1248 Fifth Avenue
                              San Rafael, CA 94901

                             To Be Held May 17, 2000


         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that  pursuant to its Bylaws and the call of its
Board of Directors,  the 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of
MCB Financial Corporation ("MCB Financial") will be held at MCB Financial,  1248
Fifth Avenue, San Rafael,  California 94901, on Wednesday,  May 17, 2000 at 5:30
p.m., for the purpose of considering and voting on the following matters:

         1. Election of Directors.  To elect the following  eight persons to the
Board of  Directors of MCB  Financial to serve until the 2001 Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders and until their successors are elected and have been qualified:

            John Cavallucci                   Gary T. Ragghianti
            Charles O. Hall                   Michael J. Smith
            Timothy J. Jorstad                Edward P. Tarrant
            Catherine H. Munson               Randall J. Verrue

         2.  Ratification  of Independent  Auditors.  To ratify the selection of
Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as MCB  Financial's  independent  auditor for the
year ending December 31, 2000.

         3. Other Business. To transact such other business as may properly come
before the Meeting and any other adjournment or adjournments thereof.

         Only those shareholders of record at the close of business on March 20,
2000 will be entitled to notice of and vote at the Meeting.

         It is very important that every  shareholder  vote. We urge you to sign
and return the enclosed  proxy as soon as  possible,  whether or not you plan to
attend  the  Meeting  in  person.  If you do attend  the  Meeting,  you may then
withdraw your proxy. If you do not attend the Meeting,  you may revoke the proxy
prior to the time it is voted by notifying the Corporate Secretary in writing to
that effect or by filing a later dated proxy.

         In order to facilitate the provision of adequate accommodations, please
indicate on the proxy whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting.

DATED: MARCH 29, 2000

                                      BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                      /s/ Nancy R. Boatright
                                      Nancy R. Boatright, Corporate Secretary

                               PROXY STATEMENT OF
                            MCB FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                1248 Fifth Avenue
                              San Rafael, CA 94901

                             2000 ANNUAL MEETING OF


         This Proxy  Statement is being  furnished to MCB Financial  Corporation
("MCB Financial") Shareholders in connection with the solicitation of proxies by
the MCB  Financial  Board of  Directors  for use at the 2000  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders of MCB Financial to he held on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 5:30 p.m.
at MCB Financial's office, 1248 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael,  California 94901, and
at any adjournments thereof ("MCB Financial Meeting"). This Proxy Statement, the
attached  notice and the  enclosed  form of proxy are first being  mailed to MCB
Financial Shareholders on or about April 7, 2000.

Matters to Be Considered

         At the MCB Financial Meeting, MCB Financial  Shareholders will be asked
to (i) elect a board of eight  directors (see "ELECTION OF DIRECTORS,"  herein);
(ii) ratify the  selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as MCB  Financial's
independent  auditor for the year ending December 31, 2000 (see "RATIFICATION OF
SELECTION OF  INDEPENDENT  AUDITORS,"  herein);  and (iii)  transact  such other
business as may properly come before the MCB  Financial  Meeting and any and all
other adjournments thereof (see "OTHER MATTERS," herein).

Record Date; Voting Information

         The close of business  on March 20,  2000 was the record date  ("Record
Date") for determining which of the MCB Financial  Shareholders were entitled to
receive notice of and to vote at the MCB Financial Meeting.  On the Record Date,
there were 2,030,181 shares of MCB Financial Common Stock  outstanding,  held by
387  holders  of  record.  Each  holder of MCB  Financial  Common  Stock will be
entitled  to one vote,  in person or by proxy,  for each share of MCB  Financial
Common Stock standing in his or her name on the books of MCB Financial as of the
Record  Date  on  any  matter  submitted  to  the  vote  of  the  MCB  Financial
Shareholders at the MCB Financial  Meeting,  except that, in connection with the
election of directors, the shares are entitled to be voted cumulatively.

