In Buenos  Aires,  on this 30th day of the month of November,  1999,  WORLD WIDE
WIRELESS  COMMUNICATION,  INC. (the "Buyer"), with domicile at 520 - 3rd Street,
Suite 101, Oakland,  California 94607, U.S.A.,  represented herein by Douglas P.
Haffer and JORGE OMAR  COVELLO,  with  domicile at J.M.  Bosch 961,  Province of
Buenos Aires (the "Seller") hereby enter into this stock purchase agreement (the
"Agreement") for shares of INFOTEL  ARGENTINA S.A. (the  "Company"),  subject to
the following terms and conditions:

1.       Definitions:

         The meaning of the following terms in the Agreement shall be:

1.1      Affiliate:  the  Affiliate  of a  person,  is a person  controlled  by,
         controller  of or subject to joint  control with such  person.  For the
         purposes of this  definition,  the word  control  will have the meaning
         assigned to it in Section 33 of Law 19,550 [1]

1.2      Irrevocable  Capital  Payments:  the  irrevocable  capital  payments on
         account of future stock issues and any other  capital  payment that the
         Seller may have made to the Company as at the Closing Date.

1.3      Balance Sheet as at the Closing Date: the Company's balance sheet as at
         such date,  which will be  prepared  in the manner and within the terms
         contemplated in Clause 3.3.

1.4      Business Day: any day other than Saturday,  Sunday or a day in which by
         law  commercial  banks are authorized or obliged to conduct no business
         in the place where a payment should be made.

1.5      Dollars: United States Dollars.

1.6      Equity Interest: 6,120 common,  nominative non endorsable shares of the
         Company with a nominal value of Argentine  Pesos 1 (one) each, with the
         right  to 1 (one)  vote per  share  representing  51% of the  Company's
         capital stock.

1.7      Hidden Liabilities: 100% of all Liabilities as at the Date herein which
         have not been  posted to the  accounts  or for which a reserve  has not
         been set up in the  company's  accounts  and which  have been  incurred
         prior  to the  execution  hereof.  Hidden  Liabilities  include,  among
         others,  (i) any claim after the Closing  Date which stems from the non
         performance  of labor or  social  security  obligations  for  which the
         Company is liable,  either directly or joint and severally,  for events
         having  occurred  prior  to or on the  Closing  Date,  for  any  cause,
         including labor accidents or accidents-diseases originated or developed
         prior  to  or  on  the  Closing   Date;   and  (ii)  any   judicial  or
         administrative action, claim or notice,  originating in events prior to
         or on the Closing  Date;  and (ii) the legal  expenses  incurred in the
         investigation  and defense of the same. The  examination of the Company
         by the Buyer will not release the Seller from his obligation for Hidden

1.8      Withdrawals on Account: They are the withdrawals on account of profits,
         for  director  or syndic  [2] fees or  withdrawals  made for any other
         concepts by the Seller

- --------
1        Argentine Business Organizations Act. (Translator's Note)

2        "Sindico": In Argentine law, shareholders'  representative,  charged by
         law with the  on-going  review of  corporate  books,  records,  etc. to
         safeguard the interests of  shareholders  from fraud or  mismanagement.

         or the  directors  or  syndics  prior to or on the  Closing  Date.  Any
         Withdrawals on Account which may not be canceled  against non allocated
         profits  before the Closing date shall be considered  Liabilities as at
         the Closing  Date.  Withdrawals  on Account dated after the date of the
         Last  Balance  Sheet shall not exceed the average  monthly  withdrawals
         made by the Seller as reported in the Last Balance Sheet.

1.9      Balance: it shall have the meaning assigned to it in Clause 4.

1.10     Service:  the  service  provided  by the  Company,  understood  as that
         described in Clause 5.2.

1.11     Last Balance Sheet: The Company's balance sheet as at June 30, 1999.

2.       Objective.

         The Seller  sells to the Buyer and the Buyer buys from the Seller,  the
         Equity  Interest  and the  Irrevocable  Capital  Payments,  if any. The
         Seller's holdings in the Equity Interest is the following:

============================================== =================================
NAME                                           NUMBER OF SHARES
- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Jorge Omar Covello                             6,120
============================================== =================================

2.1      Annulment of the Transaction.  The Parties  recognize that the approval
         of the "Comision Nacional de Comunicaciones"  (National  Communications
         Commission  ("CNC") is required for the Buyer to effect the purchase of
         Shares  under  this  agreement  and  for  the  Shareholders'  Agreement
         executed in connection  with the same.  Should the Buyer fail to obtain
         approval  of the CNC to become  the owner of the Equity  Interest,  the
         Buyer shall also have the right to terminate this  agreement,  in which
         case,  the Buyer  shall  return the shares to the Seller and the latter
         will return the price paid until such time,  and the parties  will have
         no further claims against each other.

