This  Agreement is entered  into  effective as of this 18th day of March 2003 by
and between Enova Systems,  Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of the State of California, U.S.A., with its principal place of business at
19850  South  Magellan  Drive,  Torrance  CA 90502  (hereinafter  referred to as
"ENOVA") and Hyundai Heavy  Industries  Co.,  Ltd., a corporation  organized and
existing  under the laws of the Republic of Korea,  with its principal  place of
business at Ulsan, Korea (hereinafter referred to as "HHI").


WHEREAS, ENOVA is engaged in research, development, sales and marketing of power
management, conversion and propulsion systems for electric,  hybrid-electric and
fuel cell vehicles; and

WHEREAS,  HHI is engaged in design,  development  and  manufacture of electrical
equipment such as switchgears,  transformers,  circuit breakers, instrumentation
and control system, power electronics, motors and generators; and

WHEREAS, ENOVA and HHI desire to collaborate by establishing and funding a joint
venture  company  ("JVC") to which ENOVA and HHI will  license  certain of their
respective  technologies  to the JVC,  pursuant to the  License  and  Technology
Transfer  Agreements  in form and substance as set forth in Exhibits B-1 and B-2
attached hereto (the "Licenses"),  in consideration of HHI investing  $6,000,000
($3,000,000  directly  in ENOVA and  $3,000,000  in the JVC),  pursuant to Stock
Purchase  Agreement  substantially  in form and  substance  attached  hereto  as
Exhibit A (the "Stock Purchase Agreement") and ENOVA investing $2 million in the
JVC; and

WHEREAS,  the JVC shall engage in the research and  development of certain power
conversion  and power  management  technology and products,  including  electric
vehicle  products and distributed  generation  systems as set forth herein,  and
shall grant licenses of its  technologies  to HHI and ENOVA to  manufacture  and
market  products as more fully set forth in Exhibits C-1 and C-2 attached hereto
(the "Manufacturing and Sales Agreements").

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of promises and covenants  hereinafter  set
forth, ENOVA and HHI agree as follows:


                             Article 1. Definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following
meanings respectively:

1.1 The term "Agreement " shall mean this Joint Venture Agreement.

1.2   The term "Agreement  Date" shall mean the effective date of this Agreement
      as set forth in the preamble above.

1.3   The term "Parties" shall mean ENOVA and HHI.

1.4   The term "JVC" shall mean that joint  venture  company to be  incorporated
      under the laws of the State of  California  by the  Parties  in the manner
      provided in this Agreement.

1.5   The  term  "Related   Agreements"   shall  mean  those  agreements  to  be
      incorporated  into this Agreement as exhibits which are to be entered into
      between or among ENOVA,  HHI and/or the JVC, as the case may be,  pursuant
      to Article 3 hereof.

1.6   The term  "Products"  shall mean those  products  set forth on  Schedule 1
      attached hereto.

1.7   Unless specifically  provided to the contrary,  all amounts referred to in
      this Agreement are in United States Dollars.

                           Article 2. Formation of JVC

2.1 Formation.  As soon as practically possible after the Agreement Date, but in
no event later than ninety (90) days after the Agreement Date, provided that all
of the Related  Agreements  referred  to in Article 3 have been  executed by the
Parties,  the Parties shall cause the JVC to be organized and  registered  under
the laws of the State of  California.  The Parties shall  closely  cooperate and
consult with each other with respect to the  procedures  and  particulars of the
organization  and  registration of the JVC. The JVC will be a close  corporation
and the initial registered principal office of the JVC shall be located at 19850
South Magellan Drive, Torrance CA 90502.


2.2 Articles of Incorporation.  At the time of the organization and registration
of  the  JVC,  the  Parties  shall  cause  the  JVC to  adopt  the  Articles  of
Incorporation  and Bylaws  annexed  hereto and marked as  Exhibits  D-1 and D-2,
respectively  (collectively,  the Articles and Bylaws to be hereinafter referred
to as the "Charter Documents").