         Cumulative  voting  entitles an MCB Financial  Shareholder  to give one
nominee  a number  of votes  equal to the  number  of  directors  to be  elected
multiplied  by the  number  of votes  to which  that  shareholder's  shares  are
normally  entitled,  or to distribute his votes among as many  candidates as the
shareholder  thinks fit.  However,  no shareholder is entitled to cumulate votes
for a nominee unless such nominee's name has been placed in nomination  prior to
the vote and the  shareholder  has given notice  before the voting of his or her
intention to vote shares cumulatively. If any shareholder has given such notice,
all shareholders  may cumulate their votes for nominees.  The Board of Directors
does not, at this time, intend to cumulate the votes it may hold pursuant to the
proxies solicited herein. If, however,  other director nominations are made, the
Board of  Directors  intends to cumulate  votes in such a manner as to elect the
maximum  number of the Board of Directors'  nominees.  Therefore,  discretionary
authority  to  cumulate  votes  in such an  event  is  solicited  in this  Proxy
Statement  and in such an event  the  accompanying  proxy  grants  discretionary
authority to the proxy holders to cumulate votes for the election of directors.

Voting of Proxies; Revocability

         A proxy for use at the MCB Financial Meeting is enclosed. All shares of
MCB Financial Common Stock  represented by properly executed proxies received by
MCB Financial  will,  unless revoked,  be voted at the MCB Financial  Meeting in
accordance with the instructions on such proxies. If no instruction is specified
with regard to a matter to be  considered,  the shares of MCB  Financial  Common
Stock  represented by the proxy will be voted in favor of (i) electing the eight
nominees for  directors;  and (ii)  ratifying the selection of Deloitte & Touche
LLP to serve as MCB Financial's independent auditor for the year ending December
31, 2000.


         The proxy  also  confers  discretionary  authority  to vote the  shares
represented  thereby in accordance with the recommendations of the MCB Financial
Board of  Directors  on any  matter  that was not known at the time  this  Proxy
Statement  was mailed  which may  properly  be  presented  for action at the MCB
Financial  Meeting and the election of any person to any office for which a bona
fide  nominee  is named  herein if such  nominee  is unable to serve or for good
cause will not serve.  If any other  business is properly  presented  at the MCB
Financial Meeting, the proxy will be voted in accordance with the recommendation
of the MCB Financial Board of Directors.

         Any MCB Financial  Shareholder  may revoke his or her proxy at any time
before  it is voted  by  filing  with MCB  Financial's  Corporate  Secretary  an
instrument  revoking it or a duly  executed  proxy  bearing a later date,  or by
attending  the MCB  Financial  Meeting and  advising  the Chairman of his or her
election to vote in person. A proxy may also be revoked if written notice of the
death  or  incapacity  of the  MCB  Financial  Shareholder  is  received  by MCB
Financial before the vote pursuant to that proxy is counted.

Solicitation of Proxies

         This  solicitation  of MCB Financial  Shareholders is being made by the
Board of  Directors  of MCB  Financial.  The expense of  preparing,  assembling,
printing and mailing this Proxy Statement to MCB Financial  Shareholders and the
materials used in the solicitation of proxies for the MCB Financial Meeting will
be borne by MCB Financial.  MCB Financial  contemplates that the proxies will be
solicited  principally through the use of the mail, but officers,  directors and
employees of MCB  Financial  may solicit  proxies  personally or by telephone or
facsimile without  receiving special  compensation  therefor.  In addition,  MCB
Financial may use the services of  individuals  or companies,  including a proxy
solicitation  firm,  it  does  not  regularly  employ  in  connection  with  the
solicitation  of  proxies  if deemed  advisable  by the MCB  Financial  Board of
Directors.  Although there are no formal agreements to do so, MCB Financial will
reimburse banks, brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries
for their  reasonable  expenses  in  forwarding  these  proxy  materials  to MCB
Financial  Shareholders,  and  will  reimburse  such  other  expenses  as may be
incurred by any proxy solicitation firm engaged by MCB Financial.

Required Vote

         Except as specifically noted below, each of the proposals  described in
this Proxy Statement  requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares
of MCB Financial's  Common Stock represented and voting at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders where a quorum is present. In the election of directors,  the eight
directors receiving the most votes will be elected. If any proposal requires the
affirmative  vote of the holders of a specified  percentage  of MCB  Financial's
outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  abstaining and broker  non-votes will have
the same effect as a negative vote.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

         With the exception of John Cavallucci,  whose  beneficial  ownership of
the  outstanding  shares of MCB  Financial's  common  stock is  described in the
"Security  Ownership  of  Management"  table  below,  as of the  Record  Date no
individuals  known to the Board of Directors of MCB Financial owned of record or
beneficially  five percent or more of the outstanding  shares of common stock of
MCB Financial.


