(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. __)

Filed by the Registrant                       [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant    [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement           [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                 Commission Only (as permitted by
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials            Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                           MONTEREY BAY BANCORP, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)     Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

(2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

(3)     Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)     Total fee paid:

        [ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

        [ ]      Check  box if any  part of the fee is  offset  as  provided  by
                 Exchange Act Rule  0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
                 the offsetting fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous
                 filing  by  registration  statement  number,  or  the  Form  or
                 Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)     Amount previously paid:

(2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)     Filing party:

(4)     Date filed:

                           MONTEREY BAY BANCORP, INC.
                              567 Auto Center Drive
                          Watsonville, California 95076
                                 (831) 768-4800

                                                                  April 17, 2000

Fellow Stockholders:

         You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
(the  "Annual  Meeting")  of Monterey Bay Bancorp,  Inc.  (the  "Company"),  the
holding  company for Monterey Bay Bank (the  "Bank"),  which will be held on May
25, 2000,  at 9:00 a.m.,  Pacific  Time,  at the  Watsonville  Women's  Club, 12
Brennan Street, Watsonville, California 95076.

         The attached Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement  describe the
formal business to be transacted at the Annual  Meeting.  Directors and officers
of Monterey Bay Bancorp,  Inc., as well as a representative of Deloitte & Touche
LLP, the Company's independent  auditors,  will be present at the Annual Meeting
to respond to any questions that stockholders may have regarding the business to
be transacted.

         The Board of Directors of Monterey  Bay  Bancorp,  Inc. has  determined
that  the  matters  to be  considered  at the  Annual  Meeting  are in the  best
interests of the Company and its stockholders.  For the reasons set forth in the
Proxy  Statement,  the Board  unanimously  recommends  that you vote  "FOR" each
matter to be considered.

         Your  cooperation is  appreciated  since a majority of the common stock
must be  represented,  either in person or by proxy,  to constitute a quorum for
the conduct of business.  Whether or not you expect to attend, please sign, date
and return  the  enclosed  proxy  card  promptly  in the  postage-paid  envelope
provided so that your shares will be represented.

         On behalf of the Board of  Directors  and all of the  employees  of the
Company and the Bank, I thank you for your continued interest and support.

                                                       Sincerely yours,

                                                       /s/ Eugene R. Friend

                                                       Eugene R. Friend
                                                       Chairman of the Board and
                                                       Chief Executive Officer

                           MONTEREY BAY BANCORP, INC.
                              567 Auto Center Drive
                          Watsonville, California 95076
                                 (831) 768-4800



                           To Be Held on May 25, 2000


         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the
"Annual Meeting") of Monterey Bay Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") will be held on
May 25, 2000 at 9:00 a.m.,  Pacific  Time, at the  Watsonville  Women's Club, 12
Brennan Street, Watsonville, California, 95076.

         The  purpose of the Annual  Meeting  is to  consider  and vote upon the
following matters:

         1.   The  election of three  directors to  three-year  terms of office,
         2.   The approval of amendments to the 1995 Incentive Option Plan;
         3.   The  ratification  of the  appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as
              independent  auditors  of the  Company  for the fiscal year ending
              December 31, 2000; and
         4.   Such other matters as may properly come before the Annual  Meeting
              and at  any  adjournments  thereof,  including  whether  or not to
              adjourn the meeting.

         The Board of Directors  has  established  April 3, 2000,  as the record
date for the determination of stockholders  entitled to receive notice of and to
vote at the Annual Meeting and at any adjournments  thereof. Only record holders
of the common stock of the Company as of the close of business on that date will
be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting or any  adjournments
thereof.  In the event there are not sufficient votes for a quorum or to approve
or ratify any of the foregoing proposals at the time of the Annual Meeting,  the
Annual  Meeting may be  adjourned  in order to permit  further  solicitation  of
proxies by the Company.  A list of  stockholders  entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting will be available at Monterey Bay Bancorp,  Inc., 567 Auto Center Drive,
Watsonville,  California  95076,  for a period of ten days  prior to the  Annual
Meeting and will also be available at the meeting itself.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Margaret A. Green

                                              Margaret A. Green
                                              Corporate Secretary

Watsonville, California
April 17, 2000

                           MONTEREY BAY BANCORP, INC.


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                 April 17, 2000


Solicitation and Voting of Proxies

         This Proxy Statement is being furnished to stockholders of Monterey Bay
Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") in connection with the  solicitation by the Board
of  Directors  ("Board of  Directors"  or  "Board") of proxies to be used at the
annual meeting of  stockholders  (the "Annual  Meeting"),  to be held on May 25,
2000, at 9:00 a.m.,  Pacific Time, at the  Watsonville  Women's Club, 12 Brennan
Street,  Watsonville,  California,  95076, and at any adjournments  thereof. The
1999 Annual Report to Stockholders,  including consolidated financial statements
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999, and a proxy card,  accompanies this
Proxy Statement, which is first being mailed to record holders on or about April
17, 2000.

         Regardless  of the  number  of  shares of  common  stock  owned,  it is
important that record holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of common
stock be represented by proxy or in person at the Annual  Meeting.  Stockholders
are  requested to vote by  completing  the enclosed  proxy card and returning it
signed and dated in the enclosed postage-paid  envelope.  Stockholders are urged
to  indicate  their  vote in the  spaces  provided  on the proxy  card.  Proxies
solicited by the Board of  Directors of the Company will be voted in  accordance
with the directions given therein.  Where no instructions are indicated,  signed
proxy cards will be voted FOR the  election of each of the nominees for director
named in this  Proxy  Statement  and FOR the  approval  of each of the  specific
proposals presented in this Proxy Statement.

         Other  than the  matters  set  forth on the  attached  Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders,  the Board of Directors knows of no additional  matters
that will be presented for  consideration at the Annual Meeting.  Execution of a
proxy, however, confers on the designated proxy holders' discretionary authority
to vote the  shares  in  accordance  with  their  best  judgment  on such  other
business,  if any, that may properly  come before the Annual  Meeting and at any
adjournments thereof, including whether or not to adjourn the Annual Meeting.

         A proxy may be revoked at any time  prior to its  exercise  by filing a
written  notice of revocation  with the Corporate  Secretary of the Company,  by
delivering  to the Company a duly  executed  proxy  bearing a later date,  or by
attending  the  Annual  Meeting  and  voting in  person.  However,  if you are a
stockholder  whose  shares are not  registered  in your own name,  you will need
appropriate  documentation  from your record  holder to vote  personally  at the
Annual Meeting.

         The cost of solicitation of proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors
will be borne by the  Company.  In  addition to the  solicitation  of proxies by
mail,  ChaseMellon  Shareholder  Services  will assist the Company in soliciting
proxies  for the Annual  Meeting  and will be paid a fee of $6,500.  Proxies may
also be solicited personally or by mail or telephone by directors,  officers and
other employees of the Company and its subsidiary,  the Bank, without additional
compensation  therefor.  The  Company  will  also  request  persons,  firms  and
corporations  holding


shares in their names, or in the name of their nominees,  which are beneficially
owned by  others,  to send  proxy  material  to and  obtain  proxies  from  such
beneficial owners, and will reimburse such holders for their reasonable expenses
in doing so.

Voting Securities

         The  securities  which may be voted at the  Annual  Meeting  consist of
shares  of  common  stock of the  Company  ("Common  Stock"),  with  each  share
entitling  its  owner to one vote on all  matters  to be voted on at the  Annual
Meeting,  except as  described  below.  There is no  cumulative  voting  for the
election of directors.

         The close of business on April 3, 2000,  has been fixed by the Board of
Directors  as the  record  date (the  "Record  Date") for the  determination  of
stockholders  of record  entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting
and at any  adjournments  thereof.  The total  number of shares of Common  Stock
entitled to vote on the Record Date was 3,308,523 shares.

         In  accordance  with the  provisions of the  Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  record holders of Common Stock who beneficially own in excess of
10% of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock (the "Limit") are not entitled to
any vote with  respect  to the shares  held in excess of the Limit.  A person or
entity is deemed to beneficially own shares owned by an affiliate of, as well as
by  persons  acting in  concert  with,  such  person or  entity.  The  Company's
Certificate of  Incorporation  authorizes the Board of Directors (i) to make all
determinations necessary to implement and apply the Limit, including determining
whether  persons or entities are acting in concert,  and (ii) to demand that any
person who is  reasonably  believed to  beneficially  own stock in excess of the
Limit  supply  information  to the Company to enable the Board of  Directors  to
implement and apply the Limit.

         The  presence,  in  person or by proxy,  of the  holders  of at least a
majority of the total number of shares of Common  Stock  entitled to vote (after
giving  effect to the Limit  described  above,  if  applicable)  is necessary to
constitute  a quorum at the  Annual  Meeting.  In the event  that  there are not
sufficient  votes  for a  quorum,  or to  approve  or ratify  any  matter  being
presented at the time of the Annual Meeting, the Annual Meeting may be adjourned
in order to permit the further solicitation of proxies.

         As to the election of directors,  the proxy card being  provided by the
Board of  Directors  enables a  stockholder  to vote "FOR" the  election  of the
nominees proposed by the Board of Directors,  or to "WITHHOLD AUTHORITY" to vote
for one or more of the  nominees  being  proposed.  Under  Delaware  law and the
Company's  Bylaws,  directors are elected by a plurality of votes cast,  without
regard to either broker non-votes,  or proxies as to which authority to vote for
one or more of the nominees being proposed is withheld.

         As to the approval of the amendments to the 1995 Incentive Option Plan,
the  ratification  of  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP as  independent  auditors  of the
Company, and all other matters that may properly come before the Annual Meeting,
by checking the  appropriate  box, a  stockholder  may: (i) vote "FOR" the item;
(ii) vote "AGAINST" the item; or (iii) "ABSTAIN" from voting on the item.  Under
the  Company's  Bylaws,   unless  otherwise   required  by  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation or by law, the ratification of auditors and other matters shall be
determined  by a majority of the votes  cast,  without  regard to either  broker
non-votes, or proxies marked "ABSTAIN" as to that matter.


         Proxies  solicited  hereby will be returned to the  Company's  transfer
agent,  and will be tabulated by inspectors of election  designated by the Board
of Directors,  who will not be employed by, or a director of, the Company or any
of its affiliates.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

         The following table sets forth information as to those persons believed
by the  Company  to be  beneficial  owners  of  more  than  5% of the  Company's
outstanding shares of Common Stock on the Record Date or as disclosed in certain
reports regarding such ownership filed by such persons with the Company and with
the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC"),  in accordance  with Sections
13(d) and 13(g) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  ("Exchange
Act").  Other than those persons  listed below,  the Company is not aware of any
person,  as such term is defined in the Exchange  Act, that owns more than 5% of
the Company's Common Stock as of the Record Date.

