Washington, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-K

(Mark one)

 _X_ Annual Report  Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange
     Act of 1934 for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2000 OR

___  Transition  Report  Pursuant  to  Section  13 or  15(d)  of the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934

                         Commission File Number 0-21180

                          CELLEGY PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           California                                            82-0429727
(State or other jurisdiction of                               (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

  349 Oyster Point Boulevard, Suite 200, South San Francisco, California 94080
   (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                           (zip code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (650) 616-2200

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

        None                                   Nasdaq National Market
(Title of each class)                (Name of each exchange on which registered)

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                           Common Stock, no par value
                                (Title of class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

            YES     _X_                                         NO  ___

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. (____)

The  aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of the
Registrant as of February 22, 2001 was $100,559,000  (based on the closing price
for the common stock on The Nasdaq Stock Market on such date).  This calculation
does not include a determination  that persons are affiliates or  non-affiliates
for any other purpose.

The number of shares of common  stock  outstanding  as of February  22, 2001 was

                       Documents Incorporated By Reference

The  information  called for by Part III is  incorporated  by  reference  to the
definitive Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company
which will be filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission not later than
120 days after December 31, 2000.

                                 CELLEGY PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 10-K ANNUAL REPORT

                                    FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                      Part I
Item 1.       BUSINESS                                                                                           1
Item 2.       PROPERTIES                                                                                        11
Item 3.       LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                                                 12
Item 4.       SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS                                               12
Item 4a.      EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE REGISTRANT                                                              12

                                                      Part II

Item 6.       SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA                                                                           16
Item 7a.      QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK                                        22
Item 8.       FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA                                                       22

                                                     Part III

Item 10.      DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE REGISTRANT                                                23
Item 11.      EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION                                                                            23
Item 12.      SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT                                    23
Item 13.      CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS                                                    23

                                                      Part IV

Item 14.      EXHIBITS, FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES, AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K                                  24

         Unless the  context  otherwise  requires,  the terms "we",  "our",  and
"Cellegy" refer to Cellegy Pharmaceuticals,  Inc., a California corporation, and
its subsidiaries.

         Anogesic  and  Celledirm  are  our  registered   trademarks.   Tostrex,
Tostrelle,  and  Rectogesic are our  trademarks.  We also refer to trademarks of
other corporations and organizations in this document.

                                     PART I


         Cellegy   Pharmaceuticals,   Inc.   ("Cellegy"   or   the   "Company"),
incorporated  in California in 1989,  is a specialty  biopharmaceutical  company
engaged in the  development of  prescription  drugs and skin care products.  Our
prescription  products are directed  towards the  treatment of  gastrointestinal
disorders,  sexual  dysfunction of both men and women, and conditions  affecting
women's health.

         Cellegy's  most  advanced   prescription   product  candidates  include
Anogesic(R)  (nitroglycerin  ointment)  for the  treatment of anal  fissures and
hemorrhoids,  and  Tostrex(TM)  (testosterone  gel)  for the  treatment  of male
hypogonadism,  a condition  that  frequently  can result in lethargy and reduced
libido in men.  Anogesic is undergoing a  multi-center  Phase III clinical trial
for treatment of pain associated  with anal fissures.  Cellegy is in the process
of filing a New Drug Application  ("NDA") for Anogesic in the United States, and
a New Drug Submission  ("NDS") for the product in Canada. We are also conducting
two  Phase  II  clinical  trials  using  Anogesic  to treat  various  hemorrhoid

         In June 2000,  Cellegy  acquired  Quay  Pharmaceuticals,  an Australian
company  marketing  RectogesicTM,  a nitroglycerin  ointment  product similar to
Anogesic. The Australian  registration package has been and will be used to file
for marketing  approval in several  Pacific Rim  countries.  Cellegy  intends to
continue to  self-market  Rectogesic  in Australia and plans to sell the product
through  distributors  in  the  Pacific  Rim  countries  and  potentially  other
countries around the world.

         Tostrex  is  undergoing  a Phase III trial  for male  hypogonadism  and
Tostrelle(TM) , a second testosterone gel product, is being evaluated in a Phase
I/II study  designed to restore  normal  hormone  levels to  surgically  induced
menopausal women.

         In addition to our prescription  product candidates,  we have developed
several non-prescription skin care and  cosmeceutical  products which we believe
will help reverse the signs of photodamaged and aging, wrinkled skin. We plan to
commercialize  these products  through  partners or may consider  establishing a
separate subsidiary company targeting selected channels of distribution. We have
been selling one of our skin care products, C79 Intensive Moisturizer, since its
introduction  in 1998, for inclusion in a finished  product  marketed by a major
specialty  retailer.  There is, of  course,  no  certainty  that C79 sales  will
continue or that  Cellegy's  other skin care and  prescription  products will be

         Cellegy's  research and development  programs focus on inflammation and
second generation products for anorectal diseases.  In the area of inflammation,
our  scientists  have  discovered  a  family  of  compounds  that we have  named
CELLEDIRM.  CELLEDIRM-based  products  may be  useful in  reducing  inflammation
associated  with  a  number  of  skin,  mucous  membrane  and   gastrointestinal
conditions,  as well as inflammation  caused by many topically applied drugs and
cosmetics.  In 1999,  Cellegy  researchers were awarded a Phase I Small Business
Innovation Research ("SBIR") grant in the amount of $100,000. After successfully
completing the initial research in 2000, we have applied for additional Phase II
SBIR funding to investigate second generation products for anorectal diseases.

         This Annual Report  includes  forward-looking  statements  that involve
substantial risks and uncertainties.  These  forward-looking  statements are not
historical  facts, but rather are based on current  expectations,  estimates and
projections about our industry,  our beliefs and our assumptions.  Words such as
"believes,"  "anticipates,"  "expects,"  "intends" and similar  expressions  are
intended to identify forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means
of  identifying  such  statements.  These  forward  looking  statements  are not
guarantees  of future  performance  and concern  matters that involve  risks and
uncertainties  that could  cause our actual  results to differ  materially  from
those in the forward-looking  statements.  These risks and uncertainties include
those described in "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of  Operations - Factors That May Affect Future  Operating  Results"
and elsewhere in this Annual Report.  Except as required by law, we undertake no
obligation to revise any  forward-looking  statements in order to reflect events
or  circumstances  that may arise after the date of this Annual  Report.  Actual
events or results  may differ  materially  from those  discussed  in this Annual


Marketing and Commercialization Strategy

         Cellegy  intends to become a leader in the development and marketing of
selected  specialty  pharmaceutical  products  that  are  directed  towards  the
treatment of  gastrointestinal  disorders,  sexual  dysfunction  of both men and
women,  and conditions  affecting  women's  health.  Key elements of our related
business and commercialization strategy include the following:

         Self -  Marketing  to  Specialty  Physician  Markets in United  States.
Cellegy plans to market  Anogesic,  Tostrelle and related products to a targeted
audience of key physician specialists,  principally Gastroenterologists ("GI's")
and  Obstetrician-Gynecologists  ("OB-GYN's"),  through the establishment of our
own sales force. We plan to seek larger pharmaceutical partners to assist in the
promotion  of  these  products  to  broader  physician  audiences.  We  plan  to
commercialize  our Tostrex,  dermatology and skin care products through partners
with the possibility of retaining co-promotion rights in the United States.

         Outlicensing of Overseas  Rights.  We intend to outlicense the overseas
rights for products we develop in exchange for upfront and  milestone  payments,
as well as royalties on sales.

         Acquisition of Complementary Products and Companies. As we did with the
acquisitions of Rectogesic from Quay  Pharmaceuticals  in 2000 and with Anogesic
from Neptune  Pharmaceuticals in 1997, we may acquire products,  technologies or
companies  with  products  and  distribution  capabilities  consistent  with our
commercial objectives.

Marketed Skin Care Products

         Cellegy has  completed  development  of certain  consumer skin care and
cosmeceutical    products,    including   skin   barrier    repairing/fortifying
moisturizers,  skin  protectants  and  anti-aging  lotions  and  creams.  We are
currently  marketing  our  C79  Intensive  Moisturizer  formulation  to a  major
specialty  retailer,  which  incorporates  C79 into  hand  cream  products.  Our
revenues  from sales of these  products  totaled  $1,389,000  in 2000,  and have
totaled about $2,745,000 million since product introduction late in 1998.

         Cellegy  intends to expand the sale of skin care  formulations  to this
and to other traditional  specialty retailers which will market them under their
own  brand  names.  We also plan to  commercialize  our  cosmeceutical  products
through  partners or may consider  establishing  a separate  subsidiary  company
targeting selected channels of distribution.

Products Under Development

Prescription Products

Anogesic (nitroglycerin ointment)

         Cellegy's   leading   product   candidate  is   Anogesic,   a  topical,
nitroglycerin-based  prescription product for the treatment of anal fissures and
hemorrhoids. Anal fissures are painful tears in the lining of the anal mucosa, a
condition  affecting  men and women of all age groups.  Of the over  600,000 new
cases of anal  fissures  occurring  each year in the United  States,  Europe and
Japan,  many of these chronic cases require  painful and expensive  surgery,  a
procedure that sometimes leaves patients  incontinent.  Hemorrhoids are dilated,
swollen  veins and tissue  located  either in the anal canal or at the margin of
the anus. In the United Sates alone,  there are  approximately  9 million people
who suffer from hemorrhoids  each year. Both conditions are  characterized by an
increase in intra-anal pressure,  which has been shown to be effectively reduced
by the application of Anogesic.

         Current drug therapies include anesthetics and anti-inflammatory agents
that only  partially  relieve  the  symptoms  of these  conditions.  Even though
current  treatments are only  partially  effective,  prescription  product sales
currently used to treat anal fissures and hemorrhoids  have been estimated to be
approximately  $500  million  annually in the United  States,  Europe and Japan.
Surgical  procedures  and  hospitalization  stays  related  to these  conditions
represent a substantial additional cost to the healthcare systems.

         Anogesic is a proprietary  formulation that includes  nitroglycerin,  a
drug that has been used for many years in the  treatment of angina  pectoris and
certain other heart diseases. Once administered to the anal canal, nitroglycerin


causes  relaxation of the sphincter  muscle and, as reported by several previous
studies,  helps to  relieve  pain and  promote  healing  of the anal  fissure or
hemorrhoid in most patients.

         Prior to Cellegy's  clinical trial completed in November 1999,  several
previously  published  clinical  trial results in over 400 patients  showed that
nitroglycerin  helps to relieve pain and promote  healing of the anal fissure in
most patients.  We completed our own Phase III clinical trial using Anogesic for
the treatment of anal fissures and announced the results in November  1999.  The
trial  did not  demonstrate  a  statistically  significant  rate of  healing  in
comparison to placebo, but did show rapid and significant pain reduction.  Based
on this  outcome,  we  initiated a second Phase III trial in 2000 to confirm the
drug's ability to reduce fissure pain, the primary trial endpoint,  with healing
of chronic anal fissures as a secondary endpoint.

         The confirmatory Phase III clinical trial will include about 180 to 200
patients in several study  centers in the United  States and overseas.  Patients
receive  either  of two  strengths  of  Anogesic  or  placebo.  The  product  is
administered on a daily basis over an eight-week treatment period. The patient's
pain scores are tabulated and the patients are examined to determine whether the
fissure has healed.

         In January  2001,  we  announced  that we  intended  to file a New Drug
Application (NDA) with the FDA requesting marketing approval of Anogesic for the
treatment of pain associated with chronic anal fissures. We intend to supplement
the NDA upon  completion of our on-going Phase III anal fissure pain study.  The
decision to file the NDA earlier than previously contemplated followed a meeting
with the FDA at which Celllegy  re-reviewed the results of its initial  Anogesic
Phase III  clinical  trial  completed  in November  1999 and  summary  data from
several trials conducted with nitroglycerin ointment by investigators around the
world, as well as various other materials. FDA approval is not required in order
for a company  to submit an NDA.  Submitting  the NDA before  completion  of the
Phase III trial does not necessarily  reduce the period of time during which the
FDA reviews the filing and may have no effect on the  regulatory  review period;
the FDA could decide,  among other things,  to wait to commence its review until
the results of the current trial are submitted.  There can be no assurances that
the anticipated NDA filing for Anogesic will be approved, or that earlier filing
of the NDA will result in earlier review by the FDA or product approval.

         In  addition to the above  mentioned  fissures  trial,  Cellegy has two
Phase II clinical  trials  underway for various  complications  of  hemorrhoids.
Anogesic is protected by two domestic  patents,  both of which have been issued,
the most recent in December  1997.  Similar  Canadian and European  patents have
been issued,  and  numerous  patent  applications  have been filed in most major
overseas markets.

Tostrex (testosterone gel for male hormone replacement therapy)

         Cellegy is  currently  developing  a  transdermal  testosterone  gel to
address  male   hypogonadism,   or  below  normal  levels  of  the  sex  hormone
testosterone,  a condition which results from a decline in the body's production
of the hormone.  Low levels of testosterone  can result in lethargy,  depression
and a decline in libido.  In severely  deficient cases,  loss of muscle mass and
bone  density  can occur.  Approximately  5 million  men in the  United  States,
primarily in the aging (over 40) male population  group,  have lower than normal
levels of testosterone.  Male  hypogonadism is the first indication for which we
will seek regulatory  approval in the United States,  assuming  successful trial
results.  Subsequently,  we plan  to  conduct  trials  designed  to  demonstrate
efficacy for "male andropause," a potentially greater market.

         There are a number of companies  currently  marketing  testosterone  in
several different product forms in domestic and international  markets.  Cellegy
believes  that  a  potentially  significant  market  opportunity  exists  for an
improved product, as the side effects and patient inconveniences associated with
many of the currently  marketed  products have limited their use to less than 5%
of  potential  patients.  Current  product  forms  include  orals,  injectables,
transdermal patches and a recently launched  testosterone gel. The leading patch
products are sold at prices averaging about $1,000 per year per patient with the
gel product priced at over $3,500 per year.

         Cellegy's   proprietary   patchless   testosterone   gel   product   is
transparent,   rapid-drying  and  non-staining.  It  is  expected  to  permit  a
once-a-day  application from a unique metered dose dispenser to relatively small
areas of the skin.  Based on Phase II dose ranging  clinical studies to date, we
believe our  proprietary  transdermal  gel  formulation is capable of delivering
therapeutic  levels of  testosterone  with  reduced  side  effects and in a more
convenient dosage form compared with other currently marketed  transdermal patch
products.   These  human  studies  demonstrated  Tostrex's  ability  to  deliver
testosterone into the bloodstream at levels that were consistently higher than a


patch product.  Based on the outcome of these studies,  we began a pivotal Phase
III  clinical  trial  early  in  2000  designed  to  restore  normal  levels  of
testosterone in men with testosterone  deficiency.  The trial is being conducted
at several study centers in the United States and is being  monitored by Cellegy
and an outside contract research  organization.  The trial is currently designed
to include  approximately  200 to 240 patients,  and we expect to file an NDA by
the end of 2001,  assuming no unexpected  delays and  successful  clinical trial

Tostrelle (testosterone gel for female hormone replacement therapy)

         Normal blood  concentrations  of testosterone in women range from 10 to
20 times less than that of men. Nevertheless,  in both sexes, testosterone plays
a key role in building  muscle tissue or bone, and in the  maintenance of sexual
drive.  In  women,  the  ovaries  and  adrenal  glands  continue  to  synthesize
testosterone after menopause, although the rate of production may diminish by as
much as 50%.  Approximately  15 million  women in the United  States suffer from
symptoms of testosterone  deficiency.  At the present time there are no approved
products for the treatment of this condition.

         Based  on the  results  of  pharmacokinetic  studies  in men  receiving
Tostrex,  Cellegy's  scientists  were  able to  estimate  the  proper  dosage of
testosterone  that would be required to achieve  normal  pre-menopausal  hormone
levels in  postmenopausal  women. The result is Cellegy's  Tostrelle,  a product
designed to restore normal testosterone levels in hormone deficient women.

         A Phase I/II dose ranging clinical study treating post-menopausal women
was successfully  completed in September 2000. Based on these results,  we began
an  expanded  Phase I/II  pharmacokinetic  study in which we are  attempting  to
determine the proper dose  necessary to restore  normal  testosterone  levels to
surgically-induced  menopausal women. If this trial is successful,  we intend to
initiate a Phase II/III clinical study.

Estrogen-Testosterone Gel (female hormone replacement therapy)

         Cellegy's  third  planned  product in the area of  hormone  replacement
therapy  is  a  combination   estrogen-testosterone   gel,  which  utilizes  our
proprietary  drug delivery  technologies  to restore the natural  levels of both
hormones in elderly or menopausal  women. We believe that this product may offer
advantages  over the  patches  in terms of  reduced  side  effects  and  patient
convenience.  The combination formulation is in the research stage with clinical
trials planned following development of the mono-therapy testosterone products.

Non-Prescription Cosmeceutical Products

         Cellegy's core cosmeceutical program includes anti-wrinkling  products*
which, based on human studies to date, appear to mitigate the visible effects of
photoaging and skin  wrinkling.  We believe our  anti-wrinkling  products have a
different  mechanism  of action,  producing  greater  improvement  to the skin's
appearance and causing less irritation than current market leading products.

         Signs of aging and photoaging  usually become visible when people reach
their early  thirties,  with fine lines and  roughness,  loss of suppleness  and
elasticity of the skin becoming apparent.  In subsequent  decades,  there may be
further deterioration marked by coarse wrinkles,  spotty irregular pigmentation,
leathery texture or thinning of the skin. Many of these skin changes  associated
with aging are due to ultraviolet  light exposure,  referred to as "photoaging."
At the retail level, the non-prescription  market for products which are used to
mitigate the effects of aging and  photodamage  upon the skin is estimated to be
in excess of $1 billion in annual sales in the United States.

         Many of these currently  marketed  cosmeceutical  products  contain low
concentrations  of one or more active  ingredients.  Low  concentrations  of the
active ingredients are frequently  employed in order to avoid side effects which
can  include   stinging,   redness  and  skin  irritation.   However,   the  low
concentrations  of the active  ingredient  generally  limit the  efficacy of the
products.  Most of the cosmeceutical lines marketed to physicians contain higher
concentrations of actives, but are known to cause significant irritation.

