Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|
Check the appropriate box:
|_|  Preliminary Proxy Statement
|_|  Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
|X|  Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|  Definitive Additional Materials
|_|  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                            Focus Enhancements, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|  No fee required.
|_|  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

|_|  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

                            FOCUS ENHANCEMENTS, INC.
                                1370 Dell Avenue
                           Campbell, California 95008
                                 (408) 866-8300

                          TO BE HELD DECEMBER 21, 2001

To Our Stockholders:

         The Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of Focus  Enhancements,  Inc.,  a
Delaware  corporation  ("Focus")  will be held at 1370 Dell Ave.,  Campbell,  CA
95008 on December 21, 2001 at 2 p.m., California time.

         At our meeting, we will ask you to vote on the following matters:

         1. Election of Directors.  You will have the  opportunity to elect five
(5) members of the Board of Directors  for a terms of two and three  years.  The
following five (5) persons are the current members of the Board of Directors and
are our nominees for re-election to serve:

Name                              Age                      Term to Expire
- ----                              ---                      --------------
Carl E. Berg                      64                            2004
William Coldrick                  59                            2003
Timothy E. Mahoney                45                            2004
Michael D'Addio                   57                            2003
N. William Jasper, Jr.            53                            2004

         2.  Appointment of Auditors.  You will be asked to ratify the selection
of Deloitte & Touche, LLP as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2001.

         3. Other Business.  If other business is properly raised at the meeting
or if we need to adjourn the meeting, you will vote on these matters too.

         If you were a  stockholder  as of the close of business on November 13,
2001, you are entitled to vote at this meeting.

         We cordially  invite all  stockholders to attend the meeting in person.
To assure your  representation at the meeting,  however,  you are urged to mark,
sign,  date and  return  the  enclosed  proxy  card as soon as  possible  in the
enclosed postage-prepaid envelope.

         Whether  or not  you  expect  to  attend  the  annual  meeting,  please
complete,  sign, date and promptly mail your proxy in the envelope provided. You
may  revoke  your proxy at any time prior to the  annual  meeting,  and,  if you
attend the annual  meeting,  you may revoke  your proxy and vote your  shares in

                                      BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                      Gary L. Williams, Secretary
                                      November 21, 2001

                            Focus Enhancements, Inc.

                                1370 Dell Avenue
                           Campbell, California 95008

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                                     For the
                         Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                         to be held on December 21, 2001


                               GENERAL INFORMATION

         This proxy statement  contains  information about Focus' Annual Meeting
of Stockholders to be held at 1370 Dell Ave., Campbell,  CA on December 21, 2001
at 2 p.m.  California  time  and at any  postponements  or  adjournments  of the

Why did you send me this proxy statement?

         We sent you this proxy  statement  and the enclosed  proxy card because
our Board of Directors is soliciting your votes for use at Focus' annual meeting
of stockholders.

         This proxy statement  summarizes  information  that you need to know in
order to cast an informed vote.  However,  you do not need to attend the meeting
to vote your  shares.  Instead,  you may  simply  complete,  sign and return the
enclosed proxy card.

         We will begin sending this proxy  statement,  notice of annual  meeting
and the enclosed  proxy card on or about  November 21, 2001 to all  stockholders
entitled  to vote.  The record date for those  entitled to vote is November  13,
2001. On November 13, 2001, there were 32,828,999 shares of our Common Stock and
1,904 shares of Series B Preferred Stock outstanding.

         Our Annual  Report for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000 on Form
10-K and 10Q-SB for the period  ending  September  30, 2001 as filed  previously
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"),  accompanies this
proxy statement.

What constitutes a quorum?

         To establish a quorum at the annual  meeting,  a majority of the shares
of our  Common  Stock and  Series B  Preferred  Stock  voting as a single  class
outstanding  on the record  date must be  present  either in person or by proxy.
Focus will count  abstentions and broker  non-votes for purposes of establishing
the presence of a quorum at the meeting.

What vote is required for each proposal?

         o        Proposal 1: Election of  Directors.  The five (5) nominees for
                  director  who  receive  the most  votes cast by holders of our
                  Common Stock and Series B Preferred Stock,  voting as a single
                  class,  outstanding on November 13, 2001, will be elected. So,
                  if you do not vote for a particular nominee or if you indicate
                  "withhold  authority to vote" for a particular nominee on your
                  proxy  card,  your  abstention  will  have  no  effect  on the
                  elections of directors.

         o        Proposal 2: Ratification of Auditors. Stockholder ratification
                  of  the  selection  of  Deloitte  &  Touche,   LLP  as  Focus'
                  independent   auditors  is  not  required.   However,  we  are
                  submitting the selection of Deloitte & Touche,  LLP to you for
                  ratification  as a matter of good corporate  practice.  If you
                  fail to

                  ratify the  selection  by a majority  vote of the  present and
                  voting shares, we will reconsider whether to retain Deloitte &
                  Touche, LLP. Even if the selection is ratified, we may, in our
                  discretion,  direct the  appointment of different  independent
                  auditors at any time during the year if we determine that such
                  a  change  would  be in the best  interests  of Focus  and its

What are the recommendations of the board of directors?

         The Board of  Directors  of Focus has  unanimously  approved all of the
proposals we are submitting to you:

         o        election of each of the named nominees for director; and

         o        appointment  of  Deloitte  &  Touche,  LLP as our  independent

         The  Board of  Directors  also  recommends  a vote  "FOR"  the five (5)
nominees for director,  and "FOR"  ratification of Deloitte & Touche, LLP as our
independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2001.

How many votes do I have?

         Each share of our Common  Stock  that you own  entitles  you to one (1)
vote on each  proposal.  Each  share of Series B  Preferred  Stock  that you own
entitles  you to one thousand  (1,000)  votes on each  proposal.  The proxy card
indicates  the number of shares of our Common  Stock  and/or  Series B Preferred
Stock that you own.

How many shares of stock are outstanding?

         As of November 13,  2001,  there were  32,828,999  shares of our Common
Stock outstanding and 1,904 shares of Series B Preferred Stock outstanding.  For
the  purposes  of this  meeting,  the 1,904  shares of  preferred  stock will be
entitled to cast 1,904,000 votes for each proposal to be considered.

How do I vote by proxy?

         Whether you plan to attend the meeting or not, we urge you to complete,
sign and date the enclosed  proxy card and to return it promptly in the envelope
provided.  Returning the proxy card will not affect your right to vote in person
at the meeting.

         If you  properly  fill in your  proxy card and send it to us in time to
vote, your "proxy" (one of the  individuals  named on your proxy card) will vote
your shares as you have  directed on each  proposal.  If you sign the proxy card
but  do not  make  specific  choices,  your  proxy  will  vote  your  shares  as
recommended by the Board of Directors as follows:

         o        "FOR"  the  election  of each of the  five  (5)  nominees  for

         o        "FOR"  ratification  of  Deloitte  &  Touche,  LLP  as  Focus'
                  independent auditors; and

         o        in the  discretion  of the proxy holder as to any other matter
                  that may properly  come before the  meeting.  At the time this
                  proxy  statement  went to press,  we knew of no other  matters
                  that  needed to be acted on at the  meeting  other  than those
                  discussed in this proxy statement.

Can I change my vote after I return my proxy card?

         Yes. Even after you have submitted your proxy, you may change your vote
at any time before the proxy is exercised if:

         o        you file either a written  revocation of your proxy, or a duly
                  executed  proxy  bearing  a later  date,  with  the  Corporate
                  Secretary of Focus prior to the meeting, or


         o        you attend the  meeting  and vote in person.  Presence  at the
                  meeting  will not revoke your proxy  unless and until you vote
                  in person.

         However,  if your shares are held in the name of your  broker,  bank or
other  nominee,  and you  wish to vote in  person,  you must  bring  an  account
statement and a letter of  authorization  from your nominee so that you can vote
your shares.

How will focus executive officers and directors vote?

         On the record date of November 13,  2001,  our  executive  officers and
directors,  including  their  affiliates,  had voting  power with  respect to an
aggregate of 6,392,187 shares of our Common Stock or approximately  18.5% of the
shares of our Common Stock,  which  includes  1,904 shares of Series B Preferred
Stock  converted into  1,904,000  shares of our common stock for the purposes of
voting at this  meeting.  We currently  expect that such  officers and directors
will vote all of their  shares in favor of each of the nominees for director and
in favor of each of the proposals.

What are the costs of solicitation of proxies?

