(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. __)

Filed by the Registrant                       [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant    [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement           [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                 Commission Only (as permitted by
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials            Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                            MCB FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)     Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

(2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

(3)     Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)     Total fee paid:

        [ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

        [ ]      Check  box if any  part of the fee is  offset  as  provided  by
                 Exchange Act Rule  0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
                 the offsetting fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous
                 filing  by  registration  statement  number,  or  the  Form  or
                 Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)     Amount previously paid:

(2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)     Filing party:

(4)     Date filed:

                            MCB FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                1248 Fifth Avenue
                              San Rafael, CA 94901

                             To Be Held May 16, 2001


     NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN  that  pursuant  to its  Bylaws and the call of its
Board of Directors,  the 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of
MCB Financial Corporation ("MCB Financial") will be held at MCB Financial,  1248
Fifth Avenue, San Rafael,  California 94901, on Wednesday,  May 16, 2001 at 5:30
p.m., for the purpose of considering and voting on the following matters:

1. Election of Directors.  To elect the following  eight persons to the Board of
Directors  of  MCB  Financial  to  serve  until  the  2002  Annual   Meeting  of
Shareholders and until their successors are elected and have been qualified:

           John Cavallucci                           Patrick E. Phelan
           Charles O. Hall                           Gary T. Ragghianti
           Timothy J. Jorstad                        Edward P. Tarrant
           Catherine H. Munson                       Randall J. Verrue

2.  Ratification  of  Independent  Auditor.  To ratify  the Board of  Directors'
recommendation of independent auditor for the year ending December 31, 2001.

3. Other  Business.  To transact such other business as may properly come before
the Meeting and any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

     Only those  shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on March 19,
2001 will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting.

     It is very important that every  shareholder  vote. We urge you to sign and
return the enclosed proxy as soon as possible, whether or not you plan to attend
the Meeting in person.  If you do attend the Meeting and wish to vote in person,
you may then  withdraw  your proxy.  If you do not attend the  Meeting,  you may
revoke  the  proxy  prior to the time it is voted  by  notifying  the  Corporate
Secretary in writing to that effect or by filing a later dated proxy.

     In order to  facilitate  the provision of adequate  accommodations,  please
indicate on the proxy whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting.

DATED:  April 6, 2001

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ Nancy R. Boatright
                                        Nancy R. Boatright, Corporate Secretary

                               PROXY STATEMENT OF
                            MCB FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                1248 Fifth Avenue
                              San Rafael, CA 94901

                                  April 6, 2001



     This Proxy Statement is being furnished to MCB Financial  Corporation ("MCB
Financial")  Shareholders in connection with the  solicitation of proxies by the
MCB  Financial  Board  of  Directors  for  use at the  2001  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of MCB Financial to he held on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at 5:30 p.m.
at MCB Financial's office, 1248 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael,  California 94901, and
at any adjournments thereof ("MCB Financial Meeting"). This Proxy Statement, the
attached  notice and the  enclosed  form of proxy are first being  mailed to MCB
Financial Shareholders on or about April 9, 2001.

Matters to Be Considered

     At the MCB Financial Meeting,  MCB Financial  Shareholders will be asked to
(i) elect a board of eight directors (see "ELECTION OF DIRECTORS," herein); (ii)
ratify the Board's selection of independent auditor for the year ending December
(iii) transact such other business as may properly come before the MCB Financial
Meeting and any and all adjournments thereof (see "OTHER MATTERS," herein).

Record Date; Voting Information

     The close of business on March 19, 2001 was the record date ("Record Date")
for determining which of the MCB Financial shareholders were entitled to receive
notice of and to vote at the MCB Financial  Meeting.  On the Record Date,  there
were 1,775,182  shares of MCB Financial  Common Stock  outstanding,  held by 712
holders of record. Each holder of MCB Financial Common Stock will be entitled to
one vote, in person or by proxy,  for each share of MCB  Financial  Common Stock
standing in his or her name on the books of MCB  Financial as of the Record Date
on any matter submitted to the vote of the MCB Financial Shareholders at the MCB
Financial  Meeting,  except that, in connection  with the election of directors,
the shares are entitled to be voted cumulatively.

     Cumulative voting entitles an MCB Financial Shareholder to give one nominee
a number of votes equal to the number of directors to be elected  multiplied  by
the number of votes to which that shareholder's shares are normally entitled, or
to distribute his votes among as many candidates as the shareholder  thinks fit.
However,  no shareholder is entitled to cumulate votes for a nominee unless such
nominee's  name  has  been  placed  in  nomination  prior  to the  vote  and the
shareholder  has given notice  before the voting of his or her intention to vote
shares cumulatively.  If any shareholder has given such notice, all shareholders
may cumulate their votes for nominees. Discretionary authority to cumulate votes
in such a manner as to elect  the  maximum  number  of the  Board of  Directors'
nominees is solicited in this Proxy Statement.

Voting of Proxies; Revocability

     A form of proxy for the MCB  Financial  Meeting is enclosed.  All shares of
MCB Financial Common Stock  represented by properly executed proxies received by
MCB Financial  will,  unless revoked,  be voted at the MCB Financial  Meeting in
accordance with the instructions on such proxies. If no instruction is specified
with  regard to a matter to be  considered,  the proxy will be voted in favor of
(i) electing the eight  nominees of the Board for director;  and (ii)  ratifying
the Board of  Directors'  recommendation  of  independent  auditor  for the year
ending December 31, 2001.

         The proxy  also  confers  discretionary  authority  to vote the  shares
represented  thereby in accordance with the recommendations of the MCB Financial
Board of  Directors  on any  matter  that was not known at the time  this  Proxy
Statement  was mailed  which may  properly  be  presented  for action at the MCB
Financial  Meeting and the election of any person to any office for which a bona
fide  nominee  is named  herein if such  nominee  is unable to serve or for good
cause will not serve.  If any other  business is properly  presented  at the MCB
Financial Meeting, the proxy will be voted in accordance with the recommendation
of the MCB Financial Board of Directors.

