Exhibit 99.2
                         UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT
                         NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA

In re: ATCOMM, INC.                              Case No. 01-32123 SFC11
                                                 CHAPTER 11
                                                 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT
                                                 (GENERAL BUSINESS CASE)

                           SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATUS

     MONTH ENDED: Nov-01                     PETITION DATE: 08/15/01

2.   Debtor in possession (or trustee)  hereby  submits this Monthly  accounting
     Operating  Report on the Accrual Basis of (or if checked here the Office of
     the U.S. Trustee or the Court has approved the Cash Basis of Accounting for
     the Debtor). Dollar reported in $1

                                             End of Current   End of Prior       As of Petition
2.   Asset and Liability Structure                Month           Month              Filing
                                                  -----           -----              ------
     a. Current Assets                       $    1,327,994   $  1,404,750
                                             --------------   ------------
     b. Total Assets                         $    2,066,516   $  2,157,635      $   2,199,153
                                             --------------   ------------      -------------
     c. Current Liabilities                  $      620,065   $    453,822
                                             --------------   ------------
     d. Total Liabilities                    $    7,187,276   $  7,249,732      $   6,979,833
                                             --------------   ------------      -------------

3.   Statement of Cash Receipts &            Current Month    Prior Month       (Case to Date)
                                             -------------    -----------       --------------
     Disbursements for Month
     a. Total Receipts                       $      268,540   $    280,789      $   1,166,412
                                             --------------   ------------      -------------
     b. Total Disbursements                  $      235,793   $    238,588      $     839,144
                                             --------------   ------------      -------------
     c. Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts Over $       32,747   $     42,201      $     327,268
        Disbursements (a - b)                --------------   ------------      -------------

                                             --------------   ------------      -------------
     d. Cash Balance Beginning of Month      $      418,234   $    376,033      $     123,713
                                             --------------   ------------      -------------
     e. Cash Balance End of Month (c + d)    $      450,981   $    418,234      $     450,981
                                             --------------   ------------      -------------

                                             Current Month    Prior Month       (Case to Date)
                                             -------------    -----------       --------------
4.   Profit/(Loss) from the Statement of     $      (28,662)    $   (26,199)    $    (340,080)
     Operations                              --------------     -----------     -------------

5.   Accounts Receivables (Pre and Post      $      133,194     $   183,064
     Petition)                               --------------     -----------

6.   Post-Petition Liabilities               $      620,065     $   453,822
                                             --------------     -----------
7.   Past Due Post-Petition Account Payables $            -     $         -
     (over 30 days)                          --------------     -----------

At the end of this reporting month:                                   Yes                No
                                                                      ---                --
8.   Have any payments been made on pre-petition debt, other
     than payments in the normal course to secured creditors
     (if yes, attach or lessors?  listing  including date of
     payment, amount of payment and name of payee)                     X
                                                                     ------            ------
9.   Have  any  payments  been  made  to  (if  yes,   attach
     professionals?   listing  including  date  of  payment,
     amount of payment, and name of payee)                             X
                                                                     ------            ------

10.  If the answer is yes to 8 or 9, were all such  payments
     approved by the court?                                            X
                                                                     ------            ------

11.  Have any  payments  been  made to  officers,  insiders,
     shareholders,   relatives?(if   yes,   attach   listing
     including  date  of  payment,  amount  and  reason  for
     payment, and name of payee)                                       X
                                                                     ------            ------

12.  Is the estate  insured for  replacement  cost of assets
     and for general liability?                                        X
                                                                     ------            ------

13.  Are a plan and disclosure on file?                                                   X
                                                                     ------            ------

14.  Was  there  any  post-petition  borrowing  during  this
     reporting period?                                                                    X
                                                                     ------            ------

15.  Check if paid:  Post-petition  taxes yes; U.S Trustee  Quarterly  Fees yes;
     Check if  filing  is  current  for:  Post-petition  tax  reporting  and tax
     returns: n/a.

     (Attach explanation,  if post-petition taxes or U.S. Trustee Quarterly Fees
     are not paid  current  or if  post-petition  tax  reporting  and tax return
     filings are not current.)

I declare  under  penalty  of  perjury I have  reviewed  the above  summary  and
attached financial statements, and after making reasonable inquiry believe these
documents are correct.