         We will bear the cost of solicitation of proxies from our  stockholders
and the cost of printing and mailing this document.  In addition to solicitation
by mail,  Focus  directors,  officers  and  employees  may solicit  proxies from
stockholders by telephone,  in person or through other means. These persons will
not  receive  additional  compensation,  but  they  will be  reimbursed  for the
reasonable   out-of-pocket   expenses  they  incur  in   connection   with  this
solicitation.  We also will make arrangements with brokerage firms,  fiduciaries
and other custodians who hold shares of record to forward solicitation materials
to the  beneficial  owner of these shares.  We will  reimburse  these  brokerage
firms,  fiduciaries  and other  custodians  for their  reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses in connection with this solicitation.  In addition,  we may pay for and
utilize the services of individuals  or companies we do not regularly  employ in
connection with the solicitation of proxies.

Will there be any other matters considered at the annual meeting?

         We are  unaware of any  matter to be  presented  at the annual  meeting
other than the proposals discussed in this proxy statement. If other matters are
properly  presented at the annual  meeting,  then the persons named in the proxy
will have  authority to vote all properly  executed  proxies in accordance  with
their judgment on any such matter, including any proposal to adjourn or postpone
the meeting.  If you vote against any proposal (other than a proposal  regarding
the election of directors or ratification of auditors), your proxy will not vote
in favor of any proposal to adjourn or postpone the meeting if such postponement
or  adjournment is for the purpose of soliciting  additional  proxies to approve
the proposal that you voted against.



Who are our executive officers and directors?

         The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  our
executive  officers and directors as of December 31, 2000.  Note that there have
been various  changes in our directors and executive  officers during 2001 which
are discussed later in this proxy statement.

Name                           Age    Position
- ----                           ---    --------
Thomas L. Massie               40     Chairman of the Board
William B. Coldrick            59     Vice Chairman of the Board
Timothy E. Mahoney             45     Director
John C. Cavalier               62     Director
William Dambrackas             58     Director
Brett A. Moyer                 43     Executive Vice President & Chief Operating
Thomas Hamilton                52     Vice President of Research & Development
William R. Schillhammer III    47     Vice President of OEM Sales

What is the background of our executive officers and directors?


         Thomas L.  Massie is  Chairman  of the  Board and a  co-founder  of the
Company and has served in this position since  inception of the company in 1992.
Mr. Massie served as Chief Executive  Officer of Focus from the inception of the
company  in 1992 to  2000.  In 2000,  Mr.  Massie  became  President  and  Chief
Executive Officer of Bridgeline Software, Inc., an Internet development firm. He
has more than 15 years of experience in the computer industry as well as related
business  management  experience.  From 1990 to 1992,  Mr. Massie was the Senior
Vice President of Articulate Systems, responsible for worldwide sales, marketing
and operations. From 1986 to 1990, Mr. Massie was the Chairman of the Board, and
founder of MASS  Microsystems.  From 1985 to 1986, Mr. Massie was the co-founder
and Executive  Vice  President of Sales and Marketing  for  MacMemory,  Inc. Mr.
Massie is a Board  Member of the Hockey  Academy,  Inc.  From 1979 to 1984,  Mr.
Massie  was a  Non-Commissioned  Officer  for  the  U.S.  Army,  101st  Airborne
Division. Mr. Massie's term expires in 2002.

         William  B.  Coldrick  has served as a Director  of the  Company  since
January 1993, Vice Chairman of the Company since July 1994 and as Executive Vice
President of the Company from July 1994 to May 1995. Mr. Coldrick is currently a
principal of Enterprise Development Partners, a consulting firm serving emerging
growth  companies  that he founded in April 1998.  From July 1996 to April 1998,
Mr.  Coldrick  was Vice  President  and  General  Manager of  Worldwide  Channel
Operations for the Computer  Systems Division of Unisys Corp. From 1982 to 1992,
Mr.  Coldrick  served  with Apple  Computer  Inc.  in several  senior  executive
positions  including Senior Vice President of Apple USA from 1990 to 1992. Prior
to joining  Apple  Computer  Inc. Mr.  Coldrick held several sales and marketing
management positions with Honeywell Inc. from 1968 to 1982. Mr. Coldrick holds a
Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing  from Iona College in New Rochelle,  New
York.  Mr.  Coldrick's  term  expires in 2001 and is being  nominated to serve a
two-year term to expire in 2003.

         John C.  Cavalier  has served as a Director  of the  Company  since May
1992. He has more than 30 years of business management experience. Since January
1, 2001 Mr.  Cavalier has been  Co-Chairman of MapInfo  Corporation and prior to
that since November 1996, Mr. Cavalier has been President, CEO and a Director of
MapInfo  Corporation,  a software developer.  Prior thereto, Mr. Cavalier joined
Amdahl  Company in early 1993 as Vice  President  and General  Manager of Huron,
Amdahl's  software  business.  He  earned  his  undergraduate  degree  from  the
University  of  Notre  Dame  and an MBA  from  Michigan  State  University.  Mr.
Cavalier's term expires in 2002.


         Timothy E.  Mahoney has served as  Director of the Company  since March
1997. He has more than 18 years of experience  in the  computing  industry.  Mr.
Mahoney  founded Union  Atlantic LC, in 1994, a consulting  company for emerging
technologies  and in 1999 became  Chairman and COO of,  Inc. (dong
business  as  vFinance,  Inc.),  the parent  company of Union  Atlantic,  LC and
vFinance  Capital LC (formerly  Union Atlantic  Capital LC.). . He earned his BA
degree in computer science and business from West Virginia University and an MBA
degree from George Washington University. Mr. Mahoney's term expires in 2001 and
is being nominated to serve a three-year term to expire in 2004.

         William A. Dambrackas has over 22 years of management experience in the
computer  industry.  He founded Equinox Systems (Nasdaq:  EQNX) 17 years ago and
since then, has served as the company's Chairman,  President and Chief Executive
Officer. Equinox develops high-performance  server-based communications products
for Internet access and commercial systems. Mr. Dambrackas also currently serves
on the Board of Directors of the Florida  Venture Forum,  an  organization  that
serves the needs of venture capital investors and emerging growth companies. Mr.
Dambrackas has been issued three United States  Patents for data  communications
inventions and he was honored as Delaware's  "Entrepreneur of the Year" in 1984.
Mr. Dambrackas' term expires in 2003,  however, on March 6, 2001, Mr. Dambrackas
resigned to allow for a seven member Board of  Directors,  pursuant to the terms
of the merger  agreement  between Focus  Enhancements  Inc., and Videonics Inc.,
dated August 30, 2000. In accordance with the merger agreement, the new Board of
Directors  will consist of four  directors of whom will be selected by the Board
of Directors of Focus and three  directors of whom will be selected by the Board
of Directors of Videonics.

         Executive Officers Not Directors

         Brett A. Moyer joined the Company in May 1997, and has assumed the role
of Executive  Vice President of Sales & Marketing and Chief  Operating  Officer.
Mr. Moyer brings over 10 years of global sales,  finance and general  management
experience from Zenith Electronics  Corporation,  where he was most recently the
Vice President and General Manager of Zenith's Commercial Products Division. Mr.
Moyer has also served as Vice  President  of Sales  Planning and  Operations  at
Zenith where he was responsible for forecasting, customer service, distribution,
MIS,  and  regional  credit  operations.  Mr.  Moyer has a  Bachelor  of Arts in
Economics  from  Beloit  College in  Wisconsin  and a Masters  of  International
Management  with a  concentration  in finance and  accounting  from The American
Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird).

         Thomas  Hamilton  joined the Company in September  1996 and has assumed
the role of Chief Technology  Officer.  Mr. Hamilton joined the Company when the
Company acquired TView,  Inc. From 1992 to 1996, Mr. Hamilton was Executive Vice
President and Co-Founder of TView,  Inc. Mr.  Hamilton grew TView from inception
to a $5M per year  revenue  before  being  acquired  by FOCUS.  He  co-developed
proprietary video processing technology central to FOCUS' business. Mr. Hamilton
has a BS in Mathematics from Oregon State University.

         William R.  Schillhammer  III  joined the  Company in 1998 with over 12
years of  experience  in global  sales  and  marketing.  From 1996 to 1998,  Mr.
Schillhammer was Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Digital Vision, Inc.,
a multi-million dollar developer of video conversion products. From 1990 to 1996
Mr.  Schillhammer held various senior  management  positions for Direct Imaging,
Inc., most recently serving as President. From 1988 to 1989 Mr. Schillhammer was
the Vice  President  for Number  Nine  Computer  Corporation,  a  publicly  held
multi-million  dollar  company.  From  1980 to 1988 he held  various  management
positions with the Intel Corporation.  Mr. Schillhammer graduated from Dartmouth
College with a bachelor's degree in Engineering.

