affiliates:             $ 18,145     $ 22,588

                                                                                  1999                 1998                  1997
Operating results:
 Revenue from equipment leases and other                                        $ 165,682            $ 163,100            $ 200,884
 Depreciation                                                                     (68,650)             (76,978)             (66,543)
 Equipment operating expenses                                                     (14,605)             (13,852)             (14,391)
 Repairs and maintenance expenses                                                 (20,863)             (22,553)             (21,367)
 Interest expenses                                                                 (8,938)             (10,917)             (14,481)
 Minority interests                                                                (8,403)                (714)                 495
 Other costs and expenses                                                         (16,387)              (7,530)             (25,992)
 Reduction in carrying value of certain assets                                    (10,397)              (4,276)                --
 Cumulative effect of accounting change                                              (132)                --                   --
     Net income                                                                 $  17,307            $  26,280            $  58,605
PLM International's share of partnership interests
     And other fees (net of related expenses)                                   $     657            $     917            $   1,306
 Distributions received                                                         $   4,448            $   4,883            $   5,818

Most  of the  investment  program  agreements  contain  provisions  for  special
allocations of the programs gross income.

While none of the  partners  or  members,  including  the  General  Partner  and
manager,  are liable for  programs  borrowings,  and while the  General  Partner
maintains  insurance  against  liability for bodily injury,  death, and property
damage for which an  investment  program may be liable,  the General  Partner or
manager may be  contingently  liable for nondebt claims against the  partnership
that exceed asset values.


As of December 31, 1999 and 1998, the Company had no assets held for sale.

During 1999, the Company  purchased and sold $21.8 million in marine  containers
to affiliated programs at cost, which approximated their fair market value.

During 1998, the Company purchased  railcars for $4.8 million,  portable heaters
for $3.0  million,  and an entity that owns a marine  vessel for $17.0  million.
Railcars  with a cost of $1.8 million were sold to an  unaffiliated  third party
for a net gain of $0.5  million.  Railcars with a cost of $3.0 million were sold
to an affiliated  program at cost,  which  approximated  fair market value.  The
portable heaters and the entity that owns a marine vessel were sold to


4. ASSETS HELD FOR SALE (continued)

affiliated programs at cost, which approximated fair market value. Periodically,
the Company  purchases  groups of assets whose  ownership may be allocated among
affiliated programs and the Company.  Generally in these cases, only assets that
are on lease are  purchased  by  affiliated  programs.  The Company  assumes the
ownership and remarketing risks associated with off-lease equipment.  Allocation
of the purchase  price is determined by a combination  of  third-party  industry
sources, recent transactions, and published fair market value references. During
1998, the Company realized $0.5 million of gains from the sale of 27 railcars to
an unaffiliated  third party. These railcars were purchased in 1998 as part of a
group of assets  that had been  allocated  between  the  Company  and Fund I. No
similar purchases during 1999.


As of December 31, 1999 and 1998,  transportation  equipment  held for operating
leases consisted of refrigerated and dry van trailers.

During 1999, the Company purchased  trailers for $42.5 million and sold trailers
with a net book value of $0.6 million for $0.5 million. During 1998, the Company
purchased  trailers for $34.1 million and sold trailers with a net book value of
$4.8 million for $5.1 million.

Per diem and short-term  rentals  consisting of utilization  rate lease payments
included  in revenue  amounted to  approximately  $20.9  million in 1999,  $10.1
million in 1998, and $8.5 million in 1997.


Restricted  cash consists of bank accounts and short-term  investments  that are
primarily subject to withdrawal restrictions per loan agreements.  The Company's
senior loan  agreement  requires  proceeds from the sale of pledged assets to be
deposited  into a  collateral  bank  account  and the  funds  used  to  purchase
additional equipment to the extent required to meet certain debt requirements or
to reduce the outstanding  loan balance (refer to Note 9). The Company's  senior
notes require  virtually all management fees,  acquisition and lease negotiation
fees, data processing fees, and partnership distributions to be deposited into a
collateral   bank  account,   to  the  extent  required  to  meet  certain  debt
requirements  or to  reduce  the  outstanding  note  balance  (refer to Note 9).
Management  fees can be  withdrawn  from the account  monthly if the  collateral
account  amount  is at  certain  defined  levels.  All of the  cash is  released
quarterly when the principal and interest payments are made.


Other  assets,  net consists of the following as of December 31 (in thousands of

                                                                                                           1999                1998
Finance lease receivable                                                                                  $1,801              $2,081
Cash surrender value of officers' life insurance policies                                                  1,671               1,369
Furniture, fixtures, and equipment, net of accumulated
  depreciation of $1,725 and $2,682 in 1999 and 1998, respectively                                           769                 893
Prepaid expenses, deposits, and other                                                                        635                 476
Investments                                                                                                  495                 340
Loan fees, net of accumulated amortization of $1,279 and $1,139
  in 1999 and 1998, respectively                                                                             386                 344
Software, net of accumulated amortization of $49 and $10 as of
  1999 and 1998, respectively                                                                                 98                   3
    Total other assets, net                                                                               $5,855              $5,506