Security Ownership of Management

         The following table provides certain information, as of March 20, 2000,
with respect to the beneficial ownership of shares of MCB Financial Common Stock
by each MCB Financial director and nominee, each executive officer1,  and by all
of the  directors and  executive  officers of MCB  Financial as a group.  Unless
otherwise  indicated,  each person listed has sole  investment  and voting power
with respect to the shares listed.

                               Name and                  Amount and Nature of      Percent
Title of Class       Address of Beneficial Owner(2)     Beneficial Ownership(3)    of Class
- ----------------   ----------------------------------   -----------------------   ----------
Common Stock       John Cavallucci                             247,295(4)            11.90%
Common Stock       Charles O. Hall                              48,733(5)             2.34%
Common Stock       Timothy J. Jorstad                           72,555(6)             3.57%
Common Stock       Catherine H. Munson                          44,979(7)             2.21%
Common Stock       Gary T. Ragghianti                           29,016(8)             1.43%
Common Stock       Michael J. Smith                             37,415(9)             1.84%
Common Stock       Edward P. Tarrant                            48,222(10)            2.37%
Common Stock       Randall J. Verrue                            38,791(11)            1.91%
Common Stock       Stephen R. Brodie                             7,887(12)            *
Common Stock       Raymon L. Hanssen                             6,946(13)            *
Common Stock       Patrick E. Phelan                            10,166(14)            *
Common Stock       Current Directors and Executive
                   Officers as a Group (11 persons)            592,005(15)           27.33%

- ------------
(1)  As used throughout this Proxy Statement,  unless specified  otherwise,  the
     term "executive officer" means with respect to MCB Financial, the Executive
     Officer to the  President of Metro  Commerce Bank ("Metro  Commerce"),  the
     President and Chief Executive  Officer of MCB Financial and Metro Commerce,
     the  Chief   Financial   Officer  of  MCB  Financial  and  Executive   Vice
     President/Chief  Financial  Officer of Metro  Commerce,  the Executive Vice
     President/Chief  Credit  Officer of Metro  Commerce and the Executive  Vice
     President/Chief Administrative Officer of Metro Commerce.

(2)  The address for all persons is c/o MCB  Financial  Corporation,  1248 Fifth
     Avenue, San Rafael, California 94901.

(3)  Includes all shares  beneficially  owned,  whether  directly or indirectly,
     individually  or  together  with  associates.  Includes  any shares  owned,
     whether  jointly or as community  property,  with a spouse and any stock of
     which  beneficial  ownership  may be  acquired  within 60 days of March 20,
     2000, the Record Date, by the exercise of stock options vested  pursuant to
     MCB Financial's 1989 Stock Option Plan, and 1999 Stock Option Plan.

(4)  Includes  options to acquire 48,405 shares which are exercisable  within 60
     days of the Record Date.

(5)  Includes  options to acquire 48,404 shares which are exercisable  within 60
     days of the Record Date.

(6)  Includes  60,478  shares held by  Jorstad,  Inc.,  Money  Purchase & Profit
     Sharing Pension Plan.  Also includes  options to acquire 2,100 shares which
     are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date. 7 Includes 32,631 shares
     held by Lucas Valley  Properties,  Inc.,  Money  Purchase & Profit  Sharing
     Pension  Plan.  Also  includes  options to acquire  2,100  shares which are
     exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(8)  Includes 5,786 shares held by Ragghianti & Thomas Profit Sharing Plan. Also
     includes  options to acquire 4,191 shares which are  exercisable  within 60
     days of the Record Date.

(9)  Includes  options to acquire 2,100 shares which are  exercisable  within 60
     days of the Record Date.  Also includes  3,561 shares which are held in Mr.
     Smith's IRA trust accounts.

(10) Includes   11,031  shares  held  by  Mr.   Tarrant  as  Custodian  for  his
     grandchildren.  Also  includes  options to acquire  2,100  shares which are
     exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.


(11) Includes  7,354 shares which are held in Mr.  Verrue's IRA trust  accounts.
     Also includes options to acquire 2,100 shares which are exercisable  within
     60 days of the Record Date.