2.2      It is likewise expressly indicated that within a period of no more than
         5 (five) business days as from the execution  hereof and at the Buyer's
         satisfaction,   the  Seller  shall  obtain  an  instrument  from  Terra
         Telecommunications  Corp. and World Access  Communications  Corp., both
         with domicile at 1160 N.W. 158th Drive, Miami,  Florida,  United States
         of America,  terminating any agreement  existing between said companies
         and the Company. Failure to obtain such instrument, or lack of approval
         thereof  by the Buyer will give the Buyer the right to  terminate  this
         Agreement, notwithstanding any emerging liabilities.

Gross Price and Final Price.

3.1      The Gross Price is USD 1,500,000 (U.S. Dollars One million five hundred

3.2      The  Seller,  for a period of one year  after the shares  mentioned  in
         Clause  4.1(d) have been issued,  [sic] the Buyer will  maintain 50% of
         said  shares in his own  custody.  If it is found  that the  Company is
         liable for any claim,  debt or liability of the company  existing prior
         to Infotel  Argentina  S.A.,  the Seller  will be liable for any claim,
         debt or obligation transferred to Infotel Argentina S.A. which shall be
         settled  with the payment of money to the claimant or the return of the
         shares  issued  under the terms

         of 4.1(d)  for the same  value.  For the  period  of 4 years  after the
         expiration of the term  contemplated  in Clause 3.2, the Seller will be
         responsible  for any claim,  debt or liability of the company  existing
         prior to Infotel Argentina S.A. [sic] any liability will be covered and
         settled with the  withholding of any amounts that may be payable to the
         Seller according to the agreement between the Parties.

3.3      On the date of closing,  the company  Infotel  Argentina will prepare a
         balance  sheet as at that date from which a result will be obtained and
         on the basis of which the company shall begin operating; in this sense,
         the  company  will  have  results  of a tax  nature,  others of a labor
         nature, for customers and for suppliers which will generate a "balance"
         which if negative,  will be  subtracted  from the last payment  [under]
         point 4(d) and should it be  positive  will be added to the gross price
         and paid out in accordance with point 4(d) (i.e.  capitalized in shares
         to 365 days).  The seller  shall have 15 days to prepare it and present
         it for audit by the buyer which will react within five days.

4.       Terms of Payment, Payment Currency and Place of Payment

4.1      The Price shall be payable by the Buyer to the Seller as follows:

         a)       The amount of USD 100,000  (Dollars one hundred  thousand) has
                  been received by the Seller in advance.

         b)       The amount of USD 500,000  (Dollars five hundred  thousand) on
                  the  Closing  Date,  with  this  Agreement  serving  as  valid

         c)       The amount of USD 300,000 (Dollars three hundred  thousand) on
                  December 30, 1999.

         d)       The amount of USD 600,000  (Dollars  six hundred  thousand) in
                  Seller's  shares on 29  December  1999.  Said  shares  will be
                  valued at the lowest  bid price for said  shares in the market
                  in which they were traded on November 17 & 18, 1999. Also, 50%
                  of said shares shall not be transferred  for the period of one
                  year  counted as from their date of purchase and the other 50%
                  will remain  with the seller for the  concept of surety  until
                  the  date as  indicated  in point  3.2 and the  same  shall be
                  delivered  to the buyer  within 365 days [.] The same shall be
                  delivered  under the terms of the laws of the United States of
                  America and free of encumbrances.

                  The payment  contemplated  in paragraph d) is  designated  the

4.2      All payments  contemplated  herein,  except for that pursuant to Clause
         4.1.d)  shall  be made in  Dollars  by means  of  transfer  to the bank
         accounts  indicated in Schedule 4.2, in accordance with the percentages
         indicated therein.  Default in the payment of the amounts  contemplated
         in this Clause will occur as a matter of law, without need for judicial
         or  extrajudicial  claims.  If the due date was a non business day, the
         payment shall be made on the following Business Day.

