This  Administrative  Services  Agreement  ("Agreement")  is  entered  into  and
effective as of June 5, 2002, between Investors Insurance Corporation ("IIC"), a
Delaware   corporation,   and  Legacy  Marketing  Group  ("LMG"),  a  California
corporation, with reference to the following facts:

A.  Concurrently  herewith IIC and LMG are entering  into a Marketing  Agreement
pursuant to which certain insurance business is to be marketed by LMG.

B. That IIC  desires to have LMG provide  services  to IIC with  respect to this
business, and LMG is willing to provide such services,  subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

C. LMG is engaged in the business of marketing insurance products nationally and
has developed a significant  marketing operation and sales force,  identified as
Producers:  duly  licensed  and  appointed  independent  insurance  agents;  and
Wholesalers:  duly  licensed  and  appointed  independent  insurance  agents  or
agencies who are predominately responsible for recruiting, training and managing

Based on the foregoing facts, LMG and IIC agree as follows:

1.       SERVICES

         1.1      From and  after  the date of this  Agreement,  LMG  agrees  to
                  perform certain IIC accounting and service functions on behalf
                  of IIC. Such accounting and service functions shall consist of
                  the  activities  described  in APPENDIX  C, for the  Contracts
                  recited in APPENDIX A.  Consideration  for such accounting and
                  service functions is set forth in APPENDIX B.

         1.2      LMG may  provide  additional  services  for IIC  that  are not
                  specified  in  APPENDIX C.  Consideration  and other terms for
                  such  additional  services will be agreed to by LMG and IIC in
                  writing prior to LMG's performance of such services.


         2.1      IIC has the sole  obligation to its  policyholders  to provide
                  for competent  administration of the contracts administered by
                  LMG. IIC hereby  delegates to LMG certain  duties as specified

         2.2      IIC  shall be  responsible  for  researching,  obtaining,  and
                  registering  with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office service
                  marks  to be used in  connection  with  the  products  jointly
                  developed by LMG and IIC, and any costs associated  therewith,
                  and IIC  shall  own all such  rights  arising  therefrom.  IIC
                  grants to LMG a  non-exclusive,  royalty-free  license for the
                  term of this Agreement for the use of such marks in connection
                  with the performance of LMG's obligations  hereunder,  subject
                  to IIC's quality control guidelines with respect thereto.  IIC
                  will not use LMG's service marks, trademarks,  and trade names
                  or the name of any  affiliate  of LMG in any way or manner not

                  specifically authorized in writing by LMG. Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing,  LMG may at its own cost and expense  register  and
                  own its own marks, which may be used by LMG to market products
                  jointly developed by LMG and IIC that are underwritten by IIC.

         2.3      With respect to claims that LMG is authorized to pay on behalf
                  of IIC,  IIC  shall be  responsible  for any and all  costs of
                  litigation  associated  with the payment of such  claims.  IIC
                  shall  have  the  sole  discretion  to  determine  whether  to
                  litigate a claim.  These expenses  shall include,  but are not
                  limited  to,  counsel  fees,  court  fees,  and LMG  labor and
                  expenses as indicated in APPENDIX B.

         2.4      IIC shall have the sole  responsibility  for  filing,  and the
                  costs associated with such filings,  advertising  materials in
                  those states that so require  prior to approving  their use by
                  LMG. In addition,  IIC shall have the sole  responsibility for
                  filing,  and  the  costs  associated  with  such  filings,  of
                  contract forms.

         2.5      IIC shall be responsible for  establishing and maintaining any
                  group trusts  associated  with such group product  filings and
                  any costs associated therewith.

         2.6      IIC shall be responsible  for the processing of payments under
                  the  election of a  settlement  option by the  beneficiary  or
                  owner. LMG's  responsibilities as they relate to this function
                  are  detailed in APPENDIX C. IIC will supply LMG with  factors
                  to   calculate    estimated    settlement   option   payments.
                  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,   this  provision  shall  not
                  preclude LMG from processing  such payments in the future,  if
                  so  requested  by  IIC,   pursuant  to  section  1.2  of  this

         2.7      IIC shall be responsible for determining the benefits,  rates,
                  underwriting criteria and claims payment procedures applicable
                  for the Contracts recited in APPENDIX A.

         2.8      IIC  shall,  at  least  semiannually,   conduct  a  review  of
                  operations  of  LMG.  Such  review  may be  conducted  online,
                  off-site, or at an LMG office.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                  at  least  one such  review  will be an  on-site  audit of the
                  operations of LMG.

         2.9      IIC  shall  be  responsible  for  the  underwriting  or  other
                  standards pertaining to the business underwritten by IIC.

         2.10     IIC shall  provide  LMG with  written  notice of any change of
                  authority of persons  authorized  and enumerated in APPENDIX D
                  to provide LMG with  instructions  or  directions  relating to
                  services to be performed by LMG under this  Agreement.  If, in
                  the absence of written notice,  LMG relies to its detriment on
                  instructions   or  directions   from  one  who  is  no  longer
                  authorized,  IIC will  indemnify LMG for any resulting loss or

         2.11     (a)      Agent   Initial   Appointment   Fees--IIC   shall  be
                           responsible  for  payment  of  the  initial  resident
                           appointment  fees for  Wholesalers  and Producers who
                           have satisfied  LMG's and IIC's agreed upon selection
                           and compliance criteria.


* Confidential information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

                  (b)      Agent   Renewal   Appointment   Fees--IIC   shall  be
                           responsible   for   payment   of   resident   renewal
                           appointment  fees  for  contracted   Wholesalers  and

                  (c)      Agent  Termination  Fees--IIC will be responsible for
                           Wholesaler and Producer appointment  termination fees
                           in the states that mandate such fees.

2.12     IIC will make LMG aware of any significant NAIC actions or issues.

2.13     If IIC receives any of the following:

                  (a)      Notice of the  commencement  of any legal  proceeding
                           involving  any of IIC's  customers  for the Contracts
                           referenced in APPENDIX A.

                  (b)      A communication from any insurance department,  other
                           administrative    agency,   or   any   other   person
                           identifying  a  complaint  by  any  IIC  customer  or
                           calling a hearing involving any IIC practice, for the
                           Contracts referenced in APPENDIX A.

                  (c)      Written complaints regarding IIC Contracts referenced
                           in   APPENDIX   A  from   customers   of  IIC   (oral
                           complainants  are directed to make their complaint in
                           writing and  therefore  will be handled in accordance
                           with such written complaint handling procedures).

                  (d)      A demand or request by any court,  government agency,
                           or  regulatory  body to examine  any of the books and
                           records of IIC relating to the  Contracts  referenced
                           in APPENDIX A.

IIC will notify LMG within three (3)  business  days of such  receipt.  IIC will
send copies of any necessary documentation to LMG within five (5) business days,
or sooner if reasonably requested by LMG, and will cooperate with and assist LMG
in  responding  to  such  document.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,   written
guidelines  and  procedures  for such  assistance  will be established by mutual
agreement of LMG and IIC.


         3.1      LMG agrees to maintain the following insurance coverage:

                  (a)      LMG will  possess an adequate  fidelity  bond for any
                           losses caused by the dishonesty of LMG's employees or
                           agents (not  Wholesalers or Producers) with limits of
                           at least *. LMG will also  maintain  adequate  surety
                           bond(s)  as  required  in the  states  in which it is
                           compelled  to do so. LMG will file such  bond,  if so
                           required, with the appropriate agency. The bond shall
                           be  executed  by a corporate  insurer  authorized  to
                           transact  business  in the state  that  mandates  the
                           maintenance of such bond.


* Confidential information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

                  (b)      LMG will possess and maintain at all times errors and
                           omissions  coverage  with a limit of not less  than *
                           written by an insurer with a minimum A.M. Best rating
                           of  A-.   Such   coverage   will   comply   with  the
                           requirements  of the states in which  such  insurance
                           coverage is required.