                                    Name and Address                   Amount and Nature of              Percent of
   Title of Class                 Of Beneficial Owner                  Beneficial Ownership                Class
- ---------------------     -------------------------------------    -----------------------------       ---------------
Common Stock              Monterey Bay Bank Employee                        347,229(1)                     10.5%
                          Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP")
                          567 Auto Center Drive
                          Watsonville, California  95076

Common Stock              Josiah T. Austin                                  340,339(2)                     10.3%
                          Valer C. Austin
                          HC Box 395
                          Pearce, Arizona 85625

Common Stock              Findim Inv., SA                                   340,000(3)                     10.3%
                          Gradinata Forghee 2
                          Massagno, Switzerland
- ---------------
(1)  Shares of Common Stock were  acquired by the ESOP in the  conversion of the
     bank from  mutual  to stock  form and the  formation  of the  Company.  The
     Company's  Compensation/Benefits Committee serves as the ESOP Committee and
     administers  the ESOP. See "Proposal 1. Election of Directors - Meetings of
     the  Board  of  Directors  and  Committees  of the  board  of  Directors  -
     Compensation/Benefits   Committee."  CNA  Trust  Corporation,  Costa  Mesa,
     California has been appointed as the corporate  trustee for the ESOP ("ESOP
     Trustee").  The ESOP Trustee,  subject to its fiduciary duty, must vote all
     allocated  shares held in the ESOP in accordance  with the  instructions of
     the participants.  At December 31, 1999,  167,530 shares had been allocated
     and retained under the ESOP.  Unallocated  shares and allocated  shares for
     which no voting instructions are received will be voted by the ESOP Trustee
     in a manner calculated to most accurately reflect the instructions received
     from participants  regarding the allocated stock so long as such vote is in
     accordance with the ESOP Trustee's fiduciary duty.

(2)  Based  upon  information  contained  in an  Annual  Statement  of Change in
     Beneficial Ownership filed by Mr. Austin on Form 5 with the SEC on February
     17, 2000, pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
     Pursuant to an agreement  with the Company,  Mr.  Austin was appointed as a
     director of the Company,  effective May 1, 1999, for a term expiring at the
     May 25, 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

(3)  Based upon  information  contained in Amendment No. 5 to Schedule 13D filed
     by Findim  Investments,  SA on  December  3,  1998,  and other  information
     supplied by Findim Investments to the Company.



                        PROPOSAL 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The Board of  Directors of the Company  consists of thirteen  directors
and is divided into three classes.  Each of the thirteen members of the Board of
Directors of the Company also presently  serve as directors of the Bank.  Except
as noted below,  directors are elected for staggered  terms of three years each,
with the term of office of only one of the three  classes of directors  expiring
each year. Directors serve until their successors are elected and qualified.

         Josiah T.  Austin is serving as a director  of the Company and the Bank
for a term  expiring at the  conclusion  of this Annual  Meeting  pursuant to an
agreement  with the  Company.  Donald K.  Henrichsen  has  informed the Board of
Directors  that he will  retire as a Director of the Company and the Bank at the
conclusion of this Annual Meeting.

         The three  nominees  proposed for  election at this Annual  Meeting are
Diane Simpkins Bordoni, Eugene R. Friend, and McKenzie Moss.

         In the event that any such  nominee is unable to serve or  declines  to
serve for any  reason,  it is intended  that the  proxies  will be voted for the
election  of such other  person as may be  designated  by the  present  Board of
Directors.  The Board of  Directors  has no reason  to  believe  that any of the
persons named will be unable or unwilling to serve. Unless authority to vote for
the  election  of any  nominee  is  withheld,  it is  intended  that the  shares
represented by the enclosed proxy card, if executed and returned,  will be voted
FOR the election of the nominees proposed by the Board of Directors.


Information with Respect to the Nominees and Continuing Directors

         The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, the names of the
nominees  and  continuing  directors  of  the  Company;   their  ages;  a  brief
description of their recent business  experience,  including present occupations
and  employment;  certain  directorships  held by each;  the year in which  each
became a director of the Bank; and the year in which their terms (or in the case
of the nominees,  their proposed terms) as director of the Company  expire.  The
table  also sets  forth  the  amount of  Common  Stock and the  percent  thereof
beneficially  owned by each and by all  directors  and  executive  officers as a
group as of the Record Date.

         In   conjunction   with  the   expiration  of  the  terms  of  the  two
non-continuing  Directors, it is the current intention of the Board of Directors
to reduce the number of directors from the current 13 to 11 as of May 25, 2000.

              Name and Principal                                        Expiration       Shares of Common      Percent
            Occupation at Present                          Director     of Term as      Stock Beneficially        of
           And for Past Five Years                Age     Since( 1)      Director            Owned(2)          Class(12)
- -----------------------------------------------  -------  -----------  --------------  ---------------------- -----------

Diane Simpkins Bordoni                             46        1998          2000                565                  *
Chief Financial Officer of System Studies
Incorporated, Santa Cruz, California.


              Name and Principal                                        Expiration       Shares of Common      Percent
            Occupation at Present                          Director     of Term as      Stock Beneficially        of
           And for Past Five Years                Age     Since( 1)      Director            Owned(2)          Class(12)
- -----------------------------------------------  -------  -----------  --------------  ---------------------- -----------

Eugene R. Friend(3)                                76        1969          2000             49,603(4)(5)(6)       1.4%
Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive
Officer of the Company and the Bank;
Retired insurance executive.

McKenzie Moss                                      70        1996          2000              5,998(7)(8)            *
Financial & Strategic Planning Consultant;
University Instructor and Lecturer; Writer;
Retired bank executive.


P.W. Bachan                                        73        1954          2001             30,665(7)(8)            *
Partner in the law firm of Bachan, Skillicorn,
Marinovich and Balian in
Watsonville, California.

Edward K. Banks (9)                                51        1993          2001             15,325(7)(8)            *
Chief Executive Officer of Pajaro Valley
Insurance Agencies, Inc.; Watsonville,

Louis Resetar, Jr.                                 73        1961          2001             30,990(7)(8)            *
Retired, Agribusiness, Resetar Farms,

Nicholas C. Biase                                  32        1997          2001              3,133(7)(8)(10)        *
Representative of Findim Investments, S.A.;
President of Omabuild, Inc., a real estate
company, New York, New York

Marshall G. Delk                                   45        1998          2002             99,955(4)(5)(6)       2.8%
President and Chief Operating Officer of the
Company and the Bank.

Steven Franich                                     53        1989          2002             45,648(7)(8)          1.3%
President of Marty Franich Auto Dealerships,
Watsonville, California

Stephen G. Hoffmann                                55        1997          2002              3,364(7)(8)            *
President/CEO of Canyon National Bank,
Palm Springs, California; President and
Chief Executive Officer of Palm Springs
Savings Bank from 1988 until 1996.

Gary L. Manfre                                     46        1993          2002             27,434(7)(8)            *
Treasurer, Watsonville Coast Produce, Inc.,
Watsonville, California.


Josiah T. Austin                                   52        1999          2000            340,339                9.6%
Rancher and private investor, El Coronado
Ranch, Pearce, Arizona

Donald K. Henrichsen                               69        1970          2000             47,391(7)(8)          1.3%
President of John's Shoe Store, Inc., a
retail business in Watsonville, California.


Stock Ownership of all Directors and                                                       851,689(11)           24.0%
  Executive Officers as a Group (20 persons).

*Represents less than 1.0% of the Company's voting securities.

- ----------------------
(1)  Includes years of service as a director of the Bank.

(2)  Each  person  effectively  exercises  sole (or shares  with spouse or other
     immediate family member) voting or dispositive  power as to shares reported
     herein (except as noted).

(3)  Mr. Friend has informed the Board of Directors that he intends to retire as
     Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company and the Bank  effective  upon the
     appointment of a replacement.  As of the date of this Proxy Statement,  the
     Board of  Directors  is  engaged  in a  search  for a new  Chief  Executive

(4)  Includes  1,383  and 6,769  shares  awarded  to  Messrs.  Friend  and Delk,
     respectively,  pursuant to the Monterey Bay Bank Performance Equity Program
     for Officers and Employees  ("Performance  Equity  Program")  that have not
     vested.  Base awards under the Performance  Equity Program began vesting in
     five equal annual  installments,  on August 24, 1996, the first anniversary
     of  the  effective  date  of  the  grant.   Performance  awards  under  the
     Performance Equity Program began vesting in five equal annual  installments
     on August 24, 1996,  the first  anniversary  of the  effective  date of the
     grant;  however,  such  vesting  is subject  to the  attainment  of certain
     performance  goals,  and if such goals are not met,  the shares which would
     have  vested  will lapse and be  returned  to the Plan Share  Reserve.  See
     Footnote 3 to the "Summary Compensation Table."

(5)  Does not  include  2,875 and 14,375  shares  subject to options  awarded to
     Messrs.  Friend  and  Delk,  respectively,  pursuant  to the  Monterey  Bay
     Bancorp,  Inc. 1995 Incentive Stock Option Plan  ("Incentive  Option Plan")
     that have not vested and will not vest  within 60 days of the record  date.
     Awards began vesting in five equal annual  installments on August 24, 1996,
     the first anniversary of the effective date of the grant.

(6)  Includes  5,694 and 10,561  shares  allocated  to Messrs.  Friend and Delk,
     respectively, pursuant to the Bank's ESOP as of December 31, 1999.

(7)  Includes  691,  691,  1,383,  691,  1,383,  1,383,  830, 830 and 830 shares
     awarded to Messrs.  Franich,  Manfre,  Bachan, Banks, Resetar,  Henrichsen,
     Moss, Biase and Hoffmann  respectively,  pursuant to the Bank's Recognition
     and  Retention  Plan for Outside  Directors  ("RRP")  that have not vested.
     Awards under the RRP to Messrs. Franich, Manfre, Bachan, Banks, Resetar and
     Henrichsen  began vesting in five equal annual  installments  on August 24,
     1996, the first  anniversary of the effective date of the grant.  Awards to
     Messrs. Moss, Biase and Hoffmann began vesting on March 13, 1999, the first
     anniversary of the effective date of the grant.

(8)  Does not include 3,250, 3,250, 2,459, 3,251, 2,458, 2,459, 1,475, 1,476 and
     1,476 shares subject to options awarded to Messrs. Franich, Manfre, Bachan,
     Banks,  Resetar,  Henrichsen,  Moss,  Biase  and  Hoffmann,   respectively,
     pursuant to the  Monterey  Bay  Bancorp,  Inc.  1995 Stock  Option Plan for
     Outside Directors  ("Directors' Option Plan") that have not vested and will
     not vest  within 60 days of the  record  date.  Options  granted to Messrs.
     Franich,  Manfre,  Bachan,  Banks,  Resetar and Henrichsen began vesting in
     five equal annual installments on August 24, 1996, the first anniversary of
     the effective date of the grant. Options granted to Messrs. Moss, Biase and
     Hoffmann  began  vesting on March 13, 1999,  the first  anniversary  of the
     effective date of the grant.

(9)  Mr. Banks is the son-in-law of Mr. Friend.

(10) Findim  Investments,  S.A.  is the  beneficial  owner of 340,000  shares of
     Company Common stock of which Mr. Biase disclaims beneficial ownership. See
     "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners."

(11) Includes  8,712  shares  awarded to  directors  under the RRP that have not
     vested  and  35,869  shares   awarded  to  executive   officers  under  the
     Performance  Equity  Program that have not vested.  Does not include 21,554
     shares subject to options awarded to directors  under the Directors  Option
     Plan that have not  vested  and will not vest  within 60 days of the record
     date.  Does not  include  85,851  shares  subject  to  options  awarded  to
     executive officers under the Incentive Option Plan that have not vested and
     will not vest  within 60 days of the  record  date.  Also  includes  45,799
     shares awarded to executive officers pursuant to the ESOP.