         New Directors and Officers in 2001 - Acquisition of Videonics

         Pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  merger   agreement   between   Focus
Enhancements Inc., and Videonics Inc., dated August 30, 2000, it was agreed that
the  composition of the Board of Directors of Focus would be modified to consist
of seven  directors,  four of whom will be selected by the Board of Directors of
Focus and three of whom will be selected by the Board of Directors of Videonics.
It was also agreed that Thomas L. Massie  would  remain as Chairman of the Board
of Focus for the remainder of his current term.


         In connection  with the  acquisition  of Videonics on January 16, 2001,
the  following  individuals  were  appointed to serve as  executive  officers of

         o        Michael L. D'Addio,  the Chief Executive Officer of Videonics,
                  became the President and Chief Executive Officer of Focus.

         o        Jeffrey A. Burt, the Vice President of Operations of Videonics
                  became the Vice President of Operations for Focus.

         o        Gary L.  Williams,  the Vice  President  of Finance  and Chief
                  Financial  Officer of Videonics,  became the Vice President of
                  Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Focus.

         On March 6, 2001, Focus' director William Dambrackas resigned, to allow
for the appointment of three  Videonics  directors in accordance with the merger
agreement.  In conjunction with the  resignation,  the following three Videonics
directors were appointed to the Focus Board of Directors:

         Michel L. D'Addio
         Carl E. Berg
         N. William Jasper, Jr.

         New Directors

         Michael L.  D'Addio  joined Focus to serve as its  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer on January 16, 2001 in  connection  with the  acquisition  of
Videonics  Inc. Mr.  D'Addio was a co-founder  of  Videonics,  and had served as
Chief Executive  Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors since Videonics'
inception in July 1986. In addition Mr. D'Addio  served as Videonics'  President
from July 1986 until  November  1997.  From May 1979 through  November  1985 Mr.
D'Addio served as President,  Chief Executive  Officer and Chairman of the Board
of Directors of Corvus Systems, a manufacturer of small computers and networking
systems.  Mr.  D'Addio holds an A.B.  degree in  Mathematics  from  Northeastern
University.  Mr.  D'Addio is being  nominated  for a two-year  term to expire in

         Carl E. Berg, a co-founder of Videonics, has served on Videonics' Board
of Directors  since June 1987. Mr. Berg is currently  Chief  Executive  Officer,
President and a director for Mission West Properties, a real estate company. Mr.
Berg is also a member of the Board of Directors of Integrated Device Technology,
Inc., Valence  Technology,  Inc., and Systems Integrated  Research.  Mr. Berg is
being nominated for a three-year term to expire in 2004.

         N. William  Jasper,  Jr.  joined the Board of Directors of Videonics in
August 1993.  Since 1983, Mr. Jasper has been the President and Chief  Operating
Officer of Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Mr. Jasper is being nominated for three-year
a term to expire in 2004.

         New Officers

         Jeffrey  A.  Burt  joined  Focus  to serve  as its  Vice  President  of
Operations on January 16, 2001 in connection  with the  acquisition of Videonics
Inc. Mr. Burt had served as Vice  President  of  Operations  of Videonics  since
April 1992.  From August 1991 to March 1992,  Mr. Burt served  Videonics  as its
Materials  Manager.  Prior to that time,  from October 1990 until July 1991, Mr.
Burt acted as a consultant  to  Videonics  in the area of materials  management.
From May 1989 to October 1990, Mr. Burt served as the Director of  Manufacturing
of On  Command  Video.  Mr.  Burt  holds a B.A.  degree  in  Economics  from the
University of Wisconsin at Whitewater.

         Gary L. Williams joined Focus to serve as its Vice President of Finance
& CFO on January 16, 2001 in connection  with the  acquisition of Videonics Inc.
Mr.  Williams  had served  Videonics  as its Vice  President  of Finance,  Chief
Financial  Officer and  Secretary  since  February  1999.  From February 1995 to
January 1999, Mr.  Williams served as Videonics'  Controller.  From July 1994 to
January 1995, he served as Controller for Western Micro  Technology,  a publicly
traded company in the electronics  distribution  business.  From January 1990 to
June 1994, Mr. Williams  worked in public  accounting for Coopers & Lybrand LLP.
Mr.  Williams is a Certified  Public  Accountant  and has a Bachelors  Degree in
Business  Administration,  with an emphasis in  Accounting  from San Diego State


What are the responsibilities of our board of directors and committees?

         The Board of Directors  oversees  our business and affairs.  During the
fiscal year ended  December  31, 2000,  the Board of  Directors  held a total of
eight (8)  meetings.  All of the persons who were  directors of Focus during the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000 attended at least seventy-five percent (75%)
of the  aggregate  of (a) the total  number of Board  meetings and (b) the total
number of  meetings  held by all  committees  of the Board on which they  served
during the fiscal year.

         The Board also has two  committees,  a  compensation  committee  and an
audit committee. There is no nominating committee. The procedures for nominating
directors,  other than by the Board of  Directors  itself,  are set forth in our

         Compensation Committee

         The   Compensation    Committee's    responsibilities   are   to   make
determinations  with  respect to  salaries  and  bonuses  payable  to  executive
officers and to administer  stock option plans.  The  Compensation  Committee is
currently comprised of Messrs.  Massie and Mahoney.  This committee did not meet
during the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  2000,  however,  the entire  board
discussed   compensation  matters  during  regularly  scheduled  board  meetings
throughout the year.

         Audit Committee

         The audit  committee  of the board is composed of three (3) members and
operates  under a  written  charter  adopted  by the  board  of  directors.  The
responsibilities  of the audit  committee  are  contained in the Report of Audit
Committee below.  The audit committee  currently  consists of Messrs.  Coldrick,
Cavalier and Jasper.  Each of the members is "independent," as defined by Focus'
policy  and  the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  listing
standards.  During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000,  this committee held
three (3) formal meetings.

                            Report of Audit Committee

         The  following  Report  of the  Audit  Committee  does  not  constitute
soliciting  material and should not be deemed filed or incorporated by reference
into any  other  Focus  filings  under the  Securities  Act of 1933 or under the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended,   except  to  the  extent  we
specifically incorporate this Report of the Audit Committee by reference.

         The  Audit  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  is  responsible  for
providing  independent,  objective oversight of Focus' accounting  functions and
internal  controls.  In addition,  the Audit Committee reviews the quarterly and
financial  statements of Focus and any significant  accounting  issues affecting
such statements.  Furthermore, the committee reviews the scope of the audit, and
discusses any other audit-related matters, with our independent auditors.

         The Audit  Committee  acts under a written  charter  first  adopted and
approved  by the  Board  of  Directors  on June  1,  2000.  A copy of the  Audit
Committee Charter is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

         The responsibilities of the Audit Committee include recommending to the
Board of  Directors  an  accounting  firm to be  engaged  as Focus'  independent
accountants.  Additionally,  and as appropriate, the Audit Committee reviews and
evaluates the independent accountants'  performance,  and discusses and consults
with Focus' management and the independent accountants regarding the following:

         o        the plan for, and the independent accountants' report on, each
                  audit of Focus' financial statements;

         o        Focus' financial disclosure documents, including all financial
                  statements   and  reports  filed  with  the  SEC  or  sent  to


         o        changes in Focus' accounting practices,  principles,  controls
                  or methodologies, or in Focus' financial statements;

         o        significant developments in accounting rules; and

         o        the  adequacy  of  Focus'  internal  accounting  controls  and
                  financial accounting and auditing personnel.

         In connection with these responsibilities,  the members of the Board of
Directors met with  management  and the  independent  accountants  to review and
discuss the financial  statements  for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000.
They also discussed with the  independent  accountants  the matters  required by
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committees) and
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees),  and they discussed with the  independent  accountants  that firm's

         Based upon the Board of Directors'  discussions with management and the
independent  accountants,  and their review of the representations of management
and the independent accountants,  they recommended that the audited consolidated
financial  statements be included in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, to be filed with the SEC.

                                                       THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                                       WILLIAM COLDRICK, CHAIR

Did our  directors  and  officers  comply with their  section  16(a)  beneficial
ownership reporting compliance requirements in 2000?

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  our
directors  and  executive  officers,  and  persons who own more than ten percent
(10%) of our equity  securities,  to file  reports of  ownership  and reports of
changes  in  ownership  of our  Common  Stock  with  the SEC.  The SEC  requires
officers,  directors and greater than ten percent (10%)  stockholders to furnish
us with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

         To our best  knowledge,  based solely on a review of the copies of such
forms and  certifications  furnished  to us, we believe  that all Section  16(a)
filing requirements were complied with during the fiscal year ended December 31,

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

Who owns more than 5% of our Common Stock and Series B Preferred Stock, and what
is the beneficial  ownership of our Common Stock and Series B Preferred Stock of
our executive officers and directors?

         The following  table sets forth  information,  as of November 13, 2001,
regarding  the  shares  of  our  Common  Stock   beneficially   owned  by  those
stockholders  of Focus known to  management to  beneficially  own more than five
percent (5%) of our Common Stock,  each of our  directors,  nominees,  executive
officers and "Named Executive  Officers" (as defined on page 10 under "How Do We
Compensate  Our  Executive  Officers?"),  as well as all directors and executive
officers as a group. Except as noted, we believe each person has sole voting and
investment  power  with  respect  to the  shares  shown  subject  to  applicable
community property laws.

         "Beneficial  ownership" is a technical term broadly  defined by the SEC
to mean more than ownership in the usual sense.  For example,  you  beneficially
own our Common Stock not only if you hold it directly,  but also indirectly,  if
you,  through a relationship,  contract or  understanding,  have, or share,  the
power to vote the  stock,  to sell the  stock or have the right to  acquire  the
stock.  Percentage of  beneficial  ownership  based on 32,828,999  shares of our
Common Stock outstanding as of November 13, 2001.


                                                                 Percentage of
                                                                Number of Shares            Outstanding
                            Name                               Beneficially Owned         Common Stock(1)
                            ----                               ------------------         ---------------
Thomas L. Massie(2).........................................        813,579                     2.3%
Michael L. D'Addio(3).......................................        946,881                     2.7
Carl E. Berg(4).............................................      3,338,691                     9.6
John C. Cavalier(5).........................................        138,890                      *
William B. Coldrick(6)......................................        230,556                      *
N. William Jasper, Jr.(7)...................................         63,149                      *
Timothy E. Mahoney(8).......................................         91,666                      *
Brett A. Moyer(9)...........................................        327,878                      *
Jeffery Burt(10)............................................        109,590                      *
Thomas Hamilton(11).........................................        208,779                      *
Gary L. Williams(12)........................................        122,528                      *
All executive officers and directors as a group(11
persons)(13)................................................      6,392,187                    18.5%

- ----------
         * Less than 1% of the outstanding common stock.

(1)      Unless  otherwise  indicated,  each  person  possesses  sole voting and
         investment power with respect to the shares.

(2)      Includes  241,356 shares of common stock held directly or indirectly by
         Mr. Massie.  Includes  572,223 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding
         stock options that are  exercisable  at November 13, 2001, or within 60
         days thereafter.

(3)      Includes  794,103 shares of common stock held directly or indirectly by
         Mr. D'Addio.  Includes 152,778 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding
         stock options that are  exercisable  at November 13, 2001, or within 60
         days thereafter.

(4)      Includes  1,412,469  shares of common stock held directly or indirectly
         by Mr. Berg and 1,904  shares of preferred  stock that are  convertible
         into  1,904,000  shares of our common  stock.  Includes  22,222  shares
         issuable  pursuant to outstanding stock options that are exercisable at
         November  13,  2001,  or within 60 days  thereafter  As of November 13,
         2001, Carl Berg beneficially owned all of the outstanding shares of our
         Series B Preferred Stock.

(5)      Includes 138,890 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding stock options
         that are exercisable at November 13, 2001 or within 60 days thereafter.

(6)      Includes 230,556 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding stock options
         that are exercisable at November 13, 2001, or within 60 days thereafter

(7)      Includes  27,214  shares of common stock held directly or indirectly by
         Mr. Jasper.  Includes  35,935 shares  issuable  pursuant to outstanding
         stock options that are  exercisable  at November 13, 2001, or within 60
         days thereafter.

(8)      Includes 91,666 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding  stock options
         that  are   exercisable  at  November  13,  2001,  or  within  60  days
         thereafter.  Does not include  370,332 shares owned or 45,000  warrants
         held by,  Inc.  or any of its  affiliates.  See  "Selling
         Shareholders - Services Rendered - vFinance Capital L.C."

(9)      Includes  40,100  shares of common  stock held  directly by Mr.  Moyer.
         Includes 287,778 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding stock options
         that  are   exercisable  at  November  13,  2001,  or  within  60  days

(10)     Includes 109,590 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding stock options
         that  are   exercisable  at  November  13,  2001,  or  within  60  days

(11)     Includes  6,000 shares of common stock held  directly by Mr.  Hamilton.
         Includes 202,779 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding stock options
         that  are   exercisable  at  November  13,  2001,  or  within  60  days


(12)     Includes 122,528 shares issuable  pursuant to outstanding stock options
         that  are   exercisable  at  November  13,  2001,  or  within  60  days

(13)     Includes  1,966,945  shares  issuable  pursuant  to options to purchase
         common  stock  exercisable  at  November  13,  2001,  or within 60 days


How do we compensate our directors?

         Non-employee  directors  are  reimbursed  for  out of  pocket  expenses
incurred in attending  the  meetings.  No director  who is an employee  receives
separate  compensation  for  services  rendered  as  a  director.   Non-employee
directors are eligible to participate in our stock option plan.

How do we compensate our executive officers?

         The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  concerning  the
executive  compensation  our Chief  Executive  Officer  and three (3) other most
highly  compensated  executive  officers  whose cash  salary and bonus  exceeded
$100,000 (the "Named  Executive  Officers")  for the fiscal years ended December
31, 2000, 1999, and 1998.

                                       Summary Compensation Table

                                                   Annual Compensation(1)(2)             Options/
                                              ------------------------------------    ----------------
Name and
Principal Position                             Year     Salary ($)     Bonus($)           SARs(3)
- ------------------                             ----     ----------     --------           -------
Thomas L. Massie                               2000      $ 85,929           --           100,000
Chairman of the Board(4)                       1999      $150,000     $ 69,154           100,000
                                               1998      $150,000     $132,833           200,000

Christopher P. Ricci                           2000      $134,503     $ 15,220           175,000
Sr. Vice President and General Counsel(5)      1999      $150,000     $ 15,200            45,000
                                               1998      $150,000     $ 27,500           125,000

Brett Moyer                                    2000      $154,999     $ 23,521(6)        200,000
Executive Vice President & Chief               1999      $130,000     $ 63,724(6)         40,000
Operating Officer                              1998      $130,000     $ 41,000(6)        100,000

Thomas Hamilton                                2000      $135,000     $  3,445           125,000
Vice President of Research                     1999      $129,192           --           175,000
                                               1998      $110,000     $  5,000            25,000

William Schillhammer                           2000      $106,666     $ 29,369(6)        125,000
Vice President of OEM Sales                    1999      $ 95,000     $ 52,900(6)         40,000
                                               1998      $ 85,000     $ 22,204(6)        122,000

(1)      Includes  salary and bonus payments earned by the named officers in the
         year indicated,  for services rendered in such year, which were paid in
         the following year.

(2)      Excludes perquisites and other personal benefits,  the aggregate annual
         amount of which for each officer was less than the lesser of $50,000 or
         10% of the total salary and bonus reported.

(3)      Long-term  compensation  table reflects the grant of non-qualified  and
         incentive  stock  options  granted to the named  persons in each of the
         periods indicated. Includes repriced options for 1998.

(4)      During  1998,  1999 and through  April of 2000,  Mr.  Massie  served as
         President and Chief Executive  Officer of Focus. On May 1, 2000,  Focus
         entered into a separation agreement with Mr. Massie whereby the parties


         to sever Mr. Massie's employment relationship effective April 30, 2000.
         Mr. Massie  remained  Chairman of the Focus Board of Directors  and, in
         addition,  Focus and Mr. Massie entered into a consulting  agreement on
         May 1, 2000. Mr. Massie was paid $88,000 in consulting  compensation in
         2000. In addition,  the Company agreed to forgive notes due the Company
         from Mr. Massie that totaled $140,000.

(5)      On September 6, 2000,  Mr. Ricci  resigned  from his position as Senior
         Vice President and General  Counsel of Focus.  He continued to work for
         the Company on a part time basis through April 30, 2001.

(6)      Includes compensation based on sales commissions.

         Stock Option Plans

         We maintain various qualified and non-qualified  stock option plans for
our  employees,  officers and  directors.  As of November  13, 2001,  options to
purchase  common stock  remained  available  for grant.  These  amounts  include
options that were approved under the 2000 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan.

         2000 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan

         On April 27, 2000,  the Board of  Directors  of Focus  adopted the 2000
Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan, subject to approval by Focus  shareholders.  On
August 15, 2000 the maximum number of options  available under the 2000 Plan was
increased from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 in order to  accommodate  requirements  in
connection  with the  acquisition  of  Videonics.  The plan was  approved by the
stockholders of Focus on December 28, 2000.

         The exercise price per share of options  granted under the 2000 Plan is
100% of the  fair-market  value of Focus'  common stock on the date the plan was
approved by Focus  shareholders  (December 28, 2000.) Options granted under this
plan generally vest over a period of three years.

         The five (5) members of the Board of Directors of Focus at December 31,
2000 were each granted 100,000 options under this plan. Mr. Massie was granted a
total of 100,000  options  under the 2000 Plan for the year ended  December  31,

         The following  tables sets forth as to the Chairman,  each of the other
executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table, and each nominee for
director,  certain  information  with  respect to options to purchase  shares of
common stock of Focus as of and for the year ended December 31, 2000.

                                        OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN 2000

                                           Number of
                                          Securities        % of Total
                                          Underlying      Options/ SARs
                                         Options/ SARs      Granted to       Exercise Or
                                            Granted       Employees in        Base Price
Name                                         (#)(1)          2000(2)        ($/per Share)       Exp. Date
- ----                                         ------          -------        -------------       ---------
Thomas L. Massie                            100,000           3.82%            $0.5625          12/28/05
William B. Coldrick (3)                     100,000           3.82%            $0.5625          12/28/05
Timothy E. Mahoney (3)                      100,000           3.82%            $0.5625          12/28/05
Christopher P. Ricci                        175,000           6.70%            $0.5625          12/28/05
Brett Moyer                                 200,000           7.65%            $0.5625          12/28/05
Bill Schillhammer                           125,000           4.79%            $0.5625          12/28/05
Thomas Hamilton                             125,000           4.79%            $0.5625          12/28/05

(1)      The purpose of Focus' stock option plans,  is to provide  incentives to
         employees,  directors  and  consultants  who are in  positions  to make
         significant contributions to Focus.

(2)      Focus granted options to purchase a total of 2,611,875 shares of common
         stock to employees and directors in 2000.

(3)      Nominee for director.

         The following table sets forth information concerning options exercised
during fiscal year 2000 and the value of unexercised  options as of December 31,
2000 held by the executives named in the Summary Compensation Table above.



                                                                                             Value of Unexercised
                                                           Number of Securities                   In-the-Money
                               Shares                    Underlying Unexercised                Options/SARs at
                             Acquired on      Value      Options/SARs at Year-End                 Year-End(1)
                              Exercise     Realized  ------------- -----------------    -------------- ----------------
                                 (#)          ($)       Exercisable    Unexercisable        Exercisable    Unexercisable
                              --------     --------     -----------    -------------        -----------    -------------
Thomas L. Massie                 --           --         438,891         211,109              $2,889        $10,111
Christopher P. Ricci             --           --         167,222         136,110              $5,056        $17,694
Brett Moyer                      --           --         174,445         215,554              $5,778        $20,222
William Schillhammer             --           --         117,447         169,553              $3,611        $12,638
Thomas Hamilton                  --           --          94,446         222,220              $3,611        $12,639

(1)      Value is based on the difference  between option exercise price and the
         closing price as quoted on the NASDAQ  SmallCap  Market at the close of
         trading on December 31, 2000 ($0.69) multiplied by the number of shares
         underlying the option.

         Repricing of Stock Options/Additional Option Plans

         On March 19, 1997,  the Focus Board of  Directors  elected to terminate
the 1995 Directors  Stock Option Plan and all options granted  thereunder.  By a
unanimous  vote,  the Focus Board of Directors  established  the 1997  Directors
Stock  Option  Plan and  authorized  the  grant of  options  to  purchase  up to
1,000,000  shares of common stock under the 1997 Directors Stock Option Plan. On
March 19, 1997, options to purchase 200,000 shares at an exercise price of $1.88
per share were granted to Mr. Cavalier, options to purchase 100,000 shares at an
exercise  price of $1.88 per share were granted to each of Messrs.  Coldrick and
Mahoney and options to purchase  50,000 shares at an exercise price of $1.88 per
share were granted to a now former  director.  All of the options are subject to
various vesting provisions.

         On September 1, 1998,  Focus repriced all employee and director options
under all plans to $1.22  per share for those  options  priced in excess of this
value. This price represented the closing market price of Focus' common stock on
September 1, 1998.

         On  September 1, 1998,  the Focus Board of Directors  approved the 1998
Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan. The 1998 Plan authorized the grant on September
1, 1998 of stock  options  for  75,000  shares  of  common  stock to each of Mr.
Mahoney and Mr. Coldrick and for 100,000 shares to Mr. Cavalier, each of whom is
neither an employee nor officer of Focus.  Upon joining the Board of  Directors,
on April 22, 1999, Mr.  Dambrackas was granted a stock option for 100,000 shares
of common stock.

         Employment Agreements

         Focus and Brett Moyer are parties to an employment  contract  effective
May 15, 1997, as amended to date, which renews  automatically after December 31,
2000, for one year terms, subject to certain termination provisions. Pursuant to
this employment  contract,  Mr. Moyer serves as Executive Vice President & Chief
Operating Officer.  This employment contract requires acceleration of vesting of
all options held by Mr. Moyer so as to be  immediately  exercisable if Mr. Moyer
is  terminated  without cause during the term of the  contract.  The  employment
contract  provides  for  bonuses as  determined  by the Board of  Directors  and
employee benefits, including health and disability insurance, in accordance with
the Focus' policies. In May 2000, Mr. Moyer's employment contract was amended to
extend the term until May 1, 2002, which renews  automatically after May 1, 2002
for successive one year terms, subject to certain termination provisions.

         Focus and  Christopher  Ricci were  parties to an  employment  contract
effective March 1, 1998, as amended to date, which renewed  automatically  after
December  31,  2000,  for  one  year  terms,   subject  to  certain  termination
provisions. Pursuant to this employment contract, Mr. Ricci served as our Senior
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. This employment contract required
the  acceleration  of  vesting  of all  options  held by Mr.  Ricci  so as to be
immediately exercisable if Mr. Ricci is terminated without cause during the term
of the contract.  On September 6, 2000,  Mr. Ricci resigned from his position as
Senior Vice  President,  General Counsel and Secretary.  Mr. Ricci's  employment
agreement  was  terminated  on  that  date  and  replaced  with a new  agreement
providing  for his  employment  by Focus on a part time basis  through April 30,


         Focus  and  Thomas  Hamilton  are  parties  to an  employment  contract
effective October 17, 1996, as amended to date, which renews automatically after
December  31,  1998,  for  one-year  terms,   subject  to  certain   termination
provisions.  Pursuant to this employment  contract,  Mr. Hamilton serves as Vice
President  of Research &  Development.  This  employment  contract  requires the
acceleration  of  vesting  of  all  options  held  by Mr.  Hamilton  so as to be
immediately  exercisable if Mr. Hamilton is terminated  without cause during the
term of the contract. The employment contract provides for bonuses as determined
by the Focus Board of Directors  and  employee  benefits,  including  health and
disability insurance, in accordance with Focus' policies.

         Subsequent Separation and Consulting Agreements

         On May 1, 2000,  Focus  entered  into a separation  agreement  with Mr.
Massie whereby the parties agreed to sever Mr. Massie's employment  relationship
effective  April 30, 2000. Mr. Massie remains on the Board of Directors of Focus
and any options granted by Focus will continue to vest under their current terms
for as long as he remains a director or a  consultant,  whichever is longer.  In
addition,  under the  severance  agreement,  Focus (i) paid Mr.  Massie  for all
accrued  vacation and unpaid  bonuses;  and (ii) will forgive two notes totaling
$140,000,  including  all  interest,  owed by Mr. Massie to Focus over eight (8)
fiscal  quarters,  ending June 30, 2002. On December 28, 2000, the  Compensation
Committee  of Focus  agreed to forgive  the  remaining  amount due under the two

         In addition,  Focus and Mr. Massie entered into a Consulting  Agreement
on May 1, 2000,  whereby Mr. Massie received a monthly consulting fee of $11,000
plus expenses. Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. Massie assisted Focus in financial
matters, including but not limited to, the raising of long term capital, planing
product development,  advising on merger and acquisitions,  and recruiting a new
president  for Focus.  At December 31, 2000,  the Company had paid Mr.  Massie a
total of $88,000 under the agreement. The consulting agreement was terminated in
February 2001, when total payments reached a $110,000, the minimum due under the

         Employment Agreements - New Officers

         Focus  and  Michael  D'Addio  are  parties  to an  employment  contract
effective January 16, 2001.  Pursuant to this employment  contract,  Mr. D'Addio
serves as Chief Executive Officer and President. Mr. D'Addio's base salary shall
be $190,000 per year. In addition, Mr. D'Addio was granted 500,000 stock options
which  vest over a three  year  period.  Under the option  plan,  these  options
accelerate,  so as to be  immediately  exercisable  if Mr. D'Addio is terminated
without cause during the term of the contract.  The employment contract provides
for bonuses as  determined  by the Board of  Directors  and  employee  benefits,
including  health  and  disability  insurance,  in  accordance  with the  Focus'
policies. The agreement terminates on December 31, 2003.