5.       Representations and Warranties by the Seller.

         The Seller hereby represents and warrants to the Buyer that:

The Equity Interest and the Seller:

5.1      The Seller is the owner of 100% of the Equity  Interest,  which is free
         of any liens or encumbrances. The Equity Interest represents 51% of the
         Capital  Stock  and 51% of

         the  Company's  votes,  and its sale is not  subject  to any  approval,
         authorization  or permit,  except for the CNC's  approval  mentioned in
         Clause 2.1. The Seller is not restricted  from freely  disposing of the
         Equity  Interest and has been recognized by the CNC as a shareholder in
         the Company, there being no transfers of shares pending approval by the
         CNC.  The  Equity  Interest  is  transferred  with all the  equity  and
         political  rights,  and  includes  the  assignment  of all  Irrevocable
         Capital  Payments,  if any.  Neither  the Seller nor the  Company are a
         party to any shareholders agreements or share syndication agreements.

The Company:

5.2      The company is a "sociedad anonima" (stock corporation)  established in
         accordance with the laws of the Republic of Argentina, with domicile at
         Esmeralda  684,  piso 10, of the City of Buenos  Aires.  The  Company's
         Bylaws  in effect  with  record of  registration  with the  "Inspeccion
         General de Justicia" (Legal Persons Registry) under the Public Registry
         of Commerce ("IGJ") are those attached hereto as Schedule  5.2(i).  All
         the Company's books are  appropriately  kept as established by the IGJ.
         There are no amendments to the bylaws,  capital increases or actions of
         any type pending  registration  with the IGJ. Schedule 5.2(ii) contains
         copy of the minutes of the Board,  Shareholders'  Meetings, and records
         of  attendance to the  shareholders'  meetings for the last 5 years and
         copy of the Stock Registry Book from the date of  incorporation  of the
         Company until the present.

5.3      The Company's  capital amounts to Arg.$ 12,000  (Argentine Pesos twelve
         thousand),  represented by 12,000 (twelve thousand) common, nominative,
         non endorsable  shares with a nominal value of Arg.$ 1 (Argentine Pesos
         one) each and with the right to 1 (one)  vote per  share;  the  capital
         stock  has  been   completely   paid-in;   there  are  no   outstanding
         underwriting  rights  pending  exercise by any of the  shareholders  or
         third parties,  nor any options or commitments giving the Seller or any
         third parties the right to buy or  underwrite  shares in the Company or
         capitalize credits against the Company.

5.4      The execution of this Agreement will not cause the  acceleration of any
         outstanding  Company liability,  nor will it result in the infringement
         of any law,  decree,  judicial  order or any  other  rule of  mandatory
         compliance by the Company,  its by-laws, the decisions of the Corporate
         bodies or any  agreement of which,  to date,  the Company or the Seller
         may be a party.

5.5      All  the  powers  of  attorney  granted  by the  Company  in  favor  of
         directors,  officials,  employees,  professionals  and others are those
         specified in Schedule 5.6.

Economic Condition of the Company

5.6      The Company has perfect title to all its assets,  which are detailed in
         Schedule 5.7(i) and are free from any liens or  encumbrances,  with the
         exception  of  those  indicated  in  Schedule  5.7(ii),  are  in a good
         condition,  except for the wear caused by normal use. The Company is in
         possession of its assets and is not restricted to dispose thereof, with
         the exception of the assets indicated in Schedule 5.7(iii),  which were
         acquired  pursuant to the procedure of Law 11,867 [3]. In the last ten
         (10)  years,  the

- ---------------

3        T.N.  Argentine  Law  which  regulates  the  conveyance  of  commercial
         establishments,  including  all  tangible and  intangible  property and

         Company  has   acquired  no  assets   which  due  to  their  number  or
         characteristics  should  have been  purchased  in  accordance  with the
         regime of Law 11,87.