(12) The class includes,  as of the record date,  3,308,523  shares  outstanding
     plus 241,326  stock  options which are either vested or will vest within 60
     days of the record date.


Meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees of the Board of Directors

         The Board of Directors  conducts its business  through  meetings of the
Board of  Directors  and  through  activities  of its  committees.  The Board of
Directors  meets  monthly and may have  additional  meetings  as needed.  During
fiscal 1999, the Company's Board of Directors held twenty-two  meetings.  All of
the  directors  of the Company  attended at least 75% of the total number of the
Company's Board meetings held during fiscal 1999. On January 28, 1999, the Board
of Directors amended the Bylaws of the Company to provide that all directors are
required  to attend in person at least 75% of the  regular  board  meetings in a
fiscal year.  Failure to satisfy this  requirement  will result in the automatic
disqualification of a director to continue to serve as a director. The Boards of
Directors  of the  Company  and the Bank  maintain  committees,  the  nature and
composition of which are described below:

         Audit  Committee.  The Audit  Committee of the Company  consists of Mr.
Bachan (Chairman), Mr. Resetar, Mr. Franich, Mr. Henrichsen and Ms. Bordoni, all
of whom are outside  directors.  This committee meets as called by the Committee
Chairman and met three times in fiscal year 1999.  The purpose of this committee
is to provide  assurance that financial  disclosures made by management  portray
the financial condition and results of operations.  The committee also maintains
a liaison  with the  outside  auditors  and  reviews  the  adequacy  of internal
controls. The Audit Committee of the Bank met eleven times in fiscal 1999.

         Nominating  Committee.  The Company's Nominating Committee for the 2000
Annual Meeting consists of Mr. Bachan (Chairman),  Mr. Franich,  and Mr. Manfre.
The committee  considers and  recommends  the nominees for director to stand for
election  at  the  Company's  annual  meeting  of  stockholders.  The  Company's
Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws also provide for stockholder nominations
of directors.  These provisions  require such nominations to be made pursuant to
timely  notice in writing to the  Secretary  of the Company.  The  stockholder's
notice of nomination must contain all information  relating to the nominee which
is  required  to be  disclosed  by the  Company's  Bylaws and by the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. The Nominating Committee met on March 7 and April 3, 2000.

         Compensation/Benefits Committee. The Compensation/Benefits Committee of
the Bank consists of Messrs. Henrichsen (Chairman),  Hoffmann, Manfre and Banks.
The  Compensation/Benefits  Committee  also serves as the ESOP  Committee.  This
committee  meets to  establish  compensation  for the Chief  Executive  Officer,
approves  the  compensation  of senior  officers  and various  compensation  and
benefits  to be paid to  employees  and to  review  the  incentive  compensation
programs when necessary.  See "Executive  Compensation - Compensation  Committee
Report on Executive Compensation." The Compensation/Benefits  Committee met four
times in fiscal 1999.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act, officers,  directors and
beneficial owners of more than 10% of the Company's Common Stock are required to
file  reports  on  Forms  3, 4 and 5 with the SEC  concerning  their  beneficial
ownership of the Company's Common Stock, as well as to report certain changes in
such  beneficial  ownership.  Based upon the  Company's  review of such reports,
Josiah  T.  Austin,  a  director  of the  Company,  should  have  filed a Form 3
reporting that he had become a director by May 10, 1999. The Form 3 was filed on
June 16, 1999.  Marshall G.


Delk,  the  President,  Chief  Operating  Officer and a director of the Company,
should have filed a Form 4 by December 10, 1999 reporting an open market sale by
him of 6,091  Shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock on November  5, 1999.  The
transaction was subsequently reported on a Form 5 filed on March 13, 2000, which
was also twenty-seven days late. Apart from the foregoing, no officer,  director
or  beneficial  owner of more than 10% of the  Company's  Common Stock failed to
file  required  reports on Forms 3, 4 or 5 on a timely basis for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1999.

Directors' Compensation

         Boards of Directors hold a significant and unique position in corporate
governance.  To  appropriately  represent  the  interest  of  the  shareholders,
Monterey  Bay Bank  retained the services of an  independent  third party,  John
Parry &  Alexander,  to  perform  the  following:  review  and  outline  the key
responsibilities  performed by Directors  in  organizations  of similar size and
scope;   determine   competitive   compensation   for   Directors   service  and
contribution;  review Board composition versus similar organizations; and review
overall benefit practices.

         There are a number of  different  elements  associated  with  Directors
compensation including: Directors' Fees; Stock Options; and Stock Awards.

         Directors' Fees. Directors of the Company who are not also employees of
the Company receive a retainer of $200.00 per month for serving on the Company's
Board of Directors.  In 1999,  the monthly  retainer for service on the Board of
Directors  of the Bank by Directors  who are not also  employees of the Bank was
$1,500.00. All members of the Board of Directors of the Bank are also members of
the  Board of  Directors  of  Portola  Investment  Corporation,  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of the Bank  ("Portola"),  and Directors of Portola who are not also
employees  of the Bank receive a monthly  retainer fee of $200.00.  No committee
meeting fees are paid. Committee Chairmen receive no additional compensation for
serving as such.

         Stock  Award Plan for Outside  Directors.  The  Company  maintains  the
Monterey  Bay  Bancorp  Stock Award Plan for Outside  Directors  which  provides
Directors  with  the  opportunity  to elect to  receive  shares  of stock of the
Company in lieu of cash fees for  serving as a Director of the Company or any of
its subsidiaries as an additional incentive to promote the Company's success.

         Directors'  Option Plan.  The Company  maintains  the 1995 Stock Option
Plan for Outside Directors.  Under the Directors' Option Plan, Directors who are
not officers or  employees  of the Company or Bank may be granted  non-statutory
stock  options to purchase  shares of the Company's  common  stock.  Each option
entitles the holder to purchase one share of the common stock at the fair market
value of the common stock on the date of grant.  Options  begin to vest one year
after the date of grant  ratably  over five  years and  expire no later than ten
years after the date of grant.  Each  outside  Director who had less than twenty
years of service on August 24, 1995, the effective date of the Directors' Option
Plan,  received 16,251 options and each outside Director who had twenty years or
more of  service on such date  received  12,293  options,  as  adjusted  for the
five-for-four  stock split effected by the Company on July 31, 1998. The options
have an exercise  price of $9.10 per share,  which was the fair market  value of
the shares on the date of grant,  as adjusted  for the  Company's  five-for-four
stock split effected on July 31, 1998.


         To the extent  options  for shares are  available  for grant  under the
Directors' Option Plan, each subsequently elected and qualified outside Director
will be granted  non-statutory  stock  options to purchase a number of shares of
Common Stock equal to 12,293 shares or options to purchase such lesser number of
shares as remain in the Directors' Option Plan. If options for sufficient shares
are not  available  to fulfill  the grant of options to outside  Directors,  and
thereafter  options  become  available,  such persons shall  receive  options to
purchase an amount of shares of Common  Stock,  determined  by dividing pro rata
among such persons the number of options  available.  The exercise price of each
option granted to subsequent Directors will be equal to the fair market value of
the Common Stock on the date of the grant.  Pursuant to the foregoing provisions
of the Directors Option Plan, three outside Directors elected  subsequent to the
effective date of the plan, Messrs. Biase, Hoffmann and Moss were granted 2,458,
2,458 and 2,457  options,  respectively,  on March 13, 1998. The options have an
exercise price of $16.60 per share,  which was the fair market value on the date
of grant,  as adjusted for the Company's  five-for-four  stock split effected on
July 31,  1998.  All  options  granted  under the  Directors'  Option Plan begin
vesting in five equal annual  installments on the first  anniversary of the date
of the grant, provided, however, that in the event of death or disability of the
participant  or,  to the  extent  not  prohibited  by the OTS,  upon a change in
control  of the  Company  or the Bank,  all  options  previously  granted  would
automatically become exercisable.

         As of December 31, 1999 all  non-statutory  stock options available for
grant under the Directors Option Plan had been granted.  Future option awards to
Directors  will be made from the 1995  Incentive  Stock Option Plan,  subject to
shareholders approval at this Annual Meeting of certain amendments to that Plan.
See Proposal 2.

         Recognition  and  Retention  Plan for  Outside  Directors.  The Company
maintains the  Recognition and Retention Plan ("RRP") which grants awards to all
Directors who are not also employees of the Company or the Bank.  Under the RRP,
each outside  Director who had less than 20 years of service on August 24, 1995,
the effective date of the RRP, was awarded 3,455 shares of Common Stock and each
outside  Director  who had 20 years or more of service on such date was  awarded
6,911 shares of Common  Stock,  as adjusted  for the  five-for  four stock split
effected by the Company on July 31, 1998. To the extent shares in the Plan Share
Reserve are available for grants under the RRP,  each  subsequently  elected and
qualified  outside  Director  will be granted an award equal to 3,455  shares of
Common  Stock,  as adjusted for the  five-for-four  stock split  effected by the
Company on July 31, 1998. If sufficient  shares are not available to fulfill the
grant of awards to outside  Directors and  thereafter  shares become  available,
such persons shall  receive an amount of shares of Common  Stock,  determined by
dividing pro rata among such persons the number of shares available. Pursuant to
the foregoing  provisions of the RRP, three outside Directors elected subsequent
to the initial effective date of the RRP, Messrs.  Biase, Hoffmann and Moss were
granted  1,382,  1,381 and 1,382  shares,  respectively,  on March 13, 1998,  as
adjusted for the  five-for-four  stock split effected by the Company on July 31,
1998. Awards to Directors begin vesting in five equal annual installments on the
first anniversary of the effective date of the award. Awards will be 100% vested
upon  termination  of service as a Director  due to death or  disability  of the
Director or, to the extent not  prohibited  by the OTS, upon a change in control
of the Company or the Bank. In the event that a Director terminates service with
the  Company or the Bank before his or her Awards  have been fully  vested,  the
Director's  non-vested  awards will be forfeited,  unless the Director becomes a
participant in the Director Emeritus  Program,  in which event non-vested awards
would continue to vest on their original schedule.


         As of December 31, 1999 there were no additional  shares  available for
grant  under the RRP plan.  Upon the  vesting of all  outstanding  but  unvested
awards, the RRP Plan will terminate.

         Directors'   Retirement  Plan.  The  Bank  historically   maintained  a
non-qualified Directors' Retirement Plan for the benefit of certain Directors of
the Bank. Under this Plan, Directors of the Bank who have served on the Board of
Directors  for a minimum of nine years (three  consecutive  terms of three years
each) are  entitled  to receive a quarterly  payment  equal to the amount of the
quarterly  retainer fee in effect at the date of  retirement,  continuing  for a
period of ten years. The Directors'  Retirement Plan provides that payments will
be accelerated  upon the death of the  Participant.  In March 1999, the Board of
Directors of the Bank amended the Directors'  Retirement  Plan to close the Plan
to new participants and to permit  participants to make an irrevocable  election
to receive their Plan benefit in the form of shares of Company Common Stock.