         Mr. Burt and Mr. Williams have entered into Key Employee  Agreements to
provide for the acceleration of option vesting under certain  circumstances upon
a change in control as defined in those agreements.

         Non-employee  directors  are  reimbursed  for  out of  pocket  expenses
incurred in attending  the  meetings.  No director  who is an employee  receives
separate  compensation  for  services  rendered  as  a  director.   Non-employee
directors are eligible to participate in our stock option plan.

                              CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS

What  relationships  exist  between  Focus and its  directors  and  officers and
entities with which any director or officer is affiliated? What is the nature of
those relationships?

         Timothy  Mahoney,   who  is  a  Focus  director,   is  a  principle  of,  Inc., the parent of vFinance  Capital L.C. and a partner of Union
Atlantic L.C. For the years ended  December 31, 2000 and 1999,  Focus paid Union
Atlantic  L.C.  $83,206  and  $112,226,   respectively  in  consulting  fees  in
connection with equity  financing  agreements  negotiated by Union Atlantic L.C.
During 2001,  vFinance  Capital L.C. was issued  279,325  shares of Focus common
stock in lieu of investment  banking fees in connection  with the acquisition of
Videonics Inc in January 2001,  including  certain  additional shares due to the
change in the market  price of the common stock of Focus.  Furthermore  in 2001,
91,007  shares of Focus  Common  Stock were  issued to,  Inc.  for
payment under and  settlement  for the  termination  of Management and Financial
Consulting  Agreement between Focus and Union Atlantic L.C. and vFinance Capital
L.C.,  including certain  additional shares due to the change in market price of
the  common  stock  of  Focus.  Pursuant  to  these  agreements,  in  the  event,  Inc. or any of its affiliates  publicly sell the shares of common
stock in the market at a price below $1.03,  Focus would be required to issue to,  Inc. additional shares to make up any shortfalls, up to a maximum
of 3,500,000.  Such shares can be


repurchased  by Focus within five (5) business days from the date of issuance at
the  difference  between  the market  price at the time the shares  were sold by
vFinance or its affiliates and $1.03. Such amount would not exceed $301,000.  Of
the 370,332 shares issued,  47,055 shares have been issued pursuant to the price
protection provision.

         Carl Berg,  a Focus  director and  shareholder  as of March 6, 2001 and
previous  director and  shareholder  of Videonics  Inc.,  had a $1,035,000  loan
outstanding  to  Videonics  Inc.,  that Focus  assumed on  January  16,  2001 in
connection with the merger.  This unsecured loan, bears interest at 8% per year,
and is due on January  16,  2002.  Accrued  interest  is  payable  at  maturity.
Additionally,  Carl Berg loaned  Focus $2.3  million to  collateralize  the $2.3
million bond posted in connection with the CRA  litigation.  The promissory note
has a term of three  years and bears  interest  at a rate of prime  plus 1%. The
principal  amount of the note will be due at the end of its term,  with interest
to be paid quarterly. Under certain circumstances,  including at the election of
Mr. Berg and Focus,  the  promissory  note is  convertible  into shares of Focus
common stock generally equal to the value of the promissory note and any accrued
and unpaid interest.  The promissory note is secured by a security  agreement in
favor  of Mr.  Berg  granting  him a  security  interest  in first  priory  over
substantially all of the assets of Focus.

         On February  28,  2001,  Carl Berg agreed to loan Focus $2.0 million to
support the Company's  working capital needs. The promissory note has a due date
of  September  25,  2003 and  bears  interest  at a rate of prime  plus 1%.  The
principal  amount of the note will be due at the end of its term,  with interest
to be paid  quarterly.  On April 24, 2001,  the note was amended to provide that
under  certain  circumstances,  including at the election of Mr. Berg and Focus,
the  promissory  note and any accrued and unpaid  interest is  convertible  into
shares of Focus preferred stock at a conversion price of $1.19 which represented
125% of the trailing  30-day average of the Company's  common stock ending April
23, 2001. The promissory note is secured by a security agreement in favor of Mr.
Berg granting him a security  interest in first priority over  substantially all
of the assets of Focus.

         On May 7, 2001, Carl Berg converted  approximately $2.3 million of debt
and accrued  interest  owed by Focus to Mr.  Berg into 1,904  shares of Series B
convertible  preferred  stock based on the estimated fair value of the preferred
stock the date on which the related  subscription  agreement was executed.  Each
share has a liquidation  preference in the amount of $1,190.48  plus all accrued
or declared but unpaid dividends. Cash dividends on the stock are non-cumulative
and are paid at the option of the board of directors. If paid, the rate shall be
seven percent per annum. The board does not presently intend to pay dividends on
the stock.  At the option of the holder,  each share is  convertible  into 1,000
shares of common stock of Focus.

         On June 29, 2001,  Focus issued a  convertible  promissory  note to Mr.
Berg in the amount up to $650,000 to support Focus' working  capital needs.  The
promissory  note has a due date of January 3, 2003 and bears  interest at a rate
of prime plus 1%. The principal amount of the note will be due at the end of its
term, with interest to be paid quarterly. The note provides that at the election
of Mr. Berg and Focus,  the promissory  note and any accrued and unpaid interest
is convertible  into shares of Focus  preferred  stock at a conversion  price of
$1.56 which  represented  125% of the trailing  30-day  average of Focus' common
stock  ending  June 28,  2001.  The  promissory  note is  secured  by a security
agreement  in  favor of Mr.  Berg  granting  him a  security  interest  in first
priority over substantially all of the assets of Focus.

         As of September  30, 2001,  we had an aggregate of  approximately  $4.1
million in debt outstanding to Mr. Berg.

         All material  affiliate  transactions  and loans  between Focus and its
officers,  directors,  principal  shareholders  or other  affiliates are made or
entered into on terms that are no less favorable to such  individuals than would
be obtained from, or given to,  unaffiliated third parties and are approved by a
majority  of the  board  of  directors  who  do  not  have  an  interest  in the
transactions  and who have access,  at Focus'  expense to Focus' or  independent
legal counsel.



                                   PROPOSAL 1:

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Our Bylaws  provide  that the  number of  directors  of Focus  shall be
determined by resolution of the board of directors but in no event shall be less
than three.  The number of directors is currently set at seven (7). The Board of
Directors  recommends  the  election as directors  the five (5) nominees  listed
below,  to hold office for the terms  indicated and until their  successors  are
elected and qualified or until their earlier death, resignation or removal. Each
of the members of the Board of Directors set forth below has been  nominated for
re-election. The person named as "Proxy" in the enclosed form of proxy statement
will vote the shares  represented  by all valid  returned  proxies in accordance
with the  specifications of the stockholders  returning such proxies.  If at the
time of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders  that any of the nominees named below
should  be  unable  to  serve,  which  event  is  not  expected  to  occur,  the
discretionary  authority  provided in the proxy  statement  will be exercised to
vote for such substitute nominee or nominees,  if any, as shall be designated by
the Board of Directors.

         Our  full  Board  of  Directors  acts as the  nominating  committee.  A
shareholder who desires to propose an individual for  consideration by the Board
of Directors as a nominee for  director  should  submit a proposal in writing to
the Secretary of Focus in accordance with Section 7.A. of Focus' Bylaws.

         The  following  sets forth the name and age as of November  13, 2001 of
each nominee for director and the term they have been nominated to serve:

     Name                               Age                 Term to Expire
     ----                               ---                 --------------
     Carl E. Berg                       64                       2004
     William Coldrick                   59                       2003
     Timothy E. Mahoney                 45                       2004
     Michael D'Addio                    57                       2003
     N. William Jasper, Jr.             53                       2004

         There is no family  relationship  between  any  director  or  executive
officer of Focus.  For a complete  discussion  of the  background of each of the
nominees for director, see "What is the background of our executive officers and
directors?" on page 4.

         The  following  directors are  continuing  in office  pursuant to their
terms as indicated and are not up for election this year:

     Name                               Age                 Term to Expire
     ----                               ---                 --------------
     Thomas L. Massie                   40                       2002
     John C. Cavalier                   62                       2002



                                   PROPOSAL 2:


         We have appointed  Deloitte & Touche,  LLP as our independent  auditors
for the year ending December 31, 2001. The independent accounting firm of Wolf &
Company,  P.C. ("Wolf & Co.") audited the financial  statements of Focus for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000.