Date: 12/18/01                              /s/ William H. Welling
- --------------                              ----------------------
                                            William H. Welling, Chairman & CEO

                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                             (General Business Case)
                          For the Month ended 11/30/01

  Current Month - 11/30/01
                                                                                               Cumulative    Next Month
  Actual           Forecast        Variance                                                  (Case to Date)        Forecast
  ------           --------        --------                                                  --------------        --------
$ 315,845       $  270,000       $   45,845        1.  Gross Sales                             *$   962,853       $  290,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -        2.  Less: Sales Returns & Allowances         $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$ 315,845       $  270,000       $   45,845        3.  Net Sales                                $   962,853       $  290,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$   8,901       $   15,000       $    6,099        4.  Less: Cost of Goods Sold (Schedule 'B') *$    62,181       $   10,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$ 306,945       $  255,000       $   51,945        5.  Gross Profit                             $   900,672       $  280,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$      43       $        -       $       43        6.  Interest                                 $     1,373       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -        7.  Other Income:                            $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -        8.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -        9.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$ 306,987       $  255,000       $   51,987       10.  Total Revenues                           $   902,045       $  280,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------

$  29,245       $   38,200       $    8,955       11.  Compensation to Owner(s)/Officer(s)     *$   133,675       $   30,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$ 121,760       $  110,000       $  (11,760)      12.  Salaries                                *$   425,936       $  120,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$   5,804       $   10,000       $    4,197       13.  Commissions                             *$    28,266       $   10,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       14.  Contract Labor                           $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------

$       -       $        -       $        -       15.  Personal Property                        $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$  11,327       $   15,000       $    3,673       16.  Real Property                           *$    26,235       $   11,327
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$  36,044       $   32,700       $   (3,344)      17.  Insurance                                $   134,010       $   35,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       18.  Management Fees                          $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$  14,363       $   14,400       $       37       19.  Depreciation                             $    50,269       $   14,400
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------

$   8,414       $    8,400       $      (14)      20.  Employer Payroll Taxes                   $    28,042       $    8,400
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       21.  Real Property Taxes                      $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $    6,200       $    6,200       22.  Other Taxes                              $    18,600       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       23.  Other Selling                            $    10,000       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$  61,220       $   30,000       $  (31,220)      24.  Other Administrative                    *$   205,832       $   35,000
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$   4,546       $      400       $   (4,146)      25.  Interest                                *$     5,383       $      400
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       26.  Other Expenses:     10Q Report           $    10,000       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$  12,116       $        -       $  (12,116)      27.  2000 Tax Returns                        *$    12,116       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       28.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       29.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       30.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       31.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       32.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       33.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       34.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------

$ 304,838       $  265,300       $  (39,538)      35.  Total Expenses                           $ 1,088,365       $  264,527
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------

$   2,149       $  (10,300)      $   12,449       36.  Subtotal                                 $  (186,321)      $   15,473
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------

                                                       Reorganization Items:
$ (28,312)      $  (35,000)      $    6,688       37.  Professional Fees                       *$  (150,009)      $  (30,000)
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       38.  Provisions for Rejected Executory        $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------            Contracts                                -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       39.  Interest Earned on Accumulated Cash from $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------            Resulting Chp 11 Case                    -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       40.  Gain or (Loss) from Sale of Equipment    $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$  (2,500)      $        -       $   (2,500)      41.  U.S. Trustee Quarterly Fees             *$    (3,750)      $   (3,750)
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       42.  _______________________________________  $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$ (30,812)      $  (35,000)      $    4,188       43.  Total Reorganization Items               $  (153,759)      $  (33,750)
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$ (28,662)      $  (45,300)      $   16,638       44.  Net Profit (Loss) Before Federal &       $  (340,080)      $  (18,277)
- ---------       ----------       ----------             State Taxes                             -----------       ----------
$       -       $        -       $        -       45.  Federal & State Income Taxes             $         -       $        -
- ---------       ----------       ----------                                                     -----------       ----------
$ (28,662)      $  (45,300)      $   16,638       46.  Net Profit (Loss)                        $  (340,080)      $  (18,277)
=========       ==========       ==========                                                     ===========       ==========

*See below for explanation of variance to Statement of Operations (For variances
greater than +/- 10% Only):

1. Gross Sales is higher based on actual booking.

4. Cost of goods sold is lower due to variations in product mix.

11.  Compensation  to  Owner(s)/Officer(s)  is lower  after the  resignation  of
Anthony Diiulio.

12. Salaries were underestimated.Forecasts will be revised going forward.

13. Commissions were overestimated.

16. Rent was overestimated.

24. Other  Administrative  expenses were  underestimated.  Other  administrative
expenses  for  November  2001  include  the  following  items not in  forecast -
recruiting fees, temporary help, UCG-CCMI subscription, etc.

