Law Offices of
                      Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
                              345 California Street
                      San Francisco, California 94104-2635
                            Telephone (415) 835-1600
                            Facsimile (415) 217-5333

                                  April 6, 2000


Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20549

Re:  The Montgomery Funds - CIK No. 0000863435
     Request for Withdrawal of Registration Statement on Form N-1A
     File Nos. 33-34841 and 811-6011

Sir or Madam:

     On behalf of The Montgomery Funds (the  "Registrant")  and pursuant to Rule
477(a) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act"), we
hereby  request  the  withdrawal  of   Post-Effective   Amendment  No.  71  (the
"Amendment")  to the  Registrant's  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A  (the
"Registration  Statement"),  as filed with the  Commission  under Rule 485(a) on
March 16, 2000.

     The Amendment  relates to certain  updates,  additions and revisions to the
Registrant's  combined  prospectuses  and the combined  Statement of  Additional
Information  for the Class R and Class P shares.  Certain of these additions and
revisions were  disclosed in previously  filed  supplements to the  Registrant's
Registration  Statement on Form N-1A, or have been approved by the  shareholders
of the relevant  series of the  Registrant.  Consequently,  the Amendment to the
Registrant's  Statement  as filed  with the  Commission  on March  16,  2000 was
neither necessary nor required in the manner filed.

     Please address any comments or questions concerning this withdrawal request
to the undersigned at (415) 835-1607 or to Thao H. Ngo at (415) 835-1649.

                                       Very truly yours,

                                       /s/ David A. Hearth
                                       for PAUL, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY & WALKER LLP

cc: Ann Oglanian, Esq.
    Thao H. Ngo and Julie Allecta, Esq.