(12) Represents vested options exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(13) Represents vested options exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(14) Includes  options to acquire 9,937 shares which are  exercisable  within 60
     days of the Record Date.

(15) Includes options held by executive  officers and non-employee  directors of
     MCB Financial which are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

Compliance With Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  MCB
Financial's directors and executive officers,  and persons who own more than ten
percent of a registered class of MCB Financial's equity securities, to file with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission initial reports of ownership and reports
of changes in  ownership  of common  stock and other  equity  securities  of MCB
Financial.  Officers,  directors and greater than ten percent  shareholders  are
required by SEC  regulation to furnish MCB Financial  with copies of all Section
16(a) forms they file.

         To MCB Financial's  knowledge,  based solely on review of the copies of
such reports  furnished to MCB  Financial  and written  representations  that no
other  reports were  required,  during the year ended  December  31,  1999,  the
executive officers,  directors and greater than ten percent beneficial owners of
MCB Financial's  common stock complied with all applicable  Section 16(a) filing
requirements, except for certain stock option grants and exercises and one stock
purchase  transaction.  These transactions were reported on Form 3 and/or Form 5
and filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on various dates between
February 11, 2000 and March 2, 2000.

Changes in Control

         Management of MCB Financial is not aware of any arrangement  which may,
at a subsequent date, result in a change of control of MCB Financial.


         MCB Financial's Board of Directors unanimously  recommends electing the
eight nominees to the MCB Financial Board of Directors and ratifying  Deloitte &
Touche LLP as MCB Financial's  independent  auditor for the year ending December
31, 2000.  These  proposals  are  discussed in greater  detail in the  following
sections of this Proxy Statement.


                                  PROPOSAL ONE:
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         MCB  Financial's  Bylaws provide that the number of directors  shall be
determined from time to time by the Board of Directors or the  shareholders  but
may not be less than seven nor more than  thirteen.  The number of  directors is
currently fixed at eight members. MCB Financial  Shareholders are being asked to
elect the eight persons named below,  who are currently  serving as directors of
MCB Financial  and are the nominees of the Board of Directors for  reelection as
directors  of  MCB  Financial,  to  serve  until  the  2001  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  of MCB Financial and until their  successors  are elected and have
been qualified. Each of the nominees listed below has consented to be named as a
nominee and to serve if elected to the MCB Financial  Board of Directors.  Votes
will be cast  pursuant  to the  enclosed  proxy in such a way as to  effect  the
election of said eight nominees,  or as many thereof as possible under the rules
of cumulative  voting. In the event that any of the nominees should be unable to
serve as a director,  it is intended that the shares  represented by the proxies
solicited will be voted for the election of such substitute  nominee, if any, as
shall be designated by the MCB Financial  Board of Directors.  The MCB Financial
Board of  Directors  has no reason to  believe  that any  nominees  will  become
unavailable to serve if elected.  Each of the nominees also serves as a director
of Metro  Commerce.  It is intended  that each person  elected a director of MCB
Financial will also be elected a director of Metro Commerce.

                                                                        Metro          MCB
                                          Present Position(s)          Commerce     Financial
                                          with MCB Financial           Director      Director
            Name             Age          and Metro Commerce            Since         Since
            ----             ---          ------------------            -----         -----
John Cavallucci ............  58     Chairman of MCB Financial and       1991         1993
                                     Metro Commerce

Charles O. Hall ............  45     Director, President and             1995         1999
                                     Chief Executive Officer of MCB
                                     Financial and Metro Commerce

Timothy J. Jorstad .........  48     Director                            1989         1993

Catherine H. Munson ........  72     Director                            1989         1993

Gary T. Ragghianti .........  56     Vice Chairman                       1989         1993

Michael J. Smith ...........  59     Director                            1989         1993

Edward P. Tarrant ..........  56     Director                            1989         1993

Randall J. Verrue ..........  56     Director                            1989         1993

         There  are no  family  relationships  among  any of  the  nominees  for
director or any of the executive officers of MCB Financial.


Biographical Information of Directors

         The following  sets forth  certain  biographical  information,  present
occupation and business  experience for at least the past five years, of each of
the nominees for director.