2.3 Paid-in Capital. JVC shall have a paid-in capital of US Five Million Dollars
(USD 5,000,000)  consisting of five million shares  (5,000,000) of common stock.
HHI shall  subscribe to and pay US Three  Million  Dollars (USD  3,000,000)  for
three million shares (3,000,000)  amounting to sixty percent (60%) of JVC common
stock shares and ENOVA shall  subscribe  to and pay US Two Million  Dollars (USD
2,000,000) for two million shares  (2,000,000)  amounting to forty percent (40%)
of JVC common stock shares.  The subscription  shall take place in the following

        A.  At the  time  of  incorporation  of JVC,  HHI  shall  wire  transfer
            [REDACTED]* to the bank account of JVC  [REDACTED]*  and at the same
            time,  shall wire transfer  [REDACTED]* to the bank account of ENOVA
            pursuant  to the Stock  Purchase  Agreement  attached  as  Exhibit A

        B.  One year  following  the  Agreement  Date,  HHI shall wire  transfer
            [REDACTED]* to the bank account of JVC  [REDACTED]*  and at the same
            time,  shall wire transfer  [REDACTED]* to the bank account of ENOVA
            pursuant to the ENOVA Stock Purchase Agreement attached as Exhibit A

        C.  From the above  transactions  and as pursuant to the Stock  Purchase
            Agreement, ENOVA shall be deemed to have subscribed to and purchased
            forty  percent  (40%) of JVC  common  stock  shares and HHI shall be
            deemed to have  subscribed to and  purchased  sixty percent (60%) of
            JVC common stock shares. Moreover, as consideration of HHI paying US
            Two Million  Dollars (USD  2,000,000) on behalf of ENOVA for ENOVA's
            subscription  of JVC's common stock  shares,  HHI shall be deemed to
            have purchased  ENOVA's  common stock shares  equivalent to US Three
            Million Dollars (USD 3,000,000).

2.4 Formation Costs.  Expenses  incurred by each Party up to the Agreement Date,
including  travel  expenses  and  legal  fees,  shall be  borne by the  Party so
incurring such expenses. After the Agreement Date, all costs and expenses of the
formation of JVC, to the extent the same are not incurred or assumed by the JVC,
be borne equally by the Parties.


                         Article 3. Related Agreements

Immediately  after the formation and registration of the JVC,  including but not
limited to filing of the Articles of Incorporation  ("Exhibit D-1") and adoption
of the Bylaws  (Exhibit  D-2") by the JVC,  the  following  agreements  shall be
entered into between the relevant Parties.

    A.  The Stock Purchase Agreement ("Exhibits A");

    B.  The License and Technology Transfer  Agreements  (Exhibits B-1 and B-2);

    C.  The Manufacturing and Sales Agreements (Exhibits C-1 and C-2).

                         Article 4. Organization of JVC

4.1 JVC Governance. The organization and governance of the JVC shall be governed
by the  Charter  Documents  except as  otherwise  set  forth in this  Agreement.
Notwithstanding anything set forth in the Charter Documents to the contrary, the
following  corporate  actions shall require the written consent or authorization
at a duly  held  meeting  of  the  shareholders  of the  JVC  holding  at  least
seventy-five percent (75%) of the outstanding shares in the JVC:

        A.  Any  amendment  to the  Charter  Documents  which has the  effect of
            increasing  or  decreasing  of the share  capital  of the JVC or the
            authorized number of directors of the JVC;

        B.  Any merger or other reorganization with another entity;

        C.  Any  dissolution  of the JVC except  pursuant to the  termination of
            this Agreement in accordance with its terms;

        D.  Any sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the JVC; and

        E.  Any compensation of the Board of Directors.

4.2 Directors and the Board of Directors.

4.2.1 Except as otherwise  required by mandatory  provisions  of law or provided
for  in  the  Charter  Documents  or  this  Agreement,  responsibility  for  the
management,  direction  and  control  of the JVC shall be vested in the Board of


4.2.2 The Board of Directors may delegate authority for management of the JVC to
officers  of  the  JVC  in  accordance  with  this  Agreement  and  the  Bylaws,
resolutions  duly passed by the Board of Directors  and as  consistent  with the
Articles of Incorporation and mandatory provisions of law.