Any MCB Financial  Shareholder may revoke his or her proxy at any time before it
is voted by  filing  with MCB  Financial's  Corporate  Secretary  an  instrument
revoking it or a duly  executed  proxy bearing a later date, or by attending the
MCB  Financial  Meeting and advising the Chairman of his or her election to vote
in  person.  A proxy  may also be  revoked  if  written  notice  of the death or
incapacity of the MCB Financial  Shareholder is received by MCB Financial before
the vote pursuant to that proxy is counted.

Solicitation of Proxies

     This solicitation of MCB Financial  Shareholders is being made by the Board
of Directors of MCB Financial.  The expense of preparing,  assembling,  printing
and mailing this Proxy Statement to MCB Financial Shareholders and the materials
used in the solicitation of proxies for the MCB Financial  Meeting will be borne
by MCB Financial.  MCB Financial contemplates that the proxies will be solicited
principally  through the use of the mail, but officers,  directors and employees
of MCB  Financial  may  solicit  proxies  personally  or by  telephone  or other
electronic  transmission  without receiving special  compensation  therefor.  In
addition,  MCB  Financial  may use the  services of  individuals  or  companies,
including a proxy  solicitation firm, it does not regularly employ in connection
with the  solicitation of proxies if deemed advisable by the MCB Financial Board
of Directors.  Although  there are no formal  agreements to do so, MCB Financial
will  reimburse  banks,  brokerage  houses  and,  although  it has  made no such
arrangements  to date,  other  custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries  for their
reasonable  expenses  in  forwarding  these  proxy  materials  to MCB  Financial
Shareholders,  and will  reimburse such other expenses as may be incurred by any
proxy solicitation firm engaged by MCB Financial.

Required Vote

     Except as specifically noted below, each of the proposals described in this
Proxy Statement requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of MCB
Financial's  Common  Stock  represented  and  voting at the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders where a quorum is present. In the election of directors,  the eight
directors receiving the most votes will be elected. If any proposal requires the
affirmative  vote of the holders of a specified  percentage  of MCB  Financial's
outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  abstaining and broker  non-votes will have
the same effect as a negative vote.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

     Except as set forth below,  as of the Record Date no  individuals  known to
the Board of Directors of MCB  Financial  owned of record or  beneficially  five
percent or more of the outstanding shares of common stock of MCB Financial.  The
following table provides certain  information as of March 19, 2001, with respect
to the only  persons  who own  beneficially  in  excess of five  percent  of MCB
Financial Common Stock:

                                                and Nature
                    Name and Address of        of Beneficial        Percent of
Title of Class        Beneficial Owner           Ownership            Class
- --------------        ----------------           ---------            -----

 Common Stock       John Cavallucci              233,451(1)          13.12%
                    1248 Fifth Avenue
                    San Rafael, CA 94901

 Common Stock       Martin Bramante               95,772              5.15%
                    Velia Bramante
                    P.O. Box 2126
                    San Rafael, CA 94901

- ----------------------------

(1) See "Security  Ownership of Management" table below for a description of the
nature of beneficial ownership.

Security Ownership of Management

         The following table provides certain information, as of March 19, 2001,
with respect to the beneficial ownership of shares of MCB Financial Common Stock
by each MCB Financial director and nominee,  each executive  officer(1),  and by
all of the directors and executive officers of MCB Financial as a group.  Unless
otherwise  indicated,  each person listed has sole  investment  and voting power
with respect to the shares listed.

                          Name and              Amount and Nature of    Percent
Title of Class  Address of Beneficial Owner(2)  Beneficial Ownership(3) of Class
- --------------  ---------------------------     --------------------    --------
Common Stock    John Cavallucci                        233,451(4)        13.12%
Common Stock    Charles O. Hall                         50,833(5)         2.82%
Common Stock    Timothy J. Jorstad                      74,655(6)         4.20%
Common Stock    Catherine H. Munson                     32,289(7)         1.81%
Common Stock    Gary T. Ragghianti                      31,116(8)         1.75%
Common Stock    Edward P. Tarrant                       51,479(9)         2.89%
Common Stock    Randall J. Verrue                       40,891(10)        2.30%
Common Stock    Stephen R. Brodie                       10,937(11)           *
Common Stock    Raymon L. Hanssen                        8,446(12)           *
Common Stock    Patrick E. Phelan                       13,269(13)           *
Common Stock    Current Directors and Executive
                Officers as a Group (10 persons)       547,366(14)       29.43%

*Less than one percent (*)

- --------------------------------

(1) As used throughout this Proxy  Statement,  unless specified  otherwise,  the
term "executive officer" means with respect to MCB Financial,  the President and
Chief  Executive  Officer  of MCB  Financial  and Metro  Commerce  Bank  ("Metro
Commerce"),  the Chief  Financial  Officer of MCB Financial  and Executive  Vice
President/Chief   Financial  Officer  of  Metro  Commerce,  the  Executive  Vice
President/Chief  Credit  Officer  of  Metro  Commerce  and  the  Executive  Vice
President/Chief Administrative Officer of Metro Commerce.

(2) The  address for all persons is c/o MCB  Financial  Corporation,  1248 Fifth
Avenue, San Rafael, California 94901.

(3) Includes all shares  beneficially  owned,  whether  directly or  indirectly,
individually  or together with  associates.  Includes any shares owned,  whether
jointly  or as  community  property,  with a  spouse  and  any  stock  of  which
beneficial  ownership  may be  acquired  within 60 days of March 19,  2001,  the
Record Date, by the exercise of stock options vested pursuant to MCB Financial's
1989 Stock Option Plan, and 1999 Stock Option Plan.

(4) Includes  options to acquire  4,200 shares which are  exercisable  within 60
days of the Record Date.

(5) Includes  options to acquire 30,504 shares which are  exercisable  within 60
days of the Record Date.