John Cavallucci       Director of Metro Commerce  since November 1991;  Chairman
                        of Metro  Commerce  and MCB  Financial  since  May 1996;
                        Executive  Officer to the  President  of Metro  Commerce
                        since January  1999;  Chief  Executive  Officer of Metro
                        Commerce from December 1995 to December 1998;  President
                        and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of Metro  Commerce  from
                        January 1992 to December 1995;  Director,  President and
                        Chief  Executive  Officer of MCB Financial  from January
                        1993 to December 1998.

Charles O. Hall       Director of Metro Commerce  since December 1995;  Director
                        of MCB  Financial  since January  1999;  Executive  Vice
                        President  and Chief  Credit  Officer of Metro  Commerce
                        from  March  1992 to  December  1995;  President,  Chief
                        Operating  Officer,  and Chief  Credit  Officer of Metro
                        Commerce from December 1995 to April 1998; President and
                        Chief  Operating  Officer of Metro  Commerce  from April
                        1998 to December  1998;  President  and Chief  Executive
                        Officer of Metro Commerce since January 1999;  President
                        and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of MCB  Financial  since
                        January 1999.

Timothy J. Jorstad    President and certified public accountant,  Jorstad, Inc.,
                        a certified public accounting firm.

Catherine H. Munson   President,  Lucas Valley  Properties,  Inc., a real estate
                        firm; also General Partner, McInnis Park Golf Center.

Gary T. Ragghianti    Attorney and President, Gary T. Ragghianti, Inc.

Michael J. Smith      General Partner, Shimek/Smith, a car care business; broker
                        and owner,  Waterford  Associates,  LLC,  a real  estate

Edward P. Tarrant     Principal and Owner,  Tarrant-Bell  Properties, a property
                        development and management company.

Randall J. Verrue     President  and  Chief  Executive   Officer,   HCV  Pacific
                        Partners, a real estate company.

Meetings of the Board of Directors and  Committees of MCB Financial

         The Board of Directors of MCB  Financial  held twelve  meetings  during
1999.  MCB  Financial  does  not  have a  Personnel  Committee  or a  Nominating
Committee;  the Board of Directors performs such functions.  The entire Board of
Directors also serves as the Audit  Committee.  During 1999 all of the directors
of MCB  Financial  attended  at a minimum  75 percent  of the  aggregate  of all
meetings of the Board of Directors  and of the  committees  of MCB Financial and
Metro Commerce on which they served.

         The Board of Directors of Metro Commerce held fourteen  meetings during
1999.  The Board of Directors of Metro  Commerce  has an Audit  Committee  and a
Personnel Committee.  Metro Commerce does not have a Nominating  Committee;  the
Board of Directors performs such functions.

         The Audit Committee currently consists of Timothy J. Jorstad, Chairman,
Michael J. Smith,  Edward P. Tarrant and Randall J. Verrue.  The Audit Committee
held four meetings  during 1999.  The Audit  Committee's  function is to monitor
Metro Commerce's  financial  organization and financial  reporting,  monitor and
analyze the results of external and  regulatory  examinations  and recommend the
appointment of and oversee the independent auditor.

         The  Personnel  Committee  currently  consists of  Catherine H. Munson,
Chairwoman,  Charles O. Hall, and Gary T.  Ragghianti.  The Personnel  Committee
held no meetings  during 1999. The Personnel  Committee's  function is to review
compensation  of  executive  officers and make  recommendations  to the Board of
Directors regarding compensation.


         During  1999,  all of the  directors  of Metro  Commerce  attended at a
minimum 75 percent of the  aggregate  of all  meetings of the Board of Directors
and of the committees on which they serve, except Michael J. Smith, who attended
70% of the meetings.

Compensation of Directors

         Each Metro  Commerce  director,  with the exception of Charles O. Hall,
receives an annual retainer of $12,000 for his or her services.