25.  Interest  expense is higher due to write-offs of financial  charges for the
D&O insurance.

27.  Other  expenses is higher due to the  professional  fees  incurred  for the
filing of the 2000 tax returns.

37. Professional fees were overestimated based upon initial filing.

41. An additional  billing for $2500 from U.S. Trustee for the third quarter was
received in November 2001.

                                  BALANCE SHEET
                             (General Business Case)
                          For the Month ended 11/30/01


           Current Assets                                                      From Schedules    Market Value
                                                                               --------------    ------------
1          Cash and cash equivalents - unrestricted                                                $  450,981
2          Cash and cash equivalents - restricted                                                  $        -
3          Accounts receivable (net)                                                 A             $  133,194
4          Inventory                                                                 B             $  608,769
5          Prepaid expenses                                                                        $   92,640
6          Professional retainers                                                                  $        -
7          Other:        Deposits                                                                  $   42,410
8                        ______________________________________________________                    $        -
           ____________________________________________________________________                    ----------

9                        Total Current Assets                                                      $1,327,994

           Property and Equipment (Market Value)

10         Real property                                                             C             $        -
11         Machinery and equipment                                                   D             $  630,116
12         Furniture and fixtures                                                    D             $  108,406
13         Office equipment                                                          D             $        -
14         Leasehold improvements                                                    D             $        -
15         Vehicles                                                                  D             $        -
16         Other:                                                                    D             $        -
17         ____________________________________________________________________      D             $        -
18         ____________________________________________________________________      D             $        -
19         ____________________________________________________________________      D             $        -
20         ____________________________________________________________________      D             $        -
21                       Total Property and Equipment                                              $  738,522

           Other Assets

22         Loan to shareholders                                                                    $        -
23         Loans to affiliates                                                                     $        -
24         ____________________________________________________________________                    $        -
25         ____________________________________________________________________                    $        -
26         ____________________________________________________________________                    $        -
27         ____________________________________________________________________                    $        -

28                       Total Other Assets                                                        $        -

29                       Total Assets                                                              $2,066,516


The method  used to estimate  the market  value of assets was  familiarity  with
comparable market prices.

                         SCHEDULES TO THE BALANCE SHEET
                             (General Business Case)

                                   Schedule A
                      Accounts Receivable and (Net) Payable

                                         Accounts Receivable            Accounts Payable         Past Due
Receivables and Payables Agings          [Pre and Post Petition]         [Post Petition]        Post Petition Debt
                                         -----------------------         ---------------        ------------------

0-30 Days                                $             106,264          $         9,338
                                         ---------------------          ---------------
31-60 Days                               $              87,487          $             -
                                         ---------------------          ---------------
61-90 Days                               $              13,049          $             -          $            -
                                         ---------------------          ---------------          --------------
91+ Days                                 $             284,748          $             -
                                         ---------------------          ---------------
Total accounts receivable/payable        $             491,548          $         9,338
                                         ---------------------          ---------------
Allowance for doubtful accounts          $             358,355
Accounts receivable (net)                $             133,194

                                   Schedule B
                          Inventory/Cost of Goods Sold

Types and Amount of Inventory(ies)                                   Cost of Goods Sold
- ----------------------------------                                   ------------------
                                          Balance at
                                          End of Month               Inventory Beginning of Month             $       611,027
                                          ------------               Add -                                    ---------------
Retail/Restaurants -                                                 Net purchase
Product for resale                                                   Direct labor
                                         ---------------                                                    ---------------
                                                                     Manufacturing overhead
Distribution -                                                       Freight in
Products for resale                                                  Others:
                                         ---------------                                                     ---------------
                                                                     Raw Materials to Finished Goods          $         6,643
Manufacturer -
Raw Materials                            $       295,414
Work-in-progress                         $        37,109             Less -
Finished goods                           $       276,246             Inventory End of Month                   $       608,769
                                         ---------------                                                      ---------------
                                                                     Shrinkage                                $             -
Other - Explain                          $             -             Liquidation of Inventory                 $             -
                                         ---------------                                                      ---------------
                                                                     Reserve for obsolesce                    $             -
                                                                     Cost of Goods Sold                       $         8,901
TOTAL                                    $       608,769