         Director Emeritus Program.  To recognize and reward Directors for their
years of service and overall contribution to the organization, in March of 2000,
the Board of Directors adopted the Director  Emeritus  Program,  effective as of
May 25, 2000. The Program allows  individual  Directors who have served at least
nine years (three terms of three years) to retire between the ages of 65 and 72.
Retirement  from the Board of  Directors  would be  mandatory  at age 72, with a
one-year  waiver of this  requirement  for the  current  Chairman  of the Board.
Eligible Directors receive a title of Director Emeritus and a cash payment equal
to the annual retainer at the current rate as recognition of their  contribution
and years of service to the Company and the Bank.  In addition,  options and RRP
awards made to a Director  that have not yet vested when the Director  becomes a
Director  Emeritus  will  continue  to vest in  accordance  with their  original
vesting  schedule.  Messrs.  Bachan,  Friend,  Henrichsen  and  Resetar  will be
eligible to participate in the Director Emeritus Program effective May 25, 2000.
Mr.  Friend has entered into an agreement  with the Board of Directors to remain
on the Board and  continue to serve as Chairman  until the Annual  Shareholders'
Meeting in 2001,  after  which Mr.  Friend will  retire and  participate  in the
Director  Emeritus  Program.  Mr.  Henrichsen  has elected to participate in the
Director Emeritus Program effective as of May 25, 2000.

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

Administration / General

         The  Compensation & Benefits  Committee of the Board  provides  overall
guidance regarding executive  compensation programs and reviews  recommendations
of management for  compensation and benefits for other officers and employees of
the Bank.

         The  current  members of the  Compensation  & Benefits  Committee  are:
Messrs.  Henrichsen,  Banks,  Hoffmann, and Manfre. The Chief Executive Officer,
the Chief Operating Officer / President, and the Vice President, Human Resources
serve as advisors to the Compensation and Benefits Committee.


Compensation Philosophy

     The goals and objectives of the Bank's compensation program include:

     o   To provide motivation for the executive officers to enhance shareholder
         value by linking their compensation to the value of the Company stock;

     o   To integrate  total  compensation  with the  Company's  short-term  and
         long-term performance goals and to those of the stockholders;

     o   To attract  high  performing  executive  officers  by  providing  total
         compensation   opportunities   which  are  consistent  with  externally
         competitive   norms  of  the  industry  and  the  Company's   level  of

     o   To  retain   qualified   executives   vital  to  the   success  of  the

     o   To reward above  average  corporate  performance  measured by financial
         results and strategic achievements; and

     o   To maintain  reasonable  fixed  compensation  costs by  targeting  base
         salaries at a competitive average.

         The  Company's  compensation  strategy  includes a mix of  compensation
elements  including:  base  salary;   short-term  incentive  compensation;   and
long-term  incentives  (including  stock  options and stock  awards).  Executive
officers  also  participate  in various  qualified  and  non-qualified  employee
benefit  plans  designed to provide  retirement  income,  including the Employee
Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and the 401(k) plan.

         Base  Salary.  The  relative  levels of base  salary for the  executive
officers   are   designed  to  reflect  each   executive   officer's   scope  of
responsibility  and  accountability  within the  organization.  To determine the
necessary  amounts of base salary to attract and retain top quality  management,
the  Compensation and Benefits  Committee  reviews  comparable  salary and other
compensation  arrangements in effect.  Further,  the  Compensation  and Benefits
Committee  considers  the  entire  compensation  package,  including  the equity
compensation  to be provided under the Company's  stock plans,  of the executive

         In the first quarter of 2000, a competitive review of the current total
compensation  for Company  officers  was  performed  by an  independent  outside
consulting firm, John Parry & Alexander. Various survey material was utilized in
this review including: California Banker's Association Compensation and Benefits
Survey;  Mercer  Metropolitan   Benchmark   Compensation  Survey;  Watson  Wyatt
Executive Compensation Survey; The Hay Report, Compensation & Benefit Strategies
for 1998 and Beyond;  and Mortgage Bankers  Compensation  Survey.  The resulting
findings of such review were used by the Compensation and Benefits  Committee in
its executive salary reviews for the year 2000.


         Stock Option Program.  The Compensation and Benefits Committee believes
that stock ownership is a significant incentive in building stockholders' wealth
and aligning the interests of employees and  stockholders.  As such,  subject to
the receipt of shareholder  approval at this Annual Meeting,  the 1995 Incentive
Stock  Option Plan will be amended to add an  additional  246,000  shares to the
Plan and to permit the grant of options to  Directors.  See  Proposal 2. Options
will be  awarded  to  officers  based  upon,  in part,  the  officers'  level of
responsibility  and  contributions  to the  Company  and the Bank.  Each  option
entitles  the holder to  purchase  one share of the Common  Stock at 110% of the
fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.  Stock  Options vest
over a time period determined by the Board of Directors,  typically ratably over
five years commencing at the first  anniversary of the date of the grant.  Stock
Option vesting is accelerated in the event of a change in control of the Company
or of the Bank.

         Stock Award Program. The Company maintains a Performance Equity Program
("PEP") for Officers  that was  originally  adopted in 1995.  The purpose of the
stock  award plan is to provide  Officers  with a  proprietary  interest  in the
Company in a manner  designed  to  encourage  such  persons  to remain  with the
Company and to improve the financial performance of the Company.

         The PEP  provides  for two  types  of  awards:  time-based  grants  and
performance-based grants. Time-based grants vest pro-rata on each anniversary of
the grant  date and become  fully  vested  over the  applicable  time  period as
determined  by the Board of  Directors,  typically  over five years.  Vesting of
performance-based  grants is dependent upon achievement of criteria  established
by the Board of  Directors  for each stock  award.  During  calendar  year 1999,
certain  performance  awards lapsed because certain  performance  goals were not
met.  Vesting of stock  awards  under the PEP is  accelerated  in the event of a
change in control of the Company or the Bank.

         Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer and President. After taking
into  consideration  the total  compensation  review as described  earlier,  the
Compensation and Benefits  Committee  determined to maintain Mr. Friend's annual
salary at $72,000.00,  and to maintain Mr. Delk's annual salary at  $140,000.00.
No bonuses  were paid to  executive  officers in 1999.  No new stock  options or
stock awards were granted to Messrs. Delk or Friend in 1999. Existing grants are
listed in the "Summary  Compensation  Table". In making its determinations,  the
Compensation and Benefits  Committee also considered the outstanding  grants and
awards to Messrs. Friend and Delk.

         Mr.  Friend  has  informed  the Board of  Directors  that he intends to
retire  as  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company  and the  Bank  upon  the
appointment of a replacement.  As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board
of Directors is engaged in a search for a new Chief Executive Officer.

         Employment  Agreements.  The Bank and the  Company  have  entered  into
employment agreements with the President and Chief Operating Officer (Mr. Delk.)
The Bank and the Company  intend to enter into  employment  agreements  with the
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Andino.

         Mr. Delk's Bank and Company employment  agreements  (collectively,  the
"Employment  Agreements") are substantially  similar. The Employment  Agreements
provide for two year terms.  The  Company's  employment  agreement  provides for
automatic  daily  extensions such that the remaining term of the agreement shall
be two years after notice of  non-renewal  is  provided.  The


Board of  Directors  provided  such  notice to Mr. Delk on  February  29,  2000.
Accordingly,  the Company agreement will expire on February 29, 2002. The Bank's
agreement also provides for a two-year  term.  Notice of non-renewal of the Bank
Agreement was provided to Mr. Delk on February 29, 2000.  Accordingly,  the Bank
agreement  will also expire on February  29,  2002.  The  employment  agreements
provide  that the  Executive's  base salary will be reviewed  annually.  In this
regard, for fiscal 2000, the base salary of Mr. Delk is $140,000.00. In addition
to base salary,  the  employment  agreements  provide for,  among other  things,
participation  in stock  benefit plans and other fringe  benefits  applicable to
executive personnel.

        Mr.  Delk's  Employment   Agreements  provide  for  termination  of  the
Executive  by the Bank or the  Company  for cause as defined  in the  Employment
Agreements  at any  time.  In the  event  the  Bank or the  Company  chooses  to
terminate the Executive's employment for reasons other than for cause, or in the
event of the  Executive's  resignation  from the Bank and the  Company  upon (i)
failure to re-elect the Executive to his current offices, (ii) a material change
in the Executive's functions, duties or responsibilities,  (iii) a relocation of
the  Executive's  principal  place of employment by more than fifty miles,  (iv)
liquidation or  dissolution  of the Bank or the Company,  or (v) a breach of the
Employment  Agreement by the Bank or the Company, the Executive or, in the event
of death, his beneficiary  would be entitled to severance pay in an amount equal
to the remaining salary payments under the Employment Agreement,  including base
salary, bonuses, other payments and health benefits due under the remaining term
of the Employment Agreement to the Executive.

        Under the Employment Agreements with Mr. Delk, if termination, voluntary
or  involuntary,  follows a change in  control  of the Bank or the  Company,  as
defined in the  Employment  Agreement,  the Executive or, in the event of death,
his beneficiary,  would be entitled to a severance  payment equal to the greater
of (i) the payments due for the  remaining  terms of the agreement or (ii) three
times the average of the three preceding years' annual  compensation,  including
bonuses  and any other  cash  compensation  paid or to be paid to the  Executive
during such years, and the amount of any contributions made or to be made to any
employee benefit plan. In addition,  the Bank and the Company would continue the
Executive's life,  health,  and disability  coverage for thirty-six  months. The
Bank's  agreement  has a  similar  change in  control  provision,  however,  the
Executive  would only be  entitled  to  receive a  severance  payment  under one
agreement.  Payments to the Executive under the Bank's employment  agreement are
guaranteed by the Company in the event that payments or benefits are not paid by
the Bank.  In the event of a change in control  based upon the past three fiscal
years'  salary and bonus,  Mr.  Delk would  receive  approximately  $400,000  in
severance  payments in addition to other cash and non-cash benefits provided for
under the Employment Agreements.

         The Bank and the  Company  intend to enter into  employment  agreements
with Mr.  Andino,  who became  the Senior  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial
Officer on January 26, 2000. While these agreements are not yet finalized, it is
anticipated  that they  will  contain  severance  payments  and  other  benefits
applicable upon (i) the  termination of the  executive's  employment for reasons
other than cause, and (ii) a change in control of the Bank or the Company.


         Officers' Salary Continuation Plan. The Company historically maintained
a non-qualified  Salary Continuation Plan for the benefit of certain Officers of
the Bank.  Officers  participating  in the Plan are  entitled to receive a fixed
monthly  payment for a period of ten years upon  retirement.  The Plan  provides
that payments will be  accelerated  upon the death of the  Participant or in the
event of a change in control of Monterey Bay Bancorp, Inc. or Monterey Bay Bank.
In March of 1999,  the Board of Directors  closed the plan to new  participants.
Further,  in March of 1999,  the Board of  Directors  amended the Plan to permit
participants to make an irrevocable  election to convert their Plan benefit into
shares of Company Common Stock.

Executive Compensation

         The  report of the  compensation  committee  and the stock  performance
graph shall not be deemed  incorporated  by reference  by any general  statement
incorporating  by  reference  this proxy  statement  into any  filing  under the
Securities  Act of 1933 or the  Exchange  Act,  except  to the  extent  that the
Company specifically  incorporates this information by reference,  and shall not
otherwise be deemed filed under such Acts.