FSI Warehouse Credit Facility: This $24.5 million facility, which is shared with
EGFs VI and VII and Fund I, allows the Company to  purchase  equipment  prior to
its designation to a specific program or prior to obtaining permanent financing.
Total borrowings for trailer equipment are limited to $12.0 million.  Borrowings
under this facility by the other eligible  borrowers reduce the amount available
to be borrowed by the Company. All borrowings under this facility are guaranteed
by the Company. This facility provides 80% financing for assets. The Company can
hold  transportation  assets under this  facility  for up to 150 days.  Interest
accrues at prime or LIBOR plus 162.5 basis points, at the option of the Company.
The  weighted-average  interest rates on the Company's warehouse credit facility
were 6.72% and 7.25% for 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  On December 10, 1999 the
Company amended FSI's  warehouse  credit facility to extend the facility to June
30,  2000.  As of  December  31,  1999 and March 17,  2000,  the  Company had no
borrowings  outstanding  under this facility and there were no other  borrowings
outstanding  under this facility by any other eligible  borrower.  There were no
other borrowings  outstanding under this facility.  The Company believes it will
be able to  renew  this  facility  on  substantially  the  same  terms  upon its


Long-term  secured  debt  consisted  of  the  following  as of  December  31 (in
thousands of dollars):

                                                               1999       1998
Senior secured notes:

  Institutional notes, bearing interest at LIBOR plus
  2.40% per annum (8.47% and 7.80% as of December 31,
  1999 and 1998, respectively), interest due quarterly,
  principal payments due quarterly beginning November
  15, 1997 through August 15, 2002, secured by
  management fees, acquisition and lease negotiation
  fees, data processing fees, partnership
  distributions, and cash in a cash collateral account       $ 20,679   $ 28,199

Senior secured loan:

  Institutional debt, bearing interest at 9.78%,
  interest due quarterly, principal payments due
  quarterly beginning June 30, 1997 through June 30,
  2001, secured by certain of the Company's trailer
  equipment assets and associated leases, and cash in a
  cash collateral account                                       8,824     14,706

Other secured debt:

  Eight debt agreements, bearing interest from 5.35% to
  7.05%, each with payments of $0.1 million due monthly
  in advance secured by certain trailer equipment. The
  final payments total $9.1 million and are due between
  December 2005 and October 2006. In return for
  favorable financing terms, these agreements give
  beneficial tax treatment in these secured trailers to
  the lenders                                                  35,970     13,142

  Credit facility agreement, bearing interest at LIBOR
  plus 1.5%, the facility allows the Company to borrow
  up to $15.0 million within a one- year period with
  quarterly payments of $0.5 million. This debt is
  secured by certain trailer equipment. A final payment
  of $2.9 million is due August 2006                           14,727      --

    Total long-term secured debt                             $ 80,200   $ 56,047

During  1999,  the Company  repaid $7.5 million on the senior  secured  notes in
accordance  with  its  debt  amortization   schedule.   The  institutional  debt
agreements  contain  financial  covenants  related  to  net  worth,  ratios  for
leverage,  interest coverage ratios, and collateral coverage. In addition, there
are  restrictions  on the payment of dividends,  purchase of stock,  and certain
investments based on computations of tangible net worth,  financial ratios,  and
cash flows.



During 1999,  the Company  repaid $5.9 million of the senior  secured  loan,  in
accordance  with the debt repayment  schedule.  The senior secured loan facility
provides that  equipment  sale proceeds  from  collateralized  equipment or cash
deposits be placed into cash collateral  accounts or used to purchase additional
equipment  to the extent  required to meet certain  debt  covenants.  The senior
secured loan agreement contains financial covenants related to net worth, ratios
for leverage,  interest  coverage ratios,  and collateral  coverage.  The senior
secured loan also contains a covenant requiring diversification of the equipment
in the collateral  pool. The Company is not in compliance  with this covenant as
virtually all of the pledged  equipment  are  trailers.  The lender has verbally
waived this  covenant and is expected to waive it in the future.  As of December
31, 1999, the cash collateral balance was $46,000.

As of December 31, 1999, the Company had $36.0 million outstanding in eight debt
agreements,  bearing interest from 5.35% to 7.05%, each with monthly payments of
$0.1 million. The debt is secured by certain trailer equipment. During 1999, the
Company  repaid $2.2 million on the eight debt  agreements  accordance  with its
debt  amortization  schedules.  The final  payments due under these  agreements,
which  equal 15% to 25% of the  original  loan  total $9.1  million  and are due
between December 2005 and October 2006.

In the second quarter of 1999,  the Company  entered into a $15.0 million credit
facility  loan  agreement  bearing  interest at LIBOR plus 1.5%.  This  facility
allows the Company to borrow up to $15.0 million within a one-year  period.  The
credit facility  agreement  contains  financial  covenants related to net worth,
ratios for leverage,  interest coverage ratios, and collateral  coverage.  As of
December 31, 1999,  the Company had borrowed  $14.7 million under this facility.
Payments of $0.5 million are due quarterly  beginning  August 2000, with a final
payment of $2.9 million due August 2006.

Scheduled  principal payments on long-term secured debt as of December 31, 1999,
are (in thousands of dollars):

                                    2000     $ 17,863
                                    2001       16,059
                                    2002       11,481
                                    2003        6,101
                                    2004        6,378
                              Thereafter       22,318
                                   Total     $ 80,200


The  provision  for  (benefit  from) income  taxes  attributable  to income from
operations consists of the following (in thousands of dollars):

                                                                              Federal                 State                  Total
Current                                                                       $  --                  $  --                  $  --
Deferred                                                                        1,625                    200                  1,825
Total                                                                           1,625                    200                  1,825
Allocated to discontinued operations                                              435                     54                    489
Allocated to accounting change                                                   (135)                   (16)                  (151)
Continuing Operations                                                         $ 1,325                $   162                $ 1,487