Method of Inventory Control                                          Inventory Valuation Methods
Do you have a functioning perpetual inventory system?                Indicate by a checkmark method of inventory
                      Yes  x    No
                          ---      ---
How often do you take a complete physical inventory?                 Valuation methods -
                                                                     FIFO cost                          x
Weekly                      -----                                    LIFO cost                        -----
Monthly                     -----                                    Lower of cost or market          -----
Quarterly                   -----                                    Retail method                    -----
Semi-annually               -----                                    Other                            -----
Annually                      x                                      Explain                          -----
Date of last physical inventory was              11/30/01
Date of next physical inventory is               12/31/02

                                   Schedule C
                                 Real Property

Description                                           Cost         Market Value
                                                      ----         ------------

- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
Total                                              $        -       $        -
                                                   ==========       ==========

                                   Schedule D
                            Other Depreciable Assets

Description                                           Cost       * Market Value
                                                      ----         ------------
Machinery & Equipment -
Computers, purchased software, network equipment   $  655,256       $  630,116
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
Total                                              $  655,256       $  630,116
                                                   ==========       ==========

Furniture & Fixtures -
Cubicles, workstations                             $  126,354       $  108,406

- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
Total                                              $  126,354       $  108,406
                                                   ==========       ==========

Office Equipment -

- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
Total                                              $        -       $        -
                                                   ==========       ==========

Leasehold Improvements -

- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
Total                                              $        -       $        -
                                                   ==========       ==========

Vehicles -

- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
- ---------------------------------------------      ----------       ----------
Total                                              $        -       $        -
                                                   ==========       ==========

*Note:  Market  Value  equals  to  Net  Book  Value  (Liquidation  value  may be
significantly lower).

                                   Schedule E
                          Aging of Post-Petition Taxes
                   (As of End of the Current Reporting Period)

Taxes Payable                                  0-30 Days      31-60 Days      61-90 Days       91+ Days        Total
                                               ---------      ----------      ----------       --------        -----
    Income Tax Withholding
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    FICA - Employee
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    FICA - Employer
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Unemployment (FUTA)
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Other (Attach List)
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
Total Federal Taxes                         $       -          $      -        $      -        $       -      $         -
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
State and Local
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Income Tax Withholding
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Unemployment (UT)
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Disability Insurance (DI)
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Empl. Training Tax (ETT)
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Sales                                   $  10,257          $      -        $      -        $       -      $    10,257
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Real property
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Personal property
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
    Other - Delaware Franchise Tax
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
Total State & Local Taxes                   $  10,257          $      -        $      -        $       -      $    10,257
                                            ---------          --------        --------        ---------      -----------
Total Taxes                                 $  10,257          $      -        $      -        $       -      $    10,257
                                            =========          ========        ========        =========      ===========

                                   Schedule F
                            Pre-Petition Liabilities

                                                      Claimed         Allowed
List Total Claims for Each Classification -           Amount          Amount(b)
- -------------------------------------------           ------          ---------
Secured claims (a)
                                                  ------------       -----------
Priority claims other than taxes
                                                  ------------       -----------
Priority tax claims                               $     28,000
                                                  ------------       -----------
General unsecured claims*                         $  6,539,211
                                                  ------------       -----------

(a)  List total amount of claims even it under secured.

(b)  Estimated  amount of claim to be allowed after  compromise or litigation.As
     an example, you are a defendant in a lawsuit alleging damage of $10,000,000
     and a proof of claim is  filed  in You that  amount.  believe  that you can
     settle  the  case for a claim  of  $3,000,000.  For  Schedule  F  reporting
     purposes you Should list  $10,000,000  as the Claimed Amount and $3,000,000
     as the Allowed Amount.