Executive Officers

         The  following  table sets forth certain  information,  as of March 20,
2000, with respect to the current executive  officers of MCB Financial and Metro

                                         Present Position(s) with
        Name             Age         MCB Financial and Metro Commerce
        ----             ---         --------------------------------
John Cavallucci .......  58  Chairman of MCB Financial; Chairman and Executive
                               Officer to the President of Metro Commerce

Charles O. Hall .......  45  Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of
                               MCB Financial and Metro Commerce

Stephen R. Brodie .....  54  Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer
                               of Metro Commerce

Raymon L. Hanssen .....  56  Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative
                               Officer of Metro Commerce

Patrick E. Phelan .....  36  Chief Financial Officer of MCB Financial; Executive
                               Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
                               Metro Commerce

Business Experience

         The following sets forth the business experience, for at least the past
five years, of each of MCB Financial's and Metro Commerce's  executive  officers
other than Mr. Cavallucci and Mr. Hall, whose experience is set forth above.

Stephen R. Brodie     Executive  Vice  President/Chief  Credit  Officer of Metro
                        Commerce  since April 1998;  Senior Vice  President/Loan
                        Administration  of Metro  Commerce  from January 1998 to
                        April  1998;  Senior  Vice  President/Construction  Loan
                        Officer  of Metro  Commerce  from June  1996 to  January
                        1998;  Senior  Vice  President/Loan   Officer  of  Metro
                        Commerce from June 1993 to June 1996.

Raymon L. Hanssen     Executive Vice President/Chief  Administrative  Officer of
                        Metro  Commerce   since   February  1999;   Senior  Vice
                        President/Branch Manager of Metro Commerce from May 1994
                        to February 1999; Senior Vice President/Loan  Officer of
                        Metro Commerce from May 1991 to May 1994.

Patrick E. Phelan     Chief Financial  Officer of MCB Financial  since May 1997;
                        Executive  Vice  President/Chief  Financial  Officer  of
                        Metro  Commerce   since   December  1998;   Senior  Vice
                        President/Chief Financial Officer of Metro Commerce from
                        May 1997 to December  1998;  Vice  President/Finance  of
                        Metro Commerce from December 1996 to May 1997; Assistant
                        Vice  President and  Controller  of Metro  Commerce from
                        April 1994 to December 1996.



         The following table sets forth compensation information with respect to
MCB Financial's and Metro Commerce's Chief Executive  Officer and the four other
most highly compensated  executive officers of Metro Commerce who served as such
at year end 1999 and whose  total  annual  salary  and bonus  exceeded  $100,000
("Named  Officers").  Comparative  data is also  provided  for the two  previous
fiscal years,  where applicable.  No cash compensation was paid by MCB Financial
to any Named Officer;  however,  each Named Officer of MCB Financial also serves
as an executive of Metro Commerce and receives  compensation from Metro Commerce
for services rendered in his or her capacity as such.

Summary Compensation Table

                                                    Annual                               Long Term
                                                 Compensation             Other         Compensation
          Name and                           ----------------------       Annual           Awards          All Other
   Principal Position at                     Salary          Bonus     Compensation        Options       Compensation(1)
     December 31, 1999          Year           ($)            ($)          ($)               (#)               ($)
   ---------------------        ----         -------         ------    ------------        -------       ---------------
John Cavallucci ..............  1999          70,000         34,594                         10,500            3,856
   Executive Officer to the     1998         142,000         47,900                                           2,863
   President                    1997         132,000         38,057                                           2,162

Charles O. Hall ..............  1999         153,360         69,188                         10,500            7,901
   President/                   1998         142,000         47,900                                           7,271
   Chief Executive Officer      1997         132,000         38,057                                           7,925

Stephen R. Brodie ............  1999          96,342         16,000                                           1,900
   Executive Vice President/    1998          89,934         14,000                          5,250            1,700
   Chief Credit Officer         1997            N/A           N/A                                              N/A

Raymon L. Hanssen ............  1999          97,635         21,020                                           4,715
   Executive Vice President/    1998          89,435         12,768                                           2,400
   Chief Administrative         1997            N/A           N/A                                              N/A

Patrick E. Phelan ............  1999          91,081         16,500                                           4,100
   Executive Vice President/    1998            N/A           N/A                                              N/A
   Chief Financial Officer      1997            N/A           N/A                                              N/A

- ------------
(1)  Includes  automobile   compensation  and  matching   contributions  to  the
     Executive Deferred Compensation Plan.

Employment Agreements

         Mr.  Cavallucci  and Mr.  Hall are  each  employed  by  Metro  Commerce
pursuant to written employment agreements.