(6)  Includes  60,478  shares held by  Jorstad,  Inc.,  Money  Purchase & Profit
Sharing  Pension Plan.  Also includes  options to acquire 4,200 shares which are
exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(7) Includes 18,575 shares held by Lucas Valley Properties, Inc., Money Purchase
& Profit  Sharing  Pension Plan.  Also includes  options to acquire 4,200 shares
which are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(8) Includes 5,786 shares held by Ragghianti & Thomas Profit Sharing Plan.  Also
includes options to acquire 6,291 shares which are exercisable within 60 days of
the Record Date.

(9)  Includes   12,188  shares  held  by  Mr.   Tarrant  as  Custodian  for  his
grandchildren.   Also  includes  options  to  acquire  4,200  shares  which  are
exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(10) Includes 7,354 shares held in Mr.  Verrue's IRA trust  accounts,  and 1,800
shares which are held by Mr. Verrue as Trustee for his grandchild. Also includes
options to acquire  4,200  shares  which are  exercisable  within 60 days of the
Record Date.

(11) Includes  options to acquire 9,937 shares which are  exercisable  within 60
days of the Record Date.

(12) Represents vested options exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

(13) Includes  options to acquire 8,410 shares which are  exercisable  within 60
days of the Record Date.

(14) Includes options held by executive  officers and non-employee  directors of
MCB Financial which are exercisable within 60 days of the Record Date.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  MCB
Financial's directors and executive officers,  and persons who own more than ten
percent of a registered class of MCB Financial's equity securities, to file with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission initial reports of ownership and reports
of changes in  ownership  of common  stock and other  equity  securities  of MCB
Financial.  Officers,  directors and greater than ten percent  shareholders  are
required by SEC  regulation to furnish MCB Financial  with copies of all Section
16(a) forms they file.

         To MCB Financial's  knowledge,  based solely on review of the copies of
such reports  furnished to MCB  Financial  and written  representations  that no
other  reports were  required,  during the year ended  December  31,  2000,  the
executive officers,  directors and greater than ten percent beneficial owners of
MCB Financial's  common stock complied with all applicable  Section 16(a) filing

Changes in Control

         Management of MCB Financial is not aware of any arrangement  which may,
at a subsequent date, result in a change of control of MCB Financial.


         MCB Financial's Board of Directors unanimously  recommends electing the
eight  nominees to the MCB Financial  Board of Directors and ratifying the Board
of Directors' recommendation of independent auditor for the year ending December
31, 2001.  These  proposals  are  discussed in greater  detail in the  following
sections of this Proxy Statement.

                                  PROPOSAL ONE:
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         MCB  Financial's  Bylaws provide that the number of directors  shall be
determined from time to time by the Board of Directors or the  shareholders  but
may not be less than seven nor more than  thirteen.  The number of  directors is
currently fixed at seven members. MCB Financial  Shareholders are being asked to
elect  the eight  persons  named  below,  who are the  nominees  of the Board of
Directors  for election as directors of MCB  Financial,  to serve until the 2002
Annual Meeting of Shareholders  of MCB Financial and until their  successors are
elected and have been  qualified.  Mr.  Cavallucci is being  renominated  to the
Board  but will  resign  from the  Board  when the sale of all of the  remaining
common shares of MCB Financial  held by him and his family  occurs.  The sale is
currently expected to be completed in July 2001. (See "Certain Relationships and
Related  Transactions - Repurchase of Shares Held by Cavallucci  Family" below).
Each of the nominees  listed below has consented to be named as a nominee and to
serve if elected to the MCB  Financial  Board of  Directors.  Votes will be cast
pursuant to the  enclosed  proxy in such a way as to effect the election of said
eight  nominees,  or as many thereof as possible  under the rules of  cumulative
voting.  In the event that any of the  nominees  should be unable to or for good
cause will not serve as a director,  it is intended that the shares  represented
by the  proxies  solicited  will be voted for the  election  of such  substitute
nominee, if any, as shall be designated by the MCB Financial Board of Directors.
The MCB Financial  Board of Directors has no reason to believe that any nominees
will become  unavailable  to serve if elected.  It is intended  that each person
elected a  director  of MCB  Financial  will also be elected by the Board of MCB
Financial as a director of Metro Commerce.

                                                                                              Metro            MCB
                                                   Present Position(s)                      Commerce        Financial
                                                    with MCB Financial                      Director        Director
          Name              Age                     and Metro Commerce                        Since           Since
          ----              ---                     ------------------                        -----           -----
John Cavallucci              59    Director                                                   1991            1993
Charles O. Hall              46    Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of         1995            1999
                                   MCB Financial and Metro Commerce

Timothy J. Jorstad           49    Chairman of MCB Financial and Metro Commerce               1989            1993
Catherine H. Munson          73    Director                                                   1989            1993
Patrick E. Phelan            37    Chief Financial Officer of MCB Financial; Executive         --              --
                                   Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Metro

Gary T. Ragghianti           57    Vice Chairman                                              1989            1993
Edward P. Tarrant            57    Director                                                   1989            1993
Randall J. Verrue            57    Director                                                   1989            1993

There are no family  relationships among any of the nominees for director or any
of the executive officers of MCB Financial.

Biographical Information of Directors

         The following  sets forth  certain  biographical  information,  present
occupation and business  experience for at least the past five years, of each of
the nominees for director.

John Cavallucci         Director of Metro Commerce since November 1991; Chairman
                        of Metro Commerce and MCB Financial from May 1996 to May
                        2000;  Executive  Officer  to  the  President  of  Metro
                        Commerce  from  January  1999 to  December  2000;  Chief
                        Executive  Officer of Metro  Commerce from December 1995
                        to December 1998;  President and Chief Executive Officer
                        of Metro  Commerce  from January 1992 to December  1995;
                        Director,  President and Chief Executive  Officer of MCB
                        Financial from January 1993 to December 1998.

