Exhibit 99.1

                                November 25, 2003

To Our Valued Shareholders:

As we enter into this holiday season, we wish to bring greetings to you and your
loved ones. We hope this season finds you well in health and spirit.

Enclosed  with this  letter is our recent  press  release  announcing  our third
quarter and year to date performance as of September 30, 2003. Let us share with
you some key facts regarding our performance in 2003:

o    As of September 30, 2003 our total assets grew by 18% over the past year to
     $290 million putting us in line to beat our announced goal of reaching $300
     million  by year end.  Moreover,  total  loans,  earning  assets  and total
     deposits  similarly  experienced  important growth  justifying our optimism
     that the Company is well  positioned for increased  profitability.  This is
     not a meaningless achievement; as we spread our costs over more assets, the
     benefits will drop straight to the bottom line. As shareholders  you should
     be the winners.

o    On September 2, 2003, we opened a new branch in Downtown Sacramento. By the
     end of October, the Branch had already exceeded its year end deposit goals.

o    Bank of Lodi's deposit  growth rate during the past 12 months  exceeded the
     market  growth  rate in each  and  every  one of the  markets  in  which it
     operates as reflected in the FDIC Summary of Deposits  Report reports as of
     June 30, 2003.

o    While net income for the nine months  ending  September  30,  2003  totaled
     $892,000  (a decline of  $198,000  from the prior  year),  our income  from
     continuing  operations  has increased.  Net interest  income for the period
     grew by $433,000  but  non-recurring  items  detailed in the press  release
     (such as gains from sales of securities  and expenses  related to dissident
     directors) have resulted in an unfavorable comparison. The enclosed release
     provides the details of these figures.

All of this  has been  achieved  in the face of the  drumbeat  of bad  publicity
intentionally  generated  by  three  dissident  directors  who have  used  their
falsehoods,  half-truths and innuendo to create a series of negative articles in
the press,  including one in the  Sacramento Bee at the very moment Bank of Lodi
launched our new branch there.  This is the very branch that they voted in favor
of as Board members.  As shareholders you should consider the following:  how do
they think that they are helping to create  shareholder  value by attacking  the
Bank's  good name in the  Sacramento  press as it  invests  capital in the vital
strategic  market  which they voted to support?  Just think of where our Company
could be without their interference.

Thus, we are compelled to express our thoughts and feelings about the harm being
caused by these three dissident directors who recently sent you a letter full of

     o   The dissidents  claim the Company's  Strategic Plan is not working;  we
         adamantly  disagree.  The Plan is moving us closer to the profitability
         and value that we all expect from the Company.  But we hasten to remind
         you that this  Strategic  Plan was fully  considered and adopted by the
         full Board, including the three dissident directors.  Now, after voting
         in  favor  of the  Plan,  they  are  harming  Bank of Lodi  with  their
         deliberate misrepresentations.

     o   They falsely claim that an independent  compensation study has not been
         done since early 2002 or if one has been done, it was not  communicated
         to the full Board of Directors.  How deceitful is this?  Well, the most
         recent independent study was presented to the Bank of Lodi Compensation
         Committee  (comprised of independent  directors) at its meeting held on
         February 19, 2003 at which dissident  director Kevin Van Steenberge was
         present  (and it was Van  Steenberge  who later made the motion for the
         full Board to approve the minutes of that Committee meeting).

     o   They grossly distort Leon  Zimmerman's  annual  compensation  using the
         figure of $1 million  to inflame  shareholders.  Leon's  salary,  stock
         option and other  benefits are disclosed in the Company's  annual proxy
         in conformity with the SEC's rules and regulations for all to see (just
         click  on the link to 1st  Financial  Bancorp  at  www.bankoflodi.com).
         Again,  the level of deceit in their  letter is well known to  director
         Van Steenberge who attended the Board's Compensation  Committee meeting
         and  reviewed  the  independent  report  prepared by a highly  regarded
         independent  community  bank  compensation  consulting  firm  which was
         presented to the Committee.

     o   The  dissidents  disagree  with the  granting  of options to the Bank's
         Board and some newly hired Bank  officers.  In fact these  options were
         granted in accordance with a Board approved  compensation  program that
         was  voted  on by the  Board  in  February  2000  (including  dissident
         directors  Anagnos  and  Coldani).  Under the Plan,  outside  directors
         receive option grants every three years,  the first grant  occurring in
         May 2000 when  dissident  director  Coldani made the initial  motion to
         grant  options  to  himself  and  the  other  outside  directors.   The
         dissidents  continue  their lies by saying that options were granted to
         Executive  Management which simply is not true (and they were all three
         in attendance at the meeting).

While we can  sympathize  with  the  confusion  that  you may feel  based on the
barrage of falsehoods  from these  dissidents,  we only ask that you regard them
for what they are:  troublemakers  with a hidden  agenda  and no regard for good
corporate  governance  or for the  truth.  We are  convinced  that  you will see
through  all of this as you examine  the facts (and not the  hysteria  that they
produce). We welcome your questions and feedback.

First Financial  Bancorp and Bank of Lodi are continuing to succeed in achieving
their  objectives.  We are dedicated to making this Company more  profitable and
the Bank "Simply A Better Bank."


/s/ Leon Zimmerman                          /s/ Benjamin R. Goehring
- ------------------                          ------------------------
Leon Zimmerman                              Benjamin R. Goehring
President and CEO                           Chairman of the Board
leon.z@bankoflodi.com                       ben.g@bankoflodi.com

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In  addition  to   historical   information,   this  letter   includes   certain
forward-looking  statements  regarding  events and  trends  which may affect the
Company's  future results.  We accept no obligation to update these  statements.
Many  factors  could  affect  the  future  results  and cause  results to differ
materially.  The  statements  in this  release  are  not  guarantees  of  future
performance.  Such risks and uncertainties include those related to the economic
environment,  particularly in the areas where Bank of Lodi operates, competitive
products and pricing,  general interest rate changes and the fiscal and monetary
policies of the US Government,  credit risk management,  regulatory actions, and
other risks and  uncertainties  discussed  from time to time in First  Financial
Bancorp's public securities filing.
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