4.2.3 The  directors of the JVC shall be elected as provided in the Bylaws.  The
Bylaws of the JVC shall  provide for the election of five (5)  directors.  It is
understood  and agreed by the Parties that three (3) of the directors of the JVC
shall be  individuals  appointed  by HHI and two (2) of the  directors  shall be
individuals  nominated by ENOVA. The term of directors shall be for one (1) year
and  directors  shall  be  eligible  for  re-election  as  are  consistent  with
applicable law and the Bylaws.

4.2.4 In the event of  death,  incapacity,  prolonged  illness,  resignation  or
removal  of a  director  prior  to the  completion  of the  term to which he was
elected, the Board of Directors or shareholders shall vote their shares and take
such other  action as may be  necessary  to appoint or cause to be  appointed  a
director  nominated  by the  shareholder  Party which  originally  elected  such
director as his replacement.

4.2.5  Meetings of the Board of Directors of JVC shall be convened and conducted
not less than once  during  each  calendar  quarter of the JVC.  Meetings of the
Board of Directors shall be called by the President of the JVC or at the request
of any  member of the Board of  Directors.  Meetings  of the Board of  Directors
shall be chaired by the  President/CEO of JVC who shall be a member of the Board
of Directors.

4.2.6      [REDACTED]*
A.         [REDACTED]*;
B.         [REDACTED]*;
C.         [REDACTED]*;
D.         [REDACTED]*;
E.         [REDACTED]*;
F.         [REDACTED]*;
G.         [REDACTED]*;
H.         [REDACTED]*;
I.         [REDACTED]*;
J.         [REDACTED]*;


K. [REDACTED]*; and

4.3 Officers and Employees of JVC.

      4.3.1  President/CEO.  The JVC shall have a President/CEO  responsible for
      day-to-day  management  and  operation of the JVC, who shall be elected by
      the Board of  Directors.  The first  President/CEO  shall be  nominated by
      ENOVA for approval by the Board of Directors for a two-year term.

      4.3.2  Vice  President.  The JVC  shall  have  one (1) Vice  President  of
      Finance/CFO  who shall be in charge of finance  and  accounting.  The Vice
      President of Finance/CFO shall be appointed by HHI.

      4.3.3 Employees of JVC. As the Parties recognize the importance of the JVC
      obtaining the best available  personnel for its success,  during the first
      two (2)  years  of the  JVC's  formation,  the  Parties  agree to use best
      efforts to assist,  at no  additional  financial  expense,  the JVC in its
      efforts to locate and hire capable employees and the Board of Directors of
      the JVC shall have the right to approve the personnel employed by the JVC.

4.4 Financial Records and Fiscal Year.

      4.4.1.  A single set of  complete  books of  account  shall be kept at all
      times by the JVC which shall  accurately  reflect its  financial  affairs.
      Such  books  shall be kept in  accordance  with GAAP and  applicable  U.S.
      Securities  and  Exchange  rules  and  regulations.  Major  financial  and
      operating   statements,   including  balance  sheets,  income  statements,
      statements  of  changes  in  financial  position,  and  others  as  may be
      requested by the Parties  from time to time,  shall be prepared by the JVC
      and shall be  furnished to each of the Parties on no less than a quarterly
      basis  to  insure  that  each  party is  reasonably  able to  comply  with
      governmental regulatory obligations.

      4.4.2 The  accounts  and records of the JVC shall be audited at the end of
      each fiscal  year and at the  expense of the JVC by a firm of  independent
      public accountants selected by agreement between the Parties.