         Mr. Cavallucci

         Mr. Cavallucci's  current agreement for employment as Executive Officer
to the  President  of Metro  Commerce  commenced  on January 1, 1999 and expires
December  31,  2001.  Mr.  Cavallucci  is entitled to receive  payment of (i) an
initial annual base salary of $70,000, payable semi-monthly,  increased annually
in  accordance  with a change in the consumer  price index for the San Francisco
Bay Area and  increased  otherwise at the sole  discretion  of Metro  Commerce's
Board of  Directors,  and (ii) an annual  bonus  equal to  three-fourths  of one
percent (3/4%) of Metro Commerce's  pre-tax income if Metro Commerce's return on
beginning  equity  equals or  exceeds 10 percent  during  the fiscal  year.  Mr.
Cavallucci is also entitled to be paid directors fees in an amount equal to such
fees paid to other  members  of the Board of  Directors  so long as he remains a
Director.  Among  other  things,  pursuant  to  his  employment  agreement,  Mr.
Cavallucci  has been  provided with an  automobile,  Metro  Commerce's  standard
health insurance  coverage  provided to all Metro Commerce  employees,  vacation
leave and a golf club membership.

         In the event Mr.  Cavallucci's  employment is terminated for any reason
other than death, disability,  voluntary retirement or cause he will be entitled
to receive a severance payment in an amount equal to his then base salary for 36
months in one lump sum. If Mr. Cavallucci's employment is terminated for


reasons of death,  medical  disability  which would preclude him from performing
duties as the Executive  Officer to the President of Metro Commerce for a period
of six months or voluntary retirement,  he will not be entitled to any severance
payment;  provided,  however,  that if such termination  occurs as a result of a
medical  disability,  he will be  entitled  to receive  severance  payment in an
amount  equal to 150 percent of his annual  base  salary then in effect.  In the
event Mr.  Cavallucci's  employment  is  terminated  for  cause,  he will not be
entitled to any severance payment.

         Mr. Hall

         Mr. Hall's current employment  agreement  commenced on January 1, 1996.
Mr.  Hall is entitled  to receive  payment of (i) an initial  base salary in the
amount of $120,000,  payable not less often than monthly,  increased annually by
the percentage  increase in the CPI for the San Francisco Bay Area as well as at
the discretion of the Board of Directors,  and (ii) an annual bonus equal to one
and one-half  percent of Metro  Commerce's  pre-tax  income if Metro  Commerce's
return on beginning  equity equals or exceeds 10 percent during the fiscal year.
Mr. Hall has been provided with an automobile,  Metro Commerce's standard health
insurance coverage provided to all Metro Commerce employees,  vacation leave and
a tennis  club  membership.  Mr.  Hall  also  participates  in Metro  Commerce's
Deferred Compensation Plan For Executives into which Mr. Hall may elect to defer
a portion of his current compensation and Metro Commerce agrees to contribute up
to 50 percent of the amount of his deferral.  Mr. Hall vests 50 percent in Metro
Commerce  contributions  after  completing all of his contractual  deferrals and
vests the remaining 50 percent upon reaching retirement age.

         In the event Mr. Hall's  employment is terminated  for any reason other
than death,  disability,  voluntary  retirement  or cause he will be entitled to
receive a  severance  payment in an amount  equal to his then base salary for 36
months in one lump sum. If Mr. Hall's  employment  is terminated  for reasons of
death,  voluntary  retirement  or cause he will not be entitled to any severance
payment. If termination occurs as a result of a medical  disability,  he will be
entitled  to receive  severance  payment  in an amount  equal to 25% of his then
annual base salary.

         The  following  table sets forth  information  on the issuance of stock
options to the Named Officers during the year ended December 31, 1999.