Charles O. Hall         Director of Metro Commerce since December 1995; Director
                        of MCB  Financial  since January  1999;  Executive  Vice
                        President  and Chief  Credit  Officer of Metro  Commerce
                        from  March  1992 to  December  1995;  President,  Chief
                        Operating  Officer,  and Chief  Credit  Officer of Metro
                        Commerce from December 1995 to April 1998; President and
                        Chief  Operating  Officer of Metro  Commerce  from April
                        1998 to December  1998;  President  and Chief  Executive
                        Officer of Metro Commerce since January 1999;  President
                        and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of MCB  Financial  since
                        January 1999.

Timothy J. Jorstad      President  and  certified  public  accountant,  Jorstad,
                        Inc., a certified public accounting firm.

Catherine H. Munson     President, Lucas Valley Properties,  Inc., a real estate
                        firm; also General Partner, McInnis Park Golf Center.

Patrick E. Phelan       Chief Financial Officer of MCB Financial since May 1997;
                        Executive  Vice  President/Chief  Financial  Officer  of
                        Metro  Commerce   since   December  1998;   Senior  Vice
                        President/Chief Financial Officer of Metro Commerce from
                        May 1997 to December  1998;  Vice  President/Finance  of
                        Metro Commerce from December 1996 to May 1997; Assistant
                        Vice  President and  Controller  of Metro  Commerce from
                        April 1994 to December  1996.  Prior to that, Mr. Phelan
                        served as a certified public  accountant with Deloitte &
                        Touche  LLP and Ernst & Young  LLP.

Gary T.  Ragghianti     Attorney and President, Gary T. Ragghianti,  Inc., a law

Edward P. Tarrant       Principal and Owner, Tarrant-Bell Properties, a property
                        development and management company.

Randall J. Verrue       President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  HCV  Pacific
                        Partners, a real estate company.

Meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees of MCB Financial

         The Board of Directors of MCB  Financial  held eleven  meetings  during
2000.  MCB  Financial  does  not  have a  Personnel  Committee  or a  Nominating
Committee;  the Board of Directors  performs such functions.  During 2000 all of
the directors of MCB Financial attended at a minimum 75 percent of the aggregate
of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the committees of MCB Financial
on which  they  served,  except  Gary T.  Ragghianti,  who  attended  64% of the

         The Audit  Committee acts pursuant to a written  charter adopted by the
Board of  Directors  and  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  A. The  Audit  Committee
currently  consists  of Timothy J.  Jorstad,  Chairman,  Edward P.  Tarrant  and
Randall J. Verrue each of whom are  independent as defined in Section 121 of the
American Stock Exchange  Company Guide.  The Audit  Committee is responsible for
recommending the appointment of the independent  auditors for the MCB Financial,
reviewing  the scope of the  audit,  examining  the  auditor's  reports,  making
appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors as a result of such review
and examination and making inquiries into the effectiveness of the financial and
accounting functions and internal controls of MCB Financial. The Audit Committee
met eight times during 2000.  All members  attended  each  meeting.  Attached as
Exhibit B is a copy of the Report of the Audit Committee.

         The  Personnel  Committee  currently  consists of  Catherine H. Munson,
Chairwoman,  Charles O. Hall, and Gary T.  Ragghianti.  The Personnel  Committee
held no meetings  during 2000. The Personnel  Committee's  function is to review
compensation  of  executive  officers and make  recommendations  to the Board of
Directors regarding compensation.

Compensation of Directors

         Each Metro  Commerce  director,  with the exception of Charles O. Hall,
receives an annual retainer of $18,000 for his or her services.

Executive Officers

         The  following  table sets forth certain  information,  as of March 19,
2001, with respect to the current executive  officers of MCB Financial and Metro

                                      Present Position(s) with
Name                         Age      MCB Financial and Metro Commerce
- ----                         ---      --------------------------------

Charles O. Hall              46       Director,  President  and Chief  Executive
                                      Officer   of  MCB   Financial   and  Metro

Stephen R. Brodie            55       Executive  Vice President and Chief Credit
                                      Officer of Metro Commerce

Raymon L. Hanssen            57       Executive   Vice   President   and   Chief
                                      Administrative Officer of Metro Commerce

Patrick E. Phelan            37       Chief Financial  Officer of MCB Financial;
                                      Executive   Vice   President   and   Chief
                                      Financial Officer of Metro Commerce

Business Experience

         The following sets forth the business experience, for at least the past
five years, of Metro Commerce's  executive  officers other than Mr. Hall and Mr.
Phelan, whose experience is set forth above.

Stephen R. Brodie                     Executive  Vice   President/Chief   Credit
                                      Officer  of  Metro  Commerce  since  April
                                      1998;    Senior    Vice     President/Loan
                                      Administration   of  Metro  Commerce  from
                                      January  1998 to April  1998;  Senior Vice
                                      President/Construction   Loan  Officer  of
                                      Metro  Commerce  from June 1996 to January
                                      1998; Senior Vice  President/Loan  Officer
                                      of Metro  Commerce  from June 1993 to June

Raymon L. Hanssen                     Executive       Vice       President/Chief
                                      Administrative  Officer of Metro  Commerce
                                      since   February    1999;    Senior   Vice
                                      President/Branch Manager of Metro Commerce
                                      from May  1994 to  February  1999;  Senior
                                      Vice   President/Loan   Officer  of  Metro
                                      Commerce from May 1991 to May 1994.


         The following table sets forth compensation information with respect to
MCB Financial's and Metro Commerce's Chief Executive  Officer and the four other
most highly compensated  executive officers of Metro Commerce who served as such
at year end 2000 and whose  total  annual  salary  and bonus  exceeded  $100,000
("Named  Officers").  Comparative  data is also  provided  for the two  previous
fiscal years,  where applicable.  No cash compensation was paid by MCB Financial
to any Named Officer;  however,  each Named Officer of MCB Financial also serves
as an executive of Metro Commerce and receives  compensation from Metro Commerce
for services rendered in his or her capacity as such.