         Effective May 3, 2001, Focus replaced its independent auditors,  Wolf &
Company,  P.C. ("Wolf & Co.") with Deloitte & Touche,  LLP ("Deloitte").  Wolf &
Co.'s report on the Company's  financial  statements  during the two most recent
fiscal  years  preceding  the date  hereof  contained  no  adverse  opinion or a
disclaimer  of opinions,  and was not  qualified or modified as to  uncertainty,
audit scope or accounting  principles.  The decision to change  accountants  was
approved by the Company's Audit Committee.  During the last two fiscal years and
the subsequent  interim period to the date hereof,  there were no  disagreements
between the Company and Wolf & Co. On any matters of  accounting  principles  or
practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure, which
disagreement(s),  if not resolved to the  satisfaction of Wolf & Co., would have
caused it to make a reference to the subject  matter of the  disagreement(s)  in
connection with its reports.  None of the "reportable  events" described in Item
304(a)(1)(v)  of Regulation  S-B occurred with respect to the Company within the
last two fiscal years and the subsequent interim period to the date hereof.

         Effective May 3, 2001, the Company engaged  Deloitte as its independent
auditors  for the fiscal  year ending  December  31,  2001.  During the last two
fiscal years and the subsequent  interim period to the date hereof,  the Company
did not  consult  Deloitte  regarding  any of the matters or events set forth in
Item 304(a)(2)(v) and (ii) of Regulation S-B.

         Representatives  of  Deloitte  &  Touche,  LLP will be  present  at the
meeting, will be available to respond to your questions and will be able to make
such statements as they desire.


         The following  table sets forth the aggregate  audit fees and non-audit
related fees that Focus incurred for services  provided by Wolf & Co. during the
fiscal year ended  December  31,  2000.  The table  lists audit fees,  financial
information  systems  design and  implementation  fees,  and all other fees. All
services  rendered by Wolf & Co. during the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000
were furnished at customary rates and terms.

                                                       Fiscal Year Ended
                                                       December 31, 2000
  Audit Fees........................................        $125,000
  Tax Return Preparation Fees.......................         $20,000
  Special Investigation and All Other Fees..........        $155,000

         Audit  fees  include  only  fees  that are  customary  under  generally
accepted  auditing  standards  and are the  aggregate  fees Focus  incurred  for
professional  services  rendered  for  the  audit  of  Focus'  annual  financial
statements  for  fiscal  year ended  December  31,  2000 and the  reviews of the
financial  statements  included in Focus' Quarterly  Reports on Forms 10-QSB for
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000.

Special Investigation

         In March 2000, Wolf & Co. brought to the attention of the Board certain
matters  relating  to the  Focus'  financial  controls.  The Board of  Directors
thereafter  formed a special  committee to  investigate.  The special  committee
engaged the law firm of Foley,  Hoag & Eliot LLP,  which engaged the  accounting
firm  of  Arthur  Andersen  LLP  to aid in the  investigation.  Based  upon  its
investigation,  the  committee  has  concluded  that,  despite his  denials,  an
accounting manager in Focus' finance department  misstated the inventory records
of Focus' Pro AV series for purposes of presentation to Focus' outside  auditors
in  connection  with the audit for the year ended  December  31, 1999. A revised
inventory  list for the Pro AV series as of December  31,  1999 was  compiled in
connection  with the special  committee's  review and has been  subject to audit
tests  performed  by Wolf & Co. as part


of its year end audit of the financial  statements of Focus as a whole. As such,
management  believes that  inventory has been properly  presented as of December
31, 1999 and no  adjustments  appeared to be  necessary  to prior  periods.  The
accounting manager in question has been discharged.

         As a result of the Committee's  investigation,  Focus incurred  various
expenses including accounting fees of approximately  $120,000 paid to Wolf & Co.
in  conjunction  with  the  completion  of the  1999  annual  audit,  review  of
accounting  practices  and the special  investigation  conducted by the Board of

         If you do not ratify the selection of independent  auditors,  the Board
will reconsider the appointment.  However, even if you ratify the selection, the
Board may still appoint new independent  auditors at any time during the year if
it believes  that such a change would be in the best  interests of Focus and our


                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

         If you want a proposal to be included in our proxy  statement and proxy
for our 2002 Annual Meeting of the  Stockholders,  we must receive such proposal
by July 24, 2002 in a form that complies with applicable law.  Proposals  should
be addressed to our Corporate  Secretary and sent to our corporate  office.  See
"Where You Can Find More Information" below for our address.

         For any proposal  that is not  submitted  for  inclusion in next year's
proxy  statement,  but is instead  sought to be  presented  directly at the 2002
Annual Meeting,  must be received by us no later than October 23, 2002.  Notices
of intention to present proposals at the 2002 Annual Meeting should be addressed
to our Corporate  Secretary and sent to our corporate office. See "Where You Can
Find More Information" below for our address.

                                VOTING SECURITIES

         Stockholders  of record at the close of business on November  13, 2001,
will be eligible to vote at the meeting.  The voting securities of Focus consist
of our Common Stock, of which 32,828,999 shares were outstanding on November 13,
2001 and our Series B Preferred Stock of which 1,904 shares were  outstanding on
November 13, 2001. Each share of our Common Stock outstanding on the record date
will be entitled to one (1) vote and each share of our Series B Preferred  Stock
will be entitled to one thousand (1,000) votes. Individual votes of stockholders
are kept private  except as appropriate  to meet legal  requirements.  Access to
proxies  and other  individual  stockholder  voting  records  is  limited to the
Inspector  of Election  and certain  employees  of Focus and its agents who must
acknowledge their responsibility to comply with this policy of confidentiality.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         The Board of  Directors  does not  intend  to bring any other  business
before the meeting and, to the knowledge of the Board of  Directors,  no matters
are to be brought  before the meeting  except as specified in this notice of the
meeting.  If any other business does properly come before the meeting,  however,
the proxies will be voted in accordance  with the judgment of the persons voting



         Focus  Common Stock is listed on the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market under the
symbol "FCSE." Focus files annual,  quarterly and current  reports with the SEC.
Please call the SEC at 1.800.SEC.0330 for further information about their public
reference rooms. Our public filings are also available from commercial  document
retrieval services and via the SEC's Internet website, at

         You may obtain the above-mentioned  documents,  or additional copies of
this  document or any of the documents  accompanying  this proxy  statement,  by
requesting  them in writing or by telephone from the Corporate  Secretary at the
following addresses:

                           Corporate Secretary
                           Focus Enhancement, Inc.
                           1370 Dell Avenue
                           Campbell, California  95008
                           (408) 866-8300

         If you would like to request  documents  from us, please do so at least
five business days before the date of the annual  meeting to receive them before
the annual meeting.

         You should rely only on the  information  contained  in or  accompanied
with this  document  to vote  your  shares at the  annual  meeting.  We have not
authorized anyone to provide you with information that is different from what is
contained in this document. This document is dated November 21, 2001. You should
not assume that the information contained in this document is accurate as of any
date other than the date  indicated,  and neither  the mailing of this  document
creates any implication to the contrary.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors

                                     Gary L. Williams, Secretary
                                     Dated:   November 21, 2001


                                    Exhibit A

                             Audit Committee Charter

The Audit Committee ("the Committee") of the Board of Directors ("the Board") of
Company  ("the  Company")  have  the  oversight  responsibility,  authority  and
specific duties as described below.


The Committee  will be comprised of three or more directors as determined by the
Board.  The members of the Committee will meet the  independence  and experience
requirements of the NASDAQ Exchange (NASDAQ).  The members of the Committee will
be elected annually at the organizational meeting of the full Board held in July
and will be listed in the annual report to  shareholders.  One of the members of
the Committee will be elected Committee Chair by the Board.


The  Committee is a part of the Board.  It's  primary  function is to assist the
Board in  fulfilling  its  oversight  responsibilities  with  respect to (i) the
annual  financial  information to be provided to shareholders and the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  (SEC);  (ii) the  system of  internal  controls  that
management has  established;  and (iii) the internal and external audit process.
In addition, the Committee provides an avenue for communication between internal
audit,  the independent  accountants,  financial  management and the Board.  The
Committee  should have a clear  understanding  with the independent  accountants
that they must maintain an open and transparent relationship with the Committee,
and that the ultimate  accountability  of the independent  accountants is to the
Board and the Committee.  The Committee  will make regular  reports to the Board
concerning its activities.