Stock Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                        Percent of
                                      Total Options
                        Number of     Granted During      Exercise    Expiration
         Name            Shares           1999             Price         Date
         ----            ------           ----             -----         ----
John Cavallucci .......  10,500           12.05%           $7.62      07/22/2009
Charles O. Hall .......  10,500           12.05%           $7.62      07/22/2009


         The following table presents information regarding the 1999 fiscal year
end value of unexercised stock options held by the Named Officers. There were no
option  exercises by the Named Officers  during the 1999 fiscal year. The market
value of MCB  Financial's  Common  Stock as of December  31, 1999 was $11.00 per

Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in  Last  Fiscal  Year and Fiscal Year-End Option

                                                       Value of
                                  Number of          Unexercised
                                 Unexercised         In-the-Money
                                   Options             Options
                                   at 1999             at 1999
                                Year-End (#)         Year-End ($)
                                Exercisable/         Exercisable/
             Name               Unexercisable       Unexercisable
             ----               -------------       -------------
John Cavallucci .............   48,405 / 8,400      332,115 / 28,400
Charles O. Hall .............   45,626 / 11,178     323,950 / 49,963
Stephen R. Brodie ...........    7,887 / 3,150       35,291 / 6,150
Raymon L. Hanssen ...........    6,946 / 0           47,891 / N/A
Patrick E. Phelan ...........    7,011 / 3,131       45,129 / 18,947


         Certain of the directors  and  executive  officers of MCB Financial and
Metro Commerce,  the companies or  organization  with which they are affiliated,
and  members of their  immediate  families  are  customers  of, and had  banking
transactions  with Metro  Commerce in the  ordinary  course of Metro  Commerce's
business  during 1999, and Metro Commerce  expects to have banking  transactions
with such  persons  in the  future.  All loans and  commitments  to lend to such
persons were made on  substantially  the same terms,  including  interest rates,
repayment terms and collateral,  as those  prevailing at the time for comparable
transactions with other persons of similar  creditworthiness and, in the opinion
of  management  of Metro  Commerce,  did not involve  more than a normal risk of
collectibility  or present  other  unfavorable  features.  All of such loans are
current as to both principal and interest.  As of February 29, 2000,  extensions
of credit to MCB Financial  directors,  executive officers and beneficial owners
of more than five percent of MCB Financial Common Stock,  and their  affiliates,
as a group, was approximately $3,727,417 which represents approximately 26.1% of
the equity  capital of MCB  Financial  as of that date.  The  maximum  aggregate
amount of credit  extended to directors and executive  officers of MCB Financial
or Metro Commerce at any one time during 1999 was approximately $3,393,670.


                                  PROPOSAL TWO:

         The Board of Directors  of MCB  Financial  has  selected and  appointed
Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent  auditors,  to audit the financial statements
of MCB  Financial for the year ending  December 31, 2000.  Deloitte & Touche LLP
has served as MCB Financial's independent auditors since 1991. In recognition of
the  important  role of the  independent  auditors,  the Board of Directors  has
determined that its selection of the independent auditors should be submitted to
the shareholders for review and ratification on an annual basis.

         Deloitte & Touche LLP had no interest,  financial or otherwise,  in MCB
Financial or Metro Commerce.

         In the event the  appointment is not ratified  through the  affirmative
vote of a majority of the outstanding shares, the adverse vote will be deemed to
be an indication  to the Board of Directors  that it should  consider  selecting
other  independent  auditors for 2000.  Because of the difficulty and expense of
making any  substitution of accounting  firms after the beginning of the current
year,  it is the  intention of the Board of Directors  that the  appointment  of
Deloitte  & Touche  LLP for the 2000  fiscal  year will  stand  unless for other
reasons the Board of  Directors  deems it  necessary  or  appropriate  to make a
change.  The  Board of  Directors  also  retains  the power to  appoint  another
independent public accounting firm to replace an accounting firm ratified by the
shareholders  in the event the Board of Directors  determines that the interests
of MCB Financial require such a change.

         A representative  of Deloitte & Touche is expected to be present at the
MCB Financial  Meeting.  The  representative  will have an opportunity to make a
statement  if he or she  desires  to do so and will be  available  to respond to
appropriate questions of shareholders.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         MCB  Financial's  2001  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  is  currently
scheduled  for May 16,  2001.  To be  included  in MCB  Financial's  2001  Proxy
Statement, proposals of shareholders intended to be presented at the 2001 Annual
Meeting must be received by MCB Financial no later than December 20, 2000.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         Management  does not know of any  matters  to be  presented  at the MCB
Financial  Meeting other than those set forth above.  However,  if other matters
come before the MCB Financial Meeting,  it is the intention of the persons named
in  the   accompanying   proxy  to  vote  said  proxy  in  accordance  with  the
recommendation of the MCB Financial Board of Directors on such matters.