5.7      The Company is the lessee of the  premises  used as offices,  the lease
         agreement  for which is attached as Schedule  5.8.  Rental and expenses
         payable by the  Company are in good  standing.  Neither the Company nor
         its counterparts are in default in the performance of their obligations
         resulting from the written or oral agreements  mentioned under 5.8. The
         Company  has free use of such  assets,  which  are used to  render  the

5.8      The Company's  Financial Reports as at July 1, 1999, as at November 30,
         1999,  attached to the balance sheet as at the Closing Date,  have been
         prepared in accordance  with the  accounting  standards in force in the
         Republic of Argentina,  uniformly applied.  The Balance Sheet as at the
         Closing Date will be prepared in accordance with said standards. All of
         them  accurately  reflect the  shareholder's  equity  position  and the
         results of the Company's operations as at those dates.

5.9      Since the Last  Balance  Sheet to date,  there has been no  substantial
         adverse  change in the financial  condition,  assets or business of the
         Company,  and  the  Company  (a)  has  undertaken  no  obligations  nor
         conducted any  transactions  outside those  originating in the ordinary
         and normal  course of business;  (b) has not  increased its capital nor
         received capital contributions on account of future issues; (c) has not
         redeemed  or  amortized   its  shares;   (d)  has  not   increased  the
         remuneration of any of its directors,  officials or employees;  (e) has
         not recorded in the  accounts  any revenues for services not  rendered;
         (f) has not sold any of the assets appearing on the last Balance Sheet,
         except  those sales  having  occurred  after the date of the same which
         respond  to its  ordinary  business  operations  and are  posted to the
         accounts and (g) no notice has been received nor is there  knowledge of
         any circumstance  leading to assume that the Current Investments and/or
         the Credits for Sales  indicated in the Last Balance  Sheet will not be
         normally liquidated or received.

5.10.    As from  the  Last  Balance  Sheet  and to date,  the  Company  has not
         undertaken  any real or contingent  liability,  foreign to the ordinary
         course of business.

5.11     There are no extra-judicial  claims,  mediations,  labor  arbitrations,
         court actions,  claims,  administrative  proceedings,  proceedings  for
         violations,  of  whatever  nature,  trade  union  conflicts  or dispute
         situations  initiated or which may be initiated  against the Company or
         against the Seller susceptible of causing a damage to the Company or of
         restricting  or preventing the transfer of the Equity  Interest,  other
         than those listed in Schedule 5.12.  Schedule 5.12 contains a detail of
         the  extra-judicial  claims,  mediations,  labor  arbitrations,   court
         actions,   claims,   administrative   proceedings,    proceedings   for
         violations,  of  whatever  nature,  trade  union  conflicts  or dispute
         situations  initiated or which may be initiated  against the Company or
         against the Seller,  indicating  the names of the parties to the claim,
         the date thereof, the respective court,  administrative seat or offices
         with which the claim has been filed, the amount  initially  claimed (if
         an amount is claimed),  the adjusted amount as at the Closing Date with
         interest  calculated  according  to the law,  procedural  status of the
         claim and cause thereof.

5.12     As at the  Closing  Date,  the  Company  has  filed  in due time and as
         appropriate  all the filings  required by tax and social security laws,
         has paid or set up  provisions  for all the  payments,  taxes  and fees
         required  therein;  and has not be  advised,  nor has it any

         reason  to  assume  that it has any past due  debts of a tax or  social
         security nature or payable debts of the same nature.

5.13     Schedule 5.14  contains  copy of all  contracts  for amounts  exceeding
         Arg.$  10,000 per year in which the  Company is a party and a detail of
         oral  agreements for amounts  exceeding  Arg.$ 10,000 per year of which
         the Company is a party. Neither the Company nor its counterparts are in
         default for any obligation emerging from said contracts.

5.14     All the information supplied to the Buyer on the Company and the Seller
         in  connection  with  the  valuation  of the  Equity  Interest  and the
         Irrevocable  Capital  Payments is  truthful  and  complete.  The Seller
         provided the information that was requested by the Buyer.

5.15.    As at the Closing  Date,  the Company has 7 Customers,  as indicated in
         Schedule  5.16,  where their name,  address  and  telephone  number are

5.16     Neither the Seller nor the Company have agreed to pay any commission or
         finder's fee to any broker or  intermediary  for the  execution of this

Company personnel:

5.17     Schedule  5.18  details,  in a complete  and truthful  manner,  all the
         personnel  hired by the Company  with a permanent  employment  status -
         including  name and surname,  employment  date,  labor  category,  job,
         working hours and place of work, vacations,  salary items and discounts
         - and their employment  conditions.  The only personnel working for the
         Company is that specifically  included in the aforementioned  list. The
         Company does not apply any other Collective Labor Agreement nor does it
         have  any  pension  plans,  non-mandatory  insurance,  bonuses,  profit
         sharing or other benefits or voluntary compensations for its personnel.