While the Audit Committee has the  responsibilities and powers set forth in this
Charter,  it is not the duty of the Audit Committee to plan or conduct audits or
to determine that the Company's  financial  statements are complete and accurate
and are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. This is the
responsibility of management and the independent  auditor. Nor is it the duty of
the Audit Committee to conduct investigations, to resolve disagreements, if any,
between management and the independent auditor or to assure compliance with laws
and regulations and the Company's business conduct guidelines.


Subject  to the prior  approval  of the Board,  the  Committee  is  granted  the
authority to investigate any matter or activity involving  financial  accounting
and financial  reporting,  as well as the internal  controls of the Company.  In
that regard,  the Committee  will have the authority to approve the retention of
external  professionals  to render  advice  and  counsel  in such  matters.  All
employees  will be directed to cooperate  with  respect  thereto as requested by
members of the Committee.


The  Committee is to meet at least four times  annually  and as many  additional
times as the Committee deems  necessary.  Content of the agenda for each meeting
should be cleared by the Committee  Chair.  The Committee is to meet in separate
executive sessions with the chief financial officer, independent accountants and
internal  audit at least  once  each  year and at other  times  when  considered


Committee  members  will strive to be present at all  meetings.  As necessary or
desirable,  the  Committee  Chair may request  that  members of  management  and
representatives of the independent  accountants and internal audit be present at
Committee meetings.


In carrying out its oversight responsibilities, the Committee will:

1.       Review and reassess the adequacy of this charter annually and recommend
         any proposed changes to the Board for approval.  This should be done in
         compliance with applicable NASDAQ Audit Committee Requirements.

2.       Review with the Company's  management,  internal audit and  independent
         accountants the Company's  accounting and financial reporting controls.
         Obtain  annually  in writing  from the  independent  accountants  their
         letter as to the adequacy of such controls.

3.       Review with the Company's  management,  internal audit and  independent
         accountants significant accounting and reporting principles,  practices
         and  procedures  applied by the  Company  in  preparing  its  financial
         statements.  Discuss with the independent  accountants their judgements
         about  the  quality,  not  just  the  acceptability,  of the  Company's
         accounting principles used in financial reporting.

4.       Review the scope of internal audit's work plan for the year and receive
         a  summary  report  of major  findings  by  internal  auditors  and how
         management is addressing the conditions reported.

5.       Review the scope and  general  extent of the  independent  accountants'
         annual audit. The Committee's review should include an explanation from
         the   independent   accountants  of  the  factors   considered  by  the
         accountants  in determining  the audit scope,  including the major risk
         factors.  The independent  accountants  should confirm to the Committee
         that no  limitations  have been  placed on the scope or nature of their
         audit  procedures.  The Committee will review  annually with management
         the fee arrangement with the independent accountants.

6.       Inquire  as to the  independence  of the  independent  accountants  and
         obtain from the independent  accountants,  at least annually,  a formal
         written statement delineating all relationships between the independent
         accountants and the Company as  contemplated by Independence  Standards
         Board Standard No. 1, independence Discussions with Audit Committees.


7.       Have a predetermined  arrangement with the independent accountants that
         they will advise the Committee  through its Chair and management of the
         Company of any  matters  identified  through  procedures  followed  for
         interim quarterly financial  statements,  and that such notification as
         required under standards for communication  with Audit Committees is to
         be made prior to the  related  press  release  or, if not  practicable,
         prior to filing Forms 10-Q. Also receive  confirmation  provided by the
         independent  accountants at the end of each of the first three quarters
         of the year that they have nothing to report to the Committee,  if that
         is the case, or the written enumeration of required reporting issues.

8.       At the completion of the annual audit, review with management, internal
         audit and the independent accountants the following:

         -        The annual  financial  statements  and related  footnotes  and
                  financial  information to be included in the Company's  annual
                  report to shareholders and on Form 10-K.

         -        Results  of the  audit  of the  financial  statements  and the
                  related report thereon and, if applicable, a report on changes
                  during   the  year  in   accounting   principles   and   their

         -        Significant changes to the audit plan, if any, and any serious
                  disputes or difficulties  with management  encountered  during
                  the  audit.  Inquire  about the  cooperation  received  by the
                  independent  accountants during their audit,  including access
                  to all requested records, data and information. Inquire of the
                  independent   accountants   whether   there   have   been  any
                  disagreements  with management  which,  if not  satisfactorily
                  resolved, would have caused them to issue a nonstandard report
                  on the Company's financial statements.

         -        Other  communications  as required to be  communicated  by the
                  independent  accountants  by Statement  of Auditing  Standards
                  (SAS) 61 as amended by SAS 90  relating  to the conduct of the
                  audit. Further,  receive a written  communication  provided by
                  the independent  accountants  concerning  their judgment about
                  the  quality  of  the  Company's  accounting  principles,   as
                  outlined  in SAS 61 as amended by SAS 90, and that they concur
                  with management's representation concerning audit adjustments.

                  If  deemed  appropriate  after  such  review  and  discussion,
                  recommend  to the  Board  that  the  financial  statements  be
                  included in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K.

9.       After  preparation  by  management  and  review by  internal  audit and
         independent accountants, approve the report required under SEC rules to
         be included in the Company's annual proxy statement.  The charter is to
         be published as an appendix to the proxy statement every three years.

10.      Discuss with the  independent  accountants the quality of the Company's
         financial  and  accounting  personnel.  Also,  elicit the  comments  of
         management regarding the responsiveness of the independent  accountants
         to the Company's needs.


11.      Meet with management, internal audit and the independent accountants to
         discuss any relevant  significant  recommendations that the independent
         accountants may have, particularly those characterized as 'material' or
         'serious'.  Typically,  such  recommendations  will be presented by the
         independent  accountants  in the  form  of a  Letter  of  Comments  and
         Recommendations to the Committee. The Committee should review responses
         of  management of the Letter of Comments and  Recommendations  from the
         independent  accountants and receive  follow-up reports on action taken
         concerning the aforementioned recommendations.

12.      Recommend to the Board the  selection,  retention or termination of the
         Company's independent accountants.

13.      Review the  appointment  and  replacement of the senior  internal audit

14.      Review with management,  internal audit and the independent accountants
         the methods used to establish and monitor the  Company's  policies with
         respect to unethical or illegal  activities by Company  employees  that
         may have a material impact on the financial statements.

15.      Generally  as part of the  review of the annual  financial  statements,
         receive  an oral  report(s),  at least  annually,  from  the  Company's
         general counsel concerning legal and regulatory matters that may have a
         material impact on the financial statements.

16.      As the  Committee  may deem  appropriate,  obtain,  weigh and  consider
         expert  advice  as to Audit  Committee  related  rules  of the  NASDAQ,
         Statements  on  Auditing  Standards  and  other  accounting,  legal and
         regulatory provisions.



                            FOCUS ENHANCEMENTS, INC.
                                1370 Dell Avenue
                           Campbell, California 95008



The undersigned  hereby constitutes and appoints the Board of Directors of Focus
Enhancements,  Inc. (the   "Corporation"),   or  its  designee,   proxy  of  the
undersigned,  with full  power of  substitution,  to vote all of the  shares the
Corporation  that the  undersigned may be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting
of Stockholders  of the  Corporation to be held on Friday,  December 21, 2001 at
1370 Dell Avenue, Campbell, California 95008, at 2:00 p.m., California time, and
at any adjournment or postponement thereof as follows:


                       FOR  all         WITHOLD AUTHORITY             NOMINEES:
                    nominees listed     to vote for all
                    at right (except        nominees
                    as marked to the
                    contrary below
                    [     ]                [     ]                    Carl E. Berg (term to expire in 2004)
                                                                      William Coldrick (term to expire in 2003)
                                                                      Timothy E. Mahoney (term to expire in 2004)
                                                                      Michael D'Addio (term to expire in 2003)
                                                                      N. William Jasper, Jr. (term to expire in 2004)

INSTRUCTIONS:  To  withhold  your vote for any  individual  nominee,  insert the
nominee's name on the line provided below.


2.       Ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Touche,  LLP as independent
         auditors of the Corporation for the year ending December 31, 2001.

         FOR        [   ]           AGAINST     [   ]         ABSTAIN    [  ]

3.       In its discretion,  the proxy is  authorization to vote upon such other
         business as may properly come before the meeting and any adjournment or
         postponement thereof.


         The undersigned  acknowledges receipt from the Corporation prior to the
execution of this proxy of a Notice of Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  a Proxy
Statement dated November 21, 2001 and an Annual Report on Form 10-KSB.

Dated: ___________________, 2001         [    ] Please check here if you plan to
                                                attend  the Annual Meeting

                                         Number attending ___________________