                  (c)      LMG will  possess and maintain  commercial,  general,
                           and liability  insurance with limits of not less than
                           * per occurrence combined single limit.

         3.2      In the event  malfunction  of LMG  systems  causes an error or
                  mistake in any record,  report, data,  information,  or output
                  under the terms of this  Agreement,  LMG shall at its  expense
                  correct and reprocess such records. In the event IIC discovers
                  any such  errors  or  mistake,  it  shall,  within  three  (3)
                  business days after  discovery,  notify LMG in writing of such
                  error or mistake in any record, report, data, information,  or
                  output received by IIC.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the
                  event that IIC provides  incomplete or inaccurate  information
                  to LMG that causes  errors or mistakes in any record,  report,
                  data, information,  or output, IIC shall reimburse LMG for the
                  cost of correcting and reprocessing such records.

         3.3      LMG shall respond to all  correspondence  of a routine  nature
                  and  other  general   functions   necessary  for  satisfactory
                  administration of the Contracts  referenced in APPENDIX A. LMG
                  shall  maintain  complaint  files and complaint logs to comply
                  with  applicable  laws and  regulations.  Notwithstanding  the
                  foregoing,  IIC retains the  ultimate  responsibility  for the
                  filing of such  complaint  logs or files with the  appropriate
                  regulatory agencies. In addition, IIC shall be responsible for
                  all  other   regulatory   logs  or  filings,   including   the
                  maintenance of advertising logs.

                  If LMG receives:

                  (a)      Notice of the  commencement  of any legal  proceeding
                           involving any of IIC's customers.

                  (b)      A communication from any insurance department,  other
                           administrative    agency,   or   any   other   person
                           identifying  a  complaint  by  any  IIC  customer  or
                           calling a hearing involving any IIC practice.

                  (c)      Written complaints regarding IIC Contracts referenced
                           in   APPENDIX   A  from   customers   of  IIC   (oral
                           complainants  are directed to make their complaint in
                           writing and  therefore  will be handled in accordance
                           with such written complaint handling procedures).

                  (d)      A demand or request by any court,  government agency,
                           or  regulatory  body to examine  any of the books and
                           records of IIC relating to Contracts or Services.

                  LMG will  notify IIC within  three (3)  business  days of such
                  receipt.  LMG will send copies of any necessary  documentation
                  to IIC within five (5) business  days, or sooner if reasonably
                  requested  by IIC,  and  will cooperate with and assist IIC in


* Confidential information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

                  responding to such  document.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,
                  (i) written guidelines and procedures for such assistance will
                  be established by mutual agreement of LMG and IIC and (ii) LMG
                  will respond to complaints within the time parameters mandated
                  by  the  pertinent   state   department  of  insurance  or  as
                  delineated in the complaint handling procedures.

         3.4      LMG  will  maintain  a  file  containing  any   correspondence
                  relating to  complaints  received  from IIC  customers  and/or
                  government agency or regulatory body for a period of seven (7)
                  years from receipt of the complaint  letter.  IIC will respond
                  to summons and complaints  commencing legal actions on its own
                  behalf and will be responsible for associated costs.

         3.5      LMG will provide a written notice, approved in writing by IIC,
                  to policyholders  advising them of the identity of IIC and LMG
                  and the relationship between LMG, the policyholder, and IIC.

         3.6      LMG will  use  only  advertising  pertaining  to the  business
                  underwritten  by IIC  that  IIC has  approved  in  writing  in
                  advance of its use. If so required, IIC shall obtain the prior
                  approval of the  appropriate  Department  of Insurance  before
                  approving  advertising  for  use by  LMG.  IIC  will  also  be
                  responsible  for all  costs  associated  with  obtaining  such

         3.7      * is responsible * for system  modification  costs for initial
                  new product  development,  which will be  documented by LMG at
                  the  completion  of each new  product  If *  withdraws  such a
                  product  from the  market  prior to the  product  being on the
                  market for *, * will reimburse * for system modification costs
                  paid by * to administer the product in a pro-rata amount.  The
                  pro-rata amount will be determined on the following formula:

                 --------------------------------- -------- ----------------------- ------- -------------------------
                 Total number of months
                 remaining of the
                 --------------------------                 Total amount spent on
                 Total number of *.                X        system modifications    =       Pro-rata amount
                 --------------------------------- -------- ----------------------- ------- -------------------------

Example:  IIC withdrew the product 12 months after being on the market; e.g.,
- -------

                 * Months          X        $100,000.00           =        $*
                 * Months

                  Notwithstanding,  * will not be  required  to  reimburse * for
                  such  modifications  if * and * agree in writing  to  withdraw
                  such a product.  * is not responsible for the costs associated
                  with other  modifications that are not necessary to the normal
                  course  of  business.  *  will  reimburse  *  for  any  system
                  modification  costs  requested that are beyond those necessary
                  to  the  normal  course  of  business  at its  standard  rates
                  illustrated in APPENDIX B.


         3.8      LMG grants to IIC a  non-exclusive,  royalty-free  license for
                  the  term of this  Agreement  for the use of  LMG's  marks  in
                  connection with the use on IIC proprietary  products,  subject
                  to IIC's quality control guidelines with respect thereto.  IIC
                  will not use LMG's service marks, trademarks,  and trade names
                  or the  name of any LMG  affiliate  in any way or  manner  not
                  specifically authorized in writing by LMG.

         3.9      LMG shall have no authority,  nor shall it represent itself as
                  having such authority, other than as specifically set forth in
                  this Agreement.  LMG  specifically  agrees that it will not do
                  any of the following without the prior written consent of IIC:

                  (a)      Litigation: Institute, prosecute, or defend any legal
                           proceedings in connection with any matter  pertaining
                           to the services  provided  pursuant to this Agreement
                           or IIC's business.

                  (b)      Alterations:  Waive, amend, modify, alter, terminate,
                           or change any term, provision, or condition stated in
                           any Contract or discharge any Contract in the name of
                           IIC  with   IIC's   approval.   Notwithstanding   the
                           foregoing,  LMG  may  waive,  amend,  modify,  alter,
                           terminate,   or  change  any  term,   provision,   or
                           condition  stated in any  Contract or  discharge  any
                           Contract  in the  name  of IIC in the  resolution  of
                           complaints   from    Policyholders    or   regulatory
                           authorities, provided such complaints fall within the
                           guidelines mutually agreed upon by IIC and LMG.

                  (c)      Advice  to  Policyholders/Prospective  Policyholders:
                           Offer  tax,  legal,  or  investment   advice  to  any
                           policyholder or prospective policyholder of IIC under
                           any circumstances,  with respect to a Contract or the
                           services   provided   pursuant  to  this   Agreement.
                           Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  LMG  shall  not  be
                           prohibited   from  providing   detailed   information
                           regarding  Contract  features  when  requested by the

         3.10     Currently,  LMG does not perform medical underwriting for IIC;
                  however,  if granted such authority,  LMG will comply with all
                  underwriting  standards  established  by IIC and adhere to all
                  pertinent  provisions  contained  in  applicable   third-party
                  administrator statutes.


         4.1      All services to be provided by LMG under this Agreement  shall
                  be performed in  accordance  with the policies and  procedures
                  mutually agreed upon by both parties,  industry standards, and
                  applicable  laws and  regulations.  IIC and LMG will use their
                  best  efforts  to  agree  to and  document  within  60 days of
                  execution of this  Agreement the policies and  procedures  for
                  all such services to be provided by LMG on behalf of IIC.



         5.1      LMG shall  indemnify  and hold  harmless  IIC from any and all
                  claims, liability,  costs, and expenses,  including reasonable
                  attorneys'  fees,  arising  out of LMG's  negligent  act(s) or
                  omission(s);  LMG's  refusal to comply  with the terms of this
                  Agreement;  LMG's failure to comply with any law or regulation
                  with  respect to its duties  hereunder,  except that LMG shall
                  not be required to indemnify or hold  harmless IIC for any act
                  or omission of LMG which was directed  orally or in writing by
                  IIC unless LMG knew that such direction by IIC was contrary to
                  applicable  law or  regulation  or was  otherwise  contrary to
                  standard industry practices and LMG failed to advise IIC.

         5.2      IIC shall  indemnify  and hold  harmless  LMG from any and all
                  claims, liability,  costs, and expenses,  including reasonable
                  attorneys'  fees,  arising  out of IIC's  negligent  act(s) or
                  omission(s);  IIC's  refusal to comply  with the terms of this
                  Agreement;  IIC's failure to comply with any law or regulation
                  with  respect to the  offering  or sale of  contracts,  or the
                  records maintained. LMG may rely on instructions of any person
                  indicated  on  IIC's   "Schedule  of  Authorized   Personnel,"
                  attached  hereto as APPENDIX D. Each such person is authorized
                  to give  instructions  under this  section with respect to any
                  matter arising in connection  with this  Agreement.  LMG shall
                  not be liable for,  and shall be  indemnified  by IIC against,
                  any losses  arising from any action taken or omitted by LMG in
                  good faith on reliance upon such instruction.

         5.3      Neither  party shall be entitled to  indemnification  from the
                  other  party for any claim  resulting  from its own  negligent
                  act(s) or omission(s).

         5.4      If any  claim is made by a party  which  would  give rise to a
                  right  or  indemnification  under  paragraph  5.1,  the  party
                  entitled to indemnification (the "Indemnified Party") promptly
                  will give notice of the claim to the party required to provide
                  indemnification  (the "Indemnifying  Party"). The Indemnifying
                  Party shall have the right,  at its option and its own expense
                  and by its own counsel,  to  participate in the defense of any
                  such indemnified claim for which  indemnification  is provided
                  by  this  Agreement.   Notwithstanding   the  foregoing,   the
                  Indemnifying  Party  shall  not have the right to  control  or
                  represent the Indemnified Party in the defense of any claim.


         6.1      Neither  party may assign or  delegate  all or any part of its
                  rights and/or duties under this Agreement  without the written
                  consent,  as signed by one or more of the  personnel  shown on
                  APPENDIX D, of the granting party.

         6.2      This Agreement may be modified or amended at anytime by mutual
                  agreement  of  the  parties,   provided  the  modification  or
                  amendment  is in  writing  and  signed  by one or  more of the
                  personnel shown on APPENDIX D.

         6.3      The termination of this Agreement is governed by the following


                  (a)      LMG or IIC may terminate this Agreement without cause
                           by twelve  (12) months  written  notice to the other.
                           This Agreement may be terminated by mutual  agreement
                           of the parties in writing at any time.

                  (b)      If  either of the  parties  hereto  shall  materially
                           breach this  Agreement or be materially in default in
                           the  performance of any of its duties and obligations
                           hereunder  (the  "Defaulting  Party"),  the aggrieved
                           party hereto may give written  notice  thereof to the
                           Defaulting  Party and if such default or breach shall
                           not have been remedied  within  forty-five  (45) days
                           after  such  written   notice  is  given,   then  the
                           aggrieved  party  may  terminate  this  Agreement  by
                           giving  thirty  (30)  days  written  notice  of  such
                           termination to the Defaulting  Party.  This Agreement
                           shall  terminate  immediately  upon expiration of the
                           30-day notice period.

                  (c)      Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, IIC
                           or LMG may immediately  terminate this Agreement with
                           cause  upon  written  notice  to  the  other.   Cause
                           includes, without limitation,  acts or omissions that
                           constitute fraudulent, criminal, or grossly unethical
                           activity  or  blatant  disregard  for the  terms  and
                           conditions of this Agreement.

                  (d)      Termination of this Agreement by default or breach by
                           IIC shall not  constitute  a waiver of any  rights of
                           LMG in reference to services  performed prior to such
                           termination; termination of this Agreement by default
                           or breach by LMG shall not constitute a waiver by IIC
                           of  any  other   rights  it  might  have  under  this

                  (e)      If this Agreement is terminated,  LMG agrees that, to
                           assist in providing  uninterrupted service to IIC, it
                           shall  offer  reasonable   analysis  and  programming
                           assistance  to IIC in  converting  the records of IIC
                           from the LMG system to whatever  service or system is
                           selected by IIC,  subject to reimbursement to LMG for
                           such  assistance at its standard rates as illustrated
                           in APPENDIX B.

                  (f)      If this  Agreement  terminates  for any reason  other
                           than by mutual  written  agreement,  as provided  for
                           above in Section 6.3(a),  LMG and IIC agree that LMG,
                           at  IIC's  option,   will  continue  to  provide  the
                           administrative  services  on  behalf  of IIC,  as set
                           forth in this Agreement,  for up to one year from the
                           date of such termination.

                  (g)      If either party  becomes or is declared  insolvent or
                           bankrupt;  is the subject of any proceedings relating
                           to  its   liquidation,   insolvency,   or   for   the
                           appointment of a receiver or similar  officer for it;
                           makes  an  assignment  for  the  benefit  of  all  or
                           substantially all of its creditors; or enters into an
                           agreement  for  the   continuation,   extension,   or
                           readjustment  of  all  or  substantially  all  of its
                           obligations, other than those agreements entered into
                           as part of LMG's normal course of business, the other
                           party may  immediately  terminate  this Agreement for


                  (h)      IIC shall  provide  written  notice  of  termination,
                           modification,  or  cancellation  of this Agreement to
                           the  appropriate   departments  of  insurance  within
                           fifteen (15) days of such  termination if, and to the
                           extent, required by applicable law or regulation. IIC
                           and LMG shall  fulfill  any lawful  obligations  with
                           respect to the Contracts  referenced by APPENDIX A of
                           this Agreement, regardless of any dispute between LMG
                           and IIC.

                  (i)      Termination  of this Agreement does not affect in any
                           way the Marketing  Agreement,  executed  concurrently


         7.1      This  Agreement  shall be retained  as a part of the  official
                  record of both LMG and IIC for the duration of this  Agreement
                  and for seven years after the termination of this Agreement.

         7.2      LMG  will   maintain   complete   books  and  records  of  all
                  transactions between LMG, IIC, and its policyholders. LMG will
                  preserve  detailed  and  adequate  books  and  records  of all
                  administered transactions among LMG, IIC and its policyholders
                  sufficient  to  permit  the  insurer  to  fulfill  all  of its
                  contractual  obligations to insured  persons.  These books and
                  records  shall  be  maintained  in  accordance   with  prudent
                  standards  generally accepted in business record keeping.  LMG
                  will maintain IIC's records intact and separate and apart from
                  the  records  of any other  carrier.  The  documentation  will
                  contain all  pertinent  information  in  sufficient  detail to
                  identify the relevant dates, events, and persons participating
                  in those insurance events.  LMG will maintain complete records
                  of  all   transactions   taken  pursuant  to  its  third-party
                  administrator   license.   The  books  and  records  shall  be
                  maintained  throughout  this  Agreement and for ten (10) years
                  after the transaction to which they respectively relate.

         7.3      IIC shall own the records  generated by LMG pertaining to IIC;
                  however,  LMG shall retain the right to  continuing  access to
                  records to permit LMG to fulfill its contractual  obligations.
                  IIC and LMG shall have continuing right to access and copy all
                  accounts  and  records  maintained  by LMG  related  to  IIC's
                  business. Any appropriately authorized government agency shall
                  have access to all books,  bank  accounts,  and records of LMG
                  and IIC for the purpose of examination, inspection, and audit.
                  All  information  contained  in the  aforementioned  books and
                  records,    including    the   identity   and   addresses   of
                  policyholders,  shall be kept  confidential,  except that such
                  information may be used in proceedings  instituted against LMG
                  or IIC.

         7.4      If LMG and IIC  cancel  this  Agreement,  LMG may,  by written
                  agreement  with  IIC,  transfer  all  records  to  IIC  or the
                  successor administrator rather than retain them for the period
                  referenced  in Section 7.2. If LMG  transfers the records to a
                  successor   administrator   or  to  IIC,   LMG  is  no  longer
                  responsible   for  retaining   such  records.   The  successor
                  third-party  administrator shall acknowledge in writing in its
                  agreement  with  IIC,  or  IIC  itself  shall  acknowledge  in


                  writing,  that it is responsible for retaining the records for
                  which LMG had previously been responsible.

         7.5      LMG acknowledges  that certain  information  received from IIC
                  including,  without  limitation,  information  concerning  IIC
                  customers or consumers, may be proprietary and/or confidential
                  in nature.  All such  information  shall be used by LMG solely
                  for   purposes   of   providing   services   pursuant  to  the
                  Administrative  Services  Agreement  between the parties.  LMG
                  agrees to  indemnify  and hold IIC  harmless  from any and all
                  loss  and  expenses  sustained  by  IIC  as a  result  of  the
                  unauthorized   use   of   proprietary   and/or    confidential
                  information by LMG.

         7.6      IIC acknowledges  that certain  information  received from LMG
                  may be proprietary  and/or  confidential  in nature.  All such
                  information   shall  be  used  by  IIC  solely  for   purposes
                  contemplated by, and in a manner that is consistent with, this
                  Agreement or the Marketing Agreement between the parties.  IIC
                  agrees to  indemnify  and hold LMG  harmless  from any and all
                  loss  and  expenses  sustained  by  LMG  as a  result  of  the
                  unauthorized   use   of   proprietary   and/or    confidential
                  information by IIC.

         7.7      LMG will  not  knowingly  disclose  any  customer  information
                  provided  to it by or on  behalf of IIC to any  affiliated  or
                  unaffiliated  third  party  except  to the  extent  reasonably
                  necessary  to  satisfy  the  purpose  for which  the  customer
                  information  was provided to LMG,  and provided  that LMG will
                  impose  on  such   third   party   the  same   confidentiality
                  requirements  that LMG is required to abide by with respect to
                  the customer information.

         7.8      LMG  will  not  knowingly  use  customer  information  for any
                  purpose  other  than the  specific  purpose  for  which it was
                  provided to LMG by or on behalf of IIC, and will make customer
                  information  available  to its  employees  only as  reasonably
                  necessary  to  satisfy  the  purpose  for which  the  customer
                  information was provided to LMG.

         7.9      This  Agreement  shall be in addition  to any  confidentiality
                  provisions in this  Agreement  between the parties;  provided,
                  however,  that in the event of a conflict,  the provision that
                  provides the most  confidentiality or security  protection for
                  customer information shall prevail.

         7.10     Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if such customer  information
                  shall be necessary to comply with the requirements of any law,
                  government  order,  or regulation,  LMG shall not be deemed in
                  breach  of this  Agreement  for  disclosure  relating  thereto
                  during the ordinary course of business.

         7.11     LMG and IIC  shall  each  have in  place  reasonable  security
                  measures  to  safeguard  the  confidentiality  of the  other's
                  proprietary  and  confidential  information  and the nonpublic
                  information of consumers and customers in their possession.


* Confidential information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

8.       TERM

         8.1      Subject to  termination  as  provided  in Section  6.3 of this
                  Agreement,  this  Agreement  shall  remain in force and effect
                  until the close of  business  on March 31,  2008,  the term of
                  this Agreement.  This Agreement shall be renewed automatically
                  for  successive  terms of one (1) year  unless  terminated  by
                  either  party by prior  written  notice  to the other at least
                  twelve (12) months prior to the end of the initial term or the
                  renewal term.


         9.1      Definitions:  As used in this  Agreement,  the following terms
                  shall have such meanings:

                  (a)      "Administrative Computer System" or "Computer System"
                           shall  refer  to all  computer  systems  and  related
                           materials  used by LMG to administer  the  Contracts,
                           including LMG  proprietary  software and  third-party
                           licensed software  comprised of computer programs and
                           supporting documentation,  including, but not limited
                           to,  source  code,   object  code  input  and  output
                           formats,  program listings,  narrative  descriptions,
                           and  operating  instructions  and shall  include  the
                           tangible  media upon which the computer  programs and
                           supporting  documentation are recorded as well as the
                           deliverable forms and documents.

                           LMG's proprietary  software and third-party  licensed
                           software are used to administer the Contracts  listed
                           in APPENDIX A.

                  (b)      "Property"  shall mean all  property of either  party
                           including,   but  not  limited   to,  data   records,
                           materials,   supplies,  computer  software,  customer
                           records,  premium  information,  underwriting  files,
                           customer lists,  sales data,  policyholder data, data
                           on   Wholesalers   and   Producers,   and  any  other
                           distribution systems.

         9.2      *. The * is, and shall remain,  the property of *, and * shall
                  have no rights or interest in the *.

                  (a)      * understands and agrees that, at * option,  * may be
                           replaced  at  any  time,  at *  expense,  with  other
                           suitable * of * choice.  If * decides to replace *, *
                           agrees  to  test  the  replacement  *  prior  to  its
                           installation. * will provide * with reasonable notice
                           prior to any such replacement.

                  (b)      Notwithstanding  the above, * understands  and agrees
                           that in no event shall * provide to * during the term
                           of this Agreement or any extension thereto, access to
                           the *.

                           * warrants  that the * is the  property of * and uses
                           *.  *  further  warrants  that  the  use  of the * to
                           provide the services  contemplated  by this Agreement
                           will  not  infringe   upon  or  violate  any  patent,


* Confidential information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

                           copyright,  trade secret,  or other proprietary right
                           of any third party.  These  warranties  shall survive
                           termination of this Agreement.

                  (c)      If  *  is   unable   to   fulfill   its   contractual
                           obligations,  as set  forth  herein,  because  of its
                           subsequent  bankruptcy or insolvency and * desires to
                           use the same *, * will need to obtain the  required *
                           from  the * to use the *.  In  addition  * will  need
                           permission  from the * to use any *  enhancements  to
                           the *. All costs  associated with * obtaining of * to
                           use the * enhancements shall be borne by *. * will be
                           required  to  provide  only  a copy  of its  modified
                           version of the * (subject  to  permission  from *) in
                           addition  to any  policyholder  data and  transaction
                           history  pertaining  to *  policyholders.  * will  be
                           responsible for  implementing the modified version of
                           the * and building any required *.


         10.1     LMG and IIC agree this Agreement is an honorable  undertaking,
                  and each agrees to  cooperate  with the other in carrying  out
                  its provisions.

         10.2     If any clause, paragraph, term, or provision of this Agreement
                  shall  be found to be void or  unenforceable  by any  court of
                  competent jurisdiction, such finding shall have no effect upon
                  any  other  clause,  paragraph,  term,  or  provision  of this
                  Agreement, and the same shall be in full force and effect.

         10.3     Any notice  required under this Agreement  shall be sufficient
                  and effective five (5) business days after deposit in the U.S.
                  Mail,  postage  prepaid,  return  receipt  requested,  or upon
                  receipt if delivered personally or by fax or delivery service.
                  Such notice shall be directed as follows:

        To LMG:              Legacy Marketing Group         To IIC:             Investors Insurance Corporation
                             Preston Pitts, President                           Susan F. Powell, EVP
                             2090 Marina Ave.                                   3030 Hartley Rd.
                             Petaluma, CA  94954                                Jacksonville, FL  32257

        With copy to:        Mike Ernst                     With copy to:       SCOR Life Re
                             Stokes Lazarus & Carmichael,                       Yves Corcos, CEO
                             LLP                                                15305 Dallas Parkway, Suite 700
                             80 Peachtree Park Dr.                              Addison, TX  75001
                             Atlanta, GA  30309

         10.4     Each party  expressly  represents and warrants that it has the
                  authority to enter into this  Agreement  and that it is not or
                  will not be, by  virtue of  entering  into this  Agreement  or
                  otherwise,  in breach of any  other  agreement  with any other
                  insurance company, association, firm, person, or corporation.

         10.5     The persons  signing  this  Agreement on behalf of IIC and LMG
                  warrant,  covenant,  and represent that they are authorized to
                  execute this document on behalf of such corporations  pursuant
                  to their bylaws or a resolution of their boards of directors.


         10.6     LMG shall, in all cases and at all times, observe and obey the
                  rules, regulations,  instructions,  and directives of IIC that
                  shall be  equitable  and  consistent  with  the  terms of this
                  Agreement.  IIC may, from time to time, promulgate such rules,
                  regulations, instructions, and directions for its operations.

         10.7     LMG is an independent  contractor.  Nothing  contained in this
                  Agreement  shall be  construed to create the  relationship  of
                  employer  and  employee  between IIC and LMG,  nor shall LMG's
                  employees,  Wholesalers,  or Producers be considered employees
                  of IIC for any purpose.

         10.8     This  Agreement is the result of mutual  negotiations  between
                  the parties  and shall not be deemed to have been  prepared by
                  either party, but by both equally. The headings of the several
                  paragraphs  contained  herein are for convenience  only and do
                  not define, limit, or construe the contents of such paragraph.

         10.9     This Agreement,  including  APPENDICES A, B, C, and D attached
                  and  the  provisions  thereof,  and  the  Marketing  Agreement
                  referenced  on the first page  hereof,  constitute  the entire
                  Agreement  between the parties.  The parties  acknowledge that
                  the rights and  obligations  set forth in this  Agreement does
                  not  affect  the  rights  and  obligations  in  the  Marketing
                  Agreement.  This Agreement  shall be governed and construed in
                  accordance  with the  laws of the  state  of  California.  Any
                  similar agreement signed prior to the execution dates below is
                  null and void and  abrogated  hereby.  No change,  waiver,  or
                  discharge  shall be valid  unless in writing  and signed by an
                  authorized  representative  of the  party  against  whom  such
                  change,  waiver,  or discharge  is sought to be  enforced.  No
                  delay or  omission by either  party to  exercise  any right or
                  power shall  impair such right or power or be  construed  as a
                  waiver.  A  waiver  by  either  of the  parties  of any of the
                  covenants to be performed by the other or any breach shall not
                  be  construed as a waiver of any  succeeding  breach or of any
                  other covenant.

         10.10    When a  contract  (the  group  master  policy)  is issued to a
                  trustee or  trustees,  a copy of the trust  agreement  and any
                  amendment thereto,  shall be furnished to IIC by LMG and shall
                  be  retained as part of the  official  records of both LMG and
                  IIC for the  duration  of the  Contract  and for six (6) years

         10.11    Any contracts, booklets, termination notices, or other written
                  communication  delivered by IIC to LMG for delivery to insured
                  parties  or  covered  individuals  shall be  delivered  by LMG
                  within ten (10) days after receipt of instructions from IIC to
                  deliver them unless  applicable law or regulation  requires an
                  earlier delivery.

         10.12    Payment to LMG of any premiums or charges for  insurance by or
                  on behalf of the  insured  party  shall be deemed to have been
                  received by IIC,  and the payment of return  premiums or claim
                  payments  forwarded  by IIC to LMG shall not be deemed to have
                  been paid to the insured party or claimant until such payments
                  are received by the insured party or claimant.


         10.13    During  the  term of  this  Agreement  and  for  one (1)  year
                  thereafter,  IIC and LMG shall not,  directly  or  indirectly,
                  solicit for employment  any person  employed or working on the
                  services  provided  hereunder within the preceding twelve (12)
                  months by the other party or any  affiliate of the other party
                  without the prior written consent of the other party; provided
                  however;  that (i) in the event either party uses the services
                  of a professional recruiter and provides such recruiter solely
                  with generic job duties and job  descriptions  (without making
                  any  reference  to the other party or the party's  affiliates)
                  and such recruiter contacts a qualified  candidate who happens
                  to be an  employee  of the  other  party  and  that  candidate
                  initiates  contact  through a recruiter with that party,  then
                  that party may employ that  employee,  or (ii) in the event an
                  employee   of  the   other   party   responds   to  a  general
                  advertisement  placed by a party,  then that  party may employ
                  that employee.

         10.14    LMG shall provide  reasonable  access  during normal  business
                  hours to any location from which LMG conducts its business and
                  provides  services  to  IIC  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  to
                  auditors  designated  in  writing  by IIC for the  purpose  of
                  performing  audits for IIC.  IIC shall give  thirty  (30) days
                  written notice for any normal and customary  audits. An agenda
                  including the matters which it will audit shall be provided at
                  least  fourteen  (14) days in advance.  Provided that adequate
                  notice is given, LMG shall provide the auditors any assistance
                  they may  reasonably  require.  Such  auditors  shall have the
                  right  during  normal  business  hours to audit  any  business
                  record,  activity,  procedure,  or  operation  of LMG  that is
                  reasonably  related to LMG's  responsibilities  identified  in
                  this  Agreement,  including  the  right to  interview  any LMG
                  personnel   involved   in   providing   or   supporting   such

         10.15    Each party shall be excused  from  performance  for any period
                  and to the extent that the party is prevented from  performing
                  any  services,  in  whole or in part,  as a result  of  delays
                  caused by an act of God, war,  terrorism,  civil  disturbance,
                  court order, labor dispute, or other cause beyond that party's
                  reasonable  control,  including  failures or  fluctuations  in
                  electrical   power,   heat,   light,  air   conditioning,   or
                  telecommunications  equipment,  and such nonperformance  shall
                  not be a default or ground for termination.

         10.16    In no event and under no circumstances,  however, shall either
                  party under this  Agreement be liable to the other party under
                  any  provision  of this  Agreement  for  lost  profits  or for
                  exemplary,  speculative,  special  consequential,  or punitive

         10.17    Any  controversy  or claim  arising out of or relating to this
                  Agreement,  or any claimed breach  thereof,  arising out of or
                  relating to the  relationship  between  the  parties  shall be
                  settled   by   arbitration   administered   by  the   American
                  Arbitration  Association,  in San  Francisco,  CA,  under  its
                  Commercial  Arbitration  Rules,  and the judgment on the award
                  rendered by the  arbitrator may be entered in any court having


         10.18    The parties agree that this  Agreement  constitutes  the full,
                  complete, and entire Agreement between them and supersedes all
                  prior    understanding,     agreement,    conversations,    or
                  representations  between  them  with  respect  to the  subject
                  matter of this Agreement.  Any prior agreement between LMG and
                  IIC  regarding  the same  subject  matter is null and void and
                  abrogated hereby.

         10.19    This  Agreement  shall  be  binding  upon  the  successor  and
                  assignees  of  IIC  as  well  as  upon  LMG's   successor  and
                  permissive assignees.

         10.20    IIC and LMG  acknowledge  and  agree  that  there  are not any
                  intended third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement.

         10.21    Survival:  Sections 5, 6.3(g), 7, 10.9, 10.13,  10.15,  10.16,
                  10.17,  and  10.18  shall  survive  the  termination  of  this

In witness  whereof,  the parties  hereto have executed  this  Agreement to take
effect on the date specified above.


By  /s/ R. Preston Pitts
Title  President
Date  June 05, 2002
Witness  /s/ Don Dady

By  /s/ Yves Corcos
Title  C.E.O
Date  June 05, 2002
Witness  /s/ John Brill

                                   APPENDIX A


The District of Columbia and all states in which IIC is  authorized  to transact
business, unless prohibited by IIC.



The Product  Specifications  prepared for new products will include the Contract
Forms for such  products.  Furthermore,  such  Product  Specifications  shall be
incorporated  by  reference   herein  to  the  Agreement,   upon  final  written
authorization of IIC and LMG.


* Confidential information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

                                   APPENDIX B


1.      Annuity Products

        a.   Acquisition Fees:      One time fee of * per  application  received
                                    and input into LMG's administrative system.

        b.   Maintenance:           * per  inforce  Policy  per  year to be paid
                                    weekly pro rata;  i.e. * per inforce  Policy
                                    per week.

        c.   Terminations:          One  time  fee of * to be  paid  at  time of
                                    surrender,    maturity,    election   of   a
                                    settlement  option,  or death  claim of each

        d.   Payment of Claims:     * per death claim paid by LMG in addition to
                                    the * termination  fee, as provided above in
                                    Section c.

2.       Agent Appointment and Termination: * per agent appointment per state; *
         per agent termination per state.

3.       Out-of-Pocket Expenses

         a.       In addition to the fees set forth  above,  LMG will forward to
                  IIC on a monthly basis a bill for the  out-of-pocket  expenses
                  listed below. IIC will reimburse LMG with fifteen (15) days of
                  receipt of such bill.  If LMG does not  receive  reimbursement
                  within  fifteen  (15)  days,  IIC will  allow  LMG to draw the
                  following   out-of-pocket   expenses  from  the   disbursement
                  account.  If IIC  seeks  delineation  for  any  out of  pocket
                  expense,  IIC will submit to LMG a written request  specifying
                  clarification  within  fifteen  (15)  days.  LMG will  provide
                  written  clarification  to IIC (which  shall  include  back up
                  documentation) within fifteen (15) days. In addition, LMG will
                  notify IIC in advance of any  expenditure  that exceeds $1000.
                  Out-of-pocket  expenses are  expenditures for the items listed
                  below and any other items agreed to in writing by the parties:

                  (1)      Costs  of   telecommunication   lines  and  equipment
                           installed to provide  primary and back-up support for
                           online  access  to LMG's  administrative  system  and
                           transmission of data.

                  (2)      The  costs  of  off-site  storage  for  IIC  records,
                           documents,   correspondence,   and  other   items  as
                           provided in this Agreement,  or the costs of shipping
                           those items to IIC.

                  (3)      The costs  associated  with  Agent  (Wholesalers  and
                           Producers)  appointments and terminations,  including
                           Agent  background  investigations  and Agent  initial
                           appointment  fees and termination  fees referenced in
                           Section IIC of this Agreement.


* Confidential information omitted and filed separately with the SEC.

                  (4)      The  labor,  at the rates  set forth in  Section 4 of
                           this  APPENDIX B, and expenses  incurred by LMG staff
                           to support IIC in any  litigation or dispute in which
                           IIC is involved  wherein LMG is  requested  to obtain
                           and forward documents, information, or reports to IIC
                           that are  outside the  "normal  course of  business."
                           Normal   course  of  business   shall  be  deemed  as
                           providing  copies  of  the  applicable   policyholder
                           and/or writing  Producer files.  Notwithstanding  the
                           foregoing,  if such litigation or dispute is a direct
                           result of LMG's negligence in the  administration  of
                           the  Contracts  listed in APPENDIX A, IIC will not be
                           required  to pay the costs of labor  for LMG's  staff
                           indicated above.

                  (5)      Expenses  incurred  to issue  draft  books  and check

                  (6)      Costs of overnight mailing to IIC.

         b.       IIC  will  be   responsible   for  cash   management  of  this
                  disbursement  account,  and LMG agrees to provide  IIC records
                  and information to properly perform this function.

4.       Time and Materials Rates

         IIC will  reimburse  LMG for  costs at the  following  rates  for those
         services   not  clearly   delineated   herein;   i.e.,   those   deemed
         extraordinary  or not within the normal  course of  business,  provided
         that IIC has authorized such services:

        Officers                                                      * per hour
        Directors                                                     * per hour
        Senior Programmer Analyst                                     * per hour
        Programmer Analyst                                            * per hour
        Senior Business Analyst                                       * per hour
        Project Manager                                               * per hour
        Business Analyst/Accounting Liaison/Compliance Specialist     * per hour
        Tester                                                        * per hour
        General Accounting                                            * per hour
        Clerical                                                      * per hour

5.       Payment of Processing Fees.

         IIC will pay LMG the processing  fees weekly for services  specified in
         sections 1 and 2 above. Fees for services specified in sections 1 and 2
         will be paid by wire  transfer  within five (5) days of receipt of such

6.       Compensation Not To Be Contingent

         This Agreement shall not provide for compensation,  commissions,  fees,
         or charges that are contingent upon savings effected in the adjustment,
         settlement,  and payment of losses  (the loss  ratio)  covered by IIC's
         obligations.  If LMG adjusts or settles  claims on behalf of IIC,  such
         compensation shall in no way be contingent on claims experience.


         This  provision  does not  prevent the  compensation  of LMG from being
         based on premiums or charges  collected or the number of claims paid or
         processed or  performance-based  compensation  for  providing  auditing
         services.  LMG will not receive any administrative  compensation except
         as expressly set forth in this Agreement between LMG and IIC.

7.       Additional  compensation  to be  paid to LMG by IIC  for  services  not
         contemplated herein shall be mutually decided by both parties.

All fees set forth in this Agreement  shall be reviewed  annually to ensure that
such fees remain constant with inflation.  Further, all fees may be increased as
mutually agreed by IIC and LMG.


                                   APPENDIX C


These  services are to be performed by LMG in  accordance  with the policies and
procedures mutually agreed to by both parties,  applicable laws and regulations,
and reasonable industry standards.

1.       Services:

         Clerical Processing of Agent Appointment and Termination with States
         LMG shall file  appointments  and  termination of such  appointments of
         Wholesalers  and  Producers  in  the  appropriate   states'   insurance
         departments and other  jurisdictions or with other regulatory  entities
         as  required.  LMG  will  report  monthly  to  IIC a  list  of  current
         appointments,   adding  new   appointments  and  terminations  of  such
         appointments from the list each week.


         1.       Review  signed  Producer   Agreement  for   completeness   and
                  accuracy, input agent information into the Computer System
         2.       Conduct Background Investigation on Producer, including credit
                  report, NAIC RIRS inquiry, Vector Check, state licensing check
                  (in  all  states  in  which  Producer  requests  appointment),
                  criminal check, and past employment check.
         3.       If  Producer  meets  LMG/IIC  contracting  criteria,  LMG will
                  complete  and mail all  state  required  appointment  forms or
                  electronic  transmission  of appointment  data to state.  If a
                  Producer does not meet the LMG/IIC contracting  criteria,  LMG
                  will forward the Producer  file to IIC for review and approval
                  prior to appointment with IIC.
         4.       Depending on state  criteria,  once  appointment is effective,
                  input  appointment  information  into the Computer  System for
                  renewal  tracking,   new  business   processing,   and  weekly
                  transmission to carrier.


         1.       Complete   and  mail   state-required   forms  or   electronic
                  transmission to terminate agent's appointment in state(s). IIC
                  may terminate IIC's appointment of any Wholesaler or Producer,
                  with LMG's written consent,  unless  termination is for cause.
                  IIC will provide prior written notice of any termination  with
         2.       Update  the  Computer  System  with  appropriate   appointment
                  termination  information to prohibit new business  processing.
                  Monthly  transmission  of  agent  termination  information  to

         Appointment Renewal Processing

         1.       LMG will forward to IIC within  three (3)  business  days of a
                  written  request by IIC any Producer  address that is required
                  to be provided to a regulatory agency.


         Clerical Processing of Transfers (1035x, CD Money Market, Mutual Fund
         Qualified Transfers)

         1.       Review  all  transfer   documentation   for  completeness  and
                  accuracy,  including  receipt  of  all  state  specific  forms
         2.       Contact  transfer  institution  for  verification  of  account
         3.       Mail required documentation including  state-specific forms to
                  transfer  institution.
         4.       Mail  initial  letter  to  applicant   confirming  receipt  of
         5.       Contact transfer  institution on a regular basis until receipt
                  of such  funds.
         6.       Once all funds are received, complete Contract Issue.

         Contract Issue

         1.       Review  all   applications   for  completeness  and  accuracy,
                  including state product availability and agent licensing.
         2.       Input application into LMG's administrative system.
         3.       Process any transfers, as previously defined.
         4.       Generate  state-specific  contract  forms.
         5.       Mail contract to Producer for delivery.
         6.       Follow  up  on  any  outstanding  delivery   requirements  and
                  delivery receipt.
         7.       Once all  outstanding  requirements  are  received,  apply the
                  premium  to the  contract,  place the  contract  inforce,  and
                  generate a commission payment to agent.

         Policyholder Service

         Includes  all  maintenance  on all  contracts  after  issue  (inforce).
         Responsibilities include the following:

         1.       Responding  to  all  written  or  verbal   consumer  or  agent
                  inquiries regarding an inforce contract.
         2.       Clerical processing of the following financial transactions:
                  Withdrawals (including systematic withdrawal income and
                  Minimum Required Distributions).
                  Partial  surrenders.
                  Full surrenders,  including 1035 Exchange.
                  Strategy  transfers.
                  Election of a settlement option by owner or beneficiary
                  (however, LMG will not process the actual payments under a
                  settlement option). LMG will provide IIC with the all required
                  documentation to process the payments under such election
                  within ten (10) business days of receipt of completed forms.
                  Free  Look or Not  Taken  processing.
                  Additional  Deposit(s).
                  Claims processing,  as defined in this Agreement.
         3.       Clerical processing of the following nonfinancial
                  Address changes.
                  Beneficiary changes.
                  Ownership changes.
                  Mailing of annual statements.
                  Collateral Assignment.
                  Review of legal documents (not limited to POA, Guardianship).


         4.       Maintain a toll-free telephone line for policyholders.

         Clerical  processing is defined as reviewing  requests to determine all
         state and carrier  mandated forms have been completed,  data entry into
         the  administrative  system to record such  transaction,  and providing
         written confirmation to policyholder of such clerical  processing.  LMG
         will attempt to respond to all written  policyholder  service financial
         requests  within  five  (5)  business  days  of  LMG's  receipt  of all
         necessary documentation and respond to all written policyholder service
         non-financial  requests within seven (7) business days of LMG's receipt
         of all necessary documentation 95% of the time.

         Maintenance of Policyholder Records
         LMG will be responsible for the  maintenance of  policyholder  records.
         Specifically,  LMG will  maintain  accurate and  complete  policyholder
         records  according to the provisions of this  Agreement.  Paper records
         will be maintained in an off-site storage facility. Copies of all paper
         records will be permanently scanned with LMG's imaging system.  Records
         of all  transactions  will also be maintained  in LMG's  administrative

         Data  Processing  Services--All  data files  provided to IIC will be in
         LMG's standard formats.  Month-end cutoff for all accounting files will
         be agreed upon by both parties.

         1.       Maintenance   of  the  general  ledger  for  all  premium  and
                  disbursement  cash accounting as well as all  contract-related
                  financial transactions.
         2.       Within  ten (10)  days of month  end,  LMG will  transmit  the
                  general  ledger  interface  to  IIC  for  financial  statement
         3.       Maintain contract transaction data files.
         4.       Provide  necessary  data  for  IIC's  preparation  of  reserve
         5.       Provide  necessary  data  for  Statutory  Valuation  and  GAAP
         6.       Provide necessary  information for payment of premium taxes by
         7.       Modifications  to standard  files will be estimated and quoted
                  by LMG upon  written  request of IIC and will be billed at the
                  rated described herein.

         Agent Compensation
         LMG is responsible  for weekly  processing and payment via check or EFT
         of first-year and trailing  commissions  to Wholesalers  and Producers.
         Commission  payments  result from premium being applied to  appropriate
         IIC Contracts.  LMG is responsible for generating the weekly commission
         statements,  maintenance of year-to-date  commission  information,  and
         processing of the actual commission payment. Agent compensation amounts
         are determined by the Producer's LMG contract level,  product type, age
         of annuitant and owner, and premium amount.

         Premium Accounting
         LMG is responsible  for receiving  premium  checks and depositing  into
         IIC's Premium Fiduciary Account,  as hereinafter  provided in section 3
         of  this   Appendix.   The  receipt  of  premium  is  recorded  in  the
         administrative  system, and a general ledger entry is created to record
         the deposit. However, LMG is not responsible for investing and managing
         these assets.


         Tax Reporting to Agents
         LMG will be  responsible  for  reporting on a yearly basis to Producers
         and Wholesalers information on all commissions earned, as well as other
         compensation such as incentive trips. Such reporting to Wholesalers and
         Producers will consist of generating  and mailing 1099 forms.  LMG will
         also  be  responsible  for the  transmission  of  such  records  to the
         applicable  federal and state  taxing  authorities.  LMG  policies  and
         procedures comply with all state and federal regulations.

         Tax Reporting to Policyholders
         LMG is  responsible  for  reporting on a yearly basis to  policyholders
         information  regarding  certain  financial  transactions  on  such  IIC
         contracts.  Reporting  to  policyholders  consists  of  generating  and
         mailing 1099 forms, Year End Account Balances, and 5498 forms. LMG will
         also  be  responsible  for the  transmission  of  such  records  to the
         applicable  federal and state  taxing  authorities.  LMG  policies  and
         procedures   comply  with  all  state  and  federal  taxing   authority
         regulations. Such tax reporting only encompasses disbursements that are
         made by LMG on behalf  of IIC.  IIC  shall be  responsible  for any tax
         reporting for disbursements made by IIC directly.

         Tax Reporting to Vendors
         LMG will be responsible  for reporting on a yearly basis to its vendors
         information on all  compensation  paid.  Such reporting to vendors will
         consist  of  generating  and  mailing  1099  forms.  LMG  will  also be
         responsible  for the  transmission  of such  records to the  applicable
         federal and state taxing  authorities.  LMG's  policies and  procedures
         comply with all state and federal regulations.

         Tax Reporting to Beneficiary(ies)
         LMG is responsible for reporting to  beneficiary(ies) on a yearly basis
         information regarding receipt of lump-sum claim payments.  Reporting to
         beneficiary(ies)  consists of  generating  and mailing 1099 forms.  LMG
         will also be responsible  for the  transmission  of such records to the
         applicable  federal and state  taxing  authorities.  LMG  policies  and
         procedures   comply  with  all  state  and  federal  taxing   authority
         regulations. Such tax reporting only encompasses disbursements that are
         made by LMG on behalf  of IIC.  IIC  shall be  responsible  for any tax
         reporting for disbursements that are made by IIC directly.

         State and Federal Taxes Withheld
         LMG  is  responsible  for  withholding  taxes  from  payment.   IIC  is
         responsible  for  the  remittance  of  such  taxes  to the  appropriate
         government agency.

2.       Other Services:

         a.       Accounting Services

                  (1)      Maintenance of general ledger system.
                  (2)      Reconciliation  of all  cash  and  suspense  accounts
                  (3)      Furnishing to IIC of all  applicable  data  necessary
                           for preparation of IIC NAIC Convention Blank.
                  (4)      Furnishing to IIC of all  applicable  data  necessary
                           for preparation of the IIC corporate tax return.


                  (5)      Furnishing to IIC of all  applicable  data  necessary
                           for preparation of the IIC GAAP financial statements.
                  (6)      Furnishing to IIC of all  applicable  data  necessary
                           for the  preparation  of the IIC  unclaimed  property
                  (7)      Furnishing  to  IIC  of  monthly  data  sets  of  all
                           applicable  data necessary for the preparation of the
                           IIC premium tax returns and payments.
                  (8)      Facilitation  of the collection of outstanding  debit

         b.       Actuarial Services

                  (1)      LMG will assist and provide actuarial support to IIC.
                           LMG's  responsibilities  will  vary by  each  product
                           jointly developed and may include:
                           Providing initial product specification.
                           Providing competitive analysis for the product.
                           Defining pricing assumptions.
                           Providing any necessary support for pricing
                           Sharing deterministic pricing results.
                           Performing sensitivity analysis.
                           Providing final product specifications.
                           Defining actuarial memorandum.
                           Monitoring actuarial assumptions.
                           Assisting in ongoing profit/pricing management of
                           the business.
                  (2)      LMG   will   draft   initial   contract   forms   and
                           applications  to be used  for  each  product  jointly
                           developed.  LMG will  assist  IIC in  completing  and
                           preparing the filing of such forms and will assist in
                           the approval process. LMG's responsibilities may vary
                           with each product jointly developed.

         c.       Advertising Material Development

                  LMG  will be  responsible  for  the  creation,  printing,  and
                  distribution of all advertising  material used by LMG for such
                  products  jointly  developed.  However,  LMG will  obtain  the
                  necessary  approval from IIC prior to use of such  advertising

         d.       It is LMG's intention to provide all administrative  services,
                  with the exception of the following:

                  (1)      Administration  after the  election  of a  settlement
                           option by Owner,  and any  subsequent  payments after
                           such election.
                  (2)      Administration  after the  election  of a  settlement
                           option  resulting  from a death,  and any  subsequent
                           payments after such election.

3.       Collection and Disposition of Funds:

         All  insurance  premiums or other funds  collected  by LMG on behalf of
         IIC, and return  premiums  received from IIC, shall be processed by LMG
         in a  fiduciary  capacity  for IIC  and  will  not be  used as  general
         operating funds of LMG. Such funds shall be immediately, within two (2)
         business  days,  remitted to the person or persons  entitled to them or
         shall be  deposited  promptly,  within two (2)  business  days,  in the


         Premium Fiduciary Account established in the name of IIC. LMG will have
         no  authority to withdraw  funds  directly  from the Premium  Fiduciary
         Account. This account will be maintained by LMG in a federally or state
         insured  financial  institution,  separate  and  apart  from any  funds
         belonging to LMG or third parties.

         IIC will also establish a Zero-Balance Controlled Disbursement Account,
         which  will be funded by the  Premium  Fiduciary  Account  based on the
         amount of  disbursements  clearing on each day. The list of  authorized
         check signers for the  Disbursement  Account will include  employees of
         IIC and LMG. LMG will immediately notify IIC of any required changes to
         the list of authorized  check signers due to  terminations or additions
         of staff. IIC will promptly file these changes with the Bank.

         LMG will maintain, in a fiduciary capacity, the Zero-Balance Controlled
         Disbursement  Account  where IIC will  fund the  balance,  through  the
         Premium  Fiduciary  Account and LMG is authorized to make the following

         a.       Payment to LMG of its  out-of-pocket  expenses,  as defined in
                  Appendix B, Section 3a, and weekly commissions.

         b.       Remittance of return premium to the person or persons entitled

         c.       Any policy/certificate holder disbursements, including payment
                  of claims and claims adjustment expenses.

         IIC will  also  establish  and  fund a  separate  account  for the sole
         purpose of  processing  policyholder  drafts,  which allows them direct
         access to a portion of their policy values.  IIC will also establish an
         operating account for LMG's Rome, Georgia administration unit.

         Monthly account reconciliations for these accounts will be performed by
         LMG and provided to IIC by the last day of the subsequent month.

         A list of the bank accounts is attached to this agreement for reference
         and will be updated as required.

4.       Settlements/Reports:

         a.       As agreed  upon but no later than twenty  (20)  calendar  days
                  after the end of each month,  the prior month's  balance sheet
                  activity shall be reconciled by LMG.

         b.       As agreed upon,  LMG shall provide  reports to IIC,  including
                  but not limited to the  following  items:

                  (1)      General ledger report.
                  (2)      Premium and commission reports.
                  (3)      Claim reports.
                  (4)      Statutory reserve policy information.


         c.       Daily, LMG shall provide to IIC,  including but not limited to
                  the following items:

                  (1)      Cash  control  reports,  beginning  the  first day of

         d.       Monthly (within four (4) business days of the  commencement of
                  the following month),  LMG shall provide to IIC, including but
                  not limited to the following items:

                  (1)      Monthly--Transmission    of   general   ledger   data
                           (including state code detail).

         e.       As  agreed  upon  but  no  later  than  the  last  day  of the
                  subsequent month, LMG shall provide to IIC,  including but not
                  limited to the following items:

                  (1)      Copies of all bank reconciliations.
                  (2)      All supplemental  financial reporting  information as
                           requested by IIC.

5.       Claims Payment:

         All Contract claims services, with the exception of the adjudication of
         death  claims not paid out as a lump sum,  shall be performed by LMG on
         behalf  of IIC.  Notwithstanding,  all such  claims  in the  amount  of
         $100,000 or greater  shall be  forwarded to IIC for review and approval
         prior to LMG's  payment  of the claim.  All  Contract  claims  shall be
         investigated,  processed,  and paid in accordance with the policies and
         procedures mutually agreed to by both parties. IIC will make its claims
         personnel and legal department available at IIC's expense to answer any
         questions  that might  arise from LMG's  claims  personnel  relating to
         claims investigation, processing, and payment of Contract claims.

         In addition to the  foregoing,  in the case of a decision by LMG that a
         Contract  claim should be denied,  LMG shall  communicate  its proposed
         action to  appropriate  IIC  personnel  who must agree and  approve the
         proposed claim denial before the claims decision is communicated to the
         policyholder or beneficiary.  LMG will communicate  appropriate details
         of any proposed claim denial in accordance with notification procedures
         to be jointly  developed by the parties,  which shall be in  sufficient
         time to allow for a response  by IIC and  discussion  with LMG to avoid
         violation of laws with respect to claims  practices.  If no response is
         received within five (5) business days of transmission,  LMG shall have
         the right to  proceed on the basis  that IIC is in  agreement  with the
         decision to deny the claim. All claims paid by LMG from funds collected
         on behalf  of, or for,  IIC shall be paid only on drafts or checks  of,
         and as authorized by, IIC. All monies  received by LMG to pay claims on
         behalf of IIC shall be held in a fiduciary  capacity.  No deposits will
         be made into, nor disbursements made from, this fiduciary account, with
         the exception of claims and claims adjustment expenses.  This fiduciary
         account will at all times have a balance equal to the amount  deposited
         less claims and claims adjustment expenses paid. LMG is responsible for
         all  correspondence  with the  claimant  and  preparation  of the claim
         checks.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, IIC shall provide legal support
         to LMG.

         For those  claims  referred  to IIC by LMG,  LMG will  provide IIC with
         copies of the following:


         (1)      Contract   records   (including   but  not   limited  to:  all
                  correspondence relating to the policy).
         (2)      All correspondence with the claimant.
         (3)      Diary screens.
         (4)      Claim proofs.


                                   APPENDIX D


Representing IIC

John Brill                             Senior Vice President and Treasurer
Mark Cabrera                           Senior Vice President
Yves Corcos                            Chief Executive Officer
Susan Powell                           Executive Vice President

Representing LMG

Don Dady                               Vice President of Marketing
Preston Pitts                          President
Lynda Regan                            Chief Executive Officer
Steve Taylor                           Chief Financial Officer