      4.4.3 The Parties  agree that each of them may at its own expense have the
      full right and power to


      examine,  audit, inspect and copy the books,  records, and accounts of the
      JVC during normal business hours. For this purpose, the JVC shall preserve
      all records relating to each fiscal year for a minimum period of seven (7)

                    Article 5. Business and Operations of JVC

      5.1 Business  Scope.  The business  scope of the JVC shall be research and
      development of power  conversion,  power  management,  including  electric
      vehicle products, distributed generation systems, manufacturing technology
      of such products,  and other  technologies which are deemed to be feasible
      and consistent with the terms and conditions of the Licenses (Exhibits B-1
      and B-2) and the Manufacturing and Sales Agreements (Exhibits C-1 and C-2)
      and the products and technologies identified on Schedule 1 attached hereto
      and incorporated herein by reference.  The JVC agrees not to develop, sell
      or license  Products  or  technologies  which  would  compete  with either
      Party's  existing  products  or  technologies  without  the other  Party's
      consent.  Furthermore,  in no event will the JVC develop,  sell or license
      any Products or  technologies  that  conflict  with  existing  contractual
      obligations of either Party.

           5.1.1 [REDACTED]*.

           5.1.2 [REDACTED]*.

5.2 Assistance to JVC.

    5.2.1 Both Parties shall  diligently  assist the JVC for a period of two (2)
    years following formation of the JVC without financial cost:

           A. [REDACTED]*;
           B. [REDACTED]*;
           C. [REDACTED]*; and
           D. [REDACTED]*.

5.3 Grants by ENOVA and HHI to JVC.


     5.3.1  ENOVA and HHI shall each grant the JVC  [REDACTED]*  as set forth in
     the respective License and Technology Transfer Agreements (Exhibits B-1 and
     B-2). Each Party shall likewise be granted manufacturing and sales licenses
     from  the  JVC as set  forth  in the  respective  Manufacturing  and  Sales
     Agreements as set in Exhibits C-1 and C-2.

                              Article 6. Financing

6.1 Working Capital.

      6.1.1 If necessary,  upon prior  approval of a majority of the  authorized
      number of the Board of Directors in accordance  with  applicable  law, the
      JVC may obtain its necessary  working  capital over and above its original
      share capital by commercial borrowing.  If, as a condition to granting any
      such loan, the lender requires guarantee(s),  the Parties may undertake to
      provide the guarantee(s), each in proportion to its equity interest in the
      JVC as they may mutually agree in writing in their sole discretion.

      6.1.2 In the event the JVC is unable to borrow funds considered by HHI and
      ENOVA to be necessary, subject to approval by a majority of the authorized
      number of the Board of Directors of the JVC in accordance  with applicable
      law, the Parties  [REDACTED]* to the JVC the  [REDACTED]* in the JVC up to
      such amounts as they may from time to time mutually  agree upon in writing
      in their sole discretion. Each Party shall make each such loan to the JVC,
      unless otherwise  mutually agreed in writing in their sole discretion , on
      the same terms and conditions regarding duration,  interest, repayment and
      otherwise, as the corresponding loan made by the other Party.

6.2 Manner of Providing Additional Equity Capital. [REDACTED]*, upon approval of
a majority of the authorized number of the Board of Directors in accordance with
applicable law and the provisions of this  Agreement.  Upon the  contribution of
such capital to the JVC, the Parties shall [REDACTED]* to their  contribution as
agreed by both Parties in writing.

                Article 7. Other Matters Pertaining to JVC Stock

7.1  Preemptive  Rights.  ENOVA and HHI shall  retain  the  preemptive  right to
subscribe and pay for


any shares of the JVC issued after the Agreement Date as more fully set forth in
the Bylaws.

7.2 Transfers of Shares.

      7.2.1  Except as otherwise  expressly  provided for in this Article 7, the
      Parties mutually  covenant and agree  [REDACTED]* any of the shares of JVC
      held by them, or preemptive  rights to new shares allotted to them, except
      (i) with the written  consent of the other Party or (ii) as  stipulated in
      this Agreement.

      7.2.2 No [REDACTED]*

      7.2.3  Each  Party to the extent  permitted  by law hereby  extends to the
      other  Party a right  of first  refusal  with  respect  to the sale of the
      shares of JVC held by it as set forth in the Bylaws of the JVC.