                         Compensation/Benefits Committee

      Donald K. Henrichsen; Edward F. Banks; Gary Manfre; Stephen Hoffmann

         Stock  Performance  Graph.  The  following  graph shows a comparison of
cumulative total shareholder  return on the Company's Common Stock, based on the
market price of the Common Stock with the  cumulative  total return of companies
in the Nasdaq National Market and SNL Thrift Stocks for the period  beginning on
February 15, 1995,  the day the Company's  Common Stock began  trading,  through
December  31,  1999.  The  graph  reflects  the  historical  performance  of the
Company's  Common  Stock,  and, as a result,  may not be  indicative of possible
future  performance of the Company's  Common Stock. The data was supplied by SNL


                     Comparison of Cumulative Total Returns

                      February 15, 1995 - December 31, 1999

                                [Graphic Omitted]

[The following  descriptive data is  supplied in accordance  with Rule 304(d) of
Regulation S-T]

                                                       Period Ending
Index                        02/15/95   12/31/95   12/31/96   12/31/97   12/31/98   12/31/99
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monterey Bay Bancorp, Inc     100.00     130.99     166.87     222.12     205.37     146.76
NASDQ - Total US*             100.00     133.33     164.04     201.01     283.24     511.71
SNL Thrift Index              100.00     141.62     184.52     313.98     276.15     225.58


         Summary  Compensation  Table.  The following table shows, for the years
ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, the cash  compensation paid by the Bank,
as well as certain other  compensation  paid or accrued for those years,  to the
chief executive officer and the most highly compensated executive officer of the
Company and the Bank in fiscal year 1998 ("Named Executive  Officer").  No other
executive  officer of the Company and the Bank received  salary and other annual
cash  compensation  in excess of $100,000 in fiscal year 1999.  The Company does
not pay any cash compensation.

                                     Annual Compensation(1)                                 Long-Term Compensation
                                                                             --------------------------- ---------- ---------------
                                                                                       Awards             Payouts
                                                                 Other                      Underlying
                                                                 Annual       Restricted      Awards       LTIP       All Other
   Name and                                                   Compensation       Stock       Options      Payouts    Compensation
   Principal Positions        Year    Salary($)    Bonus($)     ($)(2)          ($)(3)        (#)(4)      ($)(5)        ($)(6)
   Eugene R. Friend          1999        71,333     $  -       $    -            $  -         $   -                      9,771
   Chief Executive           1998        67,456        -            -               -             -          -          16,328
   Officer                   1997        64,444                                                                         20,845

   Marshall G. Delk          1999       134,775        -            -               -             -          -          17,648
   President and             1998       107,462        -            -               -             -                     30,466
   Chief Operating           1997       101,200                                                                         40,268
- ----------------------------
(1)  Under Annual  Compensation,  the column titled  "Salary"  includes  amounts
     deferred by the named executive  officer pursuant to the Bank's 401(k) Plan
     pursuant to which employees may defer up to 15% of their  compensation,  up
     to the maximum limits under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended.

(2)  For  fiscal  years  ending  in  1999,  1998  and  1997,  there  were no (a)
     perquisites  over the lesser of $50,000  or 10% of the  individual's  total
     salary and bonus for the year;  (b) payments of  above-market  preferential
     earnings on deferred compensation; (c) payments of earnings with respect to
     long-term  incentive  plans  prior to  settlement  or  maturation;  (d) tax
     payment reimbursements; or (e) preferential discounts on stock.

(3)  Pursuant to the Performance  Equity Program,  Messrs.  Friend and Delk were
     awarded  an  aggregate  of  6911  and  35,937   shares  of  common   stock,
     respectively,  which  had a market  value of $9.10 per share on the date of
     grant, August 24, 1995, as adjusted to reflect the Company's  five-for-four
     stock split effected July 31, 1998. Base awards to Messrs.  Friend and Delk
     began  vesting in five equal annual  installments  on August 24, 1996,  the
     first anniversary date of the effective date of the award.  Similarly,  the
     vesting  of  performance  awards to Mr.  Delk  began to vest in five  equal
     annual installments on August 24, 1996; however, such vesting is subject to
     the  attainment of certain  performance  goals,  some of which were not met
     during fiscal years 1996,  1997,  1998 and 1999,  resulting in the lapse of
     2,516, 839, 937 and 1,366 shares, respectively,  as adjusted to reflect the
     Company's five-for-four stock split effected July 31, 1998. All awards vest
     immediately  upon  termination of employment due to death or disability or,
     to the extent not prohibited by the OTS, upon the occurrence of a change in
     control.  As of December 31, 1999, the market value of the remaining shares
     held by Messrs. Friend and Delk was $14,003 and $72,779, respectively.

(4)  Includes options awarded under the Incentive  Option Plan.  Options granted
     to Messrs.  Friend and Delk began vesting in five equal annual installments
     on August 24, 1996, the first anniversary date of the effective date of the
     award.  To  the  extent  not  already   exercisable,   the  options  become
     exercisable  upon death or disability  or, to the extent not  prohibited by
     the OTS, upon the occurrence of a change in control.

(5)  For 1999, 1998 and 1997, the Bank had no long-term incentive plans, for the
     named executive officers accordingly, there were no payouts or awards under
     any long-term incentive plan.

(6)  Pursuant to the ESOP, Messrs.  Friend and Delk were allocated 965 and 1,743
     shares of Common  Stock,  respectively,  as of December  31,  1999.  Dollar
     amounts reflect a market value of $10.125 as of December 31, 1999, the date
     of allocation.


Incentive Stock Option Plan

        The Company  maintains the Incentive  Stock Option Plan,  which provides
discretionary  awards to officers and key employees as determined by a committee
of  disinterested  directors who  administer  the plan.  Subject to  stockholder
approval at this Annual  Meeting,  the Board of  Directors  has adopted  certain
amendments  to the  Incentive  Stock Option Plan.  See Proposal 2. No options or
stock  appreciation  rights were granted to the Named Executive  Officers during
the year ended December 31, 1999.

        The following  table provides  certain  information  with respect to the
number of shares of Common Stock represented by outstanding  options held by the
Named  Executive  Officers as of December 31, 1999.  Also reported are the value
for  "in-the-money"  options  which  represent the positive  spread  between the
exercise  price of any such existing stock options and the year-end price of the
Common  Stock.  In fiscal 1999,  69,000  options were  exercisable  by the Named
Executive Officers.

                        FISCAL YEAR END OPTION/SAR VALUES

                                      Securities Underlying Number              Value of Unexercised In-the-
                                      of Unexercised Options/SARs                  Money Options/SARs at
                                        at Fiscal Year End (#)                     Fiscal Year End ($)(1)
                                 ---------------------------------------    --------------------------------------
                                   Exercisable         Unexercisable          Exercisable         Unexercisable
                                 ----------------    -------------------    ----------------    ------------------
Eugene R. Friend..........           11,500                 2,875              $11,787.50           $ 2,946.88
Marshall G. Delk..........           57,500                14,375              $58,937.50           $14,734.38
(1)      Market  value of  underlying  securities  at fiscal year end  ($10.125)
         minus the exercise or base price ($9.10) per share.  Options vest at an
         annual rate of 20% of the original  amount granted and began vesting on
         August 24, 1996.

         Salary  Continuation  Plan. The Bank  historically  maintained a salary
continuation  plan for the benefit of certain  officers of the Bank (the "Salary
Continuation Plan").  Officers participating in the Salary Continuation Plan are
entitled to receive a monthly payment (determined by the Board of Directors) for
a period of 10 years upon retirement. The Salary Continuation Plan provides that
payments will be accelerated upon the death of a Participant. On March 18, 1999,
the Board of Directors of the Bank amended the Salary Continuation Plan to limit
the  eligibility  to  participate  in the Plan to persons  then  eligible and to
permit  participants  to irrevocably  elect to receive their Plan benefit in the
form of shares of Company common stock.


Transactions With Certain Related Persons

         The Bank's current  policy  provides that all loans made by the Bank to
its directors and officers are made using credit  underwriting  procedures  that
are no less stringent than those  applicable for comparable  transactions by the
Bank with other persons outside the Bank and do not involve more than the normal
risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable  features.  Loans with terms
that are more favorable than those generally  available may be made to directors
and executive  officers  pursuant to a benefit  program  generally  available to
employees  of the Bank  that  does not  discriminate  in favor of  directors  or
executive officers.

                       PROPOSAL 2. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS
                        TO THE 1995 INCENTIVE OPTION PLAN

         The Board of Directors is presenting for shareholder  approval  certain
amendments to the 1995 Incentive  Option Plan.  These amendments were adopted by
the Board of Directors,  subject to approval by the  shareholders at this Annual
Meeting, following a comprehensive review of the Company's compensation policies
and  practices  undertaken in  consultation  with John Parry and  Alexander,  an
independent  consulting  firm. As explained more fully below,  these  amendments
include (1) increasing the maximum number of shares  reserved for issuance under
the Plan;  (2) increasing  the minimum  exercise  price for new options  granted
under the Plan and (3) making  non-employee  directors eligible for the grant of
options  under the Plan.  The  following  summary of the  material  terms of the
amendments  is qualified  in its  entirety by the complete  Amended and Restated
1995 Incentive  Option Plan attached  hereto as Exhibit A and which  constitutes
part of this Proxy Statement.

         Increase in the Number of Shares  Reserved for  Issuance.  The Board of
Directors has approved an increase in the maximum number of shares  reserved for
issuance  under the Plan from  414,107  shares to  660,000  shares,  subject  to
adjustment in the event of any change in the outstanding  shares of Common Stock
of the Company by reason of any stock  dividend or split,  recapitalization,  or
merger.  Substantially  all of the shares currently  reserved for issuance under
the Plan are the  subject  of  options  granted  under  the  Plan.  The Board of
Directors  believes that this increase in the maximum number of shares  reserved
for  issuance  under the Plan is  necessary to enable the Company to attract and
retain  qualified  officers,  key  employees  and  non-employee   directors,  by
including  appropriate option grants as part of the overall compensation package
offered by the Company to such persons.  The Board of Directors further believes
that  options  granted  under  the Plan are a useful  and  appropriate  means of
aligning the interests of officers,  key employees and non-employee directors of
the Company with the shareholders.

         Increase in the Minimum Exercise Price of New Option Grants.  Under the
Plan in its current form, Incentive and Non-Statutory  Options may be granted at
a price not less than 100% of fair market  value of the Common Stock on the date
of grant,  except that the exercise price for Incentive Stock Options granted to
any  person  who is the  beneficial  owner of more  than 10% of the  outstanding
voting  stock of the  Company  must be at least equal to 110% of the fair market
value of the  Common  Stock on the date of  grant.  The Board of  Directors  has
approved an amendment to the Plan which would require that the exercise price of
all options  granted after the  effective  date of these  amendments  must be at
least equal to 110% of the fair market  value of the Common Stock on


the date of grant.  The Board of Directors  believes  that this  increase in the
minimum  exercise price of new options  granted under the Plan is an appropriate
means of incentivizing grantees to enhance shareholder value.

         Eligibility of Non-Employee Directors.  The Company currently maintains
two option plans, the 1995 Incentive Stock Option Plan and the 1995 Stock Option
Plan for Outside  Directors.  All shares  reserved for  issuance  under the 1995
Stock Option Plan for Outside  Directors  are the subject of option grants which
have been made under that Plan.  The Board of  Directors  has  determined  that,
rather than continue to maintain a separate  stock option plan for  non-employee
directors,  it is  appropriate  and in the best  interest of the Company to make
non-employee  directors  eligible  for the  grant of  options  under  the  Plan.
Accordingly,  the Board of  Directors  has  approved an amendment to the Plan to
make  non-employee  directors  eligible for the grant of  non-statutory  options
under the Plan.