Summary Compensation Table

                                       Annual                                Long Term
                                       Compensation         Other            Compensation
                                       ------------         Annual           Awards          All Other
Name and                               Salary      Bonus    Compensation     Options         Compensation(1)
Principal    Position   at
December 31, 2000              Year    ($)         ($)      ($)              (#)             ($)
- -----------------              ----    ---         ---      ---              ---             ---
John Cavallucci                2000      77,000    46,752                                    8,794
Executive Officer to the       1999      70,000    34,594                    10,500          3,856
President                      1998     142,000    47,900                                    2,863

Charles O. Hall                2000     170,000    93,505                                    9,263
President/                     1999     153,360    69,188                    10,500          7,901
Chief Executive Officer        1998     142,000    47,900                                    7,271

Stephen R. Brodie              2000     102,450    20,500                     5,000          1,782
Executive Vice President/      1999      96,342    16,000                                    1,900
Chief Credit Officer           1998      89,934    14,000                     5,250          1,700

Raymon L. Hanssen              2000     101,824    20,350                     7,500          8,092
Executive Vice President/      1999      97,635    21,020                                    4,715
Chief Administrative Officer   1998      89,435    12,768                                    2,400

Patrick E. Phelan              2000      99,385    21,200                    10,000          5,500
Executive   Vice   President/  1999      91,081    16,500                                    4,100
Chief Financial Officer        1998       N/A       N/A                                       N/A

Employment   Agreements,   Termination  of  Employment   and   Change-in-Control

Mr. Hall

         Mr. Hall's current employment  agreement  commenced on January 1, 2001.
Mr.  Hall is entitled  to receive  payment of (i) an initial  base salary in the
amount of $176,800,  payable not less often than monthly,  increased annually by
the percentage  increase in the CPI for the San Francisco Bay Area as well as at
the discretion of the Board of Directors,  and (ii) an annual bonus equal to one
and one-half  percent of Metro  Commerce's  pre-tax  income if Metro  Commerce's
return on beginning  equity equals or exceeds 10 percent during the fiscal year.
Mr. Hall has been provided with an automobile,  Metro Commerce's standard health
insurance coverage provided to all Metro Commerce employees,  vacation leave and
a tennis  club  membership.  Mr.  Hall  also  participates  in Metro  Commerce's
Deferred Compensation Plan For Executives into which Mr. Hall may elect to defer
a portion of his current compensation and Metro Commerce agrees to contribute up
to 50 percent of the amount of his deferral.  Mr. Hall vests 50 percent in Metro
Commerce  contributions  after  completing all of his contractual  deferrals and
vests the remaining 50 percent upon reaching retirement age.

- ------------------------
(1) Includes automobile compensation and matching contributions to the Executive
Deferred Compensation Plan.

         In the event Mr. Hall's  employment is terminated  for any reason other
than death,  disability,  voluntary  retirement  or cause he will be entitled to
receive a  severance  payment in an amount  equal to his then base salary for 36
months in one lump sum. If Mr. Hall's  employment  is terminated  for reasons of
death,  voluntary  retirement  or cause he will not be entitled to any severance
payment. If termination occurs as a result of a medical  disability,  he will be
entitled  to receive  severance  payment  in an amount  equal to 25% of his then
annual base salary.

Mr. Phelan

         Effective May 15, 2000, MCB Financial and Metro Commerce entered into a
severance agreement with Patrick E. Phelan. In the event Mr. Phelan's employment
is terminated for any reason other than death, disability,  voluntary retirement
or cause he will be entitled to receive a  severance  benefit  equal to eighteen
(18)  months of pay and an added  benefit  of two (2) weeks of pay for each full
year of service, provided that the total benefit payable to Mr. Phelan shall not
exceed two years of pay.  "Pay" for purposes of this severance  agreement  means
the total  annual  compensation  paid to Mr.  Phelan,  including  base wages and
average  bonuses  paid to Mr.  Phelan in the three  most  recent  years.  If Mr.
Phelan's employment is terminated for reasons of death,  voluntary retirement or
cause he will not be entitled to any severance payment. If termination occurs as
a result of a medical  disability,  he will be  entitled  to  receive  severance
payment in an amount equal to 25% of his then annual base salary.

     The following table sets forth information on the issuance of stock options
to the Named Officers during the year ended December 31, 2000.

Stock Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                           Number of       Percent of
                          Securities     Total Options
                          Underlying       Granted to
                            Options        Employees      Exercise    Expiration
         Name               Granted       During 2000     Price       Date
         ----               -------       -----------     -----       ----

     Stephen R. Brodie       5,000           11.77%       $ 8.50      07/27/2010
     Raymon L. Hanssen       7,500           17.65%       $ 8.50      07/27/2010
     Patrick E. Phelan      10,000           23.53%       $11.00      01/27/2010

The following table sets forth the stock options  exercised in 2000 and the 2000
fiscal year end value of unexercised  stock options held by the Named  Officers.
The market  value of MCB  Financial's  Common  Stock as of December 31, 2000 was
$10.31 per share.

Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in Last  Fiscal Year and Fiscal  Year-End  Option

                                                                    Value of
                                                 Number of        Unexercised
                                                Unexercised       In-the-Money
                                                  Options           Options
                      Number of                   at 2000           at 2000
                       Shares                   Year-End (#)      Year-End ($)
                      Acquired         Value    Exercisable/      Exercisable/
Name                 On Exercise   Realized(1) Unexercisable     Unexercisable
- ----                 -----------   ----------   -------------     -------------
John Cavallucci            --            --    50,505 / 6,300  304,367 / 16,953
Charles O. Hall        10,000       $54,892    40,504 / 6,300  253,522 / 16,953
Stephen R. Brodie          --            --     9,937 / 6,100    32,985 / 9,891
Raymon L. Hanssen          --            --     8,446 / 6,000   45,814 / 10,860
Patrick E. Phelan       4,630       $25,898     6,410 / 9,102    21,483 / 5,368


     Certain of the directors and executive  officers of MCB Financial and Metro
Commerce,  the companies or  organization  with which they are  affiliated,  and
members  of  their  immediate   families  are  customers  of,  and  had  banking
transactions  with Metro  Commerce in the  ordinary  course of Metro  Commerce's
business  during 2000, and Metro Commerce  expects to have banking  transactions
with such  persons  in the  future.  All loans and  commitments  to lend to such
persons were made on  substantially  the same terms,  including  interest rates,
repayment terms and collateral,  as those  prevailing at the time for comparable
transactions with other persons of similar  creditworthiness and, in the opinion
of  management  of Metro  Commerce,  did not involve  more than a normal risk of
collectibility  or present  other  unfavorable  features.  All of such loans are
current as to both principal and interest.  As of March 31, 2001,  extensions of
credit to MCB Financial  directors,  executive officers and beneficial owners of
more than five percent of MCB Financial Common Stock, and their affiliates, as a
group,  was  approximately  $3,692,879.  The maximum  aggregate amount of credit
extended to directors and executive  officers of MCB Financial or Metro Commerce
at any one time during 2000 was approximately $5,869,547.

Repurchase of Shares Held by Cavallucci Family

     MCB  Financial  has  entered  into a stock  purchase  agreement  with  John
Cavallucci  and his  family to  purchase  the  remaining  229,251  shares of MCB
Financial's  common stock owned by them at a price of $12.00 per share. The sale
will include any  additional  shares which the Cavallucci  family  acquires upon
exercise  of vested  options  prior to the  closing  of the sale of the  229,251
shares  currently  held. The Board believes that the  transaction is appropriate
and in the best  interests of MCB  Financial and its  shareholders  to allow Mr.
Cavallucci to effect an orderly  disposition  of his holdings as he  transitions
out of his  positions  with MCB  Financial.  MCB  Financial  expects to fund the
purchase from its operating  income.  As part of the agreement,  Mr.  Cavallucci
will resign from the Board upon closing of the sale.

- ----------------------------
(1) Value Realized is the difference  between the closing price per share on the
date of exercise  and the option  price per share,  multiplied  by the number of
shares acquired upon exercise of the option.

                                  PROPOSAL TWO:

     The Board of Directors of MCB Financial recommends that shareholders ratify
its  appointment  of Deloitte & Touche LLP to audit the financial  statements of
MCB Financial for the year ending  December 31, 2001.  Deloitte & Touche LLP has
served as MCB Financial's independent auditor since 1991.

     The Board of Directors retains the power to appoint a different independent
public  accounting  firm should the  shareholders  not vote to ratify Deloitte &
Touche LLP or should the Board  determine  subsequent to the  ratification  that
selection of another firm would be in the best  interests of MCB  Financial  and
its shareholders.

Audit Fees

     The  aggregate  fees  billed  by  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP for  professional
services rendered for the audit for MCB Financial's annual financial  statements
for the year 2000 and the reviews of the  financial  statements  included in MCB
Financial's Forms 10-QSB in 2000 were $65,000.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees

     Deloitte & Touche LLP  rendered  no  professional  services  for  financial
information systems design and implementation for the year 2000.

All Other Fees

     The aggregate fees billed for services  rendered by Deloitte & Touche other
than for the  services  described  above,  including  tax  consulting  and other
non-audit services, for the year 2000 were $17,000.

     The Audit Committee  considered whether the provision of the services other
than the audit  services  is  compatible  with  maintaining  Deloitte & Touche's

     An auditor  representative  from Deloitte & Touche LLP for the current year
and for 2000 will be present at the MCB Financial  Meeting.  The  representative
will have an  opportunity  to make a statement if he or she desires to do so and
will be available to respond to appropriate questions of shareholders.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     MCB Financial's 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders is currently  scheduled
for May 15,  2002.  To be  included  in MCB  Financial's  2002 Proxy  Statement,
proposals of  shareholders  intended to be presented at the 2002 Annual  Meeting
must be received by MCB Financial no later than December 6, 2001.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Management  does  not  know  of any  matters  to be  presented  at the  MCB
Financial  Meeting other than those set forth above.  However,  if other matters
come before the MCB Financial Meeting,  it is the intention of the persons named
in  the   accompanying   proxy  to  vote  said  proxy  in  accordance  with  the
recommendation  of the  MCB  Financial  Board  of  Directors  on  such  matters.
Discretionary authority to do so is included in the proxy.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                             /s/ Nancy R. Boatright
                                             Nancy R. Boatright
Date: April 6, 2001                          Corporate Secretary

                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                            MCB Financial Corporation
                             Audit Committee Charter


     The  purpose  of the  Audit  Committee  of the  Board of  Directors  of MCB
Financial  Corporation  is  to  oversee  and  monitor  the  Company's  financial
reporting  process  and  systems of  internal  controls  regarding  finance  and
accounting on behalf of the Board of Directors.


     The  Board  of  Directors  recognizes  that  the  Company's  management  is
responsible   for  preparing  the  Company's   financial   statements  and  that
independent auditors are responsible for auditing those financial statements. In
fulfilling these  responsibilities,  management and the independent auditors are
ultimately accountable to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.

     Nothing  in this  Charter  should  be  construed  to imply  that the  Audit
Committee is required to provide or does provide any assurance or  certification
as to the  Company's  financial  statements or as to its  compliance  with laws,
rules or  regulations.  In order to fulfill its  oversight  responsibility,  the
Audit  Committee must be capable of conducting  free and open  discussions  with
management,  internal and independent  auditors,  employees and others regarding
the quality of the financial statements and the system of internal controls.