                                                                              Federal                 State                  Total
Current                                                                       $  (575)               $    62                $  (513)
Deferred                                                                        3,296                    259                  3,555
Total                                                                           2,721                    321                  3,042
Allocated to discontinued operations                                           (1,687)                  (201)                (1,888)
Continuing Operations                                                         $ 1,034                $   120                $ 1,154


10. INCOME TAXES (continued)

                                                                 Federal              State              Foreign             Total
Current                                                          $ 2,255             $    64                   3            $ 2,322
Deferred                                                            (349)               (125)               --                 (474)
Total                                                              1,906                 (61)                  3              1,848
Allocated to discontinued operations                              (2,026)               (245)               --               (2,271)
Continuing Operations                                            $  (120)            $  (306)                  3            $  (423)

Amounts for the current year are based upon estimates and  assumptions as of the
date of this report and could vary  significantly  from amounts shown on the tax
returns ultimately filed.

The  difference  between the effective rate and the expected  federal  statutory
rate is reconciled below:

                                                     1999            1998            1997
Federal statutory tax expense rate                     34%            34%              34%
State income tax rate                                   3              3               --
Effect of foreign operations                            1             --               (2)
Reversal of excess accrual                             --              1               --
Abandonment of identifiable intangibles                --             --               (5)
Other                                                   1              1                1
    Effective tax expense (benefit) rate               39%            39%              28%

Net operating loss  carryforwards  for federal  income tax purposes  amounted to
$17.5  million and $4.0 million as of December 31, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.
Alternative  minimum tax credit  carryforwards are $5.2 million and $5.2 million
as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

The tax effects of temporary  differences that give rise to significant portions
of the  deferred  tax  liabilities  as of  December 31 are  presented  below (in
thousands of dollars):

                                                                                                        1999                  1998
Deferred tax assets from continuing operations:
  Tax credit carryforwards                                                                             $ 5,228               $ 5,228
  State net operating loss carryforwards                                                                   717                   620
  Federal net operating loss carryforwards                                                               2,234                 1,375
  Federal benefit of state taxes                                                                           605                   581
  Other                                                                                                    828                   729
    Total deferred tax assets                                                                            9,612                 8,533

Deferred tax liabilities from continuing operations:
  Equipment, principally differences in depreciation                                                    17,880                12,860
  Partnership interests                                                                                  2,664                 4,129
  Other                                                                                                  3,207                 3,171
    Total deferred tax liabilities                                                                      23,751                20,160

      Net deferred tax liabilities from continuing operations                                          $14,139               $11,627
      Net deferred tax liabilities from discontinued operations                                          6,101                 6,788
    Total net deferred tax liabilities                                                                  20,240                18,415

Management has reviewed all established tax  interpretations  of items reflected
in its consolidated tax returns and believes that these  interpretations  do not
require  valuation  allowances,  as  described in SFAS No. 109  "Accounting  for
Income  Taxes".  As of December  31, 1999,  the  deferred  taxes not provided on
cumulative earnings of consolidated  foreign subsidiaries that are designated as
permanently invested were approximately $2.1 million.




The Company and various of its wholly owned subsidiaries are named as defendants
in a lawsuit  filed as a purported  class  action in January 1997 in the Circuit
Court of Mobile County, Mobile,  Alabama, Case No. CV-97- 251 (the Koch action).
The named  plaintiffs are six individuals  who invested in PLM Equipment  Growth
Fund IV (Fund IV), PLM Equipment  Growth Fund V (Fund V), PLM  Equipment  Growth
Fund VI (Fund VI),  and PLM  Equipment  Growth & Income Fund VII (Fund VII) (the
Partnerships),  each a California  limited  partnership  for which the Company's
wholly owned subsidiary, PLM Financial Services, Inc. (FSI), acts as the General
Partner. The complaint asserts causes of action against all defendants for fraud
and deceit, suppression, negligent misrepresentation,  negligent and intentional
breaches of fiduciary  duty,  unjust  enrichment,  conversion,  and  conspiracy.
Plaintiffs  allege that each  defendant  owed  plaintiffs  and the class certain
duties due to their  status as  fiduciaries,  financial  advisors,  agents,  and
control persons.  Based on these duties,  plaintiffs  assert  liability  against
defendants  for improper  sales and marketing  practices,  mismanagement  of the
Partnerships,   and  concealing  such   mismanagement   from  investors  in  the
Partnerships.  Plaintiffs  seek  unspecified  compensatory  damages,  as well as
punitive  damages,  and have offered to tender their limited  partnership  units
back to the defendants.

In March 1997,  the  defendants  removed the Koch action from the state court to
the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama,  Southern
Division  (Civil  Action No.  97-0177-BH-C)  (the  court)  based on the  court's
diversity jurisdiction. In December 1997, the court granted defendants motion to
compel  arbitration of the named  plaintiffs'  claims,  based on an agreement to
arbitrate  contained in the limited  partnership  agreement of each Partnership.
Plaintiffs appealed this decision,  but in June 1998 voluntarily dismissed their
appeal pending settlement of the Koch action, as discussed below.

In June 1997, the Company and the affiliates who are also defendants in the Koch
action were named as defendants in another  purported  class action filed in the
San Francisco  Superior Court, San Francisco,  California,  Case No. 987062 (the
Romei  action).  The plaintiff is an investor in Fund V, and filed the complaint
on her own  behalf and on behalf of all class  members  similarly  situated  who
invested in the Partnerships.  The complaint alleges the same facts and the same
causes of action as in the Koch action, plus additional causes of action against
all of the  defendants,  including  alleged  unfair and deceptive  practices and
violations of state  securities law. In July 1997,  defendants  filed a petition
(the  petition)  in federal  district  court under the Federal  Arbitration  Act
seeking to compel  arbitration  of  plaintiff's  claims.  In October  1997,  the
district court denied the Company's  petition,  but in November 1997,  agreed to
hear the Company's motion for reconsideration. Prior to reconsidering its order,
the district  court  dismissed  the  petition  pending  settlement  of the Romei
action,  as  discussed  below.  The state court  action  continues  to be stayed
pending such resolution.

In February 1999 the parties to the Koch and Romei actions  agreed to settle the
lawsuits,  with  no  admission  of  liability  by any  defendant,  and  filed  a
Stipulation  of Settlement  with the court.  The  settlement is divided into two
parts,  a  monetary  settlement  and  an  equitable  settlement.   The  monetary
settlement  provides  for  a  settlement  and  release  of  all  claims  against
defendants  in  exchange  for payment for the benefit of the class of up to $6.6
million.  The final settlement  amount will depend on the number of claims filed
by class members,  the amount of the administrative costs incurred in connection
with the  settlement,  and the amount of attorneys' fees awarded by the court to
plaintiffs'  attorneys.  The Company will pay up to $0.3 million of the monetary
settlement,  with  the  remainder  being  funded  by an  insurance  policy.  For
settlement  purposes,  the monetary  settlement class consists of all investors,
limited partners, assignees, or unit holders who purchased or received by way of
transfer or assignment  any units in the  Partnerships  between May 23, 1989 and
June 29, 1999. The monetary settlement,  if approved, will go forward regardless
of whether the equitable settlement is approved or not.

The equitable  settlement  provides,  among other things, for: (a) the extension
(until  January 1, 2007) of the date by which FSI must complete  liquidation  of
the Partnerships'  equipment, (b) the extension (until December 31, 2004) of the
period  during  which FSI can  reinvest the  Partnerships'  funds in  additional
equipment,  (c)  an  increase  of up to  20% in the  amount  of  front-end  fees
(including  acquisition and lease negotiation fees) that FSI is entitled to earn
in  excess of the  compensatory  limitations  set  forth in the  North  American
Securities  Administrator's  Association's  Statement of Policy;  (d) a one-time
repurchase  by each of  Funds  V, VI and VII of up to 10% of that  partnership's
outstanding units for 80% of net asset value per unit; and (e) the deferral of a
portion of the  management  fees paid to an  affiliate  of FSI  until,  if ever,
certain  performance  thresholds have been met by the  Partnerships.  Subject to
final court approval, these proposed changes would be made as amendments to each
Partnership's  limited  partnership  agreement  if less than 50% of the  limited
partners of each Partnership vote against such amendments.  The limited partners
will be provided the opportunity to vote against the amendments by following the
instructions  contained in  solicitation  statements that will be mailed to them
after being filed with



Litigation (continued)

the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The equitable settlement also provides
for payment of additional  attorneys'  fees to the  plaintiffs'  attorneys  from
Partnership  funds in the event,  if ever, that certain  performance  thresholds
have been met by the  Partnerships.  The equitable  settlement class consists of
all investors,  limited partners, assignees or unit holders who on June 29, 1999
held any units in Funds V, VI, and VII,  and their  assigns  and  successors  in

The court preliminarily  approved the monetary and equitable settlements in June
1999. The monetary settlement remains subject to certain  conditions,  including
notice to the monetary class and final  approval by the court  following a final
fairness  hearing.   The  equitable   settlement   remains  subject  to  certain
conditions, including: (a) notice to the equitable class, (b) disapproval of the
proposed  amendments  to the  partnership  agreements  by less  than  50% of the
limited  partners  in one or more of  Funds V, VI,  and  VII,  and (c)  judicial
approval  of the  proposed  amendments  and  final  approval  of  the  equitable
settlement by the court following a final fairness  hearing.  No hearing date is
currently  scheduled for the final fairness  hearing.  The Company  continues to
believe  that the  allegations  of the Koch and  Romei  actions  are  completely
without  merit and intends to continue to defend this matter  vigorously  if the
monetary settlement is not consummated.

The Company is involved as plaintiff or defendant in various other legal actions
incidental  to its  business.  Management  does  not  believe  that any of these
actions will be material to the financial condition of the Company.

Lease Agreements

The Company and its  subsidiaries  have entered into operating leases for office
space and rental yard operations.  The Company's total net rent expense was $1.8
million,  $1.7 million, and $2.1 million in 1999, 1998, and 1997,  respectively.
The portion of rent expense  related to its  principal  office,  net of sublease
income of $1.0 million,  $0.8 million, and $0.4 million in 1999, 1998, and 1997,
respectively,  was $0.3 million,  $0.5 million,  and $0.9 million in 1999, 1998,
and 1997,  respectively.  The remaining rent expense was related to other office
space  and  rental  yard   operations.   The  future  rent  expense  related  to
discontinued operations is not material.

Annual lease  commitments for all of the Company's  locations total $2.7 million
in 2000,  $1.3 million in 2001,  $0.4 million in 2002, $0.3 million in 2003, and
$0.1 million in 2004.

Corporate Guarantee

As of December 31, 1999,  the Company had guaranteed  certain  obligations up to
$0.4 million of a Canadian railcar repair  facility,  in which the Company has a
10% ownership interest.

Employment Agreements

The Company has entered into  employment  agreements  with 12  individuals  that
require the Company to pay a severance  to these  individuals  equal to from six
months to three years of their base  salaries if their  employment is terminated
after a change in control as defined in the employee agreement. In addition, the
Company  would be  required to pay for certain  benefits of the  employee  for a
similar period. As of December 31, 1999, the total future  contingent  liability
for these payments was $3.2 million.


The  Company  has agreed to provide  supplemental  retirement  benefits to eight
current or former members of management.  The benefits  accrue over a maximum of
15 years and will result in payments over 5 years based on the average base rate
of pay during the 60-month period prior to retirement, as adjusted for length of
participation in the program.  Expenses for these arrangements were $0.3 million
for 1999, $0.3 million for 1998, and $0.4 million for 1997. As of December 1999,
the total estimated future  obligation  relating to the current  participants is
$2.9  million,  including  vested  benefits of $1.7 million  included in accrued
liabilities.  The Company has life insurance policies of certain employees which
has $1.7 million in cash surrender values and are included in other assets.



Common Stock

During 1998,  the Company  repurchased  106,200  shares for $0.6 million,  which
completed the $5.0 million common stock  repurchases  program announced in March

During  the third  quarter  of 1998,  the  Company  announced  that its Board of
Directors had  authorized  the repurchase of up to $1.1 million of the Company's
common  stock.  During 1998,  170,300  shares,  for a total of $1.1 million were
repurchased under this plan.

In  December  1998,  the  Company  announced  that its  Board of  Directors  had
authorized the  repurchase of up to $5.0 million of the Company's  common stock.
During 1998, 63,300 shares were repurchased under this plan, for a total of $0.4

During 1999, the Company purchased 666,779 shares under this program for a total
of $4.0 million. The Company may repurchase  additional stock under this program
in the future.

The following table summarizes changes in common stock during 1998 and 1999:

                                        Issued                       Outstanding
                                        Common        Treasury         Common
                                        Shares         Shares          Shares
                                      ----------     ----------      ----------
  Shares as of December 31, 1997      12,034,847      3,641,485       8,393,362
Reissuance of treasury stock, net            908       (113,088)        113,996
Stock repurchased                           --          347,439        (347,439)
                                      ----------     ----------      ----------
   Shares as of December 31, 1998     12,035,755      3,875,836       8,159,919
Reissuance of treasury stock, net           --         (197,869)        197,869
Stock canceled                              --           15,599         (15,599)
Stock repurchased                           --          666,779        (666,779)
                                      ----------     ----------      ----------
   Shares as of December 31, 1999     12,035,755      4,360,345       7,675,410
                                      ==========     ==========      ==========

Preferred Stock

PLM International has authorized 10.0 million shares of preferred stock at $0.01
par value,  none of which were  outstanding  as of December 31, 1999 or December
31, 1998.

Stock Option Plans

Prior to 1998,  the  Company  had two  nonqualified  stock  options  plans  that
reserved up to 780,000  shares of the  Company's  common stock for key employees
and directors. Under these plans, the price of the shares issued under an option
must be at least 85% of the fair market value of the common stock at the date of
granting. All options currently outstanding under these plans are exercisable at
prices  equal to the fair  market  value of the shares at the date of  granting.
Vesting of options granted occurs in three equal installments of 33.3% per year,
initiating from the date of the grant. As of December 31, 1999,  grants could no
longer be made under the employee  option plan and 10,000 shares were  available
for grant under the directors' plan.

In May 1998, the Company's Board of Directors  adopted the 1998 Management Stock
Compensation  Plan,  which  reserved  800,000 shares (in addition to the 780,000
shares above) of the Company's  common stock for issuance to certain  management
and key  employees  of the Company upon the  exercise of stock  options.  During
1998,  500,000  nonqualified  options were granted  under this plan at $6.81 per
share,  which  equaled 110% of the average daily closing price of such shares on
the American  Stock Exchange for the 10 trading days  immediately  preceding the
grant (as  required  by the plan).  Vesting of options  granted  occurs in three
equal installments of 33.3% per year, initiating from the date of the grant.


12. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (continued)

Stock Option Plans (continued)

Stock option transactions during 1997, 1998, and 1999 are summarized as follows:

                                                    Number of         Average
                                                    Options/        Option Price
                                                     Shares          Per Share
  Balance, December 31, 1996                         686,800         $   2.61
Granted                                               40,000             3.31
Canceled                                            (251,244)            2.72
  Balance, December 31, 1997                         475,556         $   2.62
Granted                                              530,000             6.72
Canceled                                             (19,556)            3.25
Exercised                                            (56,500)            3.06
  Balance, December 31, 1998                         929,500         $   4.92
Granted                                               50,000             5.88
Canceled                                             (69,166)            5.98
Exercised                                           (143,000)            2.31
  Balance, December 31, 1999                         767,334         $   5.37

As of December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997,  respectively,  398,445,  337,500,  and
343,037 of these options were exercisable.

The following table summarizes information about fixed stock options outstanding
as of December 31, 1999:

         Options outstanding:
           Range of exercise prices                              $2.00-6.81
           Number outstanding, December 31, 1999                    767,334
           Weighted-average exercise price                            $5.37

         Options exercisable:
           Number exercisable, December 31, 1999                    398,445
           Weighted-average exercise price                            $4.34

The Company applies APB Opinion No. 25 and related interpretations in accounting
for its plans.  The fair value of each option  grant is estimated on the date of
the grant  using an  option-pricing  model that  computes  the value of employee
stock options consistent with FASB SFAS No.123.  The following  weighted-average
assumptions  were used for grants in 1999,  1998,  and 1997, no dividend  yield;
expected  lives of three years for the  management  plan and eight years for the
director plan options; shorter-term adjustment of six years; expected volatility
of 30% for all years; and risk-free  interest rates of 6.48%,  5.16%, and 5.58%,
respectively.  The  weighted-average  fair  market  value per  share of  options
granted during 1999, 1998, and 1997 was $2.54, $1.86, and $1.38, respectively.


12. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (continued)

Stock Option Plans (continued)

Had compensation expense for the Company's  stock-based  compensation plans been
recorded  consistent  with FASB SFAS No.  123,  the  Company's  net  income  and
earnings  per share would have been reduced to the pro forma  amounts  indicated
below for the years ended December 31 (in thousands of dollars, except per share

                                                            1999            1998            1997
Net income                              As reported      $   2,356       $   4,857       $   4,667
                                        Pro forma            2,060           4,578           4,562

Basic earnings per share                As reported           0.29            0.58            0.51
                                        Pro forma             0.26            0.55            0.50

Diluted earnings per share              As reported           0.29            0.57            0.50
                                        Pro forma             0.25            0.54            0.49


The Company adopted the PLM  International,  Inc. Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plan
(the Plan)  effective  as of  February  1996.  The Plan  provides  for  deferred
compensation  as described in Section  401(k) of the Internal  Revenue Code. The
Plan is a contributory plan available to essentially all full-time  employees of
the Company in the United States.  In 1999,  employees who  participated  in the
Plan could elect to defer and contribute to the trust established under the Plan
up to 9% of pretax  salary or wages up to $10,000.  The Company  matched up to a
maximum of $4,000 of employees' 401(k)  contributions in 1999, 1998, and 1997 to
vest in four equal  installments  over a four-year  period.  The Company's total
401(k) contributions,  net of forfeitures, were $0.3 million for 1999, 1998, and
1997, respectively.

During 1999,  1998, and 1997, the Company accrued  discretionary  profit-sharing
contributions.  Profit-sharing  contributions  are  allocated  equally among the
number of eligible  Plan  participants.  The  Company's  total  profit-  sharing
contributions were $0.1 million,  $0.1 million, and $0.2 million for 1999, 1998,
and 1997, respectively.


In addition to various fees payable to the Company or its subsidiaries (refer to
Note 1), the affiliated programs reimburse the Company for certain expenses,  as
allowed in the program  agreements.  Reimbursed  expenses totaling $5.5 million,
$6.1 million, and $6.4 million in 1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively,  have been
recorded as  reductions  of  operations  support or general  and  administrative
expenses. Outstanding amounts are paid under normal business terms.


Concentrations of Credit Risk

Financial  instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of
credit risk consist  principally of temporary cash  investments  and receivables
from loans, leases, and affiliated entities.

The Company places its temporary cash  investments  with financial  institutions
and other  creditworthy  issuers and limits the amount of credit exposure to any
one  party.  Concentrations  of  credit  risk  with  respect  to lease  and loan
receivables  are limited,  due to the large number of customers  comprising  the
Company's  customer base and their dispersion  across  different  businesses and
geographic  areas.  Currently,   none  of  the  Company's  equipment  is  leased
internationally.  The Company's  involvement  with management of the receivables
from  affiliated  entities  limits the amount of credit exposure from affiliated

No  single  lessee of the  Company's  equipment  accounted  for more than 10% of
revenues for the years ended  December 31, 1999,  1998,  or 1997. As of December
31,  1999  and  1998,   management  believes  the  Company  had  no  significant
concentrations  of credit risk that could have a material  adverse effect on the
Company's business, financial condition, or results of operations.



The Company operates in three operating  segments:  trailer leasing,  commercial
and industrial equipment leasing and financing, and the management of investment
programs and other transportation equipment leasing. The trailer leasing segment
includes 22 trailer rental facilities that engage in short to mid-term operating
leases of  refrigerated  and dry van  trailers  to a variety  of  customers  and
management of trailers for the investment programs. The management of investment
programs and other  transportation  equipment  leasing segment involves managing
the  Company's  syndicated  investment  programs,  from  which it earns fees and
equity  interests,  and arranging  short to mid-term  operating  leases of other
transportation  equipment.  The commercial and industrial  equipment leasing and
financing  segment   originates  finance  and  operating  leases  and  loans  on
commercial and industrial  equipment that is financed  through a  securitization
facility,   brokers  equipment,   and  manages  institutional   programs  owning
commercial and industrial equipment. In October 1999, the Company announced that
the Company had engaged investment  bankers to develop strategic  alteratives to
maximize  shareholder  value  including  the possible sale of part or all of the
Company.  In October 1999,  the Company  agreed to sell American  Finance Group,
Inc.  (AFG),  its  commercial and industrial  equipment  leasing  subsidiary for
approximately  $28.5  million,  net of  transaction  costs and income taxes.  On
February  25,  2000,  the  shareholders  of  PLM   International   approved  the
transaction.  This segment is accounted for as discontinued operations as of and
for the year ended December 31, 1999.  Prior periods  financial  statements have
been restated.

The Company  evaluates the  performance  of each segment based on profit or loss
from operations before allocating general and administrative expenses and before
allocating income taxes. The following tables present a summary of the operating
segments (in thousands of dollars):

                                                                            Commercial    Management
                                                                               and      of Investment
                                                                            Industrial     Programs
                                                                            Equipment     and Other
                                                                             Leasing    Transportation
                                                             Trailer           and        Equipment
For the year ended December 31, 1999                         Leasing        Financing      Leasing         Other(2)         Total
- ------------------------------------                        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lease revenue                                               $  24,561       $   --        $   1,194       $    --         $  25,755
Fees earned                                                       835           --            9,343            --            10,178
Loss on sale or disposition of assets, net                        (49)          --             --              --               (49)
Other                                                              23           --            1,358            --             1,381
  Total revenues                                               25,370           --           11,895            --            37,265
Costs and expenses
Operations support                                             11,422           --            1,735             991          14,148
Depreciation and amortization                                   7,620           --              477            --             8,097
General and administrative expenses                              --             --             --             6,828           6,828
  Total costs and expenses                                     19,042           --            2,212           7,819          29,073
Operating income (loss)                                         6,328           --            9,683          (7,819)          8,192
Interest (expense) income, net                                 (3,163)          --           (2,261)            343          (5,081)
Other income (expenses), net                                     --             --              833            (112)            721
  Income (loss) before income taxes                         $   3,165       $   --        $   8,255       $  (7,588)      $   3,832

Income from discontinued operations before
    income taxes                                            $    --         $  1,300      $    --         $    --         $   1,300
Cumulative effect of accounting change
    before income taxes                                     $    --         $   (401)     $    --         $    --         $    (401)

Total assets as of December 31, 1999                        $  88,901       $ 30,990      $  25,796       $   6,510       $ 152,197

- -----------------------
(2)  Includes costs not identifiable to a particular segment such as general and
     administrative and certain operations support expenses.


16.  OPERATING SEGMENTS (continued)

                                                                            Commercial    Management
                                                                               and      of Investment
                                                                            Industrial     Programs
                                                                            Equipment     and Other
                                                                             Leasing    Transportation
                                                             Trailer           and        Equipment
For the year ended December 31, 1998                         Leasing        Financing      Leasing         Other(1)         Total
- ------------------------------------                        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lease revenue                                               $   9,743       $   --        $   2,269       $    --         $  12,012
Fees earned                                                     1,022           --           12,533            --            13,555
Gain on sale or disposition of assets, net                         94           --            1,432            --             1,526
Other                                                               4           --            3,023            --             3,027
  Total revenues                                               10,863           --           19,257            --            30,120
Costs and expenses
Operations support                                              5,127           --            4,731           2,526          12,383
Depreciation and amortization                                   3,802           --            1,066            --             4,868
General and administrative expenses                              --             --             --             7,624           7,624
  Total costs and expenses                                      8,929           --            5,797          10,150          24,875
Operating income (loss)                                         1,934           --           13,460         (10,150)          5,245
Interest (expense) income, net                                 (1,754)          --           (1,343)            212          (2,885)
Other income (expenses), net                                     --             --              474            --               473
  Income (loss) before income taxes                         $     180       $   --        $  12,591       $  (9,938)      $   2,833

Income from discontinued operations before
    income taxes                                            $    --         $  5,066      $    --         $    --         $   5,066

Total assets as of December 31, 1998                        $  50,819       $ 32,930      $  31,499       $  12,298       $ 127,546

                                                                            Commercial    Management
                                                                               and      of Investment
                                                                            Industrial     Programs
                                                                            Equipment     and Other
                                                                             Leasing    Transportation
                                                             Trailer           and        Equipment
For the year ended December 31, 1997                         Leasing        Financing      Leasing         Other(1)         Total
- ------------------------------------                        -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Lease revenue                                               $   5,544       $   --        $   5,058       $    --         $  10,602
Fees earned                                                     1,283           --           12,925            --            14,208
Gain on sale or disposition of assets, net                        313           --            1,432            --             1,745
Other                                                               2           --            4,612            --             4,614
  Total revenues                                                7,142           --           24,027            --            31,169
Costs and expenses
Operations support                                              3,282           --            6,878           3,006          13,166
Depreciation and amortization                                   1,672           --            2,817            --             4,489
General and administrative expenses                              --             --             --             9,536           9,536
  Total costs and expenses                                      4,954           --            9,695          12,542          27,191
Operating income (loss)                                         2,188           --           14,332         (12,542)          3,978
Interest expense, net                                          (1,201)          --           (2,060)           --            (3,261)
Other expenses, net                                                (2)          --             (340)           --              (342)
  Income (loss) before income taxes                         $     985       $   --        $  11,932       $ (12,542)      $     375

Income from discontinued operations before
    income taxes                                            $    --         $  6,140      $    --         $    --         $   6,140

Total assets as of December 31, 1997                        $  37,146       $ 32,957      $  41,817       $   6,651       $ 118,571

- -----------------------
(1)  Includes costs not identifiable to a particular segment such as general and
     administrative and certain operations support expenses.



Financial  information  about the  Company's  foreign  and  domestic  operations

Revenues from continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998,
and 1997 are as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                          1999            1998             1997
Domestic                                 $37,265         $28,167         $27,462
International                               --             1,953           3,707
    Total revenues                       $37,265         $30,120         $31,169

Long-lived assets from continuing  operations as of December 31, 1999, 1998, and
1997 are as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                            1999           1998           1997
Domestic                                  $104,512       $ 74,090       $ 53,744
International                                  811          1,091          1,938
    Total long-lived assets               $105,323       $ 75,181       $ 55,682

International  operations  are  comprised  primarily of  international  leasing,
brokerage,  and other  activities  conducted  primarily  through  the  Company's
subsidiaries operated in Bermuda,  Canada, and Australia (Australian  operations
were sold in August 1998).