         New  Plan  Benefits.  As of  the  date  of  this  Proxy  Statement,  no
determination has been made regarding the making of new grants under the Plan.

         Stockholder  Approval.  The foregoing  amendments to the 1995 Incentive
Stock Option Plan are being submitted to the shareholders at this Annual Meeting
as a single  matter.  If the  foregoing  amendments do not receive the requisite
affirmative vote of stockholders at this Annual Meeting,  the Board of Directors
has determined that these  amendments will not be effective.  In such event, the
1995 Incentive Stock Option Plan will remain in effect in its unamended form.

         Unless marked to the contrary,  the shares  represented by the enclosed
proxy card will be voted for approval of the  amendments  to the 1995  Incentive
Stock Option Plan.


                             OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         The Company's  independent  auditors for the fiscal year ended December
31, 1999 were  Deloitte & Touche  LLP.  The  Company's  Board of  Directors  has
reappointed  Deloitte & Touche LLP to continue as  independent  auditors for the
Bank and the Company for the fiscal year ending  December 31,  2000,  subject to
ratification of such appointment by the stockholders.

         Representatives  of Deloitte & Touche LLP will be present at the Annual
Meeting. They will be given an opportunity to make a statement if they desire to
do  so  and  will  be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate   questions  from
stockholders present at the Annual Meeting.

         Unless marked to the contrary,  the shares  represented by the enclosed
proxy  card will be voted FOR  ratification  of the  appointment  of  Deloitte &
Touche LLP as the independent auditors of the Company for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2000.



                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Stockholder Proposals

         To be considered  for inclusion in the  Company's  proxy  statement and
form of proxy relating to the 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, a stockholder
proposal  must be  received by the  Secretary  of the Company at the address set
forth on the Notice to the Proxy Statement not later than December 17, 2000. Any
such proposal will be subject to Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act.

         The Bylaws of the Company  provide an advance  notice  procedure  for a
stockholder to properly bring business before an Annual Meeting. The stockholder
must give written  advance  notice to the Secretary of the Company not less than
ninety (90) days before the date  originally  fixed for such meeting,  provided,
however, that in the event that less than one hundred (100) days notice or prior
public  disclosure of the date of the meeting is given or made to  stockholders,
notice by the stockholder to be timely must be received not later than the close
of business on the tenth day following the date on which the Company's notice to
stockholders of the annual meeting date was mailed or such public disclosure was
made. The advance notice by stockholder must include the stockholder's  name and
address,  as they  appear  on the  Company's  record  of  stockholders,  a brief
description of the proposed business, the reason for conducting such business at
the  Annual  Meeting,  the class and number of shares of the  Company's  capital
stock that are beneficially  owned by such stockholder and any material interest
of such stockholder in the proposed business.  In the case of nominations to the
Board of Directors,  certain information regarding the nominee must be provided.
Nothing in this  paragraph  shall be deemed to require the Company to include in
its proxy  statement or the proxy relating to an annual meeting any  stockholder
proposal which does not meet all of the requirements  for inclusion  established
by the SEC in effect at the time such proposal is received.

Other Matters Which May Properly Come Before the Meeting

         The Board of Directors knows of no business which will be presented for
consideration  at the  Meeting  other  than as  stated  in the  Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders.  If, however, other matters are properly brought before
the Annual Meeting, it is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying
proxy to vote the shares represented  thereby on such matters in accordance with
their best judgment.


         Whether or not you intend to be present at the Annual Meeting,  you are
urged to return your proxy card promptly.  If you are then present at the Annual
Meeting  and wish to vote your  shares in  person,  your  original  proxy may be
revoked by voting at the Annual Meeting.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Margaret A. Green

                                              Margaret A. Green
                                              Corporate Secretary

April 17, 2000

                              POSTAGE-PAID ENVELOPE


                                   Exhibit A

                           MONTEREY BAY BANCORP, INC.
                        1995 INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION PLAN

                     Amended and Restated as of May 25, 2000

1.       PURPOSE.

         The primary  purpose of the Monterey Bay Bancorp,  Inc.  (the  "Holding
Company")  1995  Incentive  Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Plan") is to advance  the
interests of the Holding  Company and its  shareholders  by providing  those key
employees and non-employee  directors of the Holding Company and its Affiliates,
including  Monterey Bay Bank (the "Bank"),  upon whose judgment,  initiative and
efforts the  successful  conduct of the business of the Holding  Company and its
affiliates largely depends,  with additional  incentive to perform in a superior
manner.  Another  purpose  of the Plan is also to attract  and retain  people of
experience and ability to the service of the Holding Company and its Affiliates.


         (a)  "Affiliate"   means  (i)  a  member  of  a  controlled   group  of
corporations of which the Holding Company is a member or (ii) an  unincorporated
trade or business  which is under  common  control  with the Holding  Company as
determined in  accordance  with Section  414(c) of the Internal  Revenue Code of
1986,  as amended,  (the  "Code") and the  regulations  issued  thereunder.  For
purposes  hereof, a "controlled  group of corporations"  shall mean a controlled
group of  corporations  as  defined in  Section  1563(a) of the Code  determined
without regard to Section 1563(a)(4) and (e)(3)(C).

         (b) "Award" means a grant of  Non-statutory  Stock  Options,  Incentive
Stock Options, and/or Limited Rights under the provisions of this Plan.

         (c) "Board of Directors" or "Board" means the board of directors of the
Holding Company.

         (d) For  purposes  of this Plan,  a "Change in  Control" of the Bank or
Holding  Company shall mean an event of a nature that:  (i) would be required to
be  reported  in  response  to Item I of the  current  report on Form 8-K, as in
effect on the date  hereof,  pursuant  to Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934  (the  "Exchange  Act");  or (ii)  results  in a Change in
Control  of the Bank or the  Holding  Company  within  the  meaning  of the Home
Owners' Loan Act of 1933, as amended, and the Rules and Regulations  promulgated
by the Office of Thrift Supervision  ("OTS") (or its predecessor  agency), as in
effect on the date hereof  (provided,  that in applying the definition of change
in control as set forth under the rules and  regulations  of the OTS,  the Board
shall substitute its judgment for that of the OTS); or (iii) without  limitation
such a Change in Control  shall be deemed to have  occurred  at such time as (A)
any  "person"  (as the term is used in Sections  13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange
Act) is or becomes  the  "beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
Exchange Act), directly or indirectly,  of securities of


the Bank or the Holding  Company  representing  20% or more of the Bank's or the
Holding Company's outstanding securities, except for any securities purchased by
any tax qualified  employee benefit plan of the Bank or Holding Company;  or (B)
individuals who constitute the Board on the date hereof (the "Incumbent  Board")
cease for any reason to  constitute at least a majority  thereof,  provided that
any person becoming a director  subsequent to the date hereof whose election was
approved by a vote of at least  three-quarters  of the directors  comprising the
Incumbent  Board,  or whose  nomination  for  election by the Holding  Company's
stockholders  was approved by the same  Nominating  Committee  serving  under an
Incumbent Board, shall be, for purposes of this clause (B), considered as though
he were a  member  of the  Incumbent  Board;  or (C) a plan  of  reorganization,
merger,  consolidation,  sale of all or substantially all the assets of the Bank
or the  Holding  Company  or  similar  transaction  occurs  in which the Bank or
Holding  Company  is  not  the  resulting   entity;   or  (D)  solicitations  of
shareholders  of  the  Holding  Company,  by  someone  other  than  the  current
management of the Holding  Company,  seeking  stockholder  approval of a plan of
reorganization,  merger  or  consolidation  of the  Holding  Company  or Bank or
similar  transaction  with one or more  corporations  as a result  of which  the
outstanding  shares  of the  class of  securities  then  subject  to the Plan or
transaction  are exchanged for or converted  into cash or property or securities
not issued by the Bank or the Holding  Company  shall be  distributed;  or (E) a
tender offer is made for 20% or more of the voting securities of the Bank or the
Holding Company.

         (e)  "Committee"  means a committee  consisting of those members of the
Compensation/Benefits   Committee   of  the   Holding   Company   who  are  both
"Non-Employee  Directors,"  as such  term is  defined  under  Rule  16b-3 of the
Securities and Exchange  Commission,  and outside directors for purposes of Code
Section 162(m).

         (f) "Common Stock" means the Common Stock of the Holding  Company,  par
value, $.01 per share.

         (g) "Date of Grant" means the date an Award granted by the Committee is
effective pursuant to the terms hereof.

         (h)  "Disability"  means the permanent and total inability by reason of
mental or physical infirmity,  or both, of an employee or non-employee  director
to perform the work customarily assigned to him. Additionally,  a medical doctor
selected or approved by the Board of Directors must advise the Committee that it
is either not possible to determine when such  Disability will terminate or that
it appears  probable that such disability will be permanent during the remainder
of said Participant's lifetime.

         (i) "Fair Market Value" means,  when used in connection with the Common
Stock on a  certain  date,  the  average  traded  price of the  Common  Stock as
reported by the Nasdaq National Market (as published by the Wall Street Journal,
if  published) on such date, or if the Common Stock was not traded on such date,
on the next  preceding  day on which the Common Stock was traded  thereon or the
last previous date on which a sale is reported.


         (j)  "Incentive  Stock Option" means an Option granted by the Committee
to a  Participant,  which Option is  designated by the Committee as an Incentive
Stock Option  pursuant to Section 8. Incentive Stock Options may be granted only
to employees of the Holding Company or its Affiliates.

         (k) "Limited  Right" means the right to receive an amount of cash based
upon the terms  set  forth in  Section  9.  Limited  Rights  may be  granted  to
Directors and employees of the Holding Company or its Affiliates.

         (l)  "Non-statutory  Stock  Option"  means  an  Option  granted  by the
Committee to a Participant pursuant to Section 7, which is not designated by the
Committee as an Incentive Stock Option or which is redesignated by the Committee
under Section 8 as a Non-statutory Stock Option.

         (m) "Option" means an Award granted under Section 7 or Section 8.

         (n)  "Participant"  means an employee or  non-employee  director of the
Holding Company or its Affiliates  chosen by the Committee to participate in the

         (o)  "Retirement"  means  retirement  from the  Holding  Company or its
affiliates after attaining at least age 65, with ten or more years of service to
the Holding Company or its affiliates.

         (p) "Termination  for Cause" means  termination or removal because of a
material  or actual loss to the Holding  Company or an  Affiliate  caused by the
Participant's intentional failure to perform stated duties, personal dishonesty,
willful misconduct,  willful violation of any law, rule,  regulation (other than
traffic  violations or similar  offenses) or final cease and desist  order;  or,
with respect to a  non-employee  director,  any breach of fiduciary  duty.  With
respect to an  employee,  no act, or the failure to act, on an  employee's  part
shall be  "willful"  unless done,  or omitted to be done,  not in good faith and
without  reasonable  belief that the action or omission was in the best interest
of the Holding Company or its Affiliates.


         The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee.  The  Committee  is
authorized,  subject to the  provisions of the Plan, to establish such rules and
regulations as it sees necessary for the proper  administration  of the Plan and
to make whatever  determinations and interpretations in connection with the Plan
it sees as necessary or advisable.  All determinations and interpretations  made
by the Committee shall be binding and conclusive on all Participants in the Plan
and on their legal representatives and beneficiaries.