The specific duties of the Audit Committee shall be as follows:

Independent Auditors

         1.   Select and evaluate independent auditors, review their performance
              and  recommend  to the  Board  of  Directors  the  appointment  or
              replacement of independent auditors;  and, to review and recommend
              to the Board of Directors fee arrangements in connection with such

         2.   Ensure the auditor's independence by:

                  (i)   ensuring that the auditors  annually submit to the Audit
                        Committee a formal  written  statement  delineating  all
                        relationships between the auditors and the Company;

                  (ii)  actively  engaging in a dialogue  with the auditors with
                        respect to any disclosed  relationships or services that
                        may impact their objectivity and independence, including
                        the matters  required by  Independence  Standards  Board
                        Standard  No.  1  Independence  Discussions  with  Audit
                        Committees   (as  it  may  be  as  may  be  modified  or

                  (iii) reviewing and discussing with the Board of Directors any
                        relationships  between the auditors and the Company,  or
                        any  other  relationship,   that  may  adversely  affect
                        independence;   and,   reviewing   and   approving   any
                        significant  management consulting  engagements proposed
                        to be  undertaken  by such  auditors  on  behalf  of the
                        Company; and

                  (iv)  recommending   that   the   Board  of   Directors   take
                        appropriate  action in response to the auditors'  report
                        to satisfy itself of their independence.

         3.   Annually   require  the  auditors  to  confirm  in  writing  their
              understanding of the fact that they are ultimately  accountable to
              the Board of Directors of the Company and its Audit Committee.

         4.   Annually review the auditors' proposed audit plan and approach, as
              well as staffing and timing of the audit and related matters.

         5.   Obtain from  management,  review and  approve,  a  description  of
              issues and  responses  whenever a second  opinion is  proposed  by
              management to be sought from another outside accountant.

Financial Statements

         6.   Conduct a post-audit,  pre-issuance review of the Company's annual
              financial  statements,  the  auditor's  opinion  thereon,  and any
              significant   difficulties   or   disagreements   with  management
              encountered during the course of the audit.

         7.   Discuss  the  annual  financial  statements  with the  appropriate
              officers and/or  employees of the Company and with the independent
              auditors, and discuss with the auditors the matters required to be
              discussed by relevant auditing  standards,  including the quality,
              and not just the acceptability,  of the accounting  principles and
              underlying estimates used in the statements.

         8.   If the Committee finds the annual financial statements acceptable,
              to recommend  to the Board of  Directors  that they be included in
              the Company's annual report on Form 10-K/10-KSB.

         9.   Prepare a report to the  shareholders of the Company in each proxy
              statement, as required by the rules of the Securities and Exchange
              Commission ("Commission").

         10.  Review with the Company's financial management and the independent
              auditors  the  quarterly  earnings  releases  and the  schedule of
              unrecorded  adjustments to the Company's financial  statements and
              the  reasons   underlying   the   Company's   assessment   of  the
              immateriality of such adjustments.

         11.  With  regard  to  quarterly  reports  to the  Commission  on  Form
              10-Q/10-QSB,  the Chairman of the  Committee  and/or any member or
              members of the Committee whom he or she  designates,  shall review
              with  management  and  the   independent   auditor  the  financial
              statements  to be included in such filing prior to filing with the

         12.  Review  prior to  publication  or filing  and  approve  such other
              Company financial  information,  including appropriate  regulatory
              filings and releases that include  financial  information,  as the
              Committee deems desirable.

Internal Accounting and Control Functions

         13.  Review the adequacy of the Company's system of internal accounting
              and financial control.

         14.  Annually  review the quality of internal  accounting and financial
              control,   the  auditor's   report  or  opinion  thereon  and  any
              recommendations the auditor may have for improving or changing the
              Company's  internal  controls,  as well as management's  letter in
              response  thereto and any other  matters  required to be discussed
              under  Statement  of  Auditing  Standards  No.  61  (as  it may be
              modified or supplemented).

         15.  Review the Company's  major financial risk exposures and the steps
              management  has taken and  proposes to take to monitor and control
              such exposures.

         16.  Review proposed future internal audit plans.


         17.  Annually review this Audit Committee  Charter,  and any provisions
              of the Company's  by-laws which refer to the Audit Committee,  and
              to  propose to the Board of  Directors  necessary  or  appropriate

         18.  At least  annually,  the Committee  shall hold  separate,  private
              meetings  without other members of  management  present,  with the
              Company's  Chief Financial  Officer and the Company's  independent
              auditor;  and,  each such person shall have free and direct access
              to the Committee and any of its members.

         19.  Prior to the  beginning  of each fiscal year,  the Chairman  shall
              draft a proposed  schedule of the  Committee's  activities for the
              coming year, and the times at which such  activities  shall occur,
              including  preliminary  agendas for each  proposed  meeting of the
              Committee,  which  shall be  submitted  to the  Committee  for its
              review and  approval,  with such  changes as the  Committee  shall
              determine to be appropriate.

Reporting Responsibilities

         20.  Periodically  report its  activities,  concerns,  conclusions  and
              recommendations to the Board of Directors.


         21.  The  Audit  Committee  and  each of its  members  may  communicate
              directly and/or privately with the Company's directors,  officers,
              employees,  consultants,  agents,  internal auditors,  independent
              auditors, attorneys-in-fact, counsel (including inside and outside
              counsel)  and  advisors,  and  any and all  third  parties  in the
              performance of the Committee's functions.

         22.  The  Committee  may  cause an  investigation  to be made  into any
              matter within the scope of its responsibilities under this Charter
              as the Committee deems necessary, or as otherwise requested by the
              Board or Directors. The Committee may require Company personnel to
              assist  in any  such  investigation,  and may  engage  independent
              resources to assist in such investigations as it deems necessary.


         23.  The  membership of the Audit  Committee  shall consist of three or
              more directors each of whom shall:

                  (i)   have been appointed by the Board of Directors.