         In the last  five (5)  years  there  have  been no labor  conflicts  or
         strikes,  nor is there any  indication  that  they may occur  after the
         Closing Date.

         All the Company's labor  obligations,  whether of a direct or joint and
         several  liability  nature,  including labor  obligations  derived from
         laws, decrees,  collective labor agreements,  rules issued by competent
         authorities,  decisions by the Company  (such as salaries,  bonuses and
         their  supplements) as well as the total payments and contributions for
         which   it  is   liable,   including   Social   Security   obligations,
         contributions  and union [sic],  mandatory  insurance,  etc.  have been
         calculated, stated and paid in legal form.

         All the personnel employed is registered normally in the Payroll Ledger
         and the data recorded  therein are truthful and accurate in coincidence
         with  contractual  modalities.  All permanently  employed  personnel is
         comprised in the roster included in the contract  entered into with the
         Labor  Accidents   Insurance  Company   ("Aseguradora  de  Riesgos  del
         Trabajo")  in the  terms  of law  24,557,  as well as in the  mandatory
         collective life insurance policy and any other mandatory insurance.

         The Company has fully complied with the  Improvement  Plan developed by
         the Labor  Accidents  Insurance  Company  ("Aseguradora  de Riesgos del
         Trabajo") and complies with  regulations in force in the areas of labor
         hygiene, medicine and safety.

         The Company has demanded - in accordance  with section 17 of law 25,013
         - from its  contractors  and/or  subcontractors  all the  documentation
         crediting  compliance  by them with  their  labor and  social  security
         obligations  with  respect of their  employees

         which by reason of such contracting  have or are rendering  services to
         the Company,  with such documents being maintained in its files.

         There are no legal  connections,  originated prior to or on the Closing
         Date,  with people  related to the Company which could in the future be
         construed,  either by them or by third parties (labor authorities,  tax
         agencies, etc.) as a "labor relation."

Company Licenses

The Company is the holder of the license to provide  Value  Added  Services  and
Data Transmission Services in the national territory, granted by the CNC through
Resolution  No.  3357  dated  February  5, 1999 and of the  permit of an interim
nature to use channel "1-1" in table 1.4, Annex 1 to Communications  Secretariat
Resolution No. 869/98 in the service areas  corresponding to the Multiple Buenos
Aires Area,  Bahia  Blanca,  Rosario,  Santa Fe and cities of Mendoza,  Cordoba,
Neuquen  and  Corrientes,  granted  by the  Communications  Secretariat  through
Resolution No. 1193 dated September 3, 1999, copies of which are attached hereto
as Schedule 5.19 (the "Licenses"); all requirements and conditions for the award
of the Licenses have been duly complied with;  the Licenses are in force,  there
is no action or proceeding  initiated by the CNC or other authority  against the
Company or its  shareholders,  nor  reasons to assume  any such  actions  may be
initiated  for  violation or alleged  violation  of any rule or provision  which
could cause the lapse, suspension or modification of the Licenses.

Technical Aspects of the Company:

5.18     The Company's licenses and of the system of Fixed Data Transmission and
         Value Added  Services  [sic] the  company's  assets shall allow for the
         operation of technical work to third parties.

5.19     The  Seller  has not  incurred  nor will it  incur,  be it by action or
         omission,  in  conducts  which may  prevent or hinder  approval  of the
         transfer of the Equity Interest by the CNC.

Bank Accounts. Bank Agreements.

5.20     Schedule  5.23  contains a complete  and  detailed  description  of all
         agreements  of the Company with banks and financial  institutions  with
         which it operates, with an indication of the checking accounts,  safety
         deposit boxes,  loans,  overdrafts,  certificates  of deposit and other
         transactions with such  institutions,  with the account numbers and the
         names of individuals authorized to represent the Company.

Execution of the Agreement

5.21     The Seller has the power to enter into this Agreement.

Insurance Policies.

5.22     The Company has contracted the insurance  policies  attached  hereto in
         Schedule 5.26. The payment of the premiums on said policies are in good
         standing.  Neither the Company nor its  counterparts  are in default in
         the performance of their obligations.

5.23     Y2K

         All products, computer assets and/or services, including, among others,
         any  kind of  hardware  components  or  software  programs  used by the
         Company,  have not been affected in their correct and normal  operation
         prior to or  simultaneously  with 9  September  1999,  nor will they be
         affected  after said  date,  with  respect  to the data,  calculations,
         output  information  or  other  functions  (including,   among  others,
         calculation,  comparison  and  sequence)  which are  date-dependant  or
         date-related,  and that said  information  technology  products,  goods
         and/or services shall create,  store,  process and/or output (as may be
         the case) date-related or containing dates without errors or omissions.
         The Company has taken all necessary preventive measures so that after 9
         September  1999 the  effects  that the  information  technology  crisis
         presents  for the year 2000  shall in no way  affect  any of the normal
         Company activities, including, as an illustration, the rendering of the
         Service, and that, for the same reason, the greatest diligence has been
         applied  to the  review of all  supply  circuits,  both of  assets  and
         services,  which currently and/or at the time foreseen for the onset of
         the  information  technology  crisis (1 January 2000) and for the whole
         duration of the same,  may be necessary to satisfy,  as a minimum,  the
         Company's   customary  needs  and  allow  for  its  normal   operation,
         understanding  as such that  maintained  prior to 9 September 1999. The
         Company has complied with the CNC's rules regarding Y2K.

6.       Administrative Approval.

         Both parties shall be responsible  for obtaining the CNC's approval for
         the Buyer to become  the owner of the  Equity  Interest.  Both  parties
         commit  their  best  efforts  to  assist  the Buyer in  obtaining  such
         authorization  as  soon  as  possible  and  to  provide  their  maximum
         cooperation to respond to any requirement from the CNC. Any expenses to
         be  incurred  to obtain it will be borne by the  Buyer.  Should the CNC
         fail to grant such approval, the Buyer shall have the right to sell its
         shares in part or in total and  assign  this  Agreement,  in part or in
         total, to a third party,  providing  notice thereof to the Seller,  but
         without the need to require his consent. Likewise, the Buyer shall have
         the option,  until finding a substitute  susceptible of approval by the
         CNC, of  reselling  2% of the Company  shares to the Seller who will be
         obliged  to buy then at the same price per share at which the Buyer has
         bought  them.  Any delays which may arise in  obtaining  said  approval
         shall not affect the terms indicated in this Agreement.

         Until such time as the CNC decides on the  approval of the  transfer of
         shares  (and  should  it  fail to be  approved,  until  an  alternative
         transfer  to  a  company  designated  by  the  Buyer  shall  have  been
         approved),  the  Buyer  shall  notwithstanding  have,  in the  internal
         shareholders'  relation between the parties,  all the rights pertaining
         to  shareholders,  for which purpose the Seller herein grants the Buyer
         an irrevocable  power of attorney,  effective as from the Closing Date,
         attached  hereto as Schedule 6 and further commits to execute any other
         documents which may be required.

7.       Non Performance

7.1      Seller's Non Performance

7.1.1    In case of non  performance  by the  Seller  of any of his  obligations
         under this  Agreement,  including,  among others,  if the inaccuracy or
         falseness of any of the  representations  and  warranties  contained in
         Clause 5 was  demonstrated  and such  inaccuracy  or falseness  was not
         remedied  within thirty (30)  business days of having been  effectively
         served notice to that end, or if there was any Hidden Liabilities,  the
         Seller  will be  jointly  and  severally  liable  to the  Buyer for the
         damages that he or the Company may suffer for such reason.

