(Section 174)

                         RESTATED ARTICLES OF CONTINUANCE              Form 6-01
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.       Name of Corporation:     CERTICOM CORP.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.       The classes and any maximum  number of shares that the  corporation  is
         authorized to issue:

         One class of an unlimited number of shares  designated as Common Shares
         without par or nominal  value and one class of an  unlimited  number of
         shares  designated as Preference  Shares  without par or nominal value,
         issuable in series. The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions
         attaching to the shares are as set out in Schedule A attached hereto.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.       Restrictions if any on share transfers:      None
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.       Number (or minimum or maximum number) of directors:

         Not less than 3 and not more than 11,  with  such  number of  directors
         within such range to be determined by the directors of the Corporation.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.       Restrictions if any on businesses the corporation may carry on:    None
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.       Other provisions if any:

         (1)      The directors of the Corporation  may,  between annual general
                  meetings of the  Corporation,  appoint one or more  additional
                  directors to serve until the next annual  general  meeting but
                  the  number  of  additional  directors  shall  not at any time
                  exceed one third of the number of directors who held office at
                  the expiration of the last annual general  meeting,  and in no
                  event shall the total number of  directors  exceed the maximum
                  number of  directors  fixed  pursuant to  paragraph 4 of these
                  Restated Articles of Continuance.

         (2)      Meetings of  shareholders  may be held at such place or places
                  as the directors in their  absolute  discretion  may determine
                  from time to time.

                                      - 2 -

         (3)      The  shareholders of the Corporation  shall not be entitled to
                  cumulative  voting on any class or series of shares  issued by
                  the Corporation.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.       Date                Signature                 Title

                                                       Finance & Administration,
    November 15, 1999        Bruce A. MacInnis         Chief Financial Officer
                                                       and Secretary

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

1.       The rights,  privileges,  restrictions and conditions  attaching to the
         Common Shares are as follows:

         (a)      Dividends

                  The holders of the Common Shares, subject to the rights of the
                  holders of the Preference Shares, but in priority to all other
                  shares  ranking  junior to the Common Shares shall be entitled
                  to receive and the Corporation shall pay thereon, dividends as
                  and when declared by the Board of Directors of the Corporation
                  out of the assets of the  Corporation  properly  applicable to
                  the payment of dividends.

         (b)      Voting Rights

                  The holders of the Common  Shares shall be entitled to receive
                  notice of and to attend any meeting of the shareholders of the
                  Corporation  and shall be  entitled  to one vote in respect to
                  each Common Share held at such  meetings,  except  meetings at
                  which the holders of a  particular  class of shares other than
                  the Common Shares are entitled to vote separately as a class.

         (c)      Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding-up

                  In the event of the liquidation,  dissolution or winding-up of
                  the  Corporation  or other  distribution  of  property  of the
                  Corporation among  shareholders for the purposes of winding-up
                  its affairs,  the holders of the Common Shares shall,  subject
                  to the rights of the  holders  of the  Preference  Shares,  be
                  entitled   to  receive   the  assets  and   property   of  the

2.       The rights,  privileges,  restrictions and conditions  attaching to the
         Preference Shares are as follows:

         (a)      Each series of  Preference  Shares shall be without par value,
                  shall  consist  of such  number  of  shares  as  shall  before
                  issuance  thereof be fixed by the  directors  who shall at the
                  same  time  determine  the  designation,  rights,  privileges,
                  restrictions and conditions attaching to the Preference Shares
                  of each such series including, without limiting the generality
                  of the foregoing, the rate of preferential dividends,  whether
                  dividends shall be cumulative or non-cumulative,  the dates of
                  payment thereof, whether the shares shall be redeemable and if
                  so the  redemption  price  and the  terms  and  conditions  of
                  redemption,  any voting  rights,  any conversion  rights,  any
                  sinking  fund,  purchase  fund or other  provisions  attaching
                  thereto,  and the  amount  payable on return of capital in the
                  event of the  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding up of the

         (b)      The Preference  Shares of any series shall be entitled to such
                  preferences  over  the  Common  Shares  and any  other  shares
                  ranking  junior to the  Preference  Shares with respect to the
                  payment  of  dividends  and all  amounts  payable on return of
                  capital  in the  event  of  the  liquidation,  dissolution  or
                  winding  up of the  Corporation  as may be  determined  by the
                  directors when authorizing the respective series.

         (c)      The holders of the Preference  Shares shall not be entitled to
                  receive  notice of or to attend or to vote at any  meeting  of
                  shareholders  of  the  Corporation  provided,   however,  that
                  notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph:

                  (i)      the  holders of any series of the  Preference  Shares
                           shall be entitled to receive notice of and to vote at
                           meetings of  shareholders  of the  Corporation to the
                           extent  specifically   provided  in  the  rights  and
                           privileges to be attached to such series, and

                  (ii)     the holders of the Preference Shares or of any series
                           thereof  shall be  entitled to vote  separately  as a
                           class or as a series in  respect  of any  matter  for
                           which a separate vote is specifically provided in the
                           Business  Corporations  Act (Yukon) or any  successor
                           statute thereto.

                                  (Section 190)

                             ARTICLES OF CONTINUANCE                Form 3-01
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.       Name of Corporation:     CERTICOM CORP.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.       The classes and any maximum  number of shares that the  corporation  is
         authorized to issue:

         One class of an unlimited number of shares  designated as Common Shares
         without par or nominal  value and one class of an  unlimited  number of
         shares designated as Preferred Shares without par or nominal value. The
         rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the shares
         are as set out in Schedule A attached hereto.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.       Restrictions if any on share transfers:      None
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.       Number (or minimum or maximum number) of directors:

         Not less than 3 and not more than 11,  with  such  number of  directors
         within such range to be determined by the directors of the Corporation.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.       Restrictions if any on businesses the corporation may carry on:    None
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.       If change of name effected, previous name:    Not applicable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.       Details of incorporation:

         The Corporation was incorporated in Ontario on March 20, 1985 under the
         name  Cryptech  Systems  Inc.  The name of Cryptech  Systems  Inc.  was
         changed to Certicom Corp. on October 13, 1995.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.       Other provisions if any:

         (1)  The  directors of the  Corporation  may,  between  annual  general
              meetings  of  the  Corporation,  appoint  one or  more  additional
              directors to serve until the next annual  general  meeting but the
              number of  additional  directors  shall not at any time exceed one
              third of the number of directors who held office at the expiration
              of the last  annual  general  meeting,  and in no event  shall the
              total number of directors  exceed the maximum  number of directors
              fixed pursuant to paragraph 4 of these Articles of Continuance.

                                      - 2 -

         (2)  Meetings  of  shareholders  may be held at such place or places as
              the directors in their absolute discretion may determine from time
              to time.

         (3)  The  shareholders  of the  Corporation  shall not be  entitled  to
              cumulative  voting on any class or series of shares  issued by the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9.   Date                  Signature                 Title

                                                     Finance & Administration,
     August 6, 1999        Bruce A. MacInnis         Chief Financial Officer
                                                     and Secretary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

1.       The rights,  privileges,  restrictions and conditions  attaching to the
         Common Shares are as follows:

         (a)  Dividends

              The  holders  of the Common  Shares,  subject to the rights of the
              holders of the  Preferred  Shares,  but in  priority  to all other
              shares  ranking  junior to the Common  Shares shall be entitled to
              receive and the  Corporation  shall pay thereon,  dividends as and
              when declared by the Board of Directors of the  Corporation out of
              the assets of the Corporation  properly  applicable to the payment
              of dividends.

         (b)  Voting Rights

              The  holders of the Common  Shares  shall be  entitled  to receive
              notice of and to attend  any  meeting of the  shareholders  of the
              Corporation  and shall be  entitled to one vote in respect to each
              Common Share held at such meetings,  except  meetings at which the
              holders  of a  particular  class of shares  other  than the Common
              Shares are entitled to vote separately as a class.

         (c)  Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding-up

              In the event of the liquidation,  dissolution or winding-up of the
              Corporation or other  distribution  of property of the Corporation
              among shareholders for the purposes of winding-up its affairs, the
              holders of the Common Shares  shall,  subject to the rights of the
              holders of the Preferred Shares, be entitled to receive the assets
              and property of the Corporation.

2.       The rights,  privileges,  restrictions and conditions  attaching to the
         Preferred Shares shall be as follows:

         (a)  Cumulative  Dividends:  The holders of the  Preferred  Shares,  in
              priority to the holders of the Common Shares, shall be entitled to
              receive  and  the  Corporation  shall  pay  thereon,  as and  when
              declared by the board of directors of the  Corporation  out of the
              assets of the  Corporation  properly  applicable to the payment of
              dividends,  fixed  preferential  cumulative  cash dividends at the
              rate of $0.0625 per  Preferred  Share per calendar  quarter.  Such
              dividends  shall accrue on a per diem basis and be cumulative from
              the date of issue of the Preferred Shares and are payable on March
              31, June 30,  September 30 and December 31 in each year. If on any
              dividend  payment  date the  dividend  payable on such date is not
              paid  in  full  on  all  the  Preferred  Shares  then  issued  and
              outstanding,  such dividend, or the unpaid part thereof,  shall be
              paid at a subsequent date or dates in priority to dividends on the
              Common  Shares.  The  holders  of  Preferred  Shares  shall not be
              entitled  to  any  dividends  other  than  or  in  excess  of  the
              preferential cumulative cash dividends hereinbefore provided.