         Awards under the Plan may be granted in any one or a combination of:

                  (a)      Non-statutory Stock Options;
                  (b)      Incentive Stock Options; and
                  (c)      Limited Rights

as defined below in paragraphs 7 through 9 of the Plan.


         Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 14, the maximum  number of
shares reserved hereby for purchase  pursuant to the exercise of Options granted
under the Plan shall not exceed  660,000  shares of Common  Stock of the Holding
Company,  par value $.01 per  share,  subject to  adjustments  pursuant  to this
Section 5 and Section 14. These shares of Common Stock may be either  authorized
but unissued  shares or shares  previously  issued and reacquired by the Holding
Company.  To the extent that  Options or Limited  Rights are  granted  under the
Plan, the shares  underlying  such Options will be unavailable for any other use
including  future  grants under the Plan except that, to the extent that Options
together  with any related  Limited  Rights  granted  under the Plan  terminate,
expire or are cancelled  without  having been  exercised (in the case of Limited
Rights,  exercised  for  cash),  new  Awards  may be made with  respect to these
shares.  No more than 100,000 shares may be allocated to Awards that are granted
to any  employee  of the  Holding  Company or its  Affiliates  during any single
taxable year of the Holding Company.


         Officers and other  employees of the Holding  Company or its Affiliates
shall be  eligible  to receive  Incentive  Stock  Options,  Non-statutory  Stock
Options and/or Limited Rights under the Plan. Directors who are not employees or
officers of the Holding  Company or its Affiliates  shall be eligible to receive
Non-statutory Stock Options under the Plan.

         The grant of an Award shall not obligate the Holding  Company or any of
its Affiliates to pay an employee or non-employee director any particular amount
of  remuneration,  to continue the employment of an employee after the grant, or
to make  further  grants to an  employee  or  non-employee  director at any time


         7.1 Grant of Non-statutory Stock Options.

         The Committee may, from time to time, grant Non-statutory Stock Options
to  eligible  employees  and  non-employee  directors  and,  upon such terms and
conditions as the Committee may determine,  grant Non-statutory Stock Options in
exchange for and upon  surrender of


previously granted Awards under this Plan.  Non-statutory  Stock Options granted
under this Plan are subject to the following terms and conditions:

         (a) Price.  The purchase  price per share of Common  Stock  deliverable
upon the exercise of each Non-statutory  Stock Option shall be determined by the
Committee on the date the Option is granted.  In general,  such  purchase  price
shall be 110% of the Fair Market Value of the Holding  Company's Common Stock on
the Date of  Grant.  Shares  may be  purchased  only upon  full  payment  of the
purchase price.  Payment of the purchase price may be made, in whole or in part,
through the  surrender of shares of the Common  Stock of the Holding  Company at
the Fair Market Value of such shares on the date of surrender  determined in the
manner  described in Section 2(i),  provided that the  Participant has held such
shares for at least six months or has purchased them on the open market.

         (b) Terms of Options.  The term during which each  Non-statutory  Stock
Option may be exercised  shall be determined by the  Committee,  but in no event
shall a Non-statutory  Stock Option be exercisable in whole or in part more than
10 years from the Date of Grant. Non-statutory Stock Options may be exercised in
whole  or in part at such  times as may be  specified  by the  Committee  in the
Participant's  stock option  Agreement.  The Committee  may, in its  discretion,
grant  Options  that by their terms become  fully  exercisable  upon a Change of
Control,  notwithstanding other conditions on exercisability in the stock option
agreement.  In addition,  the Committee may, in its sole discretion,  accelerate
the time at which any  Non-Statutory  Stock Options may be exercised in whole or
in part.

         (c)  Termination  of  Service.  Except as  provided  in Section  7.1(d)
hereof, unless otherwise determined by the Committee,  upon the termination of a
Participant's  service  for any  reason  other  than  Disability  or Death,  the
Participant's  Non-statutory Stock Options shall be exercisable only as to those
shares which were  immediately  exercisable  by the  Participant  at the date of
termination  and only  for a  period  of  three  months  following  termination.
Notwithstanding  any  provision  set forth herein nor contained in any Agreement
relating to the award of an Option,  in the event of Termination for Cause,  all
rights  under the  Participant's  Non-statutory  Stock  Option shall expire upon
termination. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, in the event of death
or  termination  of service as a result of  Disability of any  Participant,  all
Non-statutory Stock Options held by the Participant,  whether or not exercisable
at  such  time,   shall  be  exercisable   by  the   Participant  or  his  legal
representatives  or beneficiaries of the Participant for one year or such longer
period as determined by the  Committee  following the date of the  Participant's
death or termination of employment due to Disability,  provided that in no event
shall the period extend beyond the expiration of the Non-statutory  Stock Option

         (d)  Exception  for  Retirement.   Notwithstanding   the  general  rule
contained in Section 7.1(c) above:

                  A. All options held by an employee whose  employment  with the
         Holding Company,  the Bank or an Affiliate terminates due to Retirement
         and who, as of the employee's  last day of employment  with the Holding
         Company, the Bank or Affiliate, is performing services on behalf of the
         Holding  Company,  the Bank or an Affiliate as a


         consultant  or director  shall not be forfeited  and shall  continue to
         vest as  determined  by the  Committee;  provided,  however,  that  any
         unearned options shall be forfeited upon such employee's termination of
         services as a consultant or director of the Holding  Company,  the Bank
         or any Affiliate.

                  B. All options held by an employee whose  employment  with the
         Holding Company or an Affiliate  terminates due to retirement  shall be
         exercisable only as to those shares which were immediately  exercisable
         by the  employee  at the date of  retirement,  and only for a period of
         three months following retirement.

                  C. All options held by a retiring  director  who  continues to
         serve as a  consulting  director  or  director  emeritus of the Holding
         Company or the Bank shall not be forfeited  and shall  continue to vest
         in accordance with their original  vesting  schedule for so long as the
         retiring director continues to serve in such capacity.

Options earned  pursuant to this  subsection  shall be otherwise  subject to the
provisions of this Plan.


         8.1      Grant of Incentive Stock Options.

         The Committee may, from time to time,  grant Incentive Stock Options to
eligible  employees.  Incentive Stock Options granted pursuant to the Plan shall
be subject to the following terms and conditions:

         (a) Price.  The purchase  price per share of Common  Stock  deliverable
upon the exercise of each Incentive  Stock Option shall be not less than 110% of
the Fair  Market  Value of the  Holding  Company's  Common  Stock on the Date of
Grant.  Shares may be purchased  only upon payment of the full  purchase  price.
Payment of the purchase price must be made in cash.

         (b) Amounts of Options.  Incentive  Stock Options may be granted to any
eligible employee in such amounts as determined by the Committee. In the case of
an Option intended to qualify as an Incentive  Stock Option,  the aggregate Fair
Market  Value  (determined  as of the time the option is  granted) of the Common
Stock with respect to which  Incentive Stock Options granted are exercisable for
the first time by the  Participant  during any calendar year (under all plans of
the   Participant's   employer   corporation   and  its  parent  and  subsidiary
corporations)  shall not exceed  $100,000,  or such other amount as amended from
time to time under section  422(d) of the Code.  The  provisions of this Section
8.1(b) shall be construed and applied in accordance  with Section  422(d) of the
Code and the regulations, if any, promulgated thereunder. To the extent an award
under this Section 8.1 exceeds this $100,000 limit,  the portion of the award in


excess of such limit shall be deemed a Non-statutory Stock Option. The Committee
shall have discretion to redesignate  Options granted as Incentive Stock Options
as Non-statutory Stock Options.

         (c) Terms of Options. The term during which each Incentive Stock Option
may be exercised shall be determined by the Committee,  but in no event shall an
Incentive  Stock  Option be  exercisable  in whole or in part more than 10 years
from the Date of Grant.  If at the time an Incentive  Stock Option is granted to
an employee,  the employee owns Common Stock  representing  more than 10% of the
total combined  voting power of the Holding Company (or, under Section 424(d) of
the Code, is deemed to own Common Stock  representing more than 10% of the total
combined  voting  power of all such  classes of Common  Stock,  by reason of the
ownership of such classes of Common Stock, directly or indirectly, by or for any
brother,  sister, spouse,  ancestor or lineal descendent of such employee, or by
or for any corporation, partnership, estate or trust of which such employee is a
shareholder, partner or beneficiary), the Incentive Stock Option granted to such
employee  shall not be  exercisable  after the expiration of five years from the
Date of Grant. No Incentive Stock Option granted under this Plan is transferable
except by will or the laws of descent and distribution and is exercisable in his
lifetime only by the employee to whom it is granted.

         Incentive  Stock  Options may be  exercised in whole or in part at such
times as may be specified by the  Committee  in the  Participant's  stock option
Agreement.  The Committee  may, in its  discretion,  grant Options that by their
terms become fully exercisable upon a Change of Control,  notwithstanding  other
conditions on  exercisability in the stock option  agreement.  In addition,  the
Committee  may,  in its  sole  discretion,  accelerate  the  time at  which  any
Incentive Stock Option may be exercised in whole or in part, provided that it is
consistent with the terms of Section 422 of the Code.

         (d)  Termination  of  Employment.  Except as provided in Section 8.1(e)
hereof,  upon the  termination of a  Participant's  service for any reason other
than  Disability,  death or Termination for Cause, the  Participant's  Incentive
Stock  Options  shall  be  exercisable  only  as  to  those  shares  which  were
immediately  exercisable by the  Participant at the date of termination and only
for  a  period  of  three  months  following  termination.  Notwithstanding  any
provisions set forth herein nor contained in any Agreement  relating to an award
of an  Option,  in the  event of  Termination  for Cause  all  rights  under the
Participant's Incentive Stock Options shall expire upon termination.

         Unless otherwise determined by the Committee,  in the event of death or
termination of service as a result of Disability of any employee,  all Incentive
Stock Options held by such Participant, whether or not exercisable at such time,
shall  be  exercisable   by  the   Participant   or  the   Participant's   legal
representatives  or beneficiaries of the Participant for one year or such longer
period as determined by the  Committee  following the date of the  Participant's
death or termination of employment as a result of Disability; provided, however,
that such option  shall not be eligible  for  treatment  as an  Incentive  Stock
Option in the event such option is exercised  more than three  months  following
the date of the  Participant's  death or  termination  of service as


a result of Disability.  In no event shall the exercise period extend beyond the
expiration of the Incentive Stock Option term.

         (e)  Exception  for  Retirement.   Notwithstanding   the  general  rule
contained  in Section  8.1(d)  above,  all  Options  held by an  employee  whose
employment with the Holding Company,  the Bank or an Affiliate terminates due to
Retirement and who, as of the employee's last day of employment with the Holding
Company, the Bank or Affiliate,  is performing valuable services for the Holding
Company,  the Bank or an  Affiliate  as a  consultant  or director  shall not be
forfeited  and  shall  continue  to be earned as  determined  by the  Committee;
provided,  however,  that any  unearned  Options  shall be  forfeited  upon such
Participant's termination of services as a consultant or director of the Holding
Company,  the Bank or any Affiliate.  Options earned pursuant to this subsection
shall be  otherwise  subject  to the  provisions  of this  Plan and shall not be
eligible for  treatment as an Incentive  Stock Option to the extent such Options
are  exercised  more  than  three  months  following  the date  the  Participant
terminated employment with the Holding Company, the Bank or an Affiliate.