7.1.2    Defense

         In  case  the  Seller  considered  that  the  Hidden   Liabilities  are
         inappropriate,  and to the extent the Seller shall have  complied  with
         his  obligations  under Clause 7.1.2,  the Seller may defend such claim
         through the legal  counsel  appointed by him at his  expense,  in which
         case he shall serve  effective  notice to the Buyer  indicating he will
         undertake  such  defense.  To this end,  the Buyer  shall  provide  the
         information  required  by the  Seller and grant the  special  powers of
         attorney of the case,  with  prohibition to substitute and settle.  The
         Seller shall not,  without the previous  written  consent of the Buyer,
         settle or offer to settle any claims or actions for a Hidden  Liability
         nor offer for seizure Company assets or invoke allegations which in the
         opinion of the  Company's  lawyers could be used against the Company in
         another  case.  The Seller shall provide the Buyer with written copy of
         any writ or document, before its presentation to the judge or competent
         authority. If the Seller shall fail to assume the defense of such claim
         within a reasonable  time, the Buyer shall have the right,  but not the
         obligation,  of assuming  the  defense of the same.  If the Buyer shall
         assume such  defense,  it shall be exercised  with  diligence,  and the
         Seller  shall be bound by the result  obtained by the Buyer with regard
         to such claim, in which case the Seller will also be accountable to the
         Buyer for the legal fees set by the court and such reasonable  costs as
         may have  been  incurred  in such  defense.  In case the  Seller  shall
         demonstrate  the third party claim to be  groundless,  then the Company
         shall  reimburse him,  within 30 calendar days of the request,  for any
         expenses and fees incurred by the Seller.

7.1.3    Currency

         For the purpose of the  deductions or  withholdings  or  reimbursements
         contemplated  in this clause,  any Argentine  Peso  denominated  Hidden
         Liability  shall be converted into Dollars at the seller  exchange rate
         set by Banco de la Nacion Argentina effective on the date it is paid by
         the Company or the Buyer,  or the date the Buyer  deducts it, as may be
         the case.

7.2      Non Performance by the Buyer.

         (a)      In case of non  performance by the Buyer in the payment of the
                  Price not remedied  within five (5) calendar days of effective
                  notice having been served,  the Seller shall have the right to
                  chose between two options to demand payment, plus a 10% annual
                  interest,  from the date of default  until the payment date or
                  cause the buyer to loose the rights of  purchase  without  any
                  type of judicial or extrajudicial claim.

8.       Performance Events prior to the Closing Date

         The following events shall have been performed as at the Closing Date:

         (a)      The  holding of (i) a Unanimous  Shareholders'  Meeting of the
                  Company which shall have accepted the resignation submitted by
                  the   Company's   Board  of  Directors   and  examined   their
                  performance and the distribution of profits, within the limits
                  allowed  by the law,  to  compensate  Withdrawals  on  Account
                  against  non-allocated   results.  The  Directors  shall  have
                  renounced their fees and any other  remuneration.  At the same
                  unanimous  shareholders'  meeting,  the new Board of Directors
                  proposed by the Buyer shall have been appointed, in accordance
                  with  Schedule  8.(a)(i)  attached  hereto;  (ii) a  Unanimous
                  Shareholders' Meeting in which the Company's bylaws shall have
                  been amended  pursuant to Schedule  8(a)(ii) and (iii) a Board
                  Meeting in which a power of attorney  shall have been  granted
                  in the terms of Schedule 8(a)(ii) attached hereto.

         (b)      The delivery to the Buyer of the certificates corresponding to
                  the Equity Interest and the registration in the Stock Registry
                  Book of the transfer of the Equity Interest to the Buyer.

         (c)      The delivery to the Buyer of copy of the communication  signed
                  by the Seller  notifying  the  Company of the  transfer of the
                  Equity  Interest  and the  Irrevocable  Capital  Payments,  in
                  accordance with Schedule 8(c) attached hereto.

         (d)      The  resignation  of all  holders of powers of attorney of the
                  Company  to their  powers and  mandates,  in  accordance  with
                  Schedule 8(d) attached hereto.

         (e)      The delivery to the Buyer of the  original  Bylaws and Company
                  books and  ledgers  and any other  documentation  required  to
                  record the taking of  possession  of the  Company by the Buyer
                  and the  return  of the books to  headquarters,  where all the
                  documentation  shall  remain or to any other place where it is
                  legally maintained.

         (f)      The Seller shall have delivered to the Buyer letters signed by
                  the  Seller  for  the  purpose  of  notifying  the  CNC of the
                  transfer  of  the  stock  in  accordance  with  Schedule  8(f)
                  attached hereto.

         (g)      The  Company  shall  have  sold  or  transferred   the  assets
                  connected  to the  Teleport  in  the  terms  of  the  specimen
                  agreement  attached  hereto as Schedule 8(g). Such assets will
                  not be computed for the purpose of  calculating  the Company's
                  Shareholders'  Equity  pursuant to clause 3.3 but shall not be
                  transferred if this has an effect on the net worth and affects
                  future administrative and joint resolution acts.