                                      - 2 -

         (b)  Dividends Preferential:  Except with the consent in writing of the
              holders of all the Preferred Shares outstanding, no dividend shall
              at any time be  declared  and paid on or set apart for  payment on
              the Common Shares in any  financial  year unless and until (i) the
              accrued   preferential   cumulative  cash  dividends  on  all  the
              Preferred  Shares  outstanding  have been declared and paid or set
              apart for payment,  and (ii) the Corporation  shall have satisfied
              any request for the  redemption  of Preferred  Shares  pursuant to
              clause 2(d).

         (c)  Participation upon Liquidation,  Dissolution or Winding-Up: In the
              event  of  the  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding-up  of  the
              Corporation  or other  distribution  of assets of the  Corporation
              among its  shareholders for the purpose of winding-up its affairs,
              the holders of the  Preferred  Shares shall be entitled to receive
              from the assets of the Corporation the sum of $10.00 per Preferred
              Share held by them  respectively  plus all unpaid  dividends which
              shall have accrued  thereon and which shall be treated as accruing
              to, but not including,  the date of such  distribution  before any
              amount shall be paid or any assets of the Corporation  distributed
              to the  holders of any other  class of shares of the  Corporation.
              After payment to the holders of the Preferred Shares of the amount
              so payable to them as above provided they shall not be entitled to
              share  in  any   further   distribution   of  the  assets  of  the

         (d)  Retraction  at Option of Holder:  The holders of Preferred  Shares
              shall be entitled to require the Corporation to redeem, subject to
              the  requirements of the Business  Corporations Act (Yukon) as now
              enacted  or as  the  same  may  from  time  to  time  be  amended,
              re-enacted   or  replaced,  33*%  of  the  aggregate   issued  and
              outstanding  Preferred  Shares on  February  28, 1997 on and after
              each of March 31,  1997,  March 31,  1998 and March 31,  1999 (the
              "Retraction   Date")  as  provided  herein  by  tendering  to  the
              Corporation  at its  registered  office  a  share  certificate  or
              certificates  representing  the Preferred Shares which the holders
              desire to have the  Corporation  redeem together with a request in
              writing (the "Request")  specifying the number of Preferred Shares
              that the holder desires to have redeemed by the  Corporation.  The
              Request  may be given  to the  Corporation  not more  than 30 days
              prior to a Retraction  Date and at any time thereafter up to March
              31,  2000.  If at any time the  Corporation  receives  Requests to
              redeem  more  Preferred  Shares  than  it is  required  to  redeem
              hereunder,  Preferred Shares shall be redeemed pro rata as between
              the persons from whom the  Corporation has received such Requests.
              Upon receipt of a share  certificate or certificates  representing
              the  Preferred  Shares  which  the  holder  desires  to  have  the
              Corporation redeem together with the Request the Corporation shall
              on the later of the Retraction  Date and 10 days after its receipt
              of the  Request  redeem  such  Preferred  Shares by paying to such
              holder an amount equal to $10.00 plus all unpaid  dividends  which
              shall have accrued  thereon and which shall be treated as accruing
              to,  but not  including,  the date of such  redemption,  the whole
              constituting  and being hereunder  referred to as the ("Retraction
              Amount"),  for each such  Preferred  Share  being  redeemed.  Such
              payment  shall be made by certified  cheque  payable at par at any
              branch of the  Corporation's  bankers for the time being in Canada
              (or, with the

                                      - 3 -

              consent of the holder, by any other means of immediately available
              funds).  If  a  part  only  of  the  shares   represented  by  any
              certificate  are redeemed a new  certificate for the balance shall
              be issued at the expense of the  Corporation.  The said  Preferred
              Shares shall be redeemed on the later of the  Retraction  Date and
              10 days after  receipt of the Request and from and after such date
              the holder of such shares  shall cease to be entitled to dividends
              and shall  not be  entitled  to  exercise  any of the  rights of a
              holder of Preferred  Shares in respect  thereof  unless payment of
              the  Retraction  Amount is not made on the later of the Retraction
              Date and 10 days after receipt of the Request,  in which event the
              rights of the holder of the said  Preferred  Shares  shall  remain

         (e)  Idem:  If a holder of  Preferred  Shares  shall have  required the
              Corporation  to redeem all or any of the Preferred  Shares held by
              such holder and the  Corporation  cannot redeem the said Preferred
              Shares on the Retraction  Date without  thereby  contravening  the
              Business  Corporations  Act  (Yukon) as now enacted or as the same
              may from time to time be  amended,  re-enacted  or  replaced,  the
              Corporation  shall  redeem the said  Preferred  Shares,  or at the
              option of the holder as many as then  legally  permitted,  and the
              balance as soon as it is lawfully  able to do so and until all the
              said  Preferred  Shares are so  redeemed  the rights of the holder
              thereof shall remain unaffected, provided that the said holder may
              at any time by notice in writing  tendered to the  Corporation  at
              its registered office withdraw the request that the said Preferred
              Shares be redeemed in which event the Corporation  shall return to
              the said holder the share certificate or certificates representing
              the  said  Preferred   Shares  which  had  been  tendered  to  the

