Exhibit 99

                                  NEWS RELEASE


                         CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE GROUP

          1720 North First Street
          San Jose, CA 95112-4598                               October 22, 2003
                                                           For Immediate Release

Contact:  Richard Nye    (408) 367-8216 (analysts)
          Shannon Dean (310) 257-1435 (media)                       03GO9

                        CAL WATER ANNOUNCES 12% INCREASE
                        IN THIRD QUARTER 2003 NET INCOME;

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         SAN JOSE,  CA -  California  Water  Service  Group  (NYSE : CWT)  today
announced  third  quarter net income of $8.6  million and  earnings of $0.53 per
share, compared to net income of $7.7 million and earnings of $0.50 per share in
the third quarter of 2002.

         Revenue for the third  quarter  increased  $6.8  million or 8% to $88.2
million.  Higher  water usage by existing  customers  added $1.5  million,  rate
increases added $3.2 million, and sales to new customers added $2.0 million, $.9
million of which is  attributable to customers added with the acquisition of the
Kaanapali Water Corporation in Hawaii.

         According  to  President  and CEO Peter C.  Nelson,  securing  fair and
timely  rate  relief  continues  to be a key driver of the  Company's  financial

         "Our  approach  in the  rate  setting  process  is  beginning  to yield
results.  We will continue our focus in this area, because it is critical to our
continued success," Nelson said.


         Third  quarter  revenues  reflect  approval  by the  California  Public
Utilities  Commission  (Commission)  of the  Company's  2001 rate cases.  In its
decision,  the Commission  granted an 8.9% rate of return on rate base for 14 of
the Company's  California  Districts and approved rate  increases  that will add
$12.8 million to annual  revenues.  The Company began  charging the new rates on
September 9, 2003. Pursuant to a previous decision to establish April 3, 2003 as
an effective date for the new rates,  the Commission also authorized the Company
to collect  $5.0  million  in  surcharges  for the period  from April 3, 2003 to
September 9, 2003, which will be collected over a 12- month period.

         On October 16, 2003, the Commission also approved the Company's request
to  recover an annual  $4.2  million in costs  associated  with the  Bakersfield
Treatment  Plant.  That  decision will add $.3 million to revenues in the fourth
quarter of 2003 and $4.2 million to revenues in 2004.

         Pending  applications  to the  Commission  include  general  rate  case
filings made in November  2002 and January  2003.  In the third quarter of 2003,
the Company also requested recovery of $6 million in "balancing-type  memorandum
accounts,"  which  primarily  reflect  electricity  rate increases that were not
included in rates.  The Company  cannot predict the amount or the timing of CPUC
decisions on pending applications.

         Higher  revenues in the third quarter of 2003 were partially  offset by
an 8% or $5.8 million  increase in total operating  expenses.  Water  production
costs,  which consist of purchased water,  power, and pump taxes,  increased 8%,
reflecting  increases in water purchases and higher rates for purchased water as
well as a 7% increase in power costs.  Maintenance  expense increased 5% because
more repairs were made to pumping


equipment, water lines, and services.  Depreciation expense increased 11% due to
capital  expenditures.  Other  operating  costs  increased 7%,  primarily due to
increases in payroll,  related  benefit  costs,  and changes made to the pension
plan effective January 1, 2003.

         At their meeting  today,  the  Directors  declared a dividend on common
stock in the  amount of  $0.28125  per  share,  which is the  236th  consecutive
quarterly  dividend.  It is payable on November 14,  2003,  to  stockholders  of
record on October 31, 2003. The regular dividend on Series C preferred stock was
also declared.

         On Thursday,  October 23, 2003, at 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (4 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time), the Company will conduct a teleconference call, at which
time management will provide comments about third quarter 2003 operating results
and other pertinent matters.  Any stockholder or interested  investor can listen
to  the   teleconference  or  a  replay.   The  dial-in  number  to  access  the
teleconference is 1-800-482-2225,  call ID #266638. Additional information about
the call, including replay information,  is available at the Company's web site,
at www.calwater.com.

         California  Water  Service  Group is the parent  company of  California
Water  Service  Company,  Washington  Water  Service  Company,  New Mexico Water
Service Company,  Hawaii Water Service Company,  Inc. and CWS Utility  Services.
Together these companies provide  regulated and  non-regulated  water service to
over 2 million  people in 99  California,  Washington,  New  Mexico  and  Hawaii
communities.  Group's  common stock trades on the New York Stock  Exchange under
the symbol "CWT".

         This  news  release  contains  forward-looking  statements  within  the
meaning  established  by the Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995
("Act"). The forward-looking statements are intended to qualify under provisions
of the federal  securities laws for "safe harbor"  treatment  established by the
Act.  Forward-looking  statements are based on currently available  information,
expectations, estimates, assumptions and


projections,  and  management's  judgment  about the Company,  the water utility
industry and general economic conditions. Such words as expects, intends, plans,
believes,  estimates,  assumes,  anticipates,  projects,  predicts, forecasts or
variations  of such  words or  similar  expressions  are  intended  to  identify
forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are not guarantees of
future   performance.   They  are   subject  to   uncertainty   and  changes  in
circumstances.  Actual results may vary  materially  from what is contained in a
forward-looking  statement.  Factors  that  may  cause a result  different  than
expected  or  anticipated  include:  governmental  and  regulatory  commissions'
decisions;  changes in  regulatory  commissions'  policies and  procedures;  the
timeliness  of  regulatory  commissions'  actions  concerning  rate relief;  new
legislation;  electric power  interruptions;  increases in suppliers' prices and
the availability of supplies including water and power; fluctuations in interest
rates;  changes in  environmental  compliance  and water  quality  requirements;
acquisitions and our ability to successfully  integrate acquired companies;  the
ability to successfully  implement business plans; changes in customer water use
patterns; the impact of weather on water sales and operating results;  access to
sufficient  capital on  satisfactory  terms;  civil  disturbances  or  terrorist
threats or acts, or apprehension  about the possible future  occurrences of acts
of this type; the involvement of the United States in war or other  hostilities;
restrictive  covenants  in or changes to the  credit  ratings on our  current or
future debt that could  increase  our  financing  costs or affect our ability to
borrow, make payments on debt or pay dividends;  and, other risks and unforeseen
events. When considering forward-looking statements, you should keep in mind the
cautionary  statements  included  in this  paragraph.  The  Company  assumes  no
obligation to provide public updates of forward-looking statements.

         Additional    information   is   available   at   our   Web   site   at

         Attachments (3).



(In thousands, except per share data)                     September 30,   December 31,
                                                              2003           2002
                                                          -----------    -----------
Utility plant:
         Utility plant                                    $ 1,063,323    $ 1,001,310
         Less accumulated depreciation and amortization       320,594        304,322
                                                          -----------    -----------
                 Net utility plant                            742,729        696,988
                                                          -----------    -----------
Current assets:
         Cash and cash equivalents                             12,396          1,063
         Receivables                                           26,438         23,961
         Unbilled revenue                                      12,684          7,969
         Materials and supplies at average cost                 2,934          2,760
         Taxes and other prepaid expenses                       8,086          7,234
                                                          -----------    -----------
                 Total current assets                          62,538         42,987
                                                          -----------    -----------
Other assets:
         Regulatory assets                                     53,017         46,089
         Other assets                                          16,907         14,518
                                                          -----------    -----------
                 Total other assets                            69,924         60,607
                                                          -----------    -----------
                                                          $   875,191    $   800,582
                                                          ===========    ===========
         Common stock, $.01 par value                     $       169    $       152
         Additional paid-in capital                            93,773         49,984
         Retained earnings                                    148,695        149,215
         Accumulated other comprehensive loss                    (134)          (134)
                                                          -----------    -----------
                 Total common stockholders' equity            242,503        199,217
         Preferred stock                                        3,475          3,475
         Long-term debt, less current maturities              270,909        250,365
                                                          -----------    -----------
                 Total capitalization                         516,887        453,057
                                                          -----------    -----------
Current liabilities:
         Current maturities of long-term debt                     900          1,000
         Short-term borrowings                                  2,479         36,379
         Accounts payable                                      29,020         23,706
         Accrued expenses and other liabilities                44,070         30,456
                                                          -----------    -----------
                 Total current liabilities                     76,469         91,541