9.       Performance Events After the Closing Date

9.1      The  parties  recognize  that the Company  shall have set up,  prior to
         December 10, 1999, the sureties  required by Resolution CNC 869/98,  as
         amended.  The Seller and the Buyer  undertake to  capitalize or provide
         personal  sureties to the Company to the extent that it may be required
         for the Company to set up such  sureties.  If one of the parties  shall
         fail to perform his obligation of  capitalizing  the Company or setting
         up  personal  sureties,  then the other  party  shall have the right to
         collect from the  non-

         performing party a penalty equivalent to two (2) times the total amount
         of the surety to be set up by the Company.

10.      Jurisdiction

         Except  for the  provisions  of Clause  3.3,  any  controversy  arising
         between the parties in connection with this  Agreement,  its existence,
         validity,  interpretation or performance, (the "Controversy"),  will be
         submitted to the  mediation  procedure of the Rules of the  Arbitration
         Court of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.  Any Controversy which is not
         resolved  under  the  previous  procedure  will  be  subject  to  legal
         arbitration  in  accordance  with such  Rules.  The award  shall not be
         subject to appeal.

11.      Notices

         Any notices to the parties shall be served at the  domiciles  indicated
         below,  which may be replaced by others, by serving effective notice to
         the  other  party.  Notices  will  become  effective  within  three (3)
         business days of their reception.

         For the Buyer:
         Attention: Douglas P. Haffer
         Domicile: 520 - 3rd Street, Suite 101, Oakland, California 94067, USA
         Fax: 1 (510) 839-7088; and

         ALLENDE & BREA
         Maipu 1300, piso 10
         Ciudad de Buenos Aires
         Atencion: Maria Roja Villegas Arevalo

         For the Seller:
         Esmeralda 684 10(0) piso
         Ciudad de Buenos Aires
         Atencion: Walter Arneson

12.      Prohibition to Compete

         The Seller shall not directly or indirectly  through a company of which
         he is a part  currently  or in the  future,  as  partner,  shareholder,
         director or executive, take part in activities which compete with those
         carried out by the Company in the Republic of Argentina; with competing
         activities being  understood as any type of Internet related  services,
         for a period of 10 years  counted as from the Closing  Date.  Likewise,
         the Seller may carry out activities  not comprised  among the competing
         activities   and,  in  that  case,   will  offer  the   possibility  of
         participating in such development  first to the Company and then to the
         Buyer,  before  offering  it to any third  party.  In case the  Company
         and/or the Buyer, as may be case, did fail to accept  participating  in
         such  development,  the Seller may present it to other persons or carry
         it out on his own. The Seller declares that undertaking this commitment
         of non  competition is

         reasonable and justified since both the Seller and the Buyer have taken
         it  into  account  at the  time of  fixing  the  Price.  In case of non
         performance  of this  obligation,  the Seller shall pay the Buyer a sum
         equivalent  to two (2) times the annual  billings  of the  business  in
         competition with that of the Buyer.

13.      Construction: Severability

         Each of the provisions in this Agreement shall be considered severable.
         If, for any reason, any of such provisions was declared null, this will
         not affect the validity of the others.

14.      Sundry.

14.1     This Agreement  reflects the totality of the agreements  reached by the
         parties,  renders void any oral or written pre-dated  agreement and can
         only be modified in writing,  with the signature of both  parties.  For
         the  purposes  of  this  Agreement,   the  Schedules  hereto  shall  be
         considered part of the Agreement.

14.2     This  agreement  shall  be  ruled  and  construed  in  accordance  with
         Argentine Law.

14.3     The words appearing capitalized herein shall have the meanings assigned
         to them in Clause 1 herein or any other Clauses in this Agreement where
         they appear written between brackets and quotation marks.

14.4     None of the parties shall  publicly  announce or disclose the execution
         of this transaction without the other's consent.

In witness  whereof,  the parties have caused two copies of this agreement to be
executed with the same contents and for the same purpose.

WORLD WIDE WIRELESS                                          JORGE OMAR COVELLO

(there appear signatures)

Name: Douglas Haffer
Title: President