         (f)  Redemption by Corporation: The Corporation may, upon giving notice
              as hereinafter  provided,  redeem on each of March 31, 1997, March
              31, 1998 and  March 31, 1999  (the "Redemption  Date") 33*% of the
              Preferred  Shares held by holders of Preferred  Shares on February
              28, 1997 on payment of $10.00 for each share to be  redeemed  plus
              all unpaid  dividends  which shall have accrued  thereon and which
              shall be treated as accruing  to, but not  including,  the date of
              such redemption,  the whole constituting and being herein referred
              to as the "Redemption Amount".

         (g)  Idem:  In the case of redemption  of Preferred  Shares,  under the
              provisions of clause (f) hereof, the Corporation shall at least 21
              days (or, if all of the holders of the Preferred  Shares  consent,
              such  shorter  period  to  which  they may  consent)  prior to the
              Redemption  Date  mail (or,  with the  consent  of any  particular
              holder,  otherwise  deliver)  to each  person  who at the  date of
              mailing (or delivery, as the case may be) is a holder of Preferred
              Shares to be redeemed a notice in writing of the  intention of the
              Corporation  to redeem such  Preferred  Shares.  Such notice shall
              (subject  to the  consent of any  particular  holder  referred  to
              above) be mailed by letter,  postage  prepaid,  addressed  to each
              such  holder at his  address as it  appears on the  records of the
              Corporation or in the event of the address of any such holder; not
              so  appearing  then to the  last  known  address  of such  holder;
              provided, however, that accidental

                                      - 4 -

              failure to give any such notice to or more of such  holders  shall
              not affect the validity of such redemption.  Such notice shall set
              out the Redemption  Amount,  the Redemption Date and the number of
              Preferred  Shares to be  redeemed.  On the  Redemption  Date,  the
              Corporation  shall  pay or cause to be paid to or to the  order of
              the holders of the Preferred  Shares to be redeemed the Redemption
              Amount  thereof on  presentation  and surrender at the  registered
              office of the  corporation  or any other place  designated in such
              notice  of the  certificates  representing  the  Preferred  Shares
              called for  redemption.  Such  payment  shall be made by certified
              cheque payable at par at any branch of the  Corporation's  bankers
              in Canada (or, with the consent of any particular  holder,  by any
              other means of immediately available funds). If a part only of the
              shares   represented  by  any   certificate  are  redeemed  a  new
              certificate  for the balance shall be issued at the expense of the
              Corporation. From and after the Redemption Date in any such notice
              the holders of the Preferred  Shares called for  redemption  shall
              cease to be  entitled  to  dividends  and shall not be entitled to
              exercise  any of the  rights of  holders  of  Preferred  Shares in
              respect  thereof unless  payment of the  Redemption  Amount is not
              made upon  presentation  of  certificates  in accordance  with the
              foregoing  provisions,  in which case the rights of the holders of
              the said Preferred Shares shall remain unaffected. The Corporation
              shall have the right at any time after the mailing  (or  delivery,
              as the case may be) of  notice  of its  intention  to  redeem  any
              Preferred Shares to deposit the Redemption Amount of the shares so
              called for redemption or of such of the said shares represented by
              certificates  as  have  not at  the  date  of  such  deposit  been
              surrendered  by  the  holders  thereof  in  connection  with  such
              redemption to a special  account in any  chartered  bank or in any
              trust company in Canada,  named in such notice, to be paid without
              interest  to or to the  order of the  respective  holders  of such
              Preferred  Shares  called for  redemption  upon  presentation  and
              surrender  to  such  bank or  trust  company  of the  certificates
              representing  the same,  and upon such deposit  being made or upon
              the date specified for redemption in such notice, whichever is the
              later,  the Preferred Shares in respect whereof such deposit shall
              have been made shall be  redeemed  and the  rights of the  holders
              thereof  after such deposit or such  redemption  date, as the case
              may be,  shall be  limited to  receiving  without  interest  their
              proportionate  part of the total  Redemption  Amount so  deposited
              against  presentation and surrender of the said  certificates held
              by them  respectively  and any  interest  allowed on such  deposit
              shall belong to the Corporation.

         (h)  Voting  Rights:  The  holders  of the  Preferred  Shares  shall be
              entitled  to receive  notice of and to attend  any  meeting of the
              shareholders of the Corporation, but shall not be entitled to vote
              at any such meeting.