The Company  estimates  the fair value of it's  financial  instruments  based on
recent  similar  transactions  the Company has entered into.  The estimated fair
values of the Company's  financial  instruments are as follows as of December 31
(in thousands of dollars):

                                                                              1999                                  1998
                                                                 ---------------------------             ---------------------------
                                                                 Carrying             Fair              Carrying              Fair
                                                                  Amount              Value              Amount              Value
                                                                 -------             -------             -------             -------
Financial assets:
  Restricted cash (Note 6)                                       $ 1,812             $ 1,812             $ 2,261             $ 2,261
Financial liabilities:
  Senior secured notes (Note 9)                                   20,679              20,679              28,199              28,199
  Senior loan (Note 9)                                             8,824               8,940              14,706              15,137
  Other secured debt (Note 9)                                     50,697              50,191              13,142              13,142



The following is a summary of the quarterly  results of operations for the years
ended December 31, 1999 (in thousands of dollars, except per share amounts):

                                                            March           June         September       December
                                                             31,             30,            30,             31,             Total
Revenue from continuing operations                        $   7,136       $   8,459      $   9,889      $   11,781       $   37,265

Income from continuing operations                               231              10            991           1,113            2,345
Income (loss) from discontinued operations                       79             711            386            (365)             811
Loss on disposition of discontinued
    operations                                                 --              --             --              (550)            (550)
Cumulative effect of accounting
    change                                                     (250)           --             --              --               (250)
Net income to common shares                               $      60       $     721      $   1,377      $      198       $    2,356

Basic income per common share
  Income from continuing operations                            0.03            --             0.12            0.14             0.29
  Income (loss) from discontinued operations                   0.01            0.09           0.05           (0.05)            0.10
Loss on disposition of discontinued
    operations                                                 --              --             --             (0.07)           (0.07)
  Cumulative effect of accounting
    change                                                    (0.03)           --             --              --              (0.03)
Net income to common shares                               $    0.01       $    0.09      $    0.17      $     0.02       $     0.29

Diluted income per common share
  Income from continuing operations                            0.03            --             0.12            0.14             0.29
  Income (loss) from discontinued operations                   0.01            0.09           0.05           (0.05)            0.10
Loss on disposition of discontinued
    operations                                                 --              --             --             (0.07)           (0.07)
  Cumulative effect of accounting
    change                                                    (0.03)           --             --              --              (0.03)
Net income to common shares                               $    0.01       $    0.09      $    0.17      $     0.02       $     0.29

The following is a summary of the quarterly  results of operations for the years
ended December 31, 1998 (in thousands of dollars, except per share amounts):

                                                            March           June         September       December
                                                             31,             30,            30,             31,             Total
Revenue from continuing operations                        $    7,501      $    7,890     $    7,079     $    7,650       $   30,120
Income from continuing operations                                658             314            151            556            1,679
Income from discontinued operations                              325             887          1,211            755            3,178
Net income to common shares                               $      983      $    1,201     $    1,362     $    1,311       $    4,857

Basic income per common share
  Income from continuing operations                             0.08            0.04           0.02           0.06             0.20
  Income from discontinued operations                           0.04            0.10           0.14           0.10             0.38
Net income to common shares                               $     0.12      $     0.14     $     0.16     $     0.16       $     0.58

Diluted income per common share
  Income from continuing operations                             0.08            0.04           0.02           0.06             0.20
  Income from discontinued operations                           0.03            0.10           0.14           0.10             0.37
Net income to common shares                               $     0.11      $     0.14           0.16     $     0.16       $     0.57


19. QUARTERLY RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (unaudited) (continued)

During the fourth  quarter of 1999,  a loss on  revaluation  of $0.6 million was
recorded on certain AFG rental schedules.

During the fourth  quarter of 1999,  the Company  recorded the estimated loss of
$0.6 million on the sale of AFG.


In April 1998, the American  Institute of Certified  Public  Accountants  issued
Statement of Position  98-5,  "Reporting  on the Costs of Start-Up  Activities,"
which requires costs related to start-up  activities to be expensed as incurred.
The  statement  requires  that initial  application  be reported as a cumulative
effect of a change in accounting  principle.  The Company adopted this statement
during the first quarter of 1999,  at which time it took a $0.3 million  charge,
net of tax of $0.1  million,  related to start-up  costs of its  commercial  and
industrial  equipment  operations  which is being  accounted for as discontinued


In February 2000, the Company's  Board of Directors  adopted the 2000 Director's
Nonqualified  Stock Option Plan,  which reserved  70,000 shares of the Company's
common stock for issuance to the outside  directors of the Company.  In February
2000,  40,000  options  were granted  under this plan at $6.19 per share,  which
equaled  the closing  price of the stock on the date of grant.  Vesting of these
options occurs in three equal  installments  of 33.3% per year,  initiating from
the date of grant.

On February 25, 2000, the Company`s  shareholders  approved the sale of AFG. The
sale of AFG was completed on March 1, 2000,  the Company  received $29.0 million
for AFG.  The Company  expects to receive  additional  proceeds of $1.9  million
(unaudited)  in the second quarter of 2000 related to the sale of AFG. Taxes and
transaction costs related to the sale are estimated to be $5.0 million resulting
in estimated  net  proceeds to the Company of $25.9  million.  In addition,  AFG
dividended  to PLMI  certain  assets  with a net  book  value  of  $2.7  million
immediately prior to the sale.


The material in this report is not  "soliciting  material,"  is not deemed filed
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  and is not to be  incorporated  by
reference  in any filing of the Company  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Includes  costs not  identifiable  to a  particular  segment such as general and
administrative and certain operations support expenses.