Unamortized investment tax credits                              2,875          2,774
Deferred income taxes                                          38,414         31,371
Regulatory and other liabilities                               34,123         28,804
Advances for construction                                     120,919        115,459
Contributions in aid of construction                           85,504         77,576
Commitments and contingencies                                      --             --
                                                          -----------    -----------
                                                          $   875,191    $   800,582
                                                          ===========    ===========


(In thousands, except per share data)

For the three months ended:                         September 30,  September 30,
                                                        2003           2002
                                                      --------       --------
Operating revenue                                     $ 88,197       $ 81,440
                                                      --------       --------
Operating expenses:
        Operations                                      58,398         54,190
        Maintenance                                      3,172          3,010
        Depreciation and amortization                    5,830          5,263
        Income taxes                                     5,587          5,047
        Property and other taxes                         2,691          2,333
                                                      --------       --------
              Total operating expenses                  75,678         69,843
                                                      --------       --------
              Net operating income                      12,519         11,597
                                                      --------       --------
Other income and expenses:
              Non-regulated income, net                    623            527
              Gain on sale of non-utility property          24            (13)
                                                      --------       --------
                                                           647            514

Interest expense:
        Long-term debt interest                          4,234          4,149
        Other interest                                     345            287
                                                      --------       --------
              Total interest expense                     4,579          4,436

Net income                                            $  8,587       $  7,675
                                                      ========       ========
Earnings per share
        Basic                                         $   0.53       $   0.50
                                                      ========       ========
        Diluted                                       $   0.53       $   0.50
                                                      ========       ========
Weighted average shares outstanding
        Basic                                           16,209         15,182
                                                      ========       ========
        Diluted                                         16,222         15,185
                                                      ========       ========
Dividends per share of common stock                   $0.28125       $0.28000
                                                      ========       ========


(In thousands, except per share data)

For the nine months ended:                          September 30,  September 30,
                                                        2003           2002
                                                      --------       --------
Operating revenue                                     $207,502       $202,234
                                                      --------       --------
Operating expenses:
        Operations                                     141,851        134,222
        Maintenance                                      9,488          8,365
        Depreciation and amortization                   17,428         16,045
        Income taxes                                     8,348         10,898
        Property and other taxes                         7,694          7,349
                                                      --------       --------
              Total operating expenses                 184,809        176,879
                                                      --------       --------
              Net operating income                      22,693         25,355
                                                      --------       --------
Other income and expenses:
              Non-regulated income, net                  1,792          1,417
              Gain on sale of non-utility property       1,535          1,961
                                                      --------       --------
                                                         3,327          3,378

Interest expense:
        Long-term debt interest                         12,451         11,518
        Other interest                                   1,165            994
                                                      --------       --------
              Total interest expense                    13,616         12,512

Net income                                            $ 12,404       $ 16,221
                                                      ========       ========
Earnings per share
        Basic                                         $   0.79       $   1.06
                                                      ========       ========
        Diluted                                       $   0.79       $   1.06
                                                      ========       ========
Weighted average shares outstanding
        Basic                                           15,528         15,182
                                                      ========       ========
        Diluted                                         15,539         15,185
                                                      ========       ========
Dividends per share of common stock                   $0.84375       $0.84000
                                                      ========       ========