                       Article 8. Payment and Withholding

8.1 Manner and Place of  Payments.  Any and all  payments to be made to ENOVA or
HHI by the JVC in consequence of or in connection  with the acts or transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement and the Related  Agreements,  including but not
limited to dividends,  royalties,  interest payments,  reimbursable expenses and
repatriated  capital,  shall be made,  except as otherwise  provided herein,  in
United States Dollars,  to ENOVA or HHI, as applicable,  to the attention of the
appropriate  individual and address as ENOVA or HHI, as  applicable,  shall have
specified by written notice or at such bank in Korea or the United States as may
from time to time be designated by ENOVA or HHI, as applicable.

8.2 Withholding  Taxes.  Any sum required under  California or U.S.  Federal tax
laws to be withheld by JVC for the account of ENOVA or HHI from  payments due to
ENOVA or HHI, as applicable, shall be withheld and shall be promptly paid by JVC
to the appropriate tax  authorities,  and the Parties shall cause JVC to furnish
ENOVA or HHI, as applicable, official tax receipts or other appropriate evidence
issued by the State of California or U.S. Federal tax authorities  sufficient to
enable  ENOVA or HHI,  as  applicable,  to  establish  the  payment of the taxes
described above.


                    Article 9. Confidentiality of Information

9.1 Duty of Secrecy and  Confidentiality.  Except to the extent that disclosures
may be  permitted  by any of the Related  Agreements,  each Party agrees to keep
strictly secret and confidential  all information  obtained from the other Party
or the JVC which is  designated as  confidential  by said other Party or JVC, as
the case may be until three (3) years after  termination of this  Agreement.  To
that end, all records, copies,  reproductions,  reprints and translation of such
information  shall be plainly  marked to  indicate  the secret and  confidential
nature thereof and to prevent unauthorized use or reproduction thereof.

9.2 Limitations and Survival of Obligation.  Such obligations,  as undertaken by
the  Parties  pursuant  to this  Article 9, shall  survive  termination  of this
Agreement  and shall remain in effect and be binding on the Parties for a period
of  three  (3)  years  after  the  termination  of  this  Agreement  except  for
information  that  becomes  part  of the  public  domain,  is  received  from an
independent  source,  or  disclosure  is  required  under  applicable  law or by
governmental authority.

                       Article 10. Compliance with the Law

The Parties  shall comply with and shall cause JVC to comply with all  statutes,
regulations,  judicial or governmental  agency orders or other laws of the State
of California,  U.S.A. or any other  jurisdiction which are or may be applicable
to JVC, and shall obtain and maintain all approvals,  licenses and authorization
necessary  for  JVC to  conduct  its  business  as it may  from  time to time be

                        Article 11. Term and Termination

11.1 Term. The term of this  Agreement  shall begin as of the Agreement Date and
shall continue in force and effect for an indefinite term thereafter,  until the
JVC shall be  dissolved  or otherwise  cease to exist as a separate  entity,  or
until this Agreement is terminated  earlier pursuant to the following  provision
of this Article 11.


11.2 Termination. This Agreement shall be terminated as provided below:

      11.2.1 Upon  agreement in writing  between the Parties to  terminate  this

      11.2.2 By either Party if any of the conditions  prior to signing will not
      have been met, or not have been waived in writing by the other Party prior
      to or on the Agreement Date;

      11.2.3 [REDACTED]*;

      11.2.4 Upon liquidation or dissolution of the JVC; or

      11.2.5 Upon a Party  giving rise to an event  listed  below  (referred  to
      herein  as the  "Event  of  Default")  unless  waived  in  writing  by the
      Non-Defaulting  Party.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  the Party giving
      rise to the Event of  Default  is  referred  to herein as the  "Defaulting
      Party" and the Party not giving  rise to the Event of Default is  referred
      to herein as the "Non-Defaulting Party". Events of Default are as follows:

          A. [REDACTED]*;
          B. [REDACTED]*;
          C. [REDACTED]*;
          D. [REDACTED]*; or
          E. [REDACTED]*.