         Cellegy's   anti-wrinkling   products   incorporate   Celledirm  and  a
multi-action  ingredient  exhibiting  many  of  the  attributes  of  the  active
cosmeceutical   ingredients   described   above.   Certain  human  studies  were
successfully  completed and others have been  designed to provide  stronger data
regarding the effectiveness of Cellegy's cosmeceuticals.


* References in this Report to  "anti-wrinkling,"  "anti-wrinkling  products" or
the  "anti-wrinkling  market" are intended to refer to a product  category  that
Cellegy  believes is generally  understood in the  marketplace or to products in
that   category,   and  are  not  intended  to  describe  any  claims  that  our
cosmeceutical  products act in any way other than as cosmetics as defined  under
applicable  laws.  The term  "cosmeceuticals"  refers to products  that, if they
satisfy the definition of a cosmetic under  applicable  federal laws and if they
are not also drugs under those laws, are not subject to the same requirements as
drug products.


Current Research Programs

         Cellegy's  research and development  programs focus on inflammation and
second-generation products for sexual dysfunction and anorectal diseases. In the
area of  inflammation,  our  scientists  have  discovered  a family of compounds
called CELLEDIRM (Cellegy's Dermal Inflammatory Response Modulators).  CELLEDIRM
is  a  group  of  compounds   identified  by  Cellegy's   scientists  that  have
demonstrated in pre-clinical testing a reduction of the inflammation  associated
with the topical application of drugs, solvents or other physiologically  active
substances.   These  compounds  consist  of  specially   processed  or  purified
excipients that have been shown in pre-clinical  studies to significantly reduce
skin inflammation  following challenge with a number of irritating or allergenic

         CELLEDIRM-based   products  may  be  useful  in  reducing  inflammation
associated  with  a  number  of  skin,  mucous  membrane  and   gastrointestinal
conditions,  as well as inflammation  caused by many topically applied drugs and
cosmetics.  Cellegy's  scientists  have also  identified  a  different  class of
compounds which could potentially be used to control inflammation of the mucosal
membrane and gastrointestinal conditions. Selected compounds are currently being
studied in relevant models.

         Our  research on second  generation  products  consists  of  internally
funded and certain external programs.  In 1999, Cellegy researchers were awarded
a Phase I Small  Business  Innovation  Research  ("SBIR") grant in the amount of
$100,000.  After  successfully  completing the initial  research,  including the
development  of anorectal  screening  model in 2000, we have applied for and are
expecting  funding  for an  additional  Phase  II SBIR  grant  of  approximately
$850,000 to investigate second generation products for anorectal diseases.

         The phase II SBIR funding, if approved, will support a two-year project
to conduct pre-clinical and early clinical development of two compounds selected
using  our  in  vivo  anorectal  pharmacological  screening  model.  Similar  to
Anogesic,   both  compounds   have  extensive   safety  records  in  humans  for
non-colorectal  indications  and have potential to provide  additional  clinical
advantages  over  Anogesic.  Upon  completion of the  pre-clinical  and clinical
developments,  a lead  compound may be selected as a  development  candidate and
ultimately become a second anorectal product candidate.

         Cellegy's  research and  development  expenses were $9,276,000 in 2000,
$7,965,000 in 1999,  and 6.668,000 in 1998.  See  "Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

Patents and Trade Secrets

         Our  success  depends,  in  part,  on  our  ability  to  obtain  patent
protection for our products and methods,  both in the United States and in other
countries.  The patent  position of companies  engaged in businesses such as our
business   generally  is  uncertain  and  involves  complex  legal  and  factual
questions.  There is a substantial  backlog of patent  applications  at the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office  ("USPTO").  Patents in the United States are issued
to the  party  that is first to  invent  the  claimed  invention.  Since  patent
applications  in the United States  currently can be maintained in secrecy until
patents  issue,  we cannot be certain that Cellegy was the first inventor of the
invention covered by our pending patent  applications or patents or that we were
the first to file  patent  applications  for such  inventions.  Further,  issued
patents can later be held invalid by the patent office  issuing the patent or by
a court. There can be no assurance that any patent applications  relating to our
products or methods will issue as patents,  or, if issued, that the patents will
not be  challenged,  invalidated,  or  circumvented  or that the rights  granted
thereunder will provide a competitive advantage to us.

         In  addition,  many other  entities are engaged in research and product
development  efforts in fields that may overlap with our  currently  anticipated
and future  products.  A substantial  number of patents have been issued to such
companies,  and such companies may have filed applications for, or may have been
issued patents or may obtain


additional  patents and  proprietary  rights  relating to, products or processes
competitive  with those of Cellegy.  Such  entities may  currently  have, or may
obtain in the future,  legally  blocking  proprietary  rights,  including patent
rights, in one or more products or methods under development or consideration by
us. These rights may prevent us from commercializing  technology, or may require
us to obtain a license from the entity to practice the technology.  There can be
no assurance that the manufacture,  use or sale of any of our product candidates
will not infringe  patent  rights of others.  There can be no assurance  that we
will be able to obtain any such  licenses  that may be required on  commercially
reasonable  terms,  if at all, or that the patents  underlying any such licenses
will be valid or enforceable.  Patent  litigation is costly and  time-consuming,
and there can be no assurance  that we will have  sufficient  resources to bring
such litigation to a successful conclusion.

         In  addition,  many other  entities are engaged in research and product
development  efforts in fields that may overlap with our  currently  anticipated
and future  products.  A substantial  number of patents have been issued to such
companies,  and such companies may have filed applications for, or may have been
issued patents or may obtain additional  patents and proprietary rights relating
to products or processes  competitive  with those of Cellegy.  Such entities may
currently  have,  or may  obtain in the  future,  legally  blocking  proprietary
rights,  including  patent  rights,  in one or more  products  or methods  under
development  or   consideration   by  us.  These  rights  may  prevent  us  from
commercializing  technology,  or may  require  us to obtain a  license  from the
entity to practice the  technology.  There can be no  assurance  that we will be
able to obtain any such licenses that may be required on commercially reasonable
terms, if at all, or that the patents underlying any such licenses will be valid
or enforceable.

         Moreover,  the  laws  of  certain  foreign  countries  do  not  protect
intellectual property rights relating to United States patents as extensively as
those rights are protected in the United  States.  The issuance of a patent in 1
country does not assure the issuance of a patent with similar  claims in another
country, and claim interpretation and infringement laws vary among countries, so
the extent of any  patent  protection  is  uncertain  and may vary in  different
countries.  As with  other  companies  in the  pharmaceutical  industry,  we are
subject  to the risk that  persons  located  in such  countries  will  engage in
development,  marketing or sales  activities of products that would infringe our
patent rights if such activities were in the United States.

         Several of Cellegy's products and product candidates, such as Anogesic,
Tostrex and Tostrelle are based on existing  compounds  with a history of use in
humans but which are being  developed by us for new therapeutic use unrelated to
the original  therapeutic  indications  for which the compounds were  previously
approved. We cannot obtain composition patent claims on the compound itself, and
will  instead  need to rely on patent  claims,  if any,  directed  to use of the
compound to treat certain  conditions or to specific  formulations.  This is the
case,  for  example,  with our United  States  patents  relating to Anogesic and
Tostrex.   Such  method-of-use  patents  may  provide  less  protection  than  a
composition-of-matter  patent,  because of the possibility of "off-label" use of
the  composition.  Cellegy will not be able to prevent a  competitor  from using
that formulation or compound for a different purpose.  No assurance can be given
that any  additional  patents will be issued to us, that the  protection  of any
patents that may be issued in the future will be significant, or that current or
future patents will be held valid if subsequently challenged.

         Cellegy  has 15  issued  United  States  patents,  more  than 60 issued
foreign  patents,  and over 35 pending  patent  applications.  Two issued United
States  patents,  17 issued  foreign  patents,  and more than 10 pending  patent
applications  relate to  Cellegy's  Anogesic  product for the  treatment of anal
fissures.  One pending US patent application and 12 pending foreign applications
relate  to  our  Tostrex  and  Tostrelle   products.   Four  pending  US  patent
applications   and  one  published  Patent   Cooperation   Treaty  (PCT)  patent
application  relate to  possible  backup  compounds  for our  Anogesic  product.
Additional  patent  applications  are being  prepared for filing that will cover
methods  or  products   currently  under   development.   Corresponding   patent
applications  for most of Cellegy's issued United States patents have been filed
in  countries  of  importance  to us located in major world  markets,  including
certain countries in Europe, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Mexico and Canada.

         Federal  patent law  provides  that for any  inventions  that have been
developed  with  government  funding  that are the  subject  of a  license,  the
government  has the right to require  the  assignor  or the  licensee to grant a
license to third parties upon the occurrence of certain  events,  such as if the
government  determines  that no  effective  steps  have  been  taken to  achieve
practical  application  of the  invention,  or if  health  or  safety  needs  or
requirements for public use are not reasonably satisfied.

         Our policy is to protect our technology by, among other things,  filing
patent applications for technology that we consider important to the development
of our  business.  We  intend  to  file  additional  patent  applications,  when
appropriate,  relating to our technology,  improvements to our technology and to
specific  products that it develops.  It


is impossible to  anticipate  the breadth or degree of protection  that any such
patents will afford,  or whether we can  meaningfully  protect our rights to our
unpatented trade secrets.  Cellegy also relies upon unpatented trade secrets and
know-how,  and no  assurance  can be given that  others  will not  independently
develop  substantially  equivalent  proprietary  information and techniques,  or
otherwise gain access to our trade secrets or disclose such technology,  or that
we can meaningfully  protect our rights to our unpatented  trade secrets.  It is
our policy to require  our  employees  to execute an  invention  assignment  and
confidentiality  agreement  upon  employment.  Our  consultants  are required to
execute a  confidentiality  agreement upon the commencement of their consultancy
to us. Each agreement  provides that all confidential  information  developed or
made known to the  employee or  consultant  during the course of  employment  or
consultancy will be kept  confidential and not disclosed to third parties except
in specific circumstances.  The invention assignment generally provides that all
inventions conceived by the employee shall be the exclusive property of Cellegy.
In  addition,  it is our  policy to  require  the  collaborators  and  potential
collaborators  to  enter  into  confidentiality  agreements.  There  can  be  no
assurance, however, that these agreements will provide meaningful protection for
our trade secrets.

Product Acquisitions

         In June 2000,  Cellegy  acquired  Quay  Pharmaceuticals,  an Australian
company  marketing  Rectogesic,  a  nitroglycerin  ointment  product  similar to
Anogesic.  The acquisition cost totaled $1,835,000,  consisting of the aggregate
value of 169,224 shares with a value of $977,000,  171,146  warrants to purchase
common  stock with a fair value of  $489,000,  and cash  payments  of  $369,000.
Cellegy  will  continue  to  self-market  Rectogesic  in  Australia  through its
wholly-owned  Cellegy Australia  subsidiary and plans to sell Rectogesic through
distributors in the Pacific Rim countries and potentially other countries around
the world.

         In December  1997,  Cellegy  acquired  patent and related  intellectual
property  rights  relating to  Anogesic,  a topical  product  candidate  for the
treatment  of  anal  fissures  and  hemorrhoids,   from  Neptune  Pharmaceutical
Corporation.  Pursuant to a letter of intent and a subsequent  agreement between
the parties,  we issued  462,809  shares of common stock to Neptune in 1997. The
agreement calls for a series of additional payments, payable in shares of common
stock, upon successful  completion of various  milestones tied to clinical trial
results and commercialization of the product in domestic and foreign markets. If
achieved,  milestones  would occur over the next  several  years.  No  milestone
payments  have been made since 1997.  Future  potential  milestones,  payable in
Cellegy  common  stock,  could  result in the  issuance  of up to an  additional
1,338,000  shares of Cellegy  common stock based on the closing price of Cellegy
stock at the time of issuance. The agreement does not provide for the payment by
Cellegy of any future product royalties in connection with sales of Anogesic.

Principal License Agreements

         University  of  California.  In October  1993,  Cellegy  entered into a
license agreement with the University of California  providing for an exclusive,
worldwide,  royalty bearing license, subject to customary government rights, for
patent  rights  relating  to barrier  repair  formulations  jointly  held by the
University and Cellegy,  in  consideration  of the issuance to the University of
certain shares of preferred stock (which  subsequently  converted into shares of
common  stock) and the payment by Cellegy of a licensing  fee. In March 1994, we
entered into a second  exclusive,  worldwide,  royalty bearing license agreement
with the  University  for patent  rights,  jointly  held by the  University  and
Cellegy, relating to certain drug delivery technologies, in consideration of the
payment by Cellegy of a licensing  fee,  and an annual  maintenance  fee payable
each year until Cellegy is  commercially  selling a licensed  product.  In April
2000,  Cellegy  terminated the Exclusive License  Agreement  relating to barrier
repair  formulations and assigned its rights in the invention to the University.
We are  currently in the process of  terminating  our license for patent  rights
relating  to  drug  delivery  technologies  and  assigning  the  rights  to  the
University as well. As a result of ongoing  research in both barrier  repair and
drug delivery,  we have determined that  commercialization  of products  derived
from these  licenses is unlikely to occur.  The  termination  of these  licenses
reflects, in part, a shift towards


development  of products from our own research  efforts in areas we believe have
the potential to be more commercially viable

Government Regulation

         FDA Requirements for Human Drugs. The research, testing, manufacturing,
labeling, distribution, and marketing of drug products are extensively regulated
by numerous  governmental  authorities in the United States and other countries.
In the United States,  drugs are subject to rigorous FDA  regulation.  The Food,
Drug  and  Cosmetic  Act  (the  "FD&C  Act")  and  the  regulations  promulgated
thereunder,  and other federal and state regulations govern, among other things,
the research, development, testing, manufacture,  distribution,  storage, record
keeping,  labeling,  advertising,  promotion  and  marketing  of  pharmaceutical
products.   The  process  of  developing  and  obtaining   approval  for  a  new
pharmaceutical  product within this  regulatory  framework  requires a number of
years and the  expenditure of substantial  resources.  There can be no assurance
that  necessary  approvals  will  be  obtained  on a  timely  basis,  if at all.
Moreover,  additional  government  regulations  may be  established  that  could
prevent  or delay  regulatory  approval  of our  products.  Delays in  obtaining
regulatory  approvals could have a material  adverse effect on us. If we fail to
comply with applicable  regulatory  requirements  for marketing drugs, or if our
cosmeceutical products are deemed to be drugs by the FDA, we could be subject to
administrative or judicially  imposed sanctions such as warning letters,  fines,
products  recalls or seizures,  injunctions  against  production,  distribution,
sales, or marketing, delays in obtaining marketing authorizations or the refusal
of the  government  to grant such  approvals,  suspensions  and  withdrawals  of
previously  granted  approvals,  civil  penalties  and criminal  prosecution  of
Cellegy, our officers or our employees.

         The steps ordinarily  required before a new pharmaceutical  product may
be marketed in the United States  include:  (i)  preclinical  laboratory  tests,
animal  studies and  formulation  studies;  (ii) the submission to the FDA of an
Investigational New Drug Application ("IND"), which must become effective before
clinical  testing may  commence;  (iii)  adequate and  well-controlled  clinical
trials to  establish  the safety and  efficacy of the  product for its  proposed
indication;  (iv) the submission of a New Drug  Application  ("NDA") to the FDA;
and (v) FDA  review  and  approval  of the NDA prior to any  commercial  sale or
shipment of the drug.  Compounds must be produced according to the FDA's current
Good Manufacturing Practice ("GMP") requirements,  and preclinical tests must be
conducted in compliance with the FDA's Good Laboratory Practice regulations. The
results of  preclinical  testing are submitted to the FDA as part of an IND. The
FDA may, at any time,  impose a clinical hold on ongoing clinical trials. If the
FDA imposes a clinical  hold,  clinical  trials may not  commence or  recommence
without FDA  authorization  and then only under terms  authorized by the FDA. In
some instances,  the IND application process can result in substantial delay and

         Clinical  trials  involve  the  administration  of the  investigational
product to healthy  volunteers or patients under the  supervision of a qualified
investigator.  Clinical trials to support NDAs are typically  conducted in three
sequential phases,  which may overlap.  In Phase I, the initial  introduction of
the drug into healthy human  subjects or patients,  the drug generally is tested
to assess  metabolism,  pharmacokinetics,  pharmacological  action  and  safety,
including side effects  associated with increasing  doses,  and if possible,  to
gain early evidence on  effectiveness.  Phase II usually  involves  studies in a
limited  patient  population  to (i)  determine  the  efficacy of the drug for a
specific  indication,  (ii)  determine  dosage  tolerance and optimal dosage and
(iii)  identify  possible  short-term  adverse  effects and safety  risks.  If a
compound is found to be effective  and to have an acceptable  safety  profile in
Phase II  evaluations,  Phase III trials  are  undertaken  to  further  evaluate
clinical  efficacy  and to further  test for safety  within an expanded  patient
population at  geographically  dispersed  clinical study sites. A clinical trial
may combine the elements of more than one phase, and typically two or more Phase
III studies are  required.  There can be no assurance  that Phase I, Phase II or
Phase III testing will be completed within any specific time period, if at all.

         Cellegy's  prescription products, and our ongoing research and clinical
activities  such as those  relating to  Anogesic,  Tostrex,  and  Tostrelle  are
subject to extensive  regulation by governmental  regulatory  authorities in the
United States and other countries.  Extensive current  pre-clinical and clinical
testing  requirements  and the  regulatory  approval  process  of the FDA in the
United  States and of certain  foreign  regulatory  authorities,  or  additional
future  government  regulations,  could prevent or delay regulatory  approval of
Cellegy's  products.   Notwithstanding  our  current  relationships  with  those
authorities,  disagreements  may  occur  in the  future,  and one or more of our
ongoing or planned  clinical  trials  could be delayed or  repeated  in order to
satisfy  regulatory  requirements.  For  example,  if our  expanded  Phase  I/II
pharmakokinetic  study regarding  Tostrelle is successful,  we plan to meet with
the FDA to


discuss future trials,  and the FDA could impose  requirements  on future trials
that could delay the regulatory  approval process.  Sales of Cellegy's  products
outside  the United  States are  subject to  regulatory  requirements  governing
clinical  trials and marketing  approval.  These  requirements  vary widely from
country to country and could delay  introduction of Cellegy's  products in those

         Our clinical  trial  results are very  difficult to predict in advance,
and failure of one or more clinical trials could  adversely  affect our business
and our stock price.  Before we obtain  regulatory  approval for the  commercial
sale of most potential drug products,  we must demonstrate through  pre-clinical
studies and clinical  trials that the product is safe and efficacious for use in
the clinical  indication for which approval is sought. We cannot assure you that
the  FDA  or  other  international  regulatory  authorities  will  permit  us to
undertake any future clinical  trials for potential  products or to continue any
of the current  clinical  trials.  To date,  we have not sought FDA  approval to
distribute any products.  Moreover,  results of  pre-clinical  studies and early
clinical  trials may not be good  predictors of results that will be obtained in
later-stage  clinical  trials.  We cannot assure you that  Cellegy's  present or
future clinical  trials,  including for example,  the current Phase III clinical
trials using our Anogesic and Tostrex  products,  or the current Phase I/II dose
ranging study for Tostrelle,  will  demonstrate the result required for approval
to market these potential products or even to continue with additional  clinical
development.  Because  of the  independent  and blind  nature of  certain  human
clinical testing, there will be extended periods during the testing process when
we will have only  limited,  or no access  to  information  about the  status or
results of the tests,  including Phase III clinical trials,  to be inadequate or
unsatisfactory,  or that FDA  Advisory  Committees  have  declined to  recommend
approval of the drugs, or that the FDA itself refused approval,  with the result
that such  companies'  stock  prices have fallen  precipitously.  If Anogesic or
Tostrex fail to  successfully  complete the current  Phase III trials or related
clinical testing,  including  toxicology  studies,  our business and stock price
would be materially and adversely affected.

         New and  Abbreviated  New Drug  Applications.  After  completion of the
required  clinical testing,  generally an NDA is submitted.  FDA approval of the
NDA (or, in the alternative,  an Abbreviated New Drug Application  ("ANDA"),  as
described  below) is required  before  marketing may begin in the United States.
The NDA must include the results of extensive clinical and other testing and the
compilation  of data  relating  to the  product's  chemistry,  pharmacology  and
manufacture,  the cost of all of which is substantial.  The FDA reviews all NDAs
submitted  before  it  accepts  them  for  filing  and  may  request  additional
information  rather than  filing an NDA.  The review  process is often  extended
significantly by FDA requests for additional  information or clarification.  The
FDA may refer the application to the appropriate advisory committee, typically a
panel of clinicians,  for review,  evaluation and a recommendation as to whether
the application  should be approved.  The FDA is not bound by the recommendation
of an advisory  committee.  During the review  process,  the FDA generally  will
conduct an inspection of the relevant drug manufacturing facilities and clinical
sites to ensure that the  facilities  are in  compliance  with  applicable  Good
Manufacturing  Practices  ("GMP")  requirements.  If FDA  evaluations of the NDA
application, manufacturing facilities, and clinical sites are favorable, the FDA
may issue either an approval letter or a not approvable letter, which contains a
number of  conditions  that must be met in order to secure  approval of the NDA.
When and if those  conditions have been met to the FDA's  satisfaction,  the FDA
will issue an approval letter,  authorizing commercial marketing of the drug for
certain specific  indications.  If the FDA's evaluation of the NDA submission or
manufacturing facilities is not favorable, the FDA may refuse to approve the NDA
or issue a not approvable  letter,  outlining the deficiencies in the submission
and often  requiring  additional  testing or  information.  Notwithstanding  the
submission of any requested  additional  data or  information  in response to an
approvable or not  approvable  letter,  the FDA  ultimately  may decide that the
application does not satisfy the regulatory  criteria for approval.  Even if FDA
approval is obtained,  a marketed drug product and its  manufacturer are subject
to continual  review and inspection,  and later discovery of previously  unknown
problems  with the  product  or  manufacturer  may  result  in  restrictions  or
sanctions on such product or manufacturer,  including  withdrawal of the product
from the market.

         Possible    Regulation    of    Cosmeceutical    Products   as   Drugs.
"Cosmeceuticals"  are not  defined in the FD&C Act.  The FDA has not defined the
term  by  regulation  and  may  consider  use of the  term  to  imply  drug-like
qualities. The FDA will regulate a particular cosmeceutical product as a drug or
a  cosmetic  (or  both a drug  and a  cosmetic)  depending  primarily  upon  the
manufacturer's intended use for such product. Such intent may be determined from
labeling, advertising, promotional and marketing materials, and any other source
attributable to the  manufacturer or its employees,  representatives  or agents.
Under the FD&C Act, drugs are articles intended for use in the diagnosis,  cure,
mitigation,  treatment or  prevention  of disease or to affect the  structure or
function of the body. By comparison,  cosmetic  products are defined as articles
intended  to be rubbed,  poured,  sprinkled  or sprayed on,  introduced  into or
otherwise   applied   to  the  body  for   cleansing,   beautifying,   promoting
attractiveness or altering its appearance.  Some


products,  however, may satisfy the definition of a drug and a cosmetic, and the
FDA has  generally  regulated  as drugs  products  that are  intended  to have a
physiological  effect on the body, for example, to alter the skin in more than a
temporary way. Unlike drugs,  products that constitute  cosmetics (but not drugs
as well) under the FD&C Act do not require  pre-market review or approval of the
FDA, but cosmetics must be safe under normal  conditions of use, and comply with
FDA labeling and  manufacturing  requirements.  Furthermore,  the Federal  Trade
Commission  ("FTC"),  as well as  state  and  local  authorities,  oversees  the
advertising of cosmetic products and prohibits false,  misleading,  deceptive or
unsubstantiated  advertising.  The FTC has the  authority  to seek a  number  of
remedies   against  a  company  that  it  believes  fails  to  comply  with  its
requirements, including, but not limited to, preliminary injunctive relief.

         We plan  to  label,  market,  promote,  advertise  and  distribute  our
cosmeceutical   products  with  claims  intended  to  be  within  the  statutory
definition of cosmetic.  There can be no assurance,  however,  that the FDA will
not determine that some or all of our cosmeceutical  products are drugs, and are
therefore subject to more stringent regulatory  oversight,  including pre-market
approval, based on their intended use or ingredients.

         The FDA has at  times  in the  past  contended,  and may in the  future
contend,  that  one or  more  cosmeceutical  products,  including  Cellegy's  or
competitors'  anti-wrinkling  or skin  rejuvenating  products that are currently
marketed or may in the future be  marketed,  are not  cosmetics  but instead are
subject to regulation as drugs.  Even if the FDA were not  ultimately to prevail
with regard to such a contention,  such a claim by the FDA could have a material
adverse effect on our ability to market our proposed  cosmeceutical products and
could significantly delay or prohibit marketing of such products.

         OTC Monograph.  Most over the counter ("OTC") drug products marketed in
the  United  States are not  subjected  to the FD&C  Act's  pre-market  approval
requirements.  In 1972,  the FDA  instituted  the  ongoing  OTC Drug  Review  to
evaluate the safety and  effectiveness of OTC drugs then on the market.  Through
this  process,  the FDA issues  monographs  that set forth the  specific  active
ingredients, dosages, indications and labeling statements for OTC drugs that the
FDA will consider  generally  recognized as safe and effective and therefore not
subject to  pre-market  approval.  For certain  categories  of OTC drugs not yet
subject to a final  monograph,  the FDA usually will not take regulatory  action
against such a product unless  failure to do so poses a potential  health hazard
to consumers. OTC drugs not covered by pending or final OTC monographs, however,
are subject to  pre-market  review and  approval by the FDA through the NDA/ANDA
mechanism.  Even if Cellegy  seeks FDA  approval of a product  for OTC  consumer
sales,  the FDA  could  instead  require  that the  product  be  distributed  by
prescription  only.  Such a  requirement  could  delay  for  several  years,  or
indefinitely, distribution of our products directly to consumers.

         Manufacturing.  Each  domestic  drug  manufacturing  facility  must  be
registered  with the FDA.  Domestic  drug  and,  to a  lesser  extent,  cosmetic
manufacturing  establishments  are subject to routine  inspection by the FDA and
other regulatory  authorities and must comply with GMP requirements (albeit less
extensive ones for cosmetics than for drugs),  and any applicable state or local
regulatory requirements. We intend to use contract manufacturers that operate in
conformance  with these  requirements  to produce  our  compounds  and  finished
products in commercial quantities.  There can be no assurance that manufacturing
or quality control  problems will not arise at the  manufacturing  plants of our
contract  manufacturers or that such  manufacturers will be able to maintain the
compliance with the FDA's GMP requirements  necessary to continue  manufacturing
our products.

         Foreign  Regulation  of Drugs.  Whether  or not FDA  approval  has been
obtained,  approval of a product by  comparable  regulatory  authorities  may be
necessary  in foreign  countries  before the  commencement  of  marketing of the
product in such countries.  The approval  procedures vary among  countries,  can
involve additional testing,  and the time required may differ from that required
for FDA approval.  Although there are some  procedures  for unified  filings for
certain European  countries,  in general each country has its own procedures and
requirements, many of which are time consuming and expensive. Thus, there can be
substantial delays in obtaining required approvals from both the FDA and foreign
regulatory  authorities after the relevant  applications are filed. We expect to
rely  principally  on  corporate  partners,   licensees  and  contract  research
organizations, along with our expertise, to obtain foreign governmental approval
in foreign countries of drug formulations utilizing its compounds.

         Other Government Regulation. In addition to regulations enforced by the
FDA,  Cellegy is also subject to regulation  under the  Occupational  Safety and
Health Act, the Environmental  Protection Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act,
the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery Act and other similar federal and state
laws regarding, among other things, occupational safety, the use and handling of
radioisotopes,   environmental   protection  and


hazardous  substance  control.  Although we believe that we have  complied  with
these laws and  regulations in all material  respects and have not been required
to take any action to correct any noncompliance,  there can be no assurance that
Cellegy  will  not be  required  to  incur  significant  costs  to  comply  with
environmental and health and safety  regulations in the future. Our research and
development involves the controlled use of hazardous materials,  chemicals,  and
various  radioactive  compounds.  Although we believe that our safety procedures
for  handling  and  disposing  of  such  materials  comply  with  the  standards
prescribed   by  state  and  federal   regulations,   the  risk  of   accidental
contamination or injury from these materials cannot be completely eliminated. In
the event of such an accident, Cellegy could be held liable for any damages that
result and any such liability could exceed our resources.

         Health Care Reform. In the United States,  there have been, and Cellegy
expects  there will  continue to be, a number of federal and state  proposals to
implement  cost  controls  and other  health care  regulatory  measures.  Future
legislation  could  result in a  substantial  restructuring  of the health  care
delivery  system.  While we cannot predict whether any legislative or regulatory
proposals will be adopted or the effect such proposals may have on our business,
the uncertainty of such proposals could have an adverse effect on our ability to
raise capital and to identify and reach agreements with potential partners,  and
the adoption of such proposals could have an adverse effect on Cellegy.  In both
domestic and foreign markets,  sales of our therapeutic  products,  if any, will
depend in part on the  availability of reimbursement  from  third-party  payors.
Third-party  payors and others  increasingly  are challenging the prices charged
for medical  products and services.  There can be no assurance that our products
will be considered  cost effective,  that  reimbursement  will be available.  We
cannot predict the outcome of any government or industry  reform  initiatives or
the impact thereof on our financial position or results of operations.

         Restrictions on Physician  Marketing.  The American Medical Association
("AMA") is questioning the ethics of physicians selling  cosmeceutical  products
for  a   significant   profit.   Hearings  on  this  subject  by  state  medical
organizations  are occurring and will continue to occur over the next years. Any
action by the AMA reducing  profits to physicians from such sales may reduce the
number of physicians selling such products.


         The  pharmaceutical  and cosmeceutical  industries are characterized by
extensive  research efforts and rapid and significant  technological  change. In
the development and marketing of topical  prescription drugs,  cosmeceutical and
skin  care  products,   and  drug  delivery   systems,   Cellegy  faces  intense
competition. Competitors of Cellegy in the United States and abroad are numerous
and include, among others, major pharmaceutical,  cosmetic,  chemical,  consumer
product, and biotechnology companies,  specialized firms, universities and other
research  institutions.  There can be no assurance that our competitors will not
succeed in developing  technologies and products that are safer,  more effective
or less costly than any which are being developed by us or that would render our
technology and potential  products  obsolete and  noncompetitive.  Many of these
competitors  have  substantially  greater  financial  and  technical  resources,
production and marketing capabilities and regulatory experience than us. Even if
our products  should prove to be more  effective  than those  developed by other
companies, other companies may be more successful than we are because of greater
financial resources,  greater experience in conducting  pre-clinical studies and
clinical  studies  and in  obtaining  regulatory  approval,  stronger  sales and
marketing efforts,  earlier receipt of approval for competing products and other
factors. If we commence significant  commercial sales of our products, we or our
collaborators  will  compete in areas in which we have little or no  experience,
such as manufacturing and marketing.  In addition,  many of our competitors have
significantly  greater  experience in  pre-clinical  testing and human  clinical
trials of  pharmaceutical  products  and in obtaining  FDA and other  regulatory
approvals of products for use in health care. In addition,  these  companies and
academic and research  institutions  compete with us in recruiting and retaining
highly qualified scientific and management personnel.

         Therapies for sexual dysfunction and women's health product represent a
very large market opportunity, especially as the overall population continues to
age. As the size of the market  continues to grow, the competition  will expand.
The approval and marketing of competitive products and other products that treat
the indications targeted by Cellegy could adversely affect the market acceptance
of Cellegy's products.  The presence of directly competitive products could also
result in more intense price competition than might otherwise exist, which could
have a material  adverse effect on Cellegy.  Cellegy  believes that  competition
will be intense for all of its products.



         As of  February  22,  2001,  we  had 30  full-time  and  two  part-time
employees.  Twenty-one of these employees, 2 of whom are M.D's and another 8 are
Ph.D.'s,  are engaged in research and development.  In addition,  we utilize the
services of several professional consultants,  as well as contract manufacturing
and research  organizations to supplement our internal staff's activities.  None
of our employees are represented by a labor union.  We have  experienced no work
stoppages and we believe that our employee relations are good.


         Cellegy  currently  leases 65,340 square feet of space located in South
San  Francisco.  Approximately,  33,154  square feet of this space,  is in turn,
subleased to two  companies  under  sublease  agreements.  The primary  sublease
expires on December 17, 2001,  but may be extended  under certain  circumstances
described in the agreement. Total rental income from rent payments to Cellegy is
estimated  at  $847,000  for 2001.  We believe our  current  facilities  will be
adequate for our needs for at least the next five years.

         We also  sublease our previous  administrative  offices in Foster City,
California  to another  company.  The rent is currently  $11,798 per month.  Our
lease and the sublease term expire on July 31, 2001.


         Cellegy is not a party to any material legal proceedings.


         No matters  were  submitted  to a vote of our  shareholders  during the
fourth quarter of the year ended December 31, 2000.



The directors and executive officers of Cellegy are as follows:

       Name                              Age    Position

       K. Michael Forrest                57     Chairman, President, Chief
                                                  Executive Officer and Director
       Daniel L. Azarnoff, M.D.          74     Sr. Vice President, Clinical and
                                                  Regulatory Affairs
       John J. Chandler                  59     Vice President, Business
       A. Richard Juelis                 52     Vice President, Finance and
                                                  Chief Financial Officer
       Felix J. Baker, Ph.D. (1)         31     Director
       Julian C. Baker (2)               34     Director
       Jack L. Bowman (1)                68     Director
       Tobi B. Klar, M.D.                46     Director
       Ronald J. Saldarini, Ph.D. (2)    61     Director
       Alan A. Steigrod (1)              63     Director
       Carl R. Thornfeldt, M.D.          49     Director
       Larry J. Wells (2)                58     Director

- ------------


(1)  Member of the Compensation Committee.
(2)  Member of the Audit Committee.

         K. Michael  Forrest.  Mr. Forrest  became  Chairman in May 2000 and has
been  President,  CEO, and a director since December 1996.  From January 1996 to
November 1996, he served as a  biotechnology  consultant.  From November 1994 to
December  1995,  he served as President and CEO of Mercator  Genetics,  a public
biotechnology  company. From March 1991 to June 1994, he served as President and
CEO of Transkaryotic Therapies,  Inc., a public biotechnology company. From 1968
to 1991,  Mr.  Forrest held a series of positions  with Pfizer,  Inc. and senior
management positions with American Cyanamid, including Vice President of Lederle
U.S. and Lederle  International.  He is a director of AlphaGene  Inc., a private
functional  genomics  company,  and  INEX  Pharmaceuticals,   a  public  company
developing anti-cancer products.

         Carl R. Thornfeldt, M.D. Dr. Thornfeldt is a co-founder and a director,
as well as a physician,  board certified in dermatology.   Dr. Thornfeldt served
as acting CEO from July 1996 to  December  1996.  In  addition,  Dr.  Thornfeldt
served as Vice President,  Research and Development  from October 1994 until May
1996. Since 1983, Dr. Thornfeldt has maintained a private  dermatology  practice
and is an Assistant  Clinical  Professor in  Dermatology  at the  University  of
Oregon  Health  Sciences  Center.  Dr.  Thornfeldt  received  his M.D.  from the
University  of Oregon  Health  Sciences  Center.  He completed  his  dermatology
residency at the University of California, San Diego.

         Daniel L. Azarnoff, M.D. Dr. Azarnoff joined Cellegy as Vice President,
Clinical and Regulatory Affairs in October 1997. He became Senior Vice President
in July 1999, and in February of 2001 assumed the position of Sr, Vice President
of Medical and Regulatory Affairs and was given the additional  reponsibility of
Medical  Director.  Since January 1986, Dr.  Azarnoff has been President of D.L.
Azarnoff  Associates and will continue consulting to the industry on a part-time
basis. From August 1978 to December 1985, he served as President of Research and
Development  at G.D.  Searle and Co. From July 1967 to August 1978,  he was KUMC
Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, as well as the Director of
the Clinical  Pharmacology-Toxicology Center at the University of Kansas Medical
Center.  Dr.  Azarnoff  has also  served  as a member  of  advisory  and  expert
committees within the Food and Drug  Administration,  World Health Organization,
American  Medical  Association,   National  Academy  of  Sciences  and  National
Institutes of Health. He received his M.D. from the University of Kansas Medical
School. Dr. Azarnoff was a director of Cibus Pharmaceutical through 1998, and is
currently director of Western Center Clinical Trials, and Entropin, Inc.

         John  J.  Chandler.  Mr.  Chandler  became  Vice  President,  Corporate
Development  in May 1998.  From  January  1995 to March 1998,  he served as Vice
President,  Europe for the Medical  Device  Division of American Home  Products.
During  1994,  he was Area  Director,  Europe/Latin  America for  American  Home
Products.  From  1968 to  1993,  he  held a  series  of  management  and  senior
management  positions  with American  Cyanamid  Company.  Mr.  Chandler holds an
M.B.A.  in Marketing  from Seton Hall  University and a B.S. in Biology from the
Queens College of the City University of New York.

         A. Richard Juelis. Mr. Juelis became Vice President,  Finance and Chief
Financial  Officer in November  1994.  From January  1993 to  September  1994 he
served as Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer for VIVUS, Inc., a
publicly  traded drug delivery  company.  From October 1990 to December 1992, he
served  as  Vice  President,   Finance  and  Chief  Financial  Officer  at  XOMA
Corporation,  a public biotechnology  company. Mr. Juelis has also held domestic
and   international    financial   and   general   management   positions   with
Hoffmann-LaRoche from 1976 to 1982, and Schering-Plough from 1983 to 1990.

         Felix J. Baker,  Ph.D.  Dr. Baker became a director in May 2000. He has
managed healthcare investments for the Tisch Family since 1994, as well as other
investment  partnerships  focused on the life sciences industry.  Dr. Baker is a
director of Neurogen Corporation,  a public pharmaceutical  company, and several
private  companies.  He holds a B.S. with honors and a Ph.D. in Immunology  from
Stanford University.

         Julian C. Baker.  Mr. Baker became a director in December  2000. He has
managed healthcare investments from several investment funds including funds for
the Tisch Family since 1994. Previously,  Mr. Baker was a investment banker with
the Merchant  Banking  Division of Credit  Suisse First  Boston.  Mr. Baker is a
director of Neurogen Corporation,  a public pharmaceutical  company, and several
private companies. He holds a B.A., magna cum laude, from Harvard University.


         Jack L. Bowman.  Mr. Bowman  became a director in December  1996. He is
currently a consultant  to various  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology  industry
groups.  From August 1987 to January  1994,  he was  Company  Group  Chairman at
Johnson  &  Johnson,  where  he  managed  much  of  its  global  diagnostic  and
pharmaceutical businesses. Before then, Mr. Bowman held executive positions with
CIBA-Geigy  and American  Cyanamid,  where he had  responsibility  for worldwide
pharmaceutical,  medical device, and consumer product divisions. He is currently
a director of Celgene Corporation,  NeoRx Corp., CytRx Corp., Cell Therapeutics,
Inc., Targeted Genetics,  Inc. and Osiris  Therapeutics,  and is the Chairman of
Reliant Pharmaceuticals.

         Tobi B. Klar,  M.D.  Dr. Klar became a director in June 1995.  She is a
physician, board certified in dermatology. Since 1986, Dr. Klar has maintained a
private dermatology  practice and has served as Co-Chairperson of the Department
of Dermatology at New Rochelle Hospital Medical Center, New Rochelle,  New York,
and Associate  Clinical  Professor in  dermatology  at Albert  Einstein  Medical
Center in New York City. Dr. Klar holds a M.D. from the State  University of New

         Ronald J.  Saldarini,  Ph.D.  Dr.  Saldarini  became a director in July
1999,  after  retiring  from American  Home  Products  (AHP).  He is currently a
director of Idun Pharmaceuticals,  Therion Biologics, Alphavax and Medarex, Inc.
He serves on two committees  (Military  Vaccines,  Immunization  Finance) at the
National  Academy of Sciences  Institute of Medicine and is a consultant  to the
Malaria Vaccine Initiative. He is also an associate with Naimark and Associates,
a consulting firm, which provides service to the healthcare  industry.  Prior to
his  board  membership,  he was the  President  of Wyeth  Lederle  Vaccines  and
Pediatrics,  a  division  of AHP from  January  1995 to June  1999.  He was also
President of the Lederle-Praxis  Biologicals Division from 1989 through 1994. He
has been a member of the National  Vaccine  advisory  Committee and the National
Advisory  Commission  on  Childhood  Vaccines.  He received  his Ph.D.  from the
University of Kansas in Biochemistry and Physiology.

         Alan A. Steigrod.  Mr. Steigrod  became a director in July 1996.  Since
January 1996 he has been Managing Director of Newport HealthCare Ventures, which
invests in and advises biopharmaceutical  companies. From March 1993 to November
1995,  he  served as  President  and CEO of Cortex  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.  From
February 1991 to February 1993, he worked as a  biotechnology  consultant.  From
March 1981  through  February  1991,  Mr.  Steigrod  held a series of  executive
positions with Glaxo, Inc., serving as Chairman of Glaxo's operating  committee,
as well as on its board of directors. Prior to Glaxo, Mr. Steigrod held a number
of senior management positions with Boehringer  Ingelheim,  Ltd. and Eli Lilly &
Co. He is a director of Sepracor Inc. and NeoRx Corporation.

         Larry J.  Wells.  Mr.  Wells  became a director  in 1989.  For the past
seventeen years, he has been a venture capitalist.  He is the President of Wells
Investment  Group, the General Partner of Daystar  Partners,  and the founder of
Sundance Venture Partners, L.P., a venture capital fund. Mr. Wells is a director
of Identix, Inc., Isonics Corp., Wings America and CCF Brands.

         Directors hold office until the next annual meeting of shareholders and
until their  respective  successors  have been elected and qualified.  Executive
officers are chosen by and serve at the  discretion  of the Board of  Directors,
subject to any written employment agreements with the Company.

         Standing  committees  of the Board  include  an Audit  Committee  and a
Compensation  Committee.  Mr. Wells,  Mr. J. Baker and Dr. Saldarini are current
members  of the Audit  Committee.  The Audit  Committee  reviews  the  Company's
accounting  practices,  internal  control  systems and meets with the  Company's
outside  auditors  concerning  the scope and terms of their  engagement  and the
results of their audits. Dr. Felix Baker and Messrs. Bowman and Steigrod are the
current  members  of the  Compensation  Committee.  The  Compensation  Committee
recommends  compensation  for officers and employees of the Company,  and grants
options and stock awards under the Company's employee benefit plans.


                                     PART II


Price Range of Common Stock

         Cellegy's  common  stock  currently  trades on The Nasdaq  Stock Market
under the symbol  "CLGY." The  following  table sets forth the range of high and
low sales prices for the common stock as reported on The Nasdaq Stock Market for
the periods indicated below.

2000                                                           High        Low
- ----                                                          -----        ----
First Quarter........................................       $  9.97     $  3.25
Second Quarter.......................................          8.25        4.69
Third Quarter........................................          9.43        8.00
Fourth Quarter.......................................          8.00        4.38

First Quarter........................................      $   4.63     $  3.50
Second Quarter.......................................          5.44        3.31
Third Quarter........................................          8.88        5.00
Fourth Quarter.......................................         10.88        3.16


         As of February 22, 2001, there were  approximately  125 shareholders of
record excluding beneficial holders of stock held in street name.

Dividend Policy

         We have never paid cash or declared  dividends on our common stock.  We
do not anticipate that we will declare or pay cash dividends on our common stock
in the foreseeable future.



                                                                                                                        Period From
                                                                                                                          June 26,
($000's)                                                                                                                   Through
                                                       1996          1997          1998          1999          2000          2000
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Statement of Operations Data:

Revenues .......................................     $    648      $    828      $    832      $  1,045      $  1,586      $  6,068

Costs and expenses .............................        4,346         9,238         9,266        10,847        13,274        57,931
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------      --------

Loss from operations ...........................       (3,698)       (8,410)      (8,434)       (9,802)       (11,689)      (51,863)

Interest income (expense) and other,
net ............................................          330           556         1,068           501           271         2,400
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------      --------

Net loss .......................................       (3,368)       (7,854)       (7,366)       (9,301)      (11,418)      (49,463)

Non-cash preferred dividends ...................        1,414            35          --            --            --           1,449
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------      --------

Net loss applicable to common
  shareholders .................................     $ (4,782)     $ (7,889)     $ (7,366)     $ (9,301)     $(11,418)     $(50,912)
                                                     ========      ========      ========      ========      ========      ========

Basic and diluted net loss per common
shareholder ....................................     $  (1.11)     $  (1.18)     $  (0.73)     $  (0.85)     $  (0.91)
                                                     ========      ========      ========      ========      ========

Weighted average common shares
outstanding ....................................        4,307         6,670        10,160        10,914        12,542

                                                                            As of December 31,
                                                       1996          1997          1998          1999         2000
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Balance Sheet Data:

Cash, cash equivalents and investments .........     $  7,315      $ 21,726      $ 15,220      $ 16,737      $ 15,923 (1)

Total assets ...................................        7,696        22,751        19,484        20,913        21,259

Deficit accumulated during the
  development stage ............................      (14,937)      (22,826)      (30,192)      (39,494)      (50,912)

Total shareholders' equity .....................        7,387        21,354        14,218        15,839        18,794

(1)  Includes restricted cash of $614


         This Annual  Report on Form 10-K  includes  forward-looking  statements
that  involve  substantial  risks  and  uncertainties.   These   forward-looking
statements are not historical  facts, but rather based on current  expectations,
estimates and projections  about our industry,  our beliefs and our assumptions.
Words  such as  "believes,"  "anticipates,"  "expects,"  "intends"  and  similar
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, but are not the
exclusive means of identifying such statements. These forward-looking statements
are not guarantees of future  performance and concern matters that involve risks
and  uncertainties  that could cause actual  results to differ  materially  from
those in the forward-looking  statements.  These risks and uncertainties include
those  described  in "Factors  That May Affect  Future  Operating  Results"  and
elsewhere  in this Annual  Report.  Except as required by law, we  undertake  no
obligation to revise any  forward-looking  statements in order to reflect events
or  circumstances  that may arise after the date of this Annual  Report.  Actual
events or results  may differ  materially  from those  discussed  in this Annual


         Cellegy Pharmaceuticals,  Inc., a specialty  biopharmaceutical  company
incorporated   in  California  in  1989,  is  engaged  in  the   development  of
prescription   drugs  and  skin  care  products.   We  are  developing   several
prescription drugs,  including Anogesic, a  nitroglycerin-based  product for the
treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids and two transdermal  testosterone gel
products,  Tostrex,  for the treatment of male  hypogonadism,  a condition  that
affects men, generally above the age of forty, and Tostrelle,  for the treatment
of sexual  dysfunction in menopausal women. We are testing and developing a line
of anti-wrinkling  cosmeceutical products which we believe will address the skin
care needs of an affluent and aging population.


         In December 1997, we completed an asset purchase agreement with Neptune
Pharmaceutical  Corporation  to acquire patent and other  intellectual  property
rights  relating  to  Anogesic.   Our  expenses  relating  to  Anogesic  product
development and clinical trials are expected to increase during the remainder of
2001  as a  result  of  the  on-going  activities  associated  with  the  second
confirmatory Phase III clinical trial initiated in 2000.

         In September 1998, we began initial  shipments and product sales of C79
Intensive  Moisturizing  formulation  to Gryphon  Development  Inc., the product
development arm of a major specialty retailer. C79 is a key ingredient in a line
of healing hand creams sold at most of the  specialty  retailer's  stores in the
United States.

         In June 2000, we acquired all assets of the  Australian  company,  Quay
Pharmaceuticals  Pty  Ltd,  an  Australian   pharmaceutical   company  producing
Rectogesic,  a drug similar to Anogesic. The acquired assets consisted of Quay's
inventory,  other  tangible  assets,  and  purchased  technology.  The aggregate
purchase  price of $1,835,000  included an aggregate  value of 169,224 shares of
our common stock paid to Quay with an estimated value of $977,000,  the warrants
to purchase  171,146 shares of common stock with an estimated value of $489,000,
and cash payments of $369,000.  The purchase price was allocated to net tangible
assets of $97,000,  purchased technology of $770,000,  and goodwill of $968,000
based  on  their  estimated  fair  values  on the  acquisition  date.  Purchased
technology  and  goodwill  are  being   amortized  over  three  and  ten  years,

         In October 2000,  Cellegy  completed a private placement of 1.5 million
shares of its common  stock,  resulting  in $11.6  million of gross  proceeds to
Cellegy. Participants in the financing included three institutional investors.

Results of Operations

Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

         Revenues. Cellegy had revenues of $1,586,000,  $1,045,000, and $832,000
in 2000, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  Revenues in 2000 consisted of $1,389,000
in product sales to Gryphon Development,  the product development arm of a major
specialty  retailer,  $125,000 in  Rectogesic  sales in Australia and $72,000 in
SBIR grant  funding.  The increase of $541,000 in 2000 compared with 1999 is due
primarily to an increase in product  sales to Gryphon  Development  of $491,000,
Rectogesic  sales in Australia of $125,000  offset by a decrease in  development
funding  from Glaxo of  $74,000.  The  increase in 1999  compared  with 1998 was
primarily  due to a $440,000  increase in Gryphon  sales offset by grant funding
which was $227,000 lower in 1999.

         Research and Development  Expenses.  Research and development  expenses
were  $9,276,000  in 2000 compared with  $7,965,000 in 1999,  and  $6,668,000 in
1998.  The  increase  of  $1,311,000  in 2000 was  primarily  due to increase in
spending  associated  with Anogesic Phase III and Phase II clinical  trials,  as
well as Phase III and Phase I/II  testosterone gel clinical studies for both men
and women.  In addition to clinical site payments,  clinical costs include costs
of manufacturing  clinical  supplies and costs associated with product stability
studies.  The increase of  $1,297,000  in 1999  compared with 1998 was due to an
increase in Anogesic  clinical trial  expenses.  In each of the three years,  we
incurred higher utility expenses than the preceding year associated with our new
laboratory facilities in South San Francisco, California.

         We expect our  research  spending in 2001 to be, at least,  equal to or
higher than 2000 levels, primarily in support of our Phase III Anogesic clinical
trial, as well as two hemorrhoid  trials using Anogesic and Tostex and Tostrelle
trials.  In addition,  utility rates are expected to be substantially  higher in
2001 than prior years.

         General  and  Administrative   Expenses.   General  and  administrative
expenses  were  $3,631,000  in  2000,  compared  with  $2,613,000  in  1999  and
$2,485,000  in 1998.  The  increase  of  $1,018,000  in 2000 was due to  travel,


expenses  associated  with  our  business   development  programs  and  non-cash
compensation  charges related to certain  warrant grants.  The minor increase of
$128,000 in 1999 compared with 1998 was due to increased  rent and other utility
expenses related to Cellegy's office  facility,  offset by professional  fees in
connection with  construction and design of our new facility,  as well as higher
personnel related expenses. Our general and administrative expenses are expected
to continue to  increase  in the future in support of our  research  and product
commercialization efforts.

         Acquired-In-Process   Technology.  No  acquired-in-process   technology
expenses were incurred  during 2000 and 1999, and 1998. The charge of $3,843,000
was incurred in 1997.  This non-cash  charge to operations  resulted from common
stock issued pursuant to the Anogesic purchase  agreement we signed with Neptune
in 1997.  We  expect  to have  additional  non-cash  charges  in  future  years,
including 2001, if certain  milestones are achieved.  Although the dollar amount
of  future  milestone  payments  is fixed by the  agreement,  the  amount of the
non-cash  accounting  charge  will  vary as a  function  of the  share  price of
Cellegy's common stock at the time the milestone is achieved.

         Interest  Income  and  Other,  Net  and  Interest   Expenses.   Cellegy
recognized  $693,000 in interest income for 2000 compared with $864,000 for 1999
and  $1,091,000  for 1998.  Fluctuations  in  interest  income  earned were tied
primarily to changes in average investment balances during each period and lower
investment  balances in 2000 compared with the prior years.  Interest expense in
2000 was $201,000  compared with $363,000 in interest expense during 1999. Lower
interest  expense in 2000 reflects  lower average loan balances  reflecting  our
pay-down of bank  borrowings.  Other income includes rental income from our sub-
lessees of $80,000 earned during the month of December 2000.  Cellegy's  current
sub-lease  agreement,  expiring in  December  2001,  will result in  significant
rental income  throughout  2001.  Other expense  consists of the amortization of
intangible assets related to the acquisition of Quay Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd.

         Net Loss. The net loss  applicable to common  shareholders  in 2000 was
$11,418,000  or $0.91 per share  based on  12,542,000  weighted  average  shares
outstanding  compared  with  $9,301,000  or $0.85  per  share  in 1999  based on
10,914,000  weighted average shares  outstanding and a net loss of $7,366,000 or
$0.73 per share in 1998 based on 10,160,000 weighted average shares outstanding.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         We have  experienced  net losses and negative cash flow from operations
each year since our  inception.  Through  December 31, 2000,  we had incurred an
accumulated  deficit of $50.9 million and had consumed  cash from  operations of
$41.7  million.  Cash from equity  financing  transactions  have  included  $6.4
million in net proceeds from our initial  public  offering in August 1995,  $6.8
million in net proceeds  from a preferred  stock  financing in April 1996,  $3.8
million in net proceeds  from a private  placement of common stock in July 1997,
$13.8 million in net proceeds from a follow-on public offering in November 1997,
$10.0  million in net proceeds  from a private  placement in July 1999 and $11.6
million in net proceeds from a private  placement in October 2000. In June 1998,
we entered into a loan  agreement  with a commercial  bank to provide up to $4.5
million  with an initial  interest  rate at the bank's  prime  lending rate plus
three  quarters of one  percentage  point  (10.25% at  December  31,  2000).  In
December 1999, the loan was amended to include a revolving  credit line allowing
us to pay down  principal  balances at any time or increase  borrowings  up to a
maximum of $2.5 million.  As of December 31, 2000,  $0.9 million was outstanding
under this arrangement.

         Our cash and  investments  were $15.9  million at December 31, 2000, of
which $614,000 is classified as restricted cash,  compared with $16.7 million at
December 31,  1999.  The  decrease in cash and  investments  of $0.8 million was
principally  due to net proceeds  from the  financing  completed in October 2000
offset by net cash used in operating  activities and in the  acquisition of Quay
Pharmaceuticals  completed  in June  2000.  Our  operations  have  used and will
continue to use substantial  amounts of cash.  Future  expenditures  and capital
requirements  depend on numerous  factors  including,  without  limitation,  the
progress and focus of our research and  development  programs,  the progress and
results of  pre-clinical  and clinical  testing,  the time and costs involved in
obtaining regulatory approvals, the costs of filing, prosecuting,  defending and
enforcing any patent claims and other intellectual  property rights, our ability
to establish new collaborative arrangements, the initiation of commercialization
activities,  the purchase of capital  equipment,  and the  availability of other

         In order to complete the research and development and other  activities
necessary to commercialize our products,  additional financing will be required.
As a result,  we will seek  private  or public  equity  investments  and  future
collaborative arrangements or other transactions with third parties to meet such
needs.  There is no assurance  that such  financing  will be available for us to
fund our operations on acceptable  terms,  if at all.  Insufficient  funding may
require  us to  delay,  reduce  or  eliminate  some or all of its  research  and
development activities,  planned clinical trials and administrative programs. We
believe that available cash resources and the interest  thereon will be adequate
to satisfy our capital needs through at least December 31, 2001.


Factors That May Affect Future Operating Results

         This report contains forward-looking  statements that involve risks and
uncertainties.  Our actual  results  may differ  significantly  from the results
discussed  in this Annual  Report.  Factors  that might cause such a  difference
include, but are not limited to, those discussed below.

We have a history  of  losses,  and we expect  losses to  continue  for at least
several years.

         Our accumulated deficit as of December 31, 2000 was approximately $50.9
million.  We have never  operated  profitably  and,  given our planned  level of
operating expenses,  we expect to continue to incur losses for at least the next
several  years.  We plan to increase  our  operating  expenses as we continue to
devote  significant   resources  to  pre-clinical   studies,   clinical  trials,
administrative,  marketing  and patent  activities.  We have not  generated  any
significant  revenues from  royalties or licensing of our  technologies,  and we
expect that it will take several years for our major prescription products to be
approved in the larger pharmaceutical markets. Accordingly,  without substantial
revenues from new corporate collaborations,  royalties on product sales or other
revenue sources,  we expect to incur substantial and increased  operating losses
in the  foreseeable  future as our earlier  stage  potential  products move into
clinical  development,  and as we  invest  in  research  or  acquire  additional
technologies,  product candidates or businesses.  Our losses may increase in the
future,  and  even if we  achieve  our  revenue  targets,  we may not be able to
sustain or increase  profitability on a quarterly or annual basis. The amount of
future net losses, and the time required to reach profitability, are both highly
uncertain.  To achieve  sustained  profitable  operations,  we must, among other
things,  successfully  discover,  develop,  obtain regulatory  approvals for and
market  pharmaceutical or cosmeceutical  products.  We cannot assure you that we
will ever be able to achieve or sustain profitability.

Our clinical trial results are very difficult to predict in advance, and failure
of one or more clinical trials could adversely affect our business and our stock

         Before we obtain  regulatory  approval for the commercial  sale of most
potential drug products,  we must demonstrate through  pre-clinical  studies and
clinical trials that the product is safe and efficacious for use in the clinical
indication  for which  approval is sought.  We cannot assure you that the FDA or
other  international  regulatory  authorities  will permit us to  undertake  any
future clinical trials for potential  products or to continue any of the current
clinical  trials.  To date,  we have not sought FDA approval to  distribute  any
products.  Moreover,  results of pre-clinical  studies and early clinical trials
may not be good  predictors  of results  that will be  obtained  in  later-stage
clinical trials.  We cannot assure you that Cellegy's present or future clinical
trials,  including for example,  the current Phase III clinical trials using our
Anogesic and Tostrex products,  or the current Phase I/II dose ranging study for
Tostrelle,  will  demonstrate the results  required for approval to market these
potential  products or even to continue with  additional  clinical  development.
Because of the independent  and blind nature of certain human clinical  testing,
there will be extended periods during the testing process when we will have only
limited,  or no, access to information about the status or results of the tests,
and this is the case with our current Phase III Anogesic  clinical trial.  Other
pharmaceutical   companies   have   believed  that  their   products   performed
satisfactorily  in early tests,  only to find their  performance in later tests,
including Phase III clinical trials, to be inadequate or unsatisfactory, or that
FDA Advisory  Committees  have declined to recommend  approval of the drugs,  or
that the FDA itself refused approval, with the result that such companies' stock
prices have fallen  precipitously.  If Anogesic or Tostrex fail to  successfully
complete the current  Phase III trials or related  clinical  testing,  including
toxicology  studies,  our  business  and stock  price  would be  materially  and
adversely affected.

The Company faces intense  competition from larger companies,  and in the future
Cellegy  may not have the  resources  required to develop  innovative  products.
Cellegy's products are subject to competition from existing products.

         The  pharmaceutical  and cosmeceutical  industries are subject to rapid
and  significant  technological  changes. In the  development  and  marketing of
topical prescription drugs, skin care and other cosmeceutical  products and drug
delivery systems, Cellegy faces intense competition.  Cellegy is much smaller in
terms of size and resources  than many of its  competitors  in the United States
and  abroad,  which  include,  among  others,  major  pharmaceutical,  chemical,
cosmetic,  consumer  product and  biotechnology  companies,  specialized  firms,
universities and other research institutions.  Cellegy's competitors may succeed
in developing technologies and products that are more effective than any that we
are developing  and could render  Cellegy's  technology  and potential  products


and  noncompetitive.  Many  of  these  competitors  have  substantially  greater
financial   and  technical   resources,   clinical   production   and  marketing
capabilities  and regulatory  experience.  In addition,  Cellegy's  products are
subject to competition from existing  products.  For example,  Cellegy's Tostrex
product,  if commercialized,  is expected to compete with two currently marketed
transdermal  patch  products  sold  by  Alza  Corporation  and  one  transdermal
testosterone gel product marketed by Unimed/Solvay.  Cellegy's Anogesic product,
if commercialized,  is expected to compete with over-the-counter  products, such
as  Preparation  H  marketed  by  American  Home  Products,  and  various  other
prescription products. As a result, we cannot assure you that Cellegy's products
under development will be able to compete successfully with existing products or
innovative products under development by other organizations.

The type and scope of patent  coverage we have may limit the commercial  success
of our products.

         Cellegy's  success  depends,  in part,  on our ability to obtain patent
protection for our products and methods,  both in the United States and in other
countries.  Several of Cellegy's products are based on existing compounds with a
history of use in humans but are being  developed by Cellegy for new therapeutic
use in skin  diseases.  Cellegy cannot obtain  composition  patent claims on the
compound  itself,  and  will  instead  need to rely on  patent  claims,  if any,
directed to the use of the compound to treat  certain  conditions or to specific
formulations we are attempting to develop.  Cellegy may not be able to prevent a
competitor from using our formulations or compounds for a different purpose.  We
cannot assure you that any  additional  patents will be issued to Cellegy,  that
the protection of any patents issued in the future will be commercially valuable
or that current or future patents will be held valid if subsequently challenged.

         The  patent  position  of  companies  engaged  in  businesses  such  as
Cellegy's business generally is uncertain and involves complex legal and factual
questions.  There is a substantial  backlog of patent applications at the United
States Patent and Trademark  Office.  Further,  issued patents can later be held
invalid by the patent office  issuing the patent or by a court.  There can be no
assurance that any patent applications relating to Cellegy's products or methods
will issue as patents,  or, if issued,  that the patents will not be challenged,
invalidated or circumvented  or that the rights granted  thereunder will provide
us a competitive advantage. In addition, many other organizations are engaged in
research  and product  development  efforts in drug  delivery,  skin biology and
cosmeceutical   fields  that  may  overlap   with   Cellegy's   products.   Such
organizations may currently have, or may obtain in the future,  legally blocking
proprietary rights,  including patent rights, in one or more products or methods
under development or consideration by Cellegy.  These rights may prevent us from
commercializing  technology, or may require Cellegy to obtain a license from the
organizations to use the technology.  Cellegy may not be able to obtain any such
licenses that may be required on reasonable  financial terms, if at all, or that
the patents underlying any such licenses will be valid or enforceable. Moreover,
the laws of certain  foreign  countries  do not  protect  intellectual  property
rights  relating to United  States  patents as  extensively  as those rights are
protected in the United States.  Cellegy is subject to the risk that individuals
or organizations located in such countries will engage in development, marketing
or sales activities of Cellegy's products.

Our product sales strategy involving corporate partners is highly uncertain.  No
new partnership agreements have been finalized.

         Cellegy  is seeking to enter into  agreements  with  certain  corporate
partners  granting  rights to  commercialize  our lead  products,  Anogesic  and
Tostrex. As of the date of this Annual Report,  Cellegy has not entered into any
agreements with third parties to commercialize  either product.  Cellegy may not
be able to establish any such collaborative arrangements.  Failure to enter into
any such arrangements could prevent,  delay or otherwise have a material adverse
effect on our ability to develop and market Anogesic,  Tostrex or other products
(particularly in certain international  markets) that we desire to commercialize
through  third  party  arrangements,  and we may not have the  resources  or the
experience  to  successfully   commercialize  any  such  products  on  our  own.
Similarly,  if we are  unable to find  another  corporate  partner to develop or
market our cosmeceutical products,  they may never be commercialized.  If we are
able to enter into one or more corporate  partner  arrangements,  we may rely on
our partners to conduct clinical  trials,  obtain  regulatory  approvals and, if
approved, manufacture and market or co-promote these products. However, reliance
on third  party  partners  can  create  risks to our  product  commercialization
efforts.  Once  agreements are completed,  Cellegy may have little or no control
over the development of these potential products and little or no opportunity to
review clinical data before or after public  announcement  of results.  Further,
any arrangements that may be established may not be successful.


We are subject to regulation by regulatory  authorities including the FDA, which
could delay or prevent marketing of our products.

         Cellegy's  prescription products, and our ongoing research and clinical
activities  such as those  relating to Anogesic,  Tostrex,  and  Tostrelle,  are
subject to extensive  regulation by governmental  regulatory  authorities in the
United States and other countries.  Extensive current  pre-clinical and clinical
testing  requirements  and the  regulatory  approval  process  of the FDA in the
United  States and of certain  foreign  regulatory  authorities,  or  additional
future  government  regulations,  could prevent or delay regulatory  approval of
Cellegy's  products.   Notwithstanding  our  current  relationships  with  those
authorities,  disagreements  may  occur  in the  future,  and one or more of our
ongoing or planned  clinical  trials  could be delayed or  repeated  in order to
satisfy regulatory  requirements.  For example, if our expanded Phase I/II trial
regarding  Tostrelle(TM) is successful,  we plan to meet with the FDA to discuss
future trials, and the FDA could impose requirements on future trials that could
delay the regulatory  approval process.  Sales of Cellegy's products outside the
United States are subject to regulatory  requirements  governing clinical trials
and marketing  approval.  These requirements vary widely from country to country
and could delay introduction of Cellegy's products in those countries.

Our prospects for obtaining additional financing, if required, are uncertain and
failure to obtain needed financing could affect our ability to develop or market

         Throughout our history,  we have consumed  substantial amounts of cash.
Our cash needs are expected to continue to increase  significantly over at least
the next  several  years in order to fund the  additional  expenses  required to
expand our current  research and  development  programs.  Cellegy has no current
source of  significant  ongoing  revenues or capital  beyond  existing  cash and
investments,  and certain  product sales of Rectogesic in Australia and sales to
Gryphon, the development  subsidiary of a major specialty retailer.  In order to
complete  the  research  and  development  and  other  activities  necessary  to
commercialize our products, additional financing will be required.

         Cellegy  will seek  private  or public  equity  investments  and future
collaborative  arrangements  with third  parties to help fund future cash needs.
Such funding may not be available on acceptable  terms, if at all.  Insufficient
funding may require  Cellegy to delay,  reduce or  eliminate  some or all of our
research and development activities or planned clinical trial programs.  Cellegy
believes that available  cash resources and interest  earned will be adequate to
satisfy its capital needs through at least December 31, 2001.

We  currently  have no  products we sell on our own and have  limited  sales and
marketing experience.

         We may market certain of our products,  if  successfully  developed and
approved,  through a direct sales force in the United  States and through  sales
and  marketing  partnership  or  distribution  arrangements  outside  the United
States. Cellegy has very limited experience in sales, marketing or distribution.
To market our products  directly,  we intend to establish a marketing  group and
direct  sales  force in the  United  States  or  obtain  the  assistance  of our
marketing  partner.  If we enter into marketing or licensing  arrangements  with
established  pharmaceutical companies, our revenues will be subject to the terms
and conditions of such  arrangements and will be dependent on the efforts of our
partner. Cellegy may not be able to successfully establish a direct sales force,
or assure  you that our  collaborators  may not  effectively  market  any of our
potential products, and either circumstance could have a material adverse effect
on our business and stock price.

We have not  manufactured  products before and are dependent on a limited number
of critical suppliers.

         Cellegy has no direct experience in manufacturing commercial quantities
of products and currently does not have any capacity to manufacture  products on
a large  commercial  scale.  We currently  rely on a limited  number of contract
manufacturers  and suppliers to manufacture our  formulations.  Manufacturing or
quality  control  problems could occur at the contract  manufacturers  such that
they  may not be  able to  maintain  compliance  with  the  FDA's  current  good
manufacturing  practice  requirements  necessary to continue  manufacturing  our

We have  very  limited  staffing  and will  continue  to be  dependent  upon key

         Our success is dependent upon the efforts of a small  management  team,
including K. Michael Forrest, our chief executive officer. We have an employment
agreement with Mr. Forrest and certain other officers,  but none of our


officers is bound by an employment  for any specific  term.  If key  individuals
leave Cellegy, we could be adversely affected if suitable replacement  personnel
are not  quickly  recruited.  Our future  success  depends  upon our  ability to
continue to attract and retain  qualified  scientific,  marketing  and technical
personnel.   There  is  intense  competition  for  qualified  personnel  in  all
functional  areas,  and  competition  particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area
where our principal facility is located,  which make it difficult to attract and
retain the qualified  personnel  necessary for the development and growth of our

We are subject to the risk of product liability lawsuits.

         The testing,  marketing and sale of human health care products  entails
an inherent risk of allegations of product liability. We are subject to the risk
that  substantial  product  liability claims could be asserted against us in the
future.  Cellegy has obtained $4 million in insurance  coverage  relating to our
clinical  trials.  There can be no assurance that Cellegy will be able to obtain
or maintain insurance on acceptable terms,  particularly in overseas  locations,
for clinical and  commercial  activities  or that any  insurance  obtained  will
provide adequate protection against potential liabilities.

Our stock price could be volatile.

         Our stock price has from time to time experienced significant price and
volume  fluctuations.   Sometimes  our  stock  price  has  varied  depending  on
fluctuations in the Nasdaq National Market generally, and sometimes fluctuations
have resulted from matters more specific to Cellegy,  such as an announcement of
clinical trial results or other corporate developments. Announcements that could
significantly impact our stock price include:

             o  clinical  trial  results,  such as  results of the  Anogesic  or
                Tostrex trials;
             o  developments  or  disputes   concerning  patent  or  proprietary
             o  publicity  regarding  actual or  potential  clinical  results or
                regulatory   developments   relating  to  our   products   under
                development or by our competitors; and
             o  period-to-period   fluctuations   in  our   financial   results,
                including operating expenses or profits.


         Cellegy invests its excess cash in short-term,  investment grade, fixed
income  securities  under  an  investment  policy.  All of our  investments  are
classified as available-for-sale (see Financial Statements - Note 2). All of our
of our  securities  will mature by the end of 2001.  We believe  that  potential
near-term losses in future earnings,  fair values or cash flows related to their
investment  portfolio  would not be  significant.  Cellegy has a long-term  note
payable  outstanding  (see Financial  Statements - Note 4) with an interest rate
which currently varies with the lender's prime rate.


         The financial  statements and supplementary data required by item 7 are
set forth below on pages F-1 through F-21 of this report.




                                    PART III


         Information  required  by this  Item  with  respect  to  directors  and
compliance  with  Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 may be
found in the sections captioned  "Election of Cellegy Directors" and "Compliance
under Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934"  appearing in the
definitive  Proxy  Statement to be delivered to  shareholders in connection with
the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  expected to be held on May 31, 2000.  Such
information is incorporated  herein by reference.  Information  required by this
Item with  respect to  executive  officers  may be found in Part I hereof in the
section captioned "Executive Officers of the Registrant."


         Information  with  respect  to this  Item may be  found in the  section
captioned "Executive  Compensation"  appearing in the definitive Proxy Statement
to be  delivered  to  shareholders  in  connection  with the  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders expected to be during 2001. Such information is incorporated herein
by reference.


         Information  with  respect  to this  Item may be  found in the  section
captioned  "Security  Ownership  of Certain  Beneficial  Owners and  Management"
appearing in the definitive  Proxy  Statement to be delivered to Shareholders in
connection  with the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  expected to be held during
2001. Such information is incorporated herein by reference.


         Information  with  respect  to this  Item may be  found in the  section
captioned  "Certain  Relationships  and Related  Transactions"  appearing in the
definitive  Proxy  Statement to be delivered to  Shareholders in connection with
the  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  expected  to be held  during  2001.  Such
information is incorporated herein by reference.


                                     PART IV



     (a) The following  exhibits are attached hereto or  incorporated  herein by

    Number           Exhibit Title
    ------           -------------
      2.1  Asset Purchase  Agreement dated December 31, 1997 between the Company
           and Neptune Pharmaceutical  Corporation.  (Confidential treatment has
           been   granted   with   respect  to  portions  of  this   agreement.)
           (Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit  4.4  of  the   Company's
           Registration Statement on Form S-3 declared effective on February 19,

      3.1  Amended  and  Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the  Company.
           (Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit  3.2  to  the   Company's
           Registration  Statement on Form SB-2  (Registration  No. 33-93288 LA)
           declared effective on August 11, 1995 (the "SB-2").)

      3.2  Bylaws of the Company.  (Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 3.3 to
           the SB-2.)

      4.1  Specimen  Common  Stock  Certificate.  (Incorporated  by reference to
           Exhibit 4.1 to the SB-2.)

     10.1  Barrier Repair Formulations License Agreement, dated October 26, 1993
           between the Company and the University of  California.  (Incorporated
           by reference to Exhibit 10.5 to the SB-2.)

     10.2  License  Agreement,  dated March 4, 1994,  regarding Drug Delivery by
           Skin  Barrier  Disruption,  between  the Company  and  University  of
           California. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the SB-2.)

    *10.3  Employment  Agreement,  dated as of January  21,  1996,  between  the
           Company  and Dr.  Carl  Thornfeldt.  (Incorporated  by  reference  to
           Exhibit  10.7 to the  Company's  Form  10-KSB for  fiscal  year ended
           December 31, 1995 (the "1995 Form 10-KSB".)

     10.4  Amended and Restated  Registration  Rights  Agreement dated April 10,
           1992. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.11 to the SB-2.)

    *10.5  1992 Stock Option Plan.  (Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.12
           to the SB-2.)

     10.6  Secured Debenture and Warrant Purchase Agreement dated as of February
           10, 1995. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.13 to the SB-2.)

     10.7  Amended  and  Restated  Registration  Rights  Agreement  dated  as of
           February 10, 1995. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 to the


    Number           Exhibit Title
    ------           -------------
     10.8  Warrant  Agreement  dated as of February 10, 1995.  (Incorporated  by
           reference to Exhibit 10.15 to the SB-2.)

     10.9  Agency  Agreement  dated as of February  10, 1995.  (Incorporated  by
           reference to Exhibit 10.16 to the SB-2.)

    *10.10 1995 Equity  Incentive  Plan  (Incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit
           10.17 to the 1995 Form 10-KSB.)

    *10.11 1995  Directors'  Stock  Option Plan  (Incorporated  by  reference to
           Exhibit 10.18 to the 1995 Form 10-KSB.)

     10.12 Standard  Industrial  Lease dated April 6, 1992,  between the Company
           and H&H  Management.  (Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.20 to
           the 1995 Form 10-KSB.)

     10.13 Loan and  Security  Agreement  between  Silicon  Valley  Bank and the
           Company  dated June 10, 1998  (Incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit
           10.01 to the Company's  Form 10-QSB for the fiscal quarter ended June
           30, 1998.)

     10.14 Lease  Agreement  between the Company and TCNorthern  California Inc.
           dated April 8, 1998  (Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit  10.01 to
           the Company's Form 10-QSB for fiscal quarter ended March 31, 1998.)

    *10.15 Employment Agreement dated November 20, 1996, between the Company and
           K. Michael  Forrest.  (Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to
           the  Company's  Form 10-KSB for fiscal year ended  December  31, 1996
           (the "1996 Form 10-KSB".)

     10.16 Exclusive  Licensing  Agreement for Glylorin  between the Company and
           Glaxo Wellcome Inc. dated November 11, 1996.  (Confidential treatment
           has  been  granted  with  respect  to  portions  of this  agreement.)
           (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.20 to the 1996 Form 10-KSB.)

     10.17 Termination of Exclusive  Licensing Agreement between the Company and
           Glaxo Wellcome Inc. dated October 15, 1999.

     23.1  Consent of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors.

     24.1  Power of Attorney (See signature page.)

     27.1  Financial Data Schedule.

- ----------------

* Represents a management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

     (b) Reports on Form 8-K

     One report on Form 8-K was filed by the Company on 12/1/99 reporting on the
     results of the Phase III Anogesic trial.

     (c) Financial Statement Schedules

     All  schedules  are  omitted  because  they are not  applicable  or are not
     required,  or the information  required to be set forth therein is included
     in the financial statements or notes thereto.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  the Registrant has duly caused this report to
be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,  thereunto duly  authorized,  in the
City of South San Francisco, State of California, on the 2nd day of March, 2001.

                                         CELLEGY PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                                         By: /s/ K. Michael Forrest
                                                 K. Michael Forrest
                                                 Chairman, President and Chief
                                                 Executive Officer

                                Power of Attorney

         Each person whose signature  appears below  constitutes and appoints K.
Michael  Forrest and A.  Richard  Juelis,  jointly and  severally,  his true and
lawful  attorneys-in-fact,  each with the power of substitution,  for him in any
and all capacities,  to sign amendments to this Report on Form 10-K, and to file
the same, with all exhibits thereto and other documents in connection therewith,
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, hereby ratifying and conforming all
that said attorneys-in-fact,  or his substitute or substitutes,  may do or cause
to be done by virtue thereof.

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  this report has been signed by the following persons in the capacities
and on the dates indicated.

           Name                                                Title                                            Date
           ----                                                -----                                            ----
Principal Executive Officer:

/s/ K. Michael Forrest                          Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer              March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------               and Director
    K. Michael Forrest

Principal Financial Officer
and Principal Accounting Officer:

/s/ A. Richard Juelis                           Vice President, Finance, Chief Financial                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------               Officer and Secretary
    A. Richard Juelis


/s/ Carl R. Thornfeldt                          Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
    Carl R. Thornfeldt, M.D.

/s/ Jack L. Bowman                              Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
    Jack L. Bowman

/s/ Felix J. Baker                              Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
    Felix J. Baker

/s/ Julian C. Baker                             Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
    Julian C. Baker

/s/ Tobi B. Klar                                Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
    Tobi B. Klar

/s/ Ronald J. Saldarini                         Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
    Ronald J. Saldarini

/s/  Alan A. Steigrod                           Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
     Alan A. Steigrod

/s/ Larry J. Wells                              Director                                                  March 2, 2001
- -----------------------------------
    Larry J. Wells


                          Index to Financial Statements


Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors                           F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                 F-3
Consolidated Statements of Operations                                       F-4
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity                             F-5

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                       F-8

Notes to Financial Statements                                               F-10


                Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors and Shareholders
Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

We  have  audited  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets  of  Cellegy
Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. (a development stage company) as of December 31, 2000 and
1999,  and the related  consolidated  statements  of  operations,  shareholders'
equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period  ended  December
31, 2000, and for the period from June 26, 1989 (inception) through December 31,
2000.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all  material   respects,   the  consolidated   financial  position  of  Cellegy
Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.  at  December  31,  2000 and 1999,  and the  consolidated
results of its  operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the
period  ended  December  31,  2000,  and for  the  period  from  June  26,  1989
(inception) through December 31, 2000, in conformity with accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States.

Palo Alto, California
February 9, 2001


                                                    Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                    (a development stage company)

                                                     Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                                              December 31,
                                                                                                        2000               1999
                                                                                                    ------------       ------------
Current assets
     Cash and cash equivalents                                                                      $  8,838,192       $    804,089
     Short-term investments                                                                            6,470,537         10,970,718
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                                           956,076          1,026,326
                                                                                                    ------------       ------------
Total current assets                                                                                  16,264,805         12,801,133
Property and equipment, net                                                                            2,848,020          3,149,384
Long-term investments                                                                                       --            4,962,420
Restricted cash                                                                                          613,999               --
Intangible assets                                                                                      1,531,939               --
                                                                                                    ------------       ------------
Total assets                                                                                        $ 21,258,763       $ 20,912,937
                                                                                                    ============       ============

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                                       $  1,443,230       $    714,003
     Accrued compensation and related expenses                                                           139,073            106,223
     Current portion of note payable                                                                     548,133          1,152,828
                                                                                                    ------------       ------------
Total current liabilities                                                                              2,130,436          1,973,054
Long-term portion of note payable                                                                        333,937          2,882,070
Other long term liabilities                                                                                 --              218,993

Shareholders' equity
     Preferred  stock,  no par  value; 5,000,000 shares authorized: Series A
         convertible  preferred stock 1,100 shares designated;  no shares issued
         or outstanding at December 31, 2000 and 1999                                                       --                 --
     Common stock,  no par value; 20,000,000 shares authorized: 13,838,053 shares
         issued and outstanding at December 31, 2000 and 12,010,242 shares issued and
         outstanding at December 31, 1999                                                             69,735,022         55,367,903
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                                (28,807)           (35,471)
     Deficit accumulated during the development stage                                                (50,911,825)       (39,493,612)
                                                                                                    ------------       ------------
     Total shareholders' equity                                                                       18,794,390         15,838,820
                                                                                                    ------------       ------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                                          $ 21,258,763       $ 20,912,937
                                                                                                    ============       ============


                                                       See accompanying notes.


                                                    Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                    (a development stage company)

                                                Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                                                                                     Period from
                                                                                                                    June 26, 1989
                                                                     Years ended December 31,                       December 31,
                                                                     2000              1999              1998              2000
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
     Licensing and contract revenue from affiliate               $       --        $       --        $       --        $  1,145,373
     Licensing, milestone, and development funding                       --             117,303           271,248         1,551,408
     Government grants                                                 71,793            29,976           102,502           501,769
     Product sales                                                  1,513,830           897,859           457,970         2,869,659
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Total revenues                                                      1,585,623         1,045,138           831,720         6,068,209
Costs and expenses:
     Cost of products sold                                            368,113           269,358           113,073           750,544
     Research and development                                       9,275,942         7,965,477         6,668,014        36,818,073
     General and administrative                                     3,630,616         2,612,601         2,485,341        16,519,107
     Acquired in-process technology                                      --                --                --           3,842,968
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Total costs and expenses                                           13,274,671        10,847,436         9,266,428        57,930,692
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Operating loss                                                    (11,689,048)       (9,802,298)       (8,434,708)      (51,862,483)
     Interest expense                                                (200,689)         (362,735)          (22,146)       (1,449,310)
     Interest income and other, net                                   471,524           863,877         1,090,523         3,848,473
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Net loss                                                          (11,418,213)       (9,301,156)       (7,366,331)      (49,463,320)
Non-cash preferred dividends                                             --                --                --           1,448,505
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Net loss applicable to common shareholders                       $(11,418,213)     $ (9,301,156)     $ (7,366,331)     $(50,911,825)
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

     Basic and diluted net loss per common share                 $      (0.91)     $      (0.85)     $      (0.73)
                                                                 ============      ============      ============

Weighted average common shares used in computing
basic and diluted net loss per common share                        12,542,232        10,913,554        10,160,026
                                                                 ============      ============      ============


                                                       See accompanying notes.


                                                    Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                    (a development stage company)

                                           Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity

                                   Series A Convertible    Series B Convertible     Series C Convertible
                                     Preferred Stock         Preferred Stock           Preferred Stock            Common Stock
                                     ---------------         ---------------           ---------------            ------------
                                    Shares      Amount      Shares      Amount       Shares        Amount      Shares       Amount
                                    ------      ------      ------      ------       ------        ------      ------       ------
Issuance of common stock for
   cash through December 31,
   1997                                ---       $ ---         ---      $  ---            ---     $   ---      953,400   $ 126,499
Issuance of common stock for
   services rendered through
   December 31, 1997                   ---         ---         ---         ---            ---         ---      269,116      24,261
Repurchase of common shares
   in 1992                             ---         ---         ---         ---            ---         ---      (3,586)       (324)
Issuance of convertible
   preferred stock, net of
   issuance cost through
   December 31, 1997                27,649   6,801,730         ---         ---        477,081     4,978,505         ---         ---
Issuance of Series A
   convertible preferred
   stock and warrants to
   purchase 14,191
   shares of Series A
   convertible preferred
   stock in exchange for
   promissory notes and
   accrued interest through
   December 31, 1997               625,845   1,199,536         ---         ---            ---         ---          ---         ---
Issuance of convertible
   preferred stock for
   services rendered, and
   license agreement through
   December 31, 1997                50,110     173,198         ---         ---         ---            ---         ---          ---
Issuance of Series B
   convertible preferred
   stock in exchange for
   convertible promissory
   notes in 1992                       ---         ---      12,750     114,000            ---         ---          ---         ---
Issuance of common stock in
   exchange for notes payable          ---         ---         ---         ---            ---         ---       42,960     268,500
Issuance of warrants in
   connection with notes
   payable financing                   ---         ---         ---         ---            ---         ---          ---     487,333
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with IPO in
   August 1995                         ---         ---         ---         ---            ---         ---    1,322,500   6,383,785


                                                       See accompanying notes.

                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

                 Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity

                                   Accumulated      Deficit
                                      Other       Accumulated
                                  Comprehensive     During        Total
                                     Income       Development   Shareholders'
                                     (Loss)          Stage        Equity
                                     ------          -----        ------
Issuance of common stock for
   cash through December 31,
   1997                                   ---            ---   $  126,499
Issuance of common stock for
   services rendered through
   December 31, 1997                      ---            ---       24,261
Repurchase of common shares
   in 1992                                ---            ---         (324)
Issuance of convertible
   preferred stock, net of
   issuance cost through
   December 31, 1997                       ---            ---  11,780,235
Issuance of Series A
   convertible preferred
   stock and warrants to
   purchase 14,191
   shares of Series A
   convertible preferred
   stock in exchange for
   promissory notes and
   accrued interest through
   December 31, 1997                      ---            ---    1,199,536
Issuance of convertible
   preferred stock for
   services rendered, and
   license agreement through
   December 31, 1997                      ---            ---      173,198
Issuance of Series B
   convertible preferred
   stock in exchange for
   convertible promissory
   notes in 1992                          ---            ---      114,000
Issuance of common stock in
   exchange for notes payable             ---            ---      268,500
Issuance of warrants in
   connection with notes
   payable financing                      ---            ---      487,333
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with IPO in
   August 1995                            ---            ---    6,383,785


                                                    Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                    (a development stage company)

                                    Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity - (Continued)

                                Series A Convertible   Series B Convertible      Series C Convertible
                                   Preferred Stock        Preferred Stock          Preferred Stock             Common Stock
                                   ---------------        ---------------          ---------------             ------------
                                 Shares      Amount      Shares     Amount        Shares        Amount      Shares       Amount
                                 ------      ------      ------     ------        ------        ------      ------       ------
Conversion of preferred
   stock, including
   dividends, to common stock
   through December 31,
   1997                          (703,409)  $(7,426,958) (12,750)  $ (114,000)    (477,081)   $(4,978,505) $2,426,762 $12,519,463
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock              ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---      363,103      52,744
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock              ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---      138,481     373,856
Compensation expense related
   to the extension of option
   exercise periods                   ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---     333,481
Non-cash preferred dividends          ---   1,448,505         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
Unrealized gains on
   investments                        ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
Conversion of preferred
   stock, including
   dividends, to common stock       (195)  (2,196,011)        ---        ---             ---         ---      587,879   2,196,011
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   private placement in July
   1997, net of issuance costs        ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---    1,547,827   3,814,741
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the public
   offering of common stock
   in November 1997, net of
   issuance costs                     ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---    2,012,500  13,764,069
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   acquisition of product
   rights from Neptune                ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---      462,809   3,842,968
   Pharmaceutical Corp.
Unrealized loss on investments        ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
Net loss - 1997                       ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
Total Comprehensive Loss -
   1997                               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
Balances at December 31, 1997
                                      ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---   10,123,751 $44,192,387

                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

          Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity - (Continued)

                               Accumulated      Deficit
                                  Other       Accumulated
                               Comprehensive   During the       Total
                                 Income       Development   Shareholders'
                                 (Loss)          Stage         Equity
                                 ------          -----         ------
Conversion of preferred
   stock, including
   dividends, to common stock
   through December 31,
   1997                         $      ---    $      ---  $       ---
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock               ---           ---       52,744
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock               ---           ---      373,856
Compensation expense related
   to the extension of option
   exercise periods                    ---           ---      333,481
Non-cash preferred dividends           ---    (1,448,505)         ---
Unrealized gains on
   investments                      22,167           ---       22,167
Conversion of preferred
   stock, including
   dividends, to common stock          ---           ---          ---
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   private placement in July
   1997, net of issuance costs         ---           ---    3,814,741
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the public
   offering of common stock
   in November 1997, net of
   issuance costs                      ---           ---   13,764,069
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   acquisition of product
   rights from Neptune                 ---           ---    3,842,968
   Pharmaceutical Corp.
Unrealized loss on investments     (34,000)          ---      (34,000)
Net loss - 1997                        ---    (7,854,068)  (7,854,068)
                                   ---------------------   -----------
Total Comprehensive Loss -
   1997                                ---           ---   (7,888,068)
                                   ---------------------   -----------
Balances at December 31, 1997     $(11,833) $(22,826,125) $21,354,429

                             See accompanying notes.


                                                    Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                    (a development stage company)

                                    Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity - (Continued)

                                 Series A Convertible   Series B Convertible      Series C Convertible
                                   Preferred Stock         Preferred Stock          Preferred Stock             Common Stock
                                   ---------------         ---------------          ---------------             ------------
                                  Shares      Amount      Shares     Amount        Shares        Amount      Shares       Amount
                                  ------      ------      ------     ------        ------        ------      ------       ------
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---       13,979      47,740
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---       35,564     123,006
Unrealized gain on investments         ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
Net loss - 1998
                                       ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
                                      -----   --------       ------   -------           -----    ---------- ---------- -----------
Total Comprehensive Loss -
   1998                                ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
                                      -----   --------       ------   -------           -----    ---------- ---------- -----------
Balances at December 31,
1998                                   ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---   10,173,294 $44,363,133
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   private placement of
   common stock in July 1999,
   net of issuance costs               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---    1,616,000 $10,037,662
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---      119,171     502,195
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---      101,777     464,913
Unrealized loss on investments         ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
Net loss - 1999                        ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---         ---
                                      -----   --------       ------   -------           -----    ---------- ---------- -----------
Total Comprehensive Loss-1999          ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---         ---          ---
                                      -----   --------       ------   -------           -----    ---------- ---------- -----------
Balances at December 31, 1999          ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---   12,010,242 $55,367,903
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   private placement of
   common stock in October
   2000, net of issuance
   costs of $22,527                    ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---    1,500,000  11,602,473
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---       62,833     315,800
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock               ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---       95,754     380,516
Fair value of warrants issued
   in Quay acquisition                 ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---          ---     489,477

Common stock issued in
   connection with Quay                ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---      169,224     977,105
Compensation expense related
   to warrants and options
   granted to non-employees            ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---         ---      601,748
Unrealized loss on investments         ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---         ---          ---
Foreign currency translation           ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---         ---          ---
Net loss - 2000                        ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---         ---          ---
                                      -----   --------       ------   -------           -----    ---------- ---------- -----------
Total Comprehensive Loss-2000          ---         ---         ---        ---             ---         ---         ---          ---
                                      -----   --------       ------   -------           -----    ---------- ---------- -----------
Balances at December 31, 2000          ---    $    ---         ---    $   ---             ---    $    ---   13,838,053 $69,735,022
                                      =====   ========       ======   =======           =====    ========== ========== ===========

                                                       See accompanying notes.

                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

          Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity - (Continued)

                                  Accumulated      Deficit
                                    Other         Accumulated
                                 Comprehensive     During the         Total
                                    Income        Development     Shareholders'

                                    (Loss)           Stage           Equity
                                    ------           -----           ------
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock               ---             ---            47,740
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock               ---             ---           123,006
Unrealized gain on investments      59,186             ---            59,186
Net loss - 1998
                                       ---      (7,366,331)       (7,366,331)
                                  --------    ------------      ------------
Total Comprehensive Loss -
   1998                                ---             ---        (7,307,145)
                                  --------    ------------      ------------
Balances at December 31,
1998                              $ 47,353    $(30,192,456)     $ 14,218,030
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   private placement of
   common stock in July 1999,
   net of issuance costs               ---             ---        10,037,662
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock               ---             ---           502,195
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock               ---             ---           464,913
Unrealized loss on investments     (82,824)            ---           (82,824)
Net loss - 1999                        ---      (9,301,156)       (9,301,156)
                                  --------    ------------      ------------
Total Comprehensive Loss-1999          ---             ---        (9,383,980)
                                  --------    ------------      ------------
Balances at December 31, 1999     $(35,471)   $(39,493,612)     $ 15,838,820
Issuance of common stock in
   connection with the
   private placement of
   common stock in October
   2000, net of issuance
   costs of $22,527                    ---             ---        11,602,473
Exercise of warrants to
   purchase common stock               ---             ---           315,800
Exercise of options to
   purchase common stock               ---             ---           380,516
Fair value of warrants issued
   in Quay acquisition                 ---             ---           489,477

Common stock issued in
   connection with Quay                ---             ---           977,105
Compensation expense related
   to warrants and options
   granted to non-employees            ---             ---           601,748
Unrealized loss on investments       8,201             ---             8,201
Foreign currency translation        (1,537)            ---            (1,537)
Net loss - 2000                        ---     (11,418,213)      (11,418,213)
                                  --------    ------------      ------------
Total Comprehensive Loss-2000          ---             ---       (11,411,549)
                                  --------    ------------      ------------
Balances at December 31, 2000     $(28,807)   $(50,911,825)     $ 18,794,390
                                  ========    ============      ============

                             See accompanying notes.


                                                    Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                    (a development stage company)

                                                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                                                                      Period from
                                                                                                                     June 26, 1989
                                                                               Years ended December 31,                 through
                                                                 ------------------------------------------------      December 31,
                                                                     2000              1999              1998              2000
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Operating activities
Net loss                                                         $(11,418,213)     $ (9,301,156)     $ (7,366,331)     $(49,463,320)
Adjustment to reconcile net loss to net cash
used in operating activities:
   Acquired in-process technology                                        --                --                --           3,842,968
   Depreciation and amortization                                      502,470           428,980            15,015         1,214,445
   Intangible assets amortization                                     298,351              --                --             298,351
   Compensation expense related to warrants and
     options granted                                                  601,748              --                --             601,748
   Compensation expense related to the extension of
     option exercise periods                                             --                --                --             338,481
   Amortization of discount on notes payable and
     deferred financing costs                                            --                --                --             567,503
   Issuance of common shares for services                                --                --                --              24,261
   Issuance of convertible preferred stock for
     services rendered, interest, and license
     agreement                                                           --                --                --             240,918
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
      Prepaid expenses and other current assets                        70,250           407,068          (421,481)         (956,076)
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                        729,227          (931,685)          785,870         1,443,230
      Deferred revenue                                                   --            (250,000)         (250,000)             --
      Accrued compensation and related expenses                        32,850            37,126            31,877           139,073
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Net cash used in operating activities                              (9,183,317)       (9,609,667)       (7,205,050)      (41,708,418)

Investing activities
Purchases of property and equipment                                  (201,106)         (747,556)       (2,832,160)       (3,953,715)
Purchases of investments                                          (10,575,000)      (19,947,556)       (5,039,440)      (71,100,449)
Sales of investments                                                9,549,557         8,525,450         5,893,870        23,968,877
Maturities of investments                                          10,500,000         9,015,000         5,500,000        40,637,520
Acquisition of Quay Corporation, net of cash acquired                (369,000)             --                --            (369,000)
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                 8,904,451        (3,154,662)        3,522,270       (10,816,767)


                                                       See accompanying notes.


                                                    Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                    (a development stage company)

                                         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - (Continued)

                                                                                                                       Period from
                                                                                                                      June 26, 1989
                                                                               Years ended December 31,                  through
                                                                 ------------------------------------------------      December 31,
                                                                      2000             1999              1998             2000
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Financing activities
Proceeds from notes payable                                      $       --        $  1,279,187      $  3,220,813      $  8,047,424
Repayment of notes payable                                         (3,152,828)         (465,102)             --          (5,728,538)
Net proceeds from issuance of common stock                         12,298,789        11,004,770           170,746        47,980,925
Other assets                                                         (613,999)             --                --            (613,999)
Other long-term liabilities                                          (218,993)          138,737            80,256              --
Issuance of convertible preferred stock, net of
   issuance costs                                                        --                --                --          11,757,735
Deferred financing costs                                                 --                --                --             (80,170)
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Net cash provided by financing activities                           8,312,969        11,957,592         3,471,815        61,363,377
                                                                 ------------      ------------      ------------      ------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                8,034,103          (806,737)         (210,965)     $  8,838,192
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                        804,089         1,610,826         1,821,791              --
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                         $  8,838,192      $    804,089      $  1,610,826      $  8,838,192
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

Supplemental cash flow information
Interest Paid                                                    $    200,689      $    362,735      $     22,146      $    585,570
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

Supplemental disclosure of non-cash transactions:

Issuance of common stock in connection with
acquired-in-process technology                                   $       --        $       --        $       --        $  3,842,968
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

Conversion of preferred stock to common stock                    $       --        $       --        $       --        $ 14,715,474
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

Issuance of common stock for notes payable                       $       --        $       --        $       --        $    277,250
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

Issuance of warrants in connection with notes payable
   financing                                                     $       --        $       --        $       --        $    487,333
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============
Issuance of convertible preferred stock for notes
   payable                                                       $       --        $       --        $       --        $  1,268,316
                                                                 ============      ============      ============      ============

                                                       See accompanying notes.


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

1.       Accounting Policies

Description of Business and Principles of Consolidation

         The consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of Cellegy
Pharmaceuticals,  Inc. and its  subsidiaries  (the  "Company").  All significant
inter-company balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

         The  Company  was  incorporated  in  California  in June  1989 and is a
development  stage  company.  Since  its  inception,  the  Company  has  engaged
primarily  in  research  and  development  activities  based  upon its  patented
transdermal  and topical  formulation  expertise.  The  Company has  conducted a
number of clinical  trials using its  products,  including  the  preparation  of
manufactured clinical materials.  Laboratory equipment and facility improvements
have been  purchased  and  installed in support of its research and  development
activities.  A  number  of  sponsored,  external  research  programs  have  been

Use of Estimates

         The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with
accounting   principles   generally  accepted  in  the  United  States  requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in
the financial  statements and  accompanying  notes.  Actual results could differ
from those estimates.

Revenue Recognition and Research and Development Expenses

         Revenues related to cost  reimbursement  provisions  under  development
contracts are recognized as the costs associated with the projects are incurred.
Revenues  related  to  milestones  specified  under  development  contracts  are
recognized as the milestones are achieved.  The Company  receives certain United
States government  grants that support the Company's  research effort in defined
research projects.  These grants generally provide for reimbursement of approved
costs incurred as defined in the various grants.  Revenues associated with these
grants are recognized as costs under each grant are incurred.  Revenues  related
to cosmeceutical  product sales are recognized upon shipment when title to goods
has  been  transferred  to  the  customer.  There  is no  right  of  return  for
cosmeceutical sales.

         Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.

Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments

         Cash equivalents  consist of highly liquid  financial  instruments with
original maturities of three months or less. The carrying value of cash and cash
equivalents  approximates  fair value at December 31, 2000 and 1999. The Company
considers  all  its   investments  as   available-for-sale   and  reports  these
investments at estimated fair market value using available  market  information.
Unrealized  gains or losses on  available-for-sale  securities  are  included in
shareholders' equity as other comprehensive income until their disposition.  The
cost of securities sold is based on the specific identification method. Realized
gains or losses  and  declines  in value  judged to be other than  temporary  on
available-for-sale securities are included in interest income and other, net.


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

Property and Equipment

         Property   and   equipment   are   stated  at  cost  less   accumulated
depreciation.  Furniture and fixtures,  and office and laboratory  equipment are
depreciated using the  straight-line  method over estimated useful lives ranging
from three to five years.  Depreciation for leasehold improvements is taken over
the shorter of the  estimated  useful life of the asset or the  remaining  lease


         Goodwill, included in intangible assets, represents the excess purchase
price over the fair value of net assets  acquired and is amortized over 10 years
using the  straight-line  method.  The  carrying  value of  goodwill is based on
management's current assessment of recoverability using objective and subjective
factors.  Amortization  taken to date at  December  31,  2000 was  approximately

Stock-Based Compensation

         The Company  accounts for its stock option  grants in  accordance  with
Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting  for Stock Issued to
Employees" ("APB Opinion No. 25") and related  Interpretations.  The Company has
elected to follow the  disclosure-only  alternative  prescribed  by Statement of
Financial   Accounting   Standards   No.  123,   "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
Compensation"  ("FAS  123").  Under APB 25,  because the  exercise  price of the
Company's  employee stock option equals the market price of the underlying stock
on  the  date  of  grant,  no  compensation  expense  is  recognized.   Deferred
compensation  for  options  granted  to  non-employees  has been  determined  in
accordance with FAS 123 as the fair value of the  consideration  received or the
fair value of the equity instruments issued whichever is more reliably measured.
Deferred  compensation  for options  granted to  non-employees  is  periodically
remeasured as the underlying options vest.

Foreign Currency Translation

         The financial  statements of foreign  subsidiaries have been translated
into U.S.  dollars in accordance with SFAS 52, "Foreign  Currency  Translation".
The foreign subsidiaries  functional currency is its local currency. All balance
sheet  accounts have been  translated  using the exchange rates in effect at the
balance sheet date.  Income  statement  amounts have been  translated  using the
average  exchange  rate for the year.  The gains and losses  resulting  from the
changes in exchange rates have been reported in other comprehensive income.

Comprehensive Income (Loss)

         Comprehensive   income   (loss)   consists   of  net  loss  and   other
comprehensive income or loss.  Accumulated other comprehensive loss presented in
the consolidated  balance sheets consists of the accumulated net unrealized gain
(loss)  on  available-for-sale  investments  and  foreign  currency  translation

Basic and Diluted Net Loss per Common Share

         Basic net loss per common share is computed using the weighted  average
number of common  shares  outstanding  during the  period.  Diluted net loss per
common  share  incorporates  the  incremental  shares  issued  upon the  assumed
exercise of stock options and warrants,  when  dilutive.  There is no difference
between  basic and  diluted  net loss per  common  share,  as  presented  in the
statement of operations, because all options and warrants are anti-dilutive. The
total number of shares  excluded was 5,232,337,  5,386,830 and 5,485,848 for the
years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

New Accounting Standard

         In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting Board issued Statement No. 133,
"Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and  Hedging  Activities",  which  is
required to be adopted in years  beginning  after June 15, 2000.  Because of the
Company's  minimal use of  derivatives,  management does not anticipate that the
adoption of the new statement will have a significant effect on earnings, or the
financial position of the Company.

2.       Investments

         At December 31, 2000 and  1999, available-for-sale  securities  consist
of the following:

                                                      2000                                               1999
                               ------------------------------------------------    -------------------------------------------------
                                                    Gross                                                Gross
                                                  Unrealized                                           Unrealized
                                                     Gains          Estimated                             Gains           Estimated
                                    Cost           (Losses)         Fair Value          Cost            (Losses)         Fair Value
                               ------------      ------------      ------------     ------------      ------------      ------------
Corporate notes                $    999,836      $     (8,879)     $    990,957     $  8,264,411      $    (18,793)     $  8,245,618

U.S. government
notes                             1,997,971           (18,391)        1,979,580        6,481,239           (17,019)        6,464,220

Time deposits                          --                --                --            227,500              --             227,500

Commercial paper                  3,500,000              --           3,500,000          999,459               341           995,800
                               ------------      ------------      ------------     ------------      ------------      ------------

                               $  6,497,807      $    (27,270)     $  6,470,537     $ 15,968,609      $    (35,471)     $ 15,933,138
                               ============      ============      ============     ============      ============      ============

         There have been no  significant  gross  realized gains or losses on the
sale of available-for-sale  securities for the years ended December 31, 2000 and
1999.  All  available-for-sale  securities at December 31, 2000 have  maturities
less than twelve months.

3.       Property and Equipment

         Property and equipment consist of the following:

                                                         2000           1999
                                                     -----------    -----------

Furniture and fixtures                               $   175,271    $   163,965
Office equipment                                         173,419        136,287
Laboratory equipment                                     662,506        553,724
Leasehold improvements                                 2,919,390      2,875,504
                                                     -----------    -----------
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization         3,930,586      3,729,480
                                                      (1,082,566)      (580,096)
                                                     -----------    -----------
                                                     $ 2,848,020    $ 3,149,384
                                                     ===========    ===========


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

4.       Note Payable

         In June 1998, the Company  entered into a loan agreement with a bank to
provide up to $4.5 million  through  December 1999 with interest  rates equal to
the bank's  prime rate plus one  percentage  point.  The  Company is required to
repay the principal amount borrowed in 48 equal monthly  installments  ending in
July 2003. In December 1999, the loan was amended to include a revolving  credit
line allowing the Company to pay down principal balances at any time or increase
its  borrowing up to a maximum of $2.5 million at an interest  rate equal to the
bank's prime rate plus three fourths of one percentage point (10.25% at December
31,  2000).  The fair value of the note  payable is  estimated  based on current
interest rates available to the Company for debt instruments with similar terms,
degrees  of risk,  and  remaining  maturities.  The  carrying  value of the note
approximates  its fair value. As of December 31, 2000, a total of  approximately
$0.9 million is  outstanding  under the  arrangement  and $2.5 million of unused
credit is  available  through  March 23,  2001.  The note is  secured  by all of
Cellegy's  assets  and  requires  the  Company  to  maintain  certain  financial
covenants, all of which were met as of December 31, 2000.

5.       Lease Commitments

         The Company leases its facilities  and equipment  under  non-cancelable
operating leases. Future minimum lease payments,  net of future minimum sublease
income at December 31, 2000, are as follows:

                                   Lease            Sublease     Net of Sublease
                                Commitments          Income           Income
                                ------------      ------------      ------------

            2001                $  1,635,772      $   (846,827)     $    788,945
            2002                   1,499,094              --           1,499,094
            2003                   1,466,552              --           1,466,552
            2004                   1,505,756              --           1,505,756
            2005                   1,544,960              --           1,544,960
            2006 and thereafter    5,075,369              --           5,075,369
                                ------------      ------------      ------------
                                $ 12,727,503      $   (846,827)     $ 11,880,676
                                ============      ============      ============

         Rental expense, net of sublease income, was $1,817,427, $1,815,502, and
$437,245 for the years ended December 31, 2000,  1999,  and 1998,  respectively.
The Company received  $827,742 in sublease income during the year ended December
31, 2000.

         Restricted  cash at December  31, 2000 was  approximately  $614,000 and
secures two letters of credit  related to our  facility,  and is  therefore  not
available for operations.

6.       401(k) Plan

         The  Company  maintains  a savings and  retirement  plan under  Section
401(k) of the Internal  Revenue Code.  All employees are eligible to participate
on their first day of employment with the Company. Under the plan, employees may
contribute  up to 15% of salaries  per year  subject to  statutory  limits.  The
Company provides a matching  contribution equal to 25% of the employee's rate of
contribution,  up to a maximum  contribution rate of 4% of the employee's annual
salary. Expenses related to the plan for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999
and 1998 were not significant.

7.              Acquisitions

         In December 1997, the Company acquired patent and related  intellectual
property  rights  relating  to Anogesic  (the  "Agreement"),  a topical  product
candidate  for the  treatment  of anal  fissures  and  hemorrhoids  from Neptune
Pharmaceuticals Corporation.


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

Under the terms of the  Agreement,  the Company  issued 429,752 shares of common
stock to Neptune on December 31, 1997. Upon the signing of a letter of intent on
November 3, 1997,  33,057  shares of common  stock were  issued to  Neptune.  No
additional  shares have been issued to Neptune  through  December 31, 2000.  The
Agreement calls for a series of additional payments, payable in shares of common
stock,  upon  successful  completion of various  milestones  which, if achieved,
would occur over the next several years. Depending on several factors, including
the market price of the common stock, such payments, which is fixed based on the
agreement,  could result in issuance of a significant number of shares of common
stock. Future potential  milestones payable in Cellegy common stock could result
in the issuance of up to an additional  1,388,000 shares of Cellegy common stock
based on the closing price of Cellegy  stock at time of issuance.  The Agreement
does not provide for the payment by the Company of any future product  royalties
in connection with sales of Anogesic.

         In June 2000, we acquired all assets of the  Australian  company,  Quay
Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd ("Quay"), an Australian pharmaceutical company producing
Rectogesic(TM), a drug similar to Anogesic. The acquired assets consisted of the
Quay's  inventory,  purchased at Quay's cost at the time of  acquisition,  other
tangible  assets and  purchased  technology.  The  aggregate  purchase  price of
$1,835,000  included an  aggregate  value of 169,224  shares of our common stock
issued to Quay with a value of  $977,000,  shares of our  warrants  to  purchase
171,146  common  stock  with a fair  value of  $489,000,  and cash  payments  of
$369,000.  The purchase  price was  allocated to net tangible  asset of $97,000,
purchased  technology  of $770,000,  and  goodwill of  $968,000,  based on their
estimated fair values on the acquisition date. Purchased technology and goodwill
are being amortized over three and ten years, respectively.

         This  transaction  has been  accounted  for by the  purchase  method of
accounting and accordingly,  the approximated  purchase price,  shown above, has
been allocated to the net assets acquired and the  liabilities  assumed based on
the  estimated  fair values at the date of  acquisition,  with the excess of the
purchase  price over  assigned  asset  values  recorded as  goodwill,  which the
Company is  amortizing  over 10 years.  The results of  operating  the  acquired
Company have been included in the Company's  consolidated  financial  statements
since the acquisition date.

8.       License Agreements

         In November  1996,  the Company  entered into an  agreement  with Glaxo
Wellcome Inc. ("Glaxo") for licensing rights to Glylorin, Cellegy's compound for
the treatment of ichthyoses.  Under the terms of the agreement, Cellegy provided
Glaxo with an exclusive  license of patent rights and know-how covering Glylorin
in most of the world's major markets. In exchange for this license,  the Company
received from Glaxo an initial license fee payment. In October 1999, Cellegy and
Glaxo  terminated  the license  agreement with the return to Cellegy of Glylorin
product rights.

         In October  1993,  Cellegy  entered into a license  agreement  with the
University of California providing for an exclusive,  worldwide, royalty bearing
license,  subject to customary  government rights, for patent rights relating to
barrier repair  formulations,  jointly held by the  University  and Cellegy,  in
consideration  of the issuance to the  University of certain shares of preferred
stock (which subsequently converted into shares of common stock) and the payment
by  Cellegy  of a  licensing  fee.  In  March  1994,  we  entered  into a second
exclusive,  worldwide, royalty bearing license agreement with the University for
patent rights jointly held by the  University  and Cellegy,  relating to certain
drug  delivery  technologies,  in  consideration  of the payment by Cellegy of a
licensing fee, and an annual  maintenance fee payable each year until Cellegy is
commercially  selling a licensed product.  In April 2000, Cellegy terminated the
Exclusive License Agreement relating to barrier repair formulations and assigned
its rights in the  invention  to the  University.  We are now in the  process of
terminating  our license for patent  rights  relating to drug  technologies  and
assigning the rights to the University as well.


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

9.       Shareholders' Equity

Common Stock Private Placement

         On July 23, 1997, the Company completed a $3,850,000  private placement
of 1,547,827 shares of common stock. Net proceeds were $3,814,741.  The purchase
price for all  investors,  except the Company's  chief  executive  officer,  was
$2.375 per share.  The purchase price for the shares  purchased by the Company's
chief executive officer in the private placement was $2.875 per share,  which is
equal to the closing price of the common stock on the Nasdaq  SmallCap Market on
the date immediately preceding the closing date of the private placement.

Common Stock Private Placement

         On July 30, 1999,  Cellegy  completed a private  placement of 1,616,000
shares  of  common  stock  at a price  of $6.25  per  share to a small  group of
institutional investors and the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer.
Net proceeds were $10,038,000.

Common Stock Private Placement

         On October 2, 2000,  Cellegy completed a private placement of 1,500,000
shares  of  common  stock  at a price  of  $7.75  per  share  to Four  Partners,
Framlington  Health  Fund,  Munder  Framlington  Healthcare  Fund,  and  Capital
Research and  Management  Company  (SMALLCAP  World Fund Inc). Net proceeds were

Common Stock Issued in Conjunction with Quay Acquisition

         On June 16, 2000,  Cellegy issued 169,224 shares of common stock with a
value of $977,105 to Richcone Pty Ltd and Quay  Pharmaceuticals  Pty Ltd as part
of the $1.8 million purchase price of Quay  Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd. (See note 7
for further discussion.)

Preferred Stock

         The Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  provide that the Company may
issue up to 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock in one or more series. The Board
of Directors is authorized to establish  from time to time the numbers of shares
to be included in, and the designation of, any such shares to determine or alter
the rights, preferences, privileges, and restrictions granted to or imposed upon
any wholly  unissued  series of preferred  stock and to increase or decrease the
number of shares of any such series  without  any further  vote or action by the


         The Company has the following  warrants  outstanding to purchase common
stock at December 31, 2000:

                      Number of            Exercise Price               Date                     Expiration
                       Shares                per Share                 Issued                       Date
                   ----------------       -----------------       ------------------        ---------------------
                            12,400              $     7.23           April 1996                April 18, 2001
                            94,063                    9.75          November 1997            November 24, 2002
                            12,000                    4.00          January 1999              January 19, 2001
                             3,500                    6.81          February 2000            February 25, 2002
                           150,000                    8.50           March 2000                March 21, 2004
                           150,000                   15.00           March 2000                March 21, 2004
                           171,146                    6.60            June 2000                June 13, 2002


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

Stock Option Plans

         In 1995,  Cellegy  adopted the Equity  Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan") to
provide for the  issuance of incentive  stock  options and  non-statutory  stock
options.  When the Plan was  established,  Cellegy  reserved  700,000 shares for
issuance.  From 1996 to 2000, an additional  2,750,000  shares were reserved for
issuance under the Plan.

Activity under the Plan is summarized as follows:

                                                             Shares                     Price                    Weighted
                                                              Under                     Range                    Average
                                                             Option                   Per Share               Exercise Price
                                                        ------------------        -------------------       -------------------
Balance at January 1, 1998                                    1,081,336              $0.46 - $8.81                $4.62
         Granted                                                544,000              $3.25 - $8.50                $6.68
         Canceled                                               (46,344)             $3.07 - $8.25                $6.19
         Exercised                                              (35,564)             $0.46 - $5.50                $3.46
Balance at December 31, 1998                                  1,543,428              $0.46 - $8.81                $5.32
         Granted                                                905,100              $3.69 - $6.25                $4.13
         Canceled                                              (124,655)             $3.62 - $8.81                $5.14
         Exercised                                             (136,110)             $0.46 - $7.25                $4.57
Balance at December 31, 1999                                  2,187,763              $0.46 - $8.81                $4.82
         Granted                                                191,350              $3.31 - $9.00                $6.21
         Canceled                                              (132,718)             $3.00 - $9.00                $5.35
         Exercised                                              (95,754)             $1.81 - $6.25                $3.97
Balance at December 31, 2000                                  2,150,641              $0.50 - $9.00                $5.00

         At December 31, 2000,  options to purchase  1,283,744  shares of common
stock were vested and exercisable at exercise prices ranging from $0.50 to $8.81
per share.  At December 31, 2000,  872,004  options to purchase shares of common
stock were available for future option grants under the Plan.

         The  following  table  summarizes   information   about  stock  options
outstanding and exercisable related to the Plan at December 31, 2000:

                                                Options Outstanding                               Options Exercisable
                             ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
                                                         Weighted          Weighted                                Weighted
                                                          Average           Average                                Average
                                 Outstanding at          Remaining         Exercise          Exercisable at        Exercise
   Range of Exercise Price     December 31, 2000     Contractual Life        Price          December 31, 2000       Price
   -----------------------     -----------------     ----------------        -----          -----------------       -----
            $0.50 - $3.88             884,061            7.6 years           $3.52               472,498            $3.32
            $4.00 - $6.63             820,480            6.6 years           $5.20               533,162            $5.15
            $7.00 - $9.00             446,100            7.5 years           $7.55               278,084            $7.60
                                      -------                                                    -------
            Total                   2,150,641            7.2 years           $5.00              1,283,744           $5.01
                                    =========                                                   =========


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

Director's Stock Option Plan

         In 1995,  Cellegy  adopted the 1995  Directors'  Stock Option Plan (the
"Directors' Plan") to provide for the issuance of non-qualified stock options to
eligible  outside  Directors.  When the Plan was  established,  Cellegy reserved
150,000 shares for issuance.  During 2000,  Cellegy reserved  additional 100,000
shares. Activity under the Directors' Plan is summarized as follows:

                                                             Shares                     Price                    Weighted
                                                              Under                     Range                    Average
                                                             Option                   Per Share               Exercise Price
                                                        ------------------        -------------------       -------------------
Balance at January 1, 1998                                       76,000              $3.25 - $8.50                 $5.07
         Granted                                                 40,000                  $5.50                     $5.50
         Cancelled                                               (2,000)             $3.25 - $8.50                 $5.88
Balance at December 31, 1998                                    114,000              $3.25 - $8.50                 $5.20
         Granted                                                 32,000                  $5.00                     $5.00
         Cancelled                                              (12,083)             $3.25 - $8.50                 $5.46
         Exercised                                              (21,417)             $3.25 - $8.50                 $5.12
Balance at December 31, 1999                                    112,500              $3.25 - $8.50                 $5.13
         Granted                                                 70,000                  $4.81                     $4.81
Balance at December 31, 2000                                    182,500              $3.25 - $8.50                 $5.01

         At December 31, 2000, options to purchase 87,004 shares of common stock
were vested and  exercisable at exercise  prices ranging from $3.25 to $8.50 per
share.  At December 31, 2000,  options to purchase 46,083 shares of common stock
were available for future option grants under the Directors' Plan.

         The  following  table  summarizes   information   about  stock  options
outstanding and exercisable related to the Directors' Plan at December 31, 2000:

                                                Options Outstanding                               Options Exercisable
                             ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
                                                         Weighted          Weighted                                Weighted
                                                          Average           Average                                Average
                                 Outstanding at          Remaining         Exercise          Exercisable at        Exercise
Range of Exercise Price        December 31, 2000     Contractual Life        Price          December 31, 2000       Price
- -----------------------        -----------------     ----------------        -----          -----------------       -----
      $3.25                            4,000             6.4 years           $3.25                  3,000           $3.25
      $4.50 - $5.50                  176,500             8.0 years           $5.01                 82,004           $5.01
      $8.50                            2,000             5.4 years           $8.50                  2,000           $8.50
                                     -------                                                       ------
      Total                          182,500             7.9 years           $5.01                 87,004           $5.11
                                     =======                                                       ======

         The  Company  has  elected to follow  APB  Opinion  No. 25 and  related
interpretations  in accounting for its stock options since, as discussed  below,
the alternative fair market value accounting provided for under FAS 123 requires
use of option  valuation models that were not developed for use in valuing stock
options.  Under APB Opinion No. 25, if the exercise price of the Company's stock
options  is equal to the  market  price of the  underlying  stock on the date of
grant, no compensation expense is recognized.


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

         Pro forma information  regarding net loss and net loss per common share
is required by FAS 123, which requires that the  information be determined as if
the Company has accounted  for its common stock  options  granted under the fair
market value method. The fair market value of options granted has been estimated
at the date of the grant using a Black-Scholes option-pricing model.

         The Company  valued its options  using the following  weighted  average
assumptions for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998:

                                                              2000                   1999                  1998
                                                          -------------          -------------         --------------
           Risk-free interest rate                           6.00%                  5.54%                  5.14%
           Dividend yield                                      0%                     0%                    0%
           Volatility                                         0.91                  0.826                  0.531
           Expected life of options in years                  4.3                    3.7                    4.6

         The  Black-Scholes  option  valuation  model was  developed  for use in
estimating  the fair  market  value  of  traded  options  that  have no  vesting
restrictions and are fully  transferable.  In addition,  option valuation models
require the input of highly subjective assumptions, including the expected stock
price  volatility.  Because the  Company's  stock  options have  characteristics
significantly different from those of traded options, and because changes in the
subjective  input  assumptions  can  materially  affect  the fair  market  value
estimate,  in  management's  opinion,  the  existing  models do not  necessarily
provide a reliable single measure of the fair market value of its stock options.

         For purposes of pro forma disclosures,  the estimated fair value of the
options is amortized to expense over the options' vesting period.  The Company's
pro forma information for the years ended December 31 as follows:

                                                 2000              1999             1998
                                             --------------   ---------------  ---------------
Net loss as reported                         $  (11,418,213)  $    (9,301,156) $    (7,366,331)
Pro forma net loss applicable to common
   shareholders                              $  (13,105,202)  $   (10,612,716) $    (8,220,952)
Basic and diluted net loss as reported       $        (0.91)  $         (0.85) $         (0.73)
Pro forma basic and diluted net loss per
   share applicable to common shareholders   $        (1.04)  $         (0.97) $         (0.81)

         The weighted  average grant date fair value of options  granted  during
the years ended December 31, 2000,  1999, and 1998 was $4.30,  $2.47, and $2.88,
respectively.  The weighted average remaining  contractual life of those options
is 7.2 years,  8.1 years and 8.3 years during the years ended December 31, 2000,
1999 and 1998.

         The effects of applying FAS 123 pro forma disclosures are not likely to
be representative of the effects on reported net loss for future years.

Shares reserved

         As of December  31,  2000,  the Company has  reserved  shares of common
stock for future issuance as follows:

         Warrants                                          593,109
         Stock Option Plans                              3,251,228
         Neptune Agreement                               1,388,000
         Total                                           5,232,337


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

10.      Income Taxes

         At December 31, 2000, the Company had net operating loss  carryforwards
of  approximately  $43,000,000  and  $13,000,000 for federal and state purposes,
respectively.  The federal net operating loss  carryforwards  expire between the
years 2004 and 2020. The state net operating loss  carryforwards  expire between
the years 2001 and 2005. At December 31, 2000, the Company also had research and
development  credit  carryforwards of approximately  $1,100,000 and $700,000 for
federal and state purposes, respectively. The federal credits expire between the
years 2006 and 2020. Pursuant to the "change in ownership" provisions of the Tax
Reform Act of 1986, utilization of the Company's net operating loss and research
and development tax credit  carryforwards  may be limited if a cumulative change
of  ownership of more than 50% occurs  within any  three-year  period.  Deferred
income taxes  reflect the net tax effects of temporary  differences  between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial  reporting purposes and
the  amounts  used  for  income  tax  purposes.  Significant  components  of the
Company's deferred tax liabilities and assets are as follows

                                                           December 31,
                                                      2000              1999
                                                 ------------      ------------
Deferred tax assets:
   Net operating loss carryforwards              $ 15,400,000      $ 11,600,000
   Credit carryforwards                             1,600,000         1,100,000
   Capitalized intangibles                          1,200,000         2,400,000
   Other, net                                         400,000              --
Total deferred tax assets                          18,600,000        15,100,000
Valuation allowance                               (18,600,000)      (15,100,000)
                                                 ------------      ------------
Net deferred tax assets                          $       --        $       --
                                                 ============      ============

         The  valuation  allowance for deferred tax assets for 2000,  1999,  and
1998  increased  by  approximately   $3,500,000,   $3,800,000,  and  $4,100,000,

11.      Segment Reporting

         The   Company   has  two   business   segments:   pharmaceuticals   and
cosmeceuticals.  Pharmaceuticals  include  primarily  research  and  development
expenses  for  potential  prescription  products to be marketed  directly by the
Company or through corporate partners.  Current pharmaceutical  revenues consist
primarily of SBIR grant funding. The Company expects to complete other corporate
collaborations  in the  future  for a  number  of its  potential  pharmaceutical
products,  which may result in milestones,  development funding and royalties on
sales.  Cellegy  expects to generate  future  revenues on potential  products it
intends to self-market.

         The  cosmeceutical  business  segment  includes  primarily  development
expenses for non-prescription,  anti-aging products. Using related technologies,
Cellegy is currently  incurring  development  expenses and  receiving all of its
product sales from one customer, Gryphon Development, Inc., which is selling the
product, exclusively in the United States, through a major specialty retailer.

         Cellegy  allocates its research expenses and personnel to each business
segment,  but does not assess segment performance or allocate resources based on
a segment's  assets and,  therefore,  asset  depreciation  and  amortization and
capital expenditures are not reported by segment. The accounting policies of the
reportable  segments  are  the  same  as  those  described  in  the  summary  of
significant accounting policies.


                          Cellegy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                          (a development stage company)

            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - (Continued)

         The  Company's  segments are business  units that will,  in some cases,
distribute  products to different types of customers through different marketing
programs.  The  potential  future  sales of  cosmeceutical  products  requires a
significantly  different marketing effort than sales of pharmaceutical  products
to  physicians  and  other  traditional  pharmaceutical  distribution  channels.
Pharmaceutical  products require more extensive  clinical testing and ultimately
regulatory approval by the FDA and other worldwide health registration agencies,
requiring a more extensive  level of development,  manufacturing  and compliance
than a cosmeceutical product.

         The  following  table  contains  information   regarding  revenues  and
operating  income (loss) of each business  segment for the years ended  December
31, 2000, 1999, and 1998:

                                                Years ended December 3
                                     2000             1999             1998
                                 ------------     ------------     ------------
         Pharmaceuticals         $    196,434     $    147,279     $    373,750
         Cosmeceuticals             1,389,189          897,859          457,970
                                 ------------     ------------     ------------
                                 $  1,585,623     $  1,045,138     $    831,720
                                 ============     ============     ============
Operating Gain (Loss):
         Pharmaceuticals         $(12,545,352)    $ (9,888,212)    $ (8,011,630)
         Cosmeceuticals             1,127,139           85,914         (423,078)
                                 ------------     ------------     ------------
                                 $(11,418,213)    $ (9,802,298)    $ (8,434,708)
                                 ============     ============     ============

Revenue from Major Customer

         Revenues  from  sales  to  one  customer  of  the   Company's   product
represented  approximately  88%, 86%, and 55% of consolidated  revenue for 2000,
1999 and 1998, respectively.

         Total assets were minimal for the cosmeceutical segment.

12.               Quarterly Financial Data ( unaudited )
              (amounts in thousands except per share data)

                 2000                                       First          Second           Third          Fourth
                                                           Quarter         Quarter         Quarter         Quarter          Total
                                                           --------        --------        --------        --------        --------
Total Revenue                                              $    530        $    132        $    626        $    297        $  1,585
Operating Loss                                               (1,981)         (2,864)         (2,988)         (3,856)        (11,689)
Net Loss                                                     (1,915)         (2,690)         (3,059)         (3,754)        (11,418)
Basic & diluted loss per common share                      $  (0.16)       $  (0.22)       $  (0.25)       $  (0.28)       $  (0.91)

                 1999                                       First          Second           Third          Fourth
                                                           Quarter         Quarter         Quarter         Quarter          Total
                                                           --------        --------        --------        --------        --------

Total Revenue                                              $    360        $    394        $     25        $    266        $  1,045
Operating Loss                                               (2,786)         (2,751)         (2,149)         (2,116)         (9,802)
Net Loss                                                     (2,670)         (2,280)         (1,911)         (2,440)         (9,301)
Basic & diluted loss per common share                      $  (0.26)       $  (0.22)       $  (0.17)       $  (0.20)       $  (0.85)



                             Washington, D.C. 20549




                                    Form 10-K


                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                          CELLEGY PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