                                   Schedule G
                            Rental Income Information
                    Not applicable to General Business Cases

                                   Schedule H
                  Recapitulation of Funds Held at End of Month

                                             Account 1               Account 2            Account 3            Account 4
                                             ---------               ---------            ---------            ---------
Bank                                     Silicon Valley Bank     Silicon Valley Bank    Merrill Lynch         Borel Bank
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account Type                             DIP - Payroll           DIP - Operating        DIP - General         Business MMA
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account No.                              3300275654              3300316743             632-07999             22018716
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account Purpose                          DIP - Payroll           DIP - Operating        DIP - General         Business MMA
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Balance, End of Month                    $           18,112      $          296,626     $      18,254         $      2,309
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------

Attach copies of the month end bank statement(s), reconciliation(s), and the check register(s) to the Monthly Operating Report.

                                             Account 1               Account 2            Account 3            Account 4
                                             ---------               ---------            ---------            ---------
Bank                                     Bank of America         Bank of America        Fleet                 World Savings
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account Type                             DIP - General           DIP - Credit Card      DIP - General         CD Account
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account No.                              3755509581              3755509594             94475-90706           01-545339-2
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account Purpose                          DIP - General           DIP - Credit Card      DIP - General         CD Account
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Balance, End of Month                    $          107,530      $               19     $       4,889         $      2,712
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------

Attach copies of the month end bank statement(s), reconciliation(s), and the check register(s) to the Monthly Operating Report.

                                             Account 1               Account 2            Account 3            Account 4
                                             ---------               ---------            ---------            ---------
Bank                                     On Hand
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account Type                             Petty Cash
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account No.
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Account Purpose                          Petty Cash
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------
Balance, End of Month                    $              530
                                         ------------------      ------------------     -------------         ------------

Total Funds on Hand for all Accounts     $          450,981
Cash on Balance Sheet                    $          450,981

                Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
                          For the Month Ended 11/30/01

                                                                                          Actual               Cumulative
                                                                                        Current Month        (Case to Date)
                                                                                        -------------        --------------
    Cash Receipts
1        Rent/Leases Collected                                                         $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
2        Cash Received from Sales                                                      $        268,498    $        1,133,050
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
3        Interest Received                                                             $             43    $              362
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
4        Borrowings                                                                    $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
5        Funds from Shareholders, Partners, or Other Insiders                          $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
6        Capital Contributions                                                         $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
7        Misc. Deposits                                                                $              -    $           33,000
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
8        Liquidation of Inventory                                                      $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
9        ______________________________________________________________________        $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
10       ______________________________________________________________________        $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
11       ______________________________________________________________________        $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
12              Total Cash Receipts                                                    $        268,540    $        1,166,412
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
    Cash Disbursements
13       Payments for Inventory                                                        $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
14       Selling                                                                       $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
15       Administrative                                                                $         53,871    $          306,535
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
16       Capital Expenditures                                                          $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
17       Principal Payments on Debt                                                    $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
18       Interest Paid                                                                 $              -    $                -

19              Personal Property                                                      $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
20              Real Property                                                          $         16,699    $           49,190

         Amount Paid to Owner(s)/Officer(s)
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
21              Salaries                                                               $         29,245    $          124,710
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
22              Draws                                                                  $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
23              Commissions/Royalties                                                  $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
24              Expense Reimbursements                                                 $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
25              Other                                                                  $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
26       Salaries/Commissions (less employee withholding)                              $         92,420    $          212,755
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
27       Management Fees                                                               $              -    $                -

28              Employee Withholding                                                   $         35,143    $          116,660
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
29              Employer Payroll Taxes                                                 $          8,414    $           29,294
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
30              Real Property Taxes                                                    $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
31              Other Taxes                                                            $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
32       Other Cash Outflows:                                                          $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
33              ______________________________________________________________         $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
34              ______________________________________________________________         $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
35              ______________________________________________________________         $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
36              ______________________________________________________________         $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------
37              ______________________________________________________________         $              -    $                -
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------

38       Total Cash Disbursements:                                                     $        235,793    $          839,144
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------

39       Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash                                               $         32,747    $          327,268
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------

40       Cash Balance, Beginning of Period                                             $        418,234    $          123,713
                                                                                       ----------------    ------------------

41       Cash Balance, End of Period                                                   $        450,981    $          450,981
                                                                                       ================    ==================