      11.2.6  Upon the rise of an Event of  Default,  Non-Defaulting  Party  may
      elect to terminate  this Agreement upon written notice given within thirty
      (30) days after each Event of Default  (except  for  Section  11.2.5  (D),
      whereupon the Party  desiring to sell such assets or equity may notify the
      other Party of its intention to sell and the  non-selling  Party must make
      its termination  election within thirty (30) days after such notice),  and
      may thereafter elect one of the following options:

          A. The Defaulting Party will [REDACTED]*
          B. [REDACTED]*


11.3 Upon termination of the Agreement, the Licenses [REDACTED]* compliance with
the   Manufacturing  and  Sales  Agreements  and  the  Manufacturing  and  Sales
Agreements shall [REDACTED]* except in accordance with their specific terms. Any
ongoing  royalties or other payments that would  otherwise be payable to the JVC
after  dissolution shall be paid first to any creditors of the JVC and then paid
to the  shareholders  of the JVC at the time of dissolution  in accordance  with
their respective  ownership  interests in the JVC at the time of dissolution and
applicable law.

11.4 Upon termination of the Agreement, no Party shall be discharged from and of
its antecedent  obligations or liabilities to the other Party provided herein or
under any of the Related Agreements and confidentiality obligations as set forth
in Article 9, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties.

11.5 If either  Party  challenges  or  disagrees  with the  asserted  basis of a
termination  hereunder,  the termination will not be considered  effective until
after a decision of the arbitration  tribunal, in accordance with the procedures
of Article 12 hereto.

                           Article 12. Interpretation

12.1  Applicable  Law.  The  validity,  construction  and  performance  of  this
Agreement  shall be governed by and  interpreted in accordance  with the laws of
the State of California excluding that body of law known as conflicts of law.

12.2 Settlement of Dispute.  Any dispute or conflict which may arise between the
Parties,  out of or in relation to or in connection  with this  Agreement or for
the breach  thereof  which  cannot be  resolved  between  the  Parties  shall be
referred to the board of directors of each such Party. Each board shall nominate
one of its  members to confer  with a member  nominated  by the other  Party and
present to each board a recommended  solution.  If within thirty (30) days after
receipt of such  recommendation,  the  respective  boards cannot agree with each
other,  then each Party shall be entitled to initiate the  relevant  arbitration

12.3 Arbitration. All disputes, controversies, or differences, that remain after
the  settlement  of dispute  procedure as provided in paragraph  12.2,  shall be
submitted to arbitration in Los Angeles under the


then  current   Commercial   Arbitration  Rules  of  the  American   Arbitration
Association ("AAA") by three arbitrators.  The award rendered by the arbitrators
shall be final and binding upon both Parties.

12.4  Effect of  Headings.  The  headings  to articles  and  paragraphs  of this
Agreement  are to  facilitate  reference  only,  do not  form  a  part  of  this
Agreement, and shall not in any way affect the interpretation hereof.

12.5 Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement,  with Related  Agreements and exhibits,
constitutes  the entire  agreement  of the Parties  with  respect to the subject
matter hereof and  supercedes  and cancels any and all prior  understandings  or
agreements, verbal or otherwise, in relation hereto, which may exist between the
Parties.  No amendment or change hereof or addition hereto shall be effective or
binding on either of the Parties  unless  reduced to writing and executed by the
respective duly authorized representatives of the Parties.

12.6  Waivers.  No term or condition  shall be deemed waived by any Party unless
the  waiver has been  reduced to  writing,  and signed by the  Parties  and such
waiver shall not  constitute or be deemed a waiver of any other right  hereunder
or against any other  failure to perform or breach  hereof by such other  Party,
whether of a similar or dissimilar nature hereto.