         (f) Normal Retirement. All options held by an employee whose employment
with the Holding Company or an Affiliate  terminates due to retirement  shall be
exercisable  only as to those shares which were  immediately  exercisable by the
employee  at the date of  retirement,  and only  for a  period  of three  months
following retirement.

         (g) Compliance  with Code. The options  granted under this Section 8 of
the Plan are intended to qualify as incentive  stock options  within the meaning
of Section 422 of the Code, but the Holding  Company makes no warranty as to the
qualification  of any option as an incentive  stock option within the meaning of
Section 422 of the Code.


         9.1      Grant of Limited Rights.

         Simultaneously  with the  grant of any  Option  to an  employee  of the
Holding  Company or an  Affiliate,  the Committee may grant a Limited Right with
respect to all or some of the  shares  covered by such  Option.  Limited  Rights
granted under this Plan are subject to the following terms and conditions:

         (a) Terms of Rights.  In no event shall a Limited Right be  exercisable
in whole or in part before the  expiration  of six months from the Date of Grant
of the Limited  Right.  A Limited Right may be exercised  only in the event of a
Change in Control of the Holding Company or the Bank.

         The Limited Right may be exercised only when the  underlying  option is
eligible to be exercised,  and only when the Fair Market Value of the underlying
shares on the day of exercise is greater than the exercise  price of the related


         Upon  exercise  of  a  Limited  Right,  the  related  Option  shall  be
cancelled. Upon exercise or termination of an option, any related Limited Rights
shall  terminate.  The  Limited  Rights  may be for no  more  than  100%  of the
difference  between the  exercise  price and the Fair Market Value of the Common
Stock subject to the underlying  Option.  The Limited Right is transferable only
when the underlying Option is transferable and under the same conditions.

         (b)  Payment.  Upon  exercise  of a Limited  Right,  the  holder  shall
promptly  receive  from the  Holding  Company  an  amount  of cash  equal to the
difference  between the exercise price of the related Option and the Fair Market
Value of the  underlying  shares  on the date the  Limited  Right is  exercised,
multiplied  by the number of shares with respect to which such Limited  Right is
being exercised.

         (c) Termination of Employment.  Upon the termination of a Participant's
service for any reason other than Termination for Cause, any Limited Rights held
by the Participant  shall then be exercisable for a period of one year following
termination.  In the event of Termination for Cause,  all Limited Rights held by
the Participant shall expire immediately.  Upon termination of the Participant's
employment  for reason of death,  Retirement or  Disability,  all Limited Rights
held  by  such  Participant  shall  be  exercisable  by the  Participant  or the
Participant's  legal  representative  or beneficiaries  for a period of one year
from the date of such  termination.  In no event shall the period  extend beyond
the expiration of the term of the related Option.


         In the event of an employee's  termination of employment as a result of
death,  Disability  or  Retirement,  the  employee (or the  employee's  personal
representative(s),  heir(s),  or  devisee(s))  may, in a form  acceptable to the
Committee  make  application  to  surrender  all or part of Options held by such
employee in exchange for a cash  payment  from the Holding  Company of an amount
equal to the difference between the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the
date of termination of employment and the exercise price per share of the Option
on the  Date of  Grant.  Whether  the  Committee  accepts  such  application  or
determines  to make  payment,  in whole or part, is within its absolute and sole
discretion,  it  being  expressly  understood  that  the  Committee  is under no
obligation to any employee  whatsoever to make such payments.  In the event that
the Committee  accepts such  application and the Holding  Company  determines to
make payment,  such payment  shall be in lieu of the exercise of the  underlying
Option and such Option shall be  cancelled.  The  provisions  of this Section 10
shall not apply to non-employee directors.


         No Participant  shall have any rights as a shareholder  with respect to
any shares covered by a  Non-statutory  and/or  Incentive Stock Option until the
date of issuance of a stock certificate for such shares. Nothing in this Plan or
in any Award  granted  confers on any person any right to continue in the employ
of the Holding Company or its Affiliates or to continue to perform  services for
the Holding Company or its Affiliates or interferes in any way with the right of
the Holding Company or its Affiliates to terminate a  Participant's  services as
an employee at any time.


         No Award under the Plan shall be transferable by the Participant  other
than by will or the laws of descent and  distribution  and may only be exercised
during his lifetime by the Participant or by a guardian or legal representative.


         Each Award of Options  and/or  Limited  Rights will be  evidenced  by a
written  agreement,  executed by the  Participant and the Holding Company or its
Affiliates which describes the conditions for receiving the Awards including the
date of Award,  the purchase price, if any,  applicable  periods,  and any other
terms and  conditions as may be required by the Board of Directors or applicable
securities law.


         A  Participant  may,  with the  consent of the  Committee,  designate a
person or  persons  to  receive,  in the event of death,  any  Option or Limited
Rights Award to which the Participant  would then be entitled.  Such designation
will be made upon forms supplied by and delivered to the Holding Company and may
be revoked in  writing.  If a  Participant  fails  effectively  to  designate  a
beneficiary, then the Participant's estate will be deemed to be the beneficiary.


         In the event of any change in the outstanding shares of Common Stock of
the Holding Company by reason of any stock dividend or split,  recapitalization,
merger,  consolidation,  spin-off,  reorganization,  combination  or exchange of
shares, or other similar corporate change, or other increase or decrease in such
shares without receipt or payment of consideration  by the Holding Company,  the
Committee will make such  adjustments to previously  granted Awards,  to prevent
dilution or enlargement of the rights of the  Participant,  including any or all
of the following:

         (a)  adjustments  in the  aggregate  number or kind of shares of Common
Stock which may be awarded under the Plan;

         (b)  adjustments  in the  aggregate  number or kind of shares of Common
Stock covered by Awards already made under the Plan;

         (c) adjustments in the purchase price of outstanding  Incentive  and/or
Non-statutory Stock Options, or any Limited Rights attached to such options.

         No such  adjustments  may,  however,  materially  change  the  value of
benefits available to a Participant under a previously granted Award.



         There may be deducted  from each  distribution  of cash  and/or  Common
Stock under the Plan the amount  required by any  governmental  authority  to be
withheld for tax purposes.


         The  Board  may  amend  the  Plan in such  respects  as it  shall  deem
advisable;  provided,  that,  if and to  the  extent  required  by the  Code  or
applicable federal or state securities law, or regulations thereunder, no change
shall be made that  materially  increases  the total  number of shares of Common
Stock  reserved for issuance  pursuant to Awards  granted under the Plan (except
pursuant to Section  14),  materially  expands the class of persons  eligible to
receive Awards,  or materially  increases the benefits  accruing to Participants
under the Plan,  unless such change is  authorized  by the  shareholders  of the
Holding Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board may amend the Plan and
unilaterally  amend Awards as it deems  appropriate  to ensure  compliance  with
applicable  federal or state  securities  laws or regulations  thereunder and to
cause  Incentive  Stock  Options  to  meet  the  requirements  of the  Code  and
regulations  thereunder.  Except  as  provided  in the  preceding  sentence,  an
amendment  of the Plan  shall  not,  without  the  consent  of the  Participant,
detrimentally affect a Participant's rights under an Award previously granted to


         The Plan became  effective on August 24, 1995. The Amended and Restated
Plan shall be effective May 25, 2000 and shall be submitted to the  shareholders
of the Holding  Company for  approval.  No Option  shall be  exercisable  and no
Common Stock shall be issued  under the Amended and Restated  Plan until (i) the
Amended  and  Restated  Plan  has  been   approved  by  the  Holding   Company's
shareholders, (ii) shares issuable under the Amended and Restated Plan have been
registered with the Securities and Exchange  Commission and accepted for listing
on  the  Nasdaq  National  Market  upon  notice  of  issuance,   and  (iii)  the
requirements of any applicable state securities laws have been met.


         The  right to grant  awards  under  the Plan  will  terminate  upon the
earlier of ten (10) years after the  Effective  Date of the Plan or the issuance
of Common Stock or the exercise of Options,  surrender rights or related Limited
Rights equivalent to the maximum number of shares reserved under the Plan as set
forth in Section 5. The Board of Directors has the right to suspend or terminate
the Plan at any time,  provided that no such action will, without the consent of
a Participant, adversely affect his rights under a previously granted Award.


         The Plan will be  administered in accordance with the laws of the State
of Delaware.



         If this Plan is  qualified  under Rule 16b-3,  with  respect to persons
subject to  Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act,  transactions  under this Plan are
intended  to  comply  with  all  applicable  conditions  of  Rule  16b-3  or its
successors  under the Exchange Act. To the extent any  provisions of the Plan or
action by the Committee fail to so comply,  it shall be deemed null and void, to
the extent permitted by law and deemed advisable by the Committee.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Monterey Bay Bancorp,  Inc. has established this Plan to be
executed by its duly authorized  executive  officer and the corporate seal to be
affixed and duly attested, effective as of the 25th day of May, 2000.

                                  MONTEREY BAY BANCORP, INC.

                                  By:  /s/ Marshall G. Delk
                                           Marshall G. Delk
                                           President and Chief Operating Officer


/s/ Margaret A. Green
- ----------------------------------
Corporate Secretary


                                                                      APPENDIX A

PROXY                       MONTEREY BAY BANCORP, INC.                     PROXY

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                  May 25, 2000
                             9:00 a.m. Pacific Time

     The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  the  Board of Directors of Monterey Bay
Bancorp,  Inc.  (the "Company") to act as proxy for the undersigned, and to vote
all  shares  of Common Stock of the Company which the undersigned is entitled to
vote  only at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, to be held on May 25, 2000, at
9:00  a.m.  Pacific  Time,  at  the Watsonville Women's Club, 12 Brennan Street,
Watsonville,  California,  and at any and all adjournments thereof, as set forth
on the reverse side.

                          THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED BY


       (Continued, and to be marked, dated and signed on the other side)

                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -

                                                          Please mark        [X]
                                                          your votes
                                                          as indicated in
                                                          this example

1. The election as directors of all               WITHHOLD
nominees listed (except as             FOR        FOR ALL
marked to the contrary below).         [ ]          [ ]

Diane Simpkins Bordoni,
Eugene R. Friend, McKenzie Moss

INSTRUCTION:  To  withhold  your vote for any  individual  nominee,  write  that
              nominee's name on the line provided below.

- ----------------------------

2.  The  approval of amendments to the 1995 Incentive   FOR    AGAINST   ABSTAIN
    Stock Option Plan.                                  [ ]      [ ]       [ ]

3.  The ratification of the appointment of Deloitte &   [ ]      [ ]       [ ]
    Touche LLP as  independent  auditors  of Monterey
    Bay Bancorp,  Inc.  for the year ending  December
    31, 2000.

This  proxy  is  revocable and will be voted as directed, but if no instructions
are  specified,  this  proxy  will be voted FOR each of the proposals listed. If
any  other business is presented at the Annual Meeting, including whether or not
to  adjourn  the  meeting, this proxy will be voted by the Board of Directors in
their  best  judgment.  At  the present time, the Board of Directors knows of no
other business to be presented at the Annual Meeting.

The  Undersigned acknowledges receipt from the Company prior to the execution of
this  proxy  of  a  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders and of a Proxy
Statement dated April 17, 2000 and of the Annual Report to Shareholders.


Signature(s)__________________________________________ Dated_____________ , 2000

NOTE:  Please sign  exactly as your name  appears on this card.  When signing as
attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give your full
title.If shares are held jointly, each holder may sign but only one signature is

                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -