2005 Incentive Pool Plan

o    Incentive dollars allocated to employees based on Company Title

o    Should  Company  goals  be met,  discretionary  incentive  bonuses  will be
     allocated to employee groups using guidelines as follows:

                                                 Company Net Income vs. Budget
                                                <80%          100%         125%
TITLE                                         Minimum       Target       Target
- -----                                         -------       ------       ------
CEO                                                0%          40%         60%
EVP/Pres                                           0%          35%         50%
SVP                                                0%          30%         40%
VP                                                 0%          25%         30%
AVP                                                0%          15%         20%
Other Officers                                     0%           0%          0%
Other Employees                                    0%           0%          0%
Consolidated Net Income (000's)                5,730        7,163       8,954
Est. Incentive Pool (000's)                      300        1,200       1,768

o    For  the  calendar  year  2005  we  will  accrue  $300,000  for  incentives
     regardless of net income.

o    The incentive  pool accrual:  (Base  Allocation  dollars are for payment of
     incentives  earned  throughout the year. All  distributions  are considered
     discretionary and are not guaranteed.)

- ------------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------------
 After-tax Consolidated Net Income     % Of After-Tax       Amount In Pool
                                           Income              (000's)
- ------------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------------

            0 to 5,000M               Base Allocation            300

- ------------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------------

          5000 to 7,300M                    40%                 1,220

- ------------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------------

             > 7,300M                       30%             1,716 (at Net
                                                          Income of 8,954M)

- ------------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------------