12.7. Representations and Warranties. All representations and warranties made by
either Party, whether by Party's officers,  employees,  agents,  representatives
and consultants,  whether acting or not in their authorized capacity but so long
as relied upon by the other Party relating to a material  fact,  shall be deemed
to be an essential condition of this Agreement,  the misstatement of which shall
give  cause to the  non-defaulting  Party to  rescind  this  Agreement  with the
resulting legal consequences.

                            Article 13. Miscellaneous

13.1 No Agency.  The Parties and JVC shall act in all matters pertaining to this
Agreement  as  independent   contractors  and  nothing  contained  herein  shall
constitute any Party or JVC the partner,  agent or legal  representative  of any
other Party or JVC.

13.2 Force Majeure.  Not withstanding any other provisions of this Agreement,  a
Party  shall  not be liable to the  other  Party  for any loss,  injury,  delay,
damages or other casualty suffered or incurred by


the latter due to strikes, riots, storms, fires,  explosions,  acts of God, war,
action of any  governmental or any other cause beyond the reasonable  control of
the Party, and any failure or delay by either Party in performance of any of its
obligations  under this  Agreement  due to one or more of the  foregoing  causes
shall not be a breach of this  Agreement.  However,  each Party  shall  promptly
notify the other Party of the  occurrence  of such force majeure  condition.  If
such  condition  continues  for longer than three (3) months,  the Parties shall
mutually  consult about the appropriate  modification  of this  Agreement.  This
provision  shall not exempt any Party from its duty to perform  the  obligations
under this  Agreement as soon as  practicable  after a force  majeure  condition
ceases to exist.

13.3  Severability.  In the event any term or provision of this Agreement  shall
for any  reason be  invalid,  illegal  or  unenforceable  in any  respect,  such
invalidity,  illegality or unenforceability  shall not affect any other terms or
provisions  hereof,  and in such event,  this Agreement shall be interpreted and
construed as if such term or provision, to the extent, that shall have been held
invalid, illegal or unenforceable, had never been contained herein.

13.4 Notices.  Any notice or other  communication  required or permitted by this
Agreement shall be made in the English language and shall be sufficiently  given
(i) if delivered in person, on the date so delivered or (ii) if sent by telex or
e-mail  with  confirmation  of  receipt  or  simultaneous  confirmation  sent by
registered  airmail, on the date so sent, to the following address or such other
address as may be furnished by written notice by a Party to the other Party:


     Mr. C. D. Lee Senior
     Vice President
     Electro-Mechanical Research Institute


     Mr. Carl D. Perry
     Enova Systems Inc.


     19850 S. Magellan Drive, Torrance,
     CA 90502, U.S.A.

13.5 Use of Trademarks.  It is understood and agreed that no Party's  trademark,
trade  name,   service  mark,   symbol  or  any  other   identification  or  any
abbreviation, contraction or simulation thereof or reference to any Party or its
customers  shall be used in connection  with any of JVC's  products or in any of
its or their advertising or promotional  efforts without prior consultation with
and approval of the relative Party.

13.6 Assignment.  No Party shall have the right to assign by operation of law or
otherwise any or all of its rights or obligations  under this Agreement  without
the prior written consent of the other Party.

13.7 Survival. The Parties agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement
shall survive all legal acts contemplated herein. Any third party called upon to
interpret and resolve any  difference  between the Parties to this  Agreement in
the future, even after the realization of the legal acts contemplated,  shall be
guided by the general principles of intention and general  obligations set forth
in this Agreement.

13.8 Exhibits. The Exhibits attached to this Agreement shall constitute the part
of this Agreement and

have same effect with this Agreement.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  and having been approved by the Board of Directors of each
Party,  the Parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement  to be executed by their
duly authorized representatives on the day and year first set above.

                                    Enova Systems Inc.

                           By __________________________________

                                    Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.



                                   Schedule 1

                       Technology and Product Development

1.1.1      [REDACTED]*

1.1.2      [REDACTED]*

1.1.3      [REDACTED]*

1.1.4      [REDACTED]*

1.1.5      [REDACTED]*

1.1.6      [REDACTED]*