                  (ii)  be free of any relationship to the Company which, in the
                        opinion of the Board of Directors,  may  interfere  with
                        the exercise of  independence  from  management  and the

                  (iii) be or shall become  (within a reasonable  period of time
                        after  his  or  her   appointment   to  the   Committee)
                        "financially   literate,"  as  such   qualification   is
                        interpreted by the Board of Directors in its discretion;

                  (iv)  otherwise meet the  requirements  of independence as set
                        forth in the rules of the American Stock Exchange or any
                        other   market  on  or  through   which  the   Company's
                        securities   may  be  traded  (the   "relevant   listing
                        authority"),  as such rules may be amended  from time to
                        time.  In  addition,  at least  one  member of the Audit
                        Committee  shall have  accounting  or related  financial
                        management  expertise,  as  determined  by the  Board of
                        Directors in its discretion.

         24.  The Board of Directors reserves all authority  permitted under the
              rules of the  Commission  and the  relevant  listing  authority in
              connection with any matter referred to in this Charter,  including
              but not  limited to the  determination  of  independence  of Audit
              Committee members.


         25.  The Audit  Committee  shall meet as often as  necessary to fulfill
              its  functions as determined  by the  Committee,  but no less than
              four times annually.

Date Adopted: May 25, 2000

                                    EXHIBIT B
                            MCB FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of MCB Financial  Corporation
(the "Company") has reviewed the Company's audited financial  statements for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000. In conjunction  with its review,  the Audit
Committee  has met with the  management  of the  Company to discuss  the audited
financial  statements.  In addition,  the Audit Committee has discussed with the
Company's independent  auditors,  Deloitte & Touche LLP (Deloitte & Touche), the
matters required pursuant to SAS 61 and has received the written disclosures and
the letter from  Deloitte & Touche  required  by  Independence  Standards  Board
Standard No. 1. The Audit  Committee  considered that Deloitte & Touche rendered
non-audit  services to the Company  during the fiscal  year ended  December  31,
2000,  and whether the  provision of non-audit  services by Deloitte & Touche is
compatible  with  maintaining  Deloitte  &  Touche's  independence.   The  Audit
Committee determined that Deloitte & Touche's provision of non-audit services is
compatible with Deloitte & Touche's independence.

     Based on this review and discussion, the Audit Committee recommended to the
Company's Board of Directors that the audited  financial  statements be included
in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended December
31, 2000 for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     This report has been approved by all of the members of the Audit Committee.

                                                  Timothy J. Jorstad
                                                  Edward P. Tarrant
                                                  Randall J. Verrue
                                                  Members of the Audit Committee

March 22, 2001

                                                                      APPENDIX A

PROXY                       MCB FINANCIAL CORPORATION                      PROXY
                             TO BE HELD MAY 16, 2001

     The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Messrs.  Timothy J. Jorstad,  Edward P.
Tarrant and  Randall J.  Verrue,  and each of them,  the  attorneys,  agents and
proxies of the undersigned,  with full powers of substitution to each, to attend
and act as proxy or proxies of the  undersigned  at the 2001  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders  of  MCB  Financial   Corporation  to  be  held  at  MCB  Financial
Corporation,  1248 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, California 94901, on Wednesday, May
16,  2001,  at 5:30 p.m. or any  adjournment  thereof,  and to vote as specified
herein the number of shares which the undersigned,  if personally present, would
be entitled to vote.

1.   Election of Directors.  To elect the eight persons named below to the Board
     of Directors  to serve until the 2002 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  and
     until their successors are elected and have been qualified.

     Nominees: John Cavallucci,  Charles O. Hall, Timothy J. Jorstad,  Catherine
     H. Munson,  Patrick E. Phelan,  Gary T.  Ragghianti,  Edward P. Tarrant and
     Randall J. Verrue.

     FOR all nominees  (except as indicated to the contrary  below).  A vote FOR
     will  result  in votes  being  cast to  effect  the  election  of the eight
     nominees  or as many  thereof  as  possible  under the rules of  cumulative
     voting.  WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY  to vote for all  nominees.  (INSTRUCTION:  To
     withhold authority for any individual nominee, write that nominee's name in
     the space below.)

2.   Ratification of Independent  Auditor. To ratify the selection of Deloitte &
     Touche  LLP  by  the  Board  of  Directors   to  serve  as  MCB   Financial
     Corporation's  independent  auditor for the year ending  December 31, 2001.

3.   Other Business. To transact such other business as may properly come before
     the 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and any adjournments thereof.

This proxy will be voted as directed by the  Shareholder  or, if no instructions
are given by the  Shareholder,  the proxy  holders  will vote  "FOR" each of the
foregoing  proposals  and  as  recommended  by the  Board  of  Directors  of MCB
Financial on all other matters as may properly come before the meeting.

Important -- Please Sign on Other Side


Please Sign and Date Below.

     The Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote "FOR" the election of directors
and the ratification of the independent  auditor. The proxy confers authority to
vote and  shall  be  voted in  accordance  with  such  recommendations  unless a
contrary  instruction is indicated,  in which case the shares represented by the
proxy will be voted in accordance  with such  instruction.  If no instruction is
specified with respect to a matter,  the shares represented by the proxy will be
voted in accordance with the  recommendations of the Board of Directors.  If any
director nominee is unable to serve or for good cause will not serve, this proxy
confers authority to and shall be voted for a substitute  nominee  designated by
the Board of Directors.  This proxy confers  authority to cumulate votes for the
election of directors.  If any other business is presented at the meeting,  this
proxy  confers   authority  to  and  shall  be  voted  in  accordance  with  the
recommendations of the Board of Directors.

                                        (Number of Shares)

                                        (Please print your name)

                                        (Signature of Shareholder)

                                        Dated __________________,2001

MAILING LABEL SPACE                     ---------------------------
                                        (Please print your name)

                                        (Signature of Shareholder)

                                        Dated __________________,2001

                                        (Please  date  this  Proxy and sign your
                                        name  as  it   appears   on  your  stock
                                        certificates. Executors, administrators,
                                        trustees,  etc.,  should give their full
                                        titles. All joint owners should sign.)

                                        Please  indicate if you are  planning to
                                        attend